1 0
The complex and compact nature of the hand, the terminal
organ of the upper extremity, illustrates the need for a clear
understanding of the anatomy of this organ. Although the
hand cannot be functionally separated from the upper
extremity, it is the hand that obtains information from the
environment, which it passes to the brain and ultimately executes a given function in conjunction with the remaining
components of the upper extremity. Positioning this functional unit in space is made possible from a mechanical viewpoint by three joints that provide a series of mobile yet constrained linkages that allow an extraordinary selection of
positions to achieve multiple functional demands. The most
mobile, the shoulder, is joined by the progressively less mobile
wrist and elbow joints. The unique design of the elbow and
two-bone forearm allows a significant arc of flexion and
extension as well as pronation and supination of the forearm.
The hand is under central control, mediated by specialized
end organs and nerve endings in and beneath the skin, as well
as by joint receptors. Although the hand also may be under
visual control, this modality is a less effective control method
compared with the modalities of sensibility and proprioception. Witness the effective use of the hand by a blind person
compared with the relatively poor hand function in a sighted
person with loss of sensibility due to Hansen’s disease.
Bone: The metacarpals and phalanges of the five rays.
Blood Vessels: The terminal branches of the radial and
ulnar arteries.
Nerves: The terminal branches of the median and ulnar
Tendons: The extrinsic flexor tendons of the five rays.
Muscles and Fascia: The intrinsic muscles, the thenar
and hypothenar muscles, and the palmar fascia.
External Landmarks
Important superficial landmarks on the palmar surface of the
hand include the pisiform bone, the thenar and hypothenar
eminences, and the thenar, proximal palmar, distal palmar,
digital, and distal wrist flexion creases (Fig. 10.1).
Pisiform Bone
The pisiform bone, located on the ulnar and palmar aspect
of the base of the hand, provides a visible and palpable landmark, which aids in the identification and location of the
flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) tendon, the underlying ulnar
neurovascular bundle, and the hook process of the hamate.
Thenar and Hypothenar Eminences
The thenar eminence is formed by the abductor pollicis
brevis (APB) and flexor pollicis brevis (FPB), which overlie
the opponens pollicis (OP). The less prominent hypothenar
eminence on the ulnar side of the hand is formed by the
corresponding muscles of the small finger.
Flexion Creases
The wrist, thenar, palmar, and digital flexion creases are skin
flexion lines seen in the vicinity of synovial joints, where the
skin is attached to the underlying fascia (1). McGrouther has
shown that the fascial attachments in the palmar creases are
greatest adjacent to the creases rather than directly under the
crease (2). These creases have been recognized as useful
anatomic landmarks because of their relationship to underlying structures (3). Digital creases facilitate movement of the
digits without impingement by providing “folding points” in
the skin similar to the creases in a folded road map, and
because of strong attachments to the underlying fascia, they
also provide the stability to the skin required for forceful
grasping. These creases may begin as flexional skin folding of
the hand during fetal development (4). Dual creases are present at the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints, no doubt to
accommodate for the comparatively increased demands of
flexion at these joints compared with the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints. The
proximal crease at the PIP joint is the most prominent and is
the crease used in measurements to determine the location of
the underlying joint. The approximate orientation of the
creases is at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the corresponding digit and parallel to the flexion–extension joint axis.
Thus, the pronounced obliquity of the thenar crease is readily
apparent, as is the lesser obliquity of the proximal and distal
palmar creases. What is not so readily apparent, however, is
the fact that only 1 of the 17 creases (the thumb MCP joint)
is directly over the corresponding joint. This relationship, in
which most of the flexion creases do not correspond to their
respective joints, is confirmed by looking at one’s own hand
and noting the fact that the proximal digital creases (sometimes called the MCP flexion creases) are between the MCP
and the PIP joints (5).
Digital Skin Creases
The distal digital skin creases are located consistently proximal to their corresponding DIP joints, lying at mean distances of 7 to 7.8 mm proximal to the joint. Middle digital
flexion creases also are located consistently proximal to their
corresponding PIP joints, with mean distances ranging
from 1.6 to 2.6 mm. Proximal digital skin creases are consistently located distal to their corresponding MCP joints,
with mean values ranging from 14.4 to 19.6 mm distal to
the joint. In the thumb, the interphalangeal joint flexion
crease is located proximal to the interphalangeal joint by a
mean distance of 2.2 mm, whereas the MCP flexion crease
is found to pass obliquely and directly over the MCP joint
Palmar Skin Creases
The palmar skin creases, along with the proximal digital
creases, are related to the MCP joints. Although these
creases demonstrate a variable course in the palm, the distal
palmar crease, originating on the ulnar side of the palm, is
on average 7.9 mm proximal to the small finger MCP joint,
10.3 mm proximal to the ring finger MCP joint, and 6.9
mm proximal to the long finger MCP joint. The proximal
palmar crease, originating on the radial side of the hand, is
on average 9.1 mm proximal to the index finger MCP joint,
18 mm proximal to the long finger MCP joint, and 22.1
mm proximal to the ring finger MCP joint. A straight line
drawn joining the lateral border of the proximal palmar
10.1 Palmar Hand 533
FIGURE 10.1. A, B: Landmarks of the palmar hand.
crease and the medial aspect of the distal palmar crease
accurately identifies the location of the metacarpal necks in
most hands. (5)
Thenar Crease
The thenar crease usually intersects the lateral side of the
proximal palmar crease and curves obliquely across the
palm to intersect the distal wrist crease near the wrist center. In the mid-portion of the palm, the thenar crease is
located directly over the long finger metacarpal over half the
time. In the proximal palm, the thenar crease crosses the
capitate nearly half the time and the trapezoid approximately one-third of the time. Mean distance from the
thenar crease to the center of the trapeziometacarpal joint is
22.6 mm. The thenar crease passes 18.7 mm from the
hamate hook on the medial side of the carpus (5).
Distal Wrist Crease
Although there usually are three wrist flexion creases, only the
distal crease is of sufficient consistency to be used as a reliable
landmark. The distal wrist crease is located over the proximal
carpal row and passes over the scaphoid waist in almost all
instances and over the pisiform 80% of the time. The lunate
is consistently proximal to the distal wrist crease, with its center being an average of 9.2 mm from the crease. The radiocarpal joint is 13.5 mm proximal to the distal wrist crease, and
the center point of the distal radioulnar joint is 21.1 mm
proximal to the wrist crease. On the lateral side of the wrist,
the distal wrist crease is within 1 mm of the center of the
scaphoid waist. The mid-portion of the trapeziometacarpal
joint averages 19.4 mm distal to the distal wrist crease. On the
ulnar side of the wrist, the pisiform is directly under or slightly
distal to the crease. The base of the ulnar styloid is on average
11.7 mm proximal to the distal wrist crease (Fig. 10.2).
534 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.2. Digital, palmar, thenar,
and wrist flexion creases and their relationship to the underlying joints and
Relationship of Deeper Structures to
Superficial Landmarks
Kaplan described a unique system of lines drawn on the palmar side of the hand that coincided with important deeper
structures (6). These lines may facilitate the recall and identification of important deeper structures in the hand. These
lines and corresponding underlying structures are depicted
in Figure 10.3.
Skeletal Anatomy
The Five Rays of the Hand
The thumb is a continuation of the lateral column of the
carpus formed by the scaphoid and trapezium. The trapezium and scaphoid longitudinal axis is at a 45-degree angle
to the index metacarpal and the carpus, which accounts for
the functional separation between the first and second rays.
This position and the sellar configuration of the trapeziometacarpal joint allows the thumb to oppose the tips of the
digits for pinch.
Thumb Metacarpal. The thumb metacarpal is short and
thick. Its dorsal or extensor surface is transversely convex
and the palmar or medial surface is longitudinally concave.
Each of the four fingers is of different length. In flexion, the
centrally positioned long finger flexes in a line parallel with
the long axis of the hand, whereas the index, ring, and small
fingers converge toward the central digit. This may be confirmed by comparing finger motion in one’s own hand and
by noting the transverse orientation of the proximal digital
flexion crease of the long finger compared with the progressively oblique orientation of the index, ring, and small
fingers. Each of the MCP flexion creases are at approximate
right angles to the longitudinal arc of motion and thus confirm the fact that the longitudinal arcs of motion of the
index, ring, and small fingers are convergent (see Fig. 10.2).
10.1 Palmar Hand 535
FIGURE 10.3. Relationship of deeper structures to skin reference lines. Kaplan described a
unique system of lines drawn on the palmar side of the hand that coincided with important
deeper structures (6). These lines may facilitate the recall and identification of important deeper
structures in the hand.
The obliquity of the proximal and distal palmar creases
(which converge in flexion) roughly parallels the oblique
transverse palmar axis, which forms an angle of 75 degrees
with the longitudinal axis of the long finger ray.
Index Metacarpal. The index metacarpal is the longest of
the metacarpals and has the largest base. The shaft is triangular and longitudinally concave toward the palm. The distal dorsal surface is broad but proximally narrows to a
Long Finger Metacarpal. The shaft of this metacarpal
resembles the index metacarpal. A short proximal styloid
process is present dorsally and laterally. The extensor carpi
radialis brevis (ECRB) attaches distal to this styloid process.
Ring Finger Metacarpal. The ring finger metacarpal is
shorter and thinner than the index and long fingers, but the
shaft is similar in configuration to the index finger.
Small Finger Metacarpal. The small finger metacarpal
differs on its medial surface, which is nonarticular and has
a tubercle for attachment of the extensor carpi ulnaris
(ECU). The shaft has a triangular dorsal area that almost
reaches the base.
Longitudinal and Transverse Arches
The normal hand is “cupped” in both its long and transverse axes. The static aspects of this transverse cupping are
accounted for by the prominence of the thenar and
hypothenar eminences as well as by the transverse osseous
arches at the distal carpal row and at the neck of the
metacarpals. Further dynamic cupping is achieved by convergent movement of the thumb and small finger. The static aspects of the longitudinal cupping are due to the proximal prominence of the thenar and hypothenar eminences
and the natural palmar concavity of the metacarpals and
phalanges. The dynamic aspects of the longitudinal cupping relate to the powerful intrinsic and extrinsic flexors,
which maintain an attitude of flexion in the fingers (Fig.
Comparative Mobility of the Metacarpals
The thumb metacarpal is the most mobile of the five
metacarpals, followed by the ring and small finger, with the
small finger ray being the most mobile of the fingers. The
comparative increased mobility of the thumb is explained
by the sellar nature of its carpometacarpal (CMC) joint,
which is discussed later. Compared with the more mobile
ring and small finger metacarpals, the index and middle finger metacarpals are relatively fixed. The comparative mobility of the ring and small finger metacarpals aids in cupping
the hand and in the mechanics of pinch between the ring
and small fingers and the thumb. This is readily demonstrated on one’s own hand by noting the passive mobility of
the small and ring finger metacarpals compared with the
more rigid middle and index fingers, and the active mobility and palmar flexion of the small and ring finger
metacarpals when making a fist.
Phalanges of the Hand
There are 14 phalanges, 3 in each finger and 2 in the
thumb. Each has a head, shaft, and base. The shaft tapers
distally and its dorsal surface is transversely convex (1). The
palmar surface is longitudinally concave. The bases of the
proximal phalanges are concave and transversely oval to
accommodate the metacarpal head. The bases of the middle
phalanges have two concave facets arranged side by side and
separated by a vertical ridge to accommodate the dual articular condyles of the proximal phalanx. A similar but less
pronounced arrangement is present between the middle
and distal phalanges.
Carpometacarpal Joints
Thumb Carpometacarpal
Joint Type. The CMC joint of the thumb is classified as
a sellar joint, which means that its articular surfaces are
convex in one plane and concave in the second plane,
which is at approximately right angles to the first plane
(Fig. 10.5). The convexity of the larger surface is apposed
to the concavity of the smaller surface, and vice versa.
536 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.4. Longitudinal and transverse arches of the hand.
The normal hand is “cupped” in both its long and transverse
Although primary movements may occur in two orthogonal planes (flexion–extension and abduction–adduction), the articular shape also allows axial rotation (pronation, supination), which is especially important in the
movement of opposition needed for pulp-to-pulp pinch
between the thumb and adjacent digits. A joint is said to
be in the position of “close pack” when its articular surfaces are in maximum congruence, maximum contact,
tightly compressed, or “screwed home,” and with the
joint capsule and ligaments maximally taut (1). Sellar surfaces are fully congruent in only one position, and in the
thumb CMC joint this position corresponds with full
Joint Axes. The CMC joint of the thumb has two axes of
rotation, one in the trapezium (the flexion–extension axis)
and one in the thumb metacarpal (the abduction–adduction axis) (7). Two axis joints can be visualized as two hinges
welded together. If the two hinges are perpendicular to the
anatomic planes, only flexion–extension and abduction–
adduction can occur. However, if the axes of rotation are
offset (not perpendicular to the bones or to each other)
from the anatomic planes, flexion–extension may occur
with some varus/valgus and internal/external rotation. Similarly, the second primary axis of abduction–adduction may
be associated with flexion–extension and internal/external
rotation. It is the offset of the hinges or axes that allows the
thumb to pronate with flexion and thus to perform pulpto-pulp pinch with the small finger or properly grasp
objects such as a hammer. The thumb also needs to be in
neutral rotation when extended for wide grasp. If an independent axis were used to achieve this pronation, at least
two more motors would be needed, and the base of the
thumb and the palm would be so full of thumb muscles
that grasp would be extremely awkward (7). A tendon that
crosses a two-axis joint has an effect on every hinge or axis
it crosses. Fortunately, in the normal situation, the resultant
forces are balanced, which results in stability and power
(Fig. 10.6).
10.1 Palmar Hand 537
FIGURE 10.5. Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb.
FIGURE 10.6. Joint axes of the CMC joint of the thumb.
Stabilizing Ligaments of the Carpometacarpal Joint of
the Thumb. In the CMC joint of the thumb, ligaments
provide joint stability during pinch and grasp (8). Loss of
ligamentous support is believed to be a primary cause of
degenerative arthritis (8–10). Based on a study of 30 hands,
Imaeda et al. identified five main ligaments as supporting
structures of the thumb CMC joint. Three were found to
be intracapsular, and two extracapsular (8). A more recent
study of 37 hands from the same laboratory divided 2 of the
initially described ligaments (anterior oblique and intermetacarpal) into 2 distinct ligaments, making a total of 7
stabilizing ligaments of the CMC joint of the thumb (11).
In both the Imaeda et al. and Bettinger et al. studies, the relative laxity or tautness of each ligament was tested in a variety of positions and the origin and insertion of each ligament were determined. In the Imaeda et al. study, the status
of each ligament was correlated with the Eaton stage of
arthritis noted in the joint (8,12). The more recent study by
Bettinger et al. is presented in Table 10.1 and includes their
nomenclature and the origin, insertion, width, thickness,
and prevalence of the stabilizing ligaments of the thumb
CMC joint. The following descriptive comments are based
on the studies of the thumb CMC joint ligaments by
Imaeda et al. and Bettinger et al. (8,11).
Superficial Anterior Oblique Ligament. The superficial anterior oblique ligament (SAOL) is a thick, broad structure
that is taut at the extremes of rotation, especially pronation,
and while the joint is extended (11). In addition, the SAOL
limits palmar subluxation in pronation, supination, or neutral. Except in maximal extension, this ligament appears lax
and redundant in all hands regardless of the amount of
articular thinning or frank eburnation of the joint. This
may reflect the laxity required to accommodate pronation
during thumb opposition (11).
Deep Anterior Oblique Ligament. The deep anterior oblique
ligament (DAOL), also known as the beak ligament, is deep
to the SAOL and can be easily separated from it when
approached from within the CMC joint. It is said to be an
intraarticular ligament that lies in the concavity of the trapezium, and is the closest ligament to the center of the joint. It
serves as a pivot point for rotation, specifically pronation; it
becomes taut in wide abduction or extension.
The DAOL prevents extreme ulnar subluxation during
abduction loading. Both the DAOL and SAOL stabilize the
thumb metacarpal against palmar subluxation. The DAOL is
taut in pronation and wide palmar and radial abduction (11).
Author’s comment: In the Imaeda et al. study, the SAOL
and DAOL were considered to be one ligament, the anterior
oblique ligament (AOL) (8). The AOL was consistently
observed in 24 normal joints of the 30 hands studied. In
seven specimens with degenerative changes, the AOL was
normal in one case of Eaton stage II, attenuated in three cases
(two cases of Eaton stage III and one case of Eaton stage IV),
and completely destroyed in two specimens in which adduction contracture was present (Eaton stage IV) (8).
Ulnar Collateral Ligament. The ulnar collateral ligament
(UCL) is an extracapsular ligament and is taut in extension,
abduction, and pronation. The UCL is slightly ulnar
(medial) to the SAOL, which it partially covers (11). In the
Imaeda et al. study, specimens with degenerative arthritis
demonstrated a consistently present ligament, but it usually
was elongated (8).
Palmar Intermetacarpal Ligament. The palmar component
of the intermetacarpal ligament (IML) is extracapsular and
is taut in abduction, opposition, and supination. It stabilizes the thumb metacarpal during radiopalmar translation
of its base (11).
Dorsal Intermetacarpal Ligament. The dorsal component of
the IML (DIML) is an extracapsular ligament, and like the
palmar component is transversely oriented between the base
of the thumb and index metacarpals. It becomes taut in
538 Regional Anatomy
Ligament Prevalence Origin Insertion Width (mm) Thickness (mm)
SAOL 100% Palmar tubercle trapezium Palmar-ulnar metacarpal 8.59 ± 2.61 1.34 ± 0.25
DAOLa 70% Palmar tubercle trapezium Palmar-ulnar metacarpal 5.45 ± 0.45 1.17 ± 0.15
UCL 100% Transverse carpal ligament Palmar-ulnar metacarpal 3.35 ± 0.33 0.83 ± 0.12
DRL 100% Dorsoradial trapezium Dorsal base first metacarpal 11.39 ± 1.92 2.25 ± 0.33
POL 100% Dorsoulnar trapezium Dorsoulnar first metacarpal 4.97 ± 0.89 1.35 ± 0.28
IML 100% Dorsoradial 2nd metacarpal Palmar-ulnar first metacarpal 3.47 ± 1.26 1.03 ± 0.18
DIML 43% Dorsoradial 2nd metacarpal Dorsoulnar first metacarpal 3.70 ± 0.83 1.10 ± 0.08
SAOL, superficial anterior oblique ligament; DAOL, deep anterior oblique ligament; UCL, ulnar collateral ligament; DRL, dorsal radial ligament;
POL, posterior oblique ligament; IML, intermetacarpal ligament; DIML, dorsal intermetacarpal ligament.
aAttaches to articular margins of the trapezium and first metacarpal deep to SAOL.
After Bettinger PC, Linscheid RL, Berger RA, et al. An anatomic study of the stabilizing ligaments of the trapezium and trapeziometacarpal
joint. J Hand Surg [Am] 24:786–798, 1999.
pronation and with dorsal and radial translation of the base
of the thumb metacarpal, and appears primarily to restrain
pronation of the thumb metacarpal (11).
Author’s note: In the Imaeda et al. (8) study, the ligament
complex between the base of the thumb and index
metacarpal was considered to be one ligament, the IML. In
23 of 30 specimens, it was a moderately thin structure and
its appearance did not correlate with the degree of degenerative joint changes. In the other 7 specimens, the IML was
large and resembled the fan portion of the collateral ligament of the PIP joint. At the medial side of the CMC joint,
the IML and UCL form an L-shaped ligament that is an
important secondary stabilizer of the CMC joint.
Posterior Oblique Ligament. The posterior oblique ligament
(POL) is a capsular ligament and is partially covered by the
extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon. The POL is taut at
the extremes of abduction, opposition, and supination and
resists ulnar translation of the metacarpal base during
abduction and opposition (11). No attenuation of the ligament was seen in arthritic specimens (8).
Dorsoradial Ligament. This capsular ligament is the widest
and thickest of the stabilizing ligaments of the CMC joint
of the thumb. It is fan shaped and its origin on the trapezium is narrower that its insertion on the metacarpal. The
dorsoradial ligament (DRL) is taut with a dorsal or dorsoradial subluxating force in all positions of the CMC joint
except full extension. In addition, the DRL tightens in
supination regardless of joint position and tightens in
pronation when the CMC joint is concomitantly flexed.
According to Imaeda et al., it appears to serve mainly as a
check-rein to lateral CMC subluxation or dislocation (8).
Laxity of this ligament was observed only in Eaton stage IV
osteoarthritis (8) (Fig. 10.7).
Clinical Significance. Imaeda et al. concluded that although
there is no single ligament that provides sole joint stability
in a normal thumb CMC joint, the AOL appears to be the
most important ligament and is commonly attenuated in
cases of arthritis (8). The IML (Imaeda et al. classification),
the POL, and the UCL are secondary stabilizers that
become attenuated after failure of the primary stabilizer, the
10.1 Palmar Hand 539
FIGURE 10.7. A–C: Carpometacarpal thumb joint ligaments. Dorsal view (B), Palmar view (C).
SAOL, superficial anterior oblique ligament; DAOL, deep anterior oblique ligament; AOL, anterior oblique ligament; UCL, ulnar collateral ligament; IML, intermetacarpal ligament; DIML, dorsal intermetacarpal ligament; POL, posterior oblique ligament; DRL, dorsoradial ligament.
(Redrawn after Imaeda T, Kai-Nan A, Cooney WP III, et al. Anatomy of trapeziometacarpal ligaments. J Hand Surg [Am] 18:226–231, 1993, and Bettinger PC, Linscheid RL, Berger RA, et al. An
anatomic study of the stabilizing ligaments of the trapezium and trapeziometacarpal joint. J
Hand Surg [Am] 24:786–798, 1999, with permission.)
AOL. The DRL acts as a check-rein for gross radiodorsal
subluxation or dislocation, but probably does not play a
major role in the initial stages of CMC joint instability. In
a normal joint, the direction of the resultant force in tip
pinch is directed radiodorsally and proximally (13). Compression forces may reach 13 times the applied load. In
addition, shear forces may reach 2.5 to 3 times the applied
load and torsional loading of 4 to 6 kg/cm can produce
instability of the CMC joint of the thumb, which can be
resisted only by strong support from ligaments on the
medial side of the CMC joint of the thumb (8). Pellegrini
noted a strong association between advanced degenerative
arthritis and deterioration of what he calls the beak ligament
(10). This so-called beak ligament, the AOL (Imaeda et al.
classification) (8), and the DAOL (Bettinger et al. classification) (11) in all probability are the same structure.
Author’s note: Anatomic studies have identified five to
seven stabilizing ligaments about the CMC joint of the
thumb. Relative importance has been given to these ligaments based on (a) observing the tautness of the ligaments
in various positions of the thumb metacarpal; (b) measuring the length, width, thickness, and prevalence of the various ligaments; and (c) correlating the status of the ligaments in relationship to the presence and degree of arthritic
changes in the CMC joint (8,11). Future studies may
include serial sectioning of various ligaments to note the
effect on stability (11). In addition, a currently used and
established technique for restoration of ligamentous stability at the thumb CMC joint reconstructs the palmar ligamentous complex as well as some element of the dorsal ligament by means of a tendon graft (14). If the concept is
correct that ligament morphology (cross-sectional area),
fiber direction, and location reflect to some degree functional demand secondary to direction and amount of force,
then relative importance may be attached to each of the ligaments. The fact that the Eaton and Littler reconstruction
is successful in restoring thumb CMC joint stability may
reflect this concept and allow the conclusion that both palmar and dorsal ligaments are necessary to stabilize this complex joint. Based on this concept, the palmar ligamentous
complex (AOL) and the DRL may be the primary stabilizers of the thumb CMC joint. Further information about
the relative stabilizing effect of all of the ligaments about
the CMC joint may come from evaluation of the ligament
status in acute as well as chronic subluxation or dislocation
of this joint.
Small to Index Finger Carpometacarpal Joints
Small. Examination of the CMC joints of the fingers
reveals that the small and ring finger CMC joints are
hinge joints, with the hamate presenting two concavities
for the convex bases of the small and ring fingers (1). The
lateral basal surface of the small finger metacarpal is transversely concave and convex from palmar to dorsal, and
articulates with a shallow concavity in the hamate. The
medial side is nonarticular and has a tubercle for attachment of the ECU.
Ring. The quadrangular articular surface of the ring finger
metacarpal, which articulates with the hamate, is convex
palmarly and concave dorsally.
Middle. The capitate has a comparatively plane base for
the middle finger metacarpal. The middle finger metacarpal
has a short styloid process that projects proximally from the
dorsal and lateral surface and is proximal to the attachment
of the ECRB.
Index. The index metacarpal is mortised between the capitate and trapezium, and further stability is added by an
anteroposteriorly directed ridge on the trapezoid that fits
like a wedge into the base of the index metacarpal. The
index metacarpal is the longest and has the largest base.
Comparative Finger Carpometacarpal Joint Stability/
Mobility. The comparative stability of the index and especially middle finger metacarpal with the more mobile ring
and small finger metacarpals may be understood by noting
the CMC joint configurations of the fingers as just
described. The middle finger metacarpal is like a fixed keel
or spine that supports the movement of the more mobile
adjacent digits and thumb.
Ligaments. Dorsal. Prominent dorsal ligaments connect the
dorsal surfaces of the carpal and metacarpal bones. The index
metacarpal has two, one each from the trapezium and trapezoid. The middle finger also has two, one from the trapezoid
and one from the capitate. The ring finger has two ligaments,
one from the capitate and one from the hamate. The small
finger metacarpal has a single band from the hamate that is
continuous with a single palmar ligament (1).
Palmar. The palmar ligaments are similar except that the
middle metacarpal has three ligaments, a lateral from the
trapezium, an intermediate from the capitate, and a medial
from the hamate.
Interosseous. Interosseous ligaments are present between the
distal aspect of the capitate and hamate and the adjacent
surfaces of the ring and small finger metacarpals.
Intermetacarpal Joints
The second to fifth metacarpal bases articulate with each
other by small, cartilage-covered facets. These articulations
are connected by dorsal, palmar, and interosseous ligaments.
Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint
Joint Type. The MCP joint of the thumb is classified as an
ellipsoid joint, which is characterized by an oval convex sur540 Regional Anatomy
face proximally that is opposed to an elliptical concavity
distally (1).
Joint Motion. The primary arc of motion is flexion and
extension, although limited abduction–adduction and pronation–supination is present. The metacarpal heads of the
thumb and the fingers are not uniformly convex but are
adapted to shallow concavities on the base of the adjacent
phalanges. The convex metacarpal head is partially divided
on the palmar surface and thus almost bicondylar (1). The
distal articular surface of the thumb metacarpal, when
viewed from the dorsopalmar aspect, is only slightly curved,
in contrast to the finger metacarpals, which demonstrate a
significant curvature. This shape coincides with the limited
abduction–adduction seen in the MCP joint of the thumb.
Shape of the Articular Head of the Thumb Metacarpal.
The shape of the distal articular aspect of the thumb
metacarpal is different from the finger metacarpals in that
its dorsal side is slightly wider than the palmar side, and also
in that the articular surface is divided into two zones: one
that articulates with the proximal phalanx and another,
more palmar, that articulates with the sesamoids in the palmar plate (6) (Fig. 10.8). The radial condyle of the
metacarpal head has greater dorsopalmar height than the
ulnar, which allows some pronation of the proximal and
distal phalanges during flexion. Range of flexion varies from
thumb to thumb and is due to the variation in curvature of
the metacarpal head; more spherical heads are associated
with greater motion (15). There also is an increased incidence of soft tissue injury in joints with poor range of flexion (16).
Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint Stability. The MCP
joint of the thumb is stabilized by its capsule, ligaments,
and surrounding musculotendinous structures, and has little intrinsic stability from its shape (15).
Joint Axes. Many joints such as the wrist, CMC, and MCP
joints have two axes of rotation that allow greater freedom
of movement (7). The flexion–extension axis is in the
metacarpal passing under the epicondyles, and the abduction–adduction axis passes between the sesamoids just proximal to the beak of the proximal phalanx (7).
Ligaments. Palmar Plate. The palmar plate of the thumb
MCP joint is a thick, fibrocartilaginous structure that is
firmly attached to the base of the proximal phalanx and
forms the bottom of a two-sided box. The sides of the box
are made up of the collateral ligaments. The palmar plate
contains a radial and an ulnar sesamoid that articulate with
the palmar surface of the thumb metacarpal. These
sesamoid bones are buried in the substance of the palmar
plate, and their exposed dorsal articular surfaces are flush
with the inner surface of the palmar plate, covered with
hyaline cartilage, and articulate with the palmar facets on
the adjacent metacarpal head. The ulnar sesamoid is the
largest and its exposed palmar surface, which partially projects from the palmar plate, provides an insertion point for
a portion of the adductor pollicis. The smaller radial
sesamoid, which is similarly arranged in the palmar plate,
provides an insertion point for the tendon of the superficial
head of the FPB. In contrast to the largest sesamoid in the
body, the patella, which is imbedded in tendon (quadriceps
femoris), the hand sesamoid bones are imbedded in palmar
plates, and in the thumb provide attachments for tendons.
The palmar plate sesamoids in the thumb appear to provide
a stronger point of tendon attachment than the fibrocartilaginous palmar plate. The sesamoids also may react more
favorably than the fibrocartilaginous palmar plate to compression or other forces during joint movement.
Collateral Ligaments. The collateral ligaments of the MCP
joint of the thumb and fingers as well as the PIP and DIP
joints are divided into proper and accessory collateral ligaments (17). The proper collateral ligaments are composed
of strong, substantial cords that flank the joints, arise from
the posterior tubercle and adjacent pit on the side of the
metacarpal head, and insert on the palmar aspect of the
10.1 Palmar Hand 541
FIGURE 10.8. Shape of the articular head of the thumb
metacarpal. The shape of the distal articular aspect of the thumb
metacarpal (A) is different from the finger metacarpals (B) in
that (a) its curvature in the anteroposterior plane is flatter; (b) its
dorsal side is slightly wider than the palmar side; (c) its articular
surface is divided into two zones, one that articulates with the
proximal phalanx and the other, more palmar, with the
sesamoids in the palmar plate; (d) the radial condyle of the
metacarpal head has greater dorsal-palmar height than the
ulnar condyle, which allows some pronation of the proximal and
distal phalanges during flexion.
adjacent phalanx. The accessory collateral ligaments span
between the cordlike proper collateral ligaments and the
palmar plate. The proper collateral ligaments become taut
in flexion because of the camlike arrangement of the
metacarpal head, as seen in the sagittal plane in both the
thumb and fingers because the palmar surface of the
metacarpal is wider than the dorsal surface. In contrast, the
accessory collateral ligaments are slack in full flexion. The
mean locations of the origin and insertion of the proper
UCL have been determined and are given in Figure 10.9.
The clinical significance of these findings are discussed in
the Clinical Correlations section.
Finger Metacarpophalangeal Joint
Joint Type. The finger MCP joints are structurally similar
to the thumb MCP joint. However, there is increased range
of abduction–adduction in the fingers compared with the
MCP joint of the thumb. The finger MCP joints are ellipsoid joints characterized by an oval convex surface that is
apposed to an elliptical but shallow concavity. The
metacarpal condyle, which has a larger anteroposterior axis
(resulting in a so-called cam effect), articulates with the base
of the proximal phalanx, which is smaller and concave and
has a larger transverse axis. This configuration permits a significant arc of flexion–extension as well as abduction–
Joint Axes. Primary motion is about two orthogonal axes
(e.g., flexion–extension and abduction–adduction), which
may be combined as circumduction. When the MCP joints
are flexed, neither abduction nor adduction is possible
because the articular surface of the metacarpal is relatively
flat on the palmar surface and the collateral ligaments are
tight in flexion because of their eccentric attachments to the
heads of the metacarpals and the resultant camlike effect of
this arrangement (18). In addition, the palmar surface of
the finger metacarpal heads is wider than the dorsal side,
which also accounts for increased tension in the proper collateral ligaments when the joint is flexed. In contrast, the
accessory collateral ligaments are slack in full flexion.
Ligaments. Palmar Plate. The finger MCP palmar plates
are thick, dense fibrocartilaginous structures attached
firmly to the palmar base of the proximal phalanx and the
neck of the metacarpals. The attachment to the
metacarpals is by (a) the vertical fibers of the accessory
collateral ligaments, which span between the lateral and
medial margins of the palmar plate and attach to the palmar side of the proper collateral ligaments and the site of
origin of the proper collateral ligament; (b) the deep transverse IMLs, which are contiguous with the palmar plate
on each side; and (c) obliquely oriented fibers that arise
from the proximal corners of the palmar plate and attach
to the interosseous fascia. The arrangement of the vertically oriented accessory collateral ligaments may be compared with the vertical element of a pendulum, which
allows the counterweight or pendulum to swing to and fro
in a constrained arc. A somewhat similar arrangement is
present between the sagittal bands that course between the
extensor tendon and the sides of the palmar plate. Side or
lateral stability is provided by the attachments of the
transverse metacarpal ligaments, and proximal restraint by
the corner ligaments (Fig. 10.10). This arrangement,
along with the compressibility of the MCP palmar plate,
allows flexion of the MCP joint without impingement of
the palmar plate. The comparative morphology and internal structure of the palmar plates of the MCP and PIP
joints is of significance, and Watson and Dhillon have
stated that the MCP palmar plate, because of its fiber
arrangement, is compressible by as much as one-third of
its length, whereas the PIP palmar plate is more rigid (19).
This concept, as well as differences between the palmar
plates of the MCP and PIP joints, was studied by Gagnon
and associates, who noted (a) the mean MCP palmar plate
length was twice the length of the PIP joint palmar plate
(11.2 ± 1.62 mm vs. 5.6 ± 1.35 mm); (b) the mean thickness of the MCP palmar plate was 0.3 mm thinner than
the PIP palmar plate; and (c) the MCP palmar plate shortened 33.8% compared with 26.6% for the PIP palmar
plate during 90 degrees of flexion. Light and electron
microscopic examination of the MCP palmar plate
revealed loose connective tissue arranged in disorganized
strands, compared with the PIP joint palmar plate, which
consisted of more dense, homogeneous connective tissue.
Both palmar plates were relatively avascular and there was
no significant difference in cellularity either as to size or
numbers. Plate migration revealed that the MCP plate
migrated a mean of 7.85 mm or 79% of its length,
542 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.9. The mean locations of the origin and insertion of
the proper ulnar collateral ligament. (Redrawn after Bean CHG,
Tencer AF, Trumble TE. The effect of thumb metacarpophalangeal ulnar collateral ligament attachment site on joint range
of motion: an in vitro study. J Hand Surg [Am] 24:283–287, 1999,
with permission.)
10.1 Palmar Hand 543
FIGURE 10.10. Finger metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint complex. A: Note the
proper and accessory collateral ligaments, the palmar plate, and proximal
annular pulleys. B: Note the extensor tendon, sagittal band, and transverse
metacarpal ligament. C: Fresh cadaver dissection, right middle finger palmar
view, looking distally, showing the palmar plate, the transverse metacarpal ligament, and the proximal check-rein ligaments from the palmar plate. (continued on next page)
544 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.10. (continued) D: Radial collateral ligament (RCL) complex, MCP joint of right
index finger, showing comparative laxity of the
RCL in extension. E: RCL of same digit in flexion
showing comparative tightness in the ligament.
