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 2. Abortive infection (4 - 8%) - a minor influenza-like illness occurs, recovery occurs within a

few days and the diagnosis can only be made by the laboratory. The minor illness may be

accompanied by aseptic meningitis

3. Major illness (1 - 2%) - the major illness may present 2 - 3 days following the minor illness or

without any preceding minor illness. Signs of aseptic meningitis are common. Involvement

of the anterior horn cells lead to flaccid paralysis. Involvement of the medulla may lead to

respiratory paralysis and death.

Laboratory Diagnosis

 Virus Isolation

a. Mainstay of diagnosis of poliovirus infection

b. poliovirus can be readily isolated from throat swabs, faeces, and rectal swabs. It is rarely

isolated from the CSF

c. Can be readily grown and identified in cell culture

d. Requires molecular techniques to differentiate between the wild type and the vaccine type.

 Serology

- Very rarely used for diagnosis since cell culture is efficient. Occasionally used for immune

status screening for immunocompromised individuals.

Prevention (1)

No specific antiviral therapy is available. However the disease may be prevented through

vaccination. There are two vaccines available.

Intramuscular Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV)

consists of formalin inactivated virus of all 3 poliovirus serotypes.

Produces serum antibodies only: does not induce local immunity and thus will not prevent local

infection of the gut.

However, it will prevent paralytic poliomyelitis since viraemia is essential for the pathogenesis of the


Oral Poliovirus Vaccine (OPV)


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Consists of live attenuated virus of all 3 serotypes.

Produces local immunity through the induction of an IgA response as well as systemic immunity.

Rarely causes paralytic poliomyelitis, around 1 in 3 million doses.

Prevention (2)

 Most countries use OPV because of its ability to induce local immunity and also it is much

cheaper to produce than IPV.

 The normal response rate to OPV is close to 100%.(Figure2-64)

 OPV is used for the WHO poliovirus eradication campaign.

 Because of the slight risk of paralytic poliomyelitis, some Scandinavian countries have

reverted to using IPV. Because of the lack of local immunity, small community outbreaks of

poliovirus infections have been reported.

 Poliovirus was targeted for eradication by the WHO by the end of year 2000 (now 2005). To

this end, an extensive monitoring network had been set up.

 Poliovirus has been eradicated from most regions of the world except the Indian

subcontinent and sub-Saharan Africa. It is possible that the WHO target may be achieved.


differences of

immune response

between OPV and

IPV vaccination


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 Coxsackieviruses are distinguished from other enteroviruses by their pathogenicity for

suckling rather than adult mice. They are divided into 2 groups on the basis of the lesions

observed in suckling mice.

- Group A viruses produce a diffuse myositis with acute inflammation and necrosis of fibers of

voluntary muscles.

- Group B viruses produce focal areas of degeneration in the brain, necrosis in the skeletal

muscles, and inflammatory changes in the dorsal fat pads, the pancreas and occasionally the


 Each of the 23 group A and 6 group B coxsackieviruses have a type specific antigen.

 In addition, all from group B and one from group A (A9) share a group Ag. Cross-reactivities

have also been demonstrated between several group A viruses but no common group

antigen has been found.


 The first echoviruses were accidentally discovered in human faeces, unassociated with

human disease during epidemiological studies of polioviruses. The viruses were named

echoviruses (enteric, cytopathic, human, orphan viruses).

 These viruses were produced CPE in cell cultures, but did not induce detectable pathological

lesions in suckling mice.

 Altogether, There are 32 echoviruses (types 1-34; echovirus 10 and 28 were found to be other

viruses and thus the numbers are unused)

 There is no group echovirus Ag but heterotypic cross-reactions occur between a few pairs.

New Enteroviruses

 Newly identified picornaviruses that are not polioviruses are no longer classified separated

into the species coxsackie and echovirus because of the ambiguities presented by

overlapping host range variations.

 4 new enteroviruses have been identified (68 - 72). Enterovirus 70 is the causative agent

epidemics of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis that swept through Africa, Asia, India and

Europe from 1969 to 1974. The virus is occasionally neurovirulent.


