elapids will remain attached and "chew'' on their victim to
inject the venom. Although this makes it more difficult fur
these snakes to deliver a clinically significant amount of
venom, it also makes it more difficult to clinically assess a
patient with a potential bite, as there may not be bite or fang
marks in a patient who has had a potentially life-threatening
Like snakes, there are 2 major groups of spiders that cause
medically significant envenomations in North America: the
black widow (genus Latrodectus) and the brown recluse
times unreliable, with many patients and physicians
reasoning that a rash, abscess, or cellulitis originated from a
spider bite when no spider was seen. Additionally, with the
Figure 65-2. North American cora l snake.
Reproduced with permission from Knoop K}/
Stock LB/ Storrow AB/ et of. The Atlas of
Emergency Medicine. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill Medical/ 2009. Figure 1 6.30.
Photo contributor: Steven Holt MD.
possible exception of the female black widow spider, the
general public has difficulty distinguishing medically rele
vant spiders from those that are generally benign. That
being said, bites from brown recluse and black widow
spiders can be deadly in extreme circumstances and can
unquestionably cause substantial morbidity and pain.
There are 5 species of black widow spiders found in
body and fangs than her male counterpart, making the
female more likely to cause envenomation (Figure 65-3 ).
The clinical effects of a black widow spider envenomation
in humans are thought to be caused by the neurotoxin
There are 2 major species of recluse spiders found in
the United States: the Loxosceles reclusa (brown recluse)
and Loxosceles deserta (desert recluse). The brown recluse
is found primarily in the southern and midwestern United
States, and the desert recluse's range is in the southwestern
portion of the country. North American recluse spiders
are brown to gray-colored with dark dorsal markings
that have a violin pattern, giving it its other names, fiddle
back or violin spider (Figure 65-4) . The toxin in recluse
spider bites is complex, but is thought to contain
proinflammatory and necrosis-inducing substances
similar to phospholipase D and hyaluronidase.
The severity of a crotaline envenomation depends on
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