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terior branches of the radial nerve.

Note the medial and posterior

branches to the triceps. The main

stem of the radial nerve penetrates

the lateral intermuscular septum to

enter the anterior aspect of the

arm at approximately the junction

of the middle and distal thirds of

the arm. (continued on next page)

muscular septum (Fig. 6.15). It then descends anterior to the

medial head of the triceps, accompanied by the superior

ulnar collateral artery, to enter the cubital tunnel. The ulnar

nerve does not give off any muscular branches in the arm.

Musculocutaneous Nerve

This nerve arises from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus

opposite the inferior border of the pectoralis minor (Fig.

6.16). It supplies the coracobrachialis, both heads of the

biceps, and most of the brachialis. The branch to the coracobrachialis is given off before the musculocutaneous nerve

enters that muscle. Branches to the biceps and the brachialis

are given off after the nerve exits the coracobrachialis. The

nerve continues distally between the biceps and brachialis

muscles, and exits from the lateral margin of these muscles

to continue distally as the lateral antebrachial cutaneous


Anatomic Detail of the Musculocutaneous Nerve. Based

on dissections in 24 cadavers, Yang et al. studied the muscular branches of the musculocutaneous nerve and

observed the distance from the coracoid, length, diameter, and number of fascicles of the various branches of the

musculocutaneous nerve (11). Their findings are presented in Table 6.1.

Innervation of the Biceps and Brachialis

Yang et al. also identified anatomic patterns of innervation

of the biceps and brachialis (11).

Biceps. The authors found three anatomic types of

biceps innervation: Type I, found in 20 cases, demonstrated a primary motor branch (mean length, 9 ± 2 mm)

that divided into two secondary branches, each of which

separately innervated the long and short heads of the

biceps. Type II, found in two cases, demonstrated two

primary motor branches from the main musculocutaneous trunk, with the proximal branch innervating the

short head and the distal branch the long head, with a

distance of 26 mm between the branches. Type III, found

in two cases, is a variation of type I, with a primary motor

branch from the main musculocutaneous nerve trunk

that divides into two secondary branches to innervate the

two heads of the biceps individually, plus an additional

primary branch distal to the former by an average distance of 85 mm that innervates the distal part of the

biceps at its common belly.

Brachialis. The motor branch to the brachialis demonstrated two anatomic patterns: Type I, found in 23 specimens, demonstrated a single primary branch innervating

336 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.14. (continued) B: Fresh cadaver dissection of the

posterior aspect of the right arm showing the main stem of the

radial nerve and its posterior branches to the lateral head and

the lateral half of the medial head (green triangles). B

6 Arm 337

FIGURE 6.14. (continued) C: Lateral muscular (anterior) branches of the radial nerve. The

main stem of the radial nerve penetrates the

lateral intermuscular septum to enter the

anterior and lateral aspect of the arm at

approximately the junction of the middle and

distal thirds of the arm. Branches are given off

in this region to the lateral third or less of the

brachialis, the brachioradialis, and the extensor carpi radialis longus. The radial nerve may

divide into its radial and sensory branches 2.5

cm proximal or 3 cm distal to the interepicondylar line of Hueter.

338 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.15. Ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve arises from the medial cord of the plexus and, after

leaving the axilla, continues distally medial to the brachial artery to the midarm, where it penetrates the medial intermuscular septum and, accompanied by the superior ulnar collateral artery,

enters the posterior aspect of the arm on its way to the cubital tunnel. No muscular branches are

given off in the arm.


FIGURE 6.16. A: Musculocutaneous nerve (MSCN). This nerve arises from the lateral cord of the

brachial plexus opposite the inferior border of the pectoralis minor. It supplies the coracobrachialis, both heads of the biceps, and most of the brachialis. The branch or branches to the

coracobrachialis are given off before it enters the coracobrachialis, and the branches to the

biceps and brachialis are given off after it exits the coracobrachialis. After supplying these muscles, it continues distally between them to exit from their lateral margin as the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve.

6 Arm 339

FIGURE 6.16. (continued) B: Fresh cadaver dissection of the proximal and medial aspect of the

right arm. Note the MSCN (large green arrow) entering the coracobrachialis and three motor

branches arising superiorly and entering the proximal aspect of the muscle; and note the axillary

artery and the anterior (yellow arrowhead) and posterior (blue arrowhead) humeral circumflex

arteries and the median nerve. C: Fresh cadaver dissection of the MSCN in the right arm, middle

and distal thirds, as viewed from the lateral aspect. Note the green marker at left on the coracoid process, the cut tendon of the pectoralis major reflected laterally, the MSCN as it exits from

the coracobrachialis, the branches to the biceps and brachialis, and the continuation of the MSCN

as the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve. The biceps muscle is reflected superiorly and the lateral intermuscular septum (LIMS) inferiorly. Note the radial nerve (green rectangular marker)

exiting from the LIMS on its way to the forearm between the brachioradialis and the brachialis.



the brachialis; type II, found in 1 specimen, demonstrated

2 primary branches from the musculocutaneous innervating the brachialis, with a distance of 15 mm between the


Cross-Communications. Cross-communication between the

median nerve and the musculocutaneous nerve was found in

three cases, and in one specimen the musculocutaneous nerve

and the median nerve combined to form a common trunk

from the lateral and medial cords of the brachial plexus.

Motor Fascicles. The authors found that the primary motor

branch was contained in a continuous epineural sheath and

that independent motor fascicles could be dissected proximally between 9 and 103 mm for the biceps motor fascicles

and 53 mm for the brachialis motor fascicles.

Clinical Significance. The authors stated that this study was

done to assist the surgeon who has elected to reinnervate the

elbow flexors in brachial plexus injuries. They noted that one

of the major problems when using the intercostal nerves to

reinnervate the elbow flexors is the inadequate length and the

small number of fascicles. However, with mobilization of the

proximal motor fascicles to the biceps and brachialis, the

intercostal nerves reach the nerve ends to allow direct repair

without using a nerve graft. The suture site may be as proximal as 60 mm below the coracoid process (11).

Median Nerve

The median nerve arises from the medial and lateral cords,

which pass on either side of the third part of the axillary

artery and then unite anterior or lateral to it to form the

median nerve (Fig. 6.17). It enters the arm lateral to the

340 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.17. Median nerve. The median nerve arises from the medial and lateral cords, which

pass on either side of the third part of the axillary artery and then unite anterior or lateral to it

to form the median nerve. It enters the arm lateral to the brachial artery near the insertion of

the coracobrachialis and then crosses in front of the artery to descend medial to it to the cubital

fossa, where it is posterior to the biceps tendon and anterior to the brachialis.


Branch to Distance from Coracoida Length (mm) Diameter (mm) Fascicles

Biceps 122 ± 12 mm — 1.3 ± 0.3 —

Short head — 20 ± 8 0.9 ± 0.3 2.2

Long head — 29 ± 11 0.9 ± 0.3 2.4

Brachialis 170 ± 11 34 ± 14 0.8 ± 0.2 2.7

aMean length of humerus was 299 ± 11 mm.

Data from Yang Z-X, Pho RWH, Kour A-K, et al. The musculocutaneous nerve and its branches to the biceps and brachialis muscles. J Hand Surg

[Am] 20:671–675, 1995, with permission.

brachial artery near the insertion of the coracobrachialis and

then crosses in front of the artery to descend medial to it to

the cubital fossa, where it is posterior to the biceps tendon

and anterior to the brachialis. In the arm, the median nerve

gives branches to the brachial artery, and the branch to the

pronator teres is given off at a variable distance from the

elbow joint.


Anterior Approach to the Humerus


This approach can provide a comprehensive exposure of the

humerus, although only portions of the incision usually are

used. This approach may be used for fracture management

or osteotomy.

Patient Position

The patient is supine, the arm extended on a hand table,

and the forearm in supination or with the elbow flexed to

90 degrees and the forearm resting on the patient’s chest

(Fig. 6.18A).


Landmarks include the coracoid process, the long head of

the biceps tendon, the cephalic vein, the deltopectoral

groove, and the lateral margin of the mobile biceps muscle

(see Fig. 6.18B). The cephalic vein follows the lateral or

outer margin of the biceps and the medial or inner margin

of the deltoid. The comprehensive and complete approach

is described with the understanding that all or any portion

of the approach may be used as required. The incision

begins at the coracoid process and continues distally in the

deltopectoral groove to the lateral margin of the biceps

muscle, which it follows to the elbow flexion crease. The

lateral margin of the biceps may be identified by noting its

relative mobility compared with the underlying brachialis.

If the incision is carried one fingerbreadth lateral to the

outer margin of the biceps, the cephalic vein may be spared.

Proximal Technique

In the proximal part of the approach, the cephalic vein provides a useful landmark to identify the deltopectoral groove,

and the vein may be carried with either the deltoid or the

pectoralis as this plane is developed (see Fig. 6.18C). This

interval is followed down to the deltoid insertion, with

identification of the long and short heads of the biceps and

the coracobrachialis in the proximal portion of the wound

and the pectoralis major insertion into the crest of the

greater tuberosity. Beginning near the deltoid insertion, the

periosteum is incised just lateral to the pectoralis major tendon and the long head of the biceps and continued proximally to identify the anterior humeral circumflex artery,

which traverses the line of dissection. This artery is located

approximately 1 cm superior to the proximal edge of the

pectoralis major tendon and may be ligated to complete the

exposure. Dissection is subperiosteal, and the insertion of

the pectoralis major may be detached to obtain further


Distal Technique

The approach to the distal half of the humerus is achieved

by locating the interval between the biceps and brachialis

and incising the fascia to develop the interval (Fig. 6.19). It

must be appreciated that the brachialis cloaks the distal and

anterior aspect of the humerus from the region of the deltoid insertion to the supracondylar region. The biceps is

retracted medially to reveal the underlying brachialis covering the humerus. The medial two-thirds or more of the

brachialis is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve and

the remaining lateral portion by the radial nerve. The

brachialis muscle may be split longitudinally in the direction of its fibers, but not along its middle or anterior aspect

because this would denervate a significant portion of the

muscle. Splitting the muscle along its outer aspect not only

minimizes the potential for denervation but at the same

time protects the radial nerve, which lies along its lateral

border. The main nutrient artery to the humerus also is protected by this technique because its entrance into the

humerus usually occurs anteromedially near the junction of

the middle and distal thirds of the humerus. Flexion of the

elbow relaxes the muscle and facilitates the exposure. Gentle retraction of the lateral aspect of the brachialis protects

the radial nerve. The medial two-thirds of the brachialis

muscle, after subperiosteal dissection, is retracted medially

to expose the humerus.

Caution: The radial nerve is at risk in the posterior aspect

of the humerus as it leaves the spiral groove and enters the

anterior compartment in the distal third of the arm; care

must be exercised when retracting the soft tissues or when

inserting fixation devices.

Anterolateral Approach to the Distal



This approach is useful to expose the distal fourth of the

humerus and, compared with the anterior approach, has the

added advantage that it can be extended proximally and distally.This approach may be used for management of fractures

of the distal humerus and for exploration of the radial nerve.

6 Arm 341

342 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.18. A: Patient position for the anterior approach to the humerus. B: Landmarks and

incision. Landmarks are the coracoid process, the deltopectoral groove, the lateral biceps groove,

and cephalic vein. The incision begins at the coracoid process and continues distally in the deltopectoral groove to the lateral margin of the biceps, which it follows to the elbow flexion


Patient Position

The patient is supine, with the arm extended on a hand

table and the forearm in supination.


Landmarks include the biceps and brachioradialis muscles,

the biceps tendon, and the elbow flexion crease (Fig. 6.20).

The incision begins over the lateral border of the biceps in

the midarm and curves distally to end just proximal to the

elbow flexion crease in the interval between the biceps and

the brachioradialis. This interval is identified by noting the

comparative mobility of the biceps with regard to the fixed



The lateral margin of the biceps is used to find the more

deeply situated brachialis muscle (Fig. 6.21). Identification

of the interval between these two muscles is aided by noting the cephalic vein, which lies in this interval. The terminal extension of the musculocutaneous nerve, the lateral

antebrachial cutaneous, exits from the interval between the

6 Arm 343


FIGURE 6.18. (continued) C: Technique for anterior approach to the humerus. The cephalic

vein provides a useful proximal landmark to identify the deltopectoral groove. This interval is followed to the deltoid insertion with identification of the long and short heads of the biceps, the

coracobrachialis, and the pectoralis major. Beginning near the deltoid insertion, the periosteum

is incised just lateral to the pectoralis major tendon and continued proximally to identify the

anterior humeral circumflex artery approximately 1 cm superior to the proximal margin of the

pectoralis tendon.

344 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.19. A: The approach to the distal half of the humerus is achieved by locating the interval between the biceps and brachialis and incising the fascia to develop the interval. B: The biceps

is retracted medially to reveal the underlying brachialis, which covers the humerus. The brachialis

muscle is split along its outer aspect. This not only minimizes the potential for denervation of the

brachialis but protects the radial nerve, which lies along its lateral border, and the entrance of

the main nutrient artery to the humerus located anteromedially. Flexion of the elbow relaxes the

muscle and facilitates the exposure. Gentle retraction of the lateral aspect of the brachialis protects the radial nerve. C: The medial two-thirds of the brachialis muscle, after subperiosteal dissection, is retracted medially to expose the humerus.

biceps and brachialis and should not be misidentified as the

radial nerve, which is situated deeper and more lateral

between the brachialis and brachioradialis. The radial nerve

is most easily identified near the elbow joint by gentle blunt

separation of the brachioradialis and brachialis using both

thumbs, one on each muscle belly, as advised by Henry (9).

The interval is widened between the brachioradialis and the

biceps and these muscles retracted to expose the radial nerve

and the brachialis. The radial nerve is traced proximally to

where it exits from the lateral intermuscular septum at

approximately the junction of the middle and distal thirds

of the arm. Dissection may be extended proximally between

the brachialis and the lateral head of the triceps with care

taken to protect the radial nerve in the spiral groove behind

the humerus. Distal extension is made in the interval

between the brachioradialis and the pronator teres. With

the radial nerve under constant view, the lateral margin of

the brachialis is released by subperiosteal dissection and

retracted medially to expose the anterolateral aspect of the

distal humerus.

6 Arm 345

FIGURE 6.20. A, B: Anterolateral approach to the distal humerus. The interval between the

biceps and brachialis is used to expose this region of the humerus. Identification of the interval

between these two muscles is aided by noting the cephalic vein, which lies in this interval, and

the mobility of the biceps compared with the more fixed brachialis.

Medial Approach to the Arm


This approach is useful for exposure of the brachial artery,

the median, ulnar, and radial nerves, and the MACN.

Patient Position

The patient is supine, with the arm extended on a hand

table and the forearm in supination.


The medial epicondyle, the medial biceps groove, and the

basilic vein are landmarks for placement of the skin incision (Fig. 6.22A). A longitudinal incision is made centered over the medial biceps groove and in line with the

medial epicondyle. The incision may extend from the

medial epicondyle to the axilla, depending on the need for



Before making the skin incision, the course and location of

the basilic vein may be identified by applying a tourniquet

proximally and the skin marked as required (see Fig. 6.22B

and C). The skin and subcutaneous tissues are incised and

the basilic vein located in the subcutaneous tissue of the distal arm. This vein, which lies anteromedially at the elbow,

ascends proximally in the medial bicipital groove accompanied by the MACN. These structures are useful landmarks

346 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.21. Anterolateral approach to the distal humerus, deep dissection. A: As the interval

between the biceps and brachialis is entered, the cephalic vein and the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve are noted to exit between these two muscles, and the latter should not be misidentified as the radial nerve, which is situated deeper and more lateral between the brachialis and

brachioradialis. B: The radial nerve is most easily identified near the elbow joint by gentle blunt

separation of the brachioradialis and brachialis using both thumbs, one on each muscle belly, as

advised by Henry (9). C: The radial nerve is traced proximally where it exits from the lateral intermuscular septum. With the radial nerve under constant view, the lateral margin of the brachialis

is released by subperiosteal dissection and retracted medially to expose the anterolateral aspect

of the distal humerus.

and guides to the more deeply situated neurovascular bundle. In the distal arm, the basilic vein is in the subcutaneous

tissue and enters the deeper zone of the arm through an

opening in the brachial fascia in the middle third of the

arm. As the vein enters this opening, the brachial fascia is

split proximally and the vein followed to the underlying

neurovascular bundle in the proximal half of the arm. The

sheath of the neurovascular bundle is incised to expose the

various components.

Another useful landmark is the medial intermuscular

septum located in the distal two-thirds of the arm. It

extends from the medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus

distal to the teres major to the medial epicondyle. It thus

divides the arm into anterior and posterior compartments,

and should be identified as an aid to location of the various

components of the neurovascular bundle.

In the proximal arm, the neurovascular bundle contains the brachial artery, basilic vein, and the median,

radial, and ulnar nerves. In the region of the teres major,

the radial nerve courses posteriorly, whereas the median

and ulnar nerves continue to accompany the brachial

artery. The median nerve is adjacent to the brachial artery

throughout the arm and crosses the artery from lateral to

medial as it descends from proximal to distal. The ulnar

nerve, situated medially in the sheath of the neurovascular bundle, pierces the medial intermuscular septum at

the mid-portion of the arm and descends posterior to the

medial intermuscular septum to pass posterior to the

6 Arm 347

FIGURE 6.22. A: Medial approach to the arm: landmarks and incision. Landmarks are the medial

epicondyle, the medial biceps groove, and the basilic vein. A longitudinal incision is made centered over the medial biceps groove and in line with the medial epicondyle. The incision may

extend from the medial epicondyle to the axilla, depending on the need for exposure. (continued on next page)


348 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.22. (continued) B: Medial approach to the arm: technique. The skin and subcutaneous tissues are incised and the basilic vein located in the subcutaneous tissue of the distal arm.

In the distal arm, the basilic vein is in the subcutaneous tissue and enters the deeper zone of the

arm through an opening in the brachial fascia in the middle third of the arm. As the vein enters

this opening, the brachial fascia is split proximally and the vein followed to the underlying neurovascular bundle in the proximal half of the arm.


6 Arm 349

FIGURE 6.22. (continued) C: Medial approach to the arm: technique (continued). The sheath

of the neurovascular bundle is incised to expose the various components, including proximally,

the brachial artery, basilic vein, and the median, radial, and ulnar nerves. In the region of the

teres major, the radial nerve courses posteriorly, whereas the median and ulnar nerves continue

distally in the company of the brachial artery. The median nerve is adjacent to the brachial artery

throughout the arm and crosses the artery from lateral to medial as it descends from proximal to

distal. The ulnar nerve, situated medially in the sheath of the neurovascular bundle, pierces the

medial intermuscular septum at the mid-portion of the arm and descends posterior to the medial

intermuscular septum to pass posterior to the medial epicondyle.


350 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.23. A, B: Posterior approach to the humerus: landmarks and incision. The acromion

and olecranon process are landmarks for placement of the skin incision, along with the long head

of the triceps. The long head of the triceps may be identified by noting its greater mobility compared with the lateral head and the deltoid. The skin incision begins over the lateral margin of

the long head of the triceps in a direct line from the acromion to the olecranon, and begins 6 to

8 cm distal to the acromion to end at the olecranon.

medial epicondyle. The superior ulnar collateral artery

and the ulnar collateral branch of the radial nerve accompany the ulnar nerve.

Posterior Approach to the Humerus


This approach is useful in the treatment of humeral fractures that may be associated with radial nerve palsy, for

exploration of radial nerve injuries in the spiral groove, or

for exposure of the posterior aspect of the middle and distal

thirds of the humerus.

Patient Position

The patient is prone with the arm extended on a hand



The acromion and olecranon process are landmarks for

placement of the skin incision, along with the long head of

the triceps (Fig. 6.23A and B). The long head of the triceps

may be identified by noting its greater mobility compared

with the lateral head and the deltoid. The skin incision

begins over the lateral margin of the long head of the triceps

in a direct line from the acromion to the olecranon, and

6 Arm 351

FIGURE 6.23 (continued). C: Posterior approach

to the humerus: technique. The inferior margin of

the deltoid is retracted superiorly to reveal the “V”-

shaped opening between the two superficial heads

(long and lateral) of the triceps. The surgeon’s index

finger is used bluntly to separate the long and lateral heads of the triceps until sharp dissection is

required. The oblique fibers of the lateral head join

the vertically oriented fibers of the long head at a

fibrous tissue raphe, which is the appropriate plane

of dissection. The fibers of the lateral head are separated from this thick and prominent sheet of

fibrous tissue with a knife.

begins 6 to 8 cm distal to the acromion to end at the olecranon.


The inferior margin of the deltoid is retracted superiorly

to reveal the “V”-shaped opening between the two superficial heads (long and lateral) of the triceps (Figs. 6.24

and 6.25; see Fig. 6.23C). The surgeon passes a finger

between these two heads and lifts and begins bluntly to

separate the long and lateral heads of the triceps until

sharp dissection is required (9). The oblique fibers of the

lateral head join the vertically oriented fibers of the long

head at a fibrous tissue raphe that is the appropriate plane

of dissection. The fibers of the lateral head are separated

from this thick and prominent sheet of fibrous tissue with

352 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.24. Posterior approach to

the humerus, radial nerve and deep

brachial artery. The radial nerve and

the deep brachial artery are identified in the spiral groove and their

course is parallel to the obliquely oriented origin of the medial or deep

head of the triceps. The medial head

of the triceps is split in the direction

of its fibers to expose the remainder

of the humerus. Denervation of the

medial head does not occur if the

medial head is split in its central

aspect by aiming directly for the olecranon (see text).

a knife. The radial nerve and the deep brachial artery are

identified in the spiral groove, and their course is parallel

to the obliquely oriented origin of the medial head or

deep head of the triceps. The medial head of the triceps

is split in the direction of its fibers to expose the remainder of the humerus. Denervation of the medial head does

not occur if the medial head is split in its central aspect

(aim directly for the olecranon) because the medial half of

the medial head is supplied by a long, slender radial nerve

branch called the ulnar collateral nerve (because of its

proximity to the ulnar nerve), and the lateral half of the

medial head is supplied by a posterior branch of the radial

nerve. Dissection always is subperiosteal to protect the

adjacent ulnar nerve, which pierces the medial intermuscular septum as it exits the anterior compartment to lie

medially along the medial head of the triceps. Limited

mobilization of the radial nerve may be performed if all

muscular branches are protected.