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 Enterovirus 71 appears to be highly pathogenic and has been associated with epidemics of a

variety of acute diseases, including aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, paralytic poliomyelitislike disease and hand-foot-mouth disease.

 Enterovirus 72 was originally assigned to hepatitis A virus, but it had now been assigned to a

new family called heptoviruses.

Disease Associations (1)

 Paralytic Disease - most commonly associated with polioviruses but other enteroviruses

may also be responsible, notably enterovirus 71

 Meningitis - caused by all groups of enteroviruses, most commonly seen in children under 5

years of age.

 Encephalitis - focal or generalized encephalitis may accompany meningitis. Most patients

recover completely with no neurological deficit.

 Undifferentiated febrile illness - may be seen with all groups of enteroviruses.

 Hand foot mouth disease - usually caused by group A coxsackieviruses although group B

coxsackieviruses and other enteroviruses have been caused outbreaks.

 Herpangina - caused by group A coxsackieviruses.

 Epidemic Pleurodynia (Bornholm disease) - normally caused by group B coxsackieviruses.

Disease Associations (2)

 Myocarditis - group B coxsackieviruses are the major cause of myocarditis, although it may

be caused by other enteroviruses. It may present in neonates as part of neonatal infection and

is often fatal. In adults, the disease is rarely fatal.

 Respiratory Infections - several enteroviruses are associated with the common cold.

 Rubelliform rashes - a rash disease resembling rubella may be seen with several coxsackie

A, B, and echoviruses.

 Neonatal Infection - some coxsackie B viruses and echoviruses may cause infection in

newborn infants. The virus is usually transmitted perinatally during the birth process and

symptoms vary from a mild febrile illness to a severe fulminating multisystem disease and


 Conjunctivitis - associated with several types of enteroviruses, notably Coxsackie A24 and

Enterovirus 70 (haemorrhagic conjunctivitis)


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 Pancreatitis/Diabetes - associated with Coxsackie B virus infection. The extent of the role of

the virus in diabetes is unknown.

Laboratory Diagnosis

 Virus Isolation (Figure 2-67)

- Mainstay of diagnosis of enterovirus infection

- Coxsackie B and Echoviruses can be readily grown in cell culture from throat swabs, faeces,

and rectal swabs. They can also be isolated from the CSF

- Coxsackie A viruses cannot be easily isolated in cell culture. They can be isolated readily in

suckling mice but this is not offered by most diagnostic laboratories because of practical

considerations. Molecular techniques may provide a better alternative.

 Serology

- Very rarely used for diagnosis since cell culture is efficient.

- Neutralization tests or EIAs are used but are very cumbersome and thus not offered by most

diagnostic laboratories

Management and Prevention

There is no specific antiviral therapy available against enteroviruses other than polio.

Some authorities use IVIG in the treatment of neonatal infections or severe infections in

immunocompromised individuals. However, the efficacy is uncertain.

HNIG have been to prevent outbreaks of neonatal infection with good results.

There is no vaccine available mainly because of the multiplicity of serotypes. There is little interest in

developing a vaccine except against enterovirus 71 and coxsackie B viruses.

Figure(2-67)Cytopathic Effect


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Human Adenoviruses

 Adenoviruses were first isolated in 1935 from human adenoid tissues.

 Since then, at least 49 distinct antigenic types have been isolated from humans and many

other types from animals.

 All human serotypes are included in a single genus within the family Adenoviridae.


 ds-DNA viruses,

 media sized in diameter,

 icosahedral

 Nonenveloped

Antigenic structure

All human Adenoviruses share a common group-specific antigen.

- Type specific antigens are important in serotyping.

- Adenoviruses have a characteristic morphology (Stewart et al., 1993 ), with an icosahedral

capsid consisting of three major proteins, hexon (II), penton base (III) and a knobbed fiber

(IV), along with a number of other minor proteins, VI, VIII, IX, IIIa and IVa2 .The virus

Figure(2-68) Adenovirus structure


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genome is a linear, double-stranded DNA with a terminal protein (TP) attached covalently to

the 5´ termini (Rekosh et al., 1977)


Adenoviruses are divided into six groups (A to F) based on:

1. physical,

2. chemical

3. biological properties

- Antigenic structure divides adenoviruses into:

- 49 serotypes:

 About 1/3 of the 49 known human serotypes are responsible for most cases of Adenovirus

disease.(Figure 2-69)


Adenoviruses spread by:

 direct contact,

 respiratory droplets

 feco-oral route.


