NICE decisions

▶ Bevacizumab and cetuximab for the treatment of metastatic

colorectal cancer (January 2007) NICE TA118

Bevacizumab in combination with fluorouracil plus folinic

acid, with or without irinotecan, is not recommended for

the first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer; see

also NICE guidance Cetuximab, bevacizumab and

panitumumab for the treatment of metastatic colorectal

cancer after first-line chemotherapy.


▶ Bevacizumab in combination with oxaliplatin and either

fluorouracil plus folinic acid or capecitabine for the treatment

of metastatic colorectal cancer (December 2010) NICE TA212

Bevacizumab in combination with oxaliplatin and either

fluorouracil plus folinic acid or capecitabine is not

recommended for the treatment of metastatic colorectal



▶ Cetuximab, bevacizumab and panitumumab for the treatment

of metastatic colorectal cancer after first-line chemotherapy

(January 2012) NICE TA242

Bevacizumab in combination with non-oxaliplatin

(fluoropyrimidine-based) chemotherapy is not

recommended for the treatment of patients with

metastatic colorectal cancer that has progressed after firstline chemotherapy; see also NICE guidance Bevacizumab

and cetuximab for the treatment of metastatic colorectal

cancer (January 2007).


▶ Bevacizumab (first-line), sorafenib (first and second-line),

sunitinib (second-line) and temsirolimus (first-line) for the

treatment of advanced and/or metastatic renal cell carcinoma

(August 2009) NICE TA178

Bevacizumab, sorafenib, and temsirolimus are not

recommended as first-line treatments for people with

advanced and/or metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

Sorafenib and sunitinib are not recommended as secondline treatments for people with advanced and/or

metastatic renal cell carcinoma.


▶ Bevacizumab in combination with a taxane for the first-line

treatment of metastatic breast cancer (February 2011)


Bevacizumab in combination with a taxane is not

recommended for the first-line treatment of metastatic

breast cancer.


▶ Bevacizumab in combination with capecitabine for the firstline treatment of metastatic breast cancer (August 2012)


Bevacizumab in combinations with capecitabine is not

recommended within its marketing authorisation for the

first-line treatment of metastatic breast cancer, that is,

when treatment with other chemotherapy options

including taxanes or anthracyclines is not considered

appropriate, or when taxanes or anthracyclines have been

used as part of adjuvant treatment in the previous

12 months.


▶ Bevacizumab in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin

for the first-line treatment of advanced ovarian cancer (May

2013) NICE TA284

Bevacizumab in combination with paclitaxel and

carboplatin is not recommended for the first-line

treatment of advanced ovarian cancer (including fallopian

tube and primary peritoneal cancer).


▶ Bevacizumab in combination with gemcitabine and

carboplatin for the treatment of the first recurrence of

platinum-sensitive advanced ovarian cancer (May 2013)


Bevacizumab in combination with gemcitabine and

carboplatin is not recommended within its marketing

authorisation, that is, for the treatment of the first

recurrence of platinum-sensitive advanced ovarian cancer

(including fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancer)

that has not been previously treated with bevacizumab or

other vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors

or VEGF receptor-targeted agents.


Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) decisions

The Scottish Medicines Consortium has advised (May 2012)

that bevacizumab (Avastin ®) is not recommended for use

within NHS Scotland for the first line treatment of patients

with metastatic breast cancer in whom treatment with

other chemotherapy options including taxanes or

anthracyclines is not considered appropriate.

The Scottish Medicines Consortium has advised

(September 2015) that bevacizumab (Avastin ®) is accepted

for restricted use within NHS Scotland in combination

with paclitaxel for the treatment of adult patients with

platinum-resistant recurrent epithelial ovarian, fallopian

tube, or primary peritoneal cancer who received no more

than two prior chemotherapy regimens and who have not

received prior therapy with bevacizumab or other vascular

endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors or VEGF

receptor-targeted agents.

The Scottish Medicines Consortium has advised

(November 2015) that bevacizumab (Avastin ®) is accepted

for restricted use within NHS Scotland in combination

with carboplatin and paclitaxel for the first-line treatment

of advanced FIGO stage IV epithelial ovarian, fallopian

tube, or primary peritoneal cancer.

All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG) decisions

The All Wales Medicines Strategy Group has advised

(September 2017) that bevacizumab (Avastin ®) is not

recommended for use within NHS Wales in combination

with paclitaxel and cisplatin, or alternatively, paclitaxel

and topotecan in patients who cannot receive platinum

therapy, for the treatment of adults with persistent,

recurrent, or metastatic carcinoma of the cervix. The case

for cost-effectiveness has not been proven.

l MEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of

different medicines containing the same drug.

