inpatient vs. outpatient), drug
allergies, previous experience with medications, and concurrent
little medical risk, whereas ASA-V patients have little chance of
survival. Severe systemic disorders (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes
mellitus, coronary artery disease) are present in ASA-III through
ASA-V patients. Selection of preoperative medications in this
a cardiovascular depressant agent, for example, can be harmful.
Furthermore, these patients will be taking a significant number of
medications; hence, chances for drug interactions are increased.
The patient’s other medical conditions are important to consider
to prevent the administration of contraindicated medications. For
example, the benzodiazepines are contraindicated in pregnancy.
to preoperative opioids and benzodiazepines, as well as to the
central nervous system (CNS) effects of anticholinergic agents.
procedures (e.g., vascular cannulation, peripheral nerve block)
will be performed on the patient, an analgesic premedicant may
patient undergoing emergency surgery who has not fasted is
often administered a nonparticulate antacid because of the risk
for aspiration of gastric contents. In outpatient surgery, agents
with a long duration of action should be avoided because residual
effects can prolong discharge time. Finally, it is important to
review the patient’s current drug therapy before selecting an
agent to prevent potentially harmful drug interactions.
Timing and Routes of Administration
The timing and route of administration is almost as important
as the choice of the agent. As a general rule, agents administered
by the IV route produce the fastest onset of action and are often
given after the patient arrives in the OR, whereas medications
administered via the oral route are usually administered 30 to
60 minutes before the patient arrives in the OR. If possible, the
intramuscular (IM) route should be avoided because it is painful
and undesirable for the patient.
Administration of Chronic Medications
QUESTION 1: K.J., a 61-year-old man, is scheduled to
hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and coronary artery disease.
His current medications are enalapril 20 mg once daily,
metoprolol XL 50 mg once daily, metformin XR 1,000 mg
once daily, atorvastatin 40 mg once daily, aspirin EC 325 mg
Consequences of stopping a chronic medication before, or
the perioperative period in a patient who has been on chronic
conditions with ACC/AHA Class I guideline indications for the
drugs (e.g., angina, symptomatic arrhythmia, postmyocardial
infarction).5 Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)
and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) increase the risk of
hypotension after induction of anesthesia when these agents are
phenylephrine) but will respond to vasopressin.7 Stopping the
Therefore, the decision to continue or stop the ACEI or ARB
Calcium-channel blockers, clonidine, amiodarone, digoxin, and
statins should be continued. Preoperative withdrawal of a statin
in a patient undergoing major vascular surgery, for example,
increases the risk of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular
death after surgery.8 Diuretics are typically held the morning
of surgery to minimize the risk of hypovolemia and electrolyte
Oral antidiabetic agents and noninsulin injectable agents are
those who may receive IV contrast media, metformin should be
discontinued 24 to 48 hours before surgery to reduce the risk
of perioperative lactic acidosis. For patients on insulin therapy,
a portion of the morning dose of intermediate- or long-acting
insulin is generally administered on the day of surgery after a
Antiepileptics, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, lithium,
selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
decompensation than for perioperative complications. These
medications should therefore be continued up to and including
the need to stop the MAOI before surgery (and relapse of the
underlying disease) in a patient requiring an MAOI for refractory psychiatric illness.10
Nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
reversibly inhibit platelet aggregation and are often stopped 1 to
3 days before surgery, depending on the duration of action of
the drug. Celecoxib does not affect platelet aggregation and may
be continued up to and including the day of surgery. Nonselective
NSAIDs and celecoxib should be held if there is a concern for
impaired renal function during or after surgery.
