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lacrimal groove 60, 70

lacrimal hamulus 70

lacrimal process 69

lacuna 12, 26

lambdoid border 54

lamella 26

lamellated corpuscle 230

lamina of vertebra 74, 76, 77, 126

lamina propria 302, 304, 305, 307, 310, 325, 331, 326

laryngopharynx 213, 291, 303

larynx 213

lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve 221

lateral border of nasal bone 68

lateral border of scapula 88

lateral branch 215

lateral branches of interventricular artery 264

lateral cerebral sulcus 234

lateral condyle of femur 109

lateral condyle of tibia 111

lateral cord of brachial plexus 217

lateral crico-arytenoid 156

lateral cuneiform 114, 119

lateral cutaneous branch of subcostal nerve 221

lateral cutaneous branches (dorsal rami) 221

lateral cutaneous branches (ventral rami) 221

lateral epicondyle 90, 109

lateral femoral cutaneous nerve 218, 221

lateral funiculus of white matter 232

lateral horn of gray matter 232

lateral intercondylar tubercle 111

lateral malleolar facet 116

lateral malleolus 112, 206

lateral mass 74

lateral meniscus 136

lateral pectoral nerve 217

lateral plate of pterygoid process 58

lateral process of malleus 71

lateral process of talus 116

lateral pterygoid 148, 153, 229, 242, 271

lateral recess 241

lateral rectus 149, 155, 224

lateral sacral artery 282

lateral sacral crest 78

lateral supracondylar line 109

lateral sural cutaneous nerve 221

lateral surface of zygomatic bone 65

lateral surface of inferior nasal concha 69

lateral thalamic nucleus 242

lateral thoracic artery 275

lateral tubercle 116

lateral ventricle 236, 242, 245, 248, 250, 291

latissimus dorsi 142, 160, 163, 164, 173, 178, 180, 184, 217, 275

least occipital nerve 215

left atrium 63, 264, 270

left auricle 263,264

left axillary artery 269

left brachial artery 269

left colic (splenic) fl exure 310

left colic artery 281, 282

left common carotid artery 223

left common carotid artery 223, 263, 264, 268, 269, 270, 278

left coronary artery 264, 268

left gastric artery 269, 281, 320

left gastro-omental artery 281

left inferior pulmonary vein 263

left inferior pulmonary vein 268

left lobe of liver 309

left lobe of thyroid gland 254, 255

left lung 253, 293

left main (primary) bronchus 268, 295, 298

left pulmonary artery 263, 264, 268

left pulmonary veins 264

left radial artery 269

left radial recurrent artery 269

left renal artery 269

left subclavian artery 223, 263, 264, 269, 270, 278

left superior pulmonary vein 263, 268

left suprarenal gland 256

left ulnar artery 269

left ventricle 263, 264, 270

lenticular process 71

lesser curvature of stomach 305

lesser horn of hyoid 72

lesser occipital nerve 216, 226

lesser omentum 301, 312

lesser palatine foramina 66

lesser palatine nerve 226

lesser sciatic notch 107

lesser splanchnic nerve 222

lesser trochanter 109

lesser tubercle 90, 186

lesser tympanic spine 56

lesser wing 58

leukocyte - monocyte (white blood cell) 262

leukocyte - neutrophil (white blood cell) 262

leukocyte or white blood cell (wbc) - monocyte 14

leukocyte or white blood cell (wbc) - neutrophil 14

levator anguli oris 145, 146, 149

levator ani muscle 174, 331, 332

levator labii superioris 145, 146, 149

levator labii superioris alaeque nasi 145, 146, 149

levator palpebrae superioris 149, 155, 224

levator scapulae 147, 149, 167, 168, 180, 184, 216, 217

levator veli palatini 151, 153

levatores costarum muscle 159, 160, 163, 164, 215

ligament of head of femur 135

ligamentum arteriosum 223, 263, 264, 269, 270

limen 238

linea alba 170, 177, 184, 201

linea apsera 109

lingual artery 271

lingual nerve 228

lingula 240

lipid storage area 10

lips 303

liver 257, 281, 301, 305, 307, 308, 312, 314

lobar (secondary) bronchus 223, 295, 298

locus ceruleus 241

long ciliary nerve 224

long gyrus 238

long limb of incus 71