Solution for infusion

▶ Avastin (Roche Products Ltd)

Bevacizumab 25 mg per 1 ml Avastin 400mg/16ml solution for

infusion vials | 1 vial P £924.40 (Hospital only)

Avastin 100mg/4ml solution for infusion vials | 1 vial P £242.66

(Hospital only)

Blinatumomab 11-Mar-2019

l DRUG ACTION The anti-lymphocyte monoclonal

antibodies cause lysis of B lymphocytes.


Relapsed or refractory Philadelphia chromosomenegative acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (initiated by a



▶ Adult: (consult product literature)

Philadelphia chromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic

leukaemia in complete remission with minimal residual

disease (initiated by a specialist)


▶ Adult (body-weight 45 kg and above): (consult product


BNF 78 Antibody responsive malignancy 863

Immune system and malignant disease


l CAUTIONS Aphasia . brain injuries (severe). cerebellar

disease . dementia . elderly—limited information available . epilepsy . paresis . Parkinson’s disease . patients may

need pre-medication to minimise adverse reactions . psychosis . seizure . severe hepatic impairment. severe

renal impairment. stroke


▶ Pre-medication Manufacturer advises pre-medication with a

corticosteroid and an anti-pyretic—consult product


▶ Neurological events There is potentially a higher risk of

neurological events in patients with clinically relevant

CNS pathology—manufacturer advises caution.

l INTERACTIONS → Appendix 1: monoclonal antibodies


▶ Common or very common Abdominal pain . anaemia . aphasia . appetite decreased . arthralgia . chest pain . chills . cognitive disorder. confusion . constipation . cough . decreased leucocytes . diarrhoea . dizziness . dyspnoea . electrolyte imbalance . encephalopathy . facial swelling . fatigue . fever. flushing . headache . hyperglycaemia . hypersensitivity . hypertension . hypoalbuminaemia . hypotension . immune disorder. increased risk of infection . infusion related reaction . insomnia . leucocytosis . memory loss . nausea . neutropenia . oedema . pain . paraesthesia .rash .respiratory disorders . seizure . sepsis . tachycardia .thrombocytopenia .tremor.tumour lysis

syndrome . vomiting . weight increased

▶ Uncommon Capillary leak syndrome . cranial nerve

disorder. pancreatitis

SIDE-EFFECTS, FURTHER INFORMATION Pancreatitis Lifethreatening or fatal cases of pancreatitis have been

reported; manufacturer advises monitor for signs and

symptoms of pancreatitis during treatment—temporary

interruption or discontinuation may be required (consult

product literature).

Cytokine release syndrome, infusion-reactions and

tumour lysis syndrome Life-threatening (including fatal)

cases of cytokine release syndrome and tumour lysis

syndrome have been reported in patients taking

blinatumomab. Manufacturer advises monitor signs and

symptoms of cytokine release syndrome and infusion

reactions during treatment; temporary interruption or

discontinuation may be required—consult product



effective contraception during treatment and for at least

48 hours after treatment in women of child-bearing

potential. See also Pregnancy and reproductive function in

Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l PREGNANCY Manufacturer advises avoid unless potential

benefit outweighs risk—no information available; if

exposed during pregnancy, monitor infant for B-cell

depletion. See also Pregnancy and reproductive function

in Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l BREAST FEEDING Manufacturer advises avoid during and

for at least 48 hours after treatment—no information


l HEPATIC IMPAIRMENT Manufacturer advises caution in

severe impairment (no information available).

l RENAL IMPAIRMENT Manufacturer advises caution in

severe impairment—no information available.

l MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Manufacturer advises

neurological examination prior to the initiation of

treatment and continued monitoring during treatment—

consult product literature.

l HANDLING AND STORAGE Manufacturer advises store in a

refrigerator (2–8°C); consult product literature for storage

conditions after reconstitution and dilution.

l PATIENT AND CARER ADVICE A patient alert card should be

provided. Educational materials should be provided to

patients, carers and healthcare professionals to ensure

blinatumomab is used in a safe and effective way, and to

prevent the risk of medication errors and neurological

events—consult product information.

Driving and skilled tasks Manufacturer advises patients and

carers should be counselled about the effects on driving

and performance of skilled tasks—increased risk of

confusion, disorientation, co-ordination and balance

disorders, seizures and disturbances in consciousness.


NICE decisions

▶ Blinatumomab for previously treated Philadelphiachromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (June

2017) NICE TA450

Blinatumomab is recommended within its marketing

authorisation as an option for treating Philadelphia

chromosome-negative relapsed or refractory precursor Bcell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in adults, only if the

company provides it with the discount agreed in the

patient access scheme.


l MEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of

different medicines containing the same drug.

