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NABYOL FORTE 100 MG قرص مغلف



علبة 50


100 ملغ

الموزع أو الصانع




الدرجة العلاجية

مضادات الجراثيم


دواعي الإستعمال)

علاج التهابات المسالك البولية السفلية غير المعقدة مع الجراثيم الحساسة ، وخاصة عند الشابات.

نوع المنتج


MONOZECLAR 500 MG ، قرص مغلف



مربع 5


500 ملجم



الموزع أو الصانع




الدرجة العلاجية

مضاد حيوي ماكرولايد



دواعي الإستعمال)

يشار في الالتهابات التالية التي تسببها العوامل الحساسة للكلاريثروميسين:

التهابات الجهاز التنفسي

مثل على سبيل المثال. التهاب الشعب الهوائية الحاد والمزمن ، الالتهاب الرئوي ، الالتهاب الرئوي غير النمطي ، الالتهاب الرئوي الناجم عن الليجيونيلا الرئوية ، طالما أن شدة الحالة لا تتطلب علاجًا بالحقن (فيما يتعلق بتحديد القابلية للإصابة.

الالتهابات التي تصيب الحلق والأنف ومنطقة الأذن

مثل على سبيل المثال. التهاب البلعوم والتهاب الجيوب الأنفية. فيما يتعلق بالتهاب الأذن ، لا توجد تجارب لدى البالغين.

التهابات الجلد

الالتهابات الخفيفة والسطحية ، مثل القوباء ، الحمرة ، التهاب الجريبات ، الدمامل ، الخراجات ، التهابات الجروح المقيدة ، البلغمونات (فيما يتعلق بتحديد الحساسية.

العدوى بسبب المتفطرات غير السلية من مجموعة المتفطرة الطيرية في المرضى المصابين بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية

علاج عدوى المتفطرة الطيرية المنتشرة أو العدوى داخل الخلايا.

الوقاية من عدوى المتفطرة الطيرية أو العدوى داخل الخلايا في المرضى المصابين بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية الذين يقل عدد الخلايا الليمفاوية CD4 لديهم عن 100 / مم.

عند الأطفال ، ليس من المؤكد أن العلاج المطول قبل نهاية نمو العظام غير ضار. لذلك من الضروري الموازنة بين الفائدة المتوقعة وخطر تعطل نمو العظام.

منطقة الجهاز الهضمي

بالاشتراك مع أوميبرازول (مثبط إفراز معدي) ، للقضاء على هيليكوباكتر بيلوري ، من أجل تقليل معدل تكرار قرحة الاثني عشر.

يجب احترام التوصيات الرسمية المتعلقة بالاستخدام المناسب للمضادات الحيوية ، ولا سيما توصيات الاستخدام التي تهدف إلى الحد من الزيادة في عدد المقاومات.

MONOZECLAR 500 MG ، قرص مغلف



مربع 10


500 ملجم



الموزع أو الصانع




الدرجة العلاجية

مضاد حيوي ماكرولايد

 دواعي الإستعمال)

يشار في الالتهابات التالية التي تسببها العوامل الحساسة للكلاريثروميسين:

التهابات الجهاز التنفسي

مثل على سبيل المثال. التهاب الشعب الهوائية الحاد والمزمن ، الالتهاب الرئوي ، الالتهاب الرئوي غير النمطي ، الالتهاب الرئوي الناجم عن الليجيونيلا الرئوية ، طالما أن شدة الحالة لا تتطلب علاجًا بالحقن (فيما يتعلق بتحديد القابلية للإصابة.

الالتهابات التي تصيب الحلق والأنف ومنطقة الأذن

مثل على سبيل المثال. التهاب البلعوم والتهاب الجيوب الأنفية. فيما يتعلق بالتهاب الأذن ، لا توجد تجارب لدى البالغين.

التهابات الجلد

الالتهابات الخفيفة والسطحية ، مثل القوباء ، الحمرة ، التهاب الجريبات ، الدمامل ، الخراجات ، التهابات الجروح المقيدة ، البلغمونات (فيما يتعلق بتحديد الحساسية.

العدوى بسبب المتفطرات غير السلية من مجموعة المتفطرة الطيرية في المرضى المصابين بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية

علاج عدوى المتفطرة الطيرية المنتشرة أو العدوى داخل الخلايا.

الوقاية من عدوى المتفطرة الطيرية أو العدوى داخل الخلايا في المرضى المصابين بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية الذين يقل عدد الخلايا الليمفاوية CD4 لديهم عن 100 / مم.

عند الأطفال ، ليس من المؤكد أن العلاج المطول قبل نهاية نمو العظام غير ضار. لذلك من الضروري الموازنة بين الفائدة المتوقعة وخطر تعطل نمو العظام.

منطقة الجهاز الهضمي

بالاشتراك مع أوميبرازول (مثبط إفراز معدي) ، للقضاء على هيليكوباكتر بيلوري ، من أجل تقليل معدل تكرار قرحة الاثني عشر.

يجب احترام التوصيات الرسمية المتعلقة بالاستخدام المناسب للمضادات الحيوية ، ولا سيما توصيات الاستخدام التي تهدف إلى الحد من الزيادة في عدد المقاومات.

VDare is a non-profit journalistic enterprise, the main project of the VDARE Foundation. We publish data, analysis, and editorial commentary in a variety of formats.




WHAT IS is a non-profit journalistic enterprise, the main project of the VDARE Foundation. We publish data, analysis, and editorial commentary in a variety of formats. We inform the fight to keep America American.