F: Base of proximal phalanx of right index finger with metacarpal removed, showing boxlike
arrangement of palmar plate and collateral ligament complex (green marks). Note also the
articular depression in the RCL complex to
accommodate the radial condyle of the
whereas the PIP plate migrated a mean distance of 6.39
mm or 139% of its initial length with 90 degrees of flexion. The fact that the PIP palmar plate is less compressible
probably accounts for its greater proximal migration (20).
The anatomic differences in the MCP and PIP palmar
plates, along with the presence of the more rigidly attached
check-rein ligaments at the PIP joint, may explain the
greater tendency of the PIP joint to develop palmar plate
Transverse Metacarpal Ligaments. Three short, wide
fibrous bands connect the palmar plates of the index to
small finger metacarpals and prevent the metacarpals
from spreading. These ligaments often are referred to as
the deep transverse IMLs, perhaps to distinguish them
from the natatory ligaments, which are called the superficial transverse metacarpal ligaments. The convention
adopted in this text is transverse metacarpal ligaments and
natatory ligaments.
Collateral Ligaments. The collateral ligaments of the MCP
joint of the thumb and fingers as well as the PIP and DIP
joints are divided into proper and accessory collateral ligaments (17). The proper collateral ligaments are composed of strong, obliquely oriented cords that flank the
joints and that arise from the posterior tubercle and adjacent pit on the side of the metacarpal head and insert on
the palmar aspect of the adjacent phalanx. The accessory
collateral ligaments are more vertical and course between
the cordlike proper collateral ligaments and the palmar
Clinical Significance. In the finger MCP joints, the cordlike
components of the collateral ligaments become taut in flexion because of the camlike arrangement of the metacarpal
head in the sagittal plane and because the palmar surface of
the metacarpal is wider than the dorsal surface. This
explains why abduction–adduction movements are limited
in flexion and free in extension and why the MCP joints
should not be immobilized or allowed to remain in extension or hyperextension, which could result in irreversible
contracture (21). The asymmetry of the finger metacarpal
heads as well as the difference in length and direction of the
proper collateral ligaments explains the rotational movement of the proximal phalanx during flexion–extension and
why ulnar deviation of the digits is greater than radial deviation (21).
In the MCP joint of the index finger, the origin of the
radial collateral ligament (RCL) is more distal and closer to
the center of the joint space than the UCL. The radial ligament is longer—thus, more ulnar deviation is permitted
than radial deviation (21). The comparative range of radial
and ulnar deviation of the fingers at the MCP joint is given
in Table 10.2.
Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
Joint Type. The PIP joints are uniaxial hinge joints (1)
(Fig. 10.11). In contrast to the finger MCP joints, the PIP
joints are stable in all positions because of strong and sym10.1 Palmar Hand 545
Radial Deviation Ulnar Deviation
Digit (Degrees) (Degrees)
Index 13 43
Middle 8 34.5
Ring 14 20
Little 19 33
FIGURE 10.11. The proximal interphalangeal
(PIP) joint. The PIP joint is a uniaxial hinge joint
and, in contrast to the finger metacarpophalangeal joints, is stable in all positions because of
strong and symmetric proper collateral ligaments,
the palmar plate, and the osseous architecture in
the form of side-by-side concentric condyles that
articulate with matching glenoid concavities,
forming a dual shallow tongue-and-groove
metric proper collateral ligaments, the palmar plate, and
the osseous architecture in the form of side-by-side concentric condyles that articulate with matching glenoid
concavities, forming a dual shallow tongue-and-groove
Ligaments. Palmar Plate/Check-Rein Ligaments. The palmar plate of the PIP joint is a thick, short fibrocartilaginous
structure that is firmly attached both to the base of the middle phalanx and the neck of the proximal phalanx (Fig.
10.12). The attachments to the base of the middle phalanx
are most dense at the lateral margins, where the attachment
is confluent with the insertion of the collateral ligaments.
The palmar tubercle at the base of the middle phalanx,
which is prominent on a lateral radiograph, is devoid of significant insertion by the palmar plate. In its central 80%, the
palmar plate attaches by blending with the palmar periosteum of the middle phalanx. The attachments to the proximal phalanx (the check-rein ligaments) arise from bone and
begin just inside the distal edge of the second annular (A2)
pulley. The origins of the first cruciform (C1) pulley are on
the outside of the A2 pulley. The swallowtail configuration
of these proximal attachments of the palmar plate provides a
tension-relieving access route under the flexor sheath for the
branches of the digital vessels to reach the axial vincula.
Bowers et al. view the palmar plate as a static restraint limiting PIP joint extension (17). Sequential sectioning of the
various components of the complex suggested that the major
static resistance to hyperextension is offered by the confluent
distal lateral insertion of the palmar plate–collateral ligament
complex, where it cups the lateral flared margin of the phalangeal condyle. Based on biomechanical studies, Bowers et
al. suggested that the site and nature of injury to this complex depended on the rate of application of the deforming
force: Rapid rates produce rupture at the distal attachment
and slow rates attenuate the proximal check-rein ligaments.
Instability sufficient to permit dorsal dislocation occurred
only if there was interruption of the main collateral and
accessory collateral ligament complex in addition to disruption of the lateral attachments of the palmar plate from the
base of the middle phalanx (17).
Collateral Ligament. The collateral ligaments of the PIP
joints are divided into proper and accessory collateral ligaments (17) (Fig. 10.13). The proper collateral ligaments
are composed of strong cords that flank the joints and
arise from a concave fossa on the lateral aspect of each
condyle and then pass obliquely to insert on the palmar
side of the middle phalanx and distal-lateral margin of
the palmar plate. The accessory collateral ligaments span
between the cordlike proper collateral ligaments and the
palmar plate. The cordlike components of the collateral
ligaments demonstrate equal tension in flexion and
extension, in contrast to the proper collateral ligaments of
546 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.12. Proximal interphalangeal
(PIP) joint palmar plate and check-rein ligaments. A: The palmar plate of the PIP
joint is a thick, short, fibrocartilaginous
structure that is firmly attached both to
the base of the middle phalanx and the
neck of the proximal phalanx. The attachments to the proximal phalanx (the checkrein ligaments) arise from bone and begin
just inside the distal edge of the second
annular (A2) pulley. The swallowtail configuration of these proximal attachments
of the palmar plate provides a tensionrelieving access route for the branches of
the digital vessels to reach the axial vinA cula by a route under the flexor sheath.
the finger MCP joints. The key to PIP joint stability is
the strong conjoined attachment of the collateral ligaments and the palmar plate. This ligament–box configuration results in three-dimensional strength that resists
PIP joint displacement. For displacement to occur, the
ligament–box arrangement must be disrupted in at least
two planes (22).
Clinical Significance. In contrast to the finger MCP joints,
which should be immobilized in flexion to avoid contracture of the proper collateral ligaments, the PIP joints are
immobilized in full extension to avoid irreversible contracture. The proper collateral ligaments at the PIP joints are
under relatively uniform tension in flexion and extension
and therefore are not a factor in irreversible contracture.
However, the check-rein ligaments at the proximal end of
the palmar plate at the PIP joint may hypertrophy and contract, resulting in a fixed flexion contracture.
Distal Interphalangeal Joint
The DIP joints are uniaxial hinge joints. The DIP joint is
structurally similar to the PIP joint, but demonstrates
10.1 Palmar Hand 547
FIGURE 10.12. (continued) B: Fresh cadaver
dissection of PIP joint, right middle finger,
“exploded” palmar radial view, proximal is to
the right. Note the distal aspect of the A2 pulley, remnants of the first cruciform (C1) pulley,
the check-rein ligaments, the palmar plate,
and the detached radial collateral ligament
complex (green marks). The extensor digitorum communis central slip (CS) attachment has
been incised and reflected distally. Note the
dorsal plate at the site of the CS attachment.
C: Same joint with proximal phalanx removed
and viewed from proximal-dorsal, showing
the boxlike configuration of the palmar plate
and collateral ligament complex (green
marks), central fenestration in the palmar
plate at the base of the middle phalanx, and
the check-rein ligaments (purple marks) and
the dorsal plate on the reflected CS. The key to
PIP joint stability is the strong conjoined
attachment of the collateral ligaments and the
palmar plate. This ligament–box configuration
results in three-dimensional strength that
resists PIP joint displacement. For displacement to occur, the ligament–box arrangement
must be disrupted in at least two planes.
548 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.13. The proximal interphalangeal
(PIP) joint collateral ligament complex. A: The
accessory collateral ligaments span between the
cordlike proper collateral ligaments and the
palmar plate. B, C: Ulnar lateral view of the PIP
showing the cordlike components of the collateral ligaments that are under equal tension in
flexion and extension, in contrast to the proper
collateral ligaments of the finger metacarpophalangeal joints.
hyperextension during pulp contact, as in pinch, or during
forceful pressure on the distal aspect of the finger.
Arterial Supply of the Hand
The arterial supply to the hand is variable. The accuracy of
anatomic observations may be limited by many factors,
including observer bias, which may be expressed as the examiner’s willingness or unwillingness to perceive order amidst
diversity; quality of the specimen or injection technique; or
the lack of a sufficient number of specimens to verify a given
pattern or distribution (23). Large numbers of specimens in
a study may allow the observer to detect the influence of the
factors of parallel dominance/nondominance and range of
expression as seen especially in the arterial anatomy of the
hand. An example of parallel dominance/nondominance
relates to the palmar arches in the hand: As the dominance of
the superficial arch increases with an associated increase in
the size and number of its branches, the common and palmar
digital arteries, the dominance of the deep arch and its
branches, the palmar metacarpal arteries (PMAs), decreases.
And, of course, the reverse may be true, with the deep arch
and its branches becoming larger at the expense of the superficial arch and its branches. This dominance/nondominance
see-saw may be an explanation for the variations observed in
a particular study group or between groups. Vessels in the
hand may be seen to pass through a range of expression if sufficient numbers of hands are examined (24). Thus, a vessel
may be represented by a few tiny branches or it may reach its
maximum limit of distribution, and between these two
extremes a variety of intermediate stages may be seen (24).
Most of the arterial supply of the hand comes through
two main arteries, the radial and the ulnar. Other sources
include the median artery, which enters into formation of
the superficial palmar arch in approximately 10% of specimens, and the interosseous arteries, mainly the anterior,
which arise in the proximal forearm from the common
interosseous branch of the ulnar artery. The interosseous
arteries usually are unimportant under normal circumstances but may become significant if either the radial or
ulnar artery is injured. The typical or usual arrangement of
the arteries is presented in this section, along with anatomic
variations. The largest (650 cases) and relatively contemporary (1961) collection of dissections of the arterial patterns
in the hand is represented by the study of Coleman and
Anson, and much of the information that follows is based
on that study (25). The reader will soon appreciate that the
“textbook normal” configuration of the circulation in the
hand does not always represent the most common pattern.
The usual course, branching, and arch formation of the
radial and ulnar arteries in the hand are discussed, along
with common variations in these patterns. The arterial supply of the thumb and index finger is discussed last.
Radial Artery
The radial artery, near the radial styloid, lies to the radial side
of the flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and at approximately this
level gives off the palmar carpal branch, which usually joins a
companion vessel from the ulnar artery and the anterior
interosseous artery to form the palmar carpal arch (Fig.
10.14). At this level, the radial artery gives off the superficial
palmar branch, which passes through and occasionally over
the thenar muscles, which it supplies, and in approximately
one-third of individuals it joins the ulnar artery to aid in the
formation of the superficial palmar arch (1,25,26). The main
component of the radial artery passes dorsally beneath the
abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis (EPB)
tendons to enter the anatomic snuff-box. After entering the
snuff-box, the radial artery gives off the dorsal carpal branch
to form part of the dorsal carpal arch. It then runs distally
beneath the EPL, passes between the bases of the thumb and
index metacarpals, through the first dorsal interosseous (DI)
muscle and into the palm, to end as a contributor to the deep
palmar arterial arch. The deep arch lies on the proximal ends
of the metacarpals and interossei, beneath the finger flexors
and the adductor pollicis (see Fig. 10.14).
Dorsal Carpal Arch
This dorsal plexus, which supplies the carpal bones, is
formed variously by radial, ulnar, or interosseous artery
branches (Fig. 10.15). Coleman and Anson identified 6
patterns in 75 specimens (25) (Fig. 10.16).
Type 1 (50%)
This pattern is formed by the dorsal carpal branch of the
radial artery, the carpal branches of the dorsal interosseous,
and the terminal branch of the palmar interosseous.
Type 2 (30%)
This pattern is formed by the dorsal carpal branches of the
radial and ulnar and interosseous arteries. The dorsal carpal
branch of the radial artery passes medially from the snuffbox under the EPL and radial wrist extensors to join the
dorsal carpal branch from the ulnar artery, which passes
over the head of the ulna and beneath the FCU and the
ECU to join its radial artery counterpart near the distal
carpal row. Dorsal branches from the anterior interosseous
and the dorsal interosseous complete the plexus.
Type 3 (8%)
This pattern is formed exclusively by the dorsal carpal
branch of the radial artery.
Type 4 (5%)
This pattern is formed by the dorsal carpal branches of the
radial and ulnar arteries.
10.1 Palmar Hand 549
Type 5 (3%)
This pattern is formed by the dorsal carpal branches of the
ulnar artery and the carpal branches of the palmar and dorsal interosseous arteries. The dorsal carpal branch of the
radial artery pierces the intermetacarpal musculature to join
the deep palmar arch.
Type 6 (4%)
No dorsal plexus is present.
Dorsal Metacarpal Arteries (Five in Number)
At the distal aspect of the dorsal carpal arch, three dorsal
metacarpal arteries (the second, third, and fourth) are
given off and course distally in the second, third, and
fourth intermetacarpal spaces (see Fig. 10.15). According
to Coleman and Anson, in their series of 75 specimens the
incidence of these arteries was second metacarpal artery,
99%; third metacarpal artery, 92%; and the fourth
metacarpal artery, 83%. The first dorsal metacarpal artery
arises from the main stem of the radial near its entry into
the first DI muscle. It usually is a small artery that bifurcates to send branches to the adjacent sides of the thumb
and index finger. Sometimes it is quite large and passes as
a single vessel over the dorsal surface of the first DI muscle to the distal margin of the adductor pollicis, where it
usually joins branches of the superficial palmar arch. Its
incidence in Coleman and Anson’s series was 18%. The
fifth dorsal metacarpal artery, which usually arises from
the dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar artery or occasionally
from the carpal branches of the interosseous arteries, was
found in 81% of Coleman and Anson’s series. It passes
distally along the outer margin of the small finger
metacarpal and usually extends as far as the PIP joint. At
approximately the same level of origin as the dorsal carpal
branch, the radial artery gives off the dorsal pollicis artery
to the dorsoradial aspect of the thumb. In Coleman and
Anson’s series, it was small but rather constant (83:100)
and rarely coursed further than the MCP joint of the
thumb. When the radial artery enters the palm between
the two heads of the first DI, it turns medially across the
base of the hand deep to the oblique head of the adductor
pollicis and then passes between its oblique and transverse
heads at the middle finger metacarpal or through its transverse head to the base of the small finger metacarpal
Deep Palmar Arch
At the base of the small finger metacarpal, the main stem of
the radial artery anastomoses with the deep branch of the
ulnar artery to form the deep palmar arch (Fig. 10.17). The
550 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.14. Palmar view of right hand showing
radial and ulnar arteries, palmar carpal arch, and
superficial palmar arch.
10.1 Palmar Hand 551
FIGURE 10.15. Dorsal carpal arch, type I (the most common configuration), and the dorsal
metacarpal arteries, after Coleman and Anson (25). This dorsal carpal plexus that supplies the
carpal bones is formed variously by radial, ulnar, or interosseous artery branches.
deep palmar arch lies on the proximal ends of the metacarpals
and interossei and is covered by the flexor tendons and
adductor pollicis. Most anatomists have found the deep arch
to be quite variable in size and usually inversely proportional
to the caliber of the superficial arch and its branches.
The deep palmar arch is represented by two groups: group
I, in which the arch is complete (97%), and group II, in which
the arch is incomplete (3%). Coleman and Anson defined a
complete arch as one formed by anastomoses of the contributing arteries, or when the ulnar artery extends to the
thumb and index finger. An incomplete arch occurs when the
contributing arteries do not anastomose or when the ulnar
artery fails to reach the thumb and index finger (25).
Group I: Complete Arch (97%) (Fig. 10.18)
Type A (34.5%). The deep volar arch is formed by the
main stem of the radial artery, which joins the superior
ramus of the deep branch of the ulnar artery.
Type B (49%). The deep palmar arch is formed by the
main stem of the radial artery, which joins the inferior
ramus of the deep branch of the ulnar artery.
Type C (13%). The deep palmar arch is formed by the
main stem of the radial artery, which joins both the inferior
and superior branches of the deep branch of the ulnar
Type D (0.5%). The deep palmar arch is formed by the
superior deep branch of the ulnar artery, which joins an
enlarged superior perforating artery of the second interspace.
Group II: Incomplete Arch (3%) (Fig. 10.19)
Type A (1.5%). The inferior deep branch of the ulnar artery
joins the perforating artery of the second interspace. The deep
supply to the thumb and radial side of the index is derived
from the deep palmar branch (main stem) of the radial artery.
Type B (1.5%). The deep arterial supply to the thumb
and index are from the deep palmar branch (main stem)
of the radial artery, which joins with the perforating
artery of the second interspace. The arch is not complete
because the deep branch of the ulnar artery ends in an
anastomosis with the perforating artery of the third interspace.
552 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.16. The six patterns of the
dorsal carpal arch, after Coleman and
Anson (25). See text for details.
Branches of the Deep Palmar Arch
Proximal. These are the recurrent carpal vessels, two or
three in number, which course proximally to end in the palmar carpal rete or join with the palmar carpal branches of
the palmar interosseous artery (see Fig. 10.17). Coleman
and Anson found these vessels in all specimens studied, but
in only 5% could an anastomosis be demonstrated by dissection between these small vessels and the carpal branches
of the palmar interosseous artery.
Distal. These include the so-called princeps pollicis, the
artery to the radial side of the index finger, which may arise
in common with the princeps pollicis and the three PMAs
(see Fig. 10.17). There is considerable variation in the
PMAs as to number, course, and area of supply, and in
Coleman and Anson’s series these arteries were found to be
the most variable vessels in the hand.
Palmar Metacarpal Arteries
Because of the extreme variability in the PMAs, Coleman
and Anson put forth the following conceptual guides: (a)
that a palmar metacarpal vessel is one that arises from the
deep arch and extends at least as far distal as the MCP
joint; (b) that the large artery to the thumb is considered
to be the first PMA, the large vessel that courses along the
palmar aspect of the second metacarpal bone is the second PMA, and these vessels may arise from a common
trunk; and (c) the remainder of the vessels are best considered on the basis of type and number—the smallest
10.1 Palmar Hand 553
FIGURE 10.17. Deep palmar arch and its branches. At the base of the small finger metacarpal,
the main stem of the radial artery anastomoses with the deep branch of the ulnar artery to form
the deep palmar arch. See text for details of branching. RC, recurrent carpal artery; PMA, palmar
metacarpal artery; PF, perforating branch; asterisk indicates anastomosis with superficial arch.
number of vessels found was three and the largest was six
One consistent feature was found: the first and second
PMAs both were present in 95% of specimens; in only 2
instances of the 100 hands was the first PMA absent, and in
only 3 cases was the second PMA absent. In no specimen
were both vessels absent. Coleman and Anson also found that
the first and second PMA almost always traveled over the palmar surfaces of the corresponding bones rather than over the
adjacent interosseous muscles, as classically described. The
remaining members of the PMAs were inconstant in their
relationship to the interspaces, the metacarpals, or the
interosseous muscles. Frequently, two metacarpal vessels
arose in the same interosseous space but passed distally to
adjacent MCP joint capsules or adjacent interdigital webs, or
both. Thus, the assignment of a specific number to the PMAs
is difficult except for the first and second, which are comparatively constant. Coleman and Anson classified the third,
fourth, and fifth PMAs based on number and type (25).
Type 1 (30%)
The PMA joins the appropriate common palmar digital
artery, as is classically described.
Type 2 (60%)
The artery ends in the capsule of the MCP joint.
Type 3 (10%)
The vessel bifurcates at the level of the head of the
metacarpal and joins with two separate common palmar
digital arteries or their branches.
554 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.18. Patterns of deep volar (radial) arterial arch,
types A through D, group I, complete arch, after Coleman and
Anson (25).
FIGURE 10.19. Patterns of deep volar (radial) arterial arch,
types A and B, group II, incomplete arch, after Coleman and
Anson (25).
Dorsal Metacarpal Arteries
These are perforating branches, three in number, from the
region of the second, third, and fourth interspaces, that pass
to the dorsum of the hand to join their respective dorsal
metacarpal arteries. Coleman and Anson dissected 25 hands
to study these structures, and 4 types were identified.
Type 1
These vessels, usually three in number, arise either from the
deep palmar arch or, less frequently, from a common trunk
with a PMA. They pass dorsally through the intermetacarpal spaces to join or form entirely the corresponding dorsal metacarpal artery.
Type 2
Just proximal to the metacarpal head the PMA sends a perforating vessel to the dorsum that joins the corresponding
dorsal metacarpal artery.
Type 3
A vessel from the proper palmar digital artery passes dorsally to join the corresponding dorsal metacarpal artery or
one of its digital branches.
Type 4
This is the least frequent pattern and consists of vessels arising from the deep palmar arch that pass obliquely through
the interosseous muscles to join the corresponding dorsal
metacarpal artery near the MCP joint (25).
Ulnar Artery
The ulnar artery approaches the wrist just beneath and
radial to the FCU tendon (Fig. 10.20). It is radial to the
ulnar nerve and is in the interval between the FCU and the
flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) to the ring and small
fingers. It enters the hand accompanied by the ulnar nerve
on top of the transverse carpal ligament (TCL) and radial to
the pisiform bone. This entryway, called the loge de Guyon
or Guyon’s canal, is a triangular space.
Guyon’s canal begins at the proximal edge of the palmar
carpal ligament and extends to the fibrous arch of the
hypothenar muscles. Beginning from proximal to distal, the
roof of the canal is formed by the palmar carpal ligament
and the palmaris brevis muscle. The floor is formed by the
TCL, the pisohamate and pisometacarpal ligaments, and
the opponens digiti minimi (ODM). The ulnar wall is composed of the FCU, the pisiform, and the abductor digiti
minimi (ADM). The radial wall is formed by the tendons
of the extrinsic flexors, the TCL, and the hook of the
hamate (27). The average length of Guyon’s canal is 27 mm
(range, 20 to 34 mm) (27). The ulnar nerve and artery
branches in this region are covered by the palmaris brevis
muscle and surrounded by a thick fat pad.
Ulnar Artery Branching and Course
Konig et al., in a study of 23 cadaver hands, noted that the
ulnar artery in 17 hands after entering Guyon’s canal gave
off a small branch that accompanied the deep motor branch
of the ulnar nerve but ended in the hypothenar muscles
(28) (see Fig. 10.20). In these 17 cases, the deep branch of
the ulnar artery was given off more distally and entered the
retrotendinous mid-palmar space between the flexor sheath
of the small finger and the flexor digiti minimi (FDM), and
thus joined the course of the deep motor branch of the
ulnar nerve at a more distal level. The main trunk of the
ulnar artery continued distally after this branch to form the
superficial palmar arch. In four of the six remaining hands,
the deep motor branch was accompanied by the deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery, and in these four cases no
other branch was found to enter the mid-palmar space distally (28). Thus, the origin of the deep palmar arterial
branch most often was distal to Guyon’s canal.
Lindsey and Watamull identified 2 patterns of ulnar
artery branching in Guyon’s canal in a study of 31 cadaver
hands (27). All arterial branches to the hypothenar muscles
occurred in Guyon’s canal in 30 of 31 cases. Only one arterial branch to the hypothenar muscles occurred distal to the
In type 1 (17 of 31 cases), a major vascular branch passed
from the ulnar artery to the hypothenar muscles palmar to
the ulnar nerve. The average distance from the proximal
margin of the pisiform to the branch was 14 mm (range, 6
to 25 mm; see Fig. 10.14).
In type 2 (6 of 31 cases), the vascular branch passed palmar to the motor branch and dorsal to the sensory branch
by an average distance of 15.2 mm from the proximal margin of the pisiform (range, 4 to 32 mm). There was no identifiable axial pedicle in the remaining eight cases.
No arterial branch was noted to travel with the motor
branch of the ulnar nerve around the hook of the hamate in
any specimen. The average distance between the
hypothenar muscle artery and the nearest hypothenar nerve
branch was 8.3 mm (range, 0 to 22 mm) (27).
These two studies are in agreement with those of
Farabeuf, Landsmeer, and Zeiss et al. (29–31) and indicate
that the first ulnar artery branch in Guyon’s canal most
often supplies the hypothenar muscles and the deep branch
of the ulnar artery that joins the radial artery to form the
deep palmar arch usually is distal to Guyon’s canal. Also, the
motor branch of the ulnar nerve that travels around the
hook process of the hamate usually is not accompanied by
an artery.
The deep branch of the ulnar artery most often enters
the depths of the hand between the flexor tendon sheath of
the small finger and the FDM, to a position deep to the
interosseous fascia, where it joins the main stem of the
radial artery to form the deep palmar arch. The palmar digital artery to the ulnar side of the small finger arises a few
millimeters distal to the origin of the deep branch. As the
10.1 Palmar Hand 555
556 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.20. The ulnar artery and Guyon’s canal. The ulnar artery enters the hand accompanied by the ulnar nerve on top of the transverse carpal ligament and radial to the pisiform bone.
main stem of the ulnar artery turns radially to cross the
palm as the superficial palmar arch, it gives rise to three
common palmar digital arteries that go to the three digital
web spaces, where they divide into proper digital arteries. In
their study of this region, Coleman and Anson observed
that two deep branches of the ulnar artery were present in
63.5% of their dissections (25). The superior branch was
present in all specimens and accompanied the ulnar nerve
deep to the origins of the FDM muscle. However, in half of
the specimens this branch ended in the hypothenar muscles
and did not join the deep arch. According to Coleman and
Anson, the inferior branch was present in 63.5% of the 200
specimens and invariably took part in formation of the deep
arch. This inferior ramus did not follow the course of the
ulnar nerve, but passed superficial to the FDM and deep to
the flexor tendons. Occasionally, both of these vessels
joined the deep arch (25).
Author’s Comment
Our dissections of Guyon’s canal and the anatomic zones
distal to this region indicate that the observations of Konig
et al. (28) and Lindsey and Watamull (27) are probably a
more accurate interpretation of the anatomy in this region.
Superficial Palmar Arch
This arch lies just beneath the palmar fascia and on top of
the superficialis tendons, and may be complete or incomplete (Fig. 10.21; see Fig. 10.14). Of the 650 hands in Coleman and Anson’s study, 510 or 78.5% possessed complete
arches, and 5 types were identified.
Coleman and Anson defined a complete arch as one
formed by anastomoses of the contributing arteries, or in
which the ulnar artery extended to the thumb and index
finger (25).
Group I: Complete Arch. Type A (34.5%). The classic or
textbook description of the superficial arch is formed by the
superficial palmar branch of the radial artery (SPBR) and
the main stem of the ulnar artery.
Type B (37%). The most common formation of the superficial arch is entirely from the ulnar artery.
Type C (3.8%). The superficial arch is formed from the
ulnar artery and an enlarged median artery.
Type D (1.2%). The superficial arch is formed by the
SPBR, the main stem of the ulnar artery, and a persistent
median artery.
Type E (2.0%). This type consists of a well formed arch
begun by the ulnar artery and completed by a large vessel
derived from the deep arch that comes to the superficial
level at the base of the thenar eminence to join the ulnar
In no specimen did a palmar interosseous artery take
part in the formation of the superficial palmar arch, and no
example of complete absence of the arch was found.
Group II: Incomplete Arch. Coleman and Anson’s definition of an incomplete arch is when the contributing arteries do not anastomose or when the ulnar artery fails to reach
the thumb and index.
Type A (3.2%). Although both the SPBR and the main
stem of the ulnar artery supply the palm and fingers, they
fail to anastomose and thus the arch is incomplete.
Type B (13.4%). The ulnar artery is the superficial palmar
arch but the arch is incomplete in the sense that it does not
provide any blood supply to the thumb and index finger.
Type C (3.8%). The superficial arch receives contributions
from both the median and ulnar arteries but without anastomosis.
Type D (1.1%). The radial, median, and ulnar arteries all
give origin to the superficial vessels but do not anastomose.
Branches of the Superficial Palmar Arch
In a study of 265 specimens, Coleman and Anson classified
7 different patterns of the common palmar digital arteries
without regard to the peculiarities of the superficial arch
(Fig. 10.22; see Fig. 10.14).
Type 1 (77.3%). This type contains four common palmar
digital arteries, and in all cases a vessel supplying the ulnar
side of the thumb and the radial side of the index finger.
The remaining three arteries pass to the webs of the second,
third, and fourth interspaces.
Type 2 (8.8%). This type has three common palmar digital arteries that pass to the webs of the second, third, and
fourth interdigital spaces.
Type 3 (6.4%). In addition to three common palmar digital arteries noted in type 2, an artery passes to the thumb,
where it joins with or replaces one of the arteries of the
thumb but does not send a branch to the index.
Type 4 (1.9%). This type has three common palmar digital arteries that pass to the first, second, and fourth interspaces but not to the third.
Type 5 (3.4%). This type has three common palmar digital arteries that pass to the second, third, and fourth interspaces, as in type 2, and a branch to the lateral side of the
index finger.
Type 6 (1.5%). This type has only two common palmar
digital arteries that pass to the second and third interspaces.
10.1 Palmar Hand 557
558 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.21. The incidence, formation, and patterns of complete (A) and
incomplete (B) superficial palmar arches, after Coleman and Anson (25).
Type 7 (0.7%). This type has common palmar digital
arteries only to the third and fourth interspaces (25).
Based on their findings, Coleman and Anson made the
following generalizations: (a) the vessel to the first interspace is sufficiently constant to be recognized as the first
common palmar digital artery; (b) when a common palmar
digital artery is small in caliber, the corresponding PMA
from the deep arch is enlarged; (c) the area of supply of an
absent branch of the superficial arch may be replaced by a
PMA; and (d) branches of the median artery or the superficial branch of the radial artery rarely directly supply the
medial side of the hand.
Persistent Median Artery
A persistent median artery may descend into the palm and
take part in the formation of the superficial palmar arch.
Such a finding was noted in 64 or 9.9% of Coleman and
Anson’s 650 specimens (25). The frequency of occurrence
in other series was Jaschtschinski, 7.5% of 200 specimens;
Tandler, 16.1% of 160 specimens; Adachi, 8% of 200 specimens; and Gray, 1.1% of 452 specimens (32–35). According to Coleman and Anson, these variations in frequency
can be explained in part by the observation that the median
artery often joins the superficial arch as a fibrotic thread or
a very small vessel that is barely detectable, and such cases
would not be included in a series. When the median artery
does join the superficial arch, it replaces no more than the
contribution of the radial artery to the arch. This is in keeping with the developmental sequence because the radial
artery replaces the median during development (25).
Vessel Lumen Diameters
Gellman et al. in an injection study of 45 hands noted the
arterial lumen diameters listed in Table 10.3 (36).
10.1 Palmar Hand 559
FIGURE 10.22. Branching of the superficial palmar arch, after Coleman and Anson (25).
Average Lumen Range
Vessel Diameter (mm) (mm)
Radial 2.6 2.3–5
Ulnar 2.5 1.4–4.5
Superficial arch 1.8 1–3
Deep arch 1.5 1–2.3
Common palmar digital 1.6 1–2
Common palmar metacarpal 1.2 1–2
Arterial Supply of the Fingers
Coleman and Anson noted that several generalizations
could be made regarding the arterial supply to the fingers.
There are three arterial sources to each finger: (a) the common palmar digital, (b) the palmar metacarpal, and (c) the
dorsal metacarpal. Two proper digital arteries are formed,
each of which supplies the adjacent sides of the fingers. In
most instances, the common palmar digital arteries are the
source of these digital arteries, but it is not uncommon for
a PMA to supplant a common palmar digital artery. In rare
instances, principally in the first and second interspaces, the
main supply may come from the dorsal metacarpal vessels.
The dorsal metacarpal arteries, joined by perforating
branches from the deep palmar arch or PMAs that pass
through and supply the interosseous muscles, pass distally
adjacent to the MCP joints to become the dorsal digital
arteries. When these vessels terminate near the neck of the
proximal phalanges, the terminal supply is taken over by the
proper palmar digital arteries (25).
Arterial Supply of the Digital Web Spaces
The following generalizations were given by Coleman and
Anson about the arterial supply to the various web spaces.
First Interspace
The arterial supply to the first interspace usually is derived
from the deep arch, either from the first PMA alone or from
both the first and second PMAs.
Second Interspace
This is derived approximately equally from the second
PMA or the second common palmar digital artery, thus
being shared almost equally by the superficial and deep
Third and Fourth Interspaces
These spaces are primarily supplied by the common palmar
digital branches of the superficial arch.
Thus, the thumb and index finger and the radial side of
the middle finger are supplied by the deep arch or radial
artery. The medial side of the middle finger, and the ring
and small fingers are supplied almost exclusively by the
superficial arch and the ulnar artery. The middle finger
therefore represents the dividing point between the supply
zones of the deep and superficial arches (25).
Digital Arterial Branches and Arches
In a study of 141 digits, Strauch and de Moura identified the
following arterial branches in the fingers (37) (Fig. 10.23).
Palmar Digital Arteries
The palmar branches of the digital arteries average 4 from
each side at the level of the proximal and middle phalanges,
but there were as many as 7 in one specimen from this study
of 141 digits. When there are more than four branches, they
usually arise from the dominant vessel.
Dorsal Digital Arteries
The dorsal branches of the digital arteries are of four types:
(a) condylar vessels, (b) metaphyseal vessels, (c) dorsal skin
vessels, and (d) transverse palmar arches.
First Set of Dorsal Digital Arteries. The first condylar
branch (a) to the head of the metacarpal may arise from the
common or proper digital vessel. It was present in 60% of
the dissections, varies in size from 0.1 to 0.5 mm, and occasionally shares a common origin with the metaphyseal vessel. The first metaphyseal vessel (b), which arises at the base
of the proximal phalanx, measures between 0.1 and 0.2
mm. The first dorsal skin vessel (c), in the middle portion
of the proximal phalanx, is a large branch that supplies the
overlying skin of the proximal phalanx. This vessel measures
0.4 to 0.5 mm in external diameter and was absent on one
side in 5% of the 141 digits studied. The proximal transverse arch (d), at the neck of the proximal phalanx and at
the level of the C1 pulley, measures between 0.3 and 0.6
mm. These vessels from the opposing digital arteries join
centrally to form a slightly peaked arch. Branches from this
arch go to the vinculum longus and brevis, the profundus
and superficialis tendons, the dorsal skin proximal to the
PIP joint, and the distal metaphysis of the proximal phalanx; a branch that crosses the PIP joint goes to the proximal metaphysis of the middle phalanx.
Second Set of Dorsal Digital Arteries. In the middle phalanx, the second condylar branch (a) supplies the base of the
middle phalanx, and the major portion of the vessel supplies
the skin over the PIP joint. This condylar vessel was present
in 80% of the specimens and averages 0.2 to 0.5 mm in
external diameter. The second metaphyseal branch (b) is a
constant vessel that goes to the proximal metaphysis of the
middle phalanx; it is the largest of the three metaphyseal vessels at 0.25 ± 0.05 mm. At the mid-portion of the middle
phalanx, the second dorsal skin vessel (c) arises and supplies
most of the dorsal skin over the middle phalanx. It was present in all dissected specimens and is 0.45 mm in average size.