Powder for solution for infusion

EXCIPIENTS: May contain Polysorbates

▶ Blincyto (Amgen Ltd) A

Blinatumomab 38.5 microgram Blincyto 38.5micrograms powder

for concentrate and solution for solution for infusion vials |

1 vial P £2,017.00

Brentuximab vedotin 08-May-2019


CD30 positive Hodgkin lymphoma (specialist use only)|

Systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (specialist use

only)| CD30 positive cutaneous T-cell lymphoma

(specialist use only)


▶ Adult: (consult product literature)

l CAUTIONS Elevated BMI—risk of hyperglycaemia . high

tumour burden—risk of tumour lysis syndrome .rapidly

proliferating tumours—risk of tumour lysis syndrome

l INTERACTIONS → Appendix 1: monoclonal antibodies


▶ Common or very common Abdominal pain . alopecia . anaemia . arthralgia . back pain . chills . constipation . cough . diarrhoea . dizziness . dyspnoea . fatigue . fever. hyperglycaemia . increased risk of infection . infusion

related reaction . myalgia . nausea . nerve disorders . neutropenia . sepsis . skin reactions .thrombocytopenia . vomiting . weight decreased

▶ Uncommon Cytomegalovirus infection reactivation . pancreatitis acute .tumour lysis syndrome

▶ Rare or very rare Severe cutaneous adverse reactions


▶ Frequency not known Acute respiratory distress syndrome

(ARDS). anaphylactic reaction . disease recurrence . gastrointestinal disorders . gastrointestinal haemorrhage . paraesthesia . progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy



contraception required during treatment and for 6 months

after treatment in men and women.

l PREGNANCY Avoid unless potential benefit outweighs risk

(toxicity in animal studies).

l BREAST FEEDING Avoid—no information available.

864 Antibody responsive malignancy BNF 78

Immune system and malignant disease



▶ Monitor for symptoms of progressive multifocal

leucoencephalopathy (presenting as new or worsening

neurological, cognitive or behavioural signs or symptoms).

▶ Monitor for new or worsening abdominal pain—

investigate and withhold treatment if acute pancreatitis

suspected and discontinue if confirmed (fatal cases


▶ Monitor for pulmonary toxicity—treat symptoms


▶ Routinely monitor hepatic function.

▶ Monitor for infusion-related (including anaphylactic)


▶ Monitor for signs of peripheral neuropathy—consult

product literature for treatment adjustment.


NICE decisions

▶ Brentuximab vedotin for treating relapsed or refractory

systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (October 2017)


Brentuximab vedotin is recommended as an option for

treating relapsed or refractory systemic anaplastic large

cell lymphoma in adults, only if:

. they have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group

performance status of 0 or 1, and

. the manufacturer provides brentuximab vedotin

according to the commercial access agreement with NHS


These recommendations are not intended to affect

treatment that was started in the NHS before this guidance

was published. Adults having treatment outside these

recommendations may continue without change to the

funding arrangements in place before this guidance was

published, until they and their NHS clinician consider it

appropriate to stop.


▶ Brentuximab vedotin for treating CD30-positive Hodgkin

lymphoma (June 2018) NICE TA524

Brentuximab vedotin is recommended as an option for

treating CD30-positive Hodgkin lymphoma in adults with

relapsed or refractory disease, only if:

. they have already had autologous stem cell transplant,


. they have already had at least 2 previous therapies when

autologous stem cell transplant or multi-agent

chemotherapy are not suitable, and

. the manufacturer provides brentuximab vedotin

according to the commercial arrangement.

Patients whose treatment was started within the NHS

before this guidance was published should have the option

to continue treatment, without change to their funding

arrangements, until they and their NHS clinician consider

it appropriate to stop.


▶ Brentuximab vedotin for treating CD30-positive cutaneous Tcell lymphoma (April 2019) NICE TA577

Brentuximab vedotin (Adcetris ®) is recommended as an

option for treating CD30-positive cutaneous T-cell

lymphoma (CTCL) after at least one systemic therapy in

adults, only if:

. they have mycosis fungoides stage IIB or over, primary

cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma or Sézary

syndrome, and

. the manufacturer provides brentuximab vedotin

according to the commercial arrangement.

Patients whose treatment was started within the NHS

before this guidance was published should have the option

to continue treatment, without change to their funding

arrangements, until they and their NHS clinician consider

it appropriate to stop.


l MEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of

different medicines containing the same drug.

Powder for solution for infusion

EXCIPIENTS: May contain Polysorbates

ELECTROLYTES: May contain Sodium

▶ Adcetris (Takeda UK Ltd) A

Brentuximab vedotin 50 mg Adcetris 50mg powder for concentrate

for solution for infusion vials | 1 vial P £2,500.00

Cetuximab 26-Jun-2017


Treatment of wild-type RAS metastatic colorectal cancer

in patients with tumours expressing epidermal growth

factor receptor, as combination therapy, or as

monotherapy if oxaliplatin- and irinotecan-based

therapy has failed or if irinotecan is not tolerated |

Treatment of locally advanced squamous cell cancer of

the head and neck (in combination with radiotherapy)|

Treatment of recurrent or metastatic squamous cell

cancer of the head and neck (in combination with

platinum-based chemotherapy)


▶ Adult (initiated by a specialist): (consult product

literature or local protocols)





Keratitis and ulcerative keratitis have been reported

following treatment with epidermal growth factor

receptor (EGFR) inhibitors for cancer (cetuximab,

erlotinib, gefitinib and panitumumab). In rare cases, this

has resulted in corneal perforation and blindness.

