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Mild symptoms of hypothyroidism, including psychiatric and cognitive

abnormalities, are found in approximately 30% of patients with SH, but the average

TSH level usually exceeds 11 microunits/mL. Cardiac dysfunction, including

impaired left ventricular diastolic function at rest, systolic dysfunction with exercise,

atherosclerosis, CHF, and MI has been reported.

85,88,153–155 Data showing an increased

risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) are conflicting and influenced by the severity of

SH, study design, and length of follow-up. A meta-analysis noted a 1.6 times

increased risk of CHD,

156 a cross-sectional analysis noted an odds ratio of 2.2 only

in those with TSH levels of ≥10 microunits/mL, whereas a 20-year longitudinal

analysis found a significant risk (hazard ratio (HR) of 1.7) regardless of the degree of

TSH elevation.

157 However, a large prospective cohort study found no significant

association with atherosclerotic disease or cardiac mortality but observed an

increase in all-cause mortality at 10 years of follow-up.

158 Compelling data reported

from 11 large prospective cohorts with a median follow-up of 2.5 to 20 years

involving 3,450 subjects with subclinical hypothyroidism found an increased risk of

CHD (HR 1.89) and mortality (HR 1.5) but not total mortality only in those with TSH

level >10 microunits/mL after adjustment for traditional cardiovascular factors. No

increased CHD or CHD mortality was noted with more minimal TSH elevations.


Other atypical and nonspecific signs and symptoms reflecting dysfunction of any

part of the body may occur, primarily in the elderly. Failure to thrive, mental

confusion, weight loss with poor appetite, incontinence, depression, inability to

walk, carpal tunnel syndrome, deafness, ileus, anemia, hypercholesterolemia, and

hyponatremia have been reported.


Treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism with T4

is controversial because study

results are conflicting. Potential benefits of

p. 1055

p. 1056

treatment include (a) preventing progression to hypothyroidism, (b) improving the

lipid profile and reducing cardiac risks, and (c) reversing symptoms of

hypothyroidism. Patients with higher TSH levels (e.g., >10 microunits/mL), a history

of previously diagnosed thyroid disease, elevated lipid levels, or evidence of

positive thyroid antibodies gained the most benefit from L-thyroxine


85,88,152,155,160 L-Thyroxine significantly reduced total cholesterol by 7.9–15.8

mg/dL and low-density cholesterol concentrations by 10 mg/dL; serum HDL

cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations remain unchanged.



of elevated intraocular pressures, memory, mood, somatic complaints, and diastolic

dysfunction has also been reported after T4



Treatment of older patients requires an assessment of the risks versus benefits of

therapy. Thyroid therapy carries the risk of unmasking underlying cardiac disease in

older patients. Nevertheless, thyroid replacement appears reasonable in

asymptomatic patients with TSH levels >10 microunits/mL and especially those with

symptoms of mild hypothyroidism, dyslipidemia, laboratory abnormalities, or endorgan alterations.

87,88,152,154,160 Patients with mild subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH 6–

10 microunits/mL) may benefit from therapy with L-thyroxine 25 to 75 mcg/day when

there is evidence of cardiovascular risk (e.g., diastolic dysfunction, risk of

atherosclerotic disease, diabetes) or clinical indicators suggestive of hypothyroidism

(e.g., goiter, antibodies).

88 There is no evidence supporting the treatment of mild

subclinical disease in patients over 80 years of age.

88 Conversely, patients with

asymptomatic subclinical hypothyroidism and a TSH level <10 microunits/mL do not

warrant immediate therapy, but close follow-up is recommended.

Because M.P. is asymptomatic and has a TSH level <10 microunits/mL, it is

reasonable to delay therapy and recheck the TSH in a few months.

Hypopituitarism and Thyroxine Replacement with a

Normal Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Level

CASE 52-13

QUESTION 1: J.P. is a 65-year-old woman who complains of fatigue, cold intolerance, dry skin, and weight

gain for the past several months. Her thyroid examination and DTRs are within normal limits. A TSH level was

2.5 microunits/mL (normal, 0.45–4.1). She denies taking any other medications. J.P. is started empirically on a

3-month trial of L-thyroxine. How should the TSH level be interpreted? Is T4

therapy indicated based on her

presenting findings?

