febrile, 201-202

Seldinger technique, 9, !Of, 1 1, l lf

Sensory exam, for stroke, 350

Sepsis, 142-146, 143t, 145f

Septic arthritis, 410-413, 411 t, 412f, 412t

Septic shock, 42-45, 43 t, 44f, 142-146,

143t, 14Sf

Serious bacterial infection (SBI), in

pediatric patients, 201-205, 203f,


Serotonin syndrome, 231 t


Serum sodium, dehydration and, 220

Severe sepsis, 142-146, 143t, 145f

Sheath introducer (Cordis) catheter,

central venous access with, 8, 9f

Shivering, with hypothermia, 260

Shock, 42-45, 43t, 44f, 142-146, 143t,

145f, 361, 36 lt

with anticoagulation therapy, 309

dehydration and, 219

Shoulder dislocation, 391, 39lf, 396

reduction of, 395

Shoulder injuries, 39 1-392, 39lf, 392f

Shoulder separation, 392, 396

Sickle cell disease (SCD), 299-303, 302f

Sildenafil, priapism with, 1 78

Simple febrile reaction, 304-307, 305t,


Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment

(START), 32, 32t

Sinus bradycardia, 64-65, 66f

with hypothermia, 260

Sinus tachycardia, 66-67, 66f, 68f

with CA overdose, 256, 256t

SJS. See Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Skin lesions, with anticoagulation therapy

complications, 309

Skin turgor, dehydration and, 218, 218t

Skull fractures, 364

basilar, 365, 365f

Slit lamp examination, 312-3 14, 313f, 314f

Small bowel obstruction, 13 1-134,

132f, 1 33f

Snakes, venomous, 274-279, 275f,

276f, 278f

Sodium bicarbonate therapy

for CA overdose, 257, 258f

for potassium disorders, 286

Sodium channel blockade, with CA,


Sodium polystyrene sulfonate

(Kayexalate), for potassium

disorders, 286

Sodium-potassium pumps, with digoxin

toxicity, 252

Soft tissue infections, 1 5 1-155, 1 52f,

1 53f, 1 54f

Sore throat, pharyngitis with, 225

Spiders, venomous, 274-279, 276f,

277f, 278f

Spinal cord compression, 295-298, 297f

Spinal cord injury (SCI), 368

Spinal cord injury without radiologic

abnormality (SCIWORA), 370

Splenic sequestration, 300

Splinting, 414-41 7, 414t, 415/, 416/, 417[

Spontaneous abortion, 1 8 1-183, 182t,

1 84f

SSSS. See Staphylococcal scalded skin


Standard precautions, 1 62

Stanford classification of aortic

dissections, 70, 7 lf

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome

(SSSS), 418-4 19, 419f, 42 1, 42 lf

Staples, laceration repair with, 20-23, 2 lf,

22f, 23f

Star sign, 338f

START. See Simple Triage and Rapid


STAT metabolic panel

for digoxin toxicity, 252

for hypothermia, 260

for trauma, 360

Status epilepticus, 353-357, 354f, 354t,

355f, 357f

STEM!. See ST-segment elevation

myocardial infarctions

Sternal fracture, 378


for allergic reactions, 423, 425,


for asthma, 90t, 92f, 93-94

for COPD, 95, 97, 98f

for dyspnea, 84, 87f

for frostnip, 265

for HIV patients, 160

for meningitis, 339

for meningitis or encephalitis, 150

for phimosis, 180

for respiratory distress, 210f, 211

for SCI, 372-373

for sepsis, 144

for shock, 44f, 45

for spinal cord compression, 297

for vesiculobullous lesions, 422

Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS),

418-41 9, 42 lf, 422

Stimson technique, 395

Straight-leg raise test, 404

Strep score, for pharyngitis, 227, 227t

Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome,

pharyngitis with, 225

String of pearls sign, 1 32, 132f

Stroke. See Cerebrovascular accident

Stryker Stryker intra-compartmental

monitor device, 408, 408f

ST-segment elevation myocardial

infarctions (STEMI), 50--56, 52f,

52t, 54f

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)