Patients undergoing treatment with EGFR inhibitors

who present with acute or worsening signs and

symptoms suggestive of keratitis should be referred

promptly to an ophthalmology specialist. Treatment

should be interrupted or discontinued if ulcerative

keratitis is diagnosed.

Patients must receive an antihistamine and a

corticosteroid at least one hour before infusion.

Resuscitation facilities should be available and

treatment should be initiated by a specialist.

l CONTRA-INDICATIONS Combination of cetuximab with

oxaliplatin-containing chemotherapy is contra-indicated

in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer who have

mutant or unknown RAS status . RAS mutated colorectal

tumours (or if RAS tumour status unknown)

l CAUTIONS Cardiopulmonary disease . cardiovascular

disease . history of keratitis . pulmonary disease—

discontinue if interstitial lung disease .risk factors for

keratitis . severe dry eye . ulcerative keratitis (including

contact lens use)

l INTERACTIONS → Appendix 1: monoclonal antibodies


▶ Common or very common Appetite decreased . cytokine

release syndrome . dehydration . diarrhoea . electrolyte

imbalance . eye inflammation . fatigue . headache . infusion

related reaction . mucositis . nausea . skin eruption . vomiting

▶ Uncommon Embolism and thrombosis . interstitial lung


▶ Rare or very rare Severe cutaneous adverse reactions


▶ Frequency not known Meningitis aseptic . superinfection of

skin lesions

BNF 78 Antibody responsive malignancy 865

Immune system and malignant disease



required, see Pregnancy and reproductive function in

Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l PREGNANCY Use only if potential benefit outweighs risk—

no information available. See also Pregnancy and

reproductive function in Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l BREAST FEEDING Avoid breast-feeding during and for

2 months after treatment—no information available.

l PRE-TREATMENT SCREENING Evidence of non-mutated

(wild-type) RAS status (at exons 2, 3 and 4 of KRAS and

NRAS) is required before cetuximab is initiated for the

treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer, and should be

determined by an experienced laboratory using a validated

test method.

l DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION Resuscitation facilities

should be available.


NICE decisions

▶ Cetuximab for the treatment of locally advanced squamous

cell cancer of the head and neck (June 2008) NICE TA145

Cetuximab in combination with radiotherapy is an option

for the treatment of locally advanced squamous cell cancer

of the head and neck in patients who have a Karnofsky

performance status of 90% or greater and when all forms

of platinum-based chemoradiotherapy treatment are



▶ Cetuximab, bevacizumab and panitumumab for the treatment

of metastatic colorectal cancer after first-line chemotherapy

(January 2012) NICE TA242

Cetuximab monotherapy or combination chemotherapy is

not recommended for the treatment of patients with

metastatic colorectal cancer that has progressed after firstline chemotherapy.


▶ Cetuximab and panitumumab for previously untreated

metastatic colorectal cancer (updated September 2017)


Cetuximab is recommended, within its marketing

authorisation, as an option for previously untreated

epidermal growth factor receptor-expressing, RAS wildtype metastatic colorectal cancer in patients in

combination with:

. 5-fluorouracil, folinic acid and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX), or

. 5-fluorouracil, folinic acid and irinotecan (FOLFIRI).

This advice is contingent upon the manufacturer providing

cetuximab with the discount agreed in the commercial

access agreement.


▶ Cetuximab for treating recurrent or metastatic squamous cell

cancer of the head and neck (August 2017) NICE TA473

Cetuximab in combination with platinum-based

chemotherapy is recommended as an option for treating

recurrent or metastatic squamous cell cancer of the head

and neck in patients only:

. if the cancer started in the oral cavity, and

. when the company provides the drug in line with the

commercial access agreement with NHS England.

Patients currently receiving cetuximab whose disease does

not meet the above criteria may continue treatment until

they and their clinician consider it appropriate to stop.


l MEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of

different medicines containing the same drug.

