432 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.20. Median nerve in the antecubital fossa and forearm. Note that most of the median
nerve branches in the antecubital fossa are medial. In the distal forearm, the median nerve
almost always exits from beneath the radial side of the muscle belly of the middle finger flexor
digitorum superficialis.
8.1 Flexor Forearm 433
FIGURE 8.21. The course and muscle innervation of the anterior interosseous nerve.
434 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.22. Arteries of the forearm and the ulnar nerve.
Antecubital Fossa
Anteromedial Approach
The contents of the antecubital fossa may be exposed
through an anterior approach, which provides excellent
exposure of the biceps tendon, median and ulnar nerves,
the brachial, radial, and ulnar arteries, and the radial nerve.
Landmarks include the biceps, mobile wad of three and PT
muscles, biceps tendon, and elbow flexion creases.
Patient Position/Incision
With the patient supine, the forearm in supination, and the
elbow extended, an incision is made 5 to 6 cm proximal to
the flexion crease along the medial edge of the biceps muscle, which continues obliquely across the elbow flexion
crease to the lateral and flexor side of the forearm, where it
turns distally along the inner or medial edge of the mobile
wad of three (Fig. 8.23).
After dividing the superficial fascia and ligating the superficial
veins as required, the deep fascia is opened to enter the triangular antecubital fossa. The guiding landmarks are the biceps
tendon and the lacertus fibrosus centrally and the brachioradialis as part of the mobile wad of three laterally, along with
the PT and flexors medially (1). The lacertus fibrosus is
incised along the exposed edge of the PT and reflected proximally. The biceps tendon divides the antecubital fossa into
medial and lateral compartments, with the medial compartment’s major components being the vascular tree and the
8.1 Flexor Forearm 435
FIGURE 8.23. Anteromedial approach to the antecubital fossa: patient position (A) and incision (B).
median nerve. The brachial artery lies close to the medial side
of the biceps tendon and divides into the radial and ulnar
arteries at the distal edge of the lacertus fibrosus. The vessels
may be gently mobilized by blunt dissection with scissors.
The ulnar artery is deeper than the radial and sometimes is
hidden by the more superficial radial artery. Similarly, the
common interosseous artery and its anterior interosseous
branch lie behind and somewhat deep to the parent ulnar
artery. These vessels may be mobilized as needed by ligating
their muscular branches. Multiple branches arise on the lateral side of the radial artery, the largest of which is the radial
recurrent artery. Most of these multiple branches arise distal
to the radial recurrent and, along with the radial recurrent,
supply the adjacent mobile wad muscles. The radial recurrent
branch of the radial artery continues proximally, where it
joins the anterior branch of the profunda brachii artery in the
region of the lateral epicondyle. Soon after its origin from the
radial artery, the radial recurrent sends a branch that enters
the arcade of Frohse adjacent to the PIN. It may be necessary
to ligate some of these vessels to mobilize the adjacent mobile
wad of muscles and thus expose deeper structures, including
the radial nerve and supinator, or to allow retraction of the
vascular bundle to the medial side, which aids in identification of the ulnar artery and its branches. Henry has characterized these branches arising from the radial side of the radial
artery as a fanlike leash that spreads from a common stem (the
radial recurrent artery) and thus can be dealt with as a single
structure (1). Although Henry is correct in his observation
that the vessels comprising this fanlike vascular leash seldom
lie in a single plane, but rather diverge in a set of layers two or
three deep, these vessels do not always arise from a common
single stem and thus must be dealt with as individual vessels.
These vessels may arise as two to three individual branches
from the radial artery or as multiple branches arising from a
common stem distal to the radial recurrent artery. These vessels are separate and distinct from the radial recurrent artery,
436 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.24. Anteromedial approach to the antecubital fossa: technique and deep dissection.
Passing the surgeon’s index finger down the lateral side of the biceps tendon is a useful technique to find the radial recurrent vessel(s). Tying these vessels allows medial retraction of the
radial artery and lateral retraction of the mobile wad muscles.
and although the radial recurrent artery also may send
branches to the mobile wad muscles, the arrangement of this
vascular leash is different from that portrayed by Henry (1).
These branches, including the radial recurrent, may be identified by running a finger down the lateral side of the biceps
tendon (Fig. 8.24). In contrast to the more superficial radial
artery, which is easily identified in the interval between the
brachioradialis and the FCR and on top of the PT, the ulnar
artery descends deep into the medial side of the antecubital
fossa, which it exits beneath the deep head of the PT to enter
the interval between the FDS and FDP. Mobilization of the
radial artery by this means allows it to be moved toward the
ulna, which may aid in uncovering the ulnar artery.
Anterolateral Approach
The anterolateral approach, although somewhat similar to
the approach described previously for exposure of the antecubital fossa, probably is better suited to expose the lateral
half of the antecubital fossa and may be used to expose
radial nerve entrapment syndromes and biceps tendon rupture.
Useful landmarks are the biceps and mobile wad of three
muscles, biceps tendon, and the elbow flexion crease.
Patient Position/Incision
With the patient supine and the forearm supinated, the skin
incision begins 4 to 5 cm proximal to the elbow flexion
crease in the interval between the brachialis and the brachioradialis, curves into the elbow flexion crease, and then
continues distally into the forearm along the inner or
medial margin of the mobile wad of three (Fig. 8.25A and
B). The biceps tendon medially and the brachioradialis laterally are landmarks.
8.1 Flexor Forearm 437
FIGURE 8.25. Anterolateral approach to the antecubital fossa. Patient position (A) and incision
(B). Identification of the radial nerve usually is performed successfully by blunt separation of the
interval between the brachioradialis and brachialis.
The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve of the forearm is
identified as it exits from beneath the lateral margin of the
biceps muscle and may be located as it becomes more
superficial near the lateral aspect of the biceps tendon.
Care must be taken not to mistake this nerve for the radial
nerve, which is deeper and lies between the brachialis and
brachioradialis. The radial nerve is located by blunt separation of these two muscle bellies, beginning 1 to 2 cm
proximal to the elbow joint space. This interval is developed further by blunt dissection, and retraction of the
brachioradialis laterally and the brachialis medially provides additional exposure (see Fig. 8.25C and D). The
radial nerve is traced distally, where it divides into the PIN
and sensory branches. The PIN enters the supinator muscle beneath the leading edge of the ECRB and the arcade
of Frohse accompanied by a branch of the radial recurrent
artery, whereas the sensory branch continues distally
under cover of the brachioradialis. The radial recurrent
artery and other branches may require ligation to mobilize
the mobile wad of three or the main trunk of the radial
artery, and it is found by running a finger down the radial
or lateral side of the biceps tendon as described for the
anteromedial approach to the antecubital fossa.
Shaft of the Radius
This approach may be used for fractures, tumors, or infections of the radius.
These include the biceps and the mobile wad of three muscles, the elbow flexion crease, and the radial styloid.
Patient Position/Incision
With the patient supine and the forearm in supination, an
incision is begun in the interval between the distal and lateral aspect of the biceps and the proximal origins of the
mobile wad of three. The incision continues obliquely
across the elbow flexion crease and then curves distally to
parallel the medial edge of the mobile wad of three, to end
near the radial styloid (Fig. 8.26A and B).
After opening the deep fascia and identifying the major
structures in the antecubital fossa, the radial recurrent
artery is ligated. Next, the supinator muscle is identified
along with its motor branch, which enters the muscle
belly proximally and anterolaterally. The motor branch of
the radial nerve, the PIN at this level, travels between the
deep and superficial portions of the supinator. Using the
biceps tendon as a guide, the proximal portion of the
obliquely oriented insertional edge of the supinator is
identified. The insertional edge of the muscle is detached
with a scalpel or sharp periosteal elevator as desired (see
Fig. 8.26C). Exposure of this region is facilitated by flexion of the elbow and gentle retraction of the mobile wad
muscles. After the supinator is released, the forearm is
pronated to reveal an extensive expanse of radius. Additional exposure of the distal aspect of the radius is
obtained by reflection of the insertion of the brachioradialis (see Fig. 8.26D). Caution: The AIN and its branches
may be at risk during this approach, and this is especially
true of the branches to the FPL.
Median and Ulnar Nerves
Volar Approach
Exposure of the median and ulnar nerves through a volar
approach is an extension of the approach to the radius
described previously. The median and ulnar nerves may
require exposure in the forearm for nerve suture or grafting
or nerve tumors. The volar approach is designed to expose
the nerves in the middle and distal thirds of the forearm.
Exposure of the median nerve in the proximal third of the
forearm is described under the antecubital fossa approach,
and exposure of the ulnar nerve in the proximal forearm is
described in the section on ulnar nerve transposition
(Chapter 7, Cubital Tunnel Syndrome).
Landmarks include the elbow flexion crease and the interval between the PT and the FCR.
Patient Position/Incision
With the patient supine and the forearm in supination, an
incision is begun at the elbow flexion crease along the lateral side of the PT and continued distally in the midline of
the forearm to the wrist flexion crease (Fig. 8.27).
Dissection to expose the median nerve begins by finding
the cleavage interval between the PT and the FCR (the
interval between the thumb and index finger in Henry’s
manual mnemonic) (1). The interval of separation is best
begun in the region of their respective tendons and then
carried proximally. The median nerve is identified in this
region beneath the distal edge of the PT and just before its
entrance between the deep and superficial portions of the
438 Regional Anatomy
8.1 Flexor Forearm 439
FIGURE 8.26. Exposure of the shaft of the radius. Incision (A) and proximal dissection (B).
(continued on next page)
FDS. If no interval exists between the PT and FDS (as
sometimes occurs), then the FDS muscle fibers must be
separated by blunt dissection to reveal the median nerve.
An alternative and more distal approach may be achieved at
the level of the myotendinous junction and in the interval
between the ring and little finger superficialis. The median
nerve lies beneath the muscle belly of the middle finger
superficialis, and by separation and retraction of the ring
and little finger superficialis muscle bellies, it may be
viewed in this region. After the median nerve exits from
beneath the oblique edge of the muscle belly of the middle
finger superficialis, it is not difficult to identify or locate.
This constant relationship between the median nerve and
the middle finger superficialis muscle belly is an important
identification landmark, especially in trauma cases. The
ulnar nerve is located in the interval between the superficialis and the underlying profundus. Retraction of the finger flexors is aided by flexing the wrist and fingers. Once
again, identification of the interval is easier at the
myotendinous junction followed by proximal dissection.
The interval between the FCU tendon and the FDS of the
little finger reveals the ulnar neurovascular bundle lying on
the FDP.
Medial Approach (McConnell Approach)
A more direct approach to the ulnar nerve that also allows
exposure of the median nerve in the middle and distal
thirds is obtained through the medial side of the forearm.
This approach, originally described by McConnell (25), is
440 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.26. (continued) C: Using the biceps tendon as a guide, the insertional edge of the
supinator is incised and elevated along with the posterior interosseous nerve in this muscle envelope.
recounted here with some modifications based on the
description by Henry (1).
The landmarks are the pisiform bone and the medial epicondyle.
Patient Position/Incision
With the patient supine and the forearm in supination, an
incision is made from the radial side of the pisiform to the
medial epicondyle (Fig. 8.28).
Beginning distally and opening the fascia along the radial
side of the FCU tendon, the ulnar neurovascular bundle is
found just radial to this tendon and traced proximally to the
junction of the proximal and middle thirds of the forearm.
At this location, the ulnar artery angles away laterally
toward its parent vessel, the brachial artery, whereas the
ulnar nerve continues proximally in a straight course
toward the medial epicondyle. If the median nerve also
must be exposed, the cleavage plane between the FDS and
the FDP is developed, which leads to the median nerve
closely applied in a shallow groove to the underside of the
FDS (1). The median nerve in this region, as noted by
Henry (1), lies first to the radial side of the proximal muscle belly of the deep portion of the FDS and then to the
radial side of the fibrous tissue linkage between the proximal and distal bellies. Below this level, fascia binds the
median nerve in a lateral groove between the middle and
index finger muscle bellies and tendons.
Median Nerve in the Distal Forearm
The median nerve is relatively superficial in the distal aspect
of the forearm and may be subject to laceration because of
its exposed position. This incision also may be useful for
removal of median nerve tumors in this area.
Useful landmarks are the long axis of the middle finger and
the PL tendon, if present.
Patient Position/Incision
With the patient supine and the forearm in supination, a
longitudinal or gently curved incision is made at the wrist
flexion crease and continued proximally in line with the
middle finger axis for a distance of 10 to 12 cm, as needed
(Fig. 8.29).
8.1 Flexor Forearm 441
FIGURE 8.26. (continued) D: Pronation of the forearm facilitates exposure of the remainder of the radial shaft.
442 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.27. Approach to the median and ulnar nerves. A: Incision. B: Proximal exposure of the
median nerve is in the interval between the pronator teres and the flexor carpi radialis. This
interval may be most easily identified at their distal zone of separation. The ulnar nerve is found
in the interval between flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) of the little finger and the flexor carpi
ulnaris. C: The distal aspect of the median nerve may be identified beneath FDS to the middle
finger and in the interval between the FDS of the middle and ring fingers.
8.1 Flexor Forearm 443
FIGURE 8.28. The McConnell approach to the median nerve (see also Fig. 8.7). A: Incision. B, C:
The interval between the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and flexor carpi ulnaris is used to
expose the median nerve, which travels as a 9satellite9 on the undersurface of the FDS. This
approach also provides excellent exposure of the ulnar nerve and artery.
The median nerve at this level is located between the middle and index finger components of the FDS and exits
from beneath the radial margin of the middle finger FDS
muscle belly. The palmar cutaneous branch leaves the
median nerve along its lateral aspect approximately 3 to 4
cm from the proximal margin of the transverse carpal ligament (26).
Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve
This nerve is a useful autograft donor nerve for digital nerve
repair (14).
It may be located just to the lateral aspect of the biceps tendon at the intersection of the biceps tendon and the
interepicondylar line of the humerus (13).
Patient Position/Incision
With the patient supine and the forearm in supination, a
transverse incision is made in the elbow flexion crease centered over the biceps tendon (Fig. 8.30).
Staying to the lateral side of the tendon, the nerve is found
as it emerges from the anterior surface of the brachialis
muscle. The nerve is closely applied to the lateral aspect of
the biceps tendon, and in some instances appears to blend
with the lateral substance of the biceps tendon (13). The
nerve lies in the same coronal plane as the biceps tendon,
just deep to the antecubital veins and the antecubital fascia.
It is in this region that the posterior branch is given off. Distally, cutaneous branches ramify along the course of the
cephalic vein. Digital nerve grafts usually do not require
extensive amounts of graft, and this incision usually is adequate to harvest a sufficient length of graft, but it may be
extended as needed.
444 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.29. Exposure of the median nerve in
the distal forearm. The relatively superficial
location and the consistent exit of this nerve
from beneath the muscle belly of the flexor digitorum superficialis to the middle finger facilitates this exposure.
Pronator Syndrome
Sites of Compression
There are four potential sites of proximal median nerve
compression, one in the distal arm and three in the proximal forearm (27) (Fig. 8.31). The distal arm site has been
discussed under the section on Clinically Significant
Arcades in Chapter 6. In the forearm, the median nerve
may be compressed at one of three levels, in the following
order of frequency: the PT, the flexor superficialis arch, and
the lacertus fibrosus (27,28).
Pronator Teres
Dissections of the proximal forearm have revealed either a
fibrous band on the dorsum of the superficial head of the
pronator overlying the median nerve, or a fibrous band as a
component of the deep ulnar head of the pronator when
the latter was present, or, when the deep head was absent, a
separate fibrous band attached to the coronoid process of
the ulna proximally. In some instances fibrous bands were
noted on both heads, which formed a definite fibrous
arcade (28).
Flexor Superficialis Arch
A fibrous arcade was observed in approximately one-third
of the dissections at the proximal margin of the FDS to the
middle finger (28).
Lacertus Fibrosus
Entrapment of the median nerve beneath the lacertus fibrosus is the least common cause of median nerve entrapment
in the proximal forearm. It may be secondary to hypertrophy or enlargement of the lacertus (28).
Localizing Tests
Functional muscle testing may give some indication of the
site of compression (Fig. 8.32). If complaints are produced
by flexion of the elbow against resistance between 120 and
135 degrees of elbow flexion, compression may be in the
8.1 Flexor Forearm 445
FIGURE 8.30. Approach for the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve. The nerve most often is
found just lateral to the biceps tendon as it emerges from the interval between the biceps and
brachialis muscles.
distal arm beneath a ligament of Struthers (see Chapter 6).
Compression by the lacertus fibrosus may be aggravated by
active flexion of the elbow against resistance with the arm
in pronation. If symptoms are increased by resisted pronation of the forearm (usually combined with wrist flexion to
relax the FDS), the nerve may be compressed between the
pronator, and if the symptoms are aggravated by resisted
flexion of the FDS to the middle finger, compression may
be at the FDS proximal arch (27,28).
Operative technique for treatment of pronator syndrome
includes complete exploration of the median nerve from the
distal arm to the proximal forearm. The median nerve is
explored from the region of a possible anomalous supracondylar process and associated ligament of Struthers to the
proximal edge of the FDS, with release of all potentially
constricting structures, including the ligament of Struthers
and the lacertus fibrosus (27). At the level of the PT, compression may be due to muscle hypertrophy or constricting
muscle fascial bands. Further decompression of the median
nerve is achieved by tracing the median nerve into the substance of the PT and releasing any areas of constriction. The
final site of possible constriction is in the proximal edge of
the FDS, which may be exposed by entering the interval
between the FCR and the PT. The median nerve may be
constricted here beneath a fibrous tissue arch along the
leading edge of the FDS. A persistent median artery also has
been observed as a cause of pronator syndrome. Reported
cases have demonstrated penetration of the median nerve
by the median artery and constriction of the nerve by vascular leashes from the median artery (29,30).
Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome
Compression of the AIN characteristically results in complete or partial loss of function of the FPL and the FDP of
the index finger and long fingers, as well as the PQ, without any sensory deficits (31–33). These findings may be
associated with vague complaints of discomfort in the
proximal forearm. In the complete AIN syndrome
(AINS), the affected patient assumes an unusual pinch
posture with the distal joint of the index and thumb in
extension (32,33).
Anatomic Variations
Although the FPL and FDP of the index finger are innervated exclusively by the AIN, the FDP of the long finger
is exclusively innervated by the AIN only 50% of the time.
In the remaining 50%, the long finger FDP is at least partially innervated by the ulnar nerve (23). Variations from
the classic AINS include isolated paresis or paralysis in
either the index profundus or the FPL. In both the com446 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.31. Sites of compression in the pronator syndrome. A:
The ligament of Struthers from an anomalous supracondylar
process to the medial epicondyle, which may compress the
median nerve. B: The pronator teres. C: The lacertus fibrosus
(the least common cause). D: A fibrous arch in the flexor digitorum superficialis of the middle finger.
plete and partial types, there often is an antecedent history
of unusual muscular exertion, blunt trauma, or edema in
the extremity (23).
Differential Diagnosis
AINS, especially the incomplete type, must be distinguished from flexor tendon rupture, flexor tendon adhesion, and stenosing tenosynovitis. If a Martin-Gruber
connection is present between the AIN and the ulnar
nerve, there may be intrinsic muscle paresis or atrophy
(34). The incomplete type of AINS may be distinguished
from rupture of the FPL by noting passive flexion of the
interphalangeal joint of the thumb with wrist and MCP
joint hyperextension in AINS, in contrast to absence of
thumb interphalangeal joint flexion in rupture of the
FPL (35).
Compression Sites
The nerve usually is compressed by fibrous bands that run
from the deep (most common) or superficial head of the
PT to the brachialis fascia (23) (Fig. 8.33). Other sites of
compression have been identified, including the fibrous
tissue arcade of the FDS, which the AIN passes beneath to
lie on the IOM (27). Other reported causes of compression include enlarged bursae or tumors, aberrant or
thrombosed vessels, a double lacertus fibrosus overlying
the nerve, compression of the nerve as it runs deep to both
heads of the PT, and fractures of the forearm and distal
humerus (23,27). Three aberrant muscles have been identified in association with AINS, including an accessory
head of the FPL called Gantzer’s muscle, the palmaris profundus, and the flexor carpi radialis brevis (27,36,37).
Although an accessory head of the FPL (Gantzer’s muscle)
8.1 Flexor Forearm 447
FIGURE 8.32. Localizing tests for the pronator syndrome. A: Test for presence of ligament of
Struthers. B: Test for lacertus fibrosus and pronator teres muscle compression. C: Test for
median nerve compression by a fibrous tissue arch in the flexor digitorum superficialis of the
middle finger.
448 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.33. Anterior interosseous nerve compression sites. A: Deep head of the pronator teres.
B: Fibrous arch of the middle finger flexor digitorum superficialis. C: Gantzer’s muscle. Presence of
abnormal muscles in the form of flexor carpi radialis brevis (D) and palmaris profundus (E).
has been identified as an a cause of AINS (33,38), both
Dellon and Mackinnon (39) and Al-Qattan (40) have
noted that Gantzer’s muscle always is posterior to the
median nerve and AIN. However, in dissections of the
forearm in which Gantzer’s muscle was present, the
authors demonstrated the possibility of a pincer-like effect
between this abnormal posterior head and the adjacent
anterior FDS that could produce compression of the
median nerve as well as the AIN. The median nerve and
AIN passed through the interval between these two muscles, which share a common origin on the medial epicondyle (see discussion of Gantzer’s muscle under the section on Anatomic Variations, later).
The common denominators in this condition appear to be
localized edema superimposed on an anatomic abnormality
that is either congenital or acquired.
Patients who present with paresis may be observed because
most improve spontaneously without surgery (23). This is
especially true in children with AINS associated with fractures of the forearm and elbow region. Exploration and
decompression is advised in patients who present with complete paralysis of either muscle tendon unit and who have
shown no improvement as determined by physical examination or repeat electromyography after 12 weeks of observation (23). The AIN is exposed through a curved incision
beginning at the antecubital flexion crease just medial to the
biceps tendon. The median nerve is traced distally to its
entrance between the two heads of the PT, and the superficial head of the PT is mobilized and retracted to reveal the
usual site of origin of the AIN from the posterior aspect of
the median nerve. The site of compression may be identified by noting a pale discoloration in the nerve with or
without a concomitant indentation of the nerve. All potential sites of compression are released; it is not necessary to
perform an internal neurolysis. It may be necessary to
divide the insertion of the PT to facilitate exposure of the
AIN at the superficialis fibrous arcade.
Compartment Syndrome
Compartment syndrome is a clinical complex that results
from increased pressure in a closed and limited space that
compromises the circulation and function in that space.
Although this condition may occur in any closed anatomic
space, it is most common and devastating in the volar
aspect of the forearm (41). The fact that the forearm muscles are encased in a semirigid fascial tube makes such a progression possible; even the skin may act as a restricting
membrane in some instances.
Associated Injuries/Etiology
The most common associated injuries are fractures of the
elbow or forearm, soft tissue injuries, arterial injury, burns
(thermal and electrical), and injection injuries (41,42). The
pathophysiology of compartment syndrome is best
explained by the arteriovenous (AV) gradient theory of
Matsen and Rorabeck (43). The relationship between local
blood flow and the AV gradient is expressed by LBF = Pa −
Pv/R, in which the local blood flow in a compartment
equals the local arterial pressure minus the local venous
pressure divided by the local vascular resistance. If the AV
gradient is significantly reduced, the local vascular resistance becomes relatively ineffective and for practical purposes can be ignored. Because veins are collapsible, the pressure inside them cannot be less than the surrounding local
tissue pressure; thus, when tissue pressure rises, so does the
pressure on the local veins, resulting in a decreased AV gradient. When this occurs, local blood flow is reduced to the
extent that it cannot meet the metabolic needs of the muscles and nerves. The AV gradient theory explains why with
increased tissue pressure and a reduction in local arterial
pressure, as in hypotension, hemorrhage, peripheral vascular disease, arterial occlusion, and limb elevation above the
heart, the net effect of any given increase in tissue pressure
is exaggerated by lowering the local AV gradient. Lowering
of the AV gradient results in decreased oxygen perfusion of
the muscles and nerves, with subsequent death of the muscles and replacement by fibrous tissue, which in turn causes
“strangulation neuropathy.” The final result is a forearm
fixed in pronation, with the wrist flexed, the MCP joints
hyperextended, and the PIP and distal interphalangeal
(DIP) joints flexed (41,44). If the ulnar nerve also is
involved, total sensory loss is noted on the flexor side of the
hand. This is a classic description of Volkmann’s ischemic
contracture. Mubarak and Carroll believe that Volkmann’s
contracture is caused by circulatory changes in a closed
osteofascial compartment due to buildup of tissue fluid
pressure in the compartments (41). Their studies suggest
that the normal range of compartmental pressures is 0 to 8
mm Hg. In a compartment syndrome, pressures may rise to
30 to 50 mm Hg or more. Failure to diagnose and treat a
compartment syndrome early and adequately may result in
irreversible changes.
Muscle Infarct
Seddon introduced the concept of the ellipsoid infarct, noting that circulation in the central aspect of the muscle belly
was most severely impaired, in contrast to the periphery of
the muscle, where collateral circulation was less likely to be
impaired (44). The muscle infarct is most prominent in the
middle third of the muscle and is more severe next to the
bone along the course of the anterior interosseous artery.
The most severely affected muscles are the FDP and the
8.1 Flexor Forearm 449
FPL (the deeper muscles), followed by the FDS and PT.
Involvement of the wrist flexors, extensors, and brachioradialis is less likely. Degeneration of the nerves that pass
through the area of muscle infarct is due not only to the initial ischemia but to the chronic compression, which results
in a nerve that is thin and cordlike (38). The muscle infarct
is replaced by dense fibrous tissue that contracts and produces the characteristic Volkmann’s deformity (41,44).
Most Important Facts
The most important facts to remember about compartment
syndrome are the clinical findings and the need for early
treatment. The clinical findings are based on muscle and
nerve ischemia and include pain that is persistent and progressive (45). Accentuation of the pain by passive muscle
stretching is a very reliable clinical test in making the diagnosis. Pain may be absent late in the course of the disorder
because of prolonged nerve ischemia, and pain also may be
absent when compartment syndrome is superimposed on a
central or peripheral sensory defect. Diminished sensation
is the second most important finding, and indicates nerve
ischemia as it passes through the involved compartment
(45). The third most important finding is muscle weakness,
which, when progressive, is very important in establishing
the diagnosis (45). The clinical assessment of elevated compartment pressure by palpation of the extremity may give
some indication of the presence or absence of compartment
syndrome, but this must be recognized as a qualitative factor in the decision-making process regarding fasciotomy.
Wick Catheter
Mubarak and associates have popularized the use of a
wick catheter to measure compartment tissue pressures
(41,42,46). The wick catheter is connected to a transducer and a recorder and can provide reliable objective
assessment of intracompartmental pressure. Based on
extensive clinical use and experience, the originators of
this technique have advised that fasciotomy is recommended when the intracompartmental pressure is >30
mm Hg in normotensive patients and >20 mm Hg in
hypotensive patients, when associated with the typical
clinical picture of compartment syndrome (42).