Despite complaints that could be consistent with hypothyroidism (e.g., fatigue,

cold intolerance, dry skin, weight gain), the normal TSH level indicates that J.P. is

euthyroid. However, because a diagnosis of hypopituitarism (i.e., TSH level could

be normal or low) cannot be ruled out, an FT4

level should be obtained; a low level

would increase the likelihood of hypopituitarism. Some argue that hypopituitarism is

underdiagnosed and would advocate adding FT4

to the primary screening tests.


If the FT4

level is normal, indicating euthyroidism, then hypopituitarism is unlikely

a nd L-thyroxine therapy is not indicated. A randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled crossover trial found that T4 supplementation in patients with hypothyroid

symptoms and normal thyroid function tests was not more effective than placebo in

improving cognitive function or psychologic well-being despite changes in the TSH

and FT4



In J.P., the T4 should be discontinued because there is no evidence of its efficacy

in euthyroid individuals.


Clinical Presentation

CASE 52-14

QUESTION 1: S.K., a 48-year-old woman, is admitted to the hospital for a possible MI. Her complaints

include chest pain that is unrelieved by NTG, increasing SOB with exercise, nervousness, palpitations, muscle

weakness, weight loss despite an increased appetite, and epistaxis; she also bruises easily. She has a history of

deep venous thrombosis treated with warfarin 5 mg/day; her last international normalized ratio (INR) was 1.8

(normal, 1; therapeutic, 2–3). She has angina, treated with NTG 0.4 mg, and CHF, treated with digoxin 0.25


Physical examination reveals a thin, flushed, hyperkinetic, nervous woman. Blood pressure (BP) is 180/90

mmHg; pulse is 130 beats/minute, irregularly irregular; respiratory rate is 30 breaths/minute; and temperature is

37.5°C. Other pertinent findings include a lid lag with stare, proptosis with tearing, decreased visual acuity, a

diffusely enlarged thyroid gland without nodules, a bruit in the left lobe of the thyroid, positive jugular venous

distention (JVD), bibasilar rales, warm moist skin with multiple bruises, new-onset atrial fibrillation (AF), slight

diarrhea, hepatomegaly, acropachy, 2+ pitting edema, a fine tremor, proximal muscle weakness, and irregular

scant menses.

Laboratory data include the following results:


, 2.9 ng/dL (normal, 0.8–1.4)

TSH, <0.5 microunits/mL (normal, 0.45–4.1)

RAIU at 24 hours, 80% (normal, 5%–35%)

INR, 4.8 (normal, 1; therapeutic, 2–3)

TPOAb, 200 IU/mL (normal, <0.8)

Alkaline phosphatase, 200 units/L

Total bilirubin, 1.1 mg/dL

AST, 60 units/L

Alanine aminotransferase, 55 units/L

A RAI scan shows a diffusely enlarged gland, 3 to 4 times the normal size. What subjective and objective

data are suggestive of hyperthyroidism in S.K.?

S.K. presents with many of the clinical and laboratory features

164 associated with

an increased metabolic state resulting from excessive T4

(Table 52-5). Her ocular

symptoms are consistent with Graves’ disease and include lid lag (lid falls behind

the movement of the eye and a narrow white rim of sclera becomes visible between

the upper lid and cornea, producing a “staring” appearance), ophthalmopathy

(protrusion of the eyeball), and decreased visual acuity. The thyroid bruit,

palpitations, exertional dyspnea, worsening CHF (JVD, bibasilar rales, edema,

hepatomegaly), diarrhea, irregular scant menses, nervousness, tremor, muscle

weakness, weight loss despite increased appetite, increased perspiration, and

flushing of the skin are consistent with a hypermetabolic state. Although sinus

tachycardia is the most common arrhythmia in hyperthyroidism, new-onset AF is the

presenting symptom in 5% to 20% of patients with hyperthyroidism, particularly in

those older than 70 years.