Solution for infusion

▶ Erbitux (Merck Serono Ltd)

Cetuximab 5 mg per 1 ml Erbitux 100mg/20ml solution for infusion

vials | 1 vial P £178.10 (Hospital only)

Erbitux 500mg/100ml solution for infusion vials | 1 vial P £890.50 (Hospital only)

Daratumumab 12-Dec-2017

l DRUG ACTION Daratumumab is a monoclonal antibody

that binds to CD38, a cell-surface protein, resulting in

tumour cell death by immune-mediated actions and



Multiple myeloma (as monotherapy after failure of a

proteasome inhibitor and an immunomodulatory agent)

(specialist use only)| Multiple myeloma (in combination

with lenalidomide and dexamethasone in patients who

have received at least one prior therapy) (specialist use



▶ Adult: 16 mg/kg once weekly for weeks 1 to 8, for week

1, dose can alternatively be divided over 2 consecutive

days, then 16 mg/kg every 2 weeks for weeks 9 to 24,

then 16 mg/kg every 4 weeks for week 25 onwards until

disease progression, for dose interruption or infusion

rate reduction due to infusion-related reactions or

side-effects—consult product literature

Multiple myeloma (in combination with bortezomib and

dexamethasone in patients who have received at least

one prior therapy) (specialist use only)


▶ Adult: 16 mg/kg once weekly for weeks 1 to 9, for week

1, dose can alternatively be divided over 2 consecutive

days, then 16 mg/kg every 3 weeks for weeks 10 to 24,

then 16 mg/kg every 4 weeks for week 25 onwards until

disease progression, for dose interruption or infusion

rate reduction due to infusion-related reactions or

side-effects—consult product literature

Newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (in combination with

bortezomib, melphalan and prednisone) (specialist use



▶ Adult: 16 mg/kg once weekly for weeks 1 to 6, for week

1, dose can alternatively be divided over 2 consecutive

days, then 16 mg/kg every 3 weeks for weeks 7 to 54,

then 16 mg/kg every 4 weeks for week 55 onwards until

disease progression, for dose interruption or infusion

rate reduction due to infusion-related reactions or

side-effects—consult product literature

l CAUTIONS History of obstructive pulmonary disorder

(consider additional post-medication—consult product

literature). patients may need pre-medication to minimise

adverse reactions .risk of herpes zoster reactivation

(consider antiviral prophylaxis)


▶ Infusion-related reactions Serious infusion-related reactions

can occur and daratumumab should only be administered

when appropriately trained staff and resuscitation

facilities are immediately available; manufacturer advises

pre-medication with a corticosteroid, an antihistamine

and an anti-pyretic and post-medication with oral

corticosteroids—consult product literature. Manufacturer

advises patients should be closely monitored for signs of

infusion-related reactions during and after administration;

in the event of a hypersensitivity reaction, treatment

should be stopped immediately and appropriate

management initiated.

l INTERACTIONS → Appendix 1: monoclonal antibodies


▶ Common or very common Anaemia . atrial fibrillation . chills . cough . diarrhoea . dyspnoea . fatigue . fever. headache . hypertension . hypoxia . increased risk of

infection . infusion related reaction . lymphopenia . muscle

spasms . nasal congestion . nausea . neutropenia . peripheral neuropathy . peripheral oedema . pulmonary

866 Antibody responsive malignancy BNF 78

Immune system and malignant disease


oedema .respiratory disorders .throat irritation . thrombocytopenia . vomiting

▶ Frequency not known Allergic rhinitis . chest discomfort. hypotension . pruritus


advises treatment should be immediately interrupted if an

infusion-related reaction of any grade or severity occurs—

consult product literature for specific management



effective contraception in women of childbearing potential

during treatment and for 3 months after stopping

treatment. See also Pregnancy and reproductive function in

Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l PREGNANCY Manufacturer advises avoid unless potential

benefit outweighs risk—no information available. See also

Pregnancy and reproductive function in Cytotoxic drugs

p. 888.

l BREAST FEEDING Manufacturer advises avoid—no

information available.

l EFFECT ON LABORATORY TESTS Possible positive indirect

Coombs test (may affect antibody screening).

l HANDLING AND STORAGE Manufacturer advises store in a

refrigerator at 2–8°C; consult product literature for

storage advice following dilution.


NICE decisions

▶ Daratumumab monotherapy for treating relapsed and

refractory multiple myeloma (March 2018) NICE TA510

Daratumumab monotherapy is recommended for use

within the Cancer Drugs Fund as an option for treating

relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma in adults whose

previous therapy included a proteasome inhibitor and an

immunomodulator, and whose disease progressed on the

last therapy, only if:

. they have daratumumab after 3 previous therapies, and

. the conditions in the managed access agreement are


Patients whose treatment was started within the NHS

before this guidance was published should have the option

to continue treatment, without change to their funding

arrangements, until they and their NHS clinician consider

it appropriate to stop.


▶ Daratumumab with bortezomib and dexamethasone for

previously treated multiple myeloma (April 2019) NICE TA573

Daratumumab (Darzalex ®) plus bortezomib plus

dexamethasone is recommended for use within the Cancer

Drugs Fund as an option for treating relapsed multiple

myeloma in people who have had one previous treatment.

It is recommended only if the conditions in the managed

access agreement for daratumumab plus bortezomib plus

dexamethasone are followed.