long plantar ligament 209

long thoracic nerve 217

longissimus capitis muscle 160

longissimus cervicis muscle 160

longissimus muscle 159

longissimus thoracis muscle 160

longitudinal collagen fi bers 21

longitudinal fi ssure 234

longus capitis 155

longus capitis muscle 167, 173

longus colli 147, 149, 167, 168, 173

loose connective tissue of stratum papillare 21

lower subscapular nerve 217

lumbar lordosis 73

lumbar vertebra 34, 73, 314

lumbar vertebral column 34

lumbosacral dorsal rootlets 214

lumbosacral trunk 218

lumbrical muscles 138, 188, 193, 194, 209

lunate 97, 99

lunate surface 105

lung 223, 264, 301, 312

lunula 22 M

major calyx 316

major duodenal papilla 308

malleolar articular facet 111


malleolar fossa 112

malleolar groove 111, 112

malleus 71

mammillary bodies 224, 236, 241, 250

mammillary process 77

mandible 36, 38, 40, 47, 124, 151, 155, 291

mandibular condyle 132, 242

mandibular foramen 62

mandibular fossa 56

mandibular notch 62

mandibular ramus 132

manubriosternal synchondrosis 126

manubrium 82

marginal artery 281, 282

masseter 132, 145, 146, 148, 153, 155, 177, 227, 291, 303

masseteric tuberosity 62

mast cell 10

mastoid air cells 132, 242

mastoid angle 52

mastoid border 54

mastoid canaliculus 56

mastoid notch 56

mastoid process 56, 132, 151

maturing t cells 253

maxilla 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 47, 151

maxillary artery 271

maxillary branch 224

maxillary branch 226

maxillary process 69

maxillary sinus 47

maxillary sinus 60, 155, 227, 291

maxillary tuberosity 60

medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve 221

medial border of nasal bone 68

medial border of scapula 88, 182

medial condyle 109, 111

medial cord of brachial plexus 217

medial cuneiform 114, 119

medial cutaneous branches (dorsal rami) 221

medial eminence 241

medial epicondyle 90, 109

medial geniculate ganglion 241

medial geniculate nucleus 252

medial intercondylar tubercle 111

medial lumbar intertransversarii muscle 163, 164

medial malleolar facet 116

medial malleolus 111

medial meniscus 136

medial pectoral nerve 217

medial plate of pterygoid process 58

medial pterygoid 148, 153, 229, 242

medial rectus 155

medial supracondylar line 109

medial supracondylar ridge 90

medial surface of inferior nasal concha 69

medial thalamic nucleus 242

medial thigh muscles 177

medial tubercle of talus 116

median antebrachial vein 276

median aperture 240, 245

median cubital vein 276

median nerve 217

median sacral crest 78

mediastinal pleura 173

medulla oblongata 214, 224, 227, 234, 236, 240, 245, 250, 251, 252, 291

medullary cavity 19, 29

meniscus 128

mental foramen 62

mental nerve 226

mental protuberance 62

mental spines 62

mental tubercle 62

mentalis 145, 146, 149, 151, 155

mesenteric fat 314

mesentery 301, 307, 323

mesosalpinx 325

metacarpal bones 27, 30, 32, 84, 97

metaphysis 29

metatarsal bones 30, 32,104, 114

microvilli 6

microvillus brush border 307

midbrain 227, 234, 236, 240, 245, 250, 251

middle cardiac vein 263, 270

middle cerebellar peduncle 241, 245

middle cerebral artery 242, 271, 272

middle circular muscle 325, 331

middle clinoid process 58

middle colic artery 281, 282

middle cranial fossa 49

middle cuneiform 119

middle facet for calcaneus 116

middle frontal gyrus 238

middle lobe of lung 297

middle meningeal artery and branches in dura mater 247

middle nasal concha 64, 155, 227, 291

middle nasal meatus 19, 40

middle phalanx of foot 114

middle phalanx of hand 97

middle pharyngeal constrictor 147, 149, 151, 153, 155

middle rectal artery 282

middle scalene 147, 149, 160, 167, 184, 216, 217, 275

middle superior alveolar nerve 228

middle talar articular surface 117

middle temporal gyrus 238

middle trunk of brachial plexus 217

minor calyx 316

mons pubis 323

mucosa of epididymis 329

mucosa of tongue 151

