Joint pain, septic arthritis causing,

410-41 3, 411t, 412f, 412t

Jugular venous distention, in CHF,

58, 58[

Junctional bradycardia, 66, 66f, 69


K+. See Potassium

Kaletra, for postexposure prophylaxis,

1 63

Kawasaki disease, 418-419, 42 1, 42 1f

pharyngitis with, 226

Kayexalate. See Sodium polystyrene



for asthma patients, 93

for pediatric patients, 1 99

procedural sedation with, 14, 14t

for RSI, 40

for trauma, 361

Ketorolac, for nephrolithiasis, 168f

Kidney stones. See Nephrolithiasis

King's College liver transplant criteria, for

acetaminophen toxicity, 240, 242f

Knee injuries, 398-40 1, 398t



for aortic dissection, 7 4

for hypertension in pregnancy, 191

for hypertensive emergency, 78t

Labyrinthitis, 341-346, 342t, 343f,

343t, 345f

Laceration repair, 20-23, 2 lf, 22[, 23f

Lactate level

of poisoned patient, 232

in sepsis, 142-144, 143t, 145f

Laparotomy, for abdominal trauma, 384

Lap-belt ecchymoses, 383

Large brainstem strokes, 348

Laryngeal mask airway (LMA), 40-41

Latrodectism, 277

Left upper quadrant (LUQ) view,

for EUS, 29

Leucovorin, for ectopic pregnancy, 183

Levofloxacin, for HN patients, 160

Levothyroxine, for thyroid emergencies, 29 1

LFTs. See Liver function tests


for arterial puncture, 5

for central venous access, 8-9

for l&D, 2

for laceration repair, 21

for lumbar puncture, 17

for needle and tube thoracostomy, 26

for paraphimosis, 179

for RSI, 39

Life-threatening dermatoses, 41 8-422,

419[, 420[, 42 lf

Ligamentous injuries, 401-402

Ligamentum flavum, 368, 369f

Lightheadedness, 341-346, 342t, 343[,

343t, 345f

Lipase, in acute abdominal pain, 115

Lisfranc injury, 400

Lisfranc joint, 398

Liver enzymes, with heat-related illness,


Liver function tests (LFTs), in acute

abdominal pain, 115

Liver studies, for acetaminophen toxicity,


LMA. See Laryngeal mask airway

LMWH. See Low-molecular-weight


Local wound exploration (LWE), for

abdominal trauma, 384

Long arm posterior splint, 415, 416f

Loop diuretics, for CHF, 60-61,

60[, 61 t


for psychiatric patient, 428

for seizure, 356

Low back pain, 403-406, 404t, 405f

Lower extremity injuries, 397-402, 397[,

398t, 399[, 400f

Lower GI bleeding, 128-1 30, 129t, 130f

Low-molecular-weight heparin

(LMWH), 308

for ACS, 54[, 55

complications with, 309-3 11, 310f

for PE, 1 1 0

Loxoscelism, 277

LP. See Lumbar puncture

Ludwig angina, 328-330, 330[, 331f

Lumbar puncture (LP), 16--19, 16t,

1 7[, 1 8f

for AMS, 333

for headache, 338


for HIV patients, 159

for meningitis or encephalitis, 148

for seizure, 355

Lunate dislocation, 393, 394f

LUQ view. See Left upper quadrant view

LWE. See Local wound exploration

Lymphocytosis, with infectious

mononucleosis, 227



for hypertension in pregnancy, 191

with hypokalemia, 285

Magnesium sulfate

for allergic reactions, 425

for asthma, 92-93, 92f

for dysrhythmia, 69

for respiratory distress, 211

Maintenance fluid, for dehydration, 2 1 9,


Maisonneuve fracture, 398

Malignant hyperthermia, 268

Mallampati classification, 14, 14f

Mallet finger, 393, 396

Malrotation. See Intestinal malrotation

Mandible fractures, 327-328, 330


for acute angle-closure glaucoma, 323

for head injuries, 366

MAO!, as toxidrome, 23lt

MAP. See Mean arterial pressure