Proximal Posterior Approach to the



A more proximal approach has been described to expose

portions of the proximal humerus not accessible through

the standard posterior approach (12).

Patient Position

The patient is prone with the arm extended on a hand



These include the posterior aspect of the acromion, the deltoid tuberosity, and the deltoid and lateral head of the triceps (Fig. 6.26). The incision begins 5 cm distal to the posterior aspect of the acromion and continues in the interval

between the deltoid and triceps muscles to the level of the

deltoid tuberosity.


The interval between the lateral head of the triceps and

the deltoid is developed by blunt dissection down to the

periosteum, which is incised longitudinally (Fig. 6.27).

The lateral head and the periosteal sleeve are retracted

medially with care taken to protect the radial nerve,

which lies beneath the lateral head as it comes in contact

with the periosteum approximately 3 cm proximal to the

level of the deltoid tuberosity. Next, the periosteum is elevated laterally and retracted with the deltoid. The axillary

nerve and posterior circumflex artery are at risk proximally and must be protected. Further exposure may be

obtained distally by partial release of the deltoid insertion. This approach allows exposure of approximately 8

cm of the proximal humerus and is limited proximally by

the axillary nerve and posterior circumflex artery and distally by the origin of the triceps muscle and the underlying radial nerve (12).

6 Arm 353

FIGURE 6.25. Posterior approach to the humerus, deep dissection. Dissection always is subperiosteal to protect the adjacent

ulnar nerve, which pierces the medial intermuscular septum as it

exits the anterior compartment to lie medially along the medial

head of the triceps. Limited mobilization of the radial nerve may

be performed if all muscular branches are protected.

354 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.26. Posterior proximal approach to the humerus: landmarks and incision. Landmarks

include the posterior aspect of the acromion, the deltoid tuberosity, and the deltoid and lateral

head of the triceps. The incision begins 5 cm distal to the posterior aspect of the acromion and

continues in the interval between the deltoid and triceps muscles to the level of the deltoid



Radial Nerve Palsy in the Arm

Associated Injuries

Radial nerve palsy in the arm is associated most often with

fractures of the humerus in the middle third or at the junction of the middle and distal thirds. Radial nerve palsy at

this location is distinguished from the more proximal “Saturday night palsy” and “crutch palsy” seen in the upper arm

and axilla, respectively.

Anatomic Factors

At the level in the humerus under discussion, the radial nerve

is subject to injury based on at least two anatomic factors: (a)

the proximity of the radial nerve to bone in the spiral groove,

and (b) the relative fixation of the radial nerve in the spiral

groove and at the site of penetration of the nerve through the

lateral intermuscular septum on its way from the posterior to

the anterior aspect of the arm. Based on these anatomic findings, it is appropriate to postulate the etiology of the neurapraxia based on traction, contusion, or hematoma.

6 Arm 355

FIGURE 6.27. A, B: Proximal posterior approach to the humerus: technique. The interval

between the lateral head of the triceps and the deltoid is developed by blunt dissection down to

the periosteum, which is incised longitudinally. The lateral head and the periosteal sleeve are

retracted medially with care taken to protect the radial nerve, which lies beneath the lateral

head as it comes in contact with the periosteum approximately 3 cm proximal to the level of the

deltoid tuberosity. Next, the periosteum is elevated laterally and retracted with the deltoid. The

axillary nerve and posterior circumflex artery are at risk proximally and must be protected. Further exposure may be obtained distally by partial release of the deltoid insertion.

Surgical Exploration

Although much discussion has been generated around the

issue of early versus late exploration of radial nerve palsy

associated with humeral fracture, most palsies recover spontaneously, and early surgical exploration is recommended in

only three circumstances: (a) open fractures, (b) fractures

that require open reduction and or fixation, and (c) fractures with associated vascular injuries. The onset of radial

nerve palsy after fracture manipulation is not an indication

for early nerve exploration (13,14).

Surgical Exploration for the Holstein-Lewis


In 1963, Holstein and Lewis described a spiral oblique fracture of the distal humerus in seven patients, with radial

nerve paralysis in five and paresis in two (15). They noted

radial angulation and overriding at the fracture site. As the

radial nerve courses anteriorly through the lateral intermuscular septum, it is less mobile and subject to being injured

by the movement of the distal fracture fragment. Because of

the high incidence of radial nerve dysfunction, early operative intervention was advised. In a larger and more recent

study of this fracture associated with radial nerve palsy, 11

of 15 patients were treated without exploration of the radial

nerve and had complete recovery; in the 4 patients who

were explored, the nerve was in continuity and also demonstrated complete recovery (14).

Radial Nerve Entrapment in the Arm


Radial nerve entrapment in the arm is rare compared with

trauma-related palsy (6). Lotem et al. in 1971 described a

fibrous arch and accessory part of the lateral head of the triceps that they associated with nerve compression secondary

to swelling of the muscle after muscular effort (16). This

was a case report of exertional radial nerve palsy that was

not confirmed surgically, but the anatomic etiology was

postulated based on cadaver studies that found the radial

nerve passed through a fibrous tissue arch in the lateral head

of the triceps (16). Four other cases of radial nerve entrapment in this region of the lateral head of the triceps have

been reported, some spontaneous in onset and some following strenuous muscular activity (6,17–19). Two of the

four cases demonstrated a fibrous arch at the time of

surgery (6,19). What appears to be a familial radial nerve

entrapment syndrome has been reported in a 15-year-old

girl with a total and spontaneous radial nerve palsy. Her sister had recently sustained an identical lesion that was

improving spontaneously, and her father also suffered from

intermittent radial nerve palsy (20). The authors of this

report agreed with the concept of a genetically determined

defect in Schwann cell myelin metabolism, noting that sites

along the course of a nerve that were subject to chronic or

intermittent compression may undergo segmental demyelination with resultant nerve palsy (21).


Although a patient with entrapment neuropathy with an

acute onset after overactivity sometimes recovers spontaneously, entrapment in the advanced stage should be surgically decompressed because prolonged compression might

result in intraneural fibrotic changes secondary to longterm compression (6,18). The surgical approach of choice is

posterior between the long and lateral heads of the triceps.



Arcades of Struthers’

John Struthers, an anatomist in Edinburgh, described a

series of nine abnormal arcades in the arm (Figs. 6.28

through 6.30). Eight were related to potential compression

of the median nerve/brachial artery, and one to the ulnar

nerve (22). Only two, or possibly three, of these arcades

have been found to be associated with clinical symptoms

(22–25). For the sake of clarity, these arcades are presented

in Table 6.2, followed by a more detailed discussion of the

three arcades that may have clinical significance.

Clinically Significant Arcades

The first six of the median nerve/brachial artery arcades are

of historical and anatomic interest, and at this time have no

reported clinical significance in terms of entrapment or

impingement of nerve or blood vessel. The following three

arcades are of clinical significance.

Arcade VII

Arcade VII is characterized by an abnormal proximal origin

of the superficial head of the pronator teres from the supracondylar ridge rather than the medial epicondyle (Fig.

6.31). This high origin also may be related to the presence

of a supracondylar process. This position results in lateral

displacement of the neurovascular bundle and has the

potential for compression of the underlying median nerve

and brachial artery. Arcade VII of Struthers should not be

confused with the so-called pronator teres syndrome as

described by Johnson and colleagues in 1977 (26). These

authors noted compression of the median nerve at one of

three levels, in the following order of frequency: the prona356 Regional Anatomy

6 Arm 357

FIGURE 6.28. Arcades of Struthers, I to

IVc. The arcades are median nerve/

brachial artery arcades. Arcade I is a

muscular slip from the latissimus dorsi to

the pectoralis major to the coracobrachialis muscle or biceps tendon;

arcade II is a muscular slip from the coracobrachialis to medial intermuscular septum; and arcade III is an anomalous third

head of the biceps from the medial

intermuscular septum that inserts into

the biceps aponeurosis. (continued on

next page)

358 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.28. (continued) Arcade IVa

is a musculotendinous slip from the

biceps to the pronator teres aponeurosis; arcade IVb is a musculotendinous

slip from the bicipital tuberosity to the

pronator teres aponeurosis; and arcade

IVc is a musculotendinous slip from the

pectoralis major to the pronator teres


6 Arm 359

FIGURE 6.29. Arcades of Struthers, V to

VII. Arcade V is an accessory brachial

head of the biceps surrounding the neurovascular structures in the lower arm;

arcade VI is an accessory muscle slip from

the brachialis that inserts into the pronator aponeurosis; and arcade VII is an

abnormal origin of pronator teres from

the medial supracondylar ridge rather

than the medial epicondyle.

360 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 6.30. Arcades of Struthers, VIII and ulnar nerve arcade. Arcade VIII is a ligament passing

from a supracondylar process to the medial humeral condyle; the ulnar nerve arcade is a fibrous

tissue band from the medial intermuscular septum to the medial head of the triceps located 8 cm

proximal to the medial epicondyle of the humerus. It is described in detail in Chapter 7.


Arcade Abnormal Muscle/Ligament Complex

I Muscular slip from latissimus dorsi to pectoralis major, coracobrachialis, or biceps tendon

II Muscular slip from coracobrachialis to medial intermuscular septum

III Anomalous third head of the biceps from the medial intermuscular septum that inserts into the biceps aponeurosis

IVa Musculotendinous slip from biceps to pronator teres aponeurosis

IVb Musculotendinous slip from bicipital tuberosity to pronator teres aponeurosis

IVc Musculotendinous slip from pectoralis major to pronator teres aponeurosis

V Accessory brachial head of the biceps surrounding the neurovascular structures in the lower arm

VI Accessory muscle slip from brachialis that inserts into the pronator aponeurosis

VII Abnormal origin of pronator teres from the medial supracondylar ridge rather than the medial epicondyle

VIII Ligament of Struthers passing from a supracondylar process to the medial humeral condyle

Ulnar nerve Fibrous tissue band from the medial intermuscular septum to the medial head

arcade of the triceps located 8 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle of the humerus

tor teres, the flexor superficialis arch, and the lacertus fibrosus.

The pronator teres syndrome is discussed in detail in

Chapter 8.

Arcade VIII

Anatomy. This arcade, along with the ulnar nerve arcade

on the medial aspect of the arm, probably has the greatest clinical significance (Fig. 6.32; see Fig. 6.30). Arcade

VIII consists of a supracondylar process and ligament of

Struthers that spans between the supracondylar process

and the medial epicondyle, thus creating an arcade that

contains the median nerve and brachial artery (27). The

supracondylar process is a hook-shaped projection of

bone from the anteromedial aspect of the distal humerus.

It arises 3 to 5 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle and

is 2 to 20 mm in length (2). Its incidence is approximately 1%, and it is a rare cause of pressure on the underlying median nerve and brachial artery (2,27). In climbing animals, the supracondylar process normally is

present and forms a foramen called the end-epitrochlear

foramen that serves to protect the neurovascular bundle

and provides attachment for the pronator teres (27,28). If

the ligament of Struthers extends to the fibrous arch of

the two heads of the FCU as well as the medial epicondyle, it may produce compression of the median as

well as the ulnar nerve (29). The ligament of Struthers

6 Arm 361

FIGURE 6.31. Arcade of Struthers, VII. This arcade is characterized by an abnormal proximal origin of the superficial head of the pronator teres from the supracondylar ridge rather than the

medial epicondyle. This position results in lateral displacement of the neurovascular bundle and

has the potential for compression of the underlying median nerve and brachial artery.

FIGURE 6.32. The ligament of Struthers. The ligament of

Struthers spans between the anomalous supracondylar process

and the medial epicondyle and thus creates an arcade that contains the median nerve and brachial artery. The supracondylar

process is a hook-shaped projection of bone from the anteromedial aspect of the distal humerus that arises 3 to 5 cm proximal

to the medial epicondyle and is 2 to 20 mm long. If the ligament

of Struthers extends to the fibrous arch of the two heads of the

flexor carpi ulnaris as well as the medial epicondyle, it may produce compression of the median as well as the ulnar nerve.

has been reported without the usually associated supracondylar process, and the ligament alone may produce

median nerve compression (22,24). The humeral or

superficial head of the pronator teres may arise from the

supracondylar process and the ligament of Struthers in

some instances (24,27).

Clinical Picture. Symptoms may include aching pain in

the region of the elbow with proximal migration toward the

medial aspect of the arm and shoulder and diminished sensibility in the median nerve distribution in the hand. Weakness of grip may be noted, and sometimes the supracondylar process may be palpable (24,27). An oblique radiograph

of the distal humerus may demonstrate the anteromedially

placed supracondylar process (27).

Treatment. Excision of the supracondylar process and ligament of Struthers usually results in complete resolution of

the problem (24,25,27).

The Ulnar Nerve and Arcade of Struthers

This structure that occurs in the arm and which involves

the ulnar nerve must be distinguished from the ligament

of Struthers that involves the median nerve, usually in

association with a supracondylar process (see Fig. 6.30).

The arcade of Struthers as it relates to the ulnar nerve

occurs 8 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle and arises

from the medial intermuscular septum, crosses over the

ulnar nerve, and inserts into the fascial elements of the

medial head of the triceps (23). A detailed description of

the ulnar nerve arcade of Struthers is given in Chapter 7

in the section on surgical technique for ulnar nerve transposition.



In approximately 12% of arms, an accessory humeral head

is found in addition to the usual scapular sites of origin

(28). The most common accessory head arises from the

medial side of the brachialis and the medial intermuscular

septum near the insertion of the coracobrachialis, and

attaches to the medial side of the biceps aponeurosis and the

biceps tendon. A less common accessory head arises from

the proximal humerus in the region of the lesser tubercle


Clinical Significance

The most common form of an accessory head usually lies

behind the brachial artery as a single muscle belly, but

sometimes it has two heads or slips through which the neurovascular bundle may pass. The two-headed form of the

muscle may represent arcade III in Struthers’ description of

nine arcades in the arm (2,3,25).


This muscle may split into two parts in its distal aspect, or

may be fused with the brachioradialis, pronator teres, or

biceps. Aberrant distal attachments have included the

radius, the elbow joint capsule, and the biceps aponeurosis



Medial Aspect of Elbow

An anomalous musculotendinous slip may arise from the

triceps and run through a groove behind the medial epicondyle. During elbow flexion, the patient experiences a

painful snapping over the medial aspect as the abnormal

slip snaps forward. In some cases there may be progressive

numbness in the ulnar nerve distribution of the hand


Clinical Significance

This condition must be distinguished from ulnar nerve

neuritis or cubital tunnel syndrome because the treatment

is markedly different. This topic is discussed in Chapter 7.


The coracobrachialis, which normally inserts on the medial

mid-portion of the humerus, may extend as far distally as

the medial supracondylar or epicondylar region, and in

such instances the muscle is called the coracobrachialis inferior and coracobrachialis longus, respectively. The coracobrachialis brevis, in contrast, may insert on the bicipital

ridge of the humerus approximately 1 cm distal to the lesser

tuberosity (28).


Brachial Artery

The brachial artery extends from the distal margin of the

teres major to the antecubital fossa, where it normally

divides into the radial and ulnar arteries.


Superficial Brachial Artery. The superficial brachial

arises from the axillary or the proximal end of the brachial

artery and is superficial to the musculature of the arm. It

lies slightly more lateral than the normally placed brachial

artery. It divides into the radial and ulnar arteries in the

elbow region (28,31). Under these circumstances, the usual

brachial artery may be absent or give rise only to the deep

brachial and common interosseous arteries. The radial

artery, as a branch of the superficial brachial, has a normal

course, but the ulnar artery derived from the superficial

362 Regional Anatomy

brachial usually courses superficially across the forearm flexors to the medial side of the forearm (31).

High Origin of the Radial or Ulnar Artery. High origin

of the radial or ulnar artery is the most common variation

of the brachial artery (31). A high origin of the radial artery

may occur in 15% of individuals, and it may arise as high

as the axillary artery. A high radial artery usually lies anterior to the median nerve and medial to the biceps, but in

the forearm is in its normal position. In contrast, a high origin of the ulnar artery only occurs in approximately 2% of

individuals, and it may arise from the axillary or brachial

artery. It usually lies superficial to the brachial artery and

median nerve and remains superficial in the antecubital

fossa, where it lies on the forearm flexors.

High or Low Division of the Brachial Artery. A high

division of the brachial artery has been reported, usually

near its origin, in 12% of individuals (28), and a low division as late as 8 cm distal to the antecubital fossa also has

been noted (32).

Clinical Significance

High Origin of the Ulnar Artery. The ulnar artery courses

superficially across the forearm flexors and may be at risk

during venipuncture (33), as well as during surgical exposures in the proximal forearm or during elevation of a radial

forearm flap.

Low Origin of Radial Artery. In this configuration, the

radial artery usually passes deep to the pronator teres and

does not have its usual skin and subcutaneous tissue connections, which may be of significance in a radial forearm

flap (32).


Musculocutaneous Nerve

Instead of piercing the coracobrachialis, the nerve may

travel with the median nerve for a variable distance and

then, either as a single branch or as several branches, pass

between the biceps and brachialis to innervate the biceps,

brachialis, and coracobrachialis (28). This variation was

found in 22% of arms. Sometimes, only a portion of the

musculocutaneous nerve pursues this course and then

rejoins the main trunk after penetrating and supplying the


Other Variations

These include the finding that the musculocutaneous nerve

may be accompanied by fibers of the median nerve as it transits the coracobrachialis; instead of penetrating the coracobrachialis, the nerve may pass behind or between it and the

short head of the biceps; and, rarely, the lateral cord may

pierce the coracobrachialis and then divide into the musculocutaneous and the lateral head of the median nerve (28).

Median Nerve

In cases of high division of the brachial artery, when the

resulting radial and ulnar arteries lie along the medial side

of the arm, the median nerve lies between these two vessels



1. Fuss FK, Wurzl GH. Radial nerve entrapment at the elbow: surgical anatomy. J Hand Surg [Am] 16:742–747, 1991.

2. Williams PL. Gray’s anatomy, 38th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1995.

3. Agur AMR. Grant’s atlas of anatomy, 9th ed. Baltimore: Williams

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proximal part of the humerus. J Bone Joint Surg Am 71:407–

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13. Green DP. Radial nerve palsy. In: Green DP, ed. Operative hand

surgery, 3rd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1993.

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paralysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 45:1382–1388, 1963.

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muscular effort. J Bone Joint Surg Br 53:500–506, 1971.

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18. Mitsunaga MM, Nakano K. High radial nerve palsy following

strenuous muscular activity. Clin Orthop 234:39–42, 1988.

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report. Cent Jpn J Traumatol 28:798–799, 1985.

20. Lubahn JD, Lister GD. Familial radial nerve entrapment syndrome: a case report and literature review. J Hand Surg[Am] 8:

297–299, 1983.

21. Mayer FR, Garcia-Mullin R. Hereditary neuropathy manifested

by pressure palsies: a Schwann cell disorder? Trans Am Neurol

Assoc 93:238–240, 1968.

6 Arm 363

22. Struthers J. On some points in the abnormal anatomy of the arm.

Br Foreign Med Chir Rev 14:170–179, 1854.

23. Al-Qattan MM, Murray KA. The arcade of Struthers: an

anatomical study. J Hand Surg [Br] 16:311–314, 1991.

24. Smith RV, Fisher RG. Struthers’ ligament: a source of median nerve

compression above the elbow. J Neurosurg 28:778–779, 1973.

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364 Regional Anatomy




The elbow joint is a compound synovial uniaxial joint that

allows a wide range of functional positions for the hand.

This joint permits 180 degrees of rotation of the forearm

and a flexion–extension arc of 140 degrees with intrinsic

stability that resists deformity in all planes in spite of long

moment arms and large forces acting through its joint axis.

Stability of this joint is based on its skeletal configuration as

well as its ligamentous support system (1). The ligaments

provide approximately 50% of the stability, and the exact

distribution varies between 45% and 55%, depending on

the flexion or extension position of the elbow (1). Strong

muscles and tendons also span this joint, which adds further stability. The hingelike motion of the joint is provided

for by the articulation between the proximal ulna and the

trochlea, whereas rotation is provided for by the round and

concave radial head that articulates with the capitulum and

the radial notch of the ulna, thus allowing rotation of the

radius around the longitudinal axis of the ulna. These seemingly contradictory movements are permissible because the

ulna flexes and extends only, whereas the radius not only

flexes and extends but rotates as well. Although the articulation between the ulna and trochlea is more intrinsically

stable than the articulation between the radius and capitulum, both joints are stabilized by strong ligaments (2).



Bone: Distal humerus, proximal radius, and proximal ulna.

Blood Vessels: Brachial artery and its branches.

Nerves: Ulnar, median, radial, and cutaneous nerves.

Muscles: Elbow flexors and extensors, forearm flexor-pronators, forearm extensor-supinators.

Fat Pads, Capsule, and Ligaments: Anterior and posterior

fat pads, anterior and posterior joint capsule, and anterior,

medial, and lateral joint ligaments.

External Landmarks

The major landmarks about the elbow are the medial and

lateral epicondyles and the olecranon process of the ulna.

All of these landmarks are bony prominences that are easily

identified by visualization and palpation. These three landmarks form a triangle that allows for the accurate placement

of incisions and the identification of adjacent vital structures (Fig. 7.1).

