disease with a swollen optic disc and macular exudate.
Refraction Refractive error, cataract and corneal disorders
Fluorescein staining Corneal epithelial disease
Schirmer’s test Dry eyes, Sjögren’s syndrome
Nasolacrimal duct washout Watery eyes
Blood pressure Hypertensive retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion
Bacterial culture and sensitivity Bacterial conjunctivitis
Viral swab Viral conjunctivitis
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein Vasculitis, including giant cell arteritis
Antinuclear antibody Systemic lupus erythematosus
Fasting glucose Diabetic retinopathy
Anti-acetylcholinesterase receptor antibody Myasthenia gravis
Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme Uveitis
Human immunodeficiency virus serology Vasculitis, uveitis
Syphilis serology Unexplained pathology and uveitis/vasculitis
Thyroid function tests Thyroid eye disease
Chest X-ray Sarcoidosis/tuberculosis
Orbital ultrasound Incomplete fundal view
Optical coherence tomography Macular disease, glaucoma
Fundus fluorescein angiography Diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion
Magnetic resonance imaging brain and orbits Pituitary tumour, compressive lesion
Carotid Doppler ultrasound Carotid artery stenosis in ocular ischaemic syndrome
Lumbar puncture Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, inflammatory orbital neuropathies
Temporal artery biopsy Giant cell arteritis
OSCE example 1: Gradual visual loss
Please examine this patient’s eyes
• Introduce yourself and clean your hands.
• Assess visual acuity using a Snellen chart at the appropriate distance.
• Examine the eyes, looking for any conjunctival injection, chemosis or swelling.
• Test the pupillary light reflexes.
• Ideally, dilate the pupils at this stage.
• Test the red reflex in each eye.
• Dial the fundoscope to +10 and examine the anterior portion of the eye, including the lens.
• Finally, inspect the macula.
• Thank the patient and clean your hands.
The most likely diagnosis is diabetic maculopathy.
Suggest initial investigations
Urine dipstick, fasting blood glucose and blood pressure.
Please examine the patient’s eye movements
• Introduce yourself and clean your hands.
• Inspect visual acuity for each eye.
• Test pupillary light reflexes.
• Test all eye movements for ophthalmoplegia.
• Examine the optic nerve using an ophthalmoscope.
• Examine cranial nerves I, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII.
• Thank the patient and clean your hands.
Double vision is confirmed on testing of eye movements.
aneurysm cause a dilated pupil, which responds poorly or is completely unresponsive to light.
Integrated examination sequence for ophthalmology
• Introduce yourself and clean your hands.
• Explain what you will be doing.
• Observe the patient as they walk into the room, looking for:
• Gait (may indicate a possible cerebrovascular accident).
• Check visual acuity in each eye for distance and near vision.
• Undertake an assessment of the visual fields:
• Look for homonymous hemianopia, bitemporal hemianopia or any other obvious visual field defect.
• Assess direct and consensual reflex.
• Dilate both pupils using tropicamide 1% eye drops.
• Examine each eye using the direct ophthalmoscope:
• Focus on the optic disc: look at colour, shape and cupping, as well as swelling.
• Examine the blood vessel arcades in each quadrant.
• Ask patient to look up, down, right and left so that you can examine the peripheral retina.
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Common presenting symptoms 173
Testing vestibular function 178
Common presenting symptoms 180
Common presenting symptoms 184
OSCE example 1: Hoarseness 190
Integrated examination sequence for ear, nose and throat disease 191
172 • The ear, nose and throat
clearly. The outer portion of the canal has hair, and glands that
produce ear wax, which forms a protective barrier.
The middle ear is an air-filled space that contains the three
bony, articulated ossicles: the malleus, incus and stapes. The
Eustachian tube opens into the middle ear inferiorly and allows
equalisation of pressure and ventilation. Vibrations of the tympanic
membrane are transmitted and amplified through the ossicular
chain and focused on to the smaller oval window on which the
stapes sits (Fig. 9.1B). The malleus is attached to the tympanic
membrane and can be seen clearly on otoscopy (Fig. 9.2). The
long process of the incus can also be visible occasionally. The
tympanic membrane has a flaccid upper part (pars flaccida) and
it is important to look carefully in this area, as this is where a
The ear is the specialised sensory organ of hearing and balance.
It is divided anatomically into the external, middle and inner ear.
The external ear consists of the cartilaginous pinna, the external
auditory canal (cartilage in the lateral one-third, bone in the
medial two-thirds) and the lateral surface of the tympanic
membrane (Fig. 9.1). Sound is collected and channelled by
the pinna and transmitted via the external auditory canal to
the tympanic membrane. The external auditory canal has an
elongated S-shaped curve; hence it is important to retract the
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