Adenoviruses infect and replicate in the epithelial cells of the:

1. pharynx,

2. conjunctiva,

3. urinary bladder

4. small intestine.

Figure(2-69) Adenovirus Attachment


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They usually do not spread beyond the regional lymph nodes EXCEPT IN THE IMMUNE



 The virus has a tendency to become latent in lymphoid tissue,

 The virus can be reactivated by immunosuppression.

Clinical Syndromes:

 Adenoviruses cause primary infection in:

- children

- less commonly adults.

 Several distinct clinical syndromes are associated with Adenovirus infection.

a. Respiratory diseases:

b. Eye infections:

c. Gastrointestinal disease

d. Other diseases:

e. Adenoviral infections of the immune compromised host

A. Respiratory diseases:

 The most important etiological association of adenoviruses is with the respiratory diseases.

 They are responsible for 5% of acute respiratory diseases in:

1. young children

2. and much less in adults.

C. Gastrointestinal disease:

1. No disease association

Many Adenoviruses replicate in intestinal cells and are present in the stools without being associated

with GIT disease.

2. Infantile gastroenteritis

Two serotypes (40, 41) have been etiologically associated with infantile gastroenteritis.

Laboratory Diagnosis


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1. Direct detection:

2. Isolation

3. Serology

Direct detection:

 Virus particle by EM can be detected by direct examination of fecal extracts.

 Detection of adenoviral antigens by ELISA.

Enteric Adenoviruses

 Detection of adenoviral NA by Polymerase chain reaction: can be used for diagnosis of

Adenovirus infections in tissue samples or body fluids.

Laboratory Diagnosis

 Isolation (Figure2-70)

 Isolation depending on the clinical disease, the virus may be recovered from throat, or

conjunctival swabs or and urine.

 Isolation is much more difficult from the stool or rectal swabs

Figure(2-70) Diagnostic of



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1. Haemagglutination inhibition


2. Neutralization tests can be used to detect specific antibodies following Adenovirus infection.

Prevention and control

1. Careful hand washing is the easiest way to prevent infection.

2. Disinfection of Environmental surfaces with hypochlorites.

3. The risk of water borne outbreaks of conjunctivitis can be minimized by chlorination of

swimming pools.

4. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis can be controlled by strict asepsis during eye examination.


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8.Human Immunodeficiency Virus


Human Immunodeficiency Virus

- H = Infects only Human beings

- I = Immunodeficiency virus weakens the immune system and increases the risk of infection

- V = Virus that attacks the body


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

- A = Acquired, not inherited

- I = Weakens the Immune system

- D = Creates a Deficiency of CD4+ cells in the immune system

- S = Syndrome, or a group of illnesses taking place at the same time


 When the immune system becomes weakened by HIV, the illness progresses to AIDS

 Some blood tests, symptoms or certain infections indicate progression of HIV to AIDS

HIV-1 and HIV-2

 HIV-1 and HIV-2 are

- Transmitted through the same routes

- Associated with similar opportunistic infections

 HIV-1 is more common worldwide

 HIV-2 is found in West Africa, Mozambique, and Angola

o HIV-2 is less easily transmitted

o HIV-2 is less pathogenic

Transmission of HIV

HIV is transmitted by:

1. Direct contact with infected blood

2. Sexual contact: oral, anal, or vaginal

3. Direct contact with semen or vaginal and


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4. cervical secretions

5. HIV-infected mothers to infants during

6. pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding

Pathophysiology of HIV

 RNA virus discovered in 1983

 Virus binds to specific CD4 receptor sites and then enters the cell

 Reverse transcriptase assists to make a single viral DNA and it copies itself to make a doublestranded viral DNA

Pathophysiology of HIV

- Virus enters the cell nucleus

- Using integrase the virus splices itself into genome to become part of the cell’s genetic

structure (Figure 2-71)

