toms of shortness of breath, a nonproductive cough, and
• Pea k expiratory flow rate and forced expiratory vol ume
in 1 second are objective measures of the severity of a
patient's asthma exacerbation and should be followed
serially to measure improvement.
wheezing in all lung fields. Symptoms may develop over a
period of hours, days, or weeks, but often there is an acute
worsening that prompts the patient to seek medical care.
The most common trigger of acute asthma is an upper
respiratory tract infection, but other factors may lead to
sudden worsening of symptoms (Table 21-1).
Obtaining a thorough history may not be possible in an
acute asthma exacerbation. A focused history should be
obtained in parallel with initiation of therapy to reverse
Table 21-1. Acute asthma triggers.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Environmental changes (weather)
Table 21-2. Risk factors for morta l ity in asthma.
>2 canisters of short acting beta-2 agonists per month
2"2 hospital izations in the past year
2"3 emergency department visits in the past year
History of intensive care unit admissions
Previous intubations for asthma
low socioeconomic status or inner-city residence
airflow obstruction, regardless of the trigger. Once the
patient has improved and is able to provide more history,
an attempt should be made to characterize the triggering
event, rapidity of symptom onset, and the severity of the
exacerbation, which will help guide further treatment
and disposition. Characterization of the severity of the
patient's underlying asthma may help predict mortality
acute exacerbation, but will be important to understand
when prescribing outpatient therapeutic regimen and
follow-up. Patients should be asked about the frequency
and duration of their current asthma symptoms and recent
Numerous medical conditions can present in a similar
fashion to asthma, including pulmonary embolism (PE),
shortness of breath and wheezing.
Patients may present with a wide spectrum of severity,
status should be assessed initially because alterations in
consciousness may affect the patient's ability to protect
their airway. A diminished level of consciousness is an
indicator of impending respiratory arrest. The neck
should be palpated for tracheal deviation and crepitus, as
might occur with spontaneous pneumothorax. The lung
exam is variable and demonstrates prolonged expiration
with wheezing. However, the severity of the airflow
obstruction cannot be gauged by the loudness of the
wheezing. The patient who is audibly wheezing may still
have good air movement on auscultation, whereas the
quiet sounding chest with little air movement is a sign of
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