A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:
Sterile towels and gauze packs
Two 20-mL syringes containing local anesthetic
Sterile gloves, marking pen, and surface electrode
A 3- to 5-mL syringe plus 25-gauge needle with local anesthetic for skin infiltration
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Catheter kit (including an 8- to 10-cm large-gauge stimulating needle and catheter).
Kits come in two varieties based on catheter construction: nonstimulating (conventional) and
stimulating catheters. During the placement of a conventional nonstimulating catheter, the stimulating
needle is first advanced until appropriate twitches are obtained. Then 5–10 mL of local anesthetic or
other injectate (e.g., D5W) is then injected to “open up” a space for the catheter to advance freely
without resistance. The catheter is then threaded through the needle until approximately 3 to 5 cm is
protruding beyond the tip of the needle. The needle is then withdrawn, the catheter secured, and the
remaining local anesthetic injected via the catheter. Stimulating catheters are insulated and have a
filament or core that transmits current to a bare metal tip. After obtaining twitches with the needle, the
catheter is advanced with the nerve stimulator connected until the sought motor response is obtained.
This method requires that no conducting solution (i.e., local anesthetic, saline) be injected through the
needle prior to catheter advancement, or difficulty obtaining a motor response will result.
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
The patient is positioned in the prone position with the feet extending beyond the table to facilitate
monitoring of foot or toe responses to nerve stimulation.
The landmarks for a continuous popliteal block are essentially the same as those for the singleinjection technique (Figure 20.1-4). These include the following:
. Popliteal fossa crease
. Tendon of the biceps femoris muscle (laterally)
. Tendons of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles (medially)
The needle insertion site is marked 7 cm proximal to the popliteal fossa crease and between the
tendons of the biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles (Figure 20.1-5).
The continuous popliteal block technique is similar to the single-injection technique. With the patient
in the prone position, infiltrate the skin with local anesthetic using a 25-gauge needle at an injection
site 7 cm above the popliteal fossa crease and between the tendons of biceps femoris and
semitendinosus muscles. An 8- to 10-cm needle connected to the nerve stimulator (1.5 mA current) is
inserted at the midpoint between the tendons of the biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles.
Advance the block needle slowly in a slightly cranial direction while observing the patient for
rhythmic plantar or dorsiflexion of the foot or toes. After appropriate twitches are noted, continue
manipulating the needle until the desired response is seen or felt using a current ≤0.5 mA. The
catheter should be advanced no more than 5 cm beyond the needle tip (Figure 20.1-9). The needle is
then withdrawn back to skin level while advancing the catheter simultaneously to prevent inadvertent
removal of the catheter.
FIGURE 20.1-9. Needle direction and insertion of the catheter for continuous popliteal sciatic block.
The catheter is inserted 3–5 cm beyond the needle tip.
The catheter is checked for inadvertent intravascular placement and secured using an adhesive skin
preparation, followed by application of a clear dressing. The infusion port should be clearly marked
“continuous nerve block.”
When insertion of the catheter proves difficult, lowering the angle of the needle or rotating the needle
may facilitate the catheter insertion.
Continuous Infusion
Continuous infusion is initiated after injection of an initial bolus of local anesthetic through the
catheter or needle. For this purpose, we routinely use 0.2% ropivacaine 15 to 20 mL. Diluted
bupivacaine or levobupivacaine are also suitable but may result in greater degree of motor blockade.
The infusion is maintained at 5 to 10 mL/h with a 5-mL patient-controlled bolus hourly.
Complications and How to Avoid Them
Complications following a popliteal block are uncommon. Table 20.1-2 lists some general and
specific instructions on possible complications and how to avoid them.
TABLE 20.1-2 Complications of Popliteal Sciatic Nerve Block and Preventive Techniques
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i Benedetto P, Casati A, Bertini L, Fanelli G, Chelly JE. Postoperative analgesia with continuous
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General Considerations
The lateral approach to a popliteal blockade is similar to the intertendinous block in many aspects.
The main difference is that the technique involves placement of the needle from the lateral aspect of
the leg, therefore obviating the need to position the patient in the prone position. Nerve stimulation
principles, volume requirements, and block onset time are the same. The block is well suited for
surgery on the calf, Achilles tendon, ankle, and foot. It also provides adequate analgesia for a calf
Functional Anatomy
The sciatic nerve consists of two separate nerve trunks, the tibial and common peroneal nerves
(Figure 20.2-1). A common epineural sheath envelops these two nerves at their outset in the pelvis.
As the sciatic nerve descends toward the knee, the two components eventually diverge in the popliteal
fossa, giving rise to the tibial and common peroneal nerves. This division of the sciatic nerve usually
occurs 5–7 cm proximal to the popliteal fossa crease.
FIGURE 20.2-1. Anatomy of the popliteal fossa crease. tibial nerve. common peroneal nerve
before its division. epineural sheath of the common sciatic nerve. tendon of semitendinosus and
semimembranous. bicep femoris tendon.
Distribution of Blockade
The lateral approach to popliteal block also results in anesthesia of the entire distal two thirds of the
lower extremity with the exception of the skin on the medial aspect of the leg (Figure 20.2-2).
Cutaneous innervation of the medial leg below the knee is provided by the saphenous nerve, the
terminal extension of the femoral nerve. Depending on the level of surgery, the addition of a
saphenous nerve block may be required for complete surgical anesthesia.
FIGURE 20.2-2. Sensory distribution of anesthesia accomplished with popliteal sciatic block. All
shaded areas except medial aspect of the leg (blue, saphenous nerve) are anesthetized with the
popliteal block.
Single-Injection Popliteal Block (Lateral Approach)
A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:
Sterile towels and gauze packs
Two 20-mL syringes containing local anesthetic
A 3- to 5-mL syringe plus 25-gauge needle with local anesthetic for skin infiltration
A 10-cm, 21-gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Sterile gloves; marking pen
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
The patient is in the supine position. The foot on the side to be blocked should be positioned so that
the motor response of the foot or toes can be easily observed (Figure 20.2-3). This is best achieved
by placing the leg on a footrest with the heel and the foot protruding beyond the footrest. This
positioning allows for easy visualization of foot twitches during nerve localization. The foot should
form a 90° angle to the horizontal plane of the table.
FIGURE 20.2-3. Maneuver to accentuate landmarks for popliteal sciatic block. The patient is asked
to flex the leg at the knee, which accentuates the popliteal fossa and hamstring muscles.
Landmarks for the lateral approach to a popliteal block include the following (Figure 20.2-4 and
. Popliteal fossa crease
. Vastus lateralis muscle
. Biceps femoris muscle
FIGURE 20.2-4. Popliteal fossa is marked with the knee flexed.
FIGURE 20.2-5. The main landmark for popliteal sciatic block is in the groove between the vastus
lateralis and the biceps femoris muscles .
The needle insertion site is marked in the groove between the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris
muscles 7-8 cm above the popliteal fossa crease. Note that the lateral femoral epicondyle is another
landmark that can be used with this technique. It is easily palpated on the lateral aspect of the knee 1
cm cephalad to the popliteal fossa crease (Figures 20.2-6 and 20.2-7).
FIGURE 20.2-6. Needle insertion site is labeled at 7 cm proximal to the popliteal fossa crease in the
groove between the vastus lateralis and bicep femoris muscles.
FIGURE 20.2-7. A needle insertion point for lateral approach sciatic popliteal block.
In patients with an atrophic biceps femoris muscle (e.g., prolonged immobility), the iliotibial
aponeurosis can prove to be a more consistent landmark). In this case, the needle insertion site is in
the groove between the vastus lateralis and the iliotibial tract.
Maneuvers to Facilitate Landmark Identification
Landmarks can be better appreciated using the following steps:
Lifting the foot off the table accentuates the biceps femoris and vastus lateralis muscles, and helps the
recognition of the groove between the two muscles.
The groove between the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris can be located by firmly pressing the
fingers of the palpating hand against the adipose tissue in the groove approximately 8 cm above the
popliteal fossa crease.
The operator should be seated facing the side to be blocked. The height of the patient’s bed is
adjusted to allow for a more ergonomic position and greater precision during block placement. This
position also allows the operator simultaneously to monitor both the patient and the responses to
nerve stimulation.
The site of estimated needle insertion is prepared with an antiseptic solution and infiltrated with
local anesthetic using a 25-gauge needle. It is useful to infiltrate the skin along a line rather than raise
a single skin wheal. This allows needle reinsertion at a different site when necessary without the need
to anesthetize the skin again.
A 10-cm, 21-gauge needle is inserted in a horizontal plane perpendicular to the long axis of the leg
between the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles (Figure 20.2-8), and it is advanced to
contact the femur. Contact with the femur is important because it provides information about the depth
of the nerve (typically 1–2 cm beyond the skin to femur distance) and about the angle at which the
needle must be redirected posteriorly to stimulate the nerve (Figure 20.2-9). The current intensity is
initially set at 1.5 mA. With the fingers of the palpating hand firmly pressed and immobile in the
groove, the needle is withdrawn to the skin level, redirected 30° below the horizontal plane, and
advanced toward the nerve.
FIGURE 20.2-8 Needle insertion for lateral approach to popliteal block.
FIGURE 20.2-9. Needle insertion strategy for lateral approach to popliteal sciatic block. (A) needle
is first inserted to contact femur. (B) After contact with the femur, the needle is withdrawn back to the
skin and redirected 30° posteriorly to local the sciatic nerve. Note the needle passage through the
biceps femoris muscle before entering the popliteal fossa crease. This explains why local bicep
femoris muscle twitch is often obtained during needle advancement. 1 - Semimembranosussemitendinosus muscles, 2 - Biceps Femoris, 3 - Femur, 4 - Popliteal artery and vein, 5 - Common
peroneal nerve, 6 - TIbial nerve
The ultimate goal of nerve stimulation is to obtain visible or palpable twitches of the foot or toes
at a current of 0.2–0.5 mA.
The needle passes through the biceps femoris muscle, often resulting in local twitches of this muscle
during needle advancement. Cessation of the local twitches of the biceps muscle should prompt
slower needle advancement because this signifies that the needle is in the popliteal fossa and in close
proximity to the sciatic nerve.
When stimulation of the sciatic nerve is not obtained within 2 cm after cessation of the biceps femoris
twitches; the needle is probably not in plane with the nerves and should not be advanced further
because of the risk of puncturing the popliteal vessels.
After initial stimulation of the sciatic nerve is obtained, the stimulating current is gradually
decreased until twitches are still seen or felt at 0.2–0.5 mA. This typically occurs at a depth of 5–7
cm. At this point, the needle should be stabilized and, after aspiration test for blood, 30–40 mL of
local anesthetic is injected slowly.
When the sciatic nerve is not localized on the first needle pass, the needle is withdrawn to the skin
level and the following algorithm is used:
. Ensure that the nerve stimulator is functional, properly connected to the patient and to the needle, and
set to deliver the current of desired intensity.
. Ensure that the leg is not externally rotated at the hip joint and that the foot forms a 90° angle to the
horizontal plane of the table. A deviation from this angle changes the relationship of the sciatic nerve
to the femur and the biceps femoris muscle.
. Mentally visualize the plane of the initial needle insertion and redirect the needle in a slightly
posterior direction (5–10° posterior angulation).
. If step 3 fails, withdraw the needle and reinsert it with an additional 5–10° posterior redirection.
. Failure to obtain a foot response to nerve stimulation should prompt reassessment of the landmarks
and leg position. In addition, the stimulating current should be increased to 2 mA.
When motor response can be elicited only with current of ≥0.5 mA, tibial nerve response (Figure
20.2-10) may be associated with a higher success rate of anesthesia of both divisions of the nerve.
Isolated twitches of the calf muscles should not be accepted as reliable signs because they can be the
result of stimulation of the sciatic nerve branches to the calf muscles that may be outside the sciatic
nerve sheath.
FIGURE 20.2-10. Motor responses of the foot obtained with stimulation of the sciatic nerve in the
popliteal fossa. Stimulation of the tibial nerve results in plantar flexion and inversion of the foot.
Stimulation of the common peroneal nerve results in dorsi flexion and inversion of the foot.
Table 20.2-1 lists the common responses that can occur during block placement using a nerve
stimulator and the proper course of action needed to obtain twitches of the foot.
TABLE 20.2-1 Some Common Responses to Nerve Stimulation and Course of Action
Block Dynamics and Perioperative Management
This technique may be associated with patient discomfort because the needle transverses the biceps
femoris muscle, and adequate sedation and analgesia are necessary. Administration of midazolam (2–
4 mg intravenously) and a short-acting narcotic (alfentanil 250–to 750 g) ensures patient comfort and
prevents patient movement during needle advancement. Inadequate premedication can make it difficult
to interpret the response to nerve stimulation because of patient movement during needle
advancement. A typical onset time for this block is 15–30 minutes, depending on the type,
concentration, and volume of local anesthetic used. The first signs of onset of the blockade are usually
a report by the patient that the foot “feels different” or there is an inability to wiggle their toes. With
this block, sensory anesthesia of the skin is often the last to develop. Inadequate skin anesthesia
despite an apparently timely onset of the blockade is common, and it can take up to 30 minutes to
develop. Local infiltration by the surgeon at the site of the incision is often all that is needed to allow
the surgery to proceed.
Continuous Popliteal Block (Lateral Approach)
The technique is similar to the single-injection except that slight angulation of the needle cephalad is
necessary to facilitate threading of the catheter. Securing and maintaining the catheter are easy and
convenient with this technique. A lateral popliteal block is suitable for surgery and postoperative
pain management in patients undergoing a wide variety of lower leg, foot, and ankle surgeries.
A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:
Sterile towels and gauze packs
Two 20-mL syringes containing local anesthetic
Sterile gloves, marking pen, and surface electrode
A 3- to 5-mL syringe plus 25-gauge needle with local anesthetic for skin infiltration
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Catheter kit (including an 8- to 10-cm 18–19 gauge stimulating needle and catheter)
Either nonstimulating (conventional) or stimulating catheters can be used. During the placement of
a conventional non-stimulating catheter, the stimulating needle is advanced until appropriate twitches
are obtained. Then 5–10 mL of local anesthetic or other injectate (e.g., D5W) is then injected to
“open up” a space for the catheter to advance freely without resistance. The catheter is threaded
through the needle until approximately 3–5 cm is protruding beyond the tip of the needle. The needle
is withdrawn, the catheter secured, and the remaining local anesthetic injected via the catheter. With
stimulating catheters, after obtaining desired motor response with stimulation through the needle, the
catheter is advanced with the nerve stimulator connected until the anesthesiologist is satisfied with the
quality of the motor response. If the response is lost, the catheter can be withdrawn until it reappears
and the catheter readvanced. This method requires that no conducting solution be injected through the
needle (i.e., local anesthetic, saline) prior to catheter advancement, or difficulty obtaining a motor
response will result.
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
The patient is positioned in the supine position with the feet extending beyond the table to facilitate
monitoring of foot or toe responses to nerve stimulation.
The landmarks for a continuous popliteal block with the lateral approach are essentially the same
as for the single-injection technique and include the following:
. Popliteal fossa crease
. Vastus lateralis
. Biceps femoris
The needle insertion site is marked at 8 cm proximal to the popliteal fossa crease in the groove
between the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris.
The continuous popliteal block technique is similar to the single-injection technique. The patient is in
the supine position. Using a 25-gauge needle, infiltrate the skin with local anesthetic at the injection
site 7–8 cm proximal to the popliteal crease in the groove between the biceps femoris and vastus
lateralis muscles. An 8- to 10-cm needle with a Tuohy-style tip for a continuous nerve block is
connected to the nerve stimulator (1.5 mA) and inserted to contact the femur (Figure 20.2-11). A
slight cephalad orientation to the needle with the opening facing proximally will aid in catheter
threading. Once the femur is contacted, the needle is withdrawn to the skin level and redirected in a
slightly posterior direction 30°. Then it is advanced slowly while observing the patient for plantar
flexion or dorsiflexion of the foot or toes. After obtaining the appropriate twitches, continue
manipulating the needle until the desired response is still seen or felt using a current of 0.2–0.5 mA.
The catheter should be advanced no more than 5 cm beyond the needle tip. The needle is withdrawn
back to the skin level, and the catheter advanced simultaneously to prevent inadvertent removal of the
FIGURE 20.2-11. Catheter insertion technique for popliteal sciatic block. Technique is similar to
that of the single-injection technique. Catheter is inserted 3–5 cm beyond the needle tip.
The catheter is checked for inadvertent intravascular placement and secured to the lateral thigh
using an adhesive skin preparation such as benzoin, followed by application of a clear dressing. The
infusion port should be clearly marked “continuous nerve block.”
With a popliteal catheter, a response at 0.5–1.0 mA should be accepted as long as the motor response
is specific and clearly seen or felt.
A very small (e.g., 1 mm) movement of the needle often results in a change in the motor response from
that of the tibial nerve (plantar flexion of the foot) to that of the common peroneal nerve (dorsiflexion
of the foot). This indicates an intimate needle to nerve relationship at a level before divergence of the
sciatic nerve.
When catheter insertion proves difficult, rotate the needle slightly and try reinserting it again. When
these maneuvers do not facilitate insertion of the catheter, angle the needle in a cephalad direction
before reattempting to insert the catheter. With this maneuver, care should be taken not to dislodge the
Continuous Infusion
Continuous infusion is initiated after an initial bolus of dilute local anesthetic is administered through
the catheter or needle. For this purpose, we routinely use 0.2% ropivacaine 15–20 mL. Diluted
bupivacaine or levobupivacaine are suitable but can result in additional motor blockade. The infusion
is maintained at 5 mL/h with 5-mL/h patient-controlled regional analgesia.
Complications and How to Avoid Them
Table 20.2-2 provides specific instructions on some complications and how to avoid them.
TABLE 20.2-2 Complications of Popliteal Block Through the Lateral Approach and Preventive
Breakthrough pain in patients undergoing a continuous infusion is always managed by administering a
bolus of local anesthetic. Simply increasing the rate of infusion is not adequate.
When the bolus injection through the catheter fails to result in blockade after 30 minutes, the catheter
should be considered dislodged and should be removed.
All patients with continuous nerve block infusion should be prescribed an alternative pain
management protocol because incomplete analgesia and/or catheter dislodgment can occur.
Arcioni R, Palmisani S, Della Rocca M, et al. Lateral popliteal sciatic nerve block: a single injection
targeting the tibial branch of the sciatic nerve is as effective as a double-injection technique. Acta
Anaesthesiol Scand. 2007;51:115-121.
Benzon HT, Kim C, Benzon HP, et al. Correlation between evoked motor response of the sciatic nerve
and sensory blockade. Anesthesiology. 1997;87:547-552.
Chelly JE, Casati A, Fanelli G. Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Technique: An Illustrated Guide.
London, UK: Mosby International; 2001.
i Benedetto P, Casati A, Bertini L, Fanelli G, Chelly JE. Postoperative analgesia with continuous
sciatic nerve block after foot surgery: a prospective, randomized comparison between the popliteal
and subgluteal approaches. Anesth Analg. 2002;94:996-1000.
ournier R, Weber A, Gamulin Z. Posterior labat vs. lateral popliteal sciatic block: posterior sciatic
block has quicker onset and shorter duration of anaesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2005;49:683-
ournier R, Weber A, Gamulin Z. No differences between 20, 30, or 40 mL ropivacaine 0.5% in
continuous lateral popliteal sciatic-nerve block. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2006;31:455-459.
Guntz E, Herman P, Debizet E, Delhaye D, Coulic V, Sosnowski M. Sciatic nerve block in the popliteal
fossa: description of a new medial approach. Can J Anaesth. 2004;51:817-820.
Hadžić A, Vloka JD. A comparison of the posterior versus lateral approaches to the block of the sciatic
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Femoral Nerve Block
FIGURE 21-1. Needle insertion for femoral nerve block.
General Considerations
A femoral nerve block is a quintessential nerve block technique that is easy to master, carries a low
risk of complications, and has significant clinical application for surgical anesthesia and
postoperative pain management. The femoral block is well-suited for surgery on the anterior thigh and
knee, quadriceps tendon repair, and postoperative pain management after femur and knee surgery.
When combined with a block of the sciatic nerve, anesthesia of almost the entire lower extremity fromthe midthigh level can be achieved.
Functional Anatomy
The femoral nerve is the largest branch of the lumbar plexus, arising from the second, third, and fourth
lumbar nerves. The nerve descends through the psoas muscle, emerging from the psoas at the lower
part of its lateral border, and it runs downward between the psoas and the iliacus. The femoral nerve
eventually passes underneath the inguinal ligament into the thigh, where it assumes a more flattened
shape (Figure 21-2). The inguinal ligament is a convergent point of the transversalis fascia (fascial
sac lining the deep surface of the anterior abdominal wall) and iliac fascia (fascia covering the
posterior abdominal wall). As it passes beneath the inguinal ligament, the nerve is positioned lateral
and slightly deeper than the femoral artery between the psoas and iliacus muscles. At the femoral
crease, the nerve is on the surface of the iliacus muscle and covered by the fascia iliaca or
sandwiched between two layers of fascia iliaca. In contrast, vascular fascia of the femoral artery and
vein, a funnel-shaped extension of the transversalis fascia, forms a distinctly different compartment
from that of the femoral nerve but often contains the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve lateral
to the vessels (Figure 21-3). The physical separation of the femoral nerve from the vascular fascia
explains the lack of spread of a “blind paravascular” injection of local anesthetic toward the femoral
FIGURE 21-2. Anatomy of the femoral triangle. femoral artery. femoral nerve. femoral
vein. anterior superior iliac spine. inguinal ligament. sartorius.
FIGURE 21-3. Arrangement of the fascial sheaths at the femoral triangle. Femoral nerve is
enveloped by two layers of fascia iliaca, whereas femoral vessels are contained in the vascular
(femoral) sheath made up of fascia lata.
It is useful to think of the mnemonic “VAN” (vein, artery, nerve: medial to lateral) when recalling the
relationship of the femoral nerve to the vessels in the femoral triangle.
The branches to the sartorius muscle depart from the anteromedial aspect of the femoral nerve
toward the sartorius muscle. Because sartorius muscle twitch may be the result of the stimulation of
this specific branch and not the femoral nerve, the sartorius motor response should not be accepted.
Although the needle in the proper position (close to the main trunk of the femoral nerve) often results
in sartorius muscle twitch, quadriceps twitch results in more consistent blockade, and it routinely
should be sought before injecting local anesthetic unless ultrasound is used concomitantly.
The femoral nerve supplies the muscular branches of the iliacus and pectineus and the muscles of
the anterior thigh, except for the tensor fascia lata. The nerve also provides cutaneous branches to the
front and medial sides of the thigh, the medial leg and foot (saphenous nerve), and the articular
branches of the hip and knee joints (Table 21-1).
TABLE 21-1 Femoral Nerve Branches
Distribution of Blockade
Femoral nerve block results in anesthesia of the skin and muscles of the anterior thigh and most of the
femur and knee joint (Figure 21-4). The block also confers anesthesia of the skin on the medial aspect
of the leg below the knee joint (saphenous nerve, a superficial terminal extension of the femoral
FIGURE 21-4. (A) Motor innervation of the femoral nerve. (B) Sensory innervation of the femoral
nerve and its cutaneous branches.
Single-Injection Femoral Nerve Block
A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:
Sterile towels and gauze packs
One 20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
A 3-mL syringe plus 25-gauge needle with local anesthetic for skin infiltration
A 5-cm, 22-gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Sterile gloves; marking pen
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
The patient is in the supine position with both legs extended. In obese patients, a pillow placed
underneath the hips can facilitate palpation of the femoral artery and the block performance.
Landmarks for the femoral nerve block are easily recognizable in most patients and include the
femoral crease (Figure 21-5) and femoral artery pulse (Figure 21-6).
FIGURE 21-5. Femoral nerve block is performed at the level of the femoral crease (line).
FIGURE 21-6. The main landmark for the femoral nerve block is the femoral artery, which is
palpated at the level of the femoral crease. Needle insertion point is just lateral to the pulse of the
femoral artery.
Note that the needle is inserted at the level of the femoral crease, a naturally occurring skin fold
positioned a few centimeters below the inguinal ligament.
The following maneuvers can be used to facilitate landmark identification:
The femoral crease can be accentuated in obese patients by having an assistant retract the lower
abdomen laterally.
Retraction of the abdomen should be maintained throughout the procedure to facilitate palpation of the
femoral artery and performance of the block.
Avoid excessive pressure on the crease when palpating for the artery because it can distort the
The needle insertion site is labeled immediately lateral to the pulse of the femoral artery (Figure
21-6). All landmarks should be outlined with a marking pen.
After thorough preparation of the area with an antiseptic solution, local anesthetic is infiltrated
subcutaneously at the estimated site of needle insertion. The injection for the skin anesthesia should
be shallow and in a line extending laterally to allow for a more lateral needle reinsertion when
necessary. The anesthesiologist should stand at the side of the patient with the palpating hand on the
femoral artery. The needle is introduced immediately at the lateral border of the artery and advanced
in sagittal, slightly cephalad plane (Figure 21-1).
A visible or palpable twitch of the quadriceps muscle (a patella twitch) at 0.2–0.4 mA is the most
reliable response.
A twitch of the sartorius is a common occurence and it is seen as a band-like contraction across the
thigh without movement of the patella.
A sartorius muscle twitch is not a reliable sign because the branches to the sartorius muscle may be
outside the femoral sheath (iliacus fascia).
When a sartorius muscle twitch occurs, simply redirect the needle laterally and advance it several
millimeters deeper to obtain patella twitch, assuring that needle tip is in the vicinity of the main trunk
of the femoral nerve.
After initial stimulation of the femoral nerve is obtained, the stimulating current is gradually
decreased until twitches are still seen or felt at 0.2 to 0.4 mA, which typically occurs at a depth of 2
to 3 cm. After obtaining negative results from an aspiration test for blood, 15 to 20 mL of local
anesthetic is injected slowly.
When stimulation of the quadriceps muscle is not obtained on the first needle pass, the palpating hand
should not be moved from its position. Instead, visualize the needle plane in which the stimulation
was not obtained and:
Ensure that the nerve stimulator is properly connected and functional.
Withdraw the needle to skin level, redirect it 10° to 15° laterally, and repeat needle advancement
(Figure 21-7).
FIGURE 21-7. When lateral redirection of the needle does not bring about motor response, the
needle is reinserted 1 cm lateral to the original reinsertion point.
It is essential to keep the palpating finger in the same position throughout the procedure. This strategy
allows for a more organized approach to localize the femoral nerve.
When the procedure just described fails to produce a twitch, the needle is withdrawn from the skin
and reinserted 1 cm laterally, and the previously described steps are repeated with a progressively
more lateral needle insertion.
Table 21-2 shows some common responses to nerve stimulation and the course of action required
to obtain the proper response.
TABLE 21-2 Common Responses to Nerve Stimulation and Course of Action for Proper Response
Block Dynamics and Perioperative Management
Femoral nerve blockade is associated with minimal patient discomfort because the needle passes
only through the skin and adipose tissue of the femoral inguinal region. However, many patients feel
uncomfortable being exposed during palpation of the femoral artery, and appropriate sedation is
necessary for the patient’s comfort and acceptance. The administration of midazolam 1 to 2 mg after
the patient is positioned and alfentanil 250 to 500 μg just before infiltration of the local anesthetic
suffices for most patients. A typical onset time for this block is 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the
type, concentration, and volume of anesthetic used. The first sign of onset of the blockade is a loss of
sensation in the skin over the medial aspect of the leg below the knee (saphenous nerve).
Weightbearing on the blocked side is impaired, which should be clearly explained to the patient to
prevent falls. Some practitioners advocate the use of large volume of local anesthetic to anesthetize
lateral femoral cutaneous and obturator nerves in addition to the femoral nerve. However, such an
extensive spread of the local anesthetic has not been substantiated in the literature. Injection of local
anesthetic during femoral nerve blockade results primarily in pooling of the injectate around the
femoral nerve underneath the fascia iliaca without consistent latera-medial spread (Figure 21-8).
FIGURE 21-8. Injection of local anesthetic during femoral nerve blockade results primarily in
pooling of the injectate around the femoral nerve underneath the fascia iliaca without consistent
latera-medial spread. FN - femoral nerve, IC - Iliac Crest, P - Psoas Muscle, I - Iliacus muscle, ON -
Obturator Nerve.
Continuous Femoral Nerve Block
The continuous femoral nerve block technique is similar to the single-injection procedure; however,
insertion of the needle at a slightly lower angle may be necessary to facilitate threading of the
catheter. The most common indications for use of this block are postoperative analgesia after knee
arthroplasty, anterior cruciate ligament repair, and femoral fracture repair.
A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:
Sterile towels and gauze packs
One 20-mL syringes containing local anesthetic
Sterile gloves, marking pen, and surface electrode
A 3- to 5-mL syringe plus 25-gauge needle with local anesthetic for skin infiltration
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Catheter kit (including a 5- to 8-cm large-gauge stimulating needle and catheter)
Either nonstimulating (conventional) or stimulating catheters can be used. During the placement of
a conventional, nonstimulating catheter, the stimulating needle is first advanced until appropriate
motor responses are obtained. Five to 10 mL of local anesthetic or nonconducting injectate (e.g.,
D5W) is injected to “open up” a space for the catheter to advance with less resistance. Then the
catheter is threaded through the needle to approximately 3–5 cm beyond the tip of the needle. The
needle is withdrawn, the catheter secured, and the remaining local anesthetic is injected via the
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
The patient is in the supine position with both legs extended. In obese patients, a pillow placed
underneath the hips can facilitate palpation of the femoral artery and the block performance.
The landmarks for a continuous femoral block include:
. Femoral (inguinal crease)
. Femoral artery
. Needle insertion site is marked immediately lateral to the pulse of the femoral artery
With the patient in the supine position, the skin is infiltrated with local anesthetic at the injection site
using a 25-gauge needle. The palpating hand is used to keep the middle finger on the pulse of the
femoral artery while the entire hand slightly pulls the skin caudally to keep it from wrinkling on
needle insertion (Figure 21-1). The stimulating needle connected to the nerve stimulator (1.0 mA) is
inserted and advanced at a 45° to 60° angle. Care should be taken to avoid insertion of the needle too
medially to decrease the risk of a puncture of the femoral artery. The goal is to obtain a quadriceps
muscle response (patella twitch) at 0.5 mA. The catheter should be advanced 3 to 5 cm beyond the
needle tip (Figure 21-9). The catheter is advanced deeper in obese patients to prevent catheter
dislodgement with shifting of the adipose tissue postoperatively. Then the needle is withdrawn back
to the skin level, and the catheter is advanced simultaneously to prevent inadvertent removal of the
FIGURE 21-9. Catheter insertion for continuous femoral nerve block. The catheter is inserted 3–5
cm beyond the needle tip.
The catheter is checked for inadvertent intravascular placement and secured to the thigh using an
adhesive skin preparation such as benzoin, followed by application of a clear dressing. The infusion
port should be clearly marked “continuous nerve block.”
Continuous Infusion
Continuous infusion is always initiated following an initial bolus (15–20 mL) of dilute local
anesthetic through the needle or catheter. For this purpose, we routinely use 0.2% ropivacaine. The
infusion is maintained at 5 mL/h with a patient-controlled regional analgesic dose of 5 mL/h.
Complications and How to Avoid Them
Table 21-3 provides some general and specific instructions on possible complications and how to
avoid them.
TABLE 21-3 Complications of Femoral Nerve Block and Preventive Techniques
Single-Injection Femoral Nerve Block
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Chapter 22 Ankle Block
FIGURE 22-1. Needle insertion for saphenous nerve block of the ankle.
General Considerations
An ankle block is essentially a block of four terminal branches of the sciatic nerve (deep and
superficial peroneal, tibial, and sural) and one cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve (saphenous).
Ankle block is simple to perform, essentially devoid of systemic complications, and highly effective
for a wide variety of procedures on the foot and toes. For this reason, this technique should be in the
arma mentarium of every anesthesiologist. At our institution, an ankle block is most commonly used in
podiatric surgery and foot and toe debridement or amputation.
Functional Anatomy
It is useful to think of the ankle block as a block of two deep nerves (posterior tibial and deep
peroneal) and three superficial nerves (saphenous, sural, and superficial peroneal). This concept is
important for success of the block because the two deep nerves are anesthetized by injecting local
anesthetic under the fascia, whereas the three superficial nerves are anesthetized by a simple
subcutaneous injection of local anesthetic.
Common Peroneal Nerve
The common peroneal nerve separates from the tibial nerve and descends alongside the tendon of the
biceps femoris muscle and around the neck of the fibula. Just below the head of the fibula, the
common peroneal nerve divides into its terminal branches: the deep peroneal and superficial
peroneal nerves. The peroneus longus muscle covers both nerves.
Deep Peroneal Nerve
The deep peroneal nerve runs downward below the layers of the peroneus longus, extensor digitorum
longus, and extensor hallucis longus muscles to the front of the leg (Figure 22-2). At the ankle level,
the nerve lies anterior to the tibia and the interosseous membrane and close to the anterior tibial
artery. It is usually sandwiched between the tendons of the anterior tibial and extensor digitorum
longus muscles. At this point, it divides into two terminal branches for the foot: the medial and the
lateral. The medial branch passes over the dorsum of the foot, along the medial side of the dorsalis
pedis artery, to the first interosseous space, where it supplies the web space between the first and
second toe. The lateral branch of the deep peroneal nerve is directed anterolaterally, penetrates and
innervates the extensor digitorum brevis muscle, and terminates as the second, third, and fourth dorsal
interosseous nerves. These branches provide innervation to the tarsometatarsal, metatarsophalangeal,
and interphalangeal joints of the lesser toes.
FIGURE 22-2. Anatomy of the ankle. artery dorsal pedis, deep peroneal nerve.
Superficial Peroneal Nerve
The superficial peroneal nerve (also called the musculocutaneous nerve of the leg) provides muscular
branches to the peroneus longus and brevis muscles. After piercing the deep fascia covering the
muscles, the nerve eventually emerges from the anterolateral compartment of the lower part of the leg
and surfaces from beneath the fascia 5 to 10 cm above the lateral malleolus (Figure 22-3). At this
point, it divides into terminal cutaneous branches: the medial and the lateral dorsal cutaneous nerves
(Figure 22-4A and B). These branches carry sensory innervation to the dorsum of the foot and
communicate with the saphenous nerve medially, as well as the deep peroneal nerve in the first web
space and the sural nerve on the lateral aspect of the foot.
FIGURE 22-3. Anatomy of the ankle. superficial peroneal nerve, sural nerve.
FIGURE 22-4. (A) Anatomy of the ankle. Sural nerve. , Superficial peroneal nerve. (B)
Anatomy of the ankle. Sural nerve, Superficial peroneal nerve.
Tibial Nerve
The tibial nerve separates from the common popliteal nerve proximal to the popliteal fossa crease
and joins the tibial artery behind the knee joint. The nerve runs distally in the thick neurovascular
fascia and emerges at the inferior third of the leg from beneath the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles
on the medial border of the Achilles tendon (Figure 22-5). At the level of the medial malleolus, the
tibial nerve is covered by the superficial and deep fasciae of the leg. It is positioned laterally and
posteriorly to the posterior tibial artery and midway between the posterior aspect of the medial
malleolus and the posterior aspect of the Achilles tendon. Just beneath the malleolus, the nerve
divides into lateral and medial plantar nerves. The posterior tibial nerve provides cutaneous,
articular, and vascular branches to the ankle joint, medial malleolus, inner aspect of the heel, and
Achilles tendon. It also branches to the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, and bones of the sole.
FIGURE 22-5. Anatomy of the ankle. flexor digitorum longus tendon, posterior tibial artery,
tibial nerve, flexor hallucis longus.
Sural Nerve
The sural nerve is a sensory nerve formed by a union of the medial sural nerve (a branch of the tibial
nerve) and the lateral sural nerve (a branch of the common peroneal nerve). The sural nerve courses
between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, and after piercing the fascia covering the muscles, it
emerges on the lateral aspect of the Achilles tendon 10 to 15 cm above the lateral malleolus (Figure
22-4A and B). After providing lateral calcaneal branches to the heel, the sural nerve descends behind
the lateral malleolus, supplying the lateral malleolus, Achilles tendon, and ankle joint. The sural
nerve continues on the lateral aspect of the foot, innervating the skin, subcutaneous tissue, fourth
interosseous space, and fifth toe.
Saphenous Nerve
The saphenous nerve is a terminal cutaneous branch (or branches) of the femoral nerve. Its course is
in the subcutaneous tissue of the skin on the medial aspect of the ankle and foot (Figure 22-6).
FIGURE 22-6. Anatomy of the ankle. , saphenous nerve, medial malleolus.
All superficial (cutaneous) nerves of the foot should be thought of as a neuronal network rather than as
single strings of nerves with a well-defined, consistent anatomic position).
Distribution of Blockade
An ankle block results in anesthesia of the foot. However, note that an ankle block does not result in
anesthesia of the ankle itself. The proximal extension of the blockade is to the level at which the block
is performed. The more proximal branches of the tibial and peroneal nerves innervate the deep
structures of the ankle joint (see Chapter 01, Essential Regional Anesthesia Anatomy). The two deep
nerves (tibial and deep peroneal) provide innervation to the deep structures, bones, and cutaneous
coverage of the sole and web between the first and second toes (Figure 22-7).
FIGURE 22-7. Innervation of the foot.
A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:
Sterile towels and gauze packs
Three 10-mL syringes containing local anesthetic
Sterile gloves; marking pen
1.5-in, 25-gauge needle
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
The patient is in the supine position with the foot on a footrest.
Position the foot on a footrest to facilitate access to all nerves to be blocked.
The deep peroneal nerve is located immediately lateral to the tendon of the extensor hallucis
longus muscle (between the extensor hallucis longus and the extensor digitorum longus) (Figure 22-8).
The pulse of the anterior tibial artery (dorsalis pedis) can be felt at this location; the nerve is
positioned immediately lateral to the artery.
FIGURE 22-8. (A) Maneuvers to extenuate the extensor tendons. The deep peroneal nerve is located
lateral to the hallucis longus tendon (line). (B) Deep peroneal block. The needle is inserted just
lateral to the hallucis longus tendon and slowly advanced to contact the bone. Upon bone contact, the
needle is withdrawn 2–3 mm, and 5 mL of local anesthetic is injected.
The posterior tibial nerve is located just behind and distal to the medial malleolus. The pulse of
the posterior tibial artery can be felt at this location; the nerve is just posterior to the artery.
The superficial peroneal, sural, and saphenous nerves are located in the subcutaneous tissue along
a circular line stretching from the lateral aspect of the Achilles tendon across the lateral malleolus,
anterior aspect of the foot, and medial malleolus to the medial aspect of the Achilles tendon.
The superficial nerves branch out and anastomose extensively; they do not have a single consistently
positioned nerve trunk that can be anesthetized by a single precise injection as often taught.
For time-efficient blockade of all five nerves, the operator should walk from one side of the foot to
the other during the block procedure instead of bending and leaning over to reach the opposite side.
Before beginning the procedure, the entire foot should be cleaned with a disinfectant. It makes sense
to begin this procedure with blocks of the two deep nerves because subcutaneous injections for the
superficial blocks often deform the anatomy. A controlled or regular syringe can be used.
Deep Peroneal Nerve Block
The finger of the palpating hand is positioned in the groove just lateral to the extensor hallucis longus
(Figure 22-8A). The needle is inserted under the skin and advanced until stopped by the bone. At this
point, the needle is withdrawn back 1 to 2 mm, and 2 to 3 mL of local anesthetic is injected (Figure
A deep peroneal block is essentially a “blind” injection of local anesthetic. Instead of relying on a
single injection, a “fan” technique is recommended to increase the success rate after the injection.
The tendon of extensor hallucis longus can be accentuated by asking the patient to dorsiflex the toes.
Posterior Tibial Nerve Block
The posterior tibial nerve is anesthetized by injecting local anesthetic just behind the medial
malleolus (Figure 22-9A). Similar to that of the deep peroneal nerve, its position is deep to the
superficial fascia. The needle is introduced in the groove behind the medial malleolus and advanced
until contact with the bone is felt. At this point, the needle is withdrawn back 1 to 2 mm, and 2 to 3
mL of local anesthetic is injected (Figure 22-9B).
FIGURE 22-9. (A) Landmark for posterior tibial nerve block is found by palpating the pulse of the
tibial artery posterior to the medial malleolus. (B) Posterior tibial nerve block is accomplished by
inserting the needle next to the pulse of the tibial artery. The needle is advanced until contact with the
bone is established. At this point the needle is withdrawn 2–3 mm, and 5 mL of local anesthetic is
Similar to the procedure used for the deep peroneal nerve, a “fan” technique should be used to
increase the success rate. The needle is pulled back to the skin, and two additional boluses of 2 mL of
local anesthetic are injected after anterior and posterior needle reinsertions.
Blocks of the Superficial Peroneal, Sural, and Saphenous Nerves
These three nerves are superficial cutaneous extensions of the sciatic and femoral nerves. Because
they are positioned superficially to the deep fascia, an injection of local anesthetic in the territory
through which they descend to the distal foot is adequate to achieve their blockade. Each nerve is
blocked using a simple circumferential injection of local anesthetic subcutaneously (Figures 22-10,
22-11, and 22-12).
To block the saphenous nerve, a 1.5 in, 25-gauge needle is inserted at the level of the medial
malleolus and a “ring” of local anesthetic is raised from the point of needle entry to the Achilles
tendon and anteriorly to the tibial ridge (Figure 22.10). This can be usually accomplished with one or
two needle insertions; 5 mL of local anesthetic suffices.
FIGURE 22-10. Saphenous nerve block is accomplished by injection of local anesthetic in a circular
fashion (line) subcutaneously just above the medial malleolus.
To block the superficial peroneal nerve, the needle is inserted at the tibial ridge and extended
laterally toward the lateral malleolus (Figure 22-11). It is important to raise a subcutaneous “wheal”
during injection, which indicates injection in the proper superficial plane. Five milliliters of local
anesthetic is adequate.
FIGURE 22-11. Superficial peroneal nerve block is performed by injecting local anesthetic in a
circular fashion at the level of the lateral malleolus and extending from anterior to posterior.
To block the sural nerve, the needle is inserted at the level of the lateral malleolus and the local
anesthetic is infiltrated toward the Achilles tendon (Figure 22-12). Five milliliters of local anesthetic
is deposited in a circular fashion to raise a skin “wheal.”
FIGURE 22-12. Sural nerve block is accomplished by injecting local anesthetic in a fanwise fashion
subcutaneously and below the fascia behind the lateral malleolus.
Remember the subcutaneous position of the superficial nerves and think of their blockade as a “field
block.” A distinct subcutaneous “wheal” should be seen with injection into a proper plane to block
the superficial nerves.
Block Dynamics and Perioperative Management
Ankle block is one of the more uncomfortable block procedures for patients. The reason is that it
involves five separate needle insertions, and subcutaneous injections to block the cutaneous nerves
result in discomfort due to the pressure distension of the skin and nerve endings. Additionally, the foot
is supplied by an abundance of nerve endings and is exquisitely sensitive to needle injections. For
these reasons, this block requires significant premedication to make it acceptable to patients. We
routinely use a combination of midazolam (2–4 mg intravenously) and a narcotic (500–750 μg
alfentanil) to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure.
A typical onset time for this block is 10 to 25 minutes, depending primarily on the concentration
and volume of local anesthetic used. Placement of an Esmarch bandage or a tourniquet at the level of
the ankle is well-tolerated and typically does not require additional blockade in sedated patients.
Complications and How to Avoid Them
Complications following an ankle block are typically limited to residual paresthesias due to
inadvertent intraneuronal injection. Systemic toxicity is uncommon because of the distal location of
the blockade. Table 22-1 provides more specific instructions on possible complications and
corrective measures.
TABLE 22-1 Complications of Ankle Block and Preventive Techniques
Delgado-Martinez AD, Marchal JM, Molina M, Palma A. Forefoot surgery with ankle tourniquet:
complete or selective ankle block? Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2001;26:184-186.
Delgado-Martinez AD, Marchal-Escalona JM. Supramalleolar ankle block anesthesia and ankle
tourniquet for foot surgery. Foot Ankle Int. 2001;22:836-838.
Hadžić; A, Vloka JD, Kuroda MM, Koorn R, Birnbach DJ. The practice of peripheral nerve blocks in
the United States: a national survey. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 1998;23:241-246.
Klein SM, Pietrobon R, Nielsen KC, Warner DS, Greengrass RA, Steele SM. Peripheral nerve
blockade with long-acting local anesthetics: a survey of the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia.
Anesth Analg. 2002;94:71-76.
Mineo R, Sharrock NE. Venous levels of lidocaine and bupivacaine after midtarsal ankle block. Reg
Anesth. 1992;17:47-49.
Myerson MS, Ruland CM, Allon SM. Regional anesthesia for foot and ankle surgery. Foot Ankle.
Needoff M, Radford P, Costigan P. Local anesthesia for postoperative pain relief after foot surgery: a
prospective clinical trial. Foot Ankle Int. 1995;16:11-13.
Noorpuri BS, Shahane SA, Getty CJ. Acute compartment syndrome following revisional arthroplasty of
the forefoot: the dangers of ankle-block. Foot Ankle Int. 2000;21:680-682.
Palmisani S, Arcioni R, Di Benedetto P, De Blasi RA, Mercieri M, Ronconi P. Ropivacaine and
levobupivacaine for bilateral selective ankle block in patients undergoing hallux valgus repair. Acta
Anaesthesiol Scand. 2008;52:841-844.
Reilley TE, Gerhardt MA. Anesthesia for foot and ankle surgery. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2002;19:125-147, vii.
Reinhart DJ, Stagg KS, Walker KG, et al. Postoperative analgesia after peripheral nerve block for
podiatric surgery: clinical efficacy and chemical stability of lidocaine alone versus lidocaine plus
ketorolac. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2000;25:506-513.
Rudkin GE, Rudkin AK, Dracopoulos GC. Ankle block success rate: a prospective analysis of 1,000
patients. Can J Anaesth. 2005;52:209-210.
Rudkin GE, Rudkin AK, Dracopoulos GC. Bilateral ankle blocks: a prospective audit. ANZ J Surg.
Schabort D, Boon JM, Becker PJ, Meiring JH. Easily identifiable bony landmarks as an aid in targeted
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Schurman DJ. Ankle-block anesthesia for foot surgery. Anesthesiology. 1976;44:348-352.
Shah S, Tsai T, Iwata T, Hadžić; A. Outpatient regional anesthesia for foot and ankle surgery. Int
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Sharrock NE, Waller JF, Fierro LE. Midtarsal block for surgery of the forefoot. Br J Anaesth.
Tran D, Clemente A, Finlayson RJ. A review of approaches and techniques for lower extremity nerve
blocks. Can J Anaesth. 2007;54:922-934.
Thoracic Paravertebral Block
FIGURE 23-1. Thoracic paravertebral block.
General Considerations
A thoracic paravertebral block is a technique where a bolus of local anesthetic is injected in the
paravertebral space, in the vicinity of the thoracic spinal nerves following their emergence from the
intervertebral foramen. The resulting ipsilateral somatic and sympathetic nerve blockade produces
anesthesia or analgesia that is conceptually similar to a “unilateral” epidural anesthetic block. Higher
or lower levels can be chosen to accomplish a unilateral, bandlike, segmental blockade at the desired
levels without significant hemodynamic changes. For a trained regional anesthesia practitioner, this
technique is simple to perform and time efficient; however, it is more challenging to teach because it
requires stereotactic thinking and needle maneuvering. A certain “mechanical” mind or sense of
geometry is necessary to master it. This block is used most commonly to provide anesthesia and
analgesia in patients having mastectomy and cosmetic breast surgery, and to provide analgesia after
thoracic surgery or in patients with rib fractures. A catheter can also be inserted for continuous
infusion of local anesthetic.
Regional Anesthesia Anatomy
The thoracic paravertebral space is a wedge-shaped area that lies on either side of the vertebral
column (Figure 23-2). Its walls are formed by the parietal pleura anterolaterally; the vertebral body,
intervertebral disk, and intervertebral foramen medially; and the superior costotransverse ligament
posteriorly. After emerging from their respective intervertebral foramina, the thoracic nerve roots
divide into dorsal and ventral rami. The dorsal ramus provides innervation to the skin and muscle of
the paravertebral region; the ventral ramus continues laterally as the intercostal nerve. The ventral
ramus also gives rise to the rami communicantes, which connect the intercostal nerve to the
sympathetic chain. The thoracic paravertebral space is continuous with the intercostal space laterally,
epidural space medially, and contralateral paravertebral space via the prevertebral fascia. In
addition, local anesthetic can also spread longitudinally either cranially or caudally. The mechanism
of action of a paravertebral blockade includes direct action of the local anesthetic on the spinal nerve,
lateral extension along with the intercostal nerves and medial extension into the epidural space
through the intervertebral foramina.
FIGURE 23-2. Anatomy of the thoracic spinal nerve (root) and innervation of the chest wall.
Distribution of Anesthesia
Thoracic paravertebral blockade results in ipsilateral anesthesia. The location of the resulting
dermatomal distribution of anesthesia or analgesia is a function of the level blocked and the volume
of local anesthetic injected (Figure 23-3).
FIGURE 23-3. Thoracic dermatomal levels.
Single-Injection Thoracic Paravertebral Block
A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:
Sterile towels and gauze packs
A 20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
Sterile gloves and marking pen
A 10-mL syringe plus 25-gauge needle with local anesthetic for skin infiltration
An 8-10 cm, 18-gauge Tuohy tip epidural needle for continuous paravertebral block or an 8-10 cm
Quincke tip needle for single injection paravertebral block.
Low-volume extension tubing
The use of needles with markings to indicate the depth of insertion is suggested for a better monitoring
of needle placement.
Patient Positioning
The patient is positioned in the sitting or lateral decubitus (with the side to be blocked uppermost)
position and supported by an attendant (Figure 23-4). The back should assume knee-chest position,
similar to the position required for neuraxial anesthesia. The patient’s feet rest on a stool to allow
greater patient comfort and a greater degree of kyphosis. The positioning increases the distance
between the adjacent transverse processes and facilitates advancement of the needle between them.
FIGURE 23-4. Patient positioning for thoracic paravertebral block. The patient is positioned in a
sitting position with feet resting on a stool and assumes a knee-chest position.
Landmarks and Maneuvers to Accentuate Them
The following anatomic landmarks are used to identify spinal levels and estimate the position of the
relevant transverse processes (Figure 23-5):
FIGURE 23-5. Spinal processes are the main landmarks for the thoracic paravertebral block.
Processes are outlined from C7 (the most prominent vertebrate) to T7 (tip of scapulae).
. Spinous processes (midline)
. Spinous process of C7 (the most prominent spinous process in the cervical region when the neck is
. Lower tips of scapulae (corresponds to T7)
The tips of the spinous processes should be marked on the skin. Then a parasagittal line can be
measured and drawn 2.5 cm lateral to the midline (Figure 23-6). For breast surgery, the levels to be
blocked are T2 through T6. For thoracotomy, estimates can be made after discussion with the surgeon
about the planned approach and length of incision.
FIGURE 23-6. The needle insertion points for paravertebral block are labeled 2.5 cm lateral to the
spinous processes.
Determining the distance between two transverse processes at the level to be blocked is a rough
estimation at best. Instead, it is more practical to outline the midline and simply draw an arbitrary line
2.5 cm parallel and lateral to the midline. Once the two first transverse processes are identified on
that line, the rest follow a similar cranial-caudal distance between the two processes.
After cleaning the skin with an antiseptic solution, 6 to 10 mL of dilute local anesthetic is infiltrated
subcutaneously along the line where the injections will be made. The injection should be carried out
slowly to avoid pain on injection.
The addition of a vasoconstrictor helps prevent oozing at the site of injection.
When more than five or six levels are blocked (e.g., bilateral blocks), the use of alkalinized
chloroprocaine or lidocaine for skin infiltration is suggested to decrease the total dose of long-acting
local anesthetic.
The subcutaneous tissues and paravertebral muscles are infiltrated with local anesthetic to
decrease the discomfort at the site of needle insertion. The fingers of the palpating hand should
straddle the paramedian line and fix the skin to avoid medial-lateral skin movement. The needle is
attached to a syringe containing local anesthetic via extension tubing and advanced perpendicularly to
the skin at the level of the superior aspect of the corresponding spinous process (Figure 23-7).
Constant attention to the depth of needle insertion and the slight medial to lateral needle orientation is
critical to avoid pneumothorax and direction of the needle toward the neuraxial space, respectively.
The utmost care should be taken to avoid directing the needle medially (risk of epidural or spinal
injection). The transverse process is typically contacted at a depth of 3 to 6 cm. If it is not, it is
possible the needle tip has missed the transverse processes and passed either too laterally or in
between the processes. Osseous contact at shallow depth (e.g., 2 cm) is almost always due to a too
lateral needle insertion (ribs). In this case, further advancement could result in too deep insertion and
possible pleural puncture. Instead, the needle should be withdrawn and redirected superiorly or
inferiorly until contact with the bone is made.
FIGURE 23-7. The technique of thoracic paravertebral block begins with insertion of the needle 2.5
cm lateral to the spinous process with an intention to contact the transverse process.
After the transverse process is contacted, the needle is withdrawn to the skin level and redirected
superiorly or inferiorly to “walk off” the transverse process (Figure 23-8A and B). The ultimate goal
is to insert the needle to a depth of 1 cm past the transverse process. A certain loss of resistance to
needle advancement often can be felt as the needle passes through the superior costotransverse
ligament; however, this is a nonspecific sign and should not be relied on for correct placement.
FIGURE 23-8. (A) Once the transverse process is contacted, the needle is walked-off superiorly or
inferiorly and advanced 1–1.5 cm past the transverse process. (B) When walking-off the transverse
process superiorly proves difficult, the needle is redirected to walk off inferiorly.
• The block procedure consists of three maneuvers (Figure 23-9):
Contact the transverse processes of individual vertebra and note the depth at which the process
was contacted (usually 2–4 cm) (Figure 23-9A).
Withdraw the needle to the skin level and reinsert it at a 10° caudal or cephalad angulation
(Figure 23-9B).
Walk off the transverse process, pass the needle 1 cm deeper and inject 5 mL of local anesthetic
(Figure 23-9C).
FIGURE 23-9. Demonstration of the technique of walking-off the transverse process and needle
redirection maneuvers to enter the paravertebral space (lightly shaded area) containing thoracic nerve
roots. A. Needle contacts transverse process. B. Needle is “walked off” cephalad to reach
paravertebral space. C. Needle is “walked off” to reach paravertebral space.
The needle can be redirected to walk off the transverse process superiorly or inferiorly. At levels
of T7 and below, however, walking off the inferior aspect of the transverse process is recommended
to reduce the risk of intrapleural placement of the needle. Proper handling of the needle is important
both for accuracy and safety. Once the transverse process is contacted, the needle should be regripped 1 cm away from the skin so that insertion only can be made 1 cm deeper before skin contact
with the fingers prevents further advancement.
After aspiration to rule out intravascular or intrathoracic needle tip placement, 5 mL of local
anesthetic is injected slowly (Figure 23-10). The process is repeated for the remaining levels to be
FIGURE 23-10. The spread of the contrast-containing local anesthetic in the paravertebral space.
White arrow—paravertebral catheter, blue arrows—spread of the contrast. In right image example (5
ml), the contrast spreads somewhat contralaterally and one level above and below the injection.
Loss of resistance technique to identify the paravertebral is subtle. For this reason, we do not rely on
the loss of resistance as a marker. Instead, we measure the skin–transverse process distance and
simply advance the needle 1 cm past the transverse process.
Never redirect the needle medially because of the risk of intraforaminal needle passage and
consequent spinal cord injury or subarachnoid injection (total spinal).
Use common sense when advancing the needle. The depth at which the transverse processes are
contacted varies with a patient’s body habitus and the level at which the block is performed. The
deepest levels are at the high thoracic (T1 and T2) and low lumbar levels (L4 and L5), where the
transverse process is contacted at a depth of 6 to 8 cm in average-size patients. The shallowest depths
are at the midthoracic levels (T5 and T10), where the transverse process is contacted at 3 to 4 cm in
an average-size patient.
Never disconnect the needle from the tubing or the syringe containing local anesthetic while the needle
is inserted. Instead, use a stopcock to switch from syringe to syringe during injection. This may
prevent the development of a pneumothorax during inspiration in the case of inadvertent puncture of
the parietal.
Choice of Local Anesthetic
It is usually beneficial to achieve longer-acting anesthesia or analgesia in a thoracic paravertebral
blockade by using a long-acting local anesthetic. Unless lower lumbar levels (L2 through L5) are part
of the planned blockade, paravertebral blocks do not result in extremity motor block and do not
impair the patient’s ability to ambulate or perform activities of daily living.
Table 23-1 lists some commonly used local anesthetic solutions and their dynamics with this
TABLE 23-1 Choice of Local Anesthetic for Paravertebral Block
Block Dynamics and Perioperative Management
Placement of a paravertebral block is associated with moderate patient discomfort, therefore
adequate sedation (midazolam 2–4 mg) is necessary for patient comfort. We also routinely administer
alfentanil 250 to 750 μg just before beginning the block procedure. However, excessive sedation
should be avoided because positioning becomes difficult when patients cannot keep their balance in a
sitting position. The efficacy of the block depends on the dispersion of the anesthetic within the space
to reach the individual roots at the level of the injection. The first sign of the block is the loss of
pinprick sensation at the dermatomal distribution of the root being blocked. The higher the
concentration and volume of local anesthetic used, the faster the onset.
Continuous Thoracic Paravertebral Block
Continuous thoracic paravertebral block is an advanced regional anesthesia technique. Except for the
fact that a catheter is advanced through the needle, however, it differs little from the single-injection
technique. The continuous thoracic paravertebral block technique is more suitable for analgesia than
for surgical anesthesia. The resultant blockade can be thought of as a unilateral continuous thoracic
epidural, although bilateral epidural block after injection through the catheter is not uncommon. This
technique provides excellent analgesia and is devoid of significant hemodynamic effects in patients
following mastectomy, unilateral chest surgery or patients with rib fractures.
A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:
Sterile towels and gauze packs
A 20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
Sterile gloves and marking pen
A 3- to 5-mL syringe plus 25-gauge needle with local anesthetic for skin infiltration
Epidural kit with a 10-cm, 18-gauge Tuohy-tip needle and catheter
Patient Positioning
The patient is positioned in the supine or lateral decubitus position. In our experience, this block is
used primarily for patients after various thoracic procedures or for patients undergoing a mastectomy
or tumorectomy with axillary lymph node debridement. The ability to recognize spinous processes is
The landmarks for a continuous paravertebral block are identical to those for the single-injection
technique. The tips of the spinous processes should be marked on the skin. A parasagittal line can then
be measured and drawn 2.5 cm lateral to the midline.
For continuous paravertebral blockade, the catheter is inserted one segmental level below the
midpoint of the thoracotomy incision line.
The subcutaneous tissues and paravertebral muscles are infiltrated with local anesthetic to decrease
the discomfort at the site of needle insertion. The needle is attached to a syringe containing local
anesthetic via extension tubing and advanced in a sagittal, slightly cephalad plane to contact the
transverse process. Once the transverse process is contacted, the needle is withdrawn back to the skin
level and reinserted cephalad at a 10° to 15° angle to walk off 1 cm past the transverse process and
enter the paravertebral space. As the paravertebral space is entered, a loss of resistance is sometimes
perceived, but it should not be relied on as a marker of correct placement. Once the paravertebral
space is entered, the initial bolus of local anesthetic is injected through the needle. The catheter is
inserted about 3 to 5 cm beyond the needle tip (Figure 23-11). The catheter is secured using an
adhesive skin preparation, followed by application of a clear dressing and clearly labeled
“paravertebral nerve block catheter.” The catheter should be loss of resistance checked for air,
cerebrospinal fluid, and blood before administering a local anesthetic or starting a continuous
FIGURE 23-11. Continuous thoracic paravertebral block. The catheter is inserted 3 cm past the
needle tip.
Care must be taken to prevent medial orientation of the needle (risk of epidural or subarachnoid
If it is deemed that the needle is inserted too laterally (inability to advance due to needle-rib contact),
the needle should be reinserted medially rather than oriented medially (to avoid the risk of the needle
entering neuraxial space and spinal cord injury).
Management of the Continuous Infusion
Continuous infusion is initiated after an initial bolus of dilute local anesthetic is administered through
the needle or catheter. The bolus injection consists of a small volume of 0.2% ropivacaine or
bupivacaine (e.g., 8 mL). For continuous infusion, 0.2% ropivacaine or 0.25% bupivacaine
(levobupivacaine) is also suitable. Local anesthetic is infused at 10 mL/h or 5 mL/h when a patientcontrolled regional analgesia dose (5 mL every 60 min) is planned.
Breakthrough pain in patients undergoing continuous infusion is always managed by administering a
bolus of local anesthetic; increasing the rate of infusion alone is never adequate.
When the bolus injection through the catheter fails to result in blockade after 30 minutes, the catheter
should be considered dislodged and should be removed.
Complications and How to Avoid Them
Table 23-2 lists the complications and preventive techniques of thoracic paravertebral block.
TABLE 23-2 Complications of Thoracic Paravertebral Block and Preventive Techniques
Boezaart AP, Raw RM. Continuous thoracic paravertebral block for major breast surgery. Reg Anesth
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Buckenmaier CC III, Steele SM, Nielsen KC, Martin AH, Klein SM. Bilateral continuous paravertebral
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Hadžić A, Vloka JD, Kuroda MM, Koorn R, Birnbach DJ. The practice of peripheral nerve blocks in
the United States: a national survey. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 1998;23:241-246.
Hultman JL, Schuleman S, Sharp T, Gilbert TJ. Continuous thoracic paravertebral block. J
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Karmakar MK. Thoracic paravertebral block. Anesthesiology. 2001;95:771-780.
Karmakar MK, Booker PD, Franks R. Bilateral continuous paravertebral block used for postoperative
analgesia in an infant having bilateral thoracotomy. Paediatr Anaesth. 1997;7:469-471.
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Kopacz DJ, Thompson GE. Neural blockade of the thorax and abdomen. In: Cousins MJ, Bridenbaugh
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Lippincott-Raven; 1988:451-485.
Norum HM, Breivik H. Thoracic paravertebral blockade and thoracic epidural analgesia: two extremes
of a continuum. Anesth Analg. 2011;112:990; 990-1.
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patients having open lung surgery.Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2011;36:256-60.
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hemidiaphragmatic paresis as adverse effect of a high thoracic paravertebral block. Reg Anesth Pain
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Richardson J, Lönnqvist PA, Naja Z. Bilateral thoracic paravertebral block: potential and practice. Br JAnaesth. 2011;106:164-71.
Richardson J, Sabanathan S, Jones J, Shah RD, Cheema S, Mearns AJ. A prospective, randomized
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Richardson J, Sabanathan S. Thoracic paravertebral analgesia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.
Schnabel A, Reichl SU, Kranke P, Pogatzki-Zahn EM, Zahn PK.Efficacy and safety of paravertebral
blocks in breast surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Br J Anaesth.
Terheggen MA, Wille F, Borel Rinkes IH, Ionescu TI, Knape JT. Paravertebral blockade for minor
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Vila H Jr, Liu J, Kavasmaneck D. Paravertebral block: new benefits from an old procedure. Curr Opin
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Wheeler LJ. Peripheral nerve stimulation end-point for thoracic paravertebral block. Br J Anaesth.
Intercostal Block
FIGURE 24-1. Intercostal nerve block: Patient position and needle insertion.
