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• The procedure should be done slowly.

• It is time-consuming and requires special equipment.

• Silicone impression material is difficult to electroplate due to low

surface energy.

• Because of its hydrophilic nature, it tends to imbibe water and hence

it cannot be used in polyether impression materials.

• Polysulphide impression can be silver plated but difficult to copper


• Drawback of silver plating is that it involves the use of cyanide

solution which is highly toxic.

Various die systems

Die systems can be classified on the basis of their design as follows:

(i) Working cast with a separate die

(ii) Working cast with a removable die

• Dowel pin systems – straight and curved

• Pindex system

• Di-Lok system

• Accu-trac system

Working cast with a separate die

In this method, either two separate impressions are made to get two

casts or a single impression is poured twice to get two separate casts.

Cast poured first from the impression is used as a die and the cast

poured second is used as a working cast. First cast is sectioned to form

a die and the other cast is used as a working cast. Wax pattern is

fabricated on the sectioned die and is then transferred and fitted onto

the working cast. This system is also called multiple pour system.


• This technique is simple and easy to use.

• No special equipment is required.

• As gingival tissues are left intact, they can be used as a guide to

make accurate restoration.


• There are chances of distortion of wax pattern during transfer from

die to working cast.

• It is difficult to transfer fragile wax pattern from die to cast.

• Seating of pattern on the cast may be difficult, as the second poured

cast is slightly larger than the first.

Various removable die systems

These systems have become more popular in recent times because of

ease of manipulating wax pattern during transfer from die to working

model. Also, manipulation of porcelain restorations is simpler.

Ideal requirements of removable die system

• Dies should be stable.

• Working cast with dies should be easy to mount on an articulator.

• Dies should be replaced accurately in their position originally


Various removable die systems available are:

• Dowel pin system

• Pindex system

• Di-Lok system

• Accu-Trac system

Dowel pin system.

This is of two types, namely, straight and curved.

1. Straight dowel pin system

• Dowel pins are tapered, flat-sided pins made up of

brass (Fig. 29-1).

• They resist horizontal displacement.

• Dowel pin is positioned over the prepared tooth.

• There are two techniques in which the impression

can be poured with dowel pins, namely, prepour

and postpour techniques.

(a) Prepour technique

• In this technique, the dowel pins are positioned

over the prepared tooth and are stabilized using

wire clips or bobby pin and joined by sticky wax.

• Impression is poured with die stone till the area

which covers the tooth part of the impression.

• Dowel pins should never touch the impression and

should be positioned parallel to the long axis of the

prepared tooth.

• Once the die stone sets, the bobby pins are


• A small ball of wax is placed over the tip of the

dowel pin or a plastic sleeve is placed over the

exposed dowel.

• Separating medium is applied around the dowel to

aid in easy separation of die from working model.

• Second pour is done with die stone to form the


• After setting of stone, the cast is removed from the


• The dies are sectioned with thin saw blade.

• The dowel is tapped from behind or wax is

removed and the dowel is pushed upwards to ease

its separation from the working model.

(b) Postpour technique

• In this technique, the impression is poured till the

level of teeth.

• Hole is drilled once the stone sets.

• Dowel pins are cemented with cyanoacrylate into

these holes.

• The remaining steps are similar to those described


2. Curved dowel pins

• The technique followed for using curved pins is

similar to the one followed for straight pins.

• Curved dowel pins project from the base of the cast.

• After sawing, the die is removed by pressing the

curved dowel exposed with flat-ended instrument.

FIGURE 29-1 Straight dowel pins.

Pindex system (fig. 29-2)

• It is the reverse drill press system.

• Postpour technique is used here.

• The first poured cast is placed on the worktable of the Pindex drill


• The prepared tooth is positioned below an illuminated red dot.

• The machine accurately drills parallel holes from the underside of

the cast by pressing the worktable downwards.

• The dowel pins are cemented with cyanoacrylate cement.

• Plastic sleeves are placed on the flat end of the dowel pin.

• The procedure is repeated for other prepared tooth/teeth.

• A thin sheet of utility wax is placed over the tip of the dowel pin.

• Stone is poured to make the base.

• After setting of the stone, the dies are sectioned with a saw blade.

• Dies are removed by tapping the dowel below the base of the cast.

FIGURE 29-2 Pindex system.


• This system has removable die.

• It facilitates accurate placement of die pins.


• Special equipment is required.

• It is costly.

Di-Lok system

• In this system, a special form of plastic tray is used which has

internal grooves and notches.