It all started with a bold idea: in the face of unwavering hostility from the Main Stream Media, our editor, Peter Brimelow, launched on Christmas Eve of 1999 as an extension of his national bestselling book, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster. After all, the issues of unrestricted mass immigration, both legal and illegal, weren’t going away. They were getting bigger.

And they continue to do so.

Since its inception, has taken its place as the premier website for patriotic immigration reform and continues to publish multiple posts a day covering the unsustainability of US immigration policy and a broad spectrum of related Politically Incorrect topics, including the National Question.


The current Merriam-Webster definition of “nation-state” is “a form of political organization in which a group of people who share the same history, traditions, or language live in a particular area under one government.” The National Question is, in short, an examination of how long the US can continue as a coherent nation-state in the face of current immigration policy.

We argue that the US is in fact a nation-state as defined above, with a unifying history, traditions and language. Regarding the viability of its future, unless something is done, and quickly, the prognosis is not good.


America is real.

Demography is destiny.

The cultural identity of America is legitimate and defensible.


America is real: America is not a melting pot, or a tossed salad or any other fashionable dietary metaphor that strips our nation of its rightful identity. We founded a country unique to history that has its own philosophies, values, social structure, attitudes, festivals, foods and aesthetic. strives to preserve and celebrate the distinctive culture of America.

Demography is destiny: Human differences are not social constructs. It is only with an honest consideration of race and ethnicity, the foundations of human grouping, that human differences can be explained and their social consequences understood, whether those differences are philosophical, cultural or biological. stands on the side of science in publishing coverage of the ongoing discovery and research in the realm of human differences.

The racial and cultural identity of America is legitimate and defensible: Diversity per se is not strength, but a vulnerability. It is a luxury that we can only afford as long as we preserve our breadwinner, the American people. recognizes that mass immigration both legal and illegal has driven America to the verge of bankruptcy in the following areas:


Real incomes

National Security



Health care


Race relations



“ is my lifeline to the sane world.”

“It is my honor and duty to support those who seek to secure the future of our children. Certainly you good folks are at the forefront of those efforts.”

“I like to think of VDARE’s Spring Appeal rather as VDARE’s Spring Offensive in the battle for hearts and minds. Peter, I thought your post today was an especially excellent strategic perspective of that battle.”


WHAT’S IN A NAME? is named after Virginia Dare, the first English child to be born in the New World. She was born August 18, 1587 into community on Roanoke Island off the North Carolina coast that would later be known to history as the “Lost Colony.”

The real Virginia’s fate is a mystery, as is the fate of everyone at the Lost Colony. Almost every trace of the settlement had disappeared within three years of her birth, never to be found.

There are a number of possible explanations for the vanished colony. One famous legend suggests that, as a young woman, Virginia Dare became romantically entangled with an Indian sorcerer who transformed her into a white doe. It is from that image that we derive the logo.

And it is in the name of Virginia Dare herself that we defend the traditional American community and give it voice. We cannot allow the Lost Colony to prove analogous to America itself.

See also:

Why White Doe? By Peter Brimelow

The Role of VDARE.COM After 9/11: It’s The Immigration, Stupid, By Peter Brimelow


Peter Brimelow, Editor [email him][view archive]

A veteran of financial and political journalism, Peter has been a writer and editor of MarketWatch, Forbes Magazine, Fortune Magazine, Barron’s, Financial Post, Maclean’s and National Review. In 1986, Brimelow published The Patriot Game: Canada and The Canadian Question Revisited, which helped galvanize the founding of the Reform Party of Canada in 1987. He is also the author of The Wall Street Gurus: How You Can Profit From Investment Letters and The Worm In The Apple: How The Teacher Unions Are Destroying American Education. In 1992, Peter Brimelow wrote the cover story for National Review, “Time To Rethink Immigration,” which grew into the bestselling book “Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster” in 1995. In 1999, Peter launched which has become America’s premier website for patriotic immigration reform news and ideas.

In 2013, made Alien Nation available as a free e-book with a new Foreword.

Peter has five children: Alexander and Hannah Claire, with first wife Maggy Laws Brimelow who died of breast cancer in 2004, and Felicity, Karia and Victoria Beauregard (“Bo”) with wife Lydia Brimelow.

Lydia Brimelow, Advancement Officer [email her]

A native Texan, Lydia graduated from Loyola University Chicago in 2006. She is fundraiser and office manager, lion tamer, fire extinguisher and miscellany handler at

She and Peter married in 2007 and have three daughters together.

James Fulford [email him][view archive]

James Fulford has been a writer and editor for since 2001. He has been denounced by the Wall Street Journal the New Republic, and Little Green Footballs, but sadly, missed out on the opportunity to be Keith Olbermann’s “Worst Person In The World” before Olbermann had to retire from political commentary and become a sports commentator.

James Kirkpatrick [email him][view archive]

James Kirkpatrick is a writer and editor for He is a refugee from the Beltway Right, especially the libertarian wing. He attended a prominent college in the U.S., where he first became politically aware. After joining the College Republicans and working for various groups tied to the Republican Party after college, he switched over to the private sector after watching the Republican Party lose the 2012 election. His main interests are ancient history, heavy metal, and anything else that can distract him from the fact he knows more about how to win an election than every political consultant he’s ever met.



Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as tweets.









PGP Key Details

Unlink key

3872 A931 F0D3 4F8A D3EA 6457 A0D0 21E0 9E38 D4D5




We get a lot of questions about what we are and what we’re doing. This list covers the most frequently asked.

