aThe greater the blood–gas partition coefficient, the greater the blood solubility.
bThe greater the brain–blood partition coefficient, the greater the brain solubility.
cThe greater the muscle–blood partition coefficient, the greater the muscle solubility.
dThe greater the fat–blood partition coefficient, the greater the fat solubility.
e Density determined at 25◦C for desflurane, isoflurane, and enflurane and at 20◦C for sevoflurane.
MAC, minimum alveolar concentration to prevent movement in 50% of subjects.
volatile inhalation agents, in addition to metabolism and extent
of tissue equilibration. Low-solubility agents are more rapidly
washed out (eliminated) because more of the agent is removed
from the blood in one passage through the lungs.29 As can be
seen in Table 8-4, desflurane has the lowest solubility of any of
the volatile inhalation agents, with sevoflurane’s solubility being
to normal motor function and judgment when compared with
As seen in Table 8-4, the metabolism of the volatile inhalation
of 50 μM has been used as a cut-off for potential nephrotoxicity
based on reports of methoxyflurane-associated nephrotoxicity
at levels greater than 50 μM.40 Despite this, sevoflurane has not
been demonstrated to produce nephrotoxicity. Potential reasons
for this include the fact that sevoflurane’s low blood gas solubility
dose-dependent manner. As mentioned previously, sevoflurane
can be used for mask induction of general anesthesia because it
coughing, breath-holding, laryngospasm, and salivation in the
Isoflurane can increase heart rate, so cardiac output is usually
maintained. Sevoflurane produces little increase in heart rate, so
cardiac output may not be as well maintained as with isoflurane.
Although enflurane can increase heart rate, cardiac output is
usually decreased. Desflurane can produce sympathetic nervous
system activation, resulting in a transient increase in BP and
heart rate when concentrations are rapidly increased.29,40 The
smooth muscle, which can contribute to perinatal blood loss.
All volatile inhalation agents have been implicated as triggers of
inhalation agents. Thus, their administration permits use of
lower dosages of the volatile inhalation agents, thereby reducing
their potential for adverse effects.
The following items must be considered when examining the
costs associated with the administration of volatile inhalation
agents from an institutional perspective: cost of the volatile
used to treat adverse effects of the volatile agent, and time spent
The cost of a volatile agent depends on (a) the cost per milliliter
of the liquid anesthetic, (b) the amount of vapor generated per
milliliter, (c) the amount of volatile agent that must be delivered
The use of low flow rates can result in substantial reductions in
the volatile anesthetic drug cost per case. An important point
to keep in mind when comparing only the cost of the volatile
inhalation agents themselves (e.g., excluding any benefits in
agents have to be administered at low flow rates to prevent their
The cost of purchasing new vaporizers and upgrading or
replacing agent analyzers that are used to administer and monitor
volatile inhalation agents, respectively, can be significant. These
costs become a concern when a new product is introduced onto
Medications used to treat adverse effects associated with the
are routinely used to prevent or treat the PONV seen with the
surgery) postoperative vomiting.46 Although the administration
of an antiemetic agent adds to the cost, it is significantly less than
the cost of an unanticipated admission to the hospital secondary
Desflurane Use for Maintenance of
QUESTION 1: C.K., a 26-year-old man, ASA-I, is scheduled
to undergo a laparoscopic hernia repair on an outpatient
basis. During his preoperative evaluation on the morning
of surgery, his BP was 115/75 mm Hg, and his heart rate
was 70 beats/minute. The surgery is expected to last less
than 2 hours, so a propofol induction is planned followed by
maintenance of general anesthesia with desflurane without
nitrous oxide. After induction of anesthesia, the desflurane
concentration on the vaporizer was rapidly increased to 8%.
Within 1 minute of the concentration increase, C.K.’s BP
increased to 148/110 mm Hg, and his heart rate increased
to 112 beats/minute. What could be causing C.K.’s
increased BP and heart rate, and how could it have been
157Perioperative Care Chapter 8
circumstances. One of these is the rapid increase of desflurane
Alternatively, nitrous oxide can be administered with desflurane,
thereby allowing the desflurane concentration to be maintained
Emergence Agitation in Children
QUESTION 1: P.F., a 3-year-old child, ASA-I, is undergoing a
uneventful, with a duration of 30 minutes. He was awakened
from anesthesia and transferred to the PACU to recover.
Shortly after he arrived, P.F. became extremely restless and
and if so, can it be prevented?
with oral midazolam50 and administering analgesics to minimize
postoperative pain51 may reduce the incidence. A small dose of
dexmedetomidine (0.3 mcg/kg IV), an α2-agonist with sedative
and analgesic properties, after induction of anesthesia reduces
induction has been reported to reduce the severity of emergence
Neuromuscular blocking agents are one of the most commonly
used classes of drugs in the OR. They are used primarily as an
anesthesia.54 Skeletal muscle relaxation optimizes the surgical
field for the surgeon and prevents patient movement as a reflex
response to surgical stimulation. Neuromuscular blocking agents
that neuromuscular blocking agents have no known effect on
nerve endplate, the Ach receptor undergoes a conformational
change that allows the influx of sodium and potassium into the
muscle cell, the membrane depolarizes, and the muscle contracts.
