
for fever, 140, 140[

for pediatric fever, 204

Antivenin, 279

Antivenom, 279

ANUG. See Acute necrotizing gingivitis

AOM. See Acute otitis media

Aortic aneurysm. See Abdominal aortic


Aortic dissection, 70-7 4, 7l f, 72f, 73{

chest pain in, 47-48, 48f

hypertensive emergency with,

76, 77t, 78, 78t

APAP. See Acetaminophen

Apathetic hyperthyroidism, 289

APGAR scoring, 195, 1 95t

API. See Arterial pressure index

Aplastic crisis, 300

Apneustic breathing, 349

Appendicitis, 1 1 8-1 20, 1 18t, 1 1 9[, 120{

abdominal pain with, 1 1 2-1 16, 1 1 3t,

1 14[, 1 1 6[, 213-2 14

ARAS. See Ascending reticular activating


ARF. See Acute rheumatic fever

Arm injuries, 391-392, 39lf, 392{

Arousal, 332

ARS. See Acute retroviral syndrome

ART. See Acute retroviral therapy

Arterial blood gas sampling, 4-7, Sf, 6f

for toxic alcohol ingestion, 236

Arterial injury, 360

Arterial pressure index (API), 360

Arterial puncture, 4-7, Sf, 6f

Arthritis, septic, 410-4 13, 41 1 t,

412[, 412t

Arthrocentesis, 411

ASA. See American Society of


Ascending reticular activating system

(ARAS), 332

Aseptic meningitis, 147

Aspiration pneumonitis, 271, 271[


for ACS, 48, 48f, 55

for erythrodermas, 42 1

GI bleeding and, 129

for stroke, 352

as toxidrome, 23 1t

Asthma, 89-94, 89t, 90t, 9 1f, 92f

respiratory distress with, 207, 210 f, 211

Asystole, 33-36, 34t, 35f

Atonic seizure, 353, 354t

Atrial fibrillation (AF), 64, 64t, 66f, 67,

68f, 69

with digoxin toxicity, 252, 252f, 254

Atrial flutter, 66-67, 66f, 68f, 69

Atrioventricular (AV) block, 63-66, 66f,

67f, 68-69


for dysrhythmia, 68

procedural sedation with, 14

for RSI, 39

for shock, 44[, 45

as toxidrome, 23 1 t

AV block. See Atrioventricular block

Axial load injuries, to cervical spine, 369,




for cervicitis, 188t

for HIV patients, 1 60

Bacitracin, for epistaxis, 325-326

Back, 381

Back pain. See Low back pain

Bacterial infection, in pediatric patients,

201-205, 203f, 204t

Bacterial meningitis, 147-1 50, 148t, 149[,


Bacterial tracheitis, 206-207, 210-211

Bacterial vaginosis (BV), 1 85-1 86, 187[,

1 87t, 188

Bag-valve-mask ( BVM) ventilation,

37-38, 39{

BAl. See Blunt aortic injury

Balanoposthitis, 1 77-1 80, 1 79[

Bartholin gland abscesses, 1-2

Barton fracture, 392

Basic metabolic panel (BMP), for

oncologic emergencies, 296

Basilar skull fracture, 365, 365[

Battle sign, 365

Bell-clapper deformity, 17 4, 1 75[

Benign headache, 336-340, 336t, 338[,

338t, 339{

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

(BPPV), 34 1-346, 342t, 343[, 343t,

344[, 345[, 346[

Benzocaine/antipyrine drops, for otitis

media, 223


for AM$, 334

for CA overdose, 25S

for head injuries, 366

procedural sedation with, 14, 14t

for psychiatric patient, 42S

for RSI, 40

for seizure, 356


for asthma, S9-93, 90� 92f

for COPD, 95, 97, 9Sf

for dyspnea, S4, S7f

for respiratory distress, 21 Of, 211


for ACS, 54f, 55

for acute angle-closure glaucoma, 323

for aortic dissection, 73-7 4

for CHF, 61

for CRAO, 322

for dysrhythmia, 69

for hypertensive emergency, 7St

Bigelow maneuvers, 40 1

Bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP),

for COPD, 97, 9Sf

Biliary colic, 12 1-124, 122f, 122t, 123f

Bite wounds, 20

Bivalirudin, for ACS, 55

Black widow spider, 275-276, 276f


complication, with anticoagulation

therapy, 309-3 10, 310[

GI, 12S-1 30, 12St, 129t, 1 30f

vaginal, 1S1-1S4, 1 S2f, 1 S2t, 1 S4f