XMR is already private. Why does this site exist?

The simple reason is convenience. We allow users to turn BTC into fresh, clean XMR that is impossible to trace. We provide the convenience of using a simple onion site and store no user data. Once the transaction is started, you can be confident that all the steps will complete. Contrast this is with setting up Tails to use exit nodes in the proper countries in order to get a Morphtoken script to work properly. This site is much easier to use.

Why use multiple transfers?

Multiple transfers can provide further anonymity in the case of an adversary capturing either the true source or true destination wallets. For example, take a transfer from A -> B -> C -> D. If a motivated adversary manages to capture wallets A and D, there is still no way for them to follow the transaction through the two intermediate wallets B and C.

How does it actually work?

There is really no secret to the operation. If you’re exchanging from BTC, first Morphtoken is called to setup an exchange. We then use cryptography to generate the intermediate wallets in a deterministic way. We then send the XMR from one wallet to the next in order until we finally send the balance to your wallet. After each step, we use the ‘shred’ utility to completely destroy the wallet.

Why does it take so long?

After each Monero transaction, the funds are blocked from moving for about 20 minutes (10 blocks, specifically). This helps to prevent correlation analysis on the block chain. This means that each hop in the transaction list takes about 20 minutes. This is also a reason that a user would use this service instead of creating the wallets themselves. Just start the transaction and walk away. You don’t have to actively move funds over the next hour.

What data do you keep?

For 24 hours after a transaction is started, we keep the information needed to reconstruct the wallets in the transfer. This is useful to us so that we can show you the status or resume the transaction even if something happens to the computer it’s running on. After 24 hours, we scrub this information from our database, leaving no data behind. This is why it is important that you keep the encrypted transaction information shown on the confirmation page. If you contact support and we can’t address your information within 24 hours of the transaction starting, there is absolutely no way we can recover that data and trace your transaction.

What fees do you charge?

Unlink charges a 1.5% fee on the transferred amount. However, Morphtoken also charges a low, flat per-exchange fee as well as having a spread on their exchange rates. We do our best to show you what we charge and how much currency you’ll receive at the end of the transaction.

Imperial Library

The Imperial library is a dark website with a wide range of digital books. Here you can get almost any publication you want.

At the moment, it has over 500,000 books in its library. However, you should be careful to avoid copyright infringement.

Direct link: http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/

The Hub








PGP Key Details

The Hub key

8D8E 7472 53A9 229D B174 43A0 FF8A 50D2 D52F 4945




ZeroBin is a wonderful way to share the content you find on the dark web. It is a reliable messaging tool where you copy/paste a text or image and send it to your addressee.

The good news is that even the platform will not see what you copy/paste. This is because your data is encrypted in the Tor browser before reaching the ZeroBin servers.

Also, you can set a strong password to protect your message and even choose how long it will take to expire. So, this is a secure and anonymous communication tool.

Direct link: http://zerobinqmdqd236y.onion/

Tunnels Hidden Web


Tunnels Hidden Web

This .onion site is a bit different from the others reviewed above.

It contains a link that shows the exploits of explorers who go into big American universities’ tunnel systems.

However, accessing these tunnels is illegal and dangerous. That is why the explorers post their content on the dark web rather than the surface web.

Direct link: http://62gs2n5ydnyffzfy.onion/

Massive List of Onion Service Links

All Onion Services



























































































































































AirVPN is a VPN service started by a very small group of activists, hacktivists, hackers




AirVPN started as a project of a very small group of activists, hacktivists, hackers in 2010, with the invaluable (and totally free) help of two fantastic lawyers and a financing from a company interested in the project and operated by the very same people.

The Pirate festival held in Rome and a lucky coincidence were decisive for the project. An extraordinary confluence of energies, ideas and persons took place there. Including people from NEXA, Telecomix, Juliagruppen, the swedish Pirate Party, the italian Pirate Party association, the grassroots organization Scambioetico, activists from Mexico and the USA, lawyers with high competences in privacy, data protection and so-called “Intellectual property” fields, it was the perfect place and time to envision the project.

AirVPN started as a completely free service for anyone in april 2010. Soon it added a commercial side aimed to keep the project financially sustainable, capable to support the impact of free access to activists in human rights hostile countries and ensure to the team a monetary basis which could allow a full-time dedication.

Initially AirVPN had two dedicated servers in one country and was operated by Iridium, a company which was born in 1998 and that employed, in the telecommunication field, only persons involved in digital or non-digital civil activism. Iridium took care of AirVPN until November 2012, when all the handling was progressively transferred to a dedicated company (Air) with the very same persons and policies (no changes for the customers, for the privacy and for the data protection, even the privacy legal responsible person is the same one).

Today, AirVPN is operated exclusively by activists, privacy, data protection and security issues aware persons, law experts with the help of the same lawyers, and counts more than 200 servers with high bandwidth lines and good or top hardware in 35 datacenters across 19 countries in 3 continents. The solidity of the infrastructure is enhanced literally every week, so that most attacks (UDP and TCP flood, DDoS…) that caused service issues in the first AirVPN year of life now remain totally unnoticed to the users.

The customer service is not and has never been outsourced in order to provide high quality support.

Access to servers is restricted to an essential core of the team and any access outside this core must be authorized and performed under controlled conditions. No database is kept on any VPN server. The database is clustered across backend dedicated servers which never communicate directly with any client or with any other host outside our servers (nobody knows, except three persons, where the backend servers are located and additional security systems are in place to prevent any direct access to the database from outside the backend servers -not even the VPN servers really communicate directly with the database).