For patients on anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy, the risks
patient is undergoing minor surgery (e.g., certain ophthalmic,
dental, or dermatologic procedures). For patients who have had
recent review of the literature, however, found that patients on
long-term corticosteroid therapy only require continuation of
their normal daily dose of corticosteroid in the perioperative
to meet the increased demand from surgery; a supplemental
stress dose of corticosteroid is not necessary. These patients can
be closely monitored, and if hypotension that is refractory to
supplemental corticosteroid doses in the perioperative period as
they cannot increase endogenous cortisol production to meet
the increased demand from surgery.13
Opioid-dependent chronic pain patients who undergo surgery
often experience more severe acute pain after surgery. These
patients should receive either their chronic opioid medication or
a comparable dose of an IV opioid the morning of surgery to meet
and kappa antagonist that tightly binds to these receptors for a
very long time. If buprenorphine is continued up to the morning
151Perioperative Care Chapter 8
of surgery, it prevents a pure mu-agonist such as morphine from
providing effective analgesia. Although buprenorphine produces
analgesia, it only partially stimulates the mu-receptor, resulting
may be transitioned to nonopioid pain medications and possibly
or analgesic techniques (e.g., acetaminophen, peripheral nerve
blockade, epidural analgesia) for perioperative analgesia should
be maximized, regardless of whether or not buprenorphine is
discontinued prior to surgery.14
For K.J., metformin should be discontinued 24 to 48 hours
before surgery to minimize the risk for lactic acidosis during or
after surgery. Metoprolol, on the other hand, should be taken up
to and including the morning of surgery. K.J. has coronary artery
disease and is undergoing a carotid endarterectomy, which is
β-blocker therapy is recommended for K.J. The decision for K.J.
to take enalapril and atorvastatin the morning of surgery is made
by the anesthesia care provider. For K.T., it is likely that he will
be asked to take his atorvastatin but hold his morning dose of
enalapril to ensure hemodynamic stability during induction of
general anesthesia. The decision for K.J. to take or hold aspirin
likely that the surgeon will ask him to take the aspirin up to and
including the morning of surgery but hold the clopidogrel for
Aspiration Pneumonitis Prophylaxis
QUESTION 1: D.W., a 5-foot 4-inch, 95-kg, 38-year-old
woman, ASA-II, is scheduled to undergo a laparoscopic
cholecystectomy under general anesthesia. D.W. has type
2 diabetes. Physical examination is normal except for an
for dyspepsia. The procedure is scheduled as a same-day
surgery. What factors predispose D.W. to aspiration, and
what premedication, if any, should D.W. receive for aspiration prophylaxis?
Aspiration pneumonitis, although uncommon, is a potentially
gastric contents into the respiratory tract can cause obstruction
and an inflammatory response. Acute chemical pneumonitis and
subsequent acute lung injury (aspiration pneumonitis) can result
from aspiration of acidic gastric secretions.15 For adult patients,
it is believed that aspiration of more than 25 mL of gastric fluid
with a pH of less than 2.5 places them at greater risk for severe
pneumonitis and pulmonary sequelae should aspiration occur.1
Patients at greatest risk for regurgitation and aspiration include
those with increased gastric acid, elevated intragastric pressure,
gastric or intestinal hypomotility, digestive structural disorders,
neuromuscular incoordination, and depressed sensorium. These
can include pregnant women, obese patients, and patients with
diabetes, as well as patients with a hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal
reflux, esophageal motility disorders, or peptic ulcer disease.1,16
Diabetic patients with reflux symptoms or poor glucose control
may also benefit from pharmacologic prophylaxis. In addition
to having delayed gastric emptying, obese patients will often
emptying and relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter. An
undergoing emergency surgery frequently have full stomachs
because they have not had time to fast appropriately.
the stomach with anesthetic gases, and inserting a large-bore
gastric tube once the airway has been secured, as well as the
use of regional anesthesia when possible, are probably the most
important measures the anesthesia provider can take to reduce
not reduce morbidity in healthy patients undergoing elective
patients at risk for aspiration.
D.W. has several factors that place her at risk for aspiration.
She is obese with an abnormal airway. She also has diabetes
and reports symptoms of dyspepsia that are relieved by antacids.
These conditions will predispose D.W. to increased abdominal
the amount of time D.W. is susceptible to aspiration. Therefore,
aspiration prophylaxis with medications that buffer gastric acid
and reduce gastric volume is prudent for D.W.