Skeletal Anatomy


The elbow joint includes three articulations: (a) the trochlea

of the humerus with the ulnar trochlear notch, (b) the

capitulum of the humerus with the radial head, and (c) the

proximal radioulnar joint (radial head to the radial notch of

the ulna). The trochlea is not a symmetric pulley because its

medial edge is approximately 6 mm longer than its lateral

counterpart; it also is wider posteriorly (2). The trochlear

notch of the ulna is not totally congruent with the humeral

trochlea because in flexion a portion of the lateral aspect of

the trochlear notch is not in contact with the humeral

trochlea, and in extension the medial part of the proximal

olecranon is not in contact with the humeral trochlea. The

proximal and distal halves of the trochlear notch are separated by an area devoid of articular cartilage and covered by

fibroadipose tissue and synovium. The capitulum and radial

head are reciprocally curved, and closest contact occurs in

semiflexion and mid-pronation. During flexion, the radial

head is accommodated by the groove between the humeral

trochlea and capitulum and in full flexion by the radial fossa

just proximal to the capitulum. The coronoid process of the

ulna is similarly accommodated in flexion by the coronoid

fossa. Posteriorly, the apex of the olecranon avoids impingement by entering the comparatively large olecranon fossa

when the elbow is extended.

The Carrying Angle

When the forearm is supinated and in full extension, it

deviates laterally by approximately 17 degrees (2). This socalled carrying angle is due to (a) the fact that the medial

trochlear edge is approximately 6 mm longer than its lateral edge; and (b) the matching obliquity of the coronoid’s

superior articular surface, which is not orthogonal to the

ulnar shaft (2). The carrying angle disappears when the

elbow is flexed because of slight spiral orientation of the

ridge in the trochlear notch and the companion groove in

the trochlea, and the fact that the tilt of the humeral and

ulnar articular surfaces is approximately equal (2). The

carrying angle is masked, if not obliterated, by pronation

of the forearm, which brings the hand into a more functional position.

Distal Humerus

The distal humerus is a modified condyle that is wider than

it is thick and has articular and nonarticular parts.

Articular Components

The lateral and convex capitulum is less than half a sphere

that has anterior and inferior but not posterior articular surfaces. It articulates with the discoid radial head, which abuts

the inferior surface in full extension. The trochlea, the

medial and pulley-shaped humeral surface, articulates with

the trochlear notch of the proximal ulna. The trochlear

notch of the ulna has a mid-articular ridge that extends

from front to back and corresponds to a groove in the

trochlea of the humerus. The articular surface of the

trochlea is anterior, inferior, and posterior and is separated

from the capitulum by a shallow groove (2).

Nonarticular Components

The nonarticular medial and lateral epicondyles and their

respective supracondylar ridges are sites of origin for the

flexor-pronator and extensor-supinator muscles, respectively. The smooth posterior surface of the medial epicondyle is traversed by the ulnar nerve through a groove

before its entrance into the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU). The

radial and coronoid fossae provide space for the radial head

and coronoid process of the ulna, respectively, to accommodate flexion of the elbow without impingement. Posteriorly, the olecranon fossa accommodates the apex of the olecranon process when the elbow is extended (Fig. 7.2).


The radial head is discoid and its proximal surface is a shallow

cup to accommodate the adjacent capitulum. The disc is

widest medially, where it articulates with the ulna in the radial

notch (2). The neck is positioned between the head and the

medially placed biceps tuberosity (Fig. 7.3). The nonarticular

portion of the radial head is posterolateral when the arm is in

full supination. This nonarticular portion of the radial head is

characterized by a thin band of yellowish cartilage, in contrast

to the wider, white, and glistening cartilage of the articular

portion. This nonarticular zone is located in a 90-degree

quadrant as measured from the radial styloid and Lister’s

tubercle and projected proximally to the radial head (3).

366 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.1. A: The major posterior bony landmarks about the elbow are the medial and lateral

epicondyles and the olecranon process of the ulna. B: These three bony landmarks form a triangle that allows for the accurate placement of incisions and the identification of adjacent vital



Clinical Significance

This nonarticulating portion of the radial head represents a

safe zone for the application of a fixation device, such as a

plate and screws, without the danger of impingement.


The proximal end of the ulna is a large hook process with a

trochlear or semilunar notch that is bounded proximally by

the apex of the olecranon process and distally by the coronoid process. Just distal to the coronoid process is the site

of insertion of the brachialis muscle, the ulnar tuberosity,

and a rough impression on the anterior aspect of the coronoid process (Fig. 7.4).

7 Elbow 367

FIGURE 7.2. Anterior and posterior views of the distal humerus.

FIGURE 7.3. The radial head and proximal radius. FIGURE 7.4. The proximal ulna.


Extraosseous and Intraosseous Arterial

Anatomy of the Adult Elbow

Yamaguchi et al., based on injection studies of 22 fresh

cadaver elbows, found consistent patterns of extraosseous and

intraosseous vascular anatomy that were organized into

medial, lateral, and posterior arcades (4). The intraosseous circulation of the elbow was derived mainly from perforating

branches from neighboring extraosseous arteries. The details

of this vascular complex are given in Figure 7.5 and Table 7.1.

The reader is referred to this comprehensive article for details.

368 Regional Anatomy


FIGURE 7.5. The extraosseous and intraosseous arterial anatomy of the adult elbow. A: The anterior right elbow showing the superior ulnar collateral (SUC); inferior ulnar collateral (IUC); anterior

and posterior ulnar recurrent (AUR and PUR); common interosseous (CI) and its branches the anterior and posterior interosseous (AI and PI) and the interosseous recurrent (IR); and the radial recurrent (RR) arteries. B: The posterior right elbow showing the radial and medial collateral branches (RC

and MC); the radial recurrent artery (RR); the interosseous recurrent artery (IR); the posterior ulnar

recurrent artery (PUR); and the inferior and superior ulnar collateral branches (IUC and SUC).

7 Elbow 369

FIGURE 7.5 (continued). C: Medial view of the right

elbow showing superior and inferior ulnar collateral

branches (SUC and IUC); and the posterior and anterior

ulnar recurrent arteries (PUR and AUR). D: Lateral view of

the right elbow showing the radial and interosseous

recurrent arteries (RR and IR) and the medial and radial

collateral branches (MC and RC). (Redrawn after Yamaguchi K, Sweet FA, Bindra R, et al. The extraosseous and

intraosseous arterial anatomy of the adult elbow. J Bone

Joint Surg Am 79:1653–1662, 1997, with permission.)



Clinical Significance

The perforating branches from the extraosseous arteries are

the main source of the intraosseous blood supply to the

elbow and may be damaged by injury or indiscriminate dissection during surgery. The radial head has a dual

extraosseous blood supply; the first source is from a single

branch of the radial recurrent artery directly to the head,

and the second source is from vessels from both the radial

and interosseous recurrent arteries that penetrate the capsular insertion at the neck of the radius. The vessel to the

radial head enters at the noncartilaginous portion of the

head, which is the preferred area for placement of fixation

devices and may have vascular implications (4). The proximal ulna is well vascularized from posteromedial and posterolateral sources (4).

Elbow Capsule, Fat Pads, and Ligaments

The elbow joint is a compound uniaxial synovial joint with

capsular and ligamentous fibrous tissue support. The capsule is anterior and posterior; the fat pads are extrasynovial;

and the ligaments are anterior (annular ligament of radius),

medial (ulnar), and lateral (radial).


The fibrous tissue capsule is comparatively thin anteriorly

and posteriorly compared with the more substantial medial

and lateral collateral ligaments. Anteriorly, the capsule

begins proximal to the coronoid and radial fossae and spans

the interval from the medial to the lateral epicondyle. Distally, it is attached to the coronoid process and the annular

ligament and spans the interval between the two condyles.

Posteriorly, the capsule is thin and its attachments proximally are from the margins of the olecranon fossa and distally from the olecranon process, the lateral epicondyle and

annular ligament, and the medial epicondyle. A synovial

membrane lines the articular capsule including the radial,

coronoid, and olecranon fossae (2).

Fat Pads

Between the capsule and synovial membrane are three fat

pads: the largest is at the olecranon fossa and is pressed into

the fossa by the triceps during flexion; the other two are at

the coronoid and radial fossae, and are compressed into the

fossa by the brachialis during extension (2).

Anterior Ligament

The annular ligament of the radius arises from the lateral

aspect of the coronoid process of the ulna and arches up and

over the head and neck of the radius to insert on the opposite side of the coronoid process. It is a strong band that

forms a fibroosseous ring with the ulnar radial notch and

maintains the radial head in this notch. The annular band

370 Regional Anatomy


Distance from

Medial Epicondyle


Artery Origin Average Range Common Anastomoses Supplies

Profunda brachiia Brachial 21.6 18.2–25.2

Radial collateral Profundus 19.9 18.0–23.0 Radial recurrent Lateral aspect of trochlea,

capitellum, lateral epicondyle

Middle collateral Profundus 19.9 18.0–23.0 Interosseous recurrent Capitellum, medial aspect of


Superior ulnar Brachial 17.2 13.5–23.0 Medial arcade, inferior Olecranon fossa, medial aspect

collateral ulnar collateral of trochlea

Inferior ulnar Brachial 6.7 2.0–11.5 Superior ulnar recurrent, Medial epicondyle, coronoid

collateral posterior ulnar fossa, medial aspect of

recurrent trochlea

Radial recurrent Radial 6.6 5.4–9.0 Radial collateral Radial head and neck,


Interosseous recurrent Posterior interosseous 8.9 8.0–10.0 Middle collateral Lateral aspect of olecranon

recurrent radial neck, capitellum

Posterior ulnar Ulnar 7.3 5.8–9.7 Superior ulnar collateral, Medial aspect of olecranon

recurrent inferior ulnar medial aspect of trochlea


Anterior ulnar Ulnar 6.9 4.0–8.6 Inferior ulnar collateral Mostly muscular


aPresent in 19 (86%) of the 22 specimens.

bPresent in 11 (50%) of the 22 specimens.

forms approximately four-fifths of this ring. The radial collateral ligament blends with the outer layers of the annular

ligament, and a portion of the supinator attaches to the

annular ligament (2). This ligament also is considered to be

the ligament of the proximal radioulnar joint, just as the triangular fibrocartilage complex is considered to be the ligament of the distal radioulnar joint and the interosseous

membrane the ligament of the so-called middle joint of the

forearm (2). Many authors have considered the annular ligament to be part of the lateral ligament complex of the

elbow, although this differs from its classic description

(1,2,5–8). However, the fact that the fan-shaped radial lateral ligament blends with and attaches to the superior and

lateral portion of the annular ligament so extensively gives

support to the concept of including the annular ligament as

part of the lateral ligament complex.

Medial Ligaments

The medial or ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow consists of three parts, the anterior, posterior, and transverse ligaments (2) (Figs. 7.6 and 7.7).

Anterior Component of the Medial Ligament

This component is an obliquely oriented, cordlike segment

that arises from a depression in the inferior aspect of the

medial epicondyle of the humerus. It attaches to the coronoid process of the ulna adjacent to the sublimis tubercle

(9). The mean length of the anterior portion is 27.1 ± 4.3

mm and the mean width is 4.7 ± 1.2 mm (5). The anterior

ligament is divided into anterior and posterior parts. These

two parts tighten in reciprocal fashion as the elbow flexes

and extends. The anterior part is relaxed in flexion and tight

in extension and the reverse is true for the posterior part of

the anterior ligament (9). In general, the anterior part of the

anterior ligament is tight from full extension to 60 degrees

of flexion, and the posterior part of the anterior ligament is

tight from 60 to 120 degrees of flexion (5).

Posterior Component of the Medial Ligament

The fanlike posterior ligament arises posterior to the origin

of the anterior ligament, slightly posterior to the most inferior portion of the medial epicondyle, and inserts in a broad

depression on the ulna adjacent to the articular surface

(2,9). The mean length of the posterior portion is 24.2 ±

4.3 mm and the mean width is 5.3 ± 1.1 mm (5).

The posterior ligament resembles thickened joint capsule when the elbow is extended, but as the elbow flexes, the

posterior ligament tightens and fans out to form a sharp

edge (9).

Transverse Component of the Medial Ligament

The transverse segment consists of horizontally oriented

fibers between the coronoid and the olecranon and partially

overlays the insertion of the fanlike component. The transverse ligament is closely applied to the joint capsule and

contributes little or nothing to elbow stability because it

originates and inserts on the ulna (9).

Comparative Significance of the Anterior and

Posterior Ligaments of the Medial Ligament

The anterior component is the most prominent and can be

easily distinguished from the joint capsule (5,9,10). This

component of the medial collateral ligament resists valgus

as well as internal rotatory forces. Sequential sectioning of

7 Elbow 371

FIGURE 7.6. The medial collateral elbow ligaments.

the anterior and posterior parts of the anterior ligament and

the posterior ligament revealed that the anterior component

of the anterior ligament was the primary restraint to valgus

deformity at 30, 60, and 90 degrees of flexion, and was a

co-primary restraint at 120 degrees of flexion. The posterior

component of the anterior ligament was a co-primary

restraint at 120 degrees of flexion and a secondary restraint

at 30 and 90 degrees of flexion. The greatest amount of valgus deformity after sectioning of the anterior ligament was

with the elbow at 90 degrees of flexion. The anterior part of

the anterior ligament was more subject to valgus overload

when the elbow was extended and the posterior component

of the anterior ligament was more subject to overload when

the elbow was flexed. The posterior ligament was a secondary restraint at 30 degrees only and was not subject to

valgus overload unless the anterior ligament was completely

disrupted (9).

Clinical Significance

The authors of this study noted that the greatest amount of

valgus instability due to sectioning of the anterior ligament

was observed when the elbow was at 90 degrees of flexion.

They recommended that physical examination in patients

with a suspected injury to the anterior ligament of the

medial collateral ligament should be performed with the

elbow in 90 degrees of flexion for greatest sensitivity (9).

Lateral Ligaments

The lateral ligament complex of the elbow arises from a

bare area just distal to the lateral epicondyle and fans out

distally to insert on the annular ligament of the radius laterally and superiorly and on the lateral aspect of the coronoid process of the ulna inferiorly. It is blended with the

attachments of the supinator and the extensor carpi radialis

brevis (ECRB) (2). Its classic description is that of a single

triangular ligament called the radial collateral ligament (2).

Morrey and An identified three parts to the lateral ligament

complex: (a) the annular ligament, (b) the fan-shaped part

that originates from the lateral epicondyle and inserts into

and blends with the annular ligament, and (c) an invariably

present but often inconspicuous part of the inferior aspect

of the fan-shaped ligament that inserts on a tubercle of the

supinator crest of the proximal ulna. They named the latter

structure the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL) (5)

(Figs. 7.8 and 7.9). Based on studies of posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow, some authors consider the

LUCL portion of the lateral collateral ligament complex the

most important in preventing posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow (5,6). The lower than expected incidence

of objective varus laxity in cases of posterolateral rotatory

instability with varus stress when the LUCL is disrupted is

said to be due to the fact that the primary contributor to

stability is the ulnohumeral articulation rather than the

372 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.7. Fresh cadaver dissection of

the medial collateral elbow ligaments

(medial aspect of the right elbow). The

probe is beneath the anterior ligament;

the green marker is beneath the transverse ligament, and the blue triangle is

beneath the proximal edge of the posterior ligament.

radial collateral ligament complex (5). The somewhat variable incidence of varus instability after radial head excision

may be due to the inadvertent release of the LUCL rather

than to radial head excision alone (5).

These findings and conclusions are compared with a study

that focused on the muscular and ligamentous anatomy of

the lateral aspect of the elbow as it relates to rotatory instability (6). The dissections in this study revealed a broad conjoined tendon of insertion of the lateral collateral and annular ligaments to the ulna. In 22 of the 40 specimens, the

insertion was bilobed, and it was broad in 18 specimens.

Cohen and Hastings (8) did not identify a discrete ligament

spanning from the epicondyle to the ulna, the so-called

LUCL described by Morrey and An (5). A standardized rotatory force on the elbow joint was used to evaluate the role of

the various stabilizers of the elbow joint as they related to

rotatory stability. The stabilizers evaluated included the

extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) fascial band, the annular ligament, the lateral collateral ligament complex, the supinator

insertion, the supinator origin, and composite fibers of origin

of the extensors. Cohen and Hastings concluded that: (a) the

primary restraint to posterolateral rotatory instability of the

elbow is the combination of the lateral collateral and annular

ligaments that coalesce to insert broadly over a 2-cm area on

the proximal ulna; (b) the supinator tendon, which attaches

to the ulna and becomes confluent with the lateral collateral

ligament toward its origin, reinforces this structure; (c) the

principal secondary restraints of the lateral aspect of the

elbow are the extensor muscles with their fascial bands and

intermuscular septa; (d) rotatory instability involves attenuation or avulsion of both the ligamentous and muscular origins from the lateral epicondyle; and (e) posterolateral rotatory instability spontaneously reduced with the forearm in

pronation even when all the restraints had been sectioned (8).

Clinical Significance

Cohen and Hastings made several clinical observations

based on their understanding of the anatomy of the lateral

ligament complex and the muscles arising from the lateral

region of the elbow:

1. Patients with acute lateral ligament disruption may be

managed with a hinged brace with the forearm in pronation. If repair is elected, immobilization of the forearm

in pronation aids in protection of the repair.

7 Elbow 373

FIGURE 7.8. The lateral collateral ligaments of the elbow. LUCL,

lateral ulnar collateral ligament.

FIGURE 7.9. Fresh cadaver dissection of

the lateral collateral ligament of the

elbow (lateral aspect of the right elbow).

The green diamond-shaped marker is on

the lateral epicondyle, and the probe is

beneath the radial collateral ligament,

which attaches to the supinator crest

marked with a dotted line.

2. Overzealous debridement for recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis may result in posterolateral instability, and

may explain persistent complaints. Cohen and Hastings

advise debridement of tissue anterior to the palpable septum of the extensor digitorum communis and extensor

digiti quinti at the middle of the axis of the epicondyle.

This approach spares the posterior fibers of the lateral

collateral ligament and the extensor muscle origins and

maintains stability of the lateral aspect of the elbow (4).

3. The usual Kocher approach for radial head excision

between the anconeus and ECU muscles should be kept

in line with the fibers of the ECU to avoid section of the

fascial band of the ECU. Proximal extension of the

Kocher incision, if kept inferior to the epicondyle, preserves the integrity of the extensor tendon from the

condylar and epicondylar regions. Excision of the radial

head requires incision of portions of the lateral ligament

complex. An incision slightly anterior to the center of

the radial head and carried distally for a short distance

preserves the inferior portions of the complex. Careful

repair of the these fibers is important (8).

Loci of Origin of the Medial and Lateral

Elbow Ligaments and Axis of Joint Rotation

The origins and insertions of the medial and lateral ligaments as well as the axis of rotation of the elbow joint are

presented in Figure 7.10. Little variation is noted in the

three-dimensional distance between the origin and insertion of the radial collateral ligament complex from full

extension to 120 degrees of flexion. This is consistent with

the fact that the axis of rotation passes through the center

of this locus. The distance between the origin and insertion

of the anterior ligament of the medial collateral ligament

increased a mean of 4.8 mm from extension to 120 degrees

of flexion. This distance was even more pronounced in the

posterior ligament of the medial collateral ligament, which

demonstrated a mean distance of 9.4 mm after approximately 60 degrees of flexion. These changes are consistent

with the eccentric locus of the medial collateral ligament in

relationship to the elbow joint axis of rotation (5).


Posterior Approach


This approach is used for exposure of nonarticular and

intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus, removal of

loose bodies, and treatment of extension contractures of the

elbow requiring posterior capsulotomy and triceps lengthening.


The landmarks for this approach are the olecranon process

and the two humeral condyles, which are readily palpated

and visualized.


The patient may be positioned prone with the arm resting

on a well padded arm table and the elbow flexed to 90

degrees, or supine with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees and

374 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.10. Loci of origin of the medial and lateral

elbow ligaments and axis of joint rotation. A: Anterior

view of distal humerus showing radial collateral ligament

(RCL); anterior ligament of medial collateral ligament (AMCL); posterior ligament of medial collateral ligament

(P-MCL); and axis of joint rotation (Z); note that the

medial ligament originates from the epicondyle, not the

medial aspect of the trochlea. B: Lateral view of distal

humerus showing the concentric locus of the RCL compared with the eccentric locus of the MCL in relationship

to the elbow joint axis of rotation (Z). C: Anterior view of

proximal radius and ulna showing loci of insertion of PMCL, A-MCL, and RCL. D: Lateral view of proximal ulna

and radius showing loci of insertion of RCL, A-MCL, and

P-MCL. (Redrawn after Morrey BF, An K-N. Functional

anatomy of the ligaments of the elbow. Clin. Orthop

201:84–90, 1985, with permission.)

the forearm supported on a well padded Mayo stand over

the patient’s chest (Fig. 7.11). These positions allow for

comprehensive exposure of the elbow, but the arm also may

be positioned on an arm table with the elbow flexed to 90

degrees and resting on a soft pad. This third position, however, may make it difficult to see all aspects of the medial

areas of the elbow and may be better suited for exposure of

the posterolateral aspect of the elbow. A straight-line incision is begun in the posterior aspect of the distal arm,

curved distally across the lateral edge of the olecranon

process, and then curved distally to end over the medial

subcutaneous margin of the ulna. This incision is designed

to avoid the potential for a bothersome scar over the pressure or contact surface of the olecranon and also has the

7 Elbow 375

FIGURE 7.11. A–C: Patient positions and incision for posterior approach to elbow.

potential for providing better soft tissue cover over any fixation devices that may be used as part of the procedure.


The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and superficial fascia are

incised down to the triceps aponeurosis, which is the plane

of dissection and provides a thick flap for coverage of the

operative site.

Ulnar Nerve

The ulnar nerve is palpated beneath the deep fascia in the

interval between the long head of the triceps and the medial

intermuscular septum. The fascia is incised and the nerve

freed distally and gently retracted with saline-moistened,

0.5-inch-diameter Penrose drains. The nerve usually is

accompanied by the posterior ulnar recurrent artery and

one or more small veins; if possible, these vascular structures should be left with the nerve to preserve its blood supply (Fig. 7.12).

Olecranon Osteotomy

In nonarticular fractures or in cases that do not require

exploration of the joint, the triceps mechanism may be

released by an oblique nonarticular osteotomy of the proximal aspect of the olecranon (11) (Fig. 7.13A and B). If a

more complete exposure of the joint is required, as in

removal of loose bodies or in the management of intraarticular fractures, the joint is exposed through a transverse

chevron-shaped osteotomy approximately 2.5 cm distal to

the proximal edge of the olecranon process (11). The apex

of the chevron is distal to lessen the chances of splitting

the proximal olecranon during fixation. The chevron

modification of the osteotomy makes fixation of the

osteotomy more accurate at the close of the procedure.