Masticator space infection, 329

Mastoiditis, with otitis media, 224

MAT. See Multifocal atrial tachycardia

MDAC. See Multiple doses of oral

activated charcoal

Mean arterial pressure (MAP),

TBI and, 363-364

Meckel diverticulum

abdominal pain with, 212

examination of, 214

rule of 2s and, 213t

treatment of, 216

Meckel scan, 214

Medroxyprogesterone, for vaginal

bleeding, 183

Meniere disease, 341-346, 342t, 343[,

343t, 345f

Meningitis, 147-150, 148t, 149[, 149t

CSF findings with, 338, 338t

headache with, 336, 338-339

in HIV patients, 1 57, 159-160, 160f

Meningococcemia, 419-420, 42 1[, 422

Meniscal injuries, 40 1-402

Menometrorrhagia, 181

Menorrhagia, 181

Mental status, dehydration and, 218,


Meperidine, as toxidrome, 23 lt

Merocel, 326, 326f

Mesenteric ischemia, 135-137, 136[, 137f

Metacarpal fractures, 393, 393[, 396

Metatarsal fractures, 399-400, 399[, 402

Methanol, poisoning with, 233t, 235-237

Methimazole, for thyroid emergencies,



antidote for, 233t

for ectopic pregnancy, 183


for allergic reactions, 425

for asthma, 93

for COPD, 97

for optic neuritis, 323

Metoclopramide, for acute cholecystitis,


Metoprolol, for ACS, 55


for acute cholecystitis, 124

for appendicitis, 1 19

for PID, 188t

for vaginitis, 1 87t

Metrorrhagia, 181

MI. See Myocardial infarction


for pediatric patients, 1 98-199

procedural sedation with,

14, 14t

for RSI, 40

Middle ear, with otitis media, 22 1-224,

222[, 223f

Migraine, 337, 339

Mineralocorticoids, for adrenal

emergencies, 293

Mobitz type I second degree AV block,

65-66, 66[, 67f, 68

Mobitz type II second degree AV block,

65-66, 66[, 67[, 68-69

Modified Centor criteria, for pharyngitis,

227, 228t

Mononucleosis, infectious, pharyngitis

with, 226-227

Monospot. See Heterophile antibody

Monteggia fracture-dislocation, 392


for ACS, 54-55

for acute cholecystitis, 123

for CHF, 60f

for intestinal obstruction, 133

for nephrolithiasis, 168f

for pediatric patients, 199

procedural sedation with, 14t

for sickle cell disease, 301

as toxidrome, 231 t

Motor exam, for stroke, 350

Moxifloxacin, for HN patients, 160

Mucous membranes, dehydration and,

218, 218t

Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT), 66f,

67, 68f

Multiple doses of oral activated charcoal

(MDAC), for poisoned patient,

232[, 233

Murphy sign, 122-123

Mutual aid, for EMS, 32

Myocardial infarction (MI), 50-56, 52[,

52t, 54f

Myocardial ischemia, with CO poisoning,


Myoclonic seizure, 353, 354t

Myoglobin, CO binding of, 247

Myxedema coma, 288-289


NAC. See N-Acetylcysteine

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), for

acetaminophen toxicity,

240, 242-243


(NAPQI), from acetaminophen

metabolism, 239

Nafcillin, for erythrodermas, 42 1

Naloxone, 1St

for AMS, 334

NAPQI. See N-Acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine

Narcotics. See Opioids

Nasogastric (NG) tube, decompression

vnth, 132-134, 133f

National Institute of Health stroke scale

(NIHSS), 349, 349t

Nebulizers, 91, 9 lf

Necrotizing infections, 15 1-1 55, 152f,

1 53f, 1 54f

Needle thoracostomy, 24-26, 24f,

25f, 26f

of PTX and HTX, 377

for trauma, 360

Nephrolithiasis, 166--169, 166t, 167f, 168f

Neurally mediated syncope, 80-83,

