28. Peker E, Cagan E, Dogan M. et al. Methemoglobinemia due to
local anesthesia with prilocaine for circumcision.J Pediatr Child
29. Moran LR, Hossain T, Insoft RM. Neonatal seizures following
lidocaine administration for elective circumcision. J Perinatol.
48 Drainage of Superficial Abscesses
1. A localized collection of pus resulting from bacterial
1. To establish free drainage of contents from a superficial
Surgical incision and drainage is the definitive
treatment for soft tissue abscesses. Antibiotic therapy
alone is ineffective in the setting of localized abscess
2. To identify pathogens and direct antimicrobial therapy
3. To differentiate infectious from noninfectious lesions
1. Carefully identify and avoid
2. Avoid premature incision and drainage of abscesses that
have not yet fully matured (i.e., in the initial stages of
induration and inflammation prior to formation of pus)
b. Possible extension of infectious process
Premature incision may be avoided by the use of
ultrasound with or without diagnostic needle aspiration (19,20).
2. Antiseptic swabs or cup containing antiseptic solution
4. Nonbacteriostatic, isotonic saline without preservative
10. 0.5-inch, fine-mesh, plain gauze
1. Ethyl chloride spray as topical anesthetic. (For larger
lesions, local anesthesia with lidocaine may be used.)
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