The second transverse palmar arch (d) arises at the neck of
the middle phalanx in relationship to the third cruciform
(C3) pulley, was present in 90% of the dissections, and is 1.5
times the size of the proximal arch, at an average size of 0.85
mm. Branches from this arch include the distal vinculum vessel to the profundus tendon; a branch to the distal metaphysis of the middle phalanx that goes on to supply the skin
over the DIP joint as well as continuing on to join the proximal matrix arch dorsally at the level of the proximal growth
plate of the nail; and, finally, small branches that go across the
DIP joint to nourish the proximal metaphyseal area of the
distal phalanx.
560 Regional Anatomy
Third Set of Dorsal Digital Arteries. The third condylar
vessel (a) supplies the condylar area of the distal end of the
middle phalanx and measures 0.14 mm. It originated as a
common vessel with the metaphyseal vessel in 20% of the
specimens. The proximal metaphyseal vessel (b) was uniformly present and averages 0.14 mm. The third dorsal skin
vessel (c) arises just proximal to the distal transverse palmar
arch and courses dorsally to form the proximal matrix arch
at the level of the proximal growth plate of the nail. This
vessel measures between 0.2 and 0.4 mm. The proximal
matrix arch at the DIP joint area is joined by the two vessels that originally arose from the middle palmar arch and
traveled dorsally and distally. These vessels average 0.25 mm
and unite on the dorsal surface with the proximal matrix
arch. The digital vessels then turn centrally to join each
other to form the distal transverse arch (d). Extending from
this arch in a longitudinal fashion are three relatively large
vessels averaging 0.58 mm that travel to the distal aspect of
the pulp and turn dorsally to join with the distal matrix
arch. Arising from the two lateral longitudinal vessels on
either side or, more commonly (60%), from two more centrally placed longitudinal vessels is a branch that goes dorsally on either side. This branch averages 0.48 mm and, as
it nears the dorsal surface, it divides to join its counterpart
on the opposite side, thus forming the middle matrix arch
at the level of the lunula and the distal matrix arch that lies
10.1 Palmar Hand 561
FIGURE 10.23. Digital arterial branches and arches,
after Strauch and de Moura (37). There are three sets
of four dorsal branches of the digital arteries: A:
condylar vessels; B: metaphyseal vessels; C: dorsal skin
vessels; D: transverse palmar arches. See text for
at the level of the distal third of the nail matrix. These
arches average 0.29 mm in size.
Digital Vessel Diameters
Strauch and de Moura made some practical observations on
the external diameter of the digital vessels, and these measurements are given in Table 10.4.
These authors noted that of the two digital vessels in the
thumb and index and long fingers, the ulnar vessel almost
always is larger, whereas the radial vessel almost always is
larger in the ring and small fingers. The common digital
vessel to the third web space divided into branches that
were large on both sides of the web.
Clinical Significance
Strauch and de Moura noted several clinical implications
from their study:
1. A high level of consistency in the distribution and location of digital vessels was seen, not previously described.
2. In digital amputations of the thumb and index and long
fingers, the surgeon should look for the ulnar vessel first
because it is the larger of the two. The reverse is true for
the ring and small fingers.
3. The middle and distal transverse arches are consistently
large (almost 1 mm) and may be used for arterial vessel
repairs either proximally or distally; furthermore, these
two arches are easily located because of their uniform
relationship to the cruciate ligaments and the profundus
tendon insertion (37).
Further perspective on the importance of transverse digital arches is given by reported experiences with replantation for transmetacarpal hand amputation. Successful revascularizations of all the fingers and thumb have been
reported by attaching a single common digital vessel to a
proximal arterial source. The ability of one common digital
artery to revascularize all the fingers and thumb was the
result of retrograde flow through the transverse arches
Arterial Anatomy of the Thumb and
Index Finger
The arterial anatomy of the thumb and radial side of the
index finger is discussed in this section, and the reader will
soon note striking variations in reported series that have
addressed this area of arterial anatomy (23,24,40). It therefore seems appropriate to reiterate some of the observations
of Coleman and Anson (25) previously cited in this chapter, and specifically to discuss their observations on the
PMAs. Coleman and Anson stated that there was considerable variation in the PMAs as to number, course, and area
of supply, except for the first and second PMA. They noted
that the large artery to the thumb is considered to be the
first PMA, that the large vessel that courses along the palmar aspect of the second metacarpal bone is the second
PMA, and that these vessels may arise from a common
trunk. One consistent feature was found: The first and second PMAs both were present in 95% of specimens; in only
2 instances of 100 hands studied was the first PMA absent,
and in only 3 cases was the second PMA absent. In no specimen were both vessels absent. Coleman and Anson also
found that the first and second PMA almost always traveled
over the palmar surfaces of the corresponding bones rather
than over the adjacent interosseous muscles, as classically
described. Recognition of the relative constancy of the first
and second PMA, which in general represent the stem vessels to the thumb and index finger, allows us now to address
the specifics of the arterial supply to the thumb and index
finger. This topic has attracted much attention, and recent
studies have emphasized differences from the classic
anatomic literature in the arrangement and relative dominance of the arterial vessels of the thumb, and specifically
that the so-called princeps pollicis artery may not be the
major vessel to the thumb, and in fact may be a misnomer.
Three studies are reviewed: the first by Parks et al., the
second by Ames et al., and the third by Earley (23,24,40).
Findings of the Parks and Colleagues Study
In a study of 50 embalmed hands, Parks and coworkers
found that the first PMA was the principal artery of the
thumb in 80% of their dissections. They noted that the first
PMA was a major branch of the deep radial artery and closely
corresponded to the PMA of the other fingers. The princeps
pollicis artery divided at the level of the MCP joint and deep
to the flexor pollicis longus (FPL) tendon into radial and
ulnar digital arteries. The radial index artery arose from the
princeps pollicis in 50% of the dissections. Variations in the
so-called princeps pollicis artery were noted in 25%, but
these variations were not described. The first dorsal
metacarpal artery was the main artery to the thumb in 14%.
It originated before the radial artery pierced the first DI muscle and passed to the thumb dorsal to the DI muscle. A
branch from the second PMA formed the main artery to the
562 Regional Anatomy
Finger Vessel Location Size (mm)
Index Radial Base proximal phalanx 1.4 ± 0.10
Ulnar 1.8 ± 0.15
Radial Base distal phalanx 0.76 ± 0.15
Ulnar 0.86 ± 0.10
Ring and Radial MCP joint 1.75 ± 0.15
small Just distal to DIP joint 0.95 ± 0.15
Ulnar MCP joint 1.35 ± 0.2
Just distal to DIP joint 0.85 ± 0.1
DIP, distal interphalangeal; MCP, metacarpophalangeal.
thumb in 6%. In 20%, a significant arterial contribution was
made by the superficial palmar vessels (40).
Findings of the Ames and Colleagues Study
In a study of 39 fresh cadaver hands, Ames et al. identified
what they considered to be the dominant vessel of the
thumb and radial side of the index based on relative size,
and described five patterns of arterial anatomy in the
thumb (23) (Fig. 10.24).
Vascular Pattern A: Incidence 21/39 (54%)
Both superficial and deep vessels were noted in the first
web. The origin of the superficial vessel was from the superficial palmar arch in 18 specimens, from the SPBR in 2
specimens, and from the median artery in 1 specimen. The
deep vessel originated from the first PMA in 19 of 21 specimens, and from the dorsal metacarpal artery in the other 2
specimens. The superficial and deep vessels joined, giving a
radial digital artery to the index and an ulnar digital to the
thumb. In 20 of the 21 specimens, the superficial and deep
vessels joined together in the first web space. The SPBR was
absent in 8 of the 21 specimens. Thus, it was clear that this
pattern did not have a dominant or princeps pollicis artery.
Vascular Pattern B: Incidence 3/39 (8%)
The SPBR was the dominant vessel. In two specimens it supplied both sides of the thumb, together with the radial side of
the index finger. In the third specimen, the SPBR supplied a
vessel to the first web space with bifurcation only to the ulnar
side of the thumb and the radial side of the index finger. The
radial side of the thumb was supplied by the radial artery.
Vascular Pattern C: 7/39 (18%)
The first palmar metacarpal was the largest or dominant
vessel, and in three of these there did not appear to be a
10.1 Palmar Hand 563
FIGURE 10.24. A–E: Patterns of arterial supply to the thumb, after Ames et al. (23).
C, D E
connection between the superficial and deep systems. The
authors noted that these three specimens were the only
specimens in their study that corresponded to the classic
description shown in anatomic textbooks (in this instance,
Gray’s Anatomy, 28th ed., 1969).
Vascular Pattern D: 3/39 (8%)
In three specimens, a large dorsal metacarpal artery was
considered to be the dominant vessel. In two instances there
was an anastomosis with the superficial system.
Vascular Pattern E: 5/39 (13%)
In 5 of 39 specimens there was no dominant vessel, and in
only 1 specimen was there an anastomosis between the
superficial and deep vessels. The deep vessel came from the
dorsal metacarpal artery, and in all five specimens the superficial system supplied the ulnar side of the thumb, whereas
the deep system supplied the radial aspect of the thumb. In
one of these specimens the first PMA entered the FPL
sheath and divided into radial and ulnar digital vessels.
Other Findings of the Ames and Colleagues Study
In contrast to the dorsal branch of the radial artery, which,
after exiting the snuff-box, always passed through the two
heads of the first DI muscle, the SPBR either remained
deep in the substance of the thenar muscles or passed over
them. Variously, it could supply both aspects of the thumb
and the radial aspect of the index finger, become a vessel to
the first web space, participate in the formation of the
superficial arch, or terminate in the skin of the first web
space, in the thenar muscles, or as a radial digital vessel to
the thumb.
Summary and Conclusions of the Ames and Colleagues
These findings indicate that the arterial supply in the hand
is variable. Five patterns were noted based on vessel dominance. The most common pattern revealed a superficial and
deep system that frequently connected within the first web
space. The superficial palmar arch was complete in only
24% of this study group. The so-called princeps pollicis or
first PMA was dominant in only 18% of the specimens.
Findings of the Earley Study
The study by Earley of the arterial supply of the thumb and
index finger in 20 fresh and injected cadavers made the following observations (24).
The Superficial Arch
The superficial or main stem branch of the ulnar artery may
give rise to a common digital artery to each web space (4 of
20 dissections), and in 3 of these 4 specimens the first web
space common digital artery was the only supply to the ulnar
side of the thumb and the radial side of the index finger.
The Superficial Palmar Branch of the Radial Artery
1. The SPBR can vary from supplying only small branches
to the carpal ligament and thenar muscles to providing
the main blood to the thumb and radial side of the index
finger (Fig. 10.25);
2. The SPBR gave origin to (a) proximal (20 hands) and
distal (14 hands) thenar muscle branches; (b) carpal ligament branches (6 hands); (c) APB branches (14 hands),
usually manifested as a large branch running superficially over the APB toward the radial sesamoid at the
thumb MCP joint and often (7 of 14) communicating
with the radial digital artery of the thumb at the socalled sesamoid sink; in 2 hands it even formed the
radial palmar digital artery of the thumb; and (d) a
branch joining with the superficial and main stem of the
ulnar artery to form the superficial palmar arch (12 of
20 hands). In half of these, the communicating branch
gave origin to either the radial palmar index artery or to
the common digital arteries to the first and second webs.
Thus, in 6 of 20 hands, the SPBR supplied a significant
part of the circulation to the radial one-half of the hand.
The two arteries forming the superficial arch of the hand
were noted to contribute significantly to the thumb and
index finger blood supply.
The First Palmar Metacarpal Artery
1. This artery was present in all hands examined by Earley
and was the first branch of the radial artery on its return
to the palm (Fig. 10.26).
2. In three hands it shared a common origin with the second PMA.
3. The usual course (18 of 20 hands) was on the ulnar side
of the thumb metacarpal on the interosseous muscle
belly, after which it passed deep to the FPB (deep head)
and exited in the interval between the adductor and the
deep head of the FPB.
4. Its classic division into digital arteries at approximately
this level beneath the FPL tendon was seen in only 8 of
the 20 hands, and in 2 hands the first PMA passed deep
to the deep head of the FPB and oblique head of the
adductor pollicis and emerged between the two adductor heads at the ulnar sesamoid.
5. The first PMA followed the usual patterns of arterial
variation from (a) one of least expression, where it supplied only a communicating branch to the palmar digital arteries; to (b) one of intermediate expression, where
it gave origin to only one digital artery; and (c) one of
greatest expression, where it gave rise to both digital
Branches of the First Palmar Metacarpal Artery
Branches of the first PMA included the following:
1. The thumb palmar digital arteries. In 8 of 20 hands,
both palmar digital arteries originated from the first
564 Regional Anatomy
10.1 Palmar Hand 565
FIGURE 10.25. A, B: Patterns of
branching of the superficial palmar
branch of the radial artery, after Earley’s study of 20 hands (24).
FIGURE 10.26. The first palmar metacarpal artery
(PMA), based on Earley’s study of 20 hands (24). This
artery is the first branch of the radial artery (17 of 20
hands) on its return to the palm, and its usual course is
shown here (A); in 3 hands, it shared a common origin
with the second PMA. Its usual course (18 of 20 hands)
is on the ulnar side of the thumb metacarpal on the
interosseous muscle belly, it then passes deep to the
flexor pollicis brevis (FPB; deep head) and exits in the
interval between the adductor and the deep head of
the FPB. Its classic division as shown here into digital
arteries at approximately this level beneath the flexor
pollicis longus tendon was seen in only 8 of the 20
hands, and in 2 hands (B) the first PMA passed deep to
the deep head of the FPB and the oblique head of the
adductor pollicis and emerged between the two adductor heads at the ulnar sesamoid.
PMA, and in 11 of 20 hands, the parent artery gave rise
to only 1 palmar digital artery and in one hand to none.
2. Branches at the level of the neck of the thumb metacarpal. These were constant, with vessels curving around
the neck to supply dorsal structures and the MCP joint.
3. Muscle branches to the adjacent thenar muscles.
4. Terminal communicating branches. These were seen in
8 of 20 hands, and in 7 of these there was a branch communicating with the opposite palmar digital artery while
the main vessel formed the other palmar digital artery.
In the eighth hand, no palmar digital branch was
formed, and the terminal branch of the first PMA was
only a small communicating branch with the ulnar
The Thumb Palmar Digital Arteries
In 18 of 20 hands, the ulnopalmar artery (average external
diameter, 1.8 mm) was larger than the radiopalmar digital
artery (average external diameter, 1.1 mm), ranging from
one-fourth to three times larger. In the remaining two
hands, the palmar digital arteries were the same size, and in
one hand the radiopalmar was three times larger than its
Ulnopalmar Digital Artery
The ulnopalmar digital artery was a terminal branch of the
first PMA (so-called princeps pollicis) in only half of the
specimens. In 6 of the 10 specimens it followed a course
emerging from the deep surface of the FPL tendon and
curving over the insertion of the adductor at the ulnar
sesamoid to follow the flexor sheath on its ulnar aspect. Earley named this configuration the pre-adductor type. In the
remaining four hands, the artery followed a course deep to
the adductor and thus was named the post-adductor type.
The vessels forming the other 10 ulnopalmar digital arteries were:
1. One of the terminal branches of the main stem of the
ulnar (three hands)
2. A branch of the superficial palmar radial artery (three
3. Equal contributions of the first PMA and terminal
superficial arteries (one hand)
4. Equal contributions of the SPBR and terminal branch of
the main stem of the ulnar (one hand)
5. A large first dorsal metacarpal artery (one hand)
6. A hypertrophied ulnodorsal digital artery (one hand)
In spite of its various origins, once it reached the ulnar
sesamoid the ulnopalmar digital artery followed a superficial course in all hands.
Radiopalmar Digital Artery
1. The radiopalmar digital artery was a branch of the first
PMA in 18 of 20 hands.
2. Its initial course was deep to the FPL tendon, then curving over the free margin of the superficial head of the
FPB to the radial sesamoid.
3. In 2 of the 18 hands, the first PMA reached the radial
sesamoid by emerging between the adductor heads, and
then gave origin to the radiopalmar digital artery, which
had to reach the radial side of the thumb by passing
beneath the FPL in the region of the first annular (A1)
4. In the remaining two hands, the radiopalmar digital
artery arose from the APB branch of the SPBR.
Arches of the Thumb Palmar Digital Arteries
Two arches were present between the thumb palmar digital
arteries (Fig. 10.27):
1. The digitopalmar arch was seen in all hands at the level
of the neck of the proximal phalanx in the retrocondylar
recess and beneath the oblique pulley. It gave branches
to the FPL through the vincula brevia, the palmar plate,
the interphalangeal joint, and the flexor sheath.
2. The pulp arch lay in the recess just proximal to the tuft
of the distal phalanx and gave off multiple branches supplying the pulp and nail bed.
Index Radiopalmar Digital Artery
Three main origins for this artery were seen (Fig. 10.28):
1. A branch of the main stem or superficial ulnar artery (5
of 20 hands)
2. A branch of the second PMA (5 of 20 hands)
3. A branch of the SPBR (5 of 20 hands)
First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery
The first dorsal metacarpal artery was present in all hands
and originated from the radial artery just distal to the EPL
tendon (see Fig. 10.26). Three types were noted:
1. A superficial and axial fascial vessel parallel to the second
metacarpal and overlying the first dorsal interosseous
muscle (15 of 20 hands)
2. A deep or muscular vessel to the ulnar head of the first
DI muscle that followed a buried course in the groove
between the muscle origins and the second metacarpal,
but emerged after a variable distance to follow a more
superficial fascial course (3 of 20 hands)
3. A combination type consisting of both fascial and muscle types (2 of 20 hands; 2 branches of 1 vessel in one
hand, but 2 separate vessels in the other)
The ulnodorsal thumb digital artery originated from the
first dorsal metacarpal artery in 6 of 20 hands.
Second Dorsal Metacarpal Artery
The second dorsal metacarpal artery was present in 19 of 20
566 Regional Anatomy
1. It was smaller than the first dorsal metacarpal artery in
12 hands, the same size in 1 hand, and larger in 6 hands.
2. Its origin was variable, but it usually arose from the dorsal carpal arch (15 of 20 hands), then crossed under the
extensor indicis proprius to reach the second DI muscle,
where it followed a superficial course to reach the skin of
the second web.
Dorsal Thumb Digital Arteries
These vessels were extremely variable, and were small or
absent if the dorsal branches from the first PMA were large.
Ulnodorsal Digital Artery
The ulnodorsal digital artery was absent in six hands, in six
others it was branch of a fascial-type first dorsal metacarpal
artery, and in six others it was a branch of the radial artery
distal to the EPL tendon before the origin of the first dorsal metacarpal artery.
Radiodorsal Digital Artery
The radiodorsal digital artery was absent in 6 hands and
was represented by 1 vessel in 11 hands and 2 vessels in 3
hands. In all hands, the vessels originated from the radial
10.1 Palmar Hand 567
FIGURE 10.27. Arches of the thumb palmar digital
arteries. The digitopalmar arch is at the level of the neck
of the proximal phalanx in the retrocondylar recess
beneath the oblique pulley, and gives branches to the
flexor pollicis longus through the vincula brevia, the
palmar plate, the interphalangeal joint, and the flexor
sheath. The pulp arch is in the recess just proximal to the
tuft of the distal phalanx, and gives multiple branches
to the pulp and nail bed.
FIGURE 10.28. Index radiopalmar
digital artery. Three main origins for
this artery were seen identified in the
Earley study (24): (A) a branch of the
main stem or superficial ulnar artery
in 5 of 20 hands, (B) a branch of the
second palmar metacarpal artery in 5
of 20 hands, and (C) a branch of the
superficial palmar branch of the
A–C radial artery in 5 of 20 hands.
artery in the snuff-box and followed a course along the EPB
and abductor pollicis longus tendons, traveling toward the
dorsal skin at the thumb MCP joint.
Based on his study and a review of the related literature,
Earley made the observations that are summarized as follows:
1. Tandler (33) noted that the SPBR branch was as large as
the superficial or main stem of the ulnar artery in the
palm in over one-third of hands, and that in these hands
it often supplied the thumb ulnopalmar and index
radiopalmar digital arteries through a first web common
digital artery.
2. Tandler (33) stated that the first PMA was “certainly not
the main blood vessel of the thumb” and thus did not
deserve the name “arteria princeps pollicis.” Earley
noted that the ulnopalmar artery (the major artery to the
thumb) is derived from the first PMA in only half of the
hands he dissected (24).
3. Confusion has existed as to whether the origin of the
artery to the index finger is superficial or deep, but both
Weathersby (41) and Coleman and Anson (25) realized
that this depended on the relative dominance of either
arterial system. Weathersby, in a study of 256 palmar
arches, found that the main index finger supply comes
from the deep arch in 45%, the superficial arch in 13%,
and both in 42%, and believed that the name arteria
volaris indicis should be abandoned in favor of second
PMA or third common digital artery (41). Earley found
that the second PMA, which supplied the whole index
and middle finger radiopalmar digital artery, occurred in
5 of 20 hands (24).
Surgical Applications Based on the Earley Study
1. Interruption of the ulnar artery at the wrist may result in
loss of blood flow in the second through fourth interdigital cleft vessels and possibly lead to ischemia in the
fingers. Thumb viability would not be affected because
both sides of the thumb never are supplied only by the
superficial palmar artery.
2. Interruption of the radial artery at the wrist could be a
different matter, especially in those hands with a large
contribution from the SPBR (30% of hands in Earley’s
study), because the common digital as well as palmar
metacarpal arterial supply would be lost. However,
ischemia leading to necrosis might not occur if sufficient
interconnections were present from other arterial systems.
3. Landmarks for the arteries of the thumb are the FPL at
the metacarpal level, the sesamoid bones, and the
oblique pulley of the flexor sheath. The distal part of the
oblique pulley marks the level of the digitopalmar arch.
When looking for the ulnopalmar thumb digital artery,
it is helpful to remember the “preadductor” or “postadductor” course of the artery and the possibility of its origin from the dorsal vessels. In 90% of cases, the ulnopalmar artery is the largest of the two thumb arteries and
should be considered as the first choice for anastomosis
in replantation. If the ulnopalmar artery is not suitable
for anastomosis, the A1 pulley area and the ulnar side of
the radial sesamoid should be examined to locate the
radiopalmar digital artery. By this means, the deep variety (seen in 50%) can be identified before it courses
deep to the flexor sheath.
Author’s Comments
There is no standard pattern of arterial supply to the thumb
or index finger. Although the use of fresh cadaver specimens
and injection techniques may add to our understanding,
the differences noted in the various studies are not easily
explained. The comments of Ames et al. (23) regarding the
factors that may limit an anatomic study are repeated here
and include (a) the quality of the specimen and injection,
and (b) the examiner’s ability to perceive order amidst
diversity. Finally, in reference to the arterial circulation to
the thumb, the term princeps pollicis probably is a misnomer
and should be abandoned.
Nerves of the Hand
Cutaneous Innervation of the Palm
Martin et al. studied the innervation of the proximal palm
in 25 fresh cadaver hands to determine the most appropriate location for the incision for an open carpal tunnel
release (42). A carpal tunnel release incision was made in
each of the 25 hands curving in line with the axis of the ring
finger. The location of the nerve relative to the incision was
noted, and all nerves cut or passing within 2 mm of the
incision were considered to be at risk for injury.
Four nerves were identified, one from the median [the
palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve (PCBMN)]
and three from the ulnar [the palmar cutaneous branch of
the ulnar nerve (PCBUN), the nerve of Henle, and transverse palmar branches from the ulnar nerve in Guyon’s
canal] (Fig. 10.29).
Palmar Cutaneous Branch of the Median Nerve
This nerve was present in all specimens and originated from
the radial side of the median nerve an average of 5.9 cm
(range, 4.1 to 7.8 cm) proximal to the wrist flexion crease.
In two hands, two distinct nerves were identified. The
PCBMN coursed distally in the interval between the palmaris longus and the FCR tendons. In each specimen, the
nerve pierced the distal antebrachial fascia and palmar fascia in its own tunnel, often weaving through the fibers of
the palmaris longus. In all cases the nerve became subcutaneous radial to the palmar incision. In one case, a large
branch of the nerve crossed the incision and would likely
568 Regional Anatomy
have been transected during an open carpal tunnel release.
In another two specimens, the terminal ulnar fibers of the
PCBMN were identified at the incision margin. In each of
the three specimens in which the PCBMN was considered
at risk, ulnar palmar cutaneous nerves also were at risk.
Summary of PCBMN: Incidence, 25 of 25; at risk, 3 of 25.
Ulnar Nerve Branches
Palmar Cutaneous Branch of the Ulnar Nerve. This
nerve was identified in 4 of 25 specimens and originated an
average of 4.6 cm proximal to the pisiform (range, 3 to 7.8
cm). In each case the nerve traveled superficial to the palmar carpal ligament. In one case, the PCBUN traveled
directly superficial to the palmaris brevis but gave no motor
fibers to the muscle. Each of these four nerves became subcutaneous ulnar to the palmar incision, and two of the four
were transected by the incision toward their radial extent.
Summary of PCBUN: Incidence, 4 of 25; at risk, 2 of 4.
Nerve of Henle. This nerve, the nervi vasorum of the ulnar
artery, gave innervation to the forearm or palm in 14 of 25
hands, in addition to providing sympathetic innervation to
the artery. Eleven nerves of Henle providing innervation to
the palm were noted in 10 of 25 specimens, with 1 artery
having two distinct bundles. These nerves originated an
average of 16.3 cm (range, 9 to 27 cm) proximal to the pisiform. In most, the nerve originated at a point in the proximal forearm where the ulnar nerve passes through the FCU
to lie alongside the ulnar artery. In one case, the nerve
received a substantial contribution from the median nerve
in the proximal forearm. The cutaneous component of
these nerves diverged from the ulnar artery near the proximal wrist crease, coursing between the tendons of the FCU
and FDS to the ring finger. Proximal to the palm, the
nerves pierced the distal antebrachial fascia, becoming subcutaneous at the distal wrist flexion crease. In six specimens,
one or more branches of the cutaneous portion of the nerve
of Henle was either transected or at risk from the incision.
Summary of nerve of Henle: Incidence, 10 of 25; at risk,
6 of 10.
Transverse Palmar Cutaneous Branches of the Ulnar
Nerve. Multiple cutaneous nerves to the palm were noted
from the ulnar nerve, the ulnar motor branch to the
hypothenar muscles, and the common digital ulnar sensory
nerve as they coursed through Guyon’s canal. At least 1 such
10.1 Palmar Hand 569
FIGURE 10.29. Cutaneous innervation of
the palm as it relates to open carpal tunnel
release [based on a study of 25 hands by
Martin et al. (42)]. Four nerves were identified to be at risk (all nerves cut or passing
within 2 mm of the incision): the palmar
cutaneous branch of the median nerve; the
palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar
nerve; the nerve of Henle; and transverse
palmar branches from the ulnar nerve in
Guyon’s canal. See text for details of nerve
incidence and risk. Based on this study, the
authors concluded that there is no internervous plane in this region of the palm.
nerve was identified in 24 specimens (average, 1.8; range, 1
to 5). The origin of these nerves averaged 3 mm distal
(range, 1.8 cm proximal to 1.7 cm distal) to the center of
the pisiform and was variable with respect to the ulnar
nerve branch of origin. In two specimens, these nerves traveled with the ulnar artery for less than 1 cm before becoming cutaneous. Many of these nerves exited perpendicularly
from the longitudinal direction of the ulnar nerve, thus
prompting a description of them as transverse. These nerves
pierced the palmar carpal ligament to innervate the skin
and subcutaneous tissue of the hypothenar eminence and
midpalm, usually distal to that area innervated by either the
nerve of Henle or the PCBUN. The radial extent of these
nerves was very variable, but they routinely extended farther
radial than the site of the carpal tunnel release incision in
the axis of the ring finger. In 11 specimens, at least one of
these transverse palmar cutaneous branches was either transected or at risk by the palmar incision.
Summary of transverse PCBUN: Incidence: 24 of 25; at
risk, 11 of 24.
Clinical Significance
Based on this study, there is no internervous plane in this
region of the palm. Injury to these nerves may explain the
lower rate of painful incisions after endoscopic carpal tunnel release compared with open release.
Palmar Cutaneous Branch of the Median Nerve. Watchmaker et al., in a study of 25 cadaver hands, noted the risks
of injury to the PCBMN during carpal tunnel surgery (43).
They identified what they considered to be a more reliable
landmark for placement of the carpal tunnel release incision
that was not based on the variable and ambiguous axis of
the ring finger or the thenar crease. They noted that the
PCBMN arose on average 41 mm proximal to the distal
wrist flexion crease (range, 27 to 63 mm), and at that level
was 2 mm radial to the thenar crease (range, 6 mm radial to
6 mm ulnar). The PCBMN could be traced 3.5 to 4 cm distal to the distal wrist crease. Further observations by the
authors revealed that the thenar crease did not extend proximally to cross the wrist flexion crease but rather began an
average of 18 mm distal to wrist crease, and that the thenar
crease may turn radially at this point and bifurcate. The
PCBMN was noted to underlie or cross beneath the thenar
crease, making this crease a poor choice for a carpal tunnel
release incision. The authors’ incision of choice was identified as the depression between the thenar and hypothenar
eminences. They noted that the PCBMN courses an average of 4 to 4.5 mm radial to this depression. In no specimen
was the PCBMN ulnar to the depression. In two specimens,
a branch of the PCBMN passed beneath the depression;
thus, an incision placed several millimeters (the authors
advised 5 mm) ulnar to the depression was noted to provide
a safe territory for the incision.
Author’s Comment. The observation of Martin et al. (42)
that there is no internervous plane in this region of the
palm bears repeating. Based on the two studies just
reviewed, it seems apparent that most incisions in this zone
may affect at least one sensory cutaneous branch derived
from median or ulnar sources because the demonstrated
regions of innervation overlap.
Median Nerve
Classic Description of the Course and Branching of
the Median Nerve
The median nerve, as a single large nerve, enters the hand
beneath the TCL accompanied by nine flexor tendons (Fig.
10.30). Near the distal margin of the TCL, the median nerve
usually divides into three common palmar digital components, although it often may divide first into a radial and ulnar
trunk (1). The motor branch most often arises from the radial
side of the most radial component of the nerve. The classic
description of the division of this most radial trunk is (a) a trifurcation of the radial trunk into proper digital nerves (PDNs)
to the radial and ulnar sides of the thumb and the radial side
of the index finger, or (b) a common nerve branch to the
thumb that divides into proper radial and ulnar digital nerves
to the thumb and a PDN branch to the radial side of the
index finger. The remaining central and ulnar common digital branches course distally and divide into the PDNs to the
ulnar side of the index finger, both sides of the middle finger,
and the ulnar side of the ring finger. The motor branch to the
index finger lumbrical arises from the proper sensory branch
to the index finger, and the branch to the middle finger lumbrical from the common digital nerve to the index–long finger web space.
This classic description is appropriately compared with a
study by Jolley et al., who noted the following patterns of
branching in a study of 79 embalmed cadaver hands (44).
Their three patterns of branching are presented in order of
Type A. This type consists of a PDN to the radial side of
the thumb and a common digital nerve of variable length to
the first web space that divides into a branch to the ulnar
side of the thumb and radial side of the index finger. This
was the most common configuration, seen in 54 of 79
hands (69%).
Type B. This type is a trifurcation pattern with PDNs arising from the median nerve to course to the radial and ulnar
aspects of the thumb and the radial side of the index finger,
seen in 20 of 79 hands (25%).
Type C. A common digital nerve to the thumb divides into
proper radial and ulnar nerves and a proper radial digital
nerve to the index finger (see Fig. 10.30B). This was the
least common pattern, seen in 5 of 79 hands (6%).
570 Regional Anatomy
10.1 Palmar Hand 571
FIGURE 10.30. A: Median and ulnar nerves and their most common pattern of branching. The
most common pattern of median nerve branching to the thumb and radial side of the index finger, as described by Jolley et al. (44), is at variance with the classic descriptions of branching. See
text for details of nerve branching. B: Patterns of median nerve sensory branching to the thumb
and index finger, after Jolley et al. (44).
(continued on next page)
Clinical Significance
The most common pattern of median nerve branching to
the thumb and radial side of the index finger as described
by Jolley et al. is at variance with the classic descriptions of
branching. Surgeons should be aware that the most common median nerve branching in the first web space is that
of a PDN branch to the radial side of the thumb and a common digital nerve that divides to innervate the ulnar side of
the thumb and the radial side of the index finger.
Digital Nerves
In general, the PDNs course distally in intervals adjacent to
the lumbrical muscles and flexor tendon sheaths (Fig. 10.31;
see Fig. 10.30). They are deep to the superficial palmar arterial arch and its arterial branches and remain deep to these
vessels until they (the nerves) exit from beneath the transverse
fibers of the palmar fascia into a fat pad at the distal aspect of
the palm. The PDNs enter the digits beneath the natatory
ligament, palmar to the transverse metacarpal ligament, and
adjacent to the longitudinal fibers of the palmar fascia; in the
digits, the nerves are palmar to the arteries. In the fingers, the
PDN lies adjacent to the flexor sheath and level with the palmar aspect of the phalanges. Each PDN gives off several
branches to the sides and palmar aspect of the finger, as well
as branches to the adjacent joints. These nerves supply the
flexor tendon sheaths, the digital arteries, and sweat glands
(1). In a study of 30 fresh cadaver hands, Bas and Kleinert
found that the dorsal branch of the PDN that supplied the
skin over the dorsum of the middle and distal phalanges
divided from the PDN more proximally than previously
described. In 62% of the PDNs for the index, long, ring, and
small fingers, the dorsal branch arose from the PDN in the
area of the A1 pulley or proximal to it (45). In the thumb, the
dorsal sensory branch, when present (11 of 30 thumbs), arose
distal to the A1 pulley (45).
Joint Innervation
In a study of 12 fresh cadaver hands using microdissection
and selective silver staining, Chen et al. found that the PIP
572 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.30. (continued) C: Fresh cadaver dissection showing
an “accessory thenar nerve” (ATN) distal to the transligamentous
recurrent motor branch (bracketed by green markers) of the
median nerve. In Mumford and colleagues’ (48) study of the
recurrent motor branch, 15 of 20 specimens (75%), demonstrated an ATN that innervated the flexor pollicis brevis and
arose from either the first common digital nerve (25%) or the
radial proper digital nerve to the thumb (50%).
FIGURE 10.31. Relationship of the digital nerves and arteries to
each other and to the natatory ligament and the palmar fascia.
joints were innervated by two palmar articular nerves, one
proximal and one distal, that originated from the PDNs
and had a mean diameter of 0.21 to 0.53 mm (46). These
branches were found to innervate the palmar part of the
joint capsule, the head of the proximal phalanx, the tendon
sheath, and the lateral aspect of the capsule. The PIP joints
also had dorsal proximal articular nerves that originated
from the superficial branches of the radial nerve in the
index and long fingers and the ulnar nerve in the ring and
small fingers. Each MCP joint of the index through small
fingers was supplied by one palmar articular nerve (mean
diameter, 0.41 to 0.59 mm) that originated from the deep
branch of the ulnar nerve. Proximal to the A1 pulley, this
palmar articular nerve branches into the palmar and lateral
aspect of the MCP joint capsule, the metacarpal head, and
the tendon sheath. Two dorsal articular nerves (mean diameter, 0.11 to 0.24 mm) were found that originated from the
radial and ulnar sides of the dorsal digital nerve and
branched into the dorsal capsule, sagittal band, and dorsal
aspect of the metacarpal head. The thumb MCP joint had
two dorsal articular nerves (mean diameter, 0.18 to 0.24
mm) and two palmar nerves (mean diameter, 0.29 to 0.31
mm). The thumb palmar articular nerve originated from
each side of the palmar digital nerve rather than from the
ulnar nerve, as in the fingers.