82f, 83f

Neurocysticercosis, 356

Neurogenic shock, 42-45, 43t, 44f

Neurologic symptoms, in HIV patients,

1 57, 1 59-160, 1 60[

Neutropenic fever, 296--298, 297f

Neutropenic sepsis, 296, 298

NEXUS criteria, 371, 372t

NFCI. See Nonfreezing cold injuries

NG tube. See Nasogastric tube


for aortic dissection, 7 4

for hypertensive emergency, 78t


for frostnip, 265

for hypertension in pregnancy, 191

Nightstick fracture, 392

NIHSS. See National Institute of Health

stroke scale

Nikolsky sign, 419, 419f

Nimodipine, for SAH, 339

Nitrofurantoin, for UTI, 1 73t


for ACS, 48, 53-54, 54f

for CHF, 59-{)0, 60f, 61 t

for dyspnea, 87f

for hypertensive emergency, 78t


for aortic dissection, 7 4

for CHF, 60, 60f, 6lt

for hypertension in pregnancy, 191

for hypertensive emergency, 78t

Nitroprusside test, for diabetic

emergencies, 281

Nondepolarizing neuromuscular

blockers, for RSI, 39-40

Nonfreezing cold injuries (NFCI),

263-266, 265[

Nongonococcal septic arthritis,



Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs


GI bleeding and, 129

for immersion foot, 265

for low back pain, 405

for nephrolithiasis, 167

Non-5T-segment elevation myocardial

infarctions (NSTEMI), 50-56, 52f,

52t, 54f


for CA overdose, 259

for CHF, 59, 6lt

for PE, 1 1 0

for sepsis, 144

for shock, 45

NSAIDs. See Nonsteroidal

anti-inflammatory drugs

NSTEMI. See Non-5T-segment elevation

myocardial infarctions


Obstructive series, 132, 1 32f, 133f

0 bstructive shock, 42-45, 43 t, 44f

Octreotide, for GI bleeding, 128, 130

Ocular examination

for CO poisoning, 248

for poisoned patient, 231

slit lamp examination, 312-314, 313[, 314[

for stroke, 350

for toxic alcohol ingestion, 236

Odontogenic infection, 328-330,

329f, 33lf

OME. See Otitis media with effusion

Oncologic emergencies, 295-298, 297f


for acute cholecystitis, 123

for dehydration, 219

for intestinal obstruction, 133

for trauma, 361-362

Opiate overdose, 333-335

Opioids. See also specific agents

antidote for, 233t

for aortic dissection, 72-73

for frostbite, 265, 266 t

for low back pain, 405

for nephrolithiasis, 1 67, 168f, 169

for pediatric patients, 198-199

procedural sedation vnth, 14, 14 t

for RSI, 39

for testicular detorsion, 1 76

as toxidrome, 231 t

Optic neuritis, 319-323, 322f

Oral rehydration, for dehydration,

2 1 9-220, 219[

Orogastric lavage. See Gastric lavage

Orthostatic syncope, 80-83, 82f, 83f

Osborn ] waves, with hypothermia, 260,


Osmol gap, for toxic alcohol ingestion,

236, 236f

Otitis media, 221-224, 222[, 223f

Otitis media with effusion (OME),

22 1-224, 223f

Ottawa knee rules, 400

Oxidizing chemicals, antidote for, 233t

Oxygen therapy, for dyspnea, 87, 87f

Oxyhemoglobin, CO binding of, 247, 248f

Oxymetazoline, for epistaxis, 326


Packed red blood cells (PRBCs), 304


abdominal, 212-2 16, 2 1 3t, 214f, 215f

with acute visual loss, 322

Palatal petechiae, 226-227, 226f

Pancuronium, for RSI, 39

Panorex radiograph, 329, 330f

Pantoprazole, for GI bleeding, 130


for mesenteric ischemia, 137

priapism with, 178

Papillitis, 321

Paramedic, 30, 31 t

Paraphimosis, 1 77-180, 1 78f, 1 79f

Parkland formula, 390

Paronychia, 1, 2f

Partial seizures, 353, 354t

Partial thromboplastin time (PTT),