• A full arch impression is poured with die stone.

• After setting, the cast is removed and trimmed in shape so as to fit

into the Di-Lok tray.

• Then a second pour is made with the stone into the tray with the


• After setting of the stone, the tray is disassembled to free the cast.

• The die is sectioned with a saw blade till the internal grooves on the


• The die is broken with finger pressure.

• The process is repeated to separate other dies from the cast.


• It is less costly than Pindex.

• It is simple and easy to prepare.

• There is no use of dowel pins.


• It is bulky.

• It requires more space for mounting on articulator.

• It requires proper maintenance of the parts of the tray for refitting.

Accu-trac system

• It is a modification of plastic tray with internal grooves and notches.

• It is used for making working models and dies in laminate veneer


• The technique is similar to the Di-Lok system described above.

• Care is taken during sectioning of the die by saw blade.

• The saw cut is made through the interdental papilla but about 1 mm

short of the interproximal finish line.

• The die here is broken with finger pressure.

Alloy and historical perspective of

dental casting alloy


An alloy is defined as ‘a mixture of two or more metals or metalloids that

are mutually soluble in the molten state; distinguished as binary, ternary,

quaternary, etc. depending on the number of metals within the mixture’.

(GPT 8th Ed)

Historical perspective of dental casting alloys

Newer developments in dental casting alloys were influenced by the

following factors:

• Price changes, especially the noble metal

• Improved characteristics

• Aesthetic properties

History of dental casting alloys

• 1907: Introduction of lost wax technique.

• 1933: Replacement of CoCr for gold alloys in removable partial


• 1950: Introduction of resin veneers for gold alloys.

• 1959: Introduction of porcelain fused to metal technique.

• 1968: Alternatives to gold alloys such as palladium-based alloys.

• 1971: Nickel-based alloys replacing gold alloys.

• 1980s: Introduction of all-ceramic technique.

• 1999: Gold-based alloys as alternative to palladium-based alloys.

Classification of dental casting alloys and critical

evaluation of precious, semiprecious and

nonprecious alloys in prosthodontics

Classification of dental casting alloys

On the basis of total noble metal content given by American Dental

Association (1984):

(i) High noble: Must contain =40% wt Au and =60% wt of noble metal

elements (Au, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir, Os); also called precious alloys.

(ii) Noble: Must contain =25% wt of noble metal elements (Au, Pt, Pd,

Rh, Ru, Ir, Os); also called semiprecious alloys.

(iii) Predominantly base metal: Must contain <25% wt of noble metal

alloys; also called nonprecious alloys.

On the basis of mechanical property requirements given by ISO Draft

International Standard 1562 for casting gold alloys (2002):

(i) Type 1: Low strength – Casting which can tolerate very less stress

(e.g. inlays; minimum yield strength is 80 MPa, and minimum

percentage elongation is 18%).

(ii) Type 2: Medium strength – Casting which can tolerate moderate

stress (e.g. inlays, onlays, complete crowns; minimum yield

strength is 180 MPa and minimum percentage elongation is 10%).

(iii) Type 3: High strength – Castings which can tolerate high stresses

(e.g. onlays, thin coping, pontics, crowns and saddles; minimum

yield strength is 270 MPa and minimum percentage elongation is


(iv) Type 4: Extra-high strength – Castings which can tolerate very high

stresses (e.g. saddles, bar, clasps, certain single units and partial

denture frameworks; minimum yield strength is 360 MPa and

minimum percentage elongation is 3%).

Classification of casting metals for all metal and metal–ceramic

prosthesis and partial dentures is given in Table 29-1.

TABLE 29-1


Note: Alloys of all metal restorations cannot be used for metal–

ceramic restorations but alloys of metal–ceramic restorations can be

used for all metals because of the following reasons:

• Melting range could be too low to resist sag deformation at

porcelain firing temperature.

• Coefficient of thermal contraction may not match that of porcelain.

• Alloys may not form stable oxide layer for bonding to porcelain.

Classifying casting alloys on the basis of noble metal content as

precious, semiprecious and nonprecious is often misleading. This

classification was given on the basis of cost factor. The term ‘precious’

refers to the cost of the metal and term ‘noble’ refers to the chemical

behaviour of the metal. Both gold and palladium are considered as

noble and precious; palladium is noble but not precious and it is

categorized as semiprecious alloy. Semiprecious alloys include silver–

palladium alloys and alloys containing gold percentage between 10

and 60% although mechanical properties are similar to that of gold

alloys. Nonprecious alloys are referred to as alloys which are low

costing and do not contain noble metal alloys and commonly called

base metal alloys. These have high strength, hardness and are also

tarnish resistant. But the disadvantage of base metal alloys is that

certain contents in them have questionable biocompatibility (e.g.

beryllium does have carcinogenic potential and the patient may be

sensitive to nickel).

