Ch ristopher Ross, MD
Key Points
• Consider acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in the initial
assessment of all patients presenting with chest pa in
and/or d ifficu lty breathing.
• Atypical presentations are common, especially in
women, the elderly, and diabetics.
• Obta in an emergent el ectroca rdiogram in all
patients with concern for ACS to ra pidly identify
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) encompasses a spectrum
of disease that includes unstable angina (UA), nonST-segment elevation myocardial infarctions (NSTEMI),
and ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctions (STEM!).
The distinction between the 3 is based on historical factors,
electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis, and cardiac biomarker
measurements. ACS is the leading cause of mortality in the
industrialized world and accounts for more than 25o/o of all
deaths in the United States. More than 5 million patients
per year present to U.S. emergency departments with
symptoms concerning for ACS, although fewer than lOo/o
will be diagnosed with acute myocardial infarctions (AMI).
That said, between 2o/o and 4o/o of all patients with ACS are
initially misdiagnosed and improperly discharged from the
ED, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality and
accounting for the leading source of malpractice payouts
in the United States.
The pathophysiology of myocardial ischemia can be
broken down into a simple imbalance in the supply and
demand of coronary perfusion. Atherosclerosis is responsible for almost all cases of ACS. This insidious process
begins with the deposition of fatty streaks in the coronary
ST-segment elevation myocardial infa rctions
• Patients with STEMI req uire immediate reperfusion
therapy with either thrombolytics or percutaneous
coronary intervention to salvage the maximum amount
of viable myocardium.
arteries of adolescent patients and progresses by early
adulthood to the formation of organized fibro-fatty
plaques. As plaques enlarge throughout adulthood, they
progressively limit coronary blood flow and may eventually induce the development of anginal symptoms with
exertion. In time, plaques can rupture, causing secondary
intraluminal thrombus formation and a sudden reduction
in coronary perfusion (ie, AMI).
UA is a clinical diagnosis that has no pathognomonic
ECG findings or confirmatory elevations in cardiac bio
markers. Patients with classic anginal symptoms that are
either new, accelerating in frequency or severity, or that
occur without exertion are considered to have UA. UA and
NSTEMI are very similar from a pathophysiologic standpoint with the latter being distinguished by the presence of
elevated cardiac biomarkers. Both conditions arise from
the non-complete occlusion of coronary blood flow with
the secondary development of ischemia and infarction,
respectively. Complete occlusions of the coronary arteries
typically result in transmural infarctions of the myocardium with associated ST segment elevation (STEM!) on
the ECG and increased biomarker levels. Of note, the mor
tality rates of patients with NSTEMI and STEM! are iden
tical at the 6-month follow-up point.
It is very important to understand the basic anatomy of
the coronary arteries to identify concerning ECG patterns
and predict clinical complications. The left coronary artery
(ie, left mainstem artery) arises from the aortic root and
branches almost immediately into the left anterior
descending artery (LAD) and left circumflex artery (LCX).
The LAD runs down the anterior aspect of the heart and
provides the main blood supply to the anterior left ventride and ventricular septum, whereas the LCX runs in the
atrioventricular (AV) sulcus between the left atrium and
left ventricle and provides blood to the lateral and posterior regions of the heart. The right coronary artery (RCA)
also arises directly from the aortic root. It runs in the AV
sulcus between the right atrium and right ventricle and
provides blood to the right side of the heart and inferior
portion of the left ventricle. The sinoatrial node is perfused
by the RCA, whereas the AV node is perfused by a combination of the RCA and LAD in most patients.
Risk factors predictive of underlying coronary artery disease (CAD) have been identified and include age >40 years,
male patients or postmenopausal females, hypertension,
dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, smoking, family history of
CAD, truncal obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. It is important to remember that these risk factors are based on large
demographic analyses and cannot be used to predict the
presence or absence of CAD in a given patient. Approximately half of all patients presenting with ACS have no
identifiable risk factors outside of age and sex.
� History
A thorough history is the most sensitive tool for the detection of ACS, and an experienced clinician will always be
wary of its variable presentation. Chest pain is the most
common presenting complaint. Myocardial ischemia is
classically described as pressure-like or squeezing sensation
located in the retrosternal area or left side of the chest.