Although the need for fasciotomy may be based in part
on the duration and intensity of the compartment syndrome, it seldom if ever is possible to determine accurately the duration of the elevated pressure, and therefore
it must be assumed that the duration is equal to or has
exceeded the critical threshold of 8 hours (45).
Forearm Compartments
Cross-sectional anatomy of the forearm demonstrates three
major compartments, the volar, extensor, and mobile wad
(47) (Fig. 8.34). Pressure studies have revealed that these
three compartments are interconnected, unlike the compartments in the leg. Therefore, release of the volar compartment may be sufficient to release all three compartments. However, if there is any indication that elevated
pressure is present in the remaining two compartments,
then release of the extensor compartment should be performed, which almost always decompresses the mobile wad
compartment as well as the extensor compartment (47).
The PQ has been identified as a fourth forearm compartment based on the findings of a well defined fascial covering measuring 0.4 to 0.5 mm in thickness, a compartment
floor formed by the IOM, and dye injection studies showing its separation from the other forearm compartments
(48). A compartment syndrome involving this compartment was noted after a crush injury with an associated fracture of the distal radius (49).
450 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.34. The three compartments of the forearm:
volar, dorsal, and mobile wad.
Treatment Techniques
The volar incision is designed to preserve superficial veins
and nerves while allowing decompression of the underlying
superficial and deep muscle groups and subsequent covering of the vital structures, including nerves. The fasciotomy
incision may include the carpal tunnel and the antecubital
fossa, as indicated (45) (Fig. 8.35). All muscle compartments and muscles are examined with the understanding
that the most severely involved muscles are deep and
include the FDP and FPL. The muscle fascia is split if the
muscle appears pale or ischemic. The skin incision is left
open, but the margins may be loosely reapproximated to
cover vital structures such as the median nerve. Delayed
skin closure or skin grafting is performed as indicated in 5
to 10 days.
Biceps Tendon Rupture at Distal
This clinical entity is placed in this chapter on the forearm
rather than the elbow because the major points of anatomy
relate more to the forearm than to the elbow. Although rupture of the distal biceps insertion is much less common than
that of the proximal origin (long head of the biceps), the
functional loss is much greater (2). Distal ruptures treated
nonoperatively have been reported to result in a 60%
decrease in strength of both elbow flexion and supination
This injury usually occurs in men and often is associated
with a history of forceful contraction of the biceps against a
heavy load or against unexpected resistance (50). Weak and
painful elbow flexion and forearm supination are noted.
The biceps tendon cannot be palpated in its normal course
in the antecubital fossa, and there may be ecchymosis in the
forearm, elbow, and arm.
Most surgeons recommend reattachment of the biceps tendon using a two-incision approach originally described by
Boyd and Anderson (51).
The avulsed and retracted biceps tendon is identified through
a transverse incision in the antecubital fossa (Fig. 8.36). The
biceps tendon usually is retracted several centimeters proximal
to the antecubital flexion crease and may be located by incision of the deep fascia and retraction of the proximal margin
of the incision. The tendon is grasped and brought distally
into the operative site. A #1 Mersilene or similar suture is
passed through the biceps tendon using a Bunnell-type suture
technique, followed by identification of the bicipital tunnel
between the supinator and the flexor-pronator muscles. The
location of this tunnel is facilitated by supination of the forearm, which brings the radial tuberosity into the bottom of the
operative site. Palpation of the radial tuberosity helps to guide
the surgeon’s finger or blunt instrument into the tunnel,
which is medial to the tuberosity. A second incision is made
on the posterolateral aspect of the elbow, through which the
muscles on the lateral surface of the olecranon are reflected to
expose the head and neck of the radius. The forearm is then
pronated, which brings the radial tuberosity into view. An
osseous trap door is made in the tuberosity and two drill holes
are made beneath the hinge. The Mersilene suture is then
passed from front to back using a curved clamp and the biceps
tendon is brought into the posterolateral operative site, where
the two ends of the suture are passed through the drill holes
and the tendon end passed into the trap door defect. Flexion
of the elbow facilitates placement of the tendon stump into
the trap door defect and tying the suture.
Postoperative Care
The elbow is flexed to 110 degrees and the forearm is placed
in mid-supination. This position is maintained for 2 weeks,
followed by progressive range-of-motion and progressive
resistance exercises.
8.1 Flexor Forearm 451
FIGURE 8.35. Fasciotomy incision for forearm compartment syndrome.
452 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.36. Distal biceps tendon rupture. Incision (A) and anterior exposure (B). Lateral incision (C) and reattachment of biceps tendon (D).
Martin-Gruber Connection
One of the most significant neural anomalies in the forearm
is the Martin-Gruber anastomosis or connection. Based on
a world literature review, Leibovic and Hastings identified
an overall incidence of 17% (34). Based on their review,
four types (I to IV) were identified (Fig. 8.37).
Type I
Type I was the most common (60%) and was represented
by motor branches from the median to the ulnar nerve to
innervate “median” muscles. Leibovic and Hastings further
subdivided type I into Ia and Ib (34). Type Ia is a branch
from the median nerve to the ulnar nerve in the forearm
that continues on into the hand to innervate the thenar
muscles (those ordinarily supplied by the median nerve).
These are median fibers traveling on the ulnar nerve to the
hand. In type Ia, these fibers innervate thenar muscles only,
and in type Ib they innervate ulnar intrinsic as well as
thenar muscles.
Type II
Type II (35%) sends motor branches from the median to
the ulnar nerve to innervate “ulnar” muscles.
Type III
Type III (3%) sends motor fibers from the ulnar to the
median to innervate “median” muscles.
8.1 Flexor Forearm 453
FIGURE 8.37. The Martin-Gruber connection. Normal pattern and types of median-to-ulnar and
ulnar-to-median nerve connections. (Redrawn from Leibovic SJ, Hastings H II. Martin-Gruber
revisited. J Hand Surg [Am] 17:47–53, 1992, with permission.)
Type IV
Type IV (1%) sends motor fibers from the ulnar to the
median to innervate ulnar muscles. Type IV is divided into
IVa and IVb. Type IV is a branch from the ulnar to the
median nerve in the forearm that continues into the hand
to innervate the ulnar intrinsic muscles. In IVa, these fibers
innervate ulnar intrinsic muscles only, whereas in IVb they
innervate ulnar intrinsic and thenar muscles.
Anatomy/Clinical Significance
The double lines in the median and ulnar nerves in Figure
8.38 indicate possible sites of nerve interruption that could
be partially or completely masked in the various types of
Martin-Gruber connections. In a type Ia connection, a low
median nerve lesion could be completely masked; a low
median or high ulnar lesion would be masked in a type Ib
connection. In type II connection, a high ulnar lesion could
be completely masked. In the rare type III, a high median
lesion may be missed, and in the even rarer type IV, a low
ulnar lesion (IVa) or a low ulnar and high median (type
IVb) lesion may be missed.
Evidence to date indicates that Martin-Gruber connections carry only motor fibers. Uchida and Sugioka found
that the entry point of the crossing fiber from the median
to the ulnar nerve was 3 to 10 cm distal to the medial
humeral condyle (52). They noted that there might be a significant risk of injury to this cross-over connection in ulnar
nerve transposition.
454 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.38. The Martin-Gruber connection. Normal pattern; the double lines represent sites of
nerve interruption that could be partially or completely masked in the various types of MartinGruber connections. (Redrawn from Leibovic SJ, Hastings H II. Martin-Gruber revisited. J Hand
Surg [Am] 17:47–53, 1992, with permission.)
Radial Nerve
Sensory Branch
The sensory component of the radial nerve may be absent
in the forearm and only the motor component may be present. In such cases, the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
innervates the area normally supplied by the radial sensory
branch (3).
Motor Branch (Posterior Interosseous Nerve)
The PIN may pass over instead of through the supinator
Median Nerve
Although the median nerve usually passes between the two
heads of the PT, it may pass superficial or deep to the two
heads or it may pierce the superficial head. It also may lie
on the superficial rather than deep surface of the FDS. The
median nerve also may split in the forearm and allow passage of the ulnar artery or one of its branches (53).
Ulnar Nerve
The ulnar nerve may pass in front of the medial epicondyle.
The Nerve of Henle
In a study of 40 cadaver upper extremities, McCabe and
Kleinert found this nerve to be present as a branch of the
ulnar nerve in 23 (57%) of the extremities (54). In 18
(78%) of the 23 nerves of Henle identified, the branch
arose 16 cm proximal to the ulnar styloid from the radial
side of the ulnar nerve, near the site where the ulnar nerve
and artery lie parallel in the proximal forearm. This configuration was the more common of the two patterns, and the
authors called this pattern the typical or proximal pattern.
The nerve of Henle traveled distally on the palmar ulnar
surface of the ulnar artery and could be traced in most cases
distal to the wrist flexion crease. At a point 6 cm proximal
to the ulnar styloid, a branch arose from the nerve of Henle
that coursed superficially to pierce the antebrachial fascia
just radial to the FCU musculotendinous junction, presumably to innervate an area of skin of the distal, ulnar,
flexor surface of the forearm. This branch to the skin was
present in 13 of the 18 nerves of Henle that arose proximally. In the remaining five cases, the nerve of Henle arose
approximately 8 cm proximal to the ulnar styloid, and the
authors called this configuration the atypical or distal pattern. This nerve traveled with the ulnar artery for 1 to 2 cm
before branching to the skin as previously described for the
typical or proximal nerve of Henle. The authors noted the
similarity between this distal variant and a prior description
of the palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve
(PCBUN). They noted that no separate PCBUNs were
found in their 40 dissections.
They concluded that the nerve of Henle provided sympathetic nerve fibers to the ulnar artery and sensory fibers
to the distal forearm and ulnar side of the palm. They
believed that the atypical or distal pattern of the nerve of
Henle and the PCBUN were the same structure, noting
that a previous description of the PCBUN showed it to be
similar in location and prevalence to the distal and atypical
pattern of the nerve of Henle (55).
The findings of McCabe and Kleinert are contrasted
to those of Martin et al., who studied the cutaneous
innervation of the palm in 25 hands and noted the
PCBUN to be present in 4 of 25 specimens and the nerve
of Henle as a sensory branch to be present in 10 of 25
specimens (56). See discussion on innervation of the
palm in Chapter 10A.
Occasionally, the tendon of insertion at the radial styloid
may be represented by two or three slips.
Clinical Significance
The sensory branch of the radial nerve may pass between
these slips on its way to the dorsal aspect of the wrist, and
should be protected if the insertion of the brachioradialis is
to be detached for transfer or for purposes of exposure of
the distal radius (53).
Accessory Brachioradialis
An accessory brachioradialis, called the supinator longus
accessorius or brachioradialis brevis, arises adjacent to the
brachioradialis and inserts on the radial tuberosity to act as
a true supinator (53). It also may insert into the supinator
or the tendon of the PT, or onto the ulna (53).
Clinical Significance
Spinner described entrapment of the superficial branch of
the radial nerve by the brachioradialis brevis. The site of
compression is located 3 to 4 cm proximal to the arcade of
Frohse (33).
The degree of separation of the superficial and deep layers
may vary from complete separation to fusion, and should
be appreciated when looking for the PIN in the supinator
(53). Accessory muscle fascicles may arise from the annular
ligament (53). A proximal fibrous band from the supinator
may be present that may cause PIN compression (27).
8.1 Flexor Forearm 455
Pronator Teres
A portion of the origin of the superficial head of the PT
may be extended proximally by direct extension of the muscle to the medial supracondylar ridge or by a ligament that
connects the muscle to a supracondylar process on the
humerus (53).
Clinical Significance
Either the brachial artery and median nerve or just the
median nerve may pass beneath this abnormally located
portion of the PT to reach the antecubital fossa. In addition, the deep or ulnar head of the PT may be absent.
Flexor Carpi Radialis
The FCR, in addition to its normal insertion on the base of
the index and middle finger metacarpals, may insert on the
trapezium and scaphoid bone (53).
Flexor Carpi Radialis Brevis
The flexor carpi radialis brevis is a small muscle arising from
the radius that inserts into the sheath of the FCR tendon
and may be a source of compression in AINS (27).
Palmaris Longus
This muscle may be digastric or fleshy throughout its
length. It may have a proximal tendon as well as a distal tendon, or it may be fleshy distally and have a tendon proximally (palmaris longus inversus). The tendon of insertion
may comprise one, two, or three slips.
This muscle is absent approximately 11% of the time (53).
It is absent more often in women, and on the left side in
both sexes.
Clinical Significance
All of these factors must be considered when the PL is chosen for transfer, tendon graft, or other reconstructive purposes. In addition, median nerve compression may result
from a reversed PL (57,58).
Palmaris Profundus
The palmaris profundus is an anomalous muscle arising from
the middle third of the radius on the lateral aspect that is
superficial to the FDS and deep to the PT (36,53,59). Its
tendinous portion passes through the carpal canal and inserts
onto the deep surface of the palmar aponeurosis (36,59).
Clinical Significance
Because it lies beneath the transverse carpal ligament and
adjacent to the median nerve, it may be a source of compression of the median nerve (60). It also has been reported
to be a source of compression of the AIN proximally (27).
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
An anomalous radial insertion of the FCU has been
reported in which a part of the ulnar nerve passed through
a split in the FCU tendon at the wrist (61).
Clinical Significance
This anomaly would be significant in surgical procedures
about the FCU tendon, such as opponens plasty, FCU
transfer, or excision of the pisiform, and the wary surgeon
identifies and protects the ulnar nerve when operating in
this area (61).
Anconeus Epitrochlearis
The anconeus epitrochlearis is a small anomalous muscle
near the origin of the FCU proximal to the aponeurosis
joining the humeral and ulnar heads of the FCU. It arises
from the medial border of the olecranon and inserts into
the medial epicondyle. This muscle is superficial to the
ulnar nerve and takes the place of the fibrous arch of the
deep fascia. It may vary in size and shape from small and
fusiform to a thick, rectangular structure that is palpable on
physical examination (62,63). It has been reported to have
a variable incidence as high as 25% (62). It has been
described as an auxiliary extension of the medial portion of
the triceps, but it is anatomically distinct from the triceps
and is innervated by the ulnar nerve. This muscle often is
seen in other species and presumably is an atavistic anomaly in humans. In humans, the muscle may be replaced by
a ligament called the epitrochleoanconeus ligament, and
because its course and attachments are similar to those of
the muscle, this ligament is believed to be a rudiment of the
muscle (64).
Clinical Significance
This muscle crosses over the ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel and has been reported to be a source of compression of
the ulnar nerve in cubital tunnel syndrome (62,63). In cases
of ulnar neuropathy due to the anconeus epitrochlearis
muscle, treatment is complete or partial excision of the
muscle to relieve any pressure on the nerve (63).
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
There may be muscular interconnections between the FDS
and the FPL. Occasionally, an accessory muscle is derived
from the FDS and arises from the coronoid process to
attach to one of the deep flexors (accessorius profundus digitorum of Gantzer) (53).
Clinical Significance
This muscle may be a source of compression of the AIN
456 Regional Anatomy
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Intertendinous Connections
The degree of functional separation between the FDP of
the four fingers may vary, but if the profundus of the index
finger FDS is completely independent, it may be called the
flexor digitorum indicis. Intertendinous connections from
the FPL to the index FDP are comparatively common. Linburg and Comstock found an incidence of 31% in one
extremity and an incidence of 14% in both extremities on
clinical examination of 194 patients. In 43 cadavers, the
unilateral incidence was 25% and the bilateral incidence
was 6% (65). This finding is known as the Linburg-Comstock anomaly.
Clinical Significance
This intertendinous connection, usually at the wrist or distal forearm level, may interfere with certain specific functions, such as holding and simultaneously cocking the hammer of a pistol. Although the FPL and FDP of the index
finger usually are independent, phylogenetically both tendons are derived from a common mesodermal mass
Flexor Pollicis Longus
The FPL is said to be uniquely human because in primates
there is only one deep digital flexor muscle that provides a
tendon to the thumb as well as the four fingers, in contrast
to the anatomically distinct FDP and FPL musculotendinous units in the human (2,53). Although the primate configuration has been noted in humans, it is very rare compared with the more common abnormality, in which the
tendon of the FPL sends connections to the index FDP
Gantzer’s Muscle
A more common anomaly is the presence of an accessory
head of the FPL called Gantzer’s muscle. In a study of 25
limbs, an accessory head was found in 52% (13 of 25 limbs)
(40). This accessory head was supplied by the AIN, arose
from the medial humeral epicondyle in 85%, and had a
dual origin from the epicondyle and coronoid process of the
ulna in the remainder. Gantzer’s muscle is posterior to both
the AIN and median nerve (39,40). Its usual insertion is to
the ulnar part of the FPL and its tendon (40).
Clinical Significance
Although the usual insertion of Gantzer’s muscle is the
ulnar side of the FPL (40), it may send anomalous slips to
the index FDP, which may result in pain in the distal forearm as well as the inability to flex the interphalangeal joint
of the thumb without also flexing the DIP joint of the
index finger (40, 65). Although Gantzer’s muscle has not
been implicated as a cause of pronator syndrome
(27,33,38), both Lister and Spinner (33,38) have listed
Gantzer’s muscle as a cause of AINS. Al-Qattan (40) and
Dellon and MacKinnon (39) agree that Gantzer’s muscle is
posterior to both the AIN and median nerve. Al-Qattan
demonstrated that the median nerve was closely related to
Gantzer’s muscle in two situations: (a) when the median
nerve passed deep to the deep head of the pronator, and (b)
when the deep head of the pronator was absent (40).
Kaplan and Spinner noted that there were two other situations in which Gantzer’s muscle might contribute to
median nerve compression in the forearm: (a) a division of
Gantzer’s muscle distally into a slip inserting into the
undersurface of the FDS in the vicinity of the superficialis
arch, and (b) perforation of the median nerve in the proximal forearm by Gantzer’s muscle (68).
There is some controversy as to the association of Gantzer’s
muscle with AINS. However, Gantzer’s muscle may be
related to median nerve compression in the unique circumstances noted previously, in which the authors dissected a
forearm in which Gantzer’s muscle was present and
demonstrated the possibility of a pincer-like effect between
this abnormal posterior head and the adjacent anterior
FDS that could produce compression of the median nerve
as well as the AIN. The median nerve and AIN passed
through the interval between these two muscles, which
share a common origin on the medial epicondyle. Gantzer’s
muscle may be a cause of inability to flex the interphalangeal joint of the thumb without also flexing the DIP
joint of the index finger.
Radial Artery
Many of the anomalies of the radial and ulnar artery in the
forearm have been identified in conjunction with the
development of the radial forearm flap, which requires
sacrifice of the radial artery (69–72). The greatest concern
in harvesting the radial forearm free flap is the integrity of
the ulnar arterial supply of the hand (73,74). The ulnar
artery supplies the hand through the superficial palmar
arch, which is either “complete” in the sense that it provides branches to the thumb and four fingers, or completed through branches from the deep palmar arch (62).
In 265 specimens, Coleman and Anson found a complete
superficial arch in 77.3% of cases (75). The ulnar artery
supply to the long, ring, and little fingers is rarely if ever
compromised by anomalous patterns (74). However, the
index finger and thumb potentially are compromised by
the combination of two concurrent arterial anomalies.
The first anomaly is an incomplete superficial arch that
does not send branches to the thumb and index. The second, which also must be present to produce digital
ischemia, is a complete lack of communication between
8.1 Flexor Forearm 457
the superficial and deep arches. The coexistence of these
two anomalies, which would put the thumb and index finger at risk for ischemia if the radial artery were sacrificed,
occurred in 12% of specimens (74,75). The fact that the
incidence of the predicted ischemia is much less may be
accounted for by the presence of the anterior interosseous
artery and a persistent median artery (73). The latter vessel, which usually joins the superficial palmar arch, may
provide protective circulation to the hand after sacrifice of
the radial artery (68,74).
Other Reported Variations of the Radial Artery
1. The brachial artery has been noted to divide into the
radial and ulnar arteries 8 cm distal to the antecubital
fossa (72). In this configuration, the radial artery passed
deep to the PT and did not have its normal connections
with the skin and subcutaneous tissues in the proximal
half of the forearm. In this configuration, the survival of
the flap is based on a perforating vessel from the radial
artery that is 7 cm proximal to the radial styloid (76). If
the flap is designed proximal to this perforating vessel in
the presence of a deep radial artery, the radial forearm
flap may be devoid of significant blood supply.
2. A small branch of the radial artery was found in its normal position, but the main component was superficial to
the thumb extensors and entered the hand several centimeters radial to its normal location (70).
3. An aberrant dorsal course of the artery has been reported
in which the radial artery passed around Lister’s tubercle
of the radius to enter the hand dorsal to the extensor
tendons (71).
Clinical Significance
Any of the aforementioned anomalies of the radial artery
may make it difficult if not impossible to use the radial
artery–based forearm flap as a viable source of composite
tissue for reconstructive purposes.
Ulnar Artery
The ulnar artery may arise proximal to the elbow and, if so,
it then passes superficially from the antecubital fossa over
the origins of the PT, FCR, and PL muscles. In this configuration, the brachial artery supplies the common
interosseous artery, which in turn supplies the recurrent
artery (2). In this superficial position, the ulnar artery is
commonly under the deep fascia, but rarely subcutaneous.
In some instances, the superficial ulnar artery, after passing
over the PT and FCR, passes beneath the proximal origin
of the PL muscle and then continue its superficial course
(77,78). In the mid-portion of the forearm, the superficial
ulnar artery comes into contact with the lateral or radial
margin of the FCU and then courses distally to assume its
normal course just before reaching the wrist (77,78).
Clinical Significance
The incidence of this anomaly is approximately 3%, and it
should be kept in mind when performing intravenous injections in the cubital fossa to avoid accidental intra-arterial
injection (77). In addition, recognition of such an anomaly
is essential to avoid catastrophic injury to the remaining
blood supply to the hand during harvest of the radial forearm flap (69). If the surgeon is unaware of this anomaly, the
ulnar artery is at risk because the radial forearm flap usually
is raised under tourniquet control and the ulnar artery may
be mistaken for one of the superficial veins of the forearm.
Median Artery
Developmental Anatomy
The median artery is normally a transitory vessel that develops from the axial artery of the upper extremity during early
embryonic life (30). It maintains the superficial palmar
arterial arch while the radial and ulnar arteries are developing (2). When the radial and ulnar arteries develop, the
median artery usually involutes and does not persist into
postfetal life (30). The incidence of a persistent median
artery in adult life has been reported to range from 1% to
17% (30). It usually is a long, thin vessel that arises from
the anterior interosseous artery and passes distally between
the FDP and FPL to the median nerve, which it supplies
throughout its course in the forearm (2). However, in
approximately 8% of individuals, the median artery is a
large vessel that continues into the palm to help form the
superficial palmar arterial arch (53). Although the median
artery may contribute to the superficial palmar arch, if the
arch is incomplete, the median artery becomes the dominant blood supply to the index and long fingers (30). The
median artery also has been shown to be the dominant
blood supply to the proximal median nerve in 30% of cases
Clinical Significance
The median artery has been associated with carpal tunnel
and pronator syndromes (27,29,30). In the pronator syndrome, the median artery has been noted to penetrate the
median nerve and also to form vascular leashes that constricted the nerve (29,30). The median artery also may represent a significant source of circulation to the hand in
those cases at risk owing to an anomaly of the radial artery,
or after its sacrifice (74).
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460 Regional Anatomy
n Nerves: The dorsal forearm contains cutaneous nerves,
the terminal sensory branches of the radial and ulnar
nerves, and the posterior interosseous nerve (PIN).
n Muscles: The dorsal forearm contains the primary extensors of the wrist, the extrinsic finger and thumb extensors, the long abductor of the thumb, and the supinator
and anconeus.
External Landmarks
Important landmarks in the dorsal forearm are the lateral
epicondyle and supracondylar ridge of the distal humerus,
the olecranon process of the ulna, the radial head, the
“mobile wad of three” [brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), and extensor carpi radialis brevis
(ECRB)], the outcropping thumb muscles, the radial and
ulnar styloid, and Lister’s tubercle (Fig. 8.39).
The “Mobile Wad of Three”
Understanding of the anatomic relationships on the extensor aspect of the forearm is best begun by reviewing the
mobile wad of three arising from the supracondylar ridge
and lateral epicondyle of the humerus (1). These three muscles, the brachioradialis, ECRL, and ECRB, are called the
mobile wad of three because they may be grasped between
the surgeon’s thumb and index finger and provide a useful
landmark for placement of incisions and the identification
of deeper structures.
Extensor Mnemonic
Henry used a manual mnemonic for identification of the
superficial extensors (1). Using the opposite hand and
beginning with the thumb, which is placed behind the
forearm on the lateral epicondyle, we note that the
obliquely oriented thumb parallels the muscle fibers of the
anconeus. The index marks the extensor carpi ulnaris
(ECU), the middle finger the extensor digiti minimi, and
the ring finger the common finger extensors. The little
finger is not used (Fig. 8.40). These four muscles arise
from a conjoined fibrous origin from the lateral epicondyle. The extensor digitorum communis (EDC) and
extensor digiti minimi attach to the extensor mechanism
in the fingers, and the ECU to the dorsal and ulnar base
of the little finger metacarpal. The apex of the triangular
anconeus arises from the inferior edge of the lateral epicondyle and the base attaches to the proximal edge of the
Extensor Forearm Muscle Groups
There are two groups or layers of extensor forearm muscles:
superficial and deep. The muscular components of the
extensor forearm are:
Superficial (Fig. 8.41)
n Anconeus
n Extensor digiti minimi (EDM)
Deep (Fig. 8.42)
n Supinator
n Abductor pollicis longus (APL)
n Extensor pollicis brevis (EPB)
n Extensor pollicis longus (EPL)
n Extensor indicis proprius (EIP)
462 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.39. A, B: Landmarks on the extensor surface of the forearm.
8.2 Extensor Forearm 463
FIGURE 8.40. Henry’s mnemonic for the superficial extensors of the forearm.
464 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.41. A–C: Anatomic relationship
of the superficial extensors to the deep and
“outcropping” muscles of the forearm.
Superficial Muscle Group
The anconeus is a small, triangular muscle that arises by a
tendon from the posterior surface of the lateral epicondyle.
Its fibers course toward the ulna and on the way cover the
posterior aspect of the annular ligament. The fibers insert
on the lateral aspect of the olecranon and proximal onefourth of the posterior surface of the ulna. The anconeus
assists the triceps in elbow extension.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
The ECRL is partially covered by the brachioradialis and
arises distal to the origin of the brachioradialis from the
remaining or distal third of the lateral supracondylar
ridge, from the anterior aspect of the lateral intermuscular
septum, and from the common tendon of origin of the
forearm extensors. The muscle fibers end at the junction
of the middle and proximal thirds of the forearm in a substantial tendon that continues distally to insert on the
radial side of the dorsal base of the index metacarpal. Its
course is deep to the APL and EPB, and over the dorsal
aspect of the radius it lies in a shallow groove. It is an
extensor of the wrist, and because of its insertion on the
index metacarpal produces radial deviation of the hand in
extension when unopposed by the more centrally located
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
The ECRB is shorter than the ECRL and is partially covered by it. It arises from the lateral epicondyle, from a tendon of origin that it shares with the other forearm extensors, and from the lateral collateral ligament of the elbow.
