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Gloves, aprons, visors and masks – personal protective equipment (PPE)

Gloves, aprons, visors and masks – personal
protective equipment (PPE)
This section is broken down into smaller sections on general principles of PPE use – gloves,
aprons and gowns, masks, visors and goggles, headwear and footwear – and a summary
of when to use PPE is included.
General principles
The principles described here apply to all situations and all clinical settings. The term PPE
refers to gloves, aprons, gowns, masks, goggles and visors. The appropriate use of PPE is
essential for infection control. The benefit of wearing PPE is twofold in that it provides
protection to both the wearer and the patient.
Before donning PPE you should risk assess the situation – which items are most appropriate
for the task/situation, depending on what you might be exposed to, e.g. blood/other
body fluids? Not all items will be required each time.
You should also consider sensitivities and the risk of latex allergy (your infection control
team and occupational health department will be able to advise you on local policy).
ORDE R O F A P P L I C AT I O N A ND REMOVAL The order of applying PPE is less critical
than the order of removal – remember that when removing PPE each item is contaminated
and it is important to take each item off in the correct order for your protection.
PPE should be applied in the following order:
1. Apron/gown.
2. Mask.
3. Goggles.
4. Gloves.
PPE should be removed in the following order:
1. Gloves.
2. Apron/gown.
3. Goggles.
4. Mask.
After removing PPE you must wash your hands. This is necessary to ensure that any microorganisms
that may have got on to your hands when wearing and removing PPE are not
transmitted to other surfaces/patients/staff that you come into contact with.
PPE should be appropriate, fit for purpose and suitable for the person using/wearing it,
with supplies located close to the point of use. It is your responsibility to ensure you have
what you need, that it fits you properly and you know how to wear/use it.
PPE should be worn only when required and removed when no longer required, with
hands washed immediately afterwards.
PPE should not be worn by staff when transferring patients.
Disposable gloves, aprons, gowns and masks are single-use items and their packaging
will clearly state this. They should never be reused. They should be removed and disposed
of when the task for which they were worn is completed, with hands washed immediately
Reusable masks and visors must be cleaned after each use. Soapy water or a detergent
wipe may be used unless blood/body fluid contamination has occurred, in which case disinfection
with hypochlorite solution at 10 000 parts per million available chlorine strength
is required. See the section on spillage management
Face protection should not be touched whilst being worn as this can lead to hand

Manufacturer’s guidance on the use of PPE should always be adhered to.

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