Index Finger Digital Nerves
In the most common pattern of index finger innervation
(74%), the nerves pass through the palm deep to the digital artery. The nerve to the ulnar side passes beneath the
natatory ligament and palmar to the transverse metacarpal
ligament. Both nerves in the index finger are palmar to the
digital arteries, in contrast to their deep position in the
palm. At the DIP crease, the nerves divide into three or four
branches supplying the pulp and nail bed. At or proximal to
the A1 pulley, the dorsal branch arises either deep or superficial (approximately equally often) to the digital artery. The
dorsal branch of the PDN usually perforates Cleland’s ligament and often connects with the terminal branches of the
radial nerve, called the dorsal sensory nerve, to supply the
skin over the dorsal aspect of the middle and distal phalanges (45). The depth of the palmar digital nerves in the
index finger was approximately 3 mm, and was even more
superficial at the digital creases (47).
Thumb Digital Nerves
These nerves pass distally on the radial and ulnar side of the
thumb palmar to the digital artery, and at the level of the
interphalangeal crease divide into three or four branches to
supply the pulp and nail bed (see Fig. 10.30). Wallace and
Coupland noted that no dorsal branches are given off;
although in approximately one-third of cases a short branch
to the skin over the radial side of the MCP joint arises from
the radial palmar digital nerve (47). These nerves supply
only the palmar aspect of the thumb, thumb pulp, and nail
bed. No crossovers or interconnections of the nerve were
noted (47). These findings are compared with those of Bas
and Kleinert, who noted both radial and ulnar dorsal
branches from the thumb PDN in 11 of 30 hands (45). The
digital nerve to the radial side of the thumb passes over the
FPL near the A1 pulley and is at risk during a trigger thumb
Recurrent Motor Branch (Thenar Nerve)
Classic Configuration
The recurrent motor branch arises from the ulnopalmar
aspect of the radial division of the median nerve, usually
just distal to the TCL; it then curves proximally and palmarward to lie on the superficial portion of the FPB (see
Fig. 10.30A and B). It continues in this fashion until it
reaches the interval between the APB and the FPB, at which
junction it enters the interval between these two muscles
and continues through the APB to reach the underlying and
more radial OP.
The classic description of this branch is a single branch
with terminal branches, one each to the FPB, APB, and OP.
In a study of 20 cadavers, Mumford et al. found that 9 of
20 specimens (45%) demonstrated this classic pattern (48).
Variations in Origin of the Motor Nerve
In Mumford and colleagues’ study, the thenar nerve originated from the median nerve at or beyond the distal edge of
the TCL in 16 of 20 specimens (80%), and in 4 specimens
(20%) it originated a few millimeters proximal to the distal
edge of the TCL.
Spatially, the thenar nerve arose from the ulnopalmar
aspect of the radial division of the median nerve in 16 specimens (80%), and in 4 specimens (20%) from the radiopalmar aspect of the radial division (48).
Mumford and colleagues’ description is appropriately
compared with the studies of Poisel, Lanz, and Tountas et
al. (49–51) in reference to the motor branch as well as other
variations of the median nerve in this region.
Variations in Relationship of the Motor Nerve to the
Transverse Carpal Ligament
Poisel, in 1974, studied the relationship of the thenar nerve
to the TCL in 100 cadaver hands, and the following frequencies were noted: 46% extraligamentous, 31% subligamentous, and 23% transligamentous (49). Less common
variations, noted by others, in the subligamentous category
include the thenar nerve leaving the median nerve on its
ulnar aspect (52), and bending of the thenar branch around
the distal edge of the TCL, where it then courses on top of
the TCL before entering the ligament (53).
Lanz, in 1977, published his findings in 246 hands, noting the variations in the course of the motor branch, the
10.1 Palmar Hand 573
accessory branches at the proximal and distal ends of the
carpal canal, and high division of the median nerve (50).
Tountas et al. (51) studied the same categories as to frequency and compared their findings with those of Poisel
and Lanz (49,50). The study by Tountas et al. was a combined retrospective and prospective study. The operative
reports of 535 carpal tunnel releases were reviewed (retrospective study), and 286 cases were evaluated prospectively.
In addition, 92 cadaver hands were dissected. The results of
the Tountas et al. study are noted in Table 10.5. This study
was at significant variance with the Poisel findings.
Author’s Comments and Conclusions. A significant difference was noted by Tountas et al. between their study and
that of Poisel when comparing the course of the motor
branch and its relationship to the TCL (49,51). Whereas
Poisel found that the motor branch of the median nerve was
extraligamentous (probably the normal arrangement) in
46% of his cases, Tountas et al. found an incidence of 82%
in their dissections and 96% in their clinical cases. Similarly, the incidence of transligamentous distribution of the
motor branch was 31% in Poisel’s series, compared with an
incidence of 9% in the dissections and slightly over 1% in
the clinical cases for Tountas et al. My surgical experience
more closely resembles the findings of Tountas et al.
Although differences in the frequency of anatomic variations have been noted in this area, it still is obvious that significant variation in the course and branching of the
median nerve is present at the wrist and in the hand. It is
important to be aware of these variations and to note that
the most likely zone of safety when approaching the median
nerve in the carpal tunnel is to the ulnar side, although
branches from the ulnar side may arise proximally, in the
carpal tunnel, or distal to the tunnel.
Variations in Branching at the Distal Aspect of the
Carpal Tunnel
Variations identified by Mumford et al. included one main
trunk with two branches (one branch to the APB and one
to the OP, but no branch to the FPB) in six specimens
(30%) (48). The remaining five specimens (25%) demonstrated four other patterns with either two, three, or four
branches off the main trunk. In addition, in 15 specimens
(75%), an “accessory thenar nerve”, which innervated the
FPB, arose from either the first common digital nerve
(25%) or the radial PDN to the thumb (50%). Lanz, based
on his study of 246 hands, commented that a true double
motor branch was a rare occurrence (50). He noted that the
thin branches sometimes seen arising from the palmar or
even the ulnar aspect of the nerve were sensory fibers based
on the results of intraoperative nerve stimulation and exact
dissection following the branches to the skin. He recommended preserving these branches to avoid the possible
occurrence of neuromata (50).
The findings of Tountas et al. (51) regarding variations
in branching are given in Table 10.6.
Variations in Branching Proximal to the Carpal Tunnel.
Lanz, in his series of 246 carpal tunnel operations, identified 4 accessory nerves that originated proximal to the TCL
(50). The first nerve noted perforated the TCL and joined
the recurrent motor branch distally. The second accessory
branch (nonmotor) proximal to the TCL left the median
nerve at its ulnar aspect, perforated the TCL in its proximal
third, and joined the common digital nerve to the thumb
and radial side of the index finger. In the third and fourth
cases, an accessory motor branch arose proximal to the TCL
and coursed through the proximal aspect of the TCL to
enter the thenar muscles. This motor nerve branch was in
addition to the motor nerve arising from the distal aspect of
the carpal canal. Two cases of a similar configuration were
reported by Linburg and Albright (54). The findings of
Tountas et al. (51) regarding variations in branching proximal to the carpal tunnel are given in Table 10.7.
574 Regional Anatomy
Extra- Sub- TransStudy ligamentous ligamentous ligamentous
Retrospective 522 9 4
Prospective 272 8 6
Dissections 75 9 8
Study Findings/Frequency
Retrospective One double motor branch
Prospective Two double motor branches
Dissections Two double motor branches (one motor
branch arose distal to the transverse carpal
ligament, passed proximally, anterior to the
ligament, and entered the thenar muscles
proximal to the carpal tunnel)
Study Findings/Frequency
Retrospective Two
Prospective Six
Dissections None
High Division of the Median Nerve
Lanz, in 246 dissections, noted 5 high divisions of the
median nerve, which were associated with a median artery
that was of variable size (50). Both parts of the nerve were
of the same diameter. Similar findings were reported by
Eiken et al. (55). Kessler described a high division of the
median nerve without an associated median artery in which
the ulnar part of the nerve was larger than the radial (56).
Lanz noted that in two of his cases of high division of the
median nerve, the caliber relationship was just the opposite
(50). These findings are appropriately compared with those
of the Tountas et al. study; the findings of Tountas et al.
(51) regarding the incidence of high division of the median
nerve are given in Table 10.8.
Ulnar Nerve
Classic Course and Configuration
The ulnar nerve, accompanied by the ulnar artery on its
radial side, enters the hand on the radial side of the pisiform
bone through Guyon’s canal (Fig. 10.32; see Fig. 10.20). At
this level, the ulnar nerve divides into motor and one or two
sensory branches (see discussion to follow).
Ulnar Motor Branches
The motor component of the nerve at the level of the pisiform is ulnar and dorsal. The motor branch gives off one to
three (usually two) branches to the hypothenar muscles
before it enters the depths of the palm. Its course into the
palm has been variously described as passing between the
origin of the FDM and ODM or beneath the proximal origin of the FDM (1,28). It then courses around the ulnar
and distal aspect of the base of the hook process of the
hamate. The proximal edge of the FDM often (14 of 23
cases) demonstrates a fibrous arcade where the motor
branch may become entrapped (28). It then traverses the
hand to innervate the ring and small finger lumbricals, the
palmar and dorsal interossei, the adductor pollicis, and the
deep head of the FPB.
Ulnar Sensory Branches
After division into a sensory trunk and motor branch in
Guyon’s canal, the sensory component divides into the sensory branch to the ulnar side of the small finger (the proper
palmar digital) and the common sensory nerve, which
courses to the fourth web and divides there to become the
PDN of the radial side of the small finger and the ulnar side
of the ring finger. The motor branch to the palmaris brevis
usually arises from the sensory branch to the small finger
(27). The communicating branch from the common sensory (ulnar) courses distally to join the common median
sensory to the third web space.
Anatomy of Guyon’s Canal
Guyon’s canal, or the ulnar tunnel, is the space that the
ulnar nerve and artery traverse to gain entrance to the hand
from the forearm. Guyon’s canal begins at the proximal
edge of the palmar carpal ligament and ends at or beyond
the fibrous arch of the hypothenar muscles (formed mainly
by the FDM). Beginning from proximal to distal, the roof
of the canal is formed by the palmar carpal ligament, portions of the palmar aponeurosis, and the palmaris brevis
muscle. The floor is formed by the TCL, the pisohamate
and pisometacarpal ligaments, and the FDM. The ulnar
wall is composed of the FCU, the pisiform, and the ADM.
The radial wall is formed by the tendons of the extrinsic
flexors, the TCL, and the hook process of the hamate (27,
28,57,58). According to Lindsey and Watamull, the average
length of Guyon’s canal is 27 mm (range, 20 to 34 mm),
and according to Kuschner et al., it is approximately 40 mm
in length (27,57). The ulnar nerve and artery branches in
this region are covered by the palmaris brevis muscle and
surrounded by a thick fat pad. Konig et al. observed that the
distal aspect of Guyon’s canal has both a superficial and a
deep exit (28). The superficial exit conducts the superficial
sensory nerve and main trunk of the ulnar artery over the
ADM and FDM distally, whereas the deep or motor branch
is conducted through a deep exit beneath the fibrous proximal edge of the FDM and thus into the mid-palmar aspect
of the hand (28).
Gross and Gelberman divided Guyon’s canal into three
zones (58). Zone 1 was from the proximal edge of the proximal commissural ligament (PCL) to the bifurcation of the
ulnar nerve. Zones 2 and 3 were parallel zones that began at
the bifurcation of the nerve and, according to these authors,
ended at the region just beyond the fibrous tissue arch of
the hypothenar muscles. Zone 2 contained the motor
branch of the ulnar nerve, and zone 3 contained the sensory
branch of the nerve. Zones 2 and 3 are comparable with the
deep and superficial exits, respectively, of Konig et al.
Author’s Comment. Zones 2 and 3 are not divided by an
anatomic structure but rather are arbitrary divisions that
have useful clinical applications (see discussion to follow).
Also, at this distal aspect of Guyon’s canal, the motor and
sensory components of the ulnar nerve begin to separate in
both the radioulnar and the dorsopalmar direction. The
sensory branch exits the canal from beneath the distal edge
10.1 Palmar Hand 575
Study Findings/Frequency
Retrospective Two (median artery with bifid nerve)
Prospective Six (five median artery with bifid nerve,
one bifid nerve)
Dissections Two (one bifid nerve with median artery
and one bifid nerve that had a branch
coming off the radial division)
576 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.32. The ulnar nerve in Guyon’s canal. A: Relationships of the ulnar nerve and artery
in Guyon’s canal. According to Lindsey and Watamull (27), the ulnar nerve may divide into motor
and sensory components proximal to, at, or in Guyon’s canal. The most common configuration
(approximately two-thirds in a study of 31 hands) is division into a main sensory and motor
branch in Guyon’s canal an average 8.6 mm from the proximal edge of the pisiform (range, 0 to
15 mm). See text for details.
of the palmaris brevis muscle and is palmar and ulnar to the
motor branch. Konig et al. called this exit the superficial distal hiatus (28). Thus, as far as the sensory branch is concerned, Guyon’s canal ends at the distal edge of the palmaris
brevis muscle. Although the motor component also exits
from beneath the distal edge of the palmaris brevis muscle,
it soon enters either the interval between the FDM and the
adjacent ADM or courses beneath the proximal origin of
the FDM. This exit, termed the deep distal hiatus by Konig
et al., often (14 of 23 cases in Konig et al.) is bounded by a
fibrous tissue arcade (28). Although there is some described
variance in the exact exit route of the motor nerve, the
point of clinical relevance is that the motor branch at this
level may be subject to neuropathic influences. The fibrous
tissue arcade may play a role in compression neuropathy.
The motor branch then turns and descends dorsally around
the ulnar and distal aspect of the hook process of the
hamate on its way to the deeper aspects of the palm.
Because the motor branch is subject to neuropathic influences at this level, this region might be considered to be
part of Guyon’s canal. This concept matches to some extent
the anatomic descriptions and clinical implications of this
region proposed by Gross and Gelberman, Kuschner et al.,
and Konig et al. (28,57,58).
Clinical Significance of the Three Zones of Guyon’s
Canal. Kuschner et al. found these zones to be useful for
the localization and correct prediction of the cause of ulnar
neuropathy in Guyon’s canal (57). Based on their review of
ulnar compression cases, they noted the causes summarized
in Table 10.9.
Kuschner et al. concluded that their division of Guyon’s
canal into zones, along with a careful history and examination, including sensory and motor tests, Allen’s test, palpation for subtle masses, and diagnostic studies such as radiographs of the carpal tunnel, would result in a more
accurate prediction of the cause of the ulnar deficit.
By determining the neurologic deficits (motor, sensory,
or both), one may discover the zone in which the lesion
may be found and form an appropriate differential diagnosis based on the history (57).
Patterns of Branching of Ulnar Nerve at the Wrist
Ulnar Nerve Branching. Two patterns of division of the
ulnar nerve have been identified in a study of 31 cadaver
hands, types A and B (27) (Fig. 10.33).
Type A (80.6%). The ulnar nerve divided into a main sensory
trunk and motor branch. In 20 instances, the nerve divided in
Guyon’s canal (average, 8.6 mm from the proximal edge of the
pisiform; range, 0 to 15 mm). In the remaining five, the division was proximal to the canal (average, 12.6 mm proximal to
the proximal edge of the pisiform; range, 7 to 25 mm).
Type B (19.4%). In this pattern, the ulnar nerve trifurcated
into two common digital sensory branches and a motor
branch. The trifurcation occurred in Guyon’s canal in all
specimens (average, 10 mm from the proximal edge of the
pisiform; range, 3 to 20 mm).
Similar findings of ulnar nerve division were noted by
Bonnel and Vila, who found that 39 of the 50 specimens
demonstrated the usual division of the ulnar nerve into 2
branches, 1 superficial (sensory) and 1 deep (motor) (59).
In 11 cases, the nerve divided into 3 branches consisting of
a deep motor branch, the proper digital branch to the ulnar
side of the small finger, and a common palmar digital nerve
of the fourth interosseous space.
10.1 Palmar Hand 577
FIGURE 10.32. (continued) B: Fresh cadaver dissection of
Guyon’s canal: The proximal blue marker is beneath the motor
component of the ulnar nerve and is just proximal to the pisohamate ligament; the green marker is beneath the motor
branch; the red marker is beneath the arterial branch to the
hypothenar muscles; and the distal blue marker is beneath a
motor branch to the hypothenar muscles. Note that the sensory
component of the nerve has been moved radially to expose the
motor branch. The sensory component divides into the proper
digital nerve to the ulnar side of the small finger and the common digital nerve to the small/ring web space.
578 Regional Anatomy
Areas of Compression
Deficit Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Causes (%)
Motor and sensory 42 Ganglions (45)
Fractures (36)
Anomalous muscles (7)
Motor alone 1 42 Ganglions (60)
Fractures (12)
Thickened pisohamate ligament (7)
Sensory alone 7 10 Thrombosis (30)
Synovitis (24)
Anomalous muscles (12)
aThese causes represent the most frequent causes of ulnar nerve compression and do not add up to 100%. Those patients with combined
motor and sensory loss without a history of trauma had a ganglion as the cause of the ulnar deficit 70% of the time. Isolated motor deficits
occurred most frequently in zone 2 and were due to a ganglion 60% of the time. Isolated sensory deficits occurred most commonly from
compression in zone 3, but also may occur in zone 1; thrombosis of the ulnar artery was the most frequent cause.
FIGURE 10.33. Patterns of branching of ulnar nerve at the
wrist, after Lindsey and Watamull (27). I: Two patterns of
division of the ulnar nerve have been identified in a study of
31 cadaver hands. Type A (25 of 31 hands): The ulnar nerve
divided into a main sensory (S) trunk and motor (M) branch.
In 20 instances, the nerve divided in Guyon’s canal (average,
8.6 mm from the proximal edge of the pisiform; range, 0 to
15 mm); in the remaining 5, the division was proximal to the
canal (average, 12.6 mm proximal to the proximal edge of
the pisiform; range, 7 to 25 mm). Type B (6 of 31 specimens):
In this pattern, the ulnar nerve trifurcated into two common
digital sensory branches and a motor branch. The trifurcation occurred in Guyon’s canal in all specimens (average, 10
mm from the proximal edge of the pisiform; range, 3 to 20
mm). II: Hypothenar muscle branches. Pattern type 1 (10 of
31 cases): This pattern was represented by a single nerve
branch that innervated the flexor digiti minimi and opponens digiti minimi through the abductor digiti minimi. Pattern type 1 usually (80%) branched in Guyon’s canal, and its
origin from the main motor branch was 16 mm (average;
range, 11 to 25 mm) distal to the proximal edge of the pisiform. However, in one case each it was noted to branch distal and proximal to the canal a distance of 30 and 25 mm,
respectively. Pattern type 2 (14 of 31 cases): This pattern was
represented by two branches from the main motor branch.
These branches originated in Guyon’s canal 68% of the time
(average, 18 mm distal to the proximal edge of the pisiform;
range, 0 to 32 mm). In 32%, the two branches arose 30 mm
distal to the canal (range, 27 to 46 mm). Pattern type 3 (7 of
31 cases): This pattern was represented by three or more
branches. All branches arose in the canal in 76% (average,
20 mm distal to the proximal edge of the pisiform; range, 3
to 30 mm). In 24%, the branches arose distal to the canal
(average, 31 mm; range, 30 to 40 mm). III: Innervation of
palmaris brevis (PB). In the type A division (one motor and
one sensory branch), the PB is innervated by a branch that
originates from the ulnar division of the sensory branch, and
in the type B division (one motor and two sensory branches),
the PB branch originates from the most ulnar of the two
sensory branches.
Sympathetic Nerve Branching. Lindsey and Watamull
found that a sympathetic branch originated from the sensory trunk or from the common digital nerve to the fourth
interosseous space and communicated with the superficial
palmar arch in 12 of 31 specimens (27). This branch, when
present, arose distal to Guyon’s canal in 11 cases, an average
of 34 mm from the proximal edge of the pisiform. In the
remaining case, it arose in Guyon’s canal 10 mm from the
proximal edge of the pisiform.
Innervation Patterns of the Hypothenar Muscles. Pattern
Type 1 (10 of 31 Cases). This pattern was represented by a
single nerve branch that innervated the FDM and ODM
through the ADM. This single branch arborized either before
or on contact with the abductor. In contrast, the flexor and
opponens muscles had identifiable separate nerve supplies in
pattern types 2 and 3, where two or more branches were present. Pattern type 1 usually (80%) branched in Guyon’s
canal, and its origin from the main motor branch was an
average of 16 mm (range, 11 to 25 mm) distal to the proximal edge of the pisiform. However, in one case each it was
noted to branch distal and proximal to the canal by a distance
of 30 mm and 25 mm, respectively.
Pattern Type 2 (14 of 31 Cases). This pattern was represented by two branches from the main motor branch. These
branches originated in Guyon’s canal 68% of the time, an
average of 18 mm (range, 0 to 32 mm) distal to the proximal edge of the pisiform. In 32%, the two branches arose
an average of 30 mm distal to the canal (range, 27 to 46
Pattern Type 3 (7 of 31 Cases). This pattern was represented
by three or more branches. All branches arose in the canal
in 76%, an average of 20 mm (range, 3 to 30 mm) distal to
the proximal edge of the pisiform. In 24%, the branches
arose distal to the canal by an average of 31 mm (range, 30
to 40 mm).
Clinical Significance of the Variations in the Neurovascular
Pedicle to the Hypothenar Muscles. Preservation of the innervation and circulation to the ADM is critical to the success
of the opposition transfer using this muscle described by
Huber (60). In Lindsey and Watamull’s study of the nervous and vascular anatomy of Guyon’s canal in 31 hands,
73% of the hypothenar nerve branches were found in
Guyon’s canal; 25% occurred distal to the canal; and only 1
branch was found proximal to the canal. Ten of the 31
hands demonstrated a single nerve branch to the
hypothenar muscles, and thus it is theoretically possible to
denervate the FDM and ODM by performing a Hubertype transfer of the ADM because their innervation may
depend (10 of 31 hands) on the arborization of a single
motor nerve. The arterial pedicle to the hypothenar muscles
was less variable and, when present, was in the canal in 22
of 23 hands. On average, the hypothenar muscle, nerve,
and nearest artery were separated by 8.3 mm (27).
Innervation of Palmaris Brevis. In the type A division (one
motor and one sensory branch), the palmaris brevis is innervated by a branch that originates from the ulnar division of
the sensory branch, and in the type B division (one motor and
two sensory branches), the palmaris brevis branch originates
from the most ulnar of the two sensory branches.
Sensory Branch Divisions. Type A Ulnar Division. In the
type A ulnar nerve division, the sensory branch first supplies the palmaris brevis (see preceding discussion) and the
skin overlying it (or the branch to the palmaris brevis may
originate from the ulnarmost nerve after division of the sensory branch into two), and then divides into two branches,
an ulnar branch, which forms the proper palmar digital
nerve to the ulnar side of the small finger, and a radial
branch, which after a short distance gives off a communicating branch that joins the ulnarmost branch of the
median nerve. It is the radial branch that forms the common palmar digital nerve of the fourth interosseous space
and subsequently divides into two terminal branches to
form the PDN to the radial side of the small finger and the
ulnar side of the ring finger.
Type B Ulnar Nerve Division. In the type B ulnar nerve
division, the most ulnar of the two sensory divisions gives
off the palmaris brevis branch and then continues to form
the proper palmar digital nerve to the small finger, whereas
the radial branch gives off the communicating branch and
then divides into the proper digital branches to the radial
side of the small finger and the ulnar side of the ring finger.
Communicating Branch. This branch courses from the
common digital nerve in the fourth interosseous space
(ulnar nerve origin) to the common digital nerve in the
third interosseous space (median nerve origin) (Fig. 10.34;
see Fig. 10.30). In two separate studies of 50 cadaver palms
each, this communicating branch was present in 80% and
92% (59,61). This communicating branch was located 38
mm distal to the bistyloid line of the wrist (59). Most often,
this communicating branch gave fibers to the radial digital
nerve of the ring finger, and in 20% of the dissections the
communicating branch gave fibers to both opposing sides
of the long and ring fingers. The diameter of the branch
averaged 25% of a PDN’s diameter at the finger base. Its
course often parallels the superficial palmar arterial arch,
and it may be at risk during carpal tunnel release or in
surgery along the fourth ray axis (61).
Somewhat similar findings were noted by Ferrari and
Gilbert, who found a 90% incidence in 50 cadaver palms
(62). They noted the proximity of the communicating branch
to the distal margin of the TCL and its consequent risk in
carpal tunnel surgery. Based on surface landmarks, these
10.1 Palmar Hand 579
authors described a triangular area on the hypothenar eminence of the palm wherethe nerve can be found. This area was
noted to extend from the middle half of the hypothenar eminence and is limited distally by the proximal palmar crease
and on the radial side by the longitudinal crease between the
thenar and hypothenar eminence. They noted that the nerve
always crossed the longitudinal axis from the ring finger.
Clinical Significance of the Communicating Branch. Awareness of this branch explains sensory findings that do not
conform to the classic 31
⁄2 to 11
⁄2 median–ulnar supply to the
fingers. This may explain persistent sensibility in the long
finger after complete laceration of the median nerve at the
wrist. Similarly, if a lacerated communicating branch is
overlooked, there will be permanent sensory loss even if
good recovery occurs in adjacent nerve repairs. This nerve
may be at risk with carpal tunnel release, ring finger flexor
tendon surgery, and Dupuytren’s fasciectomy. Unrecognized injuries or lacerations to this nerve may explain some
instances of palmar pain commonly attributed to nerve
traction or scarring (61,62).
Deep (Motor) Branch of the Ulnar Nerve
The course of the deep branch into the palm has been variously described as passing between the origin of the FDM
and ODM (1) or beneath the proximal origin of the FDM
(28) (Fig. 10.35 see Fig. 10.33). It then courses around the
ulnar and distal aspect of the base of the hook process of the
hamate. The proximal edge of the FDM often (14 of 23
cases) demonstrates a fibrous arcade where the motor branch
may become entrapped (28). It then traverses the hand
accompanied by the deep arterial arch, palmar to the flexor
580 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.34. Communicating branch of the ulnar nerve. A: Fresh cadaver dissection showing
communicating branch from the ulnar common digital nerve in the fourth interosseous space
(green marker) to the common digital nerve in the third interosseous space (blue marker). Its
course often parallels the superficial palmar arterial arch, and it may be at risk during carpal tunnel release or in surgery along the fourth ray axis. B: This nerve may be found in a triangular area
on the hypothenar eminence and palm bounded distally by the proximal palmar crease and on
the radial side by the longitudinal crease between the thenar and hypothenar eminence.
tendons. It innervates the ring and small finger lumbricals,
the palmar and dorsal interossei, the adductor pollicis, and
the deep head of the FPB. The motor branch enters the radial
one-half of the hand through the interval between the transverse and oblique heads of the adductor pollicis (1).
Muscles of the Hand
The muscles of the hand may be divided into three groups
based on their relative and geographic location: (a) thenar, (b)
hypothenar, and (c) intrinsic. Although all the muscles contained in the hand and thumb may be considered as intrinsic
muscles, for purposes of discussion in this section, the intrinsic muscles are considered to be the lumbrical and
interosseous muscles. The arbitrary nature of this division
may be subject to criticism; for example, the ADM that
forms the ulnar lateral band of the small finger is structurally
and functionally similar to a deep head of the dorsal
interosseous. Except for the radial two lumbricals, the APB,
the OP, and the superficial head of the FPB, these hand muscles usually are innervated by the ulnar nerve. Although these
muscles have been grouped according to their location in the
hand, clinically, as in injury or disease, they are dealt with as
innervation groups, and thus ulnar nerve palsy is a distinct
entity that does not necessarily match the previously
described geographic or anatomic muscle compartments.
Principles of Muscle Insertion/Function and
The DI muscle has an insertion into bone as well as an
insertion into the lateral bands, with both insertions
demonstrating a variable incidence. Salisbury, and later
Eyler and Markee, delineated the insertions and functions
of the DI and noted the fact that the DI had two separate
components (dorsal and palmar), but that this separation
was not always clearly apparent (63,64). Salisbury, in support of this concept, quoted Meckel’s law, which states that
a muscle may have only one function. Hepburn, in 1892,
also noted separation of the DI into dorsal and palmar com10.1 Palmar Hand 581
FIGURE 10.35. The deep (motor) branch of the ulnar nerve. Note the course of the deep branch
into the palm beneath the proximal origin of the flexor digiti minimi. It then courses around the
ulnar and distal aspect of the base of the hook process of the hamate and traverses the hand palmar to the flexor tendons. It innervates the ring and small finger lumbricals, the palmar and dorsal interossei, the adductor pollicis, and the deep head of the flexor pollicis brevis. The motor
branch enters the radial one-half of the hand through the interval between the transverse and
oblique heads of the adductor pollicis.
ponents, and further noted separate nerve branches to the
two components (65). Eyler and Markee, using microdissection, found distinct nerve fibers to the dorsal and deep
components of the DI muscles (64). Eyler and Markee
noted that the classic electrophysiologic experiments of
Duchenne demonstrated the presence of the two components of the DI. Duchenne noted abduction of the finger
with application of moderate current to the medial
interosseus, whereas stronger current caused flexion of the
MCP joint and extension of the interphalangeal joints.
Although Duchenne attributed the latter action to the lumbrical, it was most likely due to stimulation of the motor
endplate of the palmar component of the DI (64). These
findings illustrate the fact that muscles that appear to be
one unit may, in fact, represent two or more functional
units. Prime examples would be the second DI, in which
the bipennate dorsal (most superficial or dorsal) component
inserts into the base of the proximal phalanx and the deep
(more palmar) component inserts into the lateral band, and
the three components of the adductor pollicis (see discussion of adductor pollicis, later), which insert into the proximal phalanx of the thumb, the ulnar sesamoid, and the
extensor expansion, respectively. Eyler and Markee noted
that all primates, except humans, have seven volar
interosseous muscles. In humans, the first, third, fourth,
and sixth palmar interossei are anatomically parts of the
first, second, third, and fourth dorsal interossei, respectively. Thus, the second, fifth, and seventh interossei are
those muscles that now commonly are referred to as palmar
interossei one, two, and three in the human hand. These
findings give weight to the concept that the deep components of the DI muscles might well be placed in the same
category as the palmar interossei because they both insert
into the lateral bands, share a unipennate form, and act as
primary extensors of the interphalangeal joints and secondarily as flexors of the MCP joints (66). These findings suggest that muscles should be considered as functional units
based on their action or movement produced rather than by
their location. Although many muscles have been named
based on their function, we often are constrained by names
that reflect long-standing usage and familiarity.
Thenar Muscles
The thenar muscles are the APB, the OP, the FPB, and the
adductor pollicis (Fig. 10.36).
582 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.36. (A,B) Thenar muscles. The four thenar muscles are the abductor pollicis brevis;
the opponens pollicis; the flexor pollicis brevis; and the adductor pollicis.
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
The APB, the most superficial of the thenar group, arises
mainly from the TCL, although a few fibers may arise from
the tubercles of the scaphoid and trapezium. It inserts into
the radial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the
thumb and into the dorsal expansion of the thumb.
Although its main function is to abduct the thumb, it also
may act to extend the interphalangeal joint of the thumb
because of its insertion into the dorsal expansion.
Opponens Pollicis
Immediately beneath the APB is the OP, which arises from
the TCL and the tubercle of the scaphoid to insert on a
large portion of the palmar (radial) surface of the thumb
metacarpal. The OP acts as a flexor and abductor of the
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
The FPB has a superficial and deep portion. The superficial
portion arises from the distal aspect of the TCL and the distal part of the tubercle of the trapezium and inserts on the
radial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the
thumb. The deep portion arises from the trapezoid and capitate bones and from the palmar ligaments of the distal
carpal row and inserts on the ulnar side of the base of the
proximal phalanx of the thumb. The FPL tendon passes
between the two heads of the FPB. The FPB flexes the
MCP joint of the thumb.
Adductor Pollicis
The adductor pollicis has transverse, oblique, and accessory
heads (66). The triangular (or perhaps trapezoid) transverse
head arises from the palmar surface of the distal two-thirds
of middle finger metacarpal and inserts into the ulnar base
of the proximal phalanx of the thumb by a short tendon of
insertion. The similarly shaped oblique head arises from the
capitate bone and the palmar bases of the index and middle
finger metacarpals, the palmar ligaments of the carpus, and
the sheath of the FCR tendon. It inserts into the ulnar
sesamoid bone in the palmar plate at the MCP joint of the
thumb. The accessory head arises dorsal and radial to the
oblique head from the base of the index metacarpal and
inserts into the ulnar aspect of the dorsal thumb expansion
adjacent to the MCP joint.
Hypothenar Muscles
The hypothenar muscles are the palmaris brevis, the ADM,
the FDM, and the ODM (Fig. 10.37).
Palmaris Brevis
The palmaris brevis is a thin, quadrilateral muscle on the
proximal aspect of the hypothenar eminence. Its origin is
from the TCL and the ulnar border of the palmar fascia,
and it is attached to the skin on the ulnar border of the
hand. It is superficial to the ulnar artery and nerve. Its
action is to assist in cupping the hand.
Abductor Digiti Minimi
The ADM arises from the pisiform bone, the tendon of the
FCU, and the pisohamate ligament. It attaches to the ulnar
side of the proximal phalanx of the small finger and forms
the ulnar lateral band of the small finger, which ends in the
dorsal digital expansion. As its name implies, it acts as an
abductor of the small finger and also has an intrinsic function through its attachment to the hood. Structurally and
functionally, it is similar to a deep head of the dorsal
Flexor Digiti Minimi
The FDM lies to the radial side of the ADM and arises
from the convex surface of the hook process of the hamate
and the adjacent TCL. It inserts into the ulnar side of the
base of the proximal phalanx of the small finger. The FDM
acts as a flexor of the small finger MCP joint.
10.1 Palmar Hand 583
FIGURE 10.37. The hypothenar muscles. The four hypothenar
muscles are the palmaris brevis; the abductor digiti minimi; the
flexor digiti minimi; and the opponens digiti minimi.
Opponens Digiti Minimi
The ODM, a narrow triangular muscle, lies under cover of
the ADM and FDM in its middle and distal thirds and
arises from the convexity of the hook process of the hamate
and the adjacent portion of the TCL. It inserts along the
ulnar and palmar aspect of the small finger metacarpal. The
ODM flexes the small finger metacarpal and to some extent
rotates (supinates) the small finger metacarpal into the position of opposition.
Intrinsic Muscles
Interosseous Muscles
The interosseous muscles are located between the
metacarpal shafts and are either dorsal or palmar. Some
anatomists have concluded that there are three palmar
interosseous muscles, whereas others have described the
presence of four palmar interosseous muscles. The controversy involves the presence or absence of a palmar
interosseous in the first web space. The convention adopted
in this text is that there are three palmar and four dorsal
interosseous muscles. The DI are divided into superficial
and deep components. In general, the superficial components of the DI insert into bone; the deep components
(along with the palmar interosseous), except for the first DI,
insert into the extensor hood. The details of comparative
insertion percentages into bone or extensor hood are discussed later (64).