mucosa of uterine tube 325

mucous acini 303

mucous in goblet cell 6

mucous neck cell 305

multifi dus cervicis muscle 163

multifi dus lumborum muscle 163

multifi dus muscle 159, 160, 164

multifi dus thoracis muscle 163

muscle belly or body 140

muscle cell or fi ber 140

muscles of facial expression 177, 178

muscles of mastication 178

muscular branches of femoral 284

muscularis mucosae 302, 304, 310

muscularis of uterine tube 325

musculocutaneous nerve 217

musculotubal canal 56

musculus uvulae 153, 155

myelin sheath 213

mylohyoid 145, 146, 151, 155, 168, 229

mylohyoid line 62

myocardium 264

myometrium 325


nail 22

nail bed 22

nasal bone 36, 38, 42, 47

nasal cavity 291

nasal foramina 68

nasal septum 251, 291

nasal spine 50

nasalis 145, 146, 148

nasociliary nerve 224

nasopalatine nerve 226

nasopharynx 252, 291, 303

navicular 114, 118

navicular articular surface 116

neck of rib 81

neck of scapula 88


neck of femur 109

neck of fi bula 112

neck of malleus 71

nerve 266

nerve in perimysium 140

nerve of the pterygoid canal 226

nerve to geniohyoid muscle 216

nerve to inferior omohyoid muscle 216

nerve to mylohyoid muscle 228

nerve to sternohyoid muscle 216

nerve to sternothyroid muscle 216

nerve to superior omohyoid muscle 216

nerve to temporalis muscle 228

nerve to the obturator internus muscle 218

nerve to the subclavius muscle 217

nerve to thyrohyoid muscle 216

neurohypophysis 251, 252

neuron 230

nodulus 240

nonkeratinized stratifi ed squamous epithelium of the mucosa 326

nuchal ligament 159, 160, 163

nuchal ligament (vertebral syndesmosis) 126

nucleus of adipose cell 10, 24

nucleus of fi broblast 10

nucleus of glial cell 16

nucleus of multipolar neuron 16

nucleus of osteocyte 26

nucleus of reticular cell 10

nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc 126 O

obex 241

oblique arytenoid 153, 156

oblique fi ssure 297

oblique line 62

oblique popliteal ligament 136

oblique vein 270

obliquus capitis inferior muscle 163

obliquus capitis superior muscle 163

obliquus inferioris muscle 215

obliquus superioris muscle 215

obliterated umbilical artery 282

obturator artery 282

obturator externus 135, 174, 199, 201, 202, 218

obturator foramen 105, 107

obturator groove 107

obturator internus 135, 173, 199, 202, 203, 218, 331, 332

obturator nerve 174, 218, 282

occipital angle 52

occipital artery 271

occipital belly of occipitofrontalis 24, 147, 148

occipital bone 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 47, 49, 155, 251, 252

occipital border 52

occipital condyle 54, 155, 242

occipital lobe 224, 234, 236, 245, 250, 291

occulomotor nerve 224, 241

olecranon 92, 134

olecranon fossa 90

olfactory bulb 224

olfactory nerve 224

olive 241, 242

omental or fatty appendices 310, 311

omohyoid 147, 149, 167, 168, 170, 180, 184, 216, 229

opening of straight sinus 214, 272

opponens digiti minimi 193, 194

opponens pollicis 193, 194

opthalmic branch 224

optic canal 58

optic chiasm 224, 241,242, 248, 271

optic nerve 155, 224, 241

optic tract 224, 236, 241

oral cavity 291

orbicularis oculi 145, 146, 148, 151, 227, 228

orbicularis oris 145, 146, 149, 151, 155

orbit 36, 291

orbital plate 64

orbital process 66

oropharynx 291, 303

os coxae 30, 32, 135

osteocyte 12

osteon 26

outer lip of crest of ilium 106

outer longitudinal layer of tunica muscularis 326

ovarian ligament 323, 324

ovary 258, 323, 324

oxyphil cell 255 P

palatine bone 36, 40, 44, 47

palatine process 60

palatine tonsil 153

palatopharyngeus 153, 155

palmar aponeurosis 177, 188, 193

palmar interossei 193, 194

palmaris brevis 188, 193, 194

palmaris longus 188, 193

pancreas 257, 281, 301

pancreatic duct 257, 308

pancreatic ductule 308

pancreatic islet 257, 308

papillary muscle 264

parafollicular (c) cell 254

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