Casting techniques for casting of base metal alloy

and titanium

Casting technique of base metal alloy

• Base metal alloys are high-fusing alloys that experience high degree

of shrinkage on cooling.

• To achieve mould expansion, the invested pattern should be placed

in a water bath at 38°C.

• The investment ring is placed in oven at room temperature. The

temperature is brought to 815°C in 1 h.

• The investment ring is heat soaked for 2 h.

• Preheat the quartz crucible in oven.

• The quartz crucible is removed with casting tongs from the oven

and placed in the bracket of casting machine.

• The metal ingots are then placed into the crucible.

• Multiple orifice tip of gas–oxygen torch is used.

• The alloys are heated evenly by moving the torch over it.

• The ingots glow in uniformity and start to flow.

• The machine is released and the molten metal flows in the mould.

• The ring is then bench cooled.

• After cooling, the ring is cleaned and the casting is retrieved and


Casting techniques for casting titanium alloys

• Ti and its alloys are highly biocompatible on the basis of widespread

use as implant material.

• Other advantages are its low cost, capability of bonding to ceramic

and resin cements and low thermal conductivity.

• Disadvantage is that it is difficult to cast.

• Ti has a very high melting point of 1668°C and reacts with

conventional investment and oxygen.

• Ti has low specific gravity and flows less than gold alloy when

casted in centrifugal casting machine.

• Special casting machine with arc melting capability and argon

atmosphere is used.

There are three specially designed casting systems:

(i) A pressure/vacuum casting system with separate melting and

casting chamber (Castmatic, Dentaurum).

(ii) A pressure/vacuum system with one chamber for melting and

casting (Cyclare, J Morita).

(iii) Vacuum/centrifuge casting system (Tycast, Jeneric/Penetron, and

Titaniumer, Ohara).

• Introduction of newer alloys of Ti with nickel can be cast with

conventional casting methods. Also, they have good bonding with

ceramic and have lesser release of ionic nickel.

• Recently introduced computer-aided design and computer-aided

manufacturing system avoids the use of available casting methods.

Casting defects and their remedies

There can be defects in casting, if proper casting procedure is not

followed. Defected casting results in prosthesis with inferior

mechanical properties and loss of time.

Classification of casting defects

(i) Distortion

(ii) Surface roughness

(iii) Porosity

(iv) Incomplete casting

1. Distortion

Distortion of the casting is usually due to distortion of

the wax patterns.


• Setting and hygroscopic expansion of the

investment material can produce uneven

movement on the walls of the pattern.

• Internal release of the stresses in wax pattern can

result in distortion of the casting.


• Distortion can be prevented or minimized by

proper manipulation of the wax at high


• Wax pattern should be invested as soon as possible.

2. Surface roughness

(a) Investment breakdown: Too rapid heating of the

investment results in fins.


• Proper heating of the mould and alloy

(b) Air bubbles on wax pattern: This results in small

nodules on the casting (Fig. 29-3).


• Proper mixing of the investment

• Correct application of the wetting agent

• Use of vacuum investing technique

(c) Rapid heating rates: This results in fins or spines on

casting (Fig. 29-4).


• Heat the ring gradually to 700°C (for 1 h minimum).

• Greater the bulk of the investment, more slowly it

should be heated.

(d) W-to-P ratio: Higher the ratio, rougher the casting.

• If the ratio is lesser, the investment may be thick

and cannot be properly applied to the pattern.


• Use of correct ratio and selecting investment

material of proper particle size.

(e) Prolonged heating: Prolonged heating of the

investment causes disintegration of the investment

and the walls of the mould are roughened.

(f) Pattern position: If several patterns are invested in

the same ring, care should be taken that there is at

least 3 mm spacing between the patterns.


• Casting should be completed as soon as the ring is

heated and is ready.

(g) Casting pressure: Too high or too low casting

pressure results in rougher surface of the casting.


• Adequate recommended pressure should be used

during casting.

(h) Composition of the investment: The amount of silica

and quartz influences the surface texture of casting.

3. Porosity in dental casting

Porosity in dental casting is of two types, namely,

internal and external. Internal porosity occurs in the

internal surface of the casting and tends to weaken

it. External porosity occurs on the surface and can

cause discolouration or even secondary caries.