Its muscle fibers end at approximately the middle third of
the forearm and its substantial tendon continues distally,
similar to but ulnar to the ECRL. It also is an extensor of
the wrist, and because of its more central location produces
extension of the wrist without radial deviation. The insertion of the ECRB is at the dorsal surface of the middle finger metacarpal on its radial side but distal to its styloid
process. Over the distal radius, it lies in a shallow groove
separated from its companion radial wrist extensor, the
ECRL, by a low osseous ridge.
Extensor Digitorum Communis
The EDC arises from the lateral humeral condyle by a common extensor tendon, the adjacent intermuscular septa, and
the antebrachial fascia. It divides into four tendons that pass
beneath the extensor retinaculum to insert into the dorsal
extensor expansion over the fingers.
Extensor Digiti Minimi
The EDM is a small muscle ulnar to and usually connected
to the EDC. It arises from the common extensor tendon
8.2 Extensor Forearm 465
FIGURE 8.42. Deep extensor muscle of the forearm.
and from adjacent intermuscular septa. Its tendon, including variations, is described in Chapter 10.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
The ECU arises from the lateral epicondyle by the common
extensor tendon, and from the posterior border of the ulna
by an aponeurosis shared with the flexor carpi ulnaris
(FCU) and flexor digitorum profundus. It ends in a tendon
that courses through a groove between the head and styloid
process of the ulna. It attaches to the tubercle of the ulnar
side of the little finger metacarpal. It acts as a wrist extensor
with the ECRB and ECRL, and along with these extensors
acts synergistically with the finger flexors to stabilize the
wrist during forceful grip. The ECU also is an adductor of
the wrist.
Deep Extensor Group
The deep extensor group is unique, according to Henry, in
that all of its tendons (except perhaps the proprius) can be
seen in one’s own hand and that all go to the thumb or
index finger. Henry has further noted that except for the
APL, which arises from both radius and ulna, the tendons
all point to their bone of origin. The EPB points to the
radius and the EPL and EIP to the ulna (1).
The supinator was included in the deep muscle group in the
first part of this chapter (Flexor Forearm). Although the
supinator is considered to be a deep extensor of the forearm,
it was included there because it often is encountered in surgical approaches to the flexor aspect of the forearm. The
supinator wraps around the proximal one-third of the
radius and has superficial and deep layers. The superficial
portion arises from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus,
the collateral ligament of the elbow joint, and the annular
ligament. The deep head arises from the “supinator crest” of
the ulna as well as portions of the annular ligament and collateral ligament. It attaches to the volar and lateral side of
the proximal third of the radius as far distally as the insertion of the pronator teres (PT). Its oblique insertion parallels the origin of the flexor pollicis longus. The PIN courses
between the two layers of the muscle at almost a right angle
to the muscle fibers. The supinator acts in slow, unopposed
supination of the forearm and together with the biceps in
fast or forceful supination.
Abductor Pollicis Longus
The APL arises from the posterior shaft of the ulna distal
to the anconeus, from the adjacent interosseous membrane (IOM), and from the posterior surface of the radius
distal but adjacent to the insertion of the supinator. It
curves over the radial aspect of the wrist to insert by multiple (two to four) tendons into the dorsal and palmar
base of the thumb metacarpal. It acts to abduct the
thumb along with the abductor pollicis brevis and, with
the EPL and EPB, extends the thumb at the carpometacarpal joint.
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
The EPB is ulnar to and closely applied to the APL. It
arises from the posterior surface of the radius and the IOM
distal to the origin of the APL. It inserts on the dorsal base
of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, where it extends the
proximal phalanx and the thumb metacarpal. Accompanied by the APL, it travels through a synovium-lined
fibroosseous canal over the radial styloid (the first dorsal
compartment), where it and the APL may be involved with
de Quervain’s stenosing tenosynovitis (2). In one-third of
wrists, the EPB may travel in a separate canal, and both
canals must be released in de Quervain’s tenosynovitis to
relieve the condition (3). The APL and EPB, the so-called
outcropping muscles of the thumb, emerge from between
the muscle bellies of the EDC and ECRB and obliquely
cross over both the ECRB and ECRL tendons and their
synovial sheaths.
Extensor Pollicis Longus
The EPL arises from the IOM and the adjacent dorsal
aspect of the ulna in the middle third of the forearm. Its origin is distal to the origin of the APL and proximal and ulnar
to the EPB origin. It passes to the ulnar side of Lister’s
tubercle, which acts as a fulcrum point or “turning pulley”
to enable the EPL to change its course and thus end on the
dorsal aspect of the distal phalanx of the thumb. The action
of the EPL includes extension of the interphalangeal and
metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints, elevation of the thumb
into the plane of the palm, and adduction of the extended
Extensor Indicis Proprius
The EIP arises from the dorsal surface of the ulna and the
adjacent surface of the IOM distal to the EPL and ulnar to
the EPB. It continues to the extensor hood of the MCP
joint of the index finger. It almost always is situated to the
ulnar side of the EDC tendon to the index. The details of
the normal arrangement and anatomic variations are discussed in Chapter 10.
Intersection Zones
The extensor surface of the forearm demonstrates two zones
of muscle–tendon “intersection” (see Fig. 8.41B and C), the
first of which is the crossing over of the EPB and APL over
the radial wrist extensors. The second zone of intersection is
between the EIP and EPL with the overlying finger extensors. Only the first zone has clinical relevance. This zone
and its clinical implications are discussed later, under the
section on Clinical Correlations.
466 Regional Anatomy
Posterior Interosseous Nerve
Four surgical approaches have been described for exposure of the PIN (4–9). The first is the anterolateral
approach in the antecubital fossa, the second is a transbrachioradialis, and the third and fourth are posterolateral approaches.
Anterolateral Approach
The anterolateral approach has been described as an excellent approach for exposure of all possible compressive structures in radial nerve compression syndromes and has been
advised as the approach of choice when the exact area of
compression is not clear from the preoperative evaluation
Useful landmarks are the “mobile wad of three,” the lateral
aspect of the biceps/brachialis muscles, the elbow flexion
crease and the biceps tendon.
Patient Position/Incision
With the patient supine and the forearm in supination the
incision begins 4-5 cm proximal to the elbow flexion crease
on the anterolateral aspect of the arm between the biceps/
brachialis and brachioradialis (Fig. 8.43). It crosses the
antecubital fossa to the inner or medial aspect of the
“mobile wad” where it continues distally. The biceps tendon
8.2 Extensor Forearm 467
FIGURE 8.43. Patient position (A) and incision (B) for the anterolateral approach to the posterior
interosseous nerve (PIN).
provides a useful and readily palpable landmark to identify
the inner margin of the “mobile wad.”
Staying to the lateral side of the biceps tendon the radial
recurrent branch of the radial artery is identified, ligated
and retracted laterally to expose the interval between the
brachioradialis and the brachialis muscle belly (Fig.
8.44). Beginning at or proximal to the elbow flexion
crease the radial nerve is traced distally while looking for
potential sites of compression. Identification of the
fibrous edge of the ECRB as an impingement factor is
facilitated by pronation of the forearm and flexion of the
wrist. During this maneuver the radial nerve is viewed to
note any possible impingement by the fibrous edge of the
ECRB. If any impingement is noted or suspected the
fibrous margin of the ECRB is excised (see Fig. 8.18).
The fibrous arcade of Frohse is identified and incised (6).
Care is taken to avoid injury to the branch of the radial
nerve to the superficial head of the supinator while dividing the arcade of Frohse. Complete division of the arcade
may also be accompanied by incision of the superficial
portion of the supinator from the arcade of Frohse to the
point of arborization and exit of the PIN from the distal
aspect of the supinator. Exposure of the distal course of
the nerve and its distal point of exit is facilitated by
pronation of the forearm and gentle retraction of the
“mobile wad.”
468 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.44. Deep dissection in the anterolateral approach to the posterior interosseous nerve
(PIN). A: The biceps is a useful guide to the radial recurrent artery, which may be 9hooked9 with
the surgeon’s finger before ligation.
Transbrachioradialis Approach
This approach is said to be the most direct to the radial tunnel and with experience may be the most accessible (6–8).
The “mobile wad of three” and especially the brachioradialis and the radial head.
Patient Position/Incision
With the patient supine, the elbow flexed and the forearm
pronated a 6 cm long incision is made directly over the brachioradialis and centered over the neck of radius in the proximal forearm (Fig. 8.45). The incision may be associated
with a significant scar and the originator of the technique
has subsequently suggested a transverse incision (7,8).
Dissection is directly through the muscles fibers of the brachioradialis down to the PIN (7,8). The longitudinal, blunt
muscle splitting is carried deeper until fat is seen in the
depths of the dissection, which signals the location of the
superficial branch of the radial nerve. Beneath this branch
is the arcade of Frohse and the PIN. The dissection is carried proximally and distally to decompress the five potential
areas of compression (see section on Radial Tunnel Syndrome).
8.2 Extensor Forearm 469
FIGURE 8.44. (continued) B: Ligation of the radial recurrent vessels permits medial retraction
of the radial artery and lateral retraction of the brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus
to expose the PIN and supinator muscle.
470 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.45. Transbrachioradialis approach to the posterior interosseous nerve (PIN). A: A 6 cm
long incision is made directly over the brachioradialis and centered over the neck of radius. B:
Blunt muscle splitting is carried deep until fat is seen in the depths of the dissection, which signals the location of the superficial branch of the radial nerve. Beneath this branch is the arcade
of Frohse and the PIN.
Posterolateral Approaches
It has been said that posterolateral approaches to the PIN are
best suited for exposure of the distal portion of the nerve due
to the limited proximal exposure, and that if the lesion is not
localized to the area of the Arcade of Frohse, the posterolateral approach should not be used (4). This concept may not
be true if the fascial origin of the wrist and finger extensors is
carefully removed from the lateral epicondyle, which can provide a more comprehensive proximal exposure.
Useful landmarks are the lateral epicondyle, the “mobile
wad of three,” the EDC and the ECU.
With the patient supine, the forearm in pronation and the
elbow slightly flexed a 7–8 cm long incision is made beginning just distal to the lateral epicondyle in the interval
between the ECRB and the EDC (Fig. 8.46).
8.2 Extensor Forearm 471
FIGURE 8.46. Posterolateral approach to the posterior interosseous nerve: incision and landmarks. The incision is located between the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) and the extensor
digitorum communis (EDC). The greater mobility of the 9mobile wad of three9 (brachioradialis,
extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis) compared with the relatively fixed EDC aids in placement of the incision.
Standard Posterolateral Approach. The standard posterolateral approach is begun by identifying the interval
between the ECRB and the EDC (Fig. 8.47). This is
done by grasping the “mobile wad” of muscles containing
the brachioradialis, ECRL and ECRB which move more
readily than the adjacent EDC. The comparative difference in mobility between the mobile wad and the EDC
indicate the interval of approach. After incision of the
fascia the interval is further verified by noting the muscle
separation distally between the ECRB and the EDC
which are separated by a long narrow “V” shaped interval. The proximal portion or apex of this narrow triangle
begins at approximately the junction of the proximal and
middle thirds of the forearm and the base, which is distal,
contains the origins of the “outcropping” muscles of the
thumb. Working from this distal interval (the “back
door”), the muscles are split proximally to reveal the
underlying supinator. Release of the ECRB and ECRL
from the epicondyle and the supracondylar ridge respectively will permit visualization of the radial nerve well
prior to its entrance into the supinator. Caution: If
release of these muscle origins is required, the radial collateral ligament complex, especially the lateral ulnar collateral ligament portion (see section on elbow ligaments
in Chapter 7), must not be released. The PIN is sandwiched between the two heads of the relatively thin
supinator and courses across the direction of its muscle
fibers. If required, identification of the PIN in the substance of the supinator may be made by making a small
incision in the direction of the muscle fibers at a spot
three fingerbreadths distal to the radial head on the back
of the radius (1). Further exposure is best achieved by
identification of the nerve proximally and releasing it
from its muscle envelope from proximal to distal. Great
care is taken at the distal end to avoid injury to the multiple branches as they exit the supinator to avoid postoperative paresis (5).
Modified Posterolateral Approach. A somewhat similar
approach between the muscles of the fifth and sixth extensor compartments (EDM and ECU) has been described
and is said to allow complete visualization of: the nerve
through the supinator, all potential compressing structures, and the lateral humeral epicondyle (5). This
approach allows simultaneous management of the radial
nerve problem as well as a possibly coexistent lateral epicondylitis (5). The incision begins at the lateral epicondyle and continues distally on the mid-posterior aspect
of the forearm to approximately the mid-portion of the
forearm. The correct fascial incision is in the interval
between the EDM and the ECU. Identification of this
interval is aided by noting small vessels that exit the fascia
between these muscle groups (5). There is a septum
between these two muscles that is contiguous proximally
with the lateral collateral ligament, and staying just anterior to this septum avoids injury to this structure (5).
Retraction of the EDM dorsally reveals the underlying
supinator. Identification of the PIN proximally as it enters
the supinator is aided by release of the conjoined tendon
of origin of the wrist and finger extensors from the lateral
epicondyle. This proximal release also allows identification of any proximal fibers that may compress the PIN. In
my experience, this approach is not as easy as the standard
posterolateral approach.
472 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.47. Posterolateral approach to
the posterior interosseous nerve (PIN): deep
dissection. The interval between the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) and the
extensor digitorum communis (EDC) is
found distally and these muscles are separated proximally to reveal the underlying
supinator. Release of the ECRB and extensor
carpi radialis longus from the epicondyle
and the supracondylar ridge, respectively,
permits visualization of the radial nerve well
before its entrance into the supinator. The
PIN is sandwiched between the two heads
of the relatively thin supinator and courses
across the direction of its muscle fibers. If
required, identification of the PIN in the
substance of the supinator may be made by
making a small incision in the direction of
the muscle fibers at a spot three fingerbreadths distal to the radial head on the
back of the radius.
Approach to the Posterior Radius
Portions or all of this approach may be used for exposure of
the radius for fractures, fracture dislocations, tumors, or
Useful landmarks include the lateral epicondyle, the radial
head, Lister’s tubercle, and the radial styloid.
With the patient supine, the elbow slightly flexed, and the
forearm in pronation, an incision is begun at the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and ending at Lister’s tubercle at
the distal radius (Fig. 8.48). The incision may be straight or
gently curved.
The interval between the ECRB and the EDC is used for
exposure of the radius, and this interval may be identified
8.2 Extensor Forearm 473
FIGURE 8.48. Posterior approach to the radius: patient position, landmarks, and incision. The
interval between the extensor carpi radialis brevis and the extensor digitorum communis (EDC) is
used for siting the incision and is identified by grasping the muscles of the 9mobile wad of three9
(brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis), which move more readily than the
adjacent EDC.
by grasping the muscles of the mobile wad of three (the brachioradialis, ECRL, and ECRB), which move more readily
than the adjacent EDC (Fig. 8.49). The comparative difference in mobility between the mobile wad and the EDC
indicates the interval of approach. After incision of the fascia, the interval is further verified by noting the muscle separation distally between the ECRB and the EDC. Working
from this distal interval (the “back door”), the muscles are
split proximally to reveal the underlying supinator. The
supinator muscle encases the proximal third of the radius
and contains the PIN, which must be dealt with to complete this exposure successfully. The approach to the PIN
depends on the requirements or goals of the surgery. If complete exposure of the radius is required, the PIN is exposed
proximal to its entrance into the supinator; if a less than
complete exposure is required, the PIN may be identified at
its more distal exit point from the supinator (approximately
1 cm proximal to the distal edge of the supinator). If proximal identification is required, the ECRB and ECRL are
partially detached from the lateral epicondyle and supracondylar ridge to identify the PIN before its entrance into
the supinator. Detachment of these muscles is done with
care to avoid injury to the lateral elbow ligaments, especially
the lateral ulnar collateral ligament component (see discussion of elbow ligaments in Chapter 7). After identification
of the nerve proximally, the superficial half of the “supinator sandwich” is opened by incising the supinator muscle
across its fibers along the course of the PIN. Multiple motor
branches from the PIN to the supinator are encountered
and should be preserved. After dissection of the PIN, the
forearm may be supinated to reveal the attachment of the
supinator along the volar surface of the radius, where it may
be removed by subperiosteal dissection. A suitable alternative to dissecting the PIN from the supinator would be to
474 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.49. Posterior approach to the radius: the interval between the extensor carpi radialis
brevis and the extensor digitorum communis (EDC) is identified distally, and the muscles are split
proximally to reveal the underlying supinator. After identification of the posterior interosseous
nerve (PIN), the superficial half of the 9supinator sandwich9 is opened by incising the supinator
muscle across its fibers along the course of the PIN. In the middle third of the radius, the insertion of the pronator teres (PT) as it crosses over from the volar compartment is found near the
distal insertion of the supinator. A short longitudinal incision here, which is a nerve- and vascular-free zone, allows for easy identification and removal of the insertion of the PT. The muscle
bellies of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis may be mobilized for retraction
by releasing their margins proximally and distally as required to facilitate exposure of the radius.
The interval between the radial wrist extensors and the nearby extensor pollicis longus and EDC
is used to expose the distal third of the radius.
detach the insertion of the supinator as just described without dissecting the PIN from its “sandwich,” but only if the
PIN was clearly identified first both proximally and distally.
In the middle third of the radius, the insertion of the PT is
encountered as it crosses over from the volar compartment
and is found near the distal insertion of the supinator. The
point of insertion of the PT tendon is in a comparative bare
spot on the radius between the distal margin of the supinator and the adjacent outcropping muscles of the thumb.
With the forearm in mid-position, this bare spot can be palpated and coincides with the longitudinal midpoint of the
radius. A short longitudinal incision here, which is in a
nerve- and vascular-free zone, allows for easy identification
and removal of the insertion of the PT if needed for a tendon transfer. The muscle bellies of the APL and EPB also
are encountered in this region and may be mobilized for
retraction by releasing their margins proximally and distally
as required to facilitate exposure of the radius. The interval
between the radial wrist extensors and the nearby EPL and
EDC is used to expose the distal third of the radius.
Throughout this dissection, the branches of the PIN must
be handled gently if at all to avoid neurapraxia or permanent damage.
Approach to the Ulnar Shaft
Approaches to the ulna are used for management of fractures, tumors, or infection.
Useful landmarks are the olecranon process, the subcutaneous margin of the ulna, and the ulnar styloid.
Patient Position/Incision
With the forearm in pronation and the elbow flexed to 90
degrees and resting on a soft pad to elevate it above the
operating hand table, an incision is begun at the olecranon
and continued distally over the subcutaneous margin of the
ulna to end at the styloid process at the wrist (Fig. 8.50).
Portions or all of this incision may be used as required by
the surgical exposure.
The ulna represents the medial mid-axial line of the forearm and has no wraparound or cross-over muscles to contend with in surgical exposures. The subcutaneous margin
of the ulna distinctly separates the volar and dorsal surface
of the forearm and is easily palpable throughout its course,
making dissection and surgical approaches relatively easy.
The ECU and FCU, respectively, flank the dorsal and
volar aspects of the ulna (Fig. 8.51). Proximally, the exposure is safe as long as the dissection is subperiosteal.
Although the ulnar nerve may be at risk in very proximal
exposures as it passes through the two heads of the FCU,
injury to this nerve may be avoided by exposing the nerve
8.2 Extensor Forearm 475
FIGURE 8.50. Surgical approach to the ulna: patient position, landmarks, and incision.
before it enters the FCU. Injury to other structures, such
as the ulnar artery, is unlikely as long as the dissection
remains subperiosteal. However, the dorsal or posterior
cutaneous sensory branch of the ulnar nerve is at risk in
this exposure. The ulnar nerve gives off the important dorsal sensory branch an average of 6.4 cm from the distal
aspect of the head of the ulna and 8.3 cm from the proximal border of the pisiform. Its mean diameter at origin is
2.4 mm. The nerve passes dorsal to the FCU and pierces
the deep fascia to become subcutaneous on the medial
aspect of the forearm at a mean distance of 5 cm from the
proximal edge of the pisiform. The nerve gives an average
of five branches with diameters between 0.7 and 2.2 mm
distal to its exit from beneath the FCU. These 5 branches
pass over the dorsal medial aspect of the wrist, hand, ring,
and little fingers (10).
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Description and Findings
In 1895, de Quervain published his description of tenosynovitis involving the first dorsal extensor compartment containing the APL and EPB tendons (2). The well known
condition that bears his name is characterized by pain over
the region of the radial styloid and often is associated with
swelling, tenderness, or crepitation in the fibroosseous
The most pathognomonic objective sign is Finkelstein’s test,
which is correctly performed by grasping the patient’s
476 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.51. The extensor and flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), respectively, flank the dorsal and volar
aspects of the ulna. Proximally, the exposure is safe as long as the dissection is subperiosteal. Distally, however, the dorsal or posterior cutaneous sensory branch of the ulnar nerve is at risk in
this exposure. This branch is on average 6.4 cm from the distal aspect of the head of the ulna and
8.3 cm from the proximal border of the pisiform. The nerve passes dorsal to the FCU and pierces
the deep fascia to become subcutaneous on the medial aspect of the forearm at a mean distance
of 5 cm from the proximal edge of the pisiform.
thumb and then ulnar deviating the hand (11) (Fig. 8.52).
A false-positive test may result if the thumb is flexed in the
palm and grasped by the patient’s fingers, followed by ulnar
deviation of the wrist (12). The reader may be convinced of
the validity of this concept when this maneuver is tried on
his or her own wrist (see discussion of Finkelstein’s test in
the Appendix).
Relevant Anatomy of de Quervain’s
The APL and EPB ordinarily share a common fibroosseous
canal (the first dorsal compartment), which contains two to
four slips of the APL and a single slip of the EPB. Surgical
release of the fibrous tissue roof of this canal usually is associated with relief of the symptoms associated with this condition. However, a second canal that contains the EPB has
been identified in 34 of 100 cadaver wrists (3). This septum, which formed a separate narrow compartment for the
EPB, ranged in length from 0.5 to 2 cm. Failure to appreciate the relatively high incidence of a separate compartment for the EPB may lead to the false assumption that one
of the multiple tendon slips of the APL noted at the time of
surgery is the EPB (3). If traction on one of the unroofed
tendons does not result in extension of the MCP joint of
the thumb, a separate canal or compartment must be
searched for (usually dorsally) and released. The presence of
a second canal may, in some instances, explain the failure to
improve after a steroid injection into the first compartment.
In those cases, a second and more dorsal injection may be
tried. In addition to the need for complete release of the
involved tendons, the sensory branches of the radial nerve
must be identified and protected during release of the first
dorsal compartment (Fig. 8.53).
Radial Tunnel Syndrome
In the mid-portion of the arm, the radial nerve passes
through the spiral groove to enter the anterolateral aspect of
the distal third of the arm on its way to the forearm, where
it lies between the brachioradialis laterally and the brachialis
medially. The ECRL covers it anterolaterally, and the
capitellum of the humerus is posterior. The radial tunnel
begins at the level of the radiohumeral joint and extends
through the arcade of Frohse to end at the distal end of the
supinator (6). Division of the radial nerve into motor (posterior interosseous) and sensory (superficial radial) components may occur at any level within a 5.5-cm segment from
2.5 cm above to 3 cm below Hueter’s or interepitrochlear
line (a line drawn through the tips of the epicondyles of the
humerus) (13). The superficial radial nerve remains on the
underside of the brachioradialis until it reaches the midportion of the forearm and is not subject to compression in
the radial tunnel (6).
The radial tunnel syndrome (RTS) must be distinguished
from PIN syndrome (PINS): RTS is a subjective symptom
complex without motor deficit that involves a motor
8.2 Extensor Forearm 477
FIGURE 8.52. Finkelstein’s test: the correct (A) and incorrect (B) technique. Finkelstein’s test is
correctly performed by grasping the patient’s thumb and then ulnar deviating the hand. A falsepositive test may result if the thumb is flexed in the palm and grasped by the patient’s fingers,
followed by ulnar deviation of the wrist.
nerve, in contrast to PINS, which is an objective complex
with motor deficit affecting a motor nerve (6). The symptoms in RTS are similar to lateral epicondylitis, with complaints of pain over the lateral aspect of the elbow that
sometimes radiates to the wrist (5,9). Because the pain is
believed to be due to compression of a motor nerve, the
description of the pain as a deep ache is not surprising. A
dynamic state may exist in which pronation, elbow extension, and wrist flexion are combined with contraction of
the wrist and finger extensors to produce compression of
the PIN (9).
Physical Findings/Provocative Tests
These may include point tenderness 5 cm distal to the lateral epicondyle. The absence of sensory or motor disturbances in RTS is characteristic. To a limited extent,
provocative tests may give some indication of the
anatomic location of the compression, but are not always
reliable. The so-called middle finger test involves extension of the middle finger with the elbow in extension and
the wrist in neutral. The test is considered to be positive if
pain is produced in the region of the proximal portion of
the ECRB (6). Sanders has modified this test as follows:
With the elbow in full extension, the forearm in full
pronation, and the wrist held in flexion by the examiner,
the patient is asked actively to extend the long and ring
fingers against resistance. According to Sanders, these
positional modifications produce maximum compression
on the PIN and represent a more reliable form of the test
(9). If symptoms are reproduced with the elbow in full
flexion, the forearm in supination, and the wrist in neutral, then fibrous bands are suspected (6). Reproduction of
symptoms by passive pronation of the forearm with the
elbow in 45 to 90 degrees of flexion and the wrist in full
flexion indicates entrapment by the ECRB. Compression
at the arcade of Frohse is suspected if the symptoms are
reproduced by isometric supination of the forearm in the
fully pronated position (6).
Diagnostic Tests
Electrodiagnostic studies to date have not been useful in the
diagnosis because there are no motor deficits, and conduction velocity studies through the radial tunnel are not reliable. However, the most reliable test is the injection of 2 to
3 mL of 1% lidocaine without epinephrine into the radial
tunnel (4,6). Relief of pain and a PIN palsy confirms the
diagnosis. A prior injection into the lateral epicondylar
region without relief of pain also supports the diagnosis (4).
Anatomic Sites of Compression
The five structures in the radial tunnel that represent potential sites of compression may be recalled by a useful
mnemonic (Fig. 8.54): FREAS (6). The structures from
proximal to distal are: Fibrous bands, Recurrent radial vessels (the leash of Henry), Extensor carpi radialis brevis,
Arcade of Frohse, and Supinator (the distal border). The
fibrous bands are anterior to the radial head at the beginning of the radial tunnel and are the least likely cause of
compression. The radial recurrent vessels cross the PIN to
supply the adjacent brachioradialis and ECR muscles, and
it is postulated that engorgement of these vessels with exercise may compress the nerve (6,9). The tendinous proximal
margin of the ECRB also may compress the PIN and may
be mistakenly identified as the arcade of Frohse, which lies
478 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 8.53. Relevant anatomy of de Quervain’s tenosynovitis.