Accurate replacement and fixation of either osteotomy is

aided by predrilling the olecranon process before the

osteotomy and by making a longitudinal mark on the

medial and lateral side of the olecranon at right angles to

the intended osteotomy with an osteotome or the cutting

current of the Bovie unit. These marks are then realigned

at the time of fixation of the osteotomy. The transverse

osteotomy is performed at right angles to the longitudinal

axis of the ulna using a power saw with a thin blade. The

olecranon is cut nearly completely through and then the

osteotomy is completed by a thin osteotome. Before making the osteotomy, a pilot hole is drilled in the ulna for

inserting a cancellous lag screw.

376 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.12. Posterior approach to the elbow. A: Skin incision. B: Deep dissection.

Soft Tissue Release

After the osteotomy, it is necessary to release the soft tissues

both medially and laterally adjacent to the olecranon

process while taking care that the soft tissue attachments to

the olecranon process are not disrupted. Subperiosteal dissection of the triceps muscle from the humerus allows an

extensive exposure of the posterior humerus and the posterior articular surface of the elbow joint. Indiscriminate dissection of the muscle from bone is to be avoided because

the circulation to the bone may be compromised. Although

subperiosteal dissection may be performed around the

medial and lateral margins of the distal humerus to its anterior aspect, care should be taken to avoid disruption of the

blood supply to the bone or injury to the brachial artery

and median nerve, which are nearby in the antecubital fossa

(see Fig. 7.13C).

Radial Head Approach


This approach is used to expose the radial head for excision

or for management of fractures, including open reduction

and internal fixation.


Useful landmarks include the lateral epicondyle, the olecranon process and its proximal subcutaneous margin, and the

radial head, which usually is palpable with alternating

pronation and supination of the forearm.


With the patient supine, the upper extremity draped free,

and the elbow resting on a well padded hand table, the forearm is placed in pronation and the elbow flexed to 90

degrees. The radial head is approached through an oblique

incision made from the lateral epicondyle to the ulna that

parallels the interval between the anconeus and the ECU

(Fig. 7.14).


The interval between the anconeus muscle and the ECU is

identified distally and then traced proximally because these

two muscles share a common fibrous origin. The origin of

the anconeus from the lateral epicondyle may be detached

to facilitate the exposure. The ECU and anconeus are

7 Elbow 377

FIGURE 7.13. Posterior approach to the elbow (comprehensive with osteotomy). A: Accurate

replacement and fixation of either osteotomy is aided by predrilling the olecranon process

before the osteotomy. B: Oblique (a) and transverse chevron-shaped (b) osteotomies of the proximal ulna. C: Subperiosteal dissection of the triceps muscle from the humerus allows an extensive

exposure of the posterior humerus and the posterior articular surface of the elbow joint.

retracted to reveal the underlying supinator muscle. Identification of the supinator is facilitated by noting that its

fibers run at approximately a 90-degree angle to the

anconeus fibers (Fig. 7.15).

Posterior Interosseous Nerve

The supinator contains the posterior interosseous nerve

(PIN), which enters the volar lateral face of the supinator

and courses obliquely in the fibers of the muscle to exit

dorsally near the distal margin of the supinator. The PIN

can be found on the back of the radius, three fingerbreadths distal to the radial head. Maintaining the forearm in pronation during this approach rolls the PIN away

from the operative site and aids in its preservation (see Fig.

7.15). Dissection that does not extend beyond the annular ligament also avoids the potential for injury to the


Radial Collateral Ligament

The radial collateral ligament complex shares an attachment at the supinator crest with the supinator muscle. The

proximal margin of the supinator is incised and reflected

anteriorly to reveal more completely the lateral ligament

complex and elbow capsule. These structures are incised

longitudinally, beginning at the epicondyle, to enter the

joint. This incision is carefully repaired to maintain the

integrity of the lateral ligament. This approach is designed

to expose only the radial head and if exposure of the proximal radius is required, then another, more comprehensive

approach is used (see Chapter 8, Part 1, Flexor Forearm).

378 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.14. Radial head approach; patient position (A) and incision (B). An oblique incision is

made from the lateral epicondyle to the ulna that parallels the interval between the anconeus

and the extensor carpi ulnaris.

Medial Approach


The medial approach may be used for removal of loose bodies in the medial side of the joint as well as for reduction

and fixation of fractures of the coronoid process of the ulna

and medial aspect of the humerus.


Landmarks include the medial epicondyle, the medial intermuscular septum, and the olecranon process.


With the patient supine, the forearm in supination, and the

upper extremity resting on a hand table with a soft pad

under the elbow, an incision is made between the anterior

and posterior muscular compartments of the arm in line

with the medial intermuscular septum. The incision aims

directly for the medial epicondyle but curves anteriorly

above the condyle to avoid placing a scar directly over this

bony prominence, and continues distally over the anteromedial aspect of the forearm (Fig. 7.16).


In the arm, the muscular intervals used are between the

brachialis and the triceps, and in the forearm, between the

pronator teres (PT) and the brachioradialis.

Cutaneous Nerve Branches

Posterior branches of the medial cutaneous nerve of the

forearm are found in the subcutaneous tissues of the incision anywhere from 6 cm above to 6 cm below the medial

epicondyle, and should be preserved (12).

Ulnar Nerve

The ulnar nerve is found posterior to the medial intermuscular septum in the arm and in its groove behind the medial

epicondyle. The ulnar nerve is freed from above the elbow

to its entrance into the FCU muscle by incising the overlying fascia and gently retracting it posteriorly with a salinemoistened 0.5-inch Penrose drain.

Median Nerve/Brachial Artery

The interval between the PT and the brachioradialis is

entered and the median nerve and brachial artery identified.

7 Elbow 379

FIGURE 7.15. Radial head approach; deep dissection. A, B: The interval between the anconeus

muscle and the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) is identified distally and then traced proximally

because these two muscles share a common fibrous origin. The origin of the anconeus from the

lateral epicondyle may be detached to facilitate the exposure. The ECU and anconeus are

retracted to reveal the underlying supinator muscle. Identification of the supinator is facilitated

by noting that its fibers run at approximately a 90-degree angle to the anconeus fibers.

The underlying brachialis is gently separated from the PT

and all branches of the median nerve are noted and protected, including the branches to the PT.

Medial Epicondylotomy

These maneuvers are done as a preliminary to detachment of the PT and the common flexor origin from the

medial epicondyle by osteotomy. The plane of this

osteotomy is between the anterior component of the

underlying medial collateral ligament and the flexor origin (Fig. 7.17). These flexors then may be retracted distally and the interval between the brachialis and triceps

may be developed further to expose the anterior aspect of

the elbow joint and distal humerus. Before detachment,

the medial epicondyle is predrilled to facilitate reattachment with a screw.

380 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.16. Medial approach to the elbow; patient position (A) and incision (B). The incision

aims directly for the medial epicondyle but curves anteriorly above the condyle and continues distally over the anteromedial aspect of the forearm

FIGURE 7.17. Medial approach to the elbow. Deep dissection. A, B: In the arm, the muscular

intervals used are between the brachialis and the triceps, and in the forearm, between the pronator teres (PT) and the brachioradialis (BR). The ulnar nerve is freed and gently retracted posteriorly. The interval between the PT and the BR is entered and the median nerve and brachial artery

identified. C: Medial epicondylotomy. The PT and the common flexor origin are detached from

the medial epicondyle by osteotomy. Before detachment, the medial epicondyle is predrilled to

facilitate reattachment with a screw.

7 Elbow 381

Lateral Approach


The lateral approach may be used for fractures of the lateral

aspect of the elbow and surgical treatment of tennis elbow.


Useful landmarks are the lateral epicondyle and the lateral

supracondylar ridge.


The patient is supine and the arm is flexed on the chest or

on a hand table with the elbow semiflexed and the forearm

in pronation. A longitudinal incision is made 5 cm proximal to the lateral epicondyle over the lateral supracondylar

ridge and continued distally over the lateral epicondyle, to

end 5 cm distal to the epicondyle over the proximal portion

of the extensor digitorum communis muscle (Fig. 7.18).


To expose the lateral border of the humerus, the interval

between the triceps and brachioradialis/extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) is developed from distal to proximal by

subperiosteal dissection. Branches of the posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve are identified and preserved. The

radial nerve is identified where it enters the interval

between the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. In fractures of the lateral condyle, the common origin of the

extensors is attached to the fracture fragment, which facilitates the exposure. In nonfracture cases, the common origin

is removed by osteotome with a thin wafer of bone to facilitate reattachment, or the origin may be divided distal to

the lateral epicondyle with an adequate cuff of substantial

tissue for repair. With either method, the extensor origin

should be separated from the lateral collateral ligament

complex. An alternative to removal of the common extensor origin is to identify the interval between the anconeus

muscle and the ECU and retract these muscles to find the

underlying supinator. The origin of the anconeus from the

lateral epicondyle may be detached to facilitate the exposure. If removal of the common extensor origin is elected,

the extensors are reflected distally to reveal the supinator,

lateral ligament complex, and joint capsule. The supinator

contains the PIN, which enters the volar lateral face of the

supinator and courses obliquely in the fibers of the muscle

to exit dorsally near the distal margin of the supinator. The

382 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.18. Lateral approach

to the elbow; patient position

(A) and incision (B). A longitudinal incision is made 5 cm proximal to the lateral epicondyle

over the lateral supracondylar

ridge and continued distally

over the lateral epicondyle to

end 5 cm distal to the epicondyle, over the proximal portion of the extensor digitorum

communis muscle.

PIN can be found on the back of the radius three fingerbreadths distal to the radial head. Maintaining the forearm

in pronation during this approach rolls the PIN away from

the operative site and aids in its preservation (see Fig. 7.14).

The radial collateral ligament complex shares an attachment at the supinator crest with the supinator muscle. The

proximal margin of the supinator is incised and reflected

anteriorly to reveal more completely the lateral ligament

complex and elbow capsule. These structures are incised

longitudinally, beginning at the epicondyle, to enter the

joint. The ligamentous and capsular incision is carefully

repaired to maintain the integrity of the lateral ligament. If

the common extensor origin was removed, it should be

securely reattached (Fig. 7.19).

7 Elbow 383

FIGURE 7.19. Lateral approach to the elbow, deep dissection. A: The interval between the triceps and brachioradialis/extensor carpi radialis longus is developed from distal to proximal by

subperiosteal dissection. The radial nerve is identified where it enters the interval between the

brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. The common extensor origin may be divided distal to the

lateral epicondyle with an adequate cuff of substantial tissue for repair. B: Alternatively, the common extensor origin may be removed by osteotome with a thin wafer of bone to facilitate reattachment. The radial collateral ligament and capsule are incised longitudinally beginning at the

epicondyle to enter the joint.

384 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.20. The Kocher approach to the lateral aspect of the elbow. A: A longitudinal incision

is made 5 cm proximal to the lateral epicondyle over the lateral supracondylar ridge and continued distally over the lateral epicondyle to curve over the anconeus, ending posteriorly at the subcutaneous margin of the ulna. B: The origin of the brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus,

and extensor carpi radialis brevis is elevated subperiosteally, as is the triceps muscle posteriorly,

to expose the lateral epicondyle and supracondylar ridge.

Kocher or Lateral “J” Approach


This approach may be used for elbow joint capsulotomy for

contracture, fractures of the lateral aspect of the elbow,

drainage of the elbow joint, or reconstruction of the lateral

ligament complex.


Landmarks include the lateral supracondylar ridge, the lateral epicondyle, the radial head, and the subcutaneous border of the proximal ulna.


The patient is supine, with the elbow semiflexed and the

forearm in pronation. A longitudinal incision is made 5 cm

proximal to the lateral epicondyle over the lateral supracondylar ridge and continued distally over the lateral epicondyle to curve over the anconeus and end posteriorly at

the subcutaneous margin of the ulna. This approach is similar to the lateral exposure just described, but differs in its

distal aspect, which curves from the radial head medially

and posteriorly to end at the posterior border of the ulna.

Distally, the interval between the ECU and anconeus is

used to expose the proximal and extensor aspect of the forearm (Fig. 7.20).


Proximal dissection is over the lateral supracondylar ridge

between the triceps posteriorly and the brachioradialis and

ECRL anteriorly to expose the lateral epicondyle. Distally, the

interval between the anconeus and the ECU is used to expose

the lateral ligament complex, joint capsule, and ulna. The origin of the brachioradialis, ECRL, and ECRB is elevated subperiosteally, as is the triceps muscle posteriorly. Distally, the

anconeus is retracted posteriorly after removing its origin from

the lateral epicondyle, and the ECU is retracted anteriorly.

The common origin of the extensors at the lateral epicondyle

may be reflected by subperiosteal dissection or by detachment.

The incision in the radial collateral ligament and capsule is

longitudinal. This allows later repair of this important ligament at the time of closure (5). If it is necessary to dislocate

the joint, the lateral collateral ligament complex may be

removed from its proximal origin with a portion of bone to

facilitate reattachment. Dissection should be kept in line with

the fibers of the ECU to avoid section of the fascial band of

the ECU, which is a stabilizer of the joint (8). A modification

for proximal extension of the Kocher incision may be made by

staying inferior to the epicondyle. This preserves the attachments of the extensor tendon from the condylar and epicondylar regions (8). Excision of the radial head requires incision of portions of the lateral ligament complex. An incision

slightly anterior to the center of the radial head and carried

distally for only a short distance preserves the inferior portions

of radial lateral ligament complex. Careful repair of these

fibers also is important (8) (Fig. 7.21).

7 Elbow 385

FIGURE 7.21. The Kocher approach to the lateral

aspect of the elbow; deep dissection. Distally, the interval between the anconeus and the extensor carpi

ulnaris (ECU) is used to expose the lateral ligament

complex, joint capsule, and ulna. The anconeus is

retracted posteriorly after removing its origin from the

lateral epicondyle, and the ECU is retracted anteriorly.

The common origin of the extensors at the lateral epicondyle is detached and reflected distally to expose the

radial collateral ligament and capsule.


Activities of Daily Living and Elbow


Activities of dressing and personal hygiene require elbow

positioning from approximately 140 degrees of flexion to

reach the occiput to 15 degrees of flexion to tie a shoe.

Most of these activities are performed with the forearm in

0 to 50 degrees of supination. Most of the activities of

daily living are accomplished with 30 to 130 degrees of

elbow flexion, 50 degrees of pronation, and 50 degrees of

supination (13).


Radiographic Skeletal Relationships

The long axis of the radius should point to the capitulum

in all views. If it does not, a lateral condyle fracture, a Monteggia fracture or equivalent, or an elbow dislocation should

be considered. Normally, the radial neck may be in as much

as 15 degrees of valgus angulation and may be 10 degrees

anterior to the radial shaft (14) (Fig. 7.22).

The long axis of the ulna should be nearly parallel to and

slightly medial to the long axis of the humerus on a true

anteroposterior view (14). If it is not, and if the radial head

and capitulum remain in correct alignment, a transepiphyseal injury or displaced supracondylar fracture should be

considered. If the radius no longer is pointing to the capitulum, an elbow dislocation should be considered.

The anterior humeral line should bisect the capitulum in

a true lateral view of the distal humerus. If the center of the

capitulum falls posterior to this line, an extension-type

supracondylar fracture is likely; a transepiphyseal fracture is

possible but rare. If the capitulum is anterior to the line, the

less common flexion-type supracondylar fracture or a

transepiphyseal fracture is likely. A true lateral view of the

distal humerus must be obtained because any rotation makes

the capitulum appear posterior to the anterior humeral line

(14) (Fig. 7.23A). The humeral capitular angle (Baumann’s

angle; see Fig. 7.23B) is a sensitive indicator of varus angulation of the distal humerus and is used primarily to measure

386 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.22. Radiographic skeletal relationships. A: The long axis of the radius should point to

the capitulum in all views. B: If it does not, a lateral condyle fracture, a Monteggia fracture or

equivalent, or an elbow dislocation should be considered. Normally, the radial neck may be in as

much as 15 degrees of valgus angulation, and may be 10 degrees anterior to the radial shaft. C:

If the radius no longer is pointing to the capitulum, an elbow dislocation should be considered.

D: The long axis of the ulna should be nearly parallel and slightly medial to the long axis of the

humerus on a true anteroposterior view. If it is not, and if the radial head and capitulum remain

in correct alignment, a transepiphyseal injury or displaced supracondylar fracture (see B) should

be considered.

the adequacy of reduction in supracondylar and transepiphyseal fractures (14,15). It ranges from 9 to 26 degrees in

95% of normal elbows and is relatively constant with respect

to humeral rotation, changing only 1.6 degrees for each 10

degrees of humeral rotation as long as a true anteroposterior

view of the humerus has been obtained (14–16).

Fat Pad Sign

Norell first described the fat pad sign in 1954 (17). Displacement of the extrasynovial but intracapsular fat pads

due to distention of the synovial–capsular membrane secondary to an effusion associated with infection, fracture, or

spontaneously reduced dislocation may be a useful diagnostic sign in infection or injuries about the elbow. Because of

the relative shallowness of the coronoid fossa, the anterior

fat pad may be seen under normal circumstances in a lateral

radiograph of the elbow taken at 90 degrees of flexion as a

triangular lucency just anterior to the humerus, in contrast

to the olecranon fat pad, which normally is not seen

because of the relative deepness of the olecranon fossa and

the containment of the fat pad by the overlying triceps muscle (18). When a posterior fat pad is visible, an intraarticular injury is present 90% of the time (19) (Fig. 7.24). If the

elbow is extended, the olecranon fat pad usually is displaced

from the olecranon fossa by the olecranon process.

Although the fat pad sign can be a useful indicator of effusion, it is not always present, and displacement of the olecranon fat pad may occur without associated displacement

of the anterior fat pad (18). An anterior and posterior fat

pad sign is demonstrated in Figure 7.24.

7 Elbow 387

FIGURE 7.23. Anterior humeral line and Baumann’s angle. A: The anterior humeral line should

bisect the capitulum in a true lateral view of the

distal humerus. B: The humeral capitular angle

(Baumann’s angle) is a sensitive indicator of varus

angulation and ranges from 9 to 26 degrees in

95% of normal elbows.

FIGURE 7.24. The fat pad sign. Note the relatively radiolucent

zones indicated by the white arrows adjacent to the anterior and

posterior aspect of the distal humerus in this contrast-enhanced

radiograph of the right elbow. This positive fat pad sign is due

to displacement of the extrasynovial but intracapsular anterior

and posterior fat pads secondary to joint effusion associated

with an undisplaced and barely detectable fracture of the neck

of the radius (lower right arrow).



Medial epicondylitis is much less common than its lateral

counterpart. Both conditions are characterized by epicondylar pain and tenderness and symptom aggravation by

movement against resistance of the respective flexor or

extensor muscle groups.


The pathologic process includes a gross or microscopic tear

in the tendinous origin of the muscles involved due to

mechanical overload in normal or aging tendon fibers

(20,21). In medial epicondylitis, the fibers involved usually

are located in the flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and less frequently in the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) origins.

Ulnar neuropathy may be differentiated by the well localized findings of epicondylar tenderness and reproduction of

symptoms by resisted flexion of the wrist.


Surgical treatment for those cases not responsive to conservative management consists of excision of the involved portion of the FCR or the FDS through a 4-cm incision that

begins over the medial epicondyle and continues distally

over the fibers of origin of the FCR. The tear usually is in

the substance of the tendon just distal to the epicondyle,

and the diseased portion of the tendon is excised through a

longitudinal incision and a small portion of the condyle

removed with an osteotome to produce a raw cancellous

surface, after which the tendon defect is closed, including

the portion over the raw portion of the condyle (21). Care

is taken to avoid injury to the anterior portion of the medial

collateral ligament complex.


Provocative Test

A recognized provocative test for lateral epicondylitis is

reproduction of symptoms by resisted dorsiflexion of the

wrist with the elbow in extension, compared with the usual

absence of symptoms with the elbow in flexion.

Differential Diagnosis

This condition must be differentiated from radial tunnel

syndrome, although the two conditions may coexist. Differentiation may be aided by noting in tennis elbow that the

site of maximum tenderness is at the lateral epicondyle, in

contrast to radial tunnel syndrome, in which the tenderness

is in the region of the radial head and proximal forearm

(22). In radial tunnel syndrome, some authors have noted

that pain may be produced by resisted dorsiflexion of the

long finger, which is said to produce secondary stress on the

ECRB, the leading edge of which can compress the radial

nerve (22,23). Radial tunnel pain also has been reported to

be reproduced by resisted supination of the extended forearm (22). The radial tunnel syndrome is discussed in detail

in Chapter 8, Part 2, Dorsal Forearm.


Surgical treatment for those cases not responsive to conservative management is performed through a longitudinal

incision beginning at the lateral epicondyle and continuing

distally for 5 cm to expose the common extensor origin.

The usual site of pathology is in the substance of the ECRB

origin just distal to the lateral epicondyle. The common origin is split longitudinally for a distance of approximately 1

cm and reflected off the lateral epicondyle superiorly and

inferiorly. The tear along with necrotic tendon and granulation tissue is excised. A small osteotome is used to remove

a portion of the lateral epicondyle, and then the defect is

sutured to overlay the raw bone on the epicondyle. Care

must be taken to avoid injury to the lateral ligament complex because injury to this structure may result in posterolateral instability of the elbow (see discussion to follow,

under Lateral Insufficiency of the Elbow) (6).

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome


The term cubital tunnel syndrome was proposed in1958 to

identify a specific site of entrapment of the ulnar nerve and

to distinguish it from tardy ulnar palsy associated with posttraumatic cubitus valgus (24).