FIGURE 29-3 Air bubbles on wax pattern result in small

nodules on the casting.

FIGURE 29-4 Fins or spines on casting result due to rapid


Classification of porosity

(i) Solidification defects

• Localized shrinkage porosity

• Suck-back porosity

• Microporosity

(ii) Entrapped gases

• Pinhole porosity

• Gas inclusions

• Subsurface porosity

(iii) Residual air

Localized shrinkage porosity

• It is usually caused by incomplete flow of molten metal during


• It occurs normally at the sprue casting junction.

• It occurs due to freezing of sprue before the rest of the casting which

results in deficient flow of molten metal and thus causes localized

shrinkage void.

• It can also occur in the interior portion of the crown where the sprue

attaches; there can be a hot spot created by the molten metal

impinging from the sprue.

• This causes the local region to freeze last resulting in suck-back


• It can be prevented by reducing the temperature difference between

the mould and the molten metal.


• Using sprue of correct dimension.

• Additional sprue of small gauze can be used.

• Flaring the point of sprue attachment.

• Placement of reservoir close to the wax pattern.


These are small irregular voids in the casting due to rapid

solidification of the mould or if the casting temperature is too low.

Pinhole porosity

• Most of the metals dissolve gases when they are in molten state.

• On solidification of the metal, the dissolved gases are released

causing pinhole porosity.

Gas inclusion porosity

• These porosities are spherical in shape and are similar to the pinhole

porosity but these are larger in size.

• It is also caused by the absorption of gases during solidification.

• Castings severely contaminated with gases are black in colour after

these are removed from the investment material.

• These large porosities can also result from gases occluded from

poorly adjusted flame.

Subsurface porosity

• It is caused by the nucleation of solid grains and gas bubbles

together such that the metal freezes at the wall of the mould.

• It can be prevented by controlling the flow of molten metal into the


Back pressure porosity

• This type of porosity occurs, if air in the mould is not allowed to

escape from the investment.

• It results in the formation of large concave depression on the surface

of the casting.

• The entrapment of the air can also occur in dense modern

investment which results in increased mould density.


• Sufficient mould and casting temperatures.

• Sufficiently high casting pressure.

• Proper W-to-P ratio of the investment material.

• Placing the wax pattern not more than 6–8 mm away from the end

of the casting ring.

Investment materials used in fixed prosthodontics

An investment is a type of material used for forming a mould into

which a molten metal or alloy is casted. The process of forming a

mould is called investing.

Investing is defined as ‘the process of covering or enveloping, wholly or

in part, an object such as a denture, tooth, wax form, crown, etc. with a

suitable investment material before processing, soldering, or casting’. (GPT

8th Ed)

Types of investment material

There are three types of investment material commonly used in fixed


(i) Gypsum-bonded investment

(ii) Phosphate-bonded investment

(iii) Silica-bonded investment

Requirements of investment material

• Investment mould should expand sufficiently in order to

compensate for alloy shrinkage on hardening.

• It should have sufficient strength to withstand the heat of burnout.

• It should be easy to manipulate.

• Mix mass should have smooth consistency.

• After casting, it should break easily.

• It should be cost-effective.

• It should accurately replicate the fine detail of the wax pattern.

Gypsum-bonded investment

• It is used for casting low-fusing alloys such as types I, II, III gold

alloys and inlays.

• Based on the temperature, gypsum-bonded investment is of two

types: (i) type I – for use with high-temperature technique and (ii)

type II – for use with low-temperature technique.


• Alpha-hemihydrate (gypsum matrix) acts as a binder: 30–35%.

• Silica (quartz or cristobalite) acts as a refractory material: 60–65%.

• Chemical modifiers: 5%.

• A rigid metal ring is lined with asbestos liner, which allows

expansion to take place in radial direction.

• This investment material should not be heated above 700°C.

• Above 700°C, it shows shrinkage and releases sulphur dioxide

which contaminates the casting.

• Alpha-hemihydrate and chemical modifiers enhance the strength of

the investment material.

Phosphate-bonded investment

It is used for casting high-fusing alloys (e.g. metal–ceramic alloys,

high-fusing noble metal alloys, base metal alloys).


The powder form consists of the following:

• Ammonium diacid phosphate: Acts as a binder and gives strength.

• Silica: Acts as a refractory material and provides high thermal


• Magnesium oxide: Reacts with phosphate ions.

