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Tools for Assessment
Assessment of Sensory
Integration Functions Using
the Sensory Integration
and Praxis Tests
Shelley Mulligan , PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 8
The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) help us to understand why
some children have diffi culty learning or behaving as we expected . . . they
. . . evaluate some important abilities needed to get along in the world.
—A. Jean Ayres
Upon completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to:
✔ Describe the utility of the Sensory Integration
and Praxis Tests (SIPT) for clinical practice.
✔ Explain the fi ndings of factor and cluster
analyses completed on the SIPT and how this
information supports the assessment process.
✔ Defi ne the role of the SIPT as part of a
comprehensive assessment for children with
suspected sensory integrative diffi culties.
Purpose and Scope
The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)
are designed primarily to examine aspects of
sensory discrimination and praxis. They are
intended to be used as part of an overall evaluation process for school-aged children who
experience diffi culties in these areas that impact
occupational performance and participation.
This chapter offers a brief introduction to this
test battery and guides readers to understand the
various factor and cluster analyses that form the
foundation for identifying sensory integrative
strengths and weaknesses in children. A great
deal more detail on the SIPT can be found in
the test manual ( Ayres, 2005 ), and that information is not repeated in this chapter. Because it is
crucial that the SIPT not be used in isolation, discussion is included here regarding integration of
this tool with other assessments and observations
that complete the picture. We present an analysis
model that has been used in certifi cation courses
as a way to organize the assessment process. To
illustrate this assessment process, a case study is
Description and Purpose
of the Sensory Integration
and Praxis Tests
Standardized assessment tools specifi cally
designed to evaluate sensory processing and
CHAPTER 8 Assessment of Sensory Integration Functions Using the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests ■ 209
integration are important for identifying whether
sensory processing problems are present and
interfering with a child ’ s occupational performance. Such tools provide objective data for
determining the types or patterns of sensory
integration (SI) dysfunction that exist as well as
the extent or severity of the dysfunction. This
information is integral for guiding the intervention planning process, and it is helpful for justifying the need for occupational therapy services
using an SI approach. Such standardized testing
may also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of
intervention programs designed to improve SI
functions in children.
The most psychometrically sound, standardized, performance-based assessment tool available to measure SI functions is the SIPT ( Ayres,
2005 ). Therefore, this section of the chapter is
devoted to content describing the SIPT and how
the test is used in the context of comprehensive
occupational therapy evaluations of children following an SI approach.
The SIPT is comprised of 17 tests, is normreferenced, and was designed for children from
4 years 0 months of age to 8 years 11 months of
age who are suspected of having a sensory integrative disorder. Each of the tests is individually
administered, and the entire battery takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours to administer. Completion
of advanced training through the Comprehensive
Training and Certifi cation Program offered by
Western P s ychological Services/University of
Southern California (see cation ) has been expected
for therapists wishing to learn and use the SIPT.
The SI functions measured by the SIPT can be
categorized into four overlapping areas:
1. Visual form and space perception
2. Tactile discrimination
3. Praxis (various forms)
4. Vestibular and proprioceptive processing
A brief description of each test by group is
shown in Table 8-1 . In consideration of the
model of SI dysfunction presented in Figure 1-6 ,
it is important to recognize the facets of the
model that are and are not addressed by the
SIPT. Indicators of poor SI and praxis are well
captured by the SIPT including some aspects of
postural-ocular control, visual-motor control,
and, to a lesser extent, body percept or kinesthesia. These defi cits may result in either (or both) of
two common patterns of dysfunction: VestibularBilateral Integration and Sequencing (VBIS) disorder, and Somatopraxis, which is dyspraxia with
an underlying somatosensory basis. Processing
and sensory discrimination functions related to
the visual, tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular
systems are addressed by the SIPT, although the
test does not address the processing of auditory,
olfactory, and gustatory sensory input. Sensory
modulation including sensory responsivity is also
not directly measured by the SIPT. It is, however,
important to note that clinical observations made
during the administration of the SIPT are very
useful for capturing aspects of sensory modulation, as well as for identifying some functional
or occupational performance challenges and
behavioral consequences of sensory processing
defi ciencies that might exist.
The SIPT provides z-scores for each of the
17 tests, and scores falling within 1 standard
deviation from the mean are interpreted as being
within the normal range ( Ayres, 2005 ). Each of
the 17 tests was shown to discriminate between
children with SI problems and those without,
using 1 standard deviation below the mean as
the criteria for performance that would be considered below average ( Ayres, 2005 ). The SIPT
was normed using approximately 2,000 North
American children who were representative at
the time of U.S. population characteristics and
distribution in terms of race, gender, and geographic location, as well as urban and rural representation. There are separate norms for boys
and girls, and there are 12 age groups. Children
4 to 5 years of age are divided by 4-month intervals, whereas children 6 through 8 years of age
are divided by 6-month intervals.
In addition to using the SIPT z-scores from
each of the tests to interpret a child ’ s SI performance and dysfunction, a number of other
data sources are available and should be used to
assist in the interpretation process. The SIPT is
a well-researched tool, and many multivariate
factor analytic studies and cluster analyses have
been completed with its tests ( Davies & Tucker,
2010 ). These studies have contributed to the
establishment of construct validity of the SIPT
(discussed in more detail next) and are useful
in the interpretation process for identifying
specifi c patterns of SI dysfunction seen in individual children. The test manual ( Ayres, 2005 )
describes many of the factor analyses that were
210 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
TABLE 8-1 Functions Measured by SIPT
Visual Form and
Space, Visual-Motor
Space Visualization (SV)
Figure Ground (FG)
Design Copying (DC)
Constructional Praxis (CPr)
Motor Accuracy (MA)
Motor-free visual form and motor coordination; mental
manipulation of objects
Perception and location of fi gures on a rival background
Copying simple and complex two-dimensional designs;
approach for copying
Block construction; ability to relate objects to one
another in three-dimensional space
Eye-hand coordination, tracing, motor control
Tactile Perception
and Discrimination
Finger Identifi cation (FI)
Localization of Tactile Stimuli
Graphesthesia (GRA)
Manual Form Perception
Discrimination of touch to individual fi ngers
Perception of location of tactile stimuli applied to the
forearm and hand
Perception and replication of designs drawn on the back
of the hands
Stereognosis; matching a shape held in one hand with
a visual counterpart or with another shape felt by the
other hand
Praxis Bilateral Motor Coordination
Sequencing Praxis (SPr)
Postural Praxis (PPr)
Oral Praxis (OPr)
Praxis on Verbal Command
Sequencing and moving both hands and both feet in
smooth patterns
Imitating motor sequences of hands and fi ngers
Imitating, planning, and executing static body postures
Imitating, planning, and executing oral motor
movements of the lip, tongue, and jaw
Planning and executing static body postures from verbal
Vestibular and
Kinesthesia (KIN)
Standing and Walking
Balance (SWB)
Post-Rotary Nystagmus (PRN)
Perception of passive hand and arm movements
Static and dynamic balance on one or both feet, with
eyes open and closed
Duration of the vestibular-ocular refl ex following rotation
done during the development of SIPT as well as
much later ( Mulligan, 1998 ); the manual also
details how this research can be used to assist
in the interpretation process. The SIPT report
also generates a statistic called a D-squared
index value that indicates how closely the child ’ s
scores fi t each of six cluster groupings. The
cluster groupings represent patterns of SI functioning that were found during the development
of the test. Therefore, interpreting SIPT scores is
a complex process using multiple data sources
from the test itself as well as considering other
sources of evaluation data, such as information
from occupation-based assessments, parent interviews, and clinical observations. Further information on how SIPT data is synthesized with
other data sources to complete comprehensive
evaluations of children is provided later in this
chapter, following a review of the validity and
reliability of the SIPT. It is also touched on in
Chapter 11 (Interpreting and Explaining Evaluation Data), relative to the interpretation of evaluation fi ndings.
• Aside from the SIPT ( Ayres, 1989, 2005 ),
there are few objective standardized
assessment tools for measuring SI functions
in children.
• The SIPT is especially useful for identifying
deficits with visual form and space perception,
tactile discrimination and praxis, and for
identifying specifi c patterns of SI dysfunction.
CHAPTER 8 Assessment of Sensory Integration Functions Using the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests ■ 211
• Administration of the SIPT, in conjunction
with data gathered from caregiver interviews,
informal and structured clinical observations,
and inventories or questionnaires for
quantifying behaviors associated with
sensory processing and modulation, provide
comprehensive evaluations of sensory
processing and integration.
Validity and Reliability
of the Sensory Integration
and Praxis Tests
Validity is the ability to draw meaningful inferences from test scores for an intended purpose,
and it refl ects the extent to which a test measures
the construct(s) it intends to measure. SI functioning is a complex, multidimensional construct
that can be inferred only by behaviors that can
be observed, which makes validity evidence for
the SIPT especially important. The test manual
( Ayres, 2005 ) provides an abundance of research
supporting the tests’ validity, which will be summarized only briefl y here.
The SIPT evolved through decades, and it was
the result of a revision of an earlier, 12-subtest
version of the test battery, titled the Southern
California Sensory Integration Test (SCSIT;
Ayres, 1972 ). Content included in the SIPT was
based on a review of test items by experts in the
fi eld, with consideration of literature supporting
the neurological basis for SI processes, as well
as by data-driven methods, such as factor and
cluster analyses. Whereas factor analyses group
tests together, cluster analyses group individuals
with similar patterns of scores. Factor analyses
conducted from the mid-1960s through 2011
used subsets of the tests as well as the entire
battery (both the SIPT and its earlier version);
results revealed several fairly consistent factors
representing patterns of SI dysfunction. These
patterns have included:
• Somatodyspraxia, a pattern with low
performance on measures of tactile and
proprioceptive functions and low praxis or
motor planning scores ( Ayres, 1969, 1977,
1989 ; Mailloux et al., 2011 )
• Visual form and space pattern with low
scores on visual perceptual, visual-motor, and
visual construction tasks ( Ayres, 1969, 1972,
1977, 1989 ; Mailloux et al., 2011 ; Mulligan,
1998 )
• Sensory modulation defi cits include underand over-responsivity to sensory stimuli and
fl uctuating responses. These responses are
often also seen with challenges regulating
behavior. The challenges are refl ected in
behaviors such as hyperactivity, sensory
craving or seeking, avoidance behaviors,
and distractibility. ( Ayres, 1969, 1972, 1977 ;
Mailloux et al., 2011 )
• Vestibular processing, with postural-ocular
problems, and bilateral integration and
sequencing (BIS) defi cits ( Ayres 1969, 1972,
1977, 1989 ; Mailloux et al., 2011 ; Mulligan,
1998 )
Three studies using factor analysis conducted during the development of the SIPT are
described in detail in the SIPT manual ( Ayres,
1989, 2005 ). One study used a sample of children who were developing typically, one used a
sample of children with learning or sensory integrative dysfunction, and the third study used a
combined sample of children with and without
learning or SI dysfunction. Scores from the children who were developing typically suggested
four factors—somatopraxis, visuopraxis, vestibular processing, and somatosensory processing—
and a kinesthetic-motor factor. When SIPT
scores from a sample of children with learning
and SI disorders were considered, fi ve factors
emerged, including somatopraxis, somatosensory, and visuopraxis, as was seen with the
normative sample. In addition, a pattern of
BIS emerged, along with a pattern of Praxis on
Verbal Command (very low scores on the Praxis
on Verbal Command test with moderately high
scores for Post-Rotary Nystagmus). Mulligan
( 1998 ) conducted factor analyses on a sample of
more than 10,000 children tested with SIPT. She
found similar patterns of SI dysfunction, including BIS defi cits, somatosensory processing problems, visual perception issues, and dyspraxia. In
addition, Mulligan ’ s results showed that the four
patterns of dysfunction were highly correlated,
suggesting an underlying encompassing disorder, perhaps representing sensory integrative
disorder. Most recently, Mailloux and colleagues
( 2011 ) conducted a factor analysis with a clinical sample of 425 children using SIPT scores
212 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
as well as a measure of sensory modulation,
including attention and tactile defensiveness.
The four factors or patterns emerging from this
study were quite consistent with the fi ndings of
previous studies, and they included the following
patterns: Dyspraxia; Vestibular/Proprioceptive
Bilateral Integration and Sequencing; Tactile and
Visual Discrimination; and Tactile Defensiveness
and Inattention. The research studies conducted
on patterns of sensory integrative function and
dysfunction provide solid evidence that SI processes are multidimensional and that the SIPT is
a useful tool for uncovering specifi c patterns of
Another multivariate statistical technique that
has been used to support the construct validity of
the SIPT is cluster analysis. Using a combined
sample of about 300 children with and without
learning and SI defi cits, data from SIPT scores
generated a total of six cluster groupings ( Ayres,
2005 ). Ayres interpreted two of the clusters as
representing normal functioning: High-Average
Sensory Integration and Praxis, and Low-Average
Sensory Integration and Praxis. One cluster
grouping characterized by very low scores on
the Praxis on Verbal Command test, and moderately high scores on Post-Rotary Nystagmus,
was interpreted as representing a problem other
than an SI defi cit (Praxis on Verbal Command).
This pattern was hypothesized by Ayres ( 2005 )
to be associated with defi ciencies with attention, learning, and auditory processing. The
other three cluster groupings were interpreted as
being associated with patterns of SI dysfunction.
Low Average BIS was the most common cluster
grouping, and it was characterized by children
with the lowest scores on tests identifi ed with a
BIS component and with typical scores on the
rest of the SIPT. The Generalized Sensory Integrative Dysfunction cluster included children
with very low scores on almost all 17 tests, and,
fi nally, the Visuo- and Somatodyspraxia cluster
included children with below-average scores primarily on measures of tactile processing, praxis,
and tests of form and space perception. Mulligan
( 2000 ) also conducted a cluster analysis with a
larger data set, and she found similar diagnostic
patterns, including:
• Generalized Sensory Integration and
• Generalized Sensory Integration and
• Dyspraxia
• Average Sensory Integration and Praxis
The research using cluster analyses assists in the
interpretation of SIPT scores of children and the
level of severity of dysfunction when it occurs.