Blisters, with cold-induced tissue injuries,

264-266, 264f

Blood exposure, 1 62-165, 164f

Blood gas san1pling

arterial, 4-7, Sf, 6f

for CO poisoning, 24S

for potassium disorders, 2S5

Blood glucose

for diabetic emergencies, 2S1

for seizure, 353

for stroke, 350

Blood pressure. See also Hypertension

dehydration and, 21S, 21St

Blood screens, for poisoned patient, 232

Blood sugar, dehydration and, 21S

Blood urea nitrogen, in acute abdominal

pain, 1 14

Blunt aortic injury (BAI), 374, 376, 377f,


Blunt myocardial injury (BMI), 374, 37S

Blunt trauma, 35S-362, 361f, 36 lt

abdominal, 3S2, 3S6f

thoracic, 3 7 4, 3 7S

BMI. See Blunt myocardial injury

BMP. See Basic metabolic panel

Body fluid exposure, 162-165, 164f

Boerhaave syndrome, chest pain in,

47--49, 4Sf

Bohler angle, 400, 400f

Boston Criteria, 202-203, 204t

Bougies, 41, 41[


Bowel obstruction, 1 3 1-1 34, 132f, 133f

Boxer's fracture, 393, 393f

BP. See Bullous pemphigoid

BPAP. See Bilevel positive airway pressure

BPPV. See Benign paroxysmal positional


Bradydysrhythmia, 63-69, 64 t, 65f, 66f,

67f, 6Sf

Breathing supportive care

for AMS, 333

for drowning incident, 270

for heat-related illness, 26S, 269f

for hypothermia, 259

for poisoned patient, 232, 232f, 242,

24S, 253

for seizure, 3 54

for stroke, 349

for trauma, 359

Bronchiolitis, 207, 211

Brown recluse spider, 275-276, 277f

Brown-Sequard syndrome, 369

Brugada syndrome, S1, S2f

Buccal space infection, 329, 329f, 331f

Bullous pemphigoid (BP), 419

Bumetanide, for CHF, 60, 61t

Bupivacaine, for I&D, 2

Burn center admission, 3S9, 3S9f, 390t

Burns, 3S7-390, 3SSf, 3S9f, 390t

BV. See Bacterial vaginosis

BVM ventilation. See Bag-valve-mask



CA. See Cyclic antidepressants

Calcaneus fractures, 39S


for hypocalcemia, 307

for potassium disorders, 2S5-2S6

Calcium channel blockers

antidote for, 233t

for dysrhythmia, 69

for hypertensive emergency, 7St

Calcium oxalate crystals, with toxic

alcohol ingestion, 236

Canadian C-spine rules, 371, 372t


in HIV patients, 1 57, 157f, 161

vaginal, 1 S5-1 S6, 1S7f, 1 S7t

Canine space infection, 329, 329f, 331[

Capillary refill, dehydration and, 21S,


Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning,

247-250, 24Sf, 249f, 250t, 337, 390

Cardiac box, 375, 376f

Cardiac disease. See also Acute coronary


cardiopulmonary arrest, 33-36, 34t, 35f

Cardiac syncope, SO-S3, S2f, S3f

Cardiac tamponade

chest pain in, 47, 4Sf, 49

shock with, 45

Cardiogenic shock, 42--45, 43 t, 44f

Cardiopulmonary arrest, 33-36, 34t, 35f

Cardiovascular toxicity, with CA,

256, 256t

Cardioversion, for digoxin toxicity, 252

Carotid artery dissection, 337, 340

Carpal dislocation, 394, 396

Catheterization, central venous access,

S-12, 9f, lOf, l lf

Cauda equina syndrome, 404

CBC. See Complete blood count

Cefix.ime, for cervicitis, 1 SSt

Cefotaxime, for meningitis or

encephalitis, 149, 149t

Cefotetan, for PID, 1SSt

Cefoxitin, for PID, 1 SSt

Cefpodoxime, for cervicitis, 1 SSt


antibiotics for, 422

for cervicitis, 1SS t

for HIV patients, 1 60

for meningitis or encephalitis, 149t, 150

for otitis media, 224

for pediatric fever, 204-205

for PID, 1 SSt

for septic arthritis, 412

for UTI, 173t

Cell, 314, 3 14f

Cellular respiration, CO and, 247

Cellulitis, 1 5 1-155, 152f, 154[

Central cord syndrome, 369

Central line placement, for trauma, 360

Central nervous system ( CNS)

