8. If you elect to use a 14-gauge angiocatheter
a. Insert the angiocatheter at the insertion site.
c. Infuse approximately 20 mL of normal saline to
9. If using a soft and flexible temporary catheter, such as a
Cook catheter (Cook Critical Care, Bloomington,
Indiana), follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Then
(1) Unclamp. May observe flow of a few drops of
saline. Connect the free end of the transfer set
(2) Allow approximately 30 mL of dialysis solution
to enter peritoneal cavity by gravity.
(3) Clamp the short arm of the Y-Set (inflow).
(4) Unclamp the long arm of the Y-Set (outflow).
(5) Repeat steps a(2) through a(4) several times.
(6) Secure the temporary catheter with a pursestring suture and tape if inflow and outflow
Fig. 53.3. An assembled peritoneal dialysis circuit illustrates an
IV pole (A) and an inline burette (C) that is connected to an Ultra
Set CAPD Y-Set (D). The short limb of this Y-Set is connected to
the transfer set (E), which is connected to a Tenckhoff catheter
exiting from the abdominal cavity of a doll, and the long limb has
a bag at the end (located on the floor).
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