If the patient has a ROSC, obtain a chest x-ray to evaluate
endotracheal tube placement and an electrocardiogram to
evaluate for cardiac ischemia.
Pericardiocentesis is indicated if there is a suspicion of
cardiac tamponade in the setting of PEA. Bedside ultra
sound can be useful if tamponade is suspected. A long
spinal needle is inserted s ubxiphoid into the pericardia! sac
aimed toward the left shoulder. Pull back on a 60-mL
syringe while advancing the needle until blood is obtained.
an 1 8-gauge needle into the second intercostals space in
the midclavicular line. A needle thoracostomy must always
be followed by a tube thoracostomy in patients with
The differential diagnosis for SCD is broad. Management
of SCD depends on the presenting rhythm; however, every
Administer epinephrine for asystole and PEA. Attempt to
correct reversible causes of PEA, the H's, and T's
(Table 10-1). Once ROSC occurs, initiate postresuscitative
care, including therapeutic hypothermia, which improves
Table 1 0-1. The H's and T's of PEA.
Thrombosis (pulmonary, cardiac)
If there is a clear, written, advanced directive signed by the
would be futile because of clear signs of irreversible death
(decapitation, rigor mortis), resuscitative efforts should
not be initiated or continued.
The resuscitative team must orchestrate simultaneous
assessment and management of patients in cardiopulmo
1. Defibrillation. Indicated for patients in VF or pulseless
VT. The rate of successful defibrillation when attempted
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