165 Together with S.K.’s symptoms, a diagnosis of Graves’

disease is confirmed by an elevated FT4

level, an undetectable TSH level, an

increased RAIU, positive TPOAb, and a diffusely enlarged goiter. Her cardiac status

and other medical problems are aggravated by the hyperthyroidism. (Table 52-6 lists

the causes of hyperthyroidism.)


CASE 52-14, QUESTION 2: What factors contribute to S.K.’s hypoprothrombinemia? What effect could

this have on her subsequent drug treatment?

p. 1056

p. 1057

The hypoprothrombinemia and bleeding observed in S.K. are most likely related to

an exaggerated response to warfarin. This may be related to a decrease in the hepatic

metabolism of warfarin (secondary to hepatic congestion), but it is more likely that

S.K.’s findings are because of the combined effects of hyperthyroidism and warfarin

on vitamin K–dependent clotting factors.


Warfarin metabolism and the metabolism of vitamin K–dependent clotting factors can

be altered by thyroid status. Net circulating levels of vitamin K–dependent clotting

factors are generally not altered in hyperthyroid patients because both the synthesis

and catabolism of these clotting factors are increased. However, an enhanced

anticoagulant response occurs when the warfarin-induced decrease in clotting factor

synthesis is combined with the hyperthyroidism-induced increase in clotting factor


12,166 This may explain S.K.’s elevated INR, bruising, and history of


The opposite occurs in hypothyroidism, in which a decrease in both the

metabolism and synthesis of clotting factors occurs. In hypothyroid patients, the

response to oral anticoagulants is delayed because the clotting factors are eliminated

more slowly.

12,166 Therefore, hyperthyroid patients need less warfarin, whereas

hypothyroid patients require more warfarin to achieve the same

hypoprothrombinemic response. The anticoagulant response to warfarin should be

monitored carefully in patients with thyroid abnormalities, and the dosage adjusted as

the thyroid status changes.


Because S.K.’s hyperthyroidism will most likely be treated with a thioamide, caution

must be exercised. Treatment of hyperthyroid patients with thioamides, especially

PTU, has been associated with hypoprothrombinemia, thrombocytopenia, and

bleeding, albeit rarely.

167 These drugs can depress the bone marrow and the synthesis

of clotting factors II, III, VII, IX, X, and XIII; vitamin K and prothrombin times may

remain depressed for up to 2 months after discontinuation of therapy. These effects

may be caused by a subclinical hepatic alteration in synthesis or hepatotoxicity (see

Case 52-15, Question 10).

30,168–171 Symptoms occur 2 weeks to 18 months after

starting therapy. The bleeding is responsive to vitamin K or blood transfusions. (Also

s e e Case 52-15, Questions 3 and 4 for further discussion of treatment with


Response to Digoxin

CASE 52-14, QUESTION 3: S.K.’s dose of digoxin was increased to 0.5 mg daily because of persistent AF

with a rapid ventricular response. Why was such a large dose of digoxin required? What other options can be

used to control her ventricular rate?

The AF of hyperthyroidism is often resistant to digitalis. When euthyroid patients

with AF were given digitalis before and after exogenous T3 administration, the daily

dose of digoxin required to maintain a ventricular rate of 70 was increased from 0.2

to 0.8 mg after T3 administration.

172 Higher dosages of digoxin without side effects

might be tolerated better by the hyperthyroid patient.

148,149,172 Nevertheless, the goal of

digoxin therapy should be a higher target heart rate (i.e., 100 beats/minute) than that

achieved with digoxin in the euthyroid patient with AF to minimize cardiac toxicity.

If additional rate control is required, β-blockers or calcium channel blockers (e.g.,

diltiazem or verapamil) can be added. Unless contraindicated by severe

bronchospasm, β-blockers rather than calcium channel blockers are preferred

because they are more effective in controlling the ventricular rate and are less likely

to cause hypotension.