•The virus that causes AIDS

•It is a retrovirus with two copies of single stranded RNA genome

•It uses reverse transcriptase to transform its ss-RNA genome into a ds-DNA for integration into its

host genome

Figure(2-71)HIV-1 Virus structure


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•It has marker proteins (gp120) in the protein coat that allow it to recognize specific cells in the

human body

•The protein coat also contains MHC-I and MHC-II molecules

 gag gene codes for nucleocapsid proteins

 env gene codes for envelope glycoproteins, i.e. gp41 (transmembrane protein) and gp120

(surface protein)

 pol gene codes for enzymes such as reverse transcriptase, protease and integrase (Figure 2-


 Other genes code for various activators and accessory proteins

Pathophysiology of HIV

 HIV destroys CD4+ cells 3 ways

1. Viral replication leaves holes in cell membranes

2. Infected cells fuse with other cells

 Combine to form a syncytium that destroys all affected cells .

3. Antibodies against HIV bind to the infected cells and activate the complement system, which

destroy the infected cells


- All daughter cells from infected cell are infected

- Genetic codes can direct the cell to make HIV

Figure(2-72) HIV genome

HIV genome


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Initial infection

- Viremia (large amount of virus in blood)

- Few clinical symptoms

- Steady state of viral load can be maintained for many years

Pathophysiology of HIV

• HIV destroys about 1 billion CD4+ T cells every day

• Immune problems start when CD4+T cell counts drop below 500 cells/μl

• While CD4 is recognized by the virus, it is not sufficient for viral attack; it needs a

costimulatory signal.

• T cells: coreceptor is CXCR4, which also acts as a receptor for the chemokine SDF-1; there

is competitive inhibition between chemokine and HIV for binding; the HIV strain is

called T-tropic

• Monocytes: coreceptor is CCR5, which is a receptor for chemokines, which also act as

competitive inhibitors to HIV; the HIV strain is called M-tropic

• T-tropic HIV strains cause syncytia: formation of giant cells as a result of fusion of cells via

the gp120 protein on viral coats.(Figure2-73)

Figure(2-73) Complete Activation of HIV


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Infection of Human Cell with HIV

• HIV gp120 surface protein binds CD4 on target cell

• Transmembrane component, gp41, binds coreceptor

CXCR4 to enhance fusion

• Viral genome and other proteins are able to enter the

cell via nucleocapsid

• RT transcribes the ssRNA genome

• The next DNA strand is made, making a double

stranded DNA molecule called a provirus

• The dsDNA is transferred to the nucleus to be added to

the host genome via the viral integrase protein at HIV

LTR sites(Figure2-74)

Figure(2-73)Infection of Human Cell with HIV

• In a latent cell, the integrated provirus must be activates

by transcriptional factors to make genomic ssRNA and


• Genomic RNA is exported

• Host ribosomes transcribe viral mRNAs, and the proteins

are either with the genomic RNA or part of the membrane

• The membrane buds to form a viral envelope

• The mature virus is released outside the cell

• These latent cells are dangerous because they can remain

latent for long periods of time(Figure 2-75)

Figure(2-75)Activation of Provirus


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Progression from HIV infection to stage of AIDS (figure 2-76)

Normal Healthy Individual

Gets infected with HIV

WINDOW PERIOD (3-12 weeks or even 6 months)

(Antibodies to HIV not yet developed, test does not capture the real status but person can infect


HIV Positive

(Development of antibodies, can be detected in test)

Figure(2-76)Progression of HIV to AIDS


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No exclusive symptoms (mild fever or flu like features in some cases)

May take up to 10 to 12 years to reach the stage of AIDS, the period can be prolonged through

available treatment

HIV Testing

• Tests should be taken 12 weeks after high-risk behavior, repeated 6 months after an

uncertain result

• Types of Tests

A. ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

B. Western Blot: rechecks ELISA results

C. Viral load tests measure HIV in bloodstream (PCR)

Major Signs / Symptoms of AIDS:

