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applied therpeutics the clinical use of drugs . pdf


The editors wish to express their sincere thanks to Dr. Mary
Anne Koda-Kimble and Dr. Lloyd Young who created
Applied Therapeutics, the gold standard textbook used in
the teaching of patient-centered drug therapeutics. Their
vision and legendary contributions have inspired
generations of health profession students, faculty, and
clinicians. We are grateful to the past editors and current
editorial team and contributors, as well as faculty
colleagues and clinicians across the globe for their
tremendous dedication to their patients and their
communities. They have shaped and inspired the next
generation of health care professionals through innovative
teaching, mentoring, and dissemination of their scholarship.
Finally, we wish to thank our families for their patience and
understanding as we embarked on this journey and
completed this eleventh edition of the textbook.
p. v
It has been over forty years since the first edition of Applied Therapeutics: The
Clinical Use of Drugs was published, and the landscape of health care has changed
dramatically. While we have seen tremendous scientific and technologic
advancements transform personalized medicine, we also realize the significant
challenges that we face within our increasingly complex health care delivery system.
More than ever, we are in need of health professionals who are able to think
critically and to utilize problem-solving skills to improve patient outcomes.
Approximately four decades later, the founding principle for this textbook—a
patient-centric, case-based approach to learning—remains the cornerstone of health
professions education. Our authors present approximately 900 patient cases that
stimulate the reader to integrate and apply therapeutic principles in the context of
specific clinical situations. Health profession students and practitioners gain a
glimpse into the minds of clinicians as they work to assess and solve therapeutic
problems and develop their own critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
Readers familiar with past editions of the book will notice that the overall design
of the book is consistent with the tenth edition, which incorporates a Core Principles
section at the beginning of each chapter, providing the most important “take home”
information from the chapter. Each Core Principle is mapped to specific cases within
the chapter where the principle is discussed in detail. Key references and websites
are listed at the end of each chapter, whereas the full reference lists for each chapter
have been moved online.
Building upon the excellent foundation of case-based learning provided in
previous editions, the eleventh edition has incorporated changes to meet the evolving
educational needs of health profession educators and students across the globe. The
editors and contributors have utilized the five Institute of Medicine (IOM) core
competencies as a broad framework for proposing case studies and questions within
the textbook: patient-centered care; interdisciplinary teams; evidence-based practice;
quality improvement; and informatics. In addition, the Accreditation Council for
Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Accreditation Standards 2016, the Center for the
Advancement of Pharmacy Education (CAPE) Educational Outcomes, and the North
American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) revised competency
statements have served as road maps for the editorial team and contributors in
designing the eleventh edition.
Featuring contributions from more than 200 experienced clinicians, every chapter
has been revised and updated to reflect our ever-changing knowledge of drugs and
the application of this knowledge to the individualized therapy of patients. Content
within several sections has been extensively reorganized, with new chapters
introduced to expand important topics. Among these are seven new chapters within
the General Principles, Immunologic Disorders, Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal
Diseases, Neurologic Disorders, Psychiatric Disorders & Substance Abuse, and
Hematology and Oncology sections. Of particular note are featured new chapters in
the General Principles section on Drug Interactions, Pharmacogenomics and
Personalized Medicine, and Interprofessional Education and Practice. In addition, a
chapter has been redesigned to focus on Care of the Critically Ill Adult, which now
complements the chapter on Care of the Critically Ill Child.
Given the importance of incorporating Interprofessional Education (IPE) within
the didactic, practicum, and clinical settings, we have added an array of IPE case
studies prepared by contributors that are representative of various sections of the
textbook. These IPE cases, along with answer guides, will be available for
instructors on the textbook’s website (see the “Additional Resources” section).
We welcome your feedback as we undertake planning for the next edition. The
authors have drawn on information from the literature, current standards, and their
own clinical experiences to share the process involved in making sound and
thoughtful therapeutic decisions. However, it remains the responsibility of every
practitioner to evaluate the appropriateness of a particular opinion in the context of
the actual clinical situation, bearing in mind any recent developments in the field. We
strongly urge students and practitioners to consult several appropriate information
sources when working with new and unfamiliar drugs.
p. vi
We are deeply indebted to the many dedicated people who have given of themselves
to complete the eleventh edition of Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs.
We are grateful to our contributing authors who have worked tirelessly to provide the
highest quality of work, while balancing numerous responsibilities as educators,
clinicians, and researchers. We are grateful for the exceptional work of our twentysix section editors, who provided critical feedback necessary both in the
organizational structure of the textbook and in the individual editing of chapters;
without their dedication and support, this edition would not be possible. In
particular, we wish to recognize those returning section editors as they have been a
guiding force for the eleventh edition: Drs. Jean M. Nappi, Timothy J. Ives, Marcia
L. Buck, Judith L. Beizer, and Myrna Y. Munar. We sincerely thank the past editorial
team of Applied Therapeutics, with special thanks to Dr. Brian K. Alldredge and Dr.
B. Joseph Guglielmo for their guidance and support and contributions to the eleventh
edition. We would also like to thank Facts and Comparisons for allowing us to use
their data for the construction of some of our tables.
The team from Wolters Kluwer, Matt Hauber, Andrea Vosburgh, and Annette
Ferran, deserve special recognition for their efforts. Their exceptional patience,
attention to detail, and guidance have been critical to the success of this project. We
sincerely thank Tara Slagle (project management) and Samson Premkumar
(production) for their assistance in completing this edition. Most importantly, we
wish to acknowledge the love, understanding, and unwavering support of our spouses
and families. They selflessly gave to us early mornings, late nights, weekends, and
vacation time that we spent writing and editing.
Consistent with past editions, we continue to dedicate our work to our students
who inspire us and to the many patients we have been privileged to care for and who
have taught us invaluable lessons. We also dedicate the eleventh edition to those
clinicians and educators who have served as pioneering leaders and role models in
the delivery of patient-centered care using team-based approaches.

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