The abductor pollicis longus (APL) and extensor pollicis brevis
(EPB) ordinarily share a common fibroosseous canal (the first
dorsal compartment) that contains two to four slips of the APL
and a single slip of the EPB. A second canal may be present that
contains the EPB tendon. If traction on one of the unroofed tendons does not result in extension of the metacarpophalangeal
joint of the thumb, a separate canal or compartment must be
searched for and released. Note also the proximity of the dorsal
sensory branches of the radial nerve, which are at risk during
FIGURE 8.54. A: Artist’s depiction of potential radial nerve compression sites at the elbow and
forearm in radial tunnel syndrome. F, fibrous tissue bands; R, radial recurrent artery; E, extensor
carpi radialis brevis (fibrous leading edge); A, arcade of Frohse ; S, supinator. These potential sites
of compression may be recalled by a useful mnemonic: FREAS. B: Fresh cadaver dissection of right
arm anterolateral view (proximal is to the left) showing the radial nerve between the brachialis
and extensor carpi radialis longus muscle bellies. The angled probe is tenting up the fibrous tissue bands that may compress the radial nerve in radial tunnel syndrome.
deep to the proximal margin of the ECRB muscle (4,6).
The arcade of Frohse is the fibrous proximal border of the
superficial portion of the supinator (6–13). It is the most
common site of compression of the PIN and is located from
3 to 5 cm below Hueter’s line (14). Eversmann has found
that sometimes the tendinous margin of the ECRB and the
arcade of Frohse may overlap and form a scissors-like pincer effect on the radial nerve in this area (4). It is appropriate to continue the exploration to the distal border of the
supinator, although it is a rare site of compression. More
often, a mass such as a ganglion may be found beneath the
superficial portion of the supinator (4,6).
Posterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome
In contrast to RTS, PINS is characterized by objective
motor signs of entrapment of the PIN manifested by weakness or complete palsy of the finger and thumb extensors.
There usually is no history of antecedent trauma.
Physical Findings
In complete PINS, active extension of the wrist occurs with
radial deviation owing to loss of the ECRB, whereas the
more proximally innervated ECRL remains intact. There is
associated loss of finger and thumb extension. Partial loss of
function is more common, with lack of extension of one or
more fingers or isolated loss of thumb extension (4,6). Sensation always is intact.
Diagnostic Tests
In contrast to RTS, electromyography is positive in the
muscles innervated by the PIN. Computed tomography
scans or magnetic resonance imaging may show a mass in
the radial tunnel (6).
Surgical Exposures
Surgical exposure for RTS or PINS is described in the section on Surgical Exposures, earlier.
Radial Neuritis at the Wrist
Wartenberg in 1932 described an isolated neuritis of the
sensory branch of the radial nerve (15). Although a variety
of causes have been implicated, the most common causes
are iatrogenic or traumatic.
The sensory branch of the radial nerve (SBRN) begins in
the volar and proximal aspect of the forearm and continues
to the distal forearm under cover of the brachioradialis,
where it enters the subcutaneous layer of the dorsal-radial
aspect of the distal forearm between the tendons of the brachioradialis and the ECRB (Fig. 8.55). Its exit point is a
mean 9 cm proximal to the radial styloid and it usually
bifurcates into two branches a mean of 5.1 cm proximal to
the radial styloid. These two branches pass close to the first
dorsal compartment over the radial styloid. The dorsalmost
branch divides into multiple branches and continues to the
thumb–index finger web space and the index and middle
fingers, whereas the volar branch becomes the dorsoradial
digital branch of the thumb (16).
Surgical Risks to the Sensory Branch of the
Radial Nerve
A recognized risk in the application of external fixator pins
for distal radius fractures is injury to the SBRN. The mean
distance of the nearest branch from the center of the first
dorsal compartment is less than 0.5 cm, and in many
instances a branch runs directly over the center of the first
dorsal compartment. This places the branches of the SBRN
at risk during release of the first dorsal compartment for de
Quervain’s tenosynovitis or when a distal radial bone graft
is taken from the area between the first and second dorsal
compartments. During repair or reconstruction of radial or
ulnar collateral ligaments at the thumb MCP joint, dorsal
digital branches are nearby. Similarly, the course of the
SBRN should be kept in mind during placement of arthroscopic portals, limited wrist arthrodesis, open reduction
and internal fixation of distal radius or scaphoid fractures,
or procedures on the basilar joint of the thumb (16).
Intersection Syndrome
Intersection syndrome presents with localized pain and
sometimes swelling where the muscle bellies of the APL and
EPB intersect the ECRL and ECRB tendons in the dorsal
and distal forearm. This area, approximately 4 cm proximal
to the radial styloid, also may show redness and crepitation
in severe cases.
The condition has been variously referred to as peritendinitis crepitans, APL bursitis, and cross-over tendinitis. Grundberg and Reagan concluded, however, that the condition
was in fact tenosynovitis of the second dorsal compartment
(ECRL and ECRB) (17). They noted that the zone of crossover or intersection of the APL and EPB muscle bellies over
the ECRL and ECRB tendons represented the site of complaint and physical findings, but not the site of the true
pathologic process (Fig. 8.56). They concluded that because
the ECRL and ECRB were encased in a tight compartment,
the symptoms and physical findings did not present at the
site of the true lesion, but rather proximal to it. Surgical
release of the second dorsal compartment revealed charac480 Regional Anatomy
8.2 Extensor Forearm 481
FIGURE 8.55. Sensory branch of the radial nerve. This
branch begins in the volar and proximal aspect of the
forearm and continues to the distal forearm under
cover of the brachioradialis to the dorsal-radial aspect
of the distal forearm, where it exits between the tendons of the brachioradialis and the extensor carpi radialis brevis at a mean of 9 cm proximal to the radial styloid. It usually bifurcates into two branches a mean of
5.1 cm proximal to the radial styloid. These two
branches pass close to the first dorsal compartment over
the radial styloid. The dorsalmost branch divides into
multiple branches and continues to the thumb–index
finger web space and the index and middle fingers, and
the volar branch becomes the dorsoradial digital branch
of the thumb.
482 Regional Anatomy
teristic synovitis and uniformly corrected the problem.
They noted two similar conditions in which the site of the
lesion was distal but manifested itself proximally: flexor
tenosynovitis of the finger and flexor tenosynovitis of the
wrist flexors (17).
If conservative measures for relief of the tenosynovitis are
not successful, release of the second compartment is performed through a longitudinal incision centered over the
radial wrist extensors that starts over the wrist and continues proximally to the swollen area. The EPL crosses over the
ECRL and ECRB in this area through a separate sheath,
but may be at risk. Similar precautions are required for the
dorsal sensory branch of the radial nerve.
Extensor Indicis Proprius Syndrome
EIP syndrome usually manifests itself as dorsal wrist pain
that is localized to the musculotendinous junction of the
EIP. The pain is aggravated by use of the wrist and hand,
usually during strenuous activities. Symptoms are localized
to the dorsum of the wrist over the fourth dorsal compartment.
Physical Findings
Pertinent physical findings include swelling and tenderness
localized to the radial side of the fourth dorsal compartment. The swelling usually diminishes with wrist extension
and is most noticeable during wrist flexion. Crepitation
may be present with wrist and finger movement and localized tenderness usually is present over the radial side of the
fourth compartment.
Pertinent Anatomy
In a study of 263 specimens, Cauldwell et al. noted that
the EIP usually had a 1:1 ratio between muscle and tendon and that the musculotendinous junction was within
the confines of the fourth dorsal compartment in 75% of
the specimens. Four percent of the specimens had muscle
beyond the distal confines of the dorsal compartment
(18). Ritter and Inglis, who reported this syndrome in
1969, noted that the fourth extensor compartment was
small, measuring 8 to 10 mm wide. Their anatomic studies revealed that the four EDC and the EIP tendons were
loose inside the fourth compartment when the wrist and
fingers were extended, but with wrist and finger flexion,
the EIP musculotendinous junction would pass into the
fourth compartment so that a probe could not be passed
through the compartment. They concluded that any
increase in size of any of the contents of the fourth compartment, such as hypertrophy of the EIP in a training
athlete or synovitis of the surrounding tendon sheaths,
could produce pain and disability (19).
Diagnostic Test
In 1973, Spinner and Olshansky described a useful diagnostic test for this condition. With the wrist in complete
flexion, the patient is asked to perform extension of the
index finger MCP joint against resistance. Pain that is radial
and distal to Lister’s tubercle is considered to represent a
positive test for EIP syndrome (20).
Extensor Pollicis Longus Tenosynovitis
Tenosynovitis of the EPL is a relatively uncommon condition and, excluding rheumatoid arthritis, the most common
associated condition is a fracture of the distal radius. Surprisingly, it is the anatomically reduced or initially undisplaced fractures that usually are associated with this condition. The tendency for EPL rupture may be due to
pressure-induced ischemia in an intact and unyielding
fibroosseous canal, in contrast to those canals that are
decompressed because of the comminuted and displaced
Colles fractures (21).
8.2 Extensor Forearm 483
FIGURE 8.56. Intersection syndrome. A: In intersection syndrome, the zone of cross-over or
intersection of the abductor pollicis longus (APL) and extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) muscle bellies
over the extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) and brevis (ECRB) tendons (4 cm proximal to the
radial styloid) represents the site of complaint and physical findings, but not the site of the
pathologic process. The pathologic process (stenosing tenosynovitis) is in the second dorsal extensor compartment, which contains the ECRL and ECRB and is distal to the intersection zone. These
tendons are encased in a tight fibrosynovial compartment. B: Fresh cadaver dissection of the
radiodorsal aspect of the right wrist showing the fibrosynovial sheath of the ECRL and ECRB,
which has been injected with a dilute solution of methylene blue. This compartment is the site
of the true lesion in intersection syndrome. Note that the APL and EPB to the right (proximal)
cross obliquely over the ECRL and ECRB tendons in a synovial-free zone; note also the extensor
pollicis longus (EPL) and sensory branch of the radial nerve to the right (proximal) and the EPL
The condition is associated with pain, swelling, tenderness,
and sometimes crepitation over the course of the EPL at the
distal radius. These findings usually are noted during the
rehabilitation period after the fracture. Unlike other forms
of tenosynovitis, the EPL tendon is likely to rupture, and
therefore early release and transposition of the EPL from its
normal course around Lister’s tubercle is required. The tendon is transposed to the radial side of the tubercle, where it
lies in the subcutaneous tissue (21).
Several anomalous muscle tendon units encountered in the
forearm are presented, along with the clinical relevance of
these structures. The list, although not comprehensive, is
representative of those variations most commonly encountered on the extensor surface of the forearm and that in the
author’s opinion match the scope of this text.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Intermedius
This anomalous muscle was termed the extensor carpi radialis intermedius (ECRI) because of its origin between the
ECRL and ECRB (22). However, in a more recent study of
39 cases of this anomalous muscle, Wood found that in 19
the muscle belly arose on top of and toward the radial side
of the ECRL, in 17 the muscle arose between the ECRL
and ECRB (the intermedius position), and in 3 cases the
muscle arose on top of the ECRB (23) (see Fig. 10.104).
The incidence of this anomalous musculotendinous unit
was 12% in the 312 limbs. Thirty-two of the 39 anomalous
muscles had a good muscle belly, a strong tendon, and good
excursion and thus represented musculotendinous units
that would be suitable for tendon transfer (23). In a similar
study of 173 limbs, the ECRI was found in 24% of the
limbs, many of which were large enough to act as a tendon
transfer (24). In Wood’s series, the ECRI or the accessory
tendons mentioned later that originated with or near the
ECRL usually inserted on the middle finger metacarpal. If
the anomalous muscle originated nearest the ECRB, the
tendon usually inserted on the index finger metacarpal. In
addition to the ECRI musculotendinous unit, both Wood
(23) and Albright and Linburg (24) noted the presence of
accessory tendons from the radial wrist extensors. Wood
(23) noted 41 such tendons originating from the ECRB
and inserting with the ECRL on the index finger
metacarpal. Twenty-nine tendons originated from the
ECRL and inserted on the middle finger metacarpal with
the ECRB, and 24 tendons arose from the ECRL and
inserted alongside the normal tendon at the index finger
metacarpal. Only seven tendons originated from the ECRB
and inserted on the middle finger metacarpal. In two arms,
the ECRL and ECRB shared a common tendon that
inserted on both the index and middle finger metacarpal.
Clinical Relevance
These studies indicate that the ECRI or accessory tendons
are worth looking for, especially in patients with quadriplegia, because they can be used as transfers for thumb opposition, to motor the flexor pollicis longus or as a motor for
the EPL. Wood noted that there is a fairly high incidence of
bilateral variations of this type, and that 12% of individuals
have a good ECRI tendon and approximately 36% have at
least one and sometimes several accessory tendons that
might be available for transfer (23). Albright and Linburg
not only emphasized the usefulness of the ECRI and accessory tendons as transfers in tetraplegia, but also noted the
importance of and high incidence (35%) of cross-connections between the ECRB and ECRL. They noted that identification and release of these interconnections was important if either of these tendons were to be used as transfers
because failure to do so might result in loss of independent
excursion in the transfer and thus possible failure of the
transfer. These interconnections usually were found under
the outcropping muscles to the thumb and often were difficult to detect because they blended into the major tendons
except when traversing from one to another (24).
Extensor Medii Proprius
The extensor medii proprius (EMP) is a muscle analogous
to the EIP in that it has a similar origin but inserts into
the extensor aponeurosis of the middle finger. In a study
of 58 hands, von Schroeder and Botte noted the presence
of the EMP in 6 hands for an incidence of 10.3% (25).
The EMP usually is covered by the EDC and usually is
not seen until the EDC is retracted or removed. The EMP
was always distal and medial to the EIP on the IOM, and
in all cases the two muscles had a common origin. In 4 of
6 instances, the EMP was represented by a single tendon
(25). The insertion was palmar and ulnar to the EDC
insertion on the middle finger. The width of the tendon
ranged from 10 to 30 mm (25) (see Fig. 10.101).
Extensor Indicis et Medii Communis
The extensor indicis et medii communis (EIMC) is an anomalous EIP that splits and inserts into both the index and middle fingers. It was identified in the aforementioned study by
von Schroeder and Botte, who noted its presence in 2 of 58
hands for an incidence of 3.4% (25). The tendon split into its
index and middle finger components near the myotendinous
junction. In one specimen, the insertion into the index finger
was similar to the usual insertion of the EIP on the palmar
and ulnar aspect of the EDC. In the other specimen, a double tendon was present, with one tendon inserting into the
484 Regional Anatomy
usual EIP location and the second slip inserting into the deep
fascia near the MCP joint. In both specimens, the insertion
into the middle finger was not into the extensor hood but
into the joint capsule of the middle finger in one case and into
the deep fascia proximal to the MCP joint in the other. The
muscle belly of the EIMC was similar to the EIP, and like the
EIP had no juncturae tendinum (25) (see Fig. 10.102).
Clinical Relevance of the EMP and the EIMC
Awareness of the incidence of these two muscles and other
anomalous muscles may be helpful in extensor tendon identification as it relates to repair or reconstruction.
1. Henry AK. Extensile exposure, 2nd ed. Edinburgh: E and S Livingstone, 1966.
2. de Quervain F. Ueber eine Form von chronischer Tendovaginitis.
Corresp Blatt F Schweizer Arz (Basel) 25:389–394, 1895.
3. Leslie BM, Ericson WB Jr, Morehead JR. Incidence of a septum
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4. Eversmann WW Jr. Entrapment and compression neuropathies.
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Churchill Livingstone, 1993.
5. Foster RJ. Radial tunnel syndrome: decompression by a posterior
lateral approach. In: Blair WF, ed. Techniques in hand surgery.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1996.
6. Gelberman RH, Eaton R, Urbaniak JR. Peripheral nerve compression. J Bone Joint Surg Am 75:1854–1878, 1993.
7. Lister GD. Radial tunnel syndrome. In: Gelberman RH, ed.
Operative nerve repair and reconstruction. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1991.
8. Lister GD, Belsole RB, Kleinert HE. The radial tunnel syndrome. J Hand Surg [Am] 4:52–59, 1979.
9. Sanders WE. Letter. J Bone Joint Surg Am 74:309–310, 1992.
10. Botte MJ, Cohen MS, Lavernia C, et al. The dorsal branch of the
ulnar nerve: an anatomic study. J Hand Surg[Am] 15:603–607,
11. Finkelstein H. Stenosing tendovaginitis at the radial styloid
process. J Bone Joint Surg 12:509–540, 1930.
12. Elliott BG. Finkelstein’s test: a descriptive error that can produce
a false positive. J Hand Surg [Br] 17:481–482, 1992.
13. Frohse F, Frankel M. Die Muskeln des menschlichen Armes. In:
Bardelben’s Handbuch der Anatomie des Mensch. Jena, Germany:
Fisher, 1908.
14. Fuss FK, Wurzl GH. Radial nerve entrapment at the elbow: surgical anatomy. J Hand Surg [Am] 16:742–747, 1991.
15. Wartenberg R. Cheiralgia paraesthetica (Isolierte Neuritis des
Ramus superficialis Nervi radialis). Z Ges Neurol Psychiatr
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16. Abrams RA, Brown RA, Botte MJ. The superficial branch of the
radial nerve: an anatomic study with surgical implications. J
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17. Grundberg AB, Reagan DS. Pathologic anatomy of the forearm:
intersection syndrome. J Hand Surg [Am] 10:299–302, 1985.
18. Cauldwell EW, Anson BJ, Wright RR. The extensor indicis proprius muscle: a study of 263 consecutive specimens. Q Bull
Northwest Univ Med School 17:267–279, 1943.
19. Ritter WA, Inglis AE. The extensor indicis proprius syndrome. J
Bone Joint Surg Am 51:1645–1648, 1969.
20. Spinner M, Olshansky K. The extensor indicis proprius syndrome: a clinical test. Plast Reconstr Surg 51:134–138, 1973.
21. Wolfe SW. Tenosynovitis. In: Green DP ed. Operative hand
surgery, 4th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1999.
22. Wood J. Variations in human myology. Proc R Soc Lond
15:229–244, 1866.
23. Wood VE. The extensor carpi radialis intermedius tendon. J
Hand Surg [Am] 13:242–245, 1988.
24. Albright JA, Linburg RM. Common variations of the radial wrist
extensors. J Hand Surg[Am] 3:134–138, 1978.
25. von Schroeder HP, Botte MJ. The extensor medii proprius and
anomalous extensor tendons to the long finger. J Hand Surg
[Am] 16:1141–1145, 1991.
8.2 Extensor Forearm 485
The wrist is a unique joint interposed between the distal
aspect of the forearm and the proximal aspect of the hand.
There are common or shared elements to all three regions,
which integrate form and function to maximize the
mechanical effectiveness of the upper extremity. The wrist
enables the hand to be placed in an infinite number of
positions relative to the forearm, and yet also enables the
hand to be essentially locked to the forearm in those positions to transfer the forces generated by the powerful forearm muscles.
Although the wrist truly is a mechanical marvel when it
is intact and functioning, loss of mechanical integrity of the
wrist inevitably causes substantial dysfunction of the hand
and thus the entire upper extremity. It is vital that a thorough understanding of the wrist be acquired by all who
treat the wrist, including efforts in diagnosis, treatment,
and rehabilitation. This chapter provides such a foundation
by exploring the general architecture of the wrist, the bones
and joints that compose the wrist, and the soft tissues that
stabilize, innervate, and perfuse the wrist. As with all
anatomic descriptions, a common nomenclature is desirable. Although the terms medial and lateral are the gold
standard from an anatomic point of view, to use them
requires the application of the “anatomic position,” in
which the dependent arm is held in neutral rotation, with
the elbow extended, the forearm supinated, the wrist in
neutral extension, and the digits extended. Because of the
mental gymnastics required to position the extremity in virtual space in this manner to determine whether the term
medial or lateral is appropriate, it is often easier simply to
refer to structures distal to the elbow in reference to a more
local coordinate system based on the position of the radius
and ulna. Therefore, the authors may often preferentially
use the term radial when referring to the lateral direction
and ulnar when referring to the medial direction. The term
dorsal is used preferentially to describe the posterior direction. Finally, because the glabrous skin of the palm indeed
covers the entire region of the wrist, the term palmar is used
to describe the anterior direction.
Bone: Distal radius, ulna, and eight carpal bones.
Ligaments: Palmar and dorsal extraosseous carpal ligaments, intraosseous carpal ligaments, flexor retinaculum
(FR), extensor retinaculum (ER), and triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC).
Blood Vessels: Extraosseous and intraosseous carpal
blood supply from radial, ulnar, and interosseous arteries;
vascular supply of distal radius and ulna.
Nerves: Articular branches from radial, median, ulnar,
and interosseous nerves.
Tendons: Wrist and finger flexors and extensors.
Important landmarks on the dorsal aspect of the wrist
include Lister’s tubercle, the anatomic snuff-box, the lunate
fossa, the styloid process at the base of the middle finger
metacarpal, the radial styloid process, and the distal head of
the ulna (Fig. 9.1).
Lister’s Tubercle
This bony prominence on the dorsal aspect of the distal
radius is situated approximately 0.5 cm proximal to the dorsal margin of the articular surface of the radius. It is in line
with the cleft between the index and middle finger
metacarpals. The extensor pollicis longus (EPL), located in a
groove just ulnar to Lister’s tubercle, turns radialward around
Lister’s tubercle on its way to the dorsal aspect of the thumb.
The extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) is just radial to Lister’s tubercle in a similar groove on the dorsum of the radius.
Anatomic Snuff-Box
The anatomic snuff-box, a narrow triangle with its apex
located distally, is bordered dorsoulnarly by the EPL, radi-
ally by the abductor pollicis longus (APL) and extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) tendons, and proximally by the distal
margin of the ER. In its depths, it contains the dorsal
branch of the radial artery, and in the dorsoulnar corner, the
tendon of the extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL); superficially, it contains one or more branches of the superficial
branch of the radial nerve (1,2).
Lunate Fossa
The lunate fossa is a palpable central depression located on
the dorsum of the wrist in line with the longitudinal axis of
the third metacarpal, just ulnar and distal to Lister’s tubercle, and begins immediately distal to the dorsal margin of
the radius. It is, on average, approximately the size of the
pulp of an examiner’s thumb and marks the location of the
carpal lunate. This palpable lunate fossa should not be confused with the “lunate fossa” of the distal radius, which is a
depression of the articular surface of the radius that accommodates the lunate (1).
Styloid Process of the Middle Finger Metacarpal
The styloid process of the middle finger metacarpal, located
on the dorsal and radial base of this metacarpal, points to
the articular interface between the capitate and the trapezoid and is just proximal to the point of insertion of the
ECRB tendon.
Radial Styloid
The distal projection of the radial side of the radius forms a
visible and easily examined landmark that is palpable both
9 Wrist 487
FIGURE 9.1. A, B: Dorsal landmarks of the wrist.
palmar and dorsal to the APL and EPB tendons, which
course across its apex.
Distal Head of Ulna
The slightly expanded distal end of the ulna has a head and
styloid process. The head is most visible and palpable when
the forearm is in pronation; the posteroulnar styloid is most
readily palpable in supination and is approximately 1 cm
proximal to the plane of the radial styloid (1).
Important landmarks on the palmar surface of the wrist
include the pisiform, hook process of the hamate, scaphoid
tubercle, the thenar and hypothenar eminences, and the
thenar and wrist flexion creases (Fig. 9.2).
Hook Process of the Hamate
The hook of the hamate, located on the ulnar and palmar
aspect of the distal carpus, can be palpated approximately 1
cm radial and distal to the pisiform. Because of its deep
location, it may be difficult to palpate in some individuals.
The hook of the hamate lies between the ulnar tunnel
(Guyon’s canal) and the carpal tunnel. It thus provides a
landmark for the ulnar nerve and artery (located just ulnar
to the hook), and the ulnar boundary of the carpal tunnel.
Point tenderness in this area may indicate a fracture of the
hook process, a common injury in sports that use racquets,
clubs, or bats, such as tennis, golf, or baseball.
Scaphoid Tubercle
The scaphoid tubercle is in the distal palmar aspect of the
scaphoid. It projects into the palm and the tubercle is palpable on the radial aspect of the base of the hand, usually
just distal to the distal palmar wrist crease. It becomes more
prominent with the wrist positioned in radial deviation,
since the scaphoid assumes a position of more palmar flexion in this position. Conversely, the scaphoid tubercle is less
prominent and possibly not palpable when the wrist is in
ulnar deviation, since the scaphoid assumes a position of
decreased palmar flexion and lies more in the plane of the
radius and ulna.
Pisiform Bone
The pisiform bone, located on the ulnar and palmar
aspect of the base of the hand provides a visible and palpable landmark that aids in the identification and location
of the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) tendon, the underlying
ulnar neurovascular bundle, and the hook process of the
488 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.2. A, B: Palmar landmarks of the wrist.
Thenar and Hypothenar Eminences
The thenar eminence is formed by the abductor and the flexor
pollicis brevis, which overlie the opponens pollicis. The less
prominent hypothenar eminence on the ulnar side of the hand
is formed by the corresponding muscles of the little finger.
Flexion Creases
The wrist and palmar flexion creases are skin flexion lines
seen in the vicinity of synovial joints, where the skin is
attached to the underlying fascia (1). McGrouther has
shown that the fascial attachments in the palmar creases are
greatest adjacent to the creases rather than directly under
them (3). These creases have been recognized as useful
anatomic landmarks because of their relationship to underlying structures (4).
Thenar Crease. The thenar crease usually intersects the
lateral side of the proximal palmar crease and curves
obliquely across the palm to intersect the distal wrist crease
near the wrist center. In the mid-portion of the palm, the
thenar crease is located directly over the long finger
metacarpal over half the time. In the proximal palm, the
thenar crease crosses the capitate nearly half the time and
the trapezoid approximately one-third of the time. Mean
distance from the thenar crease to the center of the
trapeziometacarpal joint is 22.6 mm. The thenar crease
passes 18.7 mm from the hamate hook on the medial side
of the carpus (5).
Distal Wrist Crease. Although there usually are three wrist
flexion creases, only the distal crease is of sufficient consistency to be used as a reliable landmark. The distal wrist
crease is located over the proximal carpal row and passes over
the scaphoid waist in almost all instances and over the pisiform 80% of the time. The lunate is consistently proximal
to the distal wrist crease, with its center an average of 9.2
mm from the crease. The radiocarpal joint is 13.5 mm proximal to the distal wrist crease and the center point of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) is 21.1 mm proximal to the
wrist crease. On the lateral side of the wrist, the distal wrist
crease is within 1 mm of the center of the scaphoid waist.
The mid-portion of the trapeziometacarpal joint averages
19.4 mm distal to the wrist crease. On the ulnar side of the
wrist, the pisiform is directly under or slightly distal to the
crease. The base of the ulnar styloid is on average 11.7 mm
proximal to the distal wrist crease (5) (Fig. 9.3).
9 Wrist 489
FIGURE 9.3. Flexion crease landmarks of the wrist.