CA overdose and, 255-256, 256t

digoxin toxicity and, 252

heat-related illness and, 26S

symptoms in HIV patients, 1 57,

1 59-1 60, 160[

TBI and, 364

toxic alcohol ingestion and, 236

Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO),

319-323, 320f, 322f

Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO),

319-323, 320f, 322f

Central venous access, S-12, 9f, 1 0f, l lf

Central vertigo, 342


for otitis media, 224

for pharyngitis, 22S

Cerebellar exam, for stroke, 350

Cerebellar strokes, 34S

Cerebral contusions, 364

Cerebral cortex, 332

Cerebral perfusion pressure ( CPP), TBI

and, 363-364

Cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF)

headache and, 33S, 33St

LP for, 1 6-19, 1 6t, 1 7f, 1 Sf

meningitis or encephalitis findings,

14S-149, 14St, 149[

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA),

347-352, 349t, 350f, 351f

headache with, 337

with sickle cell disease, 300, 302

vascular supply of, 34S-349, 34St

Cerebrovascular syncope, SO-S3, S2f, S3f

Cervical motion tenderness (CMT),

1 S6, 1 S7f

Cervical spine, 369f

injuries to, 368-373, 369t, 370t, 372t, 373f

radiographs of, 370, 370t, 371f, 372f

Cervicitis, 1 85-188, 186f, 187f, 188t

Charcoal, activated. See Activated


Chemical burns, 387

Chemosis, 3 1 6, 316[

Chest compressions, 34, 35f

Chest pain, 46-49, 48f

Chest trauma, EUS for, 27-29, 28f, 29f

Chest tube insertion, for trauma, 360

Cheyne-Stokes breathing, 349

CHF. See Congestive heart failure

Chilblains, 263-266, 265f

Children. See Pediatric patients

Chlamydia, l85-188, 1 88t

Chloral hydrate, for pediatric patients, 198

Cholecystitis. See Acute cholecystitis

Cholinergic toxidromes, 23 lt

antidote for, 233t

Chopart joint, 398

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

(COPD), 95-99, 97f, 98f

Ciliary flush, 313

Cimetidine, for allergic reactions, 425


for acute cholecystitis, 124

for appendicitis, 1 19

for soft tissue infections, 155

for UTI, 173t

Circulatory supportive care

for AMS, 333

for drowning incident, 270

for heat-related illness, 268, 269f

for hypothermia, 259

for poisoned patient, 232, 232f, 242,

248, 253

for seizure, 354

for stroke, 349

for trauma, 359

Clam digger splint, 415, 416[

Clevidipine, for aortic dissection, 7 4


for pharyngitis, 228

for PID, 188t

for soft tissue infections, 155

Clonic seizure, 353, 354t

Clonidine, poisoning with, 233t, 253

Clopidogrel, for ACS, 54f, 55

Cluster headache, 337, 339

CMP. See Complete metabolic panel

CMT. See Cervical motion tenderness

CMV. See Cytomegalovirus

CNS. See Central nervous system

CO. See Carbon monoxide

Coagulation profile

for abdominal trauma, 383

for acetaminophen toxicity, 240

for envenomation, 278

for epistaxis, 324

with hypothermia, 260

for stroke, 350

for trauma, 360

Coagulation tests, in acute abdominal

pain, 1 15

Coagulopathy, with heat-related illness,


Coaptation splint, 415, 416f



priapism with, 178

as toxidrome, 23lt

Cognition, 332

Cold-induced tissue injuries, 263-266,

264[, 265[, 266t

Colles fracture, 392, 392f

Combivir, for postexposure prophylaxis,

1 63

Communications, EMS, 30

Compartment syndromes, 265, 399,

40 1-402, 407-409, 408[, 409f

Complete blood count (CBC)

for abdominal trauma, 383

in acute abdominal pain, 1 1 4

for adrenal emergencies, 293

for anticoagulation therapy

complications, 309

for envenomation, 278

for epistaxis, 324

for head injuries, 365

for HIV patients, 157

for oncologic emergencies, 296

for trauma, 360

for vasoocclusive crisis, 301

Complete heart block, 64-66, 66f, 67f,


Complete metabolic panel (CMP), for

heat-related illness, 268

Computed tomography angiography (CIA),

for thoracic trauma, 377, 377f

Concussions, 364

Congestive heart failure ( CHF), 57-62,

58f, 59f, 60f, 61 t

Conjunctivitis, 315-3 18, 316[, 31 6t, 318[


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