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Vice City




reviews (60)

a new marketplace which takes pride in our customer support and operational security. Our number one priority is to listen to customer and vendor feedback alike, to create the ultimate user experience here on our platform.





PGP Key Details

TommyVercetti (Support) key

ABE4 87D3 62D0 8129 A232 8C64 0A86 5957 B8F3 3B5F


Vice City (Main) key

ED30 FD7D C725 16B8 5EB5 DC8E BC3B 220E 3E88 06E9



Launch Announcement

We are a new marketplace which takes pride in our customer support and operational security. Our number one priority is to listen to customer and vendor feedback alike, to create the ultimate user experience here on our platform.

We currently support 2 of 3 multisig, Escrow and Finalize Early. We also support wallet-less orders, so you do not need to deposit into your account and store extra money, or risk losing balance during crypto fluctuations.

The plans to implement Monero are already underway so this will be coming within the next few months.

You can find many questions you may have about our marketplace answered within our FAQ section, located by clicking Support at the top of the page.

If you have any questions that are not answered within the FAQ you can create a ticket which our staff will swiftly respond to.


How do I add funds to my account?

We do not advise you adding funds to wallet unless you need to. You can create an order with no balance and you will be provided with an invoice with a static amount.

You can add funds to your market wallet by adding ?page=account to the end of the markets url or by clicking your wallet balance on the top right hand corner of the page.

We always recommend verifying the unique PGP signed address to avoid being phished. You can find the PGP Deposit Address Sign Key at the bottom of the Signed addresses page.

You will then see a unique wallet address tied to your account. You can deposit funds to this address which will be credited to your account after 3 confirmations on the blockchain.

What am I allowed to sell on this platform?

The sale of specific items are prohibited on Vice City. We believe by disallowing the sale of any of the listed products/services below it greatly reduces risk to innocent people, regardless of who they are.

This is a list of the products/services that are NOT allowed on Vice City.

? No Weapons / Explosives

? No Hitmen / Murder for Hire Services

? No Fentanyl (including any analogue)

? NoStolen data containing information of any user under 21 years of age.

? No Doxxing or Doxxing services.

? No Pornography of any type. This includes “porn accounts”.

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