for anticoagulation therapy

complications, 309

Passive rewarming

for hypothermia, 260, 26lf

for thyroid emergencies, 290-291

Patella fractures, 399, 40 1

Patella tendon rupture, 40 1

Patient record keeping, by EMS, 32

Patient transfer, by EMS, 32

PCC. See Prothrombin complex


PCI. See Penetrating cardiac injury

PCP. See Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia

PE. See Pulmonary embolism

PEA. See Pulseless electrical activity

Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), 90, 9lf

Pediatric patients, 196--200, 197t, 198f,


abdominal pain, 212-2 16, 213t, 214[,


dehydration, 217-220, 218t, 219f, 220t

fever in, 201-205, 203f, 204t

respiratory distress in, 206-211, 208f,

209[, 210f

PEFR. See Peak expiratory flow rate

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID),

1 85-188, 1 86f, 187f, 1 88t

Pelvic view, for EUS, 29

Pemphigus vulgaris (PV), 419, 422

Penetrating brain injury, 364

Penetrating cardiac injury (PCI), 375, 379

Penetrating great vessel injury (PGVI),

375, 379-380

Penetrating trauma, 358-362, 361f, 36 lt

abdominal, 382, 385f

thoracic, 374-375, 378-379

Penicillin, for pharyngitis, 228

Penile disorders, 1 77-180, 1 78f, 1 79f

PERC. See Pulmonary Embolism Rule

Out Criteria

Perianal abscesses, 2

Periapical abscess, 330

Pericardial tamponade. See Cardiac



for thoracic trawna, 377-37S

for trawna, 360

Perigingival abscess, 330

Perilunate dislocation, 393, 394f

Periodontal ligament, 327, 330

Peripheral vertigo, 342-343

Perirectal abscesses, 2

Peritoneal lavage, for trawna, 360

Peritonsillar abscess (PTA), 226, 226f, 22S

Petit mal seizure, 353, 354t

Petrolewn gauze, 326, 326f

PGVI. See Penetrating great vessel injury

Pharyngitis, 225-22S, 226f, 227f, 227t,

22St, 229f

Phenobarbital, for seizure, 356

Phenylephrine, for priapism, 1 7S-1 79


for hypertension in pregnancy, 191

for seizure, 355-356

Pheochromocytoma, headache with, 337

Philadelphia Protocol, 202-203, 204t

Phimosis, 1 77-1 SO, 1 79f

PID. See Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pilocarpine, for acute angle-closure

glaucoma, 323


for acute cholecystitis, 124

for HIV patients, 160

for soft tissue infections, 1 55

Pituitary apoplexy, headache with, 337

Plaster splints, 417

Platelets, 304

Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP),

in HIV patients, 1 56-160, 1 5Sf,

1 60f

Pneumonia, 1 00-104, 101f, 102f, 1 03t

in HIV patients, 1 56-160, 15Sf, 160f

respiratory distress with, 207, 211

Pneumothorax (PTX), 105-107, 106f,

107f, 359-361, 374-37S, 376f

chest pain in, 47, 4Sf, 49

needle and tube thoracostomy for,

24--26, 24f, 25f, 26f

shock with, 45

Poisoned patient, 230-234, 231 t, 232f, 233t

acetaminophen, 239-243, 24 1f, 242f

alcohols, 235-23S, 236f, 237f

carbon monoxide, 247-250, 24Sf, 249f,

250t, 337, 390

cyclic antidepressants, 255-25S, 256t,

257f, 25Sf

digoxin, 251-254, 252f, 253f

salicylates, 244--246, 246f

Popliteal artery injuries, 39S, 40 1

Posterior leg splint, 415, 415f

Posterior shoulder dislocation, 39 1

Postexposure prophylaxis, 162-165, 164f

Post-LP headaches, 16-19

Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis,

pharyngitis with, 225

Posttraumatic compartment syndrome,


Potassium (K+)