Inquire about the quality, duration, frequency, and in ten
sity of the pain. Determine whether there is radiation of
pain, associated symptoms, and provoking and palliating
factors. Symptoms commonly associated with myocardial
ischemia include nausea, diaphoresis, shortness of breath,
and palpitations. Anginal pain can radiate in almost any
direction depending on the individual patient and the
affected region of the heart, but radiation to the shoulder,
arm, neck, and jaw is most common. It should be noted
that the intensity of pain is not predictive of the overall
severity of the myocardial insult, and even minimal symptoms can correlate with significant mortality.
Up to a third of patients with ACS will present with
symptoms other than chest pain. Also known as "anginal
equivalents;' these presentations further complicate the
accurate diagnosis of ACS. Possible complaints include
dyspnea, vomiting, altered mental status, abdominal pain,
and syncope. Patients at an increased risk of atypical pre
sentations include the elderly, women, diabetics, polysubstance abusers, psychiatric patients, and nonwhite
minorities. These patients have a near 4-fold increase in
mortality owing to inherent delays in their diagnosis, treatment, and disposition. Always obtain a detailed social history and inquire about any recent and chronic substance
abuse. Habitual tobacco use has been proven to be an
independent risk factor for CAD, whereas cocaine use can
not only induce significant coronary spasm in the acute
setting, but also accelerate the atherosclerotic process when
chronically abused.
� Physical Examination
There are no physical findings specific for ACS, and the
exam is frequently normal. Obtain a complete set of vital
signs and closely monitor unstable patients. Bradycardia is
common with inferior wall ischemia owing to an increase
in vagal tone, whereas tachycardia may represent compensation for a reduction in stroke volume. Concurrent hypertension increases the myocardial 02 demand and may
exacerbate the underlying ischemia, whereas acute cardio
genic shock has an extremely poor prognosis.
Carefully auscultate the heart for any abnormal sounds.
Acute changes in ventricular compliance may result in an
S3, S4, or paradoxically split S2. The presence of a new
systolic murmur may signify either papillary muscle infarction with secondary mitral valve insufficiency or ventricu
lar septal infarction with secondary perforation. Look for
signs of acute congestive heart failure (CHF), including
jugular venous distension, hepatojugular reflux, and inspiratory crackles. Perform a rectal exam to look for evidence
of gastrointestinal bleeding, and document a thorough
neurologic exam in patients who may require treatment
with anticoagulant or thrombolytic medications.
� Electrocardiogram
Obtain a 1 2-lead ECG immediately on presentation for
patients with symptoms concerning for ACS. The emergent identification of a STEM! ensures that definitive
therapy can be arranged as quickly as possible to limit
further myocardial loss. The use of prehospital ECG analysis has further reduced any delays in appropriate therapy.
Keep in mind that a single ECG provides only an isolated
snapshot of myocardial electrical activity, and as s uch, any
changes in clinical status should prompt repeat testing. In
addition, fewer than half of all AMis are of the STEM!
variety, and ECG interpretation may be completely normal
in the setting of NSTEMI or UA. ST-segment elevations
suggest the presence of an acute transmural infarction,
whereas ST-segment depressions suggest active myocardial
ischemia. The morphology of the ST-segment elevations
Table 1 4-1. Anatomical reg ions of the hea rt
by ECG ana lysis.
Anatomic occluded Ischemic Reciprocal
Location Artery Leads Leads
Anterior wall LAD V2, V3, V4 II, Ill, aVF
Lateral wall LCX I, aVL, VS, V6 V1, V2
Inferior wall RCA, LCX II, Ill, aVF variable
Posterior RCA, LCX VB, V9 V1, V2
Right ventricle RCA V1, V4R Variable
with AMI is typically straight or convex upward ("tomb
stone") in appearance, whereas c oncave ST-segment elevations generally indicate a more benign etiology (left
ventricular hypertrophy, benign early repolarization, pericarditis). Concerning ST-segment changes with ACS,
whether elevations or depressions, should be seen in a
distinct anatomical region with corresponding reciprocal
changes (Table 14-1). Additional findings concerning for
cardiac ischemia include inverted and hyperacute T-waves
(wide-based asymmetric high-amplitude T-waves) . Q
waves indicative of myocardial necrosis generally appear
late in the course of patients with ACS and cannot be relied
on in the acute decision-making process.
The ECG analysis for ACS should always occur in a standard fashion based on the anatomic distribution of the coronary arteries (Figures 14-1 and 14-2). Of particular interest,
inferior wall AMis generally represent occlusion of the RCA.
