Treatment is based on antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
Klebsiella spp. (K. pneumoniae, K. oxytoca)
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
have developed a self-limiting antibiotic-associated
community-acquired pyogenic liver abscess worldwide.
Morganella spp. (M. morganii, M. psychrotolerans)
specimens collected from patients with symptoms of diarrhea.
soil or from contaminated fluids (i.e., IV fluids).
frequently in children, but its role in intestinal infections is still unclear.
differentiate these organisms. Aeromonas spp. areDNase positive and Plesiomonas organisms are DNase
rettgeri, P. stuartii, P. rustigianii)
lactose fermenters capable of deaminating phenylalanine.
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
Because of its motility, the organism is often associated
been associated with diarrhea and sepsis.
diarrhea. These organisms may be associated with nosocomial outbreaks.
Serratia spp. (S. marcescens, S. liquefaciens group)
as urinary catheters, respirators intravenous fluids, and other
antimicrobial resistance to other cephalosporins, penicillins, carbapenems, and aminoglycosides.
Shigella spp. (S. dysenteriae, S. flexneri, S. boydii, S. sonnei)
Shigella spp. are nonmotile; lysine decarboxylase–negative;
citrate-, malonate-, and H2S-negative; non–lactose fermenting; gram-negative rods that grow well on
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
somatic LPS O antigen. After presumptive identification of a suspected
referred to a reference laboratory for further testing.
Yersinia spp. (Y. pestis, Y. enterocolitica,
Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, Y. pseudotuberculosis)
the lipid A-oligosaccharide core and the complete O-polysaccharide (Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y.
addition, epidemiologic studies often include pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) studies.
Yokenella regensburgei. These organisms are typically opportunistic pathogens found in environmental
Specimen collection and transport
presumptive identification of Enterobacteriaceae.
and other body fluids, is critical and may assist the physician in prescribing appropriate therapy.
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
Wayson stain; this is a key characteristic for rapid diagnosis of
physician who first visualized the organism in such a lesion.
heart infusion broths, all support the growth of Enterobacteriaceae.
cultured in human monocytes from biopsy specimens of genital ulcers of patients with donovanosis.
solely on the basis of direct examination.
Incubation Conditions and Duration
temperature to allow for the development of typical “bull’s-eye” colonies (Figure 1).
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
commonly isolated Enterobacteriaceae on MacConkey, HE, and XLD agars.
mirabilis, P. penneri, and P. vulgaris “swarm” on blood and chocolate agars. Swarming results in the
in which clumps of cells adhere to one side of the tube.
border; see Figure (1) on CIN agar at 48 hours. However, because most Aeromonas spp. produce similar
Table (4) Colonial Appearance and Characteristics of the Most Commonly Isolated Enterobacteriaceae
Figure( 1) Bull’s-eye colony of Yersinia enterocolitica on cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin (CIN) agar
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
XLD Red, yellow, or colorless colonies, with or without black centers (H2S)
Enterobacter spp. MAC LF; may be mucoid
Escherichia coli MAC Most LF, some NLF (some isolates may demonstrate slow or late fermentation);
and generally flat, dry, pink colonies with a surrounding darker pink area of
Klebsiella spp. MAC LF; mucoid
BAP Shiny, opaque, smooth, nonhemolytic
Proteus spp. MAC NLF; may swarm, depending on the amount of agar in the medium; characteristic
XLD Yellow or colorless, with or without black centers
HE Green, black center as a result of H2S production
Serratia spp. MAC Late LF; S. marcescens may be red pigmented, especially if plate is left at 25°C
Shigella spp. MAC NLF; S. sonnei produces flat colonies with jagged edges
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
Yersinia spp. MAC NLF; may be colorless to peach
HE, Hektoen enteric agar; LF, lactose fermenter, pink colony; MAC, MacConkey agar; NLF, non–lactose
fermenter, colorless colony; XLD, xylose-lysinedeoxycholate agar.
are sorbitol fermenters; colorless colonies are non–sorbitol fermenters.
In the early decades of the twentieth century, Enterobacteriaceae were identified using more than 50
key tests such as indole, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, and citrate, known by the acronym IMViC, were
routinely performed to group the most commonly isolated pathogens.
clinical and hospital laboratories in the United States.
were inoculated manually; these were followed by semiautomated and automated systems, the most
sophisticated of which inoculate, incubate, read, and discard the panels. Practically any commercial
used by these systems include information on unusual biotypes.
new microorganisms may be misidentified or not identified at all.
RNA (rRNA) sequencing and DNA-DNA
oxidase-positive, gram-negative rods, now has been
included in the family Enterobacteriaceae. Plesiomonas sp. clusters with the genus Proteus in the
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
penneri, which are negative, from the indole-positive P. vulgaris.
Figure( 2) Red-pigmented Serratia marcescens on MacConkey agar.
Figure( 3) Proteus mirabilis swarming on blood agar (arrow points to swarming edge).