CSF findings with, 338, 338t

headache with, 336-338, 338f

LP for, 1 6-19, 16t, 1 7f, 18f

traumatic, 364

Subclavian vein catheterization, 1 1, 1 1[

Subconjunctival hemorrhage, 315-3 18,

316f, 3 1 6t, 318f

Subcutaneous abscess, I&D for, 1-3,

lf, 2f

Subdural hematoma (SDH),

364-365, 364f

Submandibular space infection,

329, 33lf

Submental space infection, 329, 33lf

Subxiphoid view, for EUS, 28, 29f

Succinylcholine, for RSI, 40

Sudden cardiac death (SCD), 33-36,

34t, 35f

Sugar-tong splint, 415, 416[

Sulfonation, of acetaminophen, 239

Sulfonylurea, as toxidrome, 23 1t

Superficial thickness burns, 387

Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome,

295-298, 297f

Supraglottic burn injuries, 388

Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT),

66-67 > 66f, 68f, 69

Sutures, laceration repair with, 20-23, 2 lf,

22f, 23f

SVC. See Superior vena cava

SVT. See Supraventricular tachycardia

Sympathomimetic toxidromes, 23 lt

Syncope, 80-83, 82f, 83f

Synovial fluid analysis, 4 1 1 , 4 l l t



• See Triiodothyronine


• See Thyroxine

Tachydysrhythmia, 63-69, 64t, 65f, 66f,

67f, 68f

TAl. See Traumatic aortic injury

Tamsulosin, for nephrolithiasis, 169

TB. See Tuberculosis

TBI. See Traumatic brain injury

TBSA. See Total body surface area

Technetium-99m pertechnetate study,


Temporal arteritis, 319-323, 322f

headache with, 337-338, 340

TEN. See Toxic epidermal necrolysis

Tendon lacerations, 396

of hand, 393

Tension headache, 337, 339

Tension pneumothorax, 105-107, 106f, l07f

chest pain in, 47, 48f, 49

needle and tube thoracostomy for,

24-26, 24f, 25f, 26f

shock with, 45

Terazosin, for nephrolithiasis, 169


for asthma, 92f, 93

for priapism, 1 78

for respiratory distress, 21 Of, 211

Testicular torsion, 1 74-1 76, 1 75f, 1 76f

Tetanus immune globulin ( TIG), after

laceration repair, 23

Tetanus toxoid, after laceration repair, 23

TH. See Thyroid hormone

Thermal burns, 387

Thioridazine, priapism with, 178

Third degree heart block, 64-66, 66f, 67f,


Third-degree burns, 387

Thompson test, 399

Thoracic trauma, 374-380, 375t, 377f,


Thoracoabdominal region, 381, 382f

Thoracostomy. See Thoracotomy

Thoracotomy, 378

needle and tube, 24-26, 24f, 25f, 26f

Throat culture, for GABHS pharyngitis,


Thumb print sign, 227, 227f

Thumb spica splint, 415, 416f

Thumb splint, 415, 416[

Thyroglobulin, 288

Thyroid emergencies, 288-29 1, 289t,

290f, 29 1[


Thyroid hormone (TH), 288-291

Thyroid storm, 288-289

Thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH),


Thyroid-stimulating hormone ( TSH),

288-29 1 , 290t

Thyrotoxicosis, 288-289

Thyroxine ( T4

), 288-29 1, 290t

TIAs. See Transient ischemic attacks

Tibial plateau fractures, 398, 401-402

Ticagrelor, for ACS, 55

TIG. See Tetanus immune globulin

Tirofiban, for ACS, 55

Tissue adhesive, laceration repair with,

20-23, 2 1f, 22f, 23f

Tissue injuries, cold-induced, 263-266,

264f, 265f, 266t

Tissue plasminogen activator ( TPA), for

ischemic stroke, 348

TM. See Tympanic membrane

Tongue blade test, 328

Tonic seizure, 353, 354t

Tonic-clonic seizure, 353, 354t

Tono-Pen, 32 1, 32lf

Tooth avulsion, 327-328, 330

Torsade de pointes, 67, 69

Torsemide, for CHF, 60, 61t

Total body surface area ( TBSA), of burns,

388, 388[

Toxic agents. See Poisoned patient

Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN),

418-41 9, 420f, 42 1f, 422

Toxic shock syndrome ( TSS), 418-4 1 9,

42 1, 42 1[

pharyngitis with, 225

Toxidromes, 23 lt

Toxoplasmosis, in HIV patients, 156--160,

1 59f, l60f

TPA. See Tissue plasminogen activator

Tracheitis, 206-207, 210-211

Tracheobronchial injury, 375, 380

Training, for EMS, 30, 3lt

Transfusion-associated acute lung injury

(TRALI), 304-307, 305t, 306f


exchange, 301

massive, 305

reactions to, 304-307, 305t, 306f

for stroke, 352

Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), 348

Transportation, EMS, 30-3 1, 3lt


abdominal, 381-384, 382f, 383f, 385f,


blunt, 358-362, 36lf, 36 1t

EUS for, 27-29, 28f, 29f

penetrating, 358-362, 36lf, 361t

thoracic, 374-380, 375t, 377f, 379f

Trauma principles, 358-362, 361f, 36 1t

Traumatic aortic injury ( TAl), 359

Traumatic brain injury ( TBI), 363-367,

363t, 364f, 365f, 366f

Traumatic LP, 18

Trazodone, priapism with, 1 78

Trench mouth. See Acute necrotizing


TRH. See Thyroid-releasing hormone

Trichomonas vaginitis, 1 85-186, 187f, 1 87t

Tricyclic antidepressants, for immersion

foot, 265

Triiodothyronine (T3

), 288-291


for HIV patients, 1 60

for UTI, 1 73t

Triple-lumen catheter, central venous

access with, 8, 9f

Truvada, for postexposure prophylaxis,

1 63

T&S. See Type and screen

TSH. See Thyroid -stimulating hormone

TSS. See Toxic shock syndrome

Tube thoracostomy, 24-26, 24f, 25f, 26f

Tuberculosis (TB), in HIV patients,

1 56--157, 1 59-160

Tumor lysis syndrome, 295-298, 297f

Tympanic membrane (TM)

