Fig. 6.30 Computed tomogram of the pelvis. A, Diverticular abscess.
OSCE example 1: Abdominal pain and diarrhoea
appendicectomy 4 months ago following severe right iliac fossa pain.
Please examine the gastrointestinal system
• Introduce yourself and clean your hands.
• Start with a general inspection: body habitus, signs of dehydration, fever and pallor.
• Inspect the skin: erythema nodosum or pyoderma gangrenosum.
• Inspect the abdomen: laparotomy scars or skin fistulae.
• Palpate for right iliac fossa tenderness or the presence of a firm, non-tender mass.
• Thank the patient and clean your hands.
scar, mild periumbilical and left iliac fossa tenderness, and normal bowel sounds.
Suggest a differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis is Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome.
Suggest initial investigations
small bowel magnetic resonance imaging, faecal calprotectin.
although recently he has cut down to a bottle of whisky every 3 days.
Please examine this patient’s abdomen
• Introduce yourself and clean your hands.
• Examine the hands: palmar erythema, finger clubbing, leuconychia, Dupuytren’s contractures.
• Smell for alcohol or fetor hepaticus.
• Inspect the neck and chest for spider naevi, gynaecomastia; look for axillary and chest hair loss.
• Palpate and percuss the abdomen for hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.
• Percuss for shifting dullness.
• Auscultate for hepatic bruits.
• Thank the patient and your clean hands.
liver edge palpable 2 cm below the costal margin.
Suggest a differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis is alcoholic cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis and hepatoma.
Suggested initial investigations
ultrasound scan and upper digestive endoscopy (to check for oesophagogastric varices).
Integrated examination sequence for the gastrointestinal system
• Describe any mass and decide whether there is an enlarged abdominal organ.
• Percussion to confirm hepatomegaly:
• Ask the patient to hold their breath in full expiration.
• Percuss for liver dullness and measure the distance in centimetres below the costal margin.
• Palpation and percussion for splenomegaly:
• Check for ascites (shifting dullness):
• Percuss from the midline out to the flanks for dullness.
dullness is now resonant, shifting dullness is present.
the abdomen. If you still feel a ripple against your left hand, a fluid thrill is present.
renal artery stenosis, and over the liver for hepatic bruits.
• Check for peripheral oedema.
• Consider a rectal examination (always with a chaperone).
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