Distal Radius and Ulna
The distal surface of the radius articulates with the proximal carpal row through two articular fossae separated by a
fibrocartilaginous prominence oriented in the sagittal
plane, called the interfossal ridge. The scaphoid fossa is
roughly triangular and extends from the interfossal ridge
to the tip of the radial styloid process. The lunate fossa is
roughly quadrangular and extends from the interfossal
ridge to the sigmoid notch. On the dorsal cortex of the
distal radius, immediately dorsal and proximal to the
interfossal ridge, is a bony prominence called the dorsal
tubercle of the radius, or Lister’s tubercle. It serves as a
divider between the second and third extensor compartments, and functionally behaves as a trochlea for the tendon of the EPL. The sigmoid notch forms an articular
concavity on the ulnar, or medial, aspect of the distal
radial epiphysis. It has considerable variation in terms of
depth, anteroposterior dimension, and dorsopalmar orientation; however, it consistently exhibits an arc of curvature
greater than that of the corresponding ulnar head, with
which it articulates (Fig. 9.4). Under normal circumstances, the ulna does not articulate directly with the carpus. Rather, a fibrocartilaginous wafer called the triangular fibrocartilage (TFC) is interposed between the ulnar
head and the proximal carpal row. Even the ulnar styloid
process is hidden from contact with the carpus by the
ulnotriquetral ligament. The ulnar head is roughly cylindrical, with a distal projection on its posterior border
called the ulnar styloid process. Approximately threefourths of the ulnar head is covered by articular cartilage,
with the ulnar styloid process and the posterior one-fourth
exposed bone or periosteum. A depression at the base of
the ulnar styloid process is called the fovea and typically is
not covered in articular cartilage. A more comprehensive
description of the distal ulna is given later in the section
on the DRUJ.
Carpal Bones
There are eight carpal bones (Fig. 9.5), although many consider the pisiform to be a sesamoid bone in the tendon of
the FCU, and thus not behaving as a true carpal bone. The
bones are arranged in two rows (proximal and distal carpal
rows), each containing four bones. All eight carpal bones
are interposed between the forearm bones and the
metacarpals to form the complex called the wrist joint. The
wrist joint is subdivided into the mid-carpal joint, which
comprises the articulation between the proximal and distal
carpal row, and the radiocarpal joint, which comprises the
articulation between the distal radius and the scaphoid and
lunate. The ulnocarpal joint comprises the theoretical articulation between the distal ulna and the lunate and triquetrum and the interposed TFC.
Proximal Carpal Row
The proximal row is composed of, from radial to ulnar, the
scaphoid (navicular), lunate, triquetrum, and pisiform.
Bony Architecture. The scaphoid is shaped somewhat like
a kidney bean. It is divided into regions called the proximal
pole, waist, and distal pole. The proximal pole has a convex
articular surface that faces the scaphoid fossa and a flat
490 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.4. Articular surfaces of the distal radius.
9 Wrist 491
FIGURE 9.5. A, B: Osseous anatomy of the radiocarpal joint
and the carpus.
articular surface that faces the lunate. The dorsal surface of
the waist is marked by an oblique ridge that serves as an
attachment plane for the dorsal joint capsule. This ridge
passes from proximal-ulnar to distal-radial. The medial surface of the waist and distal surface of the proximal pole is
concave and articulates with the capitate. The distal pole
also articulates with the capitate medially, but distally it
articulates with the trapezium and trapezoid. Often, there is
a change in the curved geometry of the distal pole articular
surface, reflecting its dual articulation with the trapezium
and trapezoid.
Ligament Attachments. The radial aspect of the scaphoid
has nonarticular surfaces to which the radioscaphocapitate, dorsal intercarpal, and scaphotrapezium-trapezoid
(STT) ligaments attach. The palmar surface of the distal
pole serves as an attachment for the scaphocapitate ligament, whereas the palmar surface of the proximal pole
serves as an attachment for the palmar region of the
scapholunate interosseous ligament. The scapholunate ligament has a crescentic attachment zone along the palmar,
proximal, and dorsal edges of the ulnar surface of the
proximal pole of the scaphoid. Dorsally, the ridge serves as
an attachment for the dorsal joint capsule and the dorsal
intercarpal ligament.
Vascular Foramina. Most of the vascular foramina are
found along the radial aspect of the scaphoid at the termination of the dorsal ridge. There also may be foramina
on the palmar surface of the distal pole, and rarely along
the attachment zone of the scapholunate interosseous
Bony Architecture. The lunate is crescent-shaped in the
sagittal plane, such that the proximal surface is convex and
the distal surface concave, and somewhat wedge-shaped in
the transverse plane. With the exception of ligament attachment planes on its dorsal and palmar surfaces, the lunate is
covered with articular cartilage. It articulates with the
scaphoid laterally, the radius and TFC proximally, the triquetrum medially, and the capitate distally. In some individuals, the lunate has a separate fossa for articulation with
the hamate, separated from the fossa for capitate articulation by a prominent ridge.
Ligament Attachments. The palmar and dorsal surfaces
are the principal zones of ligament attachment. The palmar
surface serves as the attachment region for the long and
short radiolunate ligaments, the ulnolunate ligament, as
well as the palmar regions of the scapholunate and lunotriquetral interosseous ligaments. Dorsally, the lunate attaches
to the dorsal regions of the scapholunate and lunotriquetral
interosseous ligaments, as well as the deep fibers of the dorsal radiocarpal ligament.
Vascular Foramina. The dorsal and palmar (nonarticular)
surfaces have numerous vascular foramina. Otherwise, the
lunate is devoid of perforating vessels.
Bony Architecture. The triquetrum has a complex shape,
with a flat articular surface on the palmar surface for articulation with the pisiform, a concave distal articular surface
for the hamate, a flat lateral surface for articulation with the
lunate, and three tubercles on the proximal, ulnar, and dorsal surfaces. The proximal tubercle is covered in hyaline cartilage for contact with the triangular disc, whereas the
medial and dorsal tubercles serve as ligament attachment
Ligament Attachments. The dorsal tubercle serves as a
common attachment for the dorsal radiocarpal and intercarpal ligaments. The ulnar tubercle serves as an attachment
for the ulnotriquetral ligament. From the most palmar and
distal edge of the triquetrum emerge the triquetrohamate
and triquetrocapitate ligaments. The palmar region of the
lunotriquetral ligament and fibers from the ulnocapitate
ligament attach along the palmar and radial edge of the triquetrum, whereas the dorsal and radial edge of the triquetrum serves as an attachment zone for the dorsal region
of the lunotriquetral interosseous ligament. The palmar
region of the triquetrum has a horseshoe-shaped region of
attaching fibers from the pisotriquetral ligament along the
radial, distal, and palmar margins.
Vascular Foramina. Blood vessels enter the triquetrum
through the dorsal and ulnar tubercles.
Bony Architecture. The pisiform, which means “peashaped,” is oval in profile with a flat articular facet covering
the distal half of the dorsal surface for articulation with the
triquetrum. The general orientation of the oval is such that
the major (long) axis is in the proximodistal direction.
Ligament Attachments. The pisotriquetral ligament has a
horseshoe-shaped attachment on the dorsal surface of the
pisiform, surrounding the radial, distal, and ulnar margins
of the articular facet. Otherwise, it is entirely enveloped in
the tendon of the FCU and serves as a proximal origin of
the flexor digiti minimi muscle.
Vascular Foramina. The pisiform is encircled by a vascular ring from the ulnar artery, and thus has a variable number of foramina located circumferentially on the nonarticular surfaces.
492 Regional Anatomy
Distal Carpal Row
The distal carpal row is composed of, from radial to ulnar,
the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate. Each bone
articulates with a metacarpal distally and a proximal row
bone proximally.
Bony Architecture. The trapezium has three articular surfaces. The proximal surface is slightly concave and articulates with the distal pole of the scaphoid. The dorsoulnar
articular surface is flat and articulates with the trapezoid.
The distal surface is saddle-shaped and articulates with the
base of the first metacarpal. The remaining surfaces are
nonarticular and serve as attachment areas for ligaments, as
described later. The anterolateral edge of the trapezium
forms an overhang, referred to as the beak or trapezial ridge,
that is part of the fibroosseous tunnel for the tendon of the
flexor carpi radialis (FCR). The trapezial ridge that forms a
longitudinal projection on the palmar surface of the trapezium serves as an attachment for a portion of the transverse
carpal ligament (TCL). The trapezial ridge is susceptible to
fracture and is best seen radiographically on carpal tunnel
views (6–8).
Ligament Attachments. Beginning on the radial surface,
the STT ligament partially attaches. There is essentially no
ligament on this surface that crosses the carpometacarpal
joint, immediately deep to the tendon of the APL. The dorsal surface has no prominent ligament attachment proximally, but distally the dorsoradial and posterior oblique ligaments of the carpometacarpal joint attach. In addition, the
dorsal trapeziotrapezoid ligament attaches. The palmar surface serves as an attachment for the deep and superficial
anterior oblique ligaments of the first carpometacarpal
joint, as well as the palmar trapeziotrapezoid ligament. It
also has been reported that discrete ligaments can be traced
out connecting the palmar surface of the trapezium to the
second and third metacarpals. Only the ulnar collateral ligament of the first carpometacarpal joint covers the distal
surface of the ulnar border of the trapezium.
Vascular Foramina. The dorsal, palmar, and radial surfaces have variable vascular foramina for transmission of
nutrient vessels originating from the radial artery and the
palmar and dorsal carpal arches.
Bony Architecture. The trapezoid is a small bone with
articular surfaces on the proximal, lateral, medial, and distal surfaces for articulation with the scaphoid, trapezium,
capitate, and base of the second metacarpal, respectively.
There is an offset geometry on its ulnar articular surface,
which articulates with a similarly shaped radial articular
surface of the capitate. In the “notch” of the offset, the deep
trapeziocapitate ligament attaches.
Ligament Attachments. The palmar and dorsal surfaces
serve as ligament insertion areas. Dorsally, the dorsal
trapeziocapitate and trapeziotrapezoid ligaments, as well as
the distally oriented dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments
attach. The dorsal intercarpal ligament also attaches on the
dorsal surface of the trapezoid. Palmarly, a similar set of ligament attachments is found. Ulnarly, the deep trapeziocapitate ligament attaches to the trapezoid in the middle of the
articular surface of the trapezoid.
Vascular Foramina. Numerous foramina are found on the
dorsal and palmar nonarticular surfaces of the trapezoid.
Bony Architecture. The capitate is the largest carpal bone
and is divided into head, neck, and body regions. The head
is almost entirely covered in articular cartilage and forms a
proximally convex surface for articulation with the scaphoid
and lunate. There often is a faint change in curvature on the
radial aspect of the head corresponding to the ridge on the
ulnar surface of the waist of the scaphoid. The neck is a narrowed region between the body and the head, and is
exposed to the mid-carpal joint without ligament attachment. The body is nearly cuboid, with articular surfaces on
its medial, lateral, and distal aspects for articulation with
the trapezoid, hamate, and base of the third metacarpal,
respectively. The radial surface, articulating with the ulnar
surface of the trapezoid, is “offset” with a ridge in the middle, which serves as an attachment of the deep trapeziocapitate ligament. Ulnarly, the articular surface of the capitate
for the hamate is shaped like a skillet, with the handle
extending distally along the dorsal third of the ulnar surface. This leaves a relatively large square area on the palmar
and distal aspect of the ulnar surface, which serves as an
attachment for the deep capitohamate and carpometacarpal
Ligament Attachments. The large, flat palmar and dorsal
surfaces serve as ligament attachment areas. There are no
ligament attachments on the head or neck. Dorsally, the
dorsal trapeziocapitate and capitohamate ligaments attach,
as well as the distally oriented carpometacarpal ligaments.
Palmarly, the body of the capitate can be divided into proximal and distal halves for the purposes of discussing ligament attachments. Beginning radially and progressing
ulnarly on the proximal half of the palmar surface, the
scaphocapitate, radioscaphocapitate, ulnocapitate, and triquetrocapitate ligaments attach. The distal half serves as an
attachment surface for the palmar trapeziocapitate, carpometacarpal, and capitohamate ligaments, respectively
progressing from radial to ulnar. The middle of the radial
9 Wrist 493
articular surface serves as the attachment for the deep
trapeziocapitate ligament, whereas the large square recess on
the ulnar articular surface serves a similar role for the deep
capitohamate and carpometacarpal ligaments.
Vascular Foramina. As with the other carpal bones, all
surfaces with ligament attachments also have numerous vascular perforations. The nonarticular neck of the capitate has
a variable number of small vascular foramina on the dorsal,
radial, and palmar surfaces. There are no foramina on the
head of the capitate.
Bony Architecture. The hamate has a complex geometry,
with a pole, body and hamulus (hook). The pole is a conical, proximally tapering projection that is nearly entirely
covered in articular cartilage for articulation with the triquetrum, capitate, and variably with the lunate. The body
is relatively cuboid, with medial and distal articulations for
the capitate and fourth and fifth metacarpal bases, respectively. The dorsal and palmar surfaces serve as ligament
attachment areas, except the most medial aspect of the
body, where the hamulus arises. The hamulus forms a palmarly directed projection that curves slightly lateral at the
palmar margin. The radial articular surface is matched to
the corresponding ulnar surface of the capitate, with a
square recess, which is nonarticular, on the palmar and distal aspect of the hamate.
Ligament Attachments. The palmar surface of the hamate
serves as an attachment for the palmar capitohamate and
carpometacarpal ligaments. The proximal aspect of the palmar nonarticular surface of the hamate allows attachment
of the triquetrohamate ligament. The dorsal surface serves a
similar purpose for the dorsal counterparts of the capitohamate and carpometacarpal ligament systems. There is no
dorsal counterpart to the triquetrohamate ligament. As
noted previously, the deep capitohamate ligament attaches
to the hamate in the recess on the radial surface. The hamulus serves as an attachment for the pisohamate ligament (an
extension of the tendon of the FCU) and the FR.
Vascular Foramina. A large number of vascular foramina
are found on the body, as well as circumferentially about the
hamulus of the hamate. There are no foramina on the pole
of the hamate.
Although 8 carpal bones comprise the wrist proper, the
wrist functionally should be considered as having a total of
15 bones. This is because of the proximal articulations with
the radius and ulna and the distal articulations with the
bases of the first through fifth metacarpals. The geometry of
the wrist is complex, demonstrating a transverse arch created by the scaphoid and triquetrum/pisiform column
proximally and the trapezium and hamate distally. In addition, the proximal carpal row demonstrates a substantial
arch in the frontal plane.
From an anatomic standpoint, the carpal bones are
divided into proximal and distal carpal rows, each composed of four bones. This effectively divides the wrist into
radiocarpal and mid-carpal joints. Although mechanically
linked to the DRUJ, the wrist normally is biologically separated from the DRUJ joint space by the TFC.
Radiocarpal Joint
The radiocarpal joint is formed by the articulation of confluent surfaces of the concave distal articular surface of the
radius and the TFC, with the convex proximal articular surfaces of the proximal carpal row bones. The radiocarpal joint
communicates with the pisotriquetral joint in approximately
80% of normal individuals. In addition to this orifice, there
is a consistent defect in the TFCC called the prestyloid recess.
It is filled with vascular villi and variably communicates with
the distal tip of the ulnar styloid process.
Mid-Carpal Joint
The mid-carpal joint is formed by the mutually articulating
surfaces of the proximal and distal carpal rows. Communications are found between the mid-carpal joint and the
interosseous joint clefts of the proximal and distal row
bones, as well as with the second through fifth carpometacarpal joints. Under normal circumstances, the midcarpal joint is isolated from the pisotriquetral, radiocarpal,
and first carpometacarpal joints by intervening membranes
and ligaments. The geometry of the mid-carpal joint is
complex. Radially, the STT joint is composed of the slightly
convex distal pole of the scaphoid articulating with the reciprocally concave proximal surfaces of the trapezium and
trapezoid. Forming an analog to a ball-and-socket joint are
the convex head of the capitate and the combined concave
contiguous distal articulating surfaces of the scaphoid and
the lunate. In 65% of normal adults, it has been found that
the hamate articulates with a medial articular facet at the
distal-ulnar margin of the lunate, which is associated with a
higher rate of cartilage eburnation of the proximal surface
of the hamate. The triquetrohamate region of the midcarpal joint is particularly complex, with the mutual articular surfaces having both concave and convex regions forming a helicoid-shaped articulation.
Interosseous Joints
Proximal Row
The interosseous joints of the proximal row are relatively
small and planar, allowing motion primarily in the flex494 Regional Anatomy
ion–extension plane between mutually articulating bones.
The scapholunate joint has a smaller surface area than the
lunotriquetral joint. Often, a fibrocartilaginous meniscus
extending from the membranous region of the scapholunate or lunotriquetral interosseous ligaments is interposed
into the respective joint clefts.
Distal Row
The interosseous joints of the distal row are more complex
geometrically and allow substantially less interosseous
motion than those of the proximal row. The capitohamate
joint is relatively planar, but the mutually articulating surfaces are only partially covered by articular cartilage. The
distal and palmar region of the joint space is devoid of articular cartilage, being occupied by the deep capitohamate
interosseous ligament. Similarly, the central region of the
trapeziocapitate joint surface is interrupted by the deep
trapeziocapitate interosseous ligament. The trapeziotrapezoid joint presents a small planar surface area with continuous articular surfaces.
Distal Radioulnar Joint
Osseous Anatomy
The DRUJ is a uniaxial pivot joint between the convex distal head of the ulna and the concave ulnar notch of the
radius (1) (Fig. 9.6A). It has been described as a trochoid
(wheel-like) joint (9). The convex distal ulna is covered by
hyaline cartilage for 270 degrees of its total circumference.
It varies in proximal to distal height from 5 to 8 mm. It
articulates with the adjacent radius in the sigmoid notch.
Distally, the dorsopalmar height of the sigmoid notch is 1.5
cm, and proximally it is 1 cm (10). In the dorsopalmar
plane, the semicylindrical sigmoid notch has an angular
inclination distally and ulnarly of 7.7 degrees (average) (11)
(see Fig. 9.6B). This concave sigmoid notch has three distinct margins: dorsal, palmar, and distal. The dorsal margin
is acutely angular in cross-section, and the palmar less so.
The palmar margin may have an osteocartilaginous lip in
some instances (12). The prominent palmar beak of the
radius seen on a lateral radiograph represents the sigmoid
notch as well as the lunate facet of the radius. Thus, fractures of the lunate facet are fractures of the DRUJ, and viceversa (9). The sigmoid notch and the lunate fossa of the
radius are separated by the attachment of the TFC to the
radius (6). The articular surface of the radius is inclined a
variable amount (15 to 21 degrees toward the ulna) (11).
The articulation of the ulnar head to the radius is not congruent in that the radius of the shallow arc of the sigmoid
notch is greater than that of the ulnar convexity (13,14).
Because of this, pronation and supination of the forearm
include both a sliding and a rolling (rotational) component
(9). In addition, because of the differences in radii of the
ulna and the sigmoid notch, there is significant translation
of this joint. The maximum limits of translation have been
measured at 2.8 mm dorsal and 5.4 mm palmar in the zero9 Wrist 495
FIGURE 9.6. A–C: Osseous anatomy of the distal radioulnar joint.
degree position of rotation (15) (see Fig. 9.6C). In this position, 60 to 80 degrees of the articular surface of the ulna is
in contact with the sigmoid notch. However, in the
extremes of rotation, less than 10% of the ulna may be in
contact with the dorsal (in pronation) or palmar (in supination) margins of the sigmoid notch. In addition, the radii of
the articular head of the ulna may vary and add a camlike
effect to the rotation (15). Also, the articular inclination of
the sigmoid notch and the ulnar seat may not match (11).
The semicylindrical head of the ulna that faces the TFC is
flattened. The periphery of this flattened dome is covered
with articular cartilage. An eccentric concavity of the dome
lies at the base of the styloid and is the area of attachment
for the apex of the TFC and ulnocarpal ligaments. This
concavity is confluent dorsally onto the shaft–head junction
with the sulcus for the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) tendon
(9) (see Fig. 9.6A). The ulnar styloid is a continuation of
the prominent subcutaneous ridge of the dorsal shaft of the
ulna that projects distally for a variable distance of 2 to 6
mm (16).
Ligamentous Anatomy
Radioulnar Joint Ligaments
The reader also is directed to the section on Clinical Significance: Stabilizing Factors of the DRUJ, later.
A description of the anatomy of the palmar and dorsal
radioulnar ligaments is required to understand the origin of
the ulnocarpal ligaments. The dorsal and palmar DRUJ ligaments are believed to be the major stabilizers of the DRUJ.
These ligaments form the dorsal and palmar margins of the
TFCC in the region between the sigmoid notch of the
radius and the styloid process of the ulna. They attach radially at the dorsal and palmar corners of the sigmoid notch,
and converge ulnarly to pass in a cruciate manner such that
the dorsal ligament attaches near the tip of the styloid
process and the palmar ligament attaches near the base of
the styloid process in the region called the fovea. The palmar ligament has substantial connections to the carpus
through the ulnolunate, ulnotriquetral, and ulnocapitate
ligaments. The dorsal ligament integrates with the sheath of
the ECU (Fig. 9.7).
The Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex
The center of this complex (TFC and ulnocarpal ligaments)
has been called the ulnocarpal complex by Taleisnik (17), the
TFCC by Palmer and Werner (18), and the ulnocarpal ligament complex by Bowers (19). Based on historical and common usage, the TFC and ulnocarpal ligaments, taken
together, have been called the TFCC in this chapter.
Triangular Fibrocartilage. The anatomic structure that
spans the distal (carpal-facing) aspect of the DRUJ is called
the TFC. It should not be confused with the DRUJ meniscus (see section on Meniscus, later). The TFC is part of an
extensive fibrous system that arises from the carpal margin
of the sigmoid notch of the radius, cups the lunate and triquetral bones, and extends to the palmar base of the small
finger metacarpal (9). The TFC is, as its name implies, triangular and 1 to 2 mm thick at its base, which is attached
to the distal margin of the sigmoid notch. The biconcave
body of the TFC crosses the articular dome of the distal
ulna and its apex attaches to the eccentric concavity of the
head and projecting concavity, where it may be as thick as
5 mm (9) (see Fig. 9.7).
Microstructure of the Triangular Fibrocartilage. The
peripheral margins of the TFC are thick lamellar collagen
that is structurally adapted to bear tensile loading (20).
These often are referred to as the dorsal and palmar radioul496 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.7. Dorsal and palmar distal radioulnar
ligaments and the triangular fibrocartilage.
nar ligamentous margins, and the thin central portion as the
articular disc. The articular disc is chondroid fibrocartilage,
a type of tissue seen in structures that bear compression
loads (9,21). This central area occasionally is absent and
often so thin as to be translucent (22).
There is avascular, random criss-crossing of collagen
fibers in the central aspect of the TFC consistent with compression load bearing, in contrast to a highly organized and
well vascularized collagen arrangement in the peripheral
marginal ligaments of the TFC (21).
Ulnocarpal Ligaments
The ulnocarpal ligament is discussed here because of its
close anatomic proximity to the TFC (Fig. 9.8). The ulnocarpal ligament arises largely from the palmar margin of the
TFC, the palmar radioulnar ligament, and, in a limited
fashion, from the head of the ulna. It courses obliquely and
distally toward the lunate, triquetrum, and capitate. There
are three divisions of the ulnocarpal ligament, designated by
their distal bony insertions.
Ulnolunate Division. The ulnolunate ligament is essentially continuous with the short radiolunate ligament, forming a continuous palmar capsule between the TFCC and
the lunate.
Ulnotriquetral Division. Confluent with these fibers is
the ulnotriquetral ligament, connecting the TFC and the
palmar rim of the triquetrum. In 60% to 70% of normal
adults, a small orifice is found in the distal substance of the
ulnotriquetral ligament, which leads to a communication
between the radiocarpal and pisotriquetral joints. Just proximal and ulnar to the pisotriquetral orifice is the prestyloid
recess, which usually is lined by synovial villi and variably
communicates with the underlying ulnar styloid process.
Ulnocapitate Division. The ulnocapitate ligament arises
from the foveal and palmar region of the head of the ulna,
where it courses distally, palmar to the ulnolunate and
ulnotriquetral ligaments, and passes palmar to the head of
the capitate, where it interdigitates with fibers from the
radioscaphocapitate (RSC) ligament to form an arcuate ligament to the head of the capitate. A few fibers from the
ulnocapitate ligament insert to the capitate.
This structure often may be confused with the TFC (9). It
is found in a minority of wrists and, when present, lies in
the ulnocarpal joint. The meniscus is concave and has a
free margin similar to the knee meniscus (9). When fully
developed, it overlies the TFC–ulnocarpal ligament–styloid complex and extends from the dorsal aspect of the
TFC to the palmar and ulnar aspect of the triquetrum.
When the meniscus is more developed, it may contain an
ossicle (os lanula, 4%) that may be misdiagnosed as a styloid fracture (9).
Arterial Anatomy
The vascular supply of the DRUJ/TFCC is from the anterior interosseous and ulnar arteries (20) (Fig. 9.9). The
9 Wrist 497
FIGURE 9.8. The three divisions of the ulnocarpal
ligament: ulnotriquetral, ulnocapitate, and ulnolunate.
anterior interosseous divides into palmar and dorsal
branches proximal to the DRUJ. The dorsal branch supplies
most of the dorsal margin of the TFC and the palmar
branch the palmar margin near the radius. Dorsal and palmar branches of the ulnar artery supply the styloid and the
ulnar half of the palmar margin of the TFC. Terminal
branches of these vessels penetrate only the outer 15% to
20% of the TFC, thus leaving its central portion avascular
Ulnar Variance
The relative lengths of the radius and ulna at the DRUJ
may vary, and this has been referred to as Hulten’s variance
(24). Ulna zero indicates equal length of the radius and
ulna in the anteroposterior plane; ulna minus indicates
the ulna is 1 to 6 mm shorter than the radius; ulna plus
indicates that the ulna is 1 to 5 mm longer than the
radius. The importance of ulnar variance is that positive
ulnar variance may be associated with Kienböck’s disease
(25) and degenerative changes in the ulnolunate joint
Clinical Significance: Stabilizing Factors
of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
William H. Bowers has best described the stabilizing factors
of the DRUJ, so we quote his work directly (9):
The TFC and the ulnocarpal ligaments provide the heart of
the TFCC. Stability of the radioulnar-carpal unit is additionally influenced by the conformation of the sigmoid notch (12),
the interosseous membrane (9), the ER, the dynamic forces of
the ECU and the pronator quadratus (PQ), as well as the dorsal carpal ligament complex. The latter can be visualized as a
“star” centered over and blending with the dorsal peripheral
margin of the TFCC. The proximal and distal legs are the
ECU sheath extending from the ECU groove to the dorsal
base of the fifth metacarpal. The radial legs are the proximal
and distal radiotriquetral ligaments and the dorsal TCL. The
ulnar leg is a wide ligament band proceeding from the center
of the star around the ulnar aspect of the triquetrum distal to
the styloid and attaching to the pisotriquetral joint capsule.
