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جميع رموز التحــــــاليل الطبية

 جميع رموز التحــــــاليل الطبية

Complete Blood Count (CBC), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS), Uric Acid, Creatinine, Urea, SGOT, SGPT, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL/LDL, Urine , Stool.

Liver Functions Profile (وظائف الكبد)


Bilirubin (Total & Direct), SGOT , SGPT, GGT, Alkaline phosphatase, Total protein, Albumin, A/G, Prothrombin time.

Kidney Function Profile (وظائف الكلية)


Urea, Creatinin, Uric acid, Urine, Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Osmolality, Microalbuminuria.

Cardiac Profile (أنزيمات القلب)


Troponin I, CK (MB & Total), SGOT, LDH, CK isoenzymes, Myoglobin Lipid Profile (شحوم الدم)Total lipids, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL/LDL.

Diabetes Profile (تحاليل السكر)


Initial diagnosis: Blood sugar curve.Follow up:

l Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS), 2 Hours Post Prandial (2 HPP).

l Every 3 Months: Glycosylated Hemoglobin (GHB), Microalbuminuria.

l Yearly: General Checkup Profile. l Other tests: Insulin, Anti Islet cell antibody, C-peptide.

Osteoporosis (هشاشة العظام)


Serum Cacium (Total & Ionized), Urinary Calcium, Alkaline phosphatase,

Para Thyroid Hormone (PTH intact), Osteocalcin, DPD, Betacrosslaps (CTX).

Rheumatology Profile (الأمراض الروماتيزمية)


ANA, AntiDNA, Uric acid, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), C-Reactive Protein (CRP quantitative), Rheumatoid Factor(RF quantitative).

Autoimmune Diseases (أمراض المناعة الذاتية)


RF quantitative, CRP quantitative, Complement (C3, C4) Circulating Immune.

Synovial Fluid Aspirate for C/S if present.

Autoantibodies: ANA, DNA (single & double stranded), ASMA, RNP, AMA, SCL-70, SSA (Ro), SSB(La), ANCA, LKM ,JO-1

Anti Cardiolipin Total (IgG & IgM , Antisperm antibody (IgTotal, IgG, IgA)

Organ-Specific Tumor Markers (دالات الأورام)


Prostate: PSA (Free/Total), PAP

Tests: B-HCG, AFP

Breast: CA15.3, CA125 , CEA

Kidney: Erythropoietin.

Pheochromocytoma: VMA, Metanephrine

Cervix/Uterus: CEA

Ovary: CA125, B-HCG

Liver:AFP, CEA, CA19.9, Ferritin

Pancreas: CA19.9, CEA, CA125, Amylase.

GIT: CEA, CA19-9

Gastrinoma: Gastrin.


Thyroid: Calcitonin, CEA, Thyroylobulin

Pituitary: ACTH, GH, PRL

Neuroblastoma: VMA

Drug Monitoring (قياس المعايرات الدوائية)


l Lithuim (المهدئات العصبية)

l Digoxin (أدوية القلب)

l Cyclosporing Tacrolimus (أدوية منع طرد الأعضاء)

l Antiepileptics (أدوية الصرع)

Depakene, Tegretol, Phenytoin, Phenobarbital.

Drug Abuse Profile (المخدرات)


Cannabinnoids, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Opiates, Cocaine.

Hormones (الهرمونات)


Thyroid: (الغدة الدرقية)

T3 (Free & Total), T4 (Free & Total), TSH, 3rd Generation

Thryroid Autoantibodies. Parathyroid: (الغدة الجار درقية)PTH intact.

Infertility (male): (العقم عن الرجال)


Semen, FSH, LH, PRL, E2, Testosterone (free & total).

Testosterone before and after Pregnyl, Inhbin B.

Infertility (femal): (العقم عن النساء)


FSH , LH, PRL, E2, Progesterone, Testosterone (Free & Total), Inhbin B..

Hirsutism : (الشعر الزائد عند الإناث)

FSH, LH, PRL, Testosterone (free & total), DHT, DHEA-S, DHEA,

17-OH Progestrone, Androstendione

Stimulation tests by Synechten Suppression test by Dexamethasone

Adrenogenital Syndrome : (نشاط الغدة فوق الكلية)

Testosterone (free & total ), DHEA-S, 11-deoxycortisol, Aldosterone,

17-OH Progestron, Andrestendione.