Dorsal Interosseous. The DI muscles are represented by
four bipennate muscles that arise from the opposing sides of
two metacarpal bones, beginning in the thumb–index finger web space and ending in the ring–small finger intermetacarpal space (Figs. 10.38 and 10.39). Each DI muscle
584 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.38. Superficial dorsal interosseous (DI). In general, the superficial head of the first
and second DI inserts by means of a tendon into the radial base of the proximal phalanx of the
index and middle fingers, respectively, whereas the third and fourth insert into the ulnar base of
the middle and ring fingers. The comparative percentages of insertions of the dorsal interossei
into bone of the proximal phalanx are noted.
has a superficial and deep head (see prior discussion).
Although Smith has declared that the third DI has only a
deep head, the assumption made in this text is that the third
DI has both a superficial and a deep head (67). The use of
the terms superficial and deep in reference to the component
portions of the DI may result in some confusion because
some authors (66,68) have viewed these muscles from the
palm, whereas others (67) have viewed these muscles from
the dorsum of the hand. The convention adopted in this
text is that the most dorsal component of the DI is termed
the superficial, whereas the deep portion is, as the name
implies, deep or palmar to the dorsal (superficial component) and therefore termed deep. This convention seems
appropriate because these are DI muscles that are most easily viewed and approached surgically from the dorsum.
Linscheid et al. noted that it is not always possible to
cleanly or easily separate the superficial and deep heads by
dissection; they noted longer muscle fiber length in the
deep component compared with the superficial component
and an oblique direction of the superficial fibers compared
with the longitudinal course of the fibers in the deep component (66). Thus, differences in fiber length and direction,
and insertions, support the concept that the DI does, in
fact, have two distinct components and functions. Similar
findings of a superficial and deep component of the DI
were made by Salisbury, and later by Eyler and Markee
(63,64). Salisbury, in support of this concept, quoted
Meckel’s law, which states that a muscle may have only one
function (63). Hepburn, in 1892, also noted separation of
the DI into dorsal and palmar components, and further
noted separate nerve branches to the two components (65).
Eyler and Markee, using microdissection, found distinct
nerve fibers to the dorsal and deep components of the DI
muscles (64). Eyler and Markee noted that the classic elec10.1 Palmar Hand 585
FIGURE 10.39. Deep dorsal interosseous (DI) muscles (superficial components of the DI have
been partially removed).
trophysiologic experiments of Duchenne demonstrated
(perhaps unwittingly) the presence of the two components
of the DI when Duchenne noted abduction of the finger
with application of moderate current to the medial
interosseus, whereas stronger current caused flexion of the
MCP joint and extension of the interphalangeal joints.
Although Duchenne attributed the latter action to the lumbrical, it was most likely due to stimulation of the motor
endplate of the palmar component of the DI (64).
Superficial Head. In general, the superficial heads (the most
dorsal of the two components) of the first and second DI
insert by means of a tendon into the radial base of the proximal phalanx of the index and middle fingers, respectively,
whereas the third and fourth insert into the ulnar base of
the middle and ring fingers. The first DI inserts almost
exclusively into bone and may have a small and variable
deep belly component. The third DI is the least likely to
have a bony insertion (see following discussion regarding
comparative percentages of insertion into bone or hood).
The dorsal component of the DI is bipennate and originates from the two adjacent sides of the metacarpal. This
portion of the DI occupies approximately the dorsal onehalf of each interosseous space.
Deep Head. In general, the deep heads of the DI each form
a lateral band at the level of the MCP joint, and over the
middle of the proximal phalanx send fibers that join similar
fibers from the lateral band on the opposite side of the finger. The palmar component of each DI is phylogenetically
a palmar interosseous, is invariably fused to its dorsal component, and may be partially fused to the palmar interossei.
The deep component of the DI is roughly fusiform and
often multipennate. In the index finger, the tendon of the
variably present deep component of the first DI may fuse
with the superficial component to attach to the proximal
phalanx, or the deep component may be a distinct muscle
with insertion into the hood (66). If present in this configuration, it, along with the lumbrical, forms the radial component of the hood that joins the ulnar counterpart (lateral
band) of the first palmar interosseous to form the extensor
expansion. In the middle finger, the radial lateral band is
formed by the deep portion of the second DI, and the ulnar
lateral band from superficial and deep components of the
third DI. In the ring finger, the radial lateral band is from
the second palmar interosseous, and the ulnar lateral band
from the deep head of the fourth DI. In the small finger, the
radial lateral band from the third palmar interosseous joins
the lateral band extension of the ADM to form the exten586 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.40. Palmar interosseous muscles. Comparative percentages of insertion
into the extensor hood of the palmar
interossei are noted. The balance of the
insertion of the various muscles, if not
100%, is into bone.
sor expansion. The first and largest DI muscle is sometimes
called the abductor indicis. In the distal third of the proximal phalanx, oblique fibers (spiral fibers) from the lateral
bands continue distally to insert onto the lateral tubercles at
the base of the middle phalanx and act to extend the middle phalanx.
Comparative Percentages of Insertion into Bone of the Dorsal
Interossei. Eyler and Markee (64) studied the comparative
percentages of insertions of the DI muscles into bone of the
proximal phalanx and noted the following approximate percentages (see Fig. 10.38) first DI (index), 100%; second DI
(middle), 60%; third DI (middle), 6%; fourth DI (ring),
40%. They noted a 90% bony insertion of the ADM. Only
the first DI was completely inserted into bone. The balance
of the insertion of the various muscles, if not 100%, was
into the extensor hood. Their results were similar to those
of Salisbury.
Function of Dorsal Interosseous. Superficial Heads. The
superficial heads of the DI abduct the fingers from an imaginary line through the central axis of the middle finger and
weakly flex the proximal phalanx of the index, middle, and
ring fingers. Because the DI has no bony insertion on the
small finger, abduction in this digit is performed by the
ADM and flexion by the FDM.
Deep Heads. The deep heads flex and abduct the proximal
phalanx and through the spiral or oblique fibers of the lateral bands extend the middle phalanx. Extension of the distal phalanx is from the distal extension of the lateral bands
(the conjoined tendon).
Palmar Interosseous. The palmar interosseous muscles are
unipennate muscles (Fig. 10.40). Based on the chosen convention of three, rather than four, palmar interosseous muscles, the first palmar interosseous arises from the ulnar side
of the index metacarpal and is inserted into the extensor
expansion on the same side of the index finger, forming the
ulnar lateral band of the index finger. Transverse fibers arch
over the dorsum of the proximal phalanx to join similar
fibers from the opposite lateral band. The second palmar
interosseous arises from the radial side of the ring finger
metacarpal and inserts into the extensor expansion on the
same side of the ring finger. It forms the radial lateral band
of the ring finger and also sends transverse fibers over the
proximal phalanx of the ring finger. The third palmar
interosseous arises from the radial side of the small finger
10.1 Palmar Hand 587
FIGURE 10.41. The lumbrical muscles. The
usual pattern of insertion of the lumbricals is
into the radial side of the extensor hood, as
demonstrated by the second lumbrical.
metacarpal and inserts almost exclusively into the extensor
expansion on the radial side of the small finger, forming the
radial lateral band of the small finger and sending fibers
dorsally to join the opposite lateral band. The third is the
only palmar interosseous that has any significant insertion
into bone. Except for the third, none of the palmar
interosseous muscles insert into bone in the proximal phalanx, but all three of the palmar interossei send oblique or
spiral fibers to insert on the lateral tubercle of the middle
phalanx. In general, the three palmar interosseous muscles
“face” the middle finger metacarpal (64). The ulnar lateral
band of the small finger is formed by the tendinous continuation of the ADM.
Comparative Percentages of Insertion into the Extensor Hood of
the Palmar Interossei. Eyler and Markee (64) studied the
comparative percentages of insertion of the palmar interossei into the extensor hood and noted the following approximate percentages (see Fig. 10.40): first palmar interosseous
(index), 100%; second palmar interosseous (ring), 100%;
third palmar interosseous (small), 90%. The balance of the
insertion of the various muscles, if not 100%, was into
bone. Their results were similar to those of Salisbury (63).
Function of Palmar Interosseous. Based on their
anatomic position and insertions, it is easy to recognize that
these muscles act as adductors of their respective fingers
toward the middle finger (the central axis), flex the proximal phalanx, and extend the middle phalanx through their
distal continuation. Because the deep portions of the distal
and the palmar interossei most often are inserted into the
hood mechanism, their action depends to some extent on
the position of the MCP joint and thus of the hood. When
the MCP joint is in extension, the hood is adjacent to the
MCP joint, and the interossei are under tension and extend
the middle and distal phalanges. When the MCP joint is in
flexion, the hood is more distal and acts as a sling about the
dorsal and proximal aspect of the proximal phalanx; when
the interossei contract, they act as flexors of the MCP joint.
When the MCP joint is flexed, the interossei cannot extend
the middle and distal phalanges (21).
Lumbrical Muscles
The lumbrical muscles are comparatively small intrinsics
that arise from the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendons (Fig. 10.41). The first and second lumbricals arise
from the radial and palmar surfaces of the index and long
finger FDP tendons, the third from the adjacent sides of the
long and ring finger FDP, and the fourth from the adjacent
sides of the ring and small finger FDP tendons. The first
and second lumbricals are unipennate and the third and
fourth bipennate. The tendon of each lumbrical passes palmar to the transverse metacarpal ligament and, in general,
joins the radial lateral band of each finger.
Insertion of the Lumbricals. The usual pattern of insertion of the lumbricals is into the radial side of the extensor
hood, as demonstrated by the second lumbrical. Exceptions
in the remaining lumbricals noted by Eyler and Markee
included: first lumbrical, small bony insertions into the
index; third lumbrical, insertion into the ulnar side of the
long finger, bifid insertion (radial side of ring finger and
ulnar side of long finger), bony insertion; fourth lumbrical,
ulnar side of ring finger, bifid insertion (radial side of small
588 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.42. Comparative angle of attack of the
interossei and lumbrical muscles, after Eyler and Markee
finger, ulnar side of ring finger), and part into bone and
part into expansion (64).
Function of the Lumbricals. Various functions have been
ascribed to the lumbricals, including the initiation of flexion
of the MCP joints, extension of the interphalangeal joints,
flexion of the MCP joint, radial deviation of the fingers, and
pulling the FDP distally to allow the interphalangeal joints to
be more easily extended (64). Pulling distally on the FDP
when this muscle is at rest permits a reduction in the viscoelastic resistance of the FDP and indirectly facilitates the
action of the common extensor on the middle and distal phalanges (21,69). In contrast to the interossei, the lumbricals
may extend the middle and distal phalanges with the MCP
joint in flexion. In a low ulnar nerve lesion, the lumbricals acting alone may stabilize the MCP joints and extend the interphalangeal joints of the index and middle fingers. When the
lumbrical contracts, it pulls the FDP distally and the lateral
band proximally, resulting in decreased force in the FDP,
which allows more effective extension of the PIP and DIP
joints by the lumbrical. When the lumbrical and FDP contract together, interphalangeal joint flexion may be limited. As
the tips of the fingers close in a grasp, lumbrical tension
increases, and when grasp is almost complete, the lumbricals
contribute most to flexion. An important function of the lumbricals is to stabilize the MCP joint and to contribute to the
force of the final phase of grasp (64). Perhaps their most
important function is interphalangeal extension, after which
they may act as MCP flexors (21,70).
Intrinsic Muscle Function Based on the Comparative
Angle of Attack of the Interossei and Lumbricals
Eyler and Markee described the angle of attack of the various components of the intrinsics (Fig. 10.42) and noted the
1. The tendon of the dorsal component of the DI passes
almost directly over the axis of rotation of the joint and
thus may extend, flex, or abduct the phalanx; its angle of
attack is 0 to 5 degrees.
2. The palmar components of the dorsal and the palmar
interossei attack the joint well below the axis and thus
are capable of flexing the MCP joint more strongly, as
well as of extending the interphalangeal joints; their
angle of attack is 20 to 25 degrees.
3. Each lumbrical approaches the MCP joint palmar to the
transverse metacarpal ligament and is mechanically best
suited to initiate flexion of the MCP and to insert force
on the joint when in flexion; their angle of attack is 35
degrees (64).
Architectural Design of the Human Intrinsic Hand
Definition. The architecture of skeletal muscle is defined
as the arrangement of muscle fibers relative to the axis of
force generation (71).
Important Architectural Properties of Intrinsic Hand
Muscles. The most important architectural properties of
muscle are muscle length (ML), muscle fiber length (FL),
and physiologic cross-sectional area (PCSA). Muscle excursion and velocity are directly proportional to FL, and isometric muscle force is directly proportional to the PCSA
(72). The intrinsic muscles of the hand are important for
efficient and balanced hand function, and a knowledge of
their architectural specialization has implications for tendon transfer, biomechanical modeling, prothesis design,
and analysis of normal function (72).
Intrinsic Muscle Lengths/Fiber Lengths. Based on a study
of the intrinsic muscles in nine hands, Jacobson et al. noted
that intrinsic MLs were relatively similar to one another
(average ML was 65 mm, compared with extrinsic average
ML of 162 mm), which the authors interpreted as representing a space constraint in the hand. However, specialized
architectural designs were noted: lumbrical muscles had an
extremely high FL/ML ratio, implying a need for high
excursion. Lumbrical muscle fibers extended 85% to 90%
of the ML, which represented a very high FL/ML ratio.
Lumbrical muscle FLs were similar to the FLs of the FDP,
FDS, and ECRB muscles. The result of such an arrangement in the lumbrical is a flatter, broader length–tension
curve that implies a relatively constant contractile force over
a long range of FLs, depending on the position of the FDP
tendon. Thus, it can be argued that long lumbrical muscle
fibers might facilitate active muscle contraction, even during FDP contraction, by allowing the lumbrical origin to
move without large changes in sarcomere length. If lumbrical muscle FLs were short, FDP excursion could stretch the
lumbrical sarcomeres to the point where they would be
unable to generate active force (72). The FL/ML ratio can
be seen as a relative measure of design preference for excursion (high ratio) or force (low ratio). The intrinsics have relatively high FL/ML ratios, representing a design bias
toward excursion and velocity production and a relative bias
against force production. Although the interosseous muscles have the lowest FL/ML ratio, it is surprisingly high for
their pennation. Their FL appears to represent a minimum
that is required to meet their functional requirements of
excursion and strength. Although Jacobson et al. did not
measure the differences between the superficial and deep
components of the DI, Linscheid et al. noted a distinct difference in fiber length and orientation between the two
components, which would support the concept that two
components of the DI have different FLs and thus different
excursions (66).
Physiologic Cross-Sectional Area. The most variable measurement between the various intrinsic muscles is their PCSA.
The PCSA is proportional to maximum isometric tension.
The lumbrical PCSA is 0.1 cm compared with the adductor
pollicis PCSA of almost 2 cm (72). The first DI and adductor
10.1 Palmar Hand 589
pollicis had PCSAs comparable with those of extrinsic muscles
and much greater than those of the other intrinsic muscles.
The mass of the adductor pollicis (1.94 g) was the largest of
the intrinsic muscles, followed by the DI, palmar interosseous,
thenar, and hypothenar muscles. The lumbrical muscles had
the lowest muscle masses in the hand, ranging from 0.23 to
0.57 g. The interosseous muscles had relatively high PCSAs
with low FL/ML ratios, suggesting their adaptation for high
force production and low excursion. Generally, the PCSAs of
the intrinsics were the lowest of all those measured in the
upper limb, with the exception of those muscles that had no
extrinsic synergist. For example, the adductor pollicis and first
DI are the primary providers of their functions in the hand
and are responsible for key pinch, which requires the ability to
generate high forces (72).
Extrinsic Extensors and Dorsal Aponeurosis
Any discussion of the intrinsic muscles and their function
would be incomplete without including their relationship
to the dorsal aponeurosis and extrinsic extensors because
functionally, the two systems cannot be separated (Figs.
10.43 and 10.44). It was Landsmeer in 1949 (73) who
stated that the dorsal aponeurosis gave the morphologic
basis for the integration and coordination of the extensor
and interosseous muscles.
590 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.43. Relationship of the extrinsic extensors, dorsal aponeurosis, and intrinsic tendons.
The extensor digitorum communis (EDC) and the index
and small finger proprius tendons join the extensor expansion at the MCP joint (74). These tendons are maintained
over the apex of the MCP joint by a substantial dorsal sling
of transverse fibers, the sagittal band, which invest the tendon dorsally and pass palmarward on each side of the MCP
joint to attach to the palmar plate and the transverse
metacarpal ligament. The extensor mechanism at the level
of the proximal aspect of the finger is composed of a layered
criss-cross fiber pattern, which changes its geometric
arrangement as the finger flexes and extends. This arrangement allows the lateral bands to be displaced volarly in flexion and to return to the dorsum of the finger in extension
(75). The sagittal band acts as a static tether to prevent
radial or ulnar displacement of the extensor mechanism and
also acts as a dynamic tether that allows proximal and distal
gliding of the extensor tendons during finger flexion and
extension. The sagittal bands are positioned between the
tendons of insertion of the superficial and deep components of the DI musculotendinous unit. This arrangement
allows freedom of movement to the sagittal band in the
plane between the two components of the DI and avoids
impingement between the sagittal band and the lateral band
formed by the deep component of the DI or the palmar
Function of the Extrinsic Extensors
Contraction of the extensors results in extension of the
proximal phalanx by the proximal phalangeal attachments
of the sagittal bands. Hyperextension is avoided by the tethering effect of the palmar plate and the intrinsic muscles,
which insert into the extensor expansion.
Distal Anatomy of the Extrinsic Extensors
Distal to the MCP joint, the extensor tendon divides into
three components: the central slip, which inserts into the
dorsal base of the middle phalanx, and two lateral slips that
join the lateral bands at the distal aspect of the proximal
phalanx. Smith has appropriately called this union of the
intrinsic muscle lateral bands and the lateral slips from the
extensor tendon the conjoined lateral bands (67). The lateral
bands, at approximately the middle portion of the middle
phalanx, send slips to the central tendon. However, this
exchange of slips between the central portion of the extensor tendon and the lateral bands (and vice versa) is best
appreciated in special anatomic preparations, and may not
always be readily apparent in the operating room. The conjoined lateral bands fuse over the middle phalanx to form
the terminal tendon, which inserts into the dorsal base of
the distal phalanx. The transverse retinacular ligament,
which spans between the lateral bands and the flexor canal
at the PIP joint, prevents dorsal migration of the lateral
bands (Fig. 10.45). The triangular ligament maintains the
conjoined lateral bands dorsally over the proximal aspect of
the middle phalanx.
10.1 Palmar Hand 591
FIGURE 10.44. Extensor mechanism of a small finger (fresh
cadaver dissection). The point of the distal arrow indicates the
oblique retinacular ligament adjacent to the transverse retinacular ligament. The proximal arrow points to the sagittal band.
(From Milford LW Jr. Retaining ligaments of the digits of the
hand: gross and microscopic anatomic study. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders, 1968:35, with permission.)
FIGURE 10.45. The transverse retinacular ligament (fresh
cadaver dissection). The tip of the angled probe is beneath the
transverse retinacular ligament. Cleland’s ligaments arise palmar
to this ligament and project proximally and distally. (From Milford LW Jr. Retaining ligaments of the digits of the hand: gross
and microscopic anatomic study. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
1968:48, with permission.)
Oblique Retinacular Ligament
The oblique retinacular ligament (ORL) is discussed in this
section because of its interaction with the intrinsic muscle
system (Figs. 10.46 and 10.47; see Fig. 10.43). This structure was first described by Weitbrecht in 1742 and named
retinaculum tendini longi, indicating its tendinous rather
than ligamentous character (6,76,77). Haines, Landsmeer,
and others have described its structure and functions
(68,73,78). Milford noted that Landmeer in 1949 called
attention to this ligament, followed 1 year later by a similar
report by Haines, who called this structure the link ligament. Haines did not know of Landsmeer’s publication
until after his paper was written (77). Neither author apparently knew of Weitbrecht’s description of a similar structure
over 200 years previously until Kaplan pointed it out in his
second edition of Functional and Surgical Anatomy of the
Hand (63). The ligament is present on both sides of the finger, and its proximal origins are from the outer and distal
aspect of the A2 pulley and the lateral surface of the distal
third of the proximal phalanx. The ORL origins may be
covered at times by the lateral bands (77). The ligament
passes distally parallel to the lateral bands and across the
region of the PIP joint, where it is deep to the transverse
retinacular ligament, and then inserts variably into the lateral bands at approximately the level of the PIP joint or into
the terminal tendon in the distal half of the middle phalanx
(21,77). Milford noted that sometimes these fibers could be
seen to continue at the lateralmost part of the lateral band
as it inserted into the distal phalanx (77). It is consistently
palmar to the PIP and dorsal to the DIP joint axis of rotation. The ORL is said to coordinate movement of the interphalangeal joints because extension of the PIP joint places
the ORL under tension and acts as a dynamic tenodesis to
aid the conjoined or terminal tendon in extension of the
DIP joint. Based on this concept, the ORL is placed under
tension with DIP joint flexion. Thus, it is stated that the
ORL does not permit easy active or passive flexion of the
DIP joint when the PIP joint is in extension (68). This may
be demonstrated on one’s own finger by noting that active
flexion of the DIP usually is not possible until the PIP joint
is flexed (unless the PIP joint is supported in extension to
allow the powerful FDP to overcome the normal situation).
Harris and Rutledge, based on their study of the extensor
mechanism and its relationship to the ORL, concluded that
in the normal finger, extension of the DIP joint was performed entirely by the terminal extensor tendon (74). They
considered the ORL to be a stay or retaining ligament that
maintained the extensor on the dorsum of the finger.
Although the structure and extent of the ORL, and thus its
functional effect, may vary from finger to finger, when
thickened and contracted it may play a role in PIP and DIP
joint contracture, as noted in boutonniere deformity (21).
Clinical Significance of the Intrinsic Muscles
Although the specific function of each of the intrinsic,
thenar, and hypothenar muscles has been given in the preceding section, a broader and perhaps more useful understanding of their significance in hand function may be had
by (a) noting their overall function in the normal hand, (b)
noting the resultant hand deformities with intrinsic muscle
weakness or absence of function, and (c) noting the patterns
of hand deformity with contracture of the intrinsics.
Intrinsic Muscle Function in the Normal Hand
Strength and balance are the key terms that characterize the
function of the intrinsics in the hand. The interossei, lumbricals, FDM, and the bony insertion portion of the ADM
are flexors of the proximal phalanges, and grip strength may
be diminished if they are weak or absent (67).
592 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.46. The oblique retinacular ligament (ORL; fresh
cadaver dissection). The angled probe is tenting up the transverse retinacular ligament and the hook to the left places tension on the ORL. (From Milford LW Jr. Retaining ligaments of the
digits of the hand: gross and microscopic anatomic study.
Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1968:49, with permission.)
FIGURE 10.47. Origin of the oblique retinacular ligament (ORL;
fresh cadaver dissection). The white arrow points to the origin of
the ORL near the distal end of the second annular pulley. The
hook is retracting the extensor mechanism dorsally. The fingertip is to the left. (From Milford LW Jr. Retaining ligaments of the
digits of the hand: gross and microscopic anatomic study.
Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1968:50, with permission.)
Weakness or loss of intrinsic muscle function results in
an imbalance of the extrinsic flexors and extensors of the
three finger joints and a so-called claw deformity results at
rest. The absent function of the intrinsics as flexors of the
proximal and extensors of the middle and distal joints
results in hyperextension of the proximal joints and acute
flexion of the middle and distal joints during attempts at
extension of the fingers or grasp because of the unopposed
action of the EDC, FDS, and FDP, respectively (Fig.
10.48). Although so-called hook grasp, as in holding a
briefcase handle, is relatively undisturbed in intrinsic palsy,
all forms of grasp or pinch that require simultaneous MCP
flexion and interphalangeal joint extension are awkward, if
not impossible.
Patterns of Deformity and Functional Loss Due to
Intrinsic Muscle Weakness or Absence
Low Ulnar Nerve Palsy. This pattern refers to denervation
of the ulnar-innervated intrinsic muscles in the hand. Thus,
in general, the thenar muscles are spared along with the
radial lumbrical muscles. The resultant deformity is characterized by clawing of only the ring and small fingers. Clawing of the index and middle fingers would not occur
because of the median nerve innervation of the radial two
lumbricals. In addition to the clawing of the ring and small
fingers, there is loss of grip strength and abduction and
adduction of the fingers. Attempts to extend the ring and
small fingers are associated with hyperextension of the
MCP joints because of the unopposed action of the EDC.
High Ulnar Nerve Palsy. At this level, the innervation of
the FCU and FDP to the ring and small fingers is lost, in
addition to the intrinsics. The resultant effect on the fingers
is similar to the low ulnar nerve lesion, except that the clawing is less severe, but the grip loss is more significant.
Low Ulnar and Median Nerve Palsy. In this lesion, the
function of all intrinsic, thenar, and hypothenar muscles is
There is significant loss of grip strength, clawing of all
fingers, loss of abduction and adduction of the fingers, and
loss of opposition of the thumb. The loss of intrinsic flexion at the MCP joint allows the unopposed long extensors
to hyperextend the MCP joints during attempts at finger
extension. Extension of the middle and distal joints is lost,
and the unopposed action of the FDS and FDP accentuates
the claw deformity.
High Ulnar and Median Nerve Palsy. In this lesion, there
is loss of all intrinsic muscle function as well as the extrinsic flexors. Only the EDC is functional, and no claw deformity is present. When the EDC contracts, the MCP joints
hyperextend, along with extension of the interphalangeal
joints. If the median and ulnar nerves are successfully
10.1 Palmar Hand 593
FIGURE 10.48. Patterns of grasp without and with intrinsic muscle function. A, B: The so-called
claw or hook deformity due to absent intrinsic function results in inability to grasp objects such
as a ball. C: This is in contrast to normal grasp with intact intrinsic function.
repaired, clawing may develop as the FDS and FDP are
reinnervated (67).
Intrinsic Contracture
Definition. This condition is defined as any abnormal
contracture or shortening of the lumbricals, interossei, or
lateral band.
Etiology. Primary Causes. Intrinsic contracture may be
due to central nervous system disorders with spasticity, such
as cerebral palsy or after cerebrovascular accidents. It may
be a residual of traumatic incidents that produce hematoma
or edema with subsequent contracture in the intrinsic muscles or lateral band, or traumatic incidents that produce secondary deformity such as the mallet finger. Intrinsic contracture also may be associated with inflammatory diseases
such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Secondary Causes. The lateral band may be stretched or displaced over an osteophyte or osteochondroma in the proximal phalanx, or the lateral band may be displaced dorsally
and shortened because of a chronic mallet finger deformity.
Tests for Intrinsic Muscle Contracture (Intrinsic Tightness or Bunnell Test). Zancolli (79) and Smith (67) credit
Finochietto (80) and Parkes (81) with the initial description
(Fig. 10.49).
The basic maneuver involved in testing for intrinsic contracture or tightness is to place the intrinsic muscles at their
maximum length. This is achieved by passive hyperextension of the MCP joint. The PIP joint is then passively flexed
and the degree and ease of flexion noted. If easy and complete passive flexion of the PIP joint is obtained, the test is
If, however, there is incomplete flexion of the PIP joint
in the first maneuver, the MCP joint is passively flexed and
the ease and degree of flexion of the PIP joint is again determined. If PIP joint flexion is improved when the MCP
joint is flexed, the test is considered to be positive.
Thus, in most cases of intrinsic tightness, there is less
flexion of the PIP joint when the MCP joint is held in
Other Causes of Limited Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
Flexion. If PIP joint motion is limited because of PIP joint
594 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.49. A, B: The intrinsic tightness (IT) test.
disease or contracture, or adhesion of the extensor tendon
over the proximal phalanx, the position of the MCP joint
will not influence PIP joint motion. If PIP joint motion is
limited because of extrinsic extensor tendon contracture or
adhesion on the dorsum of the hand, PIP joint motion will
be greater when the MCP joint is extended. In the extensor
plus syndrome, there is shortening or adherence of the
extensor mechanism proximal to the MCP joint, which
results in inability to flex the MCP and PIP joints simultaneously, although the joints can be flexed individually (82).
If flexion of the MCP joint is associated with absent or limited flexion of the PIP joint, the test is positive and is confirmed by noting improved or complete flexion of the PIP
joint with hyperextension of the MCP joint.
Intrinsic contracture may coexist with PIP joint stiffness,
extrinsic (flexor) contracture, and MCP joint subluxation
or dislocation with contracture. In MCP joint contracture,
it is impossible to compare PIP joint motion, but intrinsic
contracture nevertheless may be present.
Intrinsic “Plus” and “Minus” Hand. The terms intrinsic
plus and intrinsic minus have been used to describe the characteristic postures of the fingers with spasm or contracture
of the intrinsic muscles and absence of function of the
intrinsics due to ulnar nerve laceration or disease, respectively. The intrinsic plus deformity is seen most often in
rheumatoid arthritis, and the intrinsic minus deformity in
ulnar nerve dysfunction.
The term intrinsic plus also is used to describe the recommended position for splinting the fingers in a swollen
hand to prevent undesirable contractures. This position is
characterized by flexion of the MCP joints and extension of
the PIP joints. The rationale for this posture is discussed in
the section on Joints.
Lumbrical Plus Condition. Definition. Paradoxical
extension of the PIP joint occurs when flexion of the finger
is attempted (83).
Pathomechanics. If the profundus tendon is lacerated in the
finger, the proximal end of the tendon migrates proximally
because of the pull of its muscle belly. The lumbrical origin
is carried proximally, and this increased tension on the lumbrical may produce increased tension in the lateral band
and thus extension of the PIP joint.
This condition also may develop after amputations of the
distal phalanx. It may be noted with flexor tendon grafts that
are too long. Wrapping the lumbrical about the repair site of
a lacerated flexor tendon also may be a cause of lumbrical
plus if the lumbrical subsequently contracts or shortens.
Diagnosis. This condition may be diagnosed if the intrinsic
tightness test is positive after a tendon graft, distal phalanx
amputation, or FDP tendon repair if the patient demonstrates paradoxical extension of the PIP joint.
Author’s Comment. Although not a common condition,
lumbrical plus may provide an explanation for paradoxical
extension of the PIP joint in certain conditions.
Retinacular System
The retinacular system of the hand includes the TCL, palmar fascia, natatory ligaments, palmar and digital pulley
system, and the retaining ligaments of the fingers. In this
context, retinacular structures are defined as fibrous tissue
structures that retain or keep in place [i.e., “halter” (Latin)].
Palmar Fascia
The palmar fascia is defined as the specialized fascial structure in the central portion of the palm with longitudinal,
transverse, and vertical fibers (Fig. 10.50). It is distinguished from the fascial covering of the thenar and
hypothenar eminences by its triangular shape and thickness. The longitudinal fibers represent the distal continuation of the palmaris longus (when present). These fibers,
which begin as a conjoined apex at the base of the palm,
form bundles in the middle and distal palm that course to
the corresponding four fingers and in some instances to the
thumb. The longitudinal fibers are more or less parallel to
the deeper flexor tendons, and because of this arrangement
sometimes are called pretendinous bands. The four bundles
of longitudinally oriented fibers overlay transverse fibers in
the palm that are located at the junction of the middle and
distal thirds of the palm and over the MCP joints.
McGrouther has noted that these longitudinal fibers divide
into three layers in the distal palm (2). Layer one, the most
superficial, inserts into the skin of the distal palm and onto
the proximal aspect of the flexor sheath. Layer two splits
and passes on each side of the flexor sheath, where it continues distally as the spiral band of Gosset (84) beneath the
neurovascular bundle and natatory ligaments to insert on
the lateral digital sheet. Layer three passes on each side of
the flexor sheath to the region of the MCP joint (85). The
transverse fibers of the palmar fascia course beneath the longitudinal cords from the ulnar side of the small finger to the
radial side of the index finger. In the thumb–index finger
web space, the proximal commissural ligament (PCL) is the
radial continuation of these transverse fibers. The more distal counterpart of the PCL is the distal commissural ligament (DCL), which is more longitudinally oriented and
spans the space between the MCP joint of the thumb and
index finger (86). Both the PCL and DCL course toward
the thumb MCP joint, where they send attachments to the
undersurface of the skin in the region of the MCP joint; the
deep portion of the DCL sends fibers to attach on both
sides of the FPL sheath (87). The more longitudinal orientation of the DCL may be a factor in its more likely involvement in Dupuytren’s contracture, although both the DCL
and PCL may be involved in Dupuytren’s contracture (85).
10.1 Palmar Hand 595
The PCL and DCL usually are thinner and less noticeable
than the transverse fibers between the fingers. Both the longitudinal and transverse fibers course through the vertical
septa to reach the transverse metacarpal ligament (88). The
third component of the palmar fascia consists of the nine
vertical (sagittal) septa (the fibers of Legueu and Juvara)
(89) located deep to the transverse fibers, which form the
sides of eight canals: four of which contain the underlying
finger flexor tendons, and four adjacent canals that contain
the lumbrical muscles and neurovascular bundles. These
paratendinous septa, along with the transverse fibers of the
palmar aponeurosis, form a fibrous tunnel system that has
been described as the palmar aponeurosis pulley (90,91).
These nine vertical septa are anchored to the transverse
metacarpal ligament, palmar interosseous, and adductor
fascia. Bojsen-Moller and Schmidt noted that these vertical
septa divided the distal portion of the central palmar space
into eight canals (88). Although these vertical septa are not
596 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.50. The palmar fascia,
natatory ligament, and commissural
ligaments. The transverse fibers of the
palmar fascia course beneath the longitudinal cords from the ulnar side of
the small finger to the radial side of
the index finger. In the thumb–
index finger web space, the proximal
commissural ligament (PCL) is the
radial continuation of these transverse
fibers. The more distal counterpart of
the PCL is the distal commissural ligament, which is more longitudinally oriented and spans the space between
the metacarpophalangeal joints of the
thumb and index finger. Natatory ligaments are located in the web spaces
between the fingers.
FIGURE 10.51. Distal palmar and digital fascia. The longitudinal fibers of the palmar fascia divide
into three layers in the distal palm. Layer one, the most superficial, inserts into the skin of the distal palm and onto the proximal aspect of the flexor sheath. Layer two splits and passes on each
side of the flexor sheath, where it continues distally as the spiral band beneath the neurovascular
bundle and natatory ligaments to insert on the lateral digital sheet. Layer three passes on each
side of the flexor sheath to the region of the metacarpophalangeal joint. The natatory ligaments
have transverse as well as curved fibers that follow the contour of the webs. The curved or distal
continuations of these fibers join the lateral digital sheet. The lateral digital sheet is a condensation of the superficial digital fascia on each side of the finger and receives fibers from the natatory ligament, the spiral band, and Grayson’s ligament. The retaining skin ligaments of Grayson
and Cleland stabilize the skin during flexion and extension of the finger. Grayson’s ligaments are
palmar to the neurovascular bundles and pass from the skin to the flexor tendon sheath. These
ligaments form a tube from the proximal aspect of the finger to the distal interphalangeal joint,
where the digital nerves and vessels always can be found during surgical dissection.
classically considered as part of the palmar aponeurosis, the
authors consider them to be an integral component of the
palmar fascia, and they therefore are included here.
