An area is inaccessible to ground traffic.
The use of local ground resources would leave an area temporarily
.,..._ Facilities/Critical Care Units
in which a patient's preference may dictate hospital desti
nation. One issue that has emerged as a product of hospital
overcrowding is ambulance diversion, where ambulances
hospital destination is availability of specialty care for
centers;' facilities with surgical teams and operating rooms
on standby; "stroke centers;' with immediately available
neurology and neurosurgical capabilities; and "cardiac
centers;' with cardiac catheterization laboratories and
therapeutic hypothermia resources readily available for
patients with acute coronary syndromes or cardiac arrest.
Obstetrical, pediatric, and burn centers are recognized in
some regions as specially designated receiving facilities.
Prehospital responses are often coordinated efforts between
police, fire, and EMS personnel. Various paradigms for the
division of labor within a given municipality exist. Some of
the more common EMS structures include fire-based,
third-service, private, and hospital-based. Fire-based
ambulances are staffed and operated by the local fire
department, whereas in third-service systems, EMS are
separate from both police and fire departments. Private
ambulance companies may provide nonurgent transports
or may operate under contract with local governments to
hospital-employed personnel dispatched on ambulances
..... Consumer Participation/Public
educational initiatives like CPR training. It is also common
for public representatives to participate in the oversight
and decision making that takes place within a public EMS
organization. EMS is often described as existing at the
intersection of public safety and public health; EMS data
and personnel are a critical link in public health infrastructure and preventative interventions.
One of the primary purposes of EMS is to deliver patients
to the care that they need. In many cases, this involves
transport from the scene of an injury or medical event to a
receiving hospital, but it may also involve the transport of
Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) is that an
appropriate medical screening exam must be performed to
another facility. Receiving hospitals must explicitly accept
a transfer before a patient is transported.
..... Coordinated Patient Record Keeping
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