Stimulation test by synechten

Suppression test by dexamethasone

Cushing/Addison : متلازمة كوشنج ومرض أديسون

Cortisol (a.m./ p.m), Urinary free cortisol, ACTH.

Dexamethasone Supression

Synacthen Stimulation.

Acromegaly: ضخامة الأعضاء

Growth hormone basal, Growth hormone suppression (glucose), IGF-1, IGF-BP.

Short Stature : قصر القامة

Growth stimulatino by Clonidine & Insuline IGF-1, IGF-BP.

Feto-Placental Function : الوظيفة الجنينية المشيمية B-HCG, Estriol (E3).

Hyertension: ضغط الدم المرتفع

VMA, Metanephreane.

Triple Markers for Down’s Synd. دالالات مرض الطفل المنغولي

AFP, HCG, Estriol E3, Triple test.

Trace Elements العناصر النادرةCopper, Zinc, Lead.

Anaemia Screen تحاليل الانيميا


Complete Blood Count (CBC) , Reticulocytic count. Normocytic anemia: Reticulocytic count

l Macrocytic anemia: Megaloblastic (B12, Folate), Non Megaloblastic (Liver functions, alcohol etc…)

l Microcytic anemia: Serum Iron, TIBC, Ferritin.

l Hemolytic Profile: Bilirubin (total & direct), Hemoglobin electrophoresis, Coomb’s test, Cold Agglutinin, Osmotic Fragility.

Hemostatic Screen (تحاليل تجلط الدم)

Bleeding TIme (BT). Cloting Time (CT), Prothombin Time(PT), Partial Thromboplastin time(PTP).

Specific Hemostatic Tests (تحاليل خاصة بتجلط الدم)

PTT, Lupus Anticoagulant,Prothrombin Time, Fibrinogen, Factor Assays Hypercoagulable

Thrombotic States (تحاليل التجلط الزائدة)

PTT, Protien C, Protien S, Fibringoen, Anti THrombin III, Platelet count, Lupus Anticoagulant.

DIC Screen (تحاليل تجلط الدم داخل الأوعية)

Anti Thrombin III, PTT, PT, Thrombin Time, FDPs, Fibrinogen, Factor Assay, Platelet count, D-Dimer.

Virology (تحاليل الفيروسات) 


Rubella :IgM, IgG


HSV(I): IgM, IgG

HSV (II): IgM, IgG

EBV: EBNA-IgG,IgM, Monospot, Paul Bunnel

Hepatitis markers:

Hepatitis A (HAV):

HA V IgM, HAV total.

Hepatitis B(HBV):

HbsAb, HBc total,

HbeAg, HbeAb,


Hepatitis C(HCV):

HCV- Abs

HCV-RNA(quantitative) by PCR.

Autoimmune heptitis: ANA, ASMA, AMA, LKM.

Parasitoloby (الطفيليات)l Toxoplasma IgM, IgG

l Entamoebla stool examination

l Giardia stool examination

l Malaria film (thick & thin), serology

l Hydatid serology Microbiology



l Tuberculosis – الدرن:

Film, Culture

l Brucella:

Serology, blood culture

l Chamydia:


l Syphilis: الزهري


l Helicobacter:


l Anaerobes: البكتريا اللاهوائية

Blood Culture & Antibiogram

l Routine Culture for:


Urine, stool, prostatic secreation, pus, uretheral discharge, vaginal discharge, ear discharge, conjunctival discharge.

Allergy الحساسيةIgE Total.

Chronic Diarrhoea –

الاسهال المزمنStool culture & sensitivity, D-Xylose, S. Transferrin.

Fever of unknown origin الحمى غير المعلومة المصدر

Complete Blood Count(CBC), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Stool and Urine examination and culture, Blood culture, Widal test, Antinuclear antibody (ANA). Premarital Checkup

تحاليل ما قبل الزواج


Male: Semen examination, Random blood sugar, Blood group & Rh,

Hemoglobin electrophoresis.

Femal: Toxo IgG & IgM, Random Blood Sugar, Blood group &Rh,

Hemoglobin electrophoresis.

Repeated Abortion الاجهاض المتكررl

Infections : TORCH (IgG & IgM). l Hormones: Proclain, LH

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