ST-segment elevation that is more pronounced in lead III
versus lead II is a subtle clue for involvement of the right
ventricle (RV). Obtain a right-sided ECG (lead V4r, analogous to lead V 4 but placed on the right side of the sternum)
in these patients to better evaluate the RV, and use nitroglycerin very carefully to avoid precipitating hemodynamic collapse. Furthermore, as the posterior descending arteries (PDA)
of most patients arise directly from the RCA, acute occlu
sion of the RCA should raise concern for a concurrent posterior wall infarction. Findings on the ECG suggestive of a
posterior wall infarction include an R-wave amplitude
> S-wave amplitude in leads V1 and V2 along with corresponding ST-segment depressions and tall upright T-waves
Figure 1 4-1. Anterior wall myocardial infarction. This patient had a 1 00% occlusion of the left anterior descending artery .
.AFigure 1 4-2. I nferior wa ll myocardial infarction. Note the ST segment elevations in leads I I, Ill, and aVF. Elevation
in lead Ill is more pronou nced than lead I I, suggesting right ventricular wa ll involvement.
in leads V1-V4. Obtain a posterior ECG (leads V8 and V9)
in these patients.
Observe patients closely for the development of any
form of irritability, dysrhythmia, conduction delay, or
heart block (See Chapter 15 for further details). Highdegree AV block (second or third degree) is present in 6%
of patients with AMI. The incidence is higher in patients
with inferior wall infarctions (lSo/o) owing to the secondary increase in vagal tone or ischemia of the AV node.
Anterior wall infarctions can also produce AV blocks as a
result of ischemia of either the bundle of His or bilateral
bundle branches, resulting in a wide QRS complex bradydysrhythmia. The presence of a new left bundle branch
block in the appropriate clinical context should be considered and treated analogous to a STEMI.
..... Laboratory
Injury to myocardial tissue results in the release of unique
cardiac enzymes into the vascular space, which can be
readily measured via serum analysis. Keep in mind that
patients with ECG findings consistent with STEMI do not
require confirmatory testing with serum markers but
rather warrant immediate reperfusion therapy. That said,
serum markers are very useful in patients with nondiag
nostic ECGs to diagnose the presence of a NSTEMl. Of
note, there is no single cardiac marker analysis that has
sufficient accuracy to reliably identify or exclude AMI
within the first 6 hours of symptoms onset. Furthermore,
elevations can and do occur secondary to non-ACS-related
conditions, including myocarditis, decompensated CHF,
and acute pulmonary embolism.
The usual laboratory studies used for the diagnosis of
AMI are the troponins (both T and I subtypes). Troponin
(Tn) levels are the most specific marker for myocardial
necrosis and have become the gold standard for diagnosis.
Elevated levels can be detected within 3 hours of injury,
peak at 12 hours, and remain elevated for a period of 3-10
days. The degree of myocardial damage and mortality is
correlated with the degree of troponin elevation.
Creatinine kinase is found in all forms of muscle tissue,
but the MB subunit is far more specific for myocardial
injury. CK-MB elevations can usually be detected within
4-6 hours after symptom onset, peak at 24 hours, and
typically return to normal within 2-3 days. Myoglobin
assays are also in common use for the evaluation of AMI.
Although attractive in theory as significant elevations
can be detected within 1-2 hours of symptom onset, a
poor specificity limits the clinical utility of serum myoglo
bin analysis.
..... Imaging
Obtain an emergent chest x-ray in all patients who present with a chief complaint of chest pain or shortness of
breath. That said, there are no radiographic findings
specific for the diagnosis of ACS, and its role in this setting is primarily for excluding alternative diagnoses.
Acute CHF secondary to ACS may present with classic
radiographic fmdings.
Order an ECG immediately on presentation to identify
patients with STEMI, as they require immediate and
aggressive reperfusion. Patients with cardiogenic shock,
acutely decompensated CHF, ventricular dysrhythmias,
and severe symptoms refractive to aggressive medical
therapy also typically warrant emergent percutaneous
coronary intervention (PCI). In patients with nondiagnostic ECGs, proceed with cardiac marker testing. Patients
with elevated cardiac markers should be treated as having
a NSTEMI. Those whose initial set of cardiac markers are
negative require serial ECG and biomarker testing. These
patients should be stratified to identify those who are at
high risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Concerning
factors that may identify high-risk patients include
patients �65 years of age, the presence of at least 3 risk
factors for CAD, known prior coronary stenosis of �50%,
ST-segment deviations on ECG, elevated cardiac markers,
the use of aspirin within the prior 7 days, and at least 2
anginal episodes within the past 24 hours. Further treatment should be dictated by the patient's category of risk
(Figure 14-3).
