Review time frame: The FDA will review and issue an approval, approvable, or
non-approvable letter within 180 days of receipt of application. This period is known
as review-clock. In this period the application is reviewed by the FDA thoroughly.
During this period applicant may withdraw the application and resubmit it later.
Filing time frame: After 60 days of receiving the application, the FDA will decide
whether the application may be filed or not. If the FDA filed the application, then
applicants will be notified, otherwise the applicant will be allowed to discuss the reason
for non-filing of application with FDA (Fig. 9.5).
Guidance documents to help prepare NDAs (Source: FDA)
i. Bioavailability and bioequivalence studies submitted in NDAs or INDs and
ii. Changes to an approved NDA or ANDA
Fig. 9.4: General requirements for filing an NDA
Fig. 9.5: Classifications of drugs in NDA
iii. Changes to an approved NDA or ANDA: Questions and Answers
iv. Container closure systems for packaging human drugs and biologics
v. Format and content of the microbiology section of an application
vi. Format and content of the clinical and statistical sections of an application
vii. Summary for new drug and antibiotic applications—format and content of the
summary for new drug and antibiotic applications
viii. Formatting, assembling and submitting new drug and antibiotic applications
ix. Guideline for submitting supporting documentation in drug applications for the
x. NDAs: Impurities in drug substances
xi. Format and content of the human pharmacokinetics and bioavailability section
xii. Format and content of the nonclinical pharmacology/toxicology section of an
xiii. Providing clinical evidence of effectiveness for human drug and biological
xiv. Drug master files: Guidelines
xv. FDA IND, NDA, ANDA, or drug master file binders
xvi. PET drug applications—content and format for NDAs and ANDAs—2011
NDA forms and electronic submissions (Source: FDA)
i. Form FDA-356h. Application to market a new drug, biologic, or an antibiotic
ii. Form FDA-3397. User fee cover sheet
iii. Form FDA-3331. New drug application field report
iv. Guidance documents for electronic submissions
BE stands for bioequivalence. It is a relative term. It denotes that a drug substance in
two or more identical dosage forms reaches the systemic circulation at the same relative
rate and to the same relative extent (Figs 9.6 and 9.7).
Fig. 9.6: Concentration–time graph of bioequivalence study of two drugs (innovator drug and sample
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