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Advantages (29)

a. Rapid initiation of HT

b. No overshoot of core temperature during induction

c. Variability of core temperature during maintenance

and rewarming phase is minimal.

d. Better hemodynamic stability in terms of blood pressure and heart rate than manual cooling (Fig. 45.11,

upper panel).



Fig. 45.16. Tecotherm Neo—

servocontrolled. A: Cooling unit.

B: Coolant. C: Tecotherm Neo setup

for cooling.

Fig. 45.15. Impressions on the skin produced by ECG leads under

the wrap, which are the result of applying the CureWrap too tightly.

e. Equipment suitable to be secured in ambulance

and used during transport.

f. Easy downloading of all temperature data.

2. Tecotherm Neo (Fig. 45.16) (TECCOM

GmbH, Halle/Salle, Germany)


a. Mains cable

b. Tecotherm Neo cooling unit

c. Cooling mattress

d. Mattress connecting hoses

e. Rectal temperature probe × 2

f. Lubricating jelly

g. Skin temperature probe × 1

h. Coolant fluid

i. Coolant fill-up set

j. Pillow of six-layered bubble wrap


a. Connect the mains cable to the power and switch


b. Connect the fill-up set to the cooling unit (Fig.


c. Keep the fill-up set above the cooling unit so that

the coolant fills up the cooling unit.

d. Connect the mattress to the cooling unit with the

connecting hose (Fig. 45.16A, C).

e. Connect the rectal temperature probe and the

skin temperature probe to the cooling unit (Fig.


f. Set the Tecotherm Neo to programmable servocontrolled mode (this completes the induction and

338 Section IX ■ Miscellaneous Procedures

maintains the temperature at the target of 33.5°C

for 72 hours, followed by servocontrolled rewarming

to 37°C over 7 hours).

g. Undress the infant down to small diaper.

h. Secure two rectal temperature probes to 6 cm (Fig.

45.2), and tape to the side of the thigh as previously

described in E.

i. Secure the skin temperature probe on the forehead.

j. Place the infant supine on the mattress and encircle

the baby with the mattress, in a closed unheated

incubator or an open crib/bed (Figs. 45.16 and


k. Secure the mattress at the front of the infant with

the supplied ties (Figs. 45.16C and 45.17).

l. Place the pillow between the head and the mattress (30) (Fig. 45.17). Alarms are activated if there

is no power, low fluid, no flow of fluid, rectal temperature is out of range by 0.5°C, and for system


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