Clinical findings include complaints of medial elbow pain,

numbness and tingling or burning in the ring and little fingers, hand clumsiness, and weakness of pinch. Physical

findings may include tenderness behind the medial condyle

over the course of the ulnar nerve and a positive Tinel’s sign

over the nerve 2 cm proximal and distal to the cubital tunnel (22). Other physical findings include decreased sensibility in the ring and little fingers, and decreased pinch and

grip strength. Claw deformity of the ring and little fingers

as well as intrinsic muscle atrophy are seen in severe and

prolonged cases.


The ulnar nerve at the elbow is subcutaneous throughout

much of its course and also is partially fixed in a

fibroosseous canal. Because of its exposed position and the

fact that it wraps around the medial condyle in flexion, prolonged elbow flexion, which stretches the nerve and narrows the tunnel, combined with resting the elbow on a hard

surface may result in paresthesias in the ring and little fingers even in normal persons (22). When swelling or elbow

388 Regional Anatomy

inflammation or congestion of the flexor-pronator muscles

is added to this stretch–compression, the vascular supply of

the ulnar nerve may be compromised and nerve symptoms

may result (22). Sustained elbow flexion combined with

vigorous finger and wrist motion such as a musician might

perform also can result in ulnar nerve symptoms. The

motions used to throw a ball or to serve a tennis ball are

similar and can place significant stress on the ulnar nerve,

and may be associated with ulnar nerve symptoms (22).

Perioperative ulnar neuropathies are more common in men

than in women, and although there is no gross anatomic

difference between sexes regarding the course of the ulnar

nerve in the upper extremity, there is a significantly larger

(2 to 19 times greater) fat content on the medial aspect of

the elbow in women compared with men. Also, the tubercle of the coronoid process on the ulna is 1.5 times larger in

men. The tubercle of the coronoid process is a likely area for

ulnar nerve compression and secondary ischemia of the

nerve because the nerve and its blood supply from the ulnar

recurrent artery are minimally covered in this area (25).

Sites of Compression

Surgical treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome is facilitated

by knowledge of the potential sites of compression and the

anatomy specific to each of those areas. The ulnar nerve

enters the posterior aspect of the arm at approximately the

midpoint of the arm and continues distally toward the

elbow behind the medial intermuscular septum on the

medial head of the triceps muscle.

Arcade of Struthers

There is a potential site of entrapment of the ulnar nerve

8 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle called the arcade

of Struthers (26). When the arcade is present, both the

ulnar nerve and the superior ulnar collateral vessels pass

through it. In a study of 25 arms, the arcade of Struthers

was present in 68% of the arms (26). The arcade has a roof

that faces medially, formed by the deep investing fascia of

the arm, superficial muscle fibers from the medial head of

the triceps, and the internal brachial ligament arising from

the coracobrachialis tendon. The floor, which is lateral, is

formed by the medial aspect of the humerus covered by

the deep muscular fibers of the medial head of the triceps.

The anterior border is the medial intermuscular septum

(Fig. 7.25). Atypical features of the arcade included multiple ligamentous bands arising from thickened deep fascia and the medial intermuscular septum passing both

superficial and deep to the ulnar nerve. Thus, after incision of the roof of the arcade, these ligaments, which

remain deep to the nerve, can still compress the nerve.

7 Elbow 389

FIGURE 7.25. The arcade of Struthers. A: This potential site of entrapment of the ulnar nerve is

located 8 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle. (continued on next page)

The same applies to the internal brachial ligament (Fig.

7.26C; see Fig. 7.25), which courses deep to the ulnar

nerve. Although the arcade of Struthers is a recognized

anatomic entity, it is said to be a rare cause of ulnar nerve

compression (26,27). However, Spinner and Kaplan

showed that the arcade can produce recurrent ulnar neuropathy after anterior transposition of the nerve because

of tethering, and thus recommended lysis of the arcade as

part of the transposition (28). They also recommended

lysis of the arcade when mobilizing a lacerated ulnar nerve

in the forearm to reduce the gap in the nerve.

Medial Head of Triceps

Another atypical feature relates to the finding that when the

ulnar nerve is buried in the medial head of the triceps, the

overlying muscular roof may be a source of compression

and should be incised.

390 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.25. (continued) B: Detail of components.

FIGURE 7.26. Fresh cadaver dissection of the arcade of Struthers (medial view of right elbow).

A: The arcade of Struthers is present but not readily apparent in this view of the ulnar nerve and

medial intermuscular septum.


Elbow (Cubital Tunnel)

The ulnar nerve in its passage from the arm to the forearm

transits the cubital tunnel, which is an osseous canal

formed by the medial epicondyle and the proximal ulna

and covered by a retinaculum formed by the deep investing fascia of the arm that is attached to the medial epicondyle and the olecranon. This cubital tunnel retinaculum (CTR) is 2-3 cm wide (from proximal to distal), 0.5

to 0.75 mm thick and its distal margin blends with the

investing fascia of the humeral and ulnar heads of the

FCU. Osborne’s band and the arcuate ligament are other

names often used to describe this fibrous tissue roof of the

ulnar tunnel (29). Because of the somewhat eccentric origin of this fascial roof, the cubital tunnel changes contour

and volume during elbow flexion and extension. In flexion, the cross-sectional contour changes from slightly

ovoid to elliptical (22). Any swelling in the canal or

inflammation or thickening of the fascial roof may compress the nerve or its vasculature (22) (Fig. 7.27).

7 Elbow 391

FIGURE 7.26. (continued) B: Further dissection reveals the arcade of Struthers. Its proximal and

distal edges are marked with small triangles. Note the underlying ulnar nerve and the medial

intermuscular septum. C: The arcade has been incised and reflected anteriorly; note the internal

brachial ligament, which courses deep to the ulnar nerve.




At the distal end of the cubital tunnel the ulnar nerve enters

the forearm through the flexor pronator group of muscles,

usually between the humeral and ulnar heads of the FCU.

The flexor-pronator muscles are arranged in two groups.

The superficial group is formed by five muscles (PT, FCR,

PL, FDS, and FCU) that originate from a common origin

created by the fusion of several fibrous septa that arise from

the anterior surface of the medial humeral epicondyle, the

ulnar collateral ligament, and medial surface of the coronoid process. These fibrous tissue septa form well defined

fascial compartments for the muscles as well as a common

aponeurosis from which adjacent muscles originate. These

septa fuse beginning approximately 3.5 to 4 cm distal to the

epicondyle (30). This fused structure is commonly known

as the flexor-pronator origin or the flexor-pronator aponeurosis. Inserra and Spinner identified an additional aponeurosis

in this area between the FDS to the ring finger and the

humeral head of the FCU that did not fuse with the previously described common flexor pronator origin but rather

arose from the medial surface of the coronoid process 0.3 to

0.5 cm medial to it. They found it was not possible to transpose the ulnar nerve adjacent to the median nerve in a relatively straight course unless this septum was detached

along with the radial two-thirds of the flexor-pronator

group (28). Amadio and Beckenbaugh identified a structure

deep to the FDS and superficial to the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) and FCU that provided a point of origin for

all of these muscles and that extended approximately 5 cm

distal to the epicondyle. They advised that this deep

aponeurosis of the FCU, which bridged and formed a common origin for muscle fibers of the FCU, FDS, and FDP,

should be released by separating the two heads of the FCU

and exploring the deep surface of the muscle for at least 5

cm distal to the epicondyle (31).

Surgical Technique for Cubital Tunnel

Release and Ulnar Nerve Transposition

The common denominator in ulnar nerve transposition is

elimination of compression or traction problems by

removal of the nerve from the fibroosseous tunnel and permanent transposition to an anterior location. Permanent

transposition has been achieved by subcutaneous transposition, subcutaneous transposition with some form of tether

to prevent the nerve from assuming its original position, or

submuscular or intramuscular transposition (22,32–35).

The sine qua non of ulnar nerve transposition is permanent

realignment of the ulnar nerve in an anterior position without entrapment (absence of compression) or fixation (traction), which would prevent gliding of the nerve. It also

must be recognized that the ulnar nerve remains subcutaneous throughout most of its new course, and that even

submuscular or intramuscular transposition eliminates only

a portion of this subcutaneous position. The effectiveness of

transposition is based on decompression of the nerve and

elimination of any potential for traction injury.

Author’s Comment: The debate concerning the best technique for ulnar nerve transposition and the role of in situ

ulnar nerve neurolysis without transposition (with or without medial epicondylectomy) is not addressed in this text.

Subcutaneous Transposition


With the patient supine and the upper extremity supported

on an arm board and the elbow resting on a soft pad, a 14-

cm incision is begun on the medial aspect of the arm and

continued distally through the interval between the medial

epicondyle and olecranon process, to end on the flexor and

medial side of the forearm. The incision begins at least 8 cm

proximal to the medial epicondyle to verify the presence or

absence of the arcade of Struthers (26) (see Fig. 7.28A and B).


Cutaneous Nerves. After incision of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and superficial fascia, the posterior branches of

the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve are identified on

the distal aspect of the wound. One to three branches may

be present and may cross the incision anywhere from 6 cm

proximal to 6 cm distal to the medial humeral condyle (12).

Injury to these branches may result in hypesthesia, a painful

scar, or hyperalgesia.

392 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.27. Changes in the cubital tunnel with flexion.

Because of the somewhat eccentric origin of the fascial roof of

the cubital tunnel, its contour and volume change during elbow

flexion and extension. In flexion, the cross-sectional contour

changes from slightly ovoid to elliptical.

Ulnar Nerve. At this level in the distal arm, the ulnar nerve

lies posterior to the medial intermuscular septum and anterior

to the medial head of the triceps, having pierced the medial

intermuscular septum at approximately the midshaft of the

humerus. The nerve is most easily identified just proximal to

its entrance into the osseous groove and can be traced proximally from this area. The deep fascia is incised and the nerve

is noted to lie on the medial head of the triceps just posterior

to the medial intermuscular septum. The anterior flap is raised

at least 5 cm anterior to the medial epicondyle and the ulnar

nerve is dissected free a minimum of 8 cm proximal to the

medial epicondyle and 6 cm distal to the epicondyle to ensure

complete release of the nerve from the various structures as

previously described, including the arcade of Struthers, if present proximally, the CTR, the FCU fascia, and additional

aponeuroses as previously described distal to the medial

condyle (22,26–28,30–32,36) (see Fig. 7.29A–C).

Vascular Plexus Accompanying Nerve. As the ulnar

nerve descends toward the elbow, it is accompanied by a

longitudinally oriented venous plexus with feeder veins

that may be mobilized with the nerve. Mobilization and

preservation of this plexus is said to promote optimum

postoperative microcirculation, and immediate postoperative dysesthesias appear to be greatly reduced (22,32).

The superior ulnar collateral branch of the brachial artery

also accompanies the nerve and joins the inferior ulnar

collateral artery in the region of the medial epicondyle,

passes posterior to the medial supracondylar ridge, and

ends deep to the FCU by anastomosing with the posterior ulnar recurrent artery. Preservation of these arterial

vessels is discussed later in the section on Medial Intermuscular Septum. Details of the arterial circulation of the

elbow were presented earlier, in the section on Anatomic


7 Elbow 393

FIGURE 7.28. Subcutaneous transposition of the ulnar nerve; patient position (A) and incision

(B). A 14-cm long incision begins on the medial aspect of the arm and continues distally through

the interval between the medial epicondyle and olecranon process to end on the flexor and

medial side of the forearm. The incision begins at least 8 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle

to verify the presence or absence of the arcade of Struthers.

Cubital Tunnel. The nerve enters the cubital tunnel in a

groove in the posterior aspect of the medial condyle that is

bordered medially by the medial epicondyle and laterally by

the olecranon.

The roof of the tunnel is formed by the CTR. Distally,

the nerve enters the area between the humeral and ulnar

heads of the FCU, where it is covered by thickened transverse fascial fibers that join these two heads. Motor

branches to the FCU are given off at this level (see Fig.29).

Medial Intermuscular Septum. After complete release of

the nerve and performance of a trial anterior transposition,

394 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.29. The Cubital Tunnel Retinaculum (CTR) and the Medial Intermuscular Septum (MIS).

A: The Cubital Tunnel Retinaculum (CTR), the FCU fascia and Medial Intermuscular Septum (MIS)

prior to release or excision. B: Release of the CTR and proposed (dotted lines) release of the FCU

fascia and excision of the MIS.

it is readily apparent that the ulnar nerve will impinge on

the medial intermuscular septum as it crosses over the septum. Therefore, complete excision of the medial intermuscular septum is required for a distance of 8 cm proximal to

the medial epicondyle (see Fig. 7.30A and B). The superior

ulnar collateral artery from the brachial artery runs along

the posterior surface of the medial intermuscular septum in

company with the ulnar nerve and may be dissected off the

nerve before transposition, or, if it is elected to attempt to

carry the artery with the nerve, the perforating vessels into

the septum must be dealt with as well as the anastomosis to

the inferior ulnar collateral artery. On the anterior surface

of the medial intermuscular septum, the inferior ulnar collateral artery from the brachial artery is encountered along

with its branch, the anterior ulnar recurrent artery. The

inferior ulnar collateral artery pierces the medial intermuscular septum near the mid-portion of the medial epicondylar ridge and may require ligation as the septum is resected

from the humerus (see Fig. 7.30C).

Author’s Comment: The concept of preservation of the

mesentery-like vessels from the ulnar collateral and ulnar

recurrent arteries to the ulnar nerve may be academic

because of the rich anastomotic microcirculation of the

nerve. Kleinman noted that it is this rich intrinsic blood

supply composed of an interconnecting meshwork of vessels running among the fascicular bundles as well as along

each fascicle that allows microscopic hemodynamics to continue normally in spite of the elimination of multiple

mesentery-like feeding vessels (37).

After removal of the medial intermuscular septum and

with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees, the nerve is transposed

anteriorly at least 3 cm anterior to the medial epicondyle to

lie on the muscle fascia. The nerve is inspected for impingement points, and then the anterior flap is positioned over

the nerve.

Permanent Transposition of Nerve. The nerve may be

maintained in its new position by one of two methods (Fig.

7.31A and B): With the nerve in its new anterior position,

three polyglycolic acid sutures are placed in the superficial

fascia of the flap and the muscle fascia to make a fat-covered

tunnel overlying the nerve. The length of this tunnel should

be at least 6 cm, and it must be large enough to admit the

surgeon’s little finger throughout its length. The elbow

should be flexed and extended to verify that the nerve is not

trapped or constrained in the new tunnel. The second

method is to raise a proximally based strip of antebrachial

fascia 1 cm wide and long from the region of the medial

epicondyle, which is then passed medial to the nerve and

sutured to the superficial fascia of the anterior flap (22,33).

This fascial curtain or septum in the mid-lateral plane lies

posterior and medial to the transposed nerve and prevents

the ulnar nerve from migrating back to its original site,

allows gliding of the nerve, and covers the nerve with fatty

subcutaneous tissue.

Submuscular Transposition. Submuscular transposition of

the ulnar nerve as described by Learmonth (35) has as its

7 Elbow 395

FIGURE 7.29. (continued) C: After excision of the MIS and with the elbow flexed to 90

degrees, the nerve is transposed anteriorly at least 3 cm anterior to the medial epicondyle to

lie on the muscle fascia.

396 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.30. Subcutaneous transposition of the ulnar nerve; deep dissection. A: The ulnar nerve

lies posterior to the medial intermuscular septum, covered by fascia, and is most easily identified

just proximal to its entrance into the osseous groove. For clarity, the fascia that hides the nerve

has been removed in this depiction. Motor branches to the flexor carpi ulnaris are given off at

this level. B: After release of the nerve, excision of the medial intermuscular septum is performed

for a distance of 8 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle. After removal of the medial intermuscular septum and with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees, the nerve is transposed anteriorly at least

3 cm anterior to the medial epicondyle to lie on the muscle fascia.



7 Elbow 397

FIGURE 7.31. Methods of maintaining the

transposed ulnar nerve in its new position,

and submuscular transposition. A: The

nerve is placed in its new anterior position,

the anterior flap is placed over the nerve,

and three polyglycolic acid sutures are

placed in the superficial fascia of the flap

and the muscle fascia. B: The second

method is to raise a proximally based strip

of antebrachial fascia 1 cm wide and long

from the region of the medial epicondyle,

which is then passed medial to the nerve

and sutured to the superficial fascia of the

anterior flap. This fascial curtain or septum

in the mid-lateral plane lies posterior and

medial to the transposed nerve. C: Submuscular transposition. The flexor-pronator

muscle group is removed from the medial

epicondyle with an osteotome and a small

amount of bone. The origin is reflected at

least 6 cm distal to the medial epicondyle.

The nerve is then transposed anteriorly and

the flexor-pronator origin reattached while

the elbow is flexed to 90 degrees.

strongest indication revision surgery for ulnar neuropathy at

the elbow (32). Lesser indications include young, vigorous

people such as athletes and very thin individuals in whom

subcutaneous positioning of the ulnar nerve might make it

liable to repeat injury (22). Submuscular transposition is

identical to subcutaneous transposition with regard to the

release and mobilization of the nerve and removal of the

medial intermuscular septum (see Fig. 7.31C). The next step

in submuscular transposition is to define the antecubital

fossa margin of the PT and the brachial artery and median

nerve in the antecubital fossa before elevation of the origin

of the flexor-pronator group from the medial epicondyle. An

osteotome is used to remove the flexor-pronator origin from

the medial epicondyle with a small amount of bone, and

then the remainder of the origin is reflected for a distance of

at least 6 cm distal to the medial epicondyle. Part of the

flexor-pronator origin is from the medial collateral ligament

of the elbow, and care must be taken to avoid disruption of

this important structure. The nerve is then transposed anteriorly and the flexor-pronator origin reattached while the

elbow is flexed to 90 degrees. Because of the need for muscle healing and restoration of elbow motion and strength,

the time for return to full activity is longer with this technique compared with subcutaneous transposition.

Intramuscular Transposition. Permanent positioning of

the transposed ulnar nerve has been achieved by placing the

nerve in a 5-mm-deep muscular trough cut into the flexorpronator mass, followed by tension-free closure of the muscle fascia over the nerve. A recent report of this technique,

first described in 1918 (38), revealed a high percentage of

good to excellent results (34).

Snapping Elbow

To many physicians, snapping sensations or sounds about

the medial aspect of the elbow are synonymous with the relatively common recurrent dislocation of the ulnar nerve

(39). However, the medial head of the triceps muscle or tendon also may dislocate over the medial epicondyle and

result in snapping as the elbow either is flexed or as it is

extended from a flexed position. Dislocation of the medial

head of the triceps can occur in combination with ulnar

nerve dislocation to produce the clinical finding of two

snaps at the elbow. This condition may be present with or

without ulnar neuropathy and with or without discomfort.

Physical Examination

Both passive and active flexion and extension from a flexed

position are performed while palpating the medial aspect of

the elbow (39–41). In a patient who has snapping of the

medial head of the triceps and dislocation of the ulnar nerve,

the ulnar nerve dislocates at 90 degrees and the medial head

of the triceps dislocates at approximately 110 degrees (39).

Sequential palpation of the ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel

and the medial head of the triceps may allow the examiner to

determine if one or both of these structures is dislocating. The

diagnosis may be confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging

(MRI) or computed tomography (CT), or both (39).

Associated Conditions

Abnormalities confirmed by operative findings include

hypermobility of the ulnar nerve, varying amounts of triceps muscle fibers extending distal to the medial epicondyle

that dislocated over the medial epicondyle with the elbow

in flexion, thickening of the fascial edge of the medial head

of the triceps, accessory triceps tendon, and posttraumatic

cubitus varus deformity (39). Dislocation of the medial triceps and ulnar neuropathy has been reported in three generations of one family (42).

Clinical Significance

Dislocation of the medial head of the triceps may occur in

combination with dislocation of the ulnar nerve. Failure to

recognize that these two conditions can occur concurrently

may be the reason for persistent symptoms after an otherwise successful transposition of the ulnar nerve. Patients

who have an ulnar nerve transposition, especially those who

have dislocation of the ulnar nerve, should be examined

during surgery with the elbow in flexion and extension to

be certain that the medial head of the triceps does not snap

over the medial epicondyle (39).

Snapping of the Triceps Tendon over the

Lateral Epicondyle

This unusual condition is manifested by anterior dislocation of the lateral head of the triceps with passive or active

flexion beyond 90 degrees. The differential diagnosis may

include posterolateral rotatory instability, loose bodies,

intraarticular adhesions, osteochondral defects, ruptured

annular ligaments, and synovial folds or plicae (43).

Acute Elbow (Ulnohumeral) Dislocation


A complete dislocation may be either straight posterior or

posterolateral with the coronoid posterior to the trochlea

(44). Based on clinical experience, there is deficiency of the

medial collateral ligament observed with valgus stress and disruption of the ligament found at the time of surgery (44).


An incomplete dislocation or subluxation (so-called

perched subluxation) is characterized by the trochlea being

398 Regional Anatomy

“perched” or balanced on the coronoid process (44). This

incomplete type of dislocation occurs in less than 10% of

elbow dislocations and has been shown experimentally to be

possible with disruption of the lateral collateral ligament

and maintenance of some continuity of the medial collateral ligament (44).


Treatment is immediate reduction. After reduction, stability of the joint is tested through a range of motion to determine if instability is present and at what position. The

elbow is placed in the position of stability and range of

motion started in 5 to 7 days in the previously defined arc.

If the elbow is markedly unstable, it is placed in sufficient

flexion to obtain stability and brought into extension after

5 to 7 days, with progression of the extension over the next

3 to 4 weeks (44).

Surgical intervention has very little value in the management of elbow dislocation without fracture (44,45).

Subluxation of the Radial Head (Pulled

Elbow Syndrome)

This injury occurs most commonly in children 2 to 3 years

of age when a longitudinal pull is applied to the upper

extremity. The child fails to use the extremity and the forearm is most often in pronation. Plain radiographs usually are

normal. This condition is due to slippage of the annular ligament over the head of the radius so that the ligament is

interposed between the radial head and the capitulum.

Reduction is achieved by supination of the forearm; if this

fails to produce the characteristic snapping sensation of

reduction, the elbow is brought into maximum flexion until

the snapping sensation occurs (46).