Many medications (e.g., antacids, gastric motility stimulants,
H2-receptor antagonists) can reduce the risk of pneumonitis if
aspiration occurs. These drugs, with the possible exception of
metoclopramide, are relatively free of adverse effects and have a
favorable risk-benefit profile.
Antacids, effective in raising gastric pH to greater than 2.5, should
be given as a single dose (30 mL) approximately 15 to 30 minutes
the suspension particles in particulate antacids can act as foci
for an inflammatory reaction if aspirated and increase the risk
of pulmonary damage.1 Antacids have two major advantages
when used for aspiration pneumonitis prophylaxis; there is no
“lag time” for onset of activity, and antacids are effective on the
fluid already in the stomach. Their major disadvantages are (a)
a short-acting buffering effect that is not likely to last as long as
the surgical procedure (citric acid and sodium citrate must be
(b) the potential for emesis (owing to their lack of palatability);
(c) the possibility of incomplete mixing in the stomach; and (d)
their administration adds fluid volume to the stomach.1,18
The gastric motility stimulant, metoclopramide, has no effect
by promoting gastric emptying. Preoperative metoclopramide
increases lower esophageal sphincter pressure and reduces gastric
volume.1,18 Metoclopramide should be administered 60 minutes
before induction of anesthesia when given orally. When given
by the IV route, metoclopramide should be slowly (3–5 minutes)
administered 15 to 30 minutes before induction of anesthesia.
The effects of metoclopramide on gastric emptying have been
variable, especially when used with other agents. For example,
lower esophageal sphincter pressure, which can offset the effects
of metoclopramide on the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract.1,19
H2-receptor antagonists reduce gastric acidity and volume by
decreasing gastric acid secretion. Unlike antacids, the H2-receptor
antagonists do not produce immediate effects. Onset time for
these agents when administered orally is 1 to 3 hours; good effects
will be seen in 30 to 60 minutes when administered IV.3 Duration
of action of H2-receptor antagonists is also important because
the risk of aspiration pneumonitis extends through emergence
from anesthesia. After IV administration, the cimetidine dose
should be repeated in 6 hours if necessary, whereas therapeutic
concentrations of ranitidine and famotidine persist for 8 and
Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs; e.g., omeprazole) act at the final
site of gastric acid secretion, making these agents very effective
in suppressing acid secretion. When the effects of preoperative
IV pantoprazole on gastric pH and volume were compared with
contents when compared with placebo (saline). There was no
difference, however, between the pantoprazole and ranitidine
groups.20 Therefore, there appears to be no need to use the
more-expensive PPIs in patients at risk for pulmonary aspiration.
Because D.W.’s surgery is scheduled as a same-day surgery,
D.W. will arrive at the hospital or surgical center approximately
90 minutes before the start of the procedure. A nonparticulate
antacid such as citric acid and sodium citrate solution 30 mL
orally can be administered to D.W. immediately before entering
the OR. The anesthesia care provider may also administer an
H2-receptor antagonist instead of, or in addition to, the nonparticulate antacid.
General anesthesia is a state of drug-induced unconsciousness.
noxious stimuli.21 Drugs used to induce general anesthesia
should produce unconsciousness rapidly and smoothly while
minimizing any cardiovascular changes. An IV induction agent is
commonly administered for initiation of general anesthesia. The
or continuous dosing are ideal choices for maintenance therapy.
Most IV anesthetic agents produce CNS depression by action
on the γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA) benzodiazepine chloride
to a receptor site on the GABA–receptor complex, reducing the
rate of dissociation of GABA from its receptor. This results in
increased chloride conductance through the ion channel, nerve
mimicking the action of GABA. Benzodiazepines (midazolam)
also bind to this GABA–receptor complex, and their subsequent
potentiation of the inhibitory action of GABA is well described.
At large doses, most of the benzodiazepine receptors will be
occupied, and hypnosis (unconsciousness) will occur. The site of
between the cortex and the thalamus within the limbic system,
resulting in a dissociative state; that is, the patient appears to be
detached from his or her surroundings. Ketamine also produces
analgesia and amnesia at these doses.22
agents have a rapid onset of action and short clinical duration.
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