for diabetic emergencies, 2S2

disorders of, 2S4-2S7, 2S5f, 2S6f


Prasugrel, for ACS, 55

PRBCs. See Packed red blood cells


for allergic reactions, 425

for asthma, 93-94

for COPD, 97

for HIV patients, 1 60

for respiratory distress, 211

for temporal arteritis, 320, 323

Preeclampsia, 1 S9-191, 190f

headache with, 337

Pregnancy. See also Ectopic pregnancy

with CO poisoning, 24S-249

hypertension in, 1 S9-191, 190f

seizures in, 356

Pregnancy test

in acute abdominal pain, 115

in vaginal bleeding, 1S 1-1 S3, 1 S4f

Prehospital care, EMS, 30-32, 31t, 32t

Premature ventricular complexes (PVCs),

with digoxin toxicity, 252

Presyncope, 341-346, 342 t, 343f, 343t, 345f

Priapism, 1 77-1 SO, 179f, 300, 302

Probenecid, for PID, 1SSt

Probes, for ultrasound, 2S, 2Sf

Procainamide, for dysrhythmia, 69

Procedural sedation, 13-15, 13t, 14f, 14t,

1 St

Prochlorperazine, for intestinal

obstruction, 133


for acute cholecystitis, 123

for intestinal obstruction, 133


procedural sedation with, 14, 14t

for RSI, 40

Propylthiouracil (PTU), for thyroid

emergencies, 290-291

Prostaglandin E1, priapism with, 1 7S

Protamine, 309

Prothrombin complex concentrate

(PCC), for anticoagulation

therapy complications, 310

Proton pump inhibitors, for GI bleeding,


Pseudohyperkalernia, 2SS

Pseudoseizures, 354

Pseudotumor cerebri, headache with,

337, 340

Psychiatric patient, 426-42S, 426t, 427t,


Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, 354

PTA. See Peritonsillar abscess

PTT. See Partial thromboplastin time

PTU. See Propylthiouracil

PTX. See Pneumothorax

Public information and education, in

EMS, 32

Public safety agencies, 3 1-32

Pulmonary contusions, 374, 37S

Pulmonary edema, hypertensive

emergency with, 76, 77t, 7St

Pulmonary embolism (PE), 10S-1 1 1,

1 09f, 1 1 0b, l l Ot, ll1f

chest pain in, 47-49, 4Sf

shock with, 45

Pulmonary Embolism Rule Out Criteria

(PERC), 109, 1 10t, lllf

Pulse, dehydration and, 21S, 2 1 St

Pulseless electrical activity (PEA), 33-36,

34t, 35f

Pulselessness, 40S

Puncture wounds, 20

Pupil size, agents that affect, 23 1, 231t

Purulent otorrhea, 22 1

PV. See Pemphigus vulgaris

PVCs. See Premature ventricular


Pyelonephritis, 1 70-171, 1 73t

Pyloric stenosis


abdominal pain with, 212

examination of, 213

treatment of, 216

QRS complex

with AMS, 333

with CA overdose, 256, 257f

with potassium disorders, 2SS, 2S5f

QT interval

with AMS, 333

with hypothermia, 260

with oncologic emergencies, 296

Quadriceps tendon rupture, 401


Raccoon eyes, 365, 365f

Radial artery, blood gas sampling from,

4--7, Sf, 6f

Radial gutter splint, 415, 416f

Radiculopathy, with low back pain,


Ranitidine, for allergic reactions, 425

Rapid ACTH stimulation test, 293

Rapid-sequence intubation (RSI), 37-41,

39f, 40f, 41f

Rashes, life-threatening. See Life-threatening


Recombinant factor VIla, for

anticoagulation therapy

complications, 310

Record keeping, by EMS, 32

Red eye, 315-3 1 S, 316f, 316t, 317f, 31Sf

Red saturation test, 321

Reflex syncope. See Neurally mediated


Reflexes, stroke and, 350

Rehydration. See Fluid resuscitation

Renal colic, 167

EUS for, 27-29, 2Sf, 29f

Renal failure, hypertensive emergency

with, 76, 77t, 7St

Reperfusion therapy, for ACS, 55

Respirations, dehydration and, 2 1 S, 21St

Respirator masks, for pneumonia, 103

Respiratory depression, procedural

sedation causing, 15, 1 St

Respiratory distress, S4-SS, S7 f, 206-211,

20Sf, 209f, 21 Of

Respiratory symptoms, in HIV patients,

1 57, 1 59-160, 1 60[

Restrain, for psychiatric patient, 427-42S

Reticulocyte count, for vasoocclusive

crisis, 30 1

Retinal detachment, 3 1 9-323, 32 1/, 322f

Retropharyngeal abscess, 206-2 10, 209f,

225-228, 227[

Reversal agents, 1 5, 1St

Reverse straight -leg raise test, 404


for cold-induced tissue injuries, 265,


for hypothermia, 260, 26lf, 262

Rhino Rocket, 326, 326f

RhoGAM, for vaginal bleeding, 1 83

Rib fracture, 3 7 8

Right upper quadrant (RUQ) view, for

EUS, 29, 29f

Rochester Criteria, 202-203, 204 t

Rotavirus infection, dehydration with,


RSI. See Rapid-sequence intubation

Rule of 2s, Meckel diverticulum and, 213t

Rule of nines, for burns, 388, 388f

Rumack-Matthew nomogram, for

acetaminophen toxicity, 240, 24lf

Ruptured AAA, 125-127, 126f, 127f

RUQ view. See Right upper quadrant view


SAH. See Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Salicylates. See also Aspirin

toxicity of, 244-246, 246f

as toxidrome, 231 t

Salter-Harris classification, 1 97, 198f

SBI. See Serious bacterial infection

Scaphoid fractures, 392-393, 393f, 396

Scarlet fever, pharyngitis with,

225-227, 226[

SCD. See Sickle cell disease; Sudden

cardiac death

Schiotz tonometer, 32 1, 32lf

SCI. See Spinal cord injury

SCIWORA. See Spinal cord injury

without radiologic abnormality

Scopolamine, as toxidrome, 23 1t

SDH. See Subdural hematoma

Second degree heart block, 65-66, 66f,

67f, 68-69

Secondary drowning, 271

Second-degree burns, 387


of pediatric patients, 198-1 99

procedural, 13-15, 13t, 14f, 14t, 1St

Seidel sign, 313

Seizures, 353-357, 354f, 354t, 355f, 357f

with CA overdose, 256, 256t, 258


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