Collateral Ligament Injuries

Acute Medial

An acute tear of the medial collateral ligament is the most

frequent isolated ligamentous injury of the elbow. It is seen

most commonly in throwing athletes such as baseball pitchers and javelin throwers (47).


The diagnosis is suspected by the history and mechanism of

injury. Regional ecchymosis and tenderness over the anterior band of the medial collateral ligament just inferior to

the medial epicondyle are characteristic findings (44).

Instability Test

With the patient’s hand placed in the examiner’s axilla, the

elbow flexed to 25 degrees (Jobe test), and the humerus externally rotated and abducted, valgus stress is applied to the

elbow to demonstrate laxity or localized pain. This degree of

flexion unlocks the olecranon from its fossa (47,48). Morrey

flexes the elbow approximately 10 degrees to relax the anterior capsule and remove the coronoid and olecranon from

their respective fossae (44) (Fig. 7.32). Stress views are useful

if there is any question about the diagnosis.

7 Elbow 399

FIGURE 7.32. Test for medial collateral ligament

instability. With the patient’s hand placed in the

examiner’s axilla, the elbow flexed to 25 degrees, and

the humerus externally rotated and abducted, valgus

stress is applied to the elbow to demonstrate laxity or

localized pain.

Other Diagnostic Tests

Azar et al. evaluated their patients with suspected ulnar collateral ligament injuries by valgus stress testing and as well

as radiographic stress views, CT arthrograms, and, in some

instances, saline-enhanced MRI (49).


Acute injury in patients with low-demand activities is best

managed by immobilization of the elbow for 3 weeks followed by a hinged splint for another 4 to 5 weeks. The

splint is fashioned to promote slight varus angulation of

the elbow and the forearm is placed in supination. At 8

weeks, unrestricted flexion and extension exercises are

allowed, but valgus load is avoided (44). In patients with

high-demand activities, such as competitive pitchers,

immediate repair or reconstruction may be appropriate.

The surgical management is discussed later, under Medial


Acute Lateral

This is an infrequent acute injury because varus stress is not

often generated from routine or sports activities (44).


Diagnosis is made after a history of acute varus stress associated with point tenderness and varus instability on examination.


Nonoperative management is similar to that for medial collateral ligament acute tears, with the exception that the

forearm is pronated rather than supinated because this position provides the optimum position for stability and healing. Protection for 3 months is provided because the lateral

collateral ligament often displays residual laxity (44).

Medial Insufficiency

In chronic medial collateral insufficiency, there may be no

frank instability but the patient may note pain at the medial

aspect of the elbow with stress, as in throwing.


The diagnosis is confirmed by noting tenderness over the

anterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament and reproduction of pain or palpable instability with valgus stress.

Not surprisingly, approximately 40% of patients may experience ulnar nerve symptoms (47).


Treatment is through ligament reconstruction (Jobe technique) (48). The medial aspect of the elbow is opened and

care is taken to protect the ulnar nerve and sensory nerves

in the skin. The flexor-pronator muscle group is split longitudinally and the anterior portion of the ulnar collateral

ligament exposed. Additional exposure is obtained by

detachment and distal reflection of the flexor-pronator

mass. The ulnar nerve is mobilized 2.5 cm distal to the

epicondyle to well above the medial epicondyle. The

medial intermuscular septum is removed to the point at

which no impingement on the ulnar nerve can be palpated

or visualized. These maneuvers are in preparation for submuscular transposition of the ulnar nerve after ligament

reconstruction. A drill is used to make a tunnel in the epicondyle and ulna that corresponds to the points of attachment of the original ligament. The tunnel in the ulna is 1

cm distal to the joint. The tunnel in the medial epicondyle

is at the point of isometry. A tendon graft from either the

palmaris longus or plantaris, or a strip of Achilles tendon

is used to pass through the tunnels to form a figure-ofeight. The graft is pulled taut and sutured to itself. The

flexor-pronator origin is reattached and the elbow immobilized in 90 degrees of flexion for approximately 2 weeks,

followed by a hinge splint for an additional 2 weeks (Fig.


Lateral Insufficiency (Posterolateral Rotatory


Posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow was first

described in 1991 and is distinguished from recurrent radial

head dislocation (the radioulnar joint) or dislocation of the

elbow joint (the ulnohumeral and radiohumeral joints) (6).

This condition also has been observed after lateral release

for tennis elbow (6).


The diagnosis is made from a history of elbow dislocation

followed by symptoms of chronic instability characterized

by complaints of a pop, catch, or “clunk” as the elbow goes

from full extension to flexion or from flexion to extension.

In some cases, pain over the lateral aspect of the joint may

be a more prominent feature than the symptoms of instability. Although the patient may complain of posterolateral

elbow pain, a varus stress test often is negative unless gross

instability is present (6,44).

Diagnostic Maneuver.

The test is performed with the patient supine and the arm

over the patient’s head (6,44). The diagnostic maneuver

involves supination of the forearm and application of a valgus moment and axial compression while simultaneously

flexing the elbow from a position of full extension. This

maneuver produces a rotatory subluxation of the ulnohumeral joint as the semilunar notch of the ulna is displaced from the trochlea of the humerus. This rotation dislocates the radiohumeral joint posterolaterally, and as the

elbow is flexed to approximately 40 degrees, the rotatory

displacement is at its maximum and a posterior prominence

400 Regional Anatomy

with an associated dimple in the skin is noted proximal to

the radial head (Fig. 7.34). Additional flexion results in a

sudden reduction of the radiohumeral and ulnohumeral

joints accompanied by disappearance of the dimple, and the

radius and ulna visibly and palpably snap into place on the

humerus. Although the reduction can be performed by

pronation of the forearm, the reduction is not as dramatic

as that described in the standard maneuver. In some

instances, the patient notes only pain with this maneuver,

without demonstrable pivot. This type of response is

reported as “positive for pain” and is highly suggestive of the

presence of this lesion (44). Full external rotation of the

shoulder provides a counterforce for the supination of the

forearm and leaves one hand of the examiner free for application of valgus stress. Routine physical examination is negative and the elbow joint is stable to varus and valgus stress

even under anesthesia. In no instance can the ulnohumeral

joint be frankly dislocated (6).

7 Elbow 401

FIGURE 7.33. Ligament reconstruction for medial insufficiency (Jobe technique). A: The medial

aspect of the elbow is opened and the flexor-pronator muscle group is split longitudinally and

the anterior portion of the ulnar collateral ligament exposed. B: Additional exposure is obtained

by detachment and distal reflection of the flexor-pronator mass. C: A tendon graft is passed

through tunnels to form a figure-of-eight, pulled taut, and sutured to itself.

Abnormal Findings at Surgery

According to Nestor et al. (6), anatomic findings at time of

surgery consistently demonstrated laxity or avulsion of that

portion of the radial collateral ligament that they have

named the LUCL. Treatment depends on the status of the

LUCL and includes advancement and imbrication or

reconstruction with autogenous tendon graft.

Treatment/Surgical Technique

With the patient supine, the elbow semiflexed, and the

forearm in pronation on an arm board, a longitudinal

incision is made 5 cm proximal to the lateral epicondyle

over the lateral supracondylar ridge and continuing distally over the lateral epicondyle to curve over the

anconeus, ending posteriorly at the subcutaneous margin

of the ulna. Distally, the interval between the ECU and

anconeus is used to expose the proximal and extensor

aspect of the forearm, the supinator crest, and the insertion of the LUCL. Two 3- to 4-mm drill holes are placed

at the tubercle on the proximal aspect of the supinator

crest approximately 7 to 10 mm apart. To determine the

proximal point of origin of the new ligament, the point

of isometry is determined by passing a suture through the

tunnel made in the proximal ulna and clamping the two

ends of the suture with a hemostat, which is used as a

pointer to identify the isometric point. This point usually

is in the mid-portion of the lateral epicondyle (6,44). A

tunnel is then made in the epicondylar ridge centered

about the isometric point and a free tendon graft using

the palmaris longus or the plantaris passed through these

tunnels so that a three-ply graft is obtained (Fig. 7.35).

The elbow is placed in 30 degrees of flexion and the graft

sutured to itself under tension. The elbow is immobilized

for 2 weeks, followed by protection in a hinge splint for

4 to 6 weeks. Thereafter, progressive activities are

allowed, but varus stress is avoided for 4 to 6 months


Flexion Contracture

Flexion contracture of the elbow may be associated with significant loss of upper extremity function. An arc of motion

from 30 degrees short of full extension to 120 degrees flexion (90 degrees of motion) is said to be essential for most

activities of daily living (50).


Flexion contracture may be due to a variety of causes,

including fractures and dislocations about the elbow, burns,

heterotopic ossification, spasticity, or congenital or developmental conditions about the joint (50,51). This discussion of anterior capsulotomy focuses on the release of flexion contracture secondary to trauma.

Surgical Approaches

Although anterior capsulotomy may be performed through

an anterior (46) approach as well as a combined medial and

lateral (52) approach, there are several compelling reasons to

perform it through a lateral approach (50). These include the

ability to release both anterior and posterior structures

402 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 7.34. Diagnostic maneuver for posterolateral rotatory instability (lateral insufficiency

test). The maneuver involves supination of the forearm and application of a valgus moment and

axial compression while simultaneously flexing the elbow from a position of full extension. This

maneuver dislocates the radiohumeral joint posterolaterally, and as the elbow is flexed to

approximately 40 degrees, the rotatory displacement is at its maximum and a posterior prominence with an associated dimple in the skin is noted proximal to the radial head.

through the same incision, the fact that the olecranon fossa

may be cleared or part of the olecranon excised to obtain

additional extension, and any enlargement of the coronoid

process that might produce impingement can be excised. Posteriorly, tenolysis of the triceps and capsulotomy can be done

to increase flexion. After surgery, the lateral incision, which is

in the neutral axis of flexion–extension, is less likely to produce an unacceptable scar, and if immediate continuous passive motion is used, it will be less subject to tension (50).

Technique of Lateral Approach


With the patient supine, the elbow flexed to 60 degrees,

and the forearm pronated, a Kocher approach is used beginning along the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus

and continuing across the lateral epicondyle, to end at the

subcutaneous border of the ulna between the ECU and

anconeus (Fig. 7.36).

7 Elbow 403

FIGURE 7.35. Ligament reconstruction for posterolateral rotatory instability (lateral insufficiency). A: A longitudinal incision is made 5 cm proximal to the lateral epicondyle over the lateral supracondylar ridge and continued distally over the lateral epicondyle to curve over the

anconeus, ending posteriorly at the subcutaneous margin of the ulna. The interval between the

extensor carpi ulnaris and anconeus is used to expose the proximal and extensor aspect of the

forearm, the supinator crest, and the insertion of the radial collateral ligament. B, C: Drill holes

are placed at the tubercle on the proximal aspect of the supinator crest approximately 7 to 10

mm apart, and the point of isometry is determined by passing a suture through the tunnel made

in the proximal ulna to identify the isometric point. A second tunnel is then made near the epicondylar ridge centered about the isometric point, and a free tendon graft is passed through

these tunnels so that a three-ply graft is obtained.

FIGURE 7.36. Lateral approach for elbow flexion contracture. A: A Kocher approach is used

beginning along the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus and continued across the lateral

epicondyle to end at the subcutaneous border of the ulna between the extensor carpi ulnaris

(ECU) and anconeus. B: Subperiosteal stripping is used to elevate the brachioradialis (BR) and

extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) from the supracondylar ridge to reveal the brachialis muscle

and the anterior capsule. C: Distally, the interval between the ECU and anconeus is used to

expose the lateral aspect of the elbow joint. Retractors are placed deep to the BR, ECRL, and

brachialis to expose the anterior capsule, which is incised from lateral to medial. D: The elbow is

brought into maximum extension and, if extension is incomplete, the triceps is dissected free and

retracted to look for soft tissue or bone in the olecranon fossa that might block full extension.

Deep Dissection

Subperiosteal stripping is used to elevate the brachioradialis and ECRL from the supracondylar ridge to reveal the

brachialis muscle and the anterior capsule. Distally, the

interval between the ECU and anconeus is used to expose

the lateral aspect of the elbow joint. Retractors are placed

deep to the brachioradialis, ECRL, and brachialis to expose

the anterior capsule, which is incised from lateral to

medial. The fascia on the underside of the brachialis may

be incised as needed. The elbow is brought into maximum

extension and, if extension is incomplete, the triceps is dissected free and retracted to look for soft tissue or bone in

the olecranon fossa that might block full extension or

enlargement of the olecranon. Flexion may be improved by

tenolysis of the triceps and posterior capsulotomy as

required. If adequate flexion still is not obtained, the coronoid fossa should be inspected and cleared, or if the coronoid process is enlarged, it should be trimmed as indicated

proximal to the brachialis insertion. The extensive nature

of this release requires careful reattachment of the lateral

sleeve of tissues, and the authors recommend drill holes in

the humerus to facilitate closure to restore lateral stability

to the elbow (50). The senior author (Hastings) of this

technique has noted that when radical debridement of the

joint is not required, preservation of the origin of the lateral collateral ligament on the lateral epicondyle is recommended (8). If this is possible, no postoperative protection

of the lateral ligamentous structures is required in the rehabilitation phase of recovery.

Myositis Ossificans and Heterotopic

Calcification and Ossification

True myositis ossificans should be differentiated from heterotopic calcification, the latter being a dystrophic process

(46). Myositis ossificans is ossification in the muscle (most

often the brachialis) after trauma such as an elbow dislocation. This condition may lead to significant loss of

motion of the elbow and usually is seen 3 to 6 weeks after

injury (53). This condition is rare compared with heterotopic calcification in the ligaments and capsule of the

elbow joint, which is common, but rarely results in loss of

elbow function. The incidence of myositis ossificans can

be lessened by gentle and prompt reduction of elbow dislocations and by using gentleness during the rehabilitation

process (46). Heterotopic ossification is manifested clinically as an intense inflammatory reaction about the joint

with redness, increased warmth, severe pain, and rapidly

decreasing range of motion (54,55). It is a complication of

traumatic brain injury and usually is detected within 2

months after the injury. The incidence of periarticular

heterotopic ossification after traumatic brain injury is

11%. The hips are involved most commonly, followed by

the shoulder and elbows (55). An increased incidence to

85% is noted in patients with concomitant musculoskeletal injuries (55).



Anconeus Epitrochlearis

The anconeus epitrochlearis is a small anomalous muscle

near the origin of the FCU, proximal to the aponeurosis

joining the humeral and ulnar heads of the FCU. It arises

from the medial border of the olecranon and inserts into

the medial epicondyle. This muscle is superficial to the

ulnar nerve and takes the place of the fibrous arch of the

deep fascia. It may vary in size and shape from small and

fusiform to a thick, rectangular structure that is palpable on

physical examination (56,57). It has been reported to have

a variable incidence as high as 25% (56). It has been

described as an auxiliary extension of the medial portion of

the triceps, but it is anatomically distinct from the triceps

and is supplied by the ulnar nerve. This muscle often is seen

in other species and presumably is an atavistic anomaly in

humans. In humans, the muscle may be replaced by a ligament called the epitrochleoanconeus ligament, and because its

course and attachments are similar to those of the anconeus

epitrochlearis, this ligament is believed to be a rudiment of

the muscle (58).

Clinical Significance

This muscle crosses over the ulnar nerve in the region of

the cubital tunnel and has been reported to be a source of

compression of the ulnar nerve in cubital tunnel syndrome (56,57). In cases of ulnar neuropathy due to the

anconeus epitrochlearis muscle, treatment is complete or

partial excision of the muscle to relieve any pressure on the

nerve (57).


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406 Regional Anatomy






The proximal and distal ends of the two-bone configuration of the forearm are uniquely suited to allow a large arc

of flexion–extension movement while at the same time

permitting almost 180 degrees of rotation of the forearm.

The functional implications of this unique system are but

minimally illustrated by the use of a screwdriver or the act

of passing a curved surgical needle, which requires repetitive and alternating pronation and supination of the forearm in association with a stable elbow and wrist joint. The

radius, so aptly named, rotates around the long axis of the

ulna while the stability of the two bones is maintained by

their bony architecture, the interosseous membrane, and

proximal and distal ligamentous and muscular support.

The uniqueness of the forearm is further illustrated by the

relative ease of surgical exposure of the ulna, which is subcutaneous throughout its length, compared with the

radius, which is surrounded by muscles and nerves that

make surgical approaches to this bone significantly more


The functional and purposeful movement of this bony

scaffold is effected by means of two forearm muscle groups,

the dorsolateral and the ventromedial, and also by the

biceps brachii, which is an elbow flexor as well as a primary

supinator of the forearm.



The dorsolateral group arises from the lateral epicondyle of

the humerus and extends to the dorsal aspect of the forearm, wrist, and hand. When the forearm is in neutral, isolated contraction of the dorsolateral group tends to supinate

the forearm. This is especially true of the brachioradialis,

which inserts on the radial styloid and was formerly known

as the supinator longus.



Similarly, the ventromedial group arises from the medial

epicondyle and extends to the ventral aspect of the forearm,

wrist, and hand. These two groups sometimes are described

as the flexor-pronator and extensor-supinator groups because

of their combined functional roles in movement of the wrist

and forearm. The ventromedial group assists in pronation

of the forearm.


The respective actions of pronation and supination are

facilitated by the oblique orientation and pull of the two

muscle groups. Although the biceps and supinator are recognized as the major supinators of the forearm, just as the

pronator teres (PT) and pronator quadratus (PQ) are recognized as the major pronators of the forearm, the fact that

other muscle groups also may participate in a given motion

illustrates the complex nature of movement in the upper

extremity. This complexity is further illustrated by the fact

that these two muscle groups that originate from the

humerus also may act as flexors of the elbow.




Bones: The forearm contains the radius and ulna.

Blood Vessels: The forearm contains the brachial, radial,

ulnar, and interosseous arteries and superficial veins.

Nerves: The forearm contains the median, ulnar, and

radial nerves and cutaneous nerves.

Interosseous Membrane: The interosseous membrane

(IOM) spans the space between the radius and ulna.

Muscles: The forearm contains the primary flexors and

extensors of the wrist and fingers, the extrinsic finger and

thumb flexors and extensors, and the pronators and supinators of the forearm.

External Landmarks

Important landmarks for the volar forearm include the

medial and lateral epicondyle, the biceps tendon, the


“mobile wad of three” [brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), and extensor carpi radialis brevis

(ECRB)] (1), the flexor-pronator group, the flexor carpi

ulnaris (FCU) tendon, the flexor carpi radialis (FCR) tendon, the pisiform bone, the radial styloid, and, if present,

the palmaris longus (PL) tendon (Fig. 8.1).

Skeletal Anatomy

Although the radius and ulna represent the major osseous

components of the forearm, the distal humerus also must be

included because of the important relationships between

these three bones (Fig. 8.2).


408 Regional Anatomy

Distal Humerus

The distal humerus is a modified condyle that is wider than

it is thick and has articular and nonarticular parts.

Articular Components

The lateral and convex capitulum is less than half a sphere

that has anterior and inferior but not posterior articular surfaces. It articulates with the discoid radial head that abuts the

inferior surface in full extension. The trochlea, the medial

and pulley-shaped humeral surface, articulates with the

trochlear notch of the proximal ulna. The trochlear notch has

a mid-articular ridge that extends from front to back and corresponds to a groove in the trochlea. The articular surface of

FIGURE 8.1. A, B: Flexor aspect of the right forearm, showing prominent landmarks.


the trochlea is anterior, inferior, and posterior and is separated from the capitellum by a shallow groove (2).

Nonarticular Components

The nonarticular medial and lateral epicondyles and their

respective supracondylar ridges are sites of origin for the

flexor-pronator and extensor-supinator muscles, respectively.

The smooth posterior surface of the medial epicondyle is traversed by the ulnar nerve through a groove before its entrance

into the FCU. The radial and coronoid fossae provide space

for the radial head and coronoid process of the ulna to

accommodate flexion of the elbow without impingement.

8.1 Flexor Forearm 409

FIGURE 8.2. Radius and ulna. Note the bony landmarks

and changes in cross-sectional morphology from proximal to distal. Note the radial bow that allows rotation

of the radius about the long axis of the ulna without


Posteriorly, the olecranon fossa accommodates the apex of the

olecranon process when the elbow is extended. A line in the

coronal plane drawn from the most external aspects of the

medial to the lateral epicondyle is called the interepicondylar

line or Hueter’s line, and is a useful landmark for identification of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve of the forearm

and the site of division of the radial nerve into motor and

sensory components (2,3).


The radius has expanded proximal and distal ends. The

shaft is convex laterally and concave anteriorly in the distal

one-half, a probable requirement of impingement-free

motion from full supination to full pronation. This biplane

bowing must be maintained in the treatment of fractures to

prevent loss of pronation or supination. The radial head is

discoid and its proximal surface is a shallow cup to accommodate the adjacent capitulum. The disc is widest medially,

where it articulates with the ulna in the radial notch (2).

The neck is positioned between the head and the medially

placed biceps tuberosity. A prominent anterior oblique line

extends from the tuberosity to the junction of the proximal

and middle thirds of the radius and is the site of origin of

the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS). The middle third

of the radial shaft is triangular, in contrast to the proximal

third, which is more or less round, and the distal third,

which is a broad, four-sided oval. The radial styloid on the

lateral surface is a prominent landmark and projects beyond

that of the ulna. The complex distal articulation of the

radius and ulna is presented in Chapter 9.


The proximal end of the ulna is a large hook and the ulna

progressively diminishes in size from its larger proximal end

to its distal end, which expands into a small, rounded head

and styloid process. The head of the distal ulna is visible in

pronation and its convex articular surface fits into the radial

ulnar notch. The styloid process of the ulna is a short,

round posterolateral projection of the end of the ulna. The

trochlear or semilunar notch is bounded proximally by the

apex of the olecranon process and distally by the coronoid

process. Just distal to the coronoid process is the site of

insertion of the brachialis muscle, the ulnar tuberosity. The

shaft is triangular in cross-section, in contrast to the

rounded distal end and the quadrangular proximal end.

Interosseous Membrane

The radius and ulna are joined by a syndesmosis called the

interosseous membrane (Fig. 8.3).

