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bladder, 115–119, 116f–118f (See also

Bladder catheterization)

central venous, 195–211 (See also

Central venous catheterization)

umbilical artery, 156–170 (See also

Umbilical artery catheterization)

umbilical vein, 173–180 (See also

Umbilical vein catheterization)

Cellulitis, of heel, 102f

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

Services (CMS), 32

Central venous catheterization

catheter materials in, 196, 196ts

catheter removal in, 208–211, 209f,

210f, 211f

catheter tip position in, 195, 195f

catheter types in, 196, 196t

complications of

catheter breakage in, 210–211, 211f

catheter dysfunction in, 209–210

extravascular fluid collection in,

210, 210f

infection in, 209

migration/malposition in, 208–209,


phlebitis in, 208

tethered catheter in, 211

thrombosis in, 210

vessel/organ damage in, 208

contraindications to, 194

indications for, 194

percutaneous (PICC)

break-away or peel-away introducer

needle placement in, 197

catheter site examination in, 201t

dressing application in, 201, 200f, 201f

dressing changes in, 201–202, 201t

insertion sites in, 196

insertion variations in, 196–197,

197f, 198f

PICC care and maintenance in, 202

placement of, 197–201, 198f, 199t,

200f, 201f

precautions in, 194

surgical cutdown

catheter care in, 206–208

contraindications to, 202

Index 423

dressing application in, 206

equipment in, 202–203

technique in, 203–205, 203f, 204f

technique in, via jugular vein,

203, 203f

technique in, via proximal

saphenous vein, 204–205, 205

types of catheters in, 202

vascular access methods in, 195–196

vessels amenable to, 194, 195t

Cervical veins, 203

Chest wall, 261f

Chloral hydrate, precautions in, 40

Chlorhexidine, 34t

contraindications to, 33

Chloroxylenol (PCMX), 34t


complications of, 351–353, 352f

contraindications to, 346

equipment in, 346, 347f

indications for, 346

postoperative bleeding in, 350–351

precautions in, 347, 347f

technique in

for completion, with circumcision

(Gomco) clamp, 350, 350f

for completion, with Plastibell,


coronal sulcus location and preputial

ring dilation in, 348, 349f

dorsal slit in, 348

penile dorsal nerve block in,

347, 347f

separating prepuce from glans penis

in, 348, 349f

Cleft defects, intubation with, 416

Coercion, 20

Cold stress, 23

Colorimetric carbon dioxide

measurement, 77

Conjunctival cytology, interpretation

of, 133

Conjunctival scrapings, analysis of,

131t, 133

Conjunctivitis, 130

Conscious sedation, 39

Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration

(CAVH), 378

Continuous positive airway pressure

(CPAP), 231

Continuous umbilical artery PO2


background on, 72

complications of, 73

contraindications to, 72

equipment in, 72

precautions in, 73

purpose of, 72

technique in, 73

Continuous umbilical artery PO2,

PCO2, pH, and temperature


background on, 73

complications of, 73

contraindications to, 73

equipment in, 73

precautions in, 73

purpose of, 73

technique in, 73

Continuous venovenous hemofiltration

(CVVH), 378

Convection-warmed incubator, 25

CoolCap, infant preparation for, 327f

Core temperature probe, 45

CritiCool, 333–337, 334f, 335f, 336f, 337f

Cross-matching, of blood products, 304

Cryoprecipitate transfusion, 310–311


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