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422 Index

Blood pressure monitoring

auscultatory (manual noninvasive)

background on, 56

complications of, 58

contraindications for, 56

equipment in, 57, 57t

indications for, 56

limitations of, 56–57

precautions in, 57, 57t

technique in, 57–58

continuous (invasive)

background on, 60

complications of, 63, 63t

contraindications for, 60

equipment in, 60–61, 61f

indications for, 60

limitations of, 60

purpose of, 60

technique in, 61–63, 62f

noninvasive (indirect) methods, 56

oscillometric measurement of arterial

BP (automatic noninvasive)

background on, 58–58, 58f

complications of, 60

contraindications for, 59

equipment in, 59, 59f

indications for, 59

limitations of, 59

precautions in, 59

technique in, 59–60

Blood products

plasma, 414t

platelet, 413t

red cell, 412t

whole blood, 411t

Blood sampling

from umbilical catheter, 165

(See also Umbilical artery


Bloom’s taxonomy, of learning, 2, 5f

Bohn nodules, 390

Bone marrow biopsy, tibial

advantages of site in, 125

complications of, 125

contraindications to, 123

equipment in, 123, 124f

indications for, 123

limitations of, 123

precautions in, 124

purpose of, 123

special circumstances, 124

technique in, 124–125, 124f, 125f

Bone marrow clot, 125, 125f

Brachial artery puncture, 98


contraindications to, 324


at birth, 324

during transport, 324

indications for, 324, 325f

Brainstem auditory evoked response

(BAER), 386

Break-away needle, for percutaneous

central venous catheterization,


“Bronze baby syndrome”, 357, 361

Bubble continuous positive airway

pressure (b-CPAP)

contraindications to, 231

definition of, 231

equipment in, 231–232

indications for, 231

maintenance of, 234

potential complications, 234

starting, 232–233, 232f

weaning off, 234


Cannula, intact, for percutaneous central

venous catheterization, 197, 198f


dorsal pedis artery, 184, 185f

peripheral artery, 182–192 (See also

Peripheral artery cannulation)

posterior tibial artery, 184, 186f

radial artery, 183, 183f, 184f

ulnar artery, 183–184, 184f

Capillary blood sampling

background on, 99

complications of, 101, 102f

contraindications to, 99

equipment in, 99

heel warmer, 100

heel-lancing devices, 99–100, 100t

inaccurate laboratory results in, 102

indications for, 99

limitations of, 99

precautions in, 100

purpose of, 99

specimen handling in, 101

technique in, 100–101, 100f, 101f

Capnograph, 75

background on, 75, 76f

colorimetric carbon dioxide


indications for, 77

limitations of, 77

procedure for, 77

complications of, 77

contraindications to, 76

definitions, 75

equipment in, 76, 77f

indications for, 75

limitations of, 76

precautions in, 76

purpose of, 75

technique in, 77

Capnometer, 75

Capnometry, 75

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

capnography for, 77

transcutaneous measurement of, 69

(See also Transcutaneous blood

gas monitoring)

Carbon dioxide (CO2) detector, 241, 241f

Cardiac monitoring

background on, 49

complications of, 51–52, 52f, 52t

consumables for, 50

contraindications for, 49

hardware for, 49–50, 50f

limitations of, 49

precautions in, 50–51

purpose of, 49

techniques for, 51, 51f, 52f

Cardiac tamponade, 273

Cardiorespirograph monitoring

background on, 54

contraindications for, 54

definition, 54

emerging technologies, 55

equipment, 55

purpose of, 54


peripherally inserted central, 194,

197–201 (See also Peripherally

inserted central catheter (PICC))

pigtail, for pleural drainage, 255, 256f

Catheter-related thromboembolism,


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