of the utmost importance in patients with TBI. The CPP is
proportional to the difference between the mean arterial
pressure (MAP and the intracranial pressure (ICP) (CPP oc
MAP - ICP). The intracranial space is a fixed volume, and
the ICP is determined by the amount of brain tissue,
blood, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within it. Increases in
Table 85-1. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS).
either of these variables will cause secondary elevations in
the ICP. The brain can autoregulate cerebral perfusion
under normal physiologic conditions, but cannot do so at
the extremes of either MAP or ICP. Therefore, processes
that significantly decrease the MAP ( eg, traumatic shock)
or increase the ICP (eg, intracranial hemorrhage) may
impair cerebral perfusion and exacerbate secondary brain
The following is a list of specific injury patterns seen in
Concussions represent a traumatic alteration in
neurologic function in the absence of abnormalities
on computed tomography (CT) imaging. Symptoms
including recurring headaches, sleep disturbances,
and difficulties with concentration that can persist for
months (postconcussive syndrome).
Skull fractures can be categorized by location
(basilar vs calvarium), pattern (linear, depressed,
or comminuted), and by whether they are open or
Cerebral contusions represent punctate intraparenchymal hemorrhages with surrounding edema and occur
most commonly in the frontal, temporal, and occipital
lobes. Contusions that occur both at the direct site of
injury and the opposing side of the brain secondary
to indirect deceleration forces are known as coup and
contrecoup injuries, respectively.
Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is the
most common abnormality recognized on posttraumatic CT imaging. Traumatic SAH occurs when injury
to the small subarachnoid vessels leads to secondary
hemorrhage within the subarachnoid space.
Subdural hematoma (SDH) is most commonly
shearing forces injure the small bridging veins in the
subdural space. SDHs classically appear on CT imaging as crescent-shaped hematomas that freely cross
suture lines. As a distinct history of trauma may not
be present, always maintain a high index of suspicion
in elderly patients with nonspecific mental status
Epidural hematoma (EDH) is most commonly seen in
when high-pressure arterial bleeding separates the dura
from the inner table of the skull to form a hematoma.
lines (Figure 85-1). The classic presentation is a patient
with blunt head trauma who initially appears well after
the injury (the so-called lucid interval) only to rapidly
decompensate several hours later.
Figure 85-1. CT sca n of the head showing an
epidural (patient's left) and a subdural (patient's
across the axonal fibers of the brain. CT imaging is
nonspecific, and patients tend to have poor outcomes.
from gunshot wounds to the head approach 90%.
herniation. Transtentorial herniation of the temporal lobe
uncus is the most common form and typically presents
with altered mental status and a dilated or blown pupil
cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum can occur
with significant increases in the ICP, especially with poste
Always attempt to identify the exact mechanism of injury,
as this may predict the severity of damage to the central
nervous system (CNS). For example, clarify the height of a
fall, the speed of a motor vehicle collision (MVC), or the
use of seatbelt restraints or airbag deployment. Emergency
medical service personal can be invaluable in this setting.
Inquire about any loss of consciousness, as this may
portend more significant injury. The antecedent use of
alcohol or illicit drugs may complicate the neurologic
assessment, and their influence should be documented.
Ask about the use of any prescription or over-the-counter
medications, as anticoagulants can induce life-threatening
bleeding despite only minor injury. Finally, look for any
signs and symptoms suggestive of increased ICP (altered
mental status, vomiting, headache), as this will require
emergent neurosurgical intervention.
As with all trauma patients, begin with a rapid primary
survey, and aggressively address any emergent life threats.
Carefully note vital signs, as they can predict the likelihood
of secondary brain injury. Cushing reflex, defined as pro
life-threatening increase in ICP.
the eyes and the ears for any signs of injury. Battle sign
(retroauricular ecchymosis), raccoon eyes (periorbital
ecchymosis), hemotympanum, and CSF rhinorrhea or
otorrhea are all signs of an underlying basilar skull frac
ture (Figure 85-2). Carefully palpate the cervical spine
and always assume an occult C-spine injury until proven
Perform a comprehensive neurologic exam to identify
any findings suggestive of significant injury. Examine the
pupils, taking care to note size, symmetry, and reactivity.
A dilated unresponsive pupil in the setting of cranial
trauma indicates transtentorial herniation until proven
otherwise. Document an initial GCS and repeat fre
quently to detect any signs of decompensation. The unco
ordinated flexion (decorticate) or extension (decerebrate)
Figure 85-2. "Raccoon eyes" suggestive of a basilar
A routine trauma panel including a complete blood count,
chemistry, coagulation studies, and toxicology screening
specific for the diagnosis or management of TBI.
An emergent noninfused head CT is the study of choice for
the evaluation of patients with potential TBI. It is quick,
noninvasive, and highly sensitive for the diagnosis of both
bony and intracranial injuries. Patients who present more
than 48 hours after injury may require intravenous (IV)
contrast to delineate the presence of isodense subdural
hematomas. CT imaging does expose patients to poten
tially harmful ionizing radiation, and the patient's clinical
presentation should always guide the decision to image.
(fall >3 ft) focal neurologic deficits, �2 episodes of vomiting,
evidence of depressed or basilar skull fracture, posttraumatic
seizure, persistent anterograde amnesia, persistent severe
headache, or the presence of coagulopathies. The indications
for CT imaging in pediatric patients are similarly debatable
but typically include the presence of any of the following: loss
of consciousness, abnormal mental status, vomiting, palpable
skull fracture or signs of basilar skull fracture, scalp hemato -
mas, and high-energy mechanisms.
Severe TBI patients with subdural or epidural hematomas
and evidence of impending or evolving herniation require
The primary survey and presenting GCS should guide the
work-up and management of patients with TBI. The
patients should be considered evolving herniations until
proven otherwise. Emergent CT imaging will help establish
the proper diagnosis and guide further treatment
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