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negligence in, 18

from neonatal patient, 20–21

patient-centered approach, 19, 20

physician-centered approach, 19

provider–patient relationship, 18

specific, 19

Infrared electronic thermometry, 44

Infrared thermometers, 45–46

Infusions, intraosseous, 363–366. See also

Intraosseous infusions

Insensible water loss (IWL), 24

Intestinal stomas, 292

Intraosseous infusions

complications of, 366

contraindications to, 363

equipment in, 363, 364f

indications for, 363

infusates in, 364t

precautions in, 363

technique in

via distal femur, 365f, 366

via distal tibia, 366, 366f

via proximal tibia, 363–366, 365f

Intravascular pressure monitoring, 60,

63t. See also Blood pressure


Intravenous line placement

peripheral, 142–150 (See also

Peripheral intravenous line


Intubation, endotracheal, 236–248. See

also Endotracheal intubation

Index 425

Iodine solutions

contraindications to, 33

properties of, 34t

Iodophors, 34t

Iris vessels, dilation and tortuosity of,


Irradiance, 357

Irradiance, spectral, 357–358, 359t

Irritability, 23


Jugular veins, 203, 203f

external, puncture of, 93, 93f


Kimura platinum spatula, for eyelid

scraping, 131

Kolb’s experiential learning cycle’, 2–3,

5, 5f

Konica Minolta/Air-Shields JM-103

Jaundice Meter, 81, 82f

Korotkoff sounds, 56


Laerdal intraosseous trainer, 8t

Laerdal® infant airway management

trainer, 8t

Lamp, heat, 24–25

Lancets, stylet-type nonautomated, 100

Laparoscopic gastrostomy, 287–288

Larynx, 251, 252f

Laser treatment, for retinopathy of

prematurity, 372–375

Latex allergy, 35, 38

Life/form® Micro-Preemie Simulator,


Lingual frenotomy

background on, 396–397, 397f

complications of, 400

contraindications to, 397–398

definitions in, 396

equipment in, 398

indications for, 397

limitations of, 398

precautions in, 398, 398f

purpose of, 396

technique in, 397f, 398–400, 398f,

399f, 400f

Lingual frenulum, 396

Low-molecular-weight heparin

(LMWH), for catheter-related

thromboembolism, 225

Lumbar puncture

complications of, 107

contraindications to, 104

equipment in, 104–105

indications for, 104

precautions in, 105

technique in, 105–107, 105f,

106f, 107f


Manipulation, 20

Manometers, 56

Mattress, warming, 25

McComb reservoir, 369f

McCoy culture, for ophthalmic

Chlamydia, 131–132

Median nerve, muscles supplied

by, 191f

Mediastinal drainage, anterior, 270

soft mediastinal tube insertion in,


temporary mediastinal drainage with IV

cannula in, 271–272

Mercury-in-glass thermometer, 44

Metabolism, inborn errors of, 134

Mitten restraint, 28–29

Multiparameter neonatal monitoring


for blood pressure, 61

for cardiac monitoring, 50f

transport vs. bedside, 50f

Mummy restraint, 27, 28f


Nasal anatomy, 394f

Nasal compression, without septal

deviation, 394f

Nasal gastric tubes

complications of, 281, 282f, 283f

contraindications to, 279

equipment in, 279

indications for, 279

limitations of, 279

precautions in, 279

special circumstances in, 279

techniques in, 279–281, 280f, 280t

Nasal septum, 394f

Nasal septum, dislodged, relocation of,


Nasotracheal intubation. See also

Endotracheal intubation

blind, 416

technique in, 242–243

Natal teeth, 389–392


break-away, 197

Osgood bone marrow, 123, 124f

peel-away introducer, 197

venipuncture, safety-engineered, 91f

Negligence, 18

Neonatal abstinence syndrome, 39

Neonatal cuff, 57t

Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), 18,

386, 387

Neonatal resuscitation baby, 10t

Neonatal Resuscitation Program™, 2

Neonatal teeth, 389–392

Nerve block, penile dorsal, 347, 347f

Neural tube defects, maintaining thermal

homeostasis with, 26

Newborn anne, 9t

Newborn simulators, 10t

Nita newborn, 9t

Nitroglycerin, topical, managing

extravasation of, 153–154

Noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP)

measurement, 58

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs

(NSAIDs), recommended dosages

for, 402t

Normal body temperature, 23

Nursing baby, 11t


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