Natatory Ligaments
These ligaments, located in the web spaces between the fingers, also are called the superficial transverse metacarpal ligament (Fig. 10.51; see Fig. 10.50). They are the superficial
counterpart to the more proximal deep transverse metacarpal ligament, which spans between the palmar plates of
the four finger metacarpals.
Author’s Comment. In my opinion, much confusion could
be avoided if the deep and superficial components of these
names were deleted, so that transverse metacarpal ligaments
and natatory ligaments were the terms used. The natatory
ligaments were aptly named by Grapow the Schwimmband
(“swim ligaments”) because of their position in the interdigital webs (86). The natatory ligaments have transverse as
well as curved fibers that follow the contour of the webs.
The DCL may be the first web space counterpart of the finger natatory ligament.
Clinical Significance of the Palmar Retinacular
Compression Loading/Shock Absorbing
Any discussion of the role of the palmar retinacular structures must note that these structures are only a part of a
complex tissue consortium designed to meet a variety of
functional demands. This complex three-dimensional network may be considered as a fibrous skeleton or framework
designed to assist in the hand’s mechanical functions (1,85).
Compression loading is a common force applied to the
hand and requires a system of shock absorption. In the
hand, one method of shock absorption is to contain somewhat compliant tissues such as fat or muscle in compartments that can change shape but not volume. This is amply
demonstrated in the palm, with its various layers of multidirectional fascia that contain and compartmentalize fat
and muscle while at the same time conforming to the shape
or contour of the object being grasped or manipulated.
Skin Anchorage
Skin is retained by fascial elements that allow the hand to
flex while maintaining the skin in position. The skin folds at
prominent creases that are minimally anchored, in contrast
to the skin on the adjacent sides of the crease, which possess
multiple strong anchor points. This allows the relatively
unanchored skin to fold while the anchored skin is held in
place. These fascial anchors may be vertical, horizontal, or
oblique, depending on the specific need of the skin envelope. A good example is the horizontal attachments of the
superficial fibers of the pretendinous bands, which attach to
the dermis of the distal palm. This arrangement resists horizontal shearing force in gripping actions such as holding a
hammer or golf club. The palmar aponeurosis, which
includes the nine vertical septa anchored to the deep transverse metacarpal ligament, is tensed with power grip and
thus anchors the skin to the skeleton of the hand (88).
Skeletal Stability
Although not a part of the palmar fascia, the previously
mentioned transverse metacarpal ligament that attaches to
the palmar plates of the MCP joints plays a role in main10.1 Palmar Hand 597
taining the transverse metacarpal arch, as do the transverse
fibers of the palmar fascia and the natatory ligaments.
Joint Stability
The fascial ligaments in the web space of the finger and
thumb may play a role in limiting abduction and thus may
indirectly limit the impact of potentially destabilizing forces
that might be applied to the digits.
Pulley Function
The transverse fibers of the palmar fascia, supported by the
vertical septa, form what is called the palmar aponeurosis pulley, and is discussed later in the section on the Pulley System.
Vascular Protection and Pumping Action; Nerve
Vascular structures in the palm are protected by surrounding them with substantial fibrous tissue in combination
with fat pads. When the hand is compressed, as in making
a fist, the incompressible fascia may act as a venous pumping mechanism. This is in contrast to the large dorsal veins
on the dorsum of the hand surrounded by loose areolar tissue. The nerves in the palm are protected by fascial structures, and near the base of the fingers by fat pads.
Digital Fascia
McGrouther has noted that the longitudinal fibers of the
palmar fascia divide into three layers in the distal palm (85)
(see Fig. 10.51). Layer one, the most superficial, inserts into
the skin of the distal palm and onto the proximal aspect of
the flexor sheath. Layer two splits and passes on each side of
the flexor sheath, where it continues distally as the spiral
band of Gosset (84) beneath the neurovascular bundle and
natatory ligaments to insert on the lateral digital sheet.
Layer three passes on each side of the flexor sheath to the
region of the MCP joint.
Natatory Ligaments
The natatory ligaments have transverse as well as curved fibers
that follow the contour of the webs. The curved or distal continuations of these fibers join the lateral digital sheet.
Lateral Digital Sheet
Gosset described these condensations of the superficial digital fascia on each side of the fingers (84). This structure
receives fibers from the natatory ligament, the spiral band,
and Grayson’s ligament.
Grayson’s and Cleland’s Ligaments (the Retaining Skin
Both Cleland’s and Grayson’s ligaments stabilize the skin
during flexion and extension of the finger.
Grayson’s Ligaments. Grayson’s ligaments are palmar to
the neurovascular bundles and pass from the skin to the
flexor tendon sheath (77) (Fig. 10.52; see Fig. 10.51).
Grayson reported that they were found in pairs at each
interphalangeal joint and that only the proximal pair of ligaments about the DIP joint could be demonstrated with
certainty (92). Those of the PIP joint came in two pairs,
with the proximal pair arising from the flexor sheath at the
distal third of the proximal phalanx and the distal pair arising from the sheath over the proximal third of the middle
phalanx. Milford, in his comprehensive dissections of the
retaining ligaments of the digits, found that Grayson’s ligament was fragile and membranous and was strongest at the
middle three-fourths of the middle phalanx in the finger
and just proximal to the interphalangeal joint in the thumb.
Milford noted that the ligament originated from the palmar
aspect of the flexor tendon sheath and projected at right
angles (at variance with Grayson’s observation of an oblique
course) to the long axis of the finger. Milford concluded
that (a) Grayson’s ligament in the human probably is strong
enough to maintain the digital vessels and nerves in place
and prevent bowstringing when the finger is flexed; and (b)
clinically, Grayson’s and Cleland’s ligaments formed a tube
from the proximal aspect of the finger to the DIP joint,
where the digital nerves and vessels always can be found
during surgical dissection.
Cleland’s Ligaments. Cleland’s ligaments, based on Milford’s dissections, consist of four conelike structures that arise
598 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.52. Grayson’s ligaments (fresh cadaver dissection).
The vertically oriented black suture is passing beneath Grayson’s
ligament, which is seen as a thin fascial partition in the middle
phalanx. (From Milford LW Jr. Retaining ligaments of the digits
of the hand: gross and microscopic anatomic study. Philadelphia:
WB Saunders, 1968:38, with permission.)
from the PIP joint on each side of the finger and the interphalangeal joint of the thumb (77,93) (Fig. 10.53; see Fig.
10.51). These ligaments are dense fibrous bundles that
diverge from their origin to insert into the skin. The fibers are
arranged in two planes and form a structure somewhat like a
cone. They are dorsal to the neurovascular bundle and are
arranged proximal and distal to the transverse retinacular ligament in the finger near its palmar insertion. The proximal
fibers are shorter than the distal fibers and are more perpendicular to the long axis of the phalanx. The largest bundle
originates from the lateral margin of the middle phalanx over
its proximal fourth, from the joint capsule of the PIP joint,
and from the flexor tendon sheath. These fibers are strong,
project in straight lines, and fan out to insert in an area of
skin larger than their origin, but all fibers insert proximal to
the DIP joint. The most dorsal of the fibers become taut
when the PIP joint is flexed (lending some stability to the
skin) because of stretching of the fibers over the condyle of
the proximal phalanx. The most palmar fibers become taut
with PIP joint extension, with similar stability noted in the
skin. The two distal bundles of this ligament originate from
the DIP joint from the bone and capsule, over a small, 1- to
2-mm area just proximal and distal to the joint. The strongest
bundle of Cleland’s ligament in the thumb (the proximal)
arises from the flexor tendon sheath just distal to the MCP
joint and then courses distally to insert into the adjacent skin.
The distal two bundles arise at the interphalangeal joint from
the bone and capsule over a small area (77).
Pulley System of the Wrist, Hand (Palm),
and Digits
Kline and Moore in 1992 proposed that the TCL was an
important component of the finger flexor pulley system
(94). This broad and substantial ligament, which spans the
palmar side of the carpus, was sectioned in fresh-frozen
cadavers, and the authors noted a 25% increase in the
required excursion for the profundus and a 20% increase in
the superficialis. They noted that the increased excursion
that was consumed after release of the TCL resulted in less
remaining excursion for flexion of the other joints and thus
might contribute to weakness of grip noted after carpal tunnel release. They concluded that the main purpose of the
TCL was to act as a flexor pulley at the wrist. The increased
flexor tendon excursion, however, was demonstrated only
when the wrist was in the flexed position. This could result
in decreased grip strength when the wrist was flexed,
although most power gripping is done with the wrist in
extension. This study further serves to point out the importance of knowing the status of all three components of the
system—the wrist, palm, and finger—before performing
flexor tendon surgery throughout the system.
Palmar Aponeurosis Pulley
Manske and Lesker, in 1983, described the palmar aponeurosis pulley and noted its function as a pulley (90) (Fig.
10.54). This pulley is formed by the transverse fibers of the
palmar aponeurosis that are anchored on each side of the
flexor synovial sheath by vertical (sagittal) fibers or intertendinous septa, which attach to the deep transverse
metacarpal ligament and thus form an archway over the
flexor tendons. Its average width is 9.3 mm, and its proximal edge begins 1 to 3 mm distal to the beginning of the
flexor synovial sheath (91). Although it is not as closely
applied to the flexor tendons as the digital pulleys, closer
approximation may occur with increased tension on the
palmar aponeurosis, as in grasping. This proximal tension
may be provided by the palmaris longus or the FCU, or
both (91). Manske and Lesker established the functional
significance of this structure as a pulley by noting a signifi10.1 Palmar Hand 599
FIGURE 10.53. Cleland’s ligament (fresh cadaver
dissection). The arrow points to the largest bundle of
Cleland’s ligament, and the probe is beneath the second largest bundle. (From Milford LW Jr. Retaining
ligaments of the digits of the hand: gross and microscopic anatomic study. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
1968:40, with permission.)
cant preservation of total range of finger motion if the palmar aponeurosis pulley was intact in conjunction with section of the critical A1 and A2 pulleys. Baseline total range
of motion was determined for each finger in 12 cadaver
hands, and the palmar aponeurosis and A1 and A2 pulleys
were sequentially cut in various orders. The results of these
studies indicated that functional loss associated with
absence of any one of the three proximal pulleys is minimal.
The loss of flexion associated with the absence of the A1 or
A2 pulley is insignificant as long as the palmar aponeurosis
pulley is present. The loss of flexion increases if the absence
of the A1 or A2 pulley is combined with absence of the palmar aponeurosis pulley. The authors concluded that as a
single functioning pulley, the A2 pulley was the most
important, followed closely by the A1 pulley. They noted
that although the position of the palmar aponeurosis pulley
was the least critical of the three, its importance as a pulley
was evident in the increased loss of flexion, from 5.7%
when it alone was present, to 12.6% when all three (palmar
aponeurosis, A1, and A2) pulleys were cut (90).
Digital Flexor Sheath
The digital flexor tendon sheath is composed of synovial
(membranous) and retinacular (pulley) tissue components
(Fig. 10.55). The membranous portion is a synovial tube
sealed at both ends. The retinacular (pulley) portion is a
series of transverse (the palmar aponeurosis pulley), annular, and cruciform fibrous tissue condensations, which
begin in the distal palm and end at the DIP joint. The floor
or dorsal aspect of this tunnel is composed of the transverse
metacarpal ligament, the palmar plates of the MCP, PIP,
and DIP joints, and the palmar surfaces of the proximal and
middle phalanges. In the index, long, and ring fingers, the
membranous portion of the sheath begins at the neck of the
metacarpals and continues distally to end at the DIP joint.
In most instances the small finger synovial sheath continues
proximally to the wrist (95–97). Visceral and parietal synovial layers are present (37,95,98–100). A prominent synovial pouch is present proximally and represents the confluence of the visceral and parietal layers. A visceral layer
reflection or pouch also is noted between the two flexors at
the neck of the metacarpal, but is 4 to 5 mm distal to the
more visible proximal and superficial portions of the synovial sheath. The membranous or synovial portions of the
sheath are most noticeable in the spaces between the pulleys, where they form plicae and pouches to accommodate
600 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.54. The palmar aponeurosis pulley. This pulley is
formed by the transverse fibers of the palmar aponeurosis,
which are anchored on each side of the flexor synovial sheath by
vertical (sagittal) fibers or intertendinous septa, which attach to
the deep transverse metacarpal ligament and thus form an archway over the flexor tendons. Its average width is 9.3 mm, and its
proximal edge begins 1 to 3 mm distal to the beginning of the
flexor synovial sheath.
FIGURE 10.55. Digital flexor sheath. The digital flexor tendon sheath is composed of synovial
(membranous) and retinacular (pulley) tissue components. The membranous portion is a synovial
tube sealed at both ends. The retinacular (pulley) portion is a series of transverse (the palmar
aponeurosis pulley), annular, and cruciform fibrous tissue condensations, which begin in the distal palm and end at the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint. The floor or dorsal aspect of this tunnel is composed of the palmar plates of the metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and
DIP joints, and the palmar surfaces of the proximal and middle phalanges.
flexion and extension. The retinacular (pulley) portion of
the sheath is characterized by fibrous tissue bands of annular and cruciform configuration that are interposed along
the synovial sheath in a segmental fashion and maintain the
flexor tendons in a constant relationship to the joint axis of
motion. The cruciform fibers are sometimes single oblique
limbs or “Y”-shaped (ypsiliform). Five annular and three
cruciform pulleys have been identified. The first of the five
annular pulleys begins in the region of the palmar plate of
the MCP joint. Most of these fibers (approximately twothirds) arise from the palmar plate; the remainder arise from
the proximal portion of the proximal phalanx. Although the
most usual configuration of the A1 pulley is that of a single
annular pulley, which averages 7.9 mm in width, it sometimes is represented by two or three annular bands. A distinct separation between the A1 and A2 pulleys is the usual
configuration. This separation ranges from 0.4 to 4.1 mm
and is widest on the palmar aspect. In those cases that do
not have a distinct separation between A1 and A2 pulleys,
there is a pronounced thinness to the retinacular tissue for
a distance of several millimeters at the usual site of separation, or large triangular openings laterally. This allows for
flexion at the MCP joint without any buckling of the pulley complex, and thus the potential for impingement of the
tendon is avoided. In contrast to the variability in configuration of the A1 pulley, the proximal edge of the A2 pulley
is constant in shape with somewhat oblique fibers of origin
beginning at the proximal and lateral base of the proximal
phalanx, which join annular fibers to make a prominent
and thick leading edge. Synovial outpouching is common
in the spaces between the pulleys. The A2 pulley is 16.8
mm in average width and is thickest in the distal end. The
deeper annular fibers of the A2 pulley are overlaid with
oblique fibers that at the distal end of A2 cross over each
other to form the first cruciate pulley. The third annular
(A3) pulley is located at the PIP joint and is firmly attached
to the palmar plate. The A3 pulley is present in most cases,
and the average width is 2.8 mm. The fourth annular (A4)
pulley is located in the mid-portion of the middle phalanx
and is overlaid with oblique fibers that cross over each other
to form a cruciate pulley, C3, at the distal end. The C3 pulley is not always a separate structure. The A4 pulley is 6.7
mm in average length and thickest in its middle aspect. The
fifth annular pulley is quite thin, 4.1 mm in average length,
and is attached to the underlying palmar plate at the DIP
joint. The membranous synovial sheath ends at the level of
the DIP joint, and no pulleys are present beyond the distal
joint (101).
Special Features of the Finger Flexor Sheath
Retinacular. Significant flexion of the finger is achieved
without buckling of the retinacular system or impingement
of the underlying tendons because (a) the broader pulleys,
A2 and A4, are located between joints, whereas the narrower pulleys, A1 and A3, are located over joints; (b) the
pulleys are arranged in a segmental fashion with synovial
pouches and windows between them; and (c) the thinner
and narrower cruciform pulleys are located near joints, and
their narrow palmar aspect can easily accommodate to the
confined space produced by acute flexion. The functional
adaptation of the retinacular system also is apparent in the
region of the MCP joint, where some form of anatomic
accommodation always is present between the A1 and A2
pulleys either in the form of definite separation of these two
pulleys, thinning of the contiguous margins of A1 and A2,
or triangular openings in the lateral margins of the retinaculum so that flexion can occur without buckling. Furthermore, compressibility of the various pulleys has been
reported and also may be a factor in accommodating joint
motion without buckling or impingement (102).
Membranous. Bunnell noted that a tendon sheath was an
adaptation that allowed a tendon to turn a corner. He
stated, “It glides around a curve on a thin film of synovial
fluid between two smooth synovial-lined surfaces, just as
metal surfaces in machinery glide on a thin film of oil.”
Bunnell further noted that a tendon sheath had two layers
of synovium, a visceral one investing the tendon and a parietal layer lining the fascial (retinacular) tunnel through
which the tendon glided (98). Lundborg et al. noted a well
vascularized membrane with plicae and pouches at the margin of the pulleys that was important for flexion and
stretching of the sheath (103). They were not able to
demonstrate any continuity of the synovial cell layer on the
friction surface of the A2 pulley, but they did note chondrocyte-like cells in the superficial layers of this pulley.
Knott and Schmidt also observed cartilage-like tissue at the
distal end of the A2 pulley (104). In certain avascular areas
of the palmar portion of the tendons, visceral synovial tissues were absent on histologic sections. Furthermore, in
some scattered areas of the palmar surface of the tendon,
there were areas with cartilaginous differentiation similar to
the findings in the A2 pulley. Lundborg et al. concluded
that the friction surface of the pulleys is devoid of vessels
and that friction and gliding in the digital sheath system
takes place between two avascular structures, namely, the
palmar aspect of the flexor tendons and the inner aspect of
the pulleys (103). These avascular gliding surfaces are nourished by diffusion from the synovial fluid. Histologic studies by Lundborg et al. demonstrated that the vascular plexus
of the synovial sheath is in continuity on the outside of the
rigid pulleys, and by this arrangement the pulleys can meet
the mechanical forces associated with finger flexion while
the synovial membrane avoids vascular compression, and
thus the microcirculation is not compromised (103). The
well vascularized synovial elements of the sheath represent a
dialyzing membrane that produces a plasma filtrate, the
synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricating agent and also as
a nutritional agent for the relatively avascular retinacular
system and tendon (103). The findings of Lundborg et al.
10.1 Palmar Hand 601
are appropriately compared with the findings of Cohen and
Kaplan, who in a study of the gross, microscopic, and electron microscopic (ultrastructure) structure of the flexor tendon sheath noted that the sheath consists of an uninterrupted layer of parietal synovium reinforced externally at
intervals by dense bands of collagen (the retinacular system)
(99). Cohen and Kaplan further noted that the contents of
the sheath were independently covered by a second similar
layer of visceral synovium, and that the two layers were continuous at the proximal cul-de-sac, the vincula origins, and
the tendon insertion (99). The synovial cells lining the pulley and covering the tendon were quantitatively, but not
morphologically, different from the synovial cells of the
membranous (synovial) portion of the sheath. The thickness of the synovial layers was greatest at the spaces between
the pulleys and thin or attenuated beneath the annular pulleys and on tendon surfaces distant from vincula and culde-sacs (99). Additional nutritional pathways were noted by
Weber, who identified nonvascular channels in the flexor
tendons of dogs and chickens (105). These channels were
mainly on the palmar surface, which is the least vascular.
The channels appeared to be associated with nonparallel
collagen fibers. Body fluid marked by fluorescein dye was
observed to penetrate the tendon in its least vascular area.
Motion of the flexor tendon augmented dye penetration
into the central portion of the tendon. Weber concluded
that his findings supported the concept that synovial fluid
nourished the flexor tendons in the digital theca (105).
Amis and Jones focused on the interior of the flexor tendon
sheath and noted that the inner aspect of the sheath was not
a continuous smooth surface (106). They noted that the
thin (membranous) parts of the sheath did not attach
directly to the proximal and distal borders of the pulleys in
continuity, but often overlapped the superficial edges of the
pulleys. Thus, on the inner aspect of the sheath, the pulleys
often stood apart from their surroundings, with free edges
pointing both proximally and distally. The significance of
these observations is that these free pulley edges may be sites
for impingement or triggering of a partially cut tendon, a
bulky or irregular tendon suture site, or a prominent suture
knot (106). Although the fibrous portions of the sheath
become contiguous near the end of the flexion arc, it is
obvious that impingement could occur about any free pulley edge during the act of flexion. This anatomic finding is
most noticeable about the distal end of the A2 pulley and
the proximal end of the A1 pulley (101).
The flexor tendon sheath of the thumb, like the finger
sheath, contains membranous and retinacular components (Fig. 10.56). The thumb flexor sheath is a doublewalled tube sealed at both ends, and its synovial tissues are
similar to the finger sheath, with parietal and visceral layers. The thumb synovial sheath begins approximately 2
cm proximal to the radial styloid and ends just distal to
the interphalangeal joint. Three constant pulleys have
been identified: two annular and one oblique. The A1
pulley is located at the MCP joint. Its proximal two-thirds
arises from the palmar plate of the MCP joint and its distal one-third from the base of the proximal phalanx. It is
7 to 9 mm wide and 0.5 mm thick. The second pulley (the
oblique pulley) begins at the ulnar side of the base of the
proximal phalanx and continues in a distal and oblique
direction to end on the radial side of the proximal phalanx
near the interphalangeal joint. This oblique pulley is 9 to
11 mm wide at its mid-aspect and slightly wider at its
proximal and distal ends. It ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 mm
in thickness. The proximal end of the oblique pulley
appears to be closely associated with a part of the insertion
of the adductor pollicis tendon. The third pulley, the A2
pulley, is located near the insertion of the FPL and is centered over the palmar plate of the interphalangeal joint. It
is relatively thin (approximately 0.25 mm in thickness), 8
to 10 mm wide, and transversely oriented. The synovial
sheath ends 3 to 4 mm distal to this last pulley (107).
Functional Anatomy
The relative value of these pulleys has been evaluated by serial resections and subsequent measurement of joint motion,
as given in Table 10.10. Excision of the A1 pulley did not
result in significant change in joint motion with 2.5 cm of
FPL excursion. However, significant loss of interphalangeal
joint flexion did occur with release of the A1 and oblique
pulley, although the total arc of motion was nearly the
same. Absence of the oblique pulley resulted in only slight
loss of motion if the A1 and A2 pulleys were intact. The
oblique pulley is the most important pulley in the thumb
because the FPB can provide adequate and independent
MCP joint flexion, and the A1 pulley often is released for
stenosing tenosynovitis without apparent loss of function.
The A2 pulley appears to be of no great practical significance if the oblique pulley is intact (107).
Flexor Tendon Synovial Sheath Patterns
in the Hand
The preceding comments have focused on certain features
of the retinacular portion of the flexor tendon sheaths, but
it also is important to note the various patterns of the flexor
tendon synovial sheaths in the digits, palm, and wrist (see
Fig. 10.56).
Radial Bursa
The radial bursa is the FPL synovial sheath that extends
from the region of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb
to 2.5 cm proximal to the wrist flexion crease (107).
602 Regional Anatomy
Ulnar Bursa
The ulnar bursa is the synovial sheath that surrounds the
FDS and FDP tendons in the palm and wrist. It begins
proximally at approximately the same level as the radial
bursa and continues distally to the region of the midpalm.
Synovial Sheath Patterns
Scheldrup, in a study of 367 hands using air inflation,
noted that in 85% there was a communication between the
radial and ulnar bursa. The tendon sheath of the small fin10.1 Palmar Hand 603
FIGURE 10.56. Composite view of the components of the synovial sheaths in the proximal fingers, thumb, palm, and wrist. In the index, long, and ring fingers, the membranous portion of
the sheath begins at the neck of the metacarpals and continues distally to end at the distal interphalangeal joint. In most instances, the small finger synovial sheath continues proximally to the
wrist. The radial bursa is the flexor pollicis longus synovial sheath, which extends from the region
of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb to 2.5 cm proximal to the wrist flexion crease. The
ulnar bursa is the synovial sheath that surrounds the flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus
tendons in the palm and wrist. It begins proximally at approximately the same level as the radial
bursa and continues distally to the region of the midpalm.
ger communicated with the ulnar bursa in 81%; the ring
finger in 3.5%; the middle finger in 4%; and the index finger in 5.2% (97). The most common arrangement of the
synovial sheaths of the fingers, thumb, palm, and wrist, as
well as the variations in descending order of frequency are
given in Figure 10.57.
Clinical Significance
These findings provide an anatomic basis or explanation for
the so-called horseshoe abscess and for other patterns of
infection in the hand.
Palmar and Wrist Spaces
In addition to the synovial-lined spaces in the hand that
may be involved by infection, there also are nonsynovial
actual and potential spaces that may be similarly involved.
Palmar Spaces
Historical Perspective
After noting that accumulations of pus in the palm often
were confined to the radial or ulnar side beneath the flexor
tendons, Kanavel named the most important spaces in the
palm the thenar and mid-palmar spaces (108). These were
potential spaces deep to the flexor tendons whose floor was
formed by the adductor fascia in the case of the thenar space
and the interosseous fascia in the case of the mid-palmar
space. Kanavel stated that these two spaces were separated
by a middle palmar septum that extended from the middle
finger metacarpal to the flexor tendons of the index finger
and thus formed a barrier between the two potential spaces.
According to Kanavel, these compartments represented
potential spaces into which infections might track (108).
Kaplan, however, noted that the central palmar compartment was divided only by an attachment of the ulnar bursa
to the third metacarpal bone (6). Kaplan further noted that
the thenar space was not located over the thenar eminence
but rather over the adductor muscle, and suggested that this
potential space should be called the adductor (or deep palmar radial) space. Similarly, he noted that the mid-palmar
space was not located over the midpalm, but over the ulnar
aspect of the palm, and thus could be called the palmar
ulnar space (6).
Current Perspective on the Central Palmar Spaces
Bojsen-Moller and Schmidt, in a study of the palmar
aponeurosis and the central spaces of the hand, reviewed the
previous work of Kanavel and Kaplan, who had noted the
presence of two palmar spaces (radial and ulnar), separated
by a middle palmar septum in the region of the third
metacarpal (88). Based on their study of 29 adult hands and
6 fetuses aged 5 to 6 months, Bojsen-Moller and Schmidt
described a central palmar space that was lined with loose
connective tissue and was bounded radially and ulnarly by
marginal septa that began as an extension of the side walls
of the carpal canal (Fig. 10.58). The floor was formed by
the palmar interosseous fascia, transverse metacarpal ligament, and adductor fascia, and the roof by the palmar
aponeurosis. The radial marginal septum extended distally
to the proximal phalanx of the index finger and formed the
radial wall of the lumbrical canal. This radial septum was
pierced by the FPL and the recurrent motor branch of the
median nerve, the branch from the radial artery to the
superficial palmar arch, and the vessels and nerves to the
thumb. The ulnar marginal septum was attached to the
shaft of the small finger metacarpal bone and distal to the
carpal canal was pierced by the digital branch of the ulnar
nerve and by the ulnar artery where it forms the superficial
palmar arch. Between these two marginal septa were seven
intermediate septa that, along with the marginal septa,
divided the distal aspect of the central space into four canals
to accommodate the flexor tendons and four canals to
accommodate the lumbricals and neurovascular bundles.
The seven intermediate septa were rectangular with a free
falciform proximal edge. They were attached to the underside of the longitudinal and transverse fibers of the palmar
aponeurosis and anchored deep in the hand to the transverse metacarpal ligament and interosseous fascia. Proximally, the intermediate septa extended into the acute angle
between the FDP and the lumbrical and were comparatively short or long to accommodate a distal or proximal
origin of the lumbrical. Thus, the central compartment was
a single space in the proximal palm and a series of small
compartments in the distal part. The middle palmar septum, previously described by Kanavel, was, in all probability, the vertical septum on the ulnar side of the index finger.
Based on the study of Bojsen-Moller and Schmidt, the central compartment is the entire space between the thenar and
604 Regional Anatomy
Metacarpophalangeal Interphalangeal
Pulleys Intact (Degrees) (Degrees)
A1, OBL, A2 48 31
OBL, A2 49 31
A2 57 22
A1, A2 51 26
A1, first annular; A2, second annular; OBL, oblique.
aExcision of the A1 pulley did not result in significant change in
joint motion with 2.5 cm flexor pollicis longus excursion. However,
significant loss of interphalangeal joint flexion did occur with release
of the A1 and OBL pulley, although the total arc of motion was
nearly the same. Absence of the OBL pulley resulted in only slight
loss of motion if the A1 and A2 pulleys were intact. The OBL pulley is
the most important pulley in the thumb because the flexor pollicis
brevis can provide adequate and independent metacarpophalangeal
joint flexion, and the A1 pulley often is released for stenosing
tenosynovitis without apparent loss of function. The A2 pulley
appears to be of no great practical significance if the OBL pulley is
hypothenar eminences, and between the palmar aponeurosis and the deep palmar interosseous and adductor fascia,
and contains the flexor tendons and their synovial sheaths.
It is an actual and not a potential space (88).
Author’s Conclusions Regarding the Palmar Spaces
Knowledge of the synovial-lined spaces in the hand and fingers, along with the concept of potential palmar spaces, was
used by Kanavel to predict the likely pathways and localization of infection in the fingers and hand. Such knowledge
allowed the surgeon to detect and appropriately drain infections that might point to or present in characteristic locations. Based on the study of Bojsen-Moller and Schmidt, it
appears appropriate to accept the concept that the central
space or compartment of the hand as defined by these
authors is an actual space that encompasses the historical
palmar spaces of Kanavel (thenar and mid-palmar) and the
later modifications in terminology (adductor and deep palmar ulnar) advocated by Kaplan (6,108).
Wrist Space
The central compartment of the palm narrows proximally
toward the carpal canal and is connected through this canal to
a space in the palmar aspect of the wrist (88). The name
Parona has been associated most often with this non–synoviallined space on the flexor side of the wrist, which is located
between the flexor tendons and the pronator quadratus muscle and bounded radially by the FCR and ulnarly by the FCU
and antebrachial fascia (109). In 85% of the 367 hands in
10.1 Palmar Hand 605
FIGURE 10.57. Variations in the synovial sheath patterns in the fingers, thumb, palm, and wrist
[after Scheldrup (97)]. A: The most common pattern. B–H: Other patterns in descending order of
606 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.58. Central palmar space [after Bojsen-Moller and Schmidt (88)] and Parona’s space.
In addition to the synovial-lined spaces in the hand that may be involved by infection, there also
are nonsynovial, actual and potential spaces that may be similarly involved. Central palmar space:
This space is bounded radially and ulnarly by marginal septa that begin as an extension of the
side walls of the carpal canal. The radial marginal septum extends distally to the proximal phalanx of the index finger and forms the radial wall of the lumbrical canal. The radial septum is
pierced by the flexor pollicis longus and the recurrent motor branch of the median nerve, the
branch from the radial artery to the superficial palmar arch, and the vessels and nerves to the
thumb. The ulnar marginal septum is attached to the shaft of the small finger metacarpal bone,
and distal to the carpal canal is pierced by the digital branch of the ulnar nerve and by the ulnar
artery where it forms the superficial palmar arch. Between these two marginal septa are seven
intermediate septa that, along with the marginal septa, divide the distal aspect of the central
space into four canals to accommodate the flexor tendons and four canals to accommodate the
lumbricals and neurovascular bundles. These septa are attached to the underside of the longitudinal and transverse fibers of the palmar aponeurosis (PA) and anchored deep in the hand to the
transverse metacarpal ligament and interosseous fascia. Proximally, the intermediate septa
extend into the acute angle between the flexor digitorum profundus and the lumbrical and are
comparatively short or long to accommodate a distal or proximal origin of the lumbrical. Thus,
the central compartment is a single space in the proximal palm and a series of small compartments in the distal part. The central compartment is the entire space between the thenar and
hypothenar eminences, and between the PA and the deep palmar interosseous and adductor fascia, and contains the flexor tendons and their synovial sheaths. It is an actual and not a potential
space. Parona’s space: The name Parona has been associated most often with this non–synoviallined space on the flexor side of the wrist that is located between the flexor tendons and the
pronator quadratus muscle and bounded radially by the flexor carpi radialis and ulnarly by the
flexor carpi ulnaris and antebrachial fascia.
Scheldrup’s study, there was a natural connection between the
radial and ulnar bursa at the wrist. Parona’s space, located
between the radial and ulnar bursae, thus has the theoretical
potential to act as a conduit between these two structures and
produce the so-called horseshoe abscess (97).
Nine extrinsic flexor tendons enter the hand through the
carpal tunnel, the FDS and the FDP to the four fingers, and
the FPL to the thumb (Fig. 10.59). The synovial sheaths
and retinacular constraints of these nine tendons have been
presented in the preceding section.
Flexor Pollicis Longus
The most radial of the nine flexors enters the flexor side of
the thumb between the two heads of the FPB and inserts on
the palmar base of the distal phalanx.
10.1 Palmar Hand 607
FIGURE 10.59. Flexor tendons. Nine extrinsic
flexor tendons enter the hand through the
carpal tunnel, the flexor digitorum superficialis
(FDS) and flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) to
the four fingers, and the flexor pollicis longus
(FPL) to the thumb. The FPL is the most radial of
the nine flexors and enters the flexor side of the
thumb between the two heads of the flexor pollicis brevis and inserts on the palmar base of the
distal phalanx. The FDP lie deep and side by side
in the carpal tunnel and insert on the palmar
base of the distal phalanges of the four fingers.
The FDS tendons are oriented “two-by-two”
(middle and ring are palmar to index and small)
in the carpal tunnel, lie superficial to the profundus tendons in the palm and proximal phalanx, and insert by a radial and ulnar division
into the palmar base of the middle phalanx. The
FDP passes through the FDS by a unique cleft or
division of the FDS that begins in the region of
the metacarpophalangeal joint. The first indication of division of the FDS is the appearance of a
shallow groove on its palmar surface, which subsequently develops into complete separation of
the tendon. Before this separation, the FDS
begins to form into a flat ellipse with a concave
underside, which, after division, “cups” the FDP
between its two sides. These two divisions of the
FDS, while “cupping” the FDP, begin progressively to separate and rotate outward on their
long axes so that in the region of the proximal
interphalangeal joint they are deep to the FDP,
have a broad, flat shape, and have rotated
almost 180 degrees on their long axis. The profundus tendon has thus passed through the FDS
and is now palmar to the FDS. The two divisions
of the FDS are rejoined for a distance of 1 to 2
cm by crossing over of some but not all of the
central fibers of the two divisions. This central
crossing over of these fibers forms a substantial
interdigitation known as Camper’s chiasma (see
Fig. 10.60). The FDS divisions then continue distally to insert on the lateral crest on each side of
the middle half of the palmar surface of the middle phalanx.
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
These four tendons, lying deep and side-by-side in the
carpal tunnel, traverse the palm to insert on the palmar base
of the distal phalanges of the four fingers.
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
These four tendons, oriented “two-by-two” (middle and
ring palmar to index and small) in the carpal tunnel, lie
superficial to the profundus tendons in the palm and
proximal phalanx and insert by a radial and ulnar division
into the palmar base of the middle phalanx. The FDP
passes through the FDS by a unique cleft or division of
the FDS that begins in the region of the MCP joint. The
first indication of division of the FDS is the appearance
of a shallow groove on its palmar surface that subsequently develops into complete separation of the tendon.