Patients whose treatment was started within the NHS

before this guidance was published should have the option

to continue treatment, without change to their funding

arrangements, until they and their NHS clinician consider

it appropriate to stop.


Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) decisions

SMC No. 1205/17

The Scottish Medicines Consortium has advised (October

2017) that daratumumab (Darzalex ®) is accepted for

restricted use within NHS Scotland as monotherapy for use

as a fourth-line treatment option for adults with relapsed

and refractory multiple myeloma, only if a proteasome

inhibitor and an immunomodulatory agent have been used

as prior therapy and disease demonstrated progression on

the last therapy. This advice is contingent upon the

continuing availability of the patient access scheme in

NHS Scotland or a list price that is equivalent or lower.

l MEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of

different medicines containing the same drug.

Solution for infusion

EXCIPIENTS: May contain Polysorbates

ELECTROLYTES: May contain Sodium

▶ Darzalex (Janssen-Cilag Ltd) A

Daratumumab 20 mg per 1 ml Darzalex 400mg/20ml concentrate

for solution for infusion vials | 1 vial P £1,440.00

Darzalex 100mg/5ml concentrate for solution for infusion vials | 1 vial P £360.00

Dinutuximab beta 10-Sep-2018

l DRUG ACTION Dinutuximab beta is a chimeric monoclonal

antibody; it specifically targets the carbohydrate moiety of

disialoganglioside 2, which is overexpressed on

neuroblastoma cells.


High-risk neuroblastoma (specialist use only)


▶ Adult: (consult product literature)

l CONTRA-INDICATIONS Acute grade 3 or 4, or extensive

chronic graft-versus-host disease

l CAUTIONS Avoid vaccinations during and for at least

10 weeks after treatment cessation (increased risk of

immune stimulation and neurological toxicity). ensure

absence of systemic infection—any other infection should

be controlled before treatment initiation . pre-medication

must be administered to minimise the risk of infusionrelated reactions and neuropathic pain


▶ Pre-medication Severe infusion-related reactions can occur

and dinutuximab beta should only be administered when

appropriately trained staff and resuscitation facilities are

immediately available; manufacturer advises premedication with an antihistamine, and to monitor closely,

particularly during the first and second treatment course;

discontinue immediately if reaction occurs and treat as

indicated—consult product literature.

Manufacturer advises pre-medication with non-opioid

analgesics, gabapentin and opioids—consult product


l INTERACTIONS → Appendix 1: monoclonal antibodies


▶ Common or very common Abdominal distension . anaemia . anxiety . appetite decreased . ascites . capillary leak

syndrome . chills . cough . cytokine release syndrome . decreased leucocytes . device related infection . dizziness . dyspnoea . electrolyte imbalance . eye disorders . eye

inflammation . fever. fluid imbalance . gastrointestinal

disorders . haematuria . headache . heart failure . hyperhidrosis . hypersensitivity . hypertension . hypertriglyceridaemia . hypoalbuminaemia . hypotension . hypoxia . increased risk of infection . left ventricular

dysfunction . muscle spasms . nausea . neutropenia . oedema . oral disorders . pain . paraesthesia . pericardial

effusion . peripheral neuropathy . photosensitivity reaction . pulmonary oedema .renal impairment.respiratory

disorders . seizure . sepsis . skin reactions .tachycardia . thrombocytopenia .tremor. urinary retention . urine

abnormalities . vision disorders . vomiting . weight changes

▶ Uncommon Disseminated intravascular coagulation . eosinophilia . hepatocellular injury . hypovolaemic shock . intracranial pressure increased . peripheral vascular

disease . posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome



women of childbearing potential should use contraception

during and for 6 months after stopping treatment. See also

BNF 78 Antibody responsive malignancy 867

Immune system and malignant disease


Pregnancy and reproductive function in Cytotoxic drugs

p. 888.

l PREGNANCY Manufacturer advises avoid—no information

available. See also Pregnancy and reproductive function in

Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l BREAST FEEDING Manufacturer advises avoid during

treatment and for 6 months after the last dose—no

information available.


▶ Manufacturer advises pre-treatment evaluation of pulse

oximetry, bone marrow function, liver function and renal

function—consult product literature for values required for

treatment initiation.

▶ Manufacturer advises monitor circulatory and respiratory

function—risk of capillary leak syndrome.

▶ Manufacturer advises monitor liver function and

electrolytes regularly.

l HANDLING AND STORAGE Manufacturer advises store in a

refrigerator (2–8°C)—consult product literature for further

information regarding storage conditions outside

refrigerator and after preparation of the infusion.


Driving and skilled tasks Manufacturer advises patients

should not use or drive machines during treatment.


