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 Be alert for the

co-ingestion of alternative analgesics including acetaminophen. Patients with the classic picture of salicylate

poisoning may mimic the systemic inflammatory response

syndrome, and one must consider alternative causes

including sepsis. Obtain salicylate concentrations every

2 hours until a peak value has been obtained. In patients

with salicylate levels <30 mgldL, follow until <20 mgldL

and treat supportively. Initiate urinary alkalinization for

patients with levels >30 mg/dL to facilitate urinary

clearance and limit central nervous system penetration.

One must observe vigilantly for any signs of clinical

deterioration and initiate early hemodialysis, as this may

be a life-saving intervention. Such findings include patients

with altered mental status, seizures, severe acid-base

derangements, pulmonary edema, and renal insufficiency.

Furthermore, patients with salicylate levels >90 mgldL

after an acute ingestion and those with levels >60 mg/dL

with chronic exposures warrant hemodialysis. These

thresholds should be lowered for patients with significant

comorbidities (Figures 57-1).


As with all poisonings, the initial focus should be on

aggressive supportive care. Pay meticulous attention to the

patient's airway, breathing, and circulation. Intubate

patients only if absolutely necessary because of the

difficulty in attaining the required minute ventilation with

mechanical respiration. Because most patients are

significantly dehydrated, initiate aggressive volume

resuscitation with 1-2 L of normal saline to ensure an

adequate urine output ( 1-2 rnL/kg/hr).

There are several available modalities for patient

decontamination. Administer activated charcoal at a dose

of 1 g/kg to awake and alert patients with intact airway

reflexes and no concern for vomiting. This can be repeated

as needed to adsorb salicylates that form a concretion.

Urinary alkalinization is performed by injecting 3 ampules

of sodium bicarbonate into a 1 -L bag of So/o dextrose

solution to create an isotonic solution. Infuse this solution


Suspect significant salicylate

ingestion or evidence of toxicity

Address ABC's, decontaminate with

activated charcoal at 1 gjkg with

intact airway and bowel motility

Figure 57-1. Salicylate toxicity diagnostic algorithm.

at 200 mL/hr. Pay careful attention to potassium levels and

replete as necessary, as hypokalemic patients will excrete

hydrogen ions into the distal renal tubules to retain

potassium, thereby impairing successful alkalinization of

the urine. The goal of alkalinization is to raise the urine

pH > 7 .S-8. Avoid alkalinization in patients with congestive

heart failure and renal failure, as they will be unable to

tolerate the necessary volume load.


� Admission

All symptomatic patients will require hospitalization.

Patients who require urinary alkalinization or hemodialysis

should be admitted to a critical care setting. All patients

with a suicidal ingestion will require psychiatric evaluation.

� Discharge

Patients with a detectable serum salicylate level require

serial testing to rule out continued absorption. An

asymptomatic patient with an undetectable salicylate con ­

centration at the 6-hour mark can be safely cleared from a

toxicologic perspective.


Bronstein AC, Spyker DA, Canti.lena LR, et al. 2010 Almual report

of the American Association of Poison Control Centers'

National Poison Data system (NPDS): 28th annual report.

Clin Toxicol. 20 11:49:910-941.

Chyka PA, Erdman AR, Christianson G , e t al. Salicylate poisoning: An evidence-base consensus guideline for out-of-hospital

management. Clin Toxicol. 2007;45:95-13 1.

O'Malley G. Emergency department management of the

salicylate-poisoned patient. Emerg Med Clin North Am.


Yip L. Aspirin and salicylates. In: Tintinalli JE, Stapczynski JS,

Ma OJ, Cline DM, Cydulka RK, Meckler GD. Tintinalli's

Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. 7th ed.

New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 201 1, pp. 1243-1245.

Carbon Monoxide


Vinodinee L. Dissa naya ke, MD

Key Points

• Consider carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in all patients

with headaches, flu-like symptoms, altered mental

status, or an unexplained anion gap metabolic acidosis.

• Immediately administer supplemental 02 to all patients

with potential co poisoning before any confirmatory studies.

• Pulse oximetry values will be falsely elevated in patients

with CO poisoning as a result of the inabil ity of standard


Carbon monoxide (CO) is an invisible killer; it is an odor ­

less, colorless, and nonirritating gas. It is generally encountered as a byproduct of the incomplete combustion of

carbon-based fuels (eg, coal, gasoline, natural gas). Faulty

furnaces and vehicle exhaust fumes are common sources for

clinical CO poisoning. Methylene chloride, a substance

found in paint stripper and bubbling holiday lights, is

metabolized in vivo into CO and may account for cases of

delayed poisoning. According to 20 10 US Poison Control

Center data, more than 13,000 cases of possible CO poisoning were reported. Approximately 5,000 of these cases were

treated in medical facilities, and CO is the leading cause of

toxin-related fatalities in children less than 5 years of age. In

survivors of CO poisoning, it is not uncommon to develop

delayed neurologic sequelae, including recurrent headaches,

cognitive deficits, and motor disorders.

CO exposure produces toxicity by 3 major pathways.

The first of these is an inhibition of systemic 0 2 delivery.

CO binds to hemoglobin (Hb) with an affinity roughly

240 times greater than 0 2• Systemic 0 2 delivery plummets

as the majority of circulating Hb binding sites are now

occupied by CO. In addition, Hb that has bound CO has an

increased affinity for concurrently bound 02, resulting in

oximetry to distinguish between oxyhemoglobin and


• Symptomatology is often more important than the

absol ute carboxyhemoglobin level when determining

treatment and disposition.

the impaired release of 0 2 as it reaches the target tissues.

This results in a leftward shift and altered shape of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (Figure 58-1).

The ability o f C O t o inhibit normal cellular respiration

accounts for its second mechanism of toxicity. CO binds to

cytochrome aa3 and inhibits normal transit through the

electron transport chain. The resulting shutdown in the

oxidative phosphorylation pathway leads to a rapid decimation of stored ATP and secondary cellular death.

The binding of CO to myoglobin accounts for the third

mechanism of toxicity. Myoglobin binds to CO with an

affinity 40 times that of 02, impairing the adequate delivery of oxygen to muscle tissues. When myocardial cells are

affected, a global reduction in cardiac contractility occurs.

Of note, CO readily crosses the placenta and binds to fetal

hemoglobin (HbF) with a 10-15% higher affinity than

adult Hb, so fetal toxicity in cases of CO poisoning is often

more severe than is evident on examination of the mother.


� History

The symptoms of CO poisoning are notoriously nonspe ­

cific, but typically present with some degree of neurologic

and cardiovascular impairment. A vague headache is the


1 00%




0 .0





Asymptotic curve CO Hb02

Sigmoid curve Hb02

1 50 mm Hg

Oxygen tension

Figure 58-1. Carboxyhemoglobin "shift to the left"

reshaping of the oxyhemoglobin (Hb02) dissociation

curve. Reprinted with permission from Maloney G.

Chapter 217. Carbon monoxide. In: Tintinalli JE,

Stapczynski JS, Ma OJ, Cline OM, Cydulka RK, Meckler GO,

eds. Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive

Study Guide. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 201 1.

most common complaint, followed by fatigue, malaise,

nausea, cognitive difficulties including memory impairment, paresthesias, weakness, altered mental status, and

lethargy. Cardiovascular symptoms include ischemic chest

pain, shortness of breath, and palpitations. Maintain a high

index of suspicion in patients with vague symptomatology,

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