The liquid form consists of the following:

• Aqueous suspension of colloidal silica.

• Ammonium diacid phosphate reacts with magnesium oxide to

form ammonium magnesium phosphate.

• Carbon is added to the powder to produce clean casting and aids in

divesting when gold alloys are casted but should not be used with

palladium-based alloys.

• This investment material has poor surface wetting property and has

chances of air bubble incorporation.

• Wax patterns of metal–ceramic fixed partial denture (FPD) should

be invested and casted as a single unit because of problems during


Silica-bonded investment

• It is not popular because the procedure takes more time and is


• It consists of silica which acts as a binder and is formed from

aqueous suspension of colloidal silica or ethyl silicate.

• Magnesium oxide is added to increase the strength.

• The powder is mixed with hydrolysed silicate liquid rapidly to form

a mould.

• The mould is placed on a special vibrator that provides tamping

effect, i.e. the heavier particles settle at the bottom and the liquid

part comes to the top.

• This investment can be heated between 1090°C and 1180°C and can

be used for casting high-fusing base metal alloys.

Shade selection for the patient

requiring FPD

Selection of proper shade is an important aspect in delivering an

aesthetic restoration. There are three essential factors which are

responsible for proper shade match: (i) light source, (ii) the object and

(iii) the observer.

The light source used for shade matching can have definite effect on

the perception of colour. There are three light sources which are

common in dental operatory – natural light, incandescent and

fluorescent. The visible portion of electromagnetic spectrum lies

between 380 and 750 microns. Shade should be matched under more

than one type of light in order to avoid the problem of metamerism.

‘Metamerism is a phenomenon of an object which appears dif erent under

dif erent sources of light’.

When shade is selected, characteristics of the colour are important

to understand.

Characteristics of colour

• Hue: Quality which distinguishes one colour from another.

• Chroma: It is the saturation or intensity of hue.

• Value: It is the relative brightness or darkness of the hue.

Procedure of shade selection

• Shade should be matched before tooth preparation.

• Selected shade guide should be same as porcelain used by the


• Teeth should be clean before the shade match.

• Make up, if any, should be removed.

• Patient is seated in an upright position with his mouth at the

operator eye level.

• If possible, natural light should be used and the tooth should be


• Observations should be made quickly (within 5 s) to avoid fatigue of

cones in the retina.

• The entire shade guide is scanned quickly and worst matching

shade tabs are selected first and then eliminated.

• By this process of elimination, only a few tabs are left from which

the final shade is to be selected.

• If confusion exists between two tabs, both the tabs are placed on

either side of the tooth.

• Finally, the closest shade is selected.

• In order to provide life-like restoration, the natural tooth should be

carefully observed so that the restoration can be characterized for

features such as craze lines, hypocalcification.

• It is best to draw the facial surface of the tooth in the patient chart

clearly indicating the shade, translucency areas, areas to be

characterized, etc. and this information is given to the technician.

Dentist–technician inter-relationship—

important key to success in fixed

partial denture

A good communication between the clinician and technician is the key

to high-quality fixed and removable prosthodontics. This can be

achieved by close working relationship of the dentist and laboratory

technician. Clinician should have good knowledge of the laboratory

procedures and its limitation. ADA has listed guidelines for both

dentist and technician to improve inter-relationship so as to deliver

prosthesis of high quality.

Guidelines for dentist

• Provide verbal or written instructions for the lab to proceed with the

fabrication or modification of the prosthesis.

• Provide the laboratory with accurate impression, working models,

interocclusal records or mountings.

• Provide with a description of the selected shade, photographs, preextracted model or smile photograph.

• Retain a copy of the written instructions to the laboratory for a

period of time, as this may be required for medicolegal purposes.

• Follow proper infection control methods as laid down by ADA.

Guidelines for technician

• Produce prosthesis as instructed by the clinician using the

impression, cast or records.

• In case of doubt, clarify with the clinician.

• Provide the closest shade match as possible with the available


• Inform the clinician immediately, if there is a delay in the work.

• Inform the clinician about the material used for fabrication.

• Properly follow the infection control protocol given by ADA.

• Finish the laboratory procedure in time.

Following the guidelines by both clinician and technician and

mutual respect will ensure fabrication of high-quality prosthesis with

minimum failures.

Key Facts

• Lost wax technique was first used in casting of alloys by W.H.

Taggart (1906).

• Gypsum-bonded investment material is used for casting gold


• Pickling is a method of cleaning gold casting by hot acid solution

for several minutes.

