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A growing number of effective cancer therapies is associated with cardiovascular (CV) toxicities including myocardial injury or dysfunction,



A growing number of effective cancer therapies is associated with cardiovascular (CV) toxicities including myocardial injury or dysfunction, leading to reduced ventricular function, and increased risk of heart failure. As the timing of administration of cancer treatment is known, the potential for risk stratification pre-treatment, and appropriate surveillance and monitoring during treatment, and intervention with cardio-protective treatment strategies in patients exhibiting early evidence of CV toxicity is an appealing clinical strategy. The field of cardio-oncology has developed, and the application of monitoring strategies using CV biomarkers and CV imaging has been to focus of many studies and is now implemented in dedicated cardio-oncology services supporting oncology centres. In this article, we review the background and rationale for monitoring, the different options and their strengths, weaknesses and where they are helpful in specific cardiotoxic cancer therapies, and the impact in cardio-oncology care.

PMID: 31908616 [PubMed]



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pubmed: ctoall&ca or conall

[Prevention and Treatment of Cancer Therapeutics-related Cardiac Dysfunction].

[Prevention and Treatment of Cancer Therapeutics-related Cardiac Dysfunction].

Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao. 2019 Dec 30;41(6):842-850

Authors: Chen WG, Zhao L

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