Before this separation, the FDS begins to form into a flat
ellipse with a concave underside that, after division,
“cups” the FDP between its two sides. These two divisions of the FDS, while “cupping” the FDP, begin progressively to separate and rotate outward on their long
axes so that in the region of the PIP joint they are deep to
the FDP, have a broad, flat shape, and have rotated
almost 180 degrees on their long axis. The profundus tendon has thus passed through the FDS and is now palmar
to the FDS. The two divisions of the FDS are rejoined for
a distance of 1 to 2 cm by crossing over of some but not
all of the central fibers of the two divisions. This central
crossing over of these fibers forms a substantial interdigitation known as Camper’s chiasma (Fig. 10.60; see Fig.
10.59). The FDS divisions then continue distally to
insert on the lateral crest on each side of the middle half
of the palmar surface of the middle phalanx.
Vascular Supply of the Flexor Tendons in Their
The following terminology must be introduced at this time:
a vinculum (singular) is a specialized form of vascularized
mesotenon adapted to function in the confines of the flexor
tendon synovial sheath. The plural of vinculum is vincula.
A vinculum may be long and filamentous (thus the words
longum for singular and longa for plural) or short and
mesentery-like (breve for singular and brevia for plural).
Having explained this terminology, which often is encountered in descriptions of this unique vascular system, the
authors of this text propose to adopt and occasionally use
the following conventions when addressing these specialized forms of mesotenon. Both singular and plural forms
may be abbreviated along with the tendon they enter; thus,
the notation VBP could represent the singular or plural
form. It may be interpreted as vinculum breve profundus or
vincula brevia profundus, but means “a short, specialized
form of mesotenon that enters the profundus tendon.”
These abbreviations may be used occasionally, and it is
hoped that the adoption of this convention will aid the
reader in his or her understanding of this system.
Sources of Vascular Supply
In general, the vascular supply to the flexor tendons in the
synovial sheath is from (a) intrinsic longitudinal vessels in
continuation from the palm region; (b) synovial attachments to the enclosed flexor tendons in the proximal
sheath; and (c) specialized forms of mesotenon, the vincula,
located inside the sheath.
Intrinsic Longitudinal Vessels from the Palm. In the
palm, the flexor tendons are surrounded by very vascular
608 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.60. Camper’s chiasma. Fresh
cadaver dissection of right middle finger
viewed from ulnopalmar aspect. The profundus tendon is retracted by a green rubber
band and the reflected third annular pulley
rests on a small green marker in the foreground.
connective tissue called paratenon. In the palm, proximal to
the sheath, the tendons are covered by an extensive vascular
plexus in a mainly longitudinal direction with multiple
anastomoses (103). After entrance into the sheath, this vascular pattern changes abruptly.
Proximal Synovial Sheath (Synovial Reflection) Vessels.
The proximal reflection of the synovial sheath is characterized by accordion-like synovial folds that allow longitudinal
movement without compromise of the circulation. Blood
vessels that originate from this area of the sheath form a well
defined vascular network on the surface of the tendons, but
end somewhat abruptly with numerous microvascular loops
approximately 1 cm from their origin. Distal to these loops,
the palmar aspect of the tendon surface appears to be more
or less avascular except for some small loops approaching
the surface from deeper aspects of the tendon, indicating
that there are internal vessels at this level.
Because of the differences in the vascular systems
between the FDS and FDP, these two tendons are discussed
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Vascular Supply. In the
proximal part of the FDS there is a deep, well defined
intrinsic vascular pattern that ends at the base or mid-portion of the proximal phalanx, which corresponds to the
beginning of the commissure of the FDS. In this zone, there
is a short avascular segment (approximately 1 to 2 mm)
until the tendon is again vascularized with vessels from the
vinculum breve (VB) in the region of Camper’s chiasma.
Thus, the FDS has a proximal zone of vascular supply in the
form of intrinsic longitudinal vessels in continuation from
the palm and synovial attachments in the proximal sheath,
and a distal zone from the vinculum breve at Camper’s chiasma.
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Vascular Supply. The proximal zone vascular pattern from the longitudinal intrinsic
vessels from the palm and the synovial reflection continues
to the level of the FDS bifurcation, where many of these
vessels terminate in loop formations. The resultant avascular zone ends just distal to the FDS bifurcation, and the
FDP again demonstrates a vascular pattern (intermediate
zone) derived from a vinculum longum (VL) that sends
longitudinal branches proximally and distally on the dorsal
aspect of the tendon. These longitudinal vessels give off vertical loops that pierce deep into the tendon. The palmar or
friction surface of the tendon is devoid of vessels for a distance of approximately 1 mm, which represents one-fourth
to one-third of the thickness of the tendon. A few millimeters distal to the VL, there is a second zone of relative avascularity. The distal zone of vascular supply to the FDP is
represented by the VB at the distal tendon insertion and
consists mainly of longitudinal vessels with some vertical
Vincular Patterns in the Finger
Armenta and Lehrman, in a study of 116 cadaver fingers,
identified 4 groups of vincula that were based on their origin from what they considered to be 4 digital arterial arches
(110) (Fig. 10.61). Ochiai et al., in a study of 35 cadaver
hands, also identified 4 arterial transverse communicating
vessels that they believed played an important role in the
blood supply to the vincular system (111). These two studies are at variance, in terms of number and location, with
those of Strauch and de Moura, who identified only three
arches (37). Armenta and Lehrman noted that the first and
second arches and their respective vincula were the primary
carriers of circulation to the FDS, and the third and fourth
were the primary carriers to the FDP (110). Disregarding
for the moment the number and location of the digital arterial arches, it is apparent that the vincula receive their circulation from transverse communicating branches of the
digital artery, originating in a sequential fashion from the
region of the base of the proximal phalanx, the neck of the
proximal phalanx, the base of the middle phalanx, and the
neck of the middle phalanx. These four branches, from
proximal to distal, are called the branch to the vinculum
longum, proximal transverse digital artery, interphalangeal
transverse digital artery, and distal transverse digital artery
(111). The convention adopted by Armenta and Lehrman
was to name the vinculum according to its source; thus, the
vinculum from the most proximal of the transverse vessels
was V-1, and the vinculum from the distal transverse digital arch was V-4. Another convention, as published by
Lundborg et al. and Ochiai et al., was to note that, in general, the superficialis and profundus had both a VL and VB
(103,111). It must be appreciated that these vincula are not
visible if the sheath is intact. Both Ochiai et al. and
Armenta and Lehrman noted variations in size, shape, incidence, and position of origin (radial or ulnar) (110,111).
The following variations and arrangements of the vincula as
described by Ochiai et al. in their study of 35 hands are
noteworthy: (a) the VB was consistently found in all fingers; and (b) the VL was found to vary in type, incidence,
and location, with three types of distribution of the VL
superficialis (VLS) and five types of distribution of the VL
profundus (VLP). The VLS arose from the radial or ulnar
side (approximately equally distributed, but 37 fingers had
both radial and ulnar types) of the base of the proximal phalanx and attached to one or two slips of the superficialis tendon just proximal to the decussation, and received its blood
supply from the transverse communicating artery (the VLS
artery) at the base of the proximal phalanx. The VLS was
absent in 35 of 130 fingers (27%), usually in the long and
ring fingers. The five types of distribution of the VLP were
distal, middle, mixed, proximal, and absent. The most common (100 of 130 fingers) type was the middle, which was
characterized by a VLP that came between the two FDS
slips distal to Camper’s chiasma and entered the underside
of the FDP. Its vessel of origin was the proximal transverse
10.1 Palmar Hand 609
610 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.61. Vascular supply of the flexor tendons in their sheath: the vincular system. A: A
vinculum may be long and filamentous (longum for singular and longa for plural) or short and
mesentery-like (breve for singular and brevia for plural). Each flexor tendon usually has a long
and short form of this specialized mesentery-like structure. VBP and VLP, the short and long vinculum to the profundus tendon; VBS and VLS, the short and long vinculum to the superficialis.
See text for discussion of the two other sources of intrinsic blood supply to the tendons by intrinsic longitudinal vessels from the palm and proximal synovial sheath vessels. The vincula receive
their circulation from transverse communicating branches of the digital artery called the branch
to the vinculum longum, proximal transverse digital artery, interphalangeal transverse digital
artery, and distal transverse digital artery. B: Fresh cadaver dissection of right middle finger as
viewed from the ulnar side. The green rubber band is looped around the profundus tendon and
the reflected third annular (A3) pulley rests on a green marker; the jeweler’s forceps is reflecting
the flexor digitorum superficialis to show the VBS, and behind the tip of the forceps is the VLP.
Note also the VBP to the left (distal) adjacent to the A4 pulley, and the VLS proximally adjacent
to the cleft between the A1 and A2 pulleys.
artery. Based on the observations of Ochiai et al., this middle type of VLP appears to represent a drastically modified
continuation of the VBS. The second most common (48 of
130 fingers) type of VLP was the proximal, in which the
VLP appeared to be a continuation of the VLS and entered
the underside of the FDP just proximal to Camper’s chiasma. The reader is referred to the classic article by Ochiai
et al. for details (111).
Thumb Vinculum
Armenta and Fisher, in a study of 76 cadaver thumbs,
found that approximately 90% had a VB (112). This vinculum had the shape of a truncated cone, was located in the
distal third of the proximal phalanx, continued over the palmar plate of the DIP joint, and extended over a distance of
approximately 20 mm in the phalanx. Its insertion on the
underside of the FPL was approximately 18 mm wide (see
Fig. 10.27). The authors cut the FPL at the interphalangeal
joint but distal to the vincula, and noted that incomplete
flexion of the interphalangeal joint was possible because of
the attachment of the VB to the palmar plate. Clinically, the
flexion force generated by this vincular attachment is less
than normal, and such an arrangement can be detected by
opposing the flexion force and noting its decreased magnitude. The authors noted that a laceration of the FPL within
the range of 25.6 ± 6.3 mm proximal to the interphalangeal
joint could leave the FPL tethered at the laceration site
because of the vinculum attachment.
Clinical Significance of the Vascular Supply and the
Vincular System of the Flexor Tendons in the Sheath
Recent advances in the intraoperative and postoperative
management of flexor tendon injuries and a better understanding of tendon nutrition and the repair process may
be correlated with our knowledge of the vascular supply of
the flexor tendons in the sheath. The comparative role of
synovial nutrition and the vascular supply in tendon healing will not be debated here except to put into context the
value of avoiding damage to the vascularity of the tendons
in the sheath. This is illustrated by the following clinical
1. Removal of the FDS for a tendon transfer is best performed proximal to or at the proximal edge of Camper’s
chiasma to preserve the VBS and the VLP. This may
have the incidental side benefit of avoiding the potential
for hyperextension deformity at the PIP joint in addition to the preservation of blood supply to the FDS and
2. Core intratendinous sutures are placed in the relatively
avascular palmar aspect of the profundus tendon when
10.1 Palmar Hand 611
FIGURE 10.61. (continued) C: Latex injection of right middle finger viewed from ulnar aspect
showing proximal transverse digital arch at the neck of the proximal phalanx (blue triangular
pointer), check-rein ligament (green marker), reflected A2 pulley, VBS, and VLP.
3. The vincula may help to tether lacerated flexor tendons
near their site of injury, but this also may give a falsenegative result when testing for tendon function. It has
been suggested that the VBS at the PIP joint and the
VBP at the DIP joint may play an accessory role in flexion because of their attachment to the palmar plate
(113), and this matches the observations of Armenta
and Fisher regarding the VB of the thumb (112).
Finally, the FPL has a synovial sheath that is longer than
the finger synovial sheath, but has only one mesotenon, the
VB, at its distal insertion (112).
General Principles
Elective Incisions in the Palm and Digits
Improperly placed incisions in the hand, especially in the
palm and flexor aspect of the fingers and thumb, have a
great potential not only for being cosmetically unacceptable
but also for producing thick, heavy scars that may limit
function. Incisions that cross palmar or digital flexion
creases at right angles uniformly result in a scar that limits
function. Incisions that parallel these creases or cross at
oblique angles are less likely to result in unfavorable scars.
In general, skin incisions should be centered over the operative site, but if moving the incision a few millimeters
would improve the cosmetic result, this should be considered. Skin incisions may be placed in skin creases as long as
invagination of the skin is avoided during closure. Skin
flaps should be as thick as possible, have broad bases, undermined only to the extent required, and handled gently,
especially at their tips.
Structures at Risk
Many important structures in the hand are immediately
beneath the skin. Four such structures are the proper sensory nerves to the radial side of the index finger and the
612 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.62. Four nerves at risk.
Fresh cadaver dissection showing
three sensory and one motor nerve
(green triangles) at risk during incisions in their region. These nerves are
the proper sensory nerves to the
ulnar side of the small finger and the
radial side of the index finger, the
radial digital nerve of the thumb
adjacent to the first annular pulley,
and the recurrent motor branch of
the median nerve at the base of the
thenar eminence. The small and
index finger nerves are at risk with
transverse incisions in the distal
aspect of the palm, the radial sensory
nerve of the thumb with trigger
thumb release, and the motor branch
of the median with any incision
about the base of the thenar eminence. The sensory nerves are especially vulnerable because during
surgery the hand is made flat and the
digits extended by static holding
devices or by the surgeon’s assistant.
This brings these structures nearer to
the surface by compressing or flattening the subdermal fat or areolar
tissues, placing them under increased
tension and making them more
liable to injury.
ulnar side of the small finger; the recurrent motor branch of
the median nerve at the base of the thenar eminence; and
the radial digital nerve of the thumb adjacent to the A1 pulley (Fig. 10.62). The index and small finger nerves are at
risk with transverse incisions in the distal aspect of the
palm. The motor branch is at risk with any incision about
the base of the thenar eminence, and the radial sensory
nerve of the thumb is at risk with trigger thumb release.
The sensory nerves are especially vulnerable because the
hand is made flat and the digits extended by static holding
devices or by the surgeon’s assistant. This brings these structures nearer to the surface by compressing or flattening the
subdermal fat or areolar tissues, places them under
increased tension, and makes them more liable to injury.
The vulnerability of these nerves reminds us that dissection
in the hand must proceed layer by layer with concurrent
identification of vital structures.
Surgical incisions in the palm and digits may be required
for the management of tumors, aneurysms, Dupuytren’s
disease, flexor tendon or blood vessel lacerations, tendon
grafts, sheath infections, stenosing flexor tenosynovitis, harvesting of full-thickness skin grafts, nerve injuries, and joint
Useful landmarks include the thenar and hypothenar eminences, the thenar, proximal, and distal palmar creases, and
the proximal, middle, and distal digital flexion creases.
Patient Position
In general, the upper extremity is positioned on a well
padded arm table with the forearm in supination. The
required position of the upper extremity usually is evident
and is presented as required.
Elective Incisions in the Palm, Fingers,
and Thumb
Although incisions in the palm often are transverse, they
may be vertical if they do not cross a flexion crease (Fig.
10.63). Such vertical incisions are most useful in the distal
palm for stenosing tenosynovitis of the flexor tendons of the
The Zig-Zag
The zig-zag incision, initially designed for use in the
flexor aspect of the finger, is a useful incision in the palm
(114) (Fig. 10.64). This incision allows crossing of the
palmar creases at oblique angles and can provide a comprehensive exposure when needed. Ideally, the points or
tips of the skin flaps should form an angle of 90 degrees
or more.
The components of the incision are carried from the flexion creases, alternating from one side to the other of the
finger. The incision may be easily adapted to accommodate an oblique or transversely oriented traumatic incision. The zig-zag incision also is suitable for the thumb.
This incision provides not only excellent exposure of the
flexor sheath, but access to both neurovascular bundles,
which may require repair concurrent with the flexor tendon. Although the mid-axial incision has the theoretic
advantage of placing the scar on the nontactile area of the
finger or thumb, the palmar zig-zag incision has not produced any problems of this sort in our experience. Precautions in using the zig-zag incision include carrying the
points of the triangles to the mid-axial line and recognizing that the neurovascular bundle lies beneath the point
of the skin triangle.
10.1 Palmar Hand 613
FIGURE 10.63. Vertical palmar incisions. Although incisions in
the palm often are transverse, they may be vertical if they do not
cross a flexion crease. Such vertical incisions are most useful in
the distal palm for stenosing tenosynovitis of the flexor tendons.
Mid-Axial Incision
This incision was advocated by Bunnell and was used by
him for primary tendon repair and flexor tendon grafts (98)
(Fig. 10.65). It was used extensively by Boyes and Stark for
flexor tendon grafts (115).
The mid-axial incision centered over the respective joint
also may be used to expose the PIP and DIP joints.
The position of the mid-axial incision may be determined
by flexing the finger and drawing a line that joins the dorsal aspects of the flexion creases. This line represents the
zone of minimum skin tension, results in the least amount
of scar formation, and avoids contracture. Exposure is facilitated by placing the incision on the radial side of the index,
long, and ring fingers and the ulnar side of the small finger.
The neurovascular bundle is contained in the palmar aspect
of the flap. The dorsal sensory branch of the digital nerve in
the proximal phalanx crosses over the incision and may be
at risk in this incision, and should be looked for and preserved.
Skin Incisions for the Management of
Lacerations in the Palm and Fingers
Lacerations in the palm or fingers may require innovative
extensions to yield adequate exposure and at the same time
preserve the blood supply of the skin flaps and avoid scar
contracture (Fig. 10.66). Some lacerations are situated across
614 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.64. The zig-zag incision. The zig-zag incision, initially designed for use in the flexor aspect of the finger, also is
useful in the palm. This incision allows crossing of the palmar
creases at oblique angles and can provide a comprehensive
exposure when needed. Ideally, the points or tips of the skin
flaps should subtend an angle of 90 degrees or more.
FIGURE 10.65. The mid-axial incision. A: The position of the mid-axial
incision may be determined by flexing the finger and drawing a line that
joins the dorsal aspects of the flexion
creases. B: Exposure is facilitated by
placing the incision on the radial side
of the index, long, and ring fingers
and the ulnar side of the small finger.
The neurovascular bundle is contained in the palmar aspect of the
flap. The dorsal sensory branch of the
digital nerve in the proximal phalanx
crosses over the incision and may be
at risk in this incision, and should be
looked for and preserved.
flexion creases, and surgical extensions of these wounds must
be designed to minimize the adverse effects of the original
wound. Primary revision by a Z-plasty may be indicated if it
can be performed without compromise to the circulation of
the skin flaps. If primary resolution of an adverse laceration
cannot be achieved at the time of initial surgery, the laceration may be closed and the scar dealt with at a later date.
Extensions of lacerations may be achieved as required by
applying the principles of the mid-axial incision, the Bruner
zig-zag, or a combination of these incisions.
The method of extension may be guided by the preoperative evaluation and the anticipated requirements of the
exposure. In general, the flaps should be broad based, kept
as thick as possible, and handled gently.
Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint, Ulnar
This exposure is useful for reconstruction or reattachment
of the UCL or for fractures of the MCP joint area.
A useful landmark is the dorsal bony prominence of the
thumb metacarpal at the MCP joint.
A gently curved dorsal radial incision, approximately 3 to 4
cm long with the apex of the curve situated toward the
thumb web, is centered over the MCP joint (Fig. 10.67A).
Sensory branches of the radial nerve should be identified
and preserved.
The UCL of the thumb MCP joint is covered by and virtually hidden by the extensor hood (see Fig. 10.67B–E). It
is necessary to reflect this hood to gain appropriate exposure
of this area. Although partial exposure may be obtained by
separating the hood in the direction of its fibers, a more
comprehensive exposure that might be required for reconstruction of the collateral ligament by graft may be achieved
by reflecting the extensor hood. The adductor pollicis
inserts into the extensor hood, the base of the proximal phalanx, and the palmar plate. Reflection of the hood and its
specific adductor insertion exposes the ulnar side of the
MCP joint, including the UCL and the bone insertion of
the adductor that is just distal to the attachment of the
UCL into the proximal phalanx. The dorsal skin flap is elevated to expose the EPL over the MCP joint. Beginning at
the proximal margin of the hood, a 1-mm-wide portion of
the EPL is dissected free with a scalpel in the direction of its
fibers for a distance of approximately 3 cm. The hood
10.1 Palmar Hand 615
FIGURE 10.66. A, B: Skin incisions for the management of lacerations in the palm and fingers.
Lacerations in the palm or fingers may require innovative extensions to yield adequate exposure
and at the same time preserve the blood supply of the skin flaps and avoid scar contracture. Some
suggestions for extension of these lacerations are depicted. Extensions of lacerations may be
achieved as required by applying the principles of the mid-axial incision, the Bruner zig-zag, or a
combination of these incisions. The method of extension may be guided by the preoperative
evaluation and the anticipated requirements of the exposure. In general, the flaps should be
broad based, kept as thick as possible, and handled gently.
mechanism then may be retracted away from the UCL to
expose its entire length. The UCL may be avulsed proximally or distally, and if avulsed distally may carry with it a
fragment of bone. This exposure allows complete evaluation
of the ligament and reattachment by a technique of the surgeon’s choice. Secondary reconstruction by free tendon
graft or capsular and adductor insertion advancement also
may be accomplished through this approach. The 1-mm
margin of the EPL is reattached to its site of origin, which
maintains the normal anatomic arrangement and balance of
the hood mechanism.
Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint, Radial
A gently curved dorsal radial incision, approximately 3 to 4
cm long, with the apex of the curve situated toward the
616 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.67. Surgical approach to the
ulnar aspect of the metacarpophalangeal
joint of the thumb. A: Dorsal ulnar incision. B, C: Incision and reflection of the
hood to expose the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL). D: Fresh cadaver dissection of
the right thumb showing the extensor
hood and adductor expansion, the incision into the hood, and the extensor pollicis longus.
radial side of the thumb, is centered over the MCP joint
(Fig. 10.68A). Sensory branches of the radial nerve should
be identified and preserved.
The dorsal skin flap is elevated to expose the confluence of
the EPB and EPL over the MCP joint (see Fig. 10.68B–E).
Beginning at the proximal margin of the hood on its radial
side, a 1-mm-wide portion of the EPL is dissected free with
a scalpel in the direction of its fibers for a distance of
approximately 3 cm. Careful incision into the hood and
development of a narrow band of the EPL over the MCP
joint preserves the insertion of the EPB on the proximodorsal aspect of the proximal phalanx. The lateral portion of the APB inserts into the extensor hood and the
medial portion into the base of the proximal phalanx.
Reflection of the hood and its specific portion of the APB
exposes the RCL and the proximal phalangeal attachments
of the medial portion of the APB and the FPB. These insertions are distal to the RCL attachment and may be detached
and reflected as required. Repair or reconstruction is performed, followed by careful reapproximation of the hood.
Finger Metacarpophalangeal Joint (Mid-Axial,
Radial Aspect of Index)
This radial mid-axial approach may be used to repair a disrupted RCL.
A gently curved, 3-cm incision is made over the radial
aspect of the index finger (Fig. 10.69A). Sensory branches
of the radial nerve are identified and preserved.
The skin flaps are developed and the underlying hood and
sagittal band identified (see Fig. 10.69B and C). Beginning
at the proximal edge of the sagittal band, a 1-mm-wide, 3-
cm-long strip of the extensor tendon is developed by sharp
dissection. The distal aspect of the hood is incised in the
direction of its fibers to release this flap distally. This
detached segment of the hood is then reflected to expose
the bony insertion of the first DI muscle and the RCL. Portions of the insertion of the first DI may be reflected as
required and later reattached.
Proximal Interphalangeal Joint, Palmar
This incision is designed for approaches to the palmar
aspect of the PIP joint and may be used for palmar plate
arthroplasty or capsulectomy of the PIP joint that is contracted in flexion.
The incision represents the central portion of the Bruner
incision and its apex is centered over the ulnar side of the
PIP joint flexion crease (116).
After elevation of this broad-based triangular flap, the flexor
sheath between the A2 and A4 pulleys is excised and the
flexor tendons retracted for exposure of the palmar plate
and check-rein ligaments. The VB to the FDS and the proximal transverse digital arteries near the proximal edge of the
palmar plate are preserved, if possible.
10.1 Palmar Hand 617
FIGURE 10.67. (continued) E: Reflection of
E the hood to expose the UCL.
FIGURE 10.68. Surgical approach to the
radial aspect of the metacarpophalangeal
(MCP) joint of the thumb. A: Dorsal radial
incision. B, C: Incision and reflection of the
hood to expose the radial collateral ligament (RCL). D: Fresh cadaver dissection of
the radial side of the MCP joint of the right
thumb showing the extensor hood and
abductor expansion, the incision into the
hood, and abductor expansion. E: Reflection of the hood reveals the underlying
RCL. Portions of the capsule have been
removed for clarity.
Proximal Interphalangeal Joint, Mid-Axial
This approach represents a portion of the finger mid-axial
incision and is used to approach the PIP joint for fractures,
fracture dislocations, or collateral ligament injuries. After
incision of the skin, the underlying transverse retinacular
ligament is identified and incised, which allows undermining and dorsal retraction of the extensor mechanism and
exposure of the lateral aspect of the joint.
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Dupuytren’s contracture, a disease of the palmar and digital
fascia, has an unknown etiology, and the focus of this presentation is on the changes that may occur in and about the
palmar and digital fascia. These normal tissues appear to
become diseased in response to increased tension. The normal anatomy of the palmar and digital fascia has been presented in the section on the retinacular system of the hand.
This text uses the term bands for normal fascia and cords for
diseased fascia, as originally suggested by Luck (117) and
used by others (85,118) (Fig. 10.70A). The palmar fascia is
defined as the specialized fascial structure in the central portion of the palm with longitudinal, transverse, and vertical
fibers. The longitudinal fibers represent the distal continuation of the palmaris longus (when present). These fibers
begin as a conjoined apex at the base of the palm and form
bundles in the middle and distal palm that course to the
10.1 Palmar Hand 619
FIGURE 10.69. Surgical approach to the radial collateral ligament (RCL) of the index finger. A: A gently
curved, 3-cm-long incision is made over the radial
aspect of the index finger. Sensory branches of the
radial nerve are identified and preserved. B, C: The
skin flaps are developed and the underlying hood
and sagittal band identified. Beginning at the proximal edge of the sagittal band, a 1-mm-wide, 3-cmlong strip of the extensor tendon is developed by
sharp dissection. The distal aspect of the hood is
incised in the direction of its fibers to release the flap
distally. This detached segment of the hood is then
reflected to expose the bony insertion of the first dorsal interosseous (DI) muscle and the RCL. Portions of
the insertion of the first DI may be reflected as
required and later reattached. After the RCL is
repaired, the reflected hood is reattached to maintain balance in the extensor mechanism.
corresponding four fingers and in some instances to the
thumb. The longitudinal fibers are more or less parallel to
the deeper flexor tendons, and because of this arrangement
are sometimes called pretendinous bands. The four bundles
of longitudinally oriented fibers overlay transverse fibers in
the palm that are located at the junction of the middle and
distal thirds of the palm and over the MCP joints.
McGrouther has noted that these longitudinal fibers divide
into three layers in the distal palm (85). Layer one, the most
superficial, inserts into the skin of the distal palm and onto
the proximal aspect of the flexor sheath. Layer two splits
and passes on each side of the flexor sheath, where it continues distally as the spiral band of Gosset (84) beneath the
neurovascular bundle and natatory ligaments to insert on
the lateral digital sheet. Layer three passes on each side of
the flexor sheath to the region of the MCP joint (85).
Clinical Significance
Recognition of the distinct anatomic separation of the longitudinal (involved) and transverse (noninvolved) fibers of the
palmar fascia and the distal separation of the longitudinal
fibers into three layers allows the surgeon selectively to excise
the diseased tissue, in contrast to excision of all fascial tissue
and preservation of the neurovascular bundles (85,119).
Pretendinous Bands
The pretendinous bands of the palmar fascia are the most
common site for presentation of Dupuytren’s contracture. A
palpable nodule may progress to a prominent pretendinous
cord, which may produce a flexion contracture of the MCP
joint. Although the pretendinous cord is the primary cause of
flexion contracture of the MCP joint, it may join the central
cord of the finger that extends well beyond the PIP joint. The
origin of the central cord is from the superficial fibrofatty digital fascia on the flexor side of the finger. The central cord
always is in continuity with the pretendinous cord (118).
Transverse Fibers
Only the longitudinal fibers (pretendinous bands) of the
palmar fascia are involved, and the transverse fibers ideally
are left behind during excision of the diseased palmar fascia.
(85,119). However, the transverse fibers to the thumb web,
the PCL, and DCL, which are more obliquely oriented and
subject to tension, may contract and be responsible for loss
of abduction and extension of the thumb.
Natatory Ligament
The natatory ligaments frequently are diseased, and because
this ligament not only spans the finger web space but also
sends fibers distally into the fingers, it may be responsible
for web space contracture as well as PIP joint contracture.
Pathologic Anatomy of the Finger Fascia
The fibers in the finger that may become diseased are (a)
the fibrofatty fascia on the flexor aspect of the fingers; (b)
the distal continuation of the pretendinous fibers, called the
spiral band; (c) the distal (longitudinal) extension of the
natatory ligaments; (d) Grayson’s ligament (as terminal
620 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.70. Normal and pathologic anatomy of the palmar
and digital fascia. A: Normal components of the palmar and digital fascia.
attachment for the spiral bands); and (e) the lateral digital
sheet (84) (see Fig. 10.70B and C).
Fibrofatty Fascia
This tissue forms the central cord in the finger and joins the
pretendinous cord of the palm to form a continuous cord
from the palm to the middle phalanx. It often divides into
two tails that attach to the flexor sheath and osseous middle
Spiral Band
These fibers (McGrouther’s layer two) are the deep and distal continuation of the pretendinous band on each side of
the flexor sheath. They pass deep to the neurovascular structures as they proceed to the lateral side of the finger, and
then migrate superficial to the neurovascular bundle to
attach to the middle phalanx by means of Grayson’s ligament (85). This configuration progressively displaces the
neurovascular bundle with increasing PIP joint contracture,
10.1 Palmar Hand 621
FIGURE 10.70. (continued) B, C: Changes in the palmar and digital fascia that may be seen in
Dupuytren’s disease.
first toward the midline, then proximally, and then superficially. This places the neurovascular bundle at considerable
risk during surgery because the neurovascular bundle spirals
around this fascial structure, called the spiral cord. The spiral cord is either a continuation of the spiral band or arises
from the musculotendinous junction of an intrinsic muscle;
it attaches distally to the flexor sheath and bone in the middle phalanx.
Natatory Ligament
Disease and contracture of the transverse elements of the
natatory ligaments form the natatory cords that produce
contracture of the finger web spaces, with loss of abduction
of the fingers. The distal digital extension of the natatory
ligament joins the spiral band, and these two bands subsequently join the lateral digital sheet to form the lateral cord.
Grayson’s Ligament
Grayson’s ligaments, located in the middle and proximal
phalanges, pass from the digital flexor sheath, palmar to the
neurovascular bundle, to the lateral digital sheet and are in
the same fascial plane as the natatory ligaments (84,118).
Grayson’s ligaments provide attachment for the spiral cords
to the middle phalanx (85,118).
Lateral Digital Sheet
The lateral digital sheet, named by Gosset, is a condensation of the superficial fascia on either side of the finger (84).
It receives fibers from the natatory and spiral ligaments as
well as from Grayson’s and Cleland’s ligaments (84,118).
When diseased, it is known as the lateral cord (118).
Lateral Cord
The lateral cord runs from the natatory ligament to the lateral digital sheet. It usually does not cause PIP joint contracture except on the ulnar side of the small finger, where
it attaches to an abductor cord overlying the ADM and can
cause PIP joint contracture.
Retrovascular Cord
This cord lies deep to the neurovascular bundle and arises
from the periosteum of the lateral base of the proximal phalanx, passes close to the PIP joint, and ends at the lateral
aspect of the distal phalanx. It is the usual cause of DIP
joint contracture and an occasional cause of PIP joint contracture (85,118).
Isolated Digital Cord
Isolated cords may arise in the fingers as single or double
cords without any attachments in the palm. These cords
arise from the periosteum at the base of the proximal phalanx in conjunction with adjacent ligaments. They pass distally to displace and then cross the neurovascular bundle,
inserting on the tendon sheath or bone of the middle phalanx. These cords may result in a significant loss of extension of the PIP joint and cause isolated contractures (120).
Table 10.11 summarizes the relationship between fascial
bands/ligaments, cords, and the clinical result of cord formation.
First Web Space Pathologic Anatomy
Although only the longitudinal fibers (pretendinous bands)
of the palmar fascia are involved in the hand, the transverse
fibers to the thumb web, PCL, and DCL are more obliquely
oriented and are subject to tension (Fig. 10.71). If diseased,
they may contract and be responsible for loss of abduction
and extension of the thumb (85).
Trigger Digits (in the Adult)
Wolfe has observed that tendovaginitis may be a more accurate term than tenosynovitis to describe the inflamed and
thickened retinacular sheath that characterizes so-called
trigger digits and trigger thumb (121). This condition
results in painful catching or triggering of the involved
622 Regional Anatomy
Fascial Bands/Ligaments Cords Result
Palm Pretendinous bands of palmar fascia Pretendinous cord Metacarpophalangeal joint contracture
Commissure Natatory ligaments Natatory cords Digital web contracture
Proximal commissure ligament First commissure cords Thumb web contracture
Distal commissure ligament First commissure cords Thumb web contracture
Finger Spiral band Spiral cord Displaces neurovascular bundle, PIP joint
Fibrofatty fascia Central cord PIP joint contracture
Natatory ligament and lateral digital sheet Lateral cord PIP joint contracture V (see text)
Periosteum of proximal phalanx Retrovascular cord Distal interphalangeal contracture
Periosteum of proximal phalanx Isolated digital cord PIP contracture
PIP, proximal interphalangeal.
flexor tendon as the patient flexes and extends the digit.
The digit may often catch or lock to the extent that passive
manipulation may be required to unlock or extend the
Pathologic Anatomy
This condition is due to impingement of the flexor tendon
at the level of the A1 pulley, with changes in the pulley that
include thickening and microscopic signs of degeneration.
Comparison of the ultrastructure of normal and trigger A1
pulleys revealed chondrocytes in the friction layer of the
normal pulley and chondrocyte proliferation and the presence of type III collagen in the abnormal pulleys (122).
These authors proposed that the contact surfaces of the pulley and flexor tendon developed fibrocartilaginous metaplasia owing to repetitive compressive loads (122).
Conservative treatment is by steroid injection into the
flexor sheath. Surgical treatment is by release of the A1 pulley. Both transverse and longitudinal incisions may be used
for open release of the A1 pulley in the fingers, but in the
thumb a transverse incision is preferred. Percutaneous techniques are being developed for release of trigger digits but
may be less safe in the thumb or index because of the proximity of the digital nerves (123).
Congenital Trigger Digits
Trigger Thumb
Although a number of diagnoses may be considered when a
child presents with a thumb locked in flexion, including
congenital clasped thumb, arthrogryposis, spasticity, or
absent extensors, the most common cause is congenital trigger thumb. This condition is characterized by a palpable
lump in the region of the A1 pulley; the thumb may be
flexed (the usual posture is interphalangeal joint flexion) or
extended, and rarely is seen to catch or trigger, as opposed
to the adult form of trigger thumb (121,124).
Pathologic Anatomy
The lesion is a nodular thickening in the FPL tendon
referred to as Notta’s node, named after the person who may
have been the first to describe this condition in children
(125). This finding is in distinct contrast to the pathologic
anatomy in the adult. In adults, it is unusual to find a
grossly visible nodule in the tendon, although there may be
some comparative size difference or pseudonodule formation in the tendon proximal to the leading edge of the A1
pulley. An annular indentation of the tendon due to sustained compression of the thickened annular pulley may
result in comparative enlargement of the tendon proximal
to A1.
