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fossa ovalis 264

fourth ventricle 224, 227, 236, 241,242, 245, 248, 250, 252, 291

fovea for ligament of head 109, 135

friction ridges 21

frontal angle 52

frontal belly of occipitofrontalis 145, 146, 148, 155, 227

frontal bone 36, 38, 42, 47, 49

frontal border 52

frontal crest 50

frontal lobe of cerebrum 155, 224, 234, 236, 242, 245, 250, 272, 291

frontal notch or foramen 50

frontal process of maxilla 60

frontal process of zygomatic bone 65

frontal tuber 50

fundus of stomach 305

fundus of uterus 323, 325, 326 G

galea aponeurotica 227

gallbladder 257, 301, 305, 308, 309, 311, 312

gastric glands 305

gastric pit 305

gastric rugae 305

gastrocnemius 136, 142, 197, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207

gastroduodenal artery 281

geniculate ganglion 224

genioglossus 151, 155

geniohyoid 151, 155, 168, 229

genital branch of genitofemoral nerve 218

genitofemoral nerve 218

gingiva 124

glabella 50

glandular lumen 8

glans penis 328, 333

glenoid cavity 88, 133

glenoid labrum 133

globus pallidus 242

glomerulus surrounded by urinary tubules 317

glossopharyngeal nerve 224, 241

gluteal muscles 178

gluteal tuberosity 109

gluteus maximus 142, 159, 173, 174, 197, 199, 203, 218, 284, 327

gluteus medius 135, 170, 173, 199, 202, 203, 218, 220, 327

gluteus medius 199

gluteus minimis 135, 170, 173, 199, 201, 218

goblet cell 307, 310

gracilis 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 284, 327

granular foveolae 49

granulosa cells 324

gray communicating ramus 222

great auricular nerve 226

great auricular nerve 216

great cardiac vein 263, 270

great saphenous vein 284, 286, 288

greater cornu of hyoid bone 153

greater curvature of stomach 305

greater horn of hyoid bone 72

greater occipital nerve 215, 221, 226

greater omentum 301, 305, 311, 312

greater palatine foramen 44

greater palatine groove 60, 66

greater palatine nerve 226

greater sciatic notch 105

greater splanchnic nerve 222

greater trochanter 109, 135

greater tubercle 90, 180, 182, 186, 187

greater tympanic spine 56

greater vestibular gland 327

greater wing 58

groove for extensor muscle tendons 94

groove for fi bularis longus 117, 118

groove for fl exor hallucis longus 116, 117

groove for occipital sinus 54

groove for popliteus 109

groove for radial nerve 90

groove for sigmoid sinus 47, 52, 56

groove for superior sagittal sinus 50, 52, 54

groove for transverse sinus 54

groove for ulnar nerve 90

groove for vertebral artery 74

grooves for middle meningeal artery 52

growth plate 27

gustatory hair 230

gustatory receptor cell 230

gyrus 234 H

hair 22, 23

hair follicle 23

hamate 97, 99

handle of malleus 71

hard palate 155, 227, 291, 303

haustra 310

head of rib 81

head of ulna 92

head of femur 135, 327

head of malleus 71

head of mandible 62

head of metacarpal 101

head of pancreas 308

head of phalanx 101

head of radius 134

head of stapes 71

heart 268, 301, 311, 312

helicis major 147, 149

helicis minor 147, 149

hemi-azygos vein 278

hepatic artery 309

hepatic portal vein 281, 282, 309

hepatic sinusoid 309

hepatic vein 278, 281

hepatocytes 309

hepatoduodenal ligament of lesser omentum 312

hepatogastric ligament of lesser omentum 312

hepatorenal part of coronary ligament 312

hiatus for greater petrosal nerve 56

hiatus for lesser petrosal nerve 56

hilum of lung 297

hilum of kidney 314, 316

hook of hamate or hamulus 99

horizontal plate 66

humerus 30, 32, 84, 133, 184, 187

hyaline cartilage of tracheal ring 295

hyaline ground substance 12

hyoglossus 149, 151, 155

hyoid bone 34, 151, 155, 156

hypoglossal canal 54

hypoglossal nerve 216, 224, 228, 241

hypoglossal tubercle 241

hyponychium 22

hypophysial fossa 58

hypothalamus 236, 245, 250, 251

hypothenar muscles 177, 178 I

ileal arteries 281

ileocolic artery 281

ileum 281, 301, 307, 310, 323

iliac crest 106, 164

iliac fossa 106

iliac tuberosity 106

iliocostalis cervicis muscle 160

iliocostalis lumborum muscle - lumbar part 160 168

iliocostalis lumborum muscle - thoracic part 160

iliocostalis muscle 159, 164, 220

iliohypogastric nerve 218

iliohypogastric nerve 220

ilioinguinal nerve 218

iliopsoas muscle 170

iliotibal tract 178, 197, 199, 201, 203

ilium 106, 199, 203, 332


impression for costoclavicular ligament 86

incisive canal 47, 60

incisive fossa 44

incus 71

inferior alveolar nerve 228

inferior angle of scapula 88, 182, 186

inferior articular process/facet 74, 76, 77

inferior articular surface 111

