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the quinonoid intermediate from the opposite side of the PLP-ring. By site-directed

mutagenesis, kinetic and computational studies, it has been demonstrated that alanine

racemase catalyzes the racemization by a two-base mechanism in which Tyr 265 is the base

abstracting the Cα-proton from L-alanine while Lys 39 is the base abstracting the Cα-proton

from D-alanine [20-23]. Evidence has been also provided that alanine racemase catalyzes the

transamination of both enantiomers of alanine as a side reaction and that: 1) the α-hydrogen

of L-alanine is transferred suprafacially to the C4’ of PLP by Tyr 265; 2) Lys 39 plays the

role of a counterpart for Tyr 265 and is specific for D-alanine [24]. It should be noted that

alanine racemase, together with PLP-dependent amino acid racemases of broad substrate

specificity [25], represents the first class of PLP-enzymes catalyzing the hydrogen removal

on both sides of the plane of a substrate-cofactor complex during transamination.

Figure 8. Comparison of the arrangement of potential acid-base catalysts in the active sites of cystalysin

and alanine racemase. The complex between alanine racemase and alanine phosphonate (PDB 1BD0;

represented as green sticks), and the complex between cystalysin and aminoethoxyvynilglycine (PDB

1C7O; represented as yellow sticks) are shown. Oxygen atoms are colored orange, nitrogen atoms black

and phosphorus atoms red .The position of the water molecule W733H is also shown. Figure was

obtained using pyMol software.

The structural similarities between cystalysin and alanine racemase led to analyze the

interaction of cystalysin with alanine, a compound which does not contain a suitable leaving

group and cannot be substrate of an α,β-elimination reaction.

As reported in Table 2, cystalysin is able to catalyze the racemization of both

enantiomers of alanine [26]. Considering that racemization is a side reaction for the enzyme,

it takes place with a remarkable kcat value (about 1 s-1), which is only about 10-fold lower

than that of the main reaction at the same pH. This raises the question of a possible

110 Barbara Cellini, Riccardo Montioli and Carla Borri Voltattorni

physiological meaning for T.denticola in the synthesis of the bacterial cell walls. However,

considering the high Km for alanine, it cannot be excluded that the racemase activity could be

a mere corollary of the chemical properties of the enzyme. Spectroscopic analyses of the

interaction of cystalysin with L-and D-alanine have indicated that, along with the racemase

activity, the enzyme catalyzes the half-transamination of both enantiomers of alanine with

turnover times measured in minutes (Table 2). Moreover, apo-cystalysin, in the presence of

PMP, catalyzes the reverse transamination of pyruvate. Thus cystalysin is able to perform

transamination in both direction: from PLP to PMP and from PMP to PLP [26].

Table 2. Steady-state kinetic parameters for the alanine racemase and transaminase

catalytic activities in 20 mM potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.4 at 25°C

 L-alanine D-alanine


kcat (s-1) 1.05 ± 0.03 1.4 ± 0.1

Km (mM) 10 ± 1 10 ± 1

kcat/ Km (mM -1s

-1) 0.10 ± 0.01 0.14 ± 0.02


10-4 x kcat (s-1) 4.50 ± 0.05 1.0 ± 0.1

Km (mM) 8.5 ± 0.5 9.9 ± 0.5

10-5 x kcat/ Km (mM -1s

-1) 5.3 ± 0.3 1.0 ± 0.1




+ L-alanine HC






H NH+ +













+ D-alanine


C4' H+

C4' H+


Cα H+













Figure 9. Proposed reaction mechanism for the racemization and transamination of alanine catalyzed by


Cystalysin: An Example of the Catalytic Versatility… 111



Figure 10. Modelling of the binding modes of L- and D-alanine at the active site of cystalysin. Activesite view of the energy-minimized model for cystalysin with (A) L-alanine or (B) D-alanine bound. The

alanine-PLP conjugates are represented as green sticks. Oxygen atoms are coloured red, nitrogen atoms

blue and phosphorus purple. Hydrogen bonds are shown in cyan. The * denotes a residue that belongs

to the neighbouring subunit. This Figure was obtained using pyMOL.