General Considerations
Intercostal block produces discrete bandlike segmental anesthesia in the chosen levels. Intercostal
block is an excellent analgesic option for a variety of acute and chronic pain conditions. The
beneficial effect of intercostal blockade on respiratory function following thoracic or upper
abdominal surgery, or following chest wall trauma, is well documented. Although similar in many
ways to the paravertebral block, intercostal blocks are generally simpler to perform because the
osseous landmarks are more readily palpable. However, the risks of pneumothorax and local
anesthetic systemic toxicity are present, and care must be taken to prevent these potentially serious
complications. Intercostal blocks can be more challenging to perform above the level of T7 because
the scapula prevents access to the ribs. Although an intercostal block is an excellent choice for
analgesic purposes, it is often inadequate as a complete surgical anesthesia. For this application,
supplementation with another anesthesia technique usually is required.
Regional Anesthesia Anatomy
After emerging from their respective intervertebral foramina, the thoracic nerve roots divide into
dorsal and ventral rami (Figure 24-2). The dorsal ramus provides innervation to the skin and muscle
of the paravertebral region; the ventral ramus continues laterally as the intercostal nerve. This nerve
then pierces the posterior intercostal membrane approximately 3 cm lateral to the intervertebral
foramen and enters the subcostal groove of the rib, where it travels inferiorly to the intercostal artery
and vein. Initially, the nerve lies between the parietal pleura and the inner most intercostal muscle.
Immediately proximal to the angle of the rib, it passes into the space between the innermost and
internal intercostal muscles, where it remains for much of the remainder of its course. At the
midaxillary line, the intercostal nerve gives rise to the lateral cutaneous branch, which pierces the
internal and external intercostal muscles and supplies the muscles and skin of the lateral trunk. The
continuation of the intercostal nerve terminates as the anterior cutaneous branch, which supplies the
skin and muscles of the anterior trunk, including the skin overlying the sternum and rectus abdominis.
FIGURE 24-2. Anatomy of the thoracic spinal and intercostal nerves.
Distribution of Anesthesia
Intercostal blockade results in the spread of local anesthetic along the intercostals sulcus underneath
the parietal pleura, leading to ipsilateral anesthesia of the blocked intercostals levels (Figure 24-3).
A larger volume of local anesthetic or more medial injection may result in backtracking of local
anesthetic into the paravertebral space. The extent of the resulting dermatomal distribution of
anesthesia or analgesia is simply a function of the level of blockade. In contrast to paravertebral
blockade, longitudinal (cephalad-caudad) spread between adjacent levels is much less common,
although possible with large volumes of injectate and/or injection sites close to the midline of the
back. In such instances, the local anesthetic can spread between the levels via the overflow into the
paravertebral space.
FIGURE 24-3. Injection of the local anesthetic (red dye) in intercostal space results in a mediallateral spread of the local anesthetic in the intercostal space where the intercostal nerves (arrow) are
A standard regional anesthesia tray is prepared with the following equipment:
Sterile towels and gauze packs
20-mL syringes containing local anesthetic
Sterile gloves and marking pen
A 10-mL syringe plus 25-gauge needle with local anesthetic for skin infiltration
A 1.5-in, 22-gauge needle attached to extension tubing
Patient Positioning
An intercostal block can be performed with the patient in the sitting, lateral decubitus, or prone
positions. With the patient in sitting or lateral position, it is helpful to have the patient’s spine arched
with the arms extended forward. Patients who are prone are best positioned for the block by placing a
pillow under the abdomen and with the arms hanging down from the sides of the bed (Figure 24-4).
This rotates the scapulae laterally and permits access to the angles of the rib above the level of T7
(Figure 24-5).
FIGURE 24-4. The patient position for intercostal block. A pillow is used as an abdominal/pelvic
support. The arms are hanging off the table.
FIGURE 24-5. Technique of palpating the intercostal space. The fingers of the palpating hand are
firmly pressed in the intercostal space 5–7 cm lateral to the midline.
Landmarks and Maneuvers to Accentuate Them
The following anatomic landmarks are used to estimate the position of the relevant ribs.
. Twelfth rib (last rib palpable inferiorly) (Figure 24-6)
FIGURE 24-6. Landmarks for intercostal space are identified first by determining the midline and the
spinous processes (skin marks). Intercostal space is then determined by palpation at each level to be
blocked, and the insertion point for needle is marked 5–7 cm lateral to the midline.
. The 7th rib (lowest rib covered by the angle of the scapula) (Figure 24-7)
FIGURE 24-7. Estimating T7 level at the tip of the scapula.
Once identified by palpation, the inferior border of the corresponding ribs can be marked on the
skin (Figure 24-8). An “x” at the angle of the rib identifies the site of needle insertion, usually about
6–8 cm from the midline. For thoracotomy or upper abdominal incisions, an estimate of the levels
required for effective analgesia can be made after discussion with the surgeon as to the planned
approach and length of incision. Analgesic blocks for rib fractures are planned based on the area of
the injury. Typically, in addition to the estimated dermatomal levels, one additional level above and
one below the estimated levels are also blocked.
FIGURE 24-8. The needle insertion site for intercostal space is labeled 5–7 cm lateral to the
Determining the level of the blockade by counting ribs is merely an estimated, rather than a precise,
After cleaning the skin with an antiseptic solution, 1–2 mL of dilute local anesthetic is infiltrated
subcutaneously at each planned injection site.
The fingers of the palpating hand should straddle the insertion site at the inferior border of the rib
and fix the skin to avoid unwanted skin movement. A 1.5-in, 22-gauge needle is attached to a syringe
containing local anesthetic via extension tubing and advanced at an angle of approximately 20°
cephalad to the skin (Figure 24-9). Contact with the rib should be made at within 1 cm in most
patients. While maintaining the same angle of insertion, the needle is walked off the inferior border of
the rib as the skin is allowed to return to its initial position. Then the needle is advanced 3 mm below
the inferior margin of the rib, with the goal of placing the tip in the space containing the neurovascular
bundle (i.e., between the internal and innermost intercostal muscles). The end point for advancement
should be the predetermined distance (3 mm).
FIGURE 24-9. Intercostal nerve block: Patient position and needle insertion.
Following negative aspiration for blood or air, 3–5 mL of local anesthetic of insertion and the
needle withdrawn. The process is repeated for the remaining levels of blockade.
A perpendicular or caudad angulation of the needle can cause the block failure; maintenance of the 20°
cephalad angle increases the chances that the needle tip will be placed in close proximity to the
intercostal nerve.
Use common sense when advancing the needle. The depth at which the ribs are contacted varies with a
patient’s body habitus, and an absence of bony contact at 1 cm should prompt a reevaluation of
landmarks rather than continued advancement.
Never disconnect the needle from the tubing or the syringe containing local anesthetic while the needle
is inserted. Instead, use a stopcock to switch the syringes. In the case of inadvertent puncture of the
parietal pleura, this strategy prevents the development of a pneumothorax during inspiration, unless
the visceral pleura are punctured also.
In patients with a multiple-level blockade, consider using alkalinized 3-chloroprocaine for skin
infiltration to decrease the total dose of the more toxic, long-acting local anesthetic
Choice of Local Anesthetic
It is usually beneficial to achieve longer-acting anesthesia or analgesia for intercostal blockade by
using a long-acting local anesthetic. Systemic absorption of local anesthetic is high following an
intercostal block, and careful consideration of the dose should precede the block performance to
decrease the risk of systemic toxicity.
Table 24-1 lists some commonly used local anesthetic solutions and their dynamics with this
Table 24-1 Choice of Local Anesthetic for Intercostal Block
Block Dynamics and Perioperative Management
The performance of intercostal blocks is associated with relatively minor patient discomfort, although
needle contact with the periosteum can be uncomfortable. A small dose of midazolam (2 mg) and
alfentanil (250–500 μg) just before beginning the block procedure is usually adequate to decrease the
discomfort. Excessive sedation should be avoided because positioning becomes difficult when
patients cannot keep their balance in a sitting position. The first sign of successful blockade is the loss
of pinprick sensation at the dermatomal distribution of the nerve being blocked. The higher the
concentration and volume of local anesthetic used, the faster the onset.
Complications and How to Avoid Them
Table 24-2 lists the complications of intercostal block and preventive techniques.
Table 24-2 Complications of Intercostal Block and Preventive Techniques
Finnerty O, Carney J, McDonnell JG. Trunk blocks for abdominal surgery. Anaesthesia. 2010;65(Suppl
Joshi GP, Bonnet F, Shah R, et al. A systematic review of randomized trials evaluating regional
techniques for postthoracotomy analgesia. Anesth Analg. 2008;107:1026-1040.
Karmakar MK, Critchley LAH, Ho AMH, et al. Continuous thoracic paravertebral infusion of
bupivacaine for pain management in patients with multiple fractured ribs. Chest. 2003;123:424-431.
Karmakar MK, Ho AMH. Acute pain management of patients with multiple fractured ribs. J Trauma.
Kopacz DJ, Thompson GE. Intercostal blocks for thoracic and abdominal surgery. Tech Reg Anesth
Pain Manage. 1998;2:25-29.
Nunn JF, Slavin G. Posterior intercostal nerve block for pain relief after cholecystectomy. Anatomical
basis and efficacy. Br J Anaesth. 1980;52:253-260.
Osinowo OA, Zahrani M, Softah A. Effect of intercostal nerve block with 0.5% bupivacaine on peak
expiratory flow rate and arterial oxygen saturation in rib fractures. J Trauma. 2004;56:345-347.
Stromskag KE, Kleiven S. Continuous intercostals and interpleural nerve blockades. Tech Reg Anesth
Pain Manage. 1998;2:79-89.
SECTION 3 Intravenous Regional Anesthesia
Chapter 25 Bier Block
Chapter 25 Bier Block
FIGURE 25-1. Intravenous regional anesthesia: Injection of local anesthetic and placement of the
General Considerations
Intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA) was first described in 1908 by the German surgeon A.G.
Bier, hence the procedure name Bier block. Originally, anesthesia was obtained by the intravenous
injection of procaine in a previously exsanguinated vascular space, isolated from the rest of the
circulation by two Esmarch bandages used as tourniquets. After initial enthusiasm, the technique fell
into obscurity for >50 years. In 1963, Holmes reintroduced the Bier block with the novel use of
lidocaine, describing a series of 30 patients in The Lancet. Today, intravenous regional anesthesia of
the upper limb remains popular because it is reliable, cost effective, safe, and simple to administer. It
is a widely accepted technique well suited for brief minor surgeries such as wrist or hand
ganglionectomy, carpal tunnel release, Dupuytren contractures, reduction of fractures, and others.
Since the duration of anesthesia depends on the length of time the tourniquet is inflated, there is no
need to use long-acting or more toxic agents. Its application for longer surgical procedures is
precluded by the discomfort caused by the tourniquet, typically beginning within 30 to 45 minutes.
Other disadvantages include incomplete muscle relaxation (where important) and lack of
postoperative pain relief. With the implementation of a safety protocol and with meticulous attention
to detail, concerns about local anesthetic (LA) toxicity should merely be a theoretical issue.
The only relevant anatomy is the location and distribution of peripheral veins in the extremity to be
blocked. By preference, a vein as distal as possible is chosen. The antecubital fossa is an alternative
only when more distal peripheral access is lacking.
Distribution of Anesthesia
The entire extremity below the level of the tourniquet is anesthetized. Numerous radiographic,
radioisotope, and neurophysiologic studies looked into the site of action of IVRA. However, the exact
mechanism still remains the subject of debate and controversy. The likely mechanism is that the local
anesthetic, via the vascular bed, reaches both peripheral nerves and nerve trunks (vasae nervorum),
and nerve endings (valveless venules). Diffusion of local anesthetic into the surrounding tissues also
plays a role. Ischemia and compression of the peripheral nerves at the level of the inflated cuff is
probably another contributory component of the mechanism of IVRA. Again, anesthesia achieved by
intravenous regional anesthesia is limited only by the inevitable pain due to tourniquet application;
and, therefore, it is used typically for procedures lasting 30 to 45 minutes.
Equipment includes the following items (Figure 25-2):
FIGURE 25-2. Equipment for intravenous (IV) regional anesthesia consists of IV catheter, Esmarch,
and local anesthetic.
Local anesthetic agent: lidocaine HCl (0.25–2%)
Rubber tourniquet
IV catheters (18- or 20-gauge)
500-mL or 1-L bag of IV solution (crystalloid)
Infusion set
Pneumatic tourniquet, ideally with a double cuff
One Esmarch bandage (about 150 cm in length, 10 cm in width)
Positioning and Preparation
The patient lies in the supine position with the vein selected for block placement readily accessible.
Baseline vital signs are assessed; blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and ECG monitoring are
applied. Intravenous access in the nonoperated extremity is obtained. Small doses of benzodiazepine
for anxiolysis or small aliquots of opioids in case of discomfort, or both, may be administered.
Adequate premedication will improve tourniquet tolerance and benzodiazepines can prevent the
potential central nervous system signs of mild local anesthetic toxicity should the level of local
anesthetic raise. An intact tourniquet system is essential for success and safety. Therefore, pneumatic
cuffs always must be checked for air leaks before starting any IVRA procedure.
The technique consists of the following steps:
. An IV cannula is inserted in the extremity opposite to the block side.
. A double pneumatic tourniquet is placed on a padding layer of soft cloth (stockinette) with the
proximal cuff high on the upper arm.
. An IV cannula is inserted and carefully secured into a peripheral vein of the operative limb, as far
distally as feasible. The cannula is flushed with saline before capping (Figure 25-3).
FIGURE 25-3. A small gauge intravenous catheter is inserted in the peripheral vein and secured.
. The entire arm is elevated for 1 to 2 minutes to allow for passive exsanguination (Figure 25-4). After
exanguination, while still keeping the arm high, a rubber Esmarch bandage is wrapped around the
arm, spirally from the hand to the distal cuff of the double tourniquet, to exsanguinate the extremity
completely (Figure 25-5).
FIGURE 25-4. A double well-padded tourniquet is placed on the upper arm. The arm is elevated to
allow for passive exsanguinations.
FIGURE 25-5. With the arm elevated, an Esmarch bandage is systematically applied from the
fingertips to the double tourniquet to help empty the venous bed.
. While the axillary artery is digitally occluded, the proximal cuff is inflated to 50 to 100 mm Hg
above systolic arterial blood pressure (Figure 25-6).
FIGURE 25-6. With the Esmarch in place, the double tourniquet is inflated in the following
sequence: The distal cuff (red) is inflated first, followed by inflation of the proximal cuff (blue). Once
the proximal cuff is inflated and checked for functionality, the distal cuff is deflated. The cuff pressure
is determined by the patient’s systolic blood pressure; the cuff pressure should be about 100 mmHg
above the arterial systolic blood pressure.
. Sequence for initial tourniquet management:
. Exsanguinate by elevation and Tourniquet wrapping
. Inflate distal cuff
. Inflate proximal cuff
. Deflate distal cuff
. Inject local anesthetic.
. After reaching the correct pressure, the Esmarch bandage is removed and 12 to 15 mL of
preservative-free 2% lidocaine HCl (or 30–50 mL of 0.5% lidocaine HCl) is slowly injected via the
indwelling extra catheter (20 mL/min) (Figure 25-7). The volume depends on the size of the arm
being anesthetized and the concentration of the anesthetic solution. Commonly recommended maximal
dose is 3 mg/kg.
FIGURE 25-7. With the extremity exsanguinated and the proximal cuff inflated, local anesthetic is
injected to anesthetize the extremity.
. After the injection, the arm is lowered to the level of the table. The IV cannula from the anesthetized
hand is removed, and in a sterile manner, pressure is quickly applied over the puncture site.
0. The onset of anesthesia is almost immediate after injection. When the tourniquet pain is reported by
the patient, the distal cuff should be inflated and the proximal cuff deflated about 25 to 30 minutes
after the beginning of anesthesia (Figure 25-8).
FIGURE 25-8. Management of the tourniquet pain. When the patient complains of tourniquet pain, the
distal cuff (red) is inflated. Once the distal tourniquet is assured to be inflated and functional, the
proximal tourniquet (blue) is deflated. All connectors must be clearly labeled (color coded in our
practice) to avoid error in the sequence of inflation/deflation.
• Sequence for managing tourniquet pain:
Inflate distal cuff.
Assure that distal cuff is inflated.
Deflate proximal cuff.
Choice of a Local Anesthetic
Almost all local anesthetic agents have been reported to have been used for IVRA. At present,
lidocaine remains the most commonly used local anesthetic of choice in North America. When used in
the recommended dose of not more than 3 mg/kg, it appears to be remarkably safe in IV regional
blockade. Most researchers report the use of a large volume of a dilute solution of local anesthetic.
We often use a smaller volume of a concentrated agent to simplify by avoiding the need for dilution
and multiple syringes. By using smaller volumes, we find the procedure tends to be more
straightforward and less time consuming; the medication is simpler to prepare and easier to inject.
In some European institutions, prilocaine remains a preferred agent in IVRA. It may be the least
toxic of the drugs used currently, and it is better tolerated than lidocaine in terms of systemic and
central nervous system side effects. However, because it has been associated with the formation of
methemoglobin, prilocaine is not used in North America.
Much research has been done on suitable adjuncts and additives to reduce anesthetic dose and to
obtain improved tourniquet tolerance, better muscle relaxation, and prolonged postoperative pain
control. Research evidence suggests that some adjuvants may offer some benefits. (e.g., ketorolac,
clonidine, meperidine, and muscle relaxants). However, in our opinion, the marginal benefits may not
justify the routine use of any additive because they do not outweigh the risk of increased complexity,
potential for side effects, and drug error that may occur during addition of adjuvants to local
Block Dynamics and Perioperative Management
With a Bier block, anesthesia of the extremity typically develops within 5 minutes. Progressive
numbness and complete insensitivity are followed by patchy decolorization of the skin and motor
paralysis. Some patients report a tingly or cold sensation in the limb. However, with adequate
premedication, this sign is often missed. After 30 to 45 minutes, the majority of patients report
discomfort at the site of the inflated tourniquet. When this occurs, the distal cuff of the tourniquet
should be inflated and the proximal cuff deflated. This maneuver provides immediate and significant
relief, and the patient gains an additional 15 to 30 minutes of relative comfort. As soon as the patient
gives notice of tourniquet pain, the surgeon should be consulted for information on the expected time
necessary to complete the operation. The proximal tourniquet however, should never be released
before inflation of the distal cuff. Proper labeling of the proximal and distal cuffs and their respective
valves is of the utmost importance. Deflation of the wrong cuff will result in the rapid loss of
anesthesia and the risk of systemic local anesthetic toxicity.
With respect to deflating the tourniquet at the end of a short surgical procedure (i.e., <45 minutes),
it remains important to proceed cautiously. Several protocols for deflation are published. We adhere
to a two-stage deflation: The tourniquet is deflated for 10 seconds and reinflated for 1 minute before
the final release. This sequence results in a more gradual washout of the local anesthetic agent, and,
as such, it reduces the chances of systemic toxicity.
Possible Complications
Untoward sequelae are few. Most of the reports of complications are related to equipment failure or
other factors not directly attributable to the method itself (e.g., neglecting protocol guidelines). Table
25-1 lists complications and ways to prevent them.
TABLE 25-1 Complications and How to Avoid Them
Bannister M. Bier’s block. Anaesthesia. 1997;52:713.
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SECTION 4 Foundations Of Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks
Chapter 26 Ultrasound Physics
Chapter 27 Optimizing an Ultrasound Image
Chapter 26 Ultrasound Physics
Daquan Xu
Ultrasound application allows for noninvasive visualization of tissue structures. Real-time ultrasound
images are integrated images resulting from reflection of organ surfaces and scattering within
heterogeneous tissues. Ultrasound scanning is an interactive procedure involving the operator, patient,
and ultrasound instruments. Although the physics behind ultrasound generation, propagation,
detection, and transformation into practical information is rather complex, its clinical application is
much simpler. Understanding the essential ultrasound physics presented in this chapter should be
useful for comprehending the principles behind ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blockade.
History of Ultrasound
In 1880, French physicists Pierre Curie, and his elder brother Jacques Curie, discovered the
piezoelectric effect in certain crystals. Paul Langevin, a student of Pierre Curie, developed
piezoelectric materials, which can generate and receive mechanical vibrations with high frequency
(therefore ultrasound). During WWI, ultrasound was introduced in the navy as a means to detect
enemy submarines. In the medical field, however, ultrasound was initially used for therapeutic rather
than diagnostic purposes. In the late 1920s, Paul Langevin discovered that high power ultrasound
could generate heat in bone and disrupt animal tissues. As a result, ultrasound was used to treat
patients with Ménière disease, Parkinson disease, and rheumatic arthritis throughout the early 1950s.
Diagnostic applications of ultrasound began through the collaboration of physicians and SONAR
engineers. In 1942, Karl Dussik, a neuropsychiatrist and his brother, Friederich Dussik, a physicist,
described ultrasound as a diagnostic tool to visualize neoplastic tissues in the brain and the cerebral
ventricles. However, limitations of ultrasound instrumentation at the time prevented further
development of clinical applications until the early 1970s.
With regard to regional anesthesia, as early as 1978, P. La Grange and his colleagues were the
first anesthesiologists to publish a case-series report of ultrasound application for peripheral nerve
blockade. They simply used a Doppler transducer to locate the subclavian artery and performed
supraclavicular brachial plexus block in 61 patients (Figure 26-1). Reportedly, Doppler guidance led
to a high block success rate (98%) and absence of complications such as pneumothorax, phrenic
nerve palsy, hematoma, convulsion, recurrent laryngeal nerve block, and spinal anesthesia.
FIGURE 26-1. Early application of Doppler ultrasound by LaGrange to perform supraclavicular
brachial block.
In 1989, P. Ting and V. Sivagnanaratnam reported the use of B-mode ultrasonography to
demonstrate the anatomy of the axilla and to observe the spread of local anesthetics during axillary
brachial plexus block. In 1994, Stephan Kapral and colleagues systematically explored brachial
plexus with B-mode ultrasound. Since that time, multiple teams worldwide have worked tirelessly on
defining and improving the application of ultrasound imaging in regional anesthesia. Ultrasoundguided nerve blockade is currently used routinely in the practice of regional anesthesia in many
centers worldwide.
Here is a summary of ultrasound quick facts:
1880: Pierre and Jacques Curie discovered the piezoelectric effect in crystals.
1915: Ultrasound was used by the navy for detecting submarines.
1920s: Paul Langevin discovers that high-power ultrasound can generate heat in osseous tissues and
disrupt animal tissues.
1942: Karl and Dussik described ultrasound use as a diagnostic tool.
1950s: Ultrasound was used to treat patients with Ménière disease, Parkinson disease, and rheumatic
1978: P. La Grange published the first case-series of ultrasound application for placement of needles
for nerve blocks.
1989: P. Ting and V. Sivagnanaratnam used ultrasonography to demonstrate the anatomy of the axilla
and to observe the spread of local anesthetics during axillary block.
1994: Steven Kapral and colleagues explored brachial plexus blockade using B-mode ultrasound.
Definition of Ultrasound
Sound travels as a mechanical longitudinal wave in which back-and-forth particle motion is parallel
to the direction of wave travel. Ultrasound is high-frequency sound and refers to mechanical
vibrations above 20 kHz. Human ears can hear sounds with frequencies between 20 Hz and 20 kHz.
Elephants can generate and detect the sound with frequencies <20 Hz for long-distance
communication; bats and dolphins produce sounds in the range of 20 to 100 kHz for precise
navigation (Figure 26-2A and B). Ultrasound frequencies commonly used for medical diagnosis are
between 2 MHz and 15 MHz. However, sounds with frequencies above 100 kHz do not occur
naturally; only human-developed devices can both generate and detect these frequencies, or
FIGURE 26-2. (A) Elephants can generate and detect the sound of frequencies <20 Hz for longdistance communication. (B) Bats and dolphins produce sounds in the range of 20–100 kHz for
navigation and spatial orientation.
Piezoelectric Effect
The piezoelectric effect is a phenomenon exhibited by the generation of an electric charge in response
to a mechanical force (squeeze or stretch) applied on certain materials. Conversely, mechanical
deformation can be produced when an electric field is applied to such material, also known the
piezoelectric effect (Figure 26-3). Both natural and human-made materials, including quartz crystals
and ceramic materials, can demonstrate piezoelectric properties. Recently, lead zirconate titanate has
been used as piezoelectric material for medical imaging. Lead-free piezoelectric materials are also
under development. Individual piezoelectric materials produce a small amount of energy. However,
by stacking piezoelectric elements into layers in a transducer, the transducer can convert electric
energy into mechanical oscillations more efficiently. These mechanical oscillations are then
converted into electric energy.
FIGURE 26-3. The piezoelectric effect. Mechanical deformation and consequent oscillation caused
by an electrical field applied to certain material can produce a sound of high frequency.
Ultrasound Terminology
Period is the time it takes for one cycle to occur; the period unit of measure is the microsecond (μs).
Wavelength is the length of space over which one cycle occurs; it is equal to the travel distance
from the beginning to the end of one cycle.
Acoustic velocity is the speed at which a sound wave travels through a medium. It is equal to the
frequency times the wavelength. Speed is determined by the density (ρ) and stiffness (κ) of the
medium (c = (κ/ρ)
1/2). Density is the concentration of medium. Stiffness is the resistance of a
material to compression. Propagation speed increases if the stiffness is increased or the density is
decreased. The average propagation speed in soft tissues is 1540 m/s (ranges from 1400 m/s to 1640
m/s). However, ultrasound cannot penetrate lung or bone tissues.
Acoustic impedance(z) is the degree of difficulty demonstrated by a sound wave being transmitted
through a medium; it is equal to density ρ multiplied by acoustic velocity c (z = ρc). It increases if the
propagation speed or the density of the medium is increased.
Attenuation coefficient is the parameter used to estimate the decrement of ultrasound amplitude in
a certain medium as a function of ultrasound frequency. The attenuation coefficient increases with
increasing frequency; therefore, a practical consequence of attenuation is that the penetration
decreases as frequency increases (Figure 26-4).
FIGURE 26-4. The ultrasound amplitude decreases in certain media as a function of ultrasound
frequency, a phenomenon known as attenuation coefficient. ScN-Sciatic nerve, PA - Popliteal artery.
Ultrasound waves have a self-focusing effect, which refers to the natural narrowing of the
ultrasound beam at a certain travel distance in the ultrasonic field. It is a transition level between
near field and far field. The beam width at the transition level is equal to half the diameter of the
transducer. At the distance of two times the near-field length, the beam width reaches the transducer
diameter. The self-focusing effect amplifies ultrasound signals by increasing acoustic pressure.
In ultrasound imaging, there are two aspects of spatial resolution: axial and lateral. Axial
resolution is the minimum separation of above-below planes along the beam axis. It is determined by
spatial pulse length, which is equal to the product of wavelength and the number of cycles within a
pulse. It can be presented in the following formula:
Axial resolution = wavelength (λ) × number of cycle per pulse = wavelength number of cycle per
The number of cycles within a pulse is determined by the damping characteristics of the
transducer. The number of cycles within a pulse is usually set between 2 and 4 by the manufacturer of
the ultrasound machines. As an example, if a 2-MHz ultrasound transducer is theoretically used to do
the scanning, the axial resolution would be between 0.8 and 1.6 mm, making it impossible to visualize
a 21-G needle. For a constant acoustic velocity, higher frequency ultrasound can detect smaller
objects and provide a better resolution image. Figure 26-5 shows the images at different resolutions
when a 0.5-mm-diameter object is visualized with three different frequency settings. Lateral
resolution is another parameter of sharpness to describe the minimum side-by-side distance between
two objects. It is determined by both ultrasound frequency and beam width. Lateral resolution can be
improved by focusing to reduce the beam width.
FIGURE 26-5. Ultrasound frequency affects the resolution of the imaged object. Resolution can be
improved by increasing frequency and reducing the beam width by focusing.
Temporal resolution is also important to observe moving objects, such as blood vessels and the
heart. Similar to a movie or cartoon video, the human eye requires that the image be updated at a rate
of approximately 25 times a second or higher for an ultrasound image to appear continuous. However,
imaging resolution is compromised by increasing the frame rate. Optimizing the ratio of resolution to
frame rate is essential to provide the best possible image.
Interactions of Ultrasound Waves with Tissue
As the ultrasound wave travels through tissue, it is subject to a number of interactions. The most
important features are as follows:
When an ultrasound wave encounters boundaries between different media, part of the ultrasound is
reflected and other part is transmitted. The reflected and transmitted directions are given by the
reflection angle θr
and transmission angle θt
, respectively (Figure 26-6).
FIGURE 26-6. The interaction of ultrasound waves through the media in which they travel is
complex. When ultrasound encounters boundaries between different media, part of the ultrasound is
reflected and part transmitted. The reflected and transmitted directions depend on the respective
angles of reflection and transmission.
Reflection of a sound wave is very similar to optical reflection. Some of its energy is sent back
into the originating medium. In a true reflection, reflection angle θr
must equal incidence angle θi
. The
strength of the reflection from an interface is variable and depends on the difference of impedances
between two affinitive media and the incident angle at boundary. If the media impedances are equal,
there is no reflection (no echo). If there is a significant difference between media impedances, there
will be far greater or nearly complete reflection. For example, an interface between soft tissues and
either lung or bone involves a considerable change in acoustic impedance and creates strong echoes.
This reflection intensity is also highly angle dependent, meaning that the ultrasound transducer must be
placed perpendicularly to the target nerve to visualize it clearly.
A change in sound direction when crossing the boundary between two media is called refraction.
If the propagation speed through the second medium is slower than it is through the first medium, the
refraction angle is smaller than the incident angle. Refraction can cause artifacts such as those that
occur beneath large vessels.
During ultrasound scanning, a coupling medium must be used between the transducer and the skin
to displace air from the transducer–skin interface. A variety of gels and oils are applied for this
purpose. They also act as lubricants, providing a smooth surface scanning.
Most scanned interfaces are somewhat irregular and curved. If boundary dimensions are
significantly less than the wavelength or not smooth, the reflected waves will be diffused. Scattering
is the redirection of sound in any direction by rough surfaces or by heterogeneous media (Figure 26-
7). Normally, scattering intensity is much less than mirrorlike reflection intensities and is relatively
independent of the direction of the incident sound wave. Therefore, the visualization of the target
nerve is not significantly influenced by other nearby scattering.
FIGURE 26-7. Scattering is the redirection of ultrasound in any direction caused by rough surfaces
or by heterogeneous media.
Absorption is defined as the direct conversion of sound energy into heat. In other words,
ultrasound scanning generates heat in the tissue. Higher frequencies are absorbed at a greater rate than
lower frequencies. However, higher scanning frequency gives better axial resolution. If the ultrasound
penetration is not sufficient to visualize the structures of interest, a lower frequency is selected to
increase the penetration. The use of longer wavelengths (lower frequency) results in lower resolution
because the resolution of ultrasound imaging is proportional to the wavelength of the imaging wave.
Frequencies between 6 and 12 MHz typically yield better resolution for imaging of the peripheral
nerves because they are located more superficially. Lower imaging frequencies, between 2 and 5
MHz, are usually needed for imaging of neuraxial structures. For most clinical applications,
frequencies less than 2 MHz or higher than 15 MHz are rarely used because of insufficient resolution
or insufficient penetration, respectfully.
Ultrasound Image Modes
The A-mode is the oldest ultrasound modality, dating back to 1930. The transducer sends a single
pulse of ultrasound into the medium and waits for the returned signal. Consequently, a simple onedimensional ultrasound image is generated as a series of vertical peaks corresponding to the depth of
the structures at which the ultrasound beam encounters different tissues. The distance between the
echoed spikes (Figure 26-8) can be calculated by dividing the speed of the ultrasound in the tissue
(1540 m/sec) by half the elapsed time. This mode provides little information on the spatial
relationships of the imaged structures, however. Therefore, A-mode ultrasound is not used in regional
FIGURE 26-8. The A-mode of ultrasound consists of a one-dimensional ultrasound image displayed
as a series of vertical peaks corresponding to the depth of structures at which the ultrasound
encounters different tissues.
The B-mode supplies a two-dimensional image of the area by simultaneously scanning from a linear
array of 100–300 piezoelectric elements rather than a single one, as is the case in A-mode. The
amplitude of the echo from a series of A-scans is converted into dots of different brightness in Bmode imaging. The horizontal and vertical directions represent real distances in tissue, whereas the
intensity of the grayscale indicates echo strength (Figure 26-9). B mode can provide a cross sectional
image through the area of interest and is the primary mode currently used in regional anesthesia.
FIGURE 26-9. An example of B-mode imaging. The horizontal and vertical directions represent
distances and tissues, whereas the intensity of the grayscale indicates echo strength. Scmsternocleidomastoid muscle, IJV-Internal jugular vein, CA-carotid artery, Th-Thyroid gland.
Doppler Mode
The Doppler effect is based on the work of Austrian physicist Johann Christian Doppler. The term
describes a change in the frequency or wavelength of a sound wave resulting from relative motion
between the sound source and the sound receiver. In other words, at a stationary position, the sound
frequency is constant. If the sound source moves toward the sound receiver, a higher pitched sound
occurs. If the sound source moves away from the receiver, the received sound has a lower pitch
(Figure 26-10).
FIGURE 26-10. The Doppler effect. When a sound source moves away from the receiver, the
received sound has a lower pitch and vice versa.
Color Doppler produces a color-coded map of Doppler shifts superimposed onto a B-mode
ultrasound image. Blood flow direction depends on whether the motion is toward or away from the
transducer. Selected by convention, red and blue colors provide information about the direction and
velocity of the blood flow. According to the color map (color bar) in the upper left-hand corner of the
figure (Figure 26-11), the red color on the top of the bar denotes the flow coming toward the
ultrasound probe, and the blue color on the bottom of the bar indicates the flow away from the probe.
In ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks, color Doppler mode is used to detect the presence and
nature of the blood vessels (artery vs. vein) in the area of interest. When the direction of the
ultrasound beam changes, the color of the arterial flow switches from blue to red, or vice versa,
depending on the convention used. Power Doppler is up to five times more sensitive in detecting
blood flow than color Doppler and it is less dependent on the scanning angle. Thus power Doppler
can be used to identify the smaller blood vessels more reliably. The drawback is that power Doppler
does not provide any information on the direction and speed of blood flow (Figure 26-12).
FIGURE 26-11. Color Doppler produces a color-coded map of Doppler shapes superimposed onto a
B-mode ultrasound image. Selected by convention, red and blue colors provide information about the
direction and velocity of the blood flow.
FIGURE 26-12. Although the power Doppler may be useful in identifying smaller blood vessels, the
drawback is that it does not provided information on the direction and speed of blood flow.
A single beam in an ultrasound scan can be used to produce a picture with a motion signal, where
movement of a structure such as a heart valve can be depicted in a wave-like manner. M-mode is used
extensively in cardiac and fetal cardiac imaging; however, its present use in regional anesthesia is
negligible (Figure 26-13).
FIGURE 26-13. M-mode consists of a single beam used to produce an image with a motion signal.
Movement of a structure can be depicted in a wavelike matter.
Ultrasound Instruments
Ultrasound machines convert the echoes received by the transducer into visible dots, which form the
anatomic image on ultrasound screen. The brightness of each dot corresponds to the echo strength,
producing what is known as a grayscale image.
Two types of scan transducers are used in regional anesthesia: linear and curved. A linear
transducer can produce parallel scan lines and rectangular display, called a linear scan, whereas a
curved transducer yields a curvilinear scan and arc-shaped image (Figure 26-14A and B). In clinical
scanning, even a very thin layer of air between the transducer and skin may reflect virtually all the
ultrasound, hindering any penetration into the tissue. Therefore, a coupling medium, usually an
aqueous gel, is applied between surfaces of the transducer and skin to eliminate the air layer. The
ultrasound machines currently used in regional anesthesia provide a two-dimensional image, or
“slice.” Machines capable of producing three-dimensional images have recently been developed.
Theoretically, three-dimensional (3D) imaging should help in understanding the relationship of
anatomic structures and spread of local anesthetics. (Figure 26-14C and D). At present, however,
3D-real time imaging systems still lack the resolution and simplicity of 2D images, so their practical
use in regional anesthesia is limited.
FIGURE 26-14. Three-dimensional imaging. (A) A linear transducer produces parallel scan lines
and rectangular display; linear scan. (B) A curve “phase array” transducer results in a curvilinear
scan and an arch-shaped image. (C) An example of cross-sectional three-dimensional (3D) imaging.
(D) An example of longitudinal 3D imaging. Three-dimensional imaging theoretically should provide
more spatial orientation of the image structures; however, its current drawback is lower resolution
and greater complexity compared with 2D images, which limit its application in the current practice
of regional anesthesia.
Time-Gain Compensation
The echoes exhibit a steady decline in amplitude with increasing depth. This occurs for two reasons:
First, each successive reflection removes a certain amount of energy from the pulse, decreasing the
generation of later echoes. Second, tissue absorbs ultrasound, so there is a steady loss of energy as
the ultrasound pulse travels through the tissues. This can be corrected by manipulating time-gain
compensation (TGC) and compression functions.
Amplification is the conversion of the small voltages received from the transducer into larger ones
that are suitable for further processing and storage. Gain is the ratio of output to input electric power.
TGC is time-dependent exponential amplification. TGC function can be used to increase the
amplitude of incoming signals from various tissue depths. The layout of the TGC controls varies from
one machine to another. A popular design is a set of slider knobs; each knob in the slider set controls
the gain for a specific depth, which allows for a well-balanced gain scale on the image (Figure 26-
15A–C). Compression is the process of decreasing the differences between the smallest and largest
echo-voltage amplitudes; the optimal compression is between 2 and 4 for maximal scale equal to 6.
FIGURE 26-15. (A–C) The effect of the time-gain compensation settings. Time-gain compensation is
a function that allows time (depth) dependent amplification of signals returning from different depths.
SCM-sternocleidomastoid muscle, IJV-Internal jugular vein, N-nerve, CA-carotid artery, Th-thyroid
As previously discussed, it is common to use an electronic means to narrow the width of the beam at
some depth and achieve a focusing effect similar to that obtained using a convex lens (Figure 26-16).
This strategy improves the resolution in the plane because the beam width is converged. However, the
reduction in beam width at the selected depth is achieved at the expense of degradation in beam width
at other depths, resulting in poorer images below the focal region.
FIGURE 26-16. A demonstration of focusing effect. An electronic means can be used to narrow the
width of the beam at specific depth resulting in the focusing effect and a greater resolution at a chosendepth.
Bioeffect and Safety
The mechanisms of action by which ultrasound application could produce a biologic effect can be
characterized into two aspects: heating and mechanical. The generation of heat increases as
ultrasound intensity or frequency is increased. For similar exposure conditions, the expected
temperature increase in bone is significantly greater than in soft tissues. Reports in animal models
(mice and rats) suggest that application of ultrasound may result in a number of undesired effects, suchas fetal weight reduction, postpartum mortality, fetal abnormalities, tissue lesions, hind limb
paralysis, blood flow stasis, and tumor regression. Other reported undesired effects in mice are
abnormalities in B-cell development and ovulatory response, and teratogenicity. In general, adult
tissues are more tolerant of rising temperature than fetal and neonatal tissues. A modern ultrasound
machine displays two standard indices: thermal and mechanical. The thermal index (TI) is defined as
the transducer acoustic output power divided by the estimated power required to raise tissue
temperature by 1°C. Mechanical index (MI) is equal to the peak rarefactional pressure divided by the
square root of the center frequency of the pulse bandwidth. TI and MI indicate the relative likelihood
of thermal and mechanical hazard in vivo, respectively. Either TI or MI >1.0 is hazardous.
Biologic effect due to ultrasound also depends on tissue exposure time. Fortunately, ultrasoundguided nerve block requires the use of only low TI and MI values on the patient for a short period of
time. Based on in vitro and in vivo experimental study results to date, there is no evidence that the useof diagnostic ultrasound in routine clinical practice is associated with any biologic risks.
Edelman SK. Understanding Ultrasound Physics. 3d ed. Woodlands, TX: ESP; 2004.
Hedrick WR, Hykes DL, Starchman DE. Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation. 4th ed. Chicago, IL:
Mosby Yearbook; 2004.
Kapral S, Krafft P, Eibenberger K, Fitzgerald R, Gosch M, Weinstabl C. Ultrasound-guided
supraclavicular approach for regional anesthesia of the brachial plexus. Anesth Analg 1994; 78:507-
La Grange PDP, Foster PA, Pretorius LK. Application of the Doppler ultrasound bloodflow detector in
supraclavicular brachial plexus block. Br J Anesth. 1978;50:965-967.
Marhofer P, Greher M, Kapral S. Ultrasound guidance in regional anaesthesia. Br J Anesth. 2005;94:7-
O’Neill JM. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Anatomy and Technique. New York, NY: Springer; 2008.
Ting PL, Sivagnanaratnam V. Ultrasonographic study of the spread of local anaesthetic during axillary
brachial plexus block. Br J Anesth. 1978;63:326-329.
Zagzebski JA. Essentials of Ultrasound Physics. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 1996.
Chapter 27 Optimizing an Ultrasound Image
Daquan Xu
Optimizing an image produced by ultrasound is an essential skill for performance of an ultrasoundguided nerve block. Anatomically, peripheral nerves are often located in the vicinity of an artery or
between muscle layers. The echo texture of normal peripheral nerves can have a hyperechoic,
hypoechoic, or honeycomb pattern (Figure 27-1). Several scanning steps and techniques can be used
to facilitate adequate nerve imaging, including the selection of sonographic modes, adjustment of
function keys, needle visualization, and interpretation of image artifacts.
FIGURE 27-1. Architecture of peripheral nerves.
All in all, sonographic imaging modes used for ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia and medical
diagnostics are conventional imaging, compound imaging, and tissue harmonic imaging (THI). The
conventional imaging is generated by a single-element angle beam. The compound imaging is
implemented by acquiring several (usually three to nine) overlapping frames from different
frequencies or from different angles. The tissue harmonic imaging acquires the information from
harmonic frequencies generated by ultrasound beam transmission through tissue, which improves
tissue contrast by suppression of scattering signals. Compound imaging with The tissue harmonic
imaging can provide images with better resolution, penetration, and interfaces and margin
enhancement, compared with those obtained using conventional sonography. In Figure 27-2,
compound imaging and conventional imaging was used to view the interscalene brachial plexus.
There is a clear margin definition of two hypoechoic oval-shaped nerve structures in compound
imaging. As an example, the contrast resolution between the anterior scalene muscle and the
surrounding adipose tissue is enhanced in comparison with those made with conventional imaging
FIGURE 27-2. Examples of image quality typically obtained with conventional versus compound
Five function keys on an ultrasound machine are of crucial importance to achieve an optimal image
during the performance of peripheral nerve imaging (Figure 27-3A).
FIGURE 27-3. Optimizing an ultrasound image using five key functional adjustments (A) and specific
tips on adjusting the focus (B) and gain (C). Some ultrasound models are specifically optimized for
regional anesthesia application and may not incorporate user-adjustable focus and/or time gain
compensation (TGC).
. Depth: The depth of the nerve is the first consideration when ultrasound-guided nerve block is
performed. The depth at which peripheral nerves are positioned and therefore imaged greatly varies
and also depends on a patient’s habitus. An optimal depth setting is important for proper focusing
properties during imaging. Table 27-1 describes the recommended initial depth settings for common
peripheral nerves. The target nerve should be at the center of the ultrasound image to obtain the best
resolution of the nerve and reveal other anatomic structures in the vicinity of the nerve. For example,
ultrasound imaging during supraclavicular or infraclavicular brachial plexus blockade requires that
first rib and pleura are viewed simultaneously to decrease the risk of lung puncture with the needle.
TABLE 27-1 Suggested Optimal Imaging Depth for Common Peripheral Nerve Blocks
. Frequency: The ultrasound transducer with the optimal frequency range should be selected to best
visualize the target nerves. Ultrasound energy is absorbed gradually by the transmitted tissue; the
higher the frequency of ultrasound, the more rapid the absorption, and the less distance propagation.
Therefore, a low-frequency transducer is used to scan structures at a deeper location. Unfortunately,
this is at the expense of reduced image resolution.
. Focusing: Lateral resolution can be improved by choosing the higher frequency as well as by
focusing the ultrasound beam. In actual practice, the focus is adjusted at the level of the target nerve;
the best image quality for a given nerve is obtained by choosing an appropriate frequency transducer
and the focal zone (Figure 27-3B).
. Gain: Screen brightness can be adjusted manually by two function buttons: gain and time-gain
compensation (TGC). Excessive or inadequate gain can cause both a blurring of tissue boundaries and
a loss of information. Optimal gain for scanning peripheral nerves is typically the gain at which the
best contrast is obtained between the muscles and the adjacent connective tissue. This is because
muscles are well-vascularized tissue invested with connective tissue fibers, whereas, the echo texture
of connective tissue is similar to that of nerves. In addition, increasing gain below the focus works
well with the TGC control to visualize both the target nerve and the structures below it. Figure 27-3C
shows the same section with both correct and incorrect gain and TGC settings.
. Doppler: In regional anesthesia, Doppler ultrasound is used to detect vascular structures or the
location of the spread of the local anesthetic injection. Doppler velocity is best set between 10 and 20
cm/s to reduce aliasing of color Doppler imaging and artifacts of color. Of note, power Doppler is
more sensitive for detecting blood flow than color Doppler.
Two needle insertion techniques with relevance to the needle–transducer relationship are
commonly used in ultrasound-guided nerve block: the in-plane and out-of-plane techniques (Figure
27-4). In-plane technique means the needle is placed in the plane of ultrasound beam; as a result, the
needle shaft and the tip can be observed in the longitudinal view real time as the needle is advanced
toward the target nerve. When the needle is not visualized on the image, the needle advancement
should be stopped. Tilting or rotating the transducer can bring the ultrasound beam into alignment with
the needle and help with its visualization. Additionally, a subtle, fast needle shake and or injection of
small amount of injectate may help depict the needle location. The out-of-plane technique involves
needle insertion perpendicularly to the transducer. The needle shaft is imaged in a cross-section plane
and can be identified as a bright dot in the image. Visualization of the tip of the needle, however, is
difficult and unreliable. The method used to visualize the tip of the needle is as follows: Once a bright
dot (shaft) is seen in the image, the needle can be shaken slightly and/or the transducer can be tilted
toward the direction of needle insertion simultaneously until the dot disappears. Shaking the needle
helps differentiate the echo as emanating from the needle or from the surrounding tissue. The last
capture of the hyperechoic dot is its tip. A small amount of injectate can be used to confirm the
location of needle tip. Whenever injectate is used to visualize the needle tip, attention must be paid to
avoid resistance (pressure) to injection because when the needle–nerve interface is not well seen,
there is a risk for an intraneural injection.
FIGURE 27-4. In-plane and out-of-plane needle insertion and corresponding ultrasound image.
By definition, ultrasound artifact is any image aberration that does not represent the correct
anatomic arrangement. The five artifacts often seen in regional anesthesia practice (Figure 27-5) are
as follows.
FIGURE 27-5. Common artifacts during ultrasound imaging. LA - local anesthetic, MSM - middle
scalene muscle.
. Shadowing is a significant reduction of ultrasound energy lying below solid objects (e.g., osseous
structures, gallstone). This is manifested by attenuation of the echo signals as seen in an abnormal
decrease of the brightness, which appear as a shadow on the image.
. Enhancement manifests as overly intense echogenicity behind an object (such as vessel, cyst) that is
less attenuating than the surrounding soft tissues. The echo signals are enhanced in brightness
disproportional to the echo strength. Scanning from different angles or from different planes may help
to decrease shadowing/enhancement artifacts and to visualize the target nerve.
. Reverberation is a set of equally spaced bright linear echoes behind the reflectors in the near field of
the image. It may be attenuated or eliminated when scanning direction is changed or ultrasound
frequency is decreased.
. Mirror image artifact results from an object located on one side of a highly reflective interface,
appearing on the other side as well. Both virtual and artifactual images have an equal distance to the
reflector from opposite directions. Changing scanning direction may decrease the artifact.
. Velocity error is the displacement of the interface, which is caused by the difference of actual
velocity of ultrasound in human soft tissue, compared with the calibrated speed, which is assumed to
be 1540 m/sec in the ultrasound system.
The inherent artifact in the process of scanning cannot be completely eliminated in all cases by
manipulating ultrasound devices or changing the settings. However, recognizing and understanding
ultrasound artifacts help the operator avoid misinterpretation of images.
Here is an acronym, SCANNING, for preparing to scan:
: Supplies
C: Comfortable positioning
A: Ambiance
N: Name and procedure
N: Nominate transducer
Infection control
N: Note lateral/medial side on screen
G: Gain depth
. Gather supplies: All equipment necessary for ultrasound scanning should be prepared. Equipment
may differ slightly depending on the area to be scanned; however some necessary equipment includes:
. Ultrasound machine
. Transducer covers
. Nerve block kit, nerve stimulator
. Sterile work trolley
. Local anesthetic drawn up and labeled
Whenever possible, connect the ultrasound machine to the power outlet to prevent the machine from
powering down during a procedure
. Comfortable patient position: Patient should be positioned in such a way that the patient, the
anesthesiologist, the ultrasound machine, and the sterile block tray are all arranged in an ergonomic
position that allows for a time-efficient performance of the procedure.
. The ultrasound machine should be set up on the opposite side of the patient with the screen at the
operator’s eye level.
. Block tray should be positioned close enough to the operator so it eliminates the need to reach for
needle, gel, and other supplies but should not interfere with the scanning procedure.
. Ambiance—set room settings: Adjust the lights in the room in order to view the ultrasound machine
and procedural site adequately.
. Dim lighting optimizes visualization of the image on the screen; more lighting is typically needed for
the procedural site.
. Adjust the room light settings to allow for proper lighting to both areas, as well for safe monitoring of
the patient.
. Name of patient, procedure, and site of procedure: Before performing a scan take a “time-out” to
ensure patient information is correct, the operation being done is confirmed, and the side in which the
procedure is being done is validated. Checking that patient informati on is entered into the ultrasound
machine and matches the information on the patient’s wristband not only confirms identity but also
allows for images to be saved during the scanning process for documentation.
. Select transducer: Select the transducer that best fits the scheduled procedure to be done.
. A linear transducer is best scanning superficial anatomic structures; a curved (phased array)
transducer displays a sector image and is typically better for deeper positioned structures.
. Disinfection: Disinfect the patient’s skin using a disinfectant solution to reduce the risk of
contamination and infection.
. Orient transducer and apply gel: The operator should orient the transducer to match the mediallateral orientation of the patient. This is conventionally not done by radiologists/sonographers, but it
is very useful for intervention-oriented regional anesthesia procedures.
. Touch one edge of the transducer to orient the side of the transducer so the medial-lateral orientation
on the patient corresponds to that on the screen.
. A sufficient amount of gel is applied to either the transducer or the patient’s skin to allow for
transmission of the ultrasound. A copious amount of disinfectant solution can be used instead of gel in
many instances.
. Insufficient quality of gel will decrease reflection-absorption rates and may result in unclear/blurry
images on the ultrasound image being displayed.
. Place transducer on the patient’s skin and adjust ultrasound machine settings:
. The gain should be adjusted with the general gain setting and/or by using TGC.
. The depth is adjusted to optimize imaging of structures of interest.
. Where available, focus point is adjusted at the desired level.
. Scanning mode can be switched to aid in the recognition of the structures as necessary (e.g., color
Doppler can help depict blood vessels, M-mode can distinguish between arteries and veins).
Chudleigh T, Thilaganathan B. Obstetric Ultrasound: How, Why and When. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, UK:
Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2004.
Grau T. Ultrasonography in the current practice of regional anaesthesia. Best Pract Res Clin
Anaesthesiol. 2005;19:175-200.
Gray AT. Ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia: current state of the art. Anesthesiology.
Sites BD, Brull R, Chan VW, et al. Artifacts and pitfall errors associated with ultrasound-guided
regional anesthesia. Part I: understanding the basic principles of ultrasound physics and machine
operations. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2007;32(5):412-418.
Sites BD, Brull R, Chan VW, et al. Artifacts and pitfall errors associated with ultrasound-guided
regional anesthesia. Part II: a pictorial approach to understanding and avoidance. Reg Anesth Pain
Med. 2007;32(5):419-433.
Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks
Chapter 28 Ultrasound-Guided Cervical Plexus Block
Chapter 29 Ultrasound-Guided Interscalene Brachial Plexus Block
Chapter 30 Ultrasound-Guided Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block
Chapter 31 Ultrasound-Guided Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block
Chapter 32 Ultrasound-Guided Axillary Brachial Plexus Block
Chapter 33 Ultrasound-Guided Forearm Blocks
Chapter 34 Ultrasound-Guided Wrist Block
Chapter 35 Ultrasound-Guided Femoral Nerve Block
Chapter 36 Ultrasound-Guided Fascia Iliaca Block
Chapter 37 Ultrasound-Guided Obturator Nerve Block
Chapter 38 Ultrasound-Guided Saphenous Nerve Block
Chapter 39 Ultrasound-Guided Sciatic Block
Part 1: Anterior Approach
Part 2: Transgluteal and Subgluteal Approach
Chapter 40 Ultrasound-Guided Popliteal Sciatic Block
Chapter 41 Ultrasound-Guided Ankle Block
Chapter 42 Common Ultrasound-Guided Truncal and Cutaneous Blocks
Part 1: Transversus Abdominis Plane Block
Part 2: Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Blocks
Part 3: Rectus Sheath Block
Part 4: Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block
Ultrasound-Guided Cervical Plexus Block
FIGURE 28-1. Needle and transducer position to block the superficial cervical plexus using a
transverse view.
General Considerations
The goal of the ultrasound-guided technique of superficial cervical plexus block is to deposit local
anesthetic in the vicinity of the sensory branches of the nerve roots C2, C3, and C4. Advantages over
the landmark-based technique include the ability to ensure the spread of local anesthetic in the correct
plane and therefore increase the success rate and avoid too deep needle insertion and/or inadvertent
puncture of neighboring structures. Both in-plane and out-of-plane approaches can be used. The
experience with ultrasound-guided deep cervical plexus is still in its infancy and not described here.
Ultrasound Anatomy
The sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) forms a “roof” over the nerves of the superficial cervical
plexus (C2-4). The roots combine to form the four terminal branches (lesser occipital, greater
auricular, transverse cervical, and supraclavicular nerves) and emerge from behind the posterior
border of the SCM (Figure 28-2). The plexus can be visualized as a small collection of hypoechoic
nodules (honeycomb appearance or hypo-echoic [dark] oval structures) immediately deep or lateral
to the posterior border of the SCM (Figure 28-3), but this is not always apparent. Occasionally, the
greater auricular nerve is visualized (Figure 28-4) on the superficial surface of the SCM muscle as a
small, round hypoechoic structure. The SCM is separated from the brachial plexus and the scalene
muscles by the prevertebral fascia, which can be seen as a hyperechoic linear structure. The
superficial cervical plexus lies posterior to the SCM muscle, and immediately underneath the
prevertebral fascia overlying the interscalene groove. (Figure 28-3).
FIGURE 28-2. Anatomy of the superficial cervical plexus. sternocleidomastoid muscle.
mastoid process. clavicle. external jugular vein. Superficial cervical plexus is seen emerging
behind the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle at the intersection of the muscle with
the external jugular vein. Greater auricular nerve.
FIGURE 28-3. Superficial cervical plexus-transverse view.
FIGURE 28-4. Branches of the superficial cervical plexus (CP) emerging behind the prevertebral
fascia that covers the middle (MSM) and anterior (ASM) scalene muscles, and posterior to the
sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM). White arrows, Prevertebral Fascia; CA, carotid artery; PhN,
phrenic nerve.
Distribution of Blockade
The superficial cervical plexus block results in anesthesia of the skin of the anterolateral neck and the
anteauricular and retroauricular areas, as well as the skin overlying and immediately inferior to the
clavicle on the chest wall (Figure 28-5).
FIGURE 28-5. Sensory distribution of the cervical plexus and innervation of the lateral aspect of the
Equipment needed includes the following:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–18 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray (described in the equipment section)
Two 10-mL syringes containing local anesthetic
A 2.5-in, 23- to 25-gauge needle attached to low-volume extension tubing
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
Any patient position that allows for comfortable placement of the ultrasound transducer and needle
advancement is appropriate. This block is typically performed in the supine or semi-sitting position,
with the head turned slightly away from the side to be blocked to facilitate operator access (Figure
28-6A and B). The patient’s neck and upper chest should be exposed so that the relative length and
position of the SCM can be assessed.
FIGURE 28-6. Superficial cervical plexus block. A) Transverse approach with an in-plane needle
advancement. B) Longitudinal approach.
The goal is to place the needle tip immediately adjacent to the superficial cervical plexus. If it is not
easily visualized, the local anesthetic can be deposited in the plane immediately deep to the SCM and
underneath the prevertebral fasica. A volume of 10 to 15 mL of local anesthetic usually suffices.
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer is placed on the
lateral neck, overlying the SCM at the level of its midpoint (approximately the level of the cricoid
cartilage). Once the SCM is identified, the transducer is moved posteriorly until the tapering posterior
edge is positioned in the middle of the screen. At this point, an attempt should be made to identify the
brachial plexus and/or the interscalene groove between the anterior and middle scalene muscles. The
plexus is visible as a small collection of hypoechoic nodules (honeycomb appearance) immediately
underneath the prevertebral fascia that overlies the interscalene groove (Figures 28-3 and 28-4).
Once identified, the needle is passed through the skin, platysma and prevertebral fascia, and the tip
placed adjacent to the plexus (Figure 28-7). Because of the relatively shallow position of the target,
both in-plane (from medial or lateral sides) and out-of-plane approaches can be used. Following
negative aspiration, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected to confirm the proper injection site. Then
the remainder of the local anesthetic (10–15 mL) is administered to envelop the plexus (Figure 28-8).
FIGURE 28-7. Needle path (1) and position to block the superficial cervical plexus (CP), transverse
view. The needle is seen positioned underneath the lateral border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
(SCM) and underneath the prevertebral fascia with the transducer in a transverse position (Figure 28-
1). ASM, anterior scalene muscle; CA, carotid artery; MSM, middle scalene muscle.
FIGURE 28-8. Desired distribution of the local anesthetic (area shaded in blue) to block the
superficial cervical plexus. ASM, anterior scalene muscle; CA, carotid artery; CP, cervical plexus;
MSM, middle scalene muscle; SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle.
If the plexus is not visualized, an alternative substernocleidomastoid approach can be used. In this
case, the needle is passed behind the SCM and the tip is directed to lie in the space between the SCM
and the prevertebral fascia, close to the posterior border of the SCM (Figures 28-6B, 28-9, and 28-
10). Local anesthetic (10–15 mL) is administered and should be visualized layering out between the
SCM and the underlying prevertebral fascia (Figure 28-11). If injection of the local anesthetic does
not appear to result in an appropriate spread, additional needle repositioning and injections may be
necessary. Because the superficial cervical plexus is made up of purely sensory nerves, high
concentrations of local anesthetic are usually not required; 0.25%-0.5% ropivacaine, bupivacaine
0.25%, or lidocaine 1% are examples of good choices.
FIGURE 28-9. Longitudinal view of the superficial cervical plexus (CP) underneath the lateral
border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM).
FIGURE 28-10. Needle position to block the cervical plexus (CP), longitudinal view.
FIGURE 28-11. Desired spread of the local anesthetic under the cervical fascia to block the cervical
plexus (CP).
Visualization of the plexus is not necessary to perform this block because it may not be always readily
apparent. Administration of 10 to 15 mL of local anesthetic deep to the SCM provides a reliable
block without confirming the position of the plexus.
The superficial cervical plexus overlies the brachial plexus (i.e., immediately superficial to the
interscalene groove and underneath the prevertebral fascia). This can serve as a sonographic
landmark by identifying the scalene muscles, the trunks of the brachial plexus, and/or the groove itself
and the prevertebral fascia.
Aunac S, Carlier M, Singelyn F, De Kock M. The analgesic efficacy of bilateral combined superficial
and deep cervical plexus block administered before thyroid surgery under general anesthesia. Anesth
Analg. 2002;95:746-750.
Demondion X, Herbinet P, Boutry N, et al. Sonographic mapping of the normal brachial plexus. Am J
Neuroradiol. 2003;24:1303-1309.
Eti Z, Irmak P, Gulluoglu BM, Manukyan MN, Gogus FY. Does bilateral superficial cervical plexus
block decrease analgesic requirement after thyroid surgery? Anesth Analg. 2006;102:1174-1176.
Guay J. Regional anesthesia for carotid surgery. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2008;21:638-644.
Narouze S. Sonoanatomy of the cervical spinal nerve roots: implications for brachial plexus block. Reg
Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:616.
Roessel T, Wiessner D, Heller AR, et al. High-resolution ultrasound-guided high interscalene plexus
block for carotid endarterectomy. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2007;32:247-253.
Sandeman DJ, Griffiths MJ, Lennox AF. Ultrasound guided deep cervical plexus block. Anaesth
Intensive Care. 2006;34:240-244.
Soeding P, Eizenberg N. Review article: anatomical considerations for ultrasound guidance for regionalanesthesia of the neck and upper limb. Can J Anaesth. 2009;56:518-533.
Usui Y, Kobayashi T, Kakinuma H, Watanabe K, Kitajima T, Matsuno K. An anatomical basis for
blocking of the deep cervical plexus and cervical sympathetic tract using an ultrasound-guided
technique. Anesth Analg. 2010;110:964-968.
Ultrasound-Guided Interscalene Brachial Plexus Block
FIGURE 29-1. Ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus block; transducer and needle position
to obtain the desired ultrasound image for an in-plane approach.
General Considerations
The ultrasound-guided technique of interscalene brachial plexus block differs from nerve stimulator
or landmark-based techniques in several important aspects. Most importantly, distribution of the local
anesthetic is visualized to assure adequate spread around the brachial plexus. Ultrasound guidance
allows multiple injections around the brachial plexus, therefore eliminating the reliance on a single
large injection of local anesthetic for block success as is the case with non–ultrasound-guided
techniques. Ability to inject multiple aliquots of local anesthetic also may allow for the reduction in
the volume of local anesthetic required to accomplish the block. Repetition of the block in case of
inadequate anesthesia is also possible, a management option that is unpredictable without ultrasound
guidance. Finally, the risk of major vessel and nerve puncture during nerve block performance is
Ultrasound Anatomy
The brachial plexus at the interscalene level is seen lateral to the carotid artery, between the anterior
and middle scalene muscles (Figures 29-2, 29-3, and 29-4). Prevertebral fascia, superficial cervical
plexus and sternocleidomastoid muscle are seen superficial to the plexus. The transducer is moved in
the superior-inferior direction until two or more of the brachial plexus trunks are seen in the space
between the scalene muscles. Depending on the depth of field selected and the level at which the
scanning is performed, first rib and/or apex of the lung may be seen. The brachial plexus is typically
visualized at a depth of 1 to 3 cm.
FIGURE 29-2. Relevant anatomy for interscalene brachial block and transducer position to obtain
the desired views. Brachial plexus (BP) is seen sandwiched between middle scalene muscle (MSM)
laterally and anterior scalene muscle (ASM) medially. Ultrasound image often includes a partial view
of the lateral border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) as well as the internal jugular vein
(IJV) and carotid artery (CA). The transverse process of one of the cervical vertebrae is also often
FIGURE 29-3. Interscalene brachial plexus is seen between middle scalene muscle and anterior
scalene muscle. Carotid artery is seen medial at 1 cm depth in this image.
FIGURE 29-4. Typical image of the brachial plexus (BP). The BP is seen positioned between the
anterior scalene muscle (ASM) and the middle scalene muscle (MSM). The superficial cervical
plexus (white arrowhead) can be seen posterior to the SCM and underneath the prevertebral fascia. In
this particular image, the vertebral artery (VA), carotid artery (CA), as well as the transverse process
of C6 are also seen.
Distribution of Blockade
The interscalene approach to brachial plexus blockade results in anesthesia of the shoulder and upper
arm. Inferior trunk for more distal anesthesia can also be blocked by additional, selective injection,
deeper in the plexus. This is accomplished either by controlled needle redirection inferiorly or by
additional scanning to visualize the inferior trunk and another needle insertion and targeted injection.