Furthermore, cluster analyses have supported
much of the data obtained by the factor analytic studies regarding subtypes of SI disorder,
the underlying sensory basis of disorders such
as praxis, and relations among facets of sensory
Other forms of validity evidence were also
obtained during the development of SIPT, and
the evidence has been augmented during the
past 25 years ( Mulligan, 2011 ). Ayres demonstrated that the SIPT has discriminate validity
such that children with known disabilities score
more poorly on the SIPT than do children who
are developing typically ( Ayres, 2005 ). Subsequently, studies have shown the kind of SI dysfunction associated with specifi c disabilities or
populations, such as autism ( Ben-Sasson et al.,
2008 ; Roley et al., 2015 ) and attention disorders
( Mulligan, 1996 ; Parush, Sohmer, Steinberg, &
Kaitz, 1997 ). Murray, Cermak, and O’Brien
( 1990 ) found children with learning disabilities
scored signifi cantly lower on four out of six tests
measuring form and space perception as well as
tests of visual construction, also supporting the
idea that there is a relation among visual perception, motor coordination, and praxis functions.
Developmental trends have been shown by the
test such that older children demonstrate more
skilled performance than do younger children,
supporting the idea of SI functioning as a developmental construct.
A limited amount of data regarding criterionrelated validity is available. For example, correlations of SIPT scores with Kaufman-ABC
scores supported the aspects of the SIPT for measuring sequential processes, as the SIPT items
correlated highly with the K-ABC items known
to measure sequential processing ( Ayres, 2005 ).
Cermak and Murray ( 1991 ) found moderately
high correlations between the constructional
praxis tests of the SIPT (Design Copying [DC]
and Constructional Praxis [CPr]) and other tests
known to assess similar aspects of constructional
praxis, the Beery-Buktenica Developmental
CHAPTER 8 Assessment of Sensory Integration Functions Using the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests ■ 213
Tests of Visual Motor Integration, and the Block
Design of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children. Predictive criterion-related validity
was addressed by Parham ( 1998 ) who demonstrated that sensory integrative functioning as
measured by the SIPT was able to predict later
academic achievement in school-aged children.
Evidence of the reliability of the SIPT is presented in the manual ( Ayres, 1989, 2005 ). Stability across trained administrators is very strong,
with correlation coeffi cients of inter-rater reliability ranging from 0.94 to 0.99. The stability
of the SIPT through time is also acceptable, with
especially high test-retest reliability for the tests
of praxis with coeffi cients ranging from 0.70 to
0.93 for a combined sample of children developing typically and children with known learning
or SI problems ( Ayres, 2005 ). Four of the tests
(Kinesthesia, Figure Ground, Localization of
Tactile Stimuli, and Post-Rotary Nystagmus)
demonstrated relatively low stability through
time, with reliability coeffi cients ranging from
0.48 to 0.56.
Analyses of SIPT Scores
with Other Assessment Data
for Completing Comprehensive
Evaluations of Children
The SIPT ’ s contribution to a comprehensive
evaluation of children identifi ed with, or suspected of having, SI disorders is in providing
a standardized, rigorous, objective measure of
many forms of praxis, tactile discrimination, nonmotor visual perception including form and space
perception, aspects of vestibular and proprioceptive functioning, visual-motor skills, and bilateral motor coordination. The combination of the
17 tests of the SIPT has been well-researched so
that they also yield useful information regarding
specifi c patterns of SI dysfunction, most notably
somatopraxis, visuo-praxis, BIS disorder, and
postural-motor disorder, as well as a more generalized sensory integrative disorder. Throughout
this section of the book, it has been emphasized
that comprehensive occupational therapy evaluations of children using an SI approach consider
not only the underlying body function defi cits
that the SIPT is designed to measure but also
the way that defi cits that are discovered impact
a child ’ s ability to perform his or her desired and
required daily occupations.
The evaluation process, therefore, begins by
gathering information about a child ’ s concerns,
occupational and medical history, strengths,
and priorities, and this is usually accomplished
through conducting interviews with the caregiver, teacher, and child. Assessment of the
child ’ s occupational performance in context of
the many roles the child assumes in his or her
daily life (e.g., social partner and player, student,
worker) and during the completion of necessary
self-care tasks, such as eating, bathing, and toileting, should be completed before SIPT administration. Also, occupational performance is often
evaluated through interviews using standardized
evaluations of occupational performance, such
It is important that professionals who use standardized assessment tools in their practice are
aware of ongoing research that is being done on
the tools that they routinely use and how such
research might impact how those professionals
might apply these tools in their practice. For
example, Mailloux and colleagues ( 2011 ) examined the construct validity of the SIPT in their
study titled, “Verifi cation and Clarifi cation of Patterns of Sensory Integration Dysfunction.” In this
study, evaluation data (SIPT scores, along with
two variables related to sensory modulationmeasure of attention, a tactile defensiveness
score) were analyzed using a clinical sample of
273 children. The results supported four main
factors: (1) Dyspraxia; (2) Vestibular/Proprioceptive Bilateral Integration and Sequencing;
(3) Tactile and Visual Discrimination; and
(4) Tactile Defensiveness and Inattention. These
patterns support earlier factor analyses done
by Mulligan ( 1998 ) and Ayres ( 1989 ), which
strengthens our confi dence in the clinical application of these patterns of SI dysfunction. In
addition, for the fi rst time, two SIPT subtests that
were always thought to fi t theoretically within a
pattern of vestibular-proprioceptive processing,
Post-Rotary Nystagmus and Kinesthesia, did load
on the Vestibular/Proprioceptive Bilateral Integration and Sequencing as would be expected.
214 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
as the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills
( Fisher, 2003 ) or the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure ( Law et al., 2005 ). Therapists
also should conduct observations of children in
the context of their daily activities in the home,
during play, or at school. Early in the evaluation
process, therapists begin to hypothesize how
potential SI defi cits might be infl uencing occupational performance, and this theorizing often
results in a strong rationale for further testing
with the SIPT.
In the next phase of the evaluation process,
limitations of the SIPT as a measure of processing and integration of sensory information by
the central nervous system should be considered
so that appropriate additional evaluation activities are included. For instance, assessment of
sensory modulation should be considered as the
SIPT does not include formal measures of modulation. This can be completed through the administration of standardized caregiver questionnaires,
such as the Sensory Profi le-2 ( Dunn, 2014 ) or the
Sensory Processing Measure (SPM)-Home form
( Parham & Ecker, 2007 ). Modulation also can
be examined by doing interviews with relevant
people regarding the children ’ s sensory history
as well as their usual responses to types of
sensory stimuli in the contexts of daily routines
and activities. Common types of sensory modulation disorders that have been identifi ed in the
literature include sensory over-responsivity (e.g.,
tactile and auditory defensiveness, gravitational
insecurity) or under-responsivity, which may be
refl ected in poor sensory registration. Clinical
observations and procedures to evaluate vestibular, proprioceptive, and postural-ocular functions should also be administered, as test items
measuring these aspects of SI and processing on
the SIPT are limited (see Chapter 9 , Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process,
for more information on clinical observations).
Finally, when diagnostic judgments are being
made, consideration of other explanations for
atypical behavior or occupational performance
problems (other than sensory integrative defi cits)
often need to be considered and explored further.
This might include cognitive functioning, emotional and mental health concerns, and orthopedic concerns, as well as any sociocultural or
environmental factors that might be infl uencing
the child ’ s functioning. It is often just as important in an evaluation to rule out the presence of
a sensory integrative disorder as it is to discover
a disorder exists. Finally, depending on the referring concerns, additional assessments might be
warranted to gather more detailed information on
specifi c functions, such as fi ne and gross motor
skills, handwriting performance, or social skills.
Synthesis of Evaluation Data
Once all the necessary evaluation information
has been gathered, the next step in the evaluation process is to organize and synthesize all the
information so that a determination can be made
regarding the nature of any SI problems that are
uncovered as well as how they are impacting the
child ’ s occupational performance. Occupational
therapists engage in a process of clinical reasoning (or, more simply put, therapists’ thinking) to
examine, organize, synthesize, and interpret all
the data that has been collected. An interpretation worksheet was created by the authors of
the Comprehensive Training and Certifi cation
Program in Sensory Integration, Course 3 for this
purpose, and it is presented in Figure 8-1 ( Roley,
2012 ). This worksheet considers data gathered
from the SIPT, as well as other related clinical
observations and data sources.
The top section of the worksheet leads the
therapist to consider basic processing within
sensory systems fi rst. The processing of information by the visual, vestibular, and somatosensory (tactile and proprioceptive) systems
is emphasized, along with the modulation of
sensory information from all sensory domains,
with consideration given to the multiple types of
modulation disorders. Within these sections on
the worksheet, the therapist has an opportunity
to record and analyze scores from the individual tests of the SIPT with relevant observational
or other data refl ecting performance within that
sensory domain or pattern of dysfunction. It is
important to note that the specifi c SIPT tests
included within each section were placed strategically and thoughtfully to represent the relationships among the tests that have been validated
through the many previous studies using factor
and cluster analyses discussed in the previous
section. Moreover, the tests are listed in order of
importance for defi ning a problem in that area, as
determined by the number of studies that identifi ed the relationship as well as the size of factor
loading values derived by the research.
CHAPTER 8 Assessment of Sensory Integration Functions Using the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests ■ 215
FIGURE 8-1 Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT) analysis worksheet. SPM: Sensory Processing Measure;
SP: Sensory Profi le; SVCU: Space Visualization Crossing Midline; PHU: prefered hand use; R/L: right/left;
IQ: intelligence quotient.
The middle section in Figure 8-1 , including
BIS and Praxis, is placed as such, based on the
assumption that these patterns of SI dysfunction
are largely the result of underlying defi cits with
vestibular, proprioceptive, or tactile processing.
During the clinical reasoning process, the therapist considers the contributions of basic sensory
system functioning to problems associated
with BIS or dyspraxia. The potential relations
between problems with BIS and dyspraxia (and
vice versa) are also considered, as well as how
such problems relate to the child ’ s motor and
other skills.
The bottom section of the worksheet suggests
that some problems that appear as though they
are defi cits with sensory processing and integration may instead be linked with a higher level,
cortical problem rather than be the result of a
sensory processing problem. Information may be
obtained that suggests a right or left hemisphere
defi cit, learning or cognitive impairment, or a
neuro-motor defi cit, such as seizures or cerebral
palsy. These potential factors assist in differential diagnoses, and those factors are important
for understanding how such neurological irregularities might co-exist with, affect, or rule out a
defi cit in sensory modulation or processing.
Using the worksheet is effective for applying
the abundance of research on the patterns of SI
dysfunction and for organizing and interpreting
SIPT scores. The child ’ s D-squared index values
for each of the SIPT ’ s six cluster groupings are
also data that can be used to assist in clarifying
whether a child has an SI problem and, if so, the
nature of the dysfunction. When a child is identifi ed as fi tting within a particular cluster grouping, the common characteristics of children from
the matching cluster grouping can be applied to
assist in describing that child ’ s SI defi cits.
The fi nal step in the evaluation process is to
consider how a child ’ s SI problems based on
standardized testing with the SIPT contribute
to the child ’ s challenges with occupational performance and other skill defi cits. Such careful
Score Score Score Score
Score Score Score
Score Score
Haptic Form
and Space
Visual Praxis
Visual Spatial
Bilateral Integration
(e.g., skipping, jump jacks)
Ocular stability
Prone extension
Postural Control
Low performance
High verbal
Poor visual spatial
Significantly lower
left-sided scores
Low frustration toler.
Right Hemisphere
(e.g., play)
PRN (average to high)
Poor sequencing
Possible low scores on:
Praxis on
Verbal Command
Poor body scheme
e.g., finger/nose,
thumb/finger touching,
R/L differences
Poor scores on
directionality, reversals,
inversions, jogs
Sensory Modulation
Sensory responses
SPM results
Touch (LTS)
Body awareness
Balance and motion
SP results
Sensory avoiding
Sensory seeking
Activity level
High performance
Low verbal
Poor sequencing
Left Hemisphere
Irregular Neurological Signs circle if present: hyper- or hypotonia, associated movements, clonus, increased PRN, tremors,
tics, choreoathetosis, hypersensitivity to movement, seizures, other specify…
216 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
thought assists in developing strategies to reduce
the impact of a child ’ s SI dysfunction on his or
her daily life, and it provides direction for the
development of effective intervention for remediating the SI defi cits that are impacting the
child ’ s occupational performance.
• The synthesis of data from multiple sources,
including the SIPT, is a complex process, and
tools such as the interpretation worksheet
provided in this chapter are useful for helping
therapists organize and analyze their evaluation
• It is vital that therapists are aware of the
strengths and weaknesses of the standardized
measures that they are using. Therapists must
administer and interpret scores from those
tools in ways that are consistent with the
research that has been done and with the
authors’ recommendations for how the test is
intended to be used.
Her mother was concerned that Lilly ’ s fi ne
and gross motor skills were below average and
that she had trouble getting along with peers.
Her mother also reported that Lilly had a lot
of anxiety, that she was a very picky eater,
and that she was very sensitive to sensory
stimuli such as loud noises. In order to get a
full picture of Lilly ’ s strengths and needs, the
therapist planned her evaluation as follows:
an unstructured parent interview with Lilly ’ s
mother; completion of the SPM-Home form
by her mother; clinical observations of Lilly ’ s
sensory and motor functions, fi ne and gross
motor skills, and play behaviors; and administration of the SIPT ( Ayres, 2005 ).
Information gathered from the parent interview revealed Lilly is an only child who lives
with her parents in a rural neighborhood. Early
developmental motor milestones were achieved
within the age-appropriate ranges; Lilly walked
by 13 months of age and said her fi rst words
before 14 months. Despite an unremarkable
medical history, Lilly was described by her
mother as an emotionally sensitive child who
frustrates easily and who has trouble following through with simple requests at home. She
actively participates but requires some assistance with most aspects of her self-care, such
as grooming, bathing, and dressing, and there
were very few foods that she would eat. Her
mother reported that activities outside the home
are limited because Lilly becomes overstimulated easily, especially when there is a lot of
noise, or if there are other people around. Her
mother said that she is doing average school
work with reading and math for a child of her
age, although her pencil skills are poor. Lilly
prefers sedentary play such as playing with
dolls, and although she interacts quite well
with adults, she tends to be very withdrawn and
more of an observer when with children her
own age. She does not enjoy playing on playground equipment and cannot pump a swing.
