(16) Apply tight diaper for 1 hour.
(17) For 24 hours after circumcision, check (or
instruct parents to check) for bleeding, excessive swelling, and difficulty voiding.
(18) Until circumcised area is completely healed,
do not immerse in water; give sponge bath.
(1) Follow steps 3 to 5 of E11a.
(2) Select bell of correct size (see C).
(3) Cone should fit snugly without pressure on
(4) Grooved rim of bell should be just distal to apex
Fig. 47.3. Circumcision. A: Marking the position
of the coronal sulcus. B: Dilating the preputial ring.
C: Separating the prepuce from the glans penis.
D: Grasping the prepuce with mosquito hemostats in
preparation for the dorsal slit procedure. E: Dorsal slit.
350 Section IX ■ Miscellaneous Procedures
(5) If necessary, cut small segment out of cone so
(6) Hold prepuce firmly in place over cone (Fig.
(7) Tie suture tightly around rim of bell so that prepuce is firmly compressed into groove.
(8) Trim prepuce distal to ligature with tissue scissors. Use outer rim of cone as guide.
(9) Break off cone handle. Tissue beneath ligature
will atrophy and separate from bell in 5 to 8 days
(maximum 10 to 12 days) (Fig. 47.5B).
c. Observe and care for circumcision as in steps 17 and
F. Management of Postoperative
Postoperative bleeding usually stems from inadequate
hemostasis (e.g., unrecognized neonatal hepatitis (14) or
hereditary clotting disorders). Rarely, anomalous vessels are
1. Apply manual pressure for 5 to 10 minutes.
Check that the string on the Plastibell is in place
2. Assess bleeding site. If continued oozing
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