For a more comprehensive review of the brachial plexus distribution, see Chapter 1 on Essential
Regional Anesthesia Anatomy.
Equipment needed includes the following:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–14 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray (described in the equipment section)
One 20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
5-cm, 22-gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
Any position that allows comfortable placement of the ultrasound transducer and needle advancement
is appropriate. The block is typically performed with the patient in supine, semisitting, or semilateral
decubitus position, with the patient’s head facing away from the side to be blocked. The latter
position may prove ergonomically more convenient, especially during an in-plane approach from the
lateral side, in which the needle is entering the skin at the posterolateral aspect of the neck. A slight
elevation of the head of the bed is often more comfortable for the patient, and it allows for better
drainage and less prominence of the neck veins.
Adherence to strict anatomic landmarks is of lesser importance for the ultrasound-guided
interscalene block than it is the case for the surface anatomy-based techniques. Regardless,
knowledge of the underlying anatomy and the position of the brachial plexus is important to facilitate
recognition of the ultrasound anatomy. Scanning usually begins just below the level of the cricoid
cartilage and medial to the sternocleidomastoid muscle with a goal to identify the carotid artery.
The goal is to place the needle in the tissue space between the anterior and middle scalene muscles
and inject local anesthetic until the spread around the brachial plexus is documented by ultrasound.
The volume of the local anesthetic and number of needle insertions are determined during the
procedure and depend on the adequacy of the observed spread of the local anesthetic.
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer is positioned in the
transverse plane to identify the carotid artery (Figure 29-5). Once the artery is identified, the
transducer is moved slightly laterally across the neck (see algorithm at end of chapter). The goal is to
identify the scalene muscles and the brachial plexus that is sandwiched between the anterior and
middle scalene muscles.
FIGURE 29-5. Ultrasound image just below the level of the cricoid cartilage and medial to the
sternocleidomastoid muscle. ASM, anterior scalene muscle; SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; IJV,
internal jugular vein; CA, carotid artery; Th, thyroid gland.
When the visualization of the brachial plexus between the scalene muscles proves difficult, the
transducer is lowered to the supraclavicular fossa. At this position, the brachial plexus is identified
lateral and superficial to the subclavian artery, (Figure 29-6). From here, the brachial plexus is
traced cranially to the desired level.
FIGURE 29-6. View of the brachial plexus (BP) at the supraclavicular fossa. When identification of
the brachial plexus at the interscalene level proves difficult, the transducer is positioned at the
supraclavicular fossa to identify the BP superficial and lateral to the subclavian artery (SA). The
transducer is then slowly moved cephalad while continuously visualizing the brachial plexus until the
desired level is reached.
The needle is then inserted in-plane toward the brachial plexus, typically in a lateral-to-medial
direction (Figure 29-7), although medial-to-lateral needle orientation also can be chosen if more
convenient. As the needle passes through the prevertebral fascia, a certain “give” is often
appreciated. When nerve stimulation is used (0.5 mA, 0.1 msec), the entrance of the needle in the
interscalene groove is often associated with a motor response of the shoulder, arm, or forearm as
another confirmation of the proper needle placement. After a careful aspiration to rule out an
intravascular needle placement, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected to document the proper
needle placement (Figure 29-8A). Injection of several milliliters of local anesthetic often displaces
the brachial plexus away from the needle. An additional advancement of the needle 1 to 2 mm toward
the brachial plexus may be beneficial to assure a proper spread of the local anesthetic (Figure 29-
8B). Whenever the needle is further advanced, or multiple injections used, assure that high resistance
to injection is absent to decrease the risk of an intrafascicular injection. When injection of the local
anesthetic does not appear to result in a spread around the brachial plexus, additional needle
repositions and injections may be necessary.
FIGURE 29-7. (A) Transducer placement and needle insertion. (B) Position of the needle (1) for the
interscalene brachial plexus block using an in-plane approach. The needle tip is seen in contact with
the superior trunk of the brachial plexus (yellow arrows); this always results in high injection
pressure (>15 psi)—indicating that the needle should be withdrawn slightly away from the trunk.
FIGURE 29-8. (A) A small amount of local anesthetic (blue shaded area) is injected through the
needle to confirm the proper needle placement. A properly placed needle tip will result in
distribution of the local anesthetic between and/or alongside roots of the brachial plexus (BP). (B) An
actual needle (white arrowhead) placement in the interscalene groove with the dispersion of the local
anesthetic (LA; blue shaded area or arrows) surrounding the BP.
• The presence of the motor response to nerve stimulation is useful but not necessary to elicit if the
plexus, needle, and local anesthetic spread are well-visualized.
• The neck is a very vascular area, and care must be exercised to avoid needle placement or
injection into the vascular structures. Of particular importance is to avoid the vertebral artery, and
branches of the thyrocervical trunk: inferior thyroid artery, suprascapular artery, and transverse
cervical artery.
• Never inject against high resistance (>15 psi) because this may indicate a needle-nerve contact or
an intrafascicular injection.
• Pro and con of multiple injections:
Pro: May increase the speed of onset and success rate of the interscalene block.
Pro: May allow for a reduction in the total volume and dose of local anesthetic required to
accomplish block.
Con: May carry a higher risk of nerve injury because part of the plexus may be anesthetized by
the time consecutive injections are made.
NOTE: Avoidance of high resistance to injection and needle–nerve contact is essential to avoid
intrafascicular injection because reliance on nerve stimulation with multiple injections is
In an adult patient, 15 to 25 mL of local anesthetic is usually adequate for successful and rapid
onset of blockade. Smaller volumes of local anesthetics can also be effective, however, their success
rate in everyday clinical practice may be inferior to those reported in meticulously conducted clinical
trials. The block dynamics and perioperative management are similar to those described in Chapter
Continuous Ultrasound-Guided Interscalene Block
The goal of the continuous interscalene block is similar to the non–ultrasound-based techniques: to
place the catheter in the vicinity of the trunks of the brachial plexus between the scalene muscles. The
procedure consists of three phases: needle placement, catheter advancement, and securing of the
catheter. For the first two phases of the procedure, ultrasound can be used to assure accuracy. The
needle is typically inserted in-plane from the lateral-to-medial direction and underneath the
prevertebral fascia to enter the interscalene space (Figure 29-9), although other needle directions
could be used.
FIGURE 29-9. Continuous brachial plexus block. Needle is inserted in the interscalene space using
an in-plane approach. Please note that for better demonstration, sterile drapes are not used in the
model in this figure.
Both stimulating and nonstimulating catheters can be used, although for simplicity we prefer
nonstimulating catheters for ultrasound-guided continuous interscalene block.
Proper placement of the needle can also be confirmed by obtaining a motor response of the deltoid
muscle, arm, or forearm (0.5 mA, 0.1 msec) at which point 4 to 5 mL of local anesthetic can be
injected. This small dose of local anesthetic serves to assure adequate distribution of the local
anesthetic as well as to make the advancement of the catheter more comfortable to the patient. This
first phase of the procedure does not significantly differ from the single-injection technique. The
second phase of the procedure involves maintaining the needle in the proper position and inserting the
catheter 2 to 3 cm into the interscalene space in the vicinity of the brachial plexus (Figure 29-10).
Insertion of the catheter can be accomplished by a single operator or with a helper. Proper location of
the catheter can be determined either by visualizing the course of the catheter or by an injection of the
local anesthetic through the catheter. When this proves difficult, alternatively, a small amount of air (1
mL) can be injected to confirm the catheter tip location.
FIGURE 29-10. An ultrasound image demonstrating needle and catheter (white arrow) inserted in the
interscalene space between the anterior (ASM) and middle (MSM) scalene muscles. BP, brachial
There is no agreement on what constitutes the ideal catheter securing system. The catheter is
secured by either taping to the skin or tunneling. Some clinicians prefer one over the other. However,
the decision about which method to use could be based on the patient’s age, duration of the catheter
therapy, and anatomy. Tunneling could be preferred in older patients with obesity or mobile skin over
the neck and when longer duration of catheter infusion is expected. Two main disadvantages of
tunneling are the risk of catheter dislodgment during the tunneling and the potential for scar formation.
Fortunately, a number of catheter-securing devices are available to help stabilize the catheter.
Single Injection UG-IS block
redrickson MJ, Ball CM, Dalgleish AJ. Posterior versus anterolateral approach interscalene catheter
placement: a prospective randomized trial. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2011;36:125-33.
redrickson MJ, Ball CM, Dalgleish AJ, Stewart AW, Short TG. A prospective randomized
comparison of ultrasound and neurostimulation as needle end points for interscalene catheter
placement. Anesth Analg. 2009;108:1695-700.
redrickson MJ, Kilfoyle DH. Neurological complication analysis of 1000 ultrasound guided
peripheral nerve blocks for elective orthopaedic surgery: a prospective study. Anaesthesia. 2009;
Gadsden J, Hadzic A, Gandhi K, Shariat A, Xu D, Maliakal T, Patel V. The effect of mixing 1.5%
mepivacaine and 0.5% bupivacaine on duration of analgesia and latency of block onset in ultrasoundguided interscalene block. Anesth Analg. 2011;112:471-6.
Koff MD, Cohen JA, McIntyre JJ, Carr CF, Sites BD. Severe brachial plexopathy after an ultrasoundguided single-injection nerve block for total shoulder arthroplasty in a patient with multiple sclerosis.
Anesthesiology. 2008;108:325-8.
Liu SS, Gordon MA, Shaw PM, Wilfred S, Shetty T, Yadeau JT. A prospective clinical registry of
ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia for ambulatory shoulder surgery. Anesth Analg. 2010;111:617-
Liu SS, YaDeau JT, Shaw PM, Wilfred S, Shetty T, Gordon M. Incidence of unintentional intraneural
injection and postoperative neurological complications with ultrasound-guided interscalene and
supraclavicular nerve blocks. Anaesthesia. 2011;66:168-74.
Marhofer P, Harrop-Griffiths W, Willschke H, Kirchmair L. Fifteen years of ultrasound guidance in
regional anaesthesia: Part 2-recent developments in block techniques. Br J Anaesth. 2010;104:673-
McNaught A, Shastri U, Carmichael N, Awad IT, Columb M, Cheung J, Holtby RM, McCartney CJ.
Ultrasound reduces the minimum effective local anaesthetic volume compared with peripheral nerve
stimulation for interscalene block. Br J Anaesth. 2011;106:124-30.
Orebaugh SL, McFadden K, Skorupan H, Bigeleisen PE. Subepineurial injection in ultrasound-guided
interscalene needle tip placement. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35:450-4.
Renes SH, van Geffen GJ, Rettig HC, Gielen MJ, Scheffer GJ.Minimum effective volume of local
anesthetic for shoulder analgesia by ultrasound-guided block at root C7 with assessment of pulmonary
function. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35:529-34.
pence BC, Beach ML, Gallagher JD, Sites BD. Ultrasound-guided interscalene blocks: understanding
where to inject the local anaesthetic. Anaesthesia. 2011;66:509-14.
Continuous US-IS Block
Antonakakis JG, Sites BD, Shiffrin J. Ultrasound-guided posterior approach for the placement of a
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Ultrasound-Guided Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block
FIGURE 30-1. Supraclavicular brachial plexus; transducer position and needle insertion.
General Considerations
The proximity of the brachial plexus at this location to the chest cavity and pleura, has been of
concern to many practitioners (Figure 30-2). However, ultrasound guidance has resulted in a
resurgence of interest in the supraclavicular approach to the brachial plexus. The ability to image the
plexus, rib, pleura, and subclavian artery with ultrasound guidance has increased safety due to better
monitoring of anatomy and needle placement. Because the trunks and divisions of the brachial plexus
are relatively close as they travel over the first rib, the onset and quality of anesthesia is fast and
complete. For these reasons, the supraclavicular block has become a popular technique for surgery
below the shoulder.
FIGURE 30-2. Anatomy of the supraclavicular brachial plexus with proper transducer placement
slightly obliquely above the clavicle (Cl). SA, subclavian artery; arrow, brachial plexus (BP).
Ultrasound Anatomy
The subclavian artery crosses over the first rib between the insertions of the anterior and middle
scalene muscles, at approximately the midpoint of the clavicle. The pulsating subclavian artery is
readily apparent, whereas the parietal pleura and the first rib can be seen as a linear hyperechoic
structure immediately lateral and deep to it, respectively (Figure 30-3). The rib, as an osseous
structure, casts an acoustic shadow, so that the image field deep to the rib appears anechoic, or dark.
A reverberation artifact (refer to Chapter 26) often occurs, mimicking a second subclavian artery
beneath the rib. The brachial plexus can be seen as a bundle of hypoechoic round nodules (e.g.,
“grapes”) just lateral and superficial to the artery (Figures 30-3, 30-4, 30-5A and B). It is often
possible to see the fascial sheath enveloping the brachial plexus. Depending at the level at which the
plexus is scanned and the transducer orientation, brachial plexus can have an oval or flattened
appearance (Figure 30-5A and B). Two different sonographic appearances of the brachial plexus
(one oval and one flattened) are easily seen by changing the angle of the transducer orientation during
imaging. Lateral and medial to the first rib is the hyperechoic pleura, with lung tissue deep to it. This
structure can be confirmed by observation of a “sliding” motion of the viscera pleura with the
patient’s respiration. The brachial plexus is typically visualized at a 1- to 2-cm depth at this location,
an important anatomical characteristic of the plexus that must be kept in mind throughout the
FIGURE 30-3. Unlabeled ultrasound image of the supraclavicular brachial plexus.
FIGURE 30-4. Supraclavicular brachial plexus (BP) is seen slightly superficial and lateral to the
subclavian artery (SA). Brachial plexus is enveloped by a tissue sheath (white arrows). Note the
intimate location of the pleura and lung to the brachial plexus and subclavian artery. Middle scalene
muscle (MSM). White arrows: Prevertebral fascia.
FIGURE 30-5. (A) Ultrasound image of the brachial plexus (BP) assuming an oval shape and circled
by the tissue sheath (yellow arrows). (B) Ultrasound image of the BP at the supraclavicular fossa
with the downward orientation of the transducer. The brachial plexus assumes a flatter configuration
as it descends underneath the clavicle into the infraclavicular fossa. SA, subclavian artery. ASM,
anterior scalene muscle.
Distribution of Blockade
The supraclavicular approach to the brachial plexus blockade results in anesthesia of the upper limb
below the shoulder because all trunks and divisions can be anesthetized. The medial skin of the upper
arm (intercostobrachial nerve, T2), however, is never anesthetized by any technique of the brachial
plexus block and when needed can be blocked by an additional subcutaneous injection just distal to
the axilla. For a more comprehensive review of the brachial plexus anatomy and distribution, see
Chapter 1, Essential Regional Anesthesia Anatomy.
Equipment needed includes the following:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–14 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel (or other coupling
medium; e.g. saline)
Standard nerve block tray (described in Chapter 3)
20 to 25 mL local anesthetic
5-cm, 22-gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
Any position that allows comfortable placement of the ultrasound transducer and needle advancement
is appropriate. This block can be performed with the patient in the supine, semi-sitting (our favorite),
or slight oblique position, with the patient’s head turned away from the side to be blocked. When
possible, asking the patient to reach for the ipsilateral knee will depress the clavicle slightly and
allow better access to the structures of the anterolateral neck. Also, a slight elevation of the head of
the bed is often more comfortable for the patient and allows for better drainage and less prominence
of the neck veins (Figure 30-1).
Adherence to strict anatomic landmarks is of lesser importance for the ultrasound-guided
supraclavicular block than for the surface anatomy techniques. However, knowledge of the underlying
anatomy and the position of the brachial plexus in relation to the subclavian artery, first rib, and
pleura are important for the success and safety of the technique. Scanning is usually started just above
the clavicle at approximately its midpoint.
The goal is to place the needle in the brachial plexus sheath in the vicinity of the subclavian artery
and inject local anesthetic until the spread within the brachial plexus is documented by observing the
centrifugal displacement of the trunks and divisions on the ultrasound.
With the patient in the proper position (we prefer semi-sitting position), the skin is disinfected and the
transducer is positioned in the transverse plane immediately superior to the clavicle at approximately
its midpoint. The transducer is tilted caudally to obtain a cross-sectional view of the subclavian
artery (Figures 30-6). The brachial plexus is seen as a collection of hypoechoic oval structures
lateral and superficial to the artery.
FIGURE 30-6. Supraclavicular brachial plexus; transducer position and needle insertion.
To achieve the best possible view, the transducer often must be tilted slightly inferiorly, rather than
perpendicular to the skin. The goal is to see the artery as a pulsating circular structure (transverse
view), rather than an oval or linear structure.
Using a 25- to 27-gauge needle, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected into the skin 1 cm lateral
to the transducer to decrease the discomfort during needle insertion. Local infiltration may not be
necessary in well premedicated patients. The needle should never be inserted deeper than 1 cm to
avoid inadvertent puncture of and injection into the brachial plexus. Always observe the distribution
of the local anesthetic during administration by injecting small amounts of the local anesthetic as the
needle advances through tissue layers (hydro-localization). The block needle is then inserted in-plane
toward the brachial plexus, in a lateral-to-medial direction (Figures 30-6 and 30-7). When nerve
stimulation is used (0.5 mA, 0.1 msec), the entrance of the needle into the brachial plexus sheath is
often associated with a palpable “pop” as the needle passes through the paravertebral fascia/brachial
plexus sheath. In addition, a motor response of the arm, forearm, or hand as another confirmation of
the proper needle placement. Note, however, that motor response may be absent despite the adequate
needle placement. Tilting the needle slightly within the plexus and/or increasing the current intensity
(e.g., 1.0–1.5 mA) will bring about the motor response, if required. After a careful aspiration, 1 to 2
mL of local anesthetic is injected to document the proper needle placement. When the injection
displaces the brachial plexus away from the needle, an additional advancement of the needle 1 to 2
mm deeper may be required to accomplish adequate spread of the local anesthetic (Figures 30-8, 30-
9, and 30-10). When injection of the local anesthetic does not appear to result in a spread in and
around the brachial plexus, additional needle repositioning and injections may be necessary. The
required volume of local anesthetic should not be premeditated but rather determined based on the
adequacy of the spread. In our practice, 20 to 25 mL is the most common total volume used.
FIGURE 30-7. Supraclavicular brachial plexus. Needle path and two separate injections required
for block of the supraclavicular brachial plexus. Shown are two needle positions (1 and 2) used to
inject local anesthetic within the tissue sheath (arrows) containing the brachial plexus (BP).
FIGURE 30-8. Desired spread of the local anesthetic (areas shaded in blue) through two different
needle positions (1 and 2), to accomplish brachial plexus (BP) block. Local anesthetic should freely
spread within the tissue sheath resulting in separation of the BP cords.
FIGURE 30-9. Supraclavicular brachial plexus (BP) with an actual needle passing the tissue sheath
surrounding brachial plexus. Needle is seen within the BP, although its tip is not visualized. Injection
at this location often results in deterioration of the ultrasound image; reliance on additional
monitoring (injection pressure, nerve stimulation) to avoid intrafascicular injection is essential.
FIGURE 30-10. Proper dispersion of the local anesthetic (LA; blue arrows after its injection within
the tissue sheath containing the brachial plexus (BP).
• The presence of the motor response to nerve stimulation is useful but not necessary to elicit if the
plexus, needle, and local anesthetic spread are well visualized.
• The neck is a very vascular area and care must be exercised to avoid needle placement or
injection into the vascular structures. Of particular importance is to note the intimately located
internal jugular vein, inferior carotid artery, subclavian artery and the dorsal scapular artery which
often crosses the supraclavicular brachial plexus at this level. The use of color Doppler before
needle placement and injection is suggested.
• Never inject against high resistance (>15 psi) to injection because this may signal an
intrafascicular injection.
• Multiple injections:
May increase the speed of onset and success rate.
May allow for a reduction in the required volume of local anesthetic.
May carry a higher risk of nerve injury because part of the plexus may be anesthetized by the
previous injections.
In an adult patient, 20 to 25 mL of local anesthetic is usually adequate for successful and rapid
onset of blockade; however, when necessary, higher volumes may be used. Some clinicians
recommend injecting a single bolus at the point where the subclavian artery meets the first rib. This is
thought to “float” the plexus superficially and result in more reliable blockade of the inferior
divisions of the plexus. However, we do not find this useful or safe (risk of pleura puncture); instead
it is always beneficial to inject two to three smaller aliquots at different locations within the plexus
sheath to assure spread of the local anesthetic solution in all planes containing brachial plexus. In our
program, we simply administer two aliquots of local anesthetics at two separate locations within the
plexus sheath as seen in Figure 30-8. The block dynamics and perioperative management are similar
to those described in Chapter 13.
Continuous Ultrasound-Guided Supraclavicular Block
The ultrasound-guided continuous supraclavicular block is in many ways similar to the technique for
interscalene catheter placement. The goal is to place the catheter in the vicinity of the trunks/divisions
of the brachial plexus adjacent to the subclavian artery. The procedure consists of three phases:
needle placement, catheter advancement, and securing of the catheter. For the first two phases of the
procedure, ultrasound can be used to assure accuracy in most patients. The needle is typically
inserted in-plane from the lateral-to-medial direction so that the tip is just lateral to the brachial
plexus sheath. The needle is then advanced to indent and transverse the sheath, followed by placement
of the catheter.
When the needle approaches the brachial plexus, extra force is required to penetrate the prevertebral
fascia and enter the brachial plexus “sheath”. The entrance of the needle into the sheath is always
associated with a distinct “pop” sensation as the needle breaches the fascial layer.
Proper placement of the needle can also be confirmed by obtaining a motor response of the arm,
forearm, or hand, at which point 4–5 mL of local anesthetic is injected. This small dose of local
anesthetic serves to assure adequate distribution of the local anesthetic as well as to make the
advancement of the catheter more comfortable to the patient. This first phase of the procedure does
not significantly differ from the single-injection technique. The second phase of the procedure
involves maintaining the needle in the proper position and inserting the catheter 2 to 3 cm into the
sheath of the brachial plexus (Figure 30-11 shows the preloaded needle with the catheter). Care must
be taken not to advance the catheter too far, which may result in the catheter exiting the brachial
plexus and the consequent failure to provide analgesia. Insertion of the catheter can be accomplished
by either a single operator or a with a helper.
FIGURE 30-11. A needle insertion for the continuous supraclavicular brachial plexus block. The
catheter is inserted 3–5 cm beyond the needle tip and injected with 3–5 mL of local anesthetic to
document the proper dispersion of the local anesthetic within the brachial plexus sheath.
The catheter is secured by either taping to the skin or tunneling. Some clinicians prefer one over
the other. The decision about which method to use could be based on the patient’s age, duration of the
catheter therapy, and anatomy. Tunneling could be preferred in older patients with obesity or mobile
skin over the neck and longer planned duration of the catheter infusion. Two main disadvantages of
the tunneling are the risk of catheter dislodgment during the tunneling and the potential for scar
formation. A number of devices are commercially available to help secure the catheter. The starting
infusion regimen is typically 5 mL/hour of 0.2% ropivacaine with 5-mL patient-controlled boluses
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Ultrasound-Guided Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block
FIGURE 31-1. In-plane needle insertion technique during infraclavicular brachial plexus block.
General Considerations
The ultrasound-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block is in some ways both simple and
challenging. It is simple in the sense that geometric measuring of distances and angles on the surface
of the patient, as is the case with the nerve stimulator–based technique, is not required. Identification
of the arterial pulse on the sonographic image is an easy primary goal in establishing the landmark.
However, the plexus at this level is situated deeper, and the angle of approach is more acute, making
simultaneous visualization of the needle and the relevant anatomy more challenging. Fortunately,
although it is not always possible to reliably identify the three cords of the plexus at this position,
adequate block can be achieved by simply depositing the local anesthetic in a “U” shape around the
artery. Infraclavicular block is well-suited for catheter technique because the musculature of the chest
wall helps stabilize the catheter and prevents its dislodgment compared with the more superficial
location with the interscalene or supraclavicular approaches.
Ultrasound Anatomy
The axillary artery can be identified deep to the pectoralis major and minor muscles. An effort needs
to be made to obtain clear views of both pectoralis muscles and their respective fasciae. This is
important because the area of interest lies underneath the fascia of the pectoralis minor muscle.
Surrounding the artery are the three cords of the brachial plexus: the lateral, posterior, and medial
cords. These are named for their usual position relative to the axillary artery, although there is a great
deal of anatomic variation. With the left side of the screen corresponding to the cephalad aspect, the
cords can often be seen as round hyperechoic structures at approximately 9 o’clock (lateral cord), 7
o’clock (posterior cord), and 5 o’clock (medial cord) (Figures 31-2, 31-3, and 31-4). The axillary
vein is seen as a compressible hypoechoic structure that lies inferior, or slightly superficial, to the
axillary artery. Multiple other, smaller vessels (e.g., the cephalic vein) are often present as well. The
transducer is moved in the superior-inferior direction until the artery is identified in cross-section.
Depending on the depth of field selected and the level at which the scanning is performed, the chest
wall and lung may be seen in the inferior aspect of the image. The axillary artery and/or brachial
plexus are typically identified at a depth of 3 to 5 cm in average size patients.
FIGURE 31-2. Anatomy of the infraclavicular brachial plexus and the position of the transducer.
Brachial plexus (BP) is seen surrounding the axillary artery (AA) underneath the clavicle (Cl) and
pectoralis minor muscle (PMiM). Note that the injection of local anesthetic should take place below
the fascia of the PMiM to spread around the AA. PMaM, pectoralis major muscle.
FIGURE 31-3. Unlabeled ultrasound image of the infraclavicular fossa demonstrating pectoralis
muscles, their respective sheets, axillary (subclavian) vessels, and the chest wall.
FIGURE 31-4. Labeled ultrasound image of the brachial plexus (BP) in the infraclavicular fossa. LC,
lateral cord; PC, posterior cord; MC, medial cord. Note that the brachial plexus and the axillary
artery (AA) are located below the fascia (red line) of the pectoralis minor muscle (PMiM). PMaM,
pectoralis major muscle.
Distribution of Blockade
The infraclavicular approach to brachial plexus blockade results in anesthesia of the upper limb
below the shoulder. The medial skin of the upper arm (intercostobrachial nerve, T2), if required, can
be blocked by an additional subcutaneous injection on the medial aspect of the arm just distal to the
axilla. A simpler approach is for surgeons to infiltrate the skin with the local anesthetic directly over
the incision line, if necessary. For a more comprehensive review of the brachial plexus distribution,
see Chapter 1, Essential Regional Anesthesia Anatomy.
Equipment needed for this block includes the following:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–14 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray
20 to 30 mL of local anesthetic drawn up in syringes
8- to 10-cm long, 21-22 gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
Any position that allows comfortable placement of the ultrasound transducer and needle advancement
is appropriate. The block is typically performed with the patient in supine position with the head
turned away from the side to be blocked (Figure 31-5). The arm is abducted to 90° and the elbow
flexed. This maneuver reduces the depth from the skin to the plexus and substantially facilitates
visualization of the pectoralis muscles as well as the cords of the brachial plexus.
FIGURE 31-5. Patient position in needle insertion for infraclavicular brachial plexus block. The
transducer is positioned parasagittally just medial to the coracoid process and inferior to the clavicle.
The coracoid process is an important landmark and can be easily identified by palpating the bony
prominence just medial to the shoulder while the arm is elevated and lowered. As the arm is lowered,
the coracoid process meets the fingers of the palpating hand. Scanning is usually begun just medial to
the coracoid process and inferior to the clavicle. As scanning experience increases, it eventually
becomes unnecessary to identify the coracoids process before scanning.
The goal of the technique is to inject local anesthetic until the spread around the artery is documented
by ultrasound. It is not necessary to identify and target individual cords. Instead, injection of the local
anesthetic to surround the artery in a U-shape pattern (cephalad, caudad, and posterior) suffices for
block of all three cords.
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer is positioned in the
parasagittal plane to identify the axillary artery (Figures 31-3 and 31-4, and 31-5). This may require
adjustment of the depth, depending on the thickness of the patient’s chest wall musculature. The
axillary artery (or the transition of the subclavian to axillary artery) is typically seen between 3 and 5
cm. Once the artery is identified, an attempt is made to identify the hyperechoic cords of the brachial
plexus and their corresponding positions relative to the artery, although these may not always be
identifiable. Fortunately, exhaustive efforts to visualize the cords are not necessary for successful
Reverberation artifact posterior to the artery is often misinterpreted as the posterior cord. Figure 31-7
demonstrate such a dilemma where the structured labeled as posterior cord (PC) can easily represent
a mere reverberation artifact.
The needle is inserted in-plane from the cephalad aspect, with the insertion point just inferior to
the clavicle (Figure 31-5). The needle is aimed toward the posterior aspect of the axillary artery and
passes through the pectoralis major and minor muscles. If nerve stimulation is used concurrently (0.5-
0.8 mA, 0.1 msec), the first motor response is often from the lateral cord (either elbow flexion or
finger flexion). As the needle is further advanced beneath the artery, a posterior cord motor response
may appear (finger and wrist extension). After careful aspiration, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is
injected to confirm the proper needle placement and spread. The injectate should spread cephalad and
caudad to cover the lateral and medial cords, respectively (Figure 31-6). When injection of the local
anesthetic with a single injection does not appear to result in adequate spread, additional needle
repositions and injections around the axillary artery may be necessary (Figure 31-7).
FIGURE 31-6. Ultrasound image demonstrating an ideal needle path for the infraclavicular brachial
plexus block. Blue-shaded area mimics an ideal spread of the local anesthetic around axillary artery
(AA) and reaching all three cords of the brachial plexus (LC, PC, MC) below the fascia (red line) of
the pectoralis minor muscle. PMaM, pectoralis major muscle; PMiM, pectoralis minor muscle.
FIGURE 31-7. An ultrasound image demonstrating an actual needle placement above (cephalad) the
axillary artery (AA) and an injection of local anesthetic (2 mL; blue shadow) to document the proper
needle tip placement. LC, lateral cord; MC, medial cord; PC, posterior cord.
• A caudad to cephalad needle insertion is also possible but may carry a higher risk of
peumothorax and venous puncture
• To decrease the risk of complications:
Aspirate every 5 mL to decrease a risk of an intravascular injection.
Do not inject if the resistance to injection is high.
Do not change the transducer pressure throughout the injection (this can “open and close” veins
in the area and possibly increase the risk of an intravascular injection).
In an adult patient, 20 to 30 mL of local anesthetic is usually adequate for successful blockade.
Although a single injection of such large volumes of local anesthetic often suffices, it may be
beneficial to inject two to three smaller aliquots at different locations to assure spread of the local
anesthetic solution in all planes containing brachial plexus. The block dynamics and perioperative
management are similar to those described in Chapter 14.
Continuous Ultrasound-Guided Infraclavicular Block
The goal of the continuous infraclavicular block is similar to the non–ultrasound-based techniques: to
place the catheter in the vicinity of the cords of the brachial plexus beneath the pectoral muscles. The
procedure consists of three phases: needle placement, catheter advancement, and securing of the
catheter. For the first two phases of the procedure, ultrasound can be used to assure accuracy in most
patients. The needle is typically inserted in-plane from the cephalad-to-caudad direction, similar to
the single-injection technique (Figure 31-8).
FIGURE 31-8. Patient position, imaging and needle placement for continuous infraclavicular
brachial plexus block are similar to those in a single-injection technique. Once the proper needle tip
is determined by injection of a small volume of local anesthetic, the catheter is inserted 2–4 cm
beyond the needle tip.
As with the single injection technique, the needle tip should be placed posterior to the axillary
artery prior to injection and catheter advancement. Proper placement of the needle can also be
confirmed by obtaining a motor response of the posterior cord (finger or wrist flexion) at which point
1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected. This small dose of local anesthetic serves to document the
proper placement of the needle tip as evidenced by adequate distribution of the local anesthetic. The
injection also may make the advancement of the catheter more comfortable to the patient. This first
phase of the procedure does not significantly differ from the single-injection technique. The second
phase of the procedure involves maintaining the needle in the proper position and advancing the
catheter 2 to 4 cm beyond the needle tip, in the vicinity of the posterior cord. Insertion of the catheter
can be accomplished by either single operator or a with a helper (Figure 31-8). A typical starting
infusion regimen is 5 mL/hour with 8-mL patient-controlled boluses every hour. The larger bolus
volume is necessary for the adequate spread of the injectate around the artery to reach all cords of the
brachial plexus. The catheter is secured by either taping to the skin or tunneling. Some clinicians
prefer one over the other. However, the decision on which method to use could be based on the
patient’s age, duration of the catheter therapy, and anatomy. Tunneling could be preferred in older
patients with obesity or mobile skin over the neck and longer planned duration of the catheter
infusion. One advantage to catheter placement with the infraclavicular approach is that the pectoralis
muscles tend to stabilize the catheter and prevent dislodgment.
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Ultrasound-Guided Axillary Brachial Plexus Block
FIGURE 32-1. Transducer position and needle insertion in ultrasound-guided axillary brachial
plexus block.
General Considerations
The axillary brachial plexus block offers several advantages over the other approaches to the brachial
plexus. The technique is relatively simple to perform, and may be associated with a relatively lower
risk of complications as compared with interscalene (e.g., spinal cord or vertebral artery puncture) or
supraclavicular brachial plexus block (e.g., pneumothorax). In clinical scenarios in which access to
the upper parts of the brachial plexus is difficult or impossible (e.g, local infection, burns, indwelling
venous catheters), the ability to anesthetize the plexus at a more distal level may be important. The
axillary brachial plexus block is also relatively simple to perform with ultrasound because of its
superficial location. Although individual nerves can usually be identified in the vicinity of the axillary
artery, this is not necessary because the deposition of local anesthetic around the axillary artery is
sufficient for an effective block.
Ultrasound Anatomy
The structures of interest are superficial (1–3 cm), and the pulsating axillary artery can be identified
usually within a centimeter of the skin surface on the anteromedial aspect of the proximal arm, Figure
32-2. The artery can be associated with one or more axillary veins, often located medially to the
artery. Importantly, an undue pressure with the transducer during imaging may obliterate the veins,
rendering veins invisible and prone to puncture with the needle if care is not taken to avoid it.
Surrounding the axillary artery are three of the four principal branches of the brachial plexus: the
median (superficial and lateral to the artery), the ulnar (superficial and medial to the artery), and the
radial (posterior and lateral or medial to the artery) nerves (Figure 32-2). These are seen as round
hyperechoic structures, and although the previously mentioned locations relative to the artery are
frequently encountered, there is considerable anatomic variation from individual to individual,. Three
muscles surround the neurovascular bundle: the biceps brachii (lateral and superficial), the wedgeshaped coracobrachialis (lateral and deep), and the triceps brachii (medial and posterior). The fourth
principal nerve of the brachial plexus, the musculocutaneous nerve, is found in the fascial layers
between biceps and coracobrachialis muscles, though its location is variable and can be seen within
either muscle. It is usually seen as a hypoechoic flattened oval with a bright hyperechoic rim. Moving
the transducer proximally and distally along the long axis of the arm, the musculocutaneous nerve will
appear to move toward or away from the neurovascular bundle in the fascial plane between the two
muscles. Refer to Chapter 1, Essential Regional Anesthesia Anatomy for additional information on the
anatomy of the axillary brachial plexus and its branches.
FIGURE 32-2. Cross-sectional anatomy of the axillary fossa and the transducer position to image the
brachial plexus. The brachial plexus (BP) is seen scattered around the axillary artery and enclosed in
the adipose tissue compartment containing BP, axillary artery (AA), and axillary vein (AV). MCN,
musculocutaneous nerve.
Distribution of Blockade
The axillary approach to brachial plexus blockade (including musculocutaneous nerve) results in
anesthesia of the upper limb from the midarm down to and including the hand. The axillary nerve
itself is not blocked because it departs from the posterior cord high up in the axilla. As a result, the
skin over the deltoid muscle is not anesthetized. With nerve stimulator and landmark-based
techniques, the blockade of the musculocutaneous is often unreliable, leading to a lack of blockade on
the lateral side of the forearm and wrist. This problem is remedied easily with the ultrasound-guided
approach because the musculocutaneous nerve is readily apparent and reliably anesthetized. When
required, the medial skin of the upper arm (intercostobrachial nerve, T2) can be blocked by an
additional subcutaneous injection just distal to the axilla, if required. For a more comprehensive
review of the brachial plexus distribution, see Chapter 1.
Equipment needed includes the following:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–14 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray (described in the equipment section)
Syringes with local anesthetic (20–25 mL)
4-cm, 22-gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
The axillary brachial plexus block requires access to the axilla. Therefore abduction of the arm 90° is
an appropriate position that allows for transducer placement and needle advancement, as well as
patient comfort (Figure 32-3). Care should be taken not to overabduct the arm because that may cause
discomfort as well as produce tension on the brachial plexus, theoretically making it more vulnerable
to needle or injection injury during the block procedure.
FIGURE 32-3. Patient position and insertion of the needle for ultrasound-guided (in plane) axillary
brachial plexus block. All needle redirections except occasionally for the musculocutaneous nerve
are done through the same needle insertion site. Seldom, another insertion of the needle is made to
block the musculocutaneous nerve.
The pectoralis major muscle is palpated as it inserts onto the humerus, and the transducer is placed
on the skin immediately distal to that point perpendicular to the axis of the arm. The starting point
should result in part of the transducer overlying both the biceps and the triceps muscles (i.e., on the
medial aspect of the arm). Sliding the transducer across the axilla will bring the axillary artery and
brachial plexus into view, if not readily apparent.
The goal is to deposit local anesthetic around the axillary artery. Sometimes, a single injection is
sufficient to spread in a “doughnut” shape around the artery; more commonly, two or three injections
are required. In addition, an aliquot of local anesthetic should be injected adjacent to the
musculocutaneous nerve.
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer is positioned in the
short axis orientation to identify the axillary artery (Figure 32-4A about 1 to 3 cm from the skin
surface. Once the artery is identified, an attempt is made to identify the hyperechoic median, ulnar,
and radial nerves (Figure 32-4B). However, these may not be always well seen on an ultrasound
image. Frequently present, a reverberation artifact deep to the artery is often misinterpreted for the
radial nerve. Pre-scanning should also reveal the position of the musculocutaneous nerve, in the plane
between the coracobrachialis and biceps muscles (a slight proximal-distal movement of the
transducer is often required to bring this nerve into view) (Figure 32-5).
FIGURE 32-4. (A,B) Median (MN), ulnar (UN), and radial (RN) nerves are seen scattered around
the axillary artery with the tissue sheath (white-appearing tissue fasciae around the artery) containing
nerves and axillary vessels. The musculocutaneous nerve (MCN) is seen between the biceps and
coracobrachialis (CBM) away from the rest of the brachial plexus. AA, axillary artery.
FIGURE 32-5. Musculocutaneous nerve (MCN) is seen approximately 3 cm from the axillary
neurovascular bundle (around AA). MCN in this image is positioned between the biceps and
coracobrachialis muscles (CBM). MCN must be blocked with a separate injection of local anesthetic
for a complete axillary brachial plexus block.
The needle is inserted in-plane from the cephalad aspect (Figures 32-1 and 32-3) and directed
toward the posterior aspect of the axillary artery (Figure 32-6).
FIGURE 32-6. Needle insertions for axillary brachial plexus block. Axillary brachial block can be
accomplished by two to four separate injections (1–4) to accomplish a block of the entire brachial
plexus. MCN, musculocutaneous nerve; RN, radial nerve; MN, median nerve; UN, ulnar nerve.
As nerves and vessels are positioned together in the neurovascular bundle by adjacent
musculature, advancement of the needle through the axilla may require careful hydrodissection with a
small amount of local anesthetic or other injectate. This technique involves the injection of 0.5 to 2
mL, which “peels apart” the plane in which the needle tip is continuously inserted. The needle is then
advanced a few millimeters and more injectate is administered.
Local anesthetic should be deposited posterior to the artery first, to avoid displacing the structures
of interest deeper and obscuring the nerves, which is often the case if the median or ulnar nerves are
injected first. Once 5 to 10 mL is administered, the needle is withdrawn almost to the level of the
skin, redirected toward the median and ulnar nerves, and a further 10 to 15 mL is injected in these
areas to complete the circle around the artery. The described sequence of injection is demonstrated in
Figure 32-7.
FIGURE 32-7. An image demonstrating the ideal distribution patterns of local anesthetic spread after
three separate injections (1–3) to surround the axillary artery with local anesthetic and block the
radial nerve (RN), median nerve (MN), and ulnar nerve (UN). Musculocutaneous nerve (MCN) is
blocked with a separate injection (4) because it is often outside the axillary neurovascular tissue
sheath. AA, axillary artery.
Finally, the needle is once again withdrawn to the biceps and redirected toward the
musculocutaneous nerve. Once adjacent to the nerve (stimulation will result in elbow flexion), 5 to 7
mL of local anesthetic is deposited.
In an adult patient, 20 to 25 mL of local anesthetic is usually adequate for successful blockade.
Complete spread around the artery is necessary for success but infrequently seen with a single
injection. Two to three redirections and injections are usually necessary for reliable blockade, as
well as a separate injection to block the musculocutaneous nerve. The block dynamics and
perioperative management are similar to those described in Chapter 15.
• Frequent aspiration and slow administration of local anesthetic are critical to decrease the risk of
an intravascular injection.
Cases of systemic toxicity have been reported after apparently straightforward ultrasoundguided axillary brachial plexus blocks.
Keep the pressure applied on the transducer steady to avoid opening and closing of the multitude
of veins in the axilla and reduce the risk of an intravascular injection.
Continuous Ultrasound-Guided Axillary Block
The continuous axillary catheter is a useful technique for analgesia and a sympathetic block, such as
following finger reimplantation surgery. The goal of the continuous axillary block is similar to the
non–ultrasound-based techniques: to place the catheter in the vicinity of the branches of the brachial
plexus (i.e., within the “sheath” of the brachial plexus). The procedure consists of three phases—(1)
needle placement, (2) catheter advancement, and (3) securing of the catheter. For the first two phases
of the procedure, ultrasound can be used to assure accuracy in most patients. The needle is typically
inserted in plane from the cephalad-to-caudad direction, just as in the single-injection technique
(Figure 32-8).
FIGURE 32-8. Continuous axillary brachial plexus block is performed using a similar technique as
in the single-injection method. After injection of a small volume of local anesthetic through the needle
to document its proper placement, the catheter is advanced 2-3 cm beyond the needle tip.
After an initial injection of the local anesthetic to confirm the proper position of the needle-tip, the
catheter is inserted 2 to 3 cm beyond the needle tip. Injection is then repeated through the catheter to
document adequate spread of the local anesthetic. Alternatively, the axillary artery can be visualized
in the longitudinal view and the catheter is inserted in the longitudinal plane alongside the axillary
artery 4 to 5 cm. The longitudinal approach requires a significantly greater degree of ultrasonographic
skill, yet no data exist at this time suggesting that one approach is more efficient or better than the
other one.
Tunneling of the catheter or taping on the shaved skin using transparent occlusive dressing are
commonly used methods of securing the catheter.
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O’Donnell BD, Iohom G. An estimation of the minimum effective anesthetic volume of 2% lidocaine in
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chwemmer U, Schleppers A, Markus C, Kredel M, Kirschner S, Roewer N. Operative management in
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Tran de QH, Clemente A, Tran DQ, Finlayson RJ. A comparison between ultrasound-guided
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Zetlaoui PJ, Labbe JP, Benhamou D. Ultrasound guidance for axillary plexus block does not prevent
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Ultrasound-Guided Forearm Blocks
FIGURE 33-1. (A) Radial nerve block above the elbow. The needle is inserted in-plane from lateral
to medial direction. (B) Median nerve block at the level of the midforearm. (C) Ulnar nerve block at
the level of the midforearm.
General Considerations
Ultrasound imaging of individual nerves in the distal upper limb allows for reliable nerve blockade.
The two main indications for these blocks are a stand-alone technique for hand and/or wrist surgery
and as a means of rescuing or supplementing a patchy or failed proximal brachial plexus block. The
main advantages of the ultrasound-guided technique over the surface-based or nerve stimulator–based
techniques are the avoidance of unnecessary proximal motor and sensory blockade, that is, greater
specificity. Additional advantages are avoidance of the risk of vascular puncture and a reduction in
the overall volume of local anesthetic used. There are a variety of locations where a practitioner
could approach each of these nerves, most of which are similar in efficacy. In this chapter, we present
the approach for each nerve that we favor in our practice.
Ultrasound Anatomy
Radial Nerve
The radial nerve is best visualized above the lateral aspect of the elbow, lying in the fascia between
the brachioradialis and the brachialis muscles (Figure 33-2). The transducer is placed transversely
on the anterolateral aspect of the distal arm, 3–4 cm above the elbow crease (Figure 33-1A). The
nerve appears as a hyperechoic, triangular, or oval structure with the characteristic stippled
appearance of a distal peripheral nerve. The nerve divides just above the elbow crease into
superficial (sensory) and deep (motor) branches. These smaller divisions of the radial nerve are more
challenging to identify in the forearm; therefore, a single injection above the elbow is favored
because it ensures blockade of both. The transducer can be slid up and down the axis of the arm to
better appreciate the nerve within the musculature surrounding it. As the transducer is moved
proximally, the nerve will be seen to travel posteriorly and closer to the humerus, to lie deep to the
triceps muscles in the spiral groove (Figure 33-3).
FIGURE 33-2. (A) Radial nerve anatomy at the distal third of the humerus. (B) Sonoanatomy of the
radial nerve at the distal humerus. Radial nerve (RN) is shown between the biceps and triceps
muscles at a depth of approximately 2 cm.
FIGURE 33-3. Sonoanatomy of the radial nerve in the spiral groove of the humerus. RN, radial
Median Nerve
The median nerve is easily imaged in the midforearm, between the flexor digitorum superficialis and
flexor digitorum profundus, where the nerve typically appears as a round or oval hyperechoic
structure (Figure 33-4A and B). The transducer is placed on the volar aspect of the arm in the
transverse orientation and tilted back and forth until the nerve is identified (Figure 33-1B). The nerve
is located in the midline of the forearm, 1–2 cm medial and deep to the pulsating radial artery. The
course of the median nerve can be traced with the transducer up and down the forearm, but as it
approaches the elbow or the wrist, its differentiation from adjacent tendons and connective tissue
becomes more challenging.
FIGURE 33-4. (A) Anatomy of the medianus nerve (MN) of the midforearm. (B) Sonoanatomy of the
MN at the midforearm. FDSM, Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle; FCRM, Flexor Carpi Radialis
Muscle & PLM, Palmaris Longus Muscle; FPLM, Flexor Palmaris Longus Muscle.
Ulnar Nerve
The ulnar nerve can be easily imaged in the midforearm, immediately medial to the ulnar artery,
which acts as a useful landmark. Similar to the radial and median nerves, the ulnar nerve appears as a
hyperechoic stippled structure, with a triangular to oval shape (Figure 33-5A and B). The ulnar artery
and nerve separate, when the transducer is slid more proximally on the forearm, with the artery taking
a more lateral and deeper course. The ulnar nerve can be traced easily proximally toward the ulnar
notch, when desired, and the level of the blockade can be decided based on the desired distribution of
the anesthesia as well as the ease of imaging and accessing the nerve. Sliding the transducer distally
shows the nerve and artery becoming progressively shallower together as they approach the wrist
where the ulnar nerve lies medial to the artery.
FIGURE 33-5. (A) Anatomy of the ulnar nerve at the midforearm. The ulnar nerve (UN) is closely
related to the ulnar artery (UA). (B) Sonoanatomy of the ulnar nerve at the midforearm. UN is shown
closely related to the UA, sandwiched between the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCUM) and flexor digitorum
profundus muscles (FDPM). FDSM = Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle.
Distribution of Blockade
As is the case with the landmark-based distal blocks, anesthetizing the radial, median, and/or ulnar
nerves provides sensory anesthesia and analgesia to the respective territories of the hand and wrist.
Note that the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm (a branch of the musculocutaneous nerve) supplies
the lateral aspect of the forearm, and it may need to be blocked separately by a subcutaneous wheal
distal to the elbow if lateral wrist surgery is planned. For a more comprehensive review of the
innervation of the hand, see Chapter 1, Essential Regional Anesthesia Anatomy.
Equipment needed includes the following:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–14 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray
One 20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
A 2-in, 22–25 gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator (optional)
Sterile gloves
Because these are superficial blocks of distal peripheral nerves, some practitioners choose to use a
small-gauge (i.e., 25-gauge) needle. When a using small-gauge needle, however, meticulous attention
should be paid to avoid an intraneural injection, which is more likely with a smaller diameter and
sharp tip design.
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
Any patient position that allows for comfortable placement of the ultrasound transducer and needle
advancement is appropriate. Typically, the block is performed with the patient in the supine position.
For the radial nerve block, the arm is flexed at the elbow and the hand is placed on the patient’s
abdomen (Figure 33-1A). This position allows for the most practical application of the transducer.
The median and ulnar nerves are blocked with the arm abducted and placed on an armboard, palm
facing up. (Figures 33-1 B, C)
The goal is to place the needle tip immediately adjacent to the nerve(s) of choice and to deposit 4–5
mL of local anesthetic in the vicinity of the nerve. It is unnecessary to completely surround the entire
nerve in a doughnut pattern, although this can enhance the speed of onset of the block. As with all
peripheral blocks, avoidance of resistance to injection is important to decrease the risk of an
intrafascicular injection.
Radial Nerve
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer positioned so as to
identify the radial nerve. The needle is inserted in-plane, with the goal of traversing the biceps
brachii muscle and placing the tip next to the radial nerve (Figure 33-6A). If nerve stimulation is
used, a wrist or finger extension response should be elicited when the needle is in proximity to the
nerve. After negative aspiration, 4–5 mL of local anesthetic is injected (Figure 33-6B). If the spread
is inadequate, slight adjustments can be made and a further 2–3 mL of local anesthetic administered.
FIGURE 33-6. (A) Needle position to block the radial nerve (RN) at the elbow. BM - Brachialis
Muscle, BrM - Brachioradialis muscle. (B) Local anesthetic (area shaded in blue) distribution to
block the RN above the elbow. (1) Biceps brachii muscle.
Median and Ulnar Nerves
With the arm abducted and the palm up, the skin of the volar forearm is disinfected and the transducer
positioned transversely on the midforearm. The median nerve should be identified between the
previously mentioned muscle layers. If it is not immediately visualized, the transducer should be
positioned slightly more laterally and the radial artery identified, using color Doppler ultrasound.
Sliding back to the midline, the nerve can be seen approximately 1–2 cm medial and 1 cm deep to the
radial artery. The needle is inserted in-plane from either side of the transducer (Figure 33-7A). After
negative aspiration, 4–5 mL of local anesthetic is injected (Figure 33-7B). If the spread is
inadequate, slight adjustments can be made and a further 2–3 mL of local anesthetic administered.
FIGURE 33-7. (A) Needle (1) position for the block of the median nerve (MN) at the forearm. (B)
Distribution of local anesthetic for block of the MN at the forearm.
The median nerve can often “hide” in the background of the musculature. Tilting the transducer
proximally or distally will bring the nerve out of the background.
Imaging at the level of the elbow crease readily reveals the nerve positioned medial to the brachial
artery. From this location, the nerve can be traced distally.
When in doubt, nerve stimulation (0.5-1.0 mA) can be used to confirm localization of the correct
In some patients, the median and ulnar nerves often can both be anesthetized with a single skin
Then the transducer is positioned more medially until the ulnar nerve is identified. The use of
color Doppler ultrasound can aid in finding the ulnar artery, which always lies lateral to the nerve at
this level. The nerve should then be traced up until the artery “splits off,” to minimize the likelihood
of arterial puncture. The needle is inserted in-plane from either side of the transducer (the lateral side
is often more ergonomic) (Figure 33-8A). After negative aspiration, 4–5 mL of local anesthetic is
injected (Figure 33-8B). If the spread of the local anesthetic is inadequate, slight adjustments can be
made and a further 2–3 mL administered.
FIGURE 33-8. (A) Needle (1) position for the block of ulnar nerve (UN) at the forearm. (B)
Distribution of local anesthetic (area shaded in blue) for the block of the UN at the forearm.
The out-of-plane approach can also be used for all three blocks; however, we find that visualizing the
needle path makes for greater consistency in placement and a lesser chance of nerve impalement.
The use of a tourniquet, either on the arm or forearm, usually requires sedation and/or additional
Eichenberger U, Stockli S, Marhofer P, et al. Minimal local anesthetic volume for peripheral nerve
block: a new ultrasound-guided, nerve dimension-based method. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
Gray AT, Schafhalter-Zoppoth I. Ultrasound guidance for ulnar nerve block in the forearm. Reg Anesth
Pain Med. 2003;28:335-339.
Lurf M, Leixnering M: Sensory block without a motor block: ultrasound-guided placement if pain
catheters in forearm. Acta Anaestbesiol Scand 2010;54:257-8.
Kathirgamanathan A, French J, Foxall GL, Hardman JG, Bedforth NM. Delineation of distal ulnar nerve
anatomy using ultrasound in volunteers to identify an optimum approach for neural blockade. Eur J
Anaesthesiol. 2009;26:43-46.
McCartney CJ, Xu D, Constantinescu C, Abbas S, Chan VW. Ultrasound examination of peripheral
nerves in the forearm. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2007;32:434-439.
chafhalter-Zoppoth I, Gray AT. The musculocutaneous nerve: ultrasound appearance for peripheral
nerve block. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2005;30:385-390.
pence BC, Sites BD, Beach ML. Ultrasound-guided musculocutaneous nerve block: a description of a
novel technique. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2005;30:198-201.
34 Ultrasound-Guided Wrist Block
FIGURE 34-1. Ultrasound-guided wrist block. Transducer and needle positions for (A) Median
nerve block, (B) Ulnar nerve block, (C) Radial nerve block.
General Considerations
The wrist block is an effective method to provide anesthesia of the hand and fingers without the arm
immobility that occurs with more proximal brachial plexus blocks. Traditional wrist block technique
involves advancing needles using surface landmarks toward the three nerves that supply the hand,
namely the median, ulnar, and radial nerves. The ultrasound-guided approach has the advantage of
direct visualization of the needle and target nerve, which may decrease the incidence of needlerelated trauma. In addition, because the needle can be placed with precision immediately adjacent to
the nerve, smaller volumes of local anesthetic are required for successful blockade than with a blind
technique. Since the nerves are located relatively close to the surface, this is a technically easy block
to perform, but knowledge of the anatomy of the soft tissues of the wrist is essential for successful
blockade with minimum patient discomfort.
Ultrasound Anatomy
Three individual nerves are involved:
Median Nerve
The median nerve crosses the elbow medial to the brachial artery and courses toward the wrist deep
to the flexor digitorum superficialis in the center of the forearm. As the muscles taper toward tendons
near the wrist, the nerve assumes an increasingly superficial position until it is located beneath the
flexor retinaculum in the carpal tunnel with the tendons of flexor digitorum profundus, flexor
digitorum superficialis, and flexor pollicis longus. A linear transducer placed transversely at the
level of the wrist crease will reveal a cluster of oval hyperechoic structures, one of which is the
median nerve (Figures 34-2A and B and 34-3A and B). At this location it is easy to confuse the
tendons for the nerve, and vice versa; for this reason, it is recommended that the practitioner slides
the transducer 5 to 10 cm up the volar side of the forearm, leaving the tendons more distally to
confirm the location of the nerve. The tendons will have disappeared on the image, leaving just
muscle and the solitary median nerve, which then can be carefully traced back to the wrist, if desired.
In many instances, however, it is much simpler to perform a medianus block at the midforearm, where
the nerve is easier to recognize.
FIGURE 34-2. (A) Ultrasound-guided block of the median nerve at the wrist. (B) Cross-sectional
anatomy of the median nerve (MN) at the wrist.
FIGURE 34-3. (A) Cross-sectional ultrasound image of the median nerve (MN) at the wrist. (B)
Needle (1) path to reach MN at the wrist and spread of local anesthetic to block the MN.
The median nerve exhibits pronounced anisotropy. Tilting the transducer slightly will make the nerve
appear alternately brighter (more contrast) or darker (less contrast) with respect to the background.
Ulnar Nerve
The ulnar nerve is located medial (ulnar side) to the ulnar artery from the level of the midforearm to
the wrist. This provides a useful landmark. A linear transducer placed at the level of the wrist crease
will show the hyperechoic anterior surface of the ulna with shadowing behind; just lateral to the bone
and very superficial will be the triangular or oval hyperechoic ulnar nerve, with the pulsating ulnar
artery immediately next to it (Figures 34-4A and B and 34-5A and B). Unlike the median nerve, there
are fewer structures (tendons) in the immediate vicinity that can confuse identification; however, the
same confirmation scanning technique can be applied. Sliding the transducer up and down the arm
helps verify that the structure is the ulnar nerve by following the course of the ulnar artery and looking
for the nerve on its ulnar side.
FIGURE 34-4. (A) Block of the ulnar nerve (UN) at the wrist. Transducer and needle position. (B)
Transsectional anatomy of the UN at the wrist. UN is seen just medial to the ulnar artery (UA).
FIGURE 34-5. (A) Sonoanatomy of the ulnar nerve (UN) at the wrist. US, ulnar artery. (B) Needle
path to reach the UN at the wrist and approximate spread of the local anesthetic (area shaded in blue)
to anesthetize the UN.
Radial Nerve
The superficial branch of the radial nerve divides into terminal branches at the level of the wrist; for
this reason, ultrasonography is not very useful for guidance for placement of the block at the level of
the wrist. A subcutaneous field block around the area of the styloid process of the radius remains an
easy method to perform an effective radial nerve block at the level of the wrist (refer to the wrist
block in Chapter 16). However, ultrasonography can be used at the elbow level or in the midforearm.
At the level of the elbow (slightly below the elbow), the nerve is easily identified as a hyperechoic
oval or triangular structure in the layer between the brachialis (deep) and brachioradialis
(superficial) muscles lateral to the radial artery (Figures 34-6A and B and 34-7A and B).
FIGURE 34-6. (A) Block of the radial nerve (RN) at the wrist. Transducer and needle position. (B)
Cross-sectional anatomy of the RN at the wrist level. Superficial branches of the radial nerve are
highly variable at this level in number, size, and depth. For that reason, block of the RN at the wrist is
not an exact technique but rather infiltration of the local anesthetic in the subcutaneous tissue and
underneath the superficial fascia.
FIGURE 34-7. (A) Sonoanatomy of the radial nerve (RN) at the level of the wrist. (B) One branch of
the RN at the wrist is shown lateral to the radial artery (RA), and the approximate needle path to
reach a branch of the radial nerve is shown with an approximate spread of local anesthetic (area
shaded in blue) to anesthetize it.
Distribution of Blockade
A wrist block results in anesthesia of the entire hand. For a more comprehensive review of the
distribution of each terminal nerve, please see Chapter 1, Essential Regional Anesthesia Anatomy.
Equipment needed includes the following:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–14 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray (described in the equipment section)
One 20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
A 1.5-in 22- to 25-gauge needle with low-volume extension tubing
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
The wrist block is most easily performed with the patient in the supine position to allow for the volar
surface of the wrist to be exposed. It is useful to remove splints and/or bandages on the hand to
facilitate placement of the transducer and sterile preparation of the skin surface.
The goal is to place the needle tip immediately adjacent to each of the two/three nerves to deposit
local anesthetic until its spread around the nerve is documented with ultrasound visualization.
With the arm in the proper position, the skin is disinfected. The wrist is a “tightly packed” area that is
bounded on three sides by bones. For this reason, an ultrasound-guided “wrist” block is often
performed 5 to 10 cm proximal to the wrist crease where there is more room to maneuver. For each
of the blocks, the needle can be inserted either in-plane or out-of-plane. Ergonomics often dictates
which of these is most effective. Care must be taken when performing the ulnar and radial nerve
blocks since the nerves are intimately associated with arteries. Inadvertent arterial puncture can lead
to a hematoma. Successful block is predicted by the spread of local anesthetic immediately adjacent
to the nerve. Multiple injections to achieve circumferential spread are usually not necessary because
these nerves are small and the local anesthetic diffuses quickly into the neural tissue due to the lack of
thick epineural tissues. Assuming deposition immediately adjacent to the nerve, 3 to 4 mL/nerve of
local anesthetic is sufficient to ensure an effective block.
Always assure absence of resistance to injection to decrease the risk of intrafascicular injection.
The block dynamics and perioperative management are similar to those described in Chapter 16.
Bajaj S, Pattamapaspong N, Middleton W, Teefey S: Ultrasound of the hand and wrist. J Hand Surg Am
Heinemeyer O, Reimers CD. Ultrasound of radial, ulnar, median and sciatic nerves in healthy subjects
and patients with hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies. Ultrasound Med Biol. 1999:25:481-
Kiely PD, O’Farrell D, Riordan J, Harmon D: The use of ultrasound-guided hematoma blocks in wrist
fractures. J Clin Anesth 2009;21:540-2.
Liebmann O, Price D, Mills C, et al. Feasibility of forearm ultrasonography-guided nerve blocks of the
radial, ulnar, and median nerves for hand procedures in the emergency department. Ann Emerg Med
Macaire P, Singelyn F, Narchi P, Paqueron X. Ultrasound- or nerve stimulation-guided wrist blocks for
carpal tunnel release: a randomized prospective comparative study. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
McCartney CJL, Xu D, Constantinescu C, et al. Ultrasound examination of peripheral nerves in the
forearm. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2007;32:434–439.
35 Ultrasound-Guided Femoral Nerve Block
FIGURE 35-1. Transducer position and needle insertion using an in-plane technique to block the
femoral nerve at the femoral crease.
General Considerations
The ultrasound-guided technique of femoral nerve blockade differs from nerve stimulator or
landmark-based techniques in several important aspects. Ultrasound application allows the
practitioner to monitor the spread of local anesthetic and needle placement and make appropriate
adjustments, should the initial spread be deemed inadequate. Also, because of the proximity to the
relatively large femoral artery, ultrasound may reduce the risk of arterial puncture that often occurs
with this block with the use of non-ultrasound techniques. Palpating the femoral pulse as a landmark
for the block is not required with ultrasound guidance, a process that can be challenging in obese
patients. Although the ability to visualize the needle and the relevant anatomy with ultrasound
guidance renders nerve stimulation optional, motor response obtained during nerve stimulation often
provides contributory information.
Ultrasound Anatomy
Orientation begins with the identification of the pulsating femoral artery at the level of the inguinal
crease. If it is not immediately recognized, sliding the transducer medially and laterally will bring the
vessel into view eventually. Immediately lateral to the vessel, and deep to the fascia iliaca is the
femoral nerve, which is typically hyperechoic and roughly triangular or oval in shape (Figure 35-2A
and B). The nerve is positioned in a sulcus in the iliopsoas muscle underneath the fascia iliaca. Other
structures that can be visualized are the femoral vein (medial to the artery) and occasionally the fascia
lata (superficial in the subcutaneous layer). The femoral nerve typically is visualized at a depth of 2-
to 4-cm.
FIGURE 35-2. (A) Cross-sectional anatomy of the femoral nerve (FN) at the level of the femoral
crease. FN is seen on the surface of the iliopsoas muscle covered by fascia iliaca. (white arrows).
Femoral artery (FA) and femoral vein (FV) are seen enveloped in their own vascular fascial sheath
created by one of the layers of fascia lata. (B) Sonoanatomy of the FN at the femoral triangle.
Identification of the femoral nerve often is made easier by slightly tilting the transducer cranially or
caudally. This adjustment helps “brighten” up the nerve and makes it appear distinct from the
Distribution of Blockade
Femoral nerve block results in anesthesia of the anterior and medial thigh down to the knee (the knee
included), as well as a variable strip of skin on the medial leg and foot. It also contributes branches to
the articular fibers to both the hip and knee. For a more comprehensive review of the femoral nerve
distribution, see Chapter 1, Essential Regional Anesthesia Anatomy.
