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edema, hypotension, fever, and severe hypoxemia.

(3) Reported only rarely in neonates due to the difficulty in distinguishing TRALI from other

causes of respiratory deterioration in sick infants;

however, it is documented in the setting of a

designated blood transfusion between mother

and infant (55).

c. Transfusion-associated circulatory overload

(1) Nonimmune alteration in pulmonary compliance and blood pressure due to volume overload

(2) Presents with respiratory distress, cardiogenic

pulmonary edema, and hypertension

5. Adverse metabolic effects

a. Hyperkalemia

(1) Blood that is irradiated and then refrigeratorstored may have K+

 levels of 30 to 50 mEq/L or

higher in the supernatant plasma.

(2) Small-volume transfusions of stored red cells do

not cause clinically significant elevations in

serum K+


(3) Life-threatening hyperkalemia has been

described in sick infants and in those receiving

rapid infusions of large volumes of stored red

cells (24).

(4) Washed or fresh (<14 days) red cells are recommended for infants with profound hyperkalemia, renal failure, or when large volumes are

transfused rapidly.

b. Hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia

c. Hypocalcemia

d. Alterations in acid–base balance with large transfusions


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14. Whyte RK, Kirpalani H, Asztalos EV, et al. Neurodevelopmental

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