A. Major Signs:

1. Weight loss (> 10% of body weight)

2. Fever for longer than a month

3. Diarrhea for longer than a month

B. Minor Signs:

1. Persistent cough

2. General itchy skin diseases

3. Thrush in mouth and throat

4. Recurring shingles (herpes zoster)

5. Long lasting, spreading and severe cold sores

6. Long lasting swelling of the lymph glands

7. Loss of memory

8. Loss of intellectual capacity

9. Peripheral nerve damage


- Antiretroviral Medications

• Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors

• Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors

• Protease inhibitors


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• Fusion Inhibitor

- HAART – Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy

• Combination of three or more medications

- Atripla – newest antiretroviral

• Combination of three medications in one pill

• Lowers the amount of HIV (called viral load) by interfering with the way HIV makes copies

of itself.

3Points In HIV Cell Cycle Where Replication Can be Stopped

• Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)

• Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)

• Protease Inhibitors

• All 3 of these treatments are usually prescribed at once. Known as HAART, the combination

of all 3 fights the ability of the virus to rapidly mutate.(Figure 2-77)

Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors

• Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors interfere with the reverse transcriptase (RT) enzyme that

HIV needs to make copies of itself. There are 2 types of inhibitors each working differently .

Figure (2-77) 3Points In HIV Cell Cycle Where Replication Can be Stopped


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Type 1: NRTI’s – nucleoside drugs provide faulty DNA building blocks, stopping the DNA chain

the virus uses to make copies of itself .

Type 2: NNRTI’s- non-nucleoside RT inhibitors bind RT so the virus cannot carry out its copying


Examples Include: AZT, 3TC, Combivir, Nevirapine

Protease Inhibitors

• Protease Inhibitors (PI), discovered in 1995, block the protease enzyme. When protease is

blocked, HIV makes copies of itself that can’t infect new cells .

• PI Side Effects: PI’s can cause high blood sugar and consequently diabetes. Another main

concern is lipodystrophy, where your body absorbs fats and nutrients in an irregular

manner. Latent HIV can hide out in these fat cells .

Can HIV be Vaccinated Against?


- HIV thrives in the presence of circulating antibodies directed against it .(Figure 2-78)

- HIV integrates itself into the host genome and may stay dormant for years. All retroviruses

prove difficult to remove

- HIV mutates and can show up to 109 viruses per day, while the common cold with 100

subtypes has proven to difficult to make a vaccine for

The AIDS logo demonstrates :


Figure(2-78)HIV vaccine challenge agent


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• Care and concern about HIV and AIDS for those who are living with HIV, for those who are

ill, for those who have died and for those who care for and support those directly affected.

• Hope - that the search for a vaccine and cure to halt the suffering will be successful.(Figure 2-


• Support for those living with HIV, for the continuing education of those not infected, for

maximum efforts to find effective treatments, cures or vaccines, and for those who have lost

friends, family members or loved ones to AIDS.


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9.Human Cancer Viruses


Viruses contribute to development of some cancers. Typically, the virus can cause genetic changes in

cells that make them more likely to become transformed .

These cancers and viruses are linked

1. Cervical cancer and the genital wart virus, HPV

2. Primary liver cancer and the Hepatitis B virus

A-Carcinogenesis B-Factors in Carcinogenesis


Figure (2-80)Human causes by viruses


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3. T cell leukaemia in adults and the Human T cell leukaemia virus(Figure 2-80)


 Structure and composition

- Diploid single-stranded RNA viruses (5-8 kb)

- Helical ribonucleoprotein

- Icosahedral symmetry (100 nm)

- Enveloped

 Genetics

- Only diploid viruses

- Nonsegmented

- About 10 genes, 16 proteins

 reverse transcriptase

- protease

- envelope

- gag

- tax

- rex

Table (2-5) Viruses Associated With Human Cancers


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 Genes encoded in both directions


 Epidemiology

o Typical infectious viruses (exogenous)

- Sexual transmission

- IV drug abusers

- Other, unknown transmission mechanisms

o Classification

- Leukemia viruses

- Alpharetrovirus

- Gammaretrovirus

o Nontransforming retroviruses

- Deltaretrovirus

- Lentivirus

Mechanisms of Retroviral Carcinogenesis

 Infection leads to uncoating in the cytoplasm

 Reverse transcriptase makes a double-stranded DNA copy

 The ds-DNA translocates into the nucleus where it randomly integrates in host cell


 This version of the viral genome is termed the provirus

 Two replication strategies

- Induce cell division - leads to copies of the viral genome in each daughter cell

- Productive infection - spread of virus to other cells.