Equipment needed includes the following:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–14 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray (described in the equipment section)
One 20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
A 50- to 100-mm, 22-gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
This block typically is performed with the patient in the supine position, with the bed or table
flattened to maximize operator access to the inguinal area. Although palpation of the femoral pulse is
a useful landmark, it is not required because the artery should be readily visualized by placing the
transducer transversely on the inguinal crease followed by slow movement laterally or medially. If
nerve stimulation is used simultaneously, exposure of the thigh and patella are required to monitor the
appropriate motor responses (patella twitch).
Exposing the inguinal region in a patient with a large abdominal pannus can be challenging. Using
a wide silk tape to retract the abdomen is a useful maneuver prior to skin preparation and scanning.
(Figure 35-3).
FIGURE 35-3. Obesity is a common problem in patients who present with an indication for femoral
nerve block. Taping the adipose tissue away helps optimize the exposure to the femoral crease in
patients with morbid obesity.
The goal is to place the needle tip immediately adjacent to the lateral aspect of the femoral nerve,
either below the fascia iliaca or between the two layers of the fascia iliaca, into the wedge-shaped
tissue space lateral to the femoral artery. Proper deposition of local anesthetic is confirmed by
observation of the femoral nerve being lifted off of the surface of the iliopsoas muscle or of the
spread of the local anesthetic above in the wedged-shaped space lateral to the artery.
With the patient in the supine position, the skin over the femoral crease is disinfected and the
transducer is positioned to identify the femoral artery and/or nerve (Figure 35-4). If the nerve is not
immediately apparent lateral to the artery, tilting the transducer proximally or distally often helps to
image and highlight the nerve from the rest of the iliopsoas muscle and the more superficial adipose
tissue. In doing so, an effort should be made to identify the iliopsoas muscle and its fascia as well as
the fascia lata because injection underneath a wrong fascial sheath may not result in spread of the
local anesthetic in the desired plane. Once the femoral nerve is identified, a skin wheal of local
anesthetic is made on the lateral aspect of the thigh 1 cm away from the lateral edge of the transducer.
The needle is inserted in-plane in a lateral-to-medial orientation and advanced toward the femoral
nerve (Figure 35-5). If nerve stimulation is used (0.5 mA, 0.1 msec), the passage of the needle
through the fascia iliaca and contact of the needle tip with the femoral nerve usually is associated
with a motor response of the quadriceps muscle group. In addition, a needle passage through the
fascia iliaca is often felt as a “pop” sensation. Once the needle tip is witnessed adjacent (either
above, below, or lateral) to the nerve (Figure 35-6), and after careful aspiration, 1 to 2 mL of local
anesthetic is injected to confirm the proper needle placement (Figure 35-7). When injection of the
local anesthetic does not appear to result in a spread close to the femoral nerve, additional needle
repositions and injections may be necessary.
FIGURE 35-4. To image the femoral nerve and/or femoral vessels, the transducer is positioned
transversely on the femoral crease as shown on the image.
FIGURE 35-5. Transducer position and needle insertion using an in-plane technique to block the
femoral nerve at the femoral crease.
FIGURE 35-6. An ultrasound image of the needle path (1,2) to block the femoral nerve. Both needle
positions are underneath fascia iliaca, one superficial to the femoral nerve (1) and one deeper to it
(2). Either path is acceptable as long as the local anesthetic spreads within the fascia iliaca (white
line) to get in contact with the femoral nerve.
FIGURE 35-7. A simulated needle path (1) and spread of the local anesthetic (blue shaded area) to
block the femoral nerve (FN). FA, femoral artery.
The presence of a motor response to nerve stimulation is useful but not necessary to elicit if the nerve,
needle, and local anesthetic spread are well-visualized.
Never inject against high resistance to injection because this may signal an intrafascicular needle
An out-of-plane technique can also be used. Because the needle tip may not be seen throughout the
procedure, we recommend administering intermittent small boluses (0.5–1 mL) as the needle is
advanced toward the nerve to indicate the location of the needle tip.
Circumferential spread of local anesthetic around the nerve is not necessary for this block. A pool of
local anesthetic immediately adjacent to either the posterolateral or the anterior aspects is sufficient.
In an adult patient, 10 to 20 mL of local anesthetic is adequate for a successful block (Figure 35-
8A and B). The block dynamics and perioperative management are similar to those described in
Chapter 21.
FIGURE 35-8. (A) An actual needle path to block the femoral nerve (FN). (B) Spread of the local
anesthetic (LA) within two layers of the fascia iliaca to encircle the femoral nerve (FN). FA, femoral
Continuous Ultrasound-Guided Femoral Nerve Block
The goal of the continuous femoral nerve block is similar to that of the non-ultrasound-based
techniques: placement of the catheter in the vicinity of the femoral nerve just deep to the fascia iliaca.
The procedure consists of three phases: needle placement, catheter advancement, and securing the
catheter. For the first two phases of the procedure, ultrasound can be used to ensure accuracy in most
patients. The needle typically is inserted in-plane from the lateral-to-medial direction and underneath
the nerve. Some clinicians prefer inserting the catheter in the longitudinal plane (inferior-to-superior),
analogous to the nerve stimulation-guided technique. No data exist on whether or not one technique is
superior to the other. However, the in-line approach from the lateral-to-medial has worked very well
in our practice, and it is our preference because it is simpler when using ultrasound guidance.
Both stimulating and nonstimulating catheters can be used, although for simplicity we prefer
nonstimulating catheters for this indication.
The needle is advanced until the tip is adjacent to the nerve. Proper placement of the needle can be
confirmed by obtaining a motor response of the quadriceps/patella, at which point 5 mL of local
anesthetic is injected. This small dose of local anesthetic serves to ensure adequate distribution of the
local anesthetic, as well as to make the advancement of the catheter easier. This first phase of the
procedure does not significantly differ from the single-injection technique. The second phase of the
procedure involves maintaining the needle in the proper position and inserting the catheter 2 to 4 cm
into the space surrounding the femoral nerve (Figure 35-9). Insertion of the catheter can be
accomplished by either a single operator or with a helper. Catheter position is observed on
ultrasound as the catheter is being inserted and/or with an injection through the catheter to document
its proper location.
FIGURE 35-9. Continuous femoral nerve block. Needle is seen inserted in-plane approaching the
nerve from lateral to medial, although it would seem intuitive that a longitudinal insertion of the
needle would have advantages with regard to the catheter placement. The technique demonstrated
here is simpler and routinely used in our practice with consistent success. The catheter should be
inserted 2–4 cm past the needle tip.
The catheter is secured by either taping it to the skin or tunneling. Preference of one technique over
the other varies among clinicians, although no data exist on which one is a more secure method. The
decision regarding which method to use could be based on the patient’s age (no tunneling for younger
patients: less mobile skin, avoidance of posttunneling scar formation), duration of the catheter
therapy, and anatomy. In general, the inguinal area is quite mobile and the femoral nerve is not
particularly deep, two factors that predispose to catheter dislodgment. The more lateral the starting
point for needle insertion for the continuous femoral nerve block, the longer the catheter will be
within the iliacus muscle, which may help prevent dislodgment because muscle tends to stabilize a
catheter better than adipose tissue. Our empirical infusion regimen for femoral nerve block in an adult
patient is ropivacaine 0.2% at a 5 mL/hour infusion rate and a 5 mL/hour patient-controlled bolus.
Bech B, et al. The successful use of peripheral nerve blocks for femoral amputation. Acta Anaesthesiol
Scand. 2009;53(2):257-260.
Bodner G, et al. Ultrasound of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve: normal findings in a cadaver and in
volunteers. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34(3):265-268.
Casati A, et al. Effects of ultrasound guidance on the minimum effective anaesthetic volume required to
block the femoral nerve. Br J Anaesth. 2007;98(6):823-827.
Errando CL. Ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block: catheter insertion in a girl with skeletal
abnormalities [in Spanish]. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim. 2009;56(3):197-198.
orget P. Bad needles can’t do good blocks. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34(6):603.
redrickson M. “Oblique” needle-probe alignment to facilitate ultrasound-guided femoral catheter
placement. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2008;33(4):383-384.
redrickson MJ, Danesh-Clough TK. Ambulatory continuous femoral analgesia for major knee surgery:
a randomised study of ultrasound-guided femoral catheter placement. Anaesth Intensive Care.
redrickson MJ, Kilfoyle DH, Neurological complication analysis of 1000 ultrasound guided
peripheral nerve blocks for elective orthopaedic surgery: a prospective study. Anaesthesia.
Gurnaney H, Kraemer F, Ganesh A. Ultrasound and nerve stimulation to identify an abnormal location
of the femoral nerve. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34(6):615.
Helayel PE, et al. Ultrasound-guided sciatic-femoral block for revision of the amputation stump. Case
report. Rev Bras Anestesiol 2008;58(5):482-4, 480-2.
Hotta K, et al. Ultrasound-guided combined femoral nerve and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve blocks
for femur neck fracture surgery—case report [in Japanese]. Masui. 2008;57(7):892-894.
o H, et al. Ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block [in Japanese]. Masui. 2008;57(5):575-579.
Koscielniak-Nielsen ZJ, Rasmussen H, Hesselbjerg L. Long-axis ultrasound imaging of the nerves and
advancement of perineural catheters under direct vision: a preliminary report of four cases. Reg
Anesth Pain Med. 2008;33(5):477-482.
Lang SA. Ultrasound and the femoral three-in-one nerve block: weak methodology and inappropriate
conclusions. Anesth Analg. 1998;86(5):1147-1148.
Marhofer P, et al. Fifteen years of ultrasound guidance in regional anaesthesia: Part 2-recent
developments in block techniques. Br J Anaesth. 2010;104(6):673-683.
Marhofer P, et al. Ultrasonographic guidance improves sensory block and onset time of three-in-one
blocks. Anesth Analg. 1997;85(4):854-857.
Mariano ER, et al. Ultrasound guidance versus electrical stimulation for femoral perineural catheter
insertion. J Ultrasound Med. 2009;28(11):1453-1460.
Murray JM, Derbyshire S, Shields MO. Lower limb blocks. Anaesthesia. 2010;65(Suppl 1):57-66.
Niazi AU, et al. Methods to ease placement of stimulating catheters during in-plane ultrasound-guided
femoral nerve block. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34(4):380-381.
Oberndorfer U, et al. Ultrasonographic guidance for sciatic and femoral nerve blocks in children. Br J
Anaesth. 2007;98(6):797-801.
O’Donnell BD, Mannion S. Ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block, the safest way to proceed? Reg
Anesth Pain Med. 2006;31(4):387-388.
Reid N, et al. Use of ultrasound to facilitate accurate femoral nerve block in the emergency department.
Emerg Med Australas. 2009;21(2):124-130.
Salinas FV. Ultrasound and review of evidence for lower extremity peripheral nerve blocks. Reg
Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35(2 Suppl):S16-25.
Schafhalter-Zoppoth I, Moriggl B. Aspects of femoral nerve block. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
Sites BD, et al. A single injection ultrasound-assisted femoral nerve block provides side effect-sparing
analgesia when compared with intrathecal morphine in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty.
Anesth Analg. 2004;99(5):1539-1543.
Sites BD, et al. A comparison of sensory and motor loss after a femoral nerve block conducted with
ultrasound versus ultrasound and nerve stimulation. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34(5):508-513.
Soong J, Schafhalter-Zoppoth I, Gray AT. The importance of transducer angle to ultrasound visibility of
the femoral nerve. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2005;30(5):505.
Tran de QH, et al. Ultrasonography and stimulating perineural catheters for nerve blocks: a review of
the evidence. Can J Anaesth. 2008;55(7):447-457.
Tsui B, Suresh S. Ultrasound imaging for regional anesthesia in infants, children, and adolescents: a
review of current literature and its application in the practice of extremity and trunk blocks.
Anesthesiology. 2010;112(2):473-492.
Villegas Duque A, et al. Continuous femoral block for postoperative analgesia in a patient with
poliomyelitis [in Spanish]. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim. 2010;57(2):123-124.
Wang AZ, et al. Ultrasound-guided continuous femoral nerve block for analgesia after total knee
arthroplasty: catheter perpendicular to the nerve versus catheter parallel to the nerve. Reg Anesth
Pain Med. 2010;35(2):127-131.
36 Ultrasound-Guided Fascia Iliaca Block
FIGURE 36-1. Needle insertion for the fascia iliaca block. The blue dot indicates the position of the
femoral artery.
General Considerations
Fascia iliaca block is a low-tech alternative to a femoral nerve or a lumbar plexus block. The
mechanism behind this block is that the femoral and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves lie under the
iliacus fascia. Therefore, a sufficient volume of local anesthetic deposited beneath the fascia iliaca,
even if placed some distance from the nerves, has the potential to spread underneath the fascia and
reach these nerves. Traditionally, it was believed that the local anesthetic could also spread
underneath fascia iliaca proximally toward the lumbosacral plexus; however, this has not been
demonstrated consistently. The non-ultrasound technique involved placement of the needle at the
lateral third of the distance from the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle, using a
“double-pop” technique as the needle passes through fascia lata and fascia iliaca. However, block
success with this “feel” technique is sporadic because false “pops” can occur. The ultrasound-guided
technique is essentially the same; however, monitoring of the needle placement and local anesthetic
delivery assures deposition of the local anesthetic into the correct plane.
Ultrasound Anatomy
The fascia iliaca is located anterior to the iliacus muscle (on its surface) within the pelvis. It is bound
superolaterally by the iliac crest and medially merges with the fascia overlying the psoas muscle.
Both the femoral nerve and the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh lie under the iliacus fascia in their
intrapelvic course. Anatomic orientation begins in the same manner as with the femoral block: with
identification of the femoral artery at the level of the inguinal crease. If it is not immediately visible,
sliding the transducer medially and laterally will eventually bring the vessel into view. Immediately
lateral and deep to the femoral artery and vein is a large hypoechoic structure, the iliopsoas muscle
(Figure 36-2). It is covered by a thin layer of connective tissue fascia, which can be seen separating
the muscle from the subcutaneous tissue superficial to it. The hyperechoic femoral nerve should be
seen wedged between the iliopsoas muscle and the fascia iliaca, lateral to the femoral artery. The
fascia lata (superficial in the subcutaneous layer) is more superficial and may have more then one
layer. Moving the transducer laterally several centimeters brings into view the sartorius muscle
covered by its own fascia as well as the fascia iliaca. Further lateral movement of the transducer
reveals the anterior superior iliac spine (Figure 36-2). Additional anatomical detail can be seen in
cross sectional anatomy in Section 7. Since the anatomy is essentially identical, it is not repeated
FIGURE 36-2. A panoramic view of ultrasound anatomy of the femoral (inguinal) crease area. From
lateral to medial shown are tensor fascia lata muscle (TFLM), sartorius muscle (SaM), Iliac muscle,
fascia iliaca, femoral nerve (FN), and femoral artery (FA). The lateral, middle and medial 1/3s are
derived by dividing the line between the FA and anterior-superior iliac spine in three equal 1/3
The transducer should be placed at the level of the femoral crease and oriented parallel to the crease.
Distribution of Blockade
The distribution of anesthesia and analgesia that is accomplished with the fascia iliaca block depends
on the extent of the local anesthetic spread and the nerves blocked. Blockade of the femoral nerve
results in anesthesia of the anterior and medial thigh (down to and including the knee) and anesthesia
of a variable strip of skin on the medial leg and foot. The femoral nerve also contributes to articular
fibers to both the hip and knee. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve confers cutaneous innervation to
the anterolateral thigh. For a more comprehensive review of the femoral and lateral femoral
cutaneous nerves and lumbar plexus nerve distribution, refer to Chapter 01, Essential Regional
Anesthesia Anatomy.
Equipment needed is:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (6–14 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray (described in the equipment section)
Two 20-mL syringes containing local anesthetic
80- to 100-mm, 22-gauge needle (short bevel aids in feeling the fascial “pops”)
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
This block is typically performed with the patient in the supine position, with the bed or table
flattened to maximize access to the inguinal area (Figure 36-3). Although palpation of a femoral pulse
is a useful landmark, it is not required because the artery is quickly visualized by placement of the
transducer transversely on the inguinal crease, followed by slow movement laterally or medially.
FIGURE 36-3. The ruler is positioned to divide the distance between the femoral artery and anterior
superior spine in 3 equal parts as described in Figure 36-2.
The goal is to place the needle tip under the fascia iliaca approximately at a lateral third of the line
connecting anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle (injection is made several centimeters
lateral to the femoral artery) and to deposit a relatively large volume (30–40 mL) of local
anesthetic until its spread laterally toward the iliac spine and medially toward the femoral nerve is
documented with ultrasound visualization.
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer positioned to identify
the femoral artery and the iliopsoas muscle and fascia iliaca. The transducer is moved laterally until
the sartorius muscle is identified. After a skin wheal is made, the needle is inserted in-plane (Figure
36-1). As the needle passes through fascia iliaca the fascia is first seen indented by the needle. As the
needle eventually pierces through the fascia, pop may be felt and the fascia may be seen to “snap”
back on the ultrasound image. After negative aspiration, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected to
confirm the proper injection plane between the fascia (Figure 36-4) and the iliopsoas muscle (Figure
36-5A, B, and C). If local anesthetic spread occurs above the fascia or within the substance of the
muscle itself, additional needle repositions and injections may be necessary. A proper injection will
result in the separation of the fascia iliaca by the local anesthetic in the medial-lateral direction from
the point of injection as described. If the spread is deemed inadequate, additional injections laterally
or medially to the original needle insertion or injection can be made to facilitate the medial-lateral
FIGURE 36-4. Magnified image of the fascia iliaca.
FIGURE 36-5. (A) Path of the needle for the fascia iliaca block. The needle is shown underneath
the fascia iliaca lateral to the femoral artery (not seen) but not too deep to be lodged into the iliac
muscle. (B) A simulated spread (area shaded in blue) of the local anesthetic to accomplish a fascia
iliaca block. (C) Spread of the local anesthetic (LA) under the fascia iliaca. Some local anesthetic is
also seen deep within the iliacus muscle (yellow arrows). When this occurs, the needle should be
pulled back more superficially. (D) Extension of the LA laterally underneath the sartorius muscle.
Some LA fills the adipose tissue between fascia iliaca and iliacus muscle (yellow arrows).
The fascia iliaca block is a large-volume block. Its success depends on the spread of local anesthetic
along a connective tissue plane. For this reason, 30 to 40 mL of injectate is necessary to accomplish
the block.
The spread of the local anesthetic is monitored with ultrasonography. If the pattern of the spread is not
adequate (e.g., the local is forming a collection in one location and not “layering out”), injection is
stopped and needle repositioned before continuing. Additional injections may be made to assure
adequate spread.
In an adult patient, between 30 and 40 mL of local anesthetic is usually required for successful
blockade. The success of the block is best predicted by documenting the spread of the local anesthetic
toward the femoral nerve medially and underneath the sartorius muscle laterally. In obese patients, an
out of plane technique may be favored. The block should result in blockade of the femoral in all
instances (100%) and lateral femoral nerve (80%-100%). Block of anterior branch of the obturator
nerve is unreliable with fascia iliaca block. When required, this nerve should be blocked as
described in Chapter 37.
Dolan J, Williams A, Murney E, Smith M, Kenny GN. Ultrasound guided fascia iliaca block: a
comparison with the loss of resistance technique. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2008;33:526-531.
Foss NB, Kristensen BB, Bundgaard M, et al. Fascia iliaca compartment blockade for acute pain
control in hip fracture patients: a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Anesthesiology.
Hebbard P, Ivanusic J, Sha S. Ultrasound-guided supra-inguinal fascia iliaca block: a cadaveric
evaluation of a novel approach. Anaesthesia. 2011;66:300-305.
Minville V, Gozlan C, Asehnoune K, et al. Fascia-iliaca compartment block for femoral bone fracture
in prehospital medicine in a 6-yr-old child. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2006;23:715-716.
Mouzopolous G, Vasiliadis G, Lasanianos N, et al. Fascia iliaca block prophylaxis for hip fracture
patients at risk for delirium: a randomized placebo-controlled study. J Orthop Traumatol.
Swenson JD, Bay N, Loose E, et al. Outpatient management of continuous peripheral nerve catheters
placed using ultrasound guidance: an experience in 620 patients. Anesth Analg. 2006;103:1436-1443.
Wambold D, Carter C, Rosenberg AD. The fascia iliaca block for postoperative pain relief after knee
surgery. Pain Pract. 2001;1:274-277.
Yun MJ, Kim YH, Han MK, et al. Analgesia before a spinal block for femoral neck fracture: fascia
iliaca compartment block. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2009;53:1282-1287.
Ultrasound-Guided Obturator Nerve Block
FIGURE 37-1. Needle insertion using an in-plane technique to accomplish an obturator nerve block.
General Considerations
There is renewed interest in obturator nerve block because of the recognition that the obturator nerve
is spared after a “3-in-1 block” and yet can be easier accomplished using ultrasound guidance. In
some patients, the quality of postoperative analgesia is improved after knee surgery when an obturator
nerve block is added to a femoral nerve block. However, a routine use of the obturator block does not
result in improved analgesia in all patients having knee surgery. For this reason, obturator block is
used selectively.
Ultrasound-guided obturator nerve block is simpler to perform, more reliable, and associated with
patient discomfort when compared with surface landmark-based techniques.
There are two approaches to performing ultrasound-guided obturator nerve block. The interfascial
injection technique relies on injecting local anesthetic solution into the fascial planes that contain the
branches of the obturator nerve. With this technique, it is not important to identify the branches of
obturator nerve on the sonogram but rather to identify the adductor muscles and the fascial boundaries
within which the nerves lie. This is similar in concept to other fascial plane blocks (e.g. transversus
abdominis plane block [TAP]) where local anesthetic solution is injected between the internal
oblique and transverse abdominis muscles without the need to indentify the nerves. Alternatively, the
branches of the obturator nerve can be visualized with ultrasound imaging and blocked after eliciting
a motor response.
The obturator nerve forms in the lumbar plexus from the anterior primary rami of L2-L4 roots and
descends to the pelvis in the psoas muscle. In most individuals, the nerve divides into an anterior
branch and posterior branch before exiting the pelvis through the obturator foramen. In the thigh, at the
level of the femoral crease, the anterior branch is located between the fascia of pectineus and
adductor brevis muscles. The anterior branch lies further caudad between the pectineus and adductor
brevis muscles. The anterior branch provides motor fibers to the adductor muscles and cutaneous
branches to the medial aspect of the thigh. The anterior branch has a great variability in the extent of
sensory innervation of the medial thigh. The posterior branch lies between the fascial planes of the
adductor brevis and adductor magnus muscles (Figures 37-2 and 37-3). The posterior branch is
primarily a motor nerve for the adductors of the thigh; however it also may provide articular branches
to the medial aspect of the knee joint. The articular branches to the hip joint usually arise from the
obturator nerve proximal to its division and only occasionally from the individual branches (Figure
FIGURE 37-2. Cross-sectional anatomy of relevance to the obturator nerve block. Shown are
femoral vessels (FV, FA), pectineus muscle, adductor longus (ALM), adductor brevis (ABM), and
adductor magnus (AMM) muscles. The anterior branch of the obturator nerve is seen between ALM
and ABM, whereas the posterior branch is seen between ABM and AMM.
FIGURE 37-3. Anterior branch (Ant. Br.) of the obturator nerve (ObN) is seen between the adductor
longus (ALM) and the adductor brevis (ABM), whereas the posterior branch (Post. Br.) is seen
between the ABM and the adductor magnus (AMM).
FIGURE 37-4. The course and divisions of the obturator nerve and their relationship to the adductor
A psoas compartment (lumbar plexus) block is required to reliably block the articular branches of the
obturator nerve to the hip joint because they usually depart proximal to where obturator nerve block
is performed.
Distribution of Blockade
Because there is great variability in the cutaneous innervation to the medial thigh, demonstrated
weakness or absence of adductor muscle strength is the best method of documenting a successful
obturator nerve block, rather than a decreased skin sensation in the expected territory. However, the
adductor muscles of the thigh may have co-innervation from the femoral nerve (pectineus) and sciatic
nerve (adductor magnus). For this reason, complete loss of adductor muscle strength is also
uncommon despite a successful obturator nerve block.
A simple method of assessing adductor muscle strength (motor block) is to instruct the patient to
adduct the blocked leg from an abducted position against resistance. Weakness or inability to adduct
the leg indicates a successful obturator nerve block.
Equipment needed includes the following:
Ultrasound machine with linear (or curved) transducer (5–13 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard block tray
A 20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic solution
A 10-cm, 21–22 gauge short-bevel insulated needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator (optional)
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
With the patient supine, the thigh is slightly abducted and laterally rotated. The block can be
performed either at the level of femoral (inguinal) crease medial to the femoral vein or 1 to 3 cm
inferior to the inguinal crease on the medial aspect (adductor compartment) of the thigh (Figure 37-5).
FIGURE 37-5. A transducer position to image the obturator nerve. The transducer is positioned
medial to the femoral artery slightly below the femoral crease.
The goal of the interfascial injection technique for blocking the obturator nerve is to inject local
anesthetic solution into the interfascial space between the pectineus and adductor brevis muscles
to block the anterior branch and the adductor brevis and adductor magnus muscles to block the
posterior branch. When using ultrasound guidance with nerve stimulation, the anterior and
posterior branches of the of obturator nerve are identified and stimulated to elicit a motor
response prior to injecting local anesthetic solution around each branch.
The interfascial approach is performed at the level of the femoral crease. With this technique, it is
important to identify the adductor muscles and their fascial planes in which the individual nerves are
With the patient supine, the leg is slightly abducted and externally rotated. The ultrasound
transducer is placed to visualize the femoral vessels. The transducer is advanced medially along the
crease to identify the adductor muscles and their fasciae. The anterior branch is sandwiched between
the pectineus and adductor brevis muscles, whereas the posterior branch is located the fascial plane
between the adductor brevis and adductor magnus muscles. The block needle is advanced to initially
position the needle tip between the pectineus and adductor brevis at the junction of middle and
posterior third of their fascial interface (Figure 37-6). At this point, 5 to 10 mL of local anesthetic
solution is injected. The needle is advanced further to position the needle tip between the adductor
brevis and adductor magnus muscles, and 5 to 10 mL of local anesthetic is injected (Figure 37-6B). It
is important for the local anesthetic solution to spread into the interfascial space and not be injected
into the muscles. Correct injection of local anesthetic solution into the interfascial space results in
accumulation of the injectate between target muscles. The needle may have to be repositioned to
allow for precise interfascial injection.
FIGURE 37-6. (A) Needle paths required to reach the anterior branch and the posterior branch
of the obturator nerve (ObN). (B) Simulated dispersion of the local anesthetic to block the anterior
and posterior branches of the obturator nerve. In both examples, an in-plane needle insertion is
Alternatively, the cross-sectional image of branches of the obturator nerve can be obtained by
scanning 1 to 3 cm distal to the inguinal crease on the medial aspect of thigh. The nerves appear as
hyperechoic, flat, lip-shaped structures invested in the fascia of adductor muscles. The anterior
branch is located between the adductor longus and adductor brevis muscles, whereas the posterior
branch is between the adductor brevis and adductor magnus muscles. An insulated block needle
attached to the nerve stimulator is advanced toward the nerve either in an out-of-plane or in-plane
trajectory. After eliciting the contraction of the adductor muscles, 5 to 7 mL of local anesthetic is
injected around each branch of the obturator nerve (Figure 37-6B).
The usual precautions to prevent intravascular injection should be taken because this is a highly
vascular area (standard monitoring, adding epinephrine to local anesthetic solution, fractionating the
dose, maintaining verbal contact with patient).
When nerve stimulation is used, adduction of the thigh can be obtained without proper nerve
identification. This is due to direct muscle or muscle branch stimulation with currents >1.0 mA.
Decreasing the current intensity helps distinguish between nerve versus direct muscle stimulation.
It is not necessary to optimize motor response to a predetermined nerve stimulator current; the role of
nerve stimulation is simply to confirm that a structure is indeed a nerve.
Akkaya T, Ozturk E, Comert A, et al. Ultrasound-guided obturator nerve block: a sonoanatomic study of
a new methodologic approach. Anesth Analg. 2009;108(3):1037-1041.
Anagnostopoulou S, Kostopanagiotou G, Paraskeuopoulos T, Chantzi C, Lolis E, Saranteas T. Anatomicvariations of the obturator nerve in the inguinal region: implications in conventional and ultrasound
regional anesthesia techniques. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:33-39.
Bouaziz H, Vial F, Jochum D, et al. An evaluation of the cutaneous distribution after obturator nerve
block. Anesth Analg. 2002;94:445-449.
Macalou D, Trueck S, Meuret P, et al. Postoperative analgesia after total knee replacement: the effect ofan obturator nerve block added to the femoral 3-in-1 nerve block. Anesth Analg. 2004;99:251-254.
Marhofer P, Harrop-Griffiths W, Willschke H, Kirchmair L: Fifteen years of ultrasound guidance in
regional anaesthesia: Part 2-recent developments in block techniques. Br J Anaesth 2010; 104:673-
McNamee DA, Parks L, Milligan KR. Post-operative analgesia following total knee replacement: an
evaluation of the addition of an obturator nerve block to combined femoral and sciatic nerve block.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2002;46:95-99.
Sakura S, Hara K, Ota J, Tadenuma S: Ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks for anterior cruciate
ligament reconstruction: effect of obturator nerve block during and after surgery. J Anesth
Sinha SK, Abrams JH, Houle T, Weller R. Ultrasound guided obturator nerve block: an interfascial
injection approach without nerve stimulation. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34(3):261-264.
Snaith R, Dolan J: Ultrasound-guided interfascial injection for peripheral obturator nerve block in the
thigh. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2010;35:314-5.
Soong J, Schafhalter-Zoppoth I, Gray AT. Sonographic imaging of the obturator nerve for regional
block. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2007;32:146-151.
Ultrasound-Guided Saphenous Nerve Block
FIGURE 38-1. Needle insertion to block the saphenous nerve at the level of the mid thigh (A) or
below the knee (B).
General Considerations
The saphenous nerve is the terminal sensory branch of the femoral nerve. It supplies innervation to the
medial aspect of the leg down to the ankle and foot. Blockade of the nerve can be sufficient for
superficial procedures in this area; however, it is most useful as a supplement to a sciatic block for
foot and ankle procedures that involve the superficial structures in medial territory. The use of
ultrasound guidance has improved the success rates of the saphenous blocks, compared with field
blocks below the knee and blind transsartorial approaches. The ultrasound-guided techniques
described here are relatively simple, quick to perform, and fairly reproducible.
Ultrasound Anatomy
The sartorius muscle forms a “roof” over the adductor canal in the lower half of the thigh in its
descent laterally-to-medially across the anterior thigh. The muscle appears as an oval shape beneath
the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue. Often, the femoral artery, which passes beneath the muscle,
can also be palpated. The sides of the triangular canal are formed by the vastus medialis laterally and
adductor longus or magnus medially (depending on how proximal or distal the scan is). The
saphenous nerve is infrequently seen on the ultrasound image; however, sometimes it is visualized as
a small round hyperechoic structure medial to the artery. A femoral vein accompanies the artery and
saphenous nerve, which are all typically visualized at 2 to 3 cm depth. When attempting to identify the
saphenous nerve on ultrasound image, the following anatomic considerations should be kept in mind:
Above the knee: The saphenous nerve pierces the fascia lata between the tendons of the sartorius and
gracilis muscles before becoming a subcutaneous nerve.
The saphenous nerve also may surface between the sartorius and vastus medialis muscles. (Figure 38-
2 A, B, and C).
FIGURE 38-2. (A) Transducer and needle position for a saphenous nerve block at the level of the
midthigh. (B) Ultrasound anatomy demonstrating saphenous nerve (SaN) in the tissue plane between
the sartorius muscle (SM) and vastus medialis muscle. (C) Cross-sectional anatomy of the saphenous
nerve at the level of the thigh. Saphenous nerve is shown positioned between the SM and the vastus
medialis muscle. In this example the sartorius nerve is positioned superficially to the femoral artery
(FA) and vein (unlabeled oval structure posterior to the FA).
Below the knee, the nerve passes along the tibial side of the leg, adjacent to the great saphenous vein
subcutaneously (Figure 38-3A, B, and C).
FIGURE 38-3. (A) Ultrasound transducer and needle insertion technique to block the saphenous
nerve (SaN) at the level of the tibial tuberosity. (B) Cross-sectional anatomy of the SaN at the level
of the tibial tuberosity. (C) Ultrasound image of the saphenous nerve (SaN) at the level below the
knee. SaN is seen in the immediate vicinity of the saphenous vein (SV). Transducer should be applied
lightly to avoid compression of the saphenous vein (SV) because the vein serves as an important
landmark for technique.
At the ankle, a branch of the nerve is located medially next to the subcutaneously positioned saphenous
Distribution of Blockade
Saphenous nerve block results in anesthesia of a variable strip of skin on the medial leg and foot. For
a more comprehensive review of the femoral and saphenous nerve distributions, see Chapter 1. Of
note, although saphenous nerve is a strictly sensory block, an injection of the local anesthetic in the
adductor canal can result in the partial motor block of the vastus medialis. For this reason, caution
must be excercised when advising patients regarding the safety of unsupported ambulation after
proximal saphenous block.
Equipment needed is as follows:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–14 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray (described in Chapter 3)
One 10-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
A 50-mm, 22-gauge short-bevel needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator to elicit sensory sensation.
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning for Proximal Approach
The patient is placed in any position that allows for comfortable placement of the ultrasound
transducer and needle advancement. Although prone and lateral approaches are possible, this block
typically is performed with the patient in the supine position, with the thigh abducted and externally
rotated to allow access to the medial thigh (Figure 38-2A). If difficulty confirming the sartorius
muscle is encountered, exposure of the entire thigh in order to scan down from the anterosuperior
iliac spine is useful.
The goal is to place the needle tip just medial to the femoral artery, below the sartorius muscle,
and to deposit 5 to 10 mL of local anesthetic until its spread around the artery is confirmed with
ultrasound visualization. Block of the nerve at other, more distal and superficial locations
consists of a simple subcutaneous infiltration of the tissues in the immediate vicinity of the nerve
but can be done under ultrasound guidance.
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer is placed
anteromedially, approximately mid thigh position or somewhat lower. If the artery is not immediately
obvious, several maneuvers to identify it can be used, including color Doppler scanning to trace the
femoral artery caudally from the inguinal crease. Once the femoral artery is identified, the needle is
inserted in-plane in a lateral-to-medial orientation, and advanced toward the femoral artery (Figure
38-4A). If nerve stimulation is used (0.5 mA, 0.1 msec), the passage of the needle through the
sartorius and/or adductor muscles and into the adductor canal is usually associated with the patient
reporting a paresthesia in the saphenous nerve distribution. Once the needle tip is visualized medial
to the artery and after careful aspiration, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected to confirm the
proper injection site (Figure 38-4B). When injection of the local anesthetic does not appear to result
in its spread beside the femoral artery, additional needle repositions and injections may be necessary.
FIGURE 38-4. (A) Simulated needle path to reach the saphenous nerve (SaN) at the level of the
midthigh. (B) Simulated needle path and the distribution of the local anesthetic (area shaded in
blue) to anesthetize the SaN at the midthigh level. SM, sartorius muscle; Vastus M, vastus medialus
muscle. Femoral artery is not well seen in this image; it is positioned immediately posterior to SaN.
An out-of-plane technique can also be used through the belly of the sartorius muscle. Because the
needle tip may not be seen throughout the procedure, small boluses of local anesthetic are
administered (0.5–1 mL) as the needle is advanced toward the adductor canal, to confirm the location
of the needle tip.
Visualization of the nerve is not necessary for this block; the saphenous nerve is not always well
imaged. Administration of 5 to 10 mL of local anesthetic next to the artery should suffice without
confirming the nerve position.
In an adult patient, usually 5 to 10 mL of local anesthetic is adequate for successful blockade.
Because the saphenous nerve is a purely sensory nerve, high concentrations of local anesthetic are not
required and in fact may delay patient ambulation should local anesthetic spread to one of the motor
branches of the femoral nerve serving the quadriceps muscle.
The nerve to the vastus medialis muscle also lies in the adductor canal (in its proximal portion).
Practitioners should be aware of this and the potential for partial quadriceps weakness following this
approach to the saphenous nerve block. Patient education and assistance with ambulation should be
Davis JJ, Bond TS, Swenson JD. Adductor canal block: more than just the saphenous nerve? Reg
Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:618-619.
Gray AT, Collins AB. Ultrasound-guided saphenous nerve block. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2003;28:148.
Horn JL, Pitsch T, Salinas F, Benninger B. Anatomic basis to the ultrasound-guided approach for
saphenous nerve blockade. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:486-489.
Kirkpatrick JD, Sites BD, Antonakakis JG. Preliminary experience with a new approach to performing
an ultrasound-guided saphenous nerve block in the mid- to proximal femur. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
Krombach J, Gray AT. Sonography for saphenous nerve block near the adductor canal. Reg Anesth PainMed. 2007;32:369-370.
Lundblad M, Kapral S, Marhofer P, et al. Ultrasound-guided infrapatellar nerve block in human
volunteers: description of a novel technique. Br J Anaesth. 2006;97:710-714.
Manickam B, Perlas A, Duggan E, Brull R, Chan VW, Ramlogan R. Feasibility and efficacy of
ultrasound-guided block of the saphenous nerve in the adductor canal. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
Miller BR. Ultrasound-guided proximal tibial paravenous saphenous nerve block in pediatric patients.
Paediatr Anaesth. 2010;20:1059-1060
Saranteas T, Anagnostis G, Paraskeuopoulos T, Koulalis D, Kokkalis Z, Nakou M, Anagnostopoulou S,
Kostopanagiotou G. Anatomy and clinical implications of the ultrasound-guided subsartorial
saphenous nerve block. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2011;36:399-402.
Tsai PB, Karnwal A, Kakazu C, Tokhner V, Julka IS. Efficacy of an ultrasound-guided subsartorial
approach to saphenous nerve block: a case series. Can J Anaesth. 2010;57:683-688.
Tsui BC, Ozelsel T. Ultrasound-guided transsartorial perifemoral artery approach for saphenous nerve
block. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:177-178.
Ultrasound-Guided Sciatic Block
FIGURE 39.1-1. (A) Needle insertion to block the sciatic nerve using an anterior approach. Note that
a curved (phased array) lower frequency transducer is used either in-plane (shown) or out-of-plane
needle insertion can be used. (B) Transgluteal approach to sciatic block; patient position, transducer
(curved) placement and needle insertion.
General Considerations
The anterior approach to sciatic block can be useful in patients who cannot be positioned in the
lateral position due to pain, trauma, presence of external fixation devices interfering with positioning,
and other issues. It also may be well-suited to patients who require postoperative blocks for
analgesia following a total knee arthroplasty. Ultrasonography adds the benefit of no requirement for
the palpation of a femoral pulse or the use of geometry for identification of the skin puncture point. In
addition, using the ultrasound-guided approach should reduce the risk of puncture of the femoral
artery as compared with the landmark-based approach. The actual scanning and needle insertion are
performed on the anteromedial aspect of the proximal thigh, rather than the anterior surface, and may
require a slight abduction and external rotation of the thigh. This block is not well suited to insertion
of catheters because a large needle must traverse several muscles (causing pain and possibly
hematomas), an awkward catheter location (medial thigh), and catheter insertion at approximately
perpendicular angle to the sciatic nerve is difficult.
Ultrasound Anatomy
The sciatic nerve is imaged approximately at the level of the minor trochanter. At this location, a
curved transducer placed over the anteromedial aspect of the thigh will reveal the musculature of all
three fascial compartments of the thigh: anterior, medial, and posterior (Figures 39.1-2 and 39.1-3).
Beneath the superficial sartorius muscle is the femoral artery, and deep and medial to this vessel is
the profunda femoris artery. Both of these can be identified with color Doppler ultrasound for
orientation. The femur is easily seen as a hyperechoic rim with the corresponding shadow beneath the
vastus intermedius. Medial to the femur is the body of the adductor magnus muscle, separated by the
fascial plane(s) of the hamstrings muscles. The sciatic nerve is visualized as a hyperechoic, slightly
flattened oval structure sandwiched between these two muscle planes. The nerve is typically
visualized at a depth of 6 to 8 cm (Figure 39.1-3).
FIGURE 39.1-2. Cross- sectional anatomy of the sciatic nerve (ScN). Shown are femoral artery
(FA), adductor longus muscle (ALM), pectineus muscle, adductor magnus muscle (AMM), adductor
brevis muscle (ABM), gracilis muscle (GsM), and the femur. The sciatic nerve is seen posterior to
the AMM.
FIGURE 39.1-3. Ultrasound anatomy of the sciatic nerve. From superficial to deep; femoral artery
(FA) and femur laterally, adductor magnus muscle (AMM) and sciatic nerve (ScN) laterally. The
sciatic nerve is typically located at a depth of 6 to 8 cm.
Distribution of Blockade
Sciatic nerve block results in anesthesia of the posterior aspect of the knee, hamstrings muscles, and
entire lower limb below the knee, both motor and sensory, with the exception of skin on the medial
leg and foot (saphenous nerve). The skin of the posterior aspect of the thigh is supplied by the
posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh, which has its origin from the sciatic nerve more proximal than
the anterior approach. It is, therefore, not blocked by the anterior approach. Practically, however, the
lack of anesthesia in its distribution is of little clinical consequence. For a more comprehensive
review of the sciatic nerve distribution, see Chapter 1.
Equipment needed is as follows:
Ultrasound machine with curved (phased array) transducer (2–8 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray (described in the equipment section)
One 20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
A 100-mm, 21 to 22 gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
Anterior approach to sciatic nerve block is performed with the patient in the supine position. The hip
is abducted to facilitate transducer and needle placement (Figure 39.1-4 and 39.1-5). When feasible,
the hip and knee should be somewhat flexed to facilitate exposure. If nerve stimulation is to be used at
the same time (recommended), exposure of the calf and foot are required to observe motor responses.
In either case, it is useful to expose the entire thigh to appreciate the distance from the groin to knee.
FIGURE 39.1-4. Transducer position to visualize the sciatic nerve through the anterior approach.
FIGURE 39.1-5. A simulated needle path using an out of plane technique to reach the sciatic nerve
(ScN) through the anterior approach.
The goal is to place the needle tip immediately adjacent to the sciatic nerve, between the adductor
muscles and biceps femoris muscle, and deposit 15 to 20 mL of local anesthetic until spread
around the nerve is documented.
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer positioned so as to
identify the sciatic nerve. If the nerve is not immediately apparent, sliding and tilting the transducer
proximally or distally can be useful to improve the contrast and bring the nerve “out” of the
background from the musculature. Finally, if the patient is able to dorsiflex and/or plantar flex the
ankle, this maneuver often causes the nerve to rotate or otherwise move within the muscular planes,
facilitating identification. Once identified, the needle is inserted in-plane or out of plane (more
common in our program) from the medial aspect of the thigh and advanced toward the sciatic nerve
(Figure 39.1-5). If nerve stimulation is used (1.0 mA, 0.1 msec), the contact of the needle tip with the
sciatic nerve is usually associated with a motor response of the calf or foot. Once the needle tip is
deemed to be in the proper position, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected to confirm the adequate
distribution of injectate. Such injection helps delineate the sciatic nerve within its intramuscular
tunnel, but it may displace the sciatic nerve away from the needle. Improper spread of the local
anesthetic or nerve displacement may require an additional advancement of the needle. When
injection of the local anesthetic does not appear to result in a spread around the sciatic nerve,
additional needle repositions and injections are necessary.
Insertion of the needle in an out-of-plane manner with hydro-dissection/localization is often a more
logical method to accomplish this block.
In an adult patient, 15 to 20 mL of local anesthetic is usually adequate for successful blockade
(Figure 39.1-6). Although a single injection of such volume of local anesthetic suffices, it may be
beneficial to inject two to three smaller aliquots at different locations to assure the spread of the local
anesthetic solution around the sciatic nerve. The block dynamics and perioperative management are
similar to those described in the nerve stimulator technique section, Chapter 19.
FIGURE 39.1-6. Simulated needle path using an out-of-plane technique with local anesthetic and
proper distribution of local anesthetic to anesthetize the sciatic nerve (ScN).
Abbas S, Brull R. Ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve block: description of a new approach at the
subgluteal space. Br J Anaesth. 2007;99:445-446.
Barrington MJ, Lai SL, Briggs CA, Ivanusic JJ, Gledhill SR. Ultrasound-guided midthigh sciatic nerve
block-a clinical and anatomical study. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2008;33:369-376.
Bruhn J, Moayeri N, Groen GJ, et al. Soft tissue landmark for ultrasound identification of the sciatic
nerve in the infragluteal region: the tendon of the long head of the biceps femoris muscle. Acta
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Bruhn J, Van Geffen GJ, Gielen MJ, Scheffer GJ. Visualization of the course of the sciatic nerve in adult
volunteers by ultrasonography. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2008;52:1298-1302.
Chan VW, Nova H, Abbas S, McCartney CJ, Perlas A, Xu DQ. Ultrasound examination and localization
of the sciatic nerve: a volunteer study. Anesthesiology. 2006;104:309-314.
Chantzi C, Saranteas T, Zogogiannis J, Alevizou N, Dimitriou V. Ultrasound examination of the sciatic
nerve at the anterior thigh in obese patients. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2007;51:132.
Danelli G, Ghisi D, Fanelli A, et al. The effects of ultrasound guidance and neurostimulation on the
minimum effective anesthetic volume of mepivacaine 1.5% required to block the sciatic nerve using
the subgluteal approach. Anesth Analg. 2009;109:1674-1678.
Danelli G, Ghisi D, Ortu A. Ultrasound and regional anesthesia technique: are there really ultrasound
guidance technical limits in sciatic nerve blocks? Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2008;33:281-282.
Domingo-Triado V, Selfa S, Martinez F, et al. Ultrasound guidance for lateral midfemoral sciatic nerve
block: a prospective, comparative, randomized study. Anesth Analg. 2007;104:1270-1274.
redrickson MJ, Kilfoyle DH. Neurological complication analysis of 1000 ultrasound guided
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Gnaho A, Eyrieux S, Gentili M. Cardiac arrest during an ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve block
combined with nerve stimulation. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:278.
Gray AT, Collins AB, Schafhalter-Zoppoth I. Sciatic nerve block in a child: a sonographic approach.
Anesth Analg. 2003;97:1300-1302.
Hamilton PD, Pearce CJ, Pinney SJ, Calder JD. Sciatic nerve blockade: a survey of orthopaedic foot
and ankle specialists in North America and the United Kingdom. Foot Ankle Int. 2009;30:1196-1201.
Karmakar MK, Kwok WH, Ho AM, Tsang K, Chui PT, Gin T. Ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve block:
description of a new approach at the subgluteal space. Br J Anaesth. 2007;98:390-395.
Latzke D, Marhofer P, Zeitlinger M, et al. Minimal local anaesthetic volumes for sciatic nerve block:
evaluation of ED 99 in volunteers. Br J Anaesth. 2010;104:239-244.
Marhofer P, Harrop-Griffiths W, Willschke H, Kirchmair L. Fifteen years of ultrasound guidance in
regional anaesthesia: Part 2-recent developments in block techniques. Br J Anaesth. 2010;104:673-
Murray JM, Derbyshire S, Shields MO. Lower limb blocks. Anaesthesia. 2010;65(Suppl 1):57-66.
Oberndorfer U, Marhofer P, Bosenberg A, et al. Ultrasonographic guidance for sciatic and femoral
nerve blocks in children. Br J Anaesth. 2007;98:797-801.
Ota J, Sakura S, Hara K, Saito Y. Ultrasound-guided anterior approach to sciatic nerve block: a
comparison with the posterior approach. Anesth Analg. 2009;108:660-665.
ham Dang C, Gourand D. Ultrasound imaging of the sciatic nerve in the lateral midfemoral approach.
Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:281-282.
alinas FV. Ultrasound and review of evidence for lower extremity peripheral nerve blocks. Reg
Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35:S16-25.
aranteas T. Limitations in ultrasound imaging techniques in anesthesia: obesity and muscle atrophy?
Anesth Analg. 2009;109:993-994.
aranteas T, Chantzi C, Paraskeuopoulos T, et al. Imaging in anesthesia: the role of 4 MHz to 7 MHz
sector array ultrasound probe in the identification of the sciatic nerve at different anatomic locations.
Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2007;32:537-538.
aranteas T, Chantzi C, Zogogiannis J, et al. Lateral sciatic nerve examination and localization at the
mid-femoral level: an imaging study with ultrasound. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2007;51:387-388.
aranteas T, Kostopanagiotou G, Paraskeuopoulos T, Vamvasakis E, Chantzi C, Anagnostopoulou S.
Ultrasound examination of the sciatic nerve at two different locations in the lateral thigh: a new
approach of identification validated by anatomic preparation. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.
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nerve blocks: a review of the evidence. Can J Anaesth. 2008;55:447-457.
Tsui BC, Dillane D, Pillay J, Ramji AK, Walji AH. Cadaveric ultrasound imaging for training in
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Tsui BC, Finucane BT. The importance of ultrasound landmarks: a “traceback” approach using the
popliteal blood vessels for identification of the sciatic nerve. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2006;31:481-
Tsui BC, Ozelsel TJ. Ultrasound-guided anterior sciatic nerve block using a longitudinal approach:
“expanding the view.” Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2008;33:275-276.
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an Geffen GJ, Gielen M. Ultrasound-guided subgluteal sciatic nerve blocks with stimulating catheters
in children: a descriptive study. Anesth Analg. 2006;103:328-333.
General Considerations
The use of ultrasonographic guidance greatly expanded the options that practitioners have for
accomplishing the block of the sciatic nerve because the nerve can be imaged at several convenient
levels. With the transgluteal approach, the needle is inserted just distal deep to the gluteus maximus
muscle to reach the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve at the gluteal crease is readily identified in a
predictable anatomic arrangement, between two osseous landmarks (ischial tuberosity and the
greater trochanter) and beneath a well-defined muscle plane. The use of ultrasound visualization
decreases the need for the geometry and measurements that are required for the classic landmarkbased approaches. With the subgluteal approach, the nerve simply reached a few centimeters distally,
just below the level of the subgluteal crease where imaging is not interfered by the bones. The
preference of one approach over the other is made based on the patient’s anatomic characteristics and
personal preference.
Ultrasound Anatomy
At this transgluteal level, the sciatic nerve is visualized in the short axis between the two hyperechoic
bony prominences of the ischial tuberosity and the greater trochanter of the femur (Figure 39.2-1 and
39.2-2). The gluteus maximus muscle is seen as the most superficial muscular layer bridging the two
osseous structures, typically several centimeters thick. The sciatic nerve is located immediately deep
to the gluteus muscles, superficial to the quadratus femoris muscle. Often, it is slightly closer to the
ischial tuberosity (medial) aspect than the greater trochanter (lateral). At this location in the thigh, it
is seen as an oval or roughly triangular hyperechoic structure. At the subgluteal level, however, the
sciatic nerve is positioned deep to the long head of the biceps muscle and the posterior surface of the
adductor magnus.
FIGURE 39.2-1. Transsectional anatomy of the sciatic nerve at the transgluteal level. Sciatic nerve
(ScN) is seen between the greater trochanter of the femur and the ischium tuberosity, just below the
gluteus maximus (GMM) muscle.
FIGURE 39.2-2. An ultrasound image demonstrating the sonoanatomy of the sciatic nerve (ScN). The
ScN often assumes an ovoid or triangular shape and it is positioned underneath the gluteus muscle
(GMM) between the ischium tuberosity (IT) and femur.
Distribution of Blockade
Sciatic nerve block results in anesthesia of the entire lower limb below the knee, both motor and
sensory blockade, with the exception of a variable strip of skin on the medial leg and foot, which is
the territory of the saphenous nerve, a branch of the femoral nerve. In addition, both the transgluteal
and subgluteal approaches provide motor blockade of the hamstring muscles. The skin of the posterior
aspect of the thigh however, is supplied by the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh, which has its
origin from the sciatic nerve more proximal than the subgluteal approach. It is, therefore, unreliably
anesthetized with subgluteal block; however, it is of relatively little clinical importance. For a more
comprehensive review of the sciatic nerve distribution, see Chapter 1, Essential Regional Anesthesia
Equipment needed is as follows:
Ultrasound machine with curved (phase array) transducer (2–8 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray (described in the equipment section)
One 20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
A 100-mm, 21 to 22-gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Sterile gloves
Although a linear transducer occasionally can be used for smaller size patients for this block, the
curved transducer permits the operator to visualize a wider field, including the osseous landmarks.
The ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter are rarely seen on the same image when using a linear
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
Any patient position that allows for comfortable placement of the ultrasound transducer and needle
advancement is appropriate. Typically for either the transgluteal or subgluteal block, this involves
placing the patient in a position between the lateral decubitus and prone position (Figures 39.2-3 and
39.2-4). The legs are flexed in the hip and knee. When nerve stimulation is used simultaneously
(suggested), exposure of the hamstrings, calf, and foot is required to detect and interpret motor
responses. The round osseous prominences of the greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity are
palpated and, if desired, marked with a skin marker. Scanning is begun in the depression between the
two bones.
FIGURE 39.2-3. Patient position and transducer application for subgluteal approach to sciatic
FIGURE 39.2-4. Transgluteal approach to sciatic block; patient position, transducer (curved)
placement and needle insertion.
The goal is to place the needle tip adjacent to the sciatic nerve, below the fascial plane of the
gluteus muscles (thus, transgluteal technique) and to deposit 15 to 20 mL of local anesthetic until
its spread around the nerve is documented.
The description of the technique in this chapter will focus primarily on the transgluteal approach.
However, since the subgluteal approach is performed just a few centimeters more distal and it is
technically easier, the reader can easily perform either approach by using general guidelines provided
and referring to Figure 39.2-3, Figure 39.2-4, and algorithms at the end of the chapter. With the
patient in the described position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer is positioned so as to
identify the sciatic nerve (Figure 39.2-4). If the nerve is not immediately apparent, tilting the
transducer proximally or distally can help improve the contrast and bring the nerve “out” of the
background of the musculature. Often, the nerve is much better imaged after the injection of local
anesthetic (Figure 39.2-5). Alternatively, sliding the transducer slightly proximally or distally can
improve the quality of the image and allow for better visualization. Once identified, the needle is
inserted in-plane, typically from the lateral aspect of the transducer and advanced toward the sciatic
nerve. If nerve stimulation is used (1.0 mA, 0.1 msec), the passage of the needle through the anterior
fascial plane of the gluteus muscles often is associated with a motor response of the calf or foot. Once
the needle tip is positioned adjacent to the nerve (Figure 39.2-6A) and after careful aspiration to rule
out an intravascular needle placement, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected to document the proper
injection site. Such injection often displaces the sciatic nerve away from the needle; therefore, an
additional advancement of the needle 1 to 2 mm toward the nerve may be necessary to ensure the
proper spread of the local anesthetic. When injection of the local anesthetic does not appear to result
in a spread around the sciatic nerve, additional needle repositions and injections may be necessary.
Assuring the absence of high resistance to injection is of utmost importance because the needle tip is
difficult to visualize on ultrasound due to the steep angle and depth of the needle placement.
FIGURE 39.2-5. Sciatic nerve (yellow arrows) as seen in the subgluteal position (linear transducer),
needle path (white arrows) and local anesthetic (turquoise arrows) in the intramuscular tunnel
surrounding the sciatic nerve.
FIGURE 39.2-6. (A) Ultrasound image demonstrating the simulated needle path to reach the sciatic
nerve (ScN) using an in-plane technique in transgluteal approach. The simulated needle (1) is shown
transversing the gluteus muscle with its tip positioned at the lateral aspect of the sciatic nerve. (B)
Needle path and distribution of local anesthetic (blue shaded area) to block the ScN through the
transgluteal approach.
Never inject against high resistance to injection (>15 psi) because this may signal an intraneural
The ability to distinguish the sciatic nerve from its soft tissue surroundings often is improved after the
injection of local anesthetic; this can be used as a marker to confirm the proper identification of the
nerve when injection begins.
In an adult patient, 15 to 20 mL of local anesthetic is usually adequate for successful blockade of
sciatic nerve (Figure 39.2-6). Although a single injection of such volumes of local anesthetic suffices,
it may be beneficial to inject two to three smaller aliquots at different locations to ensure the spread
of the local anesthetic solution around the sciatic nerve. The block dynamics and perioperative
management are similar to those described in Chapter 19.
Continuous Ultrasound-Guided Subgluteal Sciatic Block
The goal of the continuous sciatic block is similar to the non-ultrasound-based techniques: to place
the catheter in the vicinity of the sciatic nerve between the gluteus maximus and quadratus femoris
muscles. The procedure consists of three phases: needle placement, catheter advancement, and
securing the catheter. For the first two phases of the procedure, ultrasound visualization can be used
to ensure accuracy in most patients. The needle typically is inserted in-plane from the lateral to
medial direction and underneath the fascia to enter the subgluteal space.
Advancement of the needle until the tip is adjacent to the nerve and deep to the gluteus maximus
fascia should ensure appropriate catheter location. Proper placement of the needle also can be
confirmed by obtaining a motor response of the calf or foot at which point, 4 to 5 mL of local
anesthetic is injected. This small dose of local anesthetic serves to ensure adequate distribution of the
local anesthetic as well as to make the advancement of the catheter easier. This first phase of the
procedure does not significantly differ from the single-injection technique. The second phase of the
procedure involves maintaining the needle in the proper position and inserting the catheter 3 to 5 cm
beyond the needle tip into the subgluteal space in the vicinity of the sciatic nerve. Insertion of the
catheter requires an assistant when it is done under ultrasound guidance. Alternatively, the catheter
can be inserted using a longitudinal view. With this approach, after successful imaging of the sciatic
nerve in the cross-sectional view, the transducer is rotated 90° so that the sciatic nerve is visualized
in the longitudinal view. However, this approach requires significantly greater ultrasound imaging
The catheter is secured by either taping it to the skin or tunneling. A common infusion strategy
includes ropivacaine 0.2% at 5 mL/minute with a patient-controlled bolus of 5 mL/hour.
Abbas S, Brull R. Ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve block: description of a new approach at the
subgluteal space. Br J Anaesth. 2007;99:445-446.
Barrington MJ, Lai SL, Briggs CA, Ivanusic JJ, Gledhill SR. Ultrasound-guided midthigh sciatic nerve
block-a clinical and anatomical study. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2008;33:369-376.
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nerve in the infragluteal region: the tendon of the long head of the biceps femoris muscle. Acta
Anaesthesiol Scand. 2009;53:921-925.
Bruhn J, Van Geffen GJ, Gielen MJ, Scheffer GJ. Visualization of the course of the sciatic nerve in adult
volunteers by ultrasonography. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2008;52:1298-1302.
Chan VW, Nova H, Abbas S, McCartney CJ, Perlas A, Xu DQ. Ultrasound examination and localization
of the sciatic nerve: a volunteer study. Anesthesiology. 2006;104:309-314.
Chantzi C, Saranteas T, Zogogiannis J, Alevizou N, Dimitriou V. Ultrasound examination of the sciatic
nerve at the anterior thigh in obese patients. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2007;51:132.
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minimum effective anesthetic volume of mepivacaine 1.5% required to block the sciatic nerve using
the subgluteal approach. Anesth Analg. 2009;109:1674-1678.
Danelli G, Ghisi D, Ortu A. Ultrasound and regional anesthesia technique: are there really ultrasound
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block: a prospective, comparative, randomized study. Anesth Analg. 2007;104:1270-1274.
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combined with nerve stimulation. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:278.
Gray AT, Collins AB, Schafhalter-Zoppoth I. Sciatic nerve block in a child: a sonographic approach.
Anesth Analg. 2003;97:1300-1302.
Hamilton PD, Pearce CJ, Pinney SJ, Calder JD. Sciatic nerve blockade: a survey of orthopaedic foot
and ankle specialists in North America and the United Kingdom. Foot Ankle Int. 2009;30:1196-1201.
Karmakar MK, Kwok WH, Ho AM, Tsang K, Chui PT, Gin T. Ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve block:
description of a new approach at the subgluteal space. Br J Anaesth. 2007;98:390-395.
Latzke D, Marhofer P, Zeitlinger M, et al. Minimal local anaesthetic volumes for sciatic nerve block:
evaluation of ED 99 in volunteers. Br J Anaesth. 2010;104:239-244.
Latzke D, Marhofer P, Zeitlinger M, Machata A, Neumann F, Lackner E, Kettner SC: Minimal local
anaesthetic volumes for sciatic nerve block: evaluation of ED 99 in volunteers. Br J Anaesth 2010;
104: 239-44
Marhofer P, Harrop-Griffiths W, Willschke H, Kirchmair L. Fifteen years of ultrasound guidance in
regional anaesthesia: Part 2-recent developments in block techniques. Br J Anaesth. 2010;104:673-
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Murray JM, Derbyshire S, Shields MO. Lower limb blocks. Anaesthesia. 2010;65(Suppl 1):57-66.
Murray JM, Derbyshire S, Shields MO: Lower limb blocks. Anaesthesia 2010; 65 Suppl 1: 57-66
Oberndorfer U, Marhofer P, Bosenberg A, et al. Ultrasonographic guidance for sciatic and femoral
nerve blocks in children. Br J Anaesth. 2007;98:797-801.
Ota J, Sakura S, Hara K, Saito Y. Ultrasound-guided anterior approach to sciatic nerve block: a
comparison with the posterior approach. Anesth Analg. 2009;108:660-665.
ham Dang C, Gourand D. Ultrasound imaging of the sciatic nerve in the lateral midfemoral approach.
Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:281-282.
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aranteas T. Limitations in ultrasound imaging techniques in anesthesia: obesity and muscle atrophy?
Anesth Analg. 2009;109:993-994.
aranteas T, Chantzi C, Paraskeuopoulos T, et al. Imaging in anesthesia: the role of 4 MHz to 7 MHz
sector array ultrasound probe in the identification of the sciatic nerve at different anatomic locations.
Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2007;32:537-538.
aranteas T, Chantzi C, Zogogiannis J, et al. Lateral sciatic nerve examination and localization at the
mid-femoral level: an imaging study with ultrasound. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2007;51:387-388.
aranteas T, Kostopanagiotou G, Paraskeuopoulos T, Vamvasakis E, Chantzi C, Anagnostopoulou S.
Ultrasound examination of the sciatic nerve at two different locations in the lateral thigh: a new
approach of identification validated by anatomic preparation. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.
ites BD, Neal JM, Chan V. Ultrasound in regional anesthesia: where should the “focus” be set? Reg
Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:531-533.
Tran de QH, Munoz L, Russo G, Finlayson RJ. Ultrasonography and stimulating perineural catheters for
nerve blocks: a review of the evidence. Can J Anaesth. 2008;55:447-457.
Tsui BC, Dillane D, Pillay J, Ramji AK, Walji AH. Cadaveric ultrasound imaging for training in
ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks: lower extremity. Can J Anaesth. 2007;54:475-480.
Tsui BC, Finucane BT. The importance of ultrasound landmarks: a “traceback” approach using the
popliteal blood vessels for identification of the sciatic nerve. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2006;31:481-
Tsui BC, Ozelsel TJ. Ultrasound-guided anterior sciatic nerve block using a longitudinal approach:
“expanding the view.” Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2008;33:275-276.
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van Geffen GJ, Gielen M. Ultrasound-guided subgluteal sciatic nerve blocks with stimulating catheters
in children: a descriptive study. Anesth Analg. 2006;103:328-333.
Ultrasound-Guided Popliteal Sciatic Block
FIGURE 40-1. Cross-sectional anatomy of the sciatic nerve in the popliteal fossa. Shown are
common peroneal nerve (CPN), tibial nerve (TN), popliteal artery (PA), popliteal vein (PV), femur,
biceps femoris (BFM), semimembranosus (SmM) and semitendinosus (StM) muscles.