Conservative treatment in the form of splinting, massage,
passive manipulation, and watchful waiting for spontaneous resolution has all been tried with low levels of success.
Surgery in the form of release of the A1 pulley is associated
with a high degree of success (121).
Trigger Fingers
This condition may be characterized by a history of triggering, decreased active range of motion with a flexion posture
of the PIP joint from 30 to 90 degrees, a palpable nodule
proximal to the A1 pulley, and, in some cases, the finger is
locked in flexion (124,126).
Pathologic Anatomy
Abnormal findings may include a visible nodule in the FDP
tendon, a nodule in the FDS, and bunching up or buckling
of one or both slips of the FDS.
10.1 Palmar Hand 623
FIGURE 10.71. The proximal and distal commissural ligaments
in Dupuytren’s disease. In contrast to the transverse components
of the palmar fascia, the transverse fibers to the thumb web, the
proximal and distal commissural ligaments that are more
obliquely oriented and are subject to tension, may contract and
be responsible for loss of abduction and extension of the thumb.
Surgical exposure should be extensile to evaluate the flexor
sheath and tendons from the A1 to A3 pulleys. This permits
release of the A1 pulley, excision of tendon nodules, excision of one or both slips of the FDS, and release of the A3
pulley as required (124). Although Tordai and Engkvist did
not find tendon nodules in their cases, they noted that complete release required more than just release of A1, and
included separation of the slips of insertion of the FDS and
release of the proximal portion of the A2 pulley (126).
Clinical Significance
Trigger fingers in children are much less common than trigger thumbs. In a comparatively large series of trigger digits
in children, 86% were trigger thumbs and 14% trigger fingers (124). In contrast to trigger thumb release in children,
release of the A1 pulley may be inadequate to release triggering, and correction may require excision of tendon nodules, one or both slips of the superficialis tendon, and
release of the A3 pulley. The incision for trigger finger
release should be extensile to allow, as required, thorough
exploration of the flexor tendon sheath and its contents
Trigger Digits and Hurler’s Syndrome
The anatomic findings in trigger digits due to Hurler’s syndrome is rosary bead–like swelling along the entire tendon
with constrictions at the annular pulleys due to abnormal
deposition of mucopolysaccharide in connective tissues.
Treatment may require more extensive excision of involved
structures (124).
Finger Flexor Pulley Rupture
The incidence of this relatively unusual condition appears
to be increasing, perhaps because of the growing popularity
of rock climbing.
Mechanism of Injury
The typical mechanism is a rapidly applied extension force
to an acutely flexed finger (127). This force may be applied
in a variety of conditions, but a typical circumstance has
been identified in rock climbers. Finger holds often are
wide enough to admit only the tips of the fingers, and the
posture required to admit two or more digits to this confined space is with the DIP joints extended and the MCP
and the PIP joints flexed to 90 degrees or more. The
climber’s thumb is flexed over the top. This posture or technique is called crimping and often is used on vertical or
overhanging surfaces (128) (Fig. 10.72).
Biomechanical Factors
The crimping posture puts a large strain on the distal end
of the A2 pulley. Sudden loading of the finger in this posture may exceed the breaking strength of the pulley. Analysis of the forces of a 70-kg man falling and putting his
weight through one finger in the crimping posture produces
a resultant force of 450 N. This force applied at approximately right angles to the long axis of the proximal phalanx
exceeds the mean force of 400 N at which the A2 pulley
failed in a study by Lin et al. (128,129).
Clinical Presentation
In rock climbers with isolated rupture of the A2 pulley,
their main complaint may be a bulge over the proximal
phalanx of the affected finger, and on examination there
may be bowstringing of the flexor tendons across the PIP
joint (128). In other cases there may be a history of something “tearing” in the finger, but with only moderate pain
and no bruising. Later, PIP joint flexion contracture and
bowstringing of the flexor tendons develop (127). Bowers et
al. noted rupture of the A2, A3, and A4 pulleys in seven of
their nine cases, in contrast to the usual isolated rupture of
the A2 pulley noted in rock climbers (127,128). Le Viet et
al. noted rupture of the A2 and A4 pulleys in four of seven
cases, the A2 pulley in two cases, and the A4 pulley alone in
one case (130).
624 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.72. The rock climber’s technique of crimping, which
may be associated with rupture of the second annular pulley.
In addition to the history and physical examination, the
diagnosis may be confirmed by tomogram, computed
tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging, although
the history and physical examination should be adequate to
make the diagnosis (127,130).
In acute cases, the pulley rupture may be repaired (131).
Pulley reconstruction may be elected to meet functional
demands. In late cases, PIP joint contracture may require
release (127).
Collateral Ligament Injuries
Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Ligament
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Rupture or Avulsion
(Fig. 10.73)
Mechanism of Injury. This injury is due to sudden and
forceful radial deviation (abduction) of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, often secondary to a fall on the outstretched hand with the thumb abducted. It may be associated with activities such as skiing or ball sports (132).
Anatomy of the Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury. Disruption of the UCL at the distal insertion (with or without
a bone fragment) is five times more common than proximal
tears or disruptions (133). Tears in the substance of the
UCL occur with less frequency. Associated injuries include
tears of the dorsal capsule, partial avulsion of the palmar
plate, or a tear in the adductor aponeurosis. In addition to
providing lateral stability to the MCP joint, the UCL and
RCL play a role in suspending the proximal phalanx. Therefore, disruption of the UCL may result in palmar migration
and rotation (supination) of the proximal and distal phalanx on the intact RCL.
The Stener Lesion. In 1962, Stener described complete rupture of the UCL with interposition of the adductor aponeurosis between the distally avulsed UCL and its site of insertion
(134). This configuration is easy to understand based on the
fact that the UCL is deep to the adductor aponeurosis, and
with avulsion it is carried proximally while the leading edge of
the adductor aponeurosis is carried distally by the deforming
force of injury. When the force abates and the proximal phalanx returns to its normal alignment, the UCL is external
rather than deep to the adductor aponeurosis. Even if this
configuration did not occur, the natural tension in the ligament and subsequent contracture would place it well proximal to its distal attachment and beneath the aponeurosis.
Clinical Significance. Complete disruptions or tears of the
UCL, with or without the Stener lesion, are best treated by
surgical reattachment of the ligament, whereas partial tears
may be treated by closed methods.
Diagnosis and Treatment. The diagnosis is made by noting the mechanism of injury; identifying tenderness,
swelling, or ecchymoses over the ulnar side of the MCP
joint; and noting laxity of the UCL with stress testing.
Local anesthesia may be used to facilitate the stress test. It is
beyond the scope of this text to discuss the methods of
stress testing in detail, except to note that with complete
UCL disruption the MCP joint may be opened with minimal resistance. The basic principle of treatment in complete
ruptures is to reattach the UCL to its anatomic site of insertion.
10.1 Palmar Hand 625
FIGURE 10.73. A: Normal anatomy of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of the
thumb. B: The Stener lesion. Complete rupture of the UCL often
is associated with retraction of the avulsed UCL proximal to the
adductor aponeurosis. This configuration prevents reattachment
of the UCL and results in instability of the MCP joint.
Avulsion Fractures and the Ulnar Collateral Ligament
Injury. Conventional wisdom has indicated that the position of an avulsion fracture as seen with UCL injuries marks
the distal aspect of the disrupted UCL. A widely displaced
fracture fragment would indicate significant displacement
of the UCL and suggest the need for surgical intervention.
A case report that reevaluated this concept revealed (a) a
patient with UCL instability and an undisplaced fracture at
the base of the proximal phalanx with a classic Stener lesion;
and (b) a patient with a minimally displaced fracture at the
ulnar base of the proximal phalanx and a displaced fragment proximal to the adductor aponeurosis. Surgery
revealed the UCL to be attached to the proximal fragment.
The author of this study (quoting reports by Stener in 1963
and 1969) noted that fractures of this type are either avulsion fractures due to UCL disruption or shear fractures at
the base of the proximal phalanx by the palmar portion of
the radial condyle of the metacarpal and with continued
displacement after UCL rupture (135–137).
Clinical Significance. If the fracture seen on radiographs is
a shear fracture, its position is unrelated to the location of
the distal end of the avulsed UCL. A displaced ligament
may occur in the presence of an undisplaced fracture (137).
Treatment Controversies in Acute Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries. Cited factors noted to be useful in the
choice of conservative or operative treatment of UCL
injuries are presence or absence of instability as noted by
varying degrees of angulation of the proximal phalanx on
the metacarpal, both clinically and by radiography (stress
testing); presence or absence of a palpable and displaced ligament proximal to the MCP joint; and, if fractures are present, the displacement or nondisplacement of the fragment
and the amount of displacement, the size of the fracture
fragment based on a percentage of the articular surface of
the proximal phalanx, and whether rotation of the fracture
fragment is present. Uncited factors include the personal
bias and favorable or unfavorable experience of the surgeon
with surgical and nonsurgical methods as applied to the
wide range of pathologic anatomy noted in this injury. A
similar controversy applies to stress testing of the UCL
when an undisplaced or minimally displaced fracture is present at the base of the proximal phalanx (138,139). The
most uniformly agreed on indication for surgical intervention is the presence of the Stener lesion, with or without
fracture (139,140).
Author’s Comment. The reader may appreciate the breadth of
this controversy by noting the widely divergent recommendations of Dinowitz et al., who in nine patients with small avulsion fractures associated with UCL injury noted the failure of
prompt and prolonged closed treatment in all instances (141).
All these patients were subsequently operated on with satisfactory outcome (141). These findings are compared with
those of Kuz et al., who in a retrospective questionnaire study
of 30 patients treated by nonsurgical means noted that all
patients were satisfied with their results. Twenty of these
patients were reexamined; three had instability on stress testing, and there was a 25% nonunion rate of the associated fractures of the proximal phalanx (139).
The treatment of this condition may vary based on many
factors, including the patient’s and surgeon’s definition of
success, and the past experience and personal choice of the
The Effect of Repositioning the Origin and Insertion of
the Ulnar Collateral Ligament. The mean anatomic locations of the origin and insertion of the proper UCL were
determined as part of a study to note the effect of moving
the origin or insertion of the UCL on MCP joint range of
motion (142) (see Fig. 10.9).
Proximal Origin (Metacarpal Attachment) Repositioning.
The UCL was detached and repositioned, in sequence, 2
mm palmar and 2 mm proximal from its anatomic origin.
The following effects on radial deviation were noted: Palmar placement of the origin of the UCL increased radial
deviation from a mean of 18 to 27 degrees; proximal placement decreased it from 18 to a mean of 11 degrees. There
was no effect on flexion or extension from displacing the
proximal origins of the UCL.
Distal Insertion (Proximal Phalanx) Repositioning. The
UCL was detached and repositioned in sequence, 2 mm
dorsal, 2 mm distal, and 2 mm palmar. Dorsal displacement
of the UCL insertion (proximal phalanx) increased radial
deviation from 18 to 25 degrees, and distal positioning of
the insertion decreased it from 18 to 10 degrees. Distal
repositioning of the insertion of the UCL decreased MCP
joint flexion from 56 to 47 degrees, and palmar placement
decreased it from 56 to 49 degrees. Dorsal placement of the
insertion had no effect on flexion. Extension and ulnar
deviation were not affected by ligament repositioning.
Nonanatomic reattachment or reconstruction of the
UCL may alter normal MCP joint range of motion. The
origin and insertion landmarks developed by this study
should serve as useful guides in reattachment and reconstruction surgery of the UCL.
Radial Collateral Ligament Disruption
Although injuries to the RCL are less common than UCL
injuries, they also are associated with significant disability.
Mechanism of Injury. The mechanism of injury in disruption of the RCL is forceful adduction or torsion on the
flexed MCP joint (132).
Anatomy of the Radial Collateral Ligament Injury.
Because of the relatively broader abductor aponeurosis
626 Regional Anatomy
compared with the narrower adductor aponeurosis, there is
no potential for soft tissue interposition (the Stener lesion)
with RCL avulsion. In contrast to the UCL, the RCL is
torn with almost equal frequency proximally and distally,
and mid-substance disruption is more common in the RCL
than in the UCL (132,143,144). The abductor aponeurosis
may be disrupted in addition to the RCL (145). Disruption
of the RCL results in palmar migration and pronation of
the proximal phalanx and dorsoradial prominence of the
metacarpal head. In my experience, these findings may not
be as noticeable immediately after the injury, possibly
because of the initial swelling that might mask the deformities, or because these findings occur progressively and
thus may not be prominent in the early phase of this condition.
Diagnosis and Treatment. Diagnosis of the acute injury is
made based on the history of injury, findings of ecchymosis
or tenderness, and a positive instability test. In my experience, RCL injuries tend to be diagnosed late rather than
early compared with UCL injuries. This may be because a
complete disruption of the UCL results in immediate and
significant disability owing to the functional demands
placed on the ulnar side of the thumb, leading to early evaluation. The RCL injury and subsequent dysfunction does
not seem to be as disabling, at least in the beginning, but as
time passes, it becomes increasingly bothersome and is in
fact a significant source of patient complaint and disability.
The basic principle of treatment in complete ruptures is to
reattach the RCL to its anatomic site of insertion. Late diagnosis may require ligament reconstruction by tendon graft.
Dorsoradial Capsule Injury
The following information about this injury is based on a
study of 11 patients by Krause et al. (146).
Mechanism of Injury and Presenting Complaints. The
mechanism of injury includes a direct blow, sports activities, or breaking a fall (146). The primary complaint was
pain over the dorsum of the thumb and limited use.
Physical Findings. All patients in this study demonstrated
tenderness over the dorsoradial aspect of the thumb MCP
joint in the absence of laxity of either the RCL or UCL. In
4 of the 11 patients, there was mild palmar subluxation of
the proximal phalanx, and all 4 of these patients lacked full
active extension of the proximal phalanx.
Treatment and Findings at Surgery. Four patients were
treated successfully by immobilization. Surgery was performed in seven patients because of persistent activity-limiting complaints over the dorsoradial capsule and the findings of palmar subluxation and extensor lag. The
dorsoradial capsule was noted to be redundant or thinned,
or to have an obvious defect. It was repaired by imbrication
or direct closure of the defect, followed by immobilization
for 5 to 9 weeks.
Anatomy of the Dorsoradial Capsule of the Thumb
Metacarpophalangeal Joint. Based on their findings, the
authors proposed two factors that may contribute to this
injury: (a) an anatomic variation in the collateral ligaments
that allows greater MCP flexion, and (b) an area of relative
thinness and weakness in the dorsoradial capsule compared
with the ulnar side of the joint (146). Regarding range of
motion, the authors noted 64 degrees of flexion in the
opposite thumb MCP joint of their patients, compared
with the published normal of 53 degrees (146,147).
Clinical Significance. This diagnosis should be considered in patients with persistent pain at the thumb MCP
joint. Thumbs with greater flexion of the MCP joint are
predisposed to capsular rather than collateral ligament
injuries. Conservative treatment is indicated if no palmar
subluxation or extensor lag exists.
Finger Metacarpophalangeal Ligament
Incidence and Etiology
The overall incidence of rupture of the collateral ligaments
of the fingers is much lower than that of ruptures of either
the UCL or RCL. Ruptures most often occur in the small
finger, most likely because of its position as a border digit,
but finger MCP RCL ruptures have been reported in all the
fingers. The usual mechanism of injury is forced ulnar deviation with the fingers flexed (132).
Diagnosis and Treatment
There usually is tenderness along the radial side of the joint
and pain on ulnar stress of the joint. An arthrogram may aid
in diagnosis. Treatment should be based on functional need
and may include primary reattachment, repair, or reconstruction by tendon graft as needed (148).
Complex Dislocations
Three complex dislocations are suitable for discussion in the
context of this text on surgical anatomy: (a) dorsal dislocation of the thumb MCP joint, (b) dorsal dislocation of the
index finger MCP joint, and (c) palmar dislocation of the
finger PIP joint.
Dorsal Dislocation of the Thumb
Metacarpophalangeal Joint
Most dorsal dislocations of the thumb MCP joint are
reducible; irreducible dislocations are due to variety of
interposed structures that either block or trap the proximal
phalanx from returning to its anatomic position.
10.1 Palmar Hand 627
Mechanism of Injury
If the collateral ligaments are visualized as structures that
suspend the proximal phalanx during flexion and extension,
it is easy to speculate that any disruption of the proximal
attachments or restraints to hyperextension may result in
the proximal phalanx going “over the top” with a sufficient
hyperextension force and becoming locked or trapped on
the dorsal surface of the metacarpal. For this to occur, the
palmar plate attachment must be disrupted either at its
proximal aspect or at its insertion into the base of the proximal phalanx. If the palmar plate is disrupted distally, the
accessory collateral ligaments are torn, and this allows the
proximal phalanx and the collateral ligaments to swing dorsally to the top of the metacarpal. If the palmar plate is
detached proximally, it, along with its imbedded sesamoid
bones, is carried dorsally along with the proximal phalanx.
A radiograph that demonstrates sesamoid bones on the dorsal aspect of the metacarpal and adjacent to the base of the
proximal phalanx usually indicates a complex irreducible
dislocation of this joint (Fig. 10.74).
Interposed Soft Tissues
In addition to the palmar plate, other structures that may
be pulled along in this excursion are the adductor pollicis
aponeurosis, including the bony insertion on the ulnar base
of the proximal phalanx; the abductor expansion; and the
two heads of the FPB, which, along with the intact proper
collateral ligaments, may form an entrapment noose around
the neck of the thumb metacarpal and prevent reduction.
The FPL may be entrapped in the joint but usually remains
in the sheath (149).
Closed reduction may be attempted, under appropriate
anesthesia, by flexing the wrist and thumb interphalangeal
joint and then pushing the hyperextended proximal phalanx distalward. Longitudinal traction is avoided because it
may “tighten the noose” represented by the various soft tissues around the neck of the metacarpal and prevent reduction. If closed means are not successful, open reduction is
indicated through a dorsal or palmar approach.
Dorsal Dislocation of the Index Finger
Metacarpophalangeal Joint
Dorsal dislocation of the finger MCP joints is unusual. The
most common digit to be involved is the index, followed by
the small finger; dorsal dislocation of the MCP joints of the
central fingers is seen most often with border digit dislocation (132,150).
Mechanism of Injury
The usual mechanism of injury is hyperextension of the finger, often due to a fall on the outstretched hand. The proximal attachment of the palmar plate is torn, and the suspensory effect of the collateral ligaments allows the
628 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.74. Complex dislocation of
the metacarpophalangeal joint of the
thumb. This radiograph reveals sesamoid bones on the dorsal aspect of the
metacarpal, indicating detachment of
the proximal palmar plate with its
imbedded sesamoid bones. These findings usually indicate a complex irreducible dislocation of this joint. In
addition to the palmar plate, other
structures that may be pulled along in
this excursion are the adductor pollicis
aponeurosis, including the bony insertion on the ulnar base of the proximal
phalanx, the abductor expansion, and
the two heads of the flexor pollicis brevis, which, along with the intact proper
collateral ligaments, may form an
entrapment noose around the neck of
the thumb metacarpal and prevent
hyperextension force to thrust the proximal phalanx and
palmar plate dorsally to rest on the dorsal aspect of the
Interposed Tissues
Kaplan identified a four-sided complex of structures that
played a role in trapping the metacarpal head in the palm
(Fig. 10.75). These structures are as follows: radially, the
lumbrical; proximally, the transverse fibers of the palmar
aponeurosis; ulnarly, the flexor tendons; and distally, the
natatory ligaments and the palmar plate.
It is important to distinguish between complete irreducible
dislocations and reducible subluxations because a subluxation may be converted to a complete and irreducible lesion
by inappropriate reduction maneuvers.
In complete dislocation (the irreducible lesion), the
MCP joint is held in slight to moderate extension; MCP
joint flexion is impossible and the finger is ulnarly deviated.
A prominence may be palpated in the palm that corresponds to the metacarpal head, and the skin may be puckered.
In subluxation (the reducible lesion), the findings are
similar except that the proximal phalanx usually is more
hyperextended, often to 60 to 80 degrees.
Radiographic Findings
In complete dislocations, the radiographic findings may be
minimal in the anteroposterior view; the oblique view usually demonstrates widening of the joint space, and the lateral view may show the complete dislocation. Lateral or
dorsal displacement of the sesamoid in the oblique and lateral views also is an important finding. A tangential Brewerton view of the metacarpal head may aid in detection of
avulsion or other fractures in the region of the metacarpal
head (151).
Distinction must be made between subluxation and complete dislocation because the former is reducible by closed
means and the latter is not (132). In subluxation, the prox10.1 Palmar Hand 629
FIGURE 10.75. Complete dorsal dislocation of the index metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint. A, B:
Note the foreshortened and adducted index finger and the extended proximal phalanx seen in
dorsal dislocation of the index finger MCP joint. C: Note the structures that trap the metacarpal
imal edge of the palmar plate remains palmar to the
metacarpal head. If either hyperextension or traction is used
as part of the reduction technique, the palmar plate may be
drawn dorsally and result in a complete and irreducible dislocation. The proper reduction maneuver is performed by
flexion of the wrist and distal and palmar force on the base
of the proximal phalanx that slides the phalanx over the
metacarpal head (152).
Irreducible dislocations are treated by open reduction.
Kaplan described a palmar approach for this condition
and Becton et al. have described a dorsal approach
630 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.76. Radiographic appearance of dorsal dislocation of the index finger metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint in the right hand. A: Anteroposterior views of the hand show only minimal
changes in joint space symmetry. B: Oblique views
of the same injury show a widened MCP joint and
extension and adduction of the finger. C: Lateral
view showing a complete dorsal dislocation.
Palmar Subluxation and Dislocation of the
Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
Rotatory Palmar Subluxation
This rare condition represents a longitudinal rent in the
extensor mechanism between the lateral band and the central slip of the extensor tendon that allows the head of the
proximal phalanx to enter the separation and be trapped
(154,155). The displaced lateral band is trapped behind the
palmar aspect of the condyle, resulting in a rotatory deformity of the middle and distal segment of the finger (154)
(Fig. 10.77).
Mechanism of Injury. The mechanism of injury is due to
a combination of forces, including rotation, flexion, and
lateral deviation (154). The PIP joint is most susceptible to
torsional force at 55 degrees of flexion, when the lateral
bands shift palmar to the mid-axis of the proximal phalanx
(156). Thus, the injury probably is sustained with the PIP
joint in moderate flexion. The term subluxation seems
appropriate because the PIP joint is not widely separated.
Diagnosis. The PIP joint is in moderate flexion, the middle and distal phalanges are rotated, and there is swelling
about the PIP joint. A true lateral radiograph of the proximal phalanx demonstrates partial separation of the PIP
joint and obliquity of the middle phalanx due to the rotatory component of this injury (155).
Treatment. Although this condition has been reported to
be irreducible, closed reduction under appropriate anesthesia may be attempted by simultaneous flexion of the MCP
and PIP joints to relax the lateral band, followed by rotation
of the middle phalanx that is opposite to the deformity
accompanied by gradual extension (155,157). If this
maneuver is not successful, open reduction is performed.
Irreducible Rotatory Palmar Dislocation of the
Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
This condition is the more complete or severe form of rotatory palmar subluxation.
The clinical appearance is characterized by almost 90
degrees of flexion at the PIP joint, supination of the distal
aspect of the finger, and inability to reduce the deformity.
Pathologic Anatomy/Mechanism of Injury. Irreducibility
is due to soft tissue interposition of the central slip, which,
along with the ulnar lateral band, is displaced palmar to the
neck of the proximal phalanx (154) (Fig. 10.78). Findings
at surgery reveal the head of the proximal phalanx projecting through an oblique tear in the extensor expansion
between the central slip and the radial lateral band, and the
central slip and ulnar lateral band displaced to lie together
in front of the neck of the proximal phalanx, where they act
as a block to reduction. The UCL is avulsed and the RCL
is intact. As in rotatory palmar subluxation, the mechanism
of injury is a predominantly rotational force. A common
modality of injury is the still-moving and full spin clothes
drier that catches a finger; the finger most often involved is
the index (154).
Treatment of Irreducible Dislocation. The PIP joint is
exposed through a dorsal approach and reduction is
achieved by replacement of the displaced central slip and
lateral band, followed by repair of the rent in the extensor
Reducible Palmar Dislocation of the Proximal
Interphalangeal Joint
Based on clinical studies and cadaver experiments, the
reducible type of palmar dislocation is associated with
10.1 Palmar Hand 631
FIGURE 10.77. Rotatory subluxation
of the proximal interphalangeal joint.
This rare condition represents a longitudinal rent in the extensor mechanism
between the lateral band and the central slip of the extensor tendon that
allows the head of the proximal phalanx to enter the separation and be
trapped and rotated between the displaced lateral band and the central slip.
injury to one collateral ligament, the palmar plate, and
extensor mechanism (usually the central slip insertion of
the extensor tendon) (158,159). Although usually
reducible, it is unstable because of loss of dorsal support
from the central slip and, more important, if not recognized
and treated properly, results in a boutonniere deformity
because of the central slip disruption. Unilateral injury to
the collateral ligament results in rotatory deformity because
of the suspensory effect of the intact collateral ligament.
The mechanism of injury is a varus or valgus stress followed
by a palmar force that dislocates the middle phalanx palmarly. Cadaver experiments that used only an anterior force
without varus or valgus force resulted in avulsion of the
central slip, usually with a fracture fragment and a lesser
incidence of collateral ligament rupture (158).
Clinical Significance
If an anterior dislocation can be reduced, it is important to
know that an injury to the central slip has occurred and
requires appropriate treatment (154,159). Peimer et al.
noted that palmar dislocations of the PIP joint always
injured the extensor mechanism (most often a tear of the
central slip), a collateral ligament, and the palmar plate.
The associated ligament and tendon injury, if not treated,
results in loss of both static and dynamic PIP joint support
manifested by palmar subluxation, malrotation, boutonniere deformity, and fixed flexion contracture (159). Irreducible palmar dislocations usually are not associated with
central slip disruption and may have a more favorable prognosis. Inability to reduce an anterior dislocation is most
likely due to interposition of a part of the extensor mechanism, and can be corrected by surgery. There are two forms
or stages of progression in rotatory injuries: The first or
stage I is a subluxation injury; the second or stage II is an
irreducible dislocation. Based on the experience of both
Eaton and Green and Butler, a closed reduction of stage I
injuries may be attempted in acute cases (155,157). In stage
II or complete dislocations, closed reduction is not advised
Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
Movement in the middle or PIP joint of the fingers may be
the major component in useful finger function (160). Conventional wisdom has taught that the collateral ligament
complex was essential to PIP joint stability and should be
partially removed to avoid PIP joint instability (161). Curtis noted modest permanent improvement in PIP joint
motion after careful excision of a specific segment of the
scarred ligament system (162). Diao and Eaton published
their results with total excision of the PIP joint collateral
ligaments in 1993 (160).
Treatment is best performed by the technique of Diao and
Eaton (160) (Fig. 10.79), total collateral ligament excision.
Through 2-cm ulnar and radial mid-axial incisions centered
over the PIP joint, the adjacent lateral bands are mobilized
632 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.78. Irreducible rotatory palmar dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. The clinical appearance is characterized by almost 90
degrees of flexion at the PIP joint, supination of the distal aspect of the finger, and
inability to reduce the deformity.
dorsally and the scarred collateral ligaments are excised
from the proximal phalanx origin, the middle phalangeal
insertion, and the palmar plate attachments. Total collateral
ligament excision is supplemented with palmar plate distal
release, extensor tenolysis, and flexor sheath release as
Diao and Eaton achieved, on average, over twice the preoperative range of motion (38 to 78 degrees) in a series of 16
patients with total collateral ligament excision. No postoperative instability was noted by manual testing and radiographic examination. The authors surmised that the thickening palpable in their postoperative patients lateral to the
condyles was scar that is capable of organizing and remodeling into a new collateral ligament. They also commented
that the fact that thickening could be palpated across the
joint line suggests that there is a postoperative traumatic
fibroblastic proliferation. In two patients not included in
the series who underwent subsequent surgery after initial
collateral ligament resection, the condylar fossa was occupied by obliquely oriented fibrillated structures that
appeared to be very similar to normal collateral ligaments in
architecture, consistency, and function (160).
Compartment Syndrome
A compartment is an anatomic unit that may contain muscle, nerve, or blood vessel with anatomic boundaries formed
by fascia or bone that is capable of sustaining increased
hydrostatic pressure. Compartment syndrome is defined as
a physiologic sequence manifested by increased hydrostatic
pressure that occurs in a closed anatomic compartment and
that compromises tissue viability. The severity of the syndrome is related to the magnitude and duration of the pressure. This abnormal increase in pressure results in ischemia
of both muscle and nerve. Compartments that may be
involved in compartment syndrome in the hand are the
thenar, hypothenar, adductor, lumbrical, central palmar,
and interosseous compartments (Fig. 10.80).
Thenar Compartment
The thenar compartment is covered palmarly by the thenar
fascia, which begins over the palmar surface of the thumb
metacarpal and wraps around the thenar muscles to return
to the deep surface of the thumb metacarpal. The radial
wall of the compartment is formed by the flexor surface of
the thumb metacarpal. The thenar muscles are the APB,
OP, and FPB. Clinical manifestations of thenar compartment syndrome, in addition to the usual findings of
swelling and tenderness, include weakness or limited opposition and flexion of the thumb. The thumb may assume an
exaggerated posture of abduction and extension, and passive motion may cause pain in the thenar eminence.
Hypothenar Compartment
The hypothenar compartment is bound radially by the
ulnar septum of the central palmar compartment, which
blends with the hypothenar fascia (a thinner continuation
of the palmar fascia) and wraps around the hypothenar
muscles to attach to the ulnar and palmar aspect of the
small finger metacarpal. The small finger metacarpal forms
10.1 Palmar Hand 633
FIGURE 10.79. A, B: Total collateral ligament excision for proximal interphalangeal joint contracture.
the floor of the hypothenar compartment. The hypothenar
muscles are the ADM, FDM, and ODM. Clinical manifestations of hypothenar compartment syndrome, in addition
to the usual findings of swelling and tenderness, include
pain in the region with passive motion of the small finger.
Limited flexion and abduction of the small finger also may
be present.
Adductor Compartment
The adductor compartment contains the adductor pollicis
and is bounded palmarly by the adductor fascia, which
extends radially from the middle finger metacarpal and
inserts on the thumb metacarpal just to the ulnar side of the
FPL tendon. At the distal border, the adductor fascia blends
into the fascia over the first DI muscle. Dorsally, the adductor compartment is covered by the fascia covering the muscles of the first and second interosseous spaces (88).
Clinical manifestations include swelling and tenderness
in the palm distal to the thenar eminence. Because of
swelling or spasm in the adductor, the thumb may rest in
the palm, in contrast to its usual position of moderate
abduction. Stretching the adductor by extension and
abduction of the thumb may produce complaints of pain in
the compartment, and there may be weakness of pinch
because of the adductor’s role in stabilizing the MCP joint
during this activity.
Lumbrical and Central Palmar Compartments
of the Hand
Because of their proximity and shared structural parts, the
lumbrical compartments (canals) are discussed with the
central palmar space of the hand.
The palm contains a triangular (apex proximal), threedimensional configuration of fascia that forms a space in
its proximal aspect and compartments (canals) in its distal
aspect. Radial and ulnar vertical marginal septa from the
palmar aponeurosis separate this central space from the
thenar and hypothenar compartments. The radial marginal septum begins as an extension of the side wall of the
carpal canal and extends distally over the fascia, covering
the adductor pollicis and first DI muscles. It ends at the
proximal phalanx, forming the radial and palmar margins
of the lumbrical compartment (canal) to the index finger.
Proximally, it separates the central palmar space from the
thenar compartment. The ulnar marginal septa begins on
the ulnar side of the carpal canal and is attached to the
shaft of the small finger metacarpal. Proximally, it separates the central palmar space and hypothenar compartment and distally, the flexor sheath. Between these two
marginal septa are seven intermediate septa that, along
with the marginal septa, divide the distal aspect of the
palm into four canals to accommodate the flexor tendons
and four canals to accommodate the lumbricals and neurovascular bundles. The seven intermediate septa are rectangular with a free falciform proximal edge. They are
attached to the underside of the longitudinal and transverse fibers of the palmar fascia and anchored deep in the
hand to the deep transverse metacarpal ligament and
interosseous fascia. Proximally, the intermediate septa
extend into the acute angle between the FDP and the lumbrical and are comparatively short or long to accommodate a distal or proximal origin of the lumbrical. The roof
of the central palmar space of the hand and the lumbrical
compartments is formed by the longitudinal and transverse fibers of the palmar fascia, and the floor by the palmar interosseous fascia and the adductor fascia.
634 Regional Anatomy
FIGURE 10.80. Anatomy of the compartments of the hand. The recognized compartments of
the hand are the thenar, hypothenar, lumbrical, central palmar, adductor, and interosseous.
Clinical Manifestations of Central Compartment
There may be associated swelling and tenderness in the central palm. Increased pressure in the adjacent central space
may cause hypesthesia on the palmar surface of the fingers
because of ischemia in the nerves secondary to increased
pressure. The lumbrical muscles extend the proximal and
distal joints and assist in flexion of the MCP joints. Contraction of the lumbrical pulls the profundus tendon distally, decreases the effectiveness of the profundus, and
allows the lumbrical more easily to extend the PIP and DIP
joints. Compartment syndrome involving the lumbrical
muscles may produce partial reversal of the normal flexion
posture of the finger at the PIP and DIP joints; in more
severe cases, there may be pronounced flexion of the MCP
joint and extension of the PIP and DIP joints (the so-called
lumbrical plus posture). In some cases, the patient may be
unable actively to flex the proximal and distal joints, and
the test for intrinsic contracture may be positive.
Interosseous Compartments
Four interosseous compartments are present in the hand
that contain three palmar interosseous and four DI muscles.
The interosseous muscles are located between the
metacarpal shafts, which form the lateral wall of the compartments, and the floor and roof are formed by the palmar
interosseous and DI fascia, respectively. Clinical manifestations of interosseous muscle compartment syndrome may
be associated with swelling and tenderness on the dorsum
of the hand and may result in an “intrinsic plus hand” manifested by flexion of the MCP joints and extension of the
PIP and DIP joints. Passive extension of the MCP joints
and passive flexion of the interphalangeal joints are limited,
resisted by the patient, and associated with pain.
Treatment of Compartment Syndrome
Suitable incisions and surgical approaches for compartment
releases in the hand are depicted in Figure 10.81. The DI
and palmar interosseous muscles are approached dorsally
through longitudinal incisions. The radial aspect of the
hand is approached through an incision over the index
metacarpal and the ulnar side through an incision over the
ring finger metacarpal. Each space is entered by incision of
the DI fascia; the DI and palmar interossei as well as the
adductor pollicis may be released by this means. The thenar
and hypothenar compartments are approached through
longitudinal incisions over the radial aspect of the thumb
metacarpal and the ulnar aspect of the small finger
metacarpal, respectively. The lumbrical compartments may
be approached through a transverse incision near or in the
10.1 Palmar Hand 635
FIGURE 10.81. Surgical approaches to the hand compartments. A: Approach to the hypothenar
compartment. B: Approach to the lumbrical, central palmar, and adductor compartments.
C: Approach to the thenar compartment. D, E: Approach to the interosseous compartments
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