As far as we know, AirVPN is the only VPN in the world which transparently let anyone access a servers monitor on the www, updated every 60 seconds, to check the infrastructure status and verify that we respect our no-overselling and guaranteed allocated bandwidth commitments stated in the ToS. AirVPN also provides some features which might go unnoticed to the masses but which are important, such as separate entry and exit IP addresses on every VPN server to prevent some correlation attacks, typical on VPNs with a shared IP which is used both as entry and exit-IP address.

A tiny VPN if compared to the giants of the sector, but a small “miracle” in consideration of the no-security-compromise policies: no PPTP, no whistles and bells to mislead gullible customers, no investments in advertising, harsh contrasts against a project of sharing data with an association of VPN operators “to prevent frauds and improper use of the services”, boycott from several ISPs due to our no-compromise network neutrality and privacy policy, no bribes for favorable reviews in some web sites.

On the contrary, above all, a lot of passion for what we do. We all feel that AirVPN is completely different from a commercial enterprise which aims exclusively to profits. Profits are important for us, otherwise keeping this infrastructure would be impossible, but they come after the security for our users and the respect of our policies and commitments.

An episode may be interesting to evaluate our determination: a vile and sudden suspension of service by a major datacenters operator in France in 2010 (all paid servers cancelled without prior notice and without any explanation - still today we have no explanation for that). We had everything there, except the database, so we had to re-start almost from scratch, but the service stayed down for only 4 days.

At the end of 2012, a dedicated company (check complete company details in the Terms of Service) has been founded, exclusively to operate the fiscal side of the project and the handling of the data according to the relevant legal framework in an optimal way. You can find the name of the legal responsible person for privacy and data protection in the Privacy Notice (he’s the same old one :) ). The Air company operates exclusively AirVPN, and is involved only in AirVPN strictly related side projects about network neutrality and censorship circumvention. See Mission for an updated list of achievements and donations so far.

Abacus Market




A complete Marketplace solution for buyers and vendors coded 100% from scratch.




PGP Key Details

Abacus Announcement key

C219 622C 49F6 8C00 F4F3 0379 A3ED 5CC1 304F 5183


Abacus Server key

33C4 07DB E760 A750 20F4 0E96 126B 308E A760 28B1



vendor bonds are automatically waived for vendor with more than 75% of

positive feedback and at least 100 sales. All vendors are manually

reviewed to avoid scammers

Marketplace with 2/3 multisig 100% functional (with a feature to

combine and broadcast unlimited transactions at once, similar to Hansa

Market) along with escrow, and fe in different percentages as 25%, 50%,

75%, 100%…

XMR and BTC enabled

Market coded from scratch 100% with custom endgame (without timeouts).

We have been working on this market for more than 9 months, you can check

our subdread creation date. /d/AbacusMarket

We have a Forum translated in more than 10 languages, 2FA security,

communities and boards well organized , rewards and more.

Vendors can automatically import their products from WHM or ToRReZ

with just one click

The Past - Silk Road & AlphaBay Market:

Ross Ulbritch outlined in his personal diary his idea for a website “where people could buy anything anonymously, with no trail whatsoever that could lead back to them”. A while later, he made this idea a reality with the creation of what is considered the first darknet marketplace; Silk Road, and with this the beginning of an era founded on libertarian principles which in fact did not pretend to be an utopia but it came very close. The end of Silk Road and all attacks against genuine free market has only spread on a global scale the existence of of darknet markets.

After Silk Road, there were more good markets, but it was not until Alphabay came to achieve a huge and varied market of different categories that the “Dark Amazon” concept of having a large-scale anonymous market became a reality (lastest stats of Alphabay proves that since Alphabay, no other market has reached those numbers again in terms of vendors and listings).

We like how intuitive AlphaBay’s interface is for buyer and vendors (specially we like how alpha02 added some unique features and how some of those features still cannot not be found on any other market). We improved lot of things and added some necessary changes). We do not believe that it is fair that the most friendly and intuitive layout that the darknet has ever seen be remembered in a bad way due to the exit scammed Empire market.

Excited and convinced with Ross’ libertarian economic theory, which will be our guide for this great and long project, and in love with alpha02’s intuitive interface, we decided to bring live the AlphaBay’s layout with some improvements with the name of Abacus Market. We do not want to be another market more, time will prove it. We worked hard to code from scratch a complete platform with high standards. Over the time we will start implementing more unique features. This is going to be a long way to go, and we know that we are going to find difficulties, we have already found them to get where we are today, and we know more will come but we have love for this and the only thing we expect is Abacus to be of great help for all of you that believe in a free and anonymous market.

This is it. Before we could contribute with fresh and unique ideas to the darknet community, it was neccesary to look at the beggining of this freedom revolution. Only knowing about our past we can make a better future.

Present & Future - Abacus Market:

You may be shocked to find listings here that are outlawed in your jurisdiction. That doesn’t mean Abacus is lawless. In fact, we have a very strict code of conduct that, if given a chance, we believe most people would agree wtih our rules are based in treating other as you would like to be treated, do not try to scam others on market and mind your own business. In the spirit of those rules, there are some things you will never see here, and if you do please report them. We do not allow child pornography or any resources that might lead to, selling humans or their parts, services to harm other (physical or mental including assassination, threatening, arson, surveillance, harassment etc), fentanyl or analogues, poisons, selling guns, explosives or any items which may lead to any terroristic actions (some exceptions are tasers, pepper sprays), just to name a few.

