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Intracranial Venous System Overview

Superior sagittal sinus

Inferior sagittal sinus

Vein of Galen

Thalamostriate veins

Septal veins

Basal veins of Rosenthal

Straight sinus

Sinus confluence (torcular Herophili)

Internal cerebral veins

Transverse sinus

Occipital sinus

Sigmoid sinus

Cavernous sinus

Sphenoparietal sinus

Superior petrosal sinus

Inferior petrosal sinus

Sigmoid sinus & jugular vein

Transverse sinus

Anterior & posterior intercavernous


Clival venous plexus

Straight sinus

Sinus confluence (torcular Herophili)

Yellow = vein of Labbé to transverse


Green = superficial (cortical) veins to

superior sagittal sinus

Blue = sphenoparietal sinus to cavernous


Red = medullary, subependymal veins to

internal cerebral veins; deep middle

cerebral vein to basal vein of Rosenthal

(Top) A series of 3 graphics provides an overview of the intracranial veins and their drainage territories. The first of these, a 3D

rendering of falx cerebri with major dural sinuses and deep veins, shows the interconnections between these 2 venous systems. (Middle)

Intracranial view depicts the major dural venous sinuses as seen from top down. The cerebral hemispheres, midbrain, and pons as well

as the left half of the tentorium cerebelli have been removed. Note the numerous interconnections between both halves of the

cavernous sinus, the clival venous plexus, and the petrosal sinuses. (Bottom) A series of 4 axial sections depicts typical venous drainage

patterns of the cerebral hemispheres. In general, the deep white matter and basal ganglia are drained by the internal cerebral vein and

its tributaries (such as medullary veins).


Brain: Pathology-Based Diagnoses: Malformations,

Trauma, and Stroke


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