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DNA Tumor Viruses

DNA Tumor Viruses

o Papillomaviruses

 Features

- Nonenveloped icosahedral (55 nm)

- Circular ds-DNA (8 kb)

- Nuclear replication

- Stimulate cellular DNA synthesis

- Highly restricted host range and tissue range

 Many human types

 Only a few are known to cause cancers

 Cervical cancer is the most important

 Vaccine is now available (Gardasil; types 6, 11, 16, 18)

Table (2-6) DNA tumor viruses


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 Cause warts (abnormal cellular proliferation)

 Replicate in basal stem cells and keratinocytes of the skin and mucosa

- HeLa cells are cervical cancer cells from Helen Lang (fatal)

Papillomaviruses Encode Two Structural Proteins

Late genes

 Region of greatest genetic conservation

 L1 is major capsid protein

- Capsid is 72 pentamers of L1

- Expressed L1 assembles into viral conformation, viral-like particles (VLPs)

 L2 is minor capsid protein(Table 2-7)

 Required for encapsidation of viral genome(Figure 2-82)

L1: the major structural protein. Each viral particle has 360 copies in 72 pentamers.

L2: the minor structural protein. Up to 72 copies per particle.(Figure2-81)


Figure (2-81) Papillomavirus Particle


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Figure (2-82) HPV16 genome

Table (2-8) Papilloma virus gene function


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HPV DNA integration and cervical carcinoma

 Strong association between integrated HPV DNA and cervical carcinoma. (HPV-16, HPV-18,

HPV-31, HPV-45)

 DNA integration anywhere in chromosome

 Integration upregulates E6 and E7 gene expression

 Disrupts E2 function: loss transcriptional repression of E6 and E7

 E6 and E7 expressed in cells from cervical carcinoma

 E7 is the HPV oncoprotein

 Binds Rb (a cellular anti-oncogene), releasing E2F (a cellular transcription factor)

 E6 cooperates in transformation

 Stimulates degradation of p53 (a cellular anti-oncogene, transcription factor)

 Unregulated expression of HPV E6 and E7 results in unregulated cell cycling (Figure 2-84)

Figure (2-84) Precursor lesions for cervical cancer


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How do you know you have HPV?

 There are no tests to detect the HPV virus.

 Most people who contract HPV will never know they have it.

 Having HPV does not mean you have a disease – most people don’t have any signs or


 Some low risk types cause genital and anal warts.

 In rare instances, the virus persists, especially the high risk types of the HPV virus that can

develop pre-cancerous lesions and cancer.(Figure2-85)(Figure2-86)(Figure2-87).

Can you prevent HPV?

1. Absolutely no skin-to-skin sexual contact.

2. One sexual / intimate partner forever.

3. The more sexual partners, the higher the chance of contracting HPV.

4. Using condoms is excellent protection against STI, but does not cover all the skin.

5. Pap testing will detect abnormal cells.(Figure 2-88)

6. Vaccination is now available to prevent certain low risk types that cause genital warts certain

high risk types that cause cancer.

Figure(2-90) HPV Infection and Cervical Cancer


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Figure(2-87)Cervical Cancer Develop at the Transition Zone Between Squamous and Columnar Epithelium

Figure(2-86)HIV infection and cervical cancer


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Cervical Cancer Vaccines

Two Distinct HPV VLP Vaccines Were Developed Commercially

GlaxoSmithKline: HPV16

 Cervarix HPV18

 ASO4 Adjuvant (Aluminum + MPL)

 Made in insect cells

Figure(2-88) Cervical oncogenes and cellular tumor suppressor genes in cervical cancer


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Merck: HPV16

 Gardasil HPV18



 Aluminum Adjuvant

 Made in yeast

IM Injections at 0, 1 or 2, and 6 months

Prophyactic HPV Vaccines Are L1 Virus Like Particles (VLPs(

L1 Insertion in Baculovirus

Expression Vector

Production in

Insect Cells

Spontaneous assembly

of L1 into VLPs

Induce high titers

of virion neutralizing antibodies

Figure (2-89) Cervical cancer vaccine preparation


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Live Attenuated Viruses Are Not Suitable For an HPV Prophylactic Vaccine

Papillomavirus cannot be efficiently

 grown in cultured cells

The viral genomes contain oncogenes

Virion protein-based subunit vaccines

 are preferable, if they could efficiently induce neutralizing antibodies .