I [Bowers] attach no functional or anatomical significance
to the oft-described “ulnar collateral ligaments” and “dorsal
and volar radioulnar ligaments,” except as terms used to
describe the dorsal and volar margins of the TFC. In my [Bowers] opinion there are no structures that deserve this designation and they probably represent figments of the imagination.
The DRUJ capsule is uniformly thin and cannot be construed to offer stability in the usual sense. Dorsally, the capsule
is minimally reinforced by the obliquely passing radiotriquetral capsular ligament. It offers no coverage to the ulnar head.
Spinner and Kaplan (26) have called attention to the importance of the ECU musculotendinous unit in stabilizing the
joint. The emphasis is warranted but should be shared by both
the rather strong sheath system through which it runs and the
strong volar ligament complex. Johnson and Shrewsbury (27)
have demonstrated that the dual structure of the PQ stabilizes
the radioulnar joint actively by maintaining coaptation of the
ulnar head in the notch in pronation and passively by viscoelastic forces in supination.
The ligaments of the wrist have been described in a number
of ways, leading to substantial confusion in the literature
regarding a variety of features of the carpal ligaments. Several general principles have been identified to help simplify
the ligamentous architecture of the wrist. No ligaments of
the wrist are truly extracapsular. Most can be anatomically
classified as capsular ligaments with collagen fascicles clearly
within the lamina of the joint capsule. The ligaments that
are not entirely capsular, such as the interosseous ligaments
between the bones in the carpal row, are intraarticular. This
implies that they are not ensheathed in part by a fibrous
capsular lamina. The wrist ligaments show consistent histologic features, which are to a degree ligament specific. Most
capsular ligaments are composed of longitudinally oriented
laminated collagen fascicles surrounded by loosely orga498 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.9. The vascular supply of the triangular fibrocartilage.
AIA, anterior interosseous artery.
nized perifascicular tissue, which in turn is surrounded by
the epiligamentous sheath. This sheath usually is composed
of the fibrous and synovial capsular lamina. The perifascicular tissue has numerous blood vessels and nerves aligned
longitudinally with the collagen fascicles. The function of
these nerves currently is not well understood. It has been
hypothesized that these nerves are an integral part of a proprioceptive network, following the principles of Hilton’s
law of segmental innervation. The palmar capsular ligaments are more numerous than the dorsal, forming almost
the entire palmar joint capsules of the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints. The palmar ligaments tend to converge
toward the midline as they travel distally, and have been
described as forming an apex-distal “V.” The interosseous
ligaments between the individual bones in a carpal row usually are short and transversely oriented, and with specific
exceptions, cover the dorsal and palmar joint margins. Specific ligament groups are briefly described in the following
sections, and are divided into capsular and interosseous
Palmar Radiocarpal Ligaments
The palmar radiocarpal ligaments arise from the palmar
margin of the distal radius and course distally and ulnarly
toward the scaphoid, lunate, and capitate (Fig. 9.10).
Although the course of the fibers can be defined from an
anterior view, the separate divisions of the palmar radiocarpal ligament are best appreciated from a dorsal view
through the radiocarpal joint. The palmar radiocarpal ligament can be divided into four distinct regions.
Radioscaphocapitate Ligament
Beginning radially, the RSC ligament originates from the
radial styloid process, forms the radial wall of the radiocarpal joint, attaches to the scaphoid waist and distal pole,
and passes palmar to the head of the capitate to interdigitate with fibers from the ulnocapitate ligament. Very few
fibers from the RSC ligament attach to the capitate.
Long Radiolunate Ligament
Just ulnar to the RSC ligament, the long radiolunate (LRL)
ligament arises to pass palmar to the proximal pole of the
scaphoid and the scapholunate interosseous ligament to
attach to the radial margin of the palmar horn of the lunate.
The interligamentous sulcus separates the RSC and LRL
ligaments throughout their courses. The LRL ligament has
been called the radiolunotriquetral ligament historically, but
the paucity of fibers continuing toward the triquetrum
across the palmar horn of the lunate renders this name misleading.
9 Wrist 499
FIGURE 9.10. Palmar radiocarpal ligaments: the
radioscaphocapitate, long and short radiolunate,
radioscapholunate, pisohamate, triquetrocapitate,
ulnocapitate, ulnotriquetral, and palmar radioulnar.
Radioscapholunate Ligament
Ulnar to the origin of the LRL ligament, the radioscapholunate “ligament” emerges into the radiocarpal joint space
through the palmar capsule and merges with the scapholunate interosseous ligament and the interfossal ridge of the
distal radius. This structure resembles more a “mesocapsule”
than a true ligament because it is composed of small-caliber
blood vessels and nerves from the radial artery and anterior
interosseous neurovascular bundle. Very little organized collagen is identified in this structure. The mechanical stabilizing effects of this structure have been shown to be minimal.
Short Radiolunate Ligament
The final palmar radiocarpal ligament, the short radiolunate ligament, arises as a flat sheet of fibers from the palmar
rim of the lunate fossa, just ulnar to the radioscapholunate
ligament. It courses immediately distally to attach to the
proximal and palmar margin of the lunate.
Dorsal Capsular Ligaments
The dorsal wrist capsule is reinforced by two well defined
ligaments (Fig. 9.11). Otherwise, it is composed of a highly
pliable joint capsule, which no doubt contributes to the
range of motion allowed by the wrist during palmar flexion.
The two ligaments are referred to as the dorsal radiocarpal
(DRC) and dorsal intercarpal ligaments.
Dorsal Radiocarpal Ligament
The DRC ligament arises from the dorsal rim of the radius,
essentially equally distributed on either side of Lister’s
tubercle. It courses obliquely distally and ulnarly toward the
triquetrum, to which it attaches on the dorsal cortex. There
are some deep attachments of the DRC ligament to the dorsal horn of the lunate. Loose connective and synovial tissue
forms the capsular margins proximal and distal to the DRC
ligament. It is sometimes called the dorsal radiotriquetral ligament.
Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament
The dorsal intercarpal ligament, originating from the dorsal
cortex of the triquetrum, crosses the mid-carpal joint
obliquely to attach to the scaphoid, trapezoid, and capitate.
The attachment of the dorsal intercarpal ligament to the triquetrum is confluent with the triquetral attachment of the
DRC ligament. In addition, a proximal thickened region of
the joint capsule, roughly parallel to the DRC ligament,
extends from the waist of the scaphoid across the distal margin of the dorsal horn of the lunate to the triquetrum. This
band, called the dorsal scaphotriquetral ligament, forms a
“labrum” that encases the head of the capitate, analogous to
the RSC and ulnocapitate ligaments palmarly.
500 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.11. Dorsal radiocarpal ligaments: dorsal intercarpal, dorsal scaphotriquetral, and dorsoradiocarpal
Ulnocarpal Ligaments
[Note: The ulnocarpal ligaments also are discussed earlier in
the section on the TFCC (under the main Distal Radioulnar Joint section; see Fig. 9.8)].
The ulnocarpal ligament arises largely from the palmar
margin of the TFCC, the palmar radioulnar ligament, and
in a limited fashion from the head of the ulna. It courses
obliquely distally toward the lunate, triquetrum, and capitate. There are three divisions of the ulnocarpal ligament,
designated by their distal bony insertions.
Ulnolunate Ligament
The ulnolunate ligament is essentially continuous with the
short radiolunate ligament, forming a continuous palmar
capsule between the TFCC and the lunate.
Ulnotriquetral Ligament
Confluent with these fibers is the ulnotriquetral ligament,
connecting the TFCC and the palmar rim of the triquetrum. In 60% to 70% of normal adults, a small orifice
is found in the distal substance of the ulnotriquetral ligament that leads to a communication between the radiocarpal and pisotriquetral joints. Just proximal and ulnar to
the pisotriquetral orifice is the prestyloid recess, which usually is lined by synovial villi and variably communicates
with the underlying ulnar styloid process.
Ulnocapitate Ligament
The ulnocapitate ligament arises from the foveal and palmar region of the head of the ulna, where it courses distally,
palmar to the ulnolunate and ulnotriquetral ligaments, and
passes palmar to the head of the capitate, where it interdigitates with fibers from the RSC ligament to form an arcuate
ligament to the head of the capitate. A few fibers from the
ulnocapitate ligament insert to the capitate.
Mid-Carpal Ligaments
The mid-carpal ligaments on the palmar surface of the carpus are true capsular ligaments, and as a rule are short and
stout, connecting bones across a single joint space (Fig.
9 Wrist 501
FIGURE 9.12. Palmar mid-carpal and proximal and distal row interosseous ligaments. Mid-carpal
interosseous: STT, scaphotrapezium-trapezoid; SC, scaphocapitate; TC, triquetrocapitate; TH, triquetrohamate. Proximal row interosseous: SL, scapholunate; LT, lunotriquetral. Distal row
interosseous: TT, trapeziotrapezoid; TC, trapeziocapitate; CH, capitohamate.
Scaphotrapezium-Trapezoid Ligament
Beginning radially, the STT ligament forms the palmar capsule of the STT joint, connecting the distal pole of the
scaphoid with the palmar surfaces of the trapezium and
trapezoid. Although no clear divisions are noted, it forms an
apex-proximal “V” shape.
Scaphocapitate Ligament
The scaphocapitate ligament is a thick ligament interposed
between the STT and RSC ligaments, coursing from the
palmar surface of the waist of the scaphoid to the palmar
surface of the body of the capitate. There are no formal connections between the lunate and capitate, although the
arcuate ligament (formed by the RSC and ulnocapitate ligaments) has weak attachments to the palmar horn of the
Triquetrocapitate Ligament
The triquetrocapitate ligament is analogous to the scaphocapitate ligament. It is a thick ligament, passing from the
palmar and distal margin of the triquetrum to the palmar
surface of the body of the capitate.
Triquetrohamate Ligament
Immediately adjacent to the triquetrocapitate ligament, the
triquetrohamate ligament forms the ulnar wall of the midcarpal joint, and is augmented ulnarly by fibers from the
Proximal Row Interosseous Ligaments
The scapholunate and lunotriquetral interosseous ligaments
form the interconnections between the bones of the proximal carpal row and share several anatomic features (see Fig.
9.12). Each forms a barrier between the radiocarpal and
mid-carpal joints, connecting the dorsal, proximal, and palmar edges of the respective joint surfaces. This leaves the
distal edges of the joints without ligamentous coverage.
Scapholunate Interosseous Ligament
The dorsal region of the scapholunate ligament is relatively
thick and composed of transversely oriented collagen fibers.
It merges distally with the scaphotriquetral band of the dorsal intercarpal ligament, and proximally with the fibrocartilaginous membrane of the scapholunate ligament. The
fibrocartilaginous membrane forms the proximal region of
the scapholunate ligament. It often is wedge shaped in
cross-section, extending into the scapholunate joint cleft
much as a meniscus. Palmarly, the radioscapholunate ligament interrupts the continuity of the scapholunate ligament, again with vascular villi extending into the palmar
aspect of the scapholunate joint cleft. The palmar region of
the scapholunate ligament is quite thin and obliquely oriented in the transverse plane, from the relatively dorsal palmar edge of the scaphoid to the more palmar anterior edge
of the lunate. It is completely separate from the dorsal surface of the LRL ligament.
Lunotriquetral Interosseous Ligament
The dorsal region of the lunotriquetral interosseous ligament is quite thin, transversely oriented, and superficially
integrated with the overlying dorsal radiocarpal ligament.
The proximal region is composed of fibrocartilage, similar
to the proximal region of the scapholunate interosseous ligament. Palmarly, the lunotriquetral ligament is quite thick
and interdigitates with the longitudinally oriented fibers of
the ulnocapitate ligament.
Distal Row Interosseous Ligaments
The bones of the distal carpal row are rigidly connected by
a complex system of interosseous ligaments (see Fig. 9.12).
As is discussed in the following sections, these ligaments are
largely responsible for transforming the four distal row
bones into a single kinematic unit. The trapeziotrapezoid,
trapeziocapitate, and capitohamate joints each are bridged
by palmar and dorsal interosseous ligaments. These ligaments are composed of transversely oriented collagen fascicles and are covered superficially by the fibrous capsular
lamina, also composed of transversely oriented fibers. This
lamina gives the appearance of a continuous sheet of fibers
spanning the entire palmar and dorsal surface of the distal
Trapeziotrapezoid Interosseous Ligament
The trapeziotrapezoid ligament is composed of parallel dorsal and palmar sheets, spanning from the dorsal and palmar
cortices of each respective bone.
Trapeziocapitate Interosseous Ligament
The trapeziocapitate ligament is similar to the trapeziotrapezoid ligament; however, the trapeziocapitate has an
additional component called the “deep” trapeziocapitate ligaments. This ligament is entirely intraarticular, spanning
the respective joint spaces between voids in the articular
surfaces. It is a true ligament, with dense, colinear collagen
fascicles, but also is heavily invested with nerve fibers. The
deep trapeziocapitate ligament is located midway between
the palmar and dorsal limits of the joint, obliquely oriented
from palmar-ulnar to dorsoradial, and measures approximately 3 mm in diameter. The respective attachment sites
of the trapezoid and capitate are angulated in the transverse
502 Regional Anatomy
plane to accommodate the orthogonal insertion of the ligament.
Capitohamate Interosseous Ligament
The dorsal and palmar bands of the capitohamate
interosseous ligament are similar to those of the other distal
row interosseous ligaments. As with the trapeziocapitate
interosseous ligament, there is a “deep” component to the
capitohamate interosseous ligament. The deep capitohamate interosseous ligament is found transversely oriented at
the palmar and distal corner of the joint. It traverses the
joint from quadrangular voids in the articular surfaces and
measures approximately 5 × 5 mm in cross-sectional area.
Flexor Retinaculum
Based on the observations of Cobb and associates, the
restraining or retinacular structure on the palmar aspect of
the wrist is most appropriately called the flexor retinaculum.
They noted, however, that others have considered the TCL
and FR to be synonymous (28). Cobb and associates identified three distinct and continuous segments that extended
from the distal part of the radius to the distal aspect of the
base of the long finger metacarpal. The proximal portion of
the FR is continuous with the deep investing forearm fascia
that lies deep to the antebrachial fascia. The TCL represents
the central portion of the FR and is defined by its bony
attachments ulnarly to the pisiform and hook process of the
hamate, and radially to the tuberosity of the scaphoid and
ridge of the trapezium, and serves as the roof of the carpal
canal. The distal portion of the FR is composed of an
aponeurosis between the thenar and hypothenar muscles.
Anatomic Layers/Divisions
Two separate layers of fascia are present over the palmar
aspect of the carpal canal. The more superficial layer is the
thickened antebrachial fascia proximally and the palmar fascia distally. The deeper layer, the FR, has three continuous
portions. The most proximal is represented by a thickening
in the deep investing fascia of the forearm. The central portion is the TCL and the distal portion is formed by an
aponeurosis between the thenar and hypothenar eminences
(Fig. 9.13). Anteriorly, the proximal portion of the FR is
inseparable from the thickened antebrachial fascia. On the
ulnar and radial aspects, these two layers become separated.
The antebrachial fascia is more superficial and encloses the
FCR, FCU, and the ulnar neurovascular bundle. The deep
investing fascia encloses only the contents of the carpal
canal (28).
Dimensions of the Transverse Carpal Ligament
Portion of the Flexor Retinaculum
Based on the study of Cobb et al., the TCL portion of the
FR begins an average of 11 mm distal to the capitate-lunate
joint and extends an average of 10 mm distal to the car9 Wrist 503
FIGURE 9.13. The flexor retinaculum.
pometacarpal joint of the long finger. The mean width of
the carpal tunnel was 25 ± 1.2 mm proximally, 20 ± 1.2
mm at the hook of the hamate, and 25 ± 1.5 mm at its distal extent. The thickness of the TCL ranged from 0.8 to 2.5
mm, with a mean of 1.52 mm (28).
The fibers of the FR demonstrated large numbers of transversely oriented collagen fibers and an overall thickness
approximately 10 times the thickness of the antebrachial
fascia. In contrast, the fibers of the antebrachial fascia were
oriented longitudinally.
Clinical Significance
Anatomically, there are two areas in the carpal canal where
median nerve compression may occur. The first is at the
level of the proximal edge of the TCL, where compression
is produced by acute flexion of the wrist. The comparative
thickness of the TCL relative to the adjacent fascia results in
impingement on the nerve. This configuration offers one
explanation for a positive Phalen’s test (wrist flexion test) in
carpal tunnel syndrome. The second area of potential compression is at the level of the hook of the hamate, where the
canal is narrowest in both palmar-dorsal and ulnar-radial
planes. This second site of potential compression corresponds to the authors’ clinical observation of the location of
the hourglass deformity in the median nerve seen at carpal
tunnel release in long-standing cases of carpal tunnel syndrome. The site of maximum indentation of the median
nerve is adjacent to the hook process of the hamate.
Carpal Canal
This fibroosseous canal is bounded ulnarly by the hook
process of the hamate, the triquetrum, and the pisiform,
and radially by the scaphoid, trapezium, and the fascial elements over the FCR tendon. The floor is formed by the
underlying portions of the scaphoid, lunate, capitate,
hamate, and trapezoid; the roof is formed by the FR (Fig.
The contents of the carpal canal are the four tendons of the
flexor digitorum profundus, the four tendons of the flexor
digitorum superficialis (FDS), the FPL tendon, and the
median nerve. The FPL tendon is the most radial of the
flexors and the median nerve is the most palmar structure
in the canal. The finger flexor tendons in the carpal canal
are covered by a common sheath and the FPL by its own
synovial sheath. These synovial sheaths begin approximately
2.5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the FR. Details of
the synovial tissues in the wrist and palm are presented in
Chapter 10.
The Carpal Canal as a Compartment
Although the carpal tunnel, as its name implies, is open
proximally and distally, it may act like a physiologic compartment and has its own distinct compartment pressure
levels (29–31). Cobb and associates studied the pressure
dynamics of the carpal tunnel and flexor compartment of
the forearm and found that it functions as a relatively closed
compartment with respect to transfer of pressure from the
flexor compartment of the forearm under conditions that
mimic elevated tissue pressure (32).
Clinical Significance of the Carpal Tunnel as a
Physiologic Compartment
When carpal canal pressure rises above a critical threshold
level, capillary blood flow is reduced below the level
required for median nerve viability and irreparable nerve
damage is likely to result (33).
Extensor Retinaculum
The wrist, thumb, and finger extensors gain entrance to the
hand beneath the ER through a series of six tunnels, five
fibroosseous and one fibrous [the fifth dorsal compartment,
which contains the extensor digiti minimi (EDM)] (34)
(Fig. 9.15). The ER is a wide, fibrous band that prevents
504 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.14. The carpal tunnel.
bowstringing of the tendons across the wrist joint. Its average width is 4.9 cm (range, 2.9 to 8.4 cm) as measured over
the fourth compartment (34). At this level, the extensor
tendons are covered with synovial sheath. The ER consists
of two layers: the supratendinous and the infratendinous.
The infratendinous layer is limited to an area deep to the
ulnar three compartments. The six dorsal compartments are
separated by septa that arise from the supratendinous retinaculum and insert onto the radius (35). Three distinct layers have been identified: (a) an inner gliding layer with high
hyaluronic acid–secreting cells with isolated areas of chondroid metaplasia; (b) a thick middle layer with collagen
bundles oriented in various directions, fibroblasts, and
elastin fibers; and (c) an outer layer of loose connective tissue with vascular channels. This is the same histologic
arrangement seen in anatomic pulleys throughout the body
that provides a smooth gliding surface with mechanical
strength (36).
The basic function of the ER is to avoid bowstringing of the
extensor tendons; this explains the presence of chondroid
metaplasia, which is an adaptation in response to friction
and the dorsal forces produced by extensor tendon action.
The ER has been found to be a useful tissue for flexor tendon pulley reconstruction because of its histologic similarity to the native pulley in the fingers (37).
Tendon Anatomy
The tendons that cross the wrist can be divided into two
major groups: those that are responsible primarily for mov9 Wrist 505
FIGURE 9.15. The six compartments of the extensor retinaculum.
ing the wrist and those that cross the wrist in their path to
the digits. Both groups impart some movement to the wrist,
but obviously those that are primary wrist motors have a
more substantial influence on motion of the wrist. The five
primary wrist motors can be grouped as either radial or
ulnar deviators and as either flexors or extensors.
The ECRL and ECRB muscles are bipennate and originate from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus from a
common tendon. Over the distal radius epiphysis, they are
found in the second extensor compartment, from which
they emerge to insert into the radial cortices of the bases of
the second and third metacarpals, respectively. The ECRL
imparts a greater moment for radial deviation than the
ECRB, whereas the opposite relationship is found for wrist
extension. Both the ECRL and the ECRB muscles are
innervated by the radial nerve.
The ECU muscle is bipennate, originates largely from
the proximal ulna, and passes through the sixth extensor
compartment. In the sixth extensor compartment, the ECU
tendon is contained in a fibroosseous tunnel between the
ulnar head and the ulnar styloid process. Distal to the ER,
the ECU tendon inserts into the ulnar aspect of the base of
the fifth metacarpal. The ECU muscle is innervated by the
radial nerve.
The FCR muscle is bipennate and originates from the
proximal radius and the interosseous membrane. The tendon of FCR enters a fibroosseous tunnel formed by the distal pole of the scaphoid and the “beak” of the trapezium,
and then angles dorsally to insert into the base of the second metacarpal. This fibroosseous tunnel is separate from
the carpal tunnel. The FCR muscle is innervated by the
median nerve.
The FCU muscle is unipennate and originates from the
medial epicondyle of the humerus and the proximal ulna. It
is not constrained by a fibroosseous tunnel, in contradistinction to the other primary wrist motors. It inserts into
the pisiform and ultimately continues as the pisohamate ligament. The FCU muscle is innervated by the ulnar nerve.
Vascular Anatomy of the Carpus
There are three dorsal and three palmar carpal arches from
the radial, ulnar, and anterior interosseous arteries. These
arches are named (proximal to distal) the radiocarpal, intercarpal, and basal metacarpal transverse arches (38). Anastomoses often are found between the arches, the radial and
ulnar arteries, and the interosseous artery system. All carpal
bones, with the exception of the pisiform, receive their
blood supply through dorsal and palmar entry sites, and
usually through more than one nutrient artery. Usually, a
number of small-caliber penetrating vessels are found in
addition to the major nutrient vessels. Intraosseous anastomoses can be found in three basic patterns. First, a direct
anastomosis can occur between two large-diameter vessels
in the bone. Second, anastomotic arcades may form with
similar-sized vessels, often entering the bone from different
areas. A final pattern, although rare, has been identified
where a diffuse arterial network virtually fills the bone.
Although the intraosseous vascular patterns of each carpal
bone have been defined in detail, studies of the lunate, capitate, and scaphoid are particularly important because of
their predilection to the development of clinically important avascular problems.
Extraosseous Vascular Patterns
The extraosseous vascularity of the carpus is from a series of
three dorsal and palmar transverse arches formed by the
radial, ulnar, and anterior interosseous arteries (38).
Dorsal Carpal Vascularity
The vascularity to the dorsal carpus is from three dorsal
transverse arches: the radiocarpal, the intercarpal, and the
basal metacarpal transverse arches (38,39) (Fig. 9.16). The
presence of each arch is variable. These arches are approximately 1 mm in diameter and their branches are less than 1
mm (40).
Radiocarpal Arch. The dorsal radiocarpal arch is the most
proximal and is present 80% of the time (38). It is located
at the level of the radiocarpal joint and lies deep to the
extensor tendons. This arch provides the main nutrient vessels to the lunate and triquetrum. This arch usually is
formed by branches from the radial and ulnar arteries and
the dorsal branch of the anterior interosseous artery. Occasionally, the radial and ulnar arteries supply the dorsal
radiocarpal arch alone, or it is supplied by the radial and
anterior interior osseous arteries (38).
Intercarpal Arch. The dorsal intercarpal arch is the largest
of the dorsal transverse arches and is consistently present
(38). It runs transversely across the carpus between the
proximal and distal carpal rows and supplies the distal
carpal row, as well as joining the radiocarpal arch to supply
the lunate and triquetrum. This arch is supplied by the
radial, ulnar, and anterior interosseous arteries 53% of the
time, by the radial and ulnar arteries alone in 20%, and by
the ulnar and anterior interosseous arteries in 7% (38).
Basal Metacarpal Arch. This is the most distal of the dorsal transverse arches and is located at the base of the
metacarpal just distal to the carpometacarpal joints. It is the
smallest of the dorsal arches and is represented by a series of
vascular retia; its presence is the most variable and is complete in 27%, absent in 27%, and present in its radial aspect
alone in 46% (38). This arch is supplied by perforating
arteries from the second through fourth interosseous spaces
and contributes to the vascularity of the distal carpal row
506 Regional Anatomy
through anastomoses with the intercarpal arch. The dorsal
arches are connected centrally by the dorsal branch of the
interosseous artery and radially and ulnarly by the radial
and ulnar arteries.
Palmar Carpal Vascularity
Like its dorsal counterpart, the palmar carpal vascularity is
formed by three transverse arches: the palmar radiocarpal,
the palmar intercarpal, and the deep palmar arch (38) (Fig.
Palmar Radiocarpal Arch. This arch is the most proximal; it courses transversely 5 to 8 mm proximal to the
radiocarpal joint at the level of the distal metaphysis of the
radius and ulna and lies in the wrist capsule. It is consistently present and is formed by branches of the radial, anterior interosseous, and ulnar arteries in 87% of specimens,
and by the radial and ulnar arteries alone in 13%. This arch
supplies the palmar surface of the lunate and triquetrum
Palmar Intercarpal Arch. This arch, located between the
proximal and distal carpal rows, is the most variable in
occurrence and is present 53% of the time. It is formed by
branches of the radial, ulnar, and anterior interosseous
arteries in 75% of specimens and by the radial and ulnar
arteries alone in 25%. This small arch is not a major source
of vessels to the carpus (38).
9 Wrist 507
FIGURE 9.16. Schematic drawing of the arterial supply of the dorsal wrist. (After Gelberman RH,
Panagis JS, Taleisnik J, et al. The arterial anatomy of the human carpus. Part I: the extraosseous
vascularity. J Hand Surg [Am] 8:367–375, 1983, with permission.)
Deep Palmar Arch. This most distal palmar arch is
located 5 to 10 mm distal to the palmar carpometacarpal
joints. It is consistently present and contributes to the
radial and ulnar recurrent arteries, as well as sending perforating branches to the dorsal basal metacarpal arch and
to the palmar metacarpal arteries (41). These three palmar
arches are connected longitudinally by the radial, ulnar,
anterior interosseous, and deep palmar recurrent arteries
Specific Vessels
The five major arteries that supply the carpus are the radial,
ulnar, anterior interosseous, deep palmar arch, and the
accessory ulnar recurrent (40). These arteries are discussed
separately as they relate to the vascularity of the carpus.