NICE decisions

▶ Dinutuximab beta for treating neuroblastoma (August 2018)


Dinutuximab beta (Qarziba ®) is recommended as an

option for treating high-risk neuroblastoma in people aged

12 months and over whose disease has at least partially

responded to induction chemotherapy, followed by

myeloablative therapy and stem cell transplant, only if:

. they have not already had anti-GD2 immunotherapy,


. the manufacturer provides dinutuximab beta according

to the commercial arrangement.

Patients whose treatment was started within the NHS

before this guidance was published should have the option

to continue treatment, without change to their funding

arrangements, until they and their NHS clinician consider

it appropriate to stop.


Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) decisions

SMC No. SMC2105

The Scottish Medicines Consortium has advised (November

2018) that dinutuximab beta (Qarziba ®) is accepted for use

within NHS Scotland for the treatment of high-risk

neuroblastoma in patients aged 12 months and over whose

disease has at least partially responded to induction

chemotherapy, followed by myeloablative therapy and

stem cell transplantation, as well as patients with a history

of relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma, with or without

residual disease.

In patients with a history of relapsed or refractory

disease and in patients who have not achieved a complete

response after first line therapy, dinutuximab beta should

be combined with interleukin-2.

This advice is contingent upon the continuing

availability of the patient access scheme in NHS Scotland

or a list price that is equivalent or lower.

l MEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of

different medicines containing the same drug.

Solution for infusion

▶ Qarziba (EUSA Pharma Ltd)

Dinutuximab beta 4.5 mg per 1 ml Qarziba 20mg/4.5ml

concentrate for solution for infusion vials | 1 vial P £7,610.00

(Hospital only)

Durvalumab 28-Nov-2018

l DRUG ACTION Durvalumab is a human monoclonal

antibody that selectively binds to programmed cell death

ligand-1 (PD-L1), blocking its interaction with the

programmed death-1 (PD-1) receptor and with CD80, and

thereby potentiating an immune response to tumour cells.


Non-small cell lung cancer (initiated by a specialist)


▶ Adult: 10 mg/kg every 2 weeks, consult product

literature for information on dose adjustments based

on individual patient safety and tolerability

l INTERACTIONS → Appendix 1: monoclonal antibodies


▶ Common or very common Cough . diarrhoea . dysphonia . dysuria .fever. flank pain . gastrointestinal discomfort. gastrointestinal disorders . hyperthyroidism . hypothyroidism . increased risk of infection . infusion

related reaction . myalgia . night sweats . peripheral

oedema .respiratory disorders . skin reactions .thyroiditis

▶ Uncommon Adrenal insufficiency . glomerulonephritis . hepatic disorders . myopathy . nephritis .type 1 diabetes


▶ Rare or very rare Diabetes insipidus . hypophysitis . hypopituitarism . myocarditis


reactions Manufacturer advises that most immunerelated adverse reactions resolved with appropriate

management, including initiation of immunosuppressive

treatment and treatment modifications—consult product


Infusion-related reactions Manufacturer advises to

permanently discontinue treatment in patients with severe

infusion reactions.


effective contraception in women of childbearing potential

during treatment and for at least 3 months after stopping

treatment. See also Pregnancy and reproductive function in

Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l PREGNANCY Manufacturer advises avoid—no information

available. See also Pregnancy and reproductive function in

Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l BREAST FEEDING Manufacturer advises avoid—no

information available.

l MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Manufacturer advises

monitor for signs and symptoms of infusion- and immunerelated reactions—consult product literature.


for intravenous infusion, dilute to a concentration between

1 mg/mL and 15 mg/mL with Glucose 5% or Sodium

Chloride 0.9%; give over 60 minutes through a low-protein

binding in-line filter (pore size 0.2 or 0.22 micron).

l HANDLING AND STORAGE Manufacturer advises store in a

refrigerator (2–8°C) and protect from light—consult

product literature for storage conditions after preparation

of the infusion.

l MEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of

different medicines containing the same drug.

Solution for infusion

EXCIPIENTS: May contain Polysorbates

▶ Imfinzi (AstraZeneca UK Ltd) A

Durvalumab 50 mg per 1 ml Imfinzi 120mg/2.4ml concentrate for

solution for infusion vials | 1 vial P £592.00

Imfinzi 500mg/10ml concentrate for solution for infusion vials | 1 vial P £2,466.00

868 Antibody responsive malignancy BNF 78

Immune system and malignant disease


Elotuzumab 12-Apr-2019

l DRUG ACTION Elotuzumab is a monoclonal antibody that

targets the signalling lymphocytic activation molecule

family member 7 (SLAMF7) protein, thereby activating

natural killer cells and mediating myeloma cell death.