General Considerations
Performance of a sciatic block above the popliteal fossa benefits from ultrasound guidance in several
ways. The anatomy of the sciatic nerve as it approaches the popliteal fossa can be variable, and the
division into the tibial nerve (TN) and common peroneal nerve (CPN) occurs at a variable distance
from the crease. Knowledge of the location of the TPN and CPN in relation to each other is beneficial
in ensuring the anesthesia of both divisions of the sciatic nerve. Moreover, with nerve stimulator–
based techniques, larger volumes (e.g., >40 mL) of local anesthetic often are required to increase the
chance of block success and rapid onset. A reduction in local anesthetic volume can be achieved with
ultrasound guidance because the injection can be halted once adequate spread is documented. The two
approaches to the popliteal sciatic block common in our practice are the lateral approach with patient
in supine (more commonly, oblique position) and the posterior approach (Figure 40-2). It should be
noted that with the lateral approach, the resulting ultrasound image is identical to the image in the
posterior approach. Both are discussed in this chapter. Only the patient position and needle path
differ between the two approaches; the rest of the technique details are essentially the same.
FIGURE 40-2. Posterior approach to ultrasound-guided popliteal sciatic block can be performed
with the patient in the oblique position (A) or with the patient prone (B).
Ultrasound Anatomy
With the posterior and the lateral approaches, the transducer position is identical; thus the
sonographic anatomy appears the same. However, note that although the image appears the same,
there is a 180° difference in patient orientation. Beginning with the transducer in the transverse
position at the popliteal crease, the popliteal artery is identified, aided with the color Doppler
ultrasound when necessary, at a depth of approximately 3 to 4 cm. The popliteal vein accompanies the
artery. On either side of the artery are the biceps femoris muscles (lateral) and the semimembranosus
and semitendinosus muscles (medial). Superficial (i.e., toward the skin surface) and lateral to the
artery is the tibial nerve, seen as a hyperechoic, oval, or round structure with a stippled or
honeycomb pattern on the interior (Figure 40-3A and B). If difficulty in identifying the nerve is
encountered, the patient can be asked to dorsiflex and plantar flex the ankle, which makes the nerve
rotate or move in relation to its surroundings. Once the tibial nerve is identified, an attempt can be
made to visualize the common peroneal nerve, which is located even more superficial and lateral to
the tibial nerve. The transducer should be slid proximally until the tibial and peroneal nerves are
visualized coming together to form the sciatic nerve before its division. (Figure 40-4A and B). This
junction usually occurs at a distance between 5 and 10 cm from the popliteal crease but this may
occur very close to the crease or (less commonly) more proximally in the thigh. As the transducer is
moved proximally, the popliteal vessels move anteriorly (i.e., deeper) and therefore become less
visible. Adjustments in depth, gain, and direction of the ultrasound beam should be made to keep the
nerve visible at all times. The sciatic nerve typically is visualized at a depth of 2 to 4 cm.
FIGURE 40-3. (A) The sonoanatomy of the sciatic nerve at the popliteal fossa. The two main
divisions of the sciatic nerve, tibial (TN) and common peroneal nerves (CPN), are seen immediately
lateral and superficial to the popliteal artery, respectively. (B) Sonoanatomy of the popliteal fossa
with the structures labeled. TN and CPN are lateral and superficial to PA. Images 40-3A and B were
taken at 5 cm above the popliteal fossa crease where the TN and CPN have just started diverging.
FIGURE 40-4. (A) Sonoanatomy of the sciatic nerve (ScN) before its division. (B) Sonoanatomy of
the popliteal fossa with the structures labeled. Shown are ScN, superior and lateral to the popliteal
artery (PA), positioned between bicep femoris (BFM) and semimembranosus (SmM) and
semitendinosus (StM) muscles.
In our practice, most popliteal blocks are with the patient in the oblique position using either posterior
or lateral approach.
Distribution of Blockade
Sciatic nerve block results in anesthesia of the entire lower limb below the knee, both motor and
sensory, with the exception of a variable strip of skin on the medial leg and foot, which is the territory
of the saphenous nerve, a branch of the femoral nerve. The motor fibers to the hamstring muscles are
spared; however, sensory fibers to the posterior aspect of the knee are still blocked. For a more
comprehensive review of the sciatic nerve distribution, see Chapter 1, Essential Regional Anesthesia
The following equipment is needed:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–12 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel (rarely, in a very obese
patient, a curved transducer might be needed)
Standard nerve block tray (described in the equipment section, Chapter 3)
Two 20-mL syringes containing local anesthetic
50- to 100-mm, 21- to 22-gauge short-bevel insulated stimulating needle
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Sterile gloves
Lateral Approach
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
This block is performed with the patient in the supine or oblique (more convenient) position.
Sufficient space must be made to accommodate the transducer beneath the knee and thigh. This can be
accomplished either by resting the foot on an elevated footrest or flexing the knee while an assistant
stabilizes the foot and ankle on the bed (Figure 40-5). If nerve stimulation is used at the same time,
exposure of the calf and foot are required to observe motor responses.
FIGURE 40-5. Needle insertion technique to block the sciatic nerve in the popliteal fossa using
lateral approach with patient in the supine position.
The goal is to inject the local anesthetic within the common epineurium that envelops the TN and
CPN. Alternatively, separate blocks of TN and CPN can be made.
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer positioned to identify
the sciatic nerve (Figure 40-5). If the nerve is not immediately apparent, tilting the transducer
proximally or distally can help improve the contrast and bring the nerve “out” of the background
(Figure 40-6). Alternatively, sliding the transducer slightly proximally or distally may improve the
quality of the image and allow for better visualization. Once identified, a skin wheal is made on the
lateral aspect of the thigh 2 to 3 cm above the lateral edge of the transducer. Then the needle is
inserted in-plane in a horizontal orientation from the lateral aspect of the thigh and advanced toward
the sciatic nerve (Figure 40-7). If nerve stimulation is used (0.5 mA, 0.1 msec), the contact of the
needle tip with the sciatic nerve usually is associated with a motor response of the calf or foot. Once
the needle tip is witnessed adjacent to the nerve, and after careful aspiration, 1 to 2 mL of local
anesthetic is injected to confirm the proper injection site. Such injection should result in distribution
of the local anesthetic within the epineural sheath, and often, separation of the TN and CPN. When
injection of the local anesthetic does not appear to result in a spread around the sciatic nerve (Figure
40-8), additional needle repositions and injections may be necessary. When injecting into the
epineurium, correct injection is recognized as local anesthetic spread proximally and distally to the
site of the injection around both divisions of the nerve. This typically results in separation of TN and
CPN during and after the injection.
FIGURE 40-6. Sonoanatomy of the popliteal fossa imaged with the transducer positioned as in
Figure 40-5. The image appears inverted compared to the image in the lateral/oblique position.
FIGURE 40-7. Simulated needle path and the proper needle tip placement to block the sciatic nerve
(ScN) through the lateral approach. BFM - Biceps femoris muscle, SmM - Semimembranosus muscle.
StM - Semitendinosus muscle, PA- Popliteal artery.
FIGURE 40-8. Simulated needle path and local anesthetic distribution to block the sciatic nerve in
the popliteal fossa using the lateral approach.
To improve the visualization of the needle, a skin puncture site 2 to 3 cm lateral to the transducer will
reduce the acuity of the angle with respect to the ultrasound beam, Figure 40-5.
The presence of a motor response to nerve stimulation is useful but not necessary to elicit if the nerve,
needle, and local anesthetic spread are well visualized.
Never inject against high resistance to injection because this may signal an intraneural injection (IP
must be < 15 psi).
Although a single injection of local may suffice, it may be beneficial to inject two to three smaller
aliquots at different locations to ensure the spread of the local anesthetic solution around the sciatic
nerve. The block dynamics and perioperative management are similar to those described in Chapter
Posterior Approach
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
This block is performed with the patient in the prone or oblique position with the legs slightly
abducted. A small footrest is useful to facilitate identification of a motor response if nerve stimulation
is used. Also, it relaxes the hamstring tendons, making transducer placement and manipulation easier.
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer positioned to identify
the sciatic nerve (Figure 40-2). Similar maneuvers as described for the lateral approach can be made
to better visualize the nerve. Once identified, a skin wheal is made immediately lateral or medial to
the transducer. Then the needle is inserted in plane and advanced toward the sciatic nerve (Figures
40-9 and 40-10). If nerve stimulation is used (0.5 mA, 0.1 msec), the contact of the needle tip with the
sciatic nerve often is associated with a motor response of the calf or foot. Once the needle tip is
confirmed to be adjacent to the nerve, the syringe is gently aspirated and the local anesthetic
deposited. Needle repositioning and injection of smaller aliquots is frequently required to ensure
adequate circumferential spread of the local anesthetic (Figure 40-11).
FIGURE 40-9. Transducer position and in-plane needle insertion to block the sciatic nerve at the
popliteal fossa with patient in prone position.
FIGURE 40-10. Simulated needle path to reach the sciatic nerve in the popliteal fossa through the
posterior approach. The sciatic nerve (ScN) is seen in the adipose tissue of the popliteal fossa
between bicep femoris muscle (BFM) laterally and the semitendinosus and semimembranosus
muscles medially (Stm, SmM).
FIGURE 40-11. Simulated needle insertion path, needle tip position, and distribution of local
anesthetic (area shaded in blue) to anesthetize the sciatic nerve.
In the posterior approach to popliteal block, either an in-plane or out-of-plane technique can be used.
While the in-plane approach is the most common at NYSORA, the advantage of the out-of-plane
approach is that the path of the needle is through skin and adipose tissue rather than the muscles.
Continuous Ultrasound-Guided Popliteal Sciatic Block
The goal of the continuous popliteal sciatic block is to place the catheter in the vicinity of the sciatic
nerve within the popliteal fossa. The procedure consists of three phases: needle placement, catheter
advancement, and securing the catheter. For the first two phases of the procedure, ultrasound can be
used to ensure accuracy in most patients. Typically, the needle is inserted in the same manner as
described for the single-shot blocks. An in-plane approach, however, is favored in our practice for
the catheter technique because it allows for monitoring of the catheter placement (Figure 40-12).
FIGURE 40-12. Continuous sciatic block in the popliteal fossa using a lateral approach with patient
in the supine position. The needle is positioned within the epineural sheath of the sciatic nerve. After
an injection of a small volume of local anesthetic to confirm the needle position a catheter is inserted
2–4 cm past the needle tip. Pre-loading the catheter is useful in facilitating the procedure.
Proper placement of the needle can be confirmed by obtaining a motor response of the calf or foot,
at which point 4 to 5 mL of local anesthetic is injected. This small dose of local anesthetic can make
advancement of the catheter easier. The second phase of the procedure involves maintaining the
needle in the proper position and inserting the catheter 2 to 4 cm into the space surrounding the sciatic
nerve. Insertion of the catheter can be accomplished by either a single operator or with an assistant.
Proper position of the catheter is assured by an injection through the catheter and confirming the
location and distribution of the injectate and/or monitoring catheter insertion on ultrasound real-time.
The catheter is secured by either taping it to the skin or tunneling. There is no agreement among
clinicians regarding what constitutes the ideal catheter securing system. Some clinicians prefer one
method over the other. However, the decision regarding which method to use could be based on the
patient’s age, duration of the catheter therapy, and anatomy. The lateral approach may have some
advantage over the prone approach with regard to catheter placement. First, the biceps femoris
muscle tends to stabilize the catheter and decrease the chance of dislodgment, compared with the
subcutaneous tissue of the popliteal fossa in the prone approach. Second, if the knee is to be flexed
and extended, the side of the thigh is less mobile than the back of the knee. Finally, access to the
catheter site is more convenient with the lateral approach compared with the prone approach. A
commonly suggested starting infusion regimen is to infuse ropivacaine 0.2% at 5 mL/hour with a
patient-delivered bolus of 5 mL every 60 minutes.
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van Geffen GJ, van den Broek E, Braak GJ, Giele JL, Gielen MJ, Scheffer GJ. A prospective
randomised controlled trial of ultrasound guided versus nerve stimulation guided distal sciatic nerve
block at the popliteal fossa. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2009;37:32–37.
Verelst P, van Zundert A: Ultrasound-guided popliteal block shortens onset time compared to
prebifurcation sciatic block. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35:565–566.
Ultrasound-Guided Ankle Block
FIGURE 41-1. Block of the posterior tibial nerve using an out-of-plane technique.
General Considerations
Using an ultrasound-guided technique affords a practitioner the ability to reduce the volume of local
anesthetic required for ankle blockade. Because the nerves involved are located relatively close to
the surface, ankle blocks are easy to perform technically; however, knowledge of the anatomy of the
ankle is essential to ensure success.
Ultrasound Anatomy
Ankle block involves anesthetizing five separate nerves: 2 deep nerves and 3 superficial nerves. The
2 deep nerves are tibial (TN) and deep peroneal nerve (DPN). The superficial nerves are superficial
peroneal, sural and saphenous. All nerves except saphenous nerve are terminal branches of the sciatic
nerve; saphenous nerve is a cutaneous extension of the femoral nerve.
Tibial Nerve
The tibial nerve is the largest of the five nerves at the ankle level and provides innervation to the heel
and sole of the foot. With a linear transducer placed transversely at (or just proximal to) the level of
the medial malleolus, the nerve can be seen immediately posterior to the posterior tibial artery
(Figures 41-1, 41-2, and 41-3A and B). Color Doppler can be very useful in depicting the posterior
tibial artery when it is not readily apparent. The nerve typically appears hyperechoic with dark
stippling. A useful mnemonic for the relevant structures in the vicinity is Tom, Dick ANd Harry,
which refers to, from anterior to posterior, the tibialis anterior tendon, flexor digitorum longus
tendon, artery/nerve/vein, and flexor hallucis longus tendon. These tendons can resemble the nerve in
appearance, which can be confusing. The nerve’s intimate relationship with the artery should be kept
in mind to avoid misidentification.
FIGURE 41-2. Cross-sectional anatomy of the posterior tibial nerve at the level of the ankle. Shown
are posterior tibial artery (PTA) and vein (PTV) behind the medial malleolus (Med. Mall.) The
posterior tibial nerve (PTN) is just posterior and superficial to the posterior tibial vessels.
FIGURE 41-3. (A) Ultrasound image of the posterior tibial nerve. (B) Posterior tibial nerve (PTN)
is seen posterior to the posterior tibial artery (PTA). Med. Mall., medial malleolus; PTV, posterior
tibial vein.
Deep Peroneal Nerve
This branch of the common peroneal nerve innervates the web space between the first and second
toes. As it approaches the ankle, the nerve crosses the anterior tibial artery from a medial to lateral
position. A transducer placed in the transverse orientation at the level of the extensor retinaculum will
show the nerve lying immediately lateral to the artery, on the surface of the tibia (Figures 41-4, 41-5,
and 41-6A, B). The nerve usually appears hyperechoic, but it is small and often difficult to distinguish
from the surrounding tissue.
FIGURE 41-4. Deep peroneal nerve block: the transducer position and needle insertion to block the
deep peroneal nerve at the level of the ankle.
FIGURE 41-5. Cross-sectional anatomy of the deep peroneal nerve at the level of the ankle. The
deep peroneal nerve is located just lateral to anterior tibial artery (ATA) and between the extensor
digitorum longus (EDL) and tibia. Note the proximity of the extensor hallucis longus (EHL) that can
serve as an important landmark. DPN, deep peroneal nerve.
FIGURE 41-6. (A) Ultrasound image of the deep peroneal nerve (DPN) is seen at the surface of the
tibia just lateral to the anterior tibial artery (ATA). (B) Ultrasound anatomy of the DPN at the level of
the ankle with the structures labeled.
The deep peroneal nerve is often difficult to distinguish from neighboring tissues. Once local
anesthetic injection begins next to the artery, the nerve becomes easier to distinguish from the
surrounding tissue.
Superficial Peroneal Nerve
The superficial peroneal nerve innervates the dorsum of the foot. It emerges to lie superficial to the
fascia 10 to 20 cm above the ankle joint on the anterolateral surface of the leg. A transducer placed
transversely on the leg, approximately 5 cm proximal and anterior to the lateral malleolus, will
identify the hyperechoic nerve lying in the subcutaneous tissue immediately superficial to the fascia
(Figures 41-7, 41-8, and 41-9A and B). If the nerve is not readily apparent, the transducer can be
traced proximally on the leg until, at the lateral aspect, the extensor digitorum longus and peroneus
longus muscles can be seen with a prominent groove between them leading to the fibula (Figure 41-
10A and B). The superficial peroneal nerve is located in this intermuscular septum, just deep to the
fascia. Once it is identified at this more proximal location, it can be traced distally to the ankle.
Because the superficial nerves are rather small, their identification with ultrasound is not always
possible in a busy clinical environment.
FIGURE 41-7. Transducer position and needle insertion to block the superficial peroneal nerve.
FIGURE 41-8. Cross-sectional anatomy of the superficial peroneal nerve (SPN). EDL, extensor
digitorum longus muscle; PBM, peroneus brevis muscle.
FIGURE 41-9. (A) Ultrasound anatomy of the superficial peroneal nerve (SPN). (B) Ultrasound
anatomy of the superficial peroneal nerve with structures labeled. PBM, peroneus brevis muscle.
FIGURE 41-10. (A) Ultrasound anatomy of the superficial peroneal nerve. (B) Ultrasound anatomy
of the nerve with structures labeled. EDL, extensor digitorum longus muscle; PBM, peroneus brevis
muscle; SPN, superficial peroneal nerve.
The use of a small-gauge needle is recommended to decrease the patient discomfort.
Sural Nerve
The sural nerve innervates the lateral margin of the foot and ankle. Proximal to the lateral malleolus,
the sural nerve can be visualized as a small hyperechoic structure that is intimately associated with
the small saphenous vein (Figures 41-11, 41-12, and 41-13A, B). A calf tourniquet can be used to
increase the size of the vein, aiding in identification of the nerve.
FIGURE 41-11. Transducer position and needle insertion to block the sural nerve.
FIGURE 41-12. Cross-sectional anatomy of the sural nerve at the level of the ankle. Shown is sural
nerve (SuN) in the immediate vicinity of the small saphenous vein (SSV).
FIGURE 41-13. (A) Ultrasound anatomy of the sural nerve (SuN). The SuN is seen immediately
anterior to the small saphenous vein (SSV). (B) The ultrasound anatomy of the SuN with the structures
labeled. SoM, soleus muscle.
Saphenous Nerve
The saphenous nerve innervates the medial malleolus and a variable portion of the medial aspect of
the leg below the knee. The nerve travels down the medial leg alongside the saphenous vein. Because
it is a small nerve, it is best visualized 10–15 cm proximal to the medial malleolus, using the
saphenous vein as a landmark (Figures 41-14, 41-15, and 41-16A, B). A proximal calf tourniquet can
be used to assist in increasing the size of the vein. The nerve appears as a small hyperechoic
FIGURE 41-14. Transducer position and needle position to block the saphenous nerve.
FIGURE 41-15. Cross-sectional anatomy of the saphenous nerve (SaN) at the level of the ankle.
FIGURE 41-16. (A) Ultrasound anatomy of the saphenous nerve (SaN) at the level of the ankle. The
SaN is seen just anterior to the small saphenous vein (SaV). (B) Ultrasound anatomy of the saphenous
nerve with the structures labeled.
When using veins as landmarks, use as little pressure as possible on the transducer to permit the veins
to fill.
Distribution of Blockade
An ankle block results in anesthesia of the entire foot. For a more comprehensive review of the
distribution of each nerve, see Chapter 1.
Equipment needed is as follows:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (8–18 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray (described in the equipment section)
Three 10 mL syringes containing local anesthetic
A 1.5-in 22- to 25-gauge needle with low-volume extension tubing or a control syringe
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
The block is usually performed with the patient in the supine position. A footrest underneath the calf
facilitates access to the ankle, especially for the tibial and sural nerve blocks. An assistant is helpful
to maintain internal or external rotation of the leg, as needed.
The goal is to place the needle tip immediately adjacent to each of the five nerves and deposit
local anesthetic until the spread around each nerve is documented.
With the patient in the proper position, the skin is disinfected. For each of the blocks, the needle can
be inserted either in-plane or out-of-plane. Ergonomics often dictates which of these is the most
effective. Successful block is predicted by the spread of local anesthetic immediately adjacent to the
nerve; redirection to achieve circumferential spread is not necessary because these nerves are small
and the local anesthetic diffuses quickly into the neural tissue. Assuming deposition immediately
adjacent to the nerve, 3 to 5 mL of local anesthetic per nerve is typically required to ensure an
effective block.
Never inject against high resistance to injection (IP >15 psi) because it may signal an intraneural
The block dynamics and perioperative management are similar to those described in Chapter 22.
Antonakakis JG, Scalzo DC, Jorgenson AS, et al. Ultrasound does not improve the success rate of a
deep peroneal nerve block at the ankle. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35:217-221.
Benzon HT, Sekhadia M, Benzon HA, et al. Ultrasound-assisted and evoked motor response stimulationof the deep peroneal nerve. Anesth Analg. 2009;109:2022-2024.
Canella C, Demondion X, Guillin R, et al. Anatomic study of the superficial peroneal nerve using
sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009;193:174-179.
Redborg KE, Antonakakis JG, Beach ML, Chinn CD, Sites BD. Ultrasound improves the success rate ofa tibial nerve block at the ankle. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:256-260.
Redborg KE, Sites BD, Chinn CD, et al. Ultrasound improves the success rate of a sural nerve block at
the ankle. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:24-28.
Snaith R, Dolan J. Ultrasound-guided superficial peroneal nerve block for foot surgery. AJR Am J
Roentgenol. 2010;194:W538.
Common Ultrasound-Guided Truncal and Cutaneous Blocks
FIGURE 42.1-1. (A) Transducer position and needle insertion to accomplish a transverse abdominal
plane block. (B) Transducer position and needle insertion to accomplish iliohypogastric and
ilioinguinal nerve blocks. (C) Transducer position and needle insertion to accomplish rectus sheath
block. (D) Transducer position and needle insertion to accomplish a lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
(LFCN) block.
General Considerations
The ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block, or TAP has become a commonly used
regional anesthesia technique for a variety of indications. It is largely devoid of complications and
can be performed time-efficiently, either at the beginning or the end of surgery for use as
postoperative analgesia. Similar to ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve blocks, the method relies on
guiding the needle with ultrasound to the plane between the transversus abdominis and internal
oblique muscles, to block the anterior rami of the lower six thoracic nerves (T7-T12) and the first
lumbar nerve (L1). Injection of local anesthetic within the TAP potentially can provide unilateral
analgesia to the skin, muscles, and parietal peritoneum of the anterior abdominal wall from T7 to L1,
although in clinical practice, the extent of the block is variable.
Ultrasound Anatomy
The anterior abdominal wall (skin, muscles, and parietal peritoneum) is innervated by the anterior
rami of the lower six thoracic nerves (T7-T12) and the first lumbar nerve (L1). Terminal branches of
these somatic nerves course through the lateral abdominal wall within a plane between the internal
oblique and transversus abdominis muscles. This intermuscular plane is called the transversus
abdominis plane. Injection of local anesthetic within the TAP can result in unilateral analgesia to the
skin, muscles, and parietal peritoneum of the anterior abdominal wall. The exact cephalad-caudad
spread and extent of anesthesia and analgesia obtained with the TAP block is variable. This subject is
not well researched; the actual coverage is likely dependent on the technique details, place of needle
insertion (lateral-medial) and volume of local anesthetic injected. Additionally, the patient’s
anatomical characteristics may also influence the spread of the injected solutions.
Imaging of the abdominal wall between the costal margin and the iliac crest reveals three muscle
layers, separated by a hyperechoic fascia: the outermost external oblique (EOM), the internal oblique
(IOM), and the transversus abdominis muscles (TAM) (Figures 42.1-2 and 42.1-3). Immediately
below this last muscle is the transversalis fascia, followed by the peritoneum and the intestines
below, which can be recognized as moving structures because of peristalsis. The nerves of the
abdominal wall are not visualized consistently, although this is not necessary to accomplish a block.
FIGURE 42.1-2. Innervation of the anterior and lateral abdominal wall. IH, iliohypogastric nerve;
IL, ilioinguinal nerve.
FIGURE 42.1-3. Schematic representation of the abdominal wall muscles.
Obese patients have a large subcutaneous layer of fat that can make positive identification of the three
muscle layers challenging. A rule of thumb is that the internal oblique muscle is always the “thickest”
layer, and the transversus abdominis is the “thinnest.”
Distribution of Blockade
The exact distribution of abdominal wall anesthesia following a TAP block has not been well
documented or entirely agreed on by practitioners. The most fervent proponents of TAP technique
maintain that reliable blockade of dermatomes T10-L1 can be achieved with moderate volumes of
local anesthetic (e.g., 20–25 mL). Claims of blockade up to T7 after single injection of large volume
have been made, but these results are not consistently reproduced in clinical practice. In our practice,
some TAP blocks have resulted in complete anesthesia for inguinal herniorrhaphy; at other times, the
results have been less consistent. Additional research is indicated to clarify the spread of anesthesia
and factors that influence it.
Equipment needed is as follows:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (6–18 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel (in very obese patients,
and when a more posterior approach is used, a curved transducer might be needed)
Standard nerve block tray
Two 20-mL syringes containing local anesthetic
A 50- to 100-mm, 20- to 21-gauge needle
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
This block typically is performed with the patient in the supine position. The iliac crest and costal
margin should be palpated and the space between them in the mid-axillary line (usually 8–10 cm)
identified as the initial transducer location. The block is almost always performed under general
anesthesia in pediatric patients; a common option for adults as well.
The goal is to place the needle tip in the plane between the IOM and the TAM, to deposit local
anesthetic between the muscle layers, and confirm the proper spread of the injectate under
ultrasound guidance.
With the patient supine, the skin is disinfected and the transducer placed on the skin (Figure 42.1-4).
The three muscle layers should be identified (Figures 42.1-5A and B). Sliding the transducer slightly
cephalad or caudad will aid the identification. Once the transverse abdominal plane is identified, a
skin wheal is made 2 to 3 cm medial to the medial aspect of the transducer, and the needle is inserted
in-plane in a medial to lateral orientation (Figures 42.1-1A and 42.1-6). The needle is guided through
the subcutaneous tissue, EOM, and IOM. A “pop” may be felt as the needle tip enters the plane
between the two muscles. After gentle aspiration, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected to verify
the location of the needle tip (Figure 42.1-6). When injection of the local anesthetic appears to be
intramuscular, the needle is advanced or withdrawn carefully 1 to 2 mm and another bolus is
administered. This gesture is repeated until the correct plane is achieved.
FIGURE 42.1-4. Transducer position in the transverse abdominal, at the anterior axillary line,
between the costal margin and the iliac crest.
FIGURE 42.1-5. (A) Ultrasound anatomy of the abdominal wall layers. (B) Labeled ultrasound
anatomy of the abdominal wall layers, EOM, external oblique muscle; IOM, internal oblique muscle;
TAM, transverse abdominis muscle.
FIGURE 42.1-6. Simulated needle insertion (1) and distribution of LA (blue shaded area) to
accomplish transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block. Shown are the external oblique muscle
(EOM), internal oblique muscle (IOM), and the transverse abdominal muscle (TAM). Needle tip is
positioned in the tissue sheath between IOM and TAM.
An out-of-plane technique is more useful in obese patients. Because the needle tip may not be seen
throughout the procedure, we recommend administering intermittent small boluses (0.5–1 mL) as the
needle is advanced through the internal oblique muscle to confirm the position of the needle tip.
In an adult patient, 20 mL of local anesthetic per side is usually sufficient for successful blockade.
We most commonly use ropivacaine 0.25%. In children, a volume of 0.4 mL/kg per side is adequate
for effective analgesia when using ultrasound guidance.
Abrahams MS, Horn JL, Noles LM, Aziz MF: Evidence-based medicine: ultrasound guidance for
truncal blocks. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2010;35:S36-42.
Belavy D, Cowlishaw PJ, Howes M, Phillips F. Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block
for analgesia after Caesarean delivery. Br J Anaesth. 2009;103:726-730.
Carney J, McDonnell JG, Ochana A, et al. The transversus abdominis plane block provides effective
postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy. Anesth Analg.
Chiono J, Bernard N, Bringuier S, Biboulet P, Choquet O, Morau D, Capdevilla X: The ultrasoundguided transversus abdominis plane block for anterior iliac crest bone graft postoperative pain relief:
a prospective descriptive study. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2010;35:(6)520-524.
innerty O, Carney J, McDonnell JG: Trunk blocks for abdominal surgery. Anaesthesia 2010; 65 Suppl
Griffiths JD, Middle JV, Barron FA, Grant SJ, Popham PA, Royse CF: Transversus abdominis plane
block does not provide additional benefit to multimodal analgesia in gynecological cancer surgery.
Anesth Analg 2010;111(3):797-801.
Hebbard P. Subcostal transversus abdominis plane block under ultrasound guidance. Anesth Analg.
Hebbard P, Fujiwara Y, Shibata Y, Royse C. Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP)
block. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2007;35:616-617.
Hebbard PD, Royse CF: Lack of efficacy with transversus abdominis plane block: is it the technique,
the end points, or the statistics? Reg Anesth Pain Med 2010;35:324.
Heil JW, Ilfeld BM, Loland VJ, Sandhu NS, Mariano ER: Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis
plane catheters and ambulatory perineural infusion for outpatient inguinal hernia repair. Reg Anesth
Pain Med 2010;35(6):556-558.
Kanazi GE, Aouad MT, Abdallah FW, Khatib MI, Adham AM, Harfoush DW, Siddik-Sayyid SM: The
Analgesic Efficacy of Subarachnoid Morphine in Comparison with Ultrasound-Guided Transversus
Abdominis Plane Block After Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesth Analg
Lancaster P, Chadwick M. Liver trauma secondary to ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane
block. Br J Anaesth. 2010;104:509-510.
Lee TH, Barrington MJ, Tran TM, Wong D, Hebbard PD. Comparison of extent of sensory block
following posterior and subcostal approaches to ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane
block. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2010;38:452-460.
McDonnell JG, Curley G, Carney J, et al. The analgesic efficacy of transversus abdominis plane block
after cesarean delivery: a randomized controlled trial. Anesth Analg. 2008;106(1):186.
McDonnell JG, O’Donnell B, Curley G, et al. The analgesic efficacy of transversus abdominis plane
block after abdominal surgery: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Anesth Analg.
McDonnell JG, O’Donnell BD, Farrell T, et al. Transversus abdominis plane block: a cadaveric and
radiological evaluation. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2007;32(5):399.
Mukhtar K, Khattak I: Transversus abdominis plane block for renal transplant recipients. Br J Anaesth
Niraj G, Kelkar A, Fox AJ. Application of the transversus abdominis plane block in the intensive care
unit. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2009;37:650-652.
O’Connor K, Renfrew C: Subcostal transversus abdominis plane block. Anaesthesia 2010;65:91-92.
etersen PL, Mathiesen O, Torup H, Dahl JB. The transversus abdominis plane block: a valuable option
for postoperative analgesia? A topical review. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2010;54:529-535.
Rafi AN. Abdominal field block: a new approach via the lumbar triangle. Anaesthesia.
Rozen WM, Tran TM, Ashton MW, et al. Refining the course of the thoracolumbar nerves: a new
understanding of the innervation of the anterior abdominal wall. Clin Anat. 2008;21(4):325.
hibata Y, Sato Y, Fujiwara Y, et al. Transversus abdominis plane block. Anesth Analg.
2007;105(3):883; author reply 883.
uresh S, Chan VW. Ultrasound guided transversus abdominis plane block in infants, children and
adolescents: a simple procedural guide for their performance. Paediatr Anaesth. 2009;19:296-299.
Tran TM, Ivanusic JJ, Hebbard P, et al. Determination of spread of injectate after ultrasound-guided
transversus abdominis plane block: a cadaveric study. Br J Anaesth. 2009;102(1):123.
Walker G: Transversus abdominis plane block: a note of caution! Br J Anaesth 2010;104:265.
Walter EJ, Smith P, Albertyn R, et al. Ultrasound imaging for transversus abdominis blocks.
Anaesthesia. 2008;63(2):211.
General Considerations
Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves are contained in a well-defined tissue plane between the
transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles. The ability to easily image the musculature of the
abdominal wall makes blocking these two nerves much more exact than the “feel-based” blind
Ultrasound Anatomy
Imaging of the abdominal wall medial and superior to the ASIS reveals three muscle layers, separated
by hyperechoic fascia: the outermost external oblique (EOM), the internal oblique (IOM), and the
transversus abdominis muscles (TAM) (Figures 42.2-1A and B). Immediately below transversus
abdominus muscle is the fascia transversalis, located just above the peritoneum and the abdominal
cavity below, easily recognized as moving structures due to peristalsis. The hyperechoic osseous
prominence of the anterior-superior iliac spine (ASIS) is a useful landmark which can be used as a
reference, and is seen on the lateral side of the US image in Figure 42.2-1. The iliohypogastric and
ilioinguinal nerves pierce the TAM above the ilium and lie in the plane between the TAM and the
IOM. They are often seen side by side or up to 1 cm apart, and they typically appear as hypoechoic
ovals. Use of color Doppler may be useful to identify the deep circumflex iliac artery, which lies
adjacent to the nerves in the same plane as an additional landmark useful in identifying the nerves.
FIGURE 42.2-1. (A) Ultrasound anatomy of the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve. (B) Labeled
ultrasound anatomy of the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve, ASIS, anterior superior iliac spine;
EOM, external oblique muscle; IOM, internal oblique muscle; TAM, transverse abdominal muscle;
IiN, ilioinguinal nerve; IhN, iliohypogastric nerve.
Distribution of Blockade
Block of the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves results in anesthesia of the hypogastric region, the
inguinal crease, the upper medial thigh, the mons pubis, part of the labia, the root of the penis, and the
anterior part of the scrotum. There is considerable variation in sensory distribution between
Equipment needed is as follows:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (6–18 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray
Syringe(s) with 20 mL of local anesthetic
50-100 mm, 21-22 gauge needle
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
The block of the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves is done in supine position. Palpation of the
ASIS provides the initial landmark for transducer placment. This block is often performed under
general anesthesia, particularly in pediatric patients.
The goal is to place the needle tip in the plane between the IOM and the TAM, and deposit local
anesthetic between the muscle layers.
With the patient supine, the skin is disinfected and the transducer placed medial to the ASIS, oriented
on a line joining the ASIS with the umbilicus (Figure 42.2-2). The three muscle layers should be
identified. The nerves should appear as hypoechoic ovals between the IOM and TAM muscles.
Moving the transducer slightly cephalad or caudad to trace the nerves can be useful. In addition, color
Doppler may be used to attempt to visualize the deep circumflex iliac artery. A skin wheal is made on
the medial aspect of the transducer, and the needle is inserted in-plane in a medial to lateral
orientation, through the subcutaneous tissue, EOM, and IOM, and is advanced toward the ilioinguinal
and iliohypogastric nerves (Figure 42.1-1B and Figure 42.2-3). A pop may be felt as the needle tip
enters the plane between the muscles. After gentle aspiration, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected
to confirm the needle tip position (Figure 42.2-4). When injection of the local anesthetic appears to
be intramuscular, the needle is advanced or withdrawn carefully 1 to 2 mm and another bolus is
administered. This is repeated until the correct needle position is achieved. The block can be done
either with in-plane or out-of-plane needle insertion.
FIGURE 42.2-2. Transducer position to image the ilioinguinal (IiN) and iliohypogastric nerves
(IhN). The transducer is positioned in the immediate vicinity of the anterior superior iliac spine
FIGURE 42.2-3. Simulated needle path (1) to reach the ilioinguinal (IiN) and iliohypogastric (IhN)
FIGURE 42.2-4. Simulated needle path (1) and spread of local anesthetic (area shaded in blue) to
anesthetize the ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves.
An out-of-plane technique may be a better option in obese patients. Because the needle tip may not
always be seen throughout the procedure, we recommend administering intermittent small boluses
(0.5–1 mL) as the needle is advanced through the internal oblique muscle, confirming the position of
the needle tip.
In an adult patient, 10 mL of local anesthetic per side is usually sufficient for successful blockade.
In children, a volume of 0.15 mL/kg per side (ropivacaine 0.5%) is adequate for effective analgesia
when using ultrasound guidance.
Aveline C, Le Hetet H, Le Roux A, Vautier P, Cognet F, Vinet E, Tison C, Bonnet F: Comparison
between ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane and conventional ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric
nerve block for day-case open inguinal hernia repair. Br J Anaesth 2011;106:380-6.
Eichenberger U, Greher M, Kirchmair L, Curatolo M, Morggl B: Ultrasound-guided blocks of the
ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve: accuracy of a select new technique confirmaed by anatomical
dissection. Br J Anaesth 2006;97:238-431.
ord S, Dosani M, Robinson AJ, Campbell GC, Ansermino JM, Lim J, Lauder GR: Defining the
reliability of sonoanatomy idenification by novices in ultrasound-guided pediatric ilioinguinal and
iliohypogastric nerve blockade. Anesth Analg 2009;109:1793-8.
Gofeld M, Christakis M: Sonographically guided ilioinguinal nerve block. J Ultrasound Med
Gucev G, Yasui GM, Chang TY, Lee J: Bilateral ultrasound-guided continuous ilioinguinaliliohypogastic block for pain relief after cesarean delivery. Anesth Analg 2008;106:1220-2.
Mei W, Jin C, Feng L, Zhang Y, Luo A, Zhang C, Tian Y: Case report: bilateral ultrasound-guided
transversus abdominis plane block combined with ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve block for
cesarean delivery anesthesia. Anesth Analg 2011;113:143-7.
Weintraud M, Lundlab M, Kettner SC, Willschke H, Kapral S, Lonnqvist PA, Koppatz K, Turnheim K,
Bsenberg A, Marhofer P: Ultrasound versus landmark-based technique for ilioinguinaliliohypogastric nerve blockade in children: the implication on plasma levels of ropivacaine. Anesth
Analg 2009;108:1488-92.
General Considerations
The rectus sheath block is a useful technique for umbilical surgery, particularly in pediatric patients.
Ultrasound guidance allows for a greater reliability in administering local anesthetic in the correct
plane and decreasing the potential for complications. The placement of the needle is in the proximity
to the peritoneum and the epigastric arteries. Guiding the needle under ultrasound guidance to the
posterior rectus sheath rather than relying on “pops,” such as in the traditional, non-ultrasound
techniques, makes this block more reproducible and reduces the risk of inadvertent peritoneal and
vascular punctures.
Ultrasound Anatomy
The rectus abdominis muscle is oval shaped, positioned under the superficial fascia of the abdomen.
Laterally, the aponeurosis of the external oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles
split to form two lamellae that surround the muscle anteriorly and posteriorly (forming the rectus
sheath), before rejoining again in the midline to insert on the linea alba (Figures 42.3-1A and B). The
9th, 10th, and 11th intercostal nerves are located in the space between the rectus abdominis muscle
and its posterior rectus sheath, although they are usually difficult to depict sonographically. Color
Doppler reveals small epigastric arteries in the same plane. Deep to the rectus sheath is preperitoneal
fat, peritoneum, and abdominal content (bowel), which can usually be observed moving with
FIGURE 42.3-1. (A) Ultrasound anatomy of the rectus abdominis sheath. (B) Labeled Ultrasound
anatomy of the rectus abdominis sheath. RAM, rectus abdominis muscle.
Distribution of Blockade
Blockade of the nerves of the rectus sheath results in anesthesia of the periumbilical area (spinal
dermatomes 9, 10, and 11). It is a rather specific, limited region of blockade, hence its specific
Equipment needed is as follows:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (6–18 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray
20-mL syringe containing local anesthetic
50-100 mm, 22-gauge short-bevel needle
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
Typically this block is performed in the supine position.
The goal is to place the needle tip just posterior to the rectus muscle but anterior to the posterior
rectus sheath. Once the needle tip is positioned correctly, local anesthetic is deposited between
the muscle and posterior rectus sheath, and correct spread is confirmed on ultrasound. An
additional aliquot of local anesthetic is injected just posterior to the sheath.
With the patient in supine position, the skin is disinfected and the transducer placed at the level of the
umbilicus immediately lateral, in transverse position (Figure 42.3-2). Color Doppler can be used to
identify the epigastric arteries so that their puncture can be avoided. The needle is inserted in-plane in
a medial to lateral orientation, through the subcutaneous tissue, to pearce through the anterior rectus
sheath (Figure 42.3-3). Out-of-plane technique is also suitable and often preferred in obese patients.
The needle is further advanced through the body of the muscle until the tip rests on the posterior rectus
sheath. After negative aspiration, 1 to 2 mL of local anesthetic is injected to verify needle tip location
(Figure 42.3-4). When injection of the local anesthetic appears to be intramuscular, the needle is
advanced 1 to 2 mm and its position is checked by injection of another aliquot of local anesthetic.
This is repeated until the correct needle position is achieved. When a large volume of local anesthetic
is planned (e.g. in combining billateral TAP and rectus abdominis sheath blocks), the described
“hydro-disection” for the purpose of localization of the needle tip can be done using 0.9% saline or
chlorprocaine to decrease the total mass of the more toxic, longer acting local anesthetic.
FIGURE 42.3-2. Transducer position and needle insertion to accomplish rectus sheath block.
FIGURE 42.3-3. Simulated needle path (1) to accomplish the rectus sheath block. Needle tip is
positioned between the posterior aspect of the rectus abdominis muscle (RAM) and the rectus sheath
(posterior aspect).
FIGURE 42.3-4. Simulated needle path (1) and spread of local anesthetic (blue shaded area) to
accomplish the rectus sheath block. Local anesthetic should spread just underneath and within the
posterior aspect of the rectus sheath. RAM, rectus abdominis muscle.
• An out-of-plane technique can also be used directly through the belly of the rectus muscle.
Because the needle tip may not always be seen throughout the procedure, small boluses of local
anesthetic are injected as the needle is advanced toward the posterior rectus sheath, confirming the
correct position of the needle tip.
In an adult patient, 10 mL of local anesthetic (e.g., 0.5% ropivacaine) per side is usually sufficient
for successful blockade. In children, a volume of 0.1 mL/kg per side is adequate for effective
Abrahams MS, Horn JL, Noles LM, Aziz MF. Evidence-based medicine: ultrasound guidance for
truncal blocks. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35:S36-42.
Dolan J, Lucie P, Geary T, Smith M, Kenny GN. The rectus sheath block: accuracy of local anesthetic
placement by trainee anesthesiologists using loss of resistance or ultrasound guidance. Reg Anesth
Pain Med. 2009;34:247-250.
Dolan J, Smith M. Visualization of bowel adherent to the peritoneum before rectus sheath block: another
indication for the use of ultrasound in regional anesthesia. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:280-281.
Husain NK, Ravalia A. Ultrasound-guided ilio-inguinal and rectus sheath nerve blocks. Anaesthesia.
Kato J, Ueda K, Kondo Y, Aono M, Gokan D, Shimizu M, Ogawa S: Does ultrasound-guided rectus
sheath block reduce adbominal pain in patients with postherpetic neuralgia? Anesth Analg 2011;112:
hua DS, Phoo JW, Koay CK. The ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block as an anaesthetic in adult
paraumbilical hernia repair. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2009;37:499-500.
andeman DJ, Dilley AV. Ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block and catheter placement. ANZ J Surg.
hido A, Imamachi N, Doi K, Sakura S, Saito Y: Continuous local anesthetic infusion through
ultrasound-guided rectus sheath catheters. Can J Anaesth 2010;57:1046-1047.
Tanaka M, Azuma S, Hasegawa Y, et al. Case of inguinal hernia repair with transversus abdominis
plane block and rectus sheath block [in Japanese]. Masui. 2009;58:1306-1309.
Willschke H, Bosenberg A, Marhofer P, et al. Ultrasonography-guided rectus sheath block in paediatric
anaesthesia—a new approach to an old technique. Br J Anaesth. 2006;97:244-249.
General Considerations
The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN) divides into approximately two to five branches
innervating the lateral and upper aspects of the thigh. Many studies have described how the variable
anatomy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve makes it challenging to perform an effective landmarkbased technique block. Ultrasound guidance, however, allows more accurate needle insertion into the
appropriate fascial plane where lateral femoral cutaneous nerve passes through, allowing for a higher
success rate.
Ultrasound Anatomy
The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve typically is located between the tensor fasciae latae (TFLM) and
sartorius (SaM) muscles, 1 to 2 cm medial and inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and
0.5 to 1.0 cm deep to the skin surface (Figure 42.4-1). Ultrasound imaging of the lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve yields an oval hypoechoic structure in cross-sectional view. The lateral edge of the
sartorius muscle is a useful landmark, and as such, it can be relied on throughout the procedure.
(Figures 42.4-2A and B). The LFCN branches sometimes may be seen across the anterior margin of
the TFL.
FIGURE 42.4-1. Cross-sectional anatomy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN). Shown are
LFCN, sartorius muscle (SaM), and tensor fascia latae muscle (TFLM).
FIGURE 42.4-2. (A) Ultrasound anatomy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN). (B)
Labeled ultrasound anatomy of the LFCN.
Distribution of Blockade
Block of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve provides anesthesia or analgesia in the anterolateral
thigh. There is a large variation in the area of sensory coverage among individuals because of the
highly variable course of LFCN and its branches.
Equipment needed is as follows:
Ultrasound machine with linear transducer (6–18 MHz), sterile sleeve, and gel
Standard nerve block tray
Syringe(s) with 10 mL of local anesthetic (LA)
50-mm, 22- to 24-gauge needle
Sterile gloves
Landmarks and Patient Positioning
Block of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is performed with the patient in the supine or lateral
position. Palpation of the anterior-superior spine provides the initial landmark for transducer
placement; the transducer is first positioned at 2 cm inferior and medial to the ASIS and adjusted
accordingly. Typically, the nerve is identified slightly more distally in its course. If nerve stimulator
is used, precise identification of the LFCN may be confirmed by eliciting a tingling sensation on the
lateral side of the thigh.
The goal is to inject local anesthetic in the plane between the tensor fasciae latae and the sartorius
muscle, typically 1 to 2 cm medial and inferior to the anterior-superior iliac spine.
With the patient supine, the skin is disinfected and the transducer placed immediately inferior to the
ASIS, parallel to the inguinal ligament (Figure 42.4-3). The tensor fasciae latae and the sartorius
muscle should be identified. The nerve should appear as a small hypoechoic oval structure between
the tensor fasciae latae and the sartorius muscle in a short-axis view. A skin wheal is then made on
the lateral aspect of the transducer, and the needle is inserted in-plane in a lateral to medial
orientation, through the subcutaneous tissue and the tensor fasciae latae muscle (Figure 42.4-4A). A
pop may be felt as the needle tip enters the plane between the tensor fascia latae and sartorius
muscles. After gentle aspiration, 1 to 2 mL of LA is injected to verify the needle tip position. When
the injection of the LA appears to be intramuscular, the needle is withdrawn or advanced 1 to 2 mm
and another bolus is administered. This is repeated until the correct position is achieved by
visualizing the spread of the LA in the described plane between the tensor fasciae latae and sartorius
muscles (Figure 42.4-4B).
FIGURE 42.4-3. Transducer position and needle insertion to accomplish a lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve (LFCN) block.
FIGURE 42.4-4. (A) Simulated needle path (1) to block the LCFN. (B) Simulated needle path (1)
and local anesthetic spread (area shaded in blue) to anesthetize the LFCN.
An out-of-plane technique can also be used for this nerve block. Because the needle tip may not
be seen throughout the procedure, small boluses of local anesthetic (0.5–1 mL) are injected as
the needle is advanced, to confirm the exact position.
In an adult patient, 5 to 10 mL of LA is usually sufficient for successful blockade. In children, a
volume of 0.15 mL/kg per side is adequate for effective analgesia.
Bodner G, Bernathova M, Galiano K, Putz D, Martinoli C, Felfernig M. Ultrasound of the lateral
femoral cutaneous nerve: normal findings in a cadaver and in volunteers. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
Carai A, Fenu G, Sechi E, Crotti FM, Montella A. Anatomical variability of the lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve: findings from a surgical series. Clin Anat. 2009;22(3):365-370.
Damarey B, Demondion X, Boutry N, Kim HJ, Wavreille G, Cotten A. Sonographic assessment of the
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. J Clin Ultrasound. 2009;37(2):89-95.
Hara K, Sakura S, Shido A: Ultrasound-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block: comparison of
two techiques. Anaesth Intensive Care 2011;39:69-72.
Hebbard P, Ivanusic J, Sha S. Ultrasound-guided supra-inguinal fascia iliaca block: a cadaveric
evaluation of a novel approach. Anaesthesia. 2011;66(4):300-305.
Hurdle MF, Weingarten TN, Crisostomo RA, Psimos C, Smith J. Ultrasound-guided blockade of the
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve: technical description and review of 10 cases. Arch Phys Med
Rehabil. 2007;88(10):1362-1364.
Ng I, Vaghadia H, Choi PT, Helmy N. Ultrasound imaging accurately identifies the lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve. Anesth Analg. 2008;107(3):1070-1074.
Ropars M, Morandi X, Huten D, Thomazeau H, Berton E, Darnault P. Anatomical study of the lateral
femoral cutaneous nerve with special reference to minimally invasive anterior approach for total hip
replacement. Surg Radiol Anat. 2009;31(3):199-204.
Sürücü HS, Tanyeli E, Sargon MF, Karahan ST. An anatomic study of the lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve. Surg Radiol Anat. 1997;19(5):307-310.
Tumber PS, Bhatia A, Chan VW: Ultrasound-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block for meralgia
paresthetica. Anesth Analg 2008;106:1021-1022.
Ultrasound-Guided Neuraxial and Perineuraxial Blocks
Chapter 43 Introduction
Chapter 44 Spinal Sonography and Considerations for Ultrasound-Guided Central Neuraxial
Chapter 45 Sonography of Thoracic Paravertebral Space and Considerations for Ultrasound-Guided
Thoracic Paravertebral Block
Chapter 46 Ultrasound of the Lumbar Paravertebral Space and Considerations for Lumbar Plexus
43 Introduction
Manoj Karmakar and Catherine Vandepitte
Central neuraxial blocks (CNBs), which include spinal, epidural, combined spinal epidural (CSE),
and caudal epidural injections, are commonly practiced regional anesthesia techniques in the
perioperative period, for obstetric anesthesia and analgesia, as well as for managing chronic pain.1
Traditionally, CNBs are performed using surface anatomic landmarks, operator tactile sensation (loss
of resistance) during needle advancement, and/or visualizing the free flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
Although anatomic landmarks are fortuitous because spinous processes provide a relatively reliable
surface landmark in many patients, they are not always easily recognized or reliable signs in patients
with obesity,2
edema, underlying spinal deformity, or after back surgery. Even in the absence of spine
abnormalities, data suggest that a clinical estimate of a specific intervertebral space based on the
surface anatomy may not be accurate in many patients.3,4 In other words, a clinical estimate of an
intervertebral space often results in needle placement one or two spinal levels higher than
intended.3,5,6 This estimation error has been attributed as a cause of injury of the conus medullaris or
spinal cord after spinal anesthesia.5,7 The difficulty of identifying the correct level is particularly
present in patients with obesity and when accessing intervertebral space in the upper spinal
levels.3,5,7 Therefore, the Tuffier’s line, a surface anatomic landmark that is used ubiquitously during
CNB, is not a consistent landmark.6
Moreover, because of the blind nature of the landmark-based
techniques, it is not possible for the operator to predict the ease or difficulty of needle placement
prior to skin puncture. In a study of 300 spinal anesthetics, 15% of attempts were judged to be
technically difficult, and 10% required more than five attempts.8
In another study including 202
patients who were under 50 years of age, failed CNB was reported in 5% of cases.9
Thus the need to
establish a more reliable method to identify the spinal levels and needle advancement toward the
neuraxis continues to inspire clinical and imaging studies.
Although a number of surface-based landmarks and nerve stimulation–guided peripheral nerve
block techniques are well established, localization and blockade of the deeper positioned peripheral
nerves and plexi remain largely “blind” procedures (e.g., lumbar plexus block, sciatic block, and
infraclavicular block). This is particularly true with nerve block procedures where nerve stimulation
is not easily accomplished due to the specifics of the anatomy (e.g., deep position) and where the goal
of the procedure is to place the needle in a certain anatomical space, rather than localize the nerves
that are not easily accessible to nerve stimulation (e.g., intercostals blocks, paravertebral blocks, and
fascia iliaca blocks). Consequently, significant research efforts have focused on improving the current
techniques of blockade and establishing more reliable surface landmarks and needle orientation
procedures.10–12 Due to the nature of the surface-based procedures and inherent difficulty with
electrolocalization of deeply positioned peripheral nerves, many of these procedures are not used
commonly and are confined to a few practices where substantial expertise is available. The
introduction of ultrasound guidance in regional anesthesia has sparked a renewed interest in these
procedures.13,14 Ultrasound can be used to depict the location and spatial relationship (e.g., depth) of
the osseous landmarks to help estimate both the correct site as well as the depth of needle insertion.
Imaging of the deep structures as well as structures that are concealed by osseous processes
requires considerable skill and dexterity. In addition, needle visualization and needle–nerve interface
can be challenging because of interference with the osseous structures and depth of the needle
placement. Given these limitations and a close relationship of the nerve structures to the
centroneuroaxis, questions have been raised about the overall safety of ultrasound-guided neuraxial
blocks, lumbar plexus and paravertebral blocks if taught as a standard practice. At the time of this
publication, ultrasound-guided blocks for the purpose of neuraxial anesthesia, and perineuraxially
located nerves and plexi are not well-established. These advanced ultrasound-guided or ultrasoundassisted block techniques are currently practiced only by experts who have spent considerable time
mastering ultrasound anatomy. Often, even the most experienced privately admit that ultrasoundguided centroneuraxial blocks are not practical as a routine practice. For example, in our practice
most centroneuraxial blocks are done without ultrasound guidance, whereas ultrasound is being
increasingly used for lumbar plexus and paraveretebral blocks. For this reason and to avoid imparting
a false impression that these are standard techniques, we have opted to discuss them within the
context of ultrasound anatomy, rather than as well-established procedures. An informed reader then
can make use of the presented anatomical, pharmacological and technical information to devise own
techniques and/or make decisions regarding the applicability of ultrasound in these techniques in
his/her own practice.
. Cook TM, Counsell D, Wildsmith JA. Major complications of central neuraxial block: report on the
Third National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. Br J Anaesth. 2009;102(2):179-
. Stiffler KA, Jwayyed S, Wilber ST, Robinson A. The use of ultrasound to identify pertinent
landmarks for lumbar puncture. Am J Emerg Med. 2007;25(3):331-334.
. Broadbent CR, Maxwell WB, Ferrie R, Wilson DJ, Gawne-Cain M, Russell R. Ability of
anaesthetists to identify a marked lumbar interspace. Anaesthesia. 2000;55(11):1122-1126.
. Furness G, Reilly MP, Kuchi S. An evaluation of ultrasound imaging for identification of lumbar
intervertebral level. Anaesthesia. 2002;57(3):277-280.
. Holmaas G, Frederiksen D, Ulvik A, Vingsnes SO, Ostgaard G, Nordli H. Identification of thoracic
intervertebral spaces by means of surface anatomy: a magnetic resonance imaging study. Acta
Anaesthesiol Scand. 2006;50(3):368-373.
. Reynolds F. Damage to the conus medullaris following spinal anaesthesia. Anaesthesia.
. Hamandi K, Mottershead J, Lewis T, Ormerod IC, Ferguson IT. Irreversible damage to the spinal
cord following spinal anesthesia. Neurology. 2002;59(4):624-626.
. Tarkkila P, Huhtala J, Salminen U. Difficulties in spinal needle use. Insertion characteristics and
failure rates associated with 25-, 27- and 29-gauge Quincke-type spinal needles. Anaesthesia.
. Seeberger MD, Lang ML, Drewe J, Schneider M, Hauser E, Hruby J. Comparison of spinal and
epidural anesthesia for patients younger than 50 years of age. Anesth Analg. 1994;78(4):667-673.
0. Boezaart AP, Lucas SD, Elliot CE. Paravertebral block: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral
[review]. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2009; 22(5):637-643.
11. Capdevila X, Coimbra C, Choquet, O. Approaches to the lumbar plexus; success, risks, and
outcome [review]. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2005;30(2):150-162.
12. Capdevila X, Macaire P, Dadure C, et al. Continuous psoas compartment block for postoperative
analgesia after total hip arthroplasty: new landmarks, technical guidelines, and clinical evaluation.
Anesth Analg. 2002;94(6):1606-1613.
13. Seki S, Yamauchi M, Kawamura M, Namiki A, Sato Y, Fujiwara Y. Technical advantages of
ultrasound-guided obturator nerve block compared with the nerve stimulating technique [in Japanese].Masui. 2010;59(6):686-690.
14. Salinas FV. Ultrasound and review of evidence for lower extremity peripheral nerve blocks
[review]. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35(2 Suppl):S16-25.
Spinal Sonography and Considerations for Ultrasound-Guided
Central Neuraxial Blockade
Wing Hong Kwok and Manoj Karmakar
Ultrasound scanning (US) can offer several advantages when used to guide placement of the needle
for centroneuraxial blocks (CNBs). It is noninvasive, safe, simple to use, can be performed
expeditiously, provides real-time images, is devoid from adverse effects, and it may be beneficial in
patients with abnormal or variant spinal anatomy. When used for chronic pain interventions, US also
eliminates or reduces exposure to radiation. In expert hands, the use of US for epidural needle
insertion was shown to reduce the number of puncture attempts,1–4 improve the success rate of
epidural access on the first attempt,2
reduce the need to puncture multiple levels,2–4 and improve
patient comfort during the procedure.3
These advantages led the National Institute of Clinical
Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom to recommend the routine use of ultrasound for epidural
Incorporating these recommendations into clinical practice, however, has met significant
obstacles. As one example, a recent survey of anesthesiologists in the United Kingdom showed that
>90% of respondents were not trained in the use of US to image the epidural space.6
In this chapter,
we describe techniques of US imaging of the spine, the relevant sonoanatomy, and practical
considerations for using US-guided CNB and nerve blocks close to the centroneuroaxis.
Historical Background
Bogin and Stulin were probably the first to report using US for central neuraxial interventional
In 1971, they described using US to perform lumbar puncture.7
Porter and colleagues, in
1978, used US to image the lumbar spine and measure the diameter of the spinal canal in diagnostic
Cork and colleagues were the first group of anesthesiologists to use US to locate the
landmarks relevant for epidural anesthesia.9
Thereafter, US was used mostly to preview the spinal
anatomy and measure the distances from the skin to the lamina and epidural space before epidural
puncture.10,11 More recently, Grau and coworkers, from Heidelberg in Germany, conducted a series of
studies, significantly contributing to the current understanding of spinal sonography.1–4,12–15 These
investigators described a two-operator technique consisting of real-time US visualization of neuraxial
space using a paramedian sagittal axis and insertion of the needle through the midline to accomplish a
combined spinal-epidural block.4
The quality of the US image at the time, however, was substantially
inferior to that of today’s equipment, thus hindering acceptance and further research in this area.
Recent improvements in US technology and image clarity have allowed for much greater clarity
during imaging of the spine and neuraxial structures.16,17
Ultrasound Imaging of the Spine
Basic Considerations
Because the spine is located at a depth, US imaging of the spine typically requires the use of lowfrequency ultrasound (5-2 MHz) and curved array transducers. Low-frequency US provides good
penetration but unfortunately, it lacks the spatial resolution at the depth (5–7 cm) at which the
neuraxial structures are located. The osseous framework of the spine, which envelops the neuraxial
structures, reflects much of the incident US signal before it reaches the spinal canal, presenting
additional challenges in obtaining good quality images. Recent improvements in US technology, the
greater image processing capabilities of US machines, the availability of compound imaging, and the
development of new scanning protocols have improved the ability to image the neuraxial space
significantly. As a result, today it is possible to reasonably accurately delineate the neuraxial anatomy
relevant for CNB. Also of note is that technology once only available in the high-end, cart-based U.S.
systems is now available in portable US devices, making them even more practical for spinal
sonography and US-guided CNB applications.
Ultrasound Scan Planes
Although anatomic planes have already been described elsewhere in this text, the importance of
understanding them for imaging of the neuraxial space dictates another, more detailed review. There
are three anatomical planes: median, transverse, and coronal (Figure 44-1). The median plane is a
longitudinal plane that passes through the midline bisecting the body into equal right and left halves.
The sagittal plane is a longitudinal plane that is parallel to the median plane and perpendicular to the
ground. Therefore, the median plane also can be defined as the sagittal plane that is exactly in the
middle of the body (median sagittal plane). The transverse plane, also known as the axial or
horizontal plane, is parallel to the ground. The coronal plane, also known as the frontal plane, is
perpendicular to the ground. A US scan of the spine can be performed in the transverse (transverse
scan) or longitudinal (sagittal scan) axis with the patient in the sitting, lateral decubitus, or prone
position. The two scanning planes complement each other during a US examination of the spine. A
sagittal scan can be performed through the midline (median sagittal scan) or through a paramedian
(paramedian sagittal scan) plane. Grau et al suggested a paramedian sagittal plane to visualize the
neuraxial structures.12 The US visibility of neuraxial structures can be further improved when the
spine is imaged in the paramedian oblique sagittal. During a paramedian oblique sagittal scan
(PMOSS), the transducer is positioned 2 to 3 cm lateral to the midline (paramedian) in the sagittal
axis and it is also tilted slightly medially, that is, toward the midline (Figure 44-2). The purpose of
the medial tilt is to ensure that the US signal enters the spinal canal through the widest part of the
interlaminar space and not the lateral sulcus of the canal.
FIGURE 44-1. Anatomic planes of the body.
FIGURE 44-2. Paramedian sagittal scan (PMSS) of the lumbar spine. The PMSS is represented by
the red color and the paramedian oblique sagittal axis of scan (PMOSS) is represented by the blue
color. Note how the plane of imaging during a PMOSS is tilted slightly medially. This is done to
ensure that most of the ultrasound energy enters the spinal canal through the widest part of the
interlaminar space. ICV, inferior vena cava; VB, vertebral body; PM, psoas muscle; ESM, erector
spinae muscle.
Sonoanatomy of the Spine
Detailed knowledge of the vertebral anatomy is essential to understand the sonoanatomy of the spine.
Unfortunately, cross-sectional anatomy texts describe the anatomy of the spine in traditional
orthogonal planes, that is, the transverse, sagittal, and coronal planes. This often results in difficulty
interpreting the spinal sonoanatomy because US imaging is generally performed in an arbitrary or
intermediary plane by tilting, sliding, and rotating the transducer. Moreover, currently there are
limited data on spinal sonography or on how to interpret US images of the spine.
Several anatomic models recently became available that can be used to learn musculoskeletal US
imaging techniques (human volunteers), the sonoanatomy relevant for peripheral nerve blocks (human
volunteers or cadavers), and the required interventional skills (tissue mimicking phantoms, fresh
cadavers). However, few models or tools are available to learn and practice spinal sonoanatomy or
the interventional skills required for US-guided CNB. Karmakar and colleagues recently described
the use of a “water-based spine phantom” (Figure 44-3A) to study the osseous anatomy of the
lumbosacral spine16,18 and a “pig carcass phantom” model19 (Figure 44-4A) to practice the hand-eye
coordination skills required to perform US-guided CNB.19 Computer-generated anatomic
reconstruction from the Visible Human Project data set that corresponds to the US scan planes is
another useful way of studying the sonoanatomy of the spine. Multiplanar three-dimensional (3D)
reconstruction from a high-resolution 3D computed tomography (CT) data set of the spine can be used
to study and validate the sonographic appearance of the various osseous elements of the spine (Figure
FIGURE 44-3. (A) The water-based spine phantom and sonograms of the spinous process in the (B)
transverse and (C) midsagittal or median axes, and (D) a scan through the interspinous space. SP,
spinous process; ISS, interspinous space; TP, transverse process; AP, articular process; SC, spinal
canal; VB, vertebral body; TS, transverse scan; SS, sagittal scan.