According to a generally accepted mechanism, it has been postulated that the

racemization of alanine catalyzed by cystalysin proceeds as follows (Figure 9): (i)

transaldimination between Lys 238 bound with PLP (I) and the α-amino group of alanine to

produce the external aldimine II; (ii) abstraction of the α-hydrogen from alanine to produce a

resonance-stabilized quinonoid intermediate (III); (iii) reprotonation at the α-carbon of the

quinonoid intermediate III on the side opposite to that where the α-hydrogen was abstracted;

(IV) second transaldimination between IV and Lys 238 to release the product enantiomer of

112 Barbara Cellini, Riccardo Montioli and Carla Borri Voltattorni

alanine (V). In this mechanism racemization and transamination of alanine share the step

leading to the quinonoid intermediate. When an half-transamination occurs, the C4’ position

of the cofactor moiety is reprotonated, thus generating the pyruvate-PMP ketimine

intermediate (VI). The hydrolysis of the intermediate VI leads to the formation of PMP and

pyruvate (VII) [22].

Interestingly, it has been demonstrated that in the reverse transamination of pyruvate

catalyzed by cystalysin, the cleavage of the C-H bond at C4’ of PMP and the reprotonation of

the α-carbon of the anionic intermediate take place in a non-stereospecific manner. This is

similar to what has been observed with alanine racemase. However cystalysin is the first

example of a non-stereospecific hydrogen abstraction by an enzyme belonging to the αfamily of PLP-enzymes [25].

Molecular modeling studies have been undertaken in order to rationalize the

experimental data and identify possible acid-base catalysts involved in the two-base

racemization mechanism. The putative binding modes of L- and D-alanine at the active site

of cystalysin are shown in Figure 10A and 10B, respectively. The inspection of the model

have indicated that for both substrates, according to the Dunathan hypothesis, the leaving

group is antiperiplanar to the aromatic moiety of PLP. For L-alanine, the structure has

revealed that Lys 238 is located close to the Cα-hydrogen of the substrate and to the C4’ of

the cofactor. Thus this residue seems to have the proper orientation to act as a catalytic base

on the si face of PLP. For D-alanine, two tyrosines (Tyr 123 and Tyr124) and a water

molecule (W733H) lie on the re side of the PLP cofactor. Tyr 124 is to far from the αhydrogen of the substrate to act as an acid-base catalyst, while Tyr123, co-planar with the

PLP ring, is placed in a proper position to act as a catalyst. However, it should rotate out from

its hydrophobic environment for the proton abstraction. Also a water molecule, held in place

by Tyr 123 and, to a lesser extent, by Tyr124, could bridge this gap for proton abstraction,

acting as a general acid-base catalyst [26].

Site-directed mutagenesis studies have been employed to gain insight into the mechanism

of racemization and transamination of both enantiomers of alanine catalyzed by cystalysin.

As a first step, Lys 238 and Tyr 123 were selected as target for mutagenesis, and the

functional properties of the active-site mutants K238A and Y123F were analyzed to probe the

hypothetical role of the mutated residues in racemase and transaminase activities.

The K238A mutant neither shows detectable racemase activity in both directions, nor

catalyzes the transamination of L-alanine thus indicating that Lys 238 is the base located on

the si face of PLP specifically abstracting the α-hydrogen from L-alanine [27]. It can be

observed that this residue plays in the racemization the same role that has been already

proposed for it in the α,β-elimination reaction [18]. In addition, it has been found that K238A

catalyzes the overall transamination of D-alanine. This strongly suggests that on the re face

of PLP is located an acid-base catalyst whose role in the forward reaction is proton

abstraction from the D-alanine-PLP external aldimine complex and reprotonation at the C4’

of the generated carbanionic intermediate to give pyruvate and PMP (Figure 9 V-IV-III-VIVII). In the reverse reaction, the role of the same catalyst is to transfer a proton from C4’ of

the pyruvate-PMP ketimine intermediate to the Cα of the quinonoid to regenerate D-alanine.

On the basis of molecular modeling studies, the possibility that Tyr 123 is the acid-base

catalyst located on the re face of PLP has been checked. However, Y123F mutant retains

Cystalysin: An Example of the Catalytic Versatility… 113

poor racemase and transaminase activities, thus suggesting that Tyr 123 is not essential for

catalysis. The possibility that the catalytic function of Tyr 123 is replaced by Tyr 124 in the

Y123F mutant has been excluded by the spectral and kinetic characterization of the

Y123F/Y124F mutant. In fact, the catalytic efficiencies of the racemization and

transamination reactions are weakly altered in the double mutant with respect to the single

mutant [27]. On this basis, it has been hypothesized that the water molecule held in place by

Tyr 123 and Tyr 124 may function as the acid-base catalyst on the re face of the cofactor.

