Figure 51 D. caninum scolex demonstrating the armed rostellum.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
threatening if the organism invades the central nervous system.
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease
intermediate host and harbors the larvae in tissues as previously described.
they have passed any notable tapeworm segments in their stool.
presence of atypical lymphocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid.
Figure 52 T. saginata scolex with suckers.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
assume satisfactory treatment.
Good hygiene and immediate treatment are essential for the prevention of autoinfection.
infected through the ingestion of cysticerci (larval form) in raw or undercooked beef.
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease
segments are passed in the feces and cause psychological distress.
distinguished from those of T. solium. Slight eosinophilia may develop.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
successful when no proglottids are passed for 4 consecutive months.
Beef should be inspected for cysticerci and thoroughly cooked before ingesting
Cestodes (Tapeworms) Tissue (Larval Forms):
Diagnosis of larval infections can be problematic.
larvae invade the central nervous system (CNS), the globe of the eye, or other muscle and tissues.
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease
including blindness. Much of the damage from cysticercosis is caused by the severe inflammatory host
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
to differentiate Taenia species.
Surgery may be required for ocular, spinal, or brain involvement.
Education, meat inspection, and improvement of sanitation measures are the key preventive measures.
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
response. Leaking fluid from a cyst may cause notable eosinophilia.
Human infection ranges from asymptomatic to severe, including death. Diagnosis is made through the
resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) have
Figure 53:, Echinococcus granules.A B, Ovum. C, Scolex.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
Surgery is the most common form of treatment. The procedure involves surgical removal of cysts or
adult organisms are much smaller (1.2 to 3.7 mm).The cysts are very resistant to cold temperatures.
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease
Figure 54:Echinococcus granulosus, hydatid sand (300×). (Inset)
Two individual hooklets (1000×)
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
Serologic tests, such as ELISA, are sensitive and highly specific.
T. multiceps is a tapeworm that causes coenurosis in humans. The coenurus (larval form) may cause
destructive damage or death, but is an extremely rare disease in
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
drugs used for cysticercosis may also be effective against coenurus infection.
anything contaminated with dog feces.
wrinkled, and ribbon-shaped. They may be 3 mm wide and up to 30 cm long. The sparganum has bothria
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease
Spargana migrate and lodge anywhere in the human body. Clinical symptoms depend on which organs or
Clinical history, ELISA, MRI, and CT can all be used together to presumptively diagnose sparganosis.
Eosinophilia may also be present.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
raw fish and amphibians. Water in contaminated areas should be boiled before consumption.
Helminths Trematodes (Flukes) Intestinal:
The intestinal trematodes (flukes) are members of the phylum Platehelminthe (flatworms), are
dorsoventrically flattened, and require at least one intermediate host (a freshwater snail).
Human infection occurs by ingestion of metacercariae encysted on freshwater vegetation or fish. Most
trematodes are hermaphroditic (both ovaries and testes are contained within each adult worm).
body via feces. The egg continues developing after reaching the water, and a ciliated, free-swimming
followed by development into tailed cercariae.
long to 80 to 85 μm wide and may be unembryonated.
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease
edema of the abdomen and lower extremities, and may result in inadequate absorption of vitamin b12.
eosinophilia is commonly observed.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
addition, changes are needed in agricultural practices and health education in the endemic areas.
Heterophyes heterophyes: and metagonimus yokogawai
Pathogenicity and spectrum of disease
other tissues, causing emboli or granuloma formation.
reduced by improved sanitary conditions and health education programs.
Figure 55 Fasciola egg. The eggs of F. buski and F. hepatica are indistinguishable
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
also require assessment of symptoms, obtaining a travel history, and/or recovery of adult worms.
derivative administered orally in three doses for 1 day.
Trematodes (Flukes) Liver/Lung:
Clonorchis (Opisthorchis) sinensis
found in the lungs and in other body sites.
These flukes also all require a freshwater snail as an intermediate host.
leaves the snail and enters the water (Figure 56).
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease:
Light infections with C. sinensis or O. viverrini are most common, and may be asymptomatic. Heavier
gallbladder), and cholangiocarcinoma (cancerous growth in bile duct epithelium).
be found in the intestinal walls, lungs, heart, or brain.
States for diagnosis of Fasciola. Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) serum IgG antibody testing is performed at private references laboratories.
Figure 56 Cercaria of a liver fluke. Figure 57Clonorchis sinensis egg.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
The genus Paragonimus contains several species known to infect humans. Paragonimus westermani is the
freshwater snail is required as an intermediate host.
the diaphragm and into the lungs where they encapsulate (usually in pairs) and mature .
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease
cause local pain and immune response to tissue damage.
The eggs may be recovered from sputum, and occasionally in feces using a sedimentation concentration
method. The eggs may be observed in a wet mount (with/without iodine stain) (Figure 58).
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
with other species and trematodes may occur.
Human infection can be prevented by not eating pickled, raw, or undercooked crabs and crayfish. Care
conditions and practices may also help to reduce the prevalence of these infections.
freshwater snail as the only intermediate host.
Figure 58: Paragonimus westermani egg.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
that is sometimes difficult to detect .
Pathology and spectrum of disease
response, although the eosinophil count may be high.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
entering the human bloodstream, and are destroyed by the host immune system.
Figure 59: Mating of Schistosoma mansoni male and femaleWorms.
Figure 60, Schistosoma mansoni egg. B, Schistosoma japonicum egg. C, Schistosoma haematobium egg.
Figure 61 :S. japonicum egg. Figure 62 :S. mansoni miracidium.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
or bladder tissue biopsy for S. haematobium.
available for diagnosis of schistosomal IgG antibody (enzyme immunoassay [EIA], enzyme-linked
Several nucleic acid-based testing methods have been developed that demonstrate high sensitivity and
patients’ plasma using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
day. Infection with S. mansoni may require a larger dose than that for the other species.
Figure 63: S. mansoni cercaria.
SectionIII– Parasitology By Nada Sajet
would need to be repeated on a regular basis to have the desired effect.
Table Body Sites and Parasite Recovery (Trophozoites, Cysts, Oocysts, Spores, Adults, Larvae, Eggs,
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