FIGURE 44-4. The “Pig carcass spine phantom” (A) being used to practice central neuraxial blocks
at a workshop, (B) paramedian oblique sagittal sonogram of the lumbar spine, (C) sonogram showing
the tip of a spinal needle in the ITS (intrathecal space), (D) picture showing the efflux of
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the hub of a spinal needle that has been inserted into the ITS. ILS,
interlaminar space.
FIGURE 44-5. Three-dimensional reconstruction of high-resolution computed tomography scan data
set from a lumbar training phantom (CIRS Model 034, CIRS Inc., Norfolk, VA, USA). (A) Median
sagittal scan of the spinous process (SP), (B) transverse interspinous view of the articular process
(AP), transverse process (TP), and facet joint (FJ), (C) paramedian oblique sagittal scan showing the
lamina and interlaminar space (ILS), and (D) paramedian sagittal scan at the level of the articular
processes. ISS, interspinous space.
Water-Based Spine Phantom
The water-based spine phantom18 is based on a model described previously by Greher and
colleagues to study the osseous anatomy of relevance to US-guided lumbar facet nerve block.20 The
model is prepared by immersing a commercially available lumbosacral spine model in a water bath.
A low-frequency curved array transducer submerged into water is used to scan in the transverse and
sagittal axes (Figure 44-3A). Each osseous element of the spine produces a “characteristic”
sonographic pattern. The ability to recognize these sonographic patterns is an important step toward
understanding the sonoanatomy of the spine. Representative US images of the spinous process,
lamina, articular processes, and the transverse process from the water-based spine phantom are
presented in Figures 44-3 and 44-6. The advantage of this water-based spine phantom is that water
produces an anechoic (black) background against which the hyperechoic reflections from the bone are
clearly visualized. The water-based spine phantom allows a see-through real-time visual validation
of the sonographic appearance of a given osseous element by performing the scan with a marker (e.g.,
a needle) in contact with it (Figure 44-6A). The described model is also inexpensive, easily
prepared, requires little time to set up, and can be used repeatedly without deteriorating or
decomposing, as animal tissue-based phantoms do.
FIGURE 44-6. Paramedian sagittal sonogram of the (A) lamina, (B) articular process, and (C)
transverse process from the water-based spine phantom. Note the needle in contact with the lamina in
(A), a method that was used to validate the sonographic appearance of the osseous elements in the
Ultrasound Imaging of the Lumbar Spine
Sagittal Scan
The patient is positioned in the sitting, lateral, or prone position with the lumbosacral spine
maximally flexed. The transducer is placed 1 to 2 cm lateral to the spinous process (i.e., in the
paramedian sagittal plane) at the lower back with its orientation marker directed cranially. A slight
tilt medially during the scan is assumed to insonate in a paramedian oblique sagittal plane. First, the
sacrum is identified as a flat hyperechoic structure with a large acoustic shadow anteriorly (Figure
44-7). When the transducer is slid in a cranial direction, a gap is seen between the sacrum and the
lamina of the L5 vertebra, which is the L5-S1 interlaminar space, also referred to as the L5-S1gap
(Figure 44-7).16,17,21 The L3-4 and L4-5 interlaminar spaces can now be located by counting upward
(Figure 44-8).16,17 The erector spinae muscles are hypoechoic and lie superficial to the laminae. The
lamina appears hyperechoic and is the first osseous structure visualized (Figure 44-8). Because bone
impedes the penetration of US, there is an acoustic shadow anterior to each lamina. The sonographic
appearance of the lamina produces a pattern that resembles the head and neck of a horse, which
Karmakar and colleagues referred to as the “horse head sign” (Figures 44-5C, 44-6A, and 44-8).16
The interlaminar space is the gap between the adjoining lamina and is the “acoustic window” through
which the neuraxial structures are visualized within the spinal canal. The ligamentum flavum appears
as a hyperechoic band across adjacent lamina). The posterior dura is the next hyperechoic structure
anterior to the ligamentum flavum, and the epidural space is the hypoechoic area (a few millimeters
wide) between the ligamentum flavum and the posterior dura. The thecal sac with the cerebrospinal
fluid is the anechoic space anterior to the posterior dura (Figure 44-8). The cauda equina, which is
located within the thecal sac, often is seen as multiple horizontal, hyperechoic shadows within the
anechoic thecal sac. Pulsations of the cauda equina are identified in some patients.16,17 The anterior
dura also is hyperechoic, but it is not always easy to differentiate it from the posterior longitudinal
ligament and the vertebral body because they are of similar echogenicity (isoechoic) and especially
closely related. Often, what results is a single, composite, hyperechoic reflection anteriorly that we
refer to as the “anterior complex” (Figure 44-8).16,17 If the transducer slides medially, that is, to the
median sagittal plane, the tips of the spinous processes of the L3-L5 vertebra, which appear as
crescent-shaped structures, are seen (Figures 44-3C, 44-5A, and 44-9).16 The acoustic window
between the spinous processes in the median plane is narrow and may prevent clear visualization of
the neuraxial structures within the spinal canal. In contrast, if the transducer is moved slightly
laterally from the paramedian sagittal plane at the level of the lamina, the articular processes of the
vertebra are seen. The articular processes appear as one continuous, hyperechoic wavy line with no
intervening gaps (Figures 44-5D, 44-6B, and 44-10), as seen at the level of the lamina.16 The
articular processes in a sagittal sonogram produce a sonographic pattern that resembles multiple
camel humps, which are referred to as the “camel hump sign” (Figures 44-6B and 44-10). A sagittal
scan lateral to the articular processes brings the transverse processes of the L3-L5 vertebrae into
view. The transverse processes are recognized by their crescent-shaped hyperechoic reflections with
their concavity facing anteriorly and an acoustic shadow anterior to them (Figures 44-6C and 44-
11).22 This produces a sonographic pattern that we refer to as the “trident sign” because of its
resemblance to the trident (Latin tridens or tridentis) that is often associated with Poseidon, the god
of the sea in Greek mythology, and the Trishula of the Hindu god Shiva (Figure 44-11).22
FIGURE 44-7. Paramedian sagittal sonogram of the lumbosacral junction. The posterior surface of
the sacrum is identified as a flat hyperechoic structure with a large acoustic shadow anterior to it. The
dip or gap between the sacrum and the lamina of L5 is the L5-S1 intervertebral space or the L5-S1
gap. ESM, erector spinae muscle; ES, epidural space; LF, ligamentum flavum; PD, posterior dura;
ITS, intrathecal space; CE, cauda equina; and AC, anterior complex.
FIGURE 44-8. Paramedian oblique sagittal sonogram of the lumbar spine at the level of the lamina
showing the L3-4 and L4-5 interlaminar spaces. Note the hypoechoic epidural space (few millimeters
wide) between the hyperechoic ligamentum flavum and the posterior dura. The intrathecal space is the
anechoic space between the posterior dura and the anterior complex in the sonogram. The cauda
equina nerve fibers are also seen as hyperechoic longitudinal structures within the thecal sac. The
hyperechoic reflections seen in front of the anterior complex are from the intervertebral disc (IVD).
Picture in the inset shows a corresponding computed tomography (CT) scan of the lumbosacral spine
in the same anatomic plane as the ultrasound scan. The CT slice was reconstructed from a threedimensional CT data set from the author’s archive. ESM, erector spinae muscle; ILS, interlaminar
space; LF, ligamentum flavum; ES, epidural space; PD, posterior dura; CE, cauda equina; ITS,
intrathecal space; AC, anterior complex; IVD, intervertebral disc; L3, lamina of L3 vertebra; L4,
lamina of L4 vertebra; L5, lamina of L5 vertebra.
FIGURE 44-9. Median sagittal sonogram of the lumbar spine showing the crescent shaped
hyperechoic reflections of the spinous processes. Note the narrow interspinous space in the midline.
Picture in the inset shows a corresponding computed tomography (CT) scan of the lumbosacral spine
through the median plane. The CT slice was reconstructed from a three-dimensional CT data set from
the author’s archive.
FIGURE 44-10. Paramedian sagittal sonogram of the lumbar spine at the level of the articular
process (AP) of the vertebra. Note the “camel hump” appearance of the articular processes. Picture in
the inset shows a corresponding computed tomography (CT) scan of the lumbosacral spine at the level
of the articular processes. The CT slice was reconstructed from a three-dimensional CT data set from
the author’s archive. ESM, erector spinae muscle; IAP, inferior articular process; SAP, superior
articular process.
FIGURE 44-11. Paramedian sagittal sonogram of the lumbar spine at the level of the transverse
processes (TPs). Note the hyperechoic reflections of the TPs with their acoustic shadow that
produces the “trident sign.” The psoas muscle is seen in the acoustic window between the transverse
processes and is recognized by its typical hypoechoic and striated appearance. Part of the lumbar
plexus is also seen as a hyperechoic shadow in the posterior part of the psoas muscle between the
transverse processes of L4 and L5 vertebra. Picture in the inset shows a corresponding computed
tomography (CT) scan of the lumbosacral spine at the level of the transverse processes. The CT slice
was reconstructed from a three-dimensional CT data set from the author’s archive.
Transverse Scan
For a transverse scan of the lumbar spine, the US transducer is positioned over the spinous process
(transverse spinous process view) with the patient in the sitting or lateral position. On a transverse
sonogram, the spinous process and the lamina on either side are seen as a hyperechoic reflection
anterior to which there is a dark acoustic shadow that completely obscures the underlying spinal canal
and thus the neuraxial structures (Figures 44-3B and 44-12). Therefore, this view is not suitable for
imaging of the neuraxial structures but can be useful for identifying the midline when the spinous
processes cannot be palpated (e.g., in obese patients). However, if the transducer is slid slightly
cranially or caudally, it may be possible to perform a transverse scan through the interspinous space
(transverse interspinous view) (Figures 44-3D, 44-5D, and 44-13).16,23 It is important to tilt the
transducer slightly cranially or caudally to align the US beam to the interspinous space and optimize
the US image. In the transverse interspinous view, the posterior dura, thecal sac, and the anterior
complex can be visualized (from a posterior to anterior direction) within the spinal canal in the
midline and the articular processes, and the transverse processes are visualized laterally (Figure 44-
13).16,23 The ligamentum flavum is rarely visualized in the transverse interspinous view, possibly due
to anisotropy caused by the arch-like attachment of the ligamentum flavum to the lamina. The epidural
space is also less frequently visualized in the transverse interspinous scan than in the PMOSS. The
transverse interspinous view can be used to examine for rotational deformities of the vertebra, such
as in scoliosis. Normally, both the lamina and the articular processes on either side are located
symmetrically (Figures 44-3D, 44-5D, and 44-13). However, if there is asymmetry, then a rotational
deformity of the vertebral column24 should be suspected and the operator can anticipate a potentially
difficult CNB.
FIGURE 44-12. Transverse sonogram of the lumbar spine with the transducer positioned directly
over the spinous process (i.e., transverse spinous process view). Note the acoustic shadow of the
spinous process and lamina that completely obscures the spinal canal and the neuraxial structures.
Picture in the inset shows a corresponding computed tomography (CT) scan of the lumbar vertebra.
The CT slice was reconstructed from a three-dimensional CT data set from the author’s archive. SP,
spinous process; ESM, erector spinae muscle.
IGURE 44-13. Transverse sonogram of the lumbar spine with the transducer positioned such that
the ultrasound beam is insonated through the interspinous space (i.e., transverse interspinous view).
The epidural space, posterior dura, intrathecal space, and the anterior complex are visible in the
midline, and the articular process (AP) is visible laterally on either side of the midline. Note how the
articular processes on either side are symmetrically located. Picture in the inset shows a
corresponding computed tomography (CT) scan of the lumbar vertebra. The CT slice was
reconstructed from a three-dimensional CT data set from the author’s archive. ESM, erector spinae
muscle; ES, epidural space; PD, posterior dura; ITS, intrathecal space; AC, anterior complex; VB,
vertebral body.
Ultrasound Imaging of the Thoracic Spine
US imaging of the thoracic spine is more challenging than imaging the lumbar spine; the ability to
visualize the neuraxial structures with US may vary with the level at which the imaging is performed.
Regardless of the level at which the scan is performed, the thoracic spine is probably best imaged
with the patient in the sitting position. In the lower thoracic region (T9-12), the sonographic
appearance of the neuraxial structures is comparable to that in the lumbar region because of
comparable vertebral anatomy (Figure 44-14). However, the acute angulation of the spinous
processes and the narrow interspinous and interlaminar spaces in the midthoracic region results in a
narrow acoustic window with limited visibility of the underlying neuraxial anatomy (Figure 44-15).
In the only published report describing US imaging of the thoracic spine, Grau and colleagues13
performed US imaging of the thoracic spine at the T5-6 level in young volunteers and correlated
findings with matching magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. They reported that the transverse
axis produced the best images of the neuraxial structures. Epidural space, however, was best
visualized in the paramedian scans.13 Regardless, US was limited in being able to delineate the
epidural space or the spinal cord but was better than MRI in demonstrating the posterior dura.13 The
transverse interspinous view, however, is almost impossible to obtain in the midthoracic region, and
therefore the transverse scan provides little useful information for CNB other than to help identify the
midline. In contrast, PMOSS, despite the narrow acoustic window, provides more useful information
relevant for CNB. The laminae are seen as flat hyperechoic structures with acoustic shadowing
anteriorly, and the posterior dura is consistently visualized in the acoustic window (Figures 44-14
and 44-15). However, the epidural space, spinal cord, central canal, and the anterior complex are
difficult to delineate in the midthoracic region (Figure 44-15).
FIGURE 44-14. Paramedian oblique sagittal sonogram of the lower-thoracic spine. Note the narrow
acoustic window through which the ligamentum flavum (LF), posterior dura (PD), epidural space
(ES), and anterior complex (AC) are visible. Picture in the inset shows a sagittal sonogram of the
thoracic spine from the water-based spine phantom. ILS, interlaminar space.
FIGURE 44-15. Paramedian oblique sagittal sonogram of the midthoracic spine. The posterior dura
(PD) and the anterior complex (AC) are visible through the narrow acoustic window. Picture in the
inset shows a corresponding computed tomography (CT) scan of the midthoracic spine. The CT slice
was reconstructed from a three-dimensional CT data set from the author’s archive. ILS, interlaminar
space; LF, ligamentum flavum.
Ultrasound Imaging of the Sacrum
Usually, US imaging of the sacrum is performed to identify the sonoanatomy relevant for a caudal
epidural injection.25 Because the sacrum is a superficial structure, a high-frequency linear array
transducer can be used for the scan.16,25 The patient is positioned in the lateral or prone position with
a pillow under the abdomen to flex the lumbosacral spine. The caudal epidural space is the
continuation of the lumbar epidural space and commonly accessed via the sacral hiatus. The sacral
hiatus is located at the distal end of the sacrum, and its lateral margins are formed by the two sacral
cornua covered by the sacrococcygeal ligament. On a transverse sonogram of the sacrum at the level
of the sacral hiatus, the sacral cornua are seen as two hyperechoic reversed U-shaped structures, one
on either side of the midline (Figure 44-16).16,25 Connecting the two sacral cornua, and deep to the
skin and subcutaneous tissue, is a hyperechoic band, the sacrococcygeal ligament.16,25 Anterior to the
sacrococcygeal ligament is another hyperechoic linear structure, which represents the posterior
surface of the sacrum. The hypoechoic space between the sacrococcygeal ligament and the bony
posterior surface of the sacrum is the caudal epidural space. The two sacral cornua and the posterior
surface of the sacrum produce a pattern on the sonogram that we refer to as the “frog eye sign”
because of its resemblance to the eyes of a frog (Figure 44-16).16 On a sagittal sonogram of the
sacrum at the level of the sacral cornua, the sacrococcygeal ligament, the base of sacrum, and the
caudal canal are also clearly visualized (Figure 44-17).16
FIGURE 44-16. Transverse sonogram of the sacrum at the level of the sacral hiatus. Note the two
sacral cornua and the hyperechoic sacrococcygeal ligament that extends between the two sacral
cornua. The hypoechoic space between the sacrococcygeal ligament and the posterior surface of the
sacrum is the sacral hiatus. Figures in the inset (B) shows the sacral cornua from the water-based
spine phantom, (C) shows a three-dimensional (3D) reconstructed image of the sacrum at the level of
the sacral hiatus from a 3D CT data set from the author’s archive, and (D) shows a transverse CT
slice of the sacrum at the level of the sacral cornua.
FIGURE 44-17. Sagittal sonogram of the sacrum at the level of the sacral hiatus. Note the
hyperechoic sacrococcygeal ligament that extends from the sacrum to the coccyx and the acoustic
shadow of the sacrum that completely obscures the sacral canal. Figures in the inset: (B) shows the
sacral hiatus from the water-based spine phantom, (C) shows a three-dimensional (3D) reconstructed
image of the sacrum at the level of the sacral hiatus from a 3D CT data set from the author’s archive,
and (D) shows a sagittal CT slice of the sacrum at the level of the sacral cornua.
Technical Aspects of Ultrasound-Guided Central Neuraxial Blocks
"USG CNB can be performed as an off-line or in-line technique. Off-line technique involves
performing a pre-puncture scan (scout scan) to preview the spinal anatomy, determine the optimal
site, depth and trajectory for needle insertion before performing a traditional spinal or epidural
injection.26,27 In contrast, an in-line technique involves performing a real-time USG CNB by a
single17 or two4
operators." Real-time US-guided CNB demands a high degree of manual dexterity
and hand–eye coordination. Therefore, the operator should have sound knowledge of the basics of
US, be familiar with the sonoanatomy of the spine and scanning techniques, and have the necessary
interventional skills before attempting a real-time US-guided CNB. At this time, there are no data on
the safety of the US gel if it is introduced into the meninges or the nervous tissues during US-guided
regional anesthesia procedures. Therefore, it is difficult to make recommendations; although some
clinicians have resorted to using a sterile normal saline solution applied using sterile swabs as an
alternative coupling agent to keep the skin moist under the footprint of the transducer.17
The use of saline instead of US gel results in a slight deterioration of the quality of the US image
compared with that obtained during the scout scan. This can be compensated for by manually
adjusting the overall gain and compression settings.
While preparing the US transducer, a thin layer of sterile US gel is applied onto the footprint of the
transducer and covered with a sterile transparent dressing, making sure no air is trapped between the
footprint and the dressing. The transducer and its cable are then covered with a sterile plastic sleeve.
All of these additional steps that go into preparing the equipment during an US-guided CNB may
increase the potential for infection via contamination. Therefore, strict asepsis must be maintained,
and we recommend that local protocols be established for US-guided CNB.
Several custom covers for use in regional anesthesia recently were introduced and make a significant
improvement over the improvised techniques of covering the transducer.
Spinal Injection
There are limited data in the published medical literature on the use of US for spinal (intrathecal)
injections,28,29 although US has been reported to guide lumbar punctures by radiologists30 and
emergency physicians.31 Most available data are anecdotal case reports.28,29,32–34 Yeo and French, in
1999, were the first to describe the successful use of US to assist spinal injection in a patient with
abnormal spinal anatomy.34 They used US to locate the vertebral midline in a parturient with severe
scoliosis with Harrington rods in situ.34 Yamauchi and colleagues describe using US to preview the
neuraxial anatomy and measure the distance from the skin to the dura in a postlaminectomy patient
before the intrathecal injection was performed under X-ray guidance.33 Costello and Balki described
using US to facilitate spinal injection by locating the L5-S1 gap in a parturient with poliomyelitis and
previous Harrington rod instrumentation of the spine.28 Prasad and colleagues report using US to
assist spinal injection in a patient with obesity, scoliosis, and multiple previous back surgeries with
instrumentation.29 More recently, Chin and colleagues32 described real-time US-guided spinal
anesthesia in two patients with abnormal spinal anatomy (one had lumbar scoliosis and the other had
undergone spinal fusion surgery at the L2-3 level).
Lumbar Epidural Injection
US imaging can be used to preview the underlying spinal anatomy2–4 or to guide the Tuohy needle in
real time17 during a lumbar epidural access. Moreover, real-time US guidance for epidural access can
be performed by a single17 or two4
operators. In the latter technique, described by Grau and
for combined spinal epidural anesthesia, one operator performs the US scan via the
paramedian axis while the other carries the needle insertion through the mid-line approach using a
“loss-of-resistance” technique.4
Using this approach, Grau and colleagues reported the ability to
visualize the advancing epidural needle despite different axes of the US scan and needle insertion.4
They were able to visualize the dural puncture in all patients, as well as dural tenting in a few cases,
during the needle-through-needle spinal puncture.4
Karmakar and colleagues recently described a technique of real-time, US guided epidural injection
in conjunction with loss of resistance (LOR) to saline.17 The epidural access was performed by a
single operator, and the epidural needle was inserted in the plane of the US beam via the paramedian
axis.17 Generally, it is possible to visualize the advancing epidural needle in real time until it engages
in the ligamentum flavum.17 The need for a second operator to perform the LOR can be circumvented
by using a spring-loaded syringe (e.g., Episure AutoDetect syringe, Indigo Orb, Inc., Irvine, CA,
USA), with an internal compression spring that applies constant pressure on the plunger (Figure 44-
18).17 Anterior displacement of the posterior dura and widening of the posterior epidural space are
the most frequently visualized changes within the spinal canal. Compression of the thecal sac can be
seen occasionally.17 These ultrasonographic signs of a correct epidural injection were previously
described in children.35 The neuraxial changes that occur within the spinal canal following the “loss
of resistance” to saline may have clinical significance.17 Despite the ability to use real-time US for
establishing epidural access, visualization of an indwelling epidural catheter in adults proved to be
more challenging. Occasionally, anterior displacement of the posterior dura and widening of the
posterior epidural space after an epidural bolus injection via the catheter can be observed and can be
used as a surrogate marker of the location of the catheter tip. Grau and colleagues postulated that this
may be related to the small diameter and poor echogenicity of conventional epidural catheters.15 It
remains to be seen whether or not the imminent development of echogenic needles and catheters will
have an impact on the ability to visualize epidurally placed catheters.
FIGURE 44-18. Paramedian oblique sagittal sonogram of the lumbar spine showing the sonographic
changes within the spinal canal after the “loss of resistance” to saline. Note the anterior displacement
of the posterior dura, widening of the posterior epidural space, and compression of the thecal sac.
The cauda equina nerve roots are also now better visualized within the compressed thecal sac in this
patient. Picture in the inset shows how the Episure AutoDetect syringe was used to circumvent the
need for a third hand for the “loss of resistance.”
Thoracic Epidural Injection
There are no published data on USG thoracic epidural blocks. This lack may be due to the poor US
visibility of the neuraxial structures in the thoracic region compared with the lumbar region (see
previous section) and the associated technical difficulties. However, despite the narrow acoustic
window, the lamina, the interlaminar space, and the posterior dura are visualized consistently when
using the paramedian axis (Figures 44-14 and 44-15). The epidural space is more difficult to
delineate, but it also is best visualized in a paramedian scan.13 As a result, a US-assisted technique
can be used to perform thoracic epidural catheterization via the paramedian window. In this
approach, the patient is positioned in the sitting position and a PMOSS is performed at the desired
thoracic level with the orientation marker of the transducer directed cranially. Under strict aseptic
precautions (described previously) the Tuohy needle is inserted via the paramedian axis in real time
and in the plane of the US beam. The needle is advanced steadily until it contacts the lamina or enters
the interlaminar space. At this point, the US transducer is removed and a traditional loss of resistance
to saline technique is used to access the epidural space. Because the lamina is relatively superficial
in the thoracic region, it is possible to visualize the advancing Tuohy needle in real time. Preliminary
experience with this approach indicates that US may improve the likelihood of thoracic epidural
access on the first attempt. However, more research to compare the US-assisted technique as
described with the traditional approach is necessary before more definitive recommendations on the
utility and safety of US for this indication can be made.
Caudal Epidural Injection
For an USG caudal epidural injection, a transverse (Figure 44-16) or sagittal (Figure 44-17) scan is
performed at the level of the sacral hiatus. Because the sacral hiatus is a superficial structure, a highfrequency (13-6 MHz) linear array transducer is used for the scan as described previously. The
needle can be inserted in the short (out-of-plane) or long axis (in-plane). For a long-axis needle
insertion, a sagittal scan is performed and the passage of the block needle through the sacrococcygeal
ligament into the sacral canal is visualized in real time (Figure 44-19). However, because the sacrum
impedes the travel of the US, there is a large acoustic shadow anteriorly, which makes it impossible
to visualize the tip of the needle or the spread of the injectate within the sacral canal. An inadvertent
intravascular injection, which reportedly occurs in 5 to 9% of procedures, cannot be detected using
US. As a result, the clinician still should factor in traditional clinical signs such as the “pop” or
“give” as the needle traverses the sacrococcygeal ligament, ease of injection, absence of
subcutaneous swelling, “whoosh test,” nerve stimulation, or assessing the clinical effects of the
injected drug to confirm the correct needle placement. Chen and colleagues reported a 100% success
rate in placing a caudal needle under US guidance as confirmed by contrast fluoroscopy.25 This report
is encouraging, considering that even in experienced hands, failure to place a needle in the caudal
epidural space successfully is as high as 25%.25,36 More recently, Chen and colleagues37 described
using US imaging as a screening tool during caudal epidural injections.37 In their cohort of patients,
the mean diameter of the sacral canal at the sacral hiatus was 5.3 + 2 mm and the distance between the
sacral cornua (bilateral) was 9.7 + 1.9 mm.37 These researchers also identified that the presence of
sonographic features such as a closed sacral hiatus and a sacral canal diameter of around 1.5 mm are
associated with a greater probability for failure.37 Based on the published data, it can be concluded
that US guidance, despite its limitation, can be useful as an adjunct tool for caudal epidural needle
placement and has the potential to improve technical outcomes and minimize failure rates and
exposure to radiation in the chronic pain setting, and therefore it deserves further investigation.
FIGURE 44-19. Sagittal sonogram of the sacrum at the level of the sacral hiatus during a real-time
ultrasound-guided caudal epidural injection. Note the hyperechoic sacrococcygeal ligament and the
block needle that has been inserted in the plane (in-plane) of the ultrasound beam. Picture in the inset
shows the position and orientation of the transducer and the direction in which the block needle was
Clinical Utility of Ultrasound for Central Neuraxial Blocks
Outcome data on the use of US for CNB are limited and have primarily focused on the lumbar region.
Most studies to date evaluated the utility of an out-of-plane prepuncture US scan or scout scan. A
scout scan allows the operator to identify the midline23 and accurately determine the interspace for
needle insertion,16,17,21 which are useful in patients in whom anatomic landmarks are difficult to
palpate, such as in those with obesity,1,38 edema of the back, or abnormal anatomy (scoliosis,1,39
postlaminectomy surgery,33 or spinal instrumentation).28,29,34 It also allows the operator to preview
the neuraxial anatomy,2–4,17,40 identify asymptomatic spinal abnormalities such as in spina bifida,41
predict the depth to the epidural space,2,3,9,10 particularly in obese patients,26 identify ligamentum
flavum defects,42 and determine the optimal site and trajectory for needle insertion.3,15 Cumulative
evidence suggests that a US examination performed before the epidural puncture improves the success
rate of epidural access on the first attempt,2
reduces the number of puncture attempts1–4 or the need to
puncture multiple levels,2–4 and also improves patient comfort during the procedure.3
A scan can be
useful in patients with presumed difficult epidural access, such as in those with a history of difficult
epidural access, obesity, and kyphosis or scoliosis of the lumbar spine.1
When used for obstetric
epidural anesthesia, US guidance was reported to improve the quality of analgesia, reduce side
effects, and improve patient satisfaction.1,4 A scout scan may also improve the learning curve of
students for epidural blocks in parturients.14 Currently, there are limited data on the utility of realtime US guidance for epidural access,4,17 although the preliminary reports indicate it may improve
technical outcomes.4
Education and Training
Learning US-guided CNB techniques takes time and patience. Regardless of the technique used, USguided CNB and, in particular, real-time US-guided CNB, are advanced techniques and are by far the
most difficult USG interventions. Likewise, peri-centroneuraxial blocks, such as lumbar plexus and
paravertebral blocks, also demand a high degree of manual dexterity, hand–eye coordination, and an
ability to conceptualize two-dimensional information into a 3D image. Therefore, before attempting to
perform a US-guided CNB or peri-centroneuraxial blocks, the operator should have knowledge of the
basics of US, be familiar with the sonoanatomy of the spine and lumbar plexus, and have the
necessary interventional skills. It is advisable to start by attending a course or workshop tailored for
this purpose where the operator can learn the basic scanning techniques, spinal sonoanatomy, and the
interventional skills. More experience in spinal sonography can also be acquired by scanning human
Today, there are several models (phantoms) for practicing US-guided central neuraxial
interventions. The “water-based spine phantom”18 is useful for learning the osseous anatomy of the
spine, but it is not a good model for learning US-guided spinal interventions because it lacks tissue
mimicking properties. Spinal and paraspinal sonography is often taught at workshops, but they are not
suitable for practicing actual techniques. Fresh cadaver courses are available, and they allow
participants to study the neuraxial sonoanatomy and practice US-guided CNB with realistic haptic
feedback, but they may be limited by the quality of the US images. However, such courses are
uncommon and conducted in anatomy departments with the cadavers in a position that rarely mimics
what is practiced in the operating room. Anesthetized pigs can also be used, but animal ethics
approval is required and, for the organizers, a license from the local health department to conduct
such workshops. They entail infectious precautions, and religious beliefs may preclude its use as a
model. Moreover, such workshops are conducted in designated animal laboratories that are typically
small and not suited to accommodate large groups of participants. To circumvent some of these
problems, the group at the Chinese University Hong Kong recently introduced the “pig carcass spine
phantom,” (Figure 44-4),19 an excellent model that can be used in conference venues and provides
excellent tactile and visual feedback.19 The limitation of the “pig carcass spine phantom” is that it is a
decapitated model and there is loss of cerebrospinal fluid during the preparation process. This
presentation results in air artifacts and loss of contrast within the spinal canal during spinal
sonography unless the thecal sac is cannulated at its cranial end and continuously irrigated with fluid
(normal saline), a process that requires surgical dissection to isolate the thecal sac. Therefore, an “in
vitro” model that can facilitate the learning of the scanning techniques and the hand–eye coordination
skills required for real-time US-guided CNB is highly desirable. A low-cost gelatin-based US
phantom of the lumbosacral spine recently was proposed.44 However, the gelatin phantom is soft in
consistency, lacks tissue-mimicking echogenic properties, does not provide a haptic feedback, is
easily contaminated with mold and bacteria, and needle track marks limit its usefulness,44 all of
which preclude its extended use. Karmakar and colleagues recently developed a “gelatin-agar spine
phantom” that overcomes some of the drawbacks of the gelatin-based spine phantom. It is
mechanically stable, has a tissue-like texture and echogenicity, needle track marks are less of a
problem, and it can be used over extended periods of time to study the osseous anatomy of the
lumbosacral spine and to practice the hand–eye coordination skills required to perform US-guided
Once the basic skills are attained, it is best to start by performing US-guided spinal injections,
under supervision, before progressing to performing epidural blocks. Real-time US-guided epidurals
can be technically challenging, even for an experienced operator. If there is no experience in USguided CNB locally, it is advisable to visit a center where such interventions are practiced. At this
time, there is no knowledge of the length of the learning curve for US-guided CNB or how many such
interventions are needed to become proficient in performing real-time US-guided CNB. Further
research in this area is warranted.
US-guided CNB is a promising alternative to traditional landmark-based techniques. It is
noninvasive, safe, simple to use, can be quickly performed, does not involve exposure to radiation,
provides real-time images, and is free from adverse effects. Experienced sonographers are able to
visualize neuraxial structures with satisfactory clarity using US, and the understanding of spinal
sonoanatomy continues to be clarified. A scout scan allows the operator to preview the spinal
anatomy, identify the midline, locate a given intervertebral level, accurately predict the depth to the
epidural space, and determine the optimal site and trajectory for needle insertion. Use of US also
improves the success rate of epidural access on the first attempt, reduces the number of puncture
attempts or the need to puncture multiple levels, and improves patient comfort during the procedure. It
is an excellent teaching tool for demonstrating the anatomy of the spine and improves the learning
curve of epidural blocks in parturients. US guidance also may allow the use of CNB in patients who
in the past may have been considered unsuitable for such procedures due to abnormal spinal anatomy.
However, US guidance for CNB is still in its early stages of development, and evidence to support its
use is sparse. The initial experience suggests that US-guided CNB is technically demanding, and,
therefore, unlikely to replace traditional methods of performing CNB in the near future because
traditional methods are well established as simple, safe, and effective in most patients. We envision
that as US technology continues to improve and as more anesthesiologists embrace it and acquire the
skills necessary to perform US-guided interventions, US-guided CNB may become the standard of
care in the future.
. Grau T, Leipold RW, Conradi R, Martin E. Ultrasound control for presumed difficult epidural
puncture. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2001;45(6):766-771.
. Grau T, Leipold RW, Conradi R, Martin E, Motsch J. Ultrasound imaging facilitates localization of
the epidural space during combined spinal and epidural anesthesia. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
. Grau T, Leipold RW, Conradi R, Martin E, Motsch J. Efficacy of ultrasound imaging in obstetric
epidural anesthesia. J Clin Anesth. 2002;14(3):169-175.
. Grau T, Leipold RW, Fatehi S, Martin E, Motsch J. Real-time ultrasonic observation of combined
spinal-epidural anaesthesia. Eur J Anaesthesiology. 2004;21(1):25-31.
. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). Ultrasound Guided Epidural
Catheterization of the Epidural Space: Understanding NICE Guidance. January 2008.
. Mathieu S, Dalgleish DJ. A survey of local opinion of NICE guidance on the use of ultrasound in the
insertion of epidural catheters. Anaesthesia. 2008;63(10):1146-1147.
. Bogin IN, Stulin ID. Application of the method of 2-dimensional echospondylography for determining
landmarks in lumbar punctures. Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1971;71:1810-1811.
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. Cork RC, Kryc JJ, Vaughan RW. Ultrasonic localization of the lumbar epidural space.
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3. Grau T, Leipold RW, Delorme S, Martin E, Motsch J. Ultrasound imaging of the thoracic epidural
space. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2002;27(2):200-206.
4. Grau T, Bartusseck E, Conradi R, Martin E, Motsch J. Ultrasound imaging improves learning curves
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5. Grau T. The evaluation of ultrasound imaging for neuraxial anesthesia. Can J Anaesth.
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7. Karmakar MK, Li X, Ho AM, Kwok WH, Chui PT. Real-time ultrasound-guided paramedian
epidural access: evaluation of a novel in-plane technique. Br J Anaesth. 2009;102(6):845-854.
8. Karmakar MK, Li X, Kwok WH, Ho AM, Ngan Kee WD. The “water-based-spine-phantom”—a
small step towards learning the basics of spinal sonography. Br J Anaesth. Available at:;4114.
9. Kwok WH, Chui PT, Karmakar MK. Pig carcass spine phantom—a model to learn ultrasound
guided neuraxial interventions. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35(5):472-473.
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1. Furness G, Reilly MP, Kuchi S. An evaluation of ultrasound imaging for identification of lumbar
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2. Karmakar MK, Ho AM, Li X, Kwok WH, Tsang K, Kee WD. Ultrasound-guided lumbar plexus
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6. Balki M, Lee Y, Halpern S, Carvalho JC. Ultrasound imaging of the lumbar spine in the transverse
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7. Chin KJ, Perlas A, Singh M, et al. An ultrasound-assisted approach facilitates spinal anesthesia for
total joint arthroplasty. Can J Anaesth. 2009;56(9):643-650.
8. Costello JF, Balki M. Cesarean delivery under ultrasound-guided spinal anesthesia [corrected] in a
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30. Coley BD, Shiels WE, Hogan MJ. Diagnostic and interventional ultrasonography in neonatal and
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44. Bellingham GA, Peng PWH. A low-cost ultrasound phantom of the lumbosacral spine. Reg Anesth
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45. Li JW, Karmakar MK, LI X, Kwok WH, Ngan Kee WD. The “Gelatin-agar Lumbosacral Spine
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sonographically guided central neuraxial blocks. J Ultrasound Med. 2011 Feb;30(2):263-72.
Sonography of Thoracic Paravertebral Space and Considerations
for Ultrasound-Guided Thoracic Paravertebral Block
Catherine Vandepitte, Tatjana Stopar Pintaric, and Philippe E. Gautier
Thoracic paravertebral block (PVB) is a well-established technique for perioperative analgesia in
patients having thoracic, chest wall, or breast surgery or for pain management with rib fractures.
Ultrasound guidance can be used to help identify the paravertebral space (PVS) and needle
placement, and to monitor the spread of the local anesthetic. Importantly, interference of the closely
related osseous structures with ultrasound imaging and the proximity of the highly vulnerable
neuraxial structures make it imperative that all well-described technique precautions are exercised,
regardless of the ultrasound imaging. In this chapter, we describe general principles of thoracic PVB,
rather than propose a cookbook with specific techniques and step-by-step directions. The reader is
advised to use the anatomic information and techniques presented here to devise an approach in line
with own clinical experience.
Anatomy and General Considerations
Thoracic PVB is accomplished by an injection of local anaesthetic into the PVS, which contains
thoracic spinal nerves with their branches, as well as the sympathetic trunk. Anatomically, the PVS is
a wedge-shaped area positioned between the heads and necks of the ribs (Figure 45-1). Its posterior
wall is formed by the superior costotransverse ligament, the anterolateral wall is the parietal pleura
with the endothoracic fascia, and the medial wall is the lateral surface of the vertebral body and
intervertebral disk.1
The PVS medially communicates with the epidural space via the intervertebral
foramen inferiorly and superiorly across the head and neck of the ribs.2–5 Consequently, injection of
local anesthetic into the PVS space often results in unilateral (or bilateral) epidural anesthesia. The
cephalad limit of the PVS is not defined, whereas the caudad limit is at the origin of the psoas muscle
at L1.6
Likewise, the PVS space communicates with the intercostal spaces laterally, leading to the
spread of the local anesthetic into the intercostals sulcus and resultant intercostal blockade as part of
the mechanism of action (Figure 45-2).
FIGURE 45-1. A schematic representation of the thoracic paravertebral space and its structures of
relevance to paravertebral block.
FIGURE 45-2. (A) Three-dimensional magnetic resonance reconstruction image of the spread of
local anesthetic (5 mL) within the paravertebral space. (B) A computed topography image of the local
anesthetic (LA) spread in the thoracic paravertebral space. The contrast is seen spreading in the
medial to lateral and anterior to posterior direction underneath the parietal pleura.
Transverse In-line Technique
Similar to techniques not using ultrasound guidance, the patient can be positioned in the sitting or
lateral decubitus position with the site of surgical interest uppermost. Either a linear or phased array
(curved) transducer can be used however, latter may be used only in slim patients. A high-frequency
(10–12 MHz) transducer is used to obtain images in the axial (transverse) plane at the selected level,
with the transducer positioned just lateral to the spinous process (Figure 45-3). For most patients, the
depth of field is set about 3 cm to start scanning. The transverse processes and ribs are visualized as
hyperechoic structures with acoustic shadowing below them (Figure 45-3). Once the transverse
processes and ribs are identified, the transducer is moved slightly caudad into the intercostal space
between adjacent ribs to identify the thoracic PVS and the adjoining intercostal space. The PVS
appears as a wedge-shaped hypoechoic layer demarcated by the hyperechoic reflections of the pleura
below and the internal intercostal membrane above (Figure 45-3). The hyperechoic line of the pleura
and underlying hyperechoic air artifacts move with respiration. The goal of the technique is to insert
the needle into the PVS and inject local anesthetic, resulting in downward displacement of the pleura,
indicating proper spread of the local anesthetic (Figure 45-3).
FIGURE 45-3. An ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral block. (A) Transducer position and
needle orientation. (B) Corresponding ultrasound image. (C) Patient is in oblique lateral position.
The outlined surface landmarks are: (>) = spinous processes; gray arrow = left scapula; white arrow
= paramedian line 3 cm (transverse processes). (D) Needle insertion path and correct injection of
local anesthetic. TP = transverse process.
Although ultrasound-guided thoracic PVB is essentially a superficial, simple technique,
visualization of the needle and its tip and control of its path at all times are essential to avoid
inadvertent pleural puncture or entry into the intervertebral foramen. For this reason, in-plane needle
insertion with direction towards the centroneuraxis is probably best avoided in obese patients.
Insertion of a catheter through the needle placed in the PVS carries a risk of catheter (mis)placement
into the epidural or mediastinal space, or through the pleura into the thoracic cavity (Figure 45-4).7
FIGURE 45-4. (A) Ultrasound image of the local anesthetic (LA) spread during a thoracic
paravertebral block. (B) A three-dimensional magnetic resonance image demonstrating catheter
insertion into the thoracic paravertebral space and injection of a small amount of local anesthetic.
Several recommendations are suggested to decrease the risk of potential complications with
ultrasound-guided thoracic PVB:
In-plane advancement of the needle should be reserved only for patients who image well; visualization
of the needle path at all times is crucial to reduce the risk of needle entry in unwanted locations
(pleura, neuraxial space).
Orienting the bevel of the Tuohy needle tip away from the pleura may reduce the risk of penetrating the
A pop often is felt as the needle penetrates the internal intercostal membrane, alerting the operator of
the needle position in the PVS.
Aspiration for blood should always be carried out before injection.
Local anesthetic (15–20 mL) is injected slowly in small increments, avoiding forceful high-pressure
injection to reduce the risk of bilateral epidural spread.
Longitudinal out-of-plane technique
Out-of-plane ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral block is the most common approach to PVB in
our practice (Figure 45-5). We feel that this technique is inherently safer then in-line techniques as the
needle path is not towards the neuraxis. In addition, this technique is analogous to the true-and-tried
surface-based techniques, except that with ultrasound-guided technique, transverse processes can be
more accurately identified. The best strategy is to start the scanning process 5-10 cm laterally to
identify the rounded ribs and parietal pleura underneath. The transducer is then moved progressively
more medially until transverse processes are identified as more squared structured and deeper to the
ribs. Too medial transducer placement will yield image of the laminae, at which point the transducer
is moved slightly laterally to image transverse processes. Once the transverse processes are
identified, a needle is inserted out-of-plane to contact the transfer process and then, walk off the
transfer process 1-1.5 cm deeper to inject local anesthetic. While the position of the needle tip may
not be seen with this technique, an injection of the local anesthetic will result in displacement of the
parietal pleura. The process is then repeated for each desired level. In our opinion, a pragmatic
needle insertion 1-1.5 cm past the transverse may be safer then using spread of the injected to
displace the pleura as the end-point.
FIGURE 45-5. Longitudinal, out-of-plane approach to thoracic paravertebral block. The transducer
is first placed 5-6 cm lateral to the spinous processes to identify ribs, parietal pleura and intercostal
spaces (A1-A3). The transducer is then moved progressively medially to identify transverse
processes (B1-B3). Transverse processes (TP) appear square and deeper then ribs (round,
superficial). The needle is inserted out-of-plane to contact the TP (C1-C2 and C3, line 1) and then
walked off the TP (C3, line 2) inferior or superior to TP to enter the paravertebral space and
injection local anesthetic (blue). Proper injection displaces the pleura (blue arrows). PVM -
paravertebral muscles.
. Bouzinac A, Delbos A, Mazieres M, Rontes O: Ultrasound-guided bilateral paravertebral thoracic
block in an obese patient. Ann Fr Anesth 2010;30:162-163.
. Cowie B, McGlade D, Ivanusic J, Barrington MJ: Ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral
blockade: a cadaveric study. Anesth Analg 2010;110:1735-1739.
. Eason MJ, Wyatt R. Paravertebral thoracic block—a reappraisal. Anaesthesia. 1979;34:638-642.
. Karmakar MK, Chui PT, Joynt GM, Ho AM. Thoracic paravertebral block for management of pain
associated with multiple fractured ribs in patients with concomitant lumbar spinal trauma. Reg Anesth
Pain Med. 2001;26:169-173.
. Lonnqvist PA, Hildingsson U. The caudal boundary of the thoracic paravertebral space. A study in
human cadavers. Anaesthesia. 1992;47(12):1051.
. Luyet C, Eichenberger1 U, Greif1 R, et al. Ultrasound-guided paravertebral puncture and placement
of catheters in human cadavers: an imaging study. Br J Anaesth. 2009;102 (4):534-539.
. Luyet C, Herrmann G, Ross S, Vogt A, Greif R, Moriggl B, Eichenberger U: Ultrasound-guided
thoracic paravertebral punture and placement of catheters in human cadavers. Br J Anaesth
8. Moorthy SS, Dierdorf SF, Yaw PB. Influence of volume on the spread of local anesthetic–methylene
blue solution after injection for intercostal block. Anesth Analg. 1992;75:389-391.
9. Mowbray A, Wong KK. Low volume intercostal injection. A comparative study in patients and
cadavers. Anaesthesia. 1988;43:633-634.
10. Mowbray A, Wong KK, Murray JM. Intercostal catheterisation. An alternative approach to the
paravertebral space. Anaesthesia. 1987;42:958-961.
11. Renes SH, Bruhn J, Gielen MJ, Scheffer GJ, van Geffen GJ: In-plane ultrasound-guided thoracic
paravertebral block: a preliminary report of 36 cases with radiologic confirmation of catheter
position. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2010;35:212-6.
12. SC OR, Donnell BO, Cuffe T, Harmon DC, Fraher JP, Shorten G: Thoracic paravertebral block
using real-time ultrasound guidance. Anesth Analg 2010;110:248-251.
Ultrasound of the Lumbar Paravertebral Space and
Considerations for Lumbar Plexus Block
Manoj Karmakar and Catherine Vandepitte
Lumbar plexus block (LPB) traditionally is performed using surface anatomic landmarks to identify
the site for needle insertion and eliciting quadriceps muscle contraction in response to nerve electrolocalization, as described in the nerve stimulator–guided chapter. The main challenges in
accomplishing LPB relate to the depth at which the lumbar plexus is located and the size of the
plexus, which requires a large volume of local anesthetic for success. Due to the deep anatomic
location of the lumbar plexus, small errors in landmark estimation or angle miscalculations during
needle advancement can result in needle placement away from the plexus or at unwanted locations.
Therefore, monitoring of the needle path and final needle tip placement should increase the precision
of the needle placement and the delivery of the local anesthetic. Although computed tomography and
fluoroscopy can be used to increase the precision during LPB, these technologies are impractical in
the busy operating room environment, costly, and associated with radiation exposure. It is only
logical, then, that ultrasound-guided LPB is of interest because of the ever-increasing availability of
portable machines and the improvement in the quality of the images obtained.1,2
Anatomy and Sonoanatomy
Lumbar plexus block, also known as psoas compartment block, comprises an injection of local
anesthetic in the fascial plane within the posterior aspect of the psoas major muscle. Because the
roots of the lumbar plexus are located in this plane, an injection of a sufficient volume of local
anesthetic in the postero-medial compartment of the psoas muscle results in block of the majority of
the plexus (femoral nerve, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, and the obturator nerve). The anterior
boundary of the fascial plane that contains the lumbar plexus is formed by the fascia between the
anterior two thirds of the compartment of the psoas muscle that originates from the anterolateral
aspect of the vertebral body and the posterior one third of the muscle that originates from the anterior
aspect of the transverse processes. This arrangement explains why the transverse processes are
closely related to the plexus and therefore are used as the main landmark during LPB.
A scan for the LPB can be performed in the transverse or longitudinal axes. The ultrasound
transducer is positioned 3 to 4 cm lateral to the lumbar spine for either orientation. The following
settings usually are used to start the scanning:
Abdominal preset
Depth: 11–12 cm
Frequency: 4–8 MHz
Tissue harmonic imaging and compound imaging functions engaged where available
Adjustment of the overall gain and time-gain compensation
Longitudinal Scan Anatomy
Regardless of the technique, the operator first should identify the transverse processes on a
longitudinal sonogram (Figure 46-1). One technique is to first identify the flat surface of the sacrum
and then scan proximally until the intervertebral space between L5 and S1 is recognized as an
interruption of the sacral line continuity. Once the operator identifies the transverse process of L5, the
transverse process of the other lumbar vertebrae are easily identified by a dynamic cephalad scan in
ascending order. The acoustic shadow of the transverse process has a characteristic appearance, often
referred to as a “trident sign” (Figure 46-2A). Once the transverse processes are recognized, the
psoas muscle is imaged through the acoustic window of the transverse processes. The psoas muscle
appears as a combination of longitudinal hyperechoic striations within a typical hypoechoic muscle
appearance just deep to the transverse processes (Figure 46-2B). Although some of the hyperechoic
striations may appear particularly intense and mislead the operator to interpret them as roots of
lumbar plexus, the identification of the roots in a longitudinal scan is not reliable without nerve
stimulation. This unreliability is partly due to the fact that intramuscular connective tissue (e.g., septa,
tendons) within the psoas muscle are thick and may be indistinguishable from the nerve roots at such a
deep location. As the transducer is moved progressively cephalad, the lower pole of the kidney often
comes into view as low as L2-L4 in some patients (Figure 46-3A and B).
FIGURE 46-1. Transducer position (curved transducer, longitudinal view) to image the central
neuroaxis, transverse processes, and estimate the needle and depth to the lumbar plexus using a
longitudinal view.
FIGURE 46-2. (A) Ultrasound anatomy of the lumbar paravertebral space demonstrating transverse
processes at a depth of approximately 3 cm. Lower frequency, curved transducer is used optimize
imaging at the deep location and obtain a greater angular view, respectively. (B) Labeled ultrasound
anatomy of the lumbar paravertebral space with structures labeled. TP, transverse process; LP,
lumbar plexus roots (most likely); PsMM, psoas major muscle.
FIGURE 46-3. (A) Ultrasound image of the lumbar paravertebral space at the L2-L3 level
demonstrating the lower pole of the kidney on the left-hand side of the image at approximately 5 cm
depth. (B) Labeled ultrasound image of the lumbar paravertebral space at L2-L3 level demonstrating
the lower pole of the kidney on the left-hand side of the image at approximately 5 cm depth. TP,
transverse process.
Transverse Scan Anatomy
Kirchmair and colleagues were among the first to describe the sonoanatomy of relevance for LPB.3
They reported the ability to accurately guide a needle to the posterior part of the psoas muscle, where
the roots of the lumbar plexus are located, using ultrasound guidance in cadavers.4,5 Since, significant
advances in ultrasound technology have taken place, allowing for much improved image quality,
which have allowed Karmakar and colleagues to devise an alternative approach to the lumbar plexus
using ultrasonographic identification of the transverse processes as the guide.6
With this scanning
technique, the transducer is positioned 4 to 5 cm lateral to the lumbar spinous process at the L3-L4
level and directed slightly medially to assume a transverse oblique orientation (Figure 46-4). This
approach allows imaging of the lumbar paravertebral region with the erector spinae muscle,
transverse process, the psoas major muscle, quadrates lumborum, and the anterolateral surface of the
vertebral body (Figure 46-5A, B, and C). In the transverse oblique view, the inferior vena cava
(IVC), on the right-sided scan, or the aorta, on the left-sided scan, also can be seen and provide
additional information on the location of the psoas muscle, which is positioned superficial to these
vessels. In this view, the psoas muscle appears slightly hypoechoic with multiple hyperechogenic
striations within. The lower pole of the kidney can often be seen, when scanning at the L2-L4 level, as
an oval structure that ascends and descends with respirations (Figure 46-6). The key to obtaining
adequate images of the psoas muscle and lumbar plexus with the transverse oblique scan is to
insonate between two adjacent transverse processes. This scanning method avoids acoustic shadow
of the transverse processes, which obscures the underlying psoas muscle and the intervertebral
foramen (angle between the transverse process and vertebral body) and allows visualization of the
articular process of the facet joint (APFJ) as well. Because the intervertebral foramen is located at
the angle between the APFJ and vertebral body, lumbar nerve roots often can be depicted.
FIGURE 46-4. Patient position (lateral decubitus position) transducer (curved, linear array)
placement and the needle insertion angle to block the lumbar plexus using oblique transverse view.
FIGURE 46-5. (A) Ultrasound anatomy of the lumbar paravertebral space using transverse oblique
view. SP, spinal process; ESM, erectors spinae muscle; QLM, quadratus lumborum muscle; PsMM,
psoas major muscle; VB, vertebral body. The lumbar plexus root is seen just below the lamina as it
exits the interlaminar space and enters into the posterior medial aspect of the PsMM. (B) Needle path
in ultrasound-guided lumbar plexus block using transverse oblique view. LP, lumbar plexus; PsMM,
psoas major muscle; VB, vertebral body. (C) Spread of the local anesthetic solution with lumbar
plexus block injection. Due to the deep location of the plexus, spread of the local anesthetic may not
always be well seen. Color Doppler imaging can be used to help determine the location of the
FIGURE 46-6. Ultrasound image of the lumbar paravertebral space demonstrating the complex
anatomy of the region. LP, lumbar plexus; VB, vertebral body. Power Doppler ultrasound is capturing
the flow in the inferior vena cava (IVC). The right kidney is also visualized.
Techniques of Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Plexus Block
Kirchmair and colleagues suggested a paramedial sagittal scan technique with transverse scan to
delineate the psoas major muscle at the L3-L5 level with the patient in the lateral position. Once a
satisfactory image is obtained, the needle is inserted in-plane medial to the transducer approximately
4 cm lateral to the midline. Then the needle is advanced toward the posterior part of the lumbar
plexus until the correct position is confirmed by obtaining a quadriceps motor response to nerve
stimulation (1.5–2.0 mA). Needle–nerve contact and distribution of the local anesthetic is not always
well seen, although lumbar plexus roots may be better visualized after the injection. Injection, dosing,
and monitoring principles are the same as with the nerve stimulator–guided technique.
More recently, Karmakar and colleagues described the “trident sign technique,” which uses an
easily recognizable ultrasonographic landmark, transverse processes, and an out-of-plane needle
insertion. The trident sign technique derives its name from the characteristic ultrasonographic
appearance of the transverse processes (trident) to estimate the depth and location of the lumbar
plexus. After application of ultrasound gel to the skin over the lumbar paravertebral region, the
ultrasound transducer is positioned approximately 3 to 4 cm lateral and parallel to the lumbar spine to
produce a longitudinal scan of the lumbar paravertebral region (Figure 46-7). Then the transducer is
moved caudally, while still maintaining the same orientation, until the sacrum and the L5 transverse
process become visible (Figure 46-8). The lumbar transverse processes are identified by their
hyperechoic reflections and acoustic shadowing beneath which is typical of bone. Once the L5
transverse process is visible, the transducer is moved cephalad gradually, to identify the L3-L4 level.
The goal of the technique is to guide the needle through the acoustic window between the transverse
processes (between the “teeth of the trident”) of L3-L4 or L2-L3 into the posterior part of the psoas
major muscle containing the roots of the lumbar plexus (Figure 46-2B). After obtaining ipsilateral
quadriceps muscle contractions, the block is carried out using the previously described injection and
pharmacology considerations (Figures 46-9 and 46-10).
FIGURE 46-7. Transducer position (curved, phased array) and the needle insertion plane to
accomplish ultrasound-guided lumbar plexus block in the longitudinal view and an out-of-plane
needle insertion.
FIGURE 46-8. Transverse image of lumbar paravertebral space demonstrating sacrum and
transverse process (TP) of L5. Starting the scanning process from the sacral area and progressing
cephalad allows the identity of the individual transverse processes (levels). As the transducer is
moved cephalad and the surface of the sacrum disappears, the next osseous structure that appears is
the transverse process (TP) of L5.
FIGURE 46-9. Simulated needle insertion paths (1,2) to inject local anesthetics at two different
levels to accomplish a lumbar plexus (LP) block. Needles (1 and 2) are seen lodged about 2 cm
deeper and between the transverse processes (TPs) using an out-of-plane technique.
FIGURE 46-10. Local anesthetic (LA) disposition during injection of local anesthetic into the psoas
muscle and the L2-L3 level. The spread of LA is often not well seen using two-dimensional imaging.
LP, lumbar plexus; TP, transverse process.
A paramedial scan also can be used with an in-plane needle approach. In this technique, an
insulated needle is inserted in-plane from the caudal end (Figure 46-4) of the transducer while
maintaining the view of the transverse processes. Again, the goal is to pass the needle and inject local
anesthetic with a real-time visualization of the needle path and injection into the posterior part of the
psoas muscle (Figure 46-5).
In summary, ultrasound-guided LPB is a technically advanced procedure. Experience with
ultrasound anatomy and less technically challenging nerve regional anesthesia techniques are useful toensure success and safety. Although the use of ultrasound in LPB is not widely accepted, in expert
hands, ultrasound guidance can increase the accuracy and possibly safety, by providing information
on the location, arrangement, and depth of the osseous and muscular tissues of importance in LPB. It
should be kept in mind that the dorsal branch of the lumbar artery is closely related to the transverse
processes and the posterior part of the psoas muscle. Considering the rich vascularity of the lumbar
paravertebral area, the use of smaller gauge needles and avoidance of this block in patients on
anticoagulants is prudent. Injections into this area should be carried out without excessive force
because high-injection pressure can lead to unwanted epidural spread and/or rapid intravascular
Lumbar plexus block in patients with obesity or advanced age can be more challenging.
Aging is associated with a reduction in skeletal muscle mass (sarcopenia) and replacement of the
muscle mass by adipose tissue, leading to changes in ultrasound absorption and scattering.
. Doi, K., S. Sakura, and K. Hara, A modified posterior approach to lumbar plexus block using a
transverse ultrasound image and an approach from the lateral border of the transducer. Anaesth
Intensive Care, 2010;38:213-214.
. Ilfeld, B.M., V.J. Loland, and E.R. Mariano, Prepuncture ultrasound imaging to predict transverse
process and lumbar plexus depth for psoas compartment block and perineural catheter insertion: a
prospective, observational study. Anesth Analg, 2010;110:1725-1728.
. Kirchmair L, Entner T, Wissel J, Moriggl B, Kapral S, Mitterschiffthaler G. A study of the
paravertebral anatomy for ultrasound-guided posterior lumbar plexus block. Anesth Analg.
. Kirchmair L, Entner T, Kapral S, Mitterschiffthaler G. Ultrasound guidance for the psoas
compartment block: an imaging study. Anesth Analg. 2002;94:706-710.
. Farny J, Drolet P, Girard M. Anatomy of the posterior approach to the lumbar plexus block. Can J
Anaesth. 1994;41:480-485.
. Karmakar MK, Ho AM-H, Li X, Kwok WH, Tsang K, Ngan Kee WD. Ultrasound-guided lumbar
plexus block through the acoustic window of the lumbar ultrasound trident. Br J Anaesth.
. Gadsden JC, Lindenmuth DM, Hadži A, Xu D, Somasundarum L, Flisinski KA. Lumbar plexus
block using high-pressure injection leads to contralateral and epidural spread. Anesthesiology.
Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Anatomy
Greater Occipital Nerve, Transverse View
Greater Occipital Nerve, Longitudinal View
Mandibular Nerve
Maxillary Nerve
Long Thoracic Nerve
Suprascapular Artery and Nerve
Suprascapular Nerve, Longitudinal View
Dorsal Scapular Nerve
Intercostal Space, High Thoracic Level
Interscalene Brachial Plexus, Transverse View, C5 Level
Interscalene Brachial Plexus, Longitudinal View
Phrenic Nerve at the Interscalene Level
Accessory Phrenic Nerve
Ansa Cervicalis and Phrenic Nerve, Transverse View
Vagus Nerve
Stellate Ganglion
Vertebral Artery, Transverse View
Vertebral Artery, Longitudinal View
Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus
Subclavian Artery, Dorsal Scapular Artery, and Brachial Plexus
Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus, Transverse View
Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Lateral and Posterior Cords, Longitudinal View
Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Medial Cord, Transverse View
Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Medial Cord, Longitudinal View
Axillary Nerve
Axilla: Median, Ulnar, Radial, and Musculocutaneous Nerves
Axilla: Musculocutaneous Nerve
Axilla: Ulnar Nerve
Midhumerus: Posterior Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve and Radial Nerve
Ulnar Nerve Above the Elbow
Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve Above the Elbow
Biceps Tendon, Median, and Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve at the Elbow
Median Nerve at the Elbow
Radial Nerve at the Midforearm
Median and Ulnar Nerve at the Midforearm
Posterior Interosseous Nerve at the Midforearm
Posterior Interosseous Nerve at the Wrist
Radial Nerve and Palmar Cutaneous Branches at the Wrist
Radial Nerve
Median Nerve at the Wrist
Ulnar Nerve at the Wrist
Posterior Interosseous Nerve at the Wrist
Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Nerves at the Abdominal Wall
Genital Branch of the Genitofemoral Nerve at the Abdominal Wall
Femoral Branch of the Genitofemoral Nerve and Rectus Abdominis Nerve
Paramedian Epidural Space at the Midthoracic Spine
Paramedian Epidural Space at the Lumbar Spine, Longitudinal View
Paravertebral Space, Midthoracic Spine, Transverse View
Lumbar Plexus, Transverse View
Facet Joints at the Lumbar Level, Transverse View
Lumbar Plexus, Lateral Transverse View
Lumbar Plexus, Lateral Longitudinal View
Lumbar Plexus, Posterior Oblique View
Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine, Posterior Longitudinal View
Sacral Plexus, Posterior Transverse View
Sciatic Nerve, Anterior Longitudinal View
Sciatic Nerve, Anterior Transverse View
Sciatic Nerve, Lateral Transverse View
Sciatic Nerve at the Popliteal Fossa, Posterior View
Anatomy of the Sciatic Nerve at the Distal Popliteal Fossa
Femoral Nerve, Transverse View
Obturator Nerve, Transverse View
Pudendal Nerve and Pudendal (Alcock’s) Canal
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve, Transverse View
Saphenous Nerve at Mid-thigh
Saphenous Nerve at Distal Thigh
Tibial Nerve at the Level of the Calf
Saphenous Nerve Below the Knee
Common Peroneal Nerve at the Fibular Neck
Peroneal Nerve, Deep and Superficial Branches
Peroneal Nerve, Deep and Superficial Branches at the Level of the Ankle
Posterior Tibial Nerve at the Ankle, Medial Aspect
Saphenous Nerve at the Ankle
Superficial Peroneal Nerve at the Ankle
Deep Peroneal Nerve at the Ankle
Sural Nerve at the Ankle
Greater Occipital Nerve, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.1.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the greater occipital nerve in transverse
FIGURE 7.1.1B Ultrasound image of greater occipital nerve in transverse view.
FIGURE 7.1.1CLabeled ultrasound image of greater occipital nerve, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.1.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of greater occipital nerve, transverse view.
Abbreviations: TrM, Trapezius Muscle; SsCM, Semispinalis Capitis Muscle; IObCM, Inferior
Oblique Capitis Muscle; GON, Greater Occipital Nerve; LsCM, Longissimus Capitis Muscle.
Greater Occipital Nerve, Longitudinal View
FIGURE 7.1.2A Ultrasound transducer position to image the greater occipital nerve, longitudinal
FIGURE 7.1.2B Ultrasound image of greater occipital nerve, longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.1.2C Labeled ultrasound image of greater occipital nerve, longitudinal view.
Abbreviations: TrM, Trapezius Muscle; SsCM, Semispinalis Capitis Muscle; IObCM, Inferior
Oblique Capitis Muscle; GON, Greater Occipital Nerve; LsCM, Longissimus Capitis Muscle.
Mandibular Nerve
FIGURE 7.2.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the mandibular nerve.
FIGURE 7.2.1B Ultrasound image of mandibular nerve.