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
Specific Considerations for Identifying Enteric Pathogens
medium, such as 5% sheep blood agar or LIA. Use of sugar-containing media, such as MacConkey or TSI
agars, can cause the organisms to autoagglutinate.
the organism should be prepared and heated to 100°C for 10 minutes to inactivate
B, and C (Shigella group D only has one serotype) is typically performed in reference laboratories.
performed in reference laboratories.
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
isolate positive for O157 STEC should be forwarded to the public health laboratory for additional
negative for O157 STEC should also be forward to the public health laboratory for further testing.
obtained by using the Widal test are somewhat unreliable, this method is no longer widely used.
immunosorbent assay; these tests are usually performed in reference laboratories.
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing and therapy:
methods and commercial systems have been developed for this purpose.
Standards Institute and (CLSI) has created guidelines (CLISI document M-100 and M100-S23) for the
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and disk diffusion breakpoints for aztreonam, cefotaxime,
confirmatory test in the identification process. In addition, with regard to cases
listed should be reported as resistant.
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
Multidrug-resistant typhoid fever (MDRTF)
inappropriate use of antibiotic therapy.
contacts of a documented S. serotype Typhi carrier.
sulfamethoxazole (children younger than 8 years of age)
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
Vibrio, Aeromonas, Chromobacterium, and Related Organisms
Genera and species to be considered:
A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila
A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis
Photobacterium damselae Vibrio damsela
Grimontia hollisae CDC group EF-13; Vibrio hollisae
Vibrio alginolyticus Vibrio parahaemolyticus biotype 2
Vibrio fluvialis CDC group EF-6
Vibrio harveyi Vibrio carchariae
Vibrio metschnikovii CDC enteric group 16
Vibrio mimicus Vibrio cholerae (sucrose negative)
Vibrio parahaemolyticus Pasteurella parahaemolyticus
Vibrio vulnificus CDC group EF-3
and physiologic features are presented Other halophilic organisms, such as Halomonas venusta and
Shewanella algae, require salt but do not ferment glucose, as do the halophilic Vibrio spp.
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
Vibrio metschnikovii. All Vibrio spp. require sodium for growth and ferment glucose.
seafood or by exposure of disrupted skin and mucosal surfaces to contaminated water.
spread among people by the fecal-oral route,
usually in environments with poor sanitation.
reservoir for maintaining the organism between outbreaks.
Species Habitat (Reservoir) Mode of Transmission
Fecal-oral route, by ingestion of
washing, swimming, cooking, or drinking
water; also by ingestion of contaminated
Niche outside of human gastrointestinal
tract between occurrence of epidemics and
pandemics is uncertain; may survive in a
dormant state in brackish or saltwater;
V. alginolyticus Brackish or saltwater Exposure to contaminated water
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
V. cincinnatiensis Unknown Unknown
Photobacterium damsela Brackish or saltwater Exposure of wound to contaminated water
V. fluvialis Brackish or saltwater Ingestion of contaminated water or seafood
V. furnissii Brackish or saltwater Ingestion of contaminated water or seafood
Grimontia hollisae Brackish or saltwater Ingestion of contaminated water or seafood
V. metschnikovii Brackish, salt and freshwater Unknown
V. mimicus Brackish or saltwater Ingestion of contaminated water or seafood
V. parahaemolyticus Brackish or saltwater Ingestion of contaminated water or seafood
V. vulnificus Brackish or saltwater Ingestion of contaminated water or seafood
Ingestion of contaminated food (e.g., dairy,
produce) or, water; exposure of disrupted
skin or mucosal surfaces to contaminated
water or soil; traumatic inoculation of fish
Aquatic environments around the world,
freshwater, polluted or chlorinated water,
brackish water and, occasionally, marine
transiently colonize gastrointestinal tract;
often infect various warm- and coldblooded animal species
Exposure of disrupted skin to contaminated
Environmental, soil and water of tropical
and subtropical regions. Not part of human
Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease :
disease does not require the organism to penetrate the
capable of epidemic and pandemic spread of the disease.
Section I– Microbiology By Nada Sajet
and extraintestinal infections.
provide the means by which bacilli attach to mucosal cells for release of cholera toxin.
suffering from an underlying liver disease.
Species Virulence Factors Spectrum of Disease and Infections
Cholera: profuse, watery diarrhea leading to
hypotension, and often death; occurs in
pandemics that span the globe. May also
nonepidemic diarrhea and, occasionally,
infections of wounds, respiratory tract,
Cholera toxin; zonula occludens (Zot) toxin
(enterotoxin); accessory cholera enterotoxin
(Ace) toxin; O1 and O139 somatic antigens,
hemolysin/cytotoxins, motility, chemotaxis,
mucinase, and toxin coregulated pili (TCP)
Ear infections, wound infections; rare cause
septicemia; involvement in gastroenteritis is
Specific virulence factors for the non–V.
V. cincinnatiensis Rare cause of septicemia
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