Gross Anatomy

The IOM begins proximally, approximately 2 to 3 cm distal to the radial tuberosity, and spans the space between the

radius and ulna from this area down to the distal articulation. The proximal opening allows passage of the posterior

interosseous artery, and distally an opening is present to

allow passage of the anterior interosseous artery to the back

of the forearm (2). The oblique cord is a small, inconstant

flat band on the deep head of the supinator that extends

from the lateral side of the ulnar tuberosity to the radius a

short distance distal to its tuberosity (2). The IOM provides

attachments for the flexor pollicis longus (FPL) laterally

and the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) medially on its

volar surface, and dorsally to the supinator, abductor pollicis longus (APL), extensor pollicis longus (EPL), extensor

pollicis brevis (EPB), and extensor indicis proprius (EIP).

The maximum thickness of 1 mm is noted 1 cm proximal

to the midpoint of the radius (4). This area of relative thickness is called the central band (CB) and is three to four times

as thick as the IOM proximally and distally. The width of

this band is approximately 1 cm as measured perpendicular

to its fibers. In the metaphyseal region of the distal forearm,

the IOM is dorsal to accommodate the deep head of the PQ

(5). The fibers of the IOM originate on the radius (proximal) and insert on the ulna (distal) (6). Skahen et al.

described the IOM as a complex composed of a membranous portion, a CB, accessory bands, and a proximal

interosseous band (6). The average length of the radial origin is 10.6 cm (range, 6 to 19.5 cm) and that of the ulnar

insertion, 10.6 cm (range, 8 to 13.5 cm). The CB has an

average width of 1.1 cm (range, 0.5 to 2.5 cm) measured

perpendicular to its fibers. The average site of origin is 7.7

cm (range, 6.5 to 8.7 cm) distal to the articular surface of

the radial head, and the insertion on the ulna is 13.7 cm

(range, 10 to 18.5 cm) distal to the tip of the olecranon.

The average fiber angle is 21 degrees (range, 11 to 38

degrees) to the longitudinal axis of the ulna. Accessory

bands were variable as to occurrence and number and were

less substantial than the CB, but fiber orientation was similar to the CB. The proximal interosseous band was more

likely (17 of 20 specimens) to be present and, when present,

was found exclusively on the proximal dorsal surface of the

forearm. Its fibers are oriented nearly perpendicular to the

CB. The radial attachment is 7.7 cm (range, 6.7 to 8.7 cm)

from the articular surface of the radial head and the ulnar

attachment is an average of 9.6 cm (range, 7.7 to 11.8 cm)

distal to the tip of the olecranon. The width of the proximal

interosseous band is 0.4 cm as measured perpendicular to

its fibers (range, 0.2 to 0.8 cm).

Histology, Ultrastructure, and Biochemical


Based on histologic sections, the IOM appears to be composed mostly of collagen with very little elastin (7). The collagen fiber bundles are organized in a parallel arrangement

surrounded by an elastin covering. The collagen bundles

provide the tensile strength of the IOM and the elastin

sheath provides support and some elasticity. Electron

microscopy of portions of the CB revealed parallel collagen

410 Regional Anatomy

fibers with a varying distribution of fibril diameters. The

biochemical composition, assessed using hydroxyproline

assay, yielded an average collagen content of 93.2% ± 7.1%.

Based on these findings of large amounts of collagen and an

ordered structure, McGinley and Kozin proposed that the

IOM functions similar to a tendon (7).

Function and Biomechanics

The CB of the IOM acts as a ligament and probably tethers the radius longitudinally to prevent proximal migration

of the radius after radial head excision (4). Skahen et al.

agreed with Hotchkiss et al., who found that the CB was

responsible for 71% of the longitudinal stiffness of the

IOM after radial head excision (4,6). Rabinowitz et al. have

identified the mid-portion of the IOM as the most crucial

structural subdivision (8). They noted that although the

intact radius has been identified as the primary restraint to

proximal radial migration, both the triangular fibrocartilage

complex (TFCC) and the IOM have been identified as

important secondary forearm stabilizers. Based on their biomechanical study and the observation that some patients

gradually acquire wrist symptoms after radial head excision,

it has been postulated that with subsequent dynamic physiologic loading stretching of the IOM and TFCC may

8.1 Flexor Forearm 411

FIGURE 8.3. The interosseous membrane (IOM). In addition to providing attachment areas for

several forearm muscles, the IOM, and especially the central band, is a secondary forearm stabilizer and load transfer structure (see text).

occur, allowing further proximal radial migration. This

study found that after radial head excision, if either the

TFCC or IOM alone were disrupted, little additional proximal migration would occur. However, if both the mid-portion of the IOM and the TFCC were incompetent, further

proximal radial migration would occur. They noted that

proximal migration of the radius greater than 6 to 7 mm

while under axial load implied disruption of both the

TFCC and the mid-portion of the IOM (8). Maximum

strain in the CB of the intact IOM occurs in neutral forearm rotation. Absence of the radial head is associated with

increased strain throughout the arc of forearm rotation, and

maximum strain is noted in pronation (6). The interactive

dynamic anatomy of the IOM, radius, and ulna may be

summarized as follows: (a) normally, the IOM transfers

load from the distal radius to the proximal ulna, as manifested by decreasing loads in the radius from distal to proximal and increasing load values in the ulna from distal to

proximal, whereas after IOM division the proximal and distal load values become equal (9); (b) normally, the radial

head serves as the primary restraint to proximal migration

of the radius; (c) the CB and TFCC serve as secondary

restraints when the forearm is loaded; and (d) when the

radial head is absent, the CB and TFCC become the primary restraints as they attempt to resist proximal migration

of the radius by transferring load to the ulna (6,8).

Clinical Significance

The ability of the IOM to transfer load from the radius to

the ulna through fibers that run from the proximal radius

to the distal ulna and exert a proximal pull on the ulna

might explain patterns of injury as seen in both-bone fractures of the forearm, Galeazzi and Monteggia fracture–dislocations, and the Essex-Lopresti injury, which are characterized by a pattern of proximal radius to distal ulna

forearm injury (9).

Both-Bone Fractures. Linking of the radius and ulna by

the obliquely oriented IOM, especially the CB, may explain

the finding that the radial fracture is most often proximal

and the ulnar fracture distal. Synostosis is less common in

this configuration but more common if the ulnar fracture is

proximal. This is said to be due to the fact that in the more

proximal ulnar fracture, the IOM injury is perpendicular

412 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 8.4. The carrying angle. The carrying angle is most noticeable in supination and extension, and disappears in flexion and pronation.

rather than parallel to the fibers of the IOM. The small vessels that course parallel to these fibers are more likely to be

torn and form a hematoma in the interosseous space, leading to synostosis.

Galeazzi and Monteggia Fracture–Dislocations and

Essex-Lopresti Injury. In a fall on the outstretched hand,

the radius is impacted between the ground and the capitulum. Force transfer (mediated by the IOM) to the proximal

ulna would result in displacement of the ulnar column distally toward the ground and increased tension in the IOM.

The specific injury or lesion produced depends on the site

of force concentration; if proximal to the CB, it may result

in a Monteggia or Essex-Lopresti injury, and if distal, it may

result in a Galeazzi injury (9).

The Carrying Angle

When the forearm is supinated and in full extension, it

deviates laterally by approximately 17 degrees (2). This socalled carrying angle is due to (a) the fact that the medial

trochlear edge is approximately 6 mm longer than its lateral edge; and (b) the matching obliquity of the coronoid’s

superior articular surface, which is not orthogonal to the

ulnar shaft (2). The carrying angle disappears when the

elbow is flexed because of slight spiral orientation of the

ridge in the trochlear notch and the companion groove in

the trochlea, and because the tilt of the humeral and ulnar

articular surfaces is approximately equal (2,10). The carrying angle is masked, if not obliterated, by pronation of the

forearm, which brings the hand into a more functional

position (Fig. 8.4).


For the sake of clarity, the superficial structures on the volar

side of the arm, elbow, and forearm are included in this section on the volar forearm.


Although the dorsal veins of the hand and wrist are more

prominent than the volar veins, the opposite is true on the

volar aspect of the forearm, elbow, and arm. Three veins are

prominent in the forearm: the laterally placed cephalic vein,

the more centrally placed median vein of the forearm, and

the medially located basilic vein. In the region of the antecubital fossa, the median vein of the forearm usually joins

the cephalic, which continues into the arm on its anterolateral aspect near the interval of the biceps and brachialis

muscles, the so-called biceps groove. Sometimes, however,

the median vein of the forearm may join the basilic vein,

which continues into the arm along the medial biceps

groove. In the proximal forearm, a branch from the cephalic

or the median vein of the forearm, depending on the particular configuration, called the median cubital vein, courses

proximally and medially to join the basilic vein on the

medial aspect of the arm. The confluence of these veins

often, but not always, forms an “M”-shaped pattern (Fig.

8.5A). The median cubital vein often is the site for

venipuncture because of its size and prominence. This vein

also crosses over the biceps tendon in the region of the

elbow flexion crease. These superficial veins are connected

to the deeper venous system by communicating veins that

may require ligation during surgery. Such a communicating

branch often is found near the junction of the cephalic and

median cubital veins. Much variation can occur in the size

and orientation of veins throughout the upper extremity,

and the preceding discussion is intended to depict some

common patterns or configurations. These veins are discussed in this section because they often must be retracted

or ligated in surgical approaches in the upper extremity, and

sometimes may represent landmarks for location of other

superficial structures, such as the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve of the forearm.

Cutaneous Nerves

Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve

The medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (MACN) originates in the axilla between the axillary artery and vein and

courses down the arm medial to the brachial artery (see Fig.

8.5B). Based on a study of 50 cadavers, it was found to arise

from the medial cord in 78% and from the lower cord in

22% (11). In the distal arm, the MACN is adjacent to the

basilic vein and pierces the deep fascia in the middle or distal arm to become subcutaneous. In the distal arm, the

MACN divides into posterior and anterior branches at an

average of 14.5 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle; these

branches continue with the basilic vein for a variable distance before the posterior branch turns ulnarward and posteriorly to cross over the medial intermuscular septum and

the ulnar nerve (11,12). Ninety percent of the posterior

branches cross at or proximal to the medial epicondyle, and

the number of branches ranges from one to four. The anterior branch sends cutaneous branches to the anterior arm

distally, antecubital fossa, and proximal anterior forearm.

These branches are variable in number (two to five) and

location. Most of these cutaneous branches arise between 6

cm proximal and 5 cm distal to the elbow. The anterior

branch crosses the elbow anteriorly between the medial epicondyle and biceps tendon, usually lying 2 to 3 cm anterolateral to the epicondyle. The main anterior branch continues distally superficial to the FCU to within an average of

5.6 cm from the wrist flexion crease. The cutaneous distribution of the MACN in the forearm is the antecubital fossa,

posterior olecranon region, and the medial half of the flexor

8.1 Flexor Forearm 413

side of the forearm, as well as proximal portions of the

extensor surface of the forearm (11,12).

Clinical Significance

This nerve and its branches are at risk during surgical exposures in this area of the forearm and should be identified

and preserved. The use of the MACN as a nerve graft is discussed in Chapter 6.

Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve of the


The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve of the forearm (the

cutaneous branch of the musculocutaneous nerve) enters

the antecubital fossa between the biceps and brachialis muscles (see Fig. 8.5B). It emerges from beneath the lateral

aspect of the biceps tendon at the level of the interepi414 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 8.5. A: Veins of the arm and forearm. In the forearm, the cephalic and basilic veins flank

the median antebrachial vein in the forearm. Note the median cubital vein in the region of the

antecubital fossa.


condylar line (a line drawn between the medial and lateral

epicondyles) (13). It then becomes progressively more

superficial as it continues distally beneath the cephalic vein.

Because of the variability in the configuration of the veins

in this area, its relationship with the biceps tendon is a more

reliable landmark.

Clinical Significance

The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve has been found to

be a highly suitable autograft donor for digital nerve grafts,

and the resultant sensory loss is not considered to be clinically significant (14). As it exits from between the biceps

and brachialis in the distal arm, it is deep in the lateral

8.1 Flexor Forearm 415

FIGURE 8.5. (continued) B: Cutaneous nerves of the arm and forearm.


aspect of the arm and should not be confused with the adjacent radial nerve, which is in the interval between the

brachialis and the brachioradialis.

Volar Forearm Muscle Groups

There are three groups or layers of flexor forearm muscles:

superficial, intermediate, and deep. The muscular components of the volar forearm are:


n Brachioradialis

n Pronator teres

n Flexor carpi radialis

n Palmaris longus

n Flexor carpi ulnaris


n Flexor digitorum superficialis


n Flexor pollicis longus

n Flexor digitorum profundus

n Pronator quadratus

n Supinator

Superficial Group


The unipennate brachioradialis is the most superficial muscle on the radial border of the forearm and arises from the

proximal two-thirds of the supracondylar ridge and from

the anterior surface of the lateral intermuscular septum

(Fig. 8.6). The muscle fibers end in the mid-forearm in a

flat tendon that continues distally to insert over a large area

on the radial styloid. The brachioradialis is an elbow flexor

and acts most effectively in this capacity when the forearm

is in mid-pronation. It is easily demonstrated when the

semipronated forearm is flexed against resistance. The brachioradialis is minimally active in slow, easy flexions or with

the forearm in supination, but is very active in both flexion

and extension when movement is rapid and is a stabilizing

force during rapid movements of the elbow (15).

Pronator Teres

The PT has two heads of origin: the humeral, the larger and

more superficial of the two, arises just proximal to the medial

epicondyle from the common tendon of origin of the flexor

muscles, and from the intermuscular septum between it and

the FCR; the ulnar head arises from the medial side of the

coronoid process of the ulna, distal to the attachment of the

FDS (see Fig. 8.6). The median nerve usually enters the forearm between these two heads. The muscle ends in a flat tendon that inserts on the middle third of the radius at the “summit” of its lateral bow. The PT forms the medial or ulnar side

of the antecubital fossa and the brachioradialis forms the lateral or radial side. The PT acts as a pronator of the forearm

in rapid or forceful pronation, and because of its location at

the medial epicondyle it also is an elbow flexor.

Flexor Carpi Radialis

The FCR lies ulnar to the PT and arises from the medial

epicondyle via the common flexor tendon, the antebrachial

fascia, and adjacent intermuscular septa (see Fig. 8.6). Its

fusiform belly ends in a tendon at the middle third of the

forearm. This tendon passes through a groove in the trapezium and inserts on the palmar surface of the base of the

index metacarpal, with an additional slip of attachment to

the middle finger metacarpal. In the distal aspect of the

arm, the radial artery lies radial to the FCR tendon. The

FCR is a wrist flexor and, in conjunction with the radial

wrist extensors, may aid in radial deviation of the hand.

Palmaris Longus

The PL is a fusiform muscle ulnar to the FCR that arises

from the medial epicondyle by the common flexor tendon

as well as adjacent intermuscular septa and deep fascia (see

Fig. 8.6). Its configuration and incidence are variable, and

it usually ends as a long tendon that inserts into the palmar

fascia. The PL may be an accessory wrist flexor.

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

The FCU is the most ulnar of the superficial flexor group

and arises from two heads: the humeral and ulnar (see Fig.

8.6). The small humeral head arises from the medial epicondyle by the common tendon and the ulnar head arises

from the medial margin of the olecranon and the proximal

two-thirds of the posterior border of the ulna by an aponeurosis shared with the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) and FDP

and from the intermuscular septum between it and the

FDS. The two heads are joined by a tendinous arch beneath

which the ulnar nerve and the posterior ulnar recurrent

artery pass. This arch, may be a source of compression of

the ulnar nerve.

A thick tendon forms radially in the mid-aspect of the

muscle and continues distally to attach to the pisiform bone

and then to the hamate and base of the little finger

metacarpal by means of the pisohamate and pisometacarpal

ligaments. Muscle fibers continue nearly to the level of the

pisiform. The FCU is a major wrist flexor and, along with

the ECU, ulnar deviates the hand.

Intermediate Group

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

The superficial portion (middle and ring fingers) of the

FDS arises from the medial epicondyle, the proximal ulna,

and the proximal radius (Fig. 8.7). The deep portion (index

and little fingers) of the FDS arises from the medial epicondyle only. The deep portion of the FDS is trigastric with

a single proximal belly and two distal bellies that give tendons to the index and little finger. The proximal and distal

416 Regional Anatomy

8.1 Flexor Forearm 417

FIGURE 8.6. The superficial layer of the forearm flexor muscles in longitudinal and cross-sectional views.

418 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 8.7. The intermediate layer of forearm flexor muscles. Note the relationship of the two

layers of the superficialis and the trigastric superficialis to the index and little fingers.

bellies of the deep portion are joined in the mid-aspect of

the forearm by a prominent fibrous tissue linkage (Fig. 8.8).

After leaving the antecubital fossa, the median nerve

becomes a “satellite” of the deep part of the FDS (1). It lies

first to the radial side of the proximal belly and then to the

radial side of the fibrous tissue linkage between the proximal and distal bellies. Below this level, fascia binds the

median nerve in a lateral groove between the muscle bellies

and tendons of the middle and index fingers. Thus, the

median nerve stays with the FDS when the FDS and FDP

muscles are separated, as in the McConnell approach (see

section on Surgical Exposures, later). The median nerve can

be relied on to exit consistently from beneath the radial side

of the muscle belly of the middle finger in the distal forearm. This is a useful reference point in identifying and

locating this structure when exploring wounds about the

wrist. A fibrous tissue arch is present in the proximal margin of the superficial portion of the FDS, and as the median

nerve and anterior interosseous nerve (AIN) course beneath

this arch, they may be subject to compression (Fig. 8.9).

8.1 Flexor Forearm 419

FIGURE 8.8. The trigastric flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) to the index and little fingers.

Fresh cadaver dissection of the right forearm viewed from the ulnar-flexor aspect. Note the

ulnar nerve in the near foreground, the 9satellite9 median nerve coursing between Gantzer’s

muscle (accessory flexor pollicis longus), and the trigastric FDS to the index and little finger.

Note also the fibrous tissue linkage between the proximal and distal muscle bellies of this FDS.

FIGURE 8.9. Fibrous tissue arch of the superficial component of the flexor digitorum superficialis

(FDS). Fresh cadaver dissection of the proximal and flexor aspect of the right forearm (distal is to the

left). Note the median nerve and the anterior interosseous nerve coursing beneath the fibrous edge

of the FDS. A yellow marker is beneath the median nerve proximally and distally. A red marker is

beneath the collapsed brachial artery proximally; a red vessel loop is around the recurrent branch of

the radial artery; both the ulnar and radial arteries are immediately ulnar to this vessel loop.

FIGURE 8.10. The deep layer of the forearm flexor muscles. Note the side-by-side configuration

of the flexor pollicis longus (FPL) and flexor digitorum superficialis tendons. Note also the accessory FPL (Gantzer’s muscle).


The FDS inserts on the base of the proximal phalanges and

is a flexor of all the joints it passes over, including the proximal interphalangeal (PIP), metacarpophalangeal (MCP),

and wrist joints. The fact that the FDS has independent

muscle slips to all four fingers accounts for its ability to flex

one PIP joint at a time (2).

Deep Group

Flexor Pollicis Longus

The FPL arises from the grooved flexor surface of the radius

in an oblique line of origin beginning just distal to the

biceps tuberosity to near the proximal margin of the PQ

(Fig. 8.10). Its proximal oblique origin is opposite the insertion of the supinator. It also has origins from the adjacent

IOM and frequently by a variable slip from the lateral or,

more rarely, medial border of the coronoid process, or from

the medial epicondyle of the humerus (2). Its tendon arises

from the ulnar side of the muscle belly, courses through the

carpal canal, and then passes between the opponens pollicis

and the oblique head of the adductor pollicis to insert on

the palmar base of the distal phalanx of the thumb. The

anterior interosseous neurovascular bundle descends on the

IOM between the FPL and the FDP. The FPL is the deepest and most radial of the flexor tendons.

Flexor Digitorum Profundus

The FDP arises deep to the FDS from the anterior and

medial proximal two-thirds of the ulna. Its origin begins

near the attachment of the brachialis and ends just proximal

to the proximal margin of the PQ (see Fig. 8.10). It also has

origins from a depression on the medial side of the coronoid process, from the proximal two-thirds of the posterior

ulnar border by an aponeurosis shared with the flexor and

ECU, and from the ulnar half of the IOM. The four FDP

tendons lie in a single layer, in contrast to the two layers of

the FDS. The FDP tendons insert on the distal phalanges.

The portion of the muscle directed to the index finger usually is distinct throughout its course, which accounts for its

often independent action compared with the other fingers.

Pronator Quadratus

The PQ, as its name implies, is a quadrilateral muscle that

spans the flexor aspect of the distal ulna and radius (Fig.

8.11). It has two heads: the superficial, which arises from a

short tendon on the dorsoulnar border of the ulna and

inserts on a broad, flat facet on the volar surface of the

radius; and the deep, which also arises from the ulna, but

from a slightly less distinct tendon of origin and slightly

more volar than the superficial head. The insertion of the

deep head is to the ulnar border of the distal radius from the

IOM and filling the “axilla” of the distal radioulnar joint

(5). The nerve and blood supply is from the anterior

interosseous bundle, which consistently runs in a plane

deep to the head of the muscle on the IOM. The muscle

bellies are supplied from deep to superficial. Some branches

run in a longitudinal direction between the two heads after

piercing the deep head before entering the superficial.

Function. Electromyography has clearly shown that the

PQ is the main pronator of the forearm, with the PT functioning only in maximal pronation and resisted pronation.

These studies also revealed that the deep head consistently

functioned during supination and grip (5). These findings

confirm the concept of Johnson and Shrewsbury that the

deep head is a significant factor in preventing distal radioulnar joint diastasis during forearm rotation and grip (16).

Clinical Significance. Operative procedures have been

designed that use the PQ as a muscle or vascularized osseous

graft, as well as as a transfer to stabilize the distal radioulnar

joint or the distal ulna after partial resection (17,18).