The proper management of ACS demands rapid and
aggressive care. These patients require treatment in an
area with ready access to resuscitation equipment including advanced airways and defibrillators. Address the
patient's airway and circulatory status and place the
patient on the cardiac monitor. Obtain N access and
administer supplemental oxygen to maintain an SpO 2
�94%. The immediate goals of therapy are to limit the
supply-demand mismatch by improving coronary perfusion while reducing myocardial oxygen demand. Further
treatment is dictated by condition into either STEMI or
UA/NSTEMI pathways.
..... Nitroglycerin
Nitroglycerin is widely used in patients with ACS and
provides benefit via several different actions. It decreases
myocardial oxygen demand by reducing the ventricular
preload, improves myocardial perfusion by dilating the
coronary vascular bed, and exhibits some mild antiplatelet properties. Start with sublingual doses of 0.4 mg in a
disintegrating tablet or spray. This can be repeated every
3-5 minutes as necessary for refractive pain provided that
the patient maintains a systolic blood pressure > 100 mmHg.
Chest pain that persists after 3-5 doses warrants the
initiation of IV therapy. Start an infusion at 1 0-20 meg/
min and rapidly titrate upward in 1 0-20 meg/min increments to achieve adequate pain control. Immediately stop
Strong concern for myocardial
ischemia (new ST-segment
depressions or T-wave inversions)
IV 13-blocker + /
clopidogrel load
• ST-segment depressions
• Elevated Tn
• Persistent chest pain
• Hemodynamic instability
• TIMI score �3*
No high-risk features
Admit to telemetry or
ccu bed for further
'' TIMI risk score for UA/NSTEMI equals the number of the following 7 risk factors that are present: Age
� 65, �3 CAD risk factors, known CAD, ASA use with in the past week, recent angina, elevated cardiac markers,
and ST-segment deviations � O.Smm. A score of 3 carries a 1 3% risk of an adverse cardiac event (AMI, death,
revascularization) within the next 14 days .
.&. Figure 1 4-3. ACS diagnostic algorithm. ACS, acute coronary syndrome; AMI, acute myocardial infarction;
ASA, aspirin; CAD, coronary artery disease; CCU, critical care unit; ECG, electrocard iogram; G PI, glycoprotein l ib/I l ia
inhi bitors; LBBB, left bundle branch block; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; NTG, nitroglycerin; NSTEMI, nonST-segment elevation myoca rdial infa rction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; STEM!, ST-segment elevation
myocardial infarction; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocard ial I nfarction; Tn, troponin; UA, unstable angi na; UFH,
unfractionated heparin.
the infusion and administer IV fluid boluses to any
patients with signs of secondary hypotension. Patients
with infarctions that involve the right ventricle are particularly prone to hypotension given their preload dependent condition.
� Morphine
Administer IV morphine to all patients with persistent pain
despite treatment with nitroglycerin. Morphine reduces
myocardial 02 demand by decreasing vascular tone (preload)
and limiting the catecholamine surge that typically accompanies ACS. Avoid the use of morphine in hypotensive
� Antiplatelet Therapy
Begin immediate treatment with aspirin (ASA) in all patients
with presentations concerning for ACS. Give 2:162 mg of a
non-enteric-coated version. The first dose should be
crushed or chewed to improve absorption and more
quickly reach therapeutic blood levels. Aspirin alone
reduces mortality by 23o/o in STEM! patients. Minor con
traindications (remote history of peptic ulcer disease,
vague allergy, etc) should not preclude its use.
Clopidogrel, prasugrel, and ticagrelor all function to
inhibit platelet activation via blockade of the adenosine
diphosphate (ADP) receptors and therefore work in harmony with aspirin therapy. Clopidogrel has been the most
extensively researched of the 3 and, therefore, is the most
commonly used. A loading dose of 600 mg is recommended
for patients with STEM! undergoing emergent PCI, whereas
a 300-mg load is recommended for patients undergoing
reperfusion with thrombolytics and those with UNNSTEMI.
