TBI can be a missile or nonmissile injury. Missile injury results
from penetration of the skull, meninges, &/or brain by an
external object (such as a bullet).
Nonmissile closed head injury (CHI) can be caused by direct
blows, blasts, or penetrating injuries. However, nonmissile CHI
is a more common cause of neurotrauma. High-speed
accidents exert significant acceleration/deceleration forces,
causing the brain to move suddenly within the skull. Forcible
impaction of the brain against the unyielding calvaria and
hard, knife-like dura results in gyral contusion. Rotation and
abrupt changes in angular momentum may deform, stretch,
and damage long vulnerable axons, resulting in axonal injury.
The most widely used clinical classification of brain trauma,
the GCS, depends on the assessment of 3 features: Best eye,
verbal, and motor responses. With the use of the GCS, TBI can
be designated as mild (13-15), moderate (9-12), or severe (≤ 8).
TBI can also be divided pathoetiologically into primary and
secondary injuries. Primary injuries occur at the time of initial
trauma. Skull fractures, epi- and subdural hematomas,
contusion, and axonal injuries are examples of primary
Secondary injuries occur later and include cerebral edema,
perfusions, and brain herniations. Large arteries, such as the
internal carotid, vertebral, and middle meningeal arteries, can
be injured either directly at the time of initial trauma or
indirectly as a complication of brain herniations.
How to Image Acute Head Trauma
Imaging is absolutely critical to the diagnosis and
management of the patient with acute TBI. The goal of
emergent imaging is 2-fold: (1) identify treatable injuries and
(2) detect and delineate the presence of secondary injuries,
MDCT: Multidetector row CT (MDCT) is the "workhorse" of
brain trauma imaging and is also used as a screening
procedure in a wide variety of clinical settings. Whenever
possible, helically acquired, thin-section, nonenhanced CT
scans from the foramen magnum to the vertex with both soft
tissue and bone algorithm should be obtained. Coronal and
sagittal images reformatted from the axial source data are
extremely helpful, especially in detecting thin peritentorial
subdural hematomas. Subdural windowing (e.g., window
width of 150-200 HU) of the soft tissue images on PACS (or
film, if PACS is not available) is also highly recommended. The
scout view should always be displayed and evaluated as part
Whole-body, CT-based studies for patients with multiple
traumas are becoming increasingly more common. Soft tissue
and bone algorithm reconstructions with multiplanar (usually
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