Following this view, the reduction of the racemase activity of Y123F has been ascribed to the

mispositioning of the water molecule upon the mutation of tyrosine 123 to phenylalanine, as

confirmed by molecular modelling. A second hypothesis advanced is that Tyr 123 could have

a direct role in proton abstraction/donation being its function replaced by the water molecule

in the Y123F mutant. Available data did not allow to unequivocally identify the acid-base

catalysts on the re face of PLP in cystalysin; it has only been proposed that water molecules

and their hydrogen bond interactions with Tyr 123 are required for an efficient proton

abstraction/donation [27]. Nevertheless, cystalysin represents the first example of a PLPdependent enzyme belonging to Fold Type I for which a two-base racemization mechanism

has been demonstrated.



When the interaction of cystalysin with L-cysteine sulfinic acid and L-aspartic acid was

studied, it was found that the enzyme does not catalyze the α,β-elimination of these ligands.

However, both L-cysteine sulfinic acid and L-aspartic acid induce time-dependent changes in

the protein-bound coenzyme which strongly suggest an active-site directed event and thus the

occurrence of a reaction between cystalysin and each of these ligands [28]. Unexpectedly, it

was found that cystalysin catalyzes the β-desulfination of L-cysteine sulfinic acid and the βdecarboxylation of L-aspartic acid. Both reactions lead to the production of alanine, with the

amount of L-alanine far exceeding that of the D-alanine. The kinetic parameters for these

catalytic activities, reported in Table 3, reveal that both reactions take place with high

turnover numbers. In particular, the kcat value for the β-desulfination reaction is about 2-3

fold higher than the kcat value of the main reaction of cystalysin (the α,β-elimination of Lcysteine). However, due to the high Km values for L-cysteine sulfinic acid and L-aspartate,

the catalytic efficiency of β-desulfination and β-decarboxylation is lower than that of the α,βelimination reaction. Therefore, a possible physiological role of these catalytic activities for

T.denticola may be excluded.

114 Barbara Cellini, Riccardo Montioli and Carla Borri Voltattorni

Table 3. Kinetic parameters for the β-desulfination of L-cysteine sulfinic acid and the βdecarboxylation of L-aspartic acid and oxalacetate catalyzed by cystalysin in 20 mM

potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.4 at 25°C

 L-cysteine sulfinic acid L-aspartate Oxalacetate

kcat (s-1) 89 ± 7 0.8 ± 0.1 0.15 ± 0.01

Km (mM) 49 ± 9 280 ± 70 13 ± 2

kcat/ Km(mM-1s

-1) 1.8 ± 0.3 0.0028 ± 0.0008 0.011 ± 0.002

Furthermore, during the reaction of cystalysin with both L-cysteine sulfinic acid and Laspartate, a time-dependent inactivation of the enzyme takes place with a concomitant

gradual conversion of PLP bound to PMP. This event is due to a half-transamination reaction,

which occurs at a lower rate with respect to the rate of cleavage of the β-substituent for both

L-amino acids [28].











N+ H



































Figure 11. Reaction mechanism for β-desulfination and β-decarboxylation reactions catalyzed by


Cystalysin: An Example of the Catalytic Versatility… 115

On the basis of all the results, the reaction of cystalysin with L-cysteine sulfinic acid and

L-aspartic acid has been interpreted according to the mechanism depicted in Figure 11. After

a first transaldimination step (IÆII), a Cβ-R-

 cleavage occurs where the negatively charged

side chains of L-cysteine sulfinic acid and L-aspartic acid are eliminated without

deprotonation at Cα. Thus, the electrophilic displacement of the negatively charged

substituent at Cβ is not in the main pathway of the α,β-elimination catalyzed by cystalysin.

The Cβ-R-

 cleavage leads to the formation of the L-alanine aldimine complex (III), which can

undergo either a racemization or a transamination reaction. On the basis of the proposed

mechanism, PMP formation could be due to a half-transamination which can occur either

from the substrate-aldimine complex (II), or from the alanine-aldimine complex (III). The

comparison between the rate of transamination of L-cysteine sulfinic acid with that of

alanine, has provided evidence that the formation of PMP is due to the direct transamination

of L-cysteine sulfinic acid. On the other hand, during the reaction of cystalysin with Laspartate, PMP is generated by the transamination of both the substrate and the alanine

formed by β-decarboxylation [28].