This apparent resistance to digitalis is attributed to intrinsic changes in myocardial

function, to an increased volume of distribution for digoxin, and to an increased

glomerular filtration of the glycoside.

148,149,172 Conversely, hypothyroid patients are

inordinately sensitive to the effects of digitalis and require smaller doses to achieve

a therapeutic response. Regardless of the mechanism, one should be aware that

higher-than-normal doses might be required in patients with thyrotoxicosis and that

the initial dosage should be reduced as the hyperthyroid state resolves.

S.K. should be maintained on warfarin because of a high prevalence of systemic

embolization in thyrotoxic patients with AF. Anticoagulation should be started when

the AF is first diagnosed and continued until S.K. is euthyroid and in NSR. This is

especially true for younger patients at low risk of bleeding with warfarin. The risks

versus benefits of anticoagulation should be weighed before therapy (see Chapter

16). Because an increased sensitivity to warfarin is observed, close monitoring is

warranted (see Case 52-14, Question 2). Cardioversion, either medical or electrical,

should not be attempted if she is still toxic because the success rate is low. If

cardioversion is to be used, it should not be attempted until the third or fourth month

after achieving euthyroidism.


T3 Thyrotoxicosis: Clinical Presentation

CASE 52-15

QUESTION 1: C.R., a 27-year-old woman, has a 3-month history of intermittent heat intolerance, sweats,

tremor, and severe muscle weakness, which has limited her ability to climb stairs. Her weight has increased

because of increased appetite. She is also bothered by the pounding of her heart and some minor difficulty in

swallowing. There is a family history of thyroid disease, but she denies taking any thyroid medications or any

history of radiation to her neck. C.R. previously received iodide drops with symptomatic improvement, but her

disease recurred despite its continued administration. Her other medical problems include type 2 diabetes

controlled by diet, and osteoarthritis treated with aspirin 650 mg PO q4h. She has a history of noncompliance

with her clinic visits.

Pertinent physical findings include a BP of 180/90 mmHg, a pulse of 110 beats/minute, hyperreflexia, lid lag,

and a diffusely enlarged thyroid gland that is about 4 times normal (about 100 g). Laboratory data include the



, 6 mcg/dL (normal, 4.8–10.4)


, 2 ng/dL (normal, 0.8–1.4)

TSH, <0.01 microunits/mL (normal, 0.45–4.1)

TPOAb, 350 IU/mL (normal, <0.8)

Fasting blood glucose, 350 mg/dL

Assess these subjective and objective data.

C.R.’s laboratory findings of a positive TPOAb and elevated thyroid hormone

levels verify an autoimmune hyperthyroid state. However, the serum FT4

is elevated

only slightly and is disproportionately low relative to the severity of her symptoms,

the undetectable TSH level, and her other laboratory findings. The low normal TT4

could be explained by displacement of T4

from TBG by aspirin (see Case 52-2). The

possibility of a variant type of hyperthyroidism known as T3

toxicosis should be

considered. The clinical features include signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis,

normal or borderline high FT4

, an undetectable TSH level, and elevated T3


The latter occurs through preferential secretion and peripheral conversion of T4



. A T3

level should be obtained to establish the diagnosis.

Asymptomatic elevations of T3

levels often precede elevation of T4

levels and the

development of overt hyperthyroidism. T3

toxicosis probably represents an early

stage of classic T4

toxicosis and is useful for early diagnosis or as an early indicator

of relapse after discontinuation of thioamide therapy.

p. 1057

p. 1058


CASE 52-15, QUESTION 2: Why were the iodide drops initially effective in improving C.R.’s symptoms and

later ineffective? When are iodides indicated? What is their mechanism of action?

Iodides have several effects: They inhibit thyroid hormone release, they block

iodotyrosine and iodothyronine synthesis by blocking organification, and they

decrease the vascularity of the thyroid gland.

173 However, large doses may accentuate

hyperthyroidism because they provide a significant increase in available substrate for

hormone synthesis (see Case 52-24).


