
Showing posts from February 14, 2023
  acute, 2249 persistent, 2249 clinical presentation of, 2249–2250, 2250t evaluation of, 2249–2250 neurophysiologic considerations, 2247–2248, 2248f nonpharmacologic options, 2250 pharmacologic options, 2251–2253 and postmenopausal hormone therapy, 1032t Urinary NA:K ratio, 542 Urinary tract infections (UTIs), 1482–1504 asymptomatic bacteriuria and, 1500–1501 catheter-associated, 1485 in children, 1500–1501 clinical presentation of, 1485 community-acquired, 1484 complicated, 1483–1484 contraception and, 1497 diabetes and, 1484 diagnosis of, 1485–1486 drug therapy for, 1486, 1487t in elderly, 1601 epidemiology of, 1483 etiology of, 1483–1484 females and, 1483 hospital-acquired, 1484, 1502–1503 incidence of, 1483 lower, 1486–1494 pathogenesis of, 1484–1485 and postmenopausal hormone therapy, 1032t predisposing factors for, 1484–1485 during pregnancy, 977–978, 1484, 1500 prevalence of, 1483 recurrence of, 1496–1500 renal failure and, 1486 sexual intercourse and, 1485, 1500 symptomatic aba
  tr e a tme nt , 5 0 4– 5 0 6 o r a l me dic a t io n s u s e d t o tr e a t , 4 8 3 t o v e r v ie w o f, 4 8 1 p e p t ic ulc e r dis e a s e ( P U D ) c linic a l a s s e s s me nt a n d dia gn o s is , 4 9 1 – 4 9 3 , 4 9 1 – 4 9 2 t c linic a l c o ur s e a n d p r o gn o s is , 4 9 3 c linic a l p r e s e nt a t io n , 4 9 1 p. 2 3 7 1 p. 2 3 7 2 e p id e mio lo gy , 4 8 9 e t io lo gy a n d r is k fa c t o r s , 4 8 9 H e lic o b a c t e r p y lo r ir e la t e d , 4 9 5 – 4 9 8 N S A I D in du c e d ulc e r s , 4 8 9 , 4 8 9 t , 4 9 0– 4 9 1 , 4 9 0 t , 4 9 8 – 4 9 9 p a th op hy s io lo gy , 4 9 0 p a t ie nt e du c a t io n , 4 9 7 tr e a tme nt , 4 9 3 – 4 9 5 , 4 9 3 – 4 9 4 t , 4 9 4 f upp e r GI b le e din g p e p t ic ulc e r b le e din g , 5 1 1 – 5 1 3 s tr e s s - r e la t e d mu c o s a l b le e din g , 5 1 3 – 5 1 6 upp e r GI tr a c t , p hy s io lo gy o f, 4 8 1 – 4 8 2 , 4 8 1 – 4 8 2 f a n a t o mic r e g io n s , 4 8 1 f Z o llin g e r– E llis o n s yn dr o me

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