Radial Artery
The radial artery is the most consistent artery that supplies
the carpus. It has seven major branches, including three dor508 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.17. Schematic drawing of the arterial supply of the palmar wrist. (After Gelberman
RH, Panagis JS, Taleisnik J, et al. The arterial anatomy of the human carpus. Part I: the
extraosseous vascularity. J Hand Surg [Am] 8:367–375, 1983, with permission.)
sal, three palmar, and a terminal branch that continues distally (40) (Fig. 9.18). The most proximal branch is the
superficial palmar artery, which leaves the main stem of the
radial artery 5 to 8 mm proximal to the tip of the radial styloid, passes between the FCR and brachioradialis, and continues distally to contribute to the superficial palmar arch.
The second branch, which contributes to the palmar radiocarpal arch, leaves the radial artery approximately 5 mm distal to the superficial palmar artery and courses toward the
ulna. A third branch originates at the level of the radiocarpal
joint and courses dorsally and ulnarly to penetrate the radiocarpal ligament deep to the extensor tendons. This branch
supplies the dorsal radiocarpal arch. The fourth branch arises
palmarly at the level of the scaphotrapezial joint and supplies
the tubercle of the scaphoid, the trapezium, and the
radiopalmar surface of the trapezium. It then anastomoses
with the superficial palmar artery. This vessel is absent in
25% of specimens; in 25% it anastomoses with a branch of
the superficial palmar artery before entering the scaphoid
tubercle (38). The fifth branch of the radial artery, the
branch to the dorsal ridge of the scaphoid, originates directly
from the radial artery in 75% of specimens and from the
radiocarpal or intercarpal arch in 25%. It courses in an ulnar
retrograde fashion to supply the scaphoid. The sixth branch
leaves the radial artery 5 mm distal to the branch to the
scaphoid and contributes to the dorsal intercarpal arch. This
arch courses ulnarly across the trapezoid and the distal onehalf of the capitate and then branches and anastomoses with
the dorsal branch of the anterior interosseous artery and the
dorsal branches of the ulnar artery. The last branch of the
radial artery originates at the level of the trapezium and
courses distally to supply the trapezium and the lateral
aspect of the thumb metacarpal (38).
Ulnar Artery
At the level of the carpus, the ulnar artery gives off a latticework of fine vessels that span the dorsal and palmar
aspects of the medial carpus (see Figs. 9.16 and 9.17). Proximal to the end of the ulna, there are three branches: a
branch to the dorsal radiocarpal arch, one to the palmar
radiocarpal arch, and one to the proximal pole of the pisiform and to the palmar aspect of the triquetrum. Several
small branches supply the lateral aspect of the pisiform, and
one branch joins the palmar intercarpal arch. Distally, a
branch supplies the distal pisiform and the medial hamate
and continues dorsally between the pisohamate and
pisometacarpal ligaments to contribute to the dorsal intercarpal arch. At the mid-carpal joint level, the medial branch
of the ulnar artery contributes to the intercarpal arch (see
Fig. 9.16). Distally, at the level of the metacarpal bases, the
basal metacarpal arch receives its contribution from the
medial branch of the ulnar artery. The medial branch of the
ulnar artery then continues distally toward the base of the
fifth metacarpal. A distal branch of the ulnar artery arises
proximal to the origin of the superficial palmar arch and
continues dorsally to supply the basal metacarpal arch. A
deep palmar branch is given off distally that contributes to
the deep palmar arch. The ulnar artery continues distally
and radially to contribute to the superficial arch.
Anterior Interosseous Artery
At the proximal border of the PQ muscle, the anterior
interosseous artery bifurcates into dorsal and palmar
branches. The dorsal branch continues distally on the
interosseous membrane to the carpus, where it supplies the
dorsal radiocarpal arch in 89% of specimens (38). Small
branches extend radially to supply the lunate and anasto9 Wrist 509
FIGURE 9.18. Schematic drawing of the arterial supply of the radial aspect of the wrist. (After
Gelberman RH, Panagis JS, Taleisnik J, et al. The arterial anatomy of the human carpus. Part I: the
extraosseous vascularity. J Hand Surg [Am] 8:367–375, 1983, with permission.)
mose with several small radial artery branches supplying the
dorsal ridge of the scaphoid. The dorsal branch of the anterior interosseous artery bifurcates at the intercarpal level,
each branch contributing to the intercarpal arch in 83% of
specimens (38). The dorsal branch of the interosseous
artery ends by anastomosing with recurrent vessels from the
basal metacarpal arch at the third and fourth interosseous
spaces in 70% of the specimens (38). The palmar branch of
the anterior interosseous artery continues deep to the PQ
and bifurcates 5 to 8 mm proximal to the radiocarpal arch.
It usually contributes at least one branch to the palmar
radiocarpal arch to supply the ulnar aspect of the lunate and
triquetrum, and then ends by anastomosing with recurrent
vessels from the deep palmar arch (41).
Deep Palmar Arch
The deep palmar arch provides the primary arterial supply
to the distal carpal row by means of two branches, the radial
and ulnar recurrent arteries (see Fig. 9.17). These branches
run in a distal-to-proximal direction and are consistently
present (38). The radial recurrent artery is slightly smaller,
originates from the arch just lateral to the base of the index
metacarpal, and courses proximally to bifurcate on the palmar aspect of the trapezoid. It anastomoses with the ulnar
recurrent artery in 45% of the specimens. The ulnar recurrent artery originates from the deep arch between the bases
of the third and fourth metacarpals. It courses proximally in
the ligamentous groove between the capitate and the
hamate, supplying both bones. It anastomoses with the terminal portion of the anterior interosseous artery in 80% of
the specimens (41).
Accessory Ulnar Recurrent Artery
In 27% of specimens, an ulnar recurrent artery is present
that originates from the deep arch 5 to 10 mm medial to the
ulnar recurrent artery and supplies the medial aspect of the
hook process of the hamate. When this vessel is absent, the
medial aspect of the hamate is supplied by direct branches
from the ulnar artery (38).
Posterior Interosseous Artery
The posterior interosseous artery does not reach the carpus
and thus does not contribute to the vascularity of the carpus (38). The contributions of the major arteries and arches
to the vascularity of the carpus are shown in Figures 9.19
and 9.20.
Intraosseous Vascular Patterns
Vascularity of the Scaphoid
The scaphoid receives most of its blood supply from the
radial artery by means of vessels that enter in limited areas
dorsally and palmarly that are nonarticular areas of ligamentous attachment (42). The dorsal vascular supply
accounts for 70% to 80% of the internal vascularity of the
bone, all in the proximal region (42). On the dorsum of the
510 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.19. Schematic drawing of the dorsal wrist showing the various arterial contributions to the carpal bones.
(After Gelberman RH, Panagis JS, Taleisnik J, et al. The arterial anatomy of the human carpus. Part I: the extraosseous
vascularity. J Hand Surg [Am] 8:367–375, 1983, with permission.)
scaphoid, there is an oblique ridge that lies between the
articular surfaces of the trapezium and trapezoid, and the
major dorsal vessels enter the scaphoid through small
foramina located on this ridge (42). The dorsal ridge is in
the region of the scaphoid waist. At the level of the intercarpal joint, the radial artery gives off the intercarpal artery,
which immediately divides into two branches. One branch
courses transversely to the dorsum of the wrist and the
other courses vertically and distally over the index
metacarpal. Approximately 5 mm proximal to the origin of
the intercarpal vessel, at the level of the styloid process of
the radius, another vessel is given off that runs over the
radiocarpal ligament to enter the scaphoid through its waist
along the dorsal ridge. In 70% of specimens, the dorsal vessel arises directly from the radial artery. In 23%, the dorsal
branch has its origin from the common stem of the intercarpal artery. In 7%, the scaphoid receives its dorsal blood
supply directly from the branches of the intercarpal artery
and the radial artery. There are consistent major communications between the dorsal scaphoid branch of the radial
artery and the dorsal branch of the anterior interosseous
artery in each specimen. No vessels enter the proximal dorsal region of the scaphoid through the dorsal scapholunate
ligament, and no vessels enter through dorsal cartilaginous
areas (42). Although the dorsal vessels usually enter the
scaphoid through foramina located on the dorsal ridge at
the level of the scaphoid waist, in a few specimens the vessels entered just proximal or distal to the waist. The dorsal
vessels usually divide into two or three branches soon after
entering the scaphoid, and these branches run palmarly and
proximally, dividing into smaller branches to supply the
proximal pole as far as the subchondral region. The palmar
vascular supply accounts for 20% to 30% of the internal
vascularity, all in the region of the distal pole (42). At the
level of the radioscaphoid joint, the radial artery gives off
the superficial palmar branch, and just distal to the origin
of the superficial branch, several smaller branches course
obliquely and distally over the palmar aspect of the
scaphoid to enter the region of the tubercle (39,42). These
branches, called the palmar scaphoid branches, divide into
several smaller branches just before entering the bone. In
75% of the specimens, these arteries arise directly from the
radial artery (42). In the remainder of the specimens, they
arise from the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery.
Consistent anastomoses exist between the palmar division
and the anterior interosseous artery and the palmar
scaphoid branch of the radial artery, when the latter arises
from the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery.
9 Wrist 511
FIGURE 9.20. Schematic drawing of the palmar aspect of the wrist showing the various arterial
contributions to the carpal bones. (After Gelberman RH, Panagis JS, Taleisnik J, et al. The arterial
anatomy of the human carpus. Part I: the extraosseous vascularity. J Hand Surg [Am] 8:367–375,
1983, with permission.)
There are no apparent communicating branches between
the ulnar artery and the palmar branches of the radial artery
that supply the scaphoid. Vessels in the scapholunate ligament do not penetrate the scaphoid. The palmar vessels
enter the tubercle and divide into several smaller branches
to supply 20% to 30% of the scaphoid. There are no apparent anastomoses between the palmar and dorsal vessels (39).
Vascularity of the Lunate
The lunate receives its blood supply from either palmar and
dorsal sources or from the palmar aspect alone. In 80% of
specimens, the lunate receives nutrient vessels from palmar
and dorsal aspects. In 20% of the specimens, it receives
nutrient vessels from the palmar surface alone (42). Besides
these relatively small dorsal and palmar surfaces, the lunate
is covered by articular cartilage, and no other vessels enter
the bone. The vessels entering the dorsal surface are from
branches from the dorsal radiocarpal arch, the dorsal intercarpal arch, and occasionally from smaller branches of the
dorsal branch of the anterior interosseous artery (42–44).
On the palmar aspect, the lunate nutrient vessels are supplied by the palmar intercarpal arch, the palmar radiocarpal
arch, communicating branches from the anterior
interosseous artery, and the ulnar recurrent artery. The vessels that enter the lunate dorsally are slightly smaller than
those entering palmarly. Major vessels branch proximally
and distally after entering the bone and end in the subchondral bone. The dorsal and palmar vessels anastomose
intraosseously just distal to the mid-portion of the lunate.
The proximal pole has relatively less vascularity. There are
three major intraosseous patterns of vascularity that occur
in the lunate (43) (Fig. 9.21).
These patterns are formed in the shape of the letters “Y,”
“X,” or “I.” The “Y” pattern is the most common, with an
incidence of 59%. The stem of the “Y” may occur dorsally
or palmarly with equal frequency. The “I” pattern occurs in
approximately 30% of specimens and consists of one dorsal
and one palmar vessel that anastomose in a straight line to
form an “I”-shaped pattern. The “X” pattern occurs in 10%
of specimens and consists of two dorsal and two palmar vessels that anastomose in the center of the lunate to form the
“X”-shaped pattern (41,43,44). In 20% of specimens studied, one palmar supply was present and consisted of one
large vessel that entered on the palmar surface of the lunate
and branched in the lunate to provide the only blood supply (41,43,44).
Vascularity of the Triquetrum
The triquetrum receives its blood supply from branches
from the ulnar artery, and the dorsal and palmar intercarpal
arches. Nutrient vessels enter through the intercarpal arch
as on its dorsal and palmar nonarticular surfaces. The dorsal surface of the triquetrum is rough for attachment of
associated carpal ligaments, and this dorsal surface contains
a ridge that runs from ulnar to radial. Two to four vessels
enter this dorsal ridge and radiate in multiple directions to
supply the dorsal 60% of the bone. This network is the predominant blood supply of the triquetrum as observed in
60% of the specimens (41,44). The palmar surface contains
an oval facet that articulates with the pisiform. One or two
vessels enter proximal and distal to the facet. The vessels
have multiple anastomoses with each other and supply the
palmar 40% of the triquetrum. This palmar vascular network is predominant in 20% of specimens, and significant
anastomoses have been identified between the dorsal and
palmar networks in 86% of specimens (4).
Vascularity of the Pisiform
The pisiform receives its blood supply through the proximal
and distal poles from branches of the ulnar artery. The proximal blood supply enters in the area where the FCU
attaches to the pisiform. One to three vessels enter the bone
inferior to the triquetral facet and divide into multiple
branches. Two superior branches run parallel beneath the
articular surface of the facet. One or two branches run
along the palmar cortex and anastomose with the superior
512 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.21. Patterns of interosseous blood supply to the carpal lunate.
branches (44). The distal vascular supply includes one to
three vessels that enter inferior to the articular facets and
divide into superior and inferior branches that run parallel
to the palmar cortex. These distally entering vessels anastomose with the proximal vessels. The superior vessels run
deep to the articular facet and communicate with the proximal superior vessels, forming an articular ring deep to the
facet. There are multiple anastomoses between the proximal
and distal vascular networks.
Vascularity of the Hamate
The hamate has three main sources of supply: the dorsal
intercarpal arch, the ulnar recurrent artery, and the ulnar
artery. The vessels enter through the three nonarticular surfaces of the hamate, including the dorsal surface, the palmar
surface, and the ulnar aspect through the hook process of
the hamate. The dorsal surface is triangular and receives
three to five vessels that branch in several directions to supply the dorsal 30% to 40% of the hamate (41,44). The palmar surface also is triangular and usually receives one large
vessel that enters through the radial base of the hook
process of the hamate. It then branches and anastomoses
with the dorsal vessels in 50% of the specimens (41,44).
The hook process of the hamate receives one or two small
vessels that enter through the ulnar base and tip of the
hook. These vessels anastomose with each other but usually
not with the vessels to the body of the hamate.
Vascularity of the Capitate
The capitate receives its blood supply from dorsal and palmar sources. The main vascularity arises from vessels from
the dorsal intercarpal and dorsal basal metacarpal arches
and from significant anastomoses between the ulnar recurrent and palmar intercarpal arches. The vessels that enter
the capitate do so through the two nonarticular surfaces on
the dorsal and palmar surfaces. This dorsal surface is relatively wide and contains a deeply concave portion where
two to four vessels enter its distal two-thirds. Smaller vessels
occasionally enter more proximally near the neck. The dorsal vessels course palmarly, proximally, and ulnarly in a retrograde fashion to supply the body and head of the capitate.
This dorsal supply continues palmarly and proximally,
eventually to reach the convex, rough palmar surface. Terminal vessels reach the proximal palmar head and terminate
just deep to the articular surface (41,44). The palmar vascular contribution is through one to three vessels that enter
on the distal one-half of the capitate and course proximally
in a retrograde fashion. In 33% of the specimens, the vessels to the capitate head originate entirely from the palmar
surface. There are notable anastomoses between the dorsal
and palmar vessels in 30% of the specimens (41,44).
Vascularity of the Trapezoid
This bone is supplied by branches from the dorsal intercarpal arch, the basal metacarpal arch, and the radial recurrent artery that enter the trapezoid through its two nonarticular parts on the dorsal and palmar surfaces. The main
blood supply of this bone is dorsal, by means of three to
four small vessels that enter the rough dorsal surface in the
central aspect. These vessels supply the dorsal 70% of the
trapezoid (44). The palmar blood supply is by means of one
to two small vessels that enter the central portion and
branch after entering to supply the remaining 30% of the
trapezoid. No anastomoses are present between the palmar
and dorsal vessels.
Vascularity of the Trapezium
This bone is supplied by vessels from distal branches of the
radial artery that enter the trapezium through its three
nonarticular surfaces. These nonarticular surfaces are dorsal, palmar, and lateral. Dorsally, one to three vessels enter
and divide to supply the entire dorsal aspect of the bone.
Palmarly, one to three vessels enter the trapezium at its midportion and anastomose with the dorsal vessels. Laterally,
three to six very fine vessels penetrate the lateral surface and
anastomose with the dorsal and palmar vessels. The dorsal
vascular supply is dominant, and all three systems anastomose (44).
Clinical Significance and Clinical Correlations of the
Intraosseous Vascularity of the Carpus
Based on their comprehensive studies of the intraosseous
blood supply of the carpal bones, Gelberman and associates
noted that carpal bones were divided into three groups
based on the number and location of their entry blood vessels, the existence of large areas of bone supplied by a single
vessel, and the presence or absence of intraosseous anastomoses. Group I consisted of those carpal bones with vessels
entering only one surface or bones with large intraosseous
areas dependent on one artery. These bones were considered
to be at “greater risk” for avascular necrosis based on their
intraosseous vascular patterns. The capitate and scaphoid
are in this group, as well as those lunate bones supplied by
a single palmar vessel (20% of the cases in their studies)
Postfracture Osteonecrosis of the Carpus. One of the
most important clinical applications of the vascularity of
the carpus is the understanding it may give relative to posttraumatic osteonecrosis. Some, but not all, of these conditions are discussed. Based on vascular studies and clinical
correlations of osteonecrosis, the scaphoid, capitate, and
lunate are considered the bones most likely at risk for posttraumatic osteonecrosis (45). The proximal pole of the
scaphoid has been compared with the head of the femur
and the talus because it is almost completely covered with
hyaline cartilage and has a vascular source that may be
interrupted by fracture (45). The common anatomic findings in these bones at risk are either vessels that enter on
only one surface, or large portions of the bone that are
9 Wrist 513
dependent on one vessel, or both. The viability of the proximal pole of the scaphoid depends on the dorsal ridge vessels that flow in a retrograde fashion to supply the entire
proximal 70% to 80% of the bone. Thus, disruptions from
fracture may result in osteonecrosis of the scaphoid (46,47).
Idiopathic Osteonecrosis of the Scaphoid (Preiser’s Disease). Preiser in 1910 described five patients with what he
called rarefying osteitis of the scaphoid that was not associated
with fractures (48). Although scaphoid fractures were not
apparent in his cases, trauma was believed to be the cause.
There is no generally accepted definition of Preiser’s disease,
and several authors believe that it may develop only when
an occult fracture of the scaphoid has occurred (40). Ferlic
and Morin proposed a possible variant in vascularity that
predisposes patients to osteonecrosis with minimal trauma
Idiopathic Osteonecrosis of the Lunate (Kienböck’s Disease). This condition was first described by Peste in 1843
(50). However, it is Kienböck’s name that is most commonly associated with this condition (51). Many theories
have been proposed as to the etiology, but the exact cause of
the condition remains unknown. Studies support the concept that repetitive trauma with compression fracture of the
lunate may cause vascular interruption, leading to Kienböck’s disease. Biomechanical studies support the concept
of abnormal radiocarpal loading patterns leading to the disease. Kramer and Lichtman believe that repetitive loading
or acute trauma to an at-risk lunate (the 20% of lunate
bones that are supplied by a single palmar vessel) is the
cause in most cases (44,52).
Vascular Anatomy of the Distal Radius
and Ulna
The arterial blood supply of the distal radius and ulna is
quite constant. The extraosseous vessels that contribute
nutrient vessels to the distal radius and ulna are consistently
spatially related to the surrounding landmarks and supply
bone with predictable groups of arteries. The interosseous
blood supply is less uniform, but has a recognized pattern
of regional bone supply for any given extraosseous vessel
(53). The distal radius and ulna receive contributions from
the radial, ulnar, and anterior and posterior interosseous
arteries. The radial, ulnar, anterior and posterior
interosseous arteries are consistently present, and the radial
artery is the largest, followed by the ulnar, anterior
interosseous, and posterior interosseous arteries. The anterior interosseous artery has anterior and posterior divisions
that are consistently present. The posterior division of the
anterior interosseous artery consistently anastomoses with
the posterior interosseous artery over the dorsal distal ulna
by means of a small arch (53,54). The vessels supplying the
dorsal radius and ulna are best described by their relationship to the extensor compartments and retinaculum. The
following detailed description of the vascular anatomy of
the radius and ulna is taken from a comprehensive study by
Sheetz and associates (53).
Dorsal Blood Supply
The vessels supplying the dorsal radius and ulna are best
described by their relationship to the extensor compartments of the wrist and the ER. There are two compartmental arteries (one in the fourth and one in the fifth extensor
compartments) and two intercompartmental arteries superficial to the ER between the first and second and second and
third compartments. These extracompartmental vessels are
located where the ER is adherent to the underlying bony
tubercle separating their respective compartments, and they
send nutrient vessels through the ER to penetrate bone. The
dorsal distal ulna is supplied by an artery coursing across the
diaphysis and neck of the ulna, called the oblique dorsal
artery of the distal ulna. The first/second intercompartmental
artery originates proximally from the radial artery a mean of
48 mm (range, 24 to 85 mm) proximal to the radiocarpal
joint and usually courses deep to the brachioradialis muscle.
It proceeds distally to become superficial to the ER at the
first/second intercompartmental septum and sends nutrient
vessels through the ER to enter cortical bone. Distal to the
ER, it passes beneath the extensor tendons of the first compartment and rejoins the radial artery (52%), the radiocarpal
arch (52%), or the intercarpal arch (19%). Thirteen percent
of the specimens have distal connections with both the radial
artery and radiocarpal arch. In addition, there is always at
least one anastomosis to other vessels running parallel to the
radial shaft via a portion of the dorsal supraretinacular arch,
and usually a second anastomosis proximal to the ER that
courses deep to the extensor tendons. In 56% of the specimens, the first/second intercompartmental supraretinacular
artery has a branch that originates proximal to the ER and
proceeds onto the floor of the second extensor compartment. The second/third intercompartmental supraretinacular artery originates proximally from the anterior
interosseous artery (48%), the posterior division of the anterior interosseous artery (48%), or the anterior division of the
anterior interosseous artery (4%) and courses superficial to
the ER directly on the dorsal radial tubercle (Lister’s tubercle) to anastomose with the dorsal intercarpal arch (94%),
the dorsal radiocarpal arch (52%), or the fourth extensor
compartment artery (38%). In addition, it has superficial
and deep transverse anastomoses with the first/second intercompartmental supraretinacular artery, as described previously. The nutrient arteries from the second/third intercompartmental supraretinacular artery often penetrate
cancellous bone. The more proximally the nutrient artery
enters the bone, the more likely it is to penetrate cancellous
bone and proceed proximally. In 91% of the specimens, the
second/third intercompartmental supraretinacular artery has
514 Regional Anatomy
a proximal branch that enters the second extensor compartment and penetrates the bone in the floor of the compartment. All the specimens studied have a fourth extensor compartment artery that has a variable relationship to the
septum between the third and fourth compartments and lays
directly adjacent to the posterior interosseous nerve at the
radial aspect of the fourth compartment. Thirty-three percent of specimens have this artery in the septum for most of
its course, and in 70% the artery is located in the compartment. Proximally, this artery is supplied directly by the posterior division of the anterior interosseous artery (55%) or
by the fifth extensor compartment artery (45%). It anastomoses with the dorsal intercarpal arch (94%), the dorsal
radiocarpal arch (59%), the second/third intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (38%), or the fifth extensor compartment artery (34%). The fourth extensor compartment
artery is the source of numerous nutrient vessels to the floor
of the fourth compartment that frequently penetrate cancellous bone. The vessels entering more distally tend to supply
only a small area of cortical bone or go transversely into cancellous bone to supply the distal end of the metaphysis;
those more proximal are more likely to penetrate cancellous
bone and proceed proximally. All of the specimens studied
have a fifth extensor compartment artery that usually is the
largest of all the dorsal vessels supplying nutrient branches.
It has a variable relationship with the radial side of the
fourth/fifth septum. Thirty-three percent are in the septum
for most of their course, and 67% are located in the compartment. This vessel is supplied proximally by the posterior
division of the anterior interosseous artery and anastomoses
distally with the dorsal intercarpal arch in all of the specimens. Distally, it also anastomoses with the fourth extensor
compartment artery (34%), the dorsal radiocarpal arch
(23%), the second/third intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (9%), or the oblique dorsal artery of the distal ulna
(9%). Thirty-nine percent of the fifth compartment arteries
have a branch that usually originates proximal to the ER and
supplies one or two nutrient vessels to the floor of the fourth
compartment. The nutrient arteries from this branch frequently penetrate cancellous bone and are the only contribution of the fifth extensor compartment to the intraosseous
blood supply.
A series of arches across the dorsum of the hand and
wrist provide anastomoses between the intercompartmental
and compartmental arteries. The dorsal intercarpal arch is
present in all specimens, always receives contributions from
the radial, ulnar, and fifth extensor compartment arteries,
and frequently anastomoses with the second/third intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (94%), fourth
extensor artery (94%), dorsal radiocarpal arch (67%), and
the first/second intercompartmental supraretinacular artery
(19%). The dorsal intercarpal arch does not contribute
nutrient vessels to the distal radius or ulna except indirectly
through arteries with which it anastomoses. The dorsal
radiocarpal arch is present in all specimens and always
receives a contribution from the radial artery and at least
two additional sources such as the dorsal intercarpal arch
(67%), fourth extensor compartment artery (59%), the second/third intercompartmental supraretinacular artery
(52%), the first/second intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (52%), or the fifth extensor compartment artery
(23%). Unlike the other dorsal arches, the dorsal radiocarpal arch contributes significantly to the dorsal distal
radius through small nutrient arteries. These nutrient
branches usually enter bone just proximal to the radiocarpal
joint line and course perpendicularly to supply cancellous
bone in the extreme distal end of the metaphysis. All of the
specimens studied have a dorsal supraretinacular arch that
provides anastomoses between the arteries running parallel
to the radial and ulnar diaphyses. It originates from the
first/second intercompartmental supraretinacular artery
and proceeds transversely across the ER to the ulnar artery.
It usually connects to the first/second and second/third
intercompartmental supraretinacular arteries (97%) and
continues toward the ulnar artery, penetrating the ER at
two or more points to connect with the fifth (80%) or
fourth (62%) extensor compartment arteries as well as the
intercarpal arch (80%). It is not a single artery, but rather
an anastomotic arch connecting the dorsal arteries.
The dorsal distal ulna is supplied proximally by one to
three oblique dorsal arteries. In 78% of specimens, one of
these arteries originates from the anastomotic arch between
the anterior and posterior interosseous arteries. Other
sources include the anterior division of the anterior
interosseous artery (26%), the posterior division of the
anterior interosseous artery (13%), or the fifth extensor
compartment artery (9%). Distally, this artery frequently
ends by penetrating bone, but it usually anastomoses with
the fifth extensor compartment artery, the ulnar artery, or
the ulnar half of the palmar carpal arch. The oblique dorsal
artery to the distal ulna gives off nutrient vessels that usually enter the ulnar head and neck adjacent to joint cartilage
and frequently penetrate cancellous bone. The further proximal that the vessel enters the metaphysis, the more likely it
is to penetrate cancellous bone. Any diaphyseal branches, if
present, supply a part of the ulna that is almost entirely cortical bone (53).