Lilly wants to learn to ride her two-wheeled
bike with training wheels, but, thus far, she had
been too fearful to get on it.
Lilly ’ s scores on the SPM-Home form based
on her mother ’ s ratings of behaviors believed to
refl ect sensory processing abilities are reported
in Table 8-2 .
Lilly ’ s scores on the SPM suggest that
she processes information from her sensory
We are recommending that you use multiple
data sources for your evaluations. However,
sometimes you will be faced with a dilemma
when data that you obtain from two (or more)
different sources about the same function reveal
different results. For example, what should
you do if your clinical observations lead you to
hypothesize that a child ’ s kinesthetic awareness
is poor, but the score on the Kinesthesia test of
the SIPT fell within the average range? To resolve
such dilemmas, use your clinical judgment; consider the standard error of measure of the test
that you administered and how confi dent you
are the child performed the test or the behaviors that were observed to his or her true ability.
Considering these and other contextual factors
and knowledge about how the child typically
performs will help you to resolve confl icting
assessment data when this happens.
Lilly was a 5-year-old girl who was evaluated
by an occupational therapist at a private clinic
specializing in working with children with SI
and processing disorders and their families.
CHAPTER 8 Assessment of Sensory Integration Functions Using the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests ■ 217
systems in many atypical ways. With respect to
her visual system, Lilly is sensitive to light, and
often she lacks awareness of objects or activity in her environment. She focuses adequately
using her vision and discriminates between
objects, such as puzzle pieces, without diffi -
culty. With respect to auditory processing, Lilly
often needs directions to be repeated, and often
it requires more effort than would be typical to
get her attention; however, she is overly sensitive to loud noises. In the tactile area, her mom
reported that she is overly sensitive to touch
during grooming and dressing activities. Her
play is somewhat rigid, and she lacks creativity,
suggesting some motor planning problems. Her
score on the social participation scale indicated
some challenges, noted more with her peers
than when interacting with adults. Overall,
Lilly has a tendency to be overly sensitive to
auditory and tactile sensory input, and she can
become overwhelmed easily in environments
that provide a great deal of sensory stimuli.
Diffi culties with processing proprioceptive and
vestibular sensory information were also noted,
which may be impacting her body awareness,
comfort with movement activities, balance, and
motor coordination.
Observations of gross motor skills indicated
that Lilly moves about her environment without
diffi culty and is able to easily run and walk.
She was able to walk upstairs through alternating her feet without the use of the railing
(although she preferred to hold the railing), and
when descending the stairs, she placed both
feet on each step. She was able to gallop but
not skip, and she was able to jump by clearing both feet from the fl oor at the same time.
Ball play, including consistency with catching
as well as accuracy of tossing and kicking, was
below average. She was nervous when asked
to lie prone over the therapy ball, to sit and
bounce on the therapy ball, and when sitting on
the platform swing even when supported by the
therapist. Lilly ’ s muscle tone was assessed to
be within the average range. Her gross motor
movements were often poorly graded. She was
able to stand on one foot for 5 seconds and hop
on one foot for three consecutive times, but she
had diffi culty coordinating both sides of her
body during attempts to skip and do jumping
jacks. In the fi ne motor area, Lilly was able to
put together Lego ® blocks as well as a simple
12-piece wooden puzzle with pieces that set
into a board. She enjoyed drawing on the white
board, and she was able to hold the marker
using an immature fi nger grasp. She was able
to print her fi rst name but not her last name.
Other observations revealed that Lilly was
friendly and able to warm up easily with an
unfamiliar adult. She tended to give up very
quickly when challenged by a task and often
would refuse politely even to try a task. She
was quick to notice subtle background noises,
and she was uncomfortable with movement that
challenged her balance or when her feet were
raised from the fl oor, such as when sitting on
the platform swing and the therapy ball.
Results from the 17 individual tests of
the SIPT generated the z-scores presented in
Table 8-3 .
Visual form and space perception were
a relative strength for Lilly, although, when
combined with motor demands such as when
copying designs or doing construction tasks,
she experienced diffi culty. Lilly performed
poorly on most tests of praxis, suggesting
dyspraxia resulting from underlying problems
with somatosensory and vestibular processing.
Lilly ’ s pattern of SIPT scores resulted in a
D-squared index value (.58) that likened her
to the visuo-somatodyspraxia cluster grouping. Children such as Lilly who fall within that
cluster grouping tend to present with signifi cant
SI dysfunction in the areas of somatosensory
TABLE 8-2 Lilly ’ s Scores from the Sensory
Processing Measure
67 Some Differences
Visual 71 Dysfunction
Hearing 76 Dysfunction
Touch 74 Dysfunction
74 Dysfunction
Balance and
75 Dysfunction
and Ideas
63 Some Differences
* Higher scores represent more dysfunction.
218 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
TABLE 8-3 SIPT Z-Scores for Lilly
Space Visualization: –0.8 Figure–Ground: –0.2
Manual Form Perception:
Kinesthesia: –1.5
Finger Identifi cation: –0.6 Graphesthesia –0.9
Localization of Tactile Stim.
Praxis on Verbal
Command: –1.4
Design Copying: –1.9 Constructional Praxis:
Postural Praxis: –2.0 Oral Praxis –1.6
Sequencing Praxis: –2.0 Bilateral Motor
Coordination: –0.7
Standing & Walking
Balance: –1.4
Motor Accuracy: –0.3
Post-Rotary Nystagmus: –0.5
friendly, and eager to please. She moves about
her environment adequately, and she has developed many motor, academic, and self-help
skills typical of children her age. She would be
an excellent candidate to receive occupational
therapy using an SI approach.
Lilly would benefi t from intervention to
address the SI defi cits that are impacting her
development of social-emotional skills, play
behaviors, self-help, and motor skills. Intervention recommendations included two 1-hour
occupational therapy sessions for 3 to 4 months
using the Ayres’ Sensory Integration (ASI)
approach, combined with some specifi c skills
training for developing her pencil skills and
ability to ride her bike. Sensory-based activities
were implemented to promote social skills and
motor planning, to reduce tactile hypersensitivities, especially to help expand the repertoire
of what she is willing to eat, and to increase
her comfort level with grooming and dressing
tasks. Intervention also included parent and
child education about sensory integrative disorders along with problem-solving strategies
and solutions to minimize the negative impact
that her sensory differences were having in
the context of her daily life activities at home
and in the community. Intervention strategies
are discussed in more detail in later chapters;
however, some other suggestions to address
her sensory integrative concerns and maximize
her ability to perform her desired occupations
might include the following:
• During tabletop activities, such as puzzles,
looking at books, drawing, or prewriting,
minimize distractions, such as noise,
and provide occasional verbal cues for
encouragement and to help her keep
• Engage in prewriting activities and simple
craft activities and play with construction
toys and dolls (including accessories such
as clothing) to build visual motor skills,
motor planning, and dexterity.
• Play activities that are very physical in
nature, including the use of playground
equipment, ball play, riding a bike, and
running and jumping games, would be
good for Lilly. Presenting Lilly with novel
activities to try, such as jumping rope,
skiing, swimming, or playing tennis, would
and vestibular processing as well as dyspraxia,
with some visual-spatial challenges.
The interpretation worksheet was completed
for Lilly to assist in interpreting and synthesizing all the assessment data that was gathered,
and it is presented in Table 8-4 . As illustrated,
Lilly exhibits more than one area or pattern of
SI dysfunction. Most notably, she has a sensory
modulation disorder, with over-responsivity
being the main subtype, and dyspraxia, a
sensory-based motor disorder that appears to be
related to underlying challenges in processing
somatosensory and vestibular sensory information. It is hypothesized that these sensory
processing disorders are contributing to her
challenges in developing fi ne and gross motor
skills as well as in her ability to demonstrate
age-appropriate social play behaviors. These
defi cits also impact her comfort level and ability
to perform in typical, day-to-day situations that
inherently involve a great deal of sensory input
such as going to the mall or playground, as
well as completing many self-care tasks. Situations that require her to be fl exible or adapt
to change, learn new skills or problem-solve
to meet the demands of novel situations when
playing with peers, or complete a self-care task
such as taking a shower are also challenging.
It is important to acknowledge that Lilly
has many strengths. As noted previously, when
interacting with adults, she is comfortable,
CHAPTER 8 Assessment of Sensory Integration Functions Using the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests ■ 219
TABLE 8-4 Lilly ’ s Completed Interpretation Worksheet
Visual Score Vestibular Score Somatosensory Score
Modulation Score
Visual Spatial
*Visual Praxis
Haptic Form
and Space
MFP part 1
Able to do
prints fi rst
** Postural
Ocular stability
** Proprioception
Poor body
(e.g., fi nger/
nose) Thumb/
fi nger
* Tactile
Over (tactile,
SPM results
Touch (LTS)
Balance and
SP results
Activity Level
Low frustration
mild anxiety
High at
* Bilateral
Integration Score ** Praxis Score
MFP part 2
Observations: play,
rigid, sedentary
Hemisphere Data Laterality Data
Praxis on
Verbal Demand Data
Hemisphere Data
High verbal IQ
Poor visual
Lower left-sided
n/a SVCU
R/L differences
Poor scores on
inversions, jogs
n/a PrVC (LOW)
PRN (average to
Poor sequencing
Possible low scores
on: OPr, SPr,
n/a High performance
Low verbal IQ
Poor sequencing
Irregular Neurological Signs Circle if present: Hyper- or hypotonia, associated movements, clonus, increased PRN,
tremors, tics, choreoathetosis, hypersensitivity to movement, seizures, other (specify . . . ).
*means important to your clinical reasoning
**means very important to your clinical reasoning
n/a: not assessed
220 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
also be helpful, provided the activities
are enjoyable. However, it is important
to acknowledge that Lilly may need
more time than other children her age
to feel comfortable and learn new skills.
Exercising patience and providing lots of
opportunity for repetition and practice will
assist with the pace of her learning.
• Heavy work activities that provide
Lilly ’ s body with proprioceptive sensory
information would assist in developing
body awareness and increase Lilly ’ s level
of comfort with movement and motor
planning skills. Tug of war, pulling and
pushing heavy objects, pedaling a bike,
and bouncing on a trampoline are examples
of heavy work activities. Imitation games,
such as Simon Says and Follow the Leader,
and setting up or going through obstacle
courses are also good ways to work on
motor planning skills.
• As an only child who is home-schooled,
Lilly needs to be provided with
opportunities to play with other children,
and interacting with small groups of
children (two or three others) would be
ideal. Providing her with some parent or
adult support should be considered to assist
her in following the play of others and
to help her successfully engage and feel
comfortable in cooperative, social play
Summary and Conclusions
This chapter discussed the use of the SIPT when
conducting comprehensive evaluations of children using a sensory integrative approach. The
chapter presented an overview of the test, its
purpose, and its psychometric properties. Also
presented was the interpretation of SIPT scores
in combination with other sources of evaluation data for making clinical decisions regarding
diagnosis and for guiding intervention. A case
study illustrated how the principles presented
throughout the chapter can be applied in practice.
Where Can I Find More?
Training in SI evaluation techniques is available
from several sources:
• University of Southern California: http://
• STAR Institute, Denver, CO: https://www
• The Spiral Foundation:
• The Collaborative for Leadership in Ayres
Sensory Integration (CLASI): https://www
• Thomas Jefferson University, Advanced Certifi cate in Sensory Integration: http://www
Ayres , A. J. ( 1969 ). Defi cits in sensory integration
in educationally handicapped children. Journal of
Learning Disabilities, 2 ( 3 ), 44 – 52 .
Ayres , A. J. ( 1972 ). Types of sensory integrative
dysfunction among disabled learners. American
Journal of Occupational Therapy, 26 ( 1 ), 13 – 18 .
Ayres , A. J. ( 1977 ). Cluster analyses of measures
of sensory integration. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 31 ( 6 ), 362 – 366 .
Ayres , A. J. ( 1989 ). Sensory Integration and
Praxis Tests manual . Los Angeles, CA : Western
Psychological Services.
Ayres , A. J. ( 2005 ). Sensory Integration and Praxis
Tests revised manual . Los Angeles, CA : Western
Psychological Services.
Ben-Sasson , A. , Hen , L. , Fluss , R. , Cermak , S. A. ,
Engel-Yeger , B. , & Gal , Y. ( 2008 ). A metaanalysis of sensory modulation symptoms in
individuals with autism spectrum disorders.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,
39, 1 – 11 .
Cermak , S. A. , & Murray , E. A. ( 1991 ). The validity
of the constructional subtests of the Sensory
Integration and Praxis Tests . American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 45, 539 – 543 .
Davies , P. L. , & Tucker , R. ( 2010 ). Evidence review
to investigate the support for subtypes of children
with diffi culty processing and integrating sensory
information. American Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 64, 391 – 402 .
Dunn , W. ( 2014 ). Sensory Profi le 2 . San Antonio,
TX : Pearson, PsychCorp .
Fisher , A. ( 2003 ). Assessment of Motor and Process
Skills, Vol. 2, User manual ( 7th ed. ). Fort Collins,
CO : Three Star Press .
Law , M. , Baptist , S. , Carswell , S. , McColl , A. ,
Polatajko , H. , & Pollock , N. ( 2005 ). Canadian
Occupational Performance Measure ( 4th ed. ).
Toronto : CAOT Publications, Canadian
Occupational Therapy Association.
Mailloux , Z. , Mulligan , S. , Smith Roley , S. , Blanche ,
E. , Cermak , S. , Coleman , G. , … Lane , C.J. ( 2011 ).
CHAPTER 8 Assessment of Sensory Integration Functions Using the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests ■ 221
Verifi cation and clarifi cation of patterns of sensory
integrative dysfunction. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 65 ( 2 ), 143 – 151 .
Mulligan , S. ( 1996 ). An analysis of score patterns of
children with attention disorders on the Sensory
Integration and Praxis Tests . American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 50 ( 8 ), 647 – 654 .
Mulligan , S. ( 1998 ). Patterns of sensory integration
dysfunction: A confi rmatory factor analysis .