The inhibitory effect of exogenous iodides on the intrathyroidal organification of

iodides is known as the Wolff–Chaikoff effect. This is an inherent autoregulatory

function of the normal gland to prevent excessive hormone synthesis in the event of a

large iodide load. The Wolff–Chaikoff effect occurs when intrathyroidal

concentrations of iodides reach a critical level, and this is not overcome by TSH

stimulation. However, as illustrated by C.R., the gland can “escape” from this block

even with continued iodide use. The gland escapes by decreasing iodide transport or

by leaking iodide. Both mechanisms decrease the critical intrathyroidal iodide level,

thereby decreasing the block to organification. This effect is illustrated in C.R.

Therefore, iodides should not be used as primary therapy for Graves’ disease.

Conversely, some patients are responsive to iodide therapy, including (a) patients

who already have high intrathyroidal iodine stores (i.e., “hot” nodules, Graves’

disease); (b) patients with underlying defects in organic binding mechanisms (i.e.,

Hashimoto’s); (c) patients who develop drug-induced thyroid disorders (see Cases

52-23 and 52-24); and (d) patients with Graves’ disease made euthyroid with RAI or

surgery and who are receiving no thyroid replacement.

These patients are so sensitive that small doses of iodide can elicit the Wolff–

Chaikoff effect, resulting in either amelioration of hyperthyroid symptoms or

precipitation of hypothyroidism.

16,28,173 For this reason, patients with recurrent

hyperthyroidism after surgery or RAI can often be managed with iodides alone.

The most important pharmacologic effect of iodides is their ability to promptly

inhibit thyroid hormone release when dosages of 6 mg/day are given.

16,173 The

mechanism is unknown, but it is not related to the Wolff–Chaikoff effect, which may

take several weeks to manifest. Unlike the Wolff–Chaikoff effect, this effect can be

overcome partially by an increase in TSH secretion. Thus, the normal gland can

escape in 7 to 14 days because inhibition of thyroid hormone release stimulates a

reflex increase in TSH secretion. Because patients with hyperthyroidism experience

an improvement in symptoms within 2 to 7 days of initiation of therapy, inhibition of

hormone release must be the predominant mechanism of action for the iodides. This

rapid onset is the reason iodides are used in the treatment of thyroid storm and as an

ameliorative measure while awaiting the onset of the therapeutic effects of

thioamides or RAI.

Large doses of iodides are also used 2 weeks before thyroid surgery to increase

the firmness of the thyroid gland by decreasing its size, vascularity, and friability.

Iodides facilitate a smoother, less complicated surgery and reduce the risk of

postoperative complications by inducing a euthyroid state.


Stable iodine can be administered orally either as an unpleasant-tasting Lugol’s

solution (5% iodine and 10% potassium iodide), containing 8 mg/drop of iodide, or

as the more palatable saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI), containing 50

mg/drop of iodide. The minimum effective daily dose is 6 mg,

173 although larger

doses (e.g., 5–10 drops QID of SSKI) are often administered.

The advantages of iodide therapy are that it is simple, inexpensive, and relatively

nontoxic and involves no glandular destruction. Disadvantages include “escape,”

accentuation of thyrotoxicosis, allergic reactions, relapse after discontinuation of

treatment, and subsequent interference with RAI if used before therapy.

Treatment Modalities

CASE 52-15, QUESTION 3: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different treatment

modalities available for C.R.?

The three major treatment modalities for Graves’-related hyperthyroidism are the

thioamides, RAI, and surgery (Table 52-10).


In most cases, any of these three

modalities can be used, and there is controversy as to which is the most effective

therapy. Often the final decision is empiric, depending on the clinician’s available

resources and the patient’s desires. A review of treatment guidelines published by

the major endocrine organizations found that RAI is the most common treatment,

while surgery is the least common.

174 Patients who are older and those with cardiac

disease, concomitant ophthalmopathy, and hyperthyroidism caused by a toxic

multinodular goiter are treated best with RAI. Surgery is the preferred therapy for

pregnant women who are drug intolerant, when obstructive symptoms are present, or

if malignancy is suspected.


