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Facilitate decision making

2. Fault tree Identify the root cause of the Evaluate deviation and

analysis (FTA) problem investigate the complaint

Identify system or subsystem of products

or chain of the system failed

at one time

Process understanding is highly

required to identify factors

3. HAZOP This tool is based on the Used in the assessment of

assumption that events are manufacturing processes, supplies,

caused due to deviation in facilities and equipment.

design and operating intention. Used to identify and evaluate

It uses a systematic approach process safety hazard.

to identify those design and

operation intention.

4. HACCP Mainly focus on identifying Preventive application

critical points from where the Assessment of CCP and execute

hazard can be originated and them for process.

primary focus is on to control

hazard rather than curing it.

It is a bottom-up approach.

5. FMEA (failure mode It aimed at preparing Very beneficial in case of new

effect analysis) organisations to detect failure product, processor, service,

during the design state only by changing existing process, when

identifying all possible failures the goal is a quality improvement,

in a design and manufacturing then one needs to understand the

process. It has two types: process deeply.

Development failure mode

effect analysis (DFMEA) and

production failure mode

effect analysis (PFMEA).

This method requires extensive

knowledge of design and


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ACERUMEN، زجاجة جرعة واحدة

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