American Journal of Occupational Therapy,
52 ( 10 ), 819 – 828 .
Mulligan , S. ( 2000 ). Cluster analysis of scores of
children on the Sensory Integration and Praxis
Tests . Occupational Therapy Journal of Research,
20 ( 4 ), 256 – 270 .
Mulligan , S. ( 2011 ). Validity of the Postrotary
Nystagmus Test as a measure of vestibular
function. OTJR: Occupation Participation and
Health, 31 ( 2 ), 97 – 104 .
Murray , E. A. , Cermak , S. A. , & O’Brien , V.
( 1990 ). The relationship between form and space
perception, constructional abilities, and clumsiness
in children. American Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 44, 623 – 628 .
Parham , L. D. ( 1998 ). The relationship of sensory
integrative development to achievement in
elementary students: Four-year longitudinal
patterns. Occupational Therapy Journal of
Research, 18, 105 – 127 .
Parham , L. D. , & Ecker , C. L. ( 2007 ). Sensory
Processing Measure (SPM) Home Form . Los
Angeles, CA : Western Psychological Services .
Parush , S. , Sohmer , H. , Steinberg , A. , & Kaitz , M.
( 1997 ). Somatosensory functioning in children
with attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder .
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology,
39, 464 – 468 .
Roley , S. ( 2012 ). Comprehensive Sensory
Integration Certifi cation Program, Course 3 From
Interpretation to Intervention, notebook, Western
Psychological Services and University of Southern
California, Torrance, CA .
Roley , S. S. , Mailloux , Z. , Parham , D. , Schaaf , R. C. ,
Lane , S. , & Cermak , S. ( 2015 ). Sensory
integration and praxis patterns in children with
autism . American Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 69, 69011220010 . doi:10.50141ajot
Using Clinical Observations
within the Evaluation Process
Erna Imperatore Blanche , PhD, FAOTA, OTR/L ■ Gustavo Reinoso , PhD, OTR/L ■
Dominique Blanche Kiefer , OTD, OTR/L
Chapter 9
If you make listening and observation your occupation
you will gain much more than you can by talk.
—Robert Baden-Powell
Upon completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to:
✔ Explain the link between sensory integration (SI)
theory and the skills evaluated through clinical
✔ Describe the role of clinical observations in
the evaluation process for detecting sensory
processing and praxis diffi culties in children.
✔ Compare different methods for gathering
information through observation.
✔ Describe and interpret specifi c clinical
observations for assessing postural tone and
control, motor planning and sequencing,
bilateral coordination, and reaction to gravity.
Purpose and Scope
A comprehensive evaluation process includes
observations of a child ’ s preferred occupations
and the skills required to perform them. These
observations are referred to as skilled observations and may be structured or unstructured.
Clinical observations is a term widely used to
refer to the relatively standard set of structured
observations that complement standardized
assessment of sensory integrative functioning,
often done using the Sensory Integration and
Praxis Tests (SIPT; Ayres, 1989 ). The purpose is
to assist in determining factors that interfere with
a child ’ s participation in daily activities and interactions in the environment. Structured clinical
observations are therapist-directed and involve
specifi c tasks that provide information about
posture and motor planning. Most of the structured, formal clinical observations used in comprehensive sensory integration (SI) evaluations
were fi rst identifi ed by Ayres ( 1972 ; Blanche,
2002, 2010 ; Bundy & Fisher, 1981 ) and are,
therefore, sometimes referred to as Ayres Clinical
In addition to structured clinical observations,
therapists generally include unstructured, or
informal, observations in assessment. Unstructured observation is a term used in two different
ways: (1) in the context of clinical observations
to capture the qualitative aspects of motor performance and more elusive functions, such as
sensory modulation and regulation, and (2) while
a child is freely interacting in a natural environment. Unstructured observations of the second
type are particularly important with young children, children who do not follow instructions
well, or those who experience diffi culty following the protocols necessary when administering
standardized assessments.
In this chapter, we describe and illustrate structured clinical observations and the unstructured,
CHAPTER 9 Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process ■ 223
qualitative observations that therapists make,
focusing on postural-ocular control and praxis.
The importance of clinical observations in
the evaluation of SI and praxis lies in the link
between the skill being tested and its relationship
to SI theory. All the observations refl ect a tie—
either theoretical or drawn from basic science
( Agrup, 2008 ; Braswell & Rine, 2006 ; Cohen &
Keshner, 1989 )—between central nervous system
(CNS) functioning and behavior.
Each clinical observation meets a particular purpose. For example, the vestibular system
contributes to antigravity extension ( Keshner
& Cohen, 1989 ; Markham, 1987 ). In SI theory,
testing antigravity extensor muscle tone is thought
to provide insight into vestibular processing.
Antigravity extension is tested with the child
in the prone position, extending the head, neck,
upper trunk, and limbs against gravity ( Blanche,
2002, 2010 ; Bundy & Fisher, 1981 ; Fanchiang,
1989 ; Longo-Kimber, 1984 ; Wilson, Pollock,
Kaplan, & Law, 2000 ; Wilson, Pollock, Kaplan,
Law, & Faris, 1992 ). This chapter describes
several useful observations—both structured and
unstructured—that therapists can do as part of
the evaluation. We link each observation in the
interpretation of performance to a function of
SI. We illustrate those relationships using the
model shown in Figure 9-1 . We also cite existing
research supporting administration procedures.
Readers will fi nd a useful summary of structured
and unstructured clinical observations of postural
control and praxis in Table 9-1 .
While we focus on standardized clinical
observations for assessing postural-ocular control
and motor planning, a thorough evaluation of SI
also includes informal observation of a child ’ s
responses to tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular input. For example, an examiner can identify
tactile defensiveness, a diffi culty with sensory
modulation, by watching a child ’ s response to
incidental touch. Such observations often can be
conducted in the context of typical play activities or during other activities of daily living
(ADLs). Most data from clinical observations
are drawn from two types of sources. First, there
are protocols that are commercially available,
such as the Clinical Observations of Motor and
Postural Skills (COMPS; Wilson et al., 1992;
2000 ), which include normative data. Others
have described specifi c methods for administration, through video, and support interpretation
FIGURE 9-1 Relationship of clinical observations to sensory integration theory.
Indicators of poor
sensory modulation
Inadequate CNS
integration and
processing of
Indicators of poor sensory integration
and praxis
Sensory reactivity
Sensory perception
Poor postural-ocular
Poor sensory
• Prone extension
• Balance, eyes
• Dynamic reach
• Jumping jacks
• Stride jumps
• Ball play
• Diadochokinesia
• Sequential finger-
thumb touching
• Skipping
• Schilder’s Arm
Extension Test
• VBIS observations
• Supine flexion
• Motor imitation
during supine
• Prone extension
• Postural reactions
• Extensor tone
• Head and neck in
• Supine flexion
• Dynamic reach (kneel)
• Ramp movements
• Ball play
• Jumping jacks/stride
• Movement into
backward space
• Jumping from a chair
• Touch applied to back
of neck
• Response to touch
during administration of
postural tests
Poor registration
Same as above
Same as above
Aversive and defensive
reactions Visual
224 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
TABLE 9-1 Structured and Unstructured Clinical Observations for Assessing Postural Control
and Motor Planning
I. Axial Postural Control Impacted by Sensory Processing
Structured Observations
Prone extension
Child assumes a whole
body extended posture as
indicated and demonstrated
by the examiner.
Diffi culties relate to
decreased aspects of
vestibular proprioceptive
processing and its effect on
extensor tone
Unstructured Observations
a. Swinging in prone
Child is observed during
free play on equipment that
supports swinging in a prone
position (e.g., frog swing).
Same as above
b. Standing postureChild ’ s upper trunk position. Rounded upper back and
decreased scapula adduction
may be related to decreased
antigravity extension
Structured Observation
Supine fl exion
Child assumes a whole body
fl exed posture as indicated
and demonstrated by the
Somatosensory processing
and its relationship to praxis
diffi culties
Unstructured Observation
a. Holding on a trapeze while
lifting lower extremities
Child is observed during
free play (e.g., playground
b. Standing posture Poor abdominal activation
observed during quiet
c. Raising from the fl oor
(supine position)
Child ’ s overall control and
abdominal activation is
observed and noted.
Control in
Structured Observations
Standing under different
Ability to assume and
maintain standing postures
with feet together, heel-totoe, or standing on one foot
with eyes open and eyes
closed, and using fi rm and
soft surfaces.
Visual, vestibular, and
somatosensory contributions
to postural control abilities
Unstructured Observations
Play and games in which the
child needs to navigate different
surfaces and terrains (sand,
Ability to stabilize his/
her body to perform
and participate in play in
comparison with children of
the same age and gender.
Control in
High Kneeling
Structured Observations
Reaching for an object while on
a high kneeling position
Ability to utilize anticipatory
postural control during a
weight-shifting task.
Anticipatory postural control
CHAPTER 9 Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process ■ 225
II. Motor Planning
Structured Observations
Slow ramp movements
Child is observed performing
slow movements. His/her
ability to control speed and
quality are noted.
Contribution of
proprioceptive processing
to slow and controlled
Unstructured Observations
a. Paper-and-pencil tasks or
other tasks requiring the
use of tools (eraser, pencil
sharpener, folding papers)
The child ’ s ability to stabilize,
dissociate, and grade
speed and pressure of fi ne
movements is observed and
b. Child ’ s ability to organize
himself/herself to
imitate the positions
demonstrated by the
Note performance during
all structured clinical
Imitation skills and their
relationship to praxis
c. Play situations or games,
such as Simon Says, or
at school when a child
is expected to imitate or
copy the actions of others.
Overall performance in
comparison with other
children of the same age
and gender
Naturalistic observation.
or Projected
Actions in
Time and
Structured Observations
Ball play:
Child ’ s ability to anticipate the
movement and trajectory of
Child ’ s ability to orient his/
her body and position
himself/herself in preparation
for catching, hitting, or
making contact.
Feedforward or projected
actions in time and space
Sequencing Structured Observations
a. Alternating forearm
b. Sequential fi nger touching
Smoothness, fl uidity, and
isolation of discrete and
rhythmic movements.
Presence or absence of
associated movements.
Movement planning and
execution that relates to
adequate sensory processing
Bilateral Motor
Structured Observations
a. Skipping
b. Series of jumps
Use of bilateral strategy and
fl uidity of movements.
Continuous movements vs.
interruptions in between
Ability to motor plan
movements and bilateral
motor coordination
Additional Observations of Sensory Processing
Modifi ed
Schilder ’ s Arm
Extension Test
Ability to maintain arms outstretched as demonstrated and indicated by the
Ability to dissociate movements of the trunk and upper extremity during
head rotations.
Child ’ s comfort during different tasks that challenge his or her relationship
to gravity.
Reaction to a
variety of sensory
TABLE 9-1 Structured and Unstructured Clinical Observations for Assessing Postural Control
and Motor Planning—cont’d
226 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
through case analysis, such as Observations
Based on Sensory Integration Theory ( Blanche,
2002, 2010 ). Second, there are some published
research reports that describe a particular observation or group of observations. For example, the
prone extension posture has been examined in
children with and without reported motor diffi -
culties ( Fanchiang, 1989 ; Longo-Kimber, 1984 ).
Assessment and Interpretation
Children with SI dysfunction often have diffi culty with postural-ocular control. Several
authors ( Blanche, 2002, 2010 ; Bundy, 2002 ;
Longo-Kimber, 1984 ; Wilson et al., 1992, 2000 )
have suggested assessment procedures. In this
section, we outline clinical observations of
(1) prone extension; (2) fl exion against gravity
(i.e., supine fl exion); (3) postural control in
standing with eyes open and closed, on one foot,
and on soft vs. fi rm surfaces; and (4) dynamic
reach in high kneeling.
• All assessments (including standardized
testing) should include data from observations
(structured and unstructured).
• There are specifi c procedures or protocols
used to administer several of the structured
clinical observations used during SI evaluations.
It is vital that interpretation of performance
and analysis of data be based on information
obtained from the specifi c protocol utilized.
• Information collected through the
administration of clinical observations can be
easily grouped using three categories: postural
control [infl uenced by sensory processing],
motor planning, and sensory processing.
Postural-Ocular Control
Postural-ocular control is defi ned as those
functions necessary to maintain proximal stability, postural orientation, and a stable visual
fi eld. Proximal stability comprises generalized muscle tone and alterations to tone that
allow postural reactions in response to the pull
of gravity and maintenance of body alignment.
Postural orientation refers to an appropriate
relationship among body segments, the task, and
the environment ( Shumway-Cook & Woollacott,
2012 ). It involves our ability to orient body segments to each other and a task. A stable visual
fi eld means that while moving the head, the
visual fi eld remains still. In this section, we focus
on the maintenance of postures.
Postural-ocular control is infl uenced by
anticipatory (feedforward) mechanisms and by
adaptive (feedback) mechanisms. Anticipatory mechanisms refer to activation of postural
muscles in preparation for skilled action. Adaptive mechanisms occur when body position is
perturbed, necessitating a response to maintain
the position ( Shumway-Cook & Woollacott,
2012 ). Evaluating postural control involves the
ability to maintain stable positions (quiet stance)
as well as the ability to make adaptive postural
adjustments during movement.
Prone Extension
Processing of vestibular and proprioceptive sensations is closely linked with the ability to assume
and maintain prone extension ( Ayres, 1972 ;
Quirós & Schrager, 1978 ). During this structured
observation, the examiner observes quantitative
and qualitative behaviors related to assuming and
maintaining the posture. The examiner demonstrates ( Fig. 9-2 ) and then instructs the child to
assume and maintain the position for as long as
possible. The therapist notes both quantitative
information (the number of seconds the child can
maintain the position) and qualitative information (how easily the child assumes and maintains
the position). Asking a child to copy the position
introduces an element of motor planning.