EBV-associated malignancies

 The strongest evidence linking EBV and cancer formation is found in Burkitt's lymphoma

and Nasopharyngeal carcinoma(Figure2-90)

Kaposi's sarcoma

 form of skin cancer that can involve internal organs. It most often is found in patients with

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and can be fatal )Figure 2-91)

Figure(2-90)EBV-associated indigence

Figure (2-91) Kaposite sarcoma


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Hepatocellular carcinoma

 cancer that arises from hepatocytes, the major cell type of the liver .

 Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the major cancer killers .

 It affects patients with chronic liver disease who have established cirrhosis, and currently is

the most frequent cause of death in these patients .

 The main risk factors for its development are hepatitis B and C virus infection, alcoholism

and aflatoxin intake.


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Section II - Virology By Dr. Kareem Lilo

10.What is a vaccine

 A vaccine is any preparation intended to produce immunity to a disease by stimulating the

production of antibodies. Vaccines include, for example, suspensions of killed or attenuated

microorganisms, or products or derivatives of microorganisms.

 The most common method of administering vaccines is by injection(Figure2-92), but some

are given by mouth or nasal spray.

Diseases Caused by Bacteria

- Diphtheria (Figure 2-93)

- Haemophilus influenzae type b (Figure 2-94)

- Meningococcal disease (Figure 2-95)

- Pertussis (Figure 2-96)

- Pneumococcal disease

- Polio (Figure 2-97)

- Tetanus (Figure 2-98)

Figure (2-92)vaccine administration by injection


 Arranged by Sarah Mohssen

Section II - Virology By Dr. Kareem Lilo


Haemophilus influenzae type b

Figure (2-93) This child has diphtheria and has developed a pseudo-membrane, a thick gray coating

over the back of his throat.

Figure(2-94) This child has a swollen face due to Hib infection.


 Arranged by Sarah Mohssen

Section II - Virology By Dr. Kareem Lilo

Meningococcal Disease


Pneumococcal Disease

 Caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae

 Can infect different parts of the body leading to:

1. Pneumonia

2. Bacteremia (blood infection)

3. Meningitis

4. Ear infection

Figure(2-95) This 4-month-old has gangrene due to infection with meningococcus.

Figure(2-96) Child with broken blood vessels in eyes and bruising on

face due to severe coughing caused by pertussis.


 Arranged by Sarah Mohssen

Section II - Virology By Dr. Kareem Lilo


- Inactivated vaccines also ight viruses. These vaccines are made by

- inactivating, or killing, the virus during the process of making

- the vaccine. The inactivated polio vaccine is an example of this

- type of vaccine. Inactivated vaccines produce immune responses

- in different ways than live, attenuated vaccines. Often, multiple

- doses are necessary to build up and/or maintain immunity


Figure (2-97) This young man suffers from upper extremity paralysis due to infection with poliovirus.

Figure (2-98) This child was experiencing painful muscle spasms due to infection with tetanus.


 Arranged by Sarah Mohssen

Section II - Virology By Dr. Kareem Lilo

Diseases Caused by Viruses

1. Hepatitis A (Figure 2-95)

2. Hepatitis B

3. Shingles (Figure 2-99)

4. Human papillomavirus (HPV)

5. Influenza (Figure 2-100)

6. Measles

7. Mumps

8. Rotavirus

9. Chickenpox

Figure(2-98) Importance of T helper cells in an immune response: T helper cells recognize antigens

from antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and then release cytokines and activate other immune cells.

Parasitic worms influence what kinds of T helper cells are activated.


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