The thioamides are the preferred treatment for children, pregnant women, and young

adults with uncomplicated Graves’ disease.

164,175,176 This is the only treatment that

leaves the thyroid gland intact and does not carry the added risk of permanent

hypothyroidism often associated with RAI or surgery.

Because the thyrotoxicosis of Graves’ disease might be self-limiting, thioamides

are used to control the symptoms until spontaneous remission occurs. Thioamides

should also be given before treatment with RAI or surgery to deplete the gland of

stored thyroid hormone, which prevents subsequent thyroid storm. Although

hyperthyroidism from toxic nodules will also respond to thioamides, more definitive

therapy (surgery or RAI) is needed because these conditions do not undergo

spontaneous remission.

Disadvantages of thioamide therapy include the numerous tablets required, patient

adherence, possible drug toxicity, the long duration of treatment, and the low

remission rates after discontinuation of therapy (see Case 52-16).

The use of thioamides in C.R. has several potential drawbacks. Her relatively

large gland and severe disease make the prognosis for spontaneous remission

somewhat less favorable. A delay in the onset of thioamide’s effect may be expected

if intraglandular stores of thyroid have been increased by her prior iodide therapy.

Furthermore, her non-adherence and difficulty swallowing may necessitate another

means of treatment. Thioamides may also be prepared for administration by the rectal




Surgery is considered the treatment of choice

164,180–182 when (a) malignancy is

suspected; (b) esophageal obstruction, evidenced by difficulty swallowing, is

present; (c) respiratory difficulties are present; (d) contraindications to the use of

thioamides (e.g., allergy) or RAI (e.g., pregnancy) exist; (e) a large goiter that

regresses poorly on RAI or thioamide therapy is present; or (f) it is the patient’s

preference. Some argue that surgery is underused in the treatment of Graves’



In a prospective, randomized trial comparing the three treatment

modalities, surgery produced euthyroidism more quickly and was associated with a

lower relapse rate than either RAI or thioamides.

181 A meta-analysis of 35 studies

encompassing 7,241 patients with Graves’ disease found that thyroidectomy was

successful in 92% of patients with a low recurrence (7.2%) of hyperthyroidism.



C.R.’s minor difficulty in swallowing persists because of poor regression of goiter

size with drug therapy, then surgery is a reasonable alternative. If surgery is

contemplated, C.R. must be brought to surgery in a euthyroid state to prevent rapid

postoperative rises in T4

levels and subsequent thyroid storm (see Case 52-22,

Question 1). A total or near-total rather than a subtotal thyroidectomy is the

procedure of choice when performed by an experienced surgeon.

180,182,183 Although

subtotal thyroidectomy theoretically avoids the predictable risk of hypothyroidism

from total thyroidectomy, the likelihood of recurrent hyperthyroidism increases in

proportion to the amount of residual thyroid tissue remaining.

180,181 Recurrent

thyrotoxicosis following a subtotal thyroidectomy should be treated with RAI

because the incidence of surgical complications increases with a second surgery.

p. 1058

p. 1059

Table 52-10

Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

Modality Drug/Dosage


of Action Toxicity Indication

Primary Treatment



(Tapazole) 5-,

10-mg tablet;



can be



Methimazole 30–40 mg

PO daily or in 2 divided

doses (max: 60 mg/day)

for 6–8 weeks or until

euthyroid, then

maintenance of 5–10 mg/d

PO × 12–18 months



of hormone

synthesis, does

not block

conversion of


to T3

Skin rashes, GI



cholestatic jaundice,


aplasia cutis, and


syndrome in


(methimazole only)

DOC in adults/children

except in thyroid storm

and first trimester of

pregnancy (see PTU).

