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• Ask the patient to shrug their shoulders, then apply

downward pressure with your hands to assess the


• Test power in the left sternomastoid by asking the patient

to turn their head to the right while you provide resistance

with your hand placed on the right side of the patient’s

chin. Reverse the procedure to check the right


• Test both sternocleidomastoid muscles simultaneously by

asking the patient to flex their neck. Apply your palm to

the forehead as resistance.

Isolated XI nerve lesions are uncommon but the nerve may

be damaged during surgery in the posterior triangle of the neck,

penetrating injuries or tumour invasion. Wasting of the upper fibres

of trapezius may be associated with displacement (‘winging’) of the

upper vertebral border of the scapula away from the spine, while

the lower border is displaced towards it. Wasting and weakness

of the sternomastoids are characteristic of myotonic dystrophy.

Weakness of neck flexion or extension, the latter causing head

drop, may occur in myasthenia gravis, motor neurone disease

and some myopathies. Dystonic head postures causing antecollis

(neck flexed), retrocollis (neck extended) or torticollis (neck twisted

to one side) are not associated with weakness.

Hypoglossal (XII) nerve

The XII nerve innervates the tongue muscles; the nucleus lies

in the dorsal medulla beneath the floor of the fourth ventricle.


The nerve emerges anteriorly and exits the skull in the hypoglossal

canal, passing to the root of the tongue (see Fig. 7.5).

Examination sequence

• Ask the patient to open their mouth. Look at the tongue at

rest for wasting, fasciculation or involuntary movement.

Fig. 7.14 Left hypoglossal nerve lesion. From Epstein O, Perkin GD, de

Bono DP, et al. Clinical Examination. 2nd edn. London: Mosby; 1997.

134 • The nervous system

The group of muscle fibres innervated by a single anterior

horn cell forms a ‘motor unit’. A lower motor neurone lesion

causes weakness and wasting in these muscle fibres, reduced

tone (flaccidity), fasciculation and reduced or absent reflexes.

Basal ganglia lesions

The basal ganglia are connected structures within the cerebral

hemispheres and brainstem (Fig. 7.16). They include the caudate

nucleus and putamen (collectively known as the striatum), globus

pallidus, thalamus, subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra

(the latter in the brainstem). The basal ganglia receive much

information from the cortex and are involved in regulating many

activities, principally control of movement, but are also involved

in eye movement, behaviour and executive function control.

Disorders of the basal ganglia may cause reduced movement

(typically Parkinsonism; p. 135) or, less commonly, excessive

movement such as ballism or tics (p. 137).

Assess the motor system using the following method:

assessment of stance and gait

inspection and palpation of muscles

assessment of tone

testing movement and power

examination of reflexes

testing coordination.

Stance and gait

Stance and gait depend on intact visual, vestibular, sensory,

corticospinal, extrapyramidal and cerebellar pathways, together

with functioning lower motor neurones and spinal reflexes.

Non-neurological gait disorders are discussed in on page 259.

Certain abnormal gait patterns are recognisable, suggesting

diagnoses (Box 7.7 and Fig. 7.17).

Examination sequence


• Ask the patient to stand with their (preferably bare) feet

close together and eyes open.

• Swaying, lurching or an inability to stand with the feet

together and eyes open suggests cerebellar ataxia.

• Ask the patient to close their eyes (Romberg’s test) but be

prepared to steady/catch them. Repeated falling is a

Fig. 7.15 Principal motor pathways.

7.6 Features of motor neurone lesions

Upper motor

neurone lesion

Lower motor

neurone lesion

Inspection Usually normal (may

be disuse wasting in

longstanding lesions)

Muscle wasting,


Tone Increased with


Normal or decreased,

no clonus

Weakness Preferentially affects

extensors in arms,

flexors in leg

Usually more focal,

in distribution of

nerve root or

peripheral nerve

Deep tendon reflexes Increased Decreased/absent

Plantar response Extensor (Babinski



the nervous system, such as the basal ganglia and cerebellum,

have important modulating effects on movement. It is important

to distinguish upper from lower motor neurone signs to help

localise the lesion (Box 7.6).

Upper motor neurone lesions

If the lesion affects the CNS pathways, the lower motor neurones

are under the uninhibited influence of the spinal reflex. The motor

units then have an exaggerated response to stretch with increased

tone (spasticity), clonus and brisk reflexes. There is weakness but

not wasting (although atrophy may develop with longstanding

lesions). Primitive reflexes, such as the plantar extensor response

(Babinski sign), may be present.

Lower motor neurone lesions

Motor fibres, together with input from other systems involved in

the control of movement, including extrapyramidal, cerebellar,

vestibular and proprioceptive afferents, converge on the cell

bodies of lower motor neurones in the anterior horn of the grey

matter in the spinal cord (Fig. 7.15).

Motor system • 135


behind the patient, deliver a brisk push forwards or pull

backwards. You must be ready to catch them if they are

unable to maintain their balance. If in doubt, have an

assistant standing in front of the patient.


• Look at the patient’s shoes for abnormal wear patterns.

• Time the patient walking a measured 10 metres, with a

walking aid if needed, turning through 180 degrees and


• Note stride length, arm swing, steadiness (including

turning), limping or other difficulties.

• Look for abnormal movements that may be accentuated

by walking such as tremor (in Parkinson’s disease) or

dystonic movements.

• Listen for the slapping sound of a foot-drop gait.

• Ask the patient to walk first on their tiptoes, then heels.

Ankle dorsiflexion weakness (foot drop) is much more

common than plantar flexion weakness, and makes

walking on the heels difficult or impossible.

• Ask the patient to walk heel to toe in a straight line

(tandem gait). This emphasises gait ataxia and may be the

only abnormal finding in midline cerebellar (vermis) lesions.

Unsteadiness on standing with the eyes open is common in

cerebellar disorders. Instability that only occurs, or is markedly

worse, on eye closure (Romberg’s sign) indicates proprioceptive

sensory loss (sensory ataxia) or bilateral vestibular failure. Cerebellar

ataxia is not usually associated with a positive Romberg test.

Hemiplegic gait (unilateral upper motor neurone lesion) is

characterised by extension at the hip, knee and ankle and

circumduction at the hip, such that the foot on the affected

side is plantar flexed and describes a semicircle as the patient

walks. The upper limb may be flexed (Fig. 7.17A).

Bilateral upper motor neurone damage causes a scissor-like gait

due to spasticity. Cerebellar dysfunction leads to a broad-based,

unsteady (ataxic) gait, which usually makes walking heel to toe

impossible. In Parkinsonism, initiation of walking may be delayed;

the steps are short and shuffling with loss/reduction of arm

swing (Fig. 7.17D). A tremor may become more apparent. The

stooped posture and impairment of postural reflexes can result

in a festinant (rapid, short-stepped, hurrying) gait. As a doorway

or other obstacle approaches, the patient may freeze. Turning

involves many short steps, with the risk of falls. Postural instability

on the pull test, especially backwards, occurs in Parkinsonian

syndromes. Proximal muscle weakness may lead to a waddling

positive result. Swaying is common and should not be


• The ‘pull test’ assesses postural stability. Ask the patient

to stand with their feet slightly apart. Inform them that you

are going to push them forwards or pull them backwards.

They should maintain their position if possible. Standing

Globus pallidus

externa (GPe)

Globus pallidus

interna (GPi)



Subthalamic nucleus (STN)

Substantia nigra (SN)











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