No loading dose is recommended in patients older than
75 years because of a concern for increased bleeding complications. Both prasugrel and ticagrelor produce a more
intense platelet inhibition, but do so at the expense of an
increase in major bleeding complications. Although there is
a legitimate concern for excessive bleeding in patients given
AD P-receptor antagonists who subsequently undergo coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), the definite benefit of
platelet inhibition in patients with ACS far outweighs the
potential concern for bleeding in the very low number of
patients who actually require emergent CABG.
Glycoprotein lib/Ilia inhibitors represent the third class
of antiplatelet medications and function by inhibiting platelet aggregation via blockade of the surface binding sites for
activated fibrin. There are currently 3 available agents in this
class (abciximab, eptifibatide, and tirofiban), and their use in
patients with ACS has been extensively researched. These
agents have been associated with an increase in major bleed
ing complications, and current guidelines recommend their
use only for patients with ACS undergoing PCI.
� Anticoagulation
Administer either unfractionated heparin (UFH) or lowmolecular-weight heparin (LMWH) in all patients with
ACS and no known contraindications. LMWH ( enoxaparin)
is generally preferred given its more predictable weightbased onset of activity, reduced tendency for immunemediated thrombocytopenia, and lack of requirement for
laboratory monitoring. That said, the longer half-life and
lack of easy reversibility of LMWH is problematic in
patients for whom invasive interventions are planned.
UFH is typically recommended for patients undergoing
PCI, whereas LMWH is preferred for patients with UA/
NSTEMI who are not undergoing emergent reperfusion.
Fondaparinux and bivalirudin (a direct thrombin
inhibitor) are two of the newer anticoagulant agents a vailable for the management of patients with ACS and will
likely have an expanding role in the near future. Both have
been shown to be equally effective with fewer bleeding
complications as compared with standard treatment with
UFH or LMWH in select patient populations.
� Beta-Blockers
Beta-blockers exhibit antiarrhythmic, anti-ischemic, and
antihypertensive properties. They reduce myocardial 0 2
demand via decreasing the heart rate, cardiac afterload,
and ventricular contractility. Current guidelines recommend the initiation of treatment in all ACS patients with
no contraindications (decompensated CHF, hypotension,
heart blocks, and reactive airway disease). Metoprolol can
be given in 5-mg N doses every 5 minutes for a total of
3 doses or as a single 50-mg oral dose if N treatment is not
� Reperfusion Therapy
Patients with STEM! require immediate reperfusion
therapy with either PCI or thrombolysis. The American
College of Cardiology guidelines recommend a duration
of no more than 90 minutes between patient presentation and balloon inflation in those undergoing PCI and a
duration of no more than 30 minutes between presentation and treatment in those undergoing thrombolysis.
PCI is the preferred modality owing to a decreased risk of
bleeding complications, lower incidence of recurrent
ischemia and infarction, and improved rates of survivability. For patients with UA or NSTEMI, an early invasive approach (within 24-48 hours) utilizing PCI reduces
the risk of death, AMI, and recurrent ACS. Thrombolysis
is not recommended for patients with either UA or
� Admission
Admit all patients with suspected ACS to a monitored bed
for serial ECG testing and cardiac marker analysis. Highrisk patients including those with elevated cardiac markers,
ischemic ECG changes, and refractive symptoms warrant
admission to a critical care setting for early PCI. STEM!
patients require admission to a critical care setting after
appropriate reperfusion therapy (PCI or thrombolysis).
� Discharge
Patients at a very low risk for ACS (young healthy patient,
atypical history, normal ECG, and negative serial cardiac
markers) who remain symptom free during an emergency
department observation period of several hours can be
safely discharged home with early stress testing arranged in
the outpatient setting.
Green G, Hill P. Chest pain: Cardiac or not. In: Tintinalli JE,
Stapczynski JS, Ma OJ, Cline DM, Cydulka RK, Meckler GD.
Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide.
7th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 20 11, pp. 361-367.
Hollander J, Dierks D. Acute coronary syndromes: Acute myocardial infarction. In: Tintinalli JE, Stapczynski JS, Ma OJ,
Cline DM, Cydulka RK, Meckler GD. Tintinalli's Emergency
Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. 7th ed. New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill, 20 1 1, pp. 367-385.
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