Once daily dosing can

improve adherence

PTU 50 mg

tablet; rectal


can be



100–200 mg PO q6–8h

(max: 1,200 mg/day) for

6–8 weeks or until

euthyroid; then

maintenance of 50–150

mg daily PO × 12–18


Similar to


and blocks


conversion of


to T3



Hepatitis, some


Similar to


DOC in thyroid storm, first

trimester of pregnancy


Preoperative preparation

with iodides, thioamides, or

β-blockers before surgery;

see specific operative


Near total



cosmetic scarring,


risks of surgery, and

anesthesia, vocal

cord damage

Obstruction, choking,

malignancy, pregnancy in

second trimester,

contraindication to RAI or




I radioactive isotope;

80–100 μCi/g thyroid

tissue. Average dose, ≈10

mCi; pretreatment with

corticosteroids indicated in

patients with


Destruction of

the gland


worsening of


fear of radiationinduced leukemia;

genetic damage;

malignancy; rarely,

radiation sickness

Adults, older patients who

are poor surgical risks or

have cardiac disease;

patients with a history of

prior thyroid surgery;

contraindications to

thioamide usage;

increasingly used in kids

Adjuncts to Primary Usage



solution 8

mg/drop (5%

iodine, 10%



5–10 drops TID PO for

10–14 days before

surgery; minimum

effective dose 6 mg/day

↓ vascularity of

gland and ↑


blocks release

of thyroid



reactions, skin

rashes, mucous

membrane ulcers,

anaphylaxis, metallic

taste, rhinorrhea,

Preoperative preparation

before surgery; thyroid

storm, provides

symptomatic relief of

symptoms. Do not use

before RAI or chronically


[SSKI] 50


parotid and


swelling; fetal

goiters and death

during pregnancy


Propranolol or

equivalent βblocker. Avoid

those with ISA

Propranolol 10–40 mg PO

q6h or PRN to control HR

<100 beats/minute; IV

0.5–1 mg slowly

Blocks effects

of thyroid


peripherally, no

effect on


disease; blocks


to T3


Related to βblockade;

bradycardia, CHF,



response to


bronchospasm, CNS

symptoms at high

doses; fetal


Symptomatic relief while

awaiting onset of

thioamides, RAI;

preoperative preparation

for surgery; thyroid storm

Calcium Channel Blockers

Diltiazem 120 mg PO

TID–QID or verapamil

80–120 mg PO TID–QID

PRN to control HR <100


Blocks effects

of thyroid


peripherally, no

effect on




peripheral edema,

CHF, headache,




Alternative for

symptomatic relief of

hyperthyroid symptoms in

patients who cannot

tolerate β-blockers


Prednisone or equivalent

corticosteroids 50–140 mg

PO daily in divided doses;

IV hydrocortisone 50–100

mg q6h or equivalent for

thyroid storm

↓ TSI,

suppression of


process; blocks


to T3


Complications of

steroid therapy

Ophthalmopathy, thyroid

storm (use IV steroid),

pretibial myxedema,

pretreatment before RAI

therapy in patients with


CHF, congestive heart failure; CNS, central nervous system; DOC, drug of choice; GI, gastrointestinal; HR, heart

rate; ISA, intrinsic sympathomimetic activity; IV, intravenous; mCi, millicurie; PO, orally (by mouth); PRN, as

needed; PTU, propylthiouracil; q, every; QID, 4 times a day; RAI, radioactive iodine; SSKI, saturated solution of

potassium iodide; T3

, triiodothyronine; T4

, thyroxine; TID, 3 times a day; TSI, thyroid receptor–stimulating or

thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin; μCi, microcurie.


p. 1059

p. 1060

Surgical complication rates are low when the procedure is performed by a

competent surgeon and when the patient is adequately prepared for surgery. The

disadvantages of surgery are expense, hospitalization, hypothyroidism, the small risk

of postoperative complications, and the patient’s fear of surgery (see Case 52-15,

Question 12).



RAI, the most common treatment modality in the United States, is the preferred

treatment for (a) debilitated, cardiac, or older patients who are poor surgical

candidates; (b) patients who fail to respond to drug therapy or who experience

adverse drug reactions; and (c) patients who develop recurrent hyperthyroidism after



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