• Phosphate-bonded investment is used for casting metal–ceramic

alloys having high-melting temperature.

• The minimum fineness required for dental solder to be corrosion

resistant is 580 fine.

• Beryllium added to base metal alloys to control oxide formation is a


• Rounded margins on the casting may be caused by wax which is

not completely eliminated during burn out procedure.

• Expansion of the investment by heat during elimination of the wax

is called thermal expansion.



Finishing and cementation


Introduction, 415

Internal Surface, 415

External Surface, 415

Commonly Used Abrasives and Polishing Agents, 416

Biocompatibility of Various Dental Cements Used in Fixed

Prosthodontics, 416

Failures in Fixed Partial Denture (FPD), 418

Factors Responsible for FPD Failures, 418


The prosthesis retrieved after casting is very rough and should

undergo a series of finishing procedures before it is placed in the

mouth. The internal and the external surfaces of the prosthesis are

finished separately and have different objectives.

Internal surface

• The internal surface of the prosthesis should conform and accurately

seat on the prepared tooth.

• Proper marginal fit should be inspected and the internal surface

should not bind but seat onto the prepared tooth.

• Internal surface of the casting should be inspected under

magnification for small nodules or bubbles.

• It should provide space for film thickness of the cement.

• The internal surface should be conducive to strong luting cement.

• Sandblasting is recommended on the internal surface so that it

becomes more conducive to nonadhesive cement.

• When resin cement is used, special surface treatment may be

recommended for better bonding.

External surface

• It should have a highly polished external surface because rough

surface attracts plaque accumulation.

• Before try-in, the metal surface should be given satin finish and at

the time of cementation, the external surface should have high


• Porcelain restoration should be polished and reglazed after a bisque


• Finishing and polishing are done with abrasives of various particle

sizes ranging from coarse to fine.

• When gold restorations are polished, some minute amounts of

abraded surface material are filled into the surface irregularities.

This microcrystalline surface is called the Beilby layer.

Commonly used abrasives and

polishing agents

An abrasive is a very hard material with sharp cutting edges, which if

slided over the softer surface cuts a series of grooves.

Polishing agents consist of abrasives which are comparatively softer

and are reduced to very fine sizes for finishing of restoration.

Abrasives can be classified as follows:

(i) Finishing abrasives

(ii) Polishing abrasives

(iii) Cleansing abrasives

Some commonly used abrasives and polishing agents are:

• Silicone carbide: This is one of the most commonly used abrasives in

the laboratory. It is sintered or pressed with a binder into grinding

wheels or discs.

• Diamond: This is the hardest abrasive used for tooth enamel or

porcelain. If used with ductile material, such as gold, the abrasive

particles become clogged with the softer material and the disc or the

wheel becomes ineffective.

• Aluminium oxide: This is manufactured from bauxite. Coarse-grit

aluminium oxide is abrasive and used for finishing metal–ceramic

restorations. Fine-grit aluminium oxide is used for polishing. The

stones of this grit are called poly stones.

• Emery: This is a mixture of aluminium oxide and iron oxide, called

corundum. The greater the content of alumina, finer is its grade. It is

used for finishing porcelain or gold restorations.

• Garnet: This is a red abrasive consisting of silicates of aluminium,

cobalt, manganese and iron. It is bound to paper discs with glue

and used for cutting both metal and ceramic.

• Tin oxide: It is used as fine powder for final intraoral polishing of

the metal restorations.

• Tripoli: This is a fine siliceous polishing powder and is combined

with wax binder to polish gold restorations initially.

• Rouge: This is a fine red powder consisting of iron oxide, supplied

in cake form. It is an excellent polishing agent for gold restorations.

• Sand: Sand or other forms of quartz called flint are coated on discs

and are available in various grits. It is used for finishing and

polishing of gold restorations.

• Pumice: This is a highly siliceous material used as abrasive or

polishing agent. It is used for polishing dentures and smoothening

teeth intraorally.

• Kieselguhr: It is a mild abrasive and polishing agent.

• Cuttle: This is made from internal calcified shell of cuttlefish. It is

used as a fine polishing agent as paper discs.

Biocompatibility of various dental

cements used in fixed prosthodontics

The purpose of dental cement is to occupy space between the indirect

restoration and the tooth. There are various cements available to lute

the indirect restorations to the tooth. Some of the commonly used

dental cements are briefly mentioned in Table 30-1.

FIGURE 30-1 Resin cement bonds to tooth enamel by

micromechanical means.

TABLE 30-1


Type of


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