neuromuscular blocking agents exist based on their mechanism
of action: depolarizing and nondepolarizing. Succinylcholine, the
only depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent in clinical use
sustained skeletal muscle paralysis. The paralysis produced by
at the Ach subunits of the nicotinic cholinergic receptors, thereby
preventing Ach from binding and causing depolarization of the
muscle membrane and muscle contraction.54,56
Monitoring Neuromuscular Blockade
In addition to clinical assessment (e.g., lack of movement) by the
(one or two visible muscle twitches of a possible four twitches).55
Neuromuscular blocking agents are commonly classified by the
type of blockade produced (depolarizing vs. nondepolarizing),
The underlying mechanisms for the cardiovascular adverse
effects of neuromuscular blocking agents are listed in Table 8-6
the steroidal compounds exhibit varying degrees of vagolytic
reported as a problem when used short term in the OR, the use
of neuromuscular blocking agents in ICU patients for extended
periods can result in prolonged neuromuscular blockade or
acute quadriplegic myopathy syndrome, albeit infrequently.56
Of the currently available neuromuscular blocking agents,
cisatracurium and vecuronium are devoid of clinically significant
cardiovascular effects and are the agents of choice for patients
with unstable cardiovascular profiles.54,56,57 Succinylcholine is
associated with a significant number of adverse effects, including
Classification of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents57
Agent Type of Block Clinical Duration of Actiona Structure
Atracurium (Tracrium) – Intermediate Benzylisoquinolinium
Cisatracurium (Nimbex) – Intermediate Benzylisoquinolinium
Pancuronium (Pavulon) – Long Steroidal
Rocuronium (Zemuron) – Intermediate Steroidal
Succinylcholine (Anectine, Quelicin) + Ultrashort Acetylcholine like
Vecuronium (Norcuron) – Intermediate Steroidal
+, depolarizing; –, nondepolarizing.
intragastric, and intracranial pressures.57,58 Succinylcholine, like
inhalational anesthetics, can trigger MH.56 Of these adverse
severe and potentially life-threatening reactions. Nevertheless,
succinylcholine is still used today because of its rapid onset and
Several drugs interact with neuromuscular blocking agents. The
volatile inhalation agents potentiate the neuromuscular blockade
produced by nondepolarizing agents, thereby allowing a lower
dose of the latter to be used when administered concomitantly.
Other agents reported to potentiate the effects of neuromuscular
B, and dantrolene. Carbamazepine, phenytoin, corticosteroids
(chronic administration), and theophylline antagonize the effects
to effect, significant problems from drug interactions can be minimized.
Reversal of Neuromuscular Blockade
acetylcholinesterase, which degrades Ach, and are used to reverse
paralysis produced by nondepolarizing agents. Anticholinergic
of neuromuscular blockade, as a general rule, is not attempted
nerve stimulator and by clinical assessment of the patient (e.g.,
ability to sustain head lift for 5 seconds).57,58
using the Sellick maneuver. Which neuromuscular blocking
agent would be most appropriate for R.D.?
Rapid sequence induction is indicated for patients at risk for
aspiration of gastric contents should regurgitation occur. Patients
who have recently eaten (with a full stomach), morbidly obese
Causes of Cardiovascular Adverse Effects of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents56–58
Agent Histamine Releasea Autonomic Ganglia Vagolytic Activity Sympathetic Stimulation
Pancuronium – Weak block ++ ++
Succinylcholine + Stimulates – –
159Perioperative Care Chapter 8
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Parameters of Action of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents55–58
5–7 0.2 20 0.2–0.25 0.4–0.5 2–3 25–30
Cisatracurium 4.6 0.15 22 0.05 0.15–0.2 2–2.5 50–60
Pancuronium 1–2 0.3 80–120 0.07 0.04–0.1 3–5 80–100
4.0 0.3 60–70 0.3 0.6–1.2 1–1.5 30–60
4.5 0.4 50–70 0.05–0.06 0.1 2–3 25–30
aDose when nitrous oxide–opioid technique is used.
patients, or patients with a history of gastroesophageal reflux are
at risk for aspiration, as is the case for R.D. The goal of rapid
sequence induction is to minimize the time during which the
airway is unprotected by intubating the patient as fast as possible
ventilation of the patient is not attempted after administration of
these agents. Apnea occurs as the neuromuscular blocking agent
takes effect; therefore, a neuromuscular blocking agent with as
often used during rapid sequence induction. It is performed by
regurgitation of gastric contents into the trachea. Intubation is
then performed within 60 seconds.
Table 8-7 lists the onset times of normal intubating doses
and other information pertaining to the use of neuromuscular
blocking agents.55–58 Succinylcholine has the fastest onset time,
which makes it an appropriate agent to use in rapid sequence
presents with a history of susceptibility to MH, and why?
Succinylcholine is contraindicated in patients with skeletal
muscle myopathies; after the acute phase of injury (i.e., 5–70
days after injury) after major burns, multiple trauma, extensive
denervation of skeletal muscle, or upper motor neuron injury;
in children and adolescents (except when used for emergency
drug.54,57 Succinylcholine can also trigger MH and is absolutely
contraindicated in MH-susceptible patients.60
The nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents are safe
to use in MH-susceptible patients.61 Rocuronium has the fastest
onset time of the nondepolarizing agents, although it is slightly
slower than succinylcholine.58 The onsets of the remaining
intermediate- and long-duration agents can be shortened by
increasing the dose, which not only results in a faster onset
1.2 mg/kg, however, will prolong the clinical duration from
approximately 30 minutes to at least 60 minutes.62 Rocuronium,
with its rapid onset of action, would be a suitable alternative
to succinylcholine in R.D.’s case. Its longer clinical duration of
action could be a concern if the airway cannot be secured immediately or if the procedure is
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