Palmar Blood Supply
In contrast to the vascular patterns on the dorsal aspect of the
distal radius and ulna, where the arteries roughly parallel the
long axis of the bones and give off nutrient arteries, the palmar side of the distal radius is supplied primarily by two large
transverse arches that course between the major arteries of the
forearm. In the study by Sheetz and associates, every specimen had at least one palmar metaphyseal arch that coursed
through the PQ muscle (53). Occasionally, instead of one primary proximal arch, two or more smaller arches were
observed. Its proximal source was either from the anterior
9 Wrist 515
division of the anterior interosseous artery (96%) or the anterior interosseous itself (4%). It then arched across the palmar
aspect of the distal radius to anastomose with the radial artery
(100%), and usually sent a branch to the palmar radiocarpal
arch as well (57%). It supplied nutrient arteries to variable
locations on the palmar side of the radial metaphysis. Every
specimen in their study had a palmar carpal arch that consisted of radial and ulnar halves bifurcated by the anterior
division of the anterior interosseous artery. The radial half of
the palmar carpal arch originated from the anterior division
of the anterior interosseous artery that arches across the distal
radius to anastomose with the radial artery. Frequently, there
were one or more branches that anastomosed with the palmar
metaphyseal arch (57%). The ulnar half of the palmar carpal
arch originated from the anterior division of the anterior
interosseous artery more proximally than the radial half of the
arch. It coursed obliquely across the distal ulna toward the
ulnocarpal joint and anastomosed with the ulnar artery
(69%) or the oblique dorsal artery to the distal ulna (25%),
or simply ended by penetrating bone (6%). Ninety-one percent of the specimens studied had one or two arteries that
entered the ulna between the head and the styloid process at
the attachment of the TFCC and supplied the cancellous
bone in the head and styloid process of the ulna (53). The various arteries and arches of the dorsal and palmar blood supply of the distal radius and ulna are depicted in Figure 9.22.
516 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.22. Extraosseous blood supply to the distal radius and ulna. A: Dorsal: AIA, anterior
interosseous artery; aAIA, anterior branch anterior interosseous artery; pAIA, posterior branch
anterior interosseous artery; PIA, posterior interosseous artery; RA, radial artery; UA, ulnar artery;
ODA, oblique dorsal artery of distal ulna; dICA, dorsal intercarpal arch; dRCA, dorsal radiocarpal
arch; dSRA, dorsal supraretinacular arch; SRA, 1–2, supraretinacular artery between first and second extensor compartments; SRA, 2–3, supraretinacular artery between second and third extensor compartments; 2nd EC br of SRA, 1–2, second extensor compartment branch of supraretinacular artery between the first and second extensor compartment; 2nd EC br of SRA, 2–3, second
extensor compartment branch of the supraretinacular artery between the second and third
extensor compartments; 4th ECA, fourth extensor compartment artery; 5th ECA, fifth extensor
compartment artery; 4th EC br of 5th ECA, fourth extensor compartment branch of the fifth compartment artery.
Clinical Significance
A detailed knowledge of the vascular anatomy of the distal
radius has allowed for the development of several vascularized
bone grafts used in the management of scaphoid nonunions,
avascular necrosis lesions of the carpus, or intercarpal
arthrodesis. The reader is invited to review the comprehensive articles by Sheetz and associates and Shin and Bishop for
details of this complex anatomy and the current techniques
of vascularized bone graft based on this anatomy (53,54).
Dorsal Approach to the Wrist (Standard)
Dorsal approaches to the wrist joint provide excellent exposure to the wrist and finger extensors, the dorsal aspect of
the wrist including the radiocarpal, intercarpal, and carpometacarpal joints, the distal radioulnar joint, and the distal radius and ulna, for the management of fractures, fractures and dislocations, tendon disruption, extensor and
wrist synovitis, tumors, and infections.
Landmarks include the radial and ulnar styloid, Lister’s
tubercle, and the lunate fossa.
Patient Position/Incision
The upper extremity is positioned on a well padded arm table
with the forearm in pronation. The length of the incision
depends on the planned procedure, but often is 8 to 10 cm.
It is centered longitudinally over the dorsum of the wrist in
line with the middle finger metacarpal and begins 4 to 5 cm
proximal to the radiocarpal joint. Alternatives to the straight
longitudinal incision are a gently curved or an “S”-shaped
incision. A transverse incision also may be used if a less comprehensive exposure is required. The selection of the incision
is based on the requirements of the procedure and the personal preference and experience of the surgeon (Fig. 9.23).
9 Wrist 517
FIGURE 9.22. (continued) B: Palmar: pMeta, palmar metaphyseal arch; rPCA, radial half of palmar carpal arch; uPCA, ulnar
half of palmar carpal arch. (After Sheetz KK, Bishop AT, Berger
RA. The arterial blood supply of the distal radius and its potential use in vascularized pedicled bone grafts. J Hand Surg [Am]
20:902–914, 1995, with permission.)
FIGURE 9.23. Dorsal approach to the wrist: landmarks and skin
Because of the thinness of the dorsal skin and the minimal
subcutaneous tissue on the dorsum of the hand and wrist,
the dissection down to the ER should be made cautiously.
The flaps are reflected at the level of the ER to keep them
as thick as possible and to carry the sensory branches of the
radial and ulnar nerves in the substance of the flaps. The
nature of the surgical procedure determines the site and
direction of entry into the ER. In those cases where minimal exposure is needed, the ER may be incised transversely
in line with its fibers. In rheumatoid synovectomy, it is
helpful to detach the ER over the lateral aspect of the ulna
and then reflect it radially as an intact structure. At closure,
the ER can be divided into proximal and distal halves; the
proximal half is placed beneath the extensor tendons and
used to cover any raw bone surfaces, such as the distal ulna,
that may have been resected or hemiresected. The ulnar
aspect of the ER also may be used as a soft tissue imbrication over the distal radioulnar joint for stability. The
remaining (distal) half of the ER is placed over the extensor
tendons and sutured to its site of original release to prevent
bowstringing of the extensors (Fig. 9.24). In other
instances, the ER may be divided in the direction of the
longitudinal skin incision over the fourth extensor compartment and reflected to each side to expose the distal
radius and the dorsal capsule of the wrist joint. The capsule
is incised in the direction of the skin incision to expose the
joint. The ER is carefully repaired at time of closure.
Bowers Approach to the Distal
Radioulnar Joint
This approach is designed specifically for operative exposure of the DRUJ, as proposed and used by Bowers. It
allows visualization of the dorsal 60% of the ulnar head
and the carpal face of the TFC, the lunotriquetral ligament, the meniscus (if present), the prestyloid recess, and
most of the DRUJ synovial cavity. If carefully dissected and
replaced, this exposure should not alter joint mechanics or
stability (9).
The landmarks are the ulnar head and styloid, the ECU
tendon, and the dorsal base of the small finger metacarpal.
Patient Position/Incision
The patient is supine, the arm is extended on a padded arm
table, and the forearm pronated. The incision begins three
fingerbreadths proximal to the styloid along the ulnar shaft
and curves gently around the distal side of the ulnar head,
to end dorsally at the mid-carpus; for further distal extension, the incision can be curved back ulnarly. The incision
lies just dorsal to the dorsal sensory branch of the ulnar
nerve, which must be found and protected.
The dissection is carried to the ER. Beneath the proximal
border of the ER, the capsule of the ulnar head passes
between the EDM and ECU tendons (Fig. 9.25). The
proximal and ulnar half of the ER is released at its ulnar
margin and reflected radially to uncover the ECU and
EDM tendons. Care is taken to avoid entering the fourth
extensor compartment, if possible. The EDM is retracted
radially to reveal the TFC and the dorsal margin of the
sigmoid notch of the radius. The capsule is sharply
divided at the radius, leaving a 1-mm cuff for repair at closure, and reflected ulnarly. Further exposure of the TFC
518 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.24. A, B: Dorsal approach to the wrist:
A B deep dissection.
may be obtained by releasing the EDM and EDC from
their compartments by reflecting the distal half of the ER
toward the ulna opposite the first flap of ER. This flap of
ER is divided along the EDM septum, and the base of this
flap is the attachment of the ECU compartment nearest
the ulna. The ECU should be fully released only if it is
pathologically involved. The unviolated sixth compartment should be subperiosteally dissected from the ulnar
shaft for exposure without disturbing its stabilizing function. The dorsal radiotriquetral ligament may be incised
for a better view of the lunate and triquetral surfaces of the
TFC. Exposure of the ulnar styloid may be achieved by
full supination of the forearm. Important components of
the closure include returning the ECU to its anatomic
position in its dorsal groove over the ulna, and the first ER
flap may be used to stabilize its position as needed. Bowers has proposed and used a more comprehensive dorsal
ulnar approach for TFCC repair that uses subperiosteal
reflection of the ECU in its compartment to provide
greater exposure.
Palmar Radial Approach to the Wrist
This approach may be used for the palmar approach to
scaphoid fractures or bone grafts, excision of the radiocarpal
ganglion, open reduction and internal fixation of distal
radius fractures, and for lacerations of the radial artery.
These include the FCR tendon, the radial artery, and the
distal wrist flexion crease.
Patient Position/Incision
The patient is supine with the arm extended on a well
padded arm table and the forearm in supination. The longitudinal incision (straight or slightly curved) begins at the
distal wrist crease and is carried proximally 6 to 8 cm or
longer as needed in the interval between the radial artery
9 Wrist 519
FIGURE 9.25. A–C: Bowers approach to the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ).
and the FCR tendon. An alternative to the longitudinal
incision is a 3- to 4-cm-long transverse incision approximately 1 cm proximal to the distal wrist flexion crease. The
same interval of dissection between the radial artery and
FCR tendon is followed. Such a transverse incision may
limit the exposure and should be used based on the needs
of the procedure and the experience and preference of the
surgeon. The longitudinal incision may be extended distally
as needed by an oblique radial extension from the distal
wrist crease to the base of the thumb metacarpal. Before
inflation of the tourniquet, the course of the radial artery
may be identified by palpation and its course indicated by
a skin marker to aid in placement of the incision.
The wrist and forearm fascia is incised in the interval
between the radial artery and FCR tendon (Fig. 9.26).
Under tourniquet control, the inexperienced surgeon may
not appreciate how closely the radial artery resembles a
vein. In the distal half of the wound, the radial artery passes
dorsally and radially beneath the APL and EPB tendons
onto the floor of the anatomic snuff-box, and gains the dorsal aspect of the wrist. The palmar branch exits from the
ulnar side of the main stem of the radial artery before it
ascends into the snuff-box, and may be electively ligated at
the surgeon’s discretion. The FRC tendon sheath may be
incised and the FRC tendon retracted ulnarly for exposure.
Excision of a palmar carpal ganglion may be aided by injection of the cyst with a small amount of a dilute solution of
methylene blue using a 30-gauge needle passed obliquely
through the capsule of the ganglion to avoid leakage of the
dye. Marking the cyst in this manner facilitates complete
excision, including the neck and base of the lesion. In treating fractures of the radius with open reduction and internal
fixation, the proximal portion of the longitudinal incision
may need to be extended and the PQ muscle released from
its radial attachments and reflected ulnarly as needed for
exposure of the radius. For exposure of the scaphoid, the
capsule is incised longitudinally with the intent to minimize
injury to the RSC and LRL ligaments.
Palmar Central Approach to the Wrist
This approach is useful in tumors or lacerations of the
median nerve, exposure of the PQ muscle, and in procedures
on the distal radius that may require wider exposure, including the distal radius and portions of the palmar DRUJ.
These include the FCR tendon, the radial artery, the palmaris longus (PL) tendon, if present, and the distal wrist
flexion crease and the thenar flexion crease.
Patient Position/Incision
The patient is supine with the arm extended on a padded
arm table and the forearm in supination. For limited expo520 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.26. A, B: Palmar radial approach to the wrist.
sure of the distal forearm/wrist, the incision begins at the
distal wrist flexion crease and continues proximally for 6 to
8 cm or more, depending on the requirements of the procedure. The incision begins over the PL tendon, if present,
and if not, it begins at the intersection of the thenar crease
and the wrist flexion crease. The incision may be straight
longitudinal, curved, or slightly “S”-shaped. Procedures
that require opening of the carpal canal require extension of
the incision to the midpalm. This is accomplished by crossing the wrist flexion crease obliquely or by offsetting the
palmar and wrist/forearm components of the incision and
joining them by a transverse limb at or near the wrist flexion (Fig. 9.27A).
The technique for the more comprehensive exposure is
given (see Fig. 9.27B). After opening the skin in the palm
and wrist/forearm, the subcutaneous tissue in the
wrist/forearm is incised and the median nerve identified as
it exits from beneath the radial aspect of the muscle belly of
the middle finger FDS (55). The palmar cutaneous branch
of the median nerve (PCBMN) is identified as it leaves the
main stem of the median nerve on its radial aspect; it is variously reported as originating in a range of 4 to 8 cm proximal to the distal wrist crease (56–58). The median nerve is
retracted with a saline-moistened Penrose drain to either
side, depending on the exposure and needs of the procedure. This approach also allows exposure of the underlying
finger flexor tendons, which may be retracted radially or
ulnarly to expose the floor of the distal forearm. The anterior interosseous nerve and vessels are found on the
interosseous membrane before their entry into the PQ muscle. Release of the FR is facilitated by identification of its
proximal and distal ends. Distally, the superficial palmar
arch is a reasonably reliable deep landmark that is located
distal to the distal edge of the FR. The FR is released on its
ulnar aspect. A smooth elevator may be placed in the canal
before incision of the FR gently to retract and protect the
nerve. The various configurations of the median nerve
about the wrist are presented in Chapter 10 (Palmar Hand),
and the reader is referred there for these details.
9 Wrist 521
FIGURE 9.27. A, B: Palmar central approach to the wrist.
Approach to the Carpal Tunnel
This approach is useful in tumors or lacerations of the
median nerve in the carpal canal, and for carpal tunnel
These include the FCR and PL (if present) tendons, the
pisiform, hook process of the hamate bone, the distal wrist
flexion crease, the thenar flexion crease, and the thenar and
hypothenar eminences.
Patient Position/Incision
The patient is supine with the arm extended on a padded
arm table and the forearm in supination. Authors vary in
their recommendation for placement of this incision
(56,57). There is no truly internervous plane in the region,
and four cutaneous nerves are at risk, including the
PCBMN, the palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve
(PCBUN), branches from the nerve of Henle, and transverse branches of the PCBUN. Watchmaker et al., in an
effort to find the ideal location of the incision for carpal
tunnel release, identified the depression between the thenar
and hypothenar eminences in the proximal palm as a useful
landmark, and noted that the PCBMN traveled an average
of 5 mm radial to this interthenar depression (57). The
reader is referred to the section on Cutaneous Innervation
of the Palm in Chapter 10 (Palmar Hand) for a comprehensive review of this topic. Our recommended incision
begins at the mid-palmar crease in line with the central axis
of the ring finger and continues proximally to the distal
wrist flexion crease, where it angles ulnarward for 2 cm. The
incision may be straight longitudinal or slightly curved (Fig.
After incision of the skin and subcutaneous fat, the underlying FR is noted as a transversely oriented fibrous tissue
layer that is contiguous radially with the thenar muscles and
ulnarly with the hypothenar fat pad (see Fig. 9.28B). The
PL, if present, is freed from the underlying FR and retracted
ulnarly. The distal edge of the FR is identified by noting a
fat pad at its distal margin. This fat pad hides the median
nerve and its branches centrally and radially and the transversely oriented superficial palmar arterial arch distally.
Gentle blunt dissection is used to identify these structures,
and a blunt probe or curved mosquito clamp is passed proximally along the ulnar side of the carpal canal (see Fig.
9.28C). The canal may be identified by noting the prominent hook process of the hamate bone, which provides the
ulnar and distal anchor point for the FR. The TCL portion
of the FR is incised along its ulnar border using the probe
or clamp as a guide. The TCL is relatively thick compared
with the proximal portion of the FR, and their junction is
near the distal wrist flexion crease (see Fig. 9.28D). The
proximal portion of the FR is exposed through the ulnar
oblique limb of the incision and may be incised with a
scalpel under direct vision or divided by scissors after first
freeing the adjacent tissues palmarly and dorsally. The surgeon’s little finger should pass freely from the distal wrist
flexion crease to at least 3 cm into the distal forearm to
ensure complete division of the proximal portion of the FR.
Both the recurrent or motor branch of the median nerve
and the superficial palmar arterial arch should be inspected
before release of the tourniquet and wound closure (see Fig.
Approach to Guyon’s Canal
This approach is useful for exposure of the ulnar neurovascular bundle in the wrist and hand, the FCU tendon, the
pisiform, and the hook process (hamulus) of the hamate.
The FCU tendon is easily demonstrated by asking the
patient forcefully to flare or abduct the fingers, and the pisiform as well as the hook process of the hamate may be palpated. The ulnar artery may be palpable before inflation of
the tourniquet.
Patient Position/Incision
The patient is supine with the arm extended on a well
padded hand table and the forearm in supination. The incision begins in the distal and ulnar aspect of the palm and
courses proximally over the proximal hypothenar eminence
in the interval between the hook process of the hamate and
the pisiform to gain the distal wrist flexion crease. It continues proximally just radial to the FCU tendon for a distance of 6 to 8 cm, as required by the procedure (Fig.
The subcutaneous tissues and antebrachial fascia are incised
just radial to the FCU tendon to expose the neurovascular
bundle, which is deep and radial to the FCU tendon. The
ulnar artery, like its radial counterpart, usually is accompanied by venae comitantes. The sheath surrounding the
ulnar artery and nerve is incised to facilitate following these
structures into Guyon’s canal. The ulnar artery approaches
the wrist just beneath and radial to the FCU tendon, is
radial to the ulnar nerve, and lies in the interval between the
522 Regional Anatomy
9 Wrist 523
FIGURE 9.28. Approach to the carpal tunnel, fresh cadaver dissection, right hand and wrist. A:
Landmarks and skin incision. B: The transverse carpal ligament (TCL) portion of the flexor retinaculum (FR). C: A curved mosquito clamp has been passed from distal to proximal, and the
green triangle points to the dotted incision line.
(continued on next page)
524 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.28. (continued) D: The TCL has been incised and the probe is tenting up the proximal portion of the FR. E: The FR has been completely incised, the blue marker to the right is
beneath the main stem of the median nerve, and the blue triangle points to the superficial palmar arch and the green triangle to the motor branch of the median nerve. F: The blue markers
indicate the origin and course of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve (PCBMN;
note that the recommended carpal tunnel release (CTR) incision has been extended proximally to
define the course of this nerve).
9 Wrist 525
FIGURE 9.29. Approach to Guyon’s canal: fresh cadaver dissection of the left wrist/hand. A:
Landmarks and incision. B: Incision of roof of Guyon’s canal. C: Division of the ulnar nerve.
(continued on next page)
526 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.29. (continued) D: Branches of the ulnar nerve in Guyon’s canal. E: Course of the
deep motor branch of the ulnar nerve around the hamulus.
FCU and the FDS to the ring and little fingers. It enters the
hand accompanied by the ulnar nerve on top of the FR
radial to the pisiform bone. This entryway, called the loge de
Guyon or Guyon’s canal, is a triangular space that begins at
the proximal edge of the palmar carpal ligament and
extends to the fibrous arch of the hypothenar muscles. The
anatomic details of Guyon’s canal and its contents are discussed in Chapter 10 (Palmar Hand). The palmar carpal
ligament (formed by the antebrachial and fascial elements
from the FCU) is incised along with the palmaris brevis
tendon, if present, to continue the exposure (see Fig.
9.29B). The neurovascular structures in Guyon’s canal are
surrounded by a thick fat pad and must be carefully identified in this fat. The ulnar nerve divides into its motor and
sensory components in the region of the pisiform (see Fig.
9.29C). Just distal to this division there are numerous
branches to the skin as well as to the palmaris brevis muscle
(see Fig. 9.29D). The motor component courses dorsally
around the base of the hook process (hamulus) of the
hamate, where it is at risk for injury during excision of the
hamulus (see Fig. 9.29E). The main trunk of the ulnar
artery continues distally after this branch to form the superficial palmar arch (59).
Fourth Carpometacarpal Joint
Of the second to fifth carpometacarpal joints, the fourth
articulation demonstrates the greatest skeletal morphologic
variability (60,61). Viegas and colleagues have described
five different shapes to the base of this metacarpal: (a) a
broad base that articulates with the hamate and one dorsal
facet extension that articulates with the capitate (39% of
specimens); (b) a broad base that articulates with the
hamate and two facet extensions (one dorsal and one palmar) that articulate with the capitate (8% of specimens); (c)
a relatively narrow base that articulates only with the
hamate (9% of specimens); (d) a relatively narrow base that
articulates with the hamate and a separate single dorsal facet
that articulates with the capitate (34% of specimens); and
(e) a large base that articulates with the hamate and the capitate but without any separate dorsal or palmar facets (9%
of specimens) (60,61).
Mid-Carpal Joint
In addition to double ossification centers for the lunate
(62,63), total absence of the lunate has been reported
(64). Carpal coalitions of the lunate are discussed in a following section. Ossification of the lunate may be delayed
in syndromes such as epiphyseal dysplasias and homocystinuria (65). Two types of lunates have been identified
based on the presence or absence of a medial facet and the
alignment of the lunate to the capitate (60,66). Type I
does not have a medial facet, and type II has a medial
(ulnar) facet that articulates with the hamate (Fig. 9.30).
The size of this medial facet may range from a shallow, 1-
mm facet to a deep, 6-mm facet (66). In type II lunates,
Viegas et al. noted significant cartilage erosion with
exposed subchondral bone at the proximal pole of the
hamate in 44% of their dissections, compared with a 0%
to 2% incidence in type I lunates (66). A companion
study of the kinematics of wrist has shown significant differences between wrists with type I and type II lunate
bones (67).
9 Wrist 527
FIGURE 9.30. Type I and II lunate configurations. (After Viegas SF. Variations in the skeletal morphological features of the wrist. Clin Orthop 383:21–31, 2001, with permission.)
A second area of variability in the mid-carpal joint has
been found at the distal articulation of the scaphoid (68). In
81% of the scaphoids studied, there was a distinct and separate facet for the trapezoid articulation and another distinct facet for the trapezium, with an interfacet ridge that
was visible and palpable in 56% of the wrists. In the
remaining 19% of the scaphoids, there was a smooth distal
articular surface without an interfacet ridge (68).
A third area of variability relates to the variations in the
shape of the lunate at its proximal aspect. Based on the
studies of Shepherd, Taleisnik, and Atuna Zapico, three
types of lunate have been identified (69–71). In a study of
100 lunate bones, Atuna Zapico noted that when viewed
from the palmar aspect, some lunates were largely rectangular, whereas in others the proximal and ulnar surfaces
formed a peak or apex, resulting in a conical shape. Atuna
Zapico proposed an angle of inclination as an expression of
these variations. The angle is drawn between the lateral
(scaphoid) and proximal (radial) surfaces (Fig. 9.31). Based
on this concept of angles, Atuna Zapico classified the lunate
into three types: in type I, the angle of inclination was 130
degrees or more (30% of his specimens); in type II, the
angle of inclination was approximately 100 degrees (50%);
and type III, the least common (18%), was characterized by
two distinct proximal facets, one for the radius and one for
the TFC (71).
Proximal Wrist Joint
Viegas et al. identified a plica in the proximal wrist arising
from the dorsal capsule and the interfossal ridge of the
radius in 4% of 393 wrists (72).
Clinical Significance
This plica can be seen arthroscopically, and the arthroscopist who is not aware of its existence may be disoriented
the first time it is encountered (60,72).
Carpal Coalitions
Carpal coalitions usually are diagnosed as asymptomatic,
incidental radiologic findings, and are more common in
blacks than whites. Familial predisposition and bilaterality
are common (73). Lunotriquetral coalition is the most
common carpal coalition, and has been divided into four
types by de Villiers Minaar (74). Type I is a proximal
pseudarthrosis of the lunotriquetral junction; type II is a
528 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 9.31. Lunate angles of inclination, types I to III. (After Atuna Zapico JM. Malacia del
semilunar. Doctoral Thesis, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, 1966, with permission.)
proximal osseous bridge with a distal notch; type III is a
complete fusion; and type IV is fusion with other “carpal
anomalies.” In a series of 36 cases, Delaney and Eswar
found 32 cases of lunotriquetral coalition, 2 capitohamate,
1 scapholunate, and 1 trapeziocapitate (73). Bilateral capitohamate coalition has been reported as a rare coincidence
with extensor digitorum brevis manus (75).
Bipartite Scaphoid
True or congenital bipartite scaphoid is a developmental
anomaly of the carpal scaphoid that was first described by
Gruber in 1877 (76). Its existence has been challenged by
others who have suggested that it represents a pseudarthrosis after a fracture of the waist of the scaphoid (77). A documented bilateral case followed from early ossification to
skeletal maturity has established a more objective basis for
suggesting that congenital bipartite scaphoid is a true developmental condition (78). On magnetic resonance imaging,
this bilateral case revealed cartilage surrounding the circumference of the bipartite scaphoids and the absence of
degenerative changes. The incidence of congenital bipartite
scaphoid probably is less than 0.5% (78).
Bipartite Hamulus (Hook Process of the
Although the name hamate is derived from the Latin hamulus, meaning “hook,” hamulus as used in this brief discussion refers to the hook process of the hamate bone. The
hamate normally has one ossification center that begins to
ossify at the end of the third month. Bipartite hamulus is a
rare condition. Bogart reported 1 case in 1,452 routine
wrist radiographs over an 8-year period (79). Dwight in
1907 stated that Thelineus might have been the first to
describe this condition (80). Both Wilson and Hart and
Gaynor reported single cases of bipartite hamulus, and recommended carpal tunnel views to make this diagnosis
(81,82). A bipartite hamulus has been reported in association with ulnar tunnel syndrome (83). Kohler and Zimmer
in 1956 described several peculiarities of the hamate,
including the fact that the hamulus (hook process) may
remain separate from the body of the hamate to form an os
hamuli proprium, which may give the impression of an
accessory bone or fracture at first glance (63) (see the discussion of the hamate in Chapter 1).
Clinical Significance
A bipartite hamulus may be confused with a fracture of the
normal hamulus. It is important to distinguish between
these two conditions because excision of displaced or
nonunited fractures of the hook process currently is the
treatment of choice to avoid late complications such as tendon rupture (84).
Accessory Ossicles
Accessory ossicles are discussed with each upper extremity
bone in Chapter 1, and only one carpal accessory bone is
discussed here.
Os Centrale Carpi
This bone is said to be the most common carpal accessory
bone (85). The os centrale is an additional or accessory ossification center located at the distal and ulnar aspect of the
scaphoid that fails to unite with the scaphoid and thus
forms an accessory carpal bone. It rarely may fuse with the
capitate or trapezoid (86). It usually appears in the sixth
week of gestation and fuses with the main body of the
scaphoid in the eighth week. It remains as a small, irregular
prominence in the adult scaphoid on the distal and ulnar
aspect (70).
Clinical Significance
An os centrale carpi may be confused with a scaphoid
nonunion or bipartite scaphoid. A tomogram or computed
tomography scan is recommended to differentiate these
entities (86,87).
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