Multiple myeloma in patients who have received at least

one prior therapy (in combination with lenalidomide and

dexamethasone) (specialist use only)


▶ Adult: 10 mg/kg every week, on days 1, 8, 15 and 22 of

cycles 1 and 2, then 10 mg/kg every 2 weeks, on days 1

and 15 of subsequent cycles

l CAUTIONS Pre-medication must be administered to

minimise the development of infusion-related reactions—

consult product literature . secondary primary



▶ Secondary primary malignancies Manufacturer advises to

monitor for the development of secondary primary

malignancy before and during treatment with elotuzumab.

l INTERACTIONS → Appendix 1: monoclonal antibodies


▶ Common or very common Chest pain . cough . deep vein

thrombosis . diarrhoea . fatigue . fever. headache . hypersensitivity . increased risk of infection . infusion

related reaction . lymphopenia . mood altered . night

sweats . numbness . oropharyngeal pain . weight decreased


reported when used in combination with lenalidomide and

dexamethasone or bortezomib and dexamethamsone.

Infusion-related reactions Manufacturer advises for

mild-to-moderate infusion reactions interrupt treatment

or reduce infusion rate, and monitor closely (consult

product literature); permanently discontinue therapy in

severe infusion reactions.


effective contraception in men and women of childbearing

potential; male patients should continue effective

contraceptive measures for 180 days after stopping

treatment if their partner is pregnant or of childbearing

potential. See also Pregnancy and reproductive function in

Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l PREGNANCY Manufacturer advises avoid unless

essential—no information available. See also Pregnancy

and reproductive function in Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l HANDLING AND STORAGE Manufacturer advises store in a

refrigerator (2–8°C); consult product literature for storage

conditions after preparation of the infusion.

l MEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of

different medicines containing the same drug.

Powder for solution for infusion

EXCIPIENTS: May contain Polysorbates, sucrose

▶ Empliciti (Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Ltd) A

Elotuzumab 300 mg Empliciti 300mg powder for concentrate for

solution for infusion vials | 1 vial P £1,085.00

Elotuzumab 400 mg Empliciti 400mg powder for concentrate for

solution for infusion vials | 1 vial P £1,446.00

Gemtuzumab ozogamicin 17-Oct-2018

l DRUG ACTION Gemtuzumab ozogamicin is a monoclonal

antibody that binds to CD33-expressing tumour cells to

induce cell cycle arrest and apoptotic cell death.


CD33-positive acute myeloid leukaemia (specialist use



▶ Adult: (consult product literature)

l CAUTIONS Adverse-risk cytogenetics (consider benefits

and risks of treatment, consult product literature). haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (increased risk of

hepatotoxicity). pre-medication recommended to

minimise adverse reactions


▶ Pre-medication Serious infusion-related reactions can occur

and gemtuzumab ozogamicin should only be administered

when appropriately trained staff and resuscitation

facilities are immediately available; manufacturer advises

pre-medication with a corticosteroid, paracetamol and

antihistamine 1 hour prior to dosing, and to take

appropriate measures to help prevent the development of

tumour lysis-related hyperuricaemia—consult product



▶ Common or very common Anaemia . appetite decreased . ascites . chills . constipation . decreased leucocytes . diarrhoea . dyspnoea . fatigue . fever. gastrointestinal

discomfort. gastrointestinal disorders . haemorrhage . headache . hepatic disorders . hyperbilirubinaemia . hyperglycaemia . hypertension . hypotension . infection . infusion related reaction (including fatal cases). multi

organ failure . nausea . neutropenia . oedema . pancytopenia . sinusoidal obstruction syndrome . skin

reactions . stomatitis .tachycardia .thrombocytopenia . tumour lysis syndrome (including fatal cases). vomiting

▶ Frequency not known Interstitial pneumonia


reactions (including fatal cases) can occur during the first

24 hours after administration. Manufacturer advises

interrupt treatment immediately and treat as clinically

indicated (consult product literature); permanent

discontinuation should be strongly considered in patients

who develop signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis.


women of childbearing potential should use 2 methods of

effective contraception during treatment and for at least

7 months after the last dose; male patients should use 2

methods of effective contraception during treatment and

for at least 4 months after the last dose if their partner is of

childbearing potential. See also Pregnancy and

reproductive function in Cytotoxic drugs p. 888.

l PREGNANCY Manufacturer advises avoid unless potential

benefit outweighs risk—toxicity in animal studies. See also

Pregnancy and reproductive function in Cytotoxic drugs

p. 888.

l BREAST FEEDING Manufacturer advises avoid during

treatment and for at least one month after the last dose—

no information available.

l HEPATIC IMPAIRMENT Manufacturer advises caution in

moderate-to-severe impairment—increased risk of

developing hepatotoxicity; postpone treatment if serum

transaminases (ALT or AST) greater than 2.5 times the

upper limit of normal or total bilirubin greater than

2 times the upper limit of normal.


▶ Manufacturer advises monitor complete blood counts prior

to each dose as well as signs and symptoms of infection,

BNF 78 Antibody responsive malignancy 869

Immune system and malignant disease



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