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Considerations for treatment of antiretroviral-experienced patients

include regimen tolerability, comorbid conditions, associated

pharmacokinetic properties, antiretroviral histories, and resistance

testing. Resistance testing should be performed when HIV RNA is

greater than 1,000 copies/mL. Antiretroviral drug resistance is assessed

through two methods: genotyping evaluates mutations in the virus

genetic code and phenotyping involves growing virus in various

concentrations of drug to determine viralsusceptibilities. DHHS

guidelines provide recommendations for treating antiretroviralexperienced patients.

Case 76-2 (Question 1–3)

Drug interactions between antiretrovirals and coadministered

medications are common and should always be screened with the

addition of any new medication.

Case 76-3 (Question 1)

Antiretrovirals are used in pregnancy for the health of the mother and to

prevent transmission of HIV to the child. There are specific DHHS

guidelines for antiretroviral use in pregnancy.

Case 76-4 (Question 1)

The use of antiretrovirals for pre-exposure prophylaxis in individuals who

are HIV negative, but at high risk for acquiring HIV, has been shown to

be safe and effective in clinicalstudies. The combination product of

emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate is FDA approved for this

use, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued

guidelines on the use and monitoring of the combination for this


Case 76-5 (Question 1)

The use of antiretrovirals for occupational (e.g., needle sticks) and

nonoccupational (e.g., high-risk behaviors) postexposure prophylaxis

(PEP) may be warranted if initiated within 48 hours but no longer than

72 hours after exposure. There are Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention guideline recommendations for the choice of antiretrovirals

for PEP.

Case 76-6 (Question 1)


Potent combinations of antiretroviral drugs (also called highly active antiretroviral

therapy [HAART]) have dramatically altered the natural progression of human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and significantly improved patients’ quality

of life. As a result, the number of newly acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

(AIDS)-related opportunistic infections and deaths has declined.




In most instances,

the use of HAART has shifted HIV infection from a fatal disease to a manageable

chronic disease. The most recent advances in HIV therapy include new and more

potent antiretroviral agents in existing therapeutic drug classes, novel combinations

of antiretrovirals, and new single tablet once daily regimens.

Despite the drastic improvements in HIV treatment over the last decade,

successfully managing the HIV epidemic remains a challenge because of suboptimal

patient compliance and the development of resistance, long-term adverse events, the

price of antiretrovirals, and the rampant spread of HIV throughout resource-poor


This chapter focuses on the antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection. Although

many therapeutic options now exist, a thorough understanding of viral pathogenesis is

essential for managing patients infected with HIV. By understanding the principles of

therapy as they relate to viral pathogenesis, clinicians can rapidly assimilate new

data as they become available. Consensus panel recommendations provide a

framework for clinical decision making.

3–5 Given the complexity of therapy, this

chapter focuses on treating adult HIV infections. A cursory introduction to the

clinical concepts of perinatal transmission, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and

postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) for both occupational and nonoccupational HIV

exposures are also provided. For more in-depth discussion of these concepts and the

treatment of pediatric HIV, the reader is referred to the various consensus panel

guidelines (


Despite a dramatic decline in the number of AIDS-related opportunistic infections

and deaths in industrialized countries,



6 HIV infection remains in the top 10 leading

causes of death worldwide.

7 Access to newer, more potent antiretroviral regimens

and monitoring are often limited by economics and politics. Infected patients residing

in countries with a strong economic standing (North America, Western Europe,

Australia, and New Zealand) have reasonable access to medications, whereas

patients residing in countries with scarce resources (Africa, south and southeast

Asia, the Pacific, and the Caribbean) do not. This is of significant concern given that

most infected patients worldwide reside in these latter regions of the world.


As of 2016, the worldwide estimate of persons living with HIV infection was 36.7

million: 34.5 million adults (52% of which are women) and 2.1 million children

younger than 15 years of age.