Although probably the darknet community has never been as big as it is today, we do not see anymore the same enthusiasm or a solid community around markets like before. We want to extend our hand in a sign of friendship to all other markets like us, and the possibility of cooperating together to make the darknet an unified and united community for the freedom of all of us. We want to thanks valuable figures like HugBunter, Paris or Mr White working really hard for the darknet community and even making opensource the EndGame giving market’s admin a free tool to fight against ddos attacks.

Abacus Market is totally against the War on Drugs, which today is questioned around the world, has only brought deaths, abuses of power, spending on public money. We are against of limit people’s access to controlled substances that they decided to get. The will be able to get it from streets without knowing what they are buying and eliminating the simplicity of sharing information with other people in the same situation.

We have lot of plans related with harm reduction, some of our closest friends died due to an overdose from a substance they bought adulterated and they did not know it. We encourage to all our buyers to learn what are lethal doses of each substance and to not trust in nobody, buy your own testing kits or send some samples to your nearest testing laboratory to be sure about what you are going to take. If we find that some seller is selling adulterated substances they will banned forever from our platform and all their customers will be immediately warned.

The old saying, “with freedom comes responsibility”, couldn’t be more true here. You will find easy access to things that could get you in trouble with your authorities and are downright terrible for your health. So, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. However, You are owner of your life and it’s your job to judge what is good and bad for you. No one else can do that.


AirVPN is a VPN service started by a very small group of activists, hacktivists, hackers




AirVPN started as a project of a very small group of activists, hacktivists, hackers in 2010, with the invaluable (and totally free) help of two fantastic lawyers and a financing from a company interested in the project and operated by the very same people.

The Pirate festival held in Rome and a lucky coincidence were decisive for the project. An extraordinary confluence of energies, ideas and persons took place there. Including people from NEXA, Telecomix, Juliagruppen, the swedish Pirate Party, the italian Pirate Party association, the grassroots organization Scambioetico, activists from Mexico and the USA, lawyers with high competences in privacy, data protection and so-called “Intellectual property” fields, it was the perfect place and time to envision the project.

AirVPN started as a completely free service for anyone in april 2010. Soon it added a commercial side aimed to keep the project financially sustainable, capable to support the impact of free access to activists in human rights hostile countries and ensure to the team a monetary basis which could allow a full-time dedication.

Initially AirVPN had two dedicated servers in one country and was operated by Iridium, a company which was born in 1998 and that employed, in the telecommunication field, only persons involved in digital or non-digital civil activism. Iridium took care of AirVPN until November 2012, when all the handling was progressively transferred to a dedicated company (Air) with the very same persons and policies (no changes for the customers, for the privacy and for the data protection, even the privacy legal responsible person is the same one).

Today, AirVPN is operated exclusively by activists, privacy, data protection and security issues aware persons, law experts with the help of the same lawyers, and counts more than 200 servers with high bandwidth lines and good or top hardware in 35 datacenters across 19 countries in 3 continents. The solidity of the infrastructure is enhanced literally every week, so that most attacks (UDP and TCP flood, DDoS…) that caused service issues in the first AirVPN year of life now remain totally unnoticed to the users.

The customer service is not and has never been outsourced in order to provide high quality support.

Access to servers is restricted to an essential core of the team and any access outside this core must be authorized and performed under controlled conditions. No database is kept on any VPN server. The database is clustered across backend dedicated servers which never communicate directly with any client or with any other host outside our servers (nobody knows, except three persons, where the backend servers are located and additional security systems are in place to prevent any direct access to the database from outside the backend servers -not even the VPN servers really communicate directly with the database).

As far as we know, AirVPN is the only VPN in the world which transparently let anyone access a servers monitor on the www, updated every 60 seconds, to check the infrastructure status and verify that we respect our no-overselling and guaranteed allocated bandwidth commitments stated in the ToS. AirVPN also provides some features which might go unnoticed to the masses but which are important, such as separate entry and exit IP addresses on every VPN server to prevent some correlation attacks, typical on VPNs with a shared IP which is used both as entry and exit-IP address.

A tiny VPN if compared to the giants of the sector, but a small “miracle” in consideration of the no-security-compromise policies: no PPTP, no whistles and bells to mislead gullible customers, no investments in advertising, harsh contrasts against a project of sharing data with an association of VPN operators “to prevent frauds and improper use of the services”, boycott from several ISPs due to our no-compromise network neutrality and privacy policy, no bribes for favorable reviews in some web sites.

On the contrary, above all, a lot of passion for what we do. We all feel that AirVPN is completely different from a commercial enterprise which aims exclusively to profits. Profits are important for us, otherwise keeping this infrastructure would be impossible, but they come after the security for our users and the respect of our policies and commitments.

An episode may be interesting to evaluate our determination: a vile and sudden suspension of service by a major datacenters operator in France in 2010 (all paid servers cancelled without prior notice and without any explanation - still today we have no explanation for that). We had everything there, except the database, so we had to re-start almost from scratch, but the service stayed down for only 4 days.

At the end of 2012, a dedicated company (check complete company details in the Terms of Service) has been founded, exclusively to operate the fiscal side of the project and the handling of the data according to the relevant legal framework in an optimal way. You can find the name of the legal responsible person for privacy and data protection in the Privacy Notice (he’s the same old one :) ). The Air company operates exclusively AirVPN, and is involved only in AirVPN strictly related side projects about network neutrality and censorship circumvention. See Mission for an updated list of achievements and donations so far.