Length of time children are expected to
maintain the position differs according to the
source. Longo-Kimber ( 1984 ) indicated that the
FIGURE 9-2 Examiner demonstrating the prone
extension position. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
CHAPTER 9 Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process ■ 227
mean length of time that 5-year-olds can maintain prone extension is 63.2 seconds (males)
and 48.3 seconds (females), although variability
was very high, with a standard deviation ( SD )
of 30.7. Dunn ( 1981 ) reported shorter durations
for both girls and boys (15 to 20 seconds). Some
differences may have been because of sampling
More recently, data collected on 90 Caucasian
middle-class children between 5 years of age and
7 years, 11 months of age from a metropolitan
city in Chile revealed that 5-year-olds maintained prone extension with adequate quality
for a mean of 16 seconds ( SD = 10) ( Blanche,
Reinoso, & Kiefer, 2015 ; Imperatore Blanche,
Reinoso, Blanche-Kiefer, & Barros, 2016 ).
On the best of two attempts, 6-year-olds maintained the position for 20 seconds ( SD = 11), and
7-year-olds for 21 seconds ( SD = 11). These data
support previous studies ( Harris, 1981 ; Wilson
et al., 2000 ) in which children 6 years of age and
older were able to assume and maintain prone
extension without excessive effort.
Qualitative observations of testing provide
information about motor planning, muscle tone,
and postural control. Qualitative observations
include the ability to:
• Assume the position nonsegmentally (lifting
arms and legs up simultaneously)
• Hold the head steady and within 45 degrees
of vertical
• Lift the upper chest and shoulders off the
supporting surface
• Raise the distal one-third of both thighs off
the fl oor
• Maintain the knees in less than 45 degrees
of fl exion
• Assume and maintain without excessive
effort ( Blanche et al., 2015 ; Harris, 1981 ;
Imperatore Blanche et al., 2016 ; Wilson
et al., 2000 )
Researchers ( Blanche et al., 2015 ; Harris,
1981 ; Longo-Kimber, 1984 ; Wilson et al., 1992,
2000 ) have shown that both quality of assumption and time maintained differ signifi cantly
between typical children and children with
known diffi culties. Figures 9-3 and 9-4 demonstrate the desired posture and a common incorrect posture, respectively.
Extension against gravity also can be observed
informally during free play or when the child
FIGURE 9-3 Child assuming a correct position of
prone extension. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-4 Child assuming an incorrect position of
prone extension. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
utilizes equipment in the clinic, for example,
while lying prone on a scooter board or platform
swing. Movement provides vestibular input,
which should increase extensor tone and help
the child assume antigravity extension. Extensor
tone can be observed in standing or sitting at a
table. In this situation, a rounded upper back,
leaning on the whole forearm, laying the head on
the table, or excessive scapular abduction may
indicate decreased extensor tone and consequent
proximal stability.
Flexion Against Gravity
The ability to assume and maintain fl exion
against gravity is critical to postural control and
has been linked to somatosensory processing
and praxis ( Dunn, 1981 ; Wilson et al., 1992,
2000 ). Supine fl exion includes crossing arms
(hands to opposite shoulder) and simultaneous
lifting of the upper extremity, head, and legs (see
Fig. 9-5 ). The examiner demonstrates (or gives
verbal instruction), and then the child assumes
and maintains the position for as long as possible.
228 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
Researchers have reported substantial variability in typical samples, even within a single
age group. Fraser ( 1983 ) reported that children from 5 years, 5 months of age to 5 years,
9 months of age held supine fl exion for a mean
of 39 seconds ( SD = 32.77; range = 0–120;
median = 34), whereas Dunn ( 1981 ) found that
5-year-olds maintained for 11 to 20 seconds.
More recent data indicate that on the best
of two attempts, 5-year-olds maintained supine
fl exion for a mean of 24 seconds ( SD = 20),
6-year-olds for 33 seconds ( SD = 20), and
7-year-olds for 44 seconds ( SD = 18; Imperatore Blanche et al., 2016 ). Preliminary studies
of inter-rater reliability using four raters scoring
four children by video indicated acceptable
agreement on both quantitative and qualitative
parameters ( Blanche et al., 2015 ). Even considering the substantial variability across sources and
given the mean of 24 ± 20 seconds, 5-year-olds
can be expected to assume and maintain supine
fl exion for a minimum of 4 seconds.
Qualitative observations include the ability to:
• Lift upper and lower extremities
• Maintain head in midline with the chin
• Keep shoulders and arms off the supporting
• Maintain ankles and knees in fl exion
• Keep hands relatively relaxed (i.e., not
holding self tightly)
• Maintain without effort
Figure 9-6 demonstrates a child assuming and
maintaining the correct position, whereas the
children in Figures 9-7 and 9-8 demonstrate
diffi culty with supine fl exion and an inability
to assume the position. Antigravity fl exion also
can be observed during play when the child is
hanging from a trapeze and attempts to bring the
FIGURE 9-5 Examiner demonstrating the supine
fl exion position. Copyright Dominique Kiefer. FIGURE 9-6 Child assumes and maintains supine
fl exion correctly. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-7 Child assuming supine fl exion incorrectly.
Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-8 Child showing signifi cant diffi culty
assuming supine fl exion. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
CHAPTER 9 Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process ■ 229
legs up against gravity, or in standing by observing abdominal control. In most children, an anterior pelvic tilt is absent.
Postural Control in Standing
Observing postural reactions while standing with
eyes open and closed provides information about
balance defi cits ( Richardson, Atwater, Crowe, &
Deitz, 1992 ) and the contributions of the vestibular, proprioceptive, and visual systems. Structured observations include standing on one and
both feet, fi rm and soft surfaces, and with eyes
open and closed. According to Deitz, Richardson, Atwater, and Crowe ( 1991 ), in the Sensory
Interaction for Balance Test, the specifi c contribution of each sensory system can be isolated.
For example, if a child maintains a standing
position on a soft surface with eyes open but
falls when standing with eyes closed, the examiner can assume that the child ’ s vestibular system
is under-reactive. On the other hand, if having
the eyes open or closed makes no difference on
maintaining a standing position, the examiner
can assume that the child ’ s balance diffi culties
are of a neuromotor nature. The contributions of
the varying systems are presented in Table 9-2 .
When using structured observations, the
examiner demonstrates and then encourages the
child to maintain the position as long as possible. Also, the examiner should note if the child
requires physical assistance. Recent data indicate increasing ability with age. Five-year-olds
( N = 90) maintained standing with feet together
and eyes open on a fi rm surface for a mean of
23 seconds ( SD = 2) whereas 6- and 7-year-olds
maintained for a mean of 25 seconds ( SD = 1).
Inter-rater reliability was good (K = .62), and
for the total score, based on intraclass correlation, was very strong (ICC = .91) ( Blanche et al.,
2015 ).
Unstructured observations of the ability to
assume and maintain a standing position under
various conditions provide information about
proximal joint stability, muscle tone, and postural strategies. The following can be observed:
• Ankle strategies to maintain equilibrium.
Ankle strategies are reactions that are
observed in the feet in response to weight
shifting when balance is challenged
( Runge, Shupert, Horak, & Zajac, 1999 ).
Proprioceptive processing is pivotal to these
• Alignment of knees and hips, which depends
on proximal joint stability.
Figures 9-9 and 9-10 illustrate adequate alignment on fi rm and soft surfaces. Figure 9-11
TABLE 9-2 Sensory Contribution to Postural
Control while Standing on a Firm and Soft
Surface with Eyes Open and Closed
Visual X X
Vestibular X X X X
and tactile)
X X FIGURE 9-9 Child displaying adequate postural
control on a fi rm surface with eyes open. Observe
adequate alignment. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
230 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
FIGURE 9-10 Child displaying adequate postural
control on a soft surface with eyes open. Observe
adequate alignment. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-11 Child displaying inadequate postural
control and alignment when standing on one foot
on a soft surface with eyes open. Observe his use of
compensatory strategies, such as his left foot pressing
against his right leg, hyperextension of the distal
joints of his hands, and hiking of the left shoulder in
an attempt to stabilize. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
shows a child who is unable to maintain equilibrium on a soft surface.
Observe the individual ’ s use of compensatory
strategies such as the left foot pressing against
the right leg, hyperextension of distal joints of
the hands, and hiking of the left shoulder in an
attempt to stabilize.
Dynamic Reach in Standing
and High Kneeling
Observations of dynamic reach are based on The
Pediatric Functional Reach Test. This test was
originally described by Duncan and colleagues
( 1990 ) and then adapted for a pediatric population
( Donahoe, Turner, & Worrell, 1994 ). Donahoe
and colleagues ( 1994 ) defi ned functional reach
as the maximal greatest distance of reach,
beyond arms’ length, while remaining standing
over a base of support. Donahoe and colleagues
reported that 5-year-olds reached forward a mean
distance of 15.5 cm ( SD = 4.4). Similar tests were
reported by Fisher ( 1991 ) for measuring balance
while standing on a stable surface or tilt board
and reaching. Imperatore Blanche and colleagues
( 2016 ) adapted this test for high kneeling with a
sample of children between 5 years of age and
7 years, 11 months of age. Recent data indicate
that children without reported diffi culties reached
15 to 20 cm diagonally without diffi culty and that
the observation could be scored reliably among
independent raters ( Imperatore Blanche et al.,
2016 ). Figure 9-12 shows an occupational therapist assessing dynamic reach in a high kneeling
position. Note that this child has reached so far
forward that she needs to compensate by moving
her head backward.
CHAPTER 9 Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process ■ 231
FIGURE 9-12 Child using postural control skills
during a high kneeling reach task. Copyright
Dominique Kiefer.
• Postural-ocular control is reliant on proximal
(trunk) stability, knowledge of the relationship
between body segments, and a stable visual
fi eld.
• Prone extension and supine fl exion can be
assessed to support an understanding of
postural control.
• Balance can be examined through observation
of postural reactions using soft and fi rm
surfaces and by looking at balance on both
feet and each separately. The role of vision
in balance reactions can be determined by
considering the child ’ s ability to balance with
his or her eyes open and closed.
• Dynamic reach offers another way to examine
active postural-ocular control.
Motor Planning
Assessment of motor planning is another major
area in which structured clinical observations
can be helpful. These observations include tasks
that are relatively feedback- and feedforwarddependent as well as those that involve sequencing and bilateral motor coordination. Examples
of clinical observations targeting feedbackdependent movements include slow ramp movements and informal observations of motor
Kooistra and colleagues ( 2009 ) examined children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
and children with attention defi cit-hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) to determine if different motor
profi les could be established to refl ect the two
diagnostic groups and typical children. They
included 116 children, 7 to 10 years of age, in
this study, and the researchers assessed them
using, among other tools, the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC; Henderson &
Sugden, 2007 ), COMPS ( Wilson et al., 2000 ),
and clinical measures of balance. Included on
the COMPS are the following observations: slow
(ramp) movements, rapid forearm rotation (dysdiadochokinesis), fi nger–nose touching, prone
extension posture, asymmetrical tonic neck
refl ex, and supine fl exion. Although the M-ABC
failed to distinguish between groups, performance on the COMPS differed among groups.
Children with ADHD performed less well than
the children in the typical comparison group,
and those children had motor and postural defi -
cits that were within the clinical range. The performance of children with FASD was more likely
to be typical on these basic motor functions.
Both diagnostic groups showed balance defi cits,
which suggests that basic motor performance
skills may help differentiate between these diagnostic groups; children with ADHD showed diffi culty with both complex and basic motor skills,
whereas children with FASD showed defi cits primarily in complex skills.
Summarized from Kooistra, L., Ramage, B., Crawford, S., Cantell,
M., Wormsbecker, S., Gibbard, B., & Kaplan, B.J. (2009). Can
attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder and fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder be differentiated by motor and balance defi cits? Human
Movement Science, 28(4), 529–542.
imitation. Feedforward-dependent tasks include
ball play or anticipating an interaction with a
moving object. Sequenced actions include alternating forearm movements (diadochokinesis)
and sequential thumb-to-fi nger touching. Bilateral coordination is assessed during jumping
jacks, skipping, and stride jumps.
Feedback-Dependent Tasks
Feedback-dependent tasks involve ongoing
modifi cation because of sensory feedback
( Seidler, Noll, & Thiers, 2004 ). Feedback control
is inherently slow because of the high degree
of accuracy and the need for error correction
232 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
( Seidler et al., 2004 ). Therefore, only some movements can be performed using feedback-control.
Clinical observations of feedback-dependent
movements include slow ramp movements and
imitation of body positions demonstrated by the
examiner. When observing a child imitating a
position, the clinician should attend to the strategies the child uses and to the nature of any errors.
Slow Ramp Movements
Slow ramp movement tests involve mirroring
the smooth, fl uid, slow movements of the examiner. The examiner begins with shoulders and
arms abducted, elbows extended, forearms supinated, wrists in a neutral position, and fi ngers
extended. The examiner then moves his or her
hands to the shoulders and returns to the starting
position using controlled, smooth, fl uid motions.
Movement in each direction should take about
5 seconds or 10 seconds total ( Fig. 9-13 ). The
child faces the examiner and copies the examiner ’ s movements at exactly the same speed. The
examiner observes:
• Speed of movement (i.e., Does the child
complete the movements at the same time?
Within 2 to 3 seconds? More than 3 seconds
• Symmetry of movements (right and left)
• Fluidity of movements
• Ability to perform movements without visual
Recent data indicate that children between
5 and 7 years of age are able to perform this task
with ease, matching the speed of the examiner ’ s
movements within a mean of 1.5 seconds ( Imperatore Blanche et al., 2016 ). Dunn ( 1981 ) reported
similar results in 5-year-olds. The ability to
imitate following a visual presentation or demonstration without verbal directions is easier than
performing following verbal commands ( Zoia,
Pelamatti, Cuttini, Casotto, & Scabar, 2002 ).
Figures 9-14 and 9-15 show examples of poor
performance of this task, where children were
unable to move their arms simultaneously and
unable to match the speed of movement with the
FIGURE 9-13 Slow ramp movements. Note the
symmetry and simultaneous performance. Copyright
Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-14 Failure to move simultaneously.
Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-15 Failure to move simultaneously.
Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
CHAPTER 9 Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process ■ 233
Motor Imitation: Copying Postures
Imitation of Postures is one of the standardized tests of praxis included in the SIPT ( Ayres,
1989 ). Imitation also can be observed when a
child copies an examiner assuming prone extension or supine fl exion postures. Both the strategies used by the child and the outcome of a
child ’ s attempts can be noted. Children with
motor planning diffi culties may verbally direct
their movements or assume the position segmentally or incorrectly.
