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planned extubation in, 245

precautions in, 237–239, 238f,

238t, 239f

selective left endobronchial intubation

in, 415–416

technique in

nasotracheal, 242–243

orotracheal, 239–242, 239f, 240f,

241f, 242f, 243f

tracheal suctioning in, 244–245

trouble-shooting problems with, 238t

Enteral feeding, 278

Enterostomies, 292. See also Ostomies

Epstein pearls, 390

Esophageal probe, 48

Exchange transfusions

access for, 318

blood product and volume for,

316–318, 317f

complications of, 321

contraindications to, 315

definition of, 315

equipment in, 315–316

identification of blood product, 318

indications for, 315, 316f

laboratory tests on infants, 318

postexchange, 321

precautions in, 316

preparation for, infant, 318

technique in

isovolumetric (central or peripheral

line), 321

push-pull, via special stopcock with

preassembled tray, 318–320, 319f

single umbilical line and two

three-way stopcocks in tandem,

320, 320f

External jugular vein puncture, 93, 93f

Extra digits, 344–345, 345f

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation


cannulation in, venoarterial

contraindications to, 213

conversion from venovenous ECMO

of, 221

equipment in, 214, 214f, 215t

indications for, 213

medications in, 214

personnel, 213

precautions in, 213

technique in, arterial cannulation in,

216–217, 217f

technique in, preparation in,

214–216, 215f, 216f

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