6 The estimated incidence (1.8 million new HIV

infections) decreased by 18% from 2010, and the estimated number of AIDS-related

deaths (1.0 million) decreased by 33%. Approximately, two-thirds (70%) of all

HIV-infected adults and children live in Africa, and approximately three-quarters

(72%) of all AIDS-related deaths occurred there in 2016. Increasing access to HIV

treatment in this region has led to a 52% reduction in the number of AIDS-related

deaths since 2001. Universal access to HAART became a global priority in 2000

when the United Nations Millennium Declaration called for unprecedented action to

halt and begin to reverse the AIDS epidemic. This call to action resulted in an

increase of more than 13 million persons living with HIV in Africa (~54%)

accessing HAART in 2016 (increased from <1% in 2000). With these global efforts,

the percentage of all HIV infected persons worldwide on HAART is 53%.

In the United States, the availability of antiretroviral therapy resulted in a drastic

decline (67%) in AIDS-related death rates between 1994 and 2007, and this

percentage continues to drop albeit at a slower rate (20% decline from 2009 to

2012). Despite

p. 1572

p. 1573

this success, 6,721 people in the United States still died from HIV attributable

causes in 2014.

2 Racial and ethnic minorities continue to be disproportionately

affected by HIV because of a complicated combination of poverty, disproportionate

incarceration, and social and sexual network segregation.


In 2015 African

Americans, who represented 12% of the US population, accounted for approximately

45% of all new HIV infections in adult and adolescents. Hispanics/Latinos, who

constitute 18% of the U.S. population accounted for 24% of new infections in 2015.

Compared with white men and women, the lifetime risk of HIV seroconversion is 6

times higher in African American men, 20 times higher in African American women,

3 times higher in Hispanic/Latino men, and 4 times higher in Hispanic/Latino


9 Transmission through sexual intercourse remains a predominant route of

infection, with unprotected sex between men accounting for approximately 63% of

cases, and heterosexual intercourse accounting for approximately 25% of cases in the

United States.



Infection with HIV can be acquired through unprotected sexual intercourse (both anal

and vaginal), injectable drug use, receipt of tainted blood products, and mother-toinfant transmission (both perinatal infection and postpartum through breast-feeding).


Infection can also be acquired from occupational exposures among health care

workers after needle sticks or infected blood splashes from patients infected with

HIV onto vulnerable mucosal membranes. Rarely, HIV infection has been

documented following oral sex.




Unprotected sexual intercourse accounts for approximately 80% of all documented

HIV infections to date.



6 Transmission between sexual partners depends on a number

of factors, including the HIV viral subtype, stage of infection in the index partner,

genetic susceptibility to infection of the potential host, and the viral fitness (or

pathogenicity) of the infecting strain. Perhaps one of the most important predictors of

transmission is the amount of HIV RNA in the blood of the infected index patient

(i.e., viral load). Recently, initiation of HAART treatment and subsequently

suppressing infected patients’ viral loads has been shown to decrease transmission

rates by >95% among serodiscordant couples where one partner is HIV infected and

the other is not.


Infectivity via receptive anal intercourse represents the greatest

sexual risk factor followed by male-to-female vaginal transmission and then femaleto-male penile transmission.


During transmission, HIV binds to specific immune cells, including Langerhans

cells, dendritic cells, T-cell lymphocytes (also known as CD4

+ T cells, helper T

cells, or T cells), and macrophages.

13–16 However, recent reports indicate that the

initial virus propagated during early infection (the HIV-1 transmitted founder virus)

may not replicate efficiently in monocyte-derived macrophages raising questions

regarding the importance of macrophages in initial transmission events.

17 HIV

primarily enters target immune cells that express specific receptor proteins known as

CD4 receptors to which HIV binds. However, evidence indicates that for some cells

types like Langerhans cells compensatory mechanisms for viral entry exist.

18 Once

bound to the CD4 receptor, co-receptor proteins (CCR5, CXCR-4) are required for

fusion of the viral membrane to the immune cell membrane.



20 CCR5 co-receptors

are found on both monocytes and T lymphocytes and are more abundant in patients

newly infected with HIV.