normal, 222, 222[

with otitis media, 221-224, 222f, 223f

Tympanocentesis, for otitis media, 223

Type and screen (T&S), in acute

abdominal pain, 1 1 5


U waves, with digoxin toxicity, 252

UA. See Unstable angina

UFH. See Unfractionated heparin

Ulnar gutter splint, 415, 416f


AAA on, 126-127, 1 26f, l27f

for abdominal pain, 213-2 14, 2 14f

emergency, 27-29, 28f, 29f

gallstones on, 122-123, 122[

radial artery on, 5, 6f

for retinal detachment, 32 1, 321[

for thoracic trawna, 377, 377f

Unfractionated heparin (UFH)

for ACS, 54f, 55

for PE, 1 1 0

Unstable angina (UA), 50-56, 52f, 52t, 54f

Upper extremity injuries, 391-396, 391f,

392f, 393f, 394f, 395f

Upper GI bleeding, 1 28-1 30, 1 28t, 130f

Upper respiratory infection (URI), otitis

media and, 22 1

Urethrogram, for trauma, 360

URI. See Upper respiratory infection


in acute abdominal pain, 1 14

for UTI, 171, 17lt

Urinary tract infection (UTI), 1 70-1 73,

17lt, 1 72f, 1 73t

Urine alkalinization

for poisoned patient, 232f, 233

for salicylate overdose,

245-246, 246[

Urine output, dehydration and, 218-2 19,


Urine toxicology screening, for poisoned

patient, 232

Urticaria, 304-307, 305t, 306f, 423-425,


UTI. See Urinary tract infection


Vaccination, hepatitis B, 162-163

Vaginal bleeding, 18 1-184, 182f, 1 82t,

1 84f

Vaginal discharge, 185-1 88, 186f, 187[,

187t, 188t

Vaginitis, 185-188, 187f, 187t

Valproic acid, for seizure, 356


for acute cholecystitis, 124

antibiotics for, 422

for erythrodermas, 42 1

for HlV patients, 160

for meningitis or encephalitis, 149t,

1 50

for neutropenic sepsis, 298

for pediatric fever, 205

for septic arthritis, 412

for soft tissue infections, 155


for ACS, 48, 53-54, 54f

for aortic dissection, 7 4

for CHF, 59-60, 60f, 61t

for dyspnea, 84, 87f

for hypertensive emergency, 78t

Vasoocclusive crisis, 299-303, 302f

Vasopressin, for cardiopulmonary arrest,

34, 35f


for cardiopulmonary arrest, 34, 35f

for CHF, 59, 60f, 61t

for PE, 1 1 0

for sepsis, 144, 145f

for shock, 44f, 45


for transfusions reactions, 307

Vasovagal syncope. See Neurally mediated


Venous access, central line placement for,

8-12, 9f, 10f, 1 1f

Venous sinus thrombosis, headache with,


Ventricular fibrillation (VF), 33-36, 35f,

67, 68f, 69

Ventricular tachycardia (VT), 33-36, 35f,

66-67' 66f, 68f, 69

with digoxin toxicity, 252, 252f

Vertebrae, 368

Vertebral artery dissection, headache

with, 337, 340

Vertebral compression fracture, 404, 405f

Vertebral osteomyelitis, 406

Vertebrobasilar strokes, 348

Vertical mattress suture, 22, 22f

Vertigo, 34 1-346, 342t, 343f, 343t, 345f

Vesiculobullous lesions, 418-422, 420f, 42 1f

Vestibular neuronitis, 341-346, 342t, 343[,

343t, 345f

Vestibular suppressant therapy, 343, 343t

VF. See Ventricular fibrillation

Viperidae snakes, 274-275, 275f

Viral encephalitis, 147-150, 148t, 149f,


Viruses, pharyngitis with, 225

Vital signs, normal, 197t

Vitamin K, for anticoagulation therapy

complications, 310

Volkmann ischemic contracture, 407

Volume resuscitation

for burns, 390

for trauma, 360


abdominal pain with, 213

examination of, 213-2 14, 214f

treatment of, 216

VT. See Ventricular tachycardia


Warfarin, 308

acute abdominal pain and, l l5

complications with, 309-3ll, 310f

for PE, 1 1 0

Warfarin skin necrosis, 309

Wells rules, 109-1 10, 1 10t, 111f

Whole-bowel irrigation

for acetaminophen toxicity, 242-243

for poisoned patient, 232f, 233

Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome,

64, 65f

Wound closure, 20-23, 2 1f, 22f, 23f

Wrist injuries, 392-393, 392f


Ziprasidone, for psychiatric patient, 428 


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