It has been reported that also E.coli aspartate aminotransferase catalyzes the βdesulfination of L-cysteine sulfinic acid and the β-decarboxylation of L-aspartic acid as sidereactions. However, the kcat value of these reactions for aspartate aminotransferase is about

1500-fold lower than that of cystalysin [29]. Notably, E.coli aspartate aminotransferase

belongs to the aminotransferases subgroup Ia which includes enzymes that undergo a large

conformational change from an open to a closed form upon substrate binding [30]. It has

been reported that enzymic forms with enhanced β-desulfinase and β-decarboxylase activities

result from mutations that prevent the transition to the closed conformation. Cystalysin

belongs to the aminotransferases subgroup Ib, which are unable to undergo that

conformational change. Indeed, the complex of cystalysin with the inhibitor

aminoethoxyvinylglycine [14] does not reveal any large conformational change with respect

to the enzyme in the internal aldimine form. Thus, it has been suggested that the absence of a

ligand-induced closure of the active site in cystalysin could be at least partially responsible

for the high catalytic versatility of the enzyme by favoring the possibility of side-reactions to


It is noteworthy that among PLP-dependent enzymes able to perform β-displacement

reactions, also some Cβ-Sγ lyases, such as NifS and NifS-like proteins, catalyze the

electrophilic displacement of the substituent at Cβ of L-cysteine, L-selenocysteine or Lcysteine sulfinic acid to yield L-alanine. However, cystalysin represents the first example of a

lyase able to perform both a desulfhydrase and a desulfinase reaction.

An additional and even more unexpected result is the finding that cystalysin in the PMP

form catalyzes the β-decarboxylation of oxalacetate. In fact, when the apoenzyme in the

presence of PMP was allowed to react with oxalacetate, a gradual conversion of PMP into

PLP was observed. These data were indicative of a reverse half-transamination reaction,

which would convert oxalacetate into aspartate and PMP into PLP. However, no formation of

aspartate was found in the reaction mixture. Unexpectedly, the reaction of the PMP form of

cystalysin with oxalacetate leads to the production of pyruvate, thus indicating that

oxalacetate undergoes a PMP-dependent β-decarboxylation. The kinetic parameters of this

reaction are reported in Table 3. Thus, the PMP to PLP conversion observed during the

116 Barbara Cellini, Riccardo Montioli and Carla Borri Voltattorni

reaction of cystalysin with oxalacetate is due to the reverse transamination of pyruvate

generated by β-decarboxylation, rather than to the direct half-transamination of oxalacetate.

From a mechanicistic point of view, it can be postulated that the binding of oxalacetate to

the active site of cystalysin in the PMP form generates a ketimine intermediate which is

potentially susceptible to β-decarboxylation because the imine bond is in β-position with

respect to the carboxylate group. The decarboxylation step leads to the formation of the

pyruvate ketimine intermediate which can either be hydrolyzed to pyruvate and PMP, or

undergo a half-transamination reaction with the production of alanine and PLP (Figure 12).






+ N





























CH +



PLP alanine PMP pyruvate

ketimine intermediate pyruvate ketimine





N+ H



PMP oxalacetate

Figure 12. Proposed mechanism for the β-decaboxylation of oxalacetate catalyzed by cystalysin.

The quite large turnover number which characterizes the β-decarboxylase activity of the

PMP-form of cystalysin, has lead to propose a possible physiological role of this reaction for

Treponema denticola. A recent study [31] indicates that glutathione metabolism plays a role

in nutrition and potential virulence expression of Treponema denticola. Indeed, it has been

found that pyruvate, one of the end products of glutathione metabolism, promotes bacterial

growth. In addition, it should be taken into account that some anaerobic bacteria are able to

grow using the decarboxylation of saturated dicarboxylic acids as the only source of energy

Cystalysin: An Example of the Catalytic Versatility… 117

[32]. Several biochemical studies on fermenting bacteria suggest that two different

mechanisms exist for the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In one case, the

decarboxylation energy is directly converted into a Na+ ions electrochemical gradient across

the plasma membrane; in a second case, an electrochemical gradient is generated by the

association between an electrogenic dicarboxylate/monocarboxylate antiporter and a soluble

decarboxylase. Notably, all the soluble decarboxylases identified so far require thiamine

pyrophosphate as a cofactor [33-35]. Thus, the PMP form of cystalysin endowed with a βdecarboxylase catalytic activity would represent the first example of a soluble decarboxylase

requiring PMP as coenzyme.


The study of the reaction specificity of cystalysin have highlighted the high catalytic

versatility of this enzyme. This makes cystalysin a useful model of the wide catalytic

potential of PLP-dependent proteins and a suitable model to understand the relationship

between structure and function in this family of enzymes.

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