FIGURE 7.2.1C Labeled ultrasound image of mandibular nerve.
FIGURE 7.2.1D Labeled ultrasound image of mandibular nerve with color Doppler.
Maxillary Nerve
FIGURE 7.3.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the maxillary nerve.
FIGURE 7.3.1B Ultrasound image of maxillary nerve.
FIGURE 7.3.1C Labeled ultrasound anatomy of maxillary nerve, transverse view.
Long Thoracic Nerve
FIGURE 7.4.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the long thoracic nerve.
FIGURE 7.4.1B Ultrasound image of long thoracic nerve.
FIGURE 7.4.1C Labeled ultrasound image of long thoracic nerve.
FIGURE 7.4.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of long thoracic nerve.
Abbreviations: AseM, Anterior Serratus Muscle; LThN, Long Thoracic Nerve; PMaM, Pectoralis
Major Muscle.
Suprascapular Artery and Nerve
FIGURE 7.5.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the suprascapular artery and nerve.
FIGURE 7.5.1B Ultrasound image of suprascapular artery and nerve.
FIGURE 7.5.1C Labeled ultrasound image of suprascapular artery and nerve.
Abbreviations: SpsN, Suprascapular Nerve; SpsM, Supraspinatus Muscle; SpsA, Suprascapular
Suprascapular Artery and Nerve
FIGURE 7.5.1D Labeled ultrasound image of suprascapular artery and nerve with color flow
FIGURE 7.5.1E Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of suprascapular artery and nerve.
Abbreviations: SpsN, Suprascapular Nerve; SpsM, Supraspinatus Muscle, SpsA, Suprascapular
Artery; TrM, Trapezius Muscle.
Suprascapular Nerve, Longitudinal View
FIGURE 7.5.2A Ultrasound transducer position to image the suprascapular nerve, longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.5.2B Ultrasound image of suprascapular nerve, longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.5.2C Labeled ultrasound image of suprascapular nerve, longitudinal view.
Abbreviations: SpsN, Suprascapular Nerve; SpsM, Suprascapular Muscle; TrM, Trapezius Muscle.
Dorsal Scapular Nerve
FIGURE 7.6.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the dorsal scapular nerve.
FIGURE 7.6.1B Ultrasound image of dorsal scapular nerve.
FIGURE 7.6.1C Labeled ultrasound image of dorsal scapular nerve.
Abbreviations: DSN, dorsal scapular nerve; DSA, dorsal scapular artery; SsCM, Semispinalis
Capitis Muscle; RhM, Rhomboids Muscle; TrM, Trapezius Muscle.
Intercostal Space, High Thoracic Level
FIGURE 7.7.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the intercostal space at the high thoracic
FIGURE 7.7.1B Ultrasound image of the intercostal space at the high thoracic level.
FIGURE 7.7.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the intercostal space at the high thoracic level.
FIGURE 7.7.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of intercostal space, at the high thoracic level.
Abbreviations: TrM, Trapezius Muscle; RhM, Rhomboid Muscle; SePSM, Serratus Posterior
Superior Muscle; IcM, Intercostal Muscle; Ic Lig - Intercostal Ligament; Nv, Neurovascular.
Interscalene Brachial Plexus, Transverse View, C5 Level
FIGURE 7.8.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the interscalene brachial plexus, transverse
FIGURE 7.8.1B Ultrasound image of the interscalene brachial plexus, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.8.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the interscalene brachial plexus, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.8.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the interscalene brachial plexus.
Abbreviations: SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; ASM, anterior scalene muscle; MSM, middle
scalene muscle; TP, transverse process.
Interscalene Brachial Plexus, Longitudinal View
FIGURE 7.8.2A Ultrasound transducer position to image the interscalene brachial plexus,
longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.8.2B Ultrasound image of the interscalene brachial plexus, longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.8.2C Labeled ultrasound image of the interscalene brachial plexus, longitudinal view.
Abbreviations: SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; ASM, anterior scalene muscle; MSM, middle
scalene muscle; TP, transverse process; PhN, Phrenic nerve; IvF, Intervertebral Foramen; VA,
vertebral artery.
Phrenic Nerve at the Interscalene Level
FIGURE 7.9.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the phrenic nerve at the interscalene level.
FIGURE 7.9.1B Ultrasound image of the phrenic nerve.
FIGURE 7.9.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the phrenic nerve.
FIGURE 7.9.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the phrenic nerve.
Abbreviations: SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; IVJ, internal jugular vein; ASM, anterior scalene
muscle; CA, carotid artery; PhN, Phrenic nerve; Sup. Tr., Superior Trunk; Mid. Tr., Middle trunk; BP,
Brachial Plexus.
Accessory Phrenic Nerve
FIGURE 7.9.2A Ultrasound image of the accessory phrenic nerve.
FIGURE 7.9.2B Labeled ultrasound image of the accessory phrenic nerve.
FIGURE 7.9.2C Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the accessory phrenic nerve.
Abbreviations: SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; IVJ, internal jugular vein; ASM, anterior scalene
muscle; CA, carotid artery; PhN, Phrenic nerve; Acc. PhN, Accessory Phrenic Nerve; VA, vertebral
Ansa Cervicalis and Phrenic Nerve, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.10.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the ansa cervicalis and phrenic nerve,
transverse view.
7.10.1B Ultrasound image of the ansa cervicalis and phrenic nerve, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.10.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the ansa cervicalis and phrenic nerve, transverse
Abbreviations: SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; IVJ, internal jugular vein; ASM, anterior scalene
muscle; CA, carotid artery.
Vagus Nerve
FIGURE 7.11.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the vagus nerve.
FIGURE 7.11.1B Ultrasound image of the vagus nerve.
FIGURE 7.11.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the vagus nerve.
FIGURE 7.11.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the vagus nerve.
Abbreviations: SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; IVJ, internal jugular vein; ASM, anterior scalene
muscle; CA, carotid artery; Th, Thyroid.
Stellate Ganglion
FIGURE 7.12.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the stellate ganglion.
FIGURE 7.12.1B Ultrasound image of the stellate ganglion.
FIGURE 7.12.1C Labeled Ultrasound image of the stellate ganglion.
FIGURE 7.12.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the stellate ganglion.
Abbreviations: SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; IVJ, internal jugular vein; ASM, anterior scalene
muscle; CA, carotid artery; VA, vertebral artery; SG, Stellate Ganglion; Th, Thyroid; VB, Vertebral
Vertebral Artery, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.13.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the vertebral artery, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.13.1B Ultrasound image of the vertebral artery, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.13.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the vertebral artery and muscles, transverse view.
Abbreviations: SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; ASM, anterior scalene muscle; VA, vertebral
artery; TP, transverse process.
Vertebral Artery, Longitudinal View
FIGURE 7.13.2A Ultrasound transducer position to image the vertebral artery, longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.13.2B Ultrasound image of the vertebral artery, longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.13.2C Labeled ultrasound image of the vertebral artery, longitudinal view.
Abbreviations: VA, vertebral artery; ScA, Subclavian Artery.
Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus
FIGURE 7.14.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the supraclavicular brachial plexus.
FIGURE 7.14.1B Ultrasound image of the supraclavicular brachial plexus.
FIGURE 7.14.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the supraclavicular brachial plexus.
FIGURE 7.14.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the supraclavicular brachial plexus.
Abbreviations: BP, Brachial Plexus; ScA, Subclavian Artery.
Subclavian Artery, Dorsal Scapular Artery, and Brachial Plexus
FIGURE 7.14.2A Ultrasound transducer position to image the subclavian artery.
FIGURE 7.14.2B Ultrasound image of the subclavian artery and supraclavicular brachial plexus.
FIGURE 7.14.2C Labeled ultrasound image of the dorsal scapular artery and supraclavicular
brachial plexus.
FIGURE 7.14.2D Labeled ultrasound image of the subclavian artery and dorsal scapular artery.
Abbreviations: BP, Brachial Plexus; ASM, Anterior Scalene Muscle; MSM, Middle Scalene
Muscle; ScA, Subclavian Artery, DSA, Dorsal Scapular Artery.
Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.15.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the infraclavicular brachial plexus,
transverse view.
FIGURE 7.15.1B Ultrasound image of the lateral and posterior cords of the brachial plexus,
transverse view.
FIGURE 7.15.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the lateral and posterior cords of the brachial plexus,
transverse view.
FIGURE 7.15.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the infraclavicular brachial plexus.
Abbreviations: PMaM, Pectoralis Major Muscle; PMiM, Pectoralis Minor Muscle; AA, Axillary
Artery; AV, Axillary vein; PC, Posterior Cord; LC, Lateral Cord; MC, Medial Cord; Cl, Clavicle.
Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Lateral and Posterior Cords, Longitudinal View
FIGURE 7.15.2A Ultrasound transducer position to image the infraclavicular brachial plexus lateral
and posterior cords, longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.15.2B Ultrasound image of the infraclavicular brachial plexus lateral and posterior cords,
longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.15.2C Labeled ultrasound image of the infraclavicular brachial plexus lateral and
posterior cords, longitudinal view.
Abbreviations: PMaM, Pectoralis Major Muscle; PMiM, Pectoralis Minor Muscle; LC, Lateral
Cord; PC, Posterior Cord.
Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Medial Cord, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.15.3A Ultrasound transducer position to image the infraclavicular brachial plexus medial
cord, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.15.3B Ultrasound image of the infraclavicular brachial plexus medial cord, transverse
FIGURE 7.15.3C Labeled ultrasound image of the infraclavicular brachial plexus medial cord,
transverse view.
Abbreviations: PMaM, Pectoralis Major Muscle; PMiM, Pectoralis Minor Muscle; MC, Medial
Cord; AA, Axillary Artery; AV, Axillary Vein.
Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Medial Cord, Longitudinal View
FIGURE 7.15.4A Ultrasound transducer position to image the infraclavicular brachial plexus medial
cord, longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.15.4B Ultrasound image of the infraclavicular brachial plexus medial cord, longitudinal
FIGURE 7.15.4C Labeled ultrasound image of the infraclavicular brachial plexus medial cord,
longitudinal view.
Abbreviations: PMaM, Pectoralis Major Muscle; PMiM, Pectoralis Minor Muscle; MC, Medial
Axillary Nerve
FIGURE 7.16.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the axillary nerve.
FIGURE 7.16.1B Ultrasound image of the axillary nerve.
FIGURE 7.16.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the axillary nerve.
FIGURE 7.16.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the axillary nerve.
Abbreviations: AA, Axillary Artery; TMaM, Teres Major Muscle; AN, Axillary Nerve; CBM,
Coracobrachialis Muscle; PCHA, Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery.
Axilla: Median, Ulnar, Radial, and Musculocutaneous Nerves
FIGURE 7.17.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the axilla: median, ulnar, radial, and
musculocutaneous nerves.
FIGURE 7.17.1B Ultrasound image of the axilla: median, ulnar, radial, and musculocutaneous
FIGURE 7.17.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the axilla: median, ulnar, radial, and
musculocutaneous nerves.
FIGURE 7.17.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the axilla: median, ulnar, radial, and
musculocutaneous nerves.
Abbreviations: UN, Ulnary Nerve; MN, Median Nerve; RN, Radial Nerve; MCN, Musculocutaneous
Nerve; AA, Axillary Nerve; CBM, Coracobrachialis Muscle; AV, Axillary Vein.
Axilla: Musculocutaneous Nerve
FIGURE 7.18.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the axilla: musculocutaneous nerve.
FIGURE 7.18.1B Ultrasound image of the axilla: musculocutaneous nerve.
FIGURE 7.18.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the axilla: musculocutaneous nerve.
Abbreviations: MCN, Musculocutaneous Nerve; AA, Axillary Nerve; CBM, Coracobrachialis
Muscle; AV.
Axilla: Ulnar Nerve
FIGURE 7.19.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the ulnar nerve at the level of the axilla.
FIGURE 7.19.1B Ultrasound image of the ulnar nerve at the level of the axilla.
FIGURE 7.19.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the ulnar nerve.
FIGURE 7.19.1D
Abbreviations: AA, Axillary Nerve; UN, Ulnar Nerve.
Midhumerus: Posterior Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve and Radial Nerve
FIGURE 7.20.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the posterior antebrachial cutaneous and
radial nerves.
FIGURE 7.20.1B Ultrasound image of the midhumerus: posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve and
radial nerve.
FIGURE 7.20.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the midhumerus: posterior antebrachial cutaneous
nerve and radial nerve.
FIGURE 7.20.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the midhumerus: posterior antebrachial
cutaneous nerve and radial nerve.
Abbreviations: PAbCN, Posterior Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve; RN, Radial Nerve.
Ulnar Nerve Above the Elbow
FIGURE 7.21.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the ulnar nerve above the elbow.
FIGURE 7.21.1B Ultrasound image of the ulnar nerve above the elbow.
FIGURE 7.21.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the ulnar nerve above the elbow.
FIGURE 7.21.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the ulnar nerve above the elbow.
Abbreviations: UN, Ulnar Nerve; SUCA, Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery.
Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve Above the Elbow
FIGURE 7.22.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
above the elbow.
FIGURE 7.22.1B Ultrasound image of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve above the elbow.
FIGURE 7.22.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve above the
FIGURE 7.22.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve above
the elbow.
Abbreviations: BcV, Basilic Vein; PrTM, Pronator Teres Muscle; BM, Brachialis Muscle; MAbCN,
Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve; MN, Median Nerve; BA, Brachial Artery.
Biceps Tendon, Median, and Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve at the Elbow
FIGURE 7.23.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the biceps tendon, median, and lateral
antebrachial cutaneous nerve at the elbow.
FIGURE 7.23.1B Ultrasound image of the biceps tendon, median, and lateral antebrachial cutaneous
nerve at the elbow.
FIGURE 7.23.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the biceps tendon, median, and lateral antebrachial
cutaneous nerve at the elbow.
FIGURE 7.23.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the biceps tendon, median, and lateral
antebrachial cutaneous nerve at the elbow.
Abbreviations: CV, Cephalic Vein; PrTM, Pronator Teres Muscle; BM, Brachialis Muscle; LAbCN,
Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve; MN, Median Nerve; BA, Brachial Artery; BrM,
Brachioradialis Muscle.
Median Nerve at the Elbow
FIGURE 7.24.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the median nerve at the elbow.
FIGURE 7.24.1B Ultrasound image of the median nerve at the elbow.
FIGURE 7.24.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the median nerve at the elbow.
FIGURE 7.24.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the median nerve at the elbow.
Abbreviations: MN, Median Nerve; BM, Brachialis Muscle; BA, Brachial Artery; PrTM, Pronator
Teres Muscle; BrM, Brachioradialis Muscle.
Radial Nerve at the Midforearm
FIGURE 7.25.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the radial nerve at the midforearm.
FIGURE 7.25.1B Ultrasound image of the radial nerve at the midforearm.
FIGURE 7.25.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the radial nerve at the midforearm.
FIGURE 7.25.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the radial nerve at the midforearm.
Abbreviations: RN, Radial Nerve; ECRLM, Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Muscle; FCRM, Flexor
Carpi Radialis Muscle; BrM, Brachioradialis Muscle; PrTM, Pronator Teres Muscle, CV, Cephalic
Vein; RA, Radial Artery.
Median and Ulnar Nerve at the Midforearm
FIGURE 7.26.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the median and ulnar nerve at the
FIGURE 7.26.1B Ultrasound image of the median and ulnar nerve at the midforearm.
FIGURE 7.26.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the median and ulnar nerve at the midforearm.
FIGURE 7.26.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the median and ulnar nerve at the midforearm.
Abbreviations: MN, Median Nerve; UN, Ulnar Nerve; UA, Ulnar Artery; FDPM, Flexor Digitorum
Profundus Muscle; FCUM, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle; FCRM, Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscle;
PLM, Palmaris Longus Muscle.
Posterior Interosseous Nerve at the Midforearm
FIGURE 7.27.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the posterior interosseous nerve at the
FIGURE 7.27.1B Ultrasound image of the posterior interosseous nerve at the Midforearm.
FIGURE 7.27.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the posterior interosseous nerve at the midhumerus.
FIGURE 7.27.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the posterior interosseous nerve at the
Abbreviations: EDM, Extensor Digitorum Muscle; ECUM, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle; Ant.IN,
Anterior Interosseous Nerve; PIN, Posterior Interosseous Nerve.
Posterior Interosseous Nerve at the Wrist
FIGURE 7.28.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the posterior interosseous nerve at the
FIGURE 7.28.1B Ultrasound image of the posterior interosseous nerve at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.28.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the posterior interosseous nerve at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.28.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the posterior interosseous nerve at the wrist.
Abbreviations: PIN, Posterior Interosseous Nerve; PIA, Posterior Interosseous Artery; EDT,
Extensor Digitorum Tendon.
Radial Nerve and Palmar Cutaneous Branches at the Wrist
FIGURE 7.29.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the radial nerve and palmar cutaneous
branches at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.29.1B Ultrasound image of the radial nerve palmar cutaneous branches at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.29.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the radial nerve and palmar cutaneous branches at the
FIGURE 7.29.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the radial nerve palmar cutaneous branches at
the wrist.
Abbreviations: Cut. Br., Cutaneous Branche; RN, Radial Nerve; RA, Radial Artery; RV, Radial
Radial Nerve
FIGURE 7.30.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the radial nerve.
FIGURE 7.30.1B Ultrasound image of the radial nerve.
FIGURE 7.30.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the radial nerve.
FIGURE 7.30.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the radial nerve.
Abbreviations: RA, Radial Artery; PQM, Pronator Quadratus Muscle; FPLT, Flexor Pollicus Longus
Tendon; FCRT, Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendon; APLT, Abductor Pollicis Longus Tendon.
Median Nerve at the Wrist
FIGURE 7.31.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the median nerve at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.31.1B Ultrasound image of the median nerve at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.31.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the median nerve at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.31.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the median nerve at the wrist.
Abbreviations: RA, Radial Artery; FCRT, Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendon; PLT, Palmaris Longus
Tendon; FPLT, Flexor Pollicis Longus Tendon; MN, Median Nerve; PQM, Pronator Quatratus
Ulnar Nerve at the Wrist
FIGURE 7.32.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the ulnar nerve at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.32.1B Ultrasound image of the ulnar nerve at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.32.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the ulnar nerve at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.32.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the ulnar nerve at the wrist.
Abbreviations: UA, Ulnar Artery; UN, Ulnar Nerve; FCUM, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle; FDPM,
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Muscle.
Posterior Interosseous Nerve at the Wrist
FIGURE 7.33.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the posterior interosseous nerve at the
FIGURE 7.33.1B Ultrasound image of the posterior interosseous nerve at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.33.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the posterior interosseous nerve at the wrist.
FIGURE 7.33.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the posterior interosseous nerve at the wrist.
Abbreviations: EPLT, Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon; EDT, Extensor Digitorum Tendon; PIN,
Posterior Interosseous Nerve; PIA, Posterior Interosseous Artery.
Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Nerves at the Abdominal Wall
FIGURE 7.34.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
at the abdominal wall.
FIGURE 7.34.1B Ultrasound image of the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves at the abdominal
FIGURE 7.34.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves at the
abdominal wall.
Abbreviations: EOM, External Oblique Muscle; IOM, Internal Oblique Muscle; TAM, Transverse
Abdominis Muscle; IiN, Ilioinguinal Nerve; IhN, Iliohypogastric Nerve; ASIS, Anterior Superior
Iliace Spine.
Genital Branch of the Genitofemoral Nerve at the Abdominal Wall
FIGURE 7.35.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the genital branch of the genitofemoral
nerve at the abdominal wall.
FIGURE 7.35.1B Ultrasound image of the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve at the abdominal
FIGURE 7.35.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve at the
abdominal wall.
Abbreviations: IOM, Internal Oblique Muscle; RAM, Rectus Abdominis Muscle; PuT, Pubic
Femoral Branch of the Genitofemoral Nerve and Rectus Abdominis Nerve
FIGURE 7.36.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the femoral branch of the genitofemoral
nerve and the rectus abdominis nerve.
FIGURE 7.36.1B Ultrasound image of the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve and the rectus
abdominis nerve.
FIGURE 7.36.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve and the
rectus abdominis nerve.
Abbreviations: RAN, Rectus Abdominis Nerve; RAM, Rectus Abdominis Muscle; TF, Transversalis
Fascia; Ext. IA, External Iliac Artery; Int. IA, Internal Iliac Artery.
Paramedian Epidural Space at the Midthoracic Spine
FIGURE 7.37.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the paramedian epidural space at the
midthoracic spine.
FIGURE 7.37.1B Ultrasound image of the paramedian epidural space at the midthoracic spine.
FIGURE 7.37.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the paramedian epidural space at the midthoracic
Paramedian Epidural Space at the Lumbar Spine, Longitudinal View
FIGURE 7.38.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the paramedian epidural space at the
lumbar spine, longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.38.1B Ultrasound image of the paramedian epidural space at the lumbar spine,
longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.38.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the paramedian epidural space at the lumbar spine,
longitudinal view.
Abbreviations: Post. Long. Lig., Posterior Longitudinal Ligament; Lig. Flavum, Ligamentum Flavum;
Ant. Dura Mater, Anterior Dura Mater; Post. Dura Mater, Posterior Dura Mater.
Paravertebral Space, Midthoracic Spine, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.39.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the paravertebral space, midthoracic
spine, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.39.1B Ultrasound image of the paravertebral space, midthoracic spine, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.39.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the paravertebral space, midthoracic spine,
transverse view.
Abbreviations: Lat. Costotrans. Lig., Lateral Costotransverse Ligament; TP, Transverse Process; Pv
Space, Paravertebral Space.
Lumbar Plexus, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.40.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the lumbar plexus, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.40.1B Ultrasound image of the lumbar plexus, transverse view.
7.40.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the lumbar plexus, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.40.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the lumbar plexus, transverse view.
Abbreviations: SP, Spinous process; Map, Mammillary Process; ESM, Erector Spinae Muscle;
QLM, Quadratus Lumborum Muscle; LP, Lumbar Plexus; PsMM, Psoas Major Muscle; VB, Vertebral
Body; MfM, Multifidus Muscle; LDM, Longissimus Dorsi Muscle.
Facet Joints at the Lumbar Level, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.41.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the facet joints at the lumbar level,
transverse view.
FIGURE 7.41.1B Ultrasound image of the facet joints at the lumbar level, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.41.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the facet joints at the lumbar level transverse view.
Abbreviations: TP, Transverse Process; PsMM, Psoas Major Muscle.
Lumbar Plexus, Lateral Transverse View
FIGURE 7.42.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the lumbar plexus, lateral transverse view.
FIGURE 7.42.1B Ultrasound image of the lumbar plexus, lateral transverse view.
FIGURE 7.42.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the lumbar plexus via the lateral approach, transverse
Abbreviations: AcP, Accessory Process; LP, Lumbar Plexus; B, Vertebral Body; PsMM, Psoas
Major Muscle; LDM, Latissumus Dorsi Muscle.
Lumbar Plexus, Lateral Longitudinal View
FIGURE 7.43.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the lumbar plexus, lateral longitudinal
FIGURE 7.43.1B Ultrasound image of the lumbar plexus, lateral longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.43.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the lumbar plexus via the lateral approach,
longitudinal view.
Abbreviations: VB, Vertebral Body; IvD, Intervertebral Disc; Ant. Lig., Anterior Ligament; LP,
Lumbar Plexus.
Lumbar Plexus, Posterior Oblique View
FIGURE 7.44.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the lumbar plexus, posterior oblique view.
FIGURE 7.44.1B Ultrasound image of the lumbar plexus, posterior oblique view.
FIGURE 7.44.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the lumbar plexus via the posterior, posterior, oblique
FIGURE 7.44.1D Labeled ultrasound image of the lumbar plexus, posterior oblique view with color
flow Doppler.
Abbreviations: TP, Transverse Process; VB, Vertebral Body; PsMM, Psoas Major Muscle; LP,
Lumbar Plexus.
Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine, Posterior Longitudinal View
FIGURE 7.45.1A Anatomy of the lumbar spine, posterior longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.45.1B Anatomy of the lumbar spine, posterior longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.45.1C Labeled anatomy of the lumbar spine, posterior longitudinal view.
Abbreviations: TP, Transverse Process; LP, Lumbar Plexus; PsMM, Psoas Major Muscle.
Sacral Plexus, Posterior Transverse View
FIGURE 7.46.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the sacral plexus, posterior transverse
FIGURE 7.46.1B Ultrasound image of the sacral plexus, posterior transverse view.
FIGURE 7.46.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the sacral plexus, posterior transverse view.
FIGURE 7.46.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the sacral plexus, posterior transverse view.
Abbreviations: Sup. GlA, Superior Gluteal Artery; Inf. GlA, Inferior Gluteal Artery; PuN, Pudendal
Nerve; ScN, Sciatic Nerve.
Sciatic Nerve, Anterior Longitudinal View
FIGURE 7.47.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the sciatic nerve, anterior longitudinal
FIGURE 7.47.1B Ultrasound image of the sciatic nerve, anterior longitudinal view.
FIGURE 7.47.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the sciatic nerve, anterior longitudinal view.
Abbreviation: SCN, Sciatic Nerve.
Sciatic Nerve, Anterior Transverse View
FIGURE 7.47.2A Ultrasound transducer position to image the sciatic nerve, anterior transverse
FIGURE 7.47.2B Ultrasound image of the sciatic nerve, anterior transverse view.
FIGURE 7.47.2C Labeled ultrasound image of the sciatic nerve, anterior transverse view.
FIGURE 7.47.2D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the sciatic nerve, anterior transverse view.
Abbreviations: FA, Femoral Artery; ALM, Adductor Longus Muscle; ABM, Adductor Brevis
Muscle; AMM, Adductor Magnus Muscle; ScN, Sciatic Nerve; StM, Semitendinosus Muscle; SmM,
Semimembranosus Muscle.
Sciatic Nerve, Lateral Transverse View
FIGURE 7.47.3A Ultrasound transducer position to image the sciatic nerve, lateral transverse view.
FIGURE 7.47.3B Ultrasound image of the sciatic nerve, lateral transverse view.
FIGURE 7.47.3C Labeled ultrasound image of the sciatic nerve, lateral transverse view.
FIGURE 7.47.3D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the sciatic nerve, lateral transverse view.
Abbreviations: ScN, Sciatic Nerve; GMM, Gluteus Maximus; Vast. Lat., Vastus Lateralis Muscle;
BFM, Biceps femoris Muscle; SmM, Semimembranosus Muscle; StM, Semitendinosus Muscle.
Sciatic Nerve at the Popliteal Fossa, Posterior View
FIGURE 7.48.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the sciatic nerve at the popliteal fossa,
posterior view.
FIGURE 7.48.1B Ultrasound image of the sciatic nerve at the popliteal fossa, posterior view.
FIGURE 7.48.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the sciatic nerve at the popliteal fossa, posterior
FIGURE 7.48.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the sciatic nerve at the popliteal fossa,
posterior view.
Abbreviations: StM, Semitendinosus Muscle; SmM, Semimembranosus Muscle; BFM, Biceps
Femoris Muscle; ScN, Sciatic Nerve; PA, Popliteal Artery.
Anatomy of the Sciatic Nerve at the Distal Popliteal Fossa
FIGURE 7.48.2A Ultrasound transducer position to image the sciatic nerve bifurcation at the
popliteal fossa, posterior view.
FIGURE 7.48.2B Ultrasound image of the sciatic nerve bifurcation at the popliteal fossa, posterior
FIGURE 7.48.2C Labeled ultrasound image of the sciatic nerve bifurcation at the popliteal fossa,
posterior view.
FIGURE 7.48.2D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the sciatic nerve bifurcation at the popliteal
fossa, posterior view.
Abbreviations: StM, Semitendinosus Muscle; SmM, Semimembranosus Muscle; BFM, Biceps
Femoris Muscle; CPN, Common Peroneal Nerve; TN, Tibial Nerve; PV, Popliteal Vein; PA,
Popliteal Artery.
Femoral Nerve, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.49.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the femoral nerve, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.49.1B Ultrasound image of the femoral nerve, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.49.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the femoral nerve, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.49.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the femoral nerve at the level between inguinal
ligament and femoral crease.
Abbreviations: FA, Femoral Artery; PFA, Profunda Femoris Artery; FN, Femoral Nerve; FV,
Femoral Vein.
Obturator Nerve, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.50.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the obturator nerve, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.50.1B Ultrasound image of the obturator nerve, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.50.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the obturator nerve, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.52.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the obturator nerve, transverse view.
Abbreviations: FA, Femoral Artery; FV, Femoral Vein; ALM, Adductor Longus Muscle; ABM,
Adductor Brevis Muscle; AMM, Adductor Magnus Muscle; GsM, Gracilis Muscle; Ant. Br., Anterior
Branch of Obturator Nerve; Post. Br., Posterior Branch of Obturator Nerve, Pectineus, Pectineus
Pudendal Nerve and Pudendal (Alcock’s) Canal
FIGURE 7.51.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the pudendal nerve and pudendal canal.
FIGURE 7.51.1B Ultrasound image of the pudendal nerve, medial approach, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.51.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the pudendal nerve, medial approach, transverse
Abbreviations: AMM, Adductor Magnus Muscle; ALM, Adductor Longus Muscle; GsM, Gracilis
Muscle; IPA, Internal Pudendal Artery; PN, Pudendal Nerve.
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve, Transverse View
FIGURE 7.52.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve,
transverse view.
FIGURE 7.52.1B Ultrasound image of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.52.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, transverse view.
FIGURE 7.52.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, transverse
Abbreviations: LFCN, Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve; SaM, Sartorius Muscle; IpM, Iliopsoas
Muscle; TFLM, Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle; Glu. Max. M., Gluteus Maximus Muscle.
Saphenous Nerve at Mid-thigh
FIGURE 7.53.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the saphenous nerve at mid-thigh.
FIGURE 7.53.1B Ultrasound image of the saphenous nerve at mid-thigh.
FIGURE 7.53.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the saphenous nerve at mid-thigh.
FIGURE 7.53.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the saphenous nerve at mid-thigh.
Abbreviations: SaM, Sartorius Muscle; SaN, Sartorius Nerve; FA, Femoral Artery; Motor Br. (FN),
Motor Branch of Femoral Nerve.
Saphenous Nerve at Distal Thigh
FIGURE 7.53.2A Ultrasound transducer position to image the saphenous nerve at distal thigh.
FIGURE 7.53.2B Ultrasound image of the saphenous nerve at distal thigh.
FIGURE 7.53.2C Labeled Ultrasound image of the saphenous nerve at distal thigh.
FIGURE 7.53.2D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the saphenous nerve at distal thigh.
Abbreviations: SaN, Sartorius Nerve; DGA, Descending Genicular Artery; SaM, Sartorius Muscle;
GsM, Gracilis Muscle.
Tibial Nerve at the Level of the Calf
FIGURE 7.54.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the tibial nerve at the level of the calf.
FIGURE 7.54.1B Ultrasound image of the tibial nerve at the level of the calf.
FIGURE 7.54.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the tibial nerve at the level of the calf.
FIGURE 7.54.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the tibial nerve at the level of the calf.
Abbreviations: TN, Tibial Nerve; PTA, Posterior Tibial Artery.
Saphenous Nerve Below the Knee
FIGURE 7.55.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the saphenous nerve below the knee.
FIGURE 7.55.1B Ultrasound image of the saphenous nerve below the knee.
FIGURE 7.55.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the saphenous nerve below the knee.
FIGURE 7.55.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the saphenous nerve below the knee.
Abbreviations: SaV, Great Saphenous Vein and its contributories; SaN, Saphenous Nerve.
Common Peroneal Nerve at the Fibular Neck
FIGURE 7.56.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the common peroneal nerve at the fibular
FIGURE 7.56.1B Ultrasound image of the common peroneal nerve at the fibular neck.
FIGURE 7.56.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the common peroneal nerve at the fibular neck.
FIGURE 7.56.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the common peroneal nerve at the fibular neck.
Abbreviations: CPN, Common Peroneal Nerve; PLM, Peroneus Longus Muscle.
Peroneal Nerve, Deep and Superficial Branches
FIGURE 7.57.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the peroneal nerve, deep and superficial
FIGURE 7.57.1B Ultrasound image of the peroneal nerve, deep and superficial branches.
FIGURE 7.57.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the peroneal nerve, deep and superficial branches.
FIGURE 7.57.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the peroneal nerve, deep and superficial
Abbreviations: PBM, Peroneus Brevis Muscle; EDL, Extensor Digitorum Longus; SPN, Superficial
Peroneal Nerve; DPN, Deep Peroneal Nerve; ATA, Anterior Tibial Artery.
Peroneal Nerve, Deep and Superficial Branches at the Level of the Ankle
FIGURE 7.58.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the peroneal nerve, deep and superficial
branches at the level of the ankle.
FIGURE 7.58.1B Ultrasound image of the peroneal nerve, deep and superficial branches at the level
of the ankle.
FIGURE 7.58.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the peroneal nerve, deep and superficial branches at
the level of the ankle.
FIGURE 7.58.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the peroneal nerve, deep and superficial
branches at the level of the ankle.
Abbreviations: PBM, Peroneus Brevis Muscle; EDL, Extensor Digitorum Longus; SPN, Superficial
Peroneal Nerve; DPN, Deep Peroneal Nerve; ATA, Anterior Tibial Artery.
Posterior Tibial Nerve at the Ankle, Medial Aspect
FIGURE 7.59.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the posterior tibial nerve at the ankle,
medial aspect.
FIGURE 7.59.1B Ultrasound image of the posterior tibial nerve at the ankle, medial aspect.
FIGURE 7.59.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the posterior tibial nerve at the ankle, medial aspect.
FIGURE 7.59.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the peroneal nerve, deep and superficial
branches at the level of the ankle.
Abbreviations: PTN, Posterior Tibial Nerve; PTA, Posterior Tibial Artery; PTV, Posterior Tibial
Vein; Med. Mall., Medial Malleolus.
Saphenous Nerve at the Ankle
FIGURE 7.60.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the saphenous nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.60.1B Ultrasound image of the saphenous nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.60.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the saphenous nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.60.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the saphenous nerve at the ankle.
Abbreviations: SaN, Saphenous Nerve; Med. Br. (SaN), Medial Branch of Saphenous Nerve; SaV,
Saphenous Vein; Med. Mall., Medial Malleolus.
Superficial Peroneal Nerve at the Ankle
FIGURE 7.61.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the superficial peroneal nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.61.1B Ultrasound image of the superficial peroneal nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.61.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the superficial peroneal nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7. 61.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the superficial peroneal nerve at the ankle.
Abbreviations: SPN, Superficial Peroneal Nerve; PTM, Peroneus Tertius Muscle.
Deep Peroneal Nerve at the Ankle
FIGURE 7.62.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the deep peroneal nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.62.1B Ultrasound image of the deep peroneal nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.62.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the deep peroneal nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.62.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the deep peroneal nerve at the ankle.
Abbreviations: EHL, Extensor Hallucis Longus; EDL, Extensor Digitorum Longus; DPN, Deep
Peroneal Nerve; ATA, Anterior Tibial Artery.
Sural Nerve at the Ankle
FIGURE 7.63.1A Ultrasound transducer position to image the sural nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.63.1B Ultrasound image of the sural nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.63.1C Labeled ultrasound image of the sural nerve at the ankle.
FIGURE 7.63.1D Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the sural nerve at the ankle.
Abbreviations: SuN, Sural nerve; SSV, Small Saphenous Vein; SoM, Soleus Muscle; Lat. Mall.,
Lateral Malleolus.
Atlas of Surface Anatomy
Upper Body Anterior View of Face, Neck, and Upper Chest
Upper Body Profile View of Face, Neck, and Upper Chest
Upper Body Including Chest, Torso, and Upper Arms
Upper Body Including Back and Posterior Arms
Upper Body Including Back and Posterior Surface of Arms
Shoulder and Upper Extremity
Lower Extremity Anterior View
Lower Extremity Posterior View
Anterior Ankle and Foot
Posterior Ankle and Foot
Upper Body Anterior View of Face, Neck, and Upper Chest
FIGURE 8.1A Surface landmarks: Upper body anterior view of face, neck, and upper chest.
Upper Body Profile View of Face, Neck, and Upper Chest
FIGURE 8.1B Surface landmarks: Upper body profile view of face, neck, and upper chest.
Upper Body Including Chest, Torso, and Upper Arms
FIGURE 8.1C Surface landmarks: Upper body including chest, torso, and upper arms.
Upper Body Including Back and Posterior Arms
FIGURE 8.2A Surface landmarks: upper body including back and posterior arms.
Upper Body Including Back and Posterior Surface of Arms
FIGURE 8.2B Surface landmarks: Upper body including back and posterior surface of arms.
FIGURE 8.3 Surface landmarks: torso.
Shoulder and Upper Extremity
FIGURE 8.4 Surface landmarks: shoulder and upper extremity.
Lower Extremity Anterior View
FIGURE 8.5A Surface landmarks: lower extremity anterior view.
Lower Extremity Posterior View
FIGURE 8.5B Surface landmarks: Lower extremity posterior view.
Anterior Ankle and Foot
FIGURE 8.6A Surface landmarks: anterior ankle and foot.
Posterior Ankle and Foot
FIGURE 8.6B Surface landmarks: Posterior ankle and foot.
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are
approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link
to get to the indexed material.
Page numbers followed by findicate figures; those followed by t indicate tables.
A-mode, 327, 328f
Abdominal wall
anterior, 22–23
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve, 604f, 605f
genital branch of genitofemoral nerve, 602f, 603f
iliohypogastric nerve, 600f, 601f
ilioinguinal nerve, 600f, 601f
Absorption, 326–327
Accessory phrenic nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 540f, 541f
Acetaminophen, 84t
Achilles tendon, 286, 288
Acid-base status, local anesthetic (LA) toxicity and, 119
Acoustic impedance, 324
Acoustic velocity, 324
Action potential, 56, 57f
Additives, for local anesthetics (LAs), 38, 129
Alcock’s canal. See Pudendal canal
Alfentanil, 84t
for femoral nerve block, 273
for intercostal nerve block, 308
for sciatic nerve block, 234
Allergic reactions, 121
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA), 107–109, 112
Amide-linked local anesthetics (LAs) bupivacaine, 31, 33–34, 35f, 37, 39t
etidocaine, 34, 35f, 37
levobupivacaine, 35f, 37–38, 39t
lidocaine, 34, 35f, 36, 39t
mepivacaine, 35f, 37, 39t
prilocaine, 35f, 37
ropivacaine, 35f, 37, 39t
Amiodarone, 120
Amplification, 331
Analgesia, 81, 176, 177f Anatomic landmarks. See Landmarks
Anatomic planes
coronal, 479, 480f
median, 479, 480f
sagittal, 479–480, 480f
transverse, 480, 480f
Anatomy. See also Functional anatomy
Surface anatomy;
Ultrasoundguided anatomy
for Bier block, 314
of femoral triangle, 268f, 269f of infraclavicular fossa, 177f
for intercostobrachial nerve block, 208, 211f
for lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm block, 212, 212f
for medial cutaneous nerve of forearm block, 212, 212f
of nerve plexuses, 9
brachial, 12–15, 12f-15f 15 t, 188f
cervical, 10–11, 10f, 11f, 11t
lumbar, 16–18, 16f, 17f, 17t, 18f, 218, 218f
sacral, 19–22, 19f-22f, 21t
of popliteal fossa crease, 259f
for regional anesthesia
anterior abdominal wall, 22–23
brachial plexus, 12–15, 12f-15f, 15t
cervical plexus, 10–11, 10f, 11f, 11t
connective tissue, 3–4, 4f
intercostal block, 304–305, 304f
lumbar plexus, 16–18, 16f-18f, 17t, 218
major joints, 23–26, 24f-26f
peripheral nerves, 3, 3f, 4f
peritoneum, 23
sacral plexus, 19–22, 19f-22f, 21t
spinal nerves, 4–9, 4f-8f
thoracic paravertebral block, 292–293, 292f
thoracic wall, 22, 23f
for ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 452–455, 452f-457f
for ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 378, 378f
for ultrasound (US)-guided fascia iliaca block, 404, 406, 406f, 407f
for ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 398, 398f
median nerve, 386, 387f
for ultrasound (US)-guided forearm blocks
radial nerve, 386, 386f
ulnar nerve, 387, 387f
for ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block, 463, 463f
for ultrasound (US)-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 370, 370f, 371f
for ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 354, 354f
for ultrasound (US)-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block, 468, 468f
for ultrasound (US)-guided lumbar plexus block (LPB), 503
longitudinal scan, 503–504, 503f, 504f
transverse scan, 505, 505f, 506f
for ultrasound (US)-guided obturator nerve block, 412–413, 412f, 413f
for ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block, 441f, 442, 443f
for ultrasound (US)-guided rectus sheath block, 465, 466f
for ultrasound (US)-guided saphenous nerve block, 420–421, 420f, 421f
for ultrasound (US)-guided sciatic block
anterior approach, 428, 428f
transgluteal and subgluteal approach, 433, 433f
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 346, 346f
for ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 353f, 362
for ultrasound (US)-guided thoracic paravertebral block, 497, 498f
for ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, 460, 460f
for ultrasound (US)-guided wrist block
median nerve, 392, 392f, 393f
radial nerve, 393, 394f
ulnar nerve, 392, 393f, 394f
Anesthesia. See also local anesthetics; Regional anesthesia
distribution of
for ankle block, 284, 285f
for axillary brachial plexus block, 189, 190f for Bier block, 314
for cervical plexus block, 141–142, 142f
for femoral nerve block, 269, 270f
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 176, 177f
for intercostal block, 305, 305f
for interscalene brachial plexus block, 152, 153f
for lumbar plexus block (LPB), 218, 220f, 221f
for popliteal block, 250, 258, 260f
for sciatic nerve block, 231, 231f, 241
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 168
for thoracic paravertebral block, 293, 293f
for ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 455
for ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 378
for ultrasound (US)-guided fascia iliaca block, 406
for ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 398
for ultrasound (US)-guided forearm blocks, 387
for ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block, 463
for ultrasound (US)-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 370
for ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 354
for ultrasound (US)-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block, 468
for ultrasound (US)-guided obturator nerve block, 414
for ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block, 443
for ultrasound (US)-guided rectus sheath block, 465
for ultrasound (US)-guided saphenous nerve block, 421
for ultrasound (US)-guided sciatic block, 428, 433–434
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 346, 347f
for ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 362
for ultrasound (US)-guided thoracic paravertebral block, 497, 498f
for ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, 460–461
for ultrasound (US)-guided wrist block, 393
for wrist block, 200
neuraxial, 111t
algorithm for selection of, 114
anticoagulants, 108, 110–111, 506
antiplatelet therapy, 107–108
fondaparinux, 110
guidelines for, 112, 115
heparin, 82, 108–109, 112
herbal therapies, 109
intraspinal hematoma, 107
thrombin inhibitors, 110
thrombolytic therapy, 109
sensory, 204
spinal, of upper extremity, 168
for surgical procedures
postoperative, 84t
pre/intraoperative, 84t
Anesthesia/analgesia distribution, 176, 177f
innervation of, 24, 26f, 285f
surface anatomy of
anterior view, 679f
posterior view, 680f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
deep peroneal nerve, 656f, 657f, 664f, 665f
posterior tibial nerve, 658f, 659f
saphenous nerve, 660f, 661f
superficial peroneal nerve, 656f, 657f, 662f, 663f
sural nerve, 666f, 667f
Ankle block. See also Ultrasound-guided ankle block complications of, 288, 288t
considerations of, 282
distribution of, 284, 285f
dynamics of, 288
equipment for, 284
functional anatomy of, 282, 282f-284f
landmarks for, 284–285, 285f, 287f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 281, 286, 286f, 287, 287f
midazolam, 288
needle for
insertion of, 281f, 286
size of, 284
patient positioning for, 284–285, 285f
perioperative management of, 288
peroneal nerve and common, 250, 282, 282f
deep, 282, 283f, 286, 286f, 452–453, 453f
superficial, 282, 282f, 283f, 286–287, 288f
saphenous nerve and, 284, 284f, 286–287, 287f
sural nerve and, 283–284, 283f, 286–287, 288f
tibial nerve and, 250, 283, 284f
posterior, 286–287, 287f, 451f
Ansa cervicalis, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 542f, 543f
Anterior abdominal wall, 22–23
Anterior branch of obturator nerve, 412, 412f, 413f, 414, 415, 415f
Anterior scalene muscle, 354f, 358f
Anticoagulants, 108, 110–111
lumbar plexus block (LPB) and, 506
Antiplatelet therapy, 107–108
Arms. See Upper extremities
Arrhythmias, 119
malignant, 120
ventricular, 121
Artifacts, ultrasound (US), 340f
enhancement, 339
mirror image, 339
reverberation, 339, 362
shadowing, 339
velocity error, 339
ASRA. See American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Atropine, 45t Attenuation
coefficient, 324–325, 325f
Axial resolution, 325
Axilla, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 566f-571f
Axillary artery, 191f
Axillary brachial plexus, 378, 379f
Axillary brachial plexus block, 82t, 87, 194. See also Ultra-soundguided axillary brachial plexus
complications of, 193 1
considerations of, 188
distribution of, 189, 190f dynamics of, 192
equipment for, 189
functional anatomy of, 188–189, 188f, 189f
median nerve, 188
musculocutaneous nerve, 188
radial nerve, 189
ulnar nerve, 188–189
landmarks for, 189–190, 190f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 187, 191–192
midazolam for, 192
muscle twitch with, 191–192
needle size and insertion for, 187f, 191–192, 191f
patient positioning for, 189–190, 190f
perioperative management of, 192
surface landmarks for, 189
technique for, 190–192, 191f
troubleshooting for, 192, 193t
Axillary fossa, 378f
Axillary nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 564f, 565f
Axonotmesis, 127
B-mode, 327–328, 328f
Back, surface anatomy of, 673f, 674f
Benzocaine, 35f
Benzodiazepine, 34
for interscalene brachial plexus block, 157
for local anesthetic (LA) toxicity, 120
Biceps tendon, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 578f, 579f
Bier block, 313f
anatomy for, 314
anesthesia distribution for, 314
complications of, 317, 318t
considerations of, 314
dynamics of, 317
equipment for, 314, 314f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 313, 317
needle size for, 314
perioperative management of, 317
positioning and preparation for, 314
technique for, 315–316, 315f, 316f
tourniquet for, 315–316, 315f, 316f
Bioeffect, of ultrasound (US), 332–333
Block procedure notes, 76–77, 77f
Block room, 41–45, 41f
Blockade. See also specific blocks
diffusion during, 30
duration of, 30
onset of, 30
Blockade distribution
for ankle block, 284, 285f
for axillary brachial plexus block, 189, 190f
for Bier block, 314
for cervical plexus block, 141–142, 142f
for femoral nerve block, 269, 270f
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 176, 177f
for intercostal block, 305, 305f
for interscalene brachial plexus block, 152, 153f
for lumbar plexus block (LPB), 218, 220f, 221f
for popliteal block
intertendinous approach, 250
lateral approach, 258, 260f
for sciatic nerve block
anterior approach, 241
transgluteal approach, 231, 231f
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 168
for thoracic paravertebral block, 293, 293f
for ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 455
for ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 378
for ultrasound (US)-guided fascia iliaca block, 406
for ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 398
for ultrasound (US)-guided forearm blocks, 387
for ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block, 463
for ultrasound (US)-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 370
for ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 354
for ultrasound (US)-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block, 468
for ultrasound (US)-guided obturator nerve block, 414
for ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block, 443
for ultrasound (US)-guided rectus sheath block, 465
for ultrasound (US)-guided saphenous nerve block, 421
for ultrasound (US)-guided sciatic block
anterior approach, 428
transgluteal and subgluteal approach, 433–434
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 346, 347f
for ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 362
for ultrasound (US)-guided thoracic paravertebral block, 497, 498f
for ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, 460–461
for ultrasound (US)-guided wrist block, 393
for wrist block, 200
Bolus-dose capability, of infusion pumps, 100, 100f
Bolus injection, 255
Brachial plexus, 208t. See also Axillary
brachial plexus; Infraclavicular
brachial plexus; Interscalene
brachial plexus; Supraclavicular
brachial plexus
anatomy of, 12–15, 12f-15 f, 15t, 188f
branches of, 378
distribution of, 152t, 153f, 176t
motor response of, 156f
spatial organization of, 189f
stimulation of, 154
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 554f, 555f
ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block and, 362, 364
as amide-linked local anesthetic (LA), 31, 33–34, 35f, 37, 39t
for intercostal block, 307t
for interscalene brachial plexus block, 159
for popliteal block, 255
continuous intertendinous approach, 255
continuous lateral approach, 264
for sciatic nerve block, 236
for surgical procedures, 84t
for thoracic paravertebral block, 297t, 299
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 349
Calf, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 648f, 649f
Cardiac dysrhythmias, 119–121
Cardiovascular events, 119
Cardiovascular monitoring, 41
Cardiovascular toxicity, 33, 119
Carotid endarterectomy, 139, 145
continuous nerve, 49–50, 50f, 51f
insertion of
for continuous ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block, 446–447
for continuous ultrasound (US)-guided subgluteal sciatic block, 436
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 181, 181f
for interscalene brachial plexus block, 159, 159t
nonstimulating, 158, 254
perineural, 50–51, 51f
stimulating, 64, 158, 235, 254
Caudal epidural injections, 477, 493–494, 494f, 495f, 497f
Celecoxib, 84t
Central nervous system (CNS) depression of, 119
toxicity, 32–33, 33f
local anesthetic (LA) potency and, 119–120
symptoms of, 119
Central neuraxial blocks (CNBs), 477. See also Ultrasound-guided central neuraxial blockade
Cervical plexus
anatomy of, 10–11, 10f, 11f, 11t
branches of, 141t
superficial, 208t, 346, 346f
Cervical plexus block, 86
complications of, 146t
considerations for, 140
deep, 140
dynamics of, 145–147
equipment for, 144–145
landmarks for, 144, 144f
patient positioning for, 144, 144f
perioperative management of, 145–147
technique for, 145, 145f
troubleshooting for, 145
distribution of, 141–142, 142f
functional anatomy of, 140–143, 140f, 141f, 141t
indications for
carotid endarterectomy, 139, 145
superficial neck surgery, 139
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 139, 143, 143f
midazolam for, 143
needle insertion for, 139f, 144, 145f
palpation technique for, 144f
sternocleidomastoid (SCM) in, 142, 143f, 144
superficial, 140, 140f
dynamics of, 143
equipment for, 142
landmarks for, 142, 143f
patient positioning for, 142
perioperative management of, 143
technique for, 143, 143f
Charge Q, 68–69
Chest, surface anatomy of, 672f
anterior view, 670f
profile view, 671f
2-Chloroprocaine, 31, 35f, 36, 39t, 172
Chronaxy, 56–59, 58f
Cinchocaine, 35f
Clonidine, 38
Clopidogrel, 107
CNBs, 477. See Ultrasound-guided central neuraxial blockade
CNS. See Central nervous system
Cocaine, 35f, 36
Combined spinal epidural (CSE), 477
Common peroneal nerve (CPN)
ankle block and, 250, 282, 282f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 652f, 653f
ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block and, 442, 442f, 443f
Complex resistance, 57
of ankle block, 288, 288t
of axillary brachial plexus block, 193t
of Bier block, 317, 318t
of cervical plexus block, 146t
of cutaneous nerve blocks, upper extremity, 213, 213t
of femoral nerve block, 275, 275t
of infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 183t
of intercostal block, 308, 308t
of interscalene brachial plexus block, 160t
of lumbar plexus block (LPB), 224, 225t
of peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs)
extrafascicular injections, 128
future directions of, 131–132, 132f
intrafascicular injections, 128
nerve injury, 128–131, 131t
peripheral nerves and, 127–128
postoperative neuropathy, 133, 134f
problem with, 128
of popliteal block
intertendinous approach, 255, 255t
lateral approach, 264, 264t
of sciatic nerve block
anterior approach, 245, 246t
transgluteal approach, 236, 237t
of thoracic paravertebral block, 299, 300t
of wrist block, 204, 204f
Compound imaging, 335, 336f
Connective tissue, 3–4, 4f
Constant current, 56–59
Continuous cutaneous nerve blocks, of upper extremity, 213, 213t
Continuous femoral nerve block
complications of, 275, 275t
equipment for, 274
infusion for, 275
landmarks for, 274
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 275
needle size for, 274
patient positioning for, 274
technique for, 275, 275f
Continuous infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 179–180
complications of, 183t
equipment for, 181
landmarks for, 181
management of, 182, 182f, 183t
needle size for, 181
patient positioning for, 181
technique for, 181–182, 181f
Continuous interscalene brachial plexus block
equipment for, 158
infusion for, 159–160
landmarks for, 158–159
management of, 157–161, 160t
needle size for, 158
patient positioning for, 158–159
technique for, 159, 159f
Continuous lumbar plexus block (LPB)
equipment for, 223
infusion, 224
landmarks for, 223–224
needle size for, 223
patient positioning for, 223–224
technique for, 224, 224f
Continuous nerve catheters, 49–50, 50f, 51f
Continuous peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs)
advantages and evidence of, 95–97, 96f
infusion pumps for, 51, 98–100, 99f
attributes of, 101t
bolus-dose capability of, 100, 100f
disposability and cost of, 100
distributors of, 99t
insertion technique for, 97–98
introduction to, 95
local anesthetics (LAs) and adjuvant selection for, 98
patient-controlled regional anesthesia (PCRA), 98
patient instructions for, 100–103, 102f
patient selection for, 97
Continuous popliteal block intertendinous approach bupivacaine for, 255
complications of, 255, 255t
equipment for, 254
infusion, 255
landmarks for, 254
levobupivacaine for, 255
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 255
needle insertion for, 255, 255f
needle size for, 254
patient positioning for, 254
ropivacaine for, 255
technique for, 255, 255f
lateral approach
bupivacaine for, 264
complications of, 264, 264t
equipment for, 262–263
infusion, 264
landmarks for, 263
levobupivacaine for, 264
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 262–263
needle insertion for, 263–264, 263f
needle size for, 262–263
nerve stimulation with, 263t
patient positioning for, 263
ropivacaine for, 264
technique for, 263–264, 263f
Continuous sciatic nerve block, transgluteal approach
bupivacaine for, 236
complications of, 236, 237t
equipment for, 235
infusion, 236
landmarks for, 233f, 235
levobupivacaine for, 236
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 235
needle size for, 235
patient positioning for, 233f, 235
ropivacaine for, 236
technique for, 235–236, 236f
Continuous thoracic paravertebral block
complications of, 299, 300t
equipment for, 298
infusion management for, 299
landmarks for, 298
needle size for, 298
patient positioning for, 298
technique for, 299, 299f
Continuous ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 381, 381f
Continuous ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 400–402, 401f
Continuous ultrasound (US)-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 373, 373f
Continuous ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 357–358, 358f
Continuous ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block, 446–447, 446f
Continuous ultrasound (US)-guided subgluteal sciatic block, 435–436
Continuous ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 366, 366f
Conventional imaging, 335, 336f
Coracoid process, 178, 178f, 181, 371
Coronal plane, 479, 480f
Costotransverse ligament, 497
Coulomb’s law, 68–69
COX-2 inhibitors (cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors), 107
CPN (common peroneal nerve), 477
CSE. See Combined spinal epidural
Current, 67–69
Cutaneous distribution, of lumbar plexus, 220f
Cutaneous nerve blocks
upper extremity, 214
complications of, 213, 213t
considerations of, 207f, 208
continuous, 213, 213t
functional anatomy of, 208, 208t, 209f
intercostobrachial, 208, 211f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 207–208, 212–213
lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm block, 211f, 212f, 212–213
medial cutaneous nerve of forearm block, 211f, 212, 212f
ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block
anatomy for, 463, 463f
distribution of, 463
equipment for, 464
general considerations for, 463
landmarks and patient positioning for, 464
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459, 464–465, 464f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 464–465, 464f
technique for, 464–465, 464f
ultrasound (US)-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block
anatomy for, 468, 468f
distribution of, 468
equipment for, 468
general considerations for, 468
landmarks and patient positioning for, 468–469
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459, 469, 469f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 468–469, 469f
technique for, 469, 469f
ultrasound (US)-guided rectus sheath block
anatomy for, 465, 466f
distribution of, 465
equipment for, 465
general considerations for, 465
landmarks and patient positioning for, 466
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459, 466–467, 467f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 465–467, 466f, 467f
technique for, 466–467, 466f, 467f
ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block
anatomy for, 460, 460f
distribution of, 460–461
equipment for, 461
general considerations for, 460
landmarks and patient positioning for, 461
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459–462, 462f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 461–462, 462f
technique for, 461–462, 461f, 462f
Cutaneous nerves, of upper extremity brachial plexus, 208t
intercostal nerves, 208t
superficial cervical plexus, 208t
Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors, 107
Dabigatran etexilate, 110
Deep cervical plexus block, 140
dynamics of, 145–147
equipment for, 144–145
landmarks for, 144, 144f
patient positioning for, 144, 144f
perioperative management of, 145–147
technique for, 145, 145f
troubleshooting for, 145
Deep peroneal nerve
in ankle block, 282, 283f, 286, 286f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 654f, 655f
at ankle, 656f, 657f, 664f, 665f
in ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 452–453, 453f
Depolarization, 56
Depth, 335, 338t
Dermatomes, 5–8, 6f, 7f
Differential sensitivity, of nerve fibers, 31, 31f
Digital block, 87
Disposability, of infusion pumps, 100
Distal blocks, of median, ulnar, radial nerves, 82t
Doppler ultrasound (US), 323f, 328–329, 329f, 330f, 338
Dorsal scapular artery, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 554f, 555f
Dorsal scapular nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 530f, 531f
Dysrhythmias, 119–121
ECG (electrocardiogram), 56–57
Echogenic needles, 48
Elbow joint, 24
Electric field, 68–69
Electrical nerve stimulators, 130
description of, 55
history of, 55
SENSe, 62–63, 62f
Electrical potential, 67–68
Electrical resistance/impedance, 67–68
Electrocardiogram (ECG), 56–57
Electrophysiology. See
Neurophysiology, electrophysiology and
Emergency drugs, for peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs), 45, 45t
Endoneurium, 4, 127
Enhancement artifact, 339
EOM. See External oblique muscle Ephedrine, 45t
Epidural injections
caudal, 477, 493–494, 494f, 495f, 497f
lumbar, 490–492
thoracic, 492–493, 492f, 493f
Epidural space. See Paramedian epidural space
Epinephrine, 45t
for intercostal block, 307t
intravascular injection with, 129
as marker of, 120
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 172
for surgical procedures, 84t
for thoracic paravertebral block, 297t
Epineurium, 4, 4f, 127
for peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs) emergency drugs, 45, 45t
induction and block room, 41–45, 41f
perineural catheters, 50–51, 51f
severe local anesthetics (LAs) toxicity, 46–50, 46f, 47f, 47t, 49f, 50f, 51f
trays, 46, 46f
for peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS)
electrical features of, 63
safety features of, 63–64, 65t
setup and check of, 59
stimulating catheters, 64, 158, 235, 254
stimulating needles, 64
for regional anesthesia, storage cart, 42, 42f-45f
Ester-linked local anesthetics (LAs), 32, 34–36
Etidocaine, 34, 35f, 37
External oblique muscle (EOM), 460, 460f, 461f, 463, 463f
Extrafascicular injections, 128
Face, surface anatomy of
anterior view, 670f
profile view, 671f
Facet joints, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 614f, 615f
Fascia iliaca, 406–407, 407f. See also Ultrasound-guided fascia iliaca block
Fascial sheaths, 269f
Femoral artery pulse, 272f
Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 604f, 605f
Femoral nerve, 398, 399, 399f, 400f
branches of, 269t
innervation of, 270f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 398f
transverse view, 636f, 637f
Femoral nerve block, 83t, 88. See also Ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block
considerations of, 268
complications of, 275, 275t
equipment for, 274
infusion for, 275
landmarks for, 274
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 275
needle size for, 274
patient positioning for, 274
technique for, 275, 275f
distribution of, 269, 270f
functional anatomy of, 268, 268f, 269f, 269t
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 267
needle insertion for, 267f
nerve stimulator guided, 276
alfentanil for, 273
dynamics of, 273
equipment for, 269
landmarks for, 269–271, 272f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 272
midazolam for, 273
muscle twitch with, 272–273
needle insertion for, 271, 272f
needle size for, 269
nerve stimulation with, 273, 274t
patient positioning for, 269–271, 272f
perioperative management of, 273
technique for, 272
troubleshooting for, 273, 273f
Femoral triangle, 268f, 269f
Fibular neck, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 652f, 653f
Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, 202f, 387f
Flexor palmaris longus tendon, 202f
Focusing effect, of ultrasound (US), 332, 333f, 337f, 338
Fondaparinux, 110
innervation of, 285f
surface anatomy of
anterior view, 679f
posterior view, 680f
Forearm, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of median nerve, 584f, 585f
posterior interosseous nerve, 586f, 587f
radial nerve, 582f, 583f
ulnar nerve, 584f, 585f
Forearm blocks. See also Ultrasound-guided forearm blocks
lateral cutaneous nerve, 211f, 212f, 212–213
medial cutaneous nerve, 211f, 212f, 212
Frequency, 338
Functional anatomy
of ankle block, 282, 282f-284f
of axillary brachial plexus block, 188f, 189f
median nerve, 188
musculocutaneous nerve, 188
radial nerve, 189
ulnar nerve, 188–189
of cervical plexus block, 140–143, 140f, 141f, 141t
of cutaneous nerve blocks, upper extremity, 208, 208t, 209f
of femoral nerve block, 268, 268f, 269f, 269t
of infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 176, 176f, 176t, 177t
of interscalene brachial plexus block, 150–152, 150f, 151f, 152t
of lumbar plexus block (LPB), 218, 218f, 219f
of popliteal block intertendinous approach, 250, 250f, 251f
lateral approach, 258, 259f
of sciatic nerve block
anterior approach, 241
transgluteal approach, 230, 230f, 231f
of supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 168, 169f, 170f
of wrist block, 200, 200f
Gabapentin, 84t
Gain, 338
Genitofemoral nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
femoral branch, 604f, 605f
genital branch, 602f, 603f
Greater occipital nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
longitudinal view, 516f, 517f
transverse view, 514f, 515f
Greater trochanter, 433–434
palpation of, 232, 232f
Hand, innervation of, 200, 201f
intraspinal, 107
peripheral, 114
spinal, 114
intravenous, 108
low molecular weight (LMWH), 82, 109, 112
subcutaneous, 108–109
Herbal therapy, 109
Hip joint, innervation of, 24, 25f
Histology, of peripheral nerves, 127–128
Histopathology, of peripheral nerves, 127–128
Humerus, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 572f, 573f
Ibuprofen, 84t
Iliohypogastric nerve. See also Ultrasound-guided
iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 600f, 601f
Ilioinguinal nerve. See also Ultrasound-guided
iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 600f, 601f
Image modes, for ultrasound (US), 327–329, 328f, 329f, 330f, 335
Imaging. See Ultrasound Impedance
acoustic, 324
defined, 67–68
measurement of, 62
neurophysiology and, 56–59
Impulse duration, 56–59
Impulse propagation, 56
Induction and block room, 41–45, 41f
Informed consent, 78
Infraclavicular brachial plexus, 370, 371f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 556f, 557f
lateral and posterior cords, 558f, 559f
medial cord, 560f-563f
Infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 82t, 86, 175f. See also Ultrasound-guided infraclavicular
brachial plexus block
anesthesia/analgesia distribution for, 176, 177f
catheter insertion for, 181, 181f
complications of, 183t
considerations of, 176
continuous, 179–183
complications of, 183t
equipment for, 181
landmarks for, 181
management of, 182, 182f, 183t
needle size for, 181
patient positioning for, 181
technique for, 181–182, 181f
coracoid process during, 178, 178f, 181, 371
decision-making algorithm for, 184
functional anatomy of, 176, 176f, 176t, 177t
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 175
midazolam for, 179
motor response of, 180f
muscle twitch with, 176, 179, 180t
needle insertion for, 175, 178f, 179
osseous prominences and, 178f
palpation technique for, 178f
radiopaque solution for, 182f
ropivacaine for, 182
dynamics of, 179
equipment for, 177
landmarks for, 177–178, 178f
needle size for, 177
patient positioning for, 177–178, 178f
perioperative management of, 179
technique for, 179, 180f
troubleshooting for, 179, 180t
Infraclavicular fossa, 177f
Infusion pumps, 51, 98–100, 99f
attributes of, 101t
bolus-dose capability of, 100, 100f
disposability and cost of, 100
distributors of, 99t
Injection. See also specific injections bolus, 255
caudal, 477, 493–494, 494f, 495f, 497f
lumbar, 490–492
thoracic, 492–493, 492f, 493f
extrafascicular, 128
interfascial, 412, 414–415, 415f
intrafascicular, 128
intraneural, 30, 128–130
intravascular, 120, 129
pain of, 130
spinal, 477, 490
Injection pressure monitoring, 49, 49f, 75–76, 75f, 130–131, 131t
Innervation of ankle, 24, 26f, 285f
of femoral nerve, 270f
of foot, 285f
of hand, 200, 201f
of joints, 23–26, 24f, 25f, 26f
of peritoneum, 23
of sciatic nerve, 230f
sensory, 142f
of upper extremity, 208, 209f
In-plane technique, for needle insertion, 338, 338f, 346, 348
Insertion of needle. See Needle insertion
Intercostal block, 303f, 309
alfentanil for, 308
anesthesia distribution for, 305, 305f
bupivacaine for, 307t
complications of, 308, 308t
considerations of, 304
dynamics of, 308
epinephrine for, 307t
equipment for, 305
landmarks for, 306, 306f
levobupivacaine for, 307t
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 303, 305, 307, 307t
lidocaine for, 307t
mepivacaine for, 307t
needle for
insertion of, 306f, 307, 307f
size of, 305
patient positioning for, 305, 305f
perioperative management of, 308
regional anesthesia anatomy for, 304–305, 304f
ropivacaine for, 307t
technique for, 306–307, 307f
Intercostal nerves, 208t
Intercostal space
palpation of, 305f, 306
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 532f, 533f
Intercostobrachial nerve block, 208, 211f
Interfascial injection technique, 412, 414–415, 415f
Internal oblique muscle (IOM), 460–461, 460f, 461f, 463–464, 463f
Interscalene brachial plexus, 354, 354f 355, 355f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
longitudinal view, 536f, 537f
transverse view at C5 level, 534f, 535f
Interscalene brachial plexus block, 82t, 86. See also Ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus
benzodiazepine for, 157
bupivacaine for, 159
catheter insertion for, 159, 159t
complications of, 160t
considerations for, 150
equipment for, 158
infusion for, 159–160
landmarks for, 158–159
management of, 157–161, 160t
needle size for, 158
patient positioning for, 158–159
technique for, 159, 159f
decision-making algorithm for, 161
distribution of, 152, 153f
functional anatomy of, 150–152, 150f, 151f, 152t
levobupivacaine for, 159
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 152, 154, 156, 159
low-interscalene approach, 155
muscle twitch with, 157t
needle insertion for, 149f, 154–155, 155f
ropivacaine for, 159
dynamics of, 157–158
equipment for, 152
landmarks for, 153–154, 153f, 154f
needle size for, 152
patient positioning for, 153–154, 153f, 154f
perioperative management for, 157–158
technique for, 154
troubleshooting for, 157f
sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) in, 149, 150f, 153–154, 154f, 157
Intrafascicular injections, 128
Intralipid 20%, 45t
Intraneural injection, 30, 128–130
Intraoperative anesthesia, 84t
Intraspinal hematoma, 107
Intravascular injection, 120, 129
Intravenous acetaminophen, 84t
Intravenous heparin, 108
Intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA), 89, 314, 319
IOM. See Internal oblique muscle
Ischial tuberosity, 433–434
IVRA. See Intravenous regional anesthesia
Joint innervation, 23–26, 24f-26f
Joints. See specific joints
Ketorolac, 84t
Kidney, in lumbar plexus block (LPB), 504–505, 504f
Knee joint, 24, 25f
Kulenkampff’s technique, 168
for ankle block, 284–285, 285f, 287f
for axillary brachial plexus block, 189–190, 190f
for cervical plexus block
deep, 144, 144f
superficial, 142, 143f
for femoral nerve block
continuous, 274
single-injection, 269–271, 272f
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block
continuous, 181
single-injection, 177–178, 178f
for intercostal block, 306, 306f
for interscalene brachial plexus block
continuous, 158–159
single-injection, 153–154, 153f, 154f
for lumbar plexus block (LPB)
continuous, 223–224
single-injection, 219–221, 221f
for popliteal block
intertendinous approach, 251, 251f, 254
lateral approach, 258–259, 260f, 263
for sciatic nerve block anterior
approach, 241, 242f
transgluteal approach, 231–232, 231f-233f, 235
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 170, 170f, 171f
for thoracic paravertebral block
continuous, 298
single-injection, 293–294, 294f, 295f
for ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 456
for ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 377f, 378–379
for ultrasound (US)-guided fascia iliaca block, 407, 407f
for ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 399
for ultrasound (US)-guided forearm blocks, 385f, 388
for ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block, 464
for ultrasound (US)-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 371, 371f
for ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 355
for ultrasound (US)-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block, 468–469
for ultrasound (US)-guided neuraxial and perineuraxial blocks, 477
for ultrasound (US)-guided obturator nerve block, 414, 414f
for ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block
lateral approach, 444, 444f
prone approach, 445
for ultrasound (US)-guided rectus sheath block, 466
for ultrasound (US)-guided saphenous nerve block, 420f, 422
for ultrasound (US)-guided sciatic block
anterior approach, 429, 429f
transgluteal and subgluteal approach, 434, 434f
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 347, 348f
for ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 361f, 363–364
for ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, 461
for ultrasound (US)-guided wrist block, 395
for wrist block, 201, 201f, 202f
Local anesthetics (LAs). See Local anesthetics
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 578f, 579f
Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm block, 211f, 212–213, 212f
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, transverse view, 642f, 643f
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block. See Ultrasound-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block
Lateral resolution, 326
Legs. See Lower extremities
as amide-linked local anesthetic (LA), 35f, 37–38, 39t
for intercostal block, 307t
for interscalene brachial plexus block, 159
for popliteal block, 255
intertendinous approach, 255
lateral approach, 264
for sciatic nerve block, 236
for thoracic paravertebral block, 297t
Lidocaine, 129
as amide-linked local anesthetic (LA), 34, 35f, 36, 39t
for Bier block, 314, 317
for intercostal block, 307t
for thoracic paravertebral block, 297t
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 349
LMWH. See Low molecular weight heparin
Local anesthetics (LAs)
additives to
clonidine, 38
opioids, 38
toxicity of, 129
vasoconstrictors, 38
adjuvant selection and, 98
bupivacaine, 31, 33–34, 35f, 37, 39t
etidocaine, 34, 35f, 37
levobupivacaine, 35f, 37–38, 39t
lidocaine, 34, 35f, 36, 39t
mepivacaine, 35f, 37, 39t
prilocaine, 35f, 37
ropivacaine, 35f, 37, 39t
for ankle block, 281, 286, 286f, 287, 287f
for axillary brachial plexus block, 187, 191–192
for Bier block, 313, 317
diffusion of, 30
duration of, 30
onset of, 30
for cervical plexus block, 139, 143, 143f
for continuous peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs), 98
for cutaneous nerve blocks, of upper extremity, 207, 208, 212, 213
differential sensitivity, of nerve fibers to, 31, 31f
for femoral nerve block, 267
continuous, 275
single-injection, 272
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 175
for intercostal block, 303, 305, 307, 307t
for interscalene brachial plexus block, 152, 154, 156, 159
for lumbar plexus block (LPB), 217, 222, 224
mixing of, 39
nerve conduction and, 29
hydrogen ion concentration (pH) and, 31–32, 32f
for peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs), 38–39, 39t
for popliteal block, 249
intertendinous approach, 252–253, 255
lateral approach, 261–263
protein binding and, 32
and radiopaque solution, for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 170f
for sciatic nerve block
anterior approach, 229, 243, 245
transgluteal approach, 229, 233, 235
severe local anesthetic (LA) toxicity equipment
continuous nerve catheters, 49–50, 50f, 51f
echogenic needles, 48
injection pressure monitoring, 49, 49f
peripheral nerve block (PNB) trays, 46, 46f
regional nerve block needles, 46–48, 47f, 47t
sterile techniques for, 48–50
transducer covers and gel, 49
ultrasound (US) machines, 48
structure of, 29–30
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 167, 170, 170f
for thoracic paravertebral block, 291–294
single-injection, 297, 297t
toxicity of
acid-base status with, 119
with additives, 129
allergic reactions to, 121
benzodiazepine for, 120
detection of, 121–122
prevention of, 120–121
signs and symptoms of, 119–120
systemic, 32–34, 33f, 119–120
treatment of, 120–123
types of
2-chloroprocaine, 31, 35f, 36, 39t, 172
cocaine, 35f, 36
ester-linked, 32, 34–36
procaine, 35f, 36
tetracaine, 35f, 36
for ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 451, 453, 456–457
for ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 377, 379–381, 380f, 381f
for ultrasound (US)-guided fascia iliaca block, 405–407
for ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 397–401, 400f, 401f
for ultrasound (US)-guided forearm blocks, 385, 388–390, 388f, 389f
for ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block, 459, 464–465, 464f
for ultrasound (US)-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 369, 370f, 371, 372f, 373, 373f
for ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 353–354, 356, 356f
for ultrasound (US)-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block, 459, 469, 469f
for ultrasound (US)-guided lumbar plexus block (LPB), 503, 505, 506f, 508f
for ultrasound (US)-guided obturator nerve block, 411, 414–415, 415f
for ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block, 441f, 442, 444–446, 445f, 446f
for ultrasound (US)-guided rectus sheath block, 459, 466–467, 467f
for ultrasound (US)-guided saphenous nerve block, 419, 421–423, 422f
for ultrasound (US)-guided sciatic block
anterior approach, 427f, 429–430, 430f
transgluteal and subgluteal approach, 427f, 434–436, 435f
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 345, 348, 348f, 349f
for ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 361, 364, 365f, 366
for ultrasound (US)-guided thoracic paravertebral block, 497, 498f, 499, 500f, 501
for ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, 459–462, 462f
for ultrasound (US)-guided wrist block, 391–392, 395
for wrist block, 199, 202, 204
Long thoracic nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 522f, 523f
Longitudinal out-of-plane technique, for ultrasound (US)-guided thoracic paravertebral block, 499–
501, 500f
Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), 82, 109, 112
Lower extremities
blocks of, 81, 83t, 89
surface anatomy of
anterior view, 677f
posterior view, 678f
Lumbar plexus block (LPB). See
Lumbar plexus block Lumbar epidural injection, 490–492
Lumbar paravertebral space, ultrasound (US) of, 503–508
anatomy for, 503–505, 503f-506f
approaches to, 505–506, 507f, 508f
Lumbar plexus
anatomy of, 16–18, 16f, 17f, 17t, 18f 218, 218f
branches of, 16–18, 16f, 17f, 17t, 18f, 218
cutaneous distribution of, 220f
organization of, 219f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
lateral longitudinal view, 618f, 619f
lateral transverse view, 616f, 617f
posterior oblique view, 620f, 621f
transverse view, 612f, 613f
Lumbar plexus block (LPB), 83t, 88, 226. See also Ultrasound-guided lumbar plexus block (LPB)
complications of, 224, 225t
considerations of, 218
equipment for, 223
infusion, 224
landmarks for, 223–224
needle size for, 223
patient positioning for, 223–224
technique for, 224, 224f
distribution of, 218, 220f, 221f
functional anatomy of, 218, 218f, 219f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 217, 222, 224
muscle twitch with, 219, 222
needle insertion for, 217f, 218, 221–223, 221f, 222f
palpation for, 221, 221f
dynamics of, 223
equipment for, 219
landmarks for, 219–221, 221f
needle size for, 219
patient positioning for, 219–221, 221f
perioperative management of, 223
technique for, 221–222, 222f
troubleshooting for, 223
Lumbar spine
sagittal scan of, 483–485, 485f, 486f
transverse scan of, 482f, 483f, 485–486, 490f, 491f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
paramedian epidural space, 608f, 609f
posterior longitudinal view, 622f, 623f
M-mode, 329, 330f
Malignant arrhythmias, 120
Mandibular nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 518f, 519f
Maxillary nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 520f, 521f
Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
above elbow, 576f, 577f
at elbow, 578f, 579f
Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm block, 211f, 212, 212f
Median nerve
axillary brachial plexus block and, 188
block of, 82t, 203f, 204, 385f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 387f
at axilla, 566f, 567f
at elbow, 580f, 581f
at midforearm, 584f, 585f
at wrist, 594f, 595f
ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block and, 379f, 380f
ultrasound (US)-guided forearm blocks and, 386, 387f, 388–390, 389f
ultrasound (US)-guided wrist block and, 392, 392f, 393f
Median plane, 479, 480f
Membrane potential, 56
Mepivacaine, 35f, 37, 39t
for intercostal block, 307t
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 172
for surgical procedures, 84t
for thoracic paravertebral block, 297t
Midazolam, 45t
for ankle block, 288
for axillary brachial plexus block, 192
for cervical plexus block, 143
for femoral nerve block, 273
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 179
for intercostal block, 308
for popliteal block, 253, 262
for sciatic nerve block, 234, 244
for surgical procedures, 84t
Middle scalene muscle, 354f, 358f
Midforearm, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
median nerve, 584f, 585f
posterior interosseous nerve, 586f, 587f
radial nerve, 582f, 583f
ulnar nerve, 584f, 585f
Midhumerus, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 572f, 573f
Midthoracic spine, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
paramedian epidural space, 606f, 607f
paravertebral space, 610f, 611f
Mirror image artifact, 339
Mixing, of local anesthetics (LAs), 39
Monitoring, 76f
cardiovascular, 41
description of, 71–72, 71
injection pressure, 49, 49f, 75–76, 75f, 130–131, 131t
for nerve stimulation, 72–73, 72t
during peripheral nerve blocks (PNB), 132f
respiratory, 41
for ultrasound (US), 73–75, 74f
Motor response
of brachial plexus, 156f
to infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 180f
to popliteal block, lateral approach, 262, 262f
to ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 399
to ultrasound (US)-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 372
to ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 357
Muscle. See specific muscles
Muscle relaxants, 45t
Muscle twitch
with axillary brachial plexus block, 191–192
with femoral nerve block, 272–273
with infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 176, 179, 180t
with interscalene brachial plexus block, 157t
with lumbar plexus block (LPB), 219, 222
with popliteal block
intertendinous approach, 252–253
lateral approach, 258, 262, 263t
with sciatic nerve block
anterior approach, 244
transgluteal approach, 233
with supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 171–172
Musculocutaneous nerve, 191, 378f, 379f, 380, 380f
axillary brachial plexus block and, 188
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 566f-569f
Myotomes, 8–9, 8f
superficial surgery on, 139
surface anatomy of
anterior view, 670f
profile view, 671f
echogenic, 48
gauge of, 47–48, 47t
for regional nerve block, 46–48, 47f, 47t
size of
for ankle block, 284
for axillary brachial plexus block, 189
for Bier blocks, 314
for fascia iliaca blocks, 407
for femoral nerve blocks, 269, 274, 399
for forearm blocks, 388
for infraclavicular brachial plexus blocks, 177, 181, 371
for intercostal blocks, 305
for interscalene brachial plexus blocks, 152, 158, 355
for lumbar plexus blocks (LPBs), 219, 223
for obturator nerve blocks, 414
for popliteal blocks, 254, 258, 262–263
for saphenous nerve blocks, 421
for sciatic nerve blocks, 231, 235, 241
for superficial cervical plexus blocks, 347
for supraclavicular brachial plexus blocks, 168, 363
for thoracic paravertebral blocks, 293, 298
for ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 456
for ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 378
for ultrasound (US)-guided fascia iliaca block, 407
for ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 399
for ultrasound (US)-guided forearm blocks, 388
for ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block, 464
for ultrasound (US)-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 371
for ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 355
for ultrasound (US)-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block, 468
for ultrasound (US)-guided obturator nerve block, 414
for ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block, 443
for ultrasound (US)-guided rectus sheath block, 465
for ultrasound (US)-guided saphenous nerve block, 421
for ultrasound (US)-guided sciatic block, 429, 434
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 347
for ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 363
for ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, 461
for ultrasound (US)-guided wrist block, 395
for wrist block, 200
stimulating, 64
tip design of, 47
trauma with, 129
Needle insertion for ankle block, 281f, 286
for axillary brachial plexus block, 187f, 191f, 191–192
for cervical plexus block, 139f, 144, 145f
for femoral nerve block, 267f, 271, 272f
imaging of, 335, 335f, 336f
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 175, 178f, 179
in-plane technique for, 338, 338f, 346, 348
for intercostal block, 306f, 307, 307f
for interscalene brachial plexus block, 149f, 154–155, 155f
for lumbar plexus block (LPB), 217f, 218, 221–223, 221f 222f
out-of-plane technique for, 338, 338f, 346, 348
for popliteal block, 249f
intertendinous approach, 251–252, 251f-253f, 255, 255f
lateral approach, 263–264, 263f
for sciatic nerve block
anterior approach, 242f, 243, 243f
transgluteal approach, 229f, 233, 233f
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 167–168, 171, 171f
techniques of, 97–98, 338, 338f, 346, 348
for thoracic paravertebral block, 293–296, 295f-297f
for ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 453f, 454f-456f
for ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 379–380, 379f, 380f
for ultrasound (US)-guided fascia iliaca block, 405, 407–408
for ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 397f, 399–401, 400f, 401f
for ultrasound (US)-guided forearm blocks, 388–389
for ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block, 459f, 464–465, 464f
for ultrasound (US)-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 369f, 371f, 372f, 372–373
for ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 355–357, 355f-357f
for ultrasound (US)-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block, 459f, 469, 469f
for ultrasound (US)-guided lumbar plexus block (LPB), 503, 505, 505f, 506f, 507f
for ultrasound (US)-guided obturator nerve block, 411, 414–415, 415f
for ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block, 443–446, 444f-446f
for ultrasound (US)-guided rectus sheath block, 459f, 465–467, 466f, 467f
for ultrasound (US)-guided saphenous nerve block, 419, 420f-422f, 422
for ultrasound (US)-guided sciatic block
anterior approach, 427f, 429–430, 429f, 430f
transgluteal and subgluteal approach, 427f, 433–435, 434f, 435f
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 348, 348f, 349f
for ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 364–366, 364f-366f
for ultrasound (US)-guided thoracic paravertebral block, 499, 499f, 500f, 501
for ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, 459f 461–462, 462f
Nerve blockade. See specific nerve blocks
Nerve injury
after intraneural injection, 128
local anesthetic (LA) and additives, toxicity of, 129
needle trauma, 129
prevention of, 129
electrical nerve stimulation, 130
injection pain, 130
injection pressure monitoring, 130–131, 131t
ultrasound (US) for, 130
Nerve stimulation. See also Peripheral nerve stimulator; specific nerve stimulators
of brachial plexus, 154
electrical, 130
description of, 55
history of, 55
SENSe, 62–63, 62f
with femoral nerve block, 276
single-injection, 273, 274t
monitoring for, 72–73, 72t
with popliteal block
intertendinous approach, 254t
lateral approach, 263t
responses to, 193t, 222t
of sciatic nerve, 252, 261
with sciatic nerve block
anterior approach, 229, 245t
transgluteal approach, 229, 233t
Nerves. See also Innervation; specific nerves
conduction of, 29
differential sensitivity of, 31, 31f
localization of, 157t, 180t
mapping of, 59–60, 60f
plexus anatomy, 9
brachial, 12–15, 12f-15f 15t, 188f
cervical, 10–11, 10f, 11f, 11t
lumbar, 16–18, 16f 17f, 17t, 18f, 218, 218f sacral, 19–22, 19f-22f, 21t
Neurapraxia, 127
Neuraxial anesthesia, 111t
algorithm for selection of, 114
anticoagulants, 506
newer, 110
oral, 108
peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs) and, 110–111
antiplatelet therapy, 107–108
fondaparinux, 110
guidelines for, 112, 115
intravenous, 108
low molecular weight (LMWH), 82, 109, 112
subcutaneous, 108–109
herbal therapies, 109
intraspinal hematoma, 107
thrombin inhibitors, 110
thrombolytic therapy, 109
Neuraxial blocks, 107. See also Ultrasound-guided neuraxial and perineuraxial blocks
Neurologic complications of peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs)
extrafascicular injections, 128
future directions of, 131–132, 132f
intrafascicular injections, 128
nerve injury, 128–131, 131t
peripheral nerves and, 127–128
postoperative neuropathy, 133, 134f
problem with, 128
Neurons, 3, 3f
Neuropathy, postoperative, 133, 134f
Neurophysiology, electrophysiology and, 56f
action potential, 56, 57f
chronaxy, 56–59, 58f
constant current, 56–59
depolarization, 56
impedance, 56–59
impulse duration, 56–59
impulse propagation, 56
membrane potential, 56
resting potential, 56
rheobase, 56–59, 58f
threshold level, 56–59, 57f, 58f
Neurotmesis, 127
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 107
Nonstimulating catheters, 158, 254
NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), 107
Obturator nerve, 414f. See also Ultrasound-guided obturator nerve block
anterior branch of, 412, 412f, 413f, 414, 415, 415f
posterior branch of, 412, 412f, 413f, 414–415, 415f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, transverse view, 638f, 639f
Occipital nerve. See Greater occipital nerve
Ohm’s law, 68, 68f
Opioids, 38
Oral anticoagulants, 108
Osseous prominences, 178f
Out-of-plane technique, for needle insertion, 338, 338f, 346, 348
Oxycodone (OxyContin), 84t
PABA (paraaminobenzoic acid), 121
Palmar cutaneous branches, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 590f, 591f
of axillary artery, 191f
for cervical plexus block, 144f
of greater trochanter, 232, 232f
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 178f
of intercostal space, 305f, 306
for lumbar plexus block (LPB), 221, 221f
for popliteal block, intertendinous approach, 251–253
of radial styloid, 201f
for sciatic nerve block, transgluteal approach, 232–233, 232f
for ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 379
for ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 399
Paraaminobenzoic acid (PABA), 121
Paramedial in-plane scan technique, for ultrasound (US)-guided lumbar plexus block (LPB), 505,
Paramedial sagittal scan technique, for ultrasound (US)-guided lumbar plexus block (LPB), 505
Paramedian epidural space, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
at lumbar spine, 608f, 609f
at midthoracic spine, 606f, 607f
Paramedian oblique sagittal scan (PMOSS), 480, 481f, 486f, 487, 492f, 493f, 496f
Paramedian sagittal scan (PMSS), 481, 481f, 484f, 485f
Parasagittal out-of-plane technique, for ultrasound (US)-guided thoracic paravertebral block, 499–
501, 500f
Paravertebral block. See Thoracic paravertebral block Paravertebral space. See also Lumbar
paravertebral space; Thoracic paravertebral space ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, at midthoracic
spine, 610f, 611f
Parietal pleura, 497
Patient-controlled regional anesthesia (PCRA), 98, 159, 182
Patient positioning
for ankle block, 284–285, 285f
for axillary brachial plexus block, 189–190, 190f
for Bier block, 314
for cervical plexus block
deep, 144, 144f
superficial, 142
for femoral nerve block
continuous, 274
single-injection, 269–271, 272f
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block
continuous, 181
single-injection, 177–178, 178f
for intercostal block, 305, 305f
for interscalene brachial plexus block
continuous, 158–159
single-injection, 153–154, 153f, 154f
for lumbar plexus block (LPB)
continuous, 223–224
single-injection, 219–221, 221f
for popliteal block
intertendinous approach, 251, 251f, 254
lateral approach, 258, 260f, 263
for sciatic nerve block
anterior approach, 241, 242f
transgluteal approach, 231–232, 231f-233f, 235
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 170, 170f
for thoracic paravertebral block
continuous, 298
single-injection, 293, 294f
for ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 456
for ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 377f, 378–379
for ultrasound (US)-guided fascia iliaca block, 407, 407f
for ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 399
for ultrasound (US)-guided forearm blocks, 385f, 388
for ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block, 464
for ultrasound (US)-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 371, 371f
for ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 355
for ultrasound (US)-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block, 468–469
for ultrasound (US)-guided obturator nerve block, 414, 414f
for ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block
lateral approach, 444, 444f
prone approach, 445
for ultrasound (US)-guided rectus sheath block, 466
for ultrasound (US)-guided saphenous nerve block, 420f, 422
for ultrasound (US)-guided sciatic block
anterior approach, 429, 429f
transgluteal and subgluteal approach, 434, 434f
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 347, 348f
for ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 361f, 363–364
for ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, 461
for ultrasound (US)-guided wrist block, 395
for wrist block, 201
Percutaneous electrode guidance (PEG), 55, 60, 60f
Perineural catheters, 50–51, 51f
Period, 324
Perioperative management
of ankle block, 288
of axillary brachial plexus block, 192
of Bier block, 317
of cervical plexus block
deep, 145–147
superficial, 143
of femoral nerve block, 273
of infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 179
of intercostal block, 308
of interscalene brachial plexus block, 157–158
of lumbar plexus block (LPB), 223
of popliteal block
intertendinous approach, 253
lateral approach, 262
of sciatic nerve block
anterior approach, 244–245
transgluteal approach, 234
of thoracic paravertebral block, 298
of wrist block, 204
Peripheral hematoma, 114
Peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs)
anticoagulation and, 110–111
advantages and evidence of, 95–97, 96f
infusion pumps for, 51, 98–100, 99f, 99t, 100f, 101t
insertion technique for, 97–98
introduction to, 95
local anesthetics (LAs) and adjuvant selection for, 98
patient instructions for, 100–103, 102f
patient selection for, 97
patient-controlled regional anesthesia (PCRA), 98
equipment for
emergency drugs, 45, 45t
induction and block room, 41–45, 41f
perineural catheters, 50–51, 51 /
severe local anesthetics (LAs) toxicity, 46–50, 46f, 47f, 47t, 49f, 50f, 51f
trays, 46, 46f
indications for
advantages and disadvantages of, 81
protocols for, 81–86
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 38–39, 39t
literature for, 86–89
lower limb, 81, 83t, 89
monitoring during, 132f
neurologic complications of
extrafascicular injections, 128
future directions of, 131–132, 132f
histology of peripheral nerves, 127–128
histopathology of peripheral nerves, 127–128
intrafascicular injections, 128
nerve injury, 128–131, 131t
postoperative neuropathy, 133, 134f
problem with, 128
upper limb, 81, 82t
Peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS)
best practice recommendations for, 64–66, 66f, 67t
clinical use of, 55, 60, 60f
electrical impulses of, 69
equipment for
electrical features of, 63
safety features of, 63–64, 65t
setup and check of, 59
stimulating catheters, 64, 158, 235, 254
stimulating needles, 64
glossary for
charge Q, 68–69
Coulomb’s law, 68–69
current density, 68–69
electric field, 68–69
Ohm’s law, 68, 68f
resistance/impedance, 67–68
voltage, potential, current, 67–68
impedance measurement, 62
indications for use of, 55
operating of, 60–62, 61f
temperature effects of, 69
transcutaneous nerve mapping, 59–60, 60f
troubleshooting during, 63, 63t
Peripheral nerves, 3, 3f, 4f
histology of, 127–128
histopathology of, 127–128
ultrasound (US) and, 335, 335f, 336f
Peritoneum, nerve supply to, 23
Peroneal nerve
common (CPN)
ankle block and, 250, 282, 282f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 652f, 653f
ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block and, 442, 442f, 443f
in ankle block, 282, 283f, 286, 286f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 654f-657f, 664f, 665f
in ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 452–453, 453f
in ankle block, 282, 282f, 283f, 286, 287, 288f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 654f, 655f, 656f, 657f, 662f, 663f
in ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 453, 454f, 455f
pH (hydrogen ion concentration), local anesthetics (LAs) and, 31–32, 32f
Pharmacodynamics, local anesthetic (LA) toxicity and, 34
Phenylephrine, 45t
Phrenic nerve. See also Accessory phrenic nerve
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 540f, 541f
at interscalene level, 538f, 539f
transverse view, 542f, 543f
Piezoelectric effect, 323–324, 325f
Pig carcass phantom, 481, 482f, 496
Plasma concentration, 32–33
PMOSS. See Paramedian oblique sagittal scan
PMSS. See Paramedian sagittal scan Peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs). See peripheral nerve blocks
Peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS). See Peripheral nerve stimulator
Popliteal block. See also Continuous popliteal block; Single-injection popliteal block
bupivacaine for, 255
intertendinous approach to, 256
considerations of, 250
distribution of, 250
dynamics of, 253
equipment for, 251
functional anatomy of, 250, 250f, 251f
landmarks for, 251, 251f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 252–253
muscle twitch with, 252–253
needle insertion for, 251–252, 251f-253f
nerve stimulation responses to, 254t
palpation for, 251–253
patient positioning for, 251, 251f
perioperative management of, 253
technique for, 251–252
troubleshooting for, 253
lateral approach to, 265
considerations for, 258
distribution of, 258, 260f
functional anatomy for, 258, 259f
levobupivacaine for, 255
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 249
midazolam for, 253
needle insertions for, 249f
ropivacaine for, 255
Popliteal fossa, sciatic nerve at, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 632f-635f
Popliteal fossa crease, 259f
Popliteal sciatic nerve block, 83 t. See also Ultrasound-guided popliteal sciatic block
Posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, at midhumerus, 572f,
Posterior branch of obturator nerve, 412, 412f, 413f, 414–415, 415f
Posterior interosseous nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
at midforearm, 586f, 587f
at wrist, 588f, 589f, 598f, 599f
Posterior tibial nerve
ankle block and, 286–287, 287f, 451f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 658f, 659f
Postoperative anesthesia, 84t
Postoperative neuropathy, 133, 134f
action, 56, 57f
electrical, 67–68
membrane, 56
resting, 56
Prasugrel, 110
Pregnancy, local anesthetic (LA) toxicity and, 33–34
Preoperative anesthesia, 84t
Prilocaine, 35f, 37, 317
Procaine, 35f, 36
Propofol, 45t, 84t
Protein binding, local anesthetics (LAs) and, 32
Psoas compartment block. See Lumbar plexus block
Psoas muscle, in lumbar plexus block (LPB), 503–505, 504f, 506f, 508f
Pudendal canal, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 640f, 641f
Pudendal nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 640f, 641f
Radial nerve
axillary brachial plexus block and, 189
superficial branches of, 203f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 386f, 394f, 592f, 593f
at axilla, 566f, 567f
at midforearm, 582f, 583f
at midhumerus, 572f, 573f
at wrist, 590f, 591f
ultrasound (US)-guided forearm block and, 386, 386f, 388, 388f
ultrasound (US)-guided wrist block and, 393, 394f
Radial nerve block, 82t, 202, 205, 385f
Radial styloid, palpation of, 201f
Radiopaque solution
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 182f
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 170f
Rectus abdominis nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 604f, 605f
Rectus sheath block. See Ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block
Reflection, 326–327
Regional anesthesia, 111t
algorithm for selection of, 114
anatomy for
anterior abdominal wall, 22–23
brachial plexus, 12–15, 12f-15f, 15t
cervical plexus, 10–11, 10f, 11f, 11t
connective tissue, 3–4, 4f
intercostal block, 304–305, 304f
lumbar plexus, 16–18, 16f, 17f, 17t, 18f, 218
major joints, 23–26, 24f-26f
peripheral nerves, 3, 3f, 4f
peritoneum, 23
sacral plexus, 19–22, 19f-21f, 211, 22f
spinal nerves, 4–9, 4f-8f
thoracic paravertebral block, 292–293, 292f
thoracic wall, 22, 23f
anticoagulants, 506
newer, 110
oral, 108
peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs) and, 110–111
antiplatelet therapy, 107–108
equipment storage cart for, 42, 42f-45f
fondaparinux, 110
guidelines for, 112, 115
intravenous, 108
low molecular weight (LMWH), 82, 109, 112
subcutaneous, 108–109
herbal therapies, 109
intraspinal hematoma, 107
intravenous (IVRA), 89, 314, 319
monitoring during
cardiovascular, 41
respiratory, 41
patient-controlled, 98, 159, 182
thrombin inhibitors, 110
thrombolytic therapy, 109
Regional nerve block needles, 46–48, 47f, 47t
Resistance, 67–68
Respiratory monitoring, 41
Resting potential, 56
Reverberation artifact, 339, 362
Rheobase, 56–59, 58f
Rivaroxaban, 110
as amide-linked local anesthetic (LA), 35f, 37, 39t
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 182
for intercostal block, 307t
for interscalene brachial plexus block, 159
for popliteal block, 255
intertendinous approach, 255
lateral approach, 264
for sciatic nerve block, transgluteal approach, 236
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 172
for surgical procedures, 84t
for thoracic paravertebral block, 297t, 299
for ultrasound (US)-guided femoral nerve block, 398–399, 401
for ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block, 465
for ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 349
for ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 366
for ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, 459
Sacral plexus
anatomy of, 19–22, 19f-22f, 21t
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, posterior transverse view, 624f, 625f
ultrasound (US)-guided central neuraxial blockade of, 487–488
ultrasound (US) imaging of, 487–488, 494f, 495f, 497f
of peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS) equipment, 63–64, 65t
of ultrasound (US), 332–333
Sagittal plane, 479–480, 480f
Saphenous nerve, 419f, 420, 420f-422f See also Ultrasound-guided saphenous nerve block
in ankle block, 284, 284f, 286–287, 287f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
at ankle, 660f, 661f
below knee, 650f, 651f
at distal thigh, 646f, 647f
at mid-thigh, 644f, 645f
in ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 454–455, 456f, 457f
Sartorius muscle, 420, 422
Scalene muscle, 354f, 358f
Scan planes, ultrasound (US), 479–481
Scan transducers
covers and gel for, 49
curved, 329, 331f
linear, 329, 331f
SCANNING acronym, 339–341
Scapular artery, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 554f, 555f
Scapular nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 530f, 531f
Scatter, 326–327
Sciatic nerve, 250
branches of, 230, 231f
innervation of, 230f
stimulation of, 252, 261
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
anterior longitudinal view, 626f, 627f
anterior transverse view, 628f, 629f
lateral transverse view, 630f, 631f
posterior view at popliteal fossa, 632f-635f
Sciatic nerve block. See also Continuous sciatic nerve block;
Single-injection sciatic nerve block;
Ultrasound-guided sciatic block
alfentanil for, 234
anterior approach to
complications of, 245, 246t
considerations of, 241
distribution of, 241
dynamics of, 244–245
equipment for, 241
functional anatomy of, 241
landmarks for, 241, 242f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 229, 243, 245
midazolam for, 244
muscle twitches with, 244
needle insertion for, 242f, 243, 243f
needle size for, 241
nerve stimulation with, 229, 245t
patient positioning for, 241, 242f
perioperative management for, 244–245
troubleshooting for, 244
bupivacaine for, 236
levobupivacaine for, 236
midazolam for, 234, 244
transgluteal approach to, 238
considerations of, 230
distribution of, 231, 231f
functional anatomy of, 230, 230f, 231f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 229, 233, 235
SCM. See Sternocleidomastoid muscle
SENSe. See Sequential electrical nerve
stimulators Sensory anesthesia, 204
Sensory innervation, 142f
Sequential electrical nerve stimulators (SENSe), 62–63, 62f
Severe local anesthetic (LA) toxicity equipment
continuous nerve catheters, 49–50, 50f, 51f
echogenic needles, 48
injection pressure monitoring, 49, 49f
peripheral nerve block (PNB) trays, 46, 46f
regional nerve block needles, 46–48, 47f, 47t
sterile techniques for, 48–50
transducer covers and gel, 49
ultrasound (US) machines, 48
Shadowing artifact, 339
Shoulder, surface anatomy of, 676f
Shoulder joint, innervation of, 24, 24f
Single-injection femoral nerve block
alfentanil for, 273
dynamics of, 273
equipment for, 269
landmarks for, 269–271, 272f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 272
midazolam for, 273
muscle twitch with, 272–273
needle insertion for, 271, 272f
needle size for, 269
nerve stimulation with, 273, 274t
patient positioning for, 269–271, 272f
perioperative management of, 273
technique for, 272
troubleshooting for, 273, 273f
Single-injection infraclavicular brachial plexus block
dynamics of, 179
equipment for, 177
landmarks for, 177–178, 178f
needle size for, 177
patient positioning for, 177–178, 178f
perioperative management of, 179
technique for, 179, 180f
troubleshooting for, 179, 180t
Single-injection interscalene brachial plexus block
dynamics of, 157–158
equipment for, 152
landmarks for, 153–154, 153f, 154f
needle size for, 152
patient positioning for, 153–154, 153f, 154f
perioperative management for, 157–158
technique for, 154
troubleshooting for, 157f
Single-injection lumbar plexus block (LPB)
dynamics of, 223
equipment for, 219
landmarks for, 219–221, 221f
needle size for, 219
patient positioning for, 219–221, 221f
perioperative management of, 223
technique for, 221–222, 222f
troubleshooting for, 223
Single-injection popliteal block, lateral approach to
dynamics of, 262
equipment for, 258
landmarks for, 258–259, 260f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 261–262
midazolam for, 262
motor responses to, 262, 262f
muscle twitch for, 258, 262, 263t
needle size for, 258
patient positioning for, 258, 260f
perioperative management of, 262
technique for, 261, 261f
troubleshooting for, 261–262
Single-injection sciatic nerve block, transgluteal approach to
dynamics of, 234
equipment for, 231
landmarks for, 231–232, 231f-233f
muscle twitch with, 233
needle insertion for, 229f, 233, 233f
needle size for, 231
nerve stimulation with, 229, 233t
palpation for, 232–233, 232f
patient positioning for, 231–232, 231f-233f
perioperative management of, 234
troubleshooting for, 234
Single-injection thoracic paravertebral block
dynamics of, 298
equipment for, 293
landmarks for, 293–294, 294f, 295f
local anesthetics (LAs) choice for, 297, 297t
maneuvers for, 295, 297f
needle insertion for, 294–296, 295f-297f
needle size for, 293
patient positioning for, 293, 294f
perioperative management of, 298
technique for, 294–296, 295f
transverse process in, 293–296, 295f-297f
Sonoanatomy. See Ultrasound-guided anatomy
Sonography. See Ultrasound Spinal anesthesia, 168
Spinal hematoma, 114
Spinal injections, 477, 490
Spinal nerves, 4–9, 4f-8f
Spine. See also Lumbar spine; Thoracic spine
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 479, 481, 482f, 483f, 606f, 607f
ultrasound (US)-guided central neuraxial blockade of
considerations of, 479
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 481
ultrasound (US) scan planes, 479–481
water-based spine phantom, 481–483, 482f, 484f
Stellate ganglion, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 546f, 547f
Sterile techniques, 48–50
Sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM)
in cervical plexus block, 142, 143f, 144
in interscalene brachial plexus block, 149, 150f, 153–154, 154f, 157
in supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 167–168, 170–172, 170f
in ultrasound (US)-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 354, 354f, 355f
in ultrasound (US)-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 346–349, 348f, 349f
Stimulating catheters, 64, 158, 235, 254
Stimulating needles, 64
Stimulation. See Nerve stimulation Stimulus duration, 57, 57f-59f
Subclavian artery, 554f, 555f
Subcutaneous heparin, 108–109
Superficial branches, of radial nerve, 203f
Superficial cervical plexus, 208t, 346, 346f
Superficial cervical plexus block, 140, 140f. See also Ultrasound-guided superficial cervical plexus
dynamics of, 143
equipment for, 142
landmarks for, 142, 143f
patient positioning for, 142
perioperative management of, 143
technique for, 143, 143f
Superficial neck surgery, 139
Superficial peroneal nerve
in ankle block, 282, 282f, 283f, 286–287, 288f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 654f, 655f
at ankle, 656f, 657f, 662f, 663f
in ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 453, 454f, 455f
Supraclavicular brachial plexus, 361f, 362–365, 362f-365f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 552f, 553f
Supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 82t, 86, 167f. See also Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular
brachial plexus block
advantage of, 168
considerations of, 168
contraindications for, 172
decision-making algorithm for, 173
distribution of, 168
epinephrine for, 172
equipment for, 168
functional anatomy of, 168, 169f, 170f
landmarks for, 170, 170f, 171f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 167, 170, 170f
mepivacaine for, 172
muscle twitch with, 171–172
needle insertion for, 167–168, 171, 171f
needle size for, 168
patient positioning for, 170, 170f
premedication for, 170
radiopaque solution for, 170f
ropivacaine for, 172
sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) with, 167–168, 170–172, 170f
technique for, 171–172, 171f
troubleshooting for, 172
Suprascapular artery, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 524f-527f
Suprascapular nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 524f-527f
longitudinal view, 528f, 529f
Sural nerve
in ankle block, 283–284, 283f, 286–287, 288f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 666f, 667f
in ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block, 454, 455f, 456f
Surface anatomy, 669–680
anterior view, 679f
posterior view, 680f
back, 673f, 674f
chest, 672f
anterior view, 670f
profile view, 671f
anterior view, 670f
profile view, 671f
anterior view, 679f
posterior view, 680f
lower extremity
anterior view, 677f
posterior view, 678f
anterior view, 670f
profile view, 671f
posterior arms, 673f, 674f
shoulder, 676f
torso, 672f, 673f, 675f
upper arms, 672f, 676f
Surgical procedures
alfentanil for, 84t
anesthesia for
postoperative, 84t
pre/intraoperative, 84t
bupivacaine for, 84t
epinephrine for, 84t
mepivacaine for, 84t
midazolam for, 84t
propofol for, 84t
ropivacaine for, 84t
Systemic toxicity, of local anesthetics (LAs), 32–34, 33f, 119–120
TAM. See Transversus abdominis muscle
TAP block. See transversus abdominis plane block
Temperature effects, of peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS), 69
Temporal resolution, 326
Tetracaine, 35f, 36
TGC. See Time-gain compensation
Thienopyridine drugs, 104, 107
Thigh, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, saphenous nerve, 644f, 645f, 646f, 647f
Thoracic dermatomal levels, 293f
Thoracic epidural injection, 492–493, 492f, 493f
Thoracic paravertebral block, 87–88, 291f, 301. See also Ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral
anesthesia distribution for, 293, 293f
bupivacaine for, 297t, 299
considerations of, 292
complications of, 299, 300t
equipment for, 298
infusion management for, 299
landmarks for, 298
needle size for, 298
patient positioning for, 298
technique for, 299, 299f
epinephrine for, 297t
levobupivacaine for, 297t
lidocaine for, 297t
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 291–294
mepivacaine for, 297t
regional anesthesia anatomy, 292–293, 292f
ropivacaine for, 297t, 299
dynamics of, 298
equipment for, 293
landmarks for, 293–294, 294f, 295f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 297, 297t
maneuvers for, 295, 297f
needle insertion for, 294–296, 295f-297f
needle size for, 293
patient positioning for, 293, 294f
perioperative management of, 298
technique for, 294–296, 295f
transverse process in, 293–296, 295f-297f
Thoracic paravertebral space, 292
ultrasound (US) of, 497–501
anatomy and general considerations for, 497, 498f
longitudinal (parasagittal) out-of-plane approach to, 499–501, 500f
transverse in-line approach to, 497–499, 499f, 500f
Thoracic spine, 486–487, 492f, 493f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
paramedian epidural space, 606f, 607f
paravertebral space, 610f, 611f
Thoracic wall, 22, 23f
Thoracolumbar paravertebral block, 88
Threshold level, 56–59, 57f, 58f
Thrombin inhibitors, 110
Thrombolytic therapy, 109
Tibial nerve (TN)
ankle block and, 250, 283, 284f
at calf, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 648f, 649f
ankle block and, 286–287, 287f, 451f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 658f, 659f
ultrasound (US)-guided ankle block and, 452, 452f
ultrasound (US)-guided popliteal sciatic block and, 442, 442f, 443f
Ticlopidine, 107
Time-gain compensation (TGC), 331, 332f, 337f, 338
Tissue, wave interactions with, 326–327, 327f
Tissue harmonic imaging, 335
TN. See Tibial nerve
Torso, surface anatomy of, 672f, 673f, 675f
Tourniquet, for Bier block, 315–316, 315f, 316f
Toxicity. See also Severe local anesthetic (LA) toxicity equipment
cardiovascular, 33, 119
central nervous system (CNS), 32–33, 33f
local anesthetic (LA) potency and, 119–120
symptoms of, 119
of local anesthetics (LAs)
acid-base status with, 119
with additives, 129
allergic reactions to, 121
benzodiazepine for, 120
detection of, 121–122
prevention of, 120–121
signs and symptoms of, 119–120
systemic, 32–34, 33f, 119–120
treatment of, 120–123
Transcutaneous nerve mapping, 59–60, 60f
Transducers. See Scan transducers Transverse in-line technique, for ultrasound (US)-guided thoracic
paravertebral block, 497–499, 499f, 500f
Transverse plane, 480, 480f
Transverse process
in lumbar plexus block (LPB), 503–505, 504f, 507f
in thoracic paravertebral block, 293–296, 295f-297f
Transversus abdominis muscle (TAM), 460–461, 460f, 461f, 463–464, 463f
Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, 412. See also Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis
plane (TAP) block Trident sign, 504
Trident sign technique, for ultrasound (US)-guided lumbar plexus block (LPB), 505, 507f
for axillary brachial plexus block, 192, 193t
for cervical plexus block, deep, 145
for femoral nerve block, 273, 273f
for infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 179, 180t
for interscalene brachial plexus block, 157f
for lumbar plexus block (LPB), 223
during peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS), 63, 63t
for popliteal block
intertendinous approach, 253
lateral approach, 261–262
for sciatic nerve block
anterior approach, 244
transgluteal approach, 234
for supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 172
Truncal blocks
ultrasound (US)-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block
anatomy for, 463, 463f
distribution of, 463
equipment for, 464
general considerations for, 463
landmarks and patient positioning for, 464
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459, 464–465, 464f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 464–465, 464f
technique for, 464–465, 464f
ultrasound (US)-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block
anatomy for, 468, 468f
distribution of, 468
equipment for, 468
general considerations for, 468
landmarks and patient positioning for, 468–469
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459, 469, 469f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 468–469, 469f
technique for, 469, 469f
ultrasound (US)-guided rectus sheath block
anatomy for, 465, 466f
distribution of, 465
equipment for, 465
general considerations for, 465
landmarks and patient positioning for, 466
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459, 466–467, 467f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 465–467, 466f, 467f
technique for, 466–467, 466f, 467f
ultrasound (US)-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block
anatomy for, 460, 460f
distribution of, 460–461
equipment for, 461
general considerations for, 460
landmarks and patient positioning for, 461
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459–462, 462f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 461–462, 462f
technique for, 461–462, 461f, 462f
Tunneling, 50, 358, 366, 373, 381, 401
Tylenol 3, 84t
Ulnar nerve
axillary brachial plexus block and, 188–189
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 387f, 394f
at axilla, 566f, 567f, 570f, 571f
above elbow, 574f, 575f
at midforearm, 584f, 585f
at wrist, 596f, 597f
ultrasound (US)-guided axillary brachial plexus block and, 379f, 380f
ultrasound (US)-guided forearm blocks and, 387–390, 387f, 389f
ultrasound (US)-guided wrist block and, 392, 393f, 394f
wrist block and, 202f
Ulnar nerve block, 82t, 203f, 204, 385f
Ultrasound (US)
artifacts in, 340f
enhancement, 339
mirror image, 339
reverberation, 339, 362
shadowing, 339
velocity error, 339
Doppler, 323f, 328–329, 329f, 330f, 338
for intraneural injection, 130
machines for, 48
depth, 335, 338t
Doppler, 338
focusing, 337f, 338
frequency, 338
gain, 338
monitoring for, 73–75, 74f
needle insertion imaging
compound imaging, 335, 336f
conventional imaging, 335, 336f
peripheral nerves and, 335, 335f, 336f
sonographic imaging modes, 335
tissue harmonic imaging, 335
physics of, 48, 55
bioeffect and safety of, 332–333
definition of, 323, 324f
focusing effect, 332, 333f, 337f, 338
history of, 323–324, 323f
image modes, 327–329, 328f-330f, 335
instruments for, 321f, 329
piezoelectric effect, 323–324, 325f
terminology for, 324–326, 325f
time-gain compensation (TGC), 331, 332f, 337f, 338
wave interactions with tissues, 326–327, 327f
of sacrum, 487–488, 494f, 495f, 497f
scan planes, 479–481
Ultrasound-guided anatomy, 509–667
abbreviations for, 512–513
of accessory phrenic nerve, 540f, 541f
of ansa cervicalis, transverse view, 542f, 543f
of axilla, 566f-571f
of axillary brachial plexus, 379f
of axillary nerve, 564f, 565f
of biceps tendon, at elbow, 578f, 579f
of brachial plexus, 554f, 555f
of common peroneal nerve, at fibular neck, 652f, 653f
of deep peroneal nerve, at ankle, 664f, 665f
of dorsal scapular artery, 554f, 555f
of dorsal scapular nerve, 530f, 531f
of facet joints at lumbar level, transverse view, 614f, 615f
of femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve, at abdominal wall, 604f, 605f
of femoral nerve, 398f
transverse view, 636f, 637f
of genital branch of genitofemoral nerve, at abdominal wall, 602f, 603f
of greater occipital nerve
longitudinal view, 516f, 517f
transverse view, 514f, 515f
of iliohypogastric nerve, at abdominal wall, 600f, 601f
of ilioinguinal nerve, at abdominal wall, 600f, 601f
of infraclavicular brachial plexus, lateral and posterior cords, longitudinal view, 558f, 559f
of infraclavicular brachial plexus, medial cord
longitudinal view, 562f, 563f
transverse view, 560f, 561f
of infraclavicular brachial plexus, transverse view, 556f, 557f
of intercostal space, high thoracic level, 532f, 533f
of interscalene brachial plexus
longitudinal view, 536f, 537f
transverse view at C5 level, 534f 535f
of lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve, at elbow, 578f, 579f
of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, transverse view, 642f, 643f
of long thoracic nerve, 522f, 523f
of lumbar plexus lateral
longitudinal view, 618f, 619f
lateral transverse view, 616f, 617f
posterior oblique view, 620f, 621f
transverse view, 612f, 613f
of lumbar spine, posterior longitudinal view, 622f, 623f
of mandibular nerve, 518f, 519f
of maxillary nerve, 520f, 521f
of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
above elbow, 576f, 577f
at elbow, 578f, 579f
of median nerve, 387f
at axilla, 566f, 567f
at elbow, 580f, 581f
at midforearm, 584f, 585f
at wrist, 594f, 595f
of midhumerus, 572f, 573f
of musculocutaneous nerve, 566f-569f
of obturator nerve, transverse view, 638f, 639f
of palmar cutaneous branches, at wrist, 590f, 591f
of paramedian epidural space
at lumbar spine, 608f, 609f
at midthoracic spine, 606f, 607f
of paravertebral space, at midthoracic spine, 610f, 611f
of peroneal nerve deep and superficial branches, 654f, 655f
at ankle, 656f, 657f
of phrenic nerve
at interscalene level, 538f, 539f
transverse view, 542f, 543f
of posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve, at midhumerus, 572f, 573f
of posterior interosseous nerve
at midforearm, 586f, 587f
at wrist, 588f, 589f, 598f, 599f
of posterior tibial nerve, at ankle, 658f, 659f
of pudendal canal, 640f, 641f
of pudendal nerve, 640f, 641f
of radial nerve, 386f, 394f, 592f, 593f
at axilla, 566f, 567f
at midforearm, 582f, 583f
at midhumerus, 572f, 573f
at wrist, 590f, 591f
of rectus abdominis nerve, 604f, 605f
of sacral plexus, posterior transverse view, 624f, 625f
of saphenous nerve
at ankle, 660f, 661f
below knee, 650f, 651f
at distal thigh, 646f, 647f
at mid-thigh, 644f, 645f
of sciatic nerve
anterior longitudinal view, 626f, 627f
anterior transverse view, 628f, 629f
lateral transverse view, 630f, 631f
posterior view, 632f-635f
of spine, 479, 481, 482f, 483f, 606f, 607f
of stellate ganglion, 546f, 547f
of subclavian artery, 554f, 555f
of superficial peroneal nerve, at ankle, 662f, 663f
of supraclavicular brachial plexus, 552f, 553f
of suprascapular artery, 524f-527f
of suprascapular nerve, 524f-527f
longitudinal view, 528f, 529f
of sural nerve, at ankle, 666f, 667f
of tibial nerve, at calf, 648f, 649f
of ulnar nerve, 387f, 394f
at axilla, 566f, 567f, 570f, 571f
above elbow, 574f, 575f
at midforearm, 584f, 585f
at wrist, 596f, 597f
for ultrasound (US)-guided fascia iliaca block, 404, 407f
of vagus nerve, 544f, 545f
of vertebral artery
longitudinal view, 550f, 551f
transverse view, 548f, 549f
Ultrasound-guided ankle block, 451–458
anatomy for
deep peroneal nerve, 452–453, 453f
saphenous nerve, 454–455, 456f, 457f
superficial peroneal nerve, 453, 454f, 455f
sural nerve, 454, 455f, 456f
tibial nerve, 452, 452f
considerations of, 452
distribution of, 455
equipment for, 455–456
landmarks for, 456
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 451, 453, 456–457
needle for
insertion of, 453f-456f
size of, 456
technique for, 457
Ultrasound-guided axillary brachial plexus block, 382
advantages of, 378
anatomy for, 378, 378f
considerations of, 378
continuous, 381, 381f
distribution of, 378
equipment for, 378
landmarks for, 377f, 378–379
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 377, 379–381, 380f, 381f
needle for
insertion of, 379–380, 379f, 380f
size of, 378
palpation for, 379
patient positioning for, 377f, 378–379
technique for, 379–381, 379f, 380f
Ultrasound-guided central neuraxial blockade
clinical utility of, 494–495
conclusion to, 498
education and training for, 495–497
historical background of, 479
epidural, 477, 490–494, 492f-497f
spinal, 477, 490
of sacrum, 487–488
of spine
considerations of, 479
lumbar, 482f, 483–486, 483f, 485f, 486f, 490f, 491f
thoracic, 486–487, 492f, 493f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 481
ultrasound (US) scan planes, 479–481
water-based spine phantom, 481–483, 482f, 484f
technical aspects of, 488–489
Ultrasound-guided fascia iliaca block, 409
anatomy for, 404, 406, 406f, 407f
considerations of, 406
distribution of, 406
equipment for, 406–407
lalandmarks for, 407, 407f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 405–407
needle for
insertion of, 405, 407–408
size of, 407
patient positioning for, 407, 407f
technique for, 405f, 407–408, 407f, 408f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 404, 407f
Ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block, 403
anatomy for, 398, 398f
considerations of, 398
continuous, 400–402, 401f
distribution of, 398
equipment for, 398–399
landmarks for, 399
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 397–401, 400f, 401f
motor response to, 399
needle for
insertion of, 397f, 399–401, 400f 401f
size of, 399
palpation for, 399
patient positioning for, 399
ropivacaine for, 398–399, 401
technique for, 399–400, 399f, 400f
Ultrasound-guided forearm blocks
anatomy for
median nerve, 386, 387f
radial nerve, 386, 386f
ulnar nerve, 387, 387f
considerations of, 386
distribution of, 387
equipment for, 388
landmarks for, 385f, 388
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 385, 388–390, 388f, 389f
needle for
insertion of, 388–389
size of, 388
patient positioning for, 385f, 388
technique for
median nerve, 388–390, 389f
radial nerve, 388, 388f
ulnar nerve, 388–390, 389f
Ultrasound-guided iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve block
anatomy for, 463, 463f
distribution of, 463
equipment for, 464
general considerations for, 463
landmarks and patient positioning for, 464
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459, 464–465, 464f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 464–465, 464f
technique for, 464–465, 464f
Ultrasound-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 374
anatomy for, 370, 370f, 371f
considerations of, 370
continuous, 373, 373f
distribution of, 370
equipment for, 371
landmarks for, 371, 371f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 369, 370f, 371f-373f, 373
motor response to, 372
needle for
insertion of, 369f, 371f, 372–373, 372f
size of, 371
patient positioning for, 371, 371f
technique for, 369f, 371f, 372f, 372–373
Ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus block, 353f, 359
anatomy for, 354, 354f
considerations of, 354
continuous, 357–358, 358f
distribution of, 354
equipment for, 355
landmarks, 355
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 353–354, 356, 356f
motor response to, 357
needle for
insertion of, 355–357, 355f-357f
size of, 355
patient positioning for, 355
sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) with, 354, 354f, 355f
technique for, 355–357, 355f, 356f
Ultrasound-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block
anatomy for, 468, 468f
distribution of, 468
equipment for, 468
general considerations for, 468
landmarks and patient positioning for, 468–469
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459, 469, 469f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 468–469, 469f
technique for, 469, 469f
Ultrasound-guided lumbar plexus block (LPB), 503–508
anatomy for, 503
longitudinal scan, 503–504, 503f, 504f
transverse scan, 505, 505f, 506f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 503, 505, 506f, 508f
needle insertion for, 503, 505, 505f-507f
techniques for, 505–506, 507f, 508f
Ultrasound-guided nerve blockade, 323, 335, 338
Ultrasound-guided neuraxial and perineuraxial blocks
central neuraxial blocks (CNBs) caudal epidural injections, 477
combined spinal epidural (CSE), 477
epidural injections, 477
spinal injections, 477
difficulty of, 477
surface anatomic landmarks used for, 477
Ultrasound-guided obturator nerve block, 416
anatomy for, 412–413, 412f, 413f
considerations of, 412
distribution of, 414
equipment for, 414
interfascial injection technique for, 412, 414–415, 415f
landmarks for, 414, 414f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 411, 414–415, 415f
needle for
insertion of, 411, 414–415, 415f
size of, 414
patient positioning for, 414, 414f
technique for, 414–415, 415f
Ultrasound-guided popliteal sciatic block, 448
anatomy for, 441f, 442, 443f
continuous, 446–447, 446f
distribution of, 443
equipment for, 443
general considerations for, 442, 442f
lateral approach to, 442
landmarks and patient positioning for, 444, 444f
technique for, 442f, 444–445, 444f, 445f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 441f, 442, 444–446, 445f, 446f
needle size and insertion for, 443–446, 444f-446f
prone approach to, 442
landmarks and patient positioning for, 445
technique for, 442f, 445, 445f, 446f
Ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block anatomy for, 465, 466f
distribution of, 465
equipment for, 465
general considerations for, 465
landmarks and patient positioning for, 466
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459, 466–467, 467f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 465–467, 466f, 467f
technique for, 466–467, 466f, 467f
Ultrasound-guided saphenous nerve block, 424
anatomy for, 420–421, 420f, 421 /
considerations of, 420
distribution of, 421
equipment for, 421–422
landmarks for, 420f, 422
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 419, 421–423, 422f
needle for
insertion of, 419, 420f, 421f, 422, 422f
size of, 421
patient positioning for, 420f, 422
technique for, 422–423, 422f
Ultrasound-guided sciatic block
anterior approach to, 431
anatomy for, 428, 428f
distribution of, 428
equipment for, 429
general considerations for, 428
landmarks and patient positioning for, 429, 429f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 427f, 429–430, 430f
needle size and insertion for, 427f, 429–430, 429f, 430f
technique for, 429–430, 429f, 430f
transgluteal and subgluteal approach to, 433–438
anatomy for, 433, 433f
continuous, 435–436
distribution of, 433–434
equipment for, 434
general considerations for, 433
landmarks and patient positioning for, 434, 434f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 427f, 434–436, 435f
needle size and insertion for, 427f, 433–435, 434f, 435f
technique for, 434–435, 434f, 435f
Ultrasound-guided superficial cervical plexus block, 345f, 350
anatomy for, 346, 346f
bupivacaine for, 349
considerations of, 346
distribution of, 346, 347f
equipment for, 347
local anesthetic (LA) for, 345, 348, 348f, 349f
landmarks, 347, 348f
lidocaine for, 349
needle for
insertion of, 348, 348f, 349f
size of, 347
patient positioning for, 347, 348f
ropivacaine for, 349
sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) with, 346–349, 348f, 349f
technique for, 346f, 348–349, 348f, 349f
Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 367
anatomy for, 353f, 362
considerations of, 362, 362f
continuous, 366, 366f
distribution of, 362
equipment for, 362–363
landmarks for, 361f, 363–364
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 361, 364, 365f, 366
needle for
insertion of, 364–366, 364f-366f
size of, 363
patient positioning for, 361f, 363–364
ropivacaine for, 366
technique for, 363f, 364–366, 364f, 365f
Ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral block
anatomy and general considerations for, 497, 498f
distribution of, 497, 498f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 497, 498f, 499, 500f, 501
ongitudinal (parasagittal) out-of-plane technique for, 499–501, 500f
needle insertion for, 499, 499f, 500f, 501
transverse in-line technique for, 497–499, 499f, 500f
Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block anatomy for, 460, 460f
distribution of, 460–461
equipment for, 461
general considerations for, 460
landmarks and patient positioning for, 461
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 459–462, 462f
needle size and insertion for, 459f, 461–462, 462f
technique for, 461–462, 461f, 462f
Ultrasound-guided wrist block, 391f
anatomy for
median nerve, 392, 392f, 393f
radial nerve, 393, 394f
ulnar nerve, 392, 393f, 394f
considerations of, 392
distribution of, 393
equipment for, 393–395
landmarks for, 395
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 391–392, 395
needle size for, 395
patient positioning for, 395
technique for, 395
Upper body, surface anatomy of
back and posterior arms, 673f, 674f
chest, torso, and upper arms, 672f
face, neck, and upper chest, 670f, 671f
shoulder and upper extremity, 676f
torso, 675f
Upper extremities
blocks of, 81, 82t
cutaneous nerve blocks of, 214
complications of, 213, 213t
considerations of, 207f, 208
continuous, 213, 213t
functional anatomy of, 208, 208t, 209f
intercostobrachial, 208, 211f
lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm block, 211f, 212–213, 212f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 207–208, 212–213
medial cutaneous nerve of forearm block, 211f, 212, 212f
cutaneous nerves of, 208t
innervation of, 208, 209f
spinal anesthesia of, 168
surface anatomy of, 672f, 676f
posterior, 673f, 674f
US. See Ultrasound
Vagus nerve, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of, 544f, 545f
Vasoconstrictors, 38
Velocity error artifact, 339
Ventricular arrhythmias, 121
Vertebral artery, ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
longitudinal view, 550f, 551f
transverse view, 548f, 549f
Vertebral body, 497
Voltage, 67–68
Warfarin, 108
Water-based spine phantom, 481–483, 482f, 484f
Wavelength, 324
innervation of, 24, 26f
ultrasound (US)-guided anatomy of
median nerve, 594f, 595f
palmar cutaneous branches, 590f, 591f
posterior interosseous nerve, 588f, 589f, 598f, 599f
radial nerve, 590f, 591f
ulnar nerve, 596f, 597f
Wrist block, 87, 199f, 205. See also Ultrasound-guided wrist block complications of, 204, 204f
considerations for, 200
distribution of, 200
dynamics of, 204
equipment for, 200
functional anatomy of, 200, 200f
landmarks for, 201, 201f, 202f
local anesthetics (LAs) for, 199, 202, 204
needle size for, 200
patient positioning for, 201
perioperative management of, 204
The first edition was titled Peripheral Nerve Blocks: Principles and Practice.
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