inferior border of nasal bone 68

inferior cardiac plexus 222

inferior cerebellar peduncle 241

inferior cluneal nerve 218, 221

inferior colliculus 236, 241, 245, 252

inferior compartment of articular cavity 132

inferior costal facet 76

inferior epigastric vessels 170, 201

inferior frontal gyrus 234, 238

inferior gemellus 173, 199, 202, 203, 218

inferior gluteal artery 282, 284

inferior gluteal line 106

inferior gluteal nerve 218

inferior lateral brachial cutaneous nerves 221

inferior lateral genicular artery 286

inferior lobe 297

inferior longitudinal muscle 151, 155

inferior medial genicular artery 286

inferior mesenteric artery 269, 281, 282, 320

inferior mesenteric vein 281, 282

inferior nasal concha 36, 40, 47, 155, 227, 291

inferior nasal meatus 36, 40, 47

inferior nuchal line 54

inferior oblique 149

inferior orbital fi ssure 40

inferior parathyroid gland 255

inferior pharyngeal constrictor 147, 149, 151, 153, 155, 229

inferior pubic ramus 107, 331

inferior rectus 149, 155

inferior sagittal sinus 272

inferior temporal gyrus 238

inferior temporal line 52

inferior thyroid artery 275

inferior trunk of brachial plexus 217

inferior vena cava 126,173, 223, 256, 263, 268, 270, 278, 281, 282, 293, 301, 309,

314, 320

inferior vermis 240

inferior vertebral notch 74, 76, 77

inferior vesical artery 282

infra-orbital foramen 60

infra-orbital groove 60

infraglenoid tubercle 88

infraorbital nerve 226, 228

infrapatellar bursa 136, 138

infrapatellar fat pad 136

infraspinatus 160, 163, 173, 178, 180, 182, 184, 187

infraspinous fossa 88

infratemporal crest 58

infundibulum of pituitary gland 224, 241, 251

infundibulum of uterine tube 324

inguinal canal 331

inguinal ligament 170, 177, 201

inner circular layer of tunica muscularis 326

inner lip of crest of ilium 106

inner longitudinal muscle 325, 331

innermost intercostal muscle 167, 170, 173, 220, 222, 269, 278

insular lobe 224, 242

interalveolar septum 60

interatrial septum 264

intercalated disc 15

interchondral (synchondrosis) 126

interchondral (synovial) 126

intercondylar eminence 111

intercondylar fossa 109

intercostal muscle 293

intercostal nerve 222

intermediate (membranous) urethra 333

intermediate cell layer 8

intermediate cuneiform 114

intermediate sacral crest 78

intermediate zone of crest of ilium 106

intermetacarpal muscle 178

internal oblique muscle 170, 173

internal acoustic meatus 56

internal capsule 242

internal carotid artery 216, 224, 242, 245, 271, 272

internal elastic membrane of tunica intima 266

internal iliac artery 269, 282, 284, 331

internal intercostal muscle 159, 160, 163, 164, 167, 168, 170, 173, 180, 184

internal jugular vein 213, 229, 242, 278

internal lamina of rectus sheath 170

internal oblique muscle 167, 215, 222

internal occipital protuberance 54

internal pudendal artery 282, 284

internal spermatic fascia 331

internal table of calvaria 47

internal thoracic artery 275

internal thoracic vein 275

interosseous border of tibia 111, 112

interosseous border of ulna 92

interosseous border of radius 94

interosseous membrane 19, 124, 188, 205, 206, 276

interspinales lumborum muscle 164

interspinales thoracis muscle 164

interspinous ligament (vertebral syndesmosis) 126

interstitial (leydig) cell 259, 329

interthalamic adhesion 236

intertransversarii laterales lumborum dorsal part 164

intertransversarii laterales lmborum ventral part 164

intertransversarii muscle 159

intertransversarii thoracic muscle 215

intertrochanteric crest 109

intertrochanteric line 109

intertubercular sulcus or groove 90

interventricular foramen 245

intervertebral disc 126, 155, 251, 291

intervertebral foramen 73

intestinal glands 310

intestine 135, 314

ischial ramus 107

ischial spine 107

ischial tuberosity 107, 174, 332

ischioanal fossa 327

ischiocavernosus muscle 174, 327

ischiococcygeus muscle 174

ischiopubic ramus 105

ischium 107, 327

isthmus of thyroid gland 254, 255

isthmus of uterine tube 324


jejunal arteries 281

jejunum 301, 307

joint (articular) capsule 132, 134, 135

joint cavity 128

jugular foramen 44, 49

jugular notch 54, 56

jugular or suprasternal notch 82

jugular process 54

jugular tubercle 54

jugum 58

junction of periosteum (removed) with fi brous membrane 128

junction of synovial membrane (removed) with articular cartilage 128


kidney 222, 256, 282, 301, 314, 320


labia majora 318, 323

labia minora 323

lacrimal bone 36, 38

lacrimal fossa 50

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