Jamieweb (Jamie Scaife's blog)

The personal website and blog of Jamie Scaife.




Scaife has some good articles about Tor:

Tor is a Great SysAdmin Tool

Using Tor to aid various system administration tasks, including checking firewall rules, bypassing internal network restrictions and connecting to remote systems that are behind NAT/CGNAT.

Sunday 9th August 2020

Security Tor

Deploying a Tor Onion v3 Hidden Service Using Ansible

Using the Ansible configuration management tool to automatically deploy a Tor Onion v3 Hidden Service to a Linux machine.

Monday 16th September 2019

Security Tor Guide

Forwarding Tor Hidden Services to Another Server Across the Internet

Using a reverse HTTP proxy to forward Tor Hidden Services across the internet to another server.

Tuesday 26th February 2019

Security Tor Apache

Tor Onion v3 Vanity Address

Generating a vanity address for Onion v3 Hidden Services.

Saturday 6th January 2018

Security Tor

Tor Onion v3 Hidden Service

Testing the new Tor Onion v3 Hidden Services.

Saturday 21st October 2017

Security Tor

Tor Hidden Service

Setting up a Tor Hidden Service for my site.

Sunday 12th February 2017

Security Tor

Abacus Market




A complete Marketplace solution for buyers and vendors coded 100% from scratch.




PGP Key Details

Abacus Announcement key

C219 622C 49F6 8C00 F4F3 0379 A3ED 5CC1 304F 5183


Abacus Server key

33C4 07DB E760 A750 20F4 0E96 126B 308E A760 28B1



vendor bonds are automatically waived for vendor with more than 75% of

positive feedback and at least 100 sales. All vendors are manually

reviewed to avoid scammers

Marketplace with 2/3 multisig 100% functional (with a feature to

combine and broadcast unlimited transactions at once, similar to Hansa

Market) along with escrow, and fe in different percentages as 25%, 50%,

75%, 100%…

XMR and BTC enabled

Market coded from scratch 100% with custom endgame (without timeouts).

We have been working on this market for more than 9 months, you can check

our subdread creation date. /d/AbacusMarket

We have a Forum translated in more than 10 languages, 2FA security,

communities and boards well organized , rewards and more.

Vendors can automatically import their products from WHM or ToRReZ

with just one click

The Past - Silk Road & AlphaBay Market:

Ross Ulbritch outlined in his personal diary his idea for a website “where people could buy anything anonymously, with no trail whatsoever that could lead back to them”. A while later, he made this idea a reality with the creation of what is considered the first darknet marketplace; Silk Road, and with this the beginning of an era founded on libertarian principles which in fact did not pretend to be an utopia but it came very close. The end of Silk Road and all attacks against genuine free market has only spread on a global scale the existence of of darknet markets.

After Silk Road, there were more good markets, but it was not until Alphabay came to achieve a huge and varied market of different categories that the “Dark Amazon” concept of having a large-scale anonymous market became a reality (lastest stats of Alphabay proves that since Alphabay, no other market has reached those numbers again in terms of vendors and listings).

We like how intuitive AlphaBay’s interface is for buyer and vendors (specially we like how alpha02 added some unique features and how some of those features still cannot not be found on any other market). We improved lot of things and added some necessary changes). We do not believe that it is fair that the most friendly and intuitive layout that the darknet has ever seen be remembered in a bad way due to the exit scammed Empire market.

Excited and convinced with Ross’ libertarian economic theory, which will be our guide for this great and long project, and in love with alpha02’s intuitive interface, we decided to bring live the AlphaBay’s layout with some improvements with the name of Abacus Market. We do not want to be another market more, time will prove it. We worked hard to code from scratch a complete platform with high standards. Over the time we will start implementing more unique features. This is going to be a long way to go, and we know that we are going to find difficulties, we have already found them to get where we are today, and we know more will come but we have love for this and the only thing we expect is Abacus to be of great help for all of you that believe in a free and anonymous market.

This is it. Before we could contribute with fresh and unique ideas to the darknet community, it was neccesary to look at the beggining of this freedom revolution. Only knowing about our past we can make a better future.

Present & Future - Abacus Market:

You may be shocked to find listings here that are outlawed in your jurisdiction. That doesn’t mean Abacus is lawless. In fact, we have a very strict code of conduct that, if given a chance, we believe most people would agree wtih our rules are based in treating other as you would like to be treated, do not try to scam others on market and mind your own business. In the spirit of those rules, there are some things you will never see here, and if you do please report them. We do not allow child pornography or any resources that might lead to, selling humans or their parts, services to harm other (physical or mental including assassination, threatening, arson, surveillance, harassment etc), fentanyl or analogues, poisons, selling guns, explosives or any items which may lead to any terroristic actions (some exceptions are tasers, pepper sprays), just to name a few.

Although probably the darknet community has never been as big as it is today, we do not see anymore the same enthusiasm or a solid community around markets like before. We want to extend our hand in a sign of friendship to all other markets like us, and the possibility of cooperating together to make the darknet an unified and united community for the freedom of all of us. We want to thanks valuable figures like HugBunter, Paris or Mr White working really hard for the darknet community and even making opensource the EndGame giving market’s admin a free tool to fight against ddos attacks.

Abacus Market is totally against the War on Drugs, which today is questioned around the world, has only brought deaths, abuses of power, spending on public money. We are against of limit people’s access to controlled substances that they decided to get. The will be able to get it from streets without knowing what they are buying and eliminating the simplicity of sharing information with other people in the same situation.

We have lot of plans related with harm reduction, some of our closest friends died due to an overdose from a substance they bought adulterated and they did not know it. We encourage to all our buyers to learn what are lethal doses of each substance and to not trust in nobody, buy your own testing kits or send some samples to your nearest testing laboratory to be sure about what you are going to take. If we find that some seller is selling adulterated substances they will banned forever from our platform and all their customers will be immediately warned.

The old saying, “with freedom comes responsibility”, couldn’t be more true here. You will find easy access to things that could get you in trouble with your authorities and are downright terrible for your health. So, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. However, You are owner of your life and it’s your job to judge what is good and bad for you. No one else can do that.





Our service protects your communications from hacking and surveillance by providing you with an unmatched mix of anonimity, privacy-respecting encryption and blazing-fast speeds, ensuring a safer & hassle-free experience to do business and socialize




PGP Key Details

Titan-XMPP key

98C2 F42D 5556 A48A 5EC4 37B8 28F4 E420 6B24 A28A



Anonymous, Offshore & Bulletproof

Our bulletproof servers run on the Tor/I2P network only. No clearnet available, leak-proof setup. Servers hosted away from 14-eyes countries.

No logs policy

We don’t store any information about the user which we don’t need to run the service. Your chats remain yours and your privacy unbroken with our service.

Secure & Business-oriented

We put your communications security first by forcing Perfect Forward Secrecy (ECDH high-security w/ secp384r1), disabling SSL and old TLS versions (1.2+ only allowed), encrypting our OS with LUKS, allowing OMEMO in conference chats etc. Multiple public rooms in many topics to choose from, perfect for socializing or business.

Almost No Restrictions

As long as your talks/business doesn’t violate our TOS or AUP, we are good with it! We believe in freedom of speech and know that everyone deserves even a bit of privacy in their personal and business dealings.

Anonymous Payments

We accept only anonymous payments for our service through Monero. You need need an invitation code to register. You need to find a either a private reseller or buy it through escrow through your favourite darknet market. Alternatively contact sales

Connect with anyone, anywhere

All of our server connections are through Tor/I2P, hiding and shielding your location. We only allow connections with other properly configured XMPP/Jabber servers through Tor/I2P, without exposing your true IP or us exposing our server locations.








A list of onion services with uptimes.



PGP Key Details

Dark.Fail key

C3E8 70F4 2E54 8DCA 7BA3 68DB DD7B E2D2 6A59 80B5









Our service protects your communications from hacking and surveillance by providing you with an unmatched mix of anonimity, privacy-respecting encryption and blazing-fast speeds, ensuring a safer & hassle-free experience to do business and socialize




PGP Key Details

Titan-XMPP key

98C2 F42D 5556 A48A 5EC4 37B8 28F4 E420 6B24 A28A



Anonymous, Offshore & Bulletproof

Our bulletproof servers run on the Tor/I2P network only. No clearnet available, leak-proof setup. Servers hosted away from 14-eyes countries.

No logs policy

We don’t store any information about the user which we don’t need to run the service. Your chats remain yours and your privacy unbroken with our service.

Secure & Business-oriented

We put your communications security first by forcing Perfect Forward Secrecy (ECDH high-security w/ secp384r1), disabling SSL and old TLS versions (1.2+ only allowed), encrypting our OS with LUKS, allowing OMEMO in conference chats etc. Multiple public rooms in many topics to choose from, perfect for socializing or business.

Almost No Restrictions

As long as your talks/business doesn’t violate our TOS or AUP, we are good with it! We believe in freedom of speech and know that everyone deserves even a bit of privacy in their personal and business dealings.

Anonymous Payments

We accept only anonymous payments for our service through Monero. You need need an invitation code to register. You need to find a either a private reseller or buy it through escrow through your favourite darknet market. Alternatively contact sales

Connect with anyone, anywhere

All of our server connections are through Tor/I2P, hiding and shielding your location. We only allow connections with other properly configured XMPP/Jabber servers through Tor/I2P, without exposing your true IP or us exposing our server locations.

Impreza Host

A specialist company in dedicated servers and domains. Online since 2015 with more than 3,000 users. Cryptocurrency friendly.



NEOMOX 250 MG / 5 ML مسحوق لمحلول فموي



زجاجة 100 مل


250 مجم / 5 مل

الموزع أو الصانع




الدرجة العلاجية

مضاد حيوي ، بنسلين واسع الطيف


دواعي الإستعمال)

يستخدم أموكسيسيلين لعلاج الالتهابات التي تسببها الجراثيم سالبة الجرام المعرضة للأموكسيسيلين ، وكذلك في علاج الالتهابات المختلطة بسبب الجراثيم المعرضة للإصابة إيجابية الجرام وسالبة الجرام ، مثل:

التهابات الجهاز التنفسي:

التفاقم الحاد لالتهاب الشعب الهوائية المزمن ، الالتهاب الرئوي الجرثومي ، توسع القصبات ، خراج الرئة ، الدبيلة.

التهابات مجال الأنف والأذن والحنجرة:

التهاب الأذن الوسطى ، التهاب الجيوب الأنفية ، التهاب اللوزتين ، التهاب البلعوم (بسبب المكورات العقدية).

التهابات المسالك البولية:

التهاب الحويضة والكلية الحاد أو المزمن ، التهاب المثانة ، التهاب الإحليل.

التهابات الجهاز الهضمي:

الحمى التيفية وحمى نظيرة التيفية ، الإسهال الجرثومي.

الأمراض التناسلية:

السيلان (التهاب الإحليل النوعي).

الالتهابات الشديدة مثل:

تعفن الدم ،

الإجهاض الإنتاني

حمى النفاس

التهاب داخلى بالقلب،

الفلغمون ،

التهاب السحايا

بالإضافة إلى مرض لايم (المرحلة الأولى ، الحمامي المزمنة المهاجرة أو الحمامي المزمنة المهاجرة المرتبطة بأعراض المفاصل العابرة أو المظاهر العصبية العابرة أو المحدودة).

يجب احترام التوصيات الرسمية للاستخدام السليم للمضادات الحيوية ، ولا سيما توصيات الاستخدام ، من أجل تجنب زيادة مقاومة المضادات الحيوية.

نوع المنتج


NEOMOX 250 MG / 5 ML مسحوق لمحلول فموي



زجاجة 60 مل


250 مجم / 5 مل

الموزع أو الصانع




الدرجة العلاجية

مضاد حيوي ، بنسلين واسع الطيف


دواعي الإستعمال)

يستخدم أموكسيسيلين لعلاج الالتهابات التي تسببها الجراثيم سالبة الجرام المعرضة للأموكسيسيلين ، وكذلك في علاج الالتهابات المختلطة بسبب الجراثيم المعرضة للإصابة إيجابية الجرام وسالبة الجرام ، مثل:

التهابات الجهاز التنفسي:

التفاقم الحاد لالتهاب الشعب الهوائية المزمن ، الالتهاب الرئوي الجرثومي ، توسع القصبات ، خراج الرئة ، الدبيلة.

التهابات مجال الأنف والأذن والحنجرة:

التهاب الأذن الوسطى ، التهاب الجيوب الأنفية ، التهاب اللوزتين ، التهاب البلعوم (بسبب المكورات العقدية).

التهابات المسالك البولية:

التهاب الحويضة والكلية الحاد أو المزمن ، التهاب المثانة ، التهاب الإحليل.

التهابات الجهاز الهضمي:

الحمى التيفية وحمى نظيرة التيفية ، الإسهال الجرثومي.

الأمراض التناسلية:

السيلان (التهاب الإحليل النوعي).

الالتهابات الشديدة مثل:

تعفن الدم ،

الإجهاض الإنتاني

حمى النفاس

التهاب داخلى بالقلب،

الفلغمون ،

التهاب السحايا

بالإضافة إلى مرض لايم (المرحلة الأولى ، الحمامي المزمنة المهاجرة أو الحمامي المزمنة المهاجرة المرتبطة بأعراض المفاصل العابرة أو المظاهر العصبية العابرة أو المحدودة).

يجب احترام التوصيات الرسمية للاستخدام السليم للمضادات الحيوية ، ولا سيما توصيات الاستخدام ، من أجل تجنب زيادة مقاومة المضادات الحيوية.

نوع المنتج


NEOMOX 125 MG / 5 ML مسحوق معلق عن طريق الفم



زجاجة 60 مل


125 مجم / 5 مل

الموزع أو الصانع




الدرجة العلاجية

مضاد حيوي ، بنسلين واسع الطيف


دواعي الإستعمال)

يستخدم أموكسيسيلين لعلاج الالتهابات التي تسببها الجراثيم سالبة الجرام المعرضة للأموكسيسيلين ، وكذلك في علاج الالتهابات المختلطة بسبب الجراثيم المعرضة للإصابة إيجابية الجرام وسالبة الجرام ، مثل:

التهابات الجهاز التنفسي:

التفاقم الحاد لالتهاب الشعب الهوائية المزمن ، الالتهاب الرئوي الجرثومي ، توسع القصبات ، خراج الرئة ، الدبيلة.

التهابات مجال الأنف والأذن والحنجرة:

التهاب الأذن الوسطى ، التهاب الجيوب الأنفية ، التهاب اللوزتين ، التهاب البلعوم (بسبب المكورات العقدية).

التهابات المسالك البولية:

التهاب الحويضة والكلية الحاد أو المزمن ، التهاب المثانة ، التهاب الإحليل.

التهابات الجهاز الهضمي:

الحمى التيفية وحمى نظيرة التيفية ، الإسهال الجرثومي.

الأمراض التناسلية:

السيلان (التهاب الإحليل النوعي).

الالتهابات الشديدة مثل:

تعفن الدم ،

الإجهاض الإنتاني

حمى النفاس

التهاب داخلى بالقلب،

الفلغمون ،

التهاب السحايا

بالإضافة إلى مرض لايم (المرحلة الأولى ، الحمامي المزمنة المهاجرة أو الحمامي المزمنة المهاجرة المرتبطة بأعراض المفاصل العابرة أو المظاهر العصبية العابرة أو المحدودة).

يجب احترام التوصيات الرسمية للاستخدام السليم للمضادات الحيوية ، ولا سيما توصيات الاستخدام ، من أجل تجنب زيادة مقاومة المضادات الحيوية.

نوع المنتج


ACERUMEN، زجاجة جرعة واحدة

  جديد   عرض تقديمي 10 زجاجات الموزع أو الشركة المصنعة زينيث فارما تعبير عوامل التوتر السطحي الخفيفة (أسيل ساركوزينات الصوديوم وإستر السكروز...

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