22 CXCR-4 co-receptors are predominantly found on T

lymphocytes and are more abundant in patients who have been on long-term

antiretroviral therapy. The CD4–co-receptor complex causes conformational changes

to key HIV proteins (gp41 and gp120) allowing for a more close association between

the virus and the host cell.



23 HIV fuses with the cell and releases its contents into

the host cell’s cytoplasm: this includes the virus’s RNA and specific enzymes

necessary for replication (Fig. 76-1; see online animated images of HIV lifecycle and

where the drugs act at The single-stranded viral RNA is transcribed via

reverse transcriptase into a double-stranded proviral DNA that is subsequently

incorporated into the host cell’s genetic material via the integrase enzyme. HIV then

uses the infected cell’s machinery to translate, transcribe, and produce immature

viral particles that bud and break from the infected cell. For these immature virions

to become infectious, the HIV protease enzyme must cleave large precursor

polypeptides into functional proteins.



25 Once complete, the mature virion is free to

infect new host cells and subsequently produce more infectious virus.

Over time, HIV-infected host cells can be destroyed by a number of mechanisms:

(a) a direct cytolytic effect of the virus (e.g., formation of syncytium induction,

cellular dysfunction); (b) the identification and elimination of the infected cell by the

host’s immune response (e.g., via cytotoxic T-cell lymphocytes); or (c) the cell’s

natural life cycle coming to completion.


In addition, HIV infection can inhibit the

production of new CD4

+ cells.


Once a patient becomes infected, an initial burst of viremia occurs and causes

latent infection in various tissues (e.g., lymph nodes) and cells (CD4, macrophages,

and monocytes).



28 Most infectious HIV virions (~99%) reside inside lymph nodes

and other immune-cell rich tissues found throughout the body.







30 The immune

system reacts by producing antibodies against HIV; however, given the rapid

production of new HIV particles and the development of many new and genetically

diverse viral strains (a result of the error-prone HIV reverse transcriptase), the

antibody response is inadequate.

31 After this burst of viremia, a transient depletion of


+ cells occurs (Fig. 76-2). Initially, patients may complain of nonspecific

symptoms, such as fever, lymphadenopathy, rash, fatigue, and night sweats.


This phase of infection is known as the acute retroviral syndrome.

In most cases, patients are unaware that they are infected. Within 6 months, the

host’s immune response is able to control the infection to a point where the number of

virus particles produced per day equals the number of particles destroyed per day.

This steady-state is often referred to as the patient’s viral “set point.”

The higher a patient’s viral set point, the greater the risk for disease progression.

This is because there is a greater chance for more widespread viral infection and

immune cell destruction with a larger replicating viral population. Why some patients

establish higher or lower viral set points is currently under investigation, but this may

be a consequence of differences in immune responses, cellular receptor populations,

viral subtypes, viral fitness, or a combination of these factors. This understanding of

viral pathogenesis has led to a new paradigm of therapy that prioritizes initiating

HAART in the acute phase of infection


to lower viral set points and reduce the size

of the viral reservoir (i.e., long-lived, latently infected memory T cells believed to

be responsible for repopulating the virus in infected patients who stop HAART). A

significant challenge is to identify these patients with acute infection who have

nonspecific symptoms.


Once the initial burst of viremia has been controlled and the viral set point

established, infection with HIV results in a constant battle between viral replication

and suppression of that replication by the immune system. Mathematical models have

calculated the production of HIV at 10 billion particles per day.



33–35 To keep the

infection controlled, the body must produce an equal immune response. Over time,

HIV depletes the body of T cells, which places the host at an increased risk for

opportunistic infections. Direct measurements of HIV RNA concentrations in plasma

(also called “viral load”) can predict disease progression (see subsequent


36–38 Higher viral load measurements represent an inability of the host to

control viral replication, and a greater risk for immune cell destruction. Long-term

“nonprogressors” (e.g., patients with asymptomatic HIV infection for >10 years; 5%

of all HIV-infected patients) consistently have lower baseline viral loads than

patients with rapidly progressive disease (e.g., AIDS within 5 years of infection;

20% of all HIV-infected patients).




p. 1573

p. 1574

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