Although the supinator is considered to be a deep extensor

of the forearm, it is included here because it often is

encountered in approaches to the anterior or flexor aspect

of the forearm (Fig. 8.12). The supinator wraps around the

proximal one-third of the radius and has superficial and

deep layers. The superficial portion arises from the lateral

epicondyle of the humerus, the collateral ligament of the

elbow joint, and the annular ligament. The deep head arises

from the “supinator crest” of the ulna as well as portions of

the annular ligament and collateral ligament. It attaches to

the volar and lateral side of the proximal third of the radius

as far distally as the insertion of the PT. Its oblique insertion

parallels the origin of the FPL. The posterior interosseous

8.1 Flexor Forearm 421

FIGURE 8.11. The deep layer of the forearm muscles, pronator

quadratus. Note the two heads of this quadrilateral muscle and

the anterior interosseous nerve and vessels that supply this muscle from deep to superficial.

nerve (PIN) courses between the two layers of the muscle at

almost a right angle to the muscle fibers. The supinator acts

in slow, unopposed supination of the forearm and together

with the biceps in fast or forceful supination.

“Mobile Wad of Three”

Henry found it useful to identify the brachioradialis,

ECRL, and ECRB as the “mobile wad of three” on the

dorsolateral side of the forearm (1). Although only the

brachioradialis in this group of muscles is considered to be

a flexor or volar muscle, it is part of this “mobile wad,”

which is an important landmark. These muscles can be

grasped between the examiner’s thumb and index finger

just distal to the lateral epicondyle, and when moved to

and fro, provide a useful guide to the deeper structures in

the forearm (Fig. 8.13). Henry also used a “manual

mnemonic” to aid identification and location of the volar

and medial superficial muscle group arising from the

medial epicondyle, which includes the PT, FCR, PL, and

FCU (1). This mnemonic is illustrated in Figure 8.14.

Identification of the interval between the laterally situated

mobile wad of three and the medial superficial flexors permits safe access to the deeper structures in the antecubital

fossa, including the radial, median, and ulnar nerves and

the vascular structures.

Antecubital Fossa


Entry into this area is facilitated by identification of the

biceps tendon, which bisects the base of the triangular antecubital fossa. Using the biceps tendon as a guide, the lateral

and medial boundaries of the antecubital fossa are noted to

be formed by the brachioradialis and the PT, respectively

(Fig. 8.15).

Zones of the Antecubital Fossa

The biceps tendon is an important landmark or partition

that divides the antecubital fossa into a relatively “safe” lat422 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 8.12. The deep layer of the forearm muscles, supinator.

Note the deep and superficial heads that wrap around the proximal one-third of the radius. The posterior interosseous nerve

(PIN) traverses the supinator between these two heads; note the

proximal branch to the deep head and the entrance of the main

stem of the PIN beneath the superficial head and its arcade of


FIGURE 8.13. The “mobile wad of three.” The brachioradialis

(BR), extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), and extensor carpi

radialis brevis (ECRB) form this mobile wad, which is an important guide to surgical approaches in this area.

eral zone and a more hazardous medial zone. The medial

zone contains the brachial, radial, and ulnar arteries and

their branches as well as the median nerve and its branches.

It also is helpful to remember that most of the branches

from the median nerve arise from its medial side (1).

Contents of the Antecubital Fossa

Reflection of the skin envelope and the superficial fascia

reveals the prominent biceps tendon and its aponeurosis,

called the lacertus fibrosus, coursing from the biceps tendon

to fan out medially and distally over the flexor-pronator

muscles. Incision of this aponeurosis allows a deeper view

into the antecubital fossa, where it is noted that the brachial

artery is immediately beneath the lacertus fibrosus. From

lateral to medial, the structures are the brachioradialis, the

biceps tendon, the brachial artery with its venae comitantes,

the median nerve, and the PT.

Neurovascular Structures

Arteries in the Antecubital Fossa

Just distal to the lacertus fibrosus, the brachial artery divides

into the radial and ulnar arteries (Fig. 8.16).

Radial Artery Branches

Multiple arterial branches arise on the lateral side of the

radial artery, the largest of which is the radial recurrent

artery (see Fig. 8.16). Most of these multiple branches arise

distal to the radial recurrent, and along with the radial

recurrent supply the adjacent mobile wad muscles. The

radial recurrent branch of the radial artery continues proximally, where it joins the anterior branch of the profunda

brachii artery in the region of the lateral epicondyle. Soon

after its origin from the radial artery, the radial recurrent

sends a branch that enters the arcade of Frohse adjacent to

the PIN. It may be necessary to ligate some of these vessels

to mobilize the adjacent mobile wad of muscles and thus

expose deeper structures, including the radial nerve and

supinator, or to allow retraction of the vascular bundle to

the medial side, which aids in identification of the ulnar

artery and its branches (1). Henry has characterized these

branches arising from the radial side of the radial artery as

a fanlike leash that spreads from a common stem (the radial

recurrent artery) and thus can be dealt with as a single structure (1). Although Henry is correct in his observation that

the vessels making up this fanlike vascular leash seldom lie

in a single plane but rather diverge in a set of layers two or

three deep, these vessels do not always arise from a common

single stem and thus must be dealt with as individual vessels. These vessels may arise as two to three individual

branches from the radial artery or as multiple branches arising from a common stem distal to the radial recurrent

artery. These vessels are separate and distinct from the radial

recurrent artery, and although the radial recurrent artery

also may send branches to the mobile wad muscles, the

arrangement of this vascular leash is different from that portrayed by Henry (1).

Ulnar Artery Branches

Ulnar artery branches include the medially situated anterior

and posterior ulnar recurrent arteries and the laterally

placed common interosseous artery, which divides into the

anterior and posterior interosseous arteries (see Fig. 8.16).

Identification of the Radial and Ulnar Arteries in the

Antecubital Fossa

The radial artery, a continuation of and in the same plane

as the brachial artery, is easily identified in the interval

between the brachioradialis and the FCR and on top of the

PT. In contrast to the more superficial radial artery, the

8.1 Flexor Forearm 423

FIGURE 8.14. Henry’s 9manual mnemonic9: The thumb through

the ring finger of the examiner’s hand, when laid on the forearm

as depicted, correspond to the four underlying superficial muscles.

ulnar artery, immediately after its origin from the brachial

artery, descends deep into the medial side of the antecubital

fossa, which it exits beneath the deep head of the PT to

enter the interval between the FDS and FDP. What must be

appreciated when exposing the radial and ulnar arteries in

the proximal forearm is that the radial artery, an easily identified extension of the brachial artery, is more superficial

than the deeply situated ulnar artery. The usual graphic

depiction of the ulnar artery indicates that it is medial to

the radial artery (it is) and in the same plane (it is not).

Unfortunately, the limitations of two-dimensional graphics

fail to characterize its true course, which is to descend

quickly into the depths of the antecubital fossa, which it

exits on the medial side beneath the deep head of the PT.

Major Forearm Nerves in the Antecubital


The three major nerves leave the arm and enter the forearm

by coursing through or between a muscle belly: the ulnar

nerve through the two heads of the FCU, the median

between the two heads of the PT, and the radial (but only

the motor branch) through the supinator. Only the median

and radial nerves pass through the antecubital fossa (Fig.


Identification of the Median and Radial Nerves in the

Antecubital Fossa

Identification of the median nerve in the antecubital fossa

usually is not a problem because it is on the same plane and

just medial to the brachial artery. However, identification of

the radial nerve is not as easy. The key to finding this nerve

is to identify the brachioradialis and the adjacent brachialis.

The brachialis lies just beneath the biceps, and it is in the

interval between the brachioradialis and the brachialis that

the radial nerve is found (1). Gentle and blunt separation of

these two muscle bellies reveals the radial nerve. The surgeon must not misidentify the musculocutaneous nerve,

which exits nearby between the lateral margins of the biceps

and brachialis muscle bellies, for the radial nerve.

424 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 8.15. The antecubital fossa/landmarks and

zones. The biceps tendon divides the antecubital fossa

into medial and lateral zones bounded by the pronator

teres (PT) and brachioradialis (BR), respectively.

8.1 Flexor Forearm 425

FIGURE 8.16. A: Arterial branches in the

antecubital fossa. Note the division of

the brachial artery into radial and ulnar

arteries and their multiple branches. B:

Fresh cadaver dissection of this region.

The probe in the lower foreground is

tenting up the ulnar artery; the green

vessel loop is around the radial artery;

the green marker adjacent to the midfield retractor is beneath the radial recurrent artery; the green marker to the left

(distal) is beneath the radial artery; the

remaining vessels are either veins or

small arteries from the adjacent muscles.

Clinical significance: there are multiple

vessels in this region in addition to the

radial recurrent vessel.



Radial Nerve

Site of Division into Motor and Sensory Branches.

Based on a study of 50 fresh cadaver upper extremities, Fuss

and Wurzl noted that the radial nerve divides into motor

and sensory branches near the lateral epicondyle at a level

that may range from 2.5 cm above or 3 cm below Hueter’s

line (a line drawn in the coronal plane between the tips of

the medial and lateral epicondyles) (3) (Fig. 8.18).

Radial Nerve Branches Proximal to the Division. Radial

nerve branches proximal to the division into motor and

sensory components (excluding the nerve to the anconeus,

which is even more proximal) were one to three branches to

the brachialis muscle that were 3 to 9 cm above Hueter’s

line; one to three branches to the brachioradialis that arose

2 cm below to 7.5 cm above Hueter’s line, but in most

instances arose 3 to 6 cm above Hueter’s line; and one to

three branches to the ECRL 2.5 below to 6 cm above

Hueter’s line, but in most instances these branches arose 0.5

to 4.5 cm above Hueter’s line (3) (see Fig. 8.18).

Fuss and Wurzl concluded that there is great variability

in the both the number and level of nerve branches to these

three muscles, and therefore it is impossible to assume a

strict sequence of muscle innervation, which may be of clinical importance when trying to determine the level or site of

nerve injury or patterns of muscular weakness after nerve

injury (3).

Radial Nerve Branching and Muscle Innervation

Sequence. These findings are compared with the study of

Abrams et al., who dissected the radial nerve motor

branches in 20 upper extremities and measured the shortest

and longest distances along the main radial trunk of the various radial nerve branches with respect to a point 10 cm

proximal to the medial epicondyle, the mean number of

branches, and innervation order or sequence (19). Their

findings are summarized in Tables 8.1 and 8.2. The only

nearly constant (19 of 20 specimens) consecutive order of

innervation was ECRL, supinator, ECRB. The ECRL

branch origin was variable; in 9 of 20 (45%), it originated

from the PIN; in 6 of 20 (30%), it originated from the

radial nerve as one branch of a trifurcation (the other

branches were the PIN and sensory branch of the radial

nerve). The ECRB branch came from the sensory branch of

the radial nerve in 5 of 20 (25%). Abrams et al. noted that

the innervation order is quite variable. Nonvariable findings

426 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 8.17. Entrance of the three major nerves to the forearm. These nerves leave the arm and

enter the forearm by coursing through or between a muscle belly: the ulnar nerve through the

two heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris, the median between the two heads of the pronator teres,

and the radial (but only the motor branch) through the supinator. Only the median and radial

nerves pass through the antecubital fossa.

included the fact that the extensor digitorum communis

(EDC) always was innervated before the EIP, APL, and

EPL, and almost always before the extensor digiti minimi.

The extensor digiti minimi was innervated before the EIP,

and the APL before the EPB. In 19 of 20 specimens, the

APL was innervated before the EPL. Regarding the question of variation in branch number, Abrams et al. found

that regression analysis demonstrated a positive nonlinear

correlation between both muscle mass and branch number

and physiologic cross-sectional area and branch number,

but no correlation between fiber length and branch number. The muscle with the highest branch number was the

EDC, and Abrams et al. stated that this might be a mechanism for regional muscle control unique to the EDC, which

has multiple, independently functioning tendon slips originating from a common muscle belly.

Origin of Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Branch. In a

study of 111 limbs regarding the origin of the motor

branch of the ECRB, Colborn et al. found that the most

common origin (56.7%) was from the PIN, followed by

31.5% from the sensory branch and 11.7% from the

8.1 Flexor Forearm 427

FIGURE 8.18. Division of the radial nerve into motor and sensory components. The interepicondylar line (Heuter’s line) is a useful landmark to begin a search for this division because the

nerve divides in a zone 2.5 cm above or 3 cm below this line.

region of the bifurcation of the radial nerve (20). In contrast to the one to three nerve branches that innervate the

brachialis, brachioradialis, and ECRL, Colborn et al.

found that the ECRB has only one nerve branch. This

nerve branch was found to arise within 1 cm of the distal

edge of the humeroradial joint and to pass distally approximately 3.5 cm before entering the ECRB muscle (20).

Regardless of its origin, the nerve to the ECRB is intimately related to the radial recurrent artery, which may be

used to guide the surgeon to the location of the nerve to

the ECRB (20). The finding of a single nerve branch to the

ECRB is in contrast to the findings of Abrams et al., who

428 Regional Anatomy


Shortest Distance Longest Distance Mean Number

Muscles (mm/SD) (mm/SD) (Branches/SD)

BR 97.2/15.5 112.6/12.3 2.9/1.1

ECRL 117.4/11.5 132.6/13.9 3.8/1.4

SUP 157.3/10.5 172.8/13.8 3.9/1.4

ECRB 182.1/15.9 206.4/16.1 3.4/1.2

EDC 215.8/13.1 237.4/17.7 4.6/1.3

ECU 219.5/16.0 228.2/17.7 2.8/0.8

EDM 229.2/15.8 236.0/17.1 1.6/0.8

APL 235.0/12.5 253.0/17.1 2.7/0.7

EPL 253.3/11.6 278.4/22.4 2.5/1.2

EPB 285.8/21.9 289.0/23.1 1.3/0.5

EIP 299.8/17.3 300.7/18.0 1.1/0.3

aDistances measured along main trunk of radial nerve 10 cm proximal to the lateral humeral condyle.

APL, abductor pollicis longus; BR, brachioradialis; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis brevis; ECRL, extensor

carpi radialis longus; ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris; EDC, extensor digitorum communis; EDM, extensor

digiti minimi; EIP, extensor indicis proprius; EPB, extensor pollicis brevis; EPL, extensor pollicis longus;

SUP, supinator.

From Abrams RA, Ziets RJ, Lieber RL, et al. Anatomy of the radial nerve motor branches in the

forearm. J Hand Surg [Am] 22:232-237, 1997, with permission.



Specimen Number Innervation Order





















APL, abductor pollicis longus; BR, brachioradialis; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis brevis; ECRL, extensor

carpi radialis longus; ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris; EDC, extensor digitorum communis; EDM, extensor

digiti minimi; EIP, extensor indicis proprius; EPB, extensor pollicis brevis; EPL, extensor pollicis longus;

SUP, supinator; BC, brachialis.

From Abrams RA, Ziets RJ, Lieber RL, et al. Anatomy of the radial nerve motor branches in the

forearm. J Hand Surg [Am] 22:232–237, 1997, with permission.

noted a mean number of branches of 3.4 with a standard

deviation of 1.2 (19). The nerve branch to the ECRB is

superficial to its fascial origin (3).

Distal Course of the Sensory Branch of the Radial Nerve.

The radial nerve sensory branch travels beneath the mobile

wad of three and continues distally under cover of the brachioradialis, exiting dorsally from between the tendons of

the brachioradialis and the ECRL a mean of 9 cm proximal

to the radial styloid (21). Complete absence of the sensory

branch has been noted, with most of the area normally

innervated by the radial nerve supplied by the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (3).

Branches to the Supinator Arising Proximal to the

Arcade of Frohse. Two to five branches (most often two or

three branches) arise 0.5 cm above to 4.5 cm below Hueter’s

line. An anterior group of branches innervates the superficial portion of the supinator and a posterior group (usually

only one branch) innervates the muscle layer deep to the

PIN (3).

Fibrous Arcades Relative to the Posterior Interosseous

Nerve. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Fascial Origin. A fascial layer that constitutes the fascial origin of the ECRB is

consistently present 0.5 to 1 cm proximal to the arcade of

Frohse (3). If tendinous, the proximal border of the fascia

may compress the PIN as well as its branches to the supinator muscle (3). In some cases, this fascial origin may be laterally positioned and not overlie the PIN or the arcade of

Frohse, but in most instances it covers the arcade of Frohse.

The inexperienced surgeon may confuse this arch with the

arcade of Frohse (22) (Fig. 8.19).

Arcade of Frohse. The arcade of Frohse is found 3 to 5 cm

distal to Hueter’s line. The proximal edge of the superficial

8.1 Flexor Forearm 429

FIGURE 8.19. Fibrous tissue arcades relative to the posterior interosseous nerve (PIN). A: Artist’s

depiction of the fascial origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) and the arcade of

Frohse, potential sites of compression of the PIN.

(continued on next page)


430 Regional Anatomy

FIGURE 8.19. (continued) B: Fresh cadaver dissection of the proximal and flexor aspect of the right

forearm. The probe to the right (proximal) is tenting

up the main stem of the radial nerve; the sensory

branch is coursing obliquely to the left; the blue

marker is beneath the fibrous edge of the ECRB and

the green marker beneath the fibrous edge of the

supinator (the arcade of Frohse); the green marker

rests on the PIN as it begins its traverse of the supinator. C: Same dissection as B. The small hook is retracting the fibrous edge of the ECRB; the green marker

remains beneath the arcade of Frohse (fibrous tissue

edge of the superficial component of the supinator).

D: The fibrous edge of the ECRB is tented up on the

retractor; the smaller green marker is beneath the

leading edge of the supinator; fat has been removed

from around the PIN for clarity, and it rests on the

larger green marker; note the fibers of the deep

head of the supinator muscle just radial to the PIN.




layer of the supinator is fibrous, especially the lateral side.

This fibrous tissue edge forms the arcade of Frohse, which

may compress the anterior radial nerve branches to the

supinator as well as the PIN.

Distal Course of the Posterior Interosseous Nerve. After

entering the supinator, the PIN continues distally between

the superficial and deep layers of the supinator on its way

to the dorsal or extensor surface of the forearm, where it

innervates the thumb and finger extensors as well as the


Median Nerve

The median nerve exits the antecubital fossa through the

interval between the superficial and deep heads of the PT,

which arise from the medial epicondyle and proximal ulna,

respectively. It then becomes a “satellite” of the deep portion of the FDS, lying first to the radial side of the proximal belly and then to the radial side of the fibrous tissue

linkage between the proximal and distal portions of the

FDS. Below this level, fascia binds the median nerve in a

lateral groove between the muscle bellies and tendons of the

middle and index fingers (Fig. 8.20). The superficial portion of the FDS contains the middle and ring finger flexors

and the deep portion contains the index and little finger

flexors. In the distal forearm, the median nerve exits from

beneath the radial side of the muscle belly of the middle finger superficialis, where it is quite superficial and near to the

PL tendon, and it remains in this superficial position until

it enters the carpal canal.

Palmar Cutaneous Branch. The palmar cutaneous

branch of the median nerve arises from the distal and lateral

aspect of the median nerve 3 to 4 cm proximal to the flexor

retinaculum and provides sensation to the skin over the

thenar eminence (10).

Anterior Interosseous Nerve. The AIN branch arises posteriorly from the main median trunk approximately 5 to 8

cm distal to the medial epicondyle (23) (Fig. 8.21). Its origin usually is just distal to the branches to the superficial

forearm flexors and just distal to the proximal border of the

superficial head of the PT (2,23). It then passes through the

two heads of the PT and continues distally beneath the

fibrous tissue arcade of the FDS to lie on the IOM. At

approximately the level of the junction of the PT and the

FCR, it sends one to several motor branches to the FPL.

Motor branches have been identified as far distal as 1 cm

proximal to the proximal edge of the PQ. These motor

branches are anterior and along the medial margin of the

FPL, and may be preserved during exposure of the radius by

keeping to the lateral side of the muscle. The FPL and FDP

of the index are exclusively innervated by the AIN. The

FDP of the long finger is innervated by the AIN exclusively

only approximately half the time. In the remaining

instances, the FDP of the long finger is at least partially supplied by branches from the ulnar nerve (23). The AIN continues distally on the volar surface of the IOM, where it

enters the proximal margin of the PQ and branches onto its

deep surface.

Ulnar Nerve

The ulnar nerve enters the forearm through the two heads

of the FCU, which it soon exits to lie on the FDP muscle

belly, where it is joined by the ulnar artery in the middle

third of the forearm (Fig. 8.22).

Dorsal Sensory Branch. The ulnar nerve gives off an

important dorsal sensory branch an average of 6.4 cm from

the distal aspect of the head of the ulna and 8.3 cm from

the proximal border of the pisiform. Its mean diameter at

origin is 2.4 mm. The nerve passes dorsal to the FCU and

pierces the deep fascia to become subcutaneous on the

medial aspect of the forearm at a mean distance of 5 cm

from the proximal edge of the pisiform. The nerve gives an

average of five branches with diameters between 0.7 and 2.2

mm (24).

Arteries of the Forearm

Radial Artery

The radial artery begins on the medial side of the biceps

tendon and continues its distal course along the lateral

aspect of the PT, which it soon overlies, and continues

under the muscle belly of the brachioradialis, to which it

sends multiple branches (see Fig. 8.22). The radial artery

courses away from the brachioradialis near its myotendinous junction and becomes superficial in its course to the

radial aspect of the wrist, where it lies just lateral to the FCR

muscle belly and tendon.

Ulnar Artery

The ulnar artery, after giving off the medially situated anterior and posterior ulnar recurrent arteries and the laterally

oriented common interosseus branch, which divides into

the anterior and posterior interosseous arteries, courses distally and ulnarward in the interval between the FDS and

the FDP, where it joins the ulnar nerve on its radial side in

the middle third of the forearm. The artery and nerve lie on

the FDP and continue distally as the ulnar neurovascular

bundle to the flexor and ulnar side of the wrist (see Fig.


surgical anatomy of the liver

surgical anatomy of the breast

surgical anatomy of the lung

surgical anatomy of the kidney

surgical anatomy of the neck

surgical anatomy of the face

surgical anatomy of the nose

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