Feedforward-Dependent Actions, Including
Projected Actions Sequences
Fisher ( 1991 ) related the ability to perform anticipatory movements that depend on feedforward
control to vestibular and proprioceptive processing. Feedforward-control (i.e., the ability to
initiate an action before feedback is available)
is required when either a child is moving or the
target that the child is acting on is moving, or
both ( Fig. 9-16 ). Feedforward control is particularly important in actions where timing and
sequencing of movements are crucial. Successful completion of feedforward-dependent tasks
involves sequences of actions that enable one to
get the whole body or the hands or feet to the
place where the action is to occur at the time
when the action needs to occur. If a child waits
too long to move his hands toward an oncoming
ball, the child will fail to catch the ball. Observing feedforward-dependent actions, which by
defi nition require timing and sequencing, is an
integral component of an evaluation of praxis.
In everyday life, feedforward control is required
during activities such as playing ball games,
jumping rope, crossing the street, walking
through a crowded space, or avoiding obstacles
while riding a bicycle.
Ball Play
The ability to perform feedforward-dependent
anticipatory movements effectively is often
observed in clinical observations in the context
of catching or kicking a ball. Standardized
tests of motor profi ciency, such as the M-ABC
(Henderson & Sudgen, 2007) and the BruininksOseretsky Test of Motor Profi ciency, Second
Edition (BOT-2) ( Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005 ),
can also be used to assess these skills and provide
normative information about the speed and accuracy of performance. However, such tests only
indirectly consider qualitative performance.
Gubbay ( Gubbay, 1975 ; Gubbay, Ellis,
Walton, & Court, 1965 ) developed a test in which
children repeatedly throw a tennis ball in the air,
clap, and then catch the ball as many times as
possible in 30 seconds. In a variation of this task,
a child throws a tennis or medium-size ball in the
air, claps up to three times, and then catches the
ball (see Fig. 9-16 ). Children identifi ed as having
sensory integrative dysfunction often are unable
to perform this task ( Imperatore Blanche et al.,
2016 ). On the best of two attempts, 5-year-olds
clapped a mean of 1.25 times ( SD = 0.4) before
catching the ball; 6-year-olds clapped twice
( SD = 0.8); and 7-year-olds clapped 2.5 times
( SD = 0.9). Inter-rater reliability as noted with
the other clinical observations was within acceptable standards ( Blanche et al., 2015 ).
Sequencing is integral to motor planning. All
feedforward-dependent tasks involve sequencing
actions. Some clinical observations, however,
involve repeated sequences of movements. These
provide opportunities for evaluating fl uidity and
sequencing of movements. To that end, we assess
FIGURE 9-16 Child throwing a medium-size ball
up in the air and clapping before catching the ball.
Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
234 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
rapidly alternating forearm movements (diadochokinesis) and sequential fi nger touching.
Rapidly Alternating Forearm Movements
Clinical observation of diadochokinesis involves
performing rapid forearm pronation and supination with each arm separately and then the
two simultaneously. Quality of movement is
important; it should be fl uid, rhythmic, and performed without excessive shoulder movement
(i.e., internal rotation or abduction). Poor performance or associated (i.e., mirroring) movements
in the other hand during unilateral performance
refl ect a high degree of effort and suggest diffi -
culty. Figure 9-17 shows an examiner assessing
alternating forearm movements, and Figure 9-18
shows a child with excessive shoulder rotation
and abduction.
Recent data collected with typically developing children indicated that on the best of
two attempts, 5-year-olds performed a mean of
4.8 sequences in 5 seconds ( SD = 1.0), 6-year-olds
completed 5.3 sequences ( SD = 1.1), and 7-yearolds did 6.1 sequences ( SD = 1.0). Left, right, and
bilateral scores were similar. Measures of reliability indicate substantial agreement among independent raters ( Imperatore Blanche et al., 2016 ).
Researchers ( Denckla, 1973 ; Wolf, Gunnoe, &
Cohen, 1985 ) have found that children who have
diffi culty with diadochokinesia also have poor
academic performance. The ability to perform
diadochokinesia also discriminates between children with and without disabilities. The reason
for this link is unclear except that it may refl ect
common neurological underpinnings.
Sequential Finger Touching
Sequential Finger Touching (SFT) involves
moving fl uidly when touching the thumb to the
tip of each digit, fi rst with one hand and then the
other. The child begins by touching the index
fi nger to the thumb. When he reaches the fi fth
digit, he reverses direction, touching the fi fth digit
only once. He touches each fi nger again, ending
with the index fi nger. Six-year-olds can easily
perform SFT, and girls generally perform better
than boys ( Denckla, 1973 ; Grant, Boelsche, &
Zin, 1973 ). Skillful performance of SFT relies
on proprioceptive feedback. The examiner fi rst
demonstrates the desired movement and then
prevents the child from using visual feedback
by placing a screen between the child ’ s head and
hand (see Figs. 9-19 and 9-20 ). Evaluation of the
quality of SFT includes observation of: FIGURE 9-17 Child demonstrating symmetrical
movements without shoulder rotation. Copyright
Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-18 Excessive shoulder rotation and
abduction during alternating forearm rotation.
Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-19 Examiner demonstrating correct
placement of screen when assessing sequential fi nger
touching. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
CHAPTER 9 Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process ■ 235
• Fluidity of movement
• Uniform pressure
• No associated (or mirror) movements in the
opposite (resting) hand
Recent data indicate that values for the right hand
are similar to the left. Five-year-olds had a mean
score of 4.9 touches in 5 seconds ( SD = 2.3),
6-year-olds had 5.3 touches ( SD = 2.3), and
7-year-olds had 7.4 touches ( SD = 2.1). Interrater reliability for the counting number of
touches was moderate but for evaluation of fl uidity was very high ( Imperatore Blanche et al.,
2016 ).
Bilateral Motor Coordination
Bilateral motor coordination is evaluated with
some subtests of the SIPT ( Ayres, 1989 ) and also
can be observed with structured and unstructured
clinical observations. Unstructured observations
of bilateral motor coordination include observation of tasks that require both hands, such as
using one hand to hold the paper while writing
with the other, opening a jar, and zipping pants
or a jacket. Many tasks that require bilateral
motor coordination, such as riding a bike or a
scooter, also require timing and anticipatory
movements. Structured clinical observations of
bilateral motor coordination include observing
the quality of performance of skipping, jumping
jacks, symmetrical stride jumps, and reciprocal
stride jumps ( Magalhaes, Koomar, & Cermak,
1989 ). The examiner demonstrates all skills and
should take care to do so fl uidly.
Most children have learned to skip by the time
they enter kindergarten. To evaluate skipping,
the examiner demonstrates a fl uid, continuous
sequence for approximately 5 seconds. Skipping
requires bilateral motor coordination and fl uid
movements. Children with poor praxis often
“stop” between skips or have diffi culty bouncing from one foot to the other. Data indicate that
typically developing 5-year-olds skipped a mean
of 5.6 times in 5 seconds ( SD = 4.1), whereas
6-year-olds skipped 5.3 times in 5 seconds
( SD = 4.5), and 7-year-olds performed 7.5 skips
in 5 seconds ( SD = 4.6) ( Imperatore Blanche et
al., 2016 ). Inter-rater reliability for both qualitative and quantitative parameters was assessed to
be acceptable ( Blanche, Bodison, et al., 2012 ).
Jumping Jacks and Stride Jumps
Jumping Jacks. Beginning with arms at
the sides and feet together, the examiner does
a series of jumps in place. On the fi rst jump,
the examiner simultaneously abducts legs and
arms until hands clap overhead. Immediately,
the examiner jumps up again, returning arms
and legs to the starting position. The examiner
repeats these jumps a few times continuously and
fl uidly. Having seen the demonstration, the child
performs the same movements, and the examiner
evaluates the quality of the jumping jacks. See
Figures 9-21 and 9-22 for correct and incorrect
performance of jumping jacks.
Symmetrical Stride Jumps. The examiner
begins with the arm and leg on the same side
forward (e.g., right arm and right foot forward).
The examiner jumps rhythmically in place,
moving the arm and leg that were forward to
the back and bringing the other arm and leg
forward. The ipsilateral arm and leg move
together throughout the sequence. Having seen
the demonstration, the child performs the same
movements, and the examiner evaluates the
quality of the symmetrical stride jumps.
Reciprocal Stride Jumps. The examiner
begins with the contralateral arm and leg forward
(e.g., right hand and left foot). The examiner
jumps rhythmically in place, moving the arm and
leg that were forward to the back and bringing the
other arm and leg forward. The contralateral arm
and leg move together throughout the sequence.
Having seen the demonstration, the child
FIGURE 9-20 Child displaying associated (mirror)
movements in opposite hand. Copyright Dominique
236 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
FIGURE 9-22 Jumping jacks: Incorrect position.
Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-21 Jumping jacks: Correct position. Child
completes movement by clapping hands overhead.
Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
performs the same movements, and the examiner evaluates the quality of the reciprocal stride
jumps. Figures 9-23 and 9-24 illustrate symmetrical and reciprocal stride jumps, respectively.
Several qualitative observations can be made
during this task:
• Need for assistance to assume the position
• Fluidity and rhythmicity of movements
• Simultaneous movement of correct (i.e.,
ipsilateral or contralateral) extremities
The ability to perform jumping jacks appears
to mature by the time a child is 7 years of age.
Stride jumps are more diffi cult and should not be
expected in children younger than 8 or 9 years
old ( Magalhaes et al., 1989 ). Bilateral jumps
involving both arms and legs are included in the
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Profi ciency,
Second Edition ( Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005 ).
Recent data indicate that 5- and 6-year-olds have
diffi culty with these jumping tasks and there is a
lot of variability of performance. Seven-year-olds
had a mean score of 6.2 jumping jacks ( SD = 4.5),
6.2 symmetrical stride jumps ( SD = 4.7), and
4.4 reciprocal stride jumps ( SD = 4.4) ( Blanche
et al., 2015 ).
• The use of feedback (proprioceptive, visual)
in support of the production of action can be
observed in slower movements that allow for
error correction.
• Feedforward control (vestibular, proprioceptive)
is used for movements requiring anticipation,
and it is dependent on time and sequencing.
• Bilateral motor coordination should take into
account quality in the performance of tasks
requiring use of both sides of the body.
Additional Observations
of Sensory Processing
When evaluating sensory processing in children, the therapist needs to have multiple data
points that indicate a defi cit. Diffi culty with one
observation may or may not be indicative of a
problem. Therefore, it is important to include
CHAPTER 9 Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process ■ 237
FIGURE 9-23 Child demonstrating symmetrical stride
jumps. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-24 Child demonstrates reciprocal stride
jumps. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
other measures to establish a clear pattern of dysfunction. Three additional observations addressing primarily proprioceptive, vestibular, and
tactile diffi culties are described next.
Modifi ed Schilder ’ s Arm Extension Test
To administer the Modifi ed Schilder ’ s Arm Extension Test ( Blanche, 2002, 2010 ; Dunn, 1981 ), the
examiner stands behind the child and instructs
the child to maintain the arms in 90 degrees of
shoulder fl exion, with elbows fully extended and
forearms pronated. The examiner then places her
hands on the sides of the child ’ s face, covering
the child ’ s eyes with her fi ngers. Reminding the
child to maintain the position of the body and
arms, the examiner rotates the child ’ s head. The
following observations can be made:
• Ability to maintain position of upper
• Ability to allow the head to be moved
without also rotating the trunk (record:
0 degrees of rotation, 0–45 degrees of
rotation, 45–90 degrees of rotation, or
90 + degrees of rotation)
• Ability to keep upper extremities in the
starting position
• Ability to maintain equilibrium
• Freedom of movement of the head
• Fingers and hands kept still
According to Dunn ( 1981 ), 5-year-olds should
rotate the trunk no more than 45 degrees when
the examiner turns the head 90 degrees. Younger
children are less likely to be able to hold the
body position, but older children should fi nd it
easier. Diffi culties with maintaining the head and
upper extremities in position suggest diffi culties
with proprioceptive processing. Loss of equilibrium suggests vestibular and proprioceptive diffi -
culties. Choreoathetoid movements in the fi ngers
may indicate neuromotor involvement ( Ayres,
1977 ). Figures 9-25 and 9-26 illustrate some
of the qualitative observations just mentioned.
238 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
FIGURE 9-25 Examiner demonstrates administration
of Modifi ed Schilder ’ s Arm Extension Test. Copyright
Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-26 Child has poor ability to maintain trunk
and arm position. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
For example, the girl ’ s body positioning in Figure 9-25 illustrates an asymmetrical slight drop
of upper extremities; the boy in Figure 9-26
seems to have considerable diffi culty with proprioceptive processing. In response to head turn,
he rotates his trunk more than 90 degrees, fl exes
his elbows, and supinates in the left forearm.
Gravitational Insecurity
Recall from Chapter 3 (Composing a Theory: An
Historical Perspective) that gravitational insecurity is defi ned as fear of changing body position, having the feet off the ground, or moving
into backward space ( Blanche, 2002, 2010 ). The
fear is out of proportion to the challenge and not
caused by poor postural control. Gravitational
insecurity has been linked to poor integration
of proprioceptive, visual, and vestibular input.
May-Benson and Koomar ( 2007 ) described two
tests to measure gravitational insecurity. The fi rst
involves tilting the child backward in space, and
the second asks the child to jump off a chair with
eyes closed. Qualitative observations that can be
made during these tests include the following:
• How comfortable is the child with being
tilted backward?
• Does the child resist tilting or show negative
emotions, such as anxiety, fear, or distress?
• Does the child fi rmly grasp the therapist ’ s
When performing these tests, the examiner also
should observe postural control. Figures 9-27
FIGURE 9-27 Child demonstrates no resistance to
backward tilting. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
CHAPTER 9 Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process ■ 239
FIGURE 9-28 Child seems to enjoy moving into
backward space. Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-29 Child grasps the therapist ’ s arms,
suggesting fear of being tipped backward. Copyright
Dominique Kiefer.
FIGURE 9-30 Child with postural control diffi culties,
but no resistance to gravitational challenges.
Copyright Dominique Kiefer.
and 9-28 show children with no resistance to, or
fear of, being tipped backward. In contrast, the
child in Figure 9-29 shows signs of fear, whereas
the reaction of the child in Figure 9-30 suggests
poor postural control but no fear or resistance.
Under- and Over-Responsivity
to Tactile Sensations
Reactivity to tactile sensations can be observed
in a variety of ways during the administration
of clinical observations. Under-reactivity can be
determined if the child fails to orient to light touch
applied to the back of the neck ( Ayres & Tickle,
1980 ). Over-responsivity may be observed when
providing hands-on physical assistance during
the administration of the postural measures or the
Modifi ed Schilder ’ s Arm Extension Test, when
handling the child on a ball, or when providing
the opportunity to play with tactile media, such
as sand and shaving cream. Tactile reactivity can
limit a child ’ s ability to engage in situations that
can be socially and motorically demanding.
• Using the Modifi ed Schilder ’ s Arm Extension
Test provides an additional way to examine
vestibular and proprioceptive processing.
This observation also provides insight into
neuromotor control.
• Assessing gravitational insecurity provides
a means of looking at the modulation of
vestibular inputs.
• Observation of the child ’ s response to touch
during clinical observations and standardized
assessments provides insights into tactile overand under-responsivity.
Interpretation of Results
Two points are particularly relevant with regard
to interpretation. First, any interpretation depends
on a high-quality assessment. A high-quality
assessment means that structured observations
were administered properly and that normative
data were applied when available. We have presented some normative data from a variety of
sources, including performance expectations of
typically developing children at varying ages,
although some of the normative data presented
240 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
is outdated. When norms are not available, therapists must rely on a solid understanding of
normal development. Second, accurate interpretation depends on in-depth understanding of SI
theory, including the ways in which these clinical observations refl ect the theory. Readers are
encouraged to understand the relationships of
the clinical observations to the constructs associated with SI. See Figure 9-1 , and refer back to
Figure 1-1 .
observations. There are many reasons why clinical observations are important, but the most
important may be that many postural control
functions that are thought to refl ect vestibularproprioceptive functioning are not well captured
in standardized tests, such as the SIPT. In addition, many young children or children with diagnoses such as autism or ADHD may be unable
to complete the SIPT in a valid way. Thus, the
identifi cation of sensory integrative defi cits must
be made largely based upon skilled clinical
observations and parent report. Information collected using clinical observations was described
in this chapter as it related to postural control,
motor planning or praxis, and reaction to sensory
Researchers have developed standard procedures for administering many of the structured
clinical observations used during SI evaluations.
Those researchers also have provided preliminary normative data for those observations. It is
vital that interpretation of data based on clinical
observations be used and interpreted judiciously
as there is great variability in the performance of
many of these observable behaviors, particularly
among young children.
Where Can I Find More?
Until now, clinical observation has been used as
a diagnostic tool, but its use can be expanded to
its application as an outcome measure for postural control and motor planning. In such a case,
caution is necessary as studies utilizing clinical
observations as outcome measures have had mixed
results. In administering clinical observations, the
following resources may be of assistance.
Observations Based on Sensory Integration
Author: Erna Blanche, PhD, FAOTA, OTR/L
Skilled observations of sensory integrative dysfunction allow therapists to discreetly analyze
a child ’ s behavior and skills and, in turn,
develop more effective intervention plans.
This DVD set provides guidelines for clinical observation and nonstandardized assessment. Dr. Erna Blanche shows therapists how
to observe and interpret children ’ s behavior
from an SI perspective. The DVD and accompanying workbook show, step-by-step, how
to administer specifi c observations, including
Clinical observations should be included in all
assessments ( Asher, Parham, & Knox, 2008 ) as
the use of observations (structured and unstructured) provides a clinician with information that
cannot be gathered any other way. Clinical
observations in SI are incorporated into professional practice by using commercially available
protocols with normative data, such as the
COMPS ( Wilson et al., 2000 ), or by applying
resources that guide therapist clinical reasoning and analysis, such as educational videos,
in-depth observation protocols, and case analysis
( Blanche, 2002, 2010 ). Evidence-based information also can be used from research reports, such
as those that have been written by researchers
who have investigated a particular observation
or group of observations. Finally, the value of
augmenting assessment data with naturalistic,
unstructured observations for intervention planning cannot be overestimated. Determining how
a child ’ s underlying sensory processing and integration abilities are supporting or limiting his or
her ability to perform in the natural context, to
play, and to succeed at school is key to designing effective programs.
Summary and Conclusions
This chapter reviewed the administration and
interpretation of clinical observations, focusing
on postural control, motor planning, and sensory
reactivity as they relate to sensory processing
diffi culties. Structured and unstructured clinical observations are part of any evaluation of
sensory processing. Observations become essential when standardized data is not available, specifi cally with young children and children with
autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Assessments
of SI generally include standardized testing as
well as both structured and unstructured clinical
CHAPTER 9 Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process ■ 241
those originally defi ned by Dr. A. Jean Ayres.
These are specifi c tasks, postural responses,
and signs of nervous system integrity associated with sensory integrative functioning.
Children ’ s skills are compared using splitscreen images and in-depth discussion. The
workbook provides a table of observations,
normative information, a glossary, references,
and worksheets that support the learning
process. The observations demonstrated can
be used with children of varying ages and
skill levels.
Written Materials:
Clinical Observations of Motor and Postural
Skills: Second Edition (COMPS)
Author: Brenda Wilson, MS, OT (C); Bonnie
Kaplan, PhD; Nancy Pollock, MSc, OT (C);
and Mary Law, PhD, OT (C)
A screening tool based on six of the clinical observations developed by Dr. A. Jean
Ayres. It generates a score to help identify
several subtle motor coordination problems
in children. This revision now includes children from 5 years of age to 15 years of age.
COMPS offer standardized administration
procedures and objective criteria for scoring.
Easy-to-follow instructions and illustrations
help therapists to administer the test quickly
and reliably in fewer than 15 minutes. It
includes the Scoremaker software to assist
with scoring.
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Braswell , J. , & Rine , R. M. ( 2006 ). Evidence that
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Assessing Sensory Integrative
Dysfunction without the SIPT
Anita C. Bundy , ScD, OT/L, FAOTA
Chapter 10
True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of
uncertain, hazardous, and confl icting information.
—Winston Churchill
Upon completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to:
✔ Identify aspects of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test
of Motor Profi ciency-2, and the Movement
ABC-2, and Clinical Observations that can
be used to assist in detecting dyspraxia,
somatosensory processing problems, and
postural and ocular-motor dysfunction in
✔ Describe the limitations of conducting
comprehensive evaluations of sensory
integration (SI) without the administration of
the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT).
✔ Describe how caregiver questionnaires, such
as the Sensory Profi le and Sensory Processing
Measure, can be used to attain important
information regarding a child ’ s sensory
processing abilities and challenges.
Purpose and Scope
Although the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests
(SIPT) ( Ayres, 1989 ) remains the most comprehensive and psychometrically sound means to
assess sensory integration (SI) and praxis in children, their use is not always possible or practical.
The purpose of this chapter is to consider other
tools that might offer insight into aspects of SI
and processing, and the relationship between
sensory integrative dysfunction, occupation, and
participation. It is not our intent to present all
possible assessment tools; that would be a formidable task for this chapter. Instead, we touch on
some of the tools typically used to obtain insight
into diffi culties with sensory modulation, sensory
discrimination, and dyspraxia and then provide
our thoughts on their strengths and weaknesses
relative to understanding sensory integrative
dysfunction. Throughout the chapter, we apply
some of the tools described and then explain our
clinical reasoning with a case, Lenard.
There may be multiple reasons for not choosing
to use the SIPT to assess sensory integrative dysfunction. One important reason is that the level
of detail provided by the SIPT often far exceeds
what is necessary for providing the type of intervention that would be most benefi cial for a particular child. For example, if a therapist wishes
to consult with a teacher to minimize diffi culties
the teacher is experiencing while instructing a
child, most likely it would not be necessary to
know the child ’ s scores on the SIPT. The expense
associated with administering, scoring, and
244 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
interpreting the SIPT is another reason that its
use is sometimes impractical or impossible. This
may be particularly true outside North America,
where there is little, if any, local normative data.
This situation would require that scores be interpreted very cautiously, as the potential effects of
culture on performance are largely unknown. The
idea of using an expensive SIPT without being
certain how well the norms apply may be incomprehensible to many. Finally, even within North
America, we also must use caution in applying
normative data from the SIPT, as the norms are
quite old and may no longer refl ect child performance accurately.
Almost two decades have passed since we
published the second edition of Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice ( Bundy, Lane, &
Murray, 2002 ). Evaluation of some aspects of SI
without the SIPT has gotten easier in that time
because of new assessments. These include the
family of tools that comprise the Sensory Profi le2 (SP2; Dunn, 2014 ) and the Sensory Processing Measure (SPM; Parham, Ecker, Kuhaneck,
Henry, & Glennon, 2010 ) . These parent- and
teacher-report assessments address sensory processing and modulation, body awareness and
praxis, and the functional sequelae of diffi culties
with each. Because the cost to administer these
tools is less prohibitive than for the SIPT, many
therapists seem to have adopted parent- and
teacher-report measures in lieu of the favored
SIPT. However, sensory items from the SP2 and
the SPM are organized by system rather than in
a way that makes it easy to distinguish diffi culties with modulation, sensory discrimination, and
praxis. Therefore, examiners must take particular
care when interpreting fi ndings. Similar to the
SIPT, the norms from both refl ect primarily the
performance of children from North America,
meaning that examiners also must be aware of
potential cultural differences. Finally, the results
of proxy-reporting are likely to be different
from those derived through observation ( Lane,
Reynolds, & Dumenci, 2012 ).
Even in the absence of standardized test
scores that are readily available and easily interpretable, therapists often wish to feel assured
whether sensory integrative dysfunction is a
factor in a child ’ s diffi culties and, if so, the
nature of the dysfunction. In this chapter, we
return to the heart of the model of SI presented
in Chapter 1 (Sensory Integration: A. Jean Ayres’
Theory Revisited) to suggest ways for therapists
to supplement parent- and teacher-reporting with
observations. Reliable use of these observations
depends on well-honed observation skills and a
thorough understanding of normal development.
Many of the observations are drawn from Clinical Observations, described in detail in Chapter 9
(Using Clinical Observations within the Evaluation Process). It is also important to be reminded
that assessment of the performance of everyday
occupations should always accompany examination of SI. These are included, to a degree, in the
SPM and SP2 tools, but we also refer readers to
Law, Baum, and Dunn ( 2005 ) for a review of
additional assessments.
Sensory Integration
Theory Revisited
In Chapter 1 (Sensory Integration: A. Jean Ayres’
Theory Revisited), we proposed a model of
sensory integrative dysfunction comprising two
major types of dysfunction: dyspraxia and poor
modulation of sensation; either can have a basis
in poor processing of vestibular, proprioceptive, or tactile sensations. Dyspraxia is manifest
in poor bilateral integration and sequencing or
somatodyspraxia. Modulation problems can be
seen as over-responsivity (i.e., defensiveness or
aversive responses), under-responsivity, or fl uctuating responsivity (see Fig. 1-6 ). If the theory
of SI is sound, then the results of any valid, reliable measures of the constructs described (e.g.,
posture, tactile discrimination, bilateral integration) should provide information about one or
more aspects of sensory integrative functioning.
Of course, assessments are valid and reliable
only within their intrinsic limitations. Information related to assessment reliability and validity is generally available in test manuals and in
reports of research examining the test ’ s measurement properties.
To say that individuals have sensory integrative dysfunction, we must fi nd meaningful clusters that relate a particular problem with motor
coordination, attention, or behavior to poor
processing of sensation. Thus, for example, it is
not enough to identify a problem with bilateral
coordination (e.g., diffi culty manipulating paper
CHAPTER 10 Assessing Sensory Integrative Dysfunction without the SIPT ■ 245
and scissors to cut out a shape, diffi culty coordinating the two sides of the body in skipping)
and assume sensory integrative dysfunction.
If the problem is sensory integrative in nature,
there also will be evidence of poor processing
of vestibular or proprioceptive information (e.g.,
low muscle tone, poor prone extension). If a
problem with distractibility is an end-product of
sensory integrative dysfunction, then there will
be evidence of poor modulation of tactile, vestibular, or proprioceptive sensation. In Figure 10-1 ,
we embellish the model of SI by proposing
assessments that might be used to examine the
constructs. Table 10-1 contains a key to the
assessments appearing in Figure 10-1 as well as
supplementary detail.
Lenard, age 6, is a quiet child; he gets along
with most of his peers and relates well to the
caregivers at preschool. He seems a bit immature for his age in terms of the play activities
in which he engages. Lenard attained his milestones generally on time, although most at the
later end of typical development. He was quite
content to sit and play quietly at home, exploring his environment minimally. His mother
enrolled him in preschool at age 3, hoping his
motor and interaction skills would improve by
being around peers. Generally, Lenard seems
clumsy with movement; he runs rarely and
often trips over the legs of chairs and other
TABLE 10-1 Tests for Identifying Aspects of Sensory Integrative Dysfunction in the Absence
of the SIPT
BOT2 Bruininks-Oseretsky
Test of Motor
Profi ciency
(2nd ed.)
• Bruininks and
Bruininks, 2013
• Strength and Agility
• Body Coordination
• Manual Coordination
• Fine Manual Control
( ✓ )
( ✓ )
MABC-2 Movement ABC-2
• Henderson,
Sugden, and
Barnett, 2007
• Static and Dynamic Balance
• Ball Skills
• Manual Dexterity
✓ ✓
MABC Checklist
• Henderson and
Sugden, 1992
Parent perceptions of child
motor skills
✓ ✓
NIH Toolbox
Somatosensory discrimination ✓
M-FUN Miller Function and
Participation Scales
• Gross motor
• Fine motor
• Visual motor
SPM Sensory Processing
• Parham, Ecker,
Henry, and
Glennon, 2010
• Vision
• Hearing
• Touch
• Taste and Smell
• Body Awareness
• Balance and Motion
• Planning and Ideas
( ✓ )
( ✓ )
( ✓ )
( ✓ )
( ✓ )
( ✓ )
( ✓ )
246 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
SP2 Sensory Profi le 2
• Dunn, 2014
• Seeking/Seeker
• Avoiding/Avoider
• Sensitivity/Sensor
• Registration/Bystander
Measures senses separately;
posture and movement items
( ✓ ) ( ✓) ( ✓ )
SP (AA) Adolescent/Adult
Sensory Profi le
• Brown and
Dunn, 2002
• Poor registration
• Sensitivity to stimuli
• Sensation seeking
• Sensation avoiding
COs Clinical
• Chapter 9 ,
Using Clinical
within the
• Prone extension
• Postural reactions
• Extensor tone
• Head and neck in supine
• Supine fl exion
• Dynamic reach (kneel)
• RAMP movements
• Ball play
• Jumping jacks/stride jumps
COMPS Clinical
Observations of
Motor and Postural
• Slow movements
• Diadokokinesia
• Finger-nose touching
• Prone extension
• Supine fl exion
• Asymmetrical tonic neck
refl ex
Southern California
Sensory Integration
Tests of Sensory
• Ayres, 1980
• Localization of tactile stimuli
• Finger identifi cation
• Graphesthesia
• Manual form perception
• Kinesthesia 1
Conceptually, the Kinesthesia test refl ects somatosensory discrimination, which Ayres felt was an important contributor to body
scheme. However, the reliability of this test is quite low. Thus, it should not be used as a sole indicator and it should be used with
TABLE 10-1 Tests for Identifying Aspects of Sensory Integrative Dysfunction in the Absence
of the SIPT—cont’d
things left on the fl oor. He does not enjoy
climbing, and he will not jump off things such
as curbs. He can manage a spoon and fork for
eating, but he has diffi culty using scissors and
writing his name. As he is preparing to enter
kindergarten, both the preschool caregivers and
his parents have concerns.
Lenard ’ s behavior at home is not a problem
(he is an only child); in preschool, he has had
diffi culty sharing toys and space as well as
cooperating with other children during free
play. Lenard shows a preference for playing
with a single peer at a time, seeming to become
anxious when others join in. Not understanding
the rules at school about sharing and including
interested friends, when the group becomes too
large, Lenard moves away and fi nds something
else to play. He does well interacting with the
caregivers at preschool, and often they can help
him play with others, especially if the games
and play themes are familiar to him. Lenard
repeats common play themes and activities
and seems lost when other children or adults
suggest changing the game. For instance, he
CHAPTER 10 Assessing Sensory Integrative Dysfunction without the SIPT ■ 247
FIGURE 10-1 Relationship of tests to sensory integration theory.
Indicators of poor
sensory modulation
Indicators of poor sensory integration
and praxis
Poor postural-ocular
Poor sensory
Poor body scheme
Clinical observations
NIH toolbox
Poor registration
Aversive and defensive
CNS integration
and processing
of sensation
Sensory reactivity
Sensory perception
likes to build trucks with blocks, but he always
builds a fi re truck and likes to put out pretend
fi res. When other boys wanted to change to
dump trucks and play a construction game,
Lenard seemed lost and uncertain how to make
it fun. Rather than join in with this game,
Lenard stood back and watched them play.
In the evaluation of dyspraxia, we rely most
heavily on two assessments: the BruininksOseretsky Test of Motor Profi ciency, Second
Edition (BOT2) and the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2), which
includes both a performance test and an accompanying proxy-report checklist. The BOT2
comprises four motor composites, each of which
includes subtests. Many of these provide normative data for observations that therapists make
as structured or unstructured observations in the
context of assessment of SI dysfunction. Hypothesized relationships between BOT2 subtests and
SI dysfunction are shown in Table 10-1 and
Figure 10-1 . The BOT2 yields standard scores
for children, adolescents, and young adults from
4 through 21 years of age. The test manual ( Bruininks & Bruininks, 2013 ) and authors of a review
article ( Deitz, Kartin, & Kopp, 2007 ) provide
reasonable evidence for reliability and validity
of data gathered with the BOT2. However, Deitz
and colleagues noted that not all subtests are
reliable at all ages and that very young children
(4- and 5-year-olds), especially those with motor
delays, fi nd some items very challenging.
Based on research with predecessors to both
the BOT2 (i.e., the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test
of Motor Performance [BOTMP], Bruininks,
1978 ) and the SIPT (i.e., the Southern California
Sensory Integration Tests [SCSIT]; Ayres, 1980 ),
there is some support for including the BOT2 in
an evaluation of praxis. Relating composite or
total (fi ne motor composite, gross motor composite, total composite) BOTMP scores with individual tests from the SCSIT, Ziviani and colleagues
( 1982 ) found several statistically signifi cant
( p < 0.01) correlations between SCSIT scores
and BOTMP fi ne, gross, and battery composites.
Further, Wilson and colleagues ( 1995 ) found
that four BOTMP subtests were particularly
good for identifying children with mild motor
diffi culties:
248 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
• Running Speed and Agility
• Balance
• Visual-Motor Coordination
• Upper Limb Speed and Dexterity
However, it is important to note that the BOT2
is a substantially different test from the BOTMP,
and more work will need to be done to establish
it as a proxy for evaluating praxis ( Bruininks &
Bruininks, 2013 ; Deitz, Kartin, & Kopp, 2007 ).
The MABC ( Henderson & Sugden, 1992 ),
predecessor to the Movement ABC-2, was
standardized on children in the United States,
Canada, and the United Kingdom (UK). Some
researchers ( Rosblad & Gard, 1998 ; SmitsEngelsman, Henderson, & Michels, 1998 ) have
found generalizability of the norms adequate
in Europe, but others ( Livesey, Coleman, &
Piek, 2007 ) have suggested there are cultural
differences in Australia and, possibly, in Asia.
The Performance Test of the MABC-2 includes
items designed to assess manual dexterity, ball
skills, and balance. Similar to the BOT-2, many
MABC-2 items provide normative data for
observations that therapists would make as structured or unstructured observations in the context
of assessment of sensory integrative dysfunction.
Hypothesized relationships between MABC-2
subtests and sensory integrative dysfunction are
shown in Table 10-1 and Figure 10-1 .
The MABC-2 yields standard scores for children and adolescents from 3 through 16 years
of age. However, in a review article, Brown and
Lalor ( 2009 ) pointed out that, although a fair
amount of research has addressed the psychometric properties of the MABC, there is very
little evidence for reliability or validity of data
gathered with the MABC-2. Brown and Lalor
reminded us that there are substantial differences between the MABC and the MABC-2.
Thus, normative data drawn from the MABC-2,
although likely better than most examiners’
knowledge of how well children at varying
ages should perform, still should be used cautiously. In the case at the end of this chapter
about Lenard, the MABC-2 has been used in
this manner.
The checklist included in the MABC-2 yields
ratings from parents on a variety of everyday
activities. In developing this checklist, Henderson and Sugden ( 1992 ) applied the hierarchy
of diffi culty of movement tasks described by
Gentile and colleagues ( 1975 ) and Keogh and
Sugden ( 1985 ). This hierarchy is based on both
the amount of movement of a target object and
the amount of movement required of the individual to act on the object, and that hierarchy
refl ects the construct of praxis as a continuum
(see Chapter 5 , Praxis and Dyspraxia, for more
detailed discussion of praxis). For instance,
donning a shoe while sitting on the fl oor involves
little movement of the target (shoe) and little
movement of the individual to act on the target.
In contrast, donning the shoe while standing up
may involve a great deal of movement of both
the target (shoe) and individual if the person is
hopping about trying to put the shoe on! Therefore, information on the potential impact of problems with praxis on a child ’ s ability to perform
many activities of daily living may be derived
from interpretations made from the scores on the
MABC-2 Checklist.
An older tool that therapists may use to gain
insight into motor coordination is the Clinical Observations of Motor and Postural SkillsSecond Edition (COMPS-2; Wilson, Pollock,
Kaplan, & Law, 2000 ). The COMPS-2 is a standardized and norm-referenced screening tool for
children from 5 to 15 years of age, and it refl ects
a refi nement of Ayres’ Clinical Observation
( Ayres, 1976 ), based on the items that could be
reliably administered and scored. It is intended
to be a useful supplement to standardized testing.
Items on the COMPS-2 include slow movements, diadokokinesia, fi nger-nose touching,
prone extension, supine fl exion, and the asymmetrical tonic neck refl ex. No research could be
found on this second edition, but good 2-week
test–retest and inter-rater reliability and internal
consistency were noted in the fi rst edition when
testing children with and without developmental
coordination disorder ( Wilson, Pollock, Kaplan,
Law, & Faris, 1992 ). Changes to the second
edition involved expanding the age range from
5 years of age and 9 years 11 months of age,
to 5 years of age and 15 years of age; as such,
applying these psychometrics to testing older
children must be done cautiously.
Other tools are available to assess gross and
fi ne motor function. For instance, the Miller
Function & Participation Scales (M-FUN; Miller,
2006 ) has assessment items for gross, fi ne, and
CHAPTER 10 Assessing Sensory Integrative Dysfunction without the SIPT ■ 249
visual motor performance and ties motor performance to participation. The usefulness of tools,
such as the M-FUN, for assessing aspects of
sensory integrative function comes from using
observational skills to examine the quality of
motor performance, giving thought to how each
task was conceptualized, planned, and executed.
As such, the M-FUN and other similar tools can
offer insights into end products commonly associated with SI dysfunction (fi ne, gross, and visual
motor, and participation) but, alone, do not allow
us to conclude that sensory integrative concerns
are at the root of any problem.
Lenard was referred for an occupational therapy
evaluation to investigate his motor skills and
clumsiness, hesitancy to play in groups, and
preference for sameness in play. Our background in SI theory guides us in the evaluation
process, but we decided not to use the SIPT.
Instead, we used a combination of assessments
to address the concerns. In considering his
motor skills, we recognized that Lenard appears
clumsy, leading us to be concerned about vestibular and proprioceptive processing, posturalocular control, and praxis. We decided to use
the MABC-2, the checklist for the MABC,
and Clinical Observations to examine these
areas. Results from the MABC-2 indicated that
Lenard had diffi culty with static and dynamic
balance and ball skills, with percentile ranks of
3 for balance and 5 for ball skills. His manual
dexterity percentile was 7, indicating borderline
performance. The checklist, completed by his
mother, put him clearly in the red zone. Also,
Lenard was identifi ed by his mother as being
somewhat timid and anxious, which could
infl uence his movement scores.
On the model shown in Figure 10-2 , we have
“plotted” our interpretations of these fi ndings
and show a “plus” ( + ) for areas of concern and
a “minus” (–) for areas where we do not have
concern. You can see that we have hypothesized that Lenard ’ s MABC-2 suggests diffi culty
with postural-ocular control and implicates
diffi culty with vestibular and proprioceptive
• Sometimes it is impractical and not feasible or
necessary to administer the SIPT.
• Clinical Observations, and the administration
of other assessments, such as the SP2, SPM,
BOT2, MABC-2, the COMPS, and the M-FUN,
may be used to gather important information
about a child ’ s praxis abilities and how
dyspraxia may be impacting a child ’ s ability to
perform his or her daily occupations.
Assessment of Somatosensory
Few standardized tests of somatosensory discrimination exist. If they are available, several
tests from the SCSIT ( Ayres, 1980 ), which
have published norms for children between
4 and 9 years of age, offer a structure to observing
discrimination that may be useful. Similar to the
SIPT, these tests examined stereognosis, localization of touch, fi nger identifi cation, graphesthesia, visual-tactile integration, and kinesthesia.
Caution is needed, however; these tactile tests
are known to ceiling early, several are associated
with large errors and relatively poor test–retest
reliability, and the SCSIT was standardized more
than 40 years ago. They are no longer available
commercially. Because of these shortcomings,
readers are urged not to report standard scores
in documentation. Rather, consider scores above
1 standard deviation below the mean (> –1.0) to
refl ect typical functioning, and scores below that
to be indicative of performance markedly below
that of most children of a given age. These tests
become a way to structure observation of performance and provide guidelines for interpretation
if used cautiously.
Recently, the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) developed a Toolbox of assessments
designed to be short, simple, and usable across
the life span ( Gershon et al., 2013 ). The whole
Toolbox includes assessments of cognition,
emotion, motor, and sensory functions; individual items may be useful for individuals from 3 to
85 years of age with a variety of adaptations
based on age. Measures of sensation include auditory “word-in-noise,” visual acuity, odor identifi cation, taste perception, and pain scales for
250 ■ PART III Tools for Assessment
FIGURE 10-2 Categorizing Lenard ’ s performance on assessments. Sensory reactivity Sensory perception
Indicators of poor
sensory modulation
Inadequate CNS
integration and
processing of
Indicators of poor sensory integration
and praxis
Poor postural-ocular
Poor sensory
Poor body scheme
Clinical observations
Poor registration
Aversive and defensive
? ?
adults ( ). Although these sensory items
are not intended to provide detailed information
on sensory discrimination, they may be useful as
a screening tool. For instance, the NIH Toolbox
items related to somatosensory discrimination
include the Brief Kinesthesia Test, based on the
Kinesthesia test of the SCSIT and the SIPT; a
Wrist Position Sense Test, a Tactile Discrimination Test based on texture discrimination; a localization of touch tool using Semmes-Weinstein
monofi laments; and a Brief Manual Form Perception Test, based on the manual form subtests
of the SCSIT and the SIPT ( Dunn et al., 2015 ).
Performance ranges are offered based on initial
life-span testing. The Toolbox sensory items offer
an accessible, quick, and inexpensive means of
screening people for sensory and proprioceptive
• There is no single, standardized assessment of
children ’ s sensory discrimination abilities.
• Use of the somatosensory subtests from the
SCSIT may provide guidance for understanding
tactile and proprioceptive processing in
• The NIH Toolbox somatosensory items provide
a useful screening tool for these functions in
Assessment of Postural
and Ocular Control
Postural and ocular control are thought to be
important outward indicators of vestibularproprioceptive perception. To assess them, we
• The balance subtest from the BOT2 and
items from the MABC-2
• Other standard Clinical Observations of
neuromotor performance (see the previous
information on the COMPS and Chapter 9 ,
Using Clinical Observations within the
Evaluation Process, for more information on
assessing